
Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2019-02-28】 Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2019-02-28

February 27, 2019

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

To President Trump 2019-02-28: Governments of the world should request the Japanese government to "recover and compensate honor" of "victims of each country". There are many victims of Asians and Africans. It is "crazy" to say as a heritage of history like the Korean government's "comfort women problem".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2019-02-28: Governments of the world should request the Japanese government to "recover
and compensate honor" of "victims of each country".
There are many victims of Asians and Africans.
It is "crazy" to say as a heritage
of history like the Korean government's "comfort women problem".

Dear sirs. This case is a "humanitarian crime".
I will write the legal law below.

"International Covenant on Citizenship and Political Rights"
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Article 2 (1) (3), Article 4 (1), Article 5 (2),
Article 9 (1) (5), Article 13, Article 14 (6)
Article 15 (1), Article 16, Article 17, Article 26

The International Covenant on Civic and Political Rights (Terms of Convention B)

Japan will participate in international treaties.
And Japan will ratify it.
I will ratify it because I do not feel like protecting it.
I will ratify it by excluding clauses that are difficult to pursue.
For example,
1. Abolition of death penalty.
2. Personal reporting system etc.

OHCHR is not functioning.
Even France, which leads the world's human rights, is still "ignoring".
I will pay "respect" to Germany.
Germany "condemned" the Japanese government regarding the "execution of capital punishment"
of the "parrot incident".
I feel that the human rights of the world are led by "Germany".
The German government should solve my "a lawsuit".
If Japan is not to be "a country that governs under the law",
it will be like "Nazi Germany".
Because in Japan it is returning to militarist police and prosecutors.
Japanese policeman said, "You should admit your sin in general theory."
A Japanese prosecutor said, "You should admit your sin in general theory."

Japan already conducts "judicial administration" by "general theory".

Everyone in the international community, can I forgive such Japan?
Or do you want to say that you should settle with terrorism?

The prime minister's official residence in Japan "crushes" this fact even now.
The world should be governed under the law.
Everyone in the international community, please help me. In case

There is no Japanese in Japan who can understand the logic of this law.
So in the near future, Japan will do war with your country!

Please denounce the craziest "logic of law" of Japanese judiciary, everyone in the world.
Everyone, please take up this problem at "G20" or "UN Human Rights Council".

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians". They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished
by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand,
the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
 (a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners,
but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country, a staff member
of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
(crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
(acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code,
 (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

 Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 2019-02-28: Les gouvernements du monde devraient demander au gouvernement japonais de "récupérer et dédommager l'honneur" des "victimes de chaque pays". Il y a beaucoup de victimes d'Asiatiques et d'Africains. Il est "fou" de dire en tant qu'héritage historique comme le "problème des femmes de réconfort" du gouvernement coréen.

<Courrier public> # MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme!

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron

2019-02-28: Les gouvernements du monde devraient demander au gouvernement japonais de "récupérer et dédommager l'honneur" des "victimes de chaque pays".
Il y a beaucoup de victimes d'Asiatiques et d'Africains.
Il est "fou" de dire en tant qu'héritage historique comme le "problème des femmes de réconfort" du gouvernement coréen.

Chers Messieurs. Cette affaire est un "crime humanitaire".
Je vais écrire la loi légale ci-dessous.

"Pacte international sur la citoyenneté et les droits politiques"
Le pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques

Article 2, paragraphe 1, point 3, article 4, paragraphe 1, article 5, paragraphe 2, article 9, paragraphe 1, paragraphe 5, article 13, article 14, paragraphe 6
Article 15, paragraphe 1, article 16, article 17, article 26

Le Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques (Termes de la Convention B)

Le Japon participera aux traités internationaux.
Et le Japon va le ratifier.
Je vais le ratifier car je n'ai pas envie de le protéger.
Je vais le ratifier en excluant les clauses difficiles à appliquer.
Par exemple
1 Abolition de la peine de mort.
2 Système de rapport personnel, etc.

Le HCDH ne fonctionne pas.
Même la France, qui est au premier rang des droits de l'homme dans le monde, continue à "ignorer".
Je paierai "le respect" à l'Allemagne.
L'Allemagne a "condamné" le gouvernement japonais pour "l'exécution de la peine capitale" de "l'incident du perroquet".
Je pense que les droits de l'homme dans le monde sont menés par "l'Allemagne".
Le gouvernement allemand devrait résoudre mon "procès".
Si le Japon n'est pas "un pays qui respecte la loi", ce sera comme "l'Allemagne nazie".
Parce qu'au Japon, cela revient à la police militaire et aux procureurs.
Un policier japonais a déclaré: "Vous devriez admettre votre péché en théorie."
Un procureur japonais a déclaré: "Vous devriez admettre votre péché en théorie."

Le Japon conduit déjà "l'administration judiciaire" par "théorie générale".

Tous les membres de la communauté internationale, puis-je pardonner à un tel Japon?
Ou voulez-vous dire que vous devriez régler avec le terrorisme?

La résidence officielle du Premier ministre au Japon "écrase" ce fait, même maintenant.
Le monde devrait être régi par la loi.
Tous les membres de la communauté internationale, aidez-moi s'il vous plaît. Au cas où

Au Japon, aucun Japonais ne peut comprendre la logique de cette loi.
Donc, dans un proche avenir, le Japon fera la guerre à votre pays!

S'il vous plaît, dénoncez la "logique du droit" la plus folle du système judiciaire japonais, dans le monde entier.
Tout le monde, veuillez aborder ce problème au "G20" ou au "Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations unies".

Ce courrier envoie également le même courrier à la "résidence officielle du Premier ministre" au Japon, "LDP" et "les politiciens".
Ils n'ont toujours pas "justice" pour gouverner le Japon en vertu de la loi.
"Personnes internationales"!
Veuillez vous lever pour faire du monde une société où la liberté, la démocratie et les droits de l'homme sont protégés.

Je continuerai demain.
Je vais continuer jusqu'à ce que vous compreniez.

Dieu soutiendra toujours la 'justice'.
Je crois certainement que la justice est "gagne".

Je "fais appel" des deux choses.
C'est une violation "internationale" des droits de l'homme par le gouvernement japonais.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien pour que notre "recouvrement d'honneur et compensation" soit effectué.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un "travail illégal" autre que "la qualification de résidence". Mais un étranger est innocent.

L'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration "Péchés du travail illégal" était puni par les étrangers.
D'autre part, la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration prévoit des employeurs qui sont des "relations de cause à effet" de travail illégal au sens de l'article 73-2.
(Un crime qui a favorisé l'emploi illégal).

