
Help me! 最高领导人金正恩。 2019-10-31:尊敬的先生, 日本法律是“成文法,成文法”。但是,“判例法”也被认为是重要的。在某些情况下,“法律”适用不当。在实际审判中推翻“案件”需要花费时间。但是,


日本法律是“成文法,成文法”。但是,“判例法”也被认为是重要的。在某些情况下,“法律”适用不当。在实际审判中推翻“案件”需要花费时间。但是,即使是最高法院的案件也可能被推翻。 2010年违反移民法的案件是违反适用法律的案件。但是,检方使用此“案”在2014年菲律宾大使馆案中犯下同样的罪行。

我和“ Kin Gungaku”对犯罪负责,因为他们向四名中国人提供了“虚假雇佣合同”。









请参阅“英语翻译”和“日语文本” PDF。
英文翻译不正确。请参见上面的“ PDF”进行英语翻译。
●请参阅相关法律。 (日语和英语翻译)





















Help me! To President Trump 2019-10-31: Dear Sir,I was arrested in June 2010. I was arrested again because I did not confess. I kept justice in search of "governance under the law". The result was “indicted”. The trial started in October 2010.

To President Trump

2019-10-31: Dear Sir,
Japanese law is "Sei Grammar, written law". However, "case law" is also regarded as important. There are some cases where “laws” are wrongly applied. It takes time to overthrow the “case” in an actual trial. However, even the Supreme Court case may be overturned. The 2010 Immigration Law violation case is a case of violation of applicable law. However, the prosecution used this “case” to commit the same crime in the 2014 Philippines Embassy case.

Part 1. I was arrested in June 2010.
I was arrested again because I did not confess.
I kept justice in search of "governance under the law". The result was “indicted”.
The trial started in October 2010.
The reason is that the Chinese “Kin Gungaku”,
who was considered “accomplice,” must be sent back to China by the end of October.
I think this secret pledge is set in consideration of the sentencing of immigration law.
From the prosecution, he says that it is necessary to “repatriate”
by the end of October in an agreement with China.
For the first time, I learned that “Immigration Violation Law” had “arrangement”
for “detention period”.
Me and "Kin Gungaku" are responsible for the crime
because they provided a "false employment contract" to four Chinese.
The reason for the crime is the “action” that “supported” the offense
under Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

On the other hand, many lawyers, parliamentarians and related persons are "no comment".
But foreign government officials and prison officials clearly say
it is a violation of applicable law.
Foreign governments understand Japanese law and international law better than Japanese people.

"Political party officials" who write on the net say the possibility
of following "There are precedents".

However, I think this is the first “violation of immigration law”
that occurred in June 2010.
1) “Inmate imprisonment” applies to foreigners in violation
of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
2) Applying “supporters” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act to “crimes
for supporting other crimes” in Article 60 and 62 of the Penal Code.

The reason for this crime is “support” for the offense
under Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
Specifically, it is an act of "providing" "false documents = employment contract" to the offender.
This action is used in the “right to investigate facts”.

In the past, the Minister of Justice has never conflicted with the prosecution
in “the right to investigate facts”.
Human rights ministers of justice cannot forgive "human rights violations" against foreigners.
So the prosecution consciously put foreigners in prison instead
of the traditional “fine penalty”.
Furthermore, the “applicable law” was falsified to make the Chinese “punishment”.
Using the Immigration Law Article 22-4-4, which is the discretion
of the Immigration Minister of Justice,
the Criminal Code “Sinners to Support Other Crimes” was applied consciously.

What I discovered after leaving the prison was a violation of the Immigration Law
of the Philippine Embassy.
In this trial process, "our case law" in 2011 was changed to "case law".
Of course, this “illegal case law example” must be “destroyed”.
I think that there are many cases of “illegal case law”
in addition to the Embassy of the Philippines.

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
This is an “international” “human rights violation” by the Japanese government.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our “honor recovery and compensation” will be carried out.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”,
it is natural to resolve it by terrorism. But crazy.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers who are “causal”
of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to the principle of equality under the law
And it violates international law that prohibits "arbitrarily" "punishing" only foreigners.

If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent".
If so, there is no “person who supported other crimes of the Penal Code”
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official" is innocent.

2. The prosecution is “applying” the “crimes to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70
of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support
of the Immigration Act 22-4-4” It ’s crazy.
This is out of logic in the law.

A foreigner acted as prescribed in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
The logic of the law is completely crazy.

The Japanese government has "crush" "sue".
However, “crush” by state power is “stop” of “Statute of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: The White House replied to me that I was seriously considering a solution
that would satisfy me with this issue.
I am waiting for the result I expect no lies.

My information

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

Help me! Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-10-31: Monsieur, La loi japonaise est "Sei Grammar, loi écrite". Cependant, la "jurisprudence" est également considérée comme importante. Il y a des cas où les «lois» sont mal appliquées. Il faut du temps pour renverser le

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2019-10-31: Monsieur,
La loi japonaise est "Sei Grammar, loi écrite". Cependant, la "jurisprudence" est également considérée comme importante. Il y a des cas où les «lois» sont mal appliquées. Il faut du temps pour renverser le «cas» dans un procès réel. Cependant, même l'affaire de la Cour suprême peut être renversée. Le cas d'infraction à la loi sur l'immigration de 2010 est un cas de violation du droit applicable. Toutefois, l'accusation a utilisé cette «affaire» pour commettre le même crime dans l'affaire de 2014 à l'ambassade des Philippines.

Partie 1 J'ai été arrêté en juin 2010. J'ai de nouveau été arrêté parce que je n'avais pas avoué.
J'ai gardé la justice à la recherche de "gouvernance sous la loi". Le résultat était «inculpé».
Le procès a débuté en octobre 2010.
La raison en est que le Chinois «Kin Gungaku», qui était considéré comme «complice», doit être renvoyé en Chine d'ici la fin du mois d'octobre.
Je pense que cet engagement secret tient compte de la peine imposée par le droit de l'immigration.
D'après l'accusation, il est nécessaire de «rentrer» d'ici à fin octobre dans le cadre d'un accord avec la Chine.
Pour la première fois, j'ai appris que la «loi sur les infractions en matière d'immigration» avait un «arrangement» pour une «période de détention».
Moi et "Kin Gungaku" sommes responsables du crime parce qu'ils ont fourni un "faux contrat de travail" à quatre Chinois.
Le motif du crime est "l'action" qui a "soutenu" l'infraction à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.

Par ailleurs, de nombreux avocats, parlementaires et personnes apparentées ne font aucun commentaire.
Cependant, les responsables gouvernementaux étrangers et les responsables de l'administration pénitentiaire affirment clairement qu'il s'agit d'une violation du droit applicable.
Les gouvernements étrangers comprennent mieux le droit japonais et le droit international que le peuple japonais.

Les «officiels des partis politiques» qui écrivent sur le net disent la possibilité de suivre «Il y a des précédents».

