
Showing posts from November, 2020

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-11-30: Cher Monsieur,Le site d'information américain "Axion" a rapporté le 12. La «porte russe» était-elle «vraie»? Président Trump, "N'en faites pas trop!" Le Japon et les États-Unis devraient "reconnaitre" le "gouvernement en vertu de la loi".

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-11-30: Cher Monsieur, Le président Trump devrait admettre sa défaite conformément à la démocratie américaine! Les "médias américains" deviennent bruyants alors que le président Trump "diffuse" de fausses nouvelles! Le magazine hebdomadaire américain de longue date "The New Yorker", qui a été publié pour la première fois en 1925, rapporte. M. Trump a «refait surface» jusqu'au «scénario» du «pardon à lui-même» et de «l'évasion à l'étranger» pour éviter d'aller en prison. Il y a aussi une histoire d '«évasion» à Moscou. On rapporte également qu'il «construira» une «Trump Tower» à «Moscou»! "D'un autre côté," Trump envisage de "lancer" des "médias sur Internet". Jusqu'à présent, c'était la chaîne d'information américaine "FOX News" qui était "proche de Trump", mais maintenant il est temps de prendre du recul. Par conséquent, il

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2020-11-30: Sehr geehrter Herr, Bisher war es der US-Nachrichtensender "FOX News", der "in der Nähe von Trump" war, aber jetzt ist es Zeit, eine Distanz zu nehmen. Daher "beobachtet" er, dass "Quetschen" von "FOX-Nachrichten" der "Zweck" ist. Die US-Nachrichtenseite "Axion" berichtete am 12 .. War das "Russische Tor" "wahr"?

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2020-11-30: Sehr geehrter Herr, Präsident Trump sollte eine "saubere" Niederlage im Einklang mit der US-Demokratie zugeben! Die "US-Medien" werden laut, als Präsident Trump gefälschte Nachrichten "verbreitet"! Das traditionsreiche US-Wochenmagazin "The New Yorker", das erstmals 1925 veröffentlicht wurde, berichtet. Herr Trump ist bis zum "Szenario" "Vergebung für sich selbst" und "Flucht ins Ausland" "aufgetaucht", um nicht ins Gefängnis zu gehen. Es gibt auch eine Geschichte von "Flucht" nach Moskau. Es gibt auch Berichte, dass er einen "Trump Tower" in "Moskau" "bauen" wird! "Auf der anderen Seite plant Trump," Net Media "zu" starten ". Bisher war es der US-Nachrichtensender "FOX News", der "in der Nähe von Trump" war, aber jetzt ist es Zeit, eine Distanz zu nehmen.

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-11-30: Dear Sir, President Trump should admit "clean" defeat in line with US democracy! The US media is making noise as you "disseminate" fake news! The long-established American weekly magazine "The New Yorker", which was first published in 1925, reports. Mr. Trump has "surfaced" even "self-pardon"

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-11-30: Dear Sir, President Trump should admit "clean" defeat in line with US democracy!  The US media is making noise as you "disseminate" fake news! The long-established American weekly magazine "The New Yorker",  which was first published in 1925, reports. Mr. Trump has "surfaced" even "self-pardon"  and "scenario of escape abroad" in order to avoid going to jail.  There is also a story of "escape" to Moscow.  There are also reports that the "Trump Tower" will be "built" in "Moscow"! Meanwhile, Trump is planning to launch "Net Media." Until now, he was a parent Trump,  but there are observations that the purpose is to crush the US news station "FOX News",  which has begun to take a distance. The US news site "Axion" reported on the 12th. Was the "Russian Gate" "true"? President Trump, "

To President Trump The Middle East is nervous because of the "joint operation" that Trump "forced" before leaving! Death of two national heroes! Iran repulsion and retaliation for assassination of nuclear scientists?

 To President Trump The Middle East is nervous because of the "joint operation" that Trump "forced" before leaving! Death of two national heroes! Iran repulsion and retaliation for assassination of nuclear scientists? 2020-11-30: Dear Sir, President Trump should admit "clean" defeat in line with US democracy!  The US media is making noise as you "disseminate" fake news! The long-established American weekly magazine "The New Yorker",  which was first published in 1925, reports. Mr. Trump has "surfaced" even "self-pardon"  and "scenario of escape abroad" in order to avoid going to jail.  There is also a story of "escape" to Moscow.  There are also reports that the "Trump Tower" will be "built" in "Moscow"! Meanwhile, Trump is planning to launch "Net Media." Until now, he was a parent Trump,  but there a

The Biden Cabinet should divert US excess agricultural products to "provisional immigrant" consumption and food assistance to developing countries such as Africa. These policies will protect the "rich life of farmers" in the United States.