Cependant, le pouvoir judiciaire japonais ne "jette" que des étrangers mais ne dispose pas des employeurs.
Cela viole évidemment le "principe d'égalité devant la loi"
Et nous violons le droit international interdisant l’élimination consciente des étrangers.

Si un employeur qui a employé illégalement un étranger est innocent, un étranger qui a travaillé illégalement est innocent.
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe personne «qui ait soutenu d’autres crimes de droit pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, diplomate dans le pays philippin, membre du personnel de l'ambassade des Philippines", je suis innocent.

2 La "cause du crime" à laquelle l'accusation applique "l'article 62 du Code pénal (crime de soutien d'autres crimes)" est la suivante.
Les étrangers sont mandatés par la loi sur l'immigration 22-4-4
(Acquisition du statut de résidence par la présentation de faux documents).
Cependant, il n'y a pas de "sanction pénale" contre cela.
La décision est "annulation du statut de résidence" du "ministre de la Justice" et "retrait obligatoire vers des pays étrangers".
Par conséquent, "l'article 62 du Code pénal (crime de soutien à d'autres crimes)" ne peut pas être appliqué.

Le gouvernement japonais "écrase" les plaintes.
"Écraser" par le pouvoir de l'Etat est "l'arrêt" de "Statute of limitations".
Le matériel est en dessous.
Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.
S'il vous plaît "sauver" beaucoup de "victimes" avec "courage et justice".
Je demande au gouvernement japonais de "récupérer l'honneur" et "l'indemnisation de la victime" de la victime.

Cordialement. Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten 2019-02-28: Die Regierungen der Welt sollten die japanische Regierung auffordern, die Ehre der "Opfer jedes Landes" zurückzugewinnen und zu entschädigen. Es gibt viele Opfer von Asiaten und Afrikanern. Es ist "verrückt", als Erbe der Geschi

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten

2019-02-28: Die Regierungen der Welt sollten die japanische Regierung auffordern, die Ehre der "Opfer jedes Landes" zurückzugewinnen und zu entschädigen.
Es gibt viele Opfer von Asiaten und Afrikanern.
Es ist "verrückt", als Erbe der Geschichte zu sagen, wie das "Trostfrauenproblem" der koreanischen Regierung.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Dieser Fall ist ein "humanitäres Verbrechen".
Ich werde das Gesetz unten schreiben.

"Internationaler Pakt über Bürgerschaft und politische Rechte"
Der Internationale Pakt über bürgerliche und politische Rechte

Artikel 2 Absatz 1 Nummer 3, Artikel 4 Absatz 1, Artikel 5 Absatz 2, Artikel 9 Absatz 1 Nummer 5, Artikel 13, Artikel 14 Absatz 6
Artikel 15 Absatz 1, Artikel 16, Artikel 17, Artikel 26

Der Internationale Pakt über bürgerliche und politische Rechte (Bedingungen der Konvention B)

Japan wird an internationalen Verträgen teilnehmen.
Und Japan wird es ratifizieren.
Ich werde es ratifizieren, weil ich es nicht schütze.
Ich werde es ratifizieren, indem ich Klauseln ausschließe, die schwer zu verfolgen sind.
Zum Beispiel
1 Abschaffung der Todesstrafe.
2 Persönliches Berichtssystem usw.

OHCHR funktioniert nicht.
Sogar Frankreich, das die Menschenrechte der Welt anführt, "ignoriert" noch immer.
Ich werde Deutschland Respekt zollen.
Deutschland "verurteilte" die japanische Regierung hinsichtlich der "Hinrichtung der Todesstrafe" des "Papageienvorfalls".
Ich habe das Gefühl, dass die Menschenrechte der Welt von "Deutschland" geleitet werden.
Die Bundesregierung sollte meine "Klage" lösen.
Wenn Japan nicht "ein Land ist, das nach dem Gesetz regiert", wird es wie "Nazi-Deutschland" sein.
Weil es in Japan zu militaristischen Polizisten und Staatsanwälten zurückkehrt.
Der japanische Polizist sagte: "Sie sollten Ihre Sünde in der allgemeinen Theorie zugeben."
Ein japanischer Staatsanwalt sagte: "Sie sollten Ihre Sünde in der allgemeinen Theorie zugeben."

Japan führt bereits eine "gerichtliche Verwaltung" nach "allgemeiner Theorie" durch.

Kann jeder in der internationalen Gemeinschaft so einem Japan vergeben?
Oder möchten Sie sagen, dass Sie sich mit Terrorismus einigen sollten?

Der offizielle Wohnsitz des Premierministers in Japan "zerquetscht" diese Tatsache bereits jetzt.
Die Welt sollte gesetzlich geregelt sein.
Jeder in der internationalen Gemeinschaft, bitte helfen Sie mir. Für den Fall

Es gibt keinen Japaner in Japan, der die Logik dieses Gesetzes verstehen kann.
Also wird Japan in naher Zukunft Krieg mit Ihrem Land führen!

Bitte verurteilen Sie die verrückteste "Logik des Gesetzes" der japanischen Justiz, jeden auf der Welt.
Alle, bitte nehmen Sie dieses Problem auf "G20" oder "UN Human Rights Council".

Diese E-Mail sendet dieselbe E-Mail auch an die "Amtssitz des Premierministers" in Japan, an "LDP" und an "Politiker".
Sie haben immer noch keine "Gerechtigkeit", um Japan unter dem Gesetz zu regieren.
"Internationale Leute"!
Bitte stellen Sie sich auf, um die Welt zu einer Gesellschaft zu machen, in der Freiheit, Demokratie und Menschenrechte geschützt werden.

Ich werde morgen weitermachen.
Ich werde weitermachen, bis du verstanden hast.

Gott wird immer 'Gerechtigkeit' unterstützen.
Ich glaube fest daran, dass Gerechtigkeit "gewinnt".

Ich "appelliere" an die beiden Dinge.
Es ist eine "internationale" Menschenrechtsverletzung durch die japanische Regierung.
Wir bitten um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere "Ehreerhebung und Entschädigung" erfolgt.

1 Ausländer führten "illegale Arbeit" außer "Aufenthaltsgenehmigung" durch. Aber ein Ausländer ist unschuldig.

Nur Ausländer wurden durch Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes "Sünden illegaler Arbeit" bestraft.
Andererseits fordert das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz Arbeitgeber auf, die nach Artikel 73-2 "Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen" illegaler Arbeit sind
(Ein Verbrechen, das illegale Beschäftigung förderte).