Cependant, je pense que c'est la première «violation de la loi sur l'immigration» qui s'est produite en juin 2010.
1) L '«emprisonnement d'un détenu» s'applique aux étrangers en violation de l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
2) Application des «sympathisants» de l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration aux «crimes à l'appui d'autres crimes» aux articles 60 et 62

La raison de ce crime est le "soutien" de l'infraction à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
Plus précisément, il s’agit de "fournir" au "contrevenant" "faux documents = contrat de travail".
Cette action est utilisée dans le «droit d'enquêter sur les faits».

Par le passé, le ministre de la Justice n'avait jamais contesté les poursuites engagées contre le «droit d'enquêter sur des faits».
Les ministres de la justice des droits de l'homme ne peuvent pardonner "les violations des droits de l'homme" commises contre des étrangers.
L’accusation a donc consciemment mis les étrangers en prison au lieu de la traditionnelle «amende».
De plus, la «loi applicable» a été falsifiée pour imposer aux Chinois une «punition».
En utilisant l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration, qui est laissé à la discrétion du ministre de l'Immigration,
"Péché pour assister d'autres crimes" a été appliqué.

Ce que j'ai découvert après avoir quitté la prison était une violation de la loi sur l'immigration de l'ambassade des Philippines.
Dans ce procès, "notre jurisprudence" en 2011 a été changée en "jurisprudence".
Bien entendu, cet «exemple de jurisprudence illégale» doit être «détruit».
Je pense qu'il existe de nombreux cas de «jurisprudence illégale» en plus de l'ambassade des Philippines.

Cela continuera demain.

Veuillez consulter "Acte d'accusation" sur le "Site" suivant.
Dans ce cas, il suffit de regarder ce "acte d'accusation"
Vous pouvez comprendre les "erreurs de droit applicable".

Veuillez consulter les PDF «Traduction en anglais» et «Texte en japonais».
S'il vous plaît soyez prudent lorsque vous manipulez des informations personnelles.
● Traduction de la phrase anglaise «letter of incictment»
"Acte d'accusation contre Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
La traduction anglaise est pour référence seulement. Pour être précis, faites-le vous-même.
● Texte japonais original "lettre d'accusation"
"Acte d'accusation contre Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (japonais)"
La traduction anglaise est incorrecte. Veuillez consulter «PDF» ci-dessus pour la traduction en anglais.
● S'il vous plaît voir les lois connexes. (Traduction en japonais et en anglais)
1) Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié
Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié
2) droit pénal
Code pénal
3) Constitution du Japon
La constitution du japon

Partie 2 Je «poursuis» deux choses.
Il s'agit d'une «violation des droits de l'homme» «internationale» commise par le gouvernement japonais.
Près de 10 ans se sont écoulés depuis l'incident. Ma vie est limitée.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien afin que notre «recouvrement d’honneur et indemnisation» soit réalisée.
Si le monde ignore la «gouvernance sous la loi», il est naturel de la résoudre par le terrorisme. Mais fou.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un «travail illégal» autre que «la qualification de résidence». Mais les étrangers sont innocents.
Seuls les étrangers ont été sanctionnés pour l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration «Crimes de travail illégaux».
En revanche, la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration désigne les employeurs «causaux» de travail illégal à l'article 73-2.
Nous sommes punis par (péché qui a favorisé l'emploi illégal).

Cependant, la justice japonaise n'a «puni» que les étrangers, mais pas les «employeurs».
Ceci est clairement contraire au principe d'égalité devant la loi
Et cela viole le droit international qui interdit de "punir" uniquement les étrangers "de manière arbitraire".

Si un employeur qui embauche illégalement un étranger est "innocent", un étranger employé illégalement est également "innocent".
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe aucune «personne qui a soutenu d’autres crimes du Code pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, diplomate philippin, représentant de l'ambassade des Philippines", je suis innocent.

2 La poursuite est parce que "soutien de l'article 22-4-4 loi sur l'immigration"
Articles 60 et 62 du code pénal contre l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration
C'est "fou" d '"appliquer" "un péché qui soutient d'autres crimes".
C'est hors de logique dans la loi.

Loi sur l'immigration des étrangers, article 22-4-4
L’acte prescrit dans (Acquisition du statut de résidence par la présentation de faux documents) a été accompli.
Cependant, il n'y a pas de «sanction pénale» pour cela.
La disposition est «annulation du statut de résidence» et «réinstallation forcée» par le ministre de la Justice.
Par conséquent, le «crime pour soutenir d'autres crimes» aux articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal n'est pas applicable.
Le «motif du crime» figurant à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration énoncé dans «l'acte d'accusation» n'a aucun lien de causalité avec l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration.
La logique du droit est complètement folle.

Le gouvernement japonais a "écraser" "poursuivre".
Cependant, "écraser" par le pouvoir de l’État signifie "arrêter" de "délai de prescription".

Les matériaux sont ci-dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.

Cordialement. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: La Maison Blanche a ce problème.
J'ai répondu que je réfléchissais sérieusement à une solution satisfaisante.
J'attends le résultat Je ne m'attends pas à des mensonges.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes américaines. Je l'ai vu de cet œil.
Les Américains sont également non coupables si la poursuite n'arrête pas l'employeur.
Le gouvernement américain devrait réclamer la restauration et l’indemnisation de l’honneur américain.
S'il vous plaît soutenir "poursuivre" à "CPI".

Il est publié dans le blog suivant.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous pour toutes questions.

Help me! Angela Merkel zum deutschen Ministerpräsidenten  2019-10-31: Sehr geehrter Herr, Das japanische Recht ist "Sei Grammatik, geschriebenes Recht". Die "Rechtsprechung" wird jedoch auch als wichtig angesehen. Es gibt einige Fälle, in denen „Gesetze“ falsch angewendet werden. Es braucht Zeit,

Angela Merkel zum deutschen Ministerpräsidenten

2019-10-31: Sehr geehrter Herr,
Das japanische Recht ist "Sei Grammatik, geschriebenes Recht". Die "Rechtsprechung" wird jedoch auch als wichtig angesehen. Es gibt einige Fälle, in denen „Gesetze“ falsch angewendet werden. Es braucht Zeit, um den "Fall" in einem tatsächlichen Prozess zu stürzen. Allerdings kann auch der Fall des Obersten Gerichtshofs aufgehoben werden. Der Verstoß gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz 2010 ist ein Verstoß gegen geltendes Recht. Die Staatsanwaltschaft nutzte diesen „Fall“ jedoch, um das gleiche Verbrechen im Fall der philippinischen Botschaft 2014 zu begehen.

Teil 1. Ich wurde im Juni 2010 verhaftet. Ich wurde erneut verhaftet, weil ich nicht gestand.
Ich habe Gerechtigkeit auf der Suche nach "Governance unter dem Gesetz" bewahrt. Das Ergebnis wurde "angeklagt".
Der Prozess begann im Oktober 2010.
Der Grund dafür ist, dass der chinesische „Kin Gungaku“, der als „Komplize“ galt, bis Ende Oktober nach China zurückgeschickt werden muss.
Ich denke, dass dieses geheime Versprechen in Anbetracht der Verurteilung des Einwanderungsrechts festgelegt wird.
Der Staatsanwaltschaft zufolge ist es in einem Abkommen mit China erforderlich, bis Ende Oktober „repatriiert“ zu werden.
Zum ersten Mal erfuhr ich, dass das „Immigrationsverletzungsgesetz“ eine „Regelung“ für die „Haftzeit“ enthält.
Ich und "Kin Gungaku" sind für das Verbrechen verantwortlich, weil sie vier Chinesen einen "falschen Arbeitsvertrag" zur Verfügung gestellt haben.
Der Grund für die Straftat ist die „Aktion“, die die Straftat gemäß Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes „unterstützt“ hat.