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Biden's ancestral land Ireland, Before before my grandfather Before before ... Mr. Biden also has roots in India? November 29, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, In developed countries, the trend of "declining birthrate and aging population" seems to continue.  Even in China, the “declining birthrate and aging population” is progressing.  Therefore, in developed countries,  I think that "automation of production" will be carried out by incorporating "AI technology" in all industries.  But many experts say. Many places require "human labor". To that end, each country needs a large number of migrant workers.  Therefore, the future will be a competition for "scramble" over "immigrant workers". So I have been proposing to each country to build a "special zone".  However, there is n

Mr. Trump, who hated immigrants, leaves the White House. The Biden administration should accept "provisional immigrants" in "special zones". Temporary immigrants are also consumers. America's excess produce will also be consumed by "provisional immigrants." Exports of agricultural production that depends on China are unstable.

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Biden's ancestral land Ireland, Before before my grandfather Before before ... Mr. Biden also has roots in India? November 29, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, In developed countries, the trend of "declining birthrate and aging population" seems to continue.  Even in China, the “declining birthrate and aging population” is progressing.  Therefore, in developed countries,  I think that "automation of production" will be carried out by incorporating "AI technology" in all industries.  But many experts say. Many places require "human labor". To that end, each country needs a large number of migrant workers.  Therefore, the future will be a competition for "scramble" over "immigrant workers". So I have been proposing to each country to build a "special zone".  However, there is n

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion November 29, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, In developed countries, the trend of "declining birthrate and aging population" seems to continue.

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Biden's ancestral land Ireland, Before before my grandfather Before before ... Mr. Biden also has roots in India? November 29, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, In developed countries, the trend of "declining birthrate and aging population" seems to continue.  Even in China, the “declining birthrate and aging population” is progressing.  Therefore, in developed countries,  I think that "automation of production" will be carried out by incorporating "AI technology" in all industries.  But many experts say. Many places require "human labor". To that end, each country needs a large number of migrant workers.  Therefore, the future will be a competition for "scramble" over "immigrant workers". So I have been proposing to each country to build a "special zone".  However, there is n

Biden's ancestral land Ireland, Before before my grandfather Before before ... Mr. Biden also has roots in India?

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Biden's ancestral land Ireland, Before before my grandfather Before before ... Mr. Biden also has roots in India? November 29, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, In developed countries, the trend of "declining birthrate and aging population" seems to continue.  Even in China, the “declining birthrate and aging population” is progressing.  Therefore, in developed countries,  I think that "automation of production" will be carried out by incorporating "AI technology" in all industries.  But many experts say. Many places require "human labor". To that end, each country needs a large number of migrant workers.  Therefore, the future will be a competition for "scramble" over "immigrant workers". So I have been proposing to each country to build a "special zone".  However, there is n

The "hydrogen fuel car" has already been put into practical use in Japanese cars. Since it is an improvement of the current "gasoline engine", it can be produced by most automobile manufacturers. The challenges are the supply of "cheap hydrogen" and the installation of "hydrogen stations".

 "Oil companies" should hurry to move away from producing "fossil fuels" to companies producing "hydrogen." The first step is to extract "hydrogen" and "CO2" from "natural gas" such as "shale gas". November 28, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, We have already been conducting research  and development to produce "hydrogen" at low cost for the depleting fossil fuels.  However, the flow of "de-fossil fuel" has become the purpose of preventing "global warming".  An "international oil-capitalized company" should hurry to move away  from producing "fossil fuels" to a company producing "hydrogen." Mr. Biden believes that "electric vehicles" will make the United States No. 1.  I think we should switch to "hydrogen-fueled cars" instead of "gasoline". Automobiles are not the only vehicles that use gasoline as fuel.  Ships and aircraft sh

November 28, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, We have already been conducting research and development to produce "hydrogen" at low cost for the depleting fossil fuels. However, the flow of "de-fossil fuel" has become the purpose of preventing "global warming".

