<Public mail>
To the media of the international community, please help! Today, the second mail.
2018-01-12: Today's explanation is "illegality of mistake
applying law aid violation assistance incident" NO: 10
In case
In Japan, the fact that judicial administration is totally different from "governance
under the law" proposed by Prime Minister Abe is stated.
Japan needs "governance under the law".
In Japan, like this case,
"Criminal offense against applicable law" is a routine event.
Because it is a human, there are errors.
If you apologize, restore honor and compensate you,
it can be said that governance under the law is done.
However, the act of crushing the case is not governance under the law.
It is an act equal to terrorism.
This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me!
We have already filed complaints (information notices) to ICC,
but please also support international society.
And please also press the ICC to investigate this issue with top priority
in solving the terrorism problem and the abduction issue of North Korea.
If you are a media etc., please check the logic of the stated law and report the facts.
And please do campaign so that the Japanese government will do "rule under the law"!
Children can understand the logic of law.
I do not need interpretation in this description.
It is as described in Immigration Law.
I sent this e-mail to many people,
and published it with many programs and SNS.
Let's eliminate terrorism from the world this year alone.
To that end, let's condemn the unreasonable act.
Please see below for the contents of the complaint against ICC (information notice).
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.
Help me!
It is the continuation of No: 9 last time. In case
The causal relationship that the former offender became illegal work is knowing
that the former offender is the status of residence of technology and humanities international,
It is an illegal act of a business operator
who worked in a job outside the qualification.
The punishment is given priority over criminal law deduction of criminal law of the general law
because there is a provision of punishment under Article 2 of Article 73 as a promotion act
including promotion of illegal employment,
and the application of criminal law aid is based on the logic of law Contrary to that.
If I do not work in a company applying for a status of residence,
I was able to help criminal offenses
because the alien made a false employment contract to provide a fake employment agreement
when I performed a criminal act such as illegal work
or murder If there is no causal relationship with crime,
if we apply criminal assistance crime, our immigration administration will not be established.
There are two mistakes appealing in this case.
1. That the Chinese and the Philippines who worked non-resident status is the fact,
in this case, and that worked, but must be disposed of equally worked person,
a person who worked illegally, of Article 73 At 2
I have not disposed anything. If it is, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
2. I am applying the criminal law aiding criminal law against illegal employment because
I am providing a false employment contract to me and the staff of the Philippine Embassy,
but it is a mistake in applicable law.
The aid of submitting false documents is an act of assisting the cancellation
of the status of residence of the Immigration Act.
I can not do criminal disposition.
Next time, No: Continues to 11.
Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!
I'd like to ask the President. Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
please confirm.
Best regards.
(This message is sent not only to President Trump, but also to the world media etc.)
Dear Sir, To the media of the international community, today's scoop information!
Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".
The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient, it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.
Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.
I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.
The fact that I am ignoring judicial crimes of international law violation in case of violation of Immigration Control Act due to illegal employment outside the status of residence,
Not only Japanese officials, but also the Chinese government and the Philippine government.
To China, issued a letter to like or embassy Xi Jinping president and the king Atsushigaimu Minister.
There is a telephone from the Chinese embassy in Japan and I understood the meaning, but I will not protest to the Japanese government.
I do not want to say the reason.
Maybe, I think that Xi Jinping Jintao do not know.
The Chinese government forsakes abandonment even if Chinese people are infringed by human rights violations of international law from the Japanese government!
As expected to be a Communist Party. The nation exists for Communist members.
I think that the people will stand up someday!
To the Philippines I wrote a letter to the presidential office and the embassy in Japan.
I do not say anything from the embassy.
I do not say anything from the embassy.
We will ignore former presidential office, embassy, and current president.
As for the Philippine government, the people seem to be "insects".
I was disappointed with President Rodrigo Doutelte.
Someday the people will stand up!
There is "Shin Nakuba Tatazu" in "thesis" "If you do not live with people".
The meaning is "Politics does not hold without the trust of the people.
Confucius raises three points of arms, food, and people's trust as an important person in politics,
From the fact that it is trustworthy that is important. (Shin Nakuba Tatazu)
It is said.
Litigation (information provision) to ICC Many of the materials are upgraded to the following HP.
We also attach indictment, so please check with law and international law.
If there is a mistake in my argument, please point out.
We are looking forward to your justice.
The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
Japan, China, the Philippines and others cherish the citizens' human rights and do politics.
And I will send it everyday until it becomes a country governed under the law. Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!
To the media of the international community! Tips on News from Japan! We will send articles posted e-mail to President Trump everyday. Apart from the news, Think seriously about Japanese immigration problems (crime against humanitarian Article 7) Please cover! Article 7 Crime against humanity (E) Strong deprivation of antibacterial and other physical freedoms in violation of the basic rules of international law It is a serious problem in Japan! Many foreigners are suffering from damage!
[Email from the US White House Presidential Communication Bureau 2018-01-11] White House, Washington January 10, 2018
from the US White House Presidential Communication Bureau 2018-01-11]
House, Washington
10, 2018
you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing
your message.
Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the
spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay
informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking
the time to reach out.
you wish to receive regular email updates from the White House,
please Click Here. You may also wish to follow President Trump and
the White House on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube.
The Office of
Presidential Correspondence |
spread to the following site, please help everyone!
Help me! January 11, 2018: Mail to Prince Teliza Mei British Prime Minister! Dear Sirs, Three years in a row, the price of rice in Japan is rising. The cause is not only unusual weather.
<Public mail>
Help me! January 11, 2018: Mail to Prince Teliza Mei British Prime Minister!
Dear Sirs, Three years in a row, the price of rice in Japan is rising. The cause is not only unusual weather.
Until now, farmers who have mainly made business rice have switched over half of the production to the cheap "rice for feed" in the past 3 years. The reason is that if you make "rice for feed" you will receive a generous subsidy. Rice for business use, used for rice balls and lunch boxes, has risen by 20% in the past 2 years,
the price is rising. So, we reduce the amount of rice by about 5 grams
and make it a "small rice ball" for sale. It will eventually become a burden to consumers.
Japanese farmers make "rice for feed". Farmers such as the United States please export "food rice" to Japan. Otherwise, consumers will not eat "rice" of Japanese culture.
I like "whale meat". In the past, prices were cheap, so it was often served at school meals. "Whale meat" should be cheap because it is research whaling now. But "whale meat" is higher than "beef".
Children do not eat "whale meat". There is no meaning of commercial whaling. What is the Japanese government doing "research whaling" for? It is doubtful! Looking at the website of "International Environment NGO Greenpeace", "NGO Joint Statement: Discontinue" Bill for Scientific Whale Science Survey for Commercial Whaling "to Continue Tax on Survey Whaling! There is. I agree. Please tell me to stop searching for meaningless research whaling in Japan.
Prime Minister Teliza May, "Please help me, please make Japan a country governed under the law."
There are two things I really want to say in terms of human rights issues in Japan!
1. It is a fact that Chinese and Philippines worked other than the status of residence,
The Immigration Control Law is a provision that equally dispose of workers and those who work.
In this case, only foreigners who worked outside the status of residence were criminalized.
We have not disposed of those who worked illegally (employers) with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment promotion crime).
If so, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
There is no assistant to any illegal work if it is.
2. For me and staff of the Philippine Embassy,
Contents As providing a false employment agreement, against illegal employment crimes,
I applied the crime assistance crime, but it is a mistake in applying law.
Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents,
It is administrative punishment, Immigration Law 22-4 Article 4 (Cancellation of Status of Residence).
The donor will assist the sin, but it can not be criminalized under the provisions of the criminal code.
It is a violation of basic human rights violation.
Applicable crimes are special officials abuse of their own authority and false charges.
Many victims of foreigners are also occurring today.
Please let ICC investigate! Please also take up the agenda in the UN, G7, G20 and others.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
His Excellency, Terrysa May, Gambare! And please help us! Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
S'il vous pla?t aider! 01/11/2018: Mail au Premier ministre fran?ais Eduard Philip! Chers Messieurs, Trois ans de suite, le prix du riz au Japon est en hausse. La cause n'est pas seulement un temps inhabituel.
S'il vous pla?t aider! 01/11/2018: Mail au Premier ministre fran?ais Eduard Philip!
Chers Messieurs, Trois ans de suite, le prix du riz au Japon est en hausse. La cause n'est pas seulement un temps inhabituel.
Jusqu'? pr?sent, les agriculteurs qui ont principalement cultiv? du riz ont transf?r? la moiti? de la production au ?riz pour l'alimentation? ? bas prix au cours des trois derni?res ann?es. La raison en est que si vous faites du ?riz pour l'alimentation?, vous recevrez une subvention g?n?reuse. Le riz pour usage professionnel utilis? pour les boulettes de riz et les bo?tes ? lunch a augment? de 20% au cours des deux derni?res ann?es, le prix augmente. Ainsi, nous r?duisons la quantit? de riz d'environ 5 grammes et en faisons une "petite boule de riz" ? vendre. Cela finira par devenir un fardeau pour les consommateurs.