Auf der anderen Seite sind viele Anwälte, Parlamentarier und verwandte Personen "kein Kommentar".
Ausländische Regierungsbeamte und Gefängnisbeamte sagen jedoch eindeutig, dass es sich um einen Verstoß gegen geltendes Recht handelt.
Ausländische Regierungen verstehen japanisches Recht und internationales Recht besser als Japaner.

"Politische Parteibeamte", die im Internet schreiben, sagen, dass es die Möglichkeit gibt, "Präzedenzfälle" zu verfolgen.

Ich denke jedoch, dass dies der erste „Verstoß gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz“ ist, der im Juni 2010 stattgefunden hat.
1) „Inhaftierung von Insassen“ gilt für Ausländer, die gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes verstoßen.
2) Anwendung von "Unterstützern" in Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes auf "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung anderer Verbrechen" in den Artikeln 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs.

Der Grund für dieses Verbrechen ist die „Unterstützung“ der Straftat gemäß Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.
Im Einzelnen handelt es sich um die "Bereitstellung" von "falschen Dokumenten = Arbeitsvertrag" für den Täter.
Diese Aktion wird im "Recht, Tatsachen zu untersuchen" verwendet.

In der Vergangenheit hat der Justizminister nie mit der Strafverfolgung im „Recht, Tatsachen zu untersuchen“ in Konflikt geraten.
Menschenrechtsminister können "Menschenrechtsverletzungen" gegen Ausländer nicht vergeben.
Deshalb hat die Staatsanwaltschaft Ausländer statt der traditionellen „Geldstrafe“ bewusst ins Gefängnis gesteckt.
Darüber hinaus wurde das „anwendbare Recht“ gefälscht, um die chinesische „Bestrafung“ zu erreichen.
Unter Anwendung des Einwanderungsgesetzes Artikel 22-4-4, der im Ermessen des Justizministers für Einwanderungsfragen liegt,
"Sünde, um andere Verbrechen zu unterstützen" wurde angewandt.

Was ich nach dem Verlassen des Gefängnisses entdeckte, war eine Verletzung des Einwanderungsgesetzes der philippinischen Botschaft.
In diesem Prozess wurde "unsere Rechtsprechung" im Jahr 2011 in "Rechtsprechung" geändert.
Natürlich muss dieses „illegale Rechtsprechungsbeispiel“ „vernichtet“ werden.
Ich denke, dass es neben der Botschaft der Philippinen viele Fälle von „illegaler Rechtsprechung“ gibt.

Es wird morgen weitergehen.

Siehe "Anklageschrift" auf der folgenden "Site".
In diesem Fall nur auf diese "Anklageschrift"
Sie können "Fehler des anwendbaren Rechts" verstehen.

Bitte lesen Sie die PDF-Dateien „Englische Übersetzung“ und „Japanischer Text“.
Bitte seien Sie vorsichtig beim Umgang mit persönlichen Daten.
● Übersetzung des englischen Satzes "Letter of Indictment"
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
Die englische Übersetzung dient nur als Referenz. Um genau zu sein, machen Sie es selbst.
● Japanischer Originaltext „Anklageschreiben“
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanisch)"
Die englische Übersetzung ist falsch. Die englische Übersetzung finden Sie oben unter "PDF".
● Bitte beachten Sie die entsprechenden Gesetze. (Japanische und englische Übersetzung)
1) Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen
Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen
2) Strafrecht
3) Verfassung Japans
Die Verfassung von Japan

Teil 2. Ich "verklage" zwei Dinge.
Dies ist eine "internationale" "Menschenrechtsverletzung" durch die japanische Regierung.
Seit dem Vorfall sind fast 10 Jahre vergangen. Mein Leben ist begrenzt.
Wir bitten Sie um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere „Honor Recovery and Compensation“ durchgeführt wird.
Wenn die Welt die „Governance nach dem Gesetz“ ignoriert, ist es selbstverständlich, dass sie durch Terrorismus gelöst wird. Aber verrückt.

1. Ausländer verrichteten andere „illegale Arbeit“ als „Qualifikation des Wohnsitzes“. Aber Ausländer sind unschuldig.
Für den einwanderungsrechtlichen Artikel 70 „Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen“ wurden nur Ausländer bestraft.
Andererseits bestimmt das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz Arbeitgeber, die für illegale Arbeit „ursächlich“ sind, als Artikel 73-2
Wir werden bestraft durch (Sünde, die illegale Beschäftigung fördert).

Die japanische Justiz "bestraft" jedoch nur Ausländer, nicht aber "Arbeitgeber".
Dies verstößt eindeutig gegen den Grundsatz der Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz
Und es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das es "willkürlich" verbietet, nur Ausländer "zu bestrafen".

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der einen Ausländer illegal anstellt, "unschuldig" ist, ist ein illegal angestellter Ausländer auch "unschuldig".
In diesem Fall gibt es keine „Person, die andere Straftaten des Strafgesetzbuchs“ gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes unterstützt hat.
"Ich, KinGungaku, philippinischer Diplomat, philippinischer Botschaftsbeamter" ist unschuldig.

2. Die Anklage ist, weil "Unterstützung von Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes"
Artikel 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes
Es ist "verrückt", "Sünde anzuwenden, die andere Verbrechen unterstützt".
Dies ist gesetzlich unlogisch.

Ausländerzuwanderungsgesetz Artikel 22-4-4
Die in (Erlangung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente) vorgeschriebene Handlung wurde durchgeführt.
Hierfür gibt es jedoch keine „strafrechtliche Bestrafung“.
Entsorgung ist "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Zwangsumsiedlung" durch den Justizminister.
Daher ist das "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten" in den Artikeln 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs nicht anwendbar.
Der durch die Anklage hervorgehobene „Grund für Straftaten“ in Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes steht in keinem kausalen Zusammenhang mit Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes.
Die Logik des Gesetzes ist völlig verrückt.

Die japanische Regierung hat "verknallt" "verklagt".
Allerdings ist „zermalmen“ durch die Staatsmacht ein „Stopp“ der „Verjährungsfrist“.

Die Materialien sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.

Beste Grüße Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: Das Weiße Haus hat dieses Problem.
Ich antwortete, dass ich ernsthaft eine zufriedenstellende Lösung erwäge.
Ich warte auf das Ergebnis Ich erwarte keine Lügen.