 "Oil companies" should hurry to move away from producing "fossil fuels" to companies producing "hydrogen." The first step is to extract "hydrogen" and "CO2" from "natural gas" such as "shale gas". November 28, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, We have already been conducting research  and development to produce "hydrogen" at low cost for the depleting fossil fuels.  However, the flow of "de-fossil fuel" has become the purpose of preventing "global warming".  An "international oil-capitalized company" should hurry to move away  from producing "fossil fuels" to a company producing "hydrogen." Mr. Biden believes that "electric vehicles" will make the United States No. 1.  I think we should switch to "hydrogen-fueled cars" instead of "gasoline". Automobiles are not the only vehicles that use gasoline as fuel.  Ships and aircraft sh

"Oil companies" should hurry to move away from producing "fossil fuels" to companies producing "hydrogen." The first step is to extract "hydrogen" and "CO2" from "natural gas" such as "shale gas".

 "Oil companies" should hurry to move away from producing "fossil fuels" to companies producing "hydrogen." The first step is to extract "hydrogen" and "CO2" from "natural gas" such as "shale gas". November 28, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, We have already been conducting research  and development to produce "hydrogen" at low cost for the depleting fossil fuels.  However, the flow of "de-fossil fuel" has become the purpose of preventing "global warming".  An "international oil-capitalized company" should hurry to move away  from producing "fossil fuels" to a company producing "hydrogen." Mr. Biden believes that "electric vehicles" will make the United States No. 1.  I think we should switch to "hydrogen-fueled cars" instead of "gasoline". Automobiles are not the only vehicles that use gasoline as fuel.  Ships and aircraft sh

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-11-27: Cher Monsieur,C'est pourquoi j'enseigne que "la vie est la plus précieuse". Le gouvernement allemand devrait également «condamner» «l'Etat de droit» japonais du point de vue du droit international.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-11-27: Cher Monsieur, Le Japon a le plus bas niveau de sensibilisation aux droits de l'homme au monde. Bien que le Japon se qualifie de nation des droits de l'homme, c'est une adhésion conditionnelle aux traités internationaux relatifs aux droits de l'homme. Ces dernières années, les criminels ont régulièrement commis des «crimes pervers» dans l'espoir d'être condamnés à mort. La peine de mort est désormais une «promotion» des «crimes graves» plutôt qu'un «contrôle» des «crimes graves». Le gouvernement fédéral allemand a un personnel à plein temps en poste au Japon pour persévérer le gouvernement japonais. Merci beaucoup. Le gouvernement fédéral allemand "pense que le droit de vivre est le plus précieux". La plupart des Japonais sont favorables à la peine de mort. C'est parce que les idées confucéennes sont profondément enracinées chez les Japonais. Cependant, la Corée du Sud est une «nation confucéen

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 27.11.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr,Die Idee der Todesstrafe stammt aus dem chinesischen "konfuzianischen Gedanken". China, der "Geburtsort" des Konfuzianismus, ist ein "Paradies für die Todesstrafe". Wir sollten uns von der chinesischen Kultur lösen. Ich bin übrigens ein "Buddhist", also bin ich gegen das "Todesstrafen-System".

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 27.11.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr, Japan hat das weltweit niedrigste Menschenrechtsbewusstsein. Obwohl Japan sich selbst als Menschenrechtsnation bezeichnet, ist es ein bedingter Beitritt zu internationalen Menschenrechtsabkommen. In den letzten Jahren haben Kriminelle täglich "böse Verbrechen" begangen, in der Hoffnung, zum Tode verurteilt zu werden. Die Todesstrafe ist jetzt eher eine "Förderung" von "schweren Verbrechen" als eine "Kontrolle" von "schweren Verbrechen". Die Bundesregierung hat ein Vollzeitpersonal in Japan stationiert, um die japanische Regierung durchzuhalten. Vielen Dank. Die Bundesregierung "hält das Recht auf Leben für das wertvollste". Die meisten Menschen in Japan befürworten die Todesstrafe. Dies liegt daran, dass konfuzianische Ideen tief in den Japanern verwurzelt sind. Südkorea ist jedoch eine "konfuzianische Nation". (Vertreten durch e

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-11-27: Dear Sir, In recent years, "evil crimes" have been occurring on a daily basis, hoping to be sentenced to death. The death penalty is now a "promotion" of "heavy crimes" rather than a "control" of "heavy crimes". The German federal government has a full-time staff stationed in Japan to persuade the Japanese government. The German federal government "thinks that the right to live is the most valuable." Most people in Japan are in favor of the death penalty.