Les agriculteurs japonais font du ?riz pour l'alimentation?. Les agriculteurs comme les ?tats-Unis exportent du ?riz alimentaire? au Japon. Sinon, les consommateurs ne mangeront pas le "riz" de la culture japonaise.
J'aime "la viande de baleine". Dans le pass?, les prix ?taient bon march?, de sorte qu'il ?tait souvent servi lors des repas scolaires. La ?viande de baleine? devrait ?tre bon march? parce que c'est la chasse ? la baleine de recherche maintenant. Mais "viande de baleine" est plus ?lev? que "viande de b?uf". Les enfants ne mangent pas de "viande de baleine". Il n'y a aucune signification de la chasse commerciale ? la baleine. Que fait le gouvernement japonais pour "la chasse ? la baleine"? C'est douteux! En regardant le site web de "Greenpeace, ONG internationale pour l'environnement", "D?claration conjointe des ONG: Discontinuer" Bill for Scientific Whale Science Survey "pour continuer ? taxer la chasse ? la baleine! Il y a. Je suis d'accord S'il vous pla?t, dites-moi d'arr?ter la chasse ? la baleine au Japon
Premier ministre Eduard Philip, "S'il vous pla?t aidez-moi, s'il vous pla?t faites du Japon un pays r?gi par la loi"
Il y a deux choses que je veux vraiment dire en termes de droits de l'homme au Japon!
1. Il est un fait que les Chinois et les Philippines ont travaill? autre que le statut de r?sidence,
La loi sur le contr?le de l'immigration est une disposition qui dispose ?galement des travailleurs et de ceux qui travaillent.
Dans ce cas, seuls les ?trangers qui travaillaient en dehors du statut de r?sident ont ?t? criminalis?s.
Nous n'avons pas dispos? de ceux qui ont travaill? ill?galement (employeurs) avec l'article 73-2 de la Loi sur l'immigration (crime de promotion de l'emploi ill?gal).
Si c'est le cas, l'?tranger a travaill? est innocent.
C'est ?gal en vertu de la loi, c'est la r?gle du droit international.
Il n'y a pas d'assistant ? un travail ill?gal si c'est le cas.
2. Pour moi et le personnel de l'ambassade des Philippines,
Contenu Fournir un faux contrat de travail, contre les d?lits d'emploi illicites,
J'ai appliqu? le crime d'aide au crime, mais c'est une erreur dans l'application de la loi.
Acquisition du statut de r?sidence en soumettant de faux documents,
C'est une punition administrative, Loi sur l'immigration 22-4 Article 4 (Annulation du statut de r?sidence).
Le donateur aidera le p?ch?, mais il ne peut pas ?tre criminalis? en vertu des dispositions du Code criminel.
C'est une violation de la violation fondamentale des droits de l'homme.
Les crimes applicables sont des abus de fonctionnaires de leur propre autorit? et de fausses accusations.
De nombreuses victimes d'?trangers se produisent ?galement aujourd'hui.
S'il vous pla?t laissez la CPI enqu?ter! Veuillez ?galement prendre connaissance de l'ordre du jour de l'ONU, du G7, du G20 et d'autres.
Les documents ? soumettre ? la CPI sont ci-dessous.
Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare!
Et s'il vous pla?t aidez-nous! Sinc?rement v?tre.
Yasuhiro Nagano
<Öffentliche Mail> Bitte helfen Sie! 11. Januar 2018: Mail an die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel! In Japan werden viele Ausländer wegen Völkerrechtsverletzungen rechtswidrig bestraft. Bitte prüfen Sie das Material und verurteilen Sie es mit G7, G20 usw. Bitte hilf uns. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, drei Jahre in Folge steigt der Preis für Reis in Japan. Die Ursache ist nicht nur ungewöhnliches Wetter.
<Öffentliche Mail>
Bitte helfen Sie! 11. Januar 2018: Mail an die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel!
In Japan werden viele Ausländer wegen Völkerrechtsverletzungen rechtswidrig bestraft.
Bitte prüfen Sie das Material und verurteilen Sie es mit G7, G20 usw. Bitte hilf uns.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, drei Jahre in Folge steigt der Preis für Reis in Japan. Die Ursache ist nicht nur ungewöhnliches Wetter.
Bis jetzt haben Bauern, die hauptsächlich Geschäftsreis hergestellt haben, die Hälfte der Produktion in den letzten 3 Jahren auf den billigen "Reis für Futter" umgestellt. Der Grund dafür ist, dass Sie, wenn Sie "Reis für Futter" machen, eine großzügige Beihilfe erhalten. Reis für den Business-Einsatz für Reisbällchen und Lunch-Boxen hat in den letzten 2 Jahren um 20% gestiegen, der Preis steigt. So reduzieren wir die Menge Reis um ca. 5 Gramm und machen daraus einen "kleinen Reisbällchen" zum Verkauf. Es wird schließlich eine Belastung für die Verbraucher werden.
Japanische Bauern machen "Reis für Futter". Landwirte wie die USA exportieren bitte "Lebensmittelreis" nach Japan. Andernfalls werden die Verbraucher "Reis" der japanischen Kultur nicht essen.
Ich mag "Walfleisch". In der Vergangenheit waren die Preise günstig und wurden oft zu Schulmahlzeiten serviert. "Walfleisch" sollte billig sein, weil es jetzt Walfangforschung ist. Aber "Walfleisch" ist höher als "Rindfleisch". Kinder essen kein "Walfleisch". Der kommerzielle Walfang hat keine Bedeutung. Was macht die japanische Regierung, um den Walfang zu forschen? Es ist zweifelhaft! Ein Blick auf die Website von "International Environment NGO Greenpeace", "NGO Joint Statement: Discontinue" Bill für Scientific Wal Science Survey für kommerziellen Walfang ", um Steuern auf Survey Whaling! Es gibt. Ich stimme zu. Bitte sagen Sie mir, dass ich in Japan mit bedeutungslosem Forschungswalfang aufhören soll
Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel: "Bitte helfen Sie mir! Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem gesetzlich geregelten Land."
Es gibt zwei Dinge, die ich wirklich in Bezug auf Menschenrechte in Japan sagen möchte!
1. Es ist eine Tatsache, dass Chinesen und Philippinen anders als der Status des Wohnsitzes gearbeitet haben,
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz ist eine Bestimmung, die Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitnehmer gleichermaßen diskriminiert.
In diesem Fall wurden nur Ausländer kriminalisiert, die außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus arbeiteten.
Wir haben nicht über diejenigen, die illegal gearbeitet haben (Arbeitgeber) mit Artikel 73-2 des Immigration Act (illegale Beschäftigung Promotion Verbrechen) entsorgt.
Wenn dies der Fall ist, ist das Alien unschuldig.
Dies ist nach dem Gesetz gleich, es ist die Regel des Völkerrechts.
Es gibt keinen Assistenten für illegale Arbeit, wenn es so ist.
2. Für mich und Mitarbeiter der philippinischen Botschaft,
Inhalt Als ein falscher Arbeitsvertrag für die illegalen Arbeiter
Ich habe das Verbrechenhilfsverbrechen angewandt, aber es ist ein Fehler bei der Anwendung des Gesetzes.
Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente,
Der Immigration Control Act 22-4 Artikel ist eine administrative Strafe 4 (Aufenthaltsstatus Stornierung).
Anbieter, sondern die Schuldigen bei der Unterstützung sein, kann strafrechtliche Bestimmungen nicht kriminelle Strafe in.
Es ist eine Verletzung grundlegender Menschenrechtsverletzungen.
Anwendbare Verbrechen sind besondere Amtsträger, die ihre eigenen Befugnisse und falschen Anschuldigungen missbrauchen.
Viele Opfer von Ausländern treten heute auch auf.
Bitte lassen Sie ICC untersuchen! Bitte nehmen Sie auch die Tagesordnung in den UN, G7, G20 und anderen auf.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.
Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
Nagano (Yasuhiro Nagano)
To the media of the international community, please help! Today, the second mail. 2018-01-11: Today's explanation is "illegality of mistake applying law aid violation incidents" NO: 9
<Public mail>
To the media of the international community, please help! Today, the second mail.
2018-01-11: Today's explanation is "illegality of mistake applying
law aid violation incidents" NO: 9
In case
In Japan, the fact that judicial administration is totally different
from "governance under the law" proposed by Prime Minister Abe is stated.
Japan needs "governance under the law".
In Japan, like this case,
"Criminal offense against applicable law" is a routine event.
Because it is a human, there are errors.
If you apologize, restore honor and compensate you, it can be said that governance under the law is done. However, the act of crushing the case is not governance under the law. It is an act equal to terrorism.
This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me!
We have already filed complaints (information notices) to ICC,
but please also support international society.
And please also press the ICC to investigate this issue with top priority
in solving the terrorism problem and the abduction issue of North Korea.
If you are a media etc.,
please check the logic of the stated law and report the facts.
And please do campaign so that the Japanese government will do "rule under the law"!
Children can understand the logic of law.
I do not need interpretation in this description.
It is as described in Immigration Law.
