To the media of the international community! Tips on News from Japan! We will send articles posted e-mail to President Trump everyday. Apart from the news, Think seriously about Japanese immigration problems (crime against humanitarian Article 7) Please cover! Article 7 Crime against humanity (E) Strong deprivation of antibacterial and other physical freedoms in violation of the basic rules of international law It is a serious problem in Japan! Many foreigners are suffering from damage!
<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel Exzellenz 22. Januar 2018 Gemäß der Sankei Shimbun, einem japanischen von Nordkorea entführt, da es „ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit“ ist von Kim Jong-un koreanischen Arbeiterpartei Vorsitzender und Entführungsopfer, Familie et al., ‚Specific
<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel Exzellenz 22. Januar 2018
Gemäß der Sankei Shimbun, einem japanischen von Nordkorea entführt, da es „ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit“ ist von Kim Jong-un koreanischen Arbeiterpartei Vorsitzender und Entführungsopfer, Familie et al., ‚Specific Verschwinden‘