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-11-27: Dear Sir, Japan has the lowest level of human rights awareness in the world.  Although Japan calls itself a human rights nation,  it is a conditional accession to international human rights treaties.  In recent years, "evil crimes" have been occurring on a daily basis,  hoping to be sentenced to death. The death penalty is now a "promotion"  of "heavy crimes" rather than a "control" of "heavy crimes". The German federal government has a full-time staff stationed in Japan to persuade the Japanese government.  The German federal government "thinks that the right to live is the most valuable." Most people in Japan are in favor of the death penalty.  This is because Confucian ideas are deeply rooted in the Japanese.  However, South Korea is a "Confucian nation."  (Represented by the national flag).  The death penalty has been abolished even in South Korea,  where Conf

To President Trump 2020-11-27: Dear Sir, Japan has the lowest level of human rights awareness in the world. Although Japan calls itself a human rights nation, it is a conditional accession to international human rights treaties.

 To President Trump Everyone, let's abolish the "death penalty system" in Japan! There is no "good murder" or "bad murder" in murder. The death penalty is an instant "reincarnation", but the "lifetime, imprisonment" suffers until "death". "Imprisonment with work" makes everyday life easier by working. "Imprisonment without work" lives every day "deprived of freedom" until death. Many lives must not be lost because of the "person" who wants to be the "death penalty"! The Japanese should "wake up". Defendant Shiraishi "Does not appeal even with the death penalty"(November 25, 2020) 2020-11-27: Dear Sir, Japan has the lowest level of human rights awareness in the world.  Although Japan calls itself a human rights nation,  it is a conditional accession to international human rights treaties.  In recent years, "

Many lives must not be lost because of the "person" who wants to be the "death penalty"! The Japanese should "wake up". Defendant Shiraishi "Does not appeal even with the death penalty"(November 25, 2020)

 To President Trump Everyone, let's abolish the "death penalty system" in Japan! There is no "good murder" or "bad murder" in murder. The death penalty is an instant "reincarnation", but the "lifetime, imprisonment" suffers until "death". "Imprisonment with work" makes everyday life easier by working. "Imprisonment without work" lives every day "deprived of freedom" until death. Many lives must not be lost because of the "person" who wants to be the "death penalty"! The Japanese should "wake up". Defendant Shiraishi "Does not appeal even with the death penalty"(November 25, 2020) 2020-11-27: Dear Sir, Japan has the lowest level of human rights awareness in the world.  Although Japan calls itself a human rights nation,  it is a conditional accession to international human rights treaties.  In recent years, "

Everyone, let's abolish the "death penalty system" in Japan! There is no "good murder" or "bad murder" in murder. The death penalty is an instant "reincarnation", but the "lifetime, imprisonment" suffers until "death".

To President Trump Everyone, let's abolish the "death penalty system" in Japan! There is no "good murder" or "bad murder" in murder. The death penalty is an instant "reincarnation", but the "lifetime, imprisonment" suffers until "death". "Imprisonment with work" makes everyday life easier by working. "Imprisonment without work" lives every day "deprived of freedom" until death. Many lives must not be lost because of the "person" who wants to be the "death penalty"! The Japanese should "wake up". Defendant Shiraishi "Does not appeal even with the death penalty"(November 25, 2020) 2020-11-27: Dear Sir, Japan has the lowest level of human rights awareness in the world.  Although Japan calls itself a human rights nation,  it is a conditional accession to international human rights treaties.  In recent years, "

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-11-26: Cher Monsieur, La sécurité américaine ne fait qu'un avec «l'économie». «Le faux pro-US» que «l'économie est alliée à la Chine» et «seule la sécurité est alliée aux États-Unis» devrait également être «découplé».

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-11-26: Cher Monsieur, Les 5% les plus riches des États-Unis représentent 37% de toute la consommation aux États-Unis. L'Amérique est folle! Suite au résultat de l'élection présidentielle, le peuple américain se bat en deux temps. Trump a dit que c'était «l'Amérique d'abord». Mais maintenant, les Américains regorgent de «produits chinois». "La Chine d'abord". Certaines personnes qui font du commerce avec la Chine sont devenues riches. Le revenu des «Américains en dessous de la classe moyenne» qui achètent des «produits chinois» n'augmente pas. La cause en est la Chine! Le salaire ne peut pas augmenter. C'est parce qu'il y a des politiciens qui ont créé une société de concurrence salariale avec «les esclaves chinois et les travailleurs forcés». L'ennemi des travailleurs américains, ce sont les "produits chinois". Les partisans de Trump et de Byden devraient arrêter d'acheter des «p