I sent this e-mail to many people,
and published it with many programs and SNS.
Let's eliminate terrorism from the world this year alone.
To that end, let's condemn the unreasonable act.
Please see below for the contents of the complaint against ICC (information notice).
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!
Last time, No: 8 continuation. In case
The status of residence to give is given to the individuals of foreign nationals
by Japanese nationals, and work restricts
by permitting employment within the status of residence,
but the work place is not a company offering employment contracts,
but which company or organization is employed This is free.
Technology and Humanities Even if a foreign national
who got an international status of residence qualifies to submit
a false employment contract and obtain a status of residence,
if a diploma with conditions to receive technology and humanities is true,
Technology and Humanities It is legitimate to acquire international status of residence.
Also, if you work in a qualified position you will not be illegally employed.
There are two mistakes appealing in this case.
1. That the Chinese and the Philippines
who worked non-resident status is the fact,
in this case, and that worked, but must be disposed of equally worked person,
a person who worked illegally, of Article 73 At 2 I have not disposed anything.
If it is, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
2. I am applying the criminal law aiding criminal law against illegal employment
because I am providing a false employment contract to me
and the staff of the Philippine Embassy,
but it is a mistake in applicable law.
The aid of submitting false documents is an act of assisting the cancellation
of the status of residence of the Immigration Act.
I can not do criminal disposition.
Next time, I will continue with No: 10.
Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!
I'd like to ask the President. Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
please confirm.
Best regards.
(This message is sent not only to President Trump,
but also to the world media etc.)
Dear Sir, To the media of the international community, today's scoop information!
Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".
The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient, it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.
Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.
I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.
The fact that I am ignoring judicial crimes of international law violation in case of violation of Immigration Control Act due to illegal employment outside the status of residence,
Not only Japanese officials, but also the Chinese government and the Philippine government.
To China, issued a letter to like or embassy Xi Jinping president and the king Atsushigaimu Minister.
There is a telephone from the Chinese embassy in Japan and I understood the meaning, but I will not protest to the Japanese government.
I do not want to say the reason.
Maybe, I think that Xi Jinping Jintao do not know.
The Chinese government forsakes abandonment even if Chinese people are infringed by human rights violations of international law from the Japanese government!
As expected to be a Communist Party. The nation exists for Communist members.
I think that the people will stand up someday!
To the Philippines I wrote a letter to the presidential office and the embassy in Japan.
I do not say anything from the embassy.
I do not say anything from the embassy.
We will ignore former presidential office, embassy, and current president.
As for the Philippine government, the people seem to be "insects".
I was disappointed with President Rodrigo Doutelte.
Someday the people will stand up!
There is "Shin Nakuba Tatazu" in "thesis" "If you do not live with people".
The meaning is "Politics does not hold without the trust of the people.
Confucius raises three points of arms, food, and people's trust as an important person in politics,
From the fact that it is trustworthy that is important. (Shin Nakuba Tatazu)
It is said.
Litigation (information provision) to ICC Many of the materials are upgraded to the following HP.
We also attach indictment, so please check with law and international law.
If there is a mistake in my argument, please point out.
We are looking forward to your justice.
The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
Japan, China, the Philippines and others cherish the citizens' human rights and do politics.
And I will send it everyday until it becomes a country governed under the law. Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!
To the media of the international community, please help! Today, the first mail. 2018-01-11: Today's topic is "Please export American rice (japonica) to Japan, Japanese farmers make" rice for feed ". So US farmers please export "food rice" to Japan.
<Public mail>
To the media of the international community, please help! Today, the first mail.
2018-01-11: Today's topic is "Please export American rice (japonica) to Japan,
Japanese farmers make" rice for feed ".
So US farmers please export "food rice" to Japan. "
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!
Three years have passed, Japanese rice prices are rising.
The cause is not only unusual weather.
Until now, farmers who have mainly made business rice have switched
over half of the production to the cheap "rice for feed" in the past 3 years.
The reason is that if you make "rice for feed" you will receive a generous subsidy.
Rice for business use, used for rice balls and lunch boxes,
has risen by 20% in the past 2 years, the price is rising.
So, we reduce the amount of rice by about 5 grams and make it a "small rice ball" for sale.
It will eventually become a burden to consumers.
I'd like to ask the President. Please export US rice (japonica variety) to Japan.
Japanese farmers make "rice for feed".
So US farmers please export "food rice" to Japan.
I like "whale meat".
In the past, prices were cheap, so it was often served at school meals.
"Whale meat" should be cheap because it is research whaling now.
But "whale meat" is higher than "beef". Children do not eat "whale meat".
What is the Japanese government doing "research whaling" for?
It is doubtful! Looking at the website of "International Environment
NGO Greenpeace", "NGO Joint Statement: Discontinue" Bill
for Scientific Whale Science Survey for Commercial Whaling "to Continue Tax
on Survey Whaling! There is.
I agree.
I'd like to ask the President.
Please tell me to stop search whaling.
Please support humanitarian crimes by the Japanese state.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese
and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.
President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media,
embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)
To the international society's media, today's scoop information!
Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".
The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient, it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.
Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.
There are two major mistakes appealing in this case.
1. It is a fact that Chinese and Philippines worked other than the status of residence,
The Immigration Control Law is a provision that equally dispose of workers and those who work.
In this case, only foreigners who worked outside the status of residence were criminalized.
We have not disposed of those who worked illegally (employers) with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment promotion crime).
If so, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
There is no assistant to any illegal work if it is.
2. For me and staff of the Philippine Embassy,
Contents As providing a false employment contract, for the illegal workers'
I applied the crime assistance crime, but it is a mistake in applying law.
Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents,
It is administrative punishment, Immigration Law 22-4 Article 4 (Cancellation of Status of Residence).
The donor will assist the sin, but it can not be criminalized under the provisions of the criminal code.
It is a violation of basic human rights violation.
Applicable crime is a special officials abuse of authority and false charges
I point out errors, but I do not accept mistakes.
Special officials such as police officers, prosecutors, judges do not accept mistakes,
It is evidence that governance is not under the law.
The victim is handicapped as a criminal of a criminal case.
As soon as possible to apologize to the victim, recover the honor,
Please advice to ICC.
Moreover, please condemn human rights abuses in Japan at G7, G20, UN etc etc.
For the judicial administration against the Constitution of Japan, international law on human rights and the Immigration Control Act,
Diet members and cabinet do not do anything and ignore it. I do not have ethics.
This case is an act of ignoring the law, it can not be said to be an individual case.
It can not be said that Japan is being governed under the law any longer!
The cabinet, political parties, parliamentarians and others are also crushing this case today.
Can the international community trade with Japanese or Japanese companies that are not governed under the law?
Can you trust the masked Japanese people?
A country that is not governed under the law think that mass murder is occurring in the dark.
There are many missing people.
There are many unresolved incidents.
There are plenty of false accusations.
The Japanese are crying asleep, but I will not fall asleep!
The Japanese says that "the misfortune of others is the taste of honey" will be.
Please accept serious human rights problems in Japan.
Last year, there were a series of exposures of Japanese 's culture of cheating on injustice!
Injustice of quality, injustice of examination and so on successively!
Japanese people seize the problem within the company as well.
Can the international community still trust the masked Japanese people?
Chinese do not like to talk about "Tiananmen Incident".
For Japanese people, talk about this judicial crime!
Can the international community trade with Japanese or Japanese companies that are not governed under the law?
Can you trust the masked Japanese people?
Litigation (information provision) to ICC Many of the materials are upgraded to the following HP.
We also attach indictment, so please check with law and international law.
If there is a mistake in my argument, please point out.
We are looking forward to your justice.
Information on ICC is below!
The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
We will send everyday until Japan becomes a country governed under the law. Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!
Help me! January 10, 2018: Mail to Prince Teliza May, British Prime Minister! Dear Sirs, According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, a ministerial talks between the Republic of Korea and North Korea began at the Panmunj
<Public mail>
Help me! January 10, 2018: Mail to Prince Teliza May, British Prime Minister!
Dear Sirs, According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, a ministerial talks between the Republic of Korea and North Korea began at the Panmunjom Pang Jeong Jeong joint security area on the military borderline morning.
North-south officials' talks are the first time in Korea's literary truck Munjein regime, which was launched last year in about two years since the vice ministerial level in December 2015. At the talks, the North Korean side officially announced its intention to participate in Pyeongchang Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, which will open in Korea on February 9.
With the participation of North Korea, during the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, only the fact that nuclear weapons and missile launches are not confirmed. Competitors in each country can participate in the Olympics with peace of mind. I think that it is the result of the United Nations economic sanction against North Korea.
We hope to develop until abandonment of nuclear and missile development at the ministerial talks between South Korea and North Korea. To that end, I think that there is no way to support some economic support for the people of North Korea. We also ask for humanitarian assistance to the North Korean people. The world is waiting for freedom, democracy and control under the law.
Prime Minister Teliza May, "Please help me, please make Japan a country governed under the law."
There are two things I really want to say in terms of human rights issues in Japan!
