
Showing posts from September, 2020

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 30/09/2020: Cher Monsieur, En 2003, M. Nikai a essayé de construire un "monument en pierre" de "Ezawamin" dans tout le Japon, y compris sa ville natale de la ville de Tanabe, préfecture de Wakayama.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron 30/09/2020: Cher Monsieur, "Gouvernement chinois de dictature" contrôlé par "Parti communiste chinois". «Le secrétaire général du deuxième étage du PLD» qui dit «flatterie» non seulement aux «pro-Chine» mais aussi à «la Chine». Le "sort" de l '"administration Suga" qui est "prise" par le "secrétaire général du deuxième étage" qui se méfie également des Etats-Unis! Le fait qu'il soit si clairement indiqué dans le rapport signifie que Cela peut signifier que les États-Unis se méfient clairement du mouvement de M. Nikai. En 2003, M. Nikai a essayé de construire un "monument en pierre" de "Ezawamin" dans tout le Japon, y compris sa ville natale de la ville de Tanabe, préfecture de Wakayama. Il y a un passé qui a échoué en raison de l'opposition des citoyens. Au Japon, M. Nikai n'est pas seulement un "pro-chinois" Il est bien connu qu'il est un

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 30.09.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr,Die Tatsache, dass es im Bericht so klar angegeben wurde, bedeutet, dass

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 30.09.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr, "Chinesische Diktaturregierung", kontrolliert von der "Kommunistischen Partei Chinas". "Der Generalsekretär der LDP im zweiten Stock", der "Schmeichelei" nicht nur zu "Pro-China", sondern auch zu "China" sagt. Das "Schicksal" der "Suga-Administration", die vom "Generalsekretär im zweiten Stock" "aufgenommen" wird, der auch gegenüber den Vereinigten Staaten vorsichtig ist! Die Tatsache, dass es im Bericht so klar angegeben wurde, bedeutet, dass Es könnte eine Botschaft sein, dass die Vereinigten Staaten der Bewegung von Herrn Nikai eindeutig misstrauisch gegenüberstehen. Im Jahr 2003 versuchte Herr Nikai, ein "Steinmonument" von "Ezawamin" in ganz Japan zu errichten, einschließlich seiner Heimatstadt Tanabe City, Präfektur Wakayama. Es gibt eine Vergangenheit, die aufgrund der Oppo

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-30: Dear Sir,who says "flattery" not only to "pro-China" but also to "China". The "fate" of the "Kan administration" who is "taken in" by the "secretary general of the second floor" who is also wary of the United States!

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-30: Dear Sir, "Chinese government of dictatorship" controlled by "Chinese Communist Party". "The second floor secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party"  who says "flattery" not only to "pro-China" but also to "China". The "fate" of the "Kan administration" who is "taken in"  by the "secretary general of the second floor" who is also wary of the United States! The fact that it is so clearly stated in the report may be a message  that the United States is clearly wary of Mr. Nikai's movements.  In 2003, Mr. Nikai tried to build "Jiang Zemin's" stone monuments all over Japan,  including his hometown of Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture,  but he had a history of failure due to the opposition of the citizens. It is well known in Japan that Mr. Nikai is not only a "pro-Chinese"  but also a "man who"

To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! Thank you, US House of Representatives, great! The US House of Representatives passes a bill to restrict imports of Chinese products by forced labor.

 To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! Thank you, US House of Representatives, great! The US House of Representatives passes a bill to restrict imports of Chinese products by forced labor. The United States should ban Japanese "fake human rights activists" who advocate human rights from entering the United States. The United States should increase surveillance of Japan's "pro-Chinese parliamentarians"! 2020-09-30: Dear Sir, "Chinese government of dictatorship" controlled by "Chinese Communist Party". "The second floor secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party"  who says "flattery" not only to "pro-China" but also to "China". The "fate" of the "Kan administration" who is "taken in"  by the "secretary general of the second floor" who is also war

The United States should increase surveillance of Japan's "pro-Chinese parliamentarians"!