Die japanische Justiz "entsorgt" jedoch nur Ausländer, verfügt jedoch nicht über Arbeitgeber.
Dies verstößt offensichtlich gegen den "Grundsatz der Gleichheit unter dem Gesetz".
Und wir verstoßen gegen das Völkerrecht, das die bewusste Entsorgung nur von Ausländern verbietet.

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der einen Ausländer illegal beschäftigt hat, unschuldig ist, ist ein Ausländer, der illegal gearbeitet hat, unschuldig.
Wenn ja, gibt es niemanden, "der andere strafrechtliche Verbrechen unterstützt hat" gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes.
"Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat im philippinischen Land, ein Mitarbeiter der philippinischen Botschaft" ist unschuldig.

2 Der "Grund für ein Verbrechen", auf das die Staatsanwaltschaft Anwendung findet "Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuches (Verbrechen der Unterstützung anderer Straftaten)" lautet wie folgt.
Ausländer werden mit dem Immigration Act 22-4-4 betraut
(Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente).
Dagegen gibt es keine "strafrechtliche Bestrafung".
Disposition ist "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" durch "Justizminister" und "obligatorischer Rückzug in ein anderes Land".
Daher kann "Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs (Verbrechen der Unterstützung anderer Straftaten)" nicht angewandt werden.

Die japanische Regierung "zermalmt" Beschwerden.
"Crush" durch staatliche Gewalt ist "Stop" der "Verjährung".
Das Material ist unten.
Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.
Bitte "retten" Sie viele "Opfer" mit "Mut und Gerechtigkeit".
Ich fordere die japanische Regierung auf, "Ehre zu erlangen" und "Entschädigung für das Opfer" des Opfers.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-02-28: Governments of the world should request the Japanese government to "recover and compensate honor" of "victims of each country". There are many victims of Asians and Africans. It is "crazy" to say as a heritage of history like the Korean government's "comfort women problem".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2019-02-28: Governments of the world should request the Japanese government to "recover
and compensate honor" of "victims of each country".
There are many victims of Asians and Africans.
It is "crazy" to say as a heritage
of history like the Korean government's "comfort women problem".

Dear sirs. This case is a "humanitarian crime".
I will write the legal law below.

"International Covenant on Citizenship and Political Rights"
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Article 2 (1) (3), Article 4 (1), Article 5 (2),
Article 9 (1) (5), Article 13, Article 14 (6)
Article 15 (1), Article 16, Article 17, Article 26

The International Covenant on Civic and Political Rights (Terms of Convention B)

Japan will participate in international treaties.
And Japan will ratify it.
I will ratify it because I do not feel like protecting it.
I will ratify it by excluding clauses that are difficult to pursue.
For example,
1. Abolition of death penalty.
2. Personal reporting system etc.

OHCHR is not functioning.
Even France, which leads the world's human rights, is still "ignoring".
I will pay "respect" to Germany.
Germany "condemned" the Japanese government regarding the "execution of capital punishment"
of the "parrot incident".
I feel that the human rights of the world are led by "Germany".
The German government should solve my "a lawsuit".
If Japan is not to be "a country that governs under the law",
it will be like "Nazi Germany".
Because in Japan it is returning to militarist police and prosecutors.
Japanese policeman said, "You should admit your sin in general theory."
A Japanese prosecutor said, "You should admit your sin in general theory."

Japan already conducts "judicial administration" by "general theory".

Everyone in the international community, can I forgive such Japan?
Or do you want to say that you should settle with terrorism?

The prime minister's official residence in Japan "crushes" this fact even now.
The world should be governed under the law.
Everyone in the international community, please help me. In case

There is no Japanese in Japan who can understand the logic of this law.
So in the near future, Japan will do war with your country!

Please denounce the craziest "logic of law" of Japanese judiciary, everyone in the world.
Everyone, please take up this problem at "G20" or "UN Human Rights Council".

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians". They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished
by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand,
the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
 (a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners,
but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country, a staff member
of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
(crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
(acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code,
 (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone at the media 2019-02-28: Governments of the world should request the Japanese government to "recover and compensate honor" of "victims of each country". There are many victims of Asians and Africans. It is "crazy" to say as a heritage of history like the Korean government's "comfort women problem".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To everyone at the media

2019-02-28: Governments of the world should request the Japanese government to "recover
and compensate honor" of "victims of each country".
There are many victims of Asians and Africans.
It is "crazy" to say as a heritage
of history like the Korean government's "comfort women problem".

Dear sirs. This case is a "humanitarian crime".
I will write the legal law below.

"International Covenant on Citizenship and Political Rights"
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Article 2 (1) (3), Article 4 (1), Article 5 (2),
Article 9 (1) (5), Article 13, Article 14 (6)
Article 15 (1), Article 16, Article 17, Article 26

The International Covenant on Civic and Political Rights (Terms of Convention B)

Japan will participate in international treaties.
And Japan will ratify it.
I will ratify it because I do not feel like protecting it.
I will ratify it by excluding clauses that are difficult to pursue.
For example,
1. Abolition of death penalty.
2. Personal reporting system etc.

OHCHR is not functioning.
Even France, which leads the world's human rights, is still "ignoring".
I will pay "respect" to Germany.
Germany "condemned" the Japanese government regarding the "execution of capital punishment"
of the "parrot incident".
I feel that the human rights of the world are led by "Germany".
The German government should solve my "a lawsuit".
If Japan is not to be "a country that governs under the law",
it will be like "Nazi Germany".
Because in Japan it is returning to militarist police and prosecutors.
Japanese policeman said, "You should admit your sin in general theory."
A Japanese prosecutor said, "You should admit your sin in general theory."

Japan already conducts "judicial administration" by "general theory".

Everyone in the international community, can I forgive such Japan?
Or do you want to say that you should settle with terrorism?

The prime minister's official residence in Japan "crushes" this fact even now.
The world should be governed under the law.
Everyone in the international community, please help me. In case

There is no Japanese in Japan who can understand the logic of this law.
So in the near future, Japan will do war with your country!

Please denounce the craziest "logic of law" of Japanese judiciary, everyone in the world.
Everyone, please take up this problem at "G20" or "UN Human Rights Council".

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians". They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished
by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand,
the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
 (a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners,
but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country, a staff member
of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
(crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
(acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code,
 (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2019-02-27】 Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2019-02-27

February 26, 2019

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2019-02-27: The Korean government should ask the Japanese government "recovery and compensation of honor" of "Korean victims". I think that there are many Korean victims. It is "crazy" to say as a legacy of history like "comfort women problem".

Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency

Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.
This mail is sending every day to the world media,
the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc.

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

2019-02-27: The Korean government should ask the Japanese government "recovery
and compensation of honor" of "Korean victims".
I think that there are many Korean victims.
It is "crazy" to say as a legacy of history like "comfort women problem".