Es gibt viele amerikanische Opfer. Ich habe es mit diesem Auge gesehen.
Die Amerikaner sind auch nicht schuldig, wenn die Staatsanwaltschaft den Arbeitgeber nicht festnimmt.
Die US-Regierung sollte die Wiederherstellung und Entschädigung der amerikanischen Ehre fordern.
Bitte unterstützen Sie "Sue" zu "ICC".

Meine Informationen

Es wird im folgenden Blog veröffentlicht.

Nationalität Japan

Nennen Sie Yasuhiro Nagano

E-Mail  nagano_ mirai@yahoo.co.jp

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Help me! To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-10-31: Dear Sir,However, even the Supreme Court case may be overturned. The 2010 Immigration Law violation case is a case of violation of applicable law. However, the prosecution used this “case” to commit the same crime in the 2014 Philippines Embassy case.

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2019-10-31: Dear Sir,
Japanese law is "Sei Grammar, written law". However, "case law" is also regarded as important. There are some cases where “laws” are wrongly applied. It takes time to overthrow the “case” in an actual trial. However, even the Supreme Court case may be overturned. The 2010 Immigration Law violation case is a case of violation of applicable law. However, the prosecution used this “case” to commit the same crime in the 2014 Philippines Embassy case.

Part 1. I was arrested in June 2010.
I was arrested again because I did not confess.
I kept justice in search of "governance under the law". The result was “indicted”.
The trial started in October 2010.
The reason is that the Chinese “Kin Gungaku”,
who was considered “accomplice,” must be sent back to China by the end of October.
I think this secret pledge is set in consideration of the sentencing of immigration law.
From the prosecution, he says that it is necessary to “repatriate”
by the end of October in an agreement with China.
For the first time, I learned that “Immigration Violation Law” had “arrangement”
for “detention period”.
Me and "Kin Gungaku" are responsible for the crime
because they provided a "false employment contract" to four Chinese.
The reason for the crime is the “action” that “supported” the offense
under Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

On the other hand, many lawyers, parliamentarians and related persons are "no comment".
But foreign government officials and prison officials clearly say
it is a violation of applicable law.
Foreign governments understand Japanese law and international law better than Japanese people.

"Political party officials" who write on the net say the possibility
of following "There are precedents".

However, I think this is the first “violation of immigration law”
that occurred in June 2010.
1) “Inmate imprisonment” applies to foreigners in violation
of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
2) Applying “supporters” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act to “crimes
for supporting other crimes” in Article 60 and 62 of the Penal Code.

The reason for this crime is “support” for the offense
under Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
Specifically, it is an act of "providing" "false documents = employment contract" to the offender.
This action is used in the “right to investigate facts”.

In the past, the Minister of Justice has never conflicted with the prosecution
in “the right to investigate facts”.
Human rights ministers of justice cannot forgive "human rights violations" against foreigners.
So the prosecution consciously put foreigners in prison instead
of the traditional “fine penalty”.
Furthermore, the “applicable law” was falsified to make the Chinese “punishment”.
Using the Immigration Law Article 22-4-4, which is the discretion
of the Immigration Minister of Justice,
the Criminal Code “Sinners to Support Other Crimes” was applied consciously.

What I discovered after leaving the prison was a violation of the Immigration Law
of the Philippine Embassy.
In this trial process, "our case law" in 2011 was changed to "case law".
Of course, this “illegal case law example” must be “destroyed”.
I think that there are many cases of “illegal case law”
in addition to the Embassy of the Philippines.

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
This is an “international” “human rights violation” by the Japanese government.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our “honor recovery and compensation” will be carried out.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”,
it is natural to resolve it by terrorism. But crazy.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers who are “causal”
of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to the principle of equality under the law
And it violates international law that prohibits "arbitrarily" "punishing" only foreigners.

If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent".
If so, there is no “person who supported other crimes of the Penal Code”
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official" is innocent.

2. The prosecution is “applying” the “crimes to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70
of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support
of the Immigration Act 22-4-4” It ’s crazy.
This is out of logic in the law.

A foreigner acted as prescribed in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
The logic of the law is completely crazy.

The Japanese government has "crush" "sue".
However, “crush” by state power is “stop” of “Statute of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: The White House replied to me that I was seriously considering a solution
that would satisfy me with this issue.
I am waiting for the result I expect no lies.

There are many American victims. I have seen this with my eyes.
If the prosecution does not arrest the employer, the Americans are not guilty.
The United States government should claim restoration and compensation
for the honor of Americans.
please support the "Appeal" to the "ICC."

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

Help me! To everyone in the world's media 019-10-31: Dear Sir, Japanese law is "Sei Grammar, written law". However, "case law" is also regarded as important. There are some cases where “laws” are wrongly applied. It takes time to overthrow the “case” in an actual trial.

To everyone in the world's media 

As a journalist, report the truth of Japan's judicial administration.

2019-10-31: Dear Sir,
Japanese law is "Sei Grammar, written law". However, "case law" is also regarded as important. There are some cases where “laws” are wrongly applied. It takes time to overthrow the “case” in an actual trial. However, even the Supreme Court case may be overturned. The 2010 Immigration Law violation case is a case of violation of applicable law. However, the prosecution used this “case” to commit the same crime in the 2014 Philippines Embassy case.

Part 1. I was arrested in June 2010.
I was arrested again because I did not confess.
I kept justice in search of "governance under the law". The result was “indicted”.
The trial started in October 2010.
The reason is that the Chinese “Kin Gungaku”,
who was considered “accomplice,” must be sent back to China by the end of October.
I think this secret pledge is set in consideration of the sentencing of immigration law.
From the prosecution, he says that it is necessary to “repatriate”
by the end of October in an agreement with China.
For the first time, I learned that “Immigration Violation Law” had “arrangement”
for “detention period”.
Me and "Kin Gungaku" are responsible for the crime
because they provided a "false employment contract" to four Chinese.
The reason for the crime is the “action” that “supported” the offense
under Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

On the other hand, many lawyers, parliamentarians and related persons are "no comment".
But foreign government officials and prison officials clearly say
it is a violation of applicable law.
Foreign governments understand Japanese law and international law better than Japanese people.

"Political party officials" who write on the net say the possibility
of following "There are precedents".

However, I think this is the first “violation of immigration law”
that occurred in June 2010.
1) “Inmate imprisonment” applies to foreigners in violation
of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
2) Applying “supporters” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act to “crimes
for supporting other crimes” in Article 60 and 62 of the Penal Code.

The reason for this crime is “support” for the offense
under Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
Specifically, it is an act of "providing" "false documents = employment contract" to the offender.
This action is used in the “right to investigate facts”.

In the past, the Minister of Justice has never conflicted with the prosecution
in “the right to investigate facts”.
Human rights ministers of justice cannot forgive "human rights violations" against foreigners.
So the prosecution consciously put foreigners in prison instead
of the traditional “fine penalty”.
Furthermore, the “applicable law” was falsified to make the Chinese “punishment”.
Using the Immigration Law Article 22-4-4, which is the discretion
of the Immigration Minister of Justice,
the Criminal Code “Sinners to Support Other Crimes” was applied consciously.

