Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May, January 31, 2018 In case Today 's explanation is "Illegal arrest / confinement not based on law, law" NO: 005. If miso is assisted by canceling your status of residence (submitting false documents) The assistance of illegal employment (activities other than qualifications) is feces
<Public mail> Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May, January 31, 2018 In case Today 's explanation is "Illegal arrest / confinement not based on law, law" NO: 005. If miso is assisted by canceling your status of residence (submitting false documents) The assistance of illegal employment (activities other than qualifications) is feces ... Assistance for cancellation of status of residence (submission of false documents) Aiding assistance for illegal employment (activities outside the status of qualification) · · · · · · It is different, so please do not mix Mixing is "a crime" · · · So he will say "smelly"! Contents Because we provided a false employment contract, assisting the immigration law (activity outside the status of qualification) Content of miso feces together Lie is a false criminal name Continue to NO: 006. Prime Minister Terrysa May, "Please help me, please make Japan a country gover...