  Thank you, US House of Representatives, great! The US House of Representatives passes a bill to restrict imports of Chinese products by forced labor. The United States should ban Japanese "fake human rights activists" who advocate human rights from entering the United States. The United States should increase surveillance of Japan's "pro-Chinese parliamentarians"! 2020-09-30: Dear Sir, "Chinese government of dictatorship" controlled by "Chinese Communist Party". "The second floor secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party"  who says "flattery" not only to "pro-China" but also to "China". The "fate" of the "Kan administration" who is "taken in"  by the "secretary general of the second floor" who is also wary of the United States! The fact that it is so clearly stated in the report may be a mes

The United States should ban Japanese "fake human rights activists" who advocate human rights from entering the United States.

  Thank you, US House of Representatives, great! The US House of Representatives passes a bill to restrict imports of Chinese products by forced labor. The United States should ban Japanese "fake human rights activists" who advocate human rights from entering the United States. The United States should increase surveillance of Japan's "pro-Chinese parliamentarians"! 2020-09-30: Dear Sir, "Chinese government of dictatorship" controlled by "Chinese Communist Party". "The second floor secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party"  who says "flattery" not only to "pro-China" but also to "China". The "fate" of the "Kan administration" who is "taken in"  by the "secretary general of the second floor" who is also wary of the United States! The fact that it is so clearly stated in the report may be a mes

The US House of Representatives passes a bill to restrict imports of Chinese products by forced labor.

  Thank you, US House of Representatives, great! The US House of Representatives passes a bill to restrict imports of Chinese products by forced labor. The United States should ban Japanese "fake human rights activists" who advocate human rights from entering the United States. The United States should increase surveillance of Japan's "pro-Chinese parliamentarians"! 2020-09-30: Dear Sir, "Chinese government of dictatorship" controlled by "Chinese Communist Party". "The second floor secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party"  who says "flattery" not only to "pro-China" but also to "China". The "fate" of the "Kan administration" who is "taken in"  by the "secretary general of the second floor" who is also wary of the United States! The fact that it is so clearly stated in the report may be a mes

Thank you, US House of Representatives, great!

  Thank you, US House of Representatives, great! The US House of Representatives passes a bill to restrict imports of Chinese products by forced labor. The United States should ban Japanese "fake human rights activists" who advocate human rights from entering the United States. The United States should increase surveillance of Japan's "pro-Chinese parliamentarians"! 2020-09-30: Dear Sir, "Chinese government of dictatorship" controlled by "Chinese Communist Party". "The second floor secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party"  who says "flattery" not only to "pro-China" but also to "China". The "fate" of the "Kan administration" who is "taken in"  by the "secretary general of the second floor" who is also wary of the United States! The fact that it is so clearly stated in the report may be a mes

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-09-29: Cher Monsieur, "Corona a été faite à l'Institut de Wuhan" Un universitaire chinois a publié un article, Les experts "soulignent" que "les paroles et les actions sont infondées et irréalistes"!

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-09-29: Cher Monsieur, "Corona a été faite à l'Institut de Wuhan" Un universitaire chinois a publié un article, Les experts "soulignent" que "les paroles et les actions sont infondées et irréalistes"! Mais un autre expert a déclaré: «Bien sûr, l'auteur a une expertise dans les virus. Il dit que le contenu n'est pas du tout «absurde». C'est une arme biologique car les Asiatiques ne sont "pas sensibles" à la "nouvelle couronne"! Les États-Unis devraient annoncer la «vérité» après l'élection présidentielle en vue d'une guerre à grande échelle avec la Chine. "Tout le monde sait ce fait", a déclaré un "responsable du gouvernement australien", qui est en pleine confrontation avec la Chine. Le «gouvernement japonais, qui entretient des relations étroites avec la Chine», devrait révéler la vérité. Le monde doit être préparé à la guerre. Partie 1 Le gouverneme

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 29.09.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr, "Corona wurde am Wuhan-Institut hergestellt" Der chinesische Gelehrte veröffentlichte eine Arbeit, Experten "weisen" darauf hin, dass "die Worte und Handlungen unbegründet und unrealistisch sind"! Aber ein anderer E