What I discovered after leaving the prison was a violation of the Immigration Law
of the Philippine Embassy.
In this trial process, "our case law" in 2011 was changed to "case law".
Of course, this “illegal case law example” must be “destroyed”.
I think that there are many cases of “illegal case law”
in addition to the Embassy of the Philippines.

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
This is an “international” “human rights violation” by the Japanese government.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our “honor recovery and compensation” will be carried out.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”,
it is natural to resolve it by terrorism. But crazy.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers who are “causal”
of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to the principle of equality under the law
And it violates international law that prohibits "arbitrarily" "punishing" only foreigners.

If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent".
If so, there is no “person who supported other crimes of the Penal Code”
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official" is innocent.

2. The prosecution is “applying” the “crimes to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70
of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support
of the Immigration Act 22-4-4” It ’s crazy.
This is out of logic in the law.

A foreigner acted as prescribed in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
The logic of the law is completely crazy.

The Japanese government has "crush" "sue".
However, “crush” by state power is “stop” of “Statute of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: The White House replied to me that I was seriously considering a solution
that would satisfy me with this issue.
I am waiting for the result I expect no lies.

Request to media

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


Help me! 最高领导人金正恩。 2019-10-30:亲爱的先生,朝鲜应宣布日本政府“非法绑架和拘留”外国人。 朝鲜应该“公布”,“外国受害者”比“日本绑架者”更多。 朝鲜应该使世界媒体成为朝鲜的“朋友”。 朝鲜政府应在外国媒体和联合国中予以公开。 朝鲜政府应具体披露“我的名字”。批准











请参阅“英语翻译”和“日语文本” PDF。
英文翻译不正确。请参见上面的“ PDF”进行英语翻译。
●请参阅相关法律。 (日语和英语翻译)





















Help me! To President Trump 2019-10-30: Dear Sir,There are various memories here. I met a Chinese woman. This woman has a “husband” in Fujian. And there are “husbands” in Tokyo. Fujian's “husband” knows this fact.

To President Trump

2019-10-30: Dear Sir,
It's summer 2008. I went to Fujian, China to hire Chinese engineers. This is for an interview with a Chinese person who applied for my company. We hired several Chinese who can speak Japanese. There are various memories here. I met a Chinese woman. This woman has a “husband” in Fujian. And there are “husbands” in Tokyo. Fujian's “husband” knows this fact.

Part 1. In 1998, I went to “Interview” in “Dandong City”,
a town on the border with North Korea.
This is an invitation from the Dandong City Human Resources Bureau.
I went with the president of "People in the same business".
I will talk about this at another time.
At that time, I was the president of the system company.
At this time, I was also working on “temporary staffing” for “software engineers”.
So I went to “Fujian” for “Interview”.

The interview went to “Fukuqing City” in Fujian Province.
At that time, 70% of visitors from China were from Fujian Province.
Most of them are from Fuqing City.
Most of the “eel” imported from China into Japan comes from “Fukuqing City”.

The purpose is interviewing prospective candidates and investigating brokers.
Most of the Chinese who come to Japan other than tourism come by brokers.
Without a broker, “International students and labor visas” cannot accept Chinese.
My company interview is broker brokerage.
Brokers in China are not crimes.
However, since you do not have a business license,
you cannot “recruit” by “newspaper advertisement”.
So many of the leading brokers are land leaders.
Brokers, gangsters, police, ministry officials, and the Communist Party are “communities”.

The person who went with me is a Chinese employee at a Japanese language school.
He is traveling around Fujian to recruit students.
His “acquaintance woman” “invited” us to eat at night in “Fuzhou”.
There was her “husband” there.
There was also a younger brother. I managed a "coal mine" with a friend.
I went back to Tokyo and went to a “club” run by her in Shimbashi.
There were 20 to 30 Chinese women working in the store.
Almost everyone is “illegal labor” or “spoofed marriage”.

To my surprise, she (the mom in the store) had a Japanese “husband”.
The "store official" doesn't know that she has a "Chinese" husband in "Fuzhou".

Customers included “Kasumigaseki staff” and “executive police officers”.
"I" didn't say "customer name" in police or prosecution investigations.
I don't say. Because I am “keep a secret”.
Because "I" is not a child!

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
This is an “international” “human rights violation” by the Japanese government.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our “honor recovery and compensation” will be carried out.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”,
it is natural to resolve it by terrorism. But crazy.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are “causal” of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to the principle of equality under the law
And it violates international law that prohibits "arbitrarily" "punishing" only foreigners.

If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent".
If so, there is no “person who supported other crimes of the Penal Code”
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official" is innocent.

2. The prosecution is “applying” the “crimes to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds
of “support of the Immigration Act 22-4-4” It ’s crazy.
This is out of logic in the law.

A foreigner acted as prescribed in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
The logic of the law is completely crazy.

The Japanese government has "crush" "sue".
However, “crush” by state power is “stop” of “Statute of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: The White House replied to me that I was seriously considering a solution
that would satisfy me with this issue.
I am waiting for the result I expect no lies.

My information

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

Help me! Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-10-30: Monsieur, Il y a divers souvenirs ici. J'ai rencontré une femme chinoise. Cette femme a un «mari» au Fujian. Et il y a des «maris» à Tokyo. Le «mari» de Fujian le sait bien.

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2019-10-30: Monsieur,
C'est l'été 2008. Je suis allé au Fujian, en Chine, pour embaucher des ingénieurs chinois. Ceci est pour un entretien avec une personne chinoise qui a postulé pour mon entreprise. Nous avons embauché plusieurs Chinois qui parlent japonais. Il y a divers souvenirs ici. J'ai rencontré une femme chinoise. Cette femme a un «mari» au Fujian. Et il y a des «maris» à Tokyo. Le «mari» de Fujian le sait bien.

Partie 1 En 1998, je suis allé à «Interview» à «Dandong City», une ville située à la frontière avec la Corée du Nord.
Ceci est une invitation du bureau des ressources humaines de la ville de Dandong.
J'y suis allé avec le président de "People in the same business".
Je vais en parler à un autre moment.
A cette époque, j'étais président de la société système.
À cette époque, je travaillais également sur la «dotation temporaire» pour les «ingénieurs en logiciel».
Je suis donc allé à «Fujian» pour «Interview».

L'entretien s'est déroulé dans la ville de Fukuqing, dans la province du Fujian.
A cette époque, 70% des visiteurs chinois venaient de la province du Fujian.
La plupart d'entre eux viennent de la ville de Fuqing.
La majeure partie de l'anguille importée de Chine au Japon provient de la «ville de Fukuqing».

Le but est d'interviewer des candidats potentiels et des courtiers enquêteurs.
La plupart des Chinois qui viennent au Japon en dehors du tourisme viennent chez des courtiers.
Sans courtier, les «étudiants internationaux et les visas de travail» ne peuvent pas accepter le chinois.
Mon entretien d’entreprise est un courtier en courtage.
Les courtiers en Chine ne sont pas des crimes.
Cependant, étant donné que vous n'avez pas de licence commerciale, vous ne pouvez pas "recruter" par "annonce dans un journal".
Un grand nombre des principaux courtiers sont des leaders fonciers.
Les courtiers, les gangsters, la police, les fonctionnaires du ministère et le Parti communiste sont des «communautés».

