
o President Trump At the Japan-US Summit Meeting at the end of May and the G20 Osaka Summit in June, I would like Prime Minister Abe to "direct" "complete solution" regarding "judicial administration in violation of the Japanese Immigration Control Act". I am seeking "restoration of honor" and "reparations of property lost due to illegal arrest and detention." Also, please "solve" the wishes of Mrs. Carroll Gone. 2019-05-29:Dear Sirs, "Angela Merkel, the Prime Minister,"

To President Trump At the Japan-US Summit Meeting at the end of May and the G20 Osaka Summit in June, I would like Prime Minister Abe to "direct" "complete solution" regarding "judicial administration in violation of the Japanese Immigration Control Act". I am seeking "restoration of honor" and "reparations of property lost due to illegal arrest and detention." Also, please "solve" the wishes of Mrs. Carroll Gone. 2019-05-29:Dear Sirs, "Angela Merkel, the Prime Minister," The concept and system in modern Japanese law is the influence of German law. However, judicial administration that does not "rule under the law" is not German influence. This is the same influence of the "Confucian culture" as "China" and "North Korea". Part 1. It is a "judgment document" of "assistance. Case" of "the immigration law violation case" of 2010. A

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-05-29: Chers Messieurs, dites à "la présidente Angela Merkel", Le concept et le système du droit japonais moderne sont l’influence du droit allemand. Cependant, une administration judiciaire qui ne "règle pas en vertu de la loi" n’est pas sous l’influence allemande. C'est la même influence de la "culture confucéenne" que celle de "Chine" et de "Corée du Nord".

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-05-29: Chers Messieurs, dites à "la présidente Angela Merkel", Le concept et le système du droit japonais moderne sont l’influence du droit allemand. Cependant, une administration judiciaire qui ne "règle pas en vertu de la loi" n’est pas sous l’influence allemande. C'est la même influence de la "culture confucéenne" que celle de "Chine" et de "Corée du Nord". Partie 1 Il s'agit d'un "document de jugement" de "l'affaire. Assistance" de "l'affaire de violation du droit de l'immigration" de 2010. Encore une fois, le "document de jugement" sera rédigé en japonais afin d’être correctement énoncé. Tout le monde, s'il vous plaît traduire correctement. ............................. 第2 因果関係について 各正犯者は,「留学」の資格で在留を許可されていた者で, 卒業後はその資格では在留が許可されないのであるから, もし,これに代わる何らかの在留資格が得られなければ 日本に引き続き滞在することは許されなかったものである。 すなわち,在留資格を変更し

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Ministerpräsidenten 2019-05-29: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, sagen Sie zu "Präsidentin Angela Merkel", Der Begriff und das System im modernen japanischen Recht sind dem deutschen Recht unterworfen. Eine Justizverwaltung, die nicht "nach dem Gesetz" regiert, hat jedoch keinen deutschen Einfluss. Dies ist der gleiche Einfluss der "konfuzianischen Kultur" wie "China" und "Nordkorea".

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Ministerpräsidenten 2019-05-29: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, sagen Sie zu "Präsidentin Angela Merkel", Der Begriff und das System im modernen japanischen Recht sind dem deutschen Recht unterworfen. Eine Justizverwaltung, die nicht "nach dem Gesetz" regiert, hat jedoch keinen deutschen Einfluss. Dies ist der gleiche Einfluss der "konfuzianischen Kultur" wie "China" und "Nordkorea". Teil 1. Es ist ein "Urteilsdokument" der "Unterstützung". Fall "des Einwanderungsrechtsverletzungsverfahrens" von 2010. Auch hier wird das "Urteilsdokument" in japanischer Sprache verfasst, um genau angegeben zu werden. Bitte übersetzen Sie korrekt. ............................. 第2 因果関係について 各正犯者は,「留学」の資格で在留を許可されていた者で, 卒業後はその資格では在留が許可されないのであるから, もし,これに代わる何らかの在留資格が得られなければ 日本に引き続き滞在することは許されなかったものである。 すなわち,在留資格を変更して新たな在留資格を得ることにより, 初めて引き続き在留することが可能になったもので, 在留できなければ,

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-05-29:因果関係について 各正犯者は,「留学」の資格で在留を許可されていた者で, 卒業後はその資格では在留が許可されないのであるから, もし,これに代わる何らかの在留資格が得られなければ