Dear sirs. Crime against us in 2010.
Crime against the Philippines in 2014 - 2015.
I think there are many other things.
Judicial officials in Japan have illegal judicial administration.

Contrary to international law, only foreigners who work illegally are being "sentenced to labor".
The prosecution conducts "replacing" "wondering" with Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act,
for reasons of support under Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
Then, applying "crime of support" of Article 60, Article 62 of the Penal Code,
to "the sentence of labor".
This is a "crazy crime".

Because it is a serious human rights violation of International Law violation,
please respond promptly.

The prosecution shall not apply Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act "a crime
that promotes illegal employment" to "Employer".

The reason is that the business operator says, "I did not know such a law".
In Japan, if you say "I did not know the law" like this, you can not be a criminal.

Even if you do homicide, you do not seem to be a murderer
if you say "I did not know the" crime of murder ".
It's too crazy.

However, the Diet added the law that, in the revision of July 2010,
"Reasons that" I did not know such a law "are not admitted.
After the "three years grace period", the law was "enforced".

It is also proved in the case of the Philippine Embassy in 2014 - 2015 when three years passed.
"Business operators" who illegally employ foreigners are not disposed of,
and only foreigners who work illegally are "criminalized" in "arbitrary".

Japan says it is "governed under the law" internationally,
but the actual situation is as described above.
The law is "decoration"
I will prove it at any time.

Everyone in the international community, can I forgive such Japan?
Or do you want to say "should we solve" by terrorism?

The prime minister's official residence in Japan "crushes" this fact even now.
The world should be governed under the law.
Everyone in the international community, please help me. In case

There is no Japanese in Japan who can understand the logic of this law.
So in the near future, Japan will do war with your country!

Please denounce the craziest "logic of law" of Japanese judiciary, everyone in the world.
Everyone, please take up this problem at "G20" or "UN Human Rights Council".

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians". They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
 (a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners, but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country,
a staff member of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
 (crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
 (acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code, (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to His Excellency Lee Young Ho ***************************************** *

Please request from the Pyongyang government to the Japanese government.
"The Japanese government should" resolve "the incident of abduction of foreigners" incident.
There are many "victims" of "Koreans" who are "the same ethnic group".
On behalf of "people of Korea" please protest the Japanese government!

I also send the contents of the same to President Donald Trump of the White House.
President Donald Trump sometimes has encouragement reply.
For example, it is a reply like the following. The contents are different every time.

The White House, Washington
November 16, 2018
  In case

There is no greater honor than serving as President of the United States. I especially enjoy hearing from the American people, and I appreciate you emailing your thoughts and suggestions.

"Babe" Ruth, Jr., Elvis Presley, Alan Page, Senator Orrin (Raber Staubach, Justice Antonin Scalia, George Herman) Hatch, and Miriam Adelson. Each of these extraordinary individuals has made an indelible mark on American history through their outstanding achievements and endeavors.

I encourage you to watch today's ceremony honoring these outstanding Americans.

My staff is closely reviewing your correspondence to ensure that your views, questions, questions, questions, questions, and concerns are addressed.


Donald Trump

The White House, Washington
October 28, 2018
  In case

Thank you for your email. My staff is closely reviewing your correspondence to ensure your views, questions, questions, questions, questions, and concerns are addressed.

As my administration continues to fight the drug and opioid crisis on all fronts, I encourage Americans to participate in National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Saturday, October 27, 2018. Take Back Day is in an opportunity for individuals to safely dispose of expired or unused prescription drugs at one of any of the thousands of drop-off sites.

Ninety percent of these accidental fatalities are due to drug overdose, and the majority of drug poisoning deaths are opioid-related -A problem that most frequently originates inside the family medicine cabinet.

During a hands of prescription drugs for disposal at more than 5,800 collection sites: sufficient pills to fill three Boeing 757 airplanes. We must continue to ensure that these drugs do not end up in the hands of our most vulnerable.

Together, we will defeat this epidemic as one people, one family, and one magnificent Nation under God.


Donald Trump

From the staff of the White House, I receive a reply every day

November 19, 2018

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.


The Office of Presidential Correspondence

I am waiting for a reply from the North Korean government.

My information *********************************************** ****

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

************************************************** ******************

To President Trump 2019-02-27: The Korean government should ask the Japanese government "recovery and compensation of honor" of "Korean victims". I think that there are many Korean victims. It is "crazy" to say as a legacy of history like "comfort women problem"

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2019-02-27: The Korean government should ask the Japanese government "recovery
and compensation of honor" of "Korean victims".
I think that there are many Korean victims.
It is "crazy" to say as a legacy of history like "comfort women problem".

Dear sirs. Crime against us in 2010.
Crime against the Philippines in 2014 - 2015.
I think there are many other things.
Judicial officials in Japan have illegal judicial administration.

Contrary to international law, only foreigners who work illegally are being "sentenced to labor".
The prosecution conducts "replacing" "wondering" with Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act,
for reasons of support under Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
Then, applying "crime of support" of Article 60, Article 62 of the Penal Code,
to "the sentence of labor".
This is a "crazy crime".

Because it is a serious human rights violation of International Law violation,
please respond promptly.

The prosecution shall not apply Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act "a crime
that promotes illegal employment" to "Employer".

The reason is that the business operator says, "I did not know such a law".
In Japan, if you say "I did not know the law" like this, you can not be a criminal.

Even if you do homicide, you do not seem to be a murderer
if you say "I did not know the" crime of murder ".
It's too crazy.

However, the Diet added the law that, in the revision of July 2010,
"Reasons that" I did not know such a law "are not admitted.
After the "three years grace period", the law was "enforced".

It is also proved in the case of the Philippine Embassy in 2014 - 2015 when three years passed.
"Business operators" who illegally employ foreigners are not disposed of,
and only foreigners who work illegally are "criminalized" in "arbitrary".

Japan says it is "governed under the law" internationally,
but the actual situation is as described above.
The law is "decoration"
I will prove it at any time.

Everyone in the international community, can I forgive such Japan?
Or do you want to say "should we solve" by terrorism?

The prime minister's official residence in Japan "crushes" this fact even now.
The world should be governed under the law.
Everyone in the international community, please help me. In case

There is no Japanese in Japan who can understand the logic of this law.
So in the near future, Japan will do war with your country!

Please denounce the craziest "logic of law" of Japanese judiciary, everyone in the world.
Everyone, please take up this problem at "G20" or "UN Human Rights Council".