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 29.09.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr, "Corona wurde am Wuhan-Institut hergestellt" Der chinesische Gelehrte veröffentlichte eine Arbeit, Experten "weisen" darauf hin, dass "die Worte und Handlungen unbegründet und unrealistisch sind"! Aber ein anderer Experte sagte: "Sicher, der Autor hat Erfahrung mit Viren. Er sagt, dass der Inhalt überhaupt kein "Unsinn" ist. Dies ist eine biologische Waffe, weil Asiaten "nicht anfällig" für die "neue Korona" sind! Die Vereinigten Staaten sollten nach den Präsidentschaftswahlen die "Wahrheit" verkünden, um sich auf einen umfassenden Krieg mit China vorzubereiten. "Jeder kennt diese Tatsache", sagte ein "australischer Regierungsbeamter", der sich in voller Konfrontation mit China befindet. Die "japanische Regierung, die eine enge Beziehung zu China hat", sollte die Wahrheit offenlegen. Die Welt so

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-29: Dear Sir, "Corona was made at the Wuhan Institute of Veterinary Medicine" published by a Chinese scholar, and experts "point out" that "the words and actions are unfounded and unrealistic"!

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-29: Dear Sir, "Corona was made at the Wuhan Institute of Veterinary Medicine" published by a Chinese scholar,  and experts "point out" that "the words and actions are unfounded and unrealistic"! But another expert says, "Sure, the author has expertise in viruses. The content isn't" nonsense "at all. This is a biological weapon because Asians are "not susceptible" to the "new corona"! The United States should announce the "truth" after the presidential election  in preparation for a full-scale war with China. "Everyone knows this fact," said an "Australian government official"  who is in full confrontation with China. The "Japanese government, which has a close relationship with China," should disclose the truth. The world should be prepared for war. Part 1 The Japanese government also knows this fact. This is a biological weapon

The US House of Representatives passed a bill to ban imports of goods made by forced labor in China on the 22nd! !!

 To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! [The world does not allow China] Macron of France!  Dispatch a UN research team to China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region! The US House of Representatives passed a bill to ban imports of goods made by forced labor  in China on the 22nd! !! 2020-09-29: Dear Sir, "Corona was made at the Wuhan Institute of Veterinary Medicine" published by a Chinese scholar,  and experts "point out" that "the words and actions are unfounded and unrealistic"! But another expert says, "Sure, the author has expertise in viruses. The content isn't" nonsense "at all. This is a biological weapon because Asians are "not susceptible" to the "new corona"! The United States should announce the "truth" after the presidential election  in preparation for a full-scale war with China

【 世界は中国を許さない】フランスのマクロン!中国の新疆ウイグル自治区に国連の調査団の派遣を!  アメリカの下院議会は22日、中国で強制労働力によって作られた商品の輸入禁止法案を可決!!

 【 世界は中国を許さない】フランスのマクロン!中国の新疆ウイグル自治区に国連の調査団の派遣を!  アメリカの下院議会は22日、中国で強制労働力によって作られた商品の輸入禁止法案を可決!! 2020-09-29:拝啓、 「コロナは武漢の研究所で作られた」中国人学者が論文発表、 専門家は「言動に根拠がなく、現実味がない」と「指摘」する! しかし、別の専門家は「確かに著者はウイルスに関する専門知識があります。 内容は全くの「出鱈目,nonsense」ではない、と言う。 アジア人が「新型コロナ」に「かかりにくい=not susceptible」のでこれは生物兵器でしょうね! アメリカは中国と全面戦争を覚悟で大統領選挙後に「真実」を発表すべきです。 中国と全面対決をしている「オーストラリアの政府高官」も言っている「皆が、この事実を知ってくせに!」。 中国と「親密な関係にある日本政府」は真実を公表すべきです。 世界は戦争を覚悟すべきです。 詳細は、今日の「SNS投稿」をご覧ください。 第2部。以下は下記をご覧ください。 日本語。  英語。  起訴状は下記でご覧ください。(日本語)

[The world does not allow China] Macron of France! Dispatch a UN research team to China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region! The US House of Representatives passed a bill to ban imports of goods made by forced labor in China on the 22nd! !!