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-05-29:Dear Sirs, "Angela Merkel, the Prime Minister," The concept and system in modern Japanese law is the influence of German law. However, judicial administration that does not "rule under the law" is not German influence. This is the same influence of the "Confucian culture" as "China" and "North Korea". Part 1. It is a "judgment document" of "assistance. Case" of "the immigration law violation case" of 2010. Again, the "judgment document" will be written in Japanese in order to be accurately stated. Everybody, please translate correctly. 第2 因果関係について 各正犯者は,「留学」の資格で在留を許可されていた者で, 卒業後はその資格では在留が許可されないのであるから, もし,これに代わる何らかの在留資格が得られなければ 日本に引き続き滞在することは許されなかったものである。 すなわち,在留資格を変更して新たな在留資格を得ることにより, 初めて引き続き在留することが可能になったもので, 在留できなければ,本邦で資格外活動を行うことも不可能であつたのは自明である。 そして被告人は内容虚偽の雇用契約書等を交付することによって, 各正犯者が在留資格の変更許可を得ることを容易にしたのであるから, 被告人の行為と各正犯者の資

To everyone in the world's media  2019-05-29:Dear Sirs, "Angela Merkel, the Prime Minister," The concept and system in modern Japanese law is the influence of German law. However, judicial administration that does not "rule under the law" is not German influence. This is the same influence of the "Confucian culture" as "China" and "North Korea".

To everyone in the world's media  2019-05-29:Dear Sirs, "Angela Merkel, the Prime Minister," The concept and system in modern Japanese law is the influence of German law. However, judicial administration that does not "rule under the law" is not German influence. This is the same influence of the "Confucian culture" as "China" and "North Korea". Part 1. It is a "judgment document" of "assistance. Case" of "the immigration law violation case" of 2010. Again, the "judgment document" will be written in Japanese in order to be accurately stated. Everybody, please translate correctly. 第2 因果関係について 各正犯者は,「留学」の資格で在留を許可されていた者で, 卒業後はその資格では在留が許可されないのであるから, もし,これに代わる何らかの在留資格が得られなければ 日本に引き続き滞在することは許されなかったものである。 すなわち,在留資格を変更して新たな在留資格を得ることにより, 初めて引き続き在留することが可能になったもので, 在留できなければ,本邦で資格外活動を行うことも不可能であつたのは自明である。 そして被告人は内容虚偽の雇用契約書等を交付することによって, 各正犯者が在留資格の変更許可を得ることを容易にしたのであるから, 被告人の行為と各正犯者の資

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency Dear Sirs, Please send this e-mail to the top leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency". This e-mail is sent daily to media, embassies and white houses in the world. To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" . 2019-05-28:Dear Sirs, I would like to say to President McLon, I also accept 100% of the "bill of indictment". However, the reason for the crime described in "bill of indictment" is "innocence". It is clearly defined in the Immigration Act 22-4- (4). Carlos Ghosn is also forced to "offender".

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency Dear Sirs, Please send this e-mail to the top leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency". This e-mail is sent daily to media, embassies and white houses in the world. To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" . 2019-05-28:Dear Sirs, I would like to say to President McLon, I also accept 100% of the "bill of indictment". However, the reason for the crime described in "bill of indictment" is "innocence". It is clearly defined in the Immigration Act 22-4- (4). Carlos Ghosn is also forced to "offender". Part 1. It is a "judgment document" of "assistance. Case" of "the immigration law violation case" of 2010. Again, the "judgment document" will be written in Japanese in order to be accurately stated. Everybody, please translate correctly. 第1概要。 被告人は,各公訴事実について,雇用契約書を作成したこと, その交付を受けた各正犯者が入国管理局にそれを提出したことは争わないが, 各正犯者が資格外活動

To President Trump At the Japan-US Summit Meeting at the end of May and the G20 Osaka Summit in June, I would like Prime Minister Abe to "direct" "complete solution" regarding "judicial administration in violation of the Japanese Immigration Control Act". I am seeking "restoration of honor" and "reparations of property lost due to illegal arrest and detention." Also, please "solve" the wishes of Mrs. Carroll Gone. 2019-05-28:Dear Sirs, I would like to say to President McLon, I also accept 100% of the "bill of indictment". However, the reason for the crime described in "bill of indictment" is "innocence". It is clearly defined in the Immigration Act 22-4- (4). Carlos Ghosn is also forced to "offender".

To President Trump At the Japan-US Summit Meeting at the end of May and the G20 Osaka Summit in June, I would like Prime Minister Abe to "direct" "complete solution" regarding "judicial administration in violation of the Japanese Immigration Control Act". I am seeking "restoration of honor" and "reparations of property lost due to illegal arrest and detention." Also, please "solve" the wishes of Mrs. Carroll Gone. 2019-05-28:Dear Sirs, I would like to say to President McLon, I also accept 100% of the "bill of indictment". However, the reason for the crime described in "bill of indictment" is "innocence". It is clearly defined in the Immigration Act 22-4- (4). Carlos Ghosn is also forced to "offender". Part 1. It is a "judgment document" of "assistance. Case" of "the immigration law violation case" of 2010. Again, the "judgment docu