1. It is a fact that Chinese and Philippines worked other than the status of residence,
The Immigration Control Law is a provision that equally dispose of workers and those who work.
In this case, only foreigners who worked outside the status of residence were criminalized.
We have not disposed of those who worked illegally (employers) with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment promotion crime).
If so, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
There is no assistant to any illegal work if it is.
2. For me and staff of the Philippine Embassy,
Contents As providing a false employment contract, for the illegal workers'
I applied the crime assistance crime, but it is a mistake in applying law.
Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents,
It is administrative punishment, Immigration Law 22-4 Article 4 (Cancellation of Status of Residence).
The donor will assist the sin, but it can not be criminalized under the provisions of the criminal code.
It is a violation of basic human rights violation.
Applicable crimes are special officials abuse of their own authority and false charges.
Many victims of foreigners are also occurring today.
Please let ICC investigate! Please also take up the agenda in the UN, G7, G20 and others.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
His Excellency, Terrysa May, Gambare! And please help us! Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
S'il vous pla?t aider! 01 10 mai 2018: e-mail au Premier ministre fran?ais Edouard Monsieur Philippe! Chers Messieurs, selon le Yomiuri Shimbun, la Cor?e du Sud et la Cor?e du Nord entretiens minist?riels est de 9 jours le matin, il a commenc? dans la zone commune de s?curit? de la ligne de d?marcation militaire ? Panmunjom Panmunjomu ?.
S'il vous pla?t aider! 01 10 mai 2018: e-mail au Premier ministre fran?ais Edouard Monsieur Philippe!
Chers Messieurs, selon le Yomiuri Shimbun, la Cor?e du Sud et la Cor?e du Nord entretiens minist?riels est de 9 jours le matin, il a commenc? dans la zone commune de s?curit? de la ligne de d?marcation militaire ? Panmunjom Panmunjomu ?.
Les discussions par le nord et le sud des fonctionnaires, en deux ans, puisque le niveau de vice-ministre en D?cembre 2015, la premi?re fois en Cor?e du Sud administration Lune Jae-in Munjein, qui a ?t? inaugur? l'an dernier. c?t? nord-cor?en aux pourparlers, a ?t? officiellement annonc? son intention de participer aux Jeux olympiques d'hiver de Pyeongchang Pyeongchang, qui d?butera en Cor?e du Sud le 9 F?vrier.
Dans la participation de la Cor?e du Nord, au cours de la p?riode des Jeux olympiques d'hiver de Pyeongchang, seulement qu'il n'y a pas le lancement nucl?aire ou de missiles a ?t? confirm?e. Chaque pays des joueurs peuvent participer aux Jeux Olympiques avec confiance. Je pense que les r?sultats des mesures de sanctions ?conomiques intercor?ennes par les Nations Unies.
En Cor?e du Sud et la Cor?e du Nord des pourparlers minist?riels, nous esp?rons d?velopper pour d?velopper l'abandon du nucl?aire et des missiles. ? cette fin, une partie de l'aide ?conomique pour les personnes Cor?e du Nord pensent qu'il n'y a aucun moyen. L'aide humanitaire aux personnes en Cor?e du Nord ont ?galement besoin de votre aide. Le monde attend la r?gle en vertu de la libert? et de la d?mocratie et du droit.
Premier ministre Eduard Philip, "S'il vous pla?t aidez-moi, s'il vous pla?t faites du Japon un pays r?gi par la loi"
Il y a deux choses que je veux vraiment dire en termes de droits de l'homme au Japon!
1. Il est un fait que les Chinois et les Philippines ont travaill? autre que le statut de r?sidence,
La loi sur le contr?le de l'immigration est une disposition qui dispose ?galement des travailleurs et de ceux qui travaillent.
Dans ce cas, seuls les ?trangers qui travaillaient en dehors du statut de r?sident ont ?t? criminalis?s.
Nous n'avons pas dispos? de ceux qui ont travaill? ill?galement (employeurs) avec l'article 73-2 de la Loi sur l'immigration (crime de promotion de l'emploi ill?gal).
Si c'est le cas, l'?tranger a travaill? est innocent.
C'est ?gal en vertu de la loi, c'est la r?gle du droit international.
Il n'y a pas d'assistant ? un travail ill?gal si c'est le cas.
2. Pour moi et le personnel de l'ambassade des Philippines,
Contenu Fournir un faux contrat de travail, contre les d?lits d'emploi illicites,
J'ai appliqu? le crime d'aide au crime, mais c'est une erreur dans l'application de la loi.
Acquisition du statut de r?sidence en soumettant de faux documents,
C'est une punition administrative, Loi sur l'immigration 22-4 Article 4 (Annulation du statut de r?sidence).
Le donateur aidera le p?ch?, mais il ne peut pas ?tre criminalis? en vertu des dispositions du Code criminel.
C'est une violation de la violation fondamentale des droits de l'homme.
Les crimes applicables sont des abus de fonctionnaires de leur propre autorit? et de fausses accusations.
De nombreuses victimes d'?trangers se produisent ?galement aujourd'hui.
S'il vous pla?t laissez la CPI enqu?ter! Veuillez ?galement prendre connaissance de l'ordre du jour de l'ONU, du G7, du G20 et d'autres.
Les documents ? soumettre ? la CPI sont ci-dessous.
Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare!
Et s'il vous pla?t aidez-nous! Sinc?rement v?tre.
Yasuhiro Nagano
<Öffentliche Mail> Bitte helfen Sie! 10. Januar 2018: Mail an die belgische Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel! In Japan werden viele Ausländer wegen Völkerrechtsverletzungen rechtswidrig bestraft. Bitte prüfen Sie das Material und verurteilen Sie es mit G7, G20 usw. Bitte hilf uns. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, nach der Yomiuri Shimbun, Südkorea und
<Öffentliche Mail>
Bitte helfen Sie! 10. Januar 2018: Mail an die belgische Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel!
In Japan werden viele Ausländer wegen Völkerrechtsverletzungen rechtswidrig bestraft.
Bitte prüfen Sie das Material und verurteilen Sie es mit G7, G20 usw. Bitte hilf uns.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, nach der Yomiuri Shimbun, Südkorea und Nordkorea ministerielle Gespräche sind 9 Tage Morgen begann es in dem Joint Security Area des militärischen Demarkationslinie „Panmunjom Panmunjomu“.
Vorträge von Norden und Süden der Beamten, in etwa zwei Jahren seit der Vizeministerebene im Dezember 2015 erstmals in Südkorea Moon Jae-in Munjein Verwaltung, die im vergangenen Jahr eröffnet wurde. Nordkoreanischer Seite bei den Gesprächen, wurde seine Absicht offiziell bekannt gegeben, in den Pyeongchang Pyeongchang Olympischen Winterspielen, die am 9. Februar in Südkorea startet teilzunehmen.
In der Teilnahme von Nordkorea in der Zeit Pyeongchang Olympischen Winterspiele, nur, dass es keine nukleare oder Raketenabschuss wurde bestätigt. Die Teilnehmer in jedem Land können mit Sicherheit an den Olympischen Spielen teilnehmen. Ich denke, dass dies das Ergebnis der Wirtschaftssanktion der Vereinten Nationen gegen Nordkorea ist.
In Südkorea und Nordkorea Ministergespräche, hoffen wir, Verzicht auf Atom- und Raketen zu entwickeln, zu entwickeln. Zu diesem Zweck denken einige der wirtschaftlichen Hilfe für Nordkorea Menschen, dass es keine Möglichkeit gibt. Wir bitten auch um humanitäre Hilfe für das nordkoreanische Volk. Die Welt wartet auf Freiheit, Demokratie und Kontrolle unter dem Gesetz.
Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel: "Bitte helfen Sie mir! Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem gesetzlich geregelten Land."
Es gibt zwei Dinge, die ich wirklich in Bezug auf Menschenrechte in Japan sagen möchte!
1. Es ist eine Tatsache, dass Chinesen und Philippinen anders als der Status des Wohnsitzes gearbeitet haben,
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz ist eine Bestimmung, die Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitnehmer gleichermaßen diskriminiert.
In diesem Fall wurden nur Ausländer kriminalisiert, die außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus arbeiteten.
Wir haben nicht über diejenigen, die illegal gearbeitet haben (Arbeitgeber) mit Artikel 73-2 des Immigration Act (illegale Beschäftigung Promotion Verbrechen) entsorgt.
Wenn dies der Fall ist, ist das Alien unschuldig.
Dies ist nach dem Gesetz gleich, es ist die Regel des Völkerrechts.
Es gibt keinen Assistenten für illegale Arbeit, wenn es so ist.
2. Für mich und Mitarbeiter der philippinischen Botschaft,
Inhalt Als ein falscher Arbeitsvertrag für die illegalen Arbeiter
Ich habe das Verbrechenhilfsverbrechen angewandt, aber es ist ein Fehler bei der Anwendung des Gesetzes.
Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente,
Der Immigration Control Act 22-4 Artikel ist eine administrative Strafe 4 (Aufenthaltsstatus Stornierung).
Anbieter, sondern die Schuldigen bei der Unterstützung sein, kann strafrechtliche Bestimmungen nicht kriminelle Strafe in.