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians". They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
 (a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners, but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country,
a staff member of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
 (crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
 (acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code, (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 2019-02-27: Le gouvernement coréen devrait demander au gouvernement japonais le "rétablissement et le dédommagement de l'honneur" des "victimes coréennes". Je pense qu'il y a beaucoup de victimes coréennes. Il est "fou" de dire comme un héritage d'histoire comme "le problème des femmes de confort".

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme!

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron

2019-02-27: Le gouvernement coréen devrait demander au gouvernement japonais le "rétablissement et le dédommagement de l'honneur" des "victimes coréennes".
Je pense qu'il y a beaucoup de victimes coréennes.
Il est "fou" de dire comme un héritage d'histoire comme "le problème des femmes de confort".

Chers Messieurs. Crime contre nous en 2010.
Crime contre les Philippines en 2014 - 2015. Je pense qu'il y a beaucoup d'autres choses.
Les autorités judiciaires japonaises ont une administration judiciaire illégale.

Contrairement au droit international, seuls les étrangers qui travaillent illégalement sont "condamnés à travailler".
L’accusation remplace "" je me pose des questions "par" l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration ", pour des raisons justifiant son soutien en vertu de l’article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l’immigration.
Ensuite, l'application du "crime de soutien" de l'article 60, article 62 du Code pénal, à "la peine de travail".
C'est un "crime fou".

Parce que c'est une violation grave des droits de l'homme du droit international, veuillez répondre rapidement.

La poursuite n’appliquera pas l’article 73-2 de la loi sur l’immigration «crime favorisant l’emploi illégal» à «employeur».

La raison en est que l'exploitant dit "je ne connaissais pas une telle loi".
Au Japon, si vous dites "je ne connaissais pas la loi" comme cela, vous ne pouvez pas être un criminel.

Même si vous faites un homicide, vous ne semblez pas être un meurtrier si vous dites: "Je ne connaissais pas le" crime de meurtre ".
C'est trop fou.

Cependant, l'Assemblée nationale a révisé en juillet 2010,
"Nous n'admettons pas la raison" Je ne connaissais pas une telle loi "a été ajoutée.
Après le "délai de grâce de trois ans", la loi a été "appliquée".

Cela a également été prouvé dans le cas de l'ambassade des Philippines en 2014-2015, trois ans plus tard.
Les "entreprises" qui emploient illégalement des étrangers ne sont pas éliminées,
Seuls les étrangers qui travaillent illégalement sont "criminalisés" par "arbitraires".

Le Japon dit qu'il est "régi par la loi" au niveau international, mais la situation actuelle est telle que décrite ci-dessus.
La loi est "décoration"
Je vais le prouver à tout moment.

Tous les membres de la communauté internationale, puis-je pardonner à un tel Japon?
Ou voulez-vous dire "devrions-nous résoudre" par le terrorisme?

La résidence officielle du Premier ministre au Japon "écrase" ce fait, même maintenant.
Le monde devrait être régi par la loi.
Tous les membres de la communauté internationale, aidez-moi s'il vous plaît. Au cas où

Au Japon, aucun Japonais ne peut comprendre la logique de cette loi.
Donc, dans un proche avenir, le Japon fera la guerre à votre pays!

S'il vous plaît, dénoncez la "logique du droit" la plus folle du système judiciaire japonais, dans le monde entier.
Tout le monde, veuillez aborder ce problème au "G20" ou au "Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations unies".

Ce courrier envoie également le même courrier à la "résidence officielle du Premier ministre" au Japon, "LDP" et "les politiciens".
Ils n'ont toujours pas "justice" pour gouverner le Japon en vertu de la loi.
"Personnes internationales"!
Veuillez vous lever pour faire du monde une société où la liberté, la démocratie et les droits de l'homme sont protégés.

Je continuerai demain.
Je vais continuer jusqu'à ce que vous compreniez.

Dieu soutiendra toujours la 'justice'.
Je crois certainement que la justice est "gagne".

Je "fais appel" des deux choses.
C'est une violation "internationale" des droits de l'homme par le gouvernement japonais.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien pour que notre "recouvrement d'honneur et compensation" soit effectué.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un "travail illégal" autre que "la qualification de résidence".
Mais un étranger est innocent.

L'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration "Péchés du travail illégal" était puni par les étrangers.
D'autre part, la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration prévoit des employeurs qui sont des "relations de cause à effet" de travail illégal au sens de l'article 73-2.
(Un crime qui a favorisé l'emploi illégal).

Cependant, le pouvoir judiciaire japonais ne "jette" que des étrangers mais ne dispose pas des employeurs.
Cela viole évidemment le "principe d'égalité devant la loi"
Et nous violons le droit international interdisant l’élimination consciente des étrangers.

Si un employeur qui a employé illégalement un étranger est innocent, un étranger qui a travaillé illégalement est innocent.
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe personne «qui ait soutenu d’autres crimes de droit pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, diplomate dans le pays philippin, membre du personnel de l'ambassade des Philippines", je suis innocent.

2 La "cause du crime" à laquelle l'accusation applique "l'article 62 du Code pénal (crime de soutien d'autres crimes)" est la suivante.
Les étrangers sont mandatés par la loi sur l'immigration 22-4-4
(Acquisition du statut de résidence par la présentation de faux documents).
Cependant, il n'y a pas de "sanction pénale" contre cela.
La décision est "annulation du statut de résidence" du "ministre de la Justice" et "retrait obligatoire vers des pays étrangers".
Par conséquent, "l'article 62 du Code pénal (crime de soutien à d'autres crimes)" ne peut pas être appliqué.

Le gouvernement japonais "écrase" les plaintes.
"Écraser" par le pouvoir de l'Etat est "l'arrêt" de "Statute of limitations".

Le matériel est en dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.
S'il vous plaît "sauver" beaucoup de "victimes" avec "courage et justice".
Je demande au gouvernement japonais de "récupérer l'honneur" et "l'indemnisation de la victime" de la victime.

Cordialement. Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten 2019-02-27: Die koreanische Regierung sollte die japanische Regierung "Erholung und Entschädigung der Ehre" von "koreanischen Opfern" fordern. Ich denke, dass es viele koreanische Opfer gibt. Es ist "verrückt", als Erbe der Geschichte wie "Trostfrauenproblem" zu sagen.

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten

2019-02-27: Die koreanische Regierung sollte die japanische Regierung "Erholung und Entschädigung der Ehre" von "koreanischen Opfern" fordern.
Ich denke, dass es viele koreanische Opfer gibt.
Es ist "verrückt", als Erbe der Geschichte wie "Trostfrauenproblem" zu sagen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Verbrechen gegen uns im Jahr 2010.
Verbrechen gegen die Philippinen im Jahr 2014 - 2015. Ich denke es gibt noch viele andere Dinge.
Justizbeamte in Japan haben eine illegale Justizverwaltung.