  [The world does not allow China] Macron of France!  Dispatch a UN research team to China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region! The US House of Representatives passed a bill to ban imports of goods made by forced labor  in China on the 22nd! !! 2020-09-29: Dear Sir, "Corona was made at the Wuhan Institute of Veterinary Medicine" published by a Chinese scholar,  and experts "point out" that "the words and actions are unfounded and unrealistic"! But another expert says, "Sure, the author has expertise in viruses. The content isn't" nonsense "at all. This is a biological weapon because Asians are "not susceptible" to the "new corona"! The United States should announce the "truth" after the presidential election  in preparation for a full-scale war with China. "Everyone knows this fact," said an "Australian government official&quo

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-09-28: Cher Monsieur, Après tout, la Chine est une grande victoire! Le président Trump a approuvé la «proposition de partenariat» pour les activités de «TikTok» aux États-Unis «en général».

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-09-28: Cher Monsieur, Après tout, la Chine est une grande victoire! Le président Trump a approuvé la «proposition de partenariat» pour les activités de «TikTok» aux États-Unis «en général». La nouvelle société qui sera établie aux États-Unis est détenue à 20% par les États-Unis. Les 80% restants sont des "byte dance" chinois. Une société d'investissement américaine détient une participation de 40% dans le "byte dance". fou! Cela a suscité un mécontentement aux États-Unis et le président Trump est confus. Le Sénat américain et la Chambre des représentants ne devraient pas permettre à "Tik Tok" d'opérer aux États-Unis. Les États-Unis ne peuvent pas opérer librement en Chine, mais la Chine peut opérer librement aux États-Unis. Le Sénat américain et la Chambre des représentants devraient empêcher les États-Unis d'être «esclaves de la Chine». Les Etats-Unis devraient exiger le "open source" de &q

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2020-09-28: Sehr geehrter Herr, Immerhin ist China ein großer Gewinn! Präsident Trump hat den "Partnerschaftsvorschlag" für das Geschäft von "TikTok" in den Vereinigten Staaten "im Allgemeinen" gebilligt.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2020-09-28: Sehr geehrter Herr, Immerhin ist China ein großer Gewinn! Präsident Trump hat den "Partnerschaftsvorschlag" für das Geschäft von "TikTok" in den Vereinigten Staaten "im Allgemeinen" gebilligt. Das neue Unternehmen mit Sitz in den USA befindet sich zu 20% im Besitz der USA. Die restlichen 80% sind chinesischer Teilzeit-Tanz. Eine US-Investmentgesellschaft ist zu 40% am Teilzeit-Tanz beteiligt. verrückt! Das hat in den Vereinigten Staaten zu Unzufriedenheit geführt, und Präsident Trump ist verwirrt. Der US-Senat und das Repräsentantenhaus sollten "Tik Tok" nicht erlauben, in den USA zu operieren. Die Vereinigten Staaten können in China nicht frei operieren, aber China kann in den Vereinigten Staaten frei operieren. Der US-Senat und das Repräsentantenhaus sollten verhindern, dass die USA "nach China versklavt" werden. Die Vereinigten Staaten sollten die "Open Source&

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-28: Dear Sir, After all, China is a big victory! President Trump has approved the "partnership proposal" for "TikTok"'s business in the United States "in general".

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-28: Dear Sir, After all, China is a big victory!  President Trump has approved the "partnership proposal"  for "TikTok"'s business in the United States "in general".  The new company to be established in the United States is 20% owned by the United States.  The remaining 80% is Chinese byte dance. A US investment company has a 40% stake in ByteDance. crazy! That has raised dissatisfaction in the United States, and President Trump is confused. The US Senate and House of Representatives should not allow "TikTok" to operate in the United States.  The United States cannot operate freely in China, but China can operate freely in the United States. The US Senate and House of Representatives should stop the US from being "slave to China." The United States should demand "open source" for "TikTok". The Senate and House of Representatives should ask "Twitter, Facebook

To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! Trump administration policy not to postpone "TikTok" distribution ban!