Es ist eine Verletzung grundlegender Menschenrechtsverletzungen.
Anwendbare Verbrechen sind besondere Amtsträger, die ihre eigenen Befugnisse und falschen Anschuldigungen missbrauchen.
Viele Opfer von Ausländern treten heute auch auf.
Bitte lassen Sie ICC untersuchen! Bitte nehmen Sie auch die Tagesordnung in den UN, G7, G20 und anderen auf.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.
Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Yasuhiro Nagano)
To the media of the international community, please help! Today, the second mail. 2018-01-10: Today's explanation is "illegality of mistake applying law aiding violation incidents" NO: 8
<Public mail>
To the media of the international community, please help! Today, the second mail.
2018-01-10: Today's explanation is "illegality of mistake applying law
aiding violation incidents" NO: 8
In case
In Japan, the fact that judicial administration is totally different
from "governance under the law" proposed by Prime Minister Abe is stated.
Japan needs "governance under the law".
In Japan, like this case, "Criminal offense against applicable law" is a routine event.
Because it is a human, there are errors.
If you apologize, restore honor and compensate you,
it can be said that governance under the law is done.
However, the act of crushing the case is not governance under the law.
It is an act equal to terrorism.
This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me!
We have already filed complaints (information notices) to ICC,
but please also support international society.
And please also press the ICC to investigate this issue with top priority
in solving the terrorism problem and the abduction issue of North Korea.
If you are a media etc.,
please check the logic of the stated law and report the facts.
And please do campaign so that the Japanese government will do "rule under the law"!
Children can understand the logic of law.
I do not need interpretation in this description.
It is as described in Immigration Law.
I sent this e-mail to many people, and published it with many programs and SNS.
Let's eliminate terrorism from the world this year alone.
To that end, let's condemn the unreasonable act.
Please see below for the contents of the complaint against ICC (information notice).
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!
It is the continuation of No: 7 last time. In case
Contents The provision of a false employment contract is made based
on the absolute requirement of granting status of residence as the basis
for applying criminal law,
but there is no provision
in the Immigration Control Act regarding the conditions for granting status of residence.
In the ministerial ordinance,
the Minister of Justice sets out graduation qualifications (academic backgrounds)
of universities etc.
as a condition for giving international status of residence of technology and humanities.
The submission documents that are heavily used
in the examination are "diplomas" to prove their academic qualifications.
"False Employment Contract" written in the indictment ceremony is determined
by the section manager etc.
and is not stipulated in the law stipulated in Article 31 of the Constitution,
it is not absolute document of the status of residence granted,
It is not a heavy-duty document to impose crime.
There are two mistakes appealing in this case.
1. That the Chinese and the Philippines who worked non-resident status is the fact,
in this case, and that worked,
but must be disposed of equally worked person,
a person who worked illegally, of Article 73 At 2
I have not disposed anything. If it is, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
2. I am applying the criminal law aiding criminal law against illegal employment
because I am providing a false employment contract to me
and the staff of the Philippine Embassy,
but it is a mistake in applicable law.
The aid of submitting false documents is an act of assisting the cancellation
of the status of residence of the Immigration Act. I can not do criminal disposition.
Next time, I will continue with No: 9.
Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!
I'd like to ask the President. Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
please confirm.
Best regards.
(This message is sent not only to President Trump,
but also to the world media etc.)
Dear Sir, To the media of the international community, today's scoop information!
Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".
The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient, it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.
Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.
I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.
The fact that I am ignoring judicial crimes of international law violation in case of violation of Immigration Control Act due to illegal employment outside the status of residence,
Not only Japanese officials, but also the Chinese government and the Philippine government.
To China, issued a letter to like or embassy Xi Jinping president and the king Atsushigaimu Minister.
There is a telephone from the Chinese embassy in Japan and I understood the meaning, but I will not protest to the Japanese government.
I do not want to say the reason.
Maybe, I think that Xi Jinping Jintao do not know.
The Chinese government forsakes abandonment even if Chinese people are infringed by human rights violations of international law from the Japanese government!
As expected to be a Communist Party. The nation exists for Communist members.
I think that the people will stand up someday!
To the Philippines I wrote a letter to the presidential office and the embassy in Japan.
I do not say anything from the embassy.
I do not say anything from the embassy.
We will ignore former presidential office, embassy, and current president.
As for the Philippine government, the people seem to be "insects".
I was disappointed with President Rodrigo Doutelte.
Someday the people will stand up!
There is "Shin Nakuba Tatazu" in "thesis" "If you do not live with people".
The meaning is "Politics does not hold without the trust of the people.
Confucius raises three points of arms, food, and people's trust as an important person in politics,
From the fact that it is trustworthy that is important. (Shin Nakuba Tatazu)
It is said.
Litigation (information provision) to ICC Many of the materials are upgraded to the following HP.
We also attach indictment, so please check with law and international law.
If there is a mistake in my argument, please point out.
We are looking forward to your justice.
The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
Japan, China, the Philippines and others cherish the citizens' human rights and do politics.
And I will send it everyday until it becomes a country governed under the law. Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!
【To the Word Media】 To the media of the international community, please help! Today, the first mail. 2018-01-10: Today's topic is "Participation by North Korea, during the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, we have confirmed that there are no nuclear weapons and missile launches, and each country's players can join the Olympic Games with peace. "
【To the Word Media】
<Public mail>
To the media of the international community, please help! Today, the first mail.
2018-01-10: Today's topic is "Participation by North Korea,
during the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, we have confirmed
that there are no nuclear weapons and missile launches,
and each country's players can join the Olympic Games with peace. "
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!
According to the Yomiuri Shimbun,
a ministerial talks between South Korea and North Korea began
in the morning of 9th at the Panmunjom Pang Jeom Je area on the military borderline.
North-south officials' talks are the first time in Korea's literary truck Munjein regime,
which was launched last year
in about two years since the vice ministerial level in December 2015.
At the talks, the North Korean side officially announced its intention to participate
in Pyeongchang Pyeongchang Winter Olympics,
which will open in Korea on February 9.
With the participation of North Korea,
during the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics,
only the fact that nuclear weapons and missile launches are not confirmed.
Competitors in each country can participate in the Olympics with peace of mind.
We hope to develop until abandonment of nuclear and missile development
at the ministerial talks between South Korea and North Korea.
To that end, I think that there is no way to support some economic support
for the people of North Korea.
I think that it is the result of President Bush 's bullish
economic sanction against North Korea.
I also ask for humanitarian assistance to the people of North Korea as
I promised humanitarian assistance to Iran's anti-government demonstrations.
The world is waiting for freedom,
democracy and control under the law. President Trump, Gambare!
Please support humanitarian crimes by the Japanese state.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese
and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime'
by the Japanese government.
Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.
President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media,
embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)
To the international society's media, today's scoop information!
Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".
The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient, it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.
Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.
There are two major mistakes appealing in this case.
1. It is a fact that Chinese and Philippines worked other than the status of residence,
The Immigration Control Law is a provision that equally dispose of workers and those who work.
In this case, only foreigners who worked outside the status of residence were criminalized.
We have not disposed of those who worked illegally (employers) with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment promotion crime).
If so, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
There is no assistant to any illegal work if it is.
2. For me and staff of the Philippine Embassy,
Contents As providing a false employment contract, for the illegal workers'
I applied the crime assistance crime, but it is a mistake in applying law.
Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents,
It is administrative punishment, Immigration Law 22-4 Article 4 (Cancellation of Status of Residence).
The donor will assist the sin, but it can not be criminalized under the provisions of the criminal code.
It is a violation of basic human rights violation.
Applicable crime is a special officials abuse of authority and false charges
I point out errors, but I do not accept mistakes.
Special officials such as police officers, prosecutors, judges do not accept mistakes,
It is evidence that governance is not under the law.
The victim is handicapped as a criminal of a criminal case.
As soon as possible to apologize to the victim, recover the honor,
Please advice to ICC.
Moreover, please condemn human rights abuses in Japan at G7, G20, UN etc etc.
For the judicial administration against the Constitution of Japan, international law on human rights and the Immigration Control Act,
Diet members and cabinet do not do anything and ignore it. I do not have ethics.
This case is an act of ignoring the law, it can not be said to be an individual case.
It can not be said that Japan is being governed under the law any longer!
The cabinet, political parties, parliamentarians and others are also crushing this case today.
Can the international community trade with Japanese or Japanese companies that are not governed under the law?
Can you trust the masked Japanese people?
A country that is not governed under the law think that mass murder is occurring in the dark.
There are many missing people.
There are many unresolved incidents.
There are plenty of false accusations.
The Japanese are crying asleep, but I will not fall asleep!
The Japanese says that "the misfortune of others is the taste of honey" will be.
Please accept serious human rights problems in Japan.
Last year, there were a series of exposures of Japanese 's culture of cheating on injustice!
Injustice of quality, injustice of examination and so on successively!
Japanese people seize the problem within the company as well.
Can the international community still trust the masked Japanese people?
Chinese do not like to talk about "Tiananmen Incident".