Im Gegensatz zum Völkerrecht werden nur Ausländer, die illegal arbeiten, "zur Arbeit verurteilt".
Die Staatsanwaltschaft führt aus Gründen der Unterstützung gemäß Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes "Erstaunen" durch Artikel 70 des Immigration Control Act aus.
Dann Anwendung von "Verbrechen der Unterstützung" in Artikel 60, Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuches auf "Arbeitsstrafe".
Dies ist ein "verrücktes Verbrechen".

Da es sich um eine schwerwiegende Verletzung der Menschenrechte gegen das Völkerrecht handelt, reagieren Sie bitte unverzüglich.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft wendet Artikel 73-2 des Einwanderungsgesetzes "ein Verbrechen, das illegale Beschäftigung fördert" auf "Arbeitgeber" nicht an.

Der Grund ist, dass der Unternehmer sagt: "Ich kannte ein solches Gesetz nicht".
Wenn Sie in Japan sagen: "Ich kannte das Gesetz nicht", können Sie nicht kriminell sein.

Selbst wenn Sie töten, scheinen Sie kein Mörder zu sein, wenn Sie sagen: "Ich habe das" Verbrechen des Mordes "nicht gekannt.
Es ist zu verrückt.

Die im Juli 2010 überarbeitete Nationalversammlung
"Wir geben nicht den Grund an, dass" ein solches Gesetz nicht gekannt wurde "hinzugefügt wurde.
Nach der "dreijährigen Frist" wurde das Gesetz "durchgesetzt".

Dies gilt auch für die philippinische Botschaft in den Jahren 2014 - 2015, als drei Jahre vergangen sind.
"Unternehmen", die illegal Ausländer beschäftigten, werden nicht entsorgt,
Nur Ausländer, die illegal arbeiten, werden in "willkürlich" "kriminalisiert".

Japan sagt, es sei international "gesetzlich geregelt", aber die tatsächliche Situation ist wie oben beschrieben.
Das Gesetz ist "Dekoration"
Ich werde es jederzeit beweisen.

Kann jeder in der internationalen Gemeinschaft so einem Japan vergeben?
Oder möchten Sie sagen, "sollten wir durch Terrorismus lösen"?

Der offizielle Wohnsitz des Premierministers in Japan "zerquetscht" diese Tatsache bereits jetzt.
Die Welt sollte gesetzlich geregelt sein.
Jeder in der internationalen Gemeinschaft, bitte helfen Sie mir. Für den Fall

Es gibt keinen Japaner in Japan, der die Logik dieses Gesetzes verstehen kann.
Also wird Japan in naher Zukunft Krieg mit Ihrem Land führen!

Bitte verurteilen Sie die verrückteste "Logik des Gesetzes" der japanischen Justiz, jeden auf der Welt.
Alle, bitte nehmen Sie dieses Problem auf "G20" oder "UN Human Rights Council".

Diese E-Mail sendet dieselbe E-Mail auch an die "Amtssitz des Premierministers" in Japan, an "LDP" und an "Politiker".
Sie haben immer noch keine "Gerechtigkeit", um Japan unter dem Gesetz zu regieren.
"Internationale Leute"!
Bitte stellen Sie sich auf, um die Welt zu einer Gesellschaft zu machen, in der Freiheit, Demokratie und Menschenrechte geschützt werden.

Ich werde morgen weitermachen.
Ich werde weitermachen, bis du verstanden hast.

Gott wird immer 'Gerechtigkeit' unterstützen.
Ich glaube fest daran, dass Gerechtigkeit "gewinnt".

Ich "appelliere" an die beiden Dinge.
Es ist eine "internationale" Menschenrechtsverletzung durch die japanische Regierung.
Wir bitten um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere "Ehreerhebung und Entschädigung" erfolgt.

1 Ausländer führten "illegale Arbeit" außer "Aufenthaltsgenehmigung" durch.
Aber ein Ausländer ist unschuldig.

Nur Ausländer wurden durch Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes "Sünden illegaler Arbeit" bestraft.
Andererseits fordert das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz Arbeitgeber auf, die nach Artikel 73-2 "Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen" illegaler Arbeit sind
(Ein Verbrechen, das illegale Beschäftigung förderte).

Die japanische Justiz "entsorgt" jedoch nur Ausländer, verfügt jedoch nicht über Arbeitgeber.
Dies verstößt offensichtlich gegen den "Grundsatz der Gleichheit unter dem Gesetz".
Und wir verstoßen gegen das Völkerrecht, das die bewusste Entsorgung nur von Ausländern verbietet.

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der einen Ausländer illegal beschäftigt hat, unschuldig ist, ist ein Ausländer, der illegal gearbeitet hat, unschuldig.
Wenn ja, gibt es niemanden, "der andere strafrechtliche Verbrechen unterstützt hat" gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes.
"Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat im philippinischen Land, ein Mitarbeiter der philippinischen Botschaft" ist unschuldig.

2 Der "Grund für ein Verbrechen", auf das die Staatsanwaltschaft Anwendung findet "Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuches (Verbrechen der Unterstützung anderer Straftaten)" lautet wie folgt.
Ausländer werden mit dem Immigration Act 22-4-4 betraut
(Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente).
Dagegen gibt es keine "strafrechtliche Bestrafung".
Disposition ist "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" durch "Justizminister" und "obligatorischer Rückzug in ein anderes Land".
Daher kann "Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs (Verbrechen der Unterstützung anderer Straftaten)" nicht angewandt werden.

Die japanische Regierung "zermalmt" Beschwerden.
"Crush" durch staatliche Gewalt ist "Stop" der "Verjährung".

Das Material ist unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.
Bitte "retten" Sie viele "Opfer" mit "Mut und Gerechtigkeit".
Ich fordere die japanische Regierung auf, "Ehre zu erlangen" und "Entschädigung für das Opfer" des Opfers.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.

Postleitzahl 261-0003
Nationalität Japan
Adresse Mihamaku Chiba-City Japan
Name Yasuhiro Nagano (Yasuhiro Nagano)
Mobiltelefon 090-4824-7899
E-Mail nagano@miraico.jp nagano_ mirai@yahoo.co.jp

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To everyone at the media 2019-02-27: The Korean government should ask the Japanese government "recovery and compensation of honor" of "Korean victims". I think that there are many Korean victims. It is "crazy" to say as a legacy of history like "comfort women problem".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To everyone at the media

2019-02-27: The Korean government should ask the Japanese government "recovery
and compensation of honor" of "Korean victims".
I think that there are many Korean victims.
It is "crazy" to say as a legacy of history like "comfort women problem".