 To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! Trump administration policy not to postpone "TikTok" distribution ban! Chinese government: China must get information from the United States in the "current moment"! 2020-09-28: Dear Sir, After all, China is a big victory!  President Trump has approved the "partnership proposal"  for "TikTok"'s business in the United States "in general".  The new company to be established in the United States is 20% owned by the United States.  The remaining 80% is Chinese byte dance. A US investment company has a 40% stake in ByteDance. crazy! That has raised dissatisfaction in the United States, and President Trump is confused. The US Senate and House of Representatives should not allow "TikTok" to operate in the United States.  The United States cannot operate freely in China, but China can operate freely

After all, China is a big victory! President Trump has approved the "partnership proposal" for "TikTok"'s business in the United States "in general". The new company to be established in the United States is 20% owned by the United States.

 Trump administration policy not to postpone "TikTok" distribution ban! Chinese government: China must get information from the United States in the "current moment"! 2020-09-28: Dear Sir, After all, China is a big victory!  President Trump has approved the "partnership proposal"  for "TikTok"'s business in the United States "in general".  The new company to be established in the United States is 20% owned by the United States.  The remaining 80% is Chinese byte dance. A US investment company has a 40% stake in ByteDance. crazy! That has raised dissatisfaction in the United States, and President Trump is confused. The US Senate and House of Representatives should not allow "TikTok" to operate in the United States.  The United States cannot operate freely in China, but China can operate freely in the United States. The US Senate and House of Representatives should stop the US from

Trump administration policy not to postpone "TikTok" distribution ban! Chinese government: China must get information from the United States in the "current moment"!

 Trump administration policy not to postpone "TikTok" distribution ban! Chinese government: China must get information from the United States in the "current moment"! 2020-09-28: Dear Sir, After all, China is a big victory!  President Trump has approved the "partnership proposal"  for "TikTok"'s business in the United States "in general".  The new company to be established in the United States is 20% owned by the United States.  The remaining 80% is Chinese byte dance. A US investment company has a 40% stake in ByteDance. crazy! That has raised dissatisfaction in the United States, and President Trump is confused. The US Senate and House of Representatives should not allow "TikTok" to operate in the United States.  The United States cannot operate freely in China, but China can operate freely in the United States. The US Senate and House of Representatives should stop the US from

September 27, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, On June 30, Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications announced mobile phone charges for fiscal 2019 in six cities around the world, including Tokyo.

 US presidential election! The two candidates should say this! Trump: "I want to make a country where everyone, black and white, can have and get the American dream." Biden: "I completely decouple China" September 27, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, On June 30, Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs  and Communications announced mobile phone charges  for fiscal 2019 in six cities around the world, including Tokyo. Even at 5GB, Tokyo was 1312 yen lower than the previous year at 6250 yen,  but it was the second highest after New York at 6865 yen.  Prices in London and Paris are below 2000 yen, and the high prices  in Japan and the United States stand out. Workers in developed countries are suffering from wages not rising due to the wage war  with "China's forced labor and slave labor". And suffering from unemployment. The US and Japanese administrations encouraged "competition" and The "current&qu

Biden: "I completely decouple China"

 US presidential election! The two candidates should say this! Trump: "I want to make a country where everyone, black and white, can have and get the American dream." Biden: "I completely decouple China" September 27, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, On June 30, Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs  and Communications announced mobile phone charges  for fiscal 2019 in six cities around the world, including Tokyo. Even at 5GB, Tokyo was 1312 yen lower than the previous year at 6250 yen,  but it was the second highest after New York at 6865 yen.  Prices in London and Paris are below 2000 yen, and the high prices  in Japan and the United States stand out. Workers in developed countries are suffering from wages not rising due to the wage war  with "China's forced labor and slave labor". And suffering from unemployment. The US and Japanese administrations encouraged "competition" and The "current&qu

Trump: "I want to make a country where everyone, black and white, can have and get the American dream."