For Japanese people, talk about this judicial crime!
Can the international community trade with Japanese or Japanese companies that are not governed under the law?
Can you trust the masked Japanese people?
Litigation (information provision) to ICC Many of the materials are upgraded to the following HP.
We also attach indictment, so please check with law and international law.
If there is a mistake in my argument, please point out.
We are looking forward to your justice.
Information on ICC is below!
The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
We will send everyday until Japan becomes a country governed under the law. Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!
<Public mail>
To the media of the international community, please help! Today, the first mail.
2018-01-10: Today's topic is "Participation by North Korea,
during the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, we have confirmed
that there are no nuclear weapons and missile launches,
and each country's players can join the Olympic Games with peace. "
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!
According to the Yomiuri Shimbun,
a ministerial talks between South Korea and North Korea began
in the morning of 9th at the Panmunjom Pang Jeom Je area on the military borderline.
North-south officials' talks are the first time in Korea's literary truck Munjein regime,
which was launched last year
in about two years since the vice ministerial level in December 2015.
At the talks, the North Korean side officially announced its intention to participate
in Pyeongchang Pyeongchang Winter Olympics,
which will open in Korea on February 9.
With the participation of North Korea,
during the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics,
only the fact that nuclear weapons and missile launches are not confirmed.
Competitors in each country can participate in the Olympics with peace of mind.
We hope to develop until abandonment of nuclear and missile development
at the ministerial talks between South Korea and North Korea.
To that end, I think that there is no way to support some economic support
for the people of North Korea.
I think that it is the result of President Bush 's bullish
economic sanction against North Korea.
I also ask for humanitarian assistance to the people of North Korea as
I promised humanitarian assistance to Iran's anti-government demonstrations.
The world is waiting for freedom,
democracy and control under the law. President Trump, Gambare!
Please support humanitarian crimes by the Japanese state.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese
and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime'
by the Japanese government.
Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.
President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media,
embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)
To the international society's media, today's scoop information!
Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".
The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient, it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.
Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.
There are two major mistakes appealing in this case.
1. It is a fact that Chinese and Philippines worked other than the status of residence,
The Immigration Control Law is a provision that equally dispose of workers and those who work.
In this case, only foreigners who worked outside the status of residence were criminalized.
We have not disposed of those who worked illegally (employers) with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment promotion crime).
If so, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
There is no assistant to any illegal work if it is.
2. For me and staff of the Philippine Embassy,
Contents As providing a false employment contract, for the illegal workers'
I applied the crime assistance crime, but it is a mistake in applying law.
Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents,
It is administrative punishment, Immigration Law 22-4 Article 4 (Cancellation of Status of Residence).
The donor will assist the sin, but it can not be criminalized under the provisions of the criminal code.
It is a violation of basic human rights violation.
Applicable crime is a special officials abuse of authority and false charges
I point out errors, but I do not accept mistakes.
Special officials such as police officers, prosecutors, judges do not accept mistakes,
It is evidence that governance is not under the law.
The victim is handicapped as a criminal of a criminal case.
As soon as possible to apologize to the victim, recover the honor,
Please advice to ICC.
Moreover, please condemn human rights abuses in Japan at G7, G20, UN etc etc.
For the judicial administration against the Constitution of Japan, international law on human rights and the Immigration Control Act,
Diet members and cabinet do not do anything and ignore it. I do not have ethics.
This case is an act of ignoring the law, it can not be said to be an individual case.
It can not be said that Japan is being governed under the law any longer!
The cabinet, political parties, parliamentarians and others are also crushing this case today.
Can the international community trade with Japanese or Japanese companies that are not governed under the law?
Can you trust the masked Japanese people?
A country that is not governed under the law think that mass murder is occurring in the dark.
There are many missing people.
There are many unresolved incidents.
There are plenty of false accusations.
The Japanese are crying asleep, but I will not fall asleep!
The Japanese says that "the misfortune of others is the taste of honey" will be.
Please accept serious human rights problems in Japan.
Last year, there were a series of exposures of Japanese 's culture of cheating on injustice!
Injustice of quality, injustice of examination and so on successively!
Japanese people seize the problem within the company as well.
Can the international community still trust the masked Japanese people?
Chinese do not like to talk about "Tiananmen Incident".
For Japanese people, talk about this judicial crime!
Can the international community trade with Japanese or Japanese companies that are not governed under the law?
Can you trust the masked Japanese people?
Litigation (information provision) to ICC Many of the materials are upgraded to the following HP.
We also attach indictment, so please check with law and international law.
If there is a mistake in my argument, please point out.
We are looking forward to your justice.
Information on ICC is below!
The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
We will send everyday until Japan becomes a country governed under the law. Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!
Help me! January 09, 2018: Mail to Prince Teliza May, British Prime Minister! Dear Sirs, according to the Yomiuri Shimbun, President Trump said at a news conference on the 6th, "It is a big start" on high-level talks between Korea and North Korea scheduled on 9th, and evaluated prospectively.
<Public mail>
Help me! January 09, 2018: Mail to Prince Teliza May, British Prime Minister!
Dear Sirs, according to the Yomiuri Shimbun, President Trump said at a news conference on the 6th, "It is a big start" on high-level talks between Korea and North Korea scheduled on 9th, and evaluated prospectively.
Mr. Matisse US Secretary of Defense and US Defense Minister Song Eong-ri on the 5th phone conference confirmed to discuss only the issue surrounding North Korea's participation in the Pyeongchang Olympics at a high-level class talks. However, Mr. Trump said, "I hope the consultation will go beyond the Olympics so that the United States will be involved at the appropriate time," he said.
If North Korea stops nuclear and missile launch experiments after the meeting, it seems that it suggested that direct dialogue between the North and the North could be possible.
Great. I think that the effect of economic sanctions cooperated by the international community under the UN resolution. congratulations. I think that basically it will be a catalyst for peace on the Korean Peninsula. I hope that North Korea will stop nuclear and missile launching experiments and start a direct dialogue between the North and the North in the wake of the talks.
Now, President Cardinals is burning with an argument of anger because of the revealed book "Fire AND Fur", but I think that I have endured it well in the North Korean problem. EU countries including the UK should continue to emphasize with the interest of North Korea's nuclear and missile issues. Please.
Prime Minister Teliza May, "Please help me, please make Japan a country governed under the law."
There are two things I really want to say in terms of human rights issues in Japan!
1. It is a fact that Chinese and Philippines worked other than the status of residence,
The Immigration Control Law is a provision that equally dispose of workers and those who work.
In this case, only foreigners who worked outside the status of residence were criminalized.
We have not disposed of those who worked illegally (employers) with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment promotion crime).
If so, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
There is no assistant to any illegal work if it is.
2. For me and staff of the Philippine Embassy,
Contents As providing a false employment contract, for the illegal workers'
I applied the crime assistance crime, but it is a mistake in applying law.
Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents,
It is administrative punishment, Immigration Law 22-4 Article 4 (Cancellation of Status of Residence).
The donor will assist the sin, but it can not be criminalized under the provisions of the criminal code.
It is a violation of basic human rights violation.
Applicable crimes are special officials abuse of their own authority and false charges.
Many victims of foreigners are also occurring today.
Please let ICC investigate! Please also take up the agenda in the UN, G7, G20 and others.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
His Excellency, Terrysa May, Gambare!
And please help us! Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
S'il vous pla?t aider! 09 janvier 2018: Mail au Premier Ministre du Prince Edouard Edouard Phillip! Chers Messieurs, selon le Yomiuri Shimbun, le pr?sident Trump est une conf?rence de presse de 6 jours, a dit: ? Il est un grand d?part ? pour les pourparlers Cor?e et au niveau des fonctionnaires par la Cor?e du Nord, qui est pr?vue pour 9 jours, ont ?t? ?valu?s de fa?on prospective.
S'il vous pla?t aider! 09 janvier 2018: Mail au Premier Ministre du Prince Edouard Edouard Phillip!
Chers Messieurs, selon le Yomiuri Shimbun, le pr?sident Trump est une conf?rence de presse de 6 jours, a dit: ? Il est un grand d?part ? pour les pourparlers Cor?e et au niveau des fonctionnaires par la Cor?e du Nord, qui est pr?vue pour 9 jours, ont ?t? ?valu?s de fa?on prospective.
Matisse Dans la conversation t?l?phonique de 5 jours avec le secr?taire am?ricain de la D?fense et de la chanson EiTakeshi ministre de la D?fense en Cor?e, il a ?t? confirm? que pour discuter uniquement les questions relatives ? la participation olympique de PyeongChang de la Cor?e du Nord dans les discussions de haut niveau. Cependant, Trump a dit, ? veut faire avancer les pourparlers au-del? des Jeux olympiques. Dans ce cas, les ?tats-Unis ont ?galement particip? ? un moment appropri? ?, at-il dit.
Si la Cor?e du Nord ? la suite des pourparlers est d'arr?ter les essais nucl?aires et de missiles, qui auraient sugg?r? l'id?e de qu'il peut y avoir la Cor?e du Nord aux ?tats-Unis du dialogue direct.