Dear sirs. Crime against us in 2010.
Crime against the Philippines in 2014 - 2015.
I think there are many other things.
Judicial officials in Japan have illegal judicial administration.

Contrary to international law, only foreigners who work illegally are being "sentenced to labor".
The prosecution conducts "replacing" "wondering" with Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act,
for reasons of support under Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
Then, applying "crime of support" of Article 60, Article 62 of the Penal Code,
to "the sentence of labor".
This is a "crazy crime".

Because it is a serious human rights violation of International Law violation,
please respond promptly.

The prosecution shall not apply Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act "a crime
that promotes illegal employment" to "Employer".

The reason is that the business operator says, "I did not know such a law".
In Japan, if you say "I did not know the law" like this, you can not be a criminal.

Even if you do homicide, you do not seem to be a murderer
if you say "I did not know the" crime of murder ".
It's too crazy.

However, the Diet added the law that, in the revision of July 2010,
"Reasons that" I did not know such a law "are not admitted.
After the "three years grace period", the law was "enforced".

It is also proved in the case of the Philippine Embassy in 2014 - 2015 when three years passed.
"Business operators" who illegally employ foreigners are not disposed of,
and only foreigners who work illegally are "criminalized" in "arbitrary".

Japan says it is "governed under the law" internationally,
but the actual situation is as described above.
The law is "decoration"
I will prove it at any time.

Everyone in the international community, can I forgive such Japan?
Or do you want to say "should we solve" by terrorism?

The prime minister's official residence in Japan "crushes" this fact even now.
The world should be governed under the law.
Everyone in the international community, please help me. In case

There is no Japanese in Japan who can understand the logic of this law.
So in the near future, Japan will do war with your country!

Please denounce the craziest "logic of law" of Japanese judiciary, everyone in the world.
Everyone, please take up this problem at "G20" or "UN Human Rights Council".

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians". They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
 (a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners, but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes of criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country,
a staff member of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
 (crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
 (acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code, (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2019-02-26】 Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2019-02-26

February 25, 2019

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2019-02-26: The Government of the Philippines should request the Government of Japan for the "recovery and compensation of honor" of "Philippine victims". There are many victims of the Philippines. It is "crazy" to say as a heritage of history like the Korean government's "comfort women problem".

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency

Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.
This mail is sending every day to the world media,
the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc.

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

2019-02-26: The Government of the Philippines should request the Government of Japan
for the "recovery and compensation of honor" of "Philippine victims".
There are many victims of the Philippines.
It is "crazy" to say as a heritage of history like the Korean government's "comfort women problem".

Dear sirs. In the year 2010, the Japanese judiciary had two crimes
of violation of the Immigration Control Act of China (labor other than the status of residence).
1. "Illegal labor" is not "established" only by foreigners.
Because there is an "employer" who illegally hires foreigners, it becomes "illegal labor".
So the immigration law punishes both equally.
Foreigners punish under Article 70 of Immigration Control Act.
Employers will be punished under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.
However, Japan's judiciary ignoring international law punishes only foreigners
under Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
This is clearly an international law violation.
It is "a terrible crime" than the "abduction of Japanese" by the North Korean government.
If "employer" is "not guilty",
"foreigner" is also "not acquitted."
The North Korean government should "pursue" the "Government of Japan arbitrarily abducting
and detaining foreigners" in the United Nations.

2. In the above, Japanese judiciary did more "villainous crime".
Japan "disguised" the international community.
"Japan is doing equal judicial administration under the law" is doing "disguise".
Foreigners who did labor outside the status of qualification were sentenced to "labor punishment"
under Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
However, the prosecutors do not want to dispose of "employers"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
Then, "suddenly" pointed out "support of Article 22-4-4
of Immigration Control Act" and applied "Criminal Code Articles 60
and 62" to "Immigration Act 70 Article".
In the first place, there is no "cause-and-effect relationship" between "support
of Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act" and "Immigration Act Article 70".
Japan's judiciary lied "causally" in "arbitrary".

Ignoring my argument, Japan's judiciary commits the same crime.
The same incident occurred in 2014, 2015.
A driver related to the Philippine Embassy worked in a landscaping shop.
The driver was arrested under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act
 (activities outside the status of qualification).
Landscaping that employed a driver was innocent.
"Embassy officials and diplomats in the Philippines" were arrested.
The reason is that they gave the driver "documents of contract of false hiring employment".
Prosecutors punished 60, 62 of the criminal law against the violation
of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act of the driver.
It is illegal punishment for violation of applicable law.
This is exactly the same as my case that occurred in 2010.

Besides this, I think that there are many victims.
The reason for this is that the Chinese government
and the Philippine government do not understand international law or Japanese law.
With this, the Chinese government and the Philippine government can not protect their citizens.
The Chinese government and the Philippine government should "pursue" the Japanese government
in response to "support" from "UN legislative experts".

Everyone in the international community, can I forgive such Japan?
Or do you want to say "should we solve" by terrorism?

The prime minister's official residence in Japan "crushes" this fact even now.
The world should be governed under the law.
Everyone in the international community, please help me. In case

There is no Japanese in Japan who can understand the logic of this law.
So in the near future, Japan will do war with your country!

Please denounce the craziest "logic of law" of Japanese judiciary, everyone in the world.
Everyone, please take up this problem at "G20" or "UN Human Rights Council".

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians".
They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand,
the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
(a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners,
but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes
of criminal law" against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country, a staff member
of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
(crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
 (acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code,
 (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to His Excellency Lee Young Ho ***************************************** *

Please request from the Pyongyang government to the Japanese government.
"The Japanese government should" resolve "the incident of abduction of foreigners" incident.
There are many "victims" of "Koreans" who are "the same ethnic group".
On behalf of "people of Korea" please protest the Japanese government!

I also send the contents of the same to President Donald Trump of the White House.
President Donald Trump sometimes has encouragement reply.
For example, it is a reply like the following. The contents are different every time.

The White House, Washington
November 16, 2018
  In case

There is no greater honor than serving as President of the United States. I especially enjoy hearing from the American people, and I appreciate you emailing your thoughts and suggestions.

"Babe" Ruth, Jr., Elvis Presley, Alan Page, Senator Orrin (Raber Staubach, Justice Antonin Scalia, George Herman) Hatch, and Miriam Adelson. Each of these extraordinary individuals has made an indelible mark on American history through their outstanding achievements and endeavors.

I encourage you to watch today's ceremony honoring these outstanding Americans.

My staff is closely reviewing your correspondence to ensure that your views, questions, questions, questions, questions, and concerns are addressed.