La personne qui m'a accompagné est un employé chinois d'une école de langue japonaise.
Il voyage dans le Fujian pour recruter des étudiants.
Sa «femme de connaissance» nous a «invités» à manger le soir à «Fuzhou».
Il y avait son «mari» là-bas.
Il y avait aussi un frère plus jeune. J'ai géré une "mine de charbon" avec un ami.
Je suis retourné à Tokyo et je suis allé dans un «club» dirigé par elle à Shimbashi.
Il y avait 20 à 30 femmes chinoises dans le magasin.
Presque tout le monde est «travail illégal» ou «mariage trompé».

À ma grande surprise, elle (la mère dans le magasin) avait un «mari» japonais.
Le "fonctionnaire du magasin" ne sait pas qu'elle a un mari "chinois" à "Fuzhou".

Les clients comprenaient «le personnel de Kasumigaseki» et des «officiers de police exécutifs».
"Je" n'ai pas dit "nom du client" dans les enquêtes de police ou de poursuite.
Je ne dis pas. Parce que je suis "garder un secret".
Parce que "je" n'est pas un enfant!

Cela continuera demain.

Veuillez consulter "Acte d'accusation" sur le "Site" suivant.
Dans ce cas, il suffit de regarder ce "acte d'accusation"
Vous pouvez comprendre les "erreurs de droit applicable".

Veuillez consulter les PDF «Traduction en anglais» et «Texte en japonais».
S'il vous plaît soyez prudent lorsque vous manipulez des informations personnelles.
● Traduction de la phrase anglaise «letter of incictment»
"Acte d'accusation contre Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
La traduction anglaise est pour référence seulement. Pour être précis, faites-le vous-même.
● Texte japonais original "lettre d'accusation"
"Acte d'accusation contre Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (japonais)"
La traduction anglaise est incorrecte. Veuillez consulter «PDF» ci-dessus pour la traduction en anglais.
● S'il vous plaît voir les lois connexes. (Traduction en japonais et en anglais)
1) Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié
Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié
2) droit pénal
Code pénal
3) Constitution du Japon
La constitution du japon

Partie 2 Je «poursuis» deux choses.
Il s'agit d'une «violation des droits de l'homme» «internationale» commise par le gouvernement japonais.
Près de 10 ans se sont écoulés depuis l'incident. Ma vie est limitée.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien afin que notre «recouvrement d’honneur et indemnisation» soit réalisée.
Si le monde ignore la «gouvernance sous la loi», il est naturel de la résoudre par le terrorisme. Mais fou.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un «travail illégal» autre que «la qualification de résidence». Mais les étrangers sont innocents.
Seuls les étrangers ont été sanctionnés pour l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration «Crimes de travail illégaux».
En revanche, la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration désigne les employeurs «causaux» de travail illégal à l'article 73-2.
Nous sommes punis par (péché qui a favorisé l'emploi illégal).

Cependant, la justice japonaise n'a «puni» que les étrangers, mais pas les «employeurs».
Ceci est clairement contraire au principe d'égalité devant la loi
Et cela viole le droit international qui interdit de "punir" uniquement les étrangers "de manière arbitraire".

Si un employeur qui embauche illégalement un étranger est "innocent", un étranger employé illégalement est également "innocent".
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe aucune «personne qui a soutenu d’autres crimes du Code pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, diplomate philippin, représentant de l'ambassade des Philippines", je suis innocent.

2 La poursuite est parce que "soutien de l'article 22-4-4 loi sur l'immigration"
Articles 60 et 62 du code pénal contre l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration
C'est "fou" d '"appliquer" "un péché qui soutient d'autres crimes".
C'est hors de logique dans la loi.

Loi sur l'immigration des étrangers, article 22-4-4
L’acte prescrit dans (Acquisition du statut de résidence par la présentation de faux documents) a été accompli.
Cependant, il n'y a pas de «sanction pénale» pour cela.
La disposition est «annulation du statut de résidence» et «réinstallation forcée» par le ministre de la Justice.
Par conséquent, le «crime pour soutenir d'autres crimes» aux articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal n'est pas applicable.
Le «motif du crime» figurant à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration énoncé dans «l'acte d'accusation» n'a aucun lien de causalité avec l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration.
La logique du droit est complètement folle.

Le gouvernement japonais a "écraser" "poursuivre".
Cependant, "écraser" par le pouvoir de l’État signifie "arrêter" de "délai de prescription".

Les matériaux sont ci-dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.

Cordialement. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: La Maison Blanche m'a répondu que je réfléchissais sérieusement à une solution qui me satisferait avec ce problème.
J'attends le résultat Je ne m'attends pas à des mensonges.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes américaines. Je l'ai vu de cet œil.
Les Américains sont également non coupables si la poursuite n'arrête pas l'employeur.
Le gouvernement américain devrait réclamer la restauration et l’indemnisation de l’honneur américain.
S'il vous plaît soutenir "poursuivre" à "CPI".

Il est publié dans le blog suivant.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous pour toutes questions.

Help me! Angela Merkel zum deutschen Ministerpräsidenten 2019-10-30: Sehr geehrter Herr,Ich habe eine Chinesin getroffen. Diese Frau hat einen „Ehemann“ in Fujian. Und in Tokio gibt es „Ehemänner“. Fujians "Ehemann" kennt diese Tatsache.

Angela Merkel zum deutschen Ministerpräsidenten

2019-10-30: Sehr geehrter Herr,
Es ist Sommer 2008. Ich ging nach Fujian, China, um chinesische Ingenieure einzustellen. Dies ist für ein Interview mit einer chinesischen Person, die sich für meine Firma beworben hat. Wir haben mehrere Chinesen eingestellt, die Japanisch sprechen. Hier gibt es verschiedene Erinnerungen. Ich habe eine Chinesin getroffen. Diese Frau hat einen „Ehemann“ in Fujian. Und in Tokio gibt es „Ehemänner“. Fujians "Ehemann" kennt diese Tatsache.

Teil 1. 1998 ging ich in „Dandong City“, einer Stadt an der Grenze zu Nordkorea, zu „Interview“.
Dies ist eine Einladung des Personalbüros der Stadt Dandong.
Ich bin mit dem Präsidenten von "People in the same business" gegangen.
Ich werde zu einem anderen Zeitpunkt darüber sprechen.
Zu dieser Zeit war ich Präsident der Systemfirma.
Zu dieser Zeit beschäftigte ich mich auch mit „Zeitarbeit“ für „Software-Ingenieure“.
Also ging ich zu "Fujian" für "Interview".

Das Interview ging an „Fukuqing City“ in der Provinz Fujian.
Zu dieser Zeit kamen 70% der Besucher aus China aus der Provinz Fujian.
Die meisten von ihnen kommen aus der Stadt Fuqing.
Der größte Teil des aus China nach Japan importierten Aals stammt aus der Stadt Fukuqing.