C'est merveilleux. Je pense que l'effet des sanctions ?conomiques a coop?r? avec la communaut? internationale en vertu de la r?solution de l'ONU. F?licitations. Je pense que ce sera fondamentalement un catalyseur pour la paix dans la p?ninsule cor?enne. ? la suite des n?gociations, et la Cor?e du Nord d'arr?ter les essais nucl?aires et de missiles, et devrait proc?der aux ?tats-Unis et la Cor?e du Nord du dialogue direct.
Maintenant, le pr?sident Trump, dans l'exposition ce probl?me ? de feu et de la fourrure ?, mais il a ?t? br?l? en contre-preuve de la col?re, dans le num?ro de la Cor?e du Nord, je pense que devait durer bien. pays de l'UE, y compris la Grande-Bretagne, s'il vous pla?t continuer ? avoir mettent l'accent sur un int?r?t pour les questions nucl?aires et de missiles de la Cor?e du Nord. Merci.
Premier ministre Eduard Philip, "S'il vous pla?t aidez-moi, s'il vous pla?t faites du Japon un pays r?gi par la loi"
Il y a deux choses que je veux vraiment dire en termes de droits de l'homme au Japon!
1. Il est un fait que les Chinois et les Philippines ont travaill? autre que le statut de r?sidence,
La loi sur le contr?le de l'immigration est une disposition qui dispose ?galement des travailleurs et de ceux qui travaillent.
Dans ce cas, seuls les ?trangers qui travaillaient en dehors du statut de r?sident ont ?t? criminalis?s.
Nous n'avons pas dispos? de ceux qui ont travaill? ill?galement (employeurs) avec l'article 73-2 de la Loi sur l'immigration (crime de promotion de l'emploi ill?gal).
Si c'est le cas, l'?tranger a travaill? est innocent.
C'est ?gal en vertu de la loi, c'est la r?gle du droit international.
Il n'y a pas d'assistant ? un travail ill?gal si c'est le cas.
2. Pour moi et le personnel de l'ambassade des Philippines,
Contenu Fournir un faux contrat de travail, contre les d?lits d'emploi illicites,
J'ai appliqu? le crime d'aide au crime, mais c'est une erreur dans l'application de la loi.
Acquisition du statut de r?sidence en soumettant de faux documents,
C'est une punition administrative, Loi sur l'immigration 22-4 Article 4 (Annulation du statut de r?sidence).
Le donateur aidera le p?ch?, mais il ne peut pas ?tre criminalis? en vertu des dispositions du Code criminel.
C'est une violation de la violation fondamentale des droits de l'homme.
Les crimes applicables sont des abus de fonctionnaires de leur propre autorit? et de fausses accusations.
De nombreuses victimes d'?trangers se produisent ?galement aujourd'hui.
S'il vous pla?t laissez la CPI enqu?ter! Veuillez ?galement prendre connaissance de l'ordre du jour de l'ONU, du G7, du G20 et d'autres.
Les documents ? soumettre ? la CPI sont ci-dessous.
Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare!
Et s'il vous pla?t aidez-nous! Sinc?rement v?tre.
Yasuhiro Nagano
<Öffentliche Mail> Bitte helfen Sie! 01 9. Mai 2018: E-Mail an die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Exzellenz! In Japan werden viele Ausländer wegen Völkerrechtsverletzungen rechtswidrig bestraft. Bitte prüfen Sie das Material und verurteilen Sie es mit G7, G20 usw. Bitte hilf uns.
<Öffentliche Mail>
Bitte helfen Sie! 01 9. Mai 2018: E-Mail an die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Exzellenz!
In Japan werden viele Ausländer wegen Völkerrechtsverletzungen rechtswidrig bestraft.
Bitte prüfen Sie das Material und verurteilen Sie es mit G7, G20 usw. Bitte hilf uns.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, nach der Yomiuri Shimbun, Trump President ist eine 6 Tage Pressekonferenz, sagte: „Es ist ein großer Start“ für Korea und Beamten-Ebene Gespräche mit Nordkorea, das für 9 Tage geplant ist, wurden prospektiv evaluiert.
Matisse Im Telefongespräch von 5 Tagen mit dem Verteidigungsminister der Vereinigten Staaten und der Song-EiTakeshi Korea Verteidigungsminister, zeigte sich, dass nur die Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Nordkoreas Pyeongchang Olympia-Teilnahme in Senior-Level-Gespräche zu diskutieren bestätigt. Allerdings, sagte Trump, „will Gespräche über die Olympischen Spiele fördern. Wenn das passiert, auch die Vereinigten Staaten in einer angemessenen Zeit beteiligt“, sagte er.
Wenn Nordkorea im Zuge der Gespräche ist es, die Atom- und Raketentests zu stoppen, die vermutlich die Idee, dass vorgeschlagen zu haben, kann es von den direkten Dialog US-Nordkorea sein.
Es ist wundervoll. Unter der internationale Gemeinschaft die Resolution der Vereinten Nationen ist, denke ich, dass es die Auswirkungen von wirtschaftlichen Sanktionen, die in Koordination durchgeführt wurden. Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Dies ist im Grunde, ich glaube, eine Chance für den Frieden auf der koreanischen Halbinsel sein, bewirkt wird. Im Zuge der Gespräche und Nordkorea Atom- und Raketentests zu stoppen, und erwartet, dass die Vereinigten Staaten und Nordkorea von den direkten Dialog fortzusetzen.
Nun Trump Präsident, in der Exposition dieses „Feuer und Pelz“ Problem, aber es in Widerlegung der Wut wurde brennend, in der Nordkorea Frage, ich glaube, das war gut zu ertragen. EU-Länder, darunter Großbritannien, erhalten Sie betonen, weiterhin ein Interesse an den Atom- und Raketen Fragen von Nordkorea haben. Danke.
Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel: "Bitte helfen Sie mir! Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem gesetzlich geregelten Land."
Es gibt zwei Dinge, die ich wirklich in Bezug auf Menschenrechte in Japan sagen möchte!
1. Es ist eine Tatsache, dass Chinesen und Philippinen anders als der Status des Wohnsitzes gearbeitet haben,
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz ist eine Bestimmung, die Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitnehmer gleichermaßen diskriminiert.
In diesem Fall wurden nur Ausländer kriminalisiert, die außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus arbeiteten.
Wir haben nicht über diejenigen, die illegal gearbeitet haben (Arbeitgeber) mit Artikel 73-2 des Immigration Act (illegale Beschäftigung Promotion Verbrechen) entsorgt.
Wenn dies der Fall ist, ist das Alien unschuldig.
Dies ist nach dem Gesetz gleich, es ist die Regel des Völkerrechts.
Es gibt keinen Assistenten für illegale Arbeit, wenn es so ist.
2. Für mich und Mitarbeiter der philippinischen Botschaft,
Inhalt Als ein falscher Arbeitsvertrag für die illegalen Arbeiter
Ich habe das Verbrechenhilfsverbrechen angewandt, aber es ist ein Fehler bei der Anwendung des Gesetzes.
Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente,
Der Immigration Control Act 22-4 Artikel ist eine administrative Strafe 4 (Aufenthaltsstatus Stornierung).
Anbieter, sondern die Schuldigen bei der Unterstützung sein, kann strafrechtliche Bestimmungen nicht kriminelle Strafe in.
Es ist eine Verletzung grundlegender Menschenrechtsverletzungen.
Anwendbare Verbrechen sind besondere Amtsträger, die ihre eigenen Befugnisse und falschen Anschuldigungen missbrauchen.
Viele Opfer von Ausländern treten heute auch auf.
Bitte lassen Sie ICC untersuchen! Bitte nehmen Sie auch die Tagesordnung in den UN, G7, G20 und anderen auf.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.
Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare,
und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Yasuhiro Nagano)
<Öffentliche Mail> Bitte helfen Sie! 01 9. Mai 2018: E-Mail an die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Exzellenz! In Japan werden viele Ausländer wegen Völkerrechtsverletzungen rechtswidrig bestraft. Bitte prüfen Sie das Material und verurteilen Sie es mit G7, G20 usw. Bitte hilf uns.
<Öffentliche Mail>
Bitte helfen Sie! 01 9. Mai 2018: E-Mail an die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Exzellenz!
In Japan werden viele Ausländer wegen Völkerrechtsverletzungen rechtswidrig bestraft.
Bitte prüfen Sie das Material und verurteilen Sie es mit G7, G20 usw. Bitte hilf uns.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, nach der Yomiuri Shimbun, Trump President ist eine 6 Tage Pressekonferenz, sagte: „Es ist ein großer Start“ für Korea und Beamten-Ebene Gespräche mit Nordkorea, das für 9 Tage geplant ist, wurden prospektiv evaluiert.
Matisse Im Telefongespräch von 5 Tagen mit dem Verteidigungsminister der Vereinigten Staaten und der Song-EiTakeshi Korea Verteidigungsminister, zeigte sich, dass nur die Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Nordkoreas Pyeongchang Olympia-Teilnahme in Senior-Level-Gespräche zu diskutieren bestätigt. Allerdings, sagte Trump, „will Gespräche über die Olympischen Spiele fördern. Wenn das passiert, auch die Vereinigten Staaten in einer angemessenen Zeit beteiligt“, sagte er.
