
To everyone at the media 2018-10-19: Prosecution's "letter of indictment" applies the "crime of supporting other laws" of the Penal Code on the grounds of Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To everyone at the media 2018-10-19: Prosecution's "letter of indictment" applies the "crime of supporting other laws" of the Penal Code on the grounds of Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act. Punishment under Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act is cancellation of status of residence. We can not apply "crime of supporting other laws" of criminal law against Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act. We are innocent. Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The Japanese government is still pursuing the "abduction issue of Japan" of the North Korean government. The Japanese government does not recognize "the illegal abduction detention problem against foreigners". There are many "victims" of "people in Africa and Asia". "Government of Africa and Asia" sho

Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-10-18】

October 17, 2018 Thank you for your email. There is no greater honor than serving as President of the United States. I especially enjoy hearing from the American people, and I appreciate you emailing your thoughts and suggestions. Today, on behalf of our proud and grateful Nation, I am pleased to award the Medal of Honor to retired Marine Corps Sergeant Major John. L Canley. Through his heroic and selfless actions, Sergeant Canley saved the lives of his fellow soldiers during the Vietnam War, and has earned the military’s highest and most prestigious decoration. Please join me live at 4:00pm, EST for the ceremony honoring Sergeant Canley’s courage and valor. Thank you again for taking the time to write. My staff is closely reviewing your correspondence to ensure your views, questions, and concerns are addressed. Sincerely, Donald Trump https

To President Trump 2018-10-18: Employers who employ foreigners illegally are innocent. If so, the alien who worked illegally is innocent. If so, there is no one who has supported illegal labor. We are "innocent".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-10-18: Employers who employ foreigners illegally are innocent. If so, the alien who worked illegally is innocent. If so, there is no one who has supported illegal labor. We are "innocent". Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The Japanese government is still pursuing the "abduction issue of Japan" of the North Korean government. The Japanese government does not recognize "the illegal abduction detention problem against foreigners". There are many "victims" of "Westerners". "European and American governments" should 'pursue' the Japanese government. It is the continuation from the previous day. In case Case of violation of Immigration Control Act at the Embassy of the Philippines Yomiuri Shimbun etc According to the morning edition dated February 20, 2015, diplomats and officials of the Philippine Embassy are suffering damage of the stat

Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-10-18: Arbeitgeber, die Ausländer illegal beschäftigen, sind unschuldig. Wenn dem so ist, ist der Ausländer, der illegal gearbeitet hat, unschuldig. Wenn ja, gibt es niemanden, der illegale Arbeit unterstützt hat. Wir sind "unschuldig".

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-10-18: Arbeitgeber, die Ausländer illegal beschäftigen, sind unschuldig. Wenn dem so ist, ist der Ausländer, der illegal gearbeitet hat, unschuldig. Wenn ja, gibt es niemanden, der illegale Arbeit unterstützt hat. Wir sind "unschuldig". Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Die japanische Regierung verfolgt weiterhin die "Entführungsfrage Japans" der nordkoreanischen Regierung. Die japanische Regierung erkennt "das Problem der illegalen Entführungshaft gegen Ausländer" nicht an. Es gibt viele "Opfer" von "Westlern". "Europäische und amerikanische Regierungen" sollten die japanische Regierung "verfolgen". Es ist die Fortsetzung vom Vortag. Fall der Verletzung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes in der Botschaft der Philippinen Laut der Morgenzeitung vom 20. Februar 201

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 2018-10-18: Les employeurs qui emploient des étrangers illégalement sont innocents. Si c'est le cas, l'étranger qui a travaillé illégalement est innocent.

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 2018-10-18: Les employeurs qui emploient des étrangers illégalement sont innocents. Si c'est le cas, l'étranger qui a travaillé illégalement est innocent. Si tel est le cas, personne n’a soutenu le travail illégal. Nous sommes "innocents". Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais. Le gouvernement japonais poursuit toujours le "problème d'enlèvement du Japon" du gouvernement nord-coréen. Le gouvernement japonais ne reconnaît pas "le problème de la détention pour enlèvements illégaux contre des étrangers". Il y a beaucoup de "victimes" des "Occidentaux". "Les gouvernements européens et américains" devraient "poursuivre" le gouvernement japonais. C'est la suite de la veille. Cas de violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration à l'ambassade des Philippines Selon le journal d

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-10-18: Employers who employ foreigners illegally are innocent. If so, the alien who worked illegally is innocent. If so, there is no one who has supported illegal labor. We are "innocent".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-10-18: Employers who employ foreigners illegally are innocent. If so, the alien who worked illegally is innocent. If so, there is no one who has supported illegal labor. We are "innocent". Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The Japanese government is still pursuing the "abduction issue of Japan" of the North Korean government. The Japanese government does not recognize "the illegal abduction detention problem against foreigners". There are many "victims" of "Westerners". "European and American governments" should 'pursue' the Japanese government. It is the continuation from the previous day. In case Case of violation of Immigration Control Act at the Embassy of the Philippines Yomiuri Shimbun etc According to the morning edition dated February 20, 2015, diplomats and officials of the Philippine Embassy are suffering

To everyone at the media 2018-10-18: Employers who employ foreigners illegally are innocent. If so, the alien who worked illegally is innocent. If so, there is no one who has supported illegal labor. We are "innocent".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To everyone at the media 2018-10-18: Employers who employ foreigners illegally are innocent. If so, the alien who worked illegally is innocent. If so, there is no one who has supported illegal labor. We are "innocent". Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The Japanese government is still pursuing the "abduction issue of Japan" of the North Korean government. The Japanese government does not recognize "the illegal abduction detention problem against foreigners". There are many "victims" of "Westerners". "European and American governments" should 'pursue' the Japanese government. It is the continuation from the previous day. In case Case of violation of Immigration Control Act at the Embassy of the Philippines Yomiuri Shimbun etc According to the morning edition dated February 20, 2015, diplomats and officials of the Philippine Embassy are suffering damage of the