Ziel ist es, potenzielle Kandidaten zu befragen und Makler zu ermitteln.
Die meisten Chinesen, die außer dem Tourismus nach Japan kommen, kommen von Maklern.
Ohne einen Makler können „Internationale Studenten und Arbeitsvisa“ kein Chinesisch akzeptieren.
Mein Firmeninterview ist Broker Brokerage.
Makler in China sind keine Verbrechen.
Da Sie jedoch keine Geschäftslizenz haben, können Sie nicht über die Zeitungswerbung „rekrutieren“.
So viele der führenden Makler sind Landführer.
Makler, Gangster, Polizisten, Ministerialbeamte und die Kommunistische Partei sind "Gemeinschaften".

Die Person, die mit mir ging, ist ein chinesischer Angestellter an einer japanischen Sprachschule.
Er reist durch Fujian, um Studenten zu rekrutieren.
Seine „Bekannte Frau“ „lud“ uns ein, nachts in „Fuzhou“ zu essen.
Da war ihr "Ehemann".
Es gab auch einen jüngeren Bruder. Ich habe mit einem Freund eine "Kohlenmine" geleitet.
Ich ging zurück nach Tokio und in einen von ihr geführten „Club“ in Shimbashi.
In dem Geschäft arbeiteten 20 bis 30 chinesische Frauen.
Fast jeder ist "illegale Arbeit" oder "gefälschte Ehe".

Zu meiner Überraschung hatte sie (die Mutter im Laden) einen japanischen „Ehemann“.
Die "Verkäuferin" weiß nicht, dass sie in "Fuzhou" einen "chinesischen" Ehemann hat.

Zu den Kunden gehörten "Kasumigaseki-Mitarbeiter" und "leitende Polizeibeamte".
"Ich" sagte bei Ermittlungen der Polizei oder der Staatsanwaltschaft nicht "Kundenname".
Sage ich nicht Weil ich "ein Geheimnis bewahre".
Weil "ich" kein Kind ist!

Es wird morgen weitergehen.

Siehe "Anklageschrift" auf der folgenden "Site".
In diesem Fall nur auf diese "Anklageschrift"
Sie können "Fehler des anwendbaren Rechts" verstehen.

Bitte lesen Sie die PDF-Dateien „Englische Übersetzung“ und „Japanischer Text“.
Bitte seien Sie vorsichtig beim Umgang mit persönlichen Daten.
● Übersetzung des englischen Satzes "Letter of Indictment"
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
Die englische Übersetzung dient nur als Referenz. Um genau zu sein, machen Sie es selbst.
● Japanischer Originaltext „Anklageschreiben“
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanisch)"
Die englische Übersetzung ist falsch. Die englische Übersetzung finden Sie oben unter "PDF".
● Bitte beachten Sie die entsprechenden Gesetze. (Japanische und englische Übersetzung)
1) Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen
Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen
2) Strafrecht
3) Verfassung Japans
Die Verfassung von Japan

Teil 2. Ich "verklage" zwei Dinge.
Dies ist eine "internationale" "Menschenrechtsverletzung" durch die japanische Regierung.
Seit dem Vorfall sind fast 10 Jahre vergangen. Mein Leben ist begrenzt.
Wir bitten Sie um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere „Honor Recovery and Compensation“ durchgeführt wird.
Wenn die Welt die „Governance nach dem Gesetz“ ignoriert, ist es selbstverständlich, dass sie durch Terrorismus gelöst wird. Aber verrückt.

1. Ausländer verrichteten andere „illegale Arbeit“ als „Qualifikation des Wohnsitzes“. Aber Ausländer sind unschuldig.
Für den einwanderungsrechtlichen Artikel 70 „Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen“ wurden nur Ausländer bestraft.
Andererseits bestimmt das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz Arbeitgeber, die für illegale Arbeit „ursächlich“ sind, als Artikel 73-2
Wir werden bestraft durch (Sünde, die illegale Beschäftigung fördert).

Die japanische Justiz "bestraft" jedoch nur Ausländer, nicht aber "Arbeitgeber".
Dies verstößt eindeutig gegen den Grundsatz der Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz
Und es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das es "willkürlich" verbietet, nur Ausländer "zu bestrafen".

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der einen Ausländer illegal anstellt, "unschuldig" ist, ist ein illegal angestellter Ausländer auch "unschuldig".
In diesem Fall gibt es keine „Person, die andere Straftaten des Strafgesetzbuchs“ gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes unterstützt hat.
"Ich, KinGungaku, philippinischer Diplomat, philippinischer Botschaftsbeamter" ist unschuldig.

2. Die Anklage ist, weil "Unterstützung von Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes"
Artikel 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes
Es ist "verrückt", "Sünde anzuwenden, die andere Verbrechen unterstützt".
Dies ist gesetzlich unlogisch.

Ausländerzuwanderungsgesetz Artikel 22-4-4
Die in (Erlangung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente) vorgeschriebene Handlung wurde durchgeführt.
Hierfür gibt es jedoch keine „strafrechtliche Bestrafung“.
Entsorgung ist "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Zwangsumsiedlung" durch den Justizminister.
Daher ist das "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten" in den Artikeln 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs nicht anwendbar.
Der durch die Anklage hervorgehobene „Grund für Straftaten“ in Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes steht in keinem kausalen Zusammenhang mit Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes.
Die Logik des Gesetzes ist völlig verrückt.

Die japanische Regierung hat "verknallt" "verklagt".
Allerdings ist „zermalmen“ durch die Staatsmacht ein „Stopp“ der „Verjährungsfrist“.

Die Materialien sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.

Beste Grüße Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: Das Weiße Haus antwortete mir, dass ich ernsthaft über eine Lösung nachdenke, die mich mit diesem Problem zufrieden stellen würde.
Ich warte auf das Ergebnis Ich erwarte keine Lügen.

Es gibt viele amerikanische Opfer. Ich habe es mit diesem Auge gesehen.
Die Amerikaner sind auch nicht schuldig, wenn die Staatsanwaltschaft den Arbeitgeber nicht festnimmt.
Die US-Regierung sollte die Wiederherstellung und Entschädigung der amerikanischen Ehre fordern.
Bitte unterstützen Sie "Sue" zu "ICC".

Meine Informationen

Es wird im folgenden Blog veröffentlicht.

Nationalität Japan

Nennen Sie Yasuhiro Nagano

E-Mail  nagano_ mirai@yahoo.co.jp

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns bei Fragen.

Help me! To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-10-30: Dear Sir, It's summer 2008. I went to Fujian, China to hire Chinese engineers. This is for an interview with a Chinese person who applied for my company.

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2019-10-30: Dear Sir,
It's summer 2008. I went to Fujian, China to hire Chinese engineers. This is for an interview with a Chinese person who applied for my company. We hired several Chinese who can speak Japanese. There are various memories here. I met a Chinese woman. This woman has a “husband” in Fujian. And there are “husbands” in Tokyo. Fujian's “husband” knows this fact.