Donald Trump

The White House, Washington
October 28, 2018
  In case

Thank you for your email. My staff is closely reviewing your correspondence to ensure your views, questions, questions, questions, questions, and concerns are addressed.

As my administration continues to fight the drug and opioid crisis on all fronts, I encourage Americans to participate in National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Saturday, October 27, 2018. Take Back Day is in an opportunity for individuals to safely dispose of expired or unused prescription drugs at one of any of the thousands of drop-off sites.

Ninety percent of these accidental fatalities are due to drug overdose, and the majority of drug poisoning deaths are opioid-related -A problem that most frequently originates inside the family medicine cabinet.

During a hands of prescription drugs for disposal at more than 5,800 collection sites: sufficient pills to fill three Boeing 757 airplanes. We must continue to ensure that these drugs do not end up in the hands of our most vulnerable.

Together, we will defeat this epidemic as one people, one family, and one magnificent Nation under God.


Donald Trump

From the staff of the White House, I receive a reply every day

November 19, 2018

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.


The Office of Presidential Correspondence

I am waiting for a reply from the North Korean government.

My information *********************************************** ****

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

************************************************** ******************

To President Trump 2019-02-26: The Government of the Philippines should request the Government of Japan for the "recovery and compensation of honor" of "Philippine victims". There are many victims of the Philippines. It is "crazy" to say as a heritage of history like the Korean government's "comfort women problem".

To President Trump

2019-02-26: The Government of the Philippines should request the Government of Japan
for the "recovery and compensation of honor" of "Philippine victims".
There are many victims of the Philippines.
It is "crazy" to say as a heritage of history like the Korean government's "comfort women problem".

Dear sirs. In the year 2010, the Japanese judiciary had two crimes
of violation of the Immigration Control Act of China (labor other than the status of residence).
1. "Illegal labor" is not "established" only by foreigners.
Because there is an "employer" who illegally hires foreigners, it becomes "illegal labor".
So the immigration law punishes both equally.
Foreigners punish under Article 70 of Immigration Control Act.
Employers will be punished under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.
However, Japan's judiciary ignoring international law punishes only foreigners
under Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
This is clearly an international law violation.
It is "a terrible crime" than the "abduction of Japanese" by the North Korean government.
If "employer" is "not guilty",
"foreigner" is also "not acquitted."
The North Korean government should "pursue" the "Government of Japan arbitrarily abducting
and detaining foreigners" in the United Nations.

2. In the above, Japanese judiciary did more "villainous crime".
Japan "disguised" the international community.
"Japan is doing equal judicial administration under the law" is doing "disguise".
Foreigners who did labor outside the status of qualification were sentenced to "labor punishment"
under Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
However, the prosecutors do not want to dispose of "employers"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
Then, "suddenly" pointed out "support of Article 22-4-4
of Immigration Control Act" and applied "Criminal Code Articles 60
and 62" to "Immigration Act 70 Article".
In the first place, there is no "cause-and-effect relationship" between "support
of Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act" and "Immigration Act Article 70".
Japan's judiciary lied "causally" in "arbitrary".

Ignoring my argument, Japan's judiciary commits the same crime.
The same incident occurred in 2014, 2015.
A driver related to the Philippine Embassy worked in a landscaping shop.
The driver was arrested under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act
 (activities outside the status of qualification).
Landscaping that employed a driver was innocent.
"Embassy officials and diplomats in the Philippines" were arrested.
The reason is that they gave the driver "documents of contract of false hiring employment".
Prosecutors punished 60, 62 of the criminal law against the violation
of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act of the driver.
It is illegal punishment for violation of applicable law.
This is exactly the same as my case that occurred in 2010.

Besides this, I think that there are many victims.
The reason for this is that the Chinese government
and the Philippine government do not understand international law or Japanese law.
With this, the Chinese government and the Philippine government can not protect their citizens.
The Chinese government and the Philippine government should "pursue" the Japanese government
in response to "support" from "UN legislative experts".

Everyone in the international community, can I forgive such Japan?
Or do you want to say "should we solve" by terrorism?

The prime minister's official residence in Japan "crushes" this fact even now.
The world should be governed under the law.
Everyone in the international community, please help me. In case

There is no Japanese in Japan who can understand the logic of this law.
So in the near future, Japan will do war with your country!

Please denounce the craziest "logic of law" of Japanese judiciary, everyone in the world.
Everyone, please take up this problem at "G20" or "UN Human Rights Council".

This mail is also sending the same mail to the "Prime Minister's Official Residence" in Japan,
"LDP" and "Politicians".
They still do not have "justice" to rule Japan under the law.
"International people"!
Please stand up to make the world a society where freedom,
democracy and human rights are protected.

I will continue tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

God will always support 'justice'.
I certainly believe that justice is "wins".

I "appeal" the two things.
It is "international" human rights violation by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "honor recovery and compensation" will be done.

1. Foreigners conducted "illegal work" other than "qualification for residence".
But a foreigner is innocent.

Only foreigners were punished by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "Sins of illegal labor".
On the other hand,
the Immigration Control Act punishes employers
who are "cause-and-effect relationships" of illegal work with the Immigration Act 73-2
(a crime that promotes illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary "disposal" only foreigners,
but they do not dispose of employers.
This obviously violates "principle of equality under the law"
And we are in violation of international law prohibiting conscious disposal only of foreigners.

If an employer who illegally employed a foreigner is innocent,
a foreigner who has worked illegally is innocent.
If so, there is no one "who supported other crimes
of criminal law" against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat in the Philippine country, a staff member
of the Philippine Embassy" is innocent.

2. The "reason for crime" to which the prosecution applies "Article 62 of the Criminal Code,
(crime of supporting other crimes)" is as follows.
Foreigners conducted the act prescribed in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act
 (acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" against this.
Disposition is "cancellation of status of residence" by "Minister of Justice"
and "compulsory withdrawal to foreign countries".
Therefore, "Article 62 of the Penal Code,
 (crime of supporting other crimes)" can not be applied.

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
"Crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

There are many victims in the world.
Please "salvage" a lot of "victims" with "courage and justice".
I request the Japanese government to "recover honor"
and "compensation for the victim" of the victim.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


2025-03-26: أعتقد أن ترامب سينسحب من الناتو لتجنب التدخّل. إنه ذكي. لا يُريد خسارة أصول في حرب.

 2025-03-26: طبعة يومية، تدعو العديد من الأحزاب الحاكمة في أوروبا إلى دعم أوكرانيا. إنهم يدعون إلى الحرب للتنفيس عن إحباط شعوبهم التي تعاني ...