 US presidential election! The two candidates should say this! Trump: "I want to make a country where everyone, black and white, can have and get the American dream." Biden: "I completely decouple China" September 27, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, On June 30, Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs  and Communications announced mobile phone charges  for fiscal 2019 in six cities around the world, including Tokyo. Even at 5GB, Tokyo was 1312 yen lower than the previous year at 6250 yen,  but it was the second highest after New York at 6865 yen.  Prices in London and Paris are below 2000 yen, and the high prices  in Japan and the United States stand out. Workers in developed countries are suffering from wages not rising due to the wage war  with "China's forced labor and slave labor". And suffering from unemployment. The US and Japanese administrations encouraged "competition" and The "current&qu

US presidential election! The two candidates should say this!

 US presidential election! The two candidates should say this! Trump: "I want to make a country where everyone, black and white, can have and get the American dream." Biden: "I completely decouple China" September 27, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, On June 30, Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs  and Communications announced mobile phone charges  for fiscal 2019 in six cities around the world, including Tokyo. Even at 5GB, Tokyo was 1312 yen lower than the previous year at 6250 yen,  but it was the second highest after New York at 6865 yen.  Prices in London and Paris are below 2000 yen, and the high prices  in Japan and the United States stand out. Workers in developed countries are suffering from wages not rising due to the wage war  with "China's forced labor and slave labor". And suffering from unemployment. The US and Japanese administrations encouraged "competition" and The "current&qu

米国の大統領選挙!2人の候補者はこのように言うべきだ! トランプ:「私は黒人も白人も、誰もがアメリカンドリームが持てて、手に入れることができる国にする」 バイデン:「私は中国を完全にデカップリングする」

  米国の大統領選挙!2人の候補者はこのように言うべきだ! トランプ:「私は黒人も白人も、誰もがアメリカンドリームが持てて、手に入れることができる国にする」 バイデン:「私は中国を完全にデカップリングする」 2020年09月27日:日曜版。拝啓、 日本の総務省は6月30日、東京を含む世界6都市の2019年度の携帯電話料金を公表した。 5GBでも、東京は前年度より1312円安い6250円だったが、ニューヨークの6865円に次いで高かった。 ロンドンやパリは2000円を下回っており、日米の料金の高さが際立った。 先進諸国の労働者は「中国の強制労働・奴隷労働」との賃金戦争で賃金が上がらずbに苦しんでいる。 そして失業に苦しんでいる。 日米の政権は「競争」を促して、「現在」の通信料金communication fee.」を「1/3以下」にするべきです。 通信料金が下がると「自動車など」の消費の増加に繋がり経済が活発化する 詳細は、今日の「SNS投稿」をご覧ください。 第2部。以下は下記をご覧ください。 日本語。  英語。  起訴状は下記でご覧ください。(日本語)

US presidential election! The two candidates should say this! Trump: "I want to make a country where everyone, black and white, can have and get the American dream." Biden: "I completely decouple China"

 US presidential election! The two candidates should say this! Trump: "I want to make a country where everyone, black and white, can have and get the American dream." Biden: "I completely decouple China" September 27, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, On June 30, Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs  and Communications announced mobile phone charges  for fiscal 2019 in six cities around the world, including Tokyo. Even at 5GB, Tokyo was 1312 yen lower than the previous year at 6250 yen,  but it was the second highest after New York at 6865 yen.  Prices in London and Paris are below 2000 yen, and the high prices  in Japan and the United States stand out. Workers in developed countries are suffering from wages not rising due to the wage war  with "China's forced labor and slave labor". And suffering from unemployment. The US and Japanese administrations encouraged "competition" and The "current&qu

Also, make the Mexican border an "industrial zone to replace China" and build a "special zone".

 The United States should "target" trillions of dollars in assets,  such as the Jiang Zemin clan who "exploited from the Chinese people,"  and freeze them as compensation for the "Chinese virus." You should say "goodbye" to China, even if it is a war. September 26, 2020 : Saturday edition. Dear Sir, This speech by President Trump is wonderful. Many Americans would have been impressed! On September 7, US President Trump mentioned the "decoupling" of the "US-China economy,"  saying that "the United States has nothing to lose" even  if "the United States has stopped trading with China." President Trump should carry out my proposal to redevelop the "rusty zone" as a "golden zone"  with innovative manufacturing technology.  Also, make the Mexican border an "industrial zone to replace China" and build a "special zone". Part 1 President Trump announced at a press conference