Wenn Nordkorea im Zuge der Gespräche ist es, die Atom- und Raketentests zu stoppen, die vermutlich die Idee, dass vorgeschlagen zu haben, kann es von den direkten Dialog US-Nordkorea sein.
Es ist wundervoll. Unter der internationale Gemeinschaft die Resolution der Vereinten Nationen ist, denke ich, dass es die Auswirkungen von wirtschaftlichen Sanktionen, die in Koordination durchgeführt wurden. Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Dies ist im Grunde, ich glaube, eine Chance für den Frieden auf der koreanischen Halbinsel sein, bewirkt wird. Im Zuge der Gespräche und Nordkorea Atom- und Raketentests zu stoppen, und erwartet, dass die Vereinigten Staaten und Nordkorea von den direkten Dialog fortzusetzen.
Nun Trump Präsident, in der Exposition dieses „Feuer und Pelz“ Problem, aber es in Widerlegung der Wut wurde brennend, in der Nordkorea Frage, ich glaube, das war gut zu ertragen. EU-Länder, darunter Großbritannien, erhalten Sie betonen, weiterhin ein Interesse an den Atom- und Raketen Fragen von Nordkorea haben. Danke.
Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel: "Bitte helfen Sie mir! Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem gesetzlich geregelten Land."
Es gibt zwei Dinge, die ich wirklich in Bezug auf Menschenrechte in Japan sagen möchte!
1. Es ist eine Tatsache, dass Chinesen und Philippinen anders als der Status des Wohnsitzes gearbeitet haben,
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz ist eine Bestimmung, die Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitnehmer gleichermaßen diskriminiert.
In diesem Fall wurden nur Ausländer kriminalisiert, die außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus arbeiteten.
Wir haben nicht über diejenigen, die illegal gearbeitet haben (Arbeitgeber) mit Artikel 73-2 des Immigration Act (illegale Beschäftigung Promotion Verbrechen) entsorgt.
Wenn dies der Fall ist, ist das Alien unschuldig.
Dies ist nach dem Gesetz gleich, es ist die Regel des Völkerrechts.
Es gibt keinen Assistenten für illegale Arbeit, wenn es so ist.
2. Für mich und Mitarbeiter der philippinischen Botschaft,
Inhalt Als ein falscher Arbeitsvertrag für die illegalen Arbeiter
Ich habe das Verbrechenhilfsverbrechen angewandt, aber es ist ein Fehler bei der Anwendung des Gesetzes.
Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente,
Der Immigration Control Act 22-4 Artikel ist eine administrative Strafe 4 (Aufenthaltsstatus Stornierung).
Anbieter, sondern die Schuldigen bei der Unterstützung sein, kann strafrechtliche Bestimmungen nicht kriminelle Strafe in.
Es ist eine Verletzung grundlegender Menschenrechtsverletzungen.
Anwendbare Verbrechen sind besondere Amtsträger, die ihre eigenen Befugnisse und falschen Anschuldigungen missbrauchen.
Viele Opfer von Ausländern treten heute auch auf.
Bitte lassen Sie ICC untersuchen! Bitte nehmen Sie auch die Tagesordnung in den UN, G7, G20 und anderen auf.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.
Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare,
und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Yasuhiro Nagano)
To the media of the international community, please help! Today, the second mail. 2018-01-09: Today's explanation is "illegality of mistake applying law aiding violation incidents" NO: 7
<Public mail>
To the media of the international community, please help! Today, the second mail.
2018-01-09: Today's explanation is "illegality
of mistake applying law aiding violation incidents" NO: 7
In case
In Japan, the fact that judicial administration is totally different
from "governance under the law" proposed by Prime Minister Abe is stated.
Japan needs "governance under the law".
In Japan, like this case, "Criminal offense against applicable law" is a routine event.
Because it is a human, there are errors.
If you apologize, restore honor and compensate you,
it can be said that governance under the law is done.
However, the act of crushing the case is not governance under the law.
It is an act equal to terrorism.
This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me!
We have already filed complaints (information notices) to ICC,
but please also support international society.
And please also press the ICC to investigate this issue with top priority
in solving the terrorism problem and the abduction issue of North Korea.
If you are a media etc., please check the logic of the stated law and report the facts.
And please do campaign so that the Japanese government will do "rule under the law"!
Children can understand the logic of law.
I do not need interpretation in this description.
It is as described in Immigration Law.
I sent this e-mail to many people, and published it with many programs and SNS.
Let's eliminate terrorism from the world this year alone.
To that end, let's condemn the unreasonable act.
Please see below for the contents of the complaint against ICC (information notice).
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!
It is the continuation of No: 6 last time. In case
This case illegally abuses the criminal assistance crime of the general law.
We did not punish business operators by way of injustice
and neglected international law
and arbitrarily tried to mislead the act of punishing only foreigners.
In collusion with the mass media, the public pretending to arrest the assistant
by the illegal employment promotion crime,
behind the scenes, the citizens misused the immigration laws,
and instead of the businesses who illegally worked, they made up an assistant It was.
Contents By providing false employment contracts,
we were able to easily obtain the status of residence of international
and technical skills and humanities.
I was able to work illegally because I was able to live in Japan.
I abused the criminal assistance crime with a causal relationship which has nothing to do
with illegal work but it is illegal because it is out of the logic of law.
There are two mistakes appealing in this case.
1. That the Chinese and the Philippines who worked non-resident status is the fact,
in this case, and that worked, but must be disposed of equally worked person,
a person who worked illegally, of Article 73 At 2
I have not disposed anything.
If it is, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
2. I am applying the criminal law aiding criminal law against illegal employment because
I am providing a false employment contract to me
and the staff of the Philippine Embassy,
but it is a mistake in applicable law.
The aid of submitting false documents is an act of assisting
the cancellation of the status of residence of the Immigration Act.
I can not do criminal disposition.
Next time, I will continue with No: 8.
Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!
I'd like to ask the President. Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
please confirm.
Best regards.
(This message is sent not only to President Trump, but also to the world media etc.)
Dear Sir, To the media of the international community, today's scoop information!
Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".
The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient, it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.
Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.
I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.
The fact that I am ignoring judicial crimes of international law violation in case of violation of Immigration Control Act due to illegal employment outside the status of residence,
Not only Japanese officials, but also the Chinese government and the Philippine government.
To China, issued a letter to like or embassy Xi Jinping president and the king Atsushigaimu Minister.
There is a telephone from the Chinese embassy in Japan and I understood the meaning, but I will not protest to the Japanese government.
I do not want to say the reason.
Maybe, I think that Xi Jinping Jintao do not know.
The Chinese government forsakes abandonment even if Chinese people are infringed by human rights violations of international law from the Japanese government!
As expected to be a Communist Party. The nation exists for Communist members.
I think that the people will stand up someday!
To the Philippines I wrote a letter to the presidential office and the embassy in Japan.
I do not say anything from the embassy.
I do not say anything from the embassy.
We will ignore former presidential office, embassy, and current president.
As for the Philippine government, the people seem to be "insects".
I was disappointed with President Rodrigo Doutelte.
Someday the people will stand up!
There is "Shin Nakuba Tatazu" in "thesis" "If you do not live with people".
The meaning is "Politics does not hold without the trust of the people.
Confucius raises three points of arms, food, and people's trust as an important person in politics,
From the fact that it is trustworthy that is important. (Shin Nakuba Tatazu)
It is said.
Litigation (information provision) to ICC Many of the materials are upgraded to the following HP.
We also attach indictment, so please check with law and international law.
If there is a mistake in my argument, please point out.
We are looking forward to your justice.
The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
Japan, China, the Philippines and others cherish the citizens' human rights and do politics.
And I will send it everyday until it becomes a country governed under the law. Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!
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2024-07-24:#各国应减少军费开支,用其来“养活人民的生活” #为了消除世界上的战争,美国、俄罗斯和中国应该组建“G3军事联盟” #《战争》应该是一场由《机器人士兵》之间的战斗组成的《表演》 拜登总统应该“悄悄”退出总统选举。在美国,民主党国会议员和民主党支持者也在呼...
2024-07-30:#向古巴部署导弹应等到特朗普就任总统 #北约必须停止“对东方的侵略” #特朗普应该解散北约 俄罗斯应该等到特朗普就任总统。俄罗斯正在考虑“向古巴部署导弹”作为应对“俄罗斯和美国之间紧张局势加剧”以及因“乌克兰局势”而“加速主要核大国之间的军备竞赛”的一种...
2024-08-23:#最大因素是“拜登和哈里斯”“引发”的“乌克兰战争”。 #特朗普声称,如果他重新掌权,减税等新政策将带来“经济繁荣”。 #我提议使用“新商业模式”“建设”“墨西哥边境特区”。 3日,前总统特朗普表达了此前强劲的美国劳动力市场明显放缓的观点,称“(美国经济...