Part 1. In 1998, I went to “Interview” in “Dandong City”,
a town on the border with North Korea.
This is an invitation from the Dandong City Human Resources Bureau.
I went with the president of "People in the same business".
I will talk about this at another time.
At that time, I was the president of the system company.
At this time, I was also working on “temporary staffing” for “software engineers”.
So I went to “Fujian” for “Interview”.

The interview went to “Fukuqing City” in Fujian Province.
At that time, 70% of visitors from China were from Fujian Province.
Most of them are from Fuqing City.
Most of the “eel” imported from China into Japan comes from “Fukuqing City”.

The purpose is interviewing prospective candidates and investigating brokers.
Most of the Chinese who come to Japan other than tourism come by brokers.
Without a broker, “International students and labor visas” cannot accept Chinese.
My company interview is broker brokerage.
Brokers in China are not crimes.
However, since you do not have a business license,
you cannot “recruit” by “newspaper advertisement”.
So many of the leading brokers are land leaders.
Brokers, gangsters, police, ministry officials, and the Communist Party are “communities”.

The person who went with me is a Chinese employee at a Japanese language school.
He is traveling around Fujian to recruit students.
His “acquaintance woman” “invited” us to eat at night in “Fuzhou”.
There was her “husband” there.
There was also a younger brother. I managed a "coal mine" with a friend.
I went back to Tokyo and went to a “club” run by her in Shimbashi.
There were 20 to 30 Chinese women working in the store.
Almost everyone is “illegal labor” or “spoofed marriage”.

To my surprise, she (the mom in the store) had a Japanese “husband”.
The "store official" doesn't know that she has a "Chinese" husband in "Fuzhou".

Customers included “Kasumigaseki staff” and “executive police officers”.
"I" didn't say "customer name" in police or prosecution investigations.
I don't say. Because I am “keep a secret”.
Because "I" is not a child!

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
This is an “international” “human rights violation” by the Japanese government.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our “honor recovery and compensation” will be carried out.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”,
it is natural to resolve it by terrorism. But crazy.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are “causal” of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to the principle of equality under the law
And it violates international law that prohibits "arbitrarily" "punishing" only foreigners.

If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent".
If so, there is no “person who supported other crimes of the Penal Code”
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official" is innocent.

2. The prosecution is “applying” the “crimes to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds
of “support of the Immigration Act 22-4-4” It ’s crazy.
This is out of logic in the law.

A foreigner acted as prescribed in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
The logic of the law is completely crazy.

The Japanese government has "crush" "sue".
However, “crush” by state power is “stop” of “Statute of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: The White House replied to me that I was seriously considering a solution
that would satisfy me with this issue.
I am waiting for the result I expect no lies.

There are many American victims. I have seen this with my eyes.
If the prosecution does not arrest the employer, the Americans are not guilty.
The United States government should claim restoration and compensation
for the honor of Americans.
please support the "Appeal" to the "ICC."

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

Help me!  To everyone in the world's media There are various memories here. I met a Chinese woman. This woman has a “husband” in Fujian. And there are “husbands” in Tokyo. Fujian's “husband” knows this fact.

To everyone in the world's media 

As a journalist, report the truth of Japan's judicial administration.

2019-10-30: Dear Sir,
It's summer 2008. I went to Fujian, China to hire Chinese engineers. This is for an interview with a Chinese person who applied for my company. We hired several Chinese who can speak Japanese. There are various memories here. I met a Chinese woman. This woman has a “husband” in Fujian. And there are “husbands” in Tokyo. Fujian's “husband” knows this fact.

Part 1. In 1998, I went to “Interview” in “Dandong City”,
a town on the border with North Korea.
This is an invitation from the Dandong City Human Resources Bureau.
I went with the president of "People in the same business".
I will talk about this at another time.
At that time, I was the president of the system company.
At this time, I was also working on “temporary staffing” for “software engineers”.
So I went to “Fujian” for “Interview”.

The interview went to “Fukuqing City” in Fujian Province.
At that time, 70% of visitors from China were from Fujian Province.
Most of them are from Fuqing City.
Most of the “eel” imported from China into Japan comes from “Fukuqing City”.

The purpose is interviewing prospective candidates and investigating brokers.
Most of the Chinese who come to Japan other than tourism come by brokers.
Without a broker, “International students and labor visas” cannot accept Chinese.
My company interview is broker brokerage.
Brokers in China are not crimes.
However, since you do not have a business license,
you cannot “recruit” by “newspaper advertisement”.
So many of the leading brokers are land leaders.
Brokers, gangsters, police, ministry officials, and the Communist Party are “communities”.

The person who went with me is a Chinese employee at a Japanese language school.
He is traveling around Fujian to recruit students.
His “acquaintance woman” “invited” us to eat at night in “Fuzhou”.
There was her “husband” there.
There was also a younger brother. I managed a "coal mine" with a friend.
I went back to Tokyo and went to a “club” run by her in Shimbashi.
There were 20 to 30 Chinese women working in the store.
Almost everyone is “illegal labor” or “spoofed marriage”.

To my surprise, she (the mom in the store) had a Japanese “husband”.
The "store official" doesn't know that she has a "Chinese" husband in "Fuzhou".

Customers included “Kasumigaseki staff” and “executive police officers”.
"I" didn't say "customer name" in police or prosecution investigations.
I don't say. Because I am “keep a secret”.
Because "I" is not a child!

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
This is an “international” “human rights violation” by the Japanese government.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our “honor recovery and compensation” will be carried out.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”,
it is natural to resolve it by terrorism. But crazy.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are “causal” of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to the principle of equality under the law
And it violates international law that prohibits "arbitrarily" "punishing" only foreigners.

If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent".
If so, there is no “person who supported other crimes of the Penal Code”
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official" is innocent.

2. The prosecution is “applying” the “crimes to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds
of “support of the Immigration Act 22-4-4” It ’s crazy.
This is out of logic in the law.

A foreigner acted as prescribed in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
The logic of the law is completely crazy.

The Japanese government has "crush" "sue".
However, “crush” by state power is “stop” of “Statute of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: The White House replied to me that I was seriously considering a solution
that would satisfy me with this issue.
I am waiting for the result I expect no lies.

Request to media

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


help me Opinion 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国最高领导人金正恩。 2019-10-29:亲爱的先生, “调查事实的权利”是对人权的侵犯。如果使用日本人或西方人,这将成为人权问题。一名外国妇女与日本人结婚。









请参阅“英语翻译”和“日语文本” PDF。
英文翻译不正确。请参见上面的“ PDF”进行英语翻译。
●请参阅相关法律。 (日语和英语翻译)





















2025/03/27:على الشركات التي تبني مصانع في "المنطقة الخاصة على الحدود المكسيكية" أن تبني مصنعين. أحدهما يطل على البحر الكاريبي، والآخر يُصدّر إلى دول المحيط الهادئ مثل أوروبا وأفريقيا وأمريكا الجنوبية.

 ١٤ مارس ٢٠٢٥: طبعة أيام الأسبوع، [نيبون تي في: صباح الأحد] السيارات الأمريكية لا تُباع في اليابان لضعف استهلاكها للوقود. هل "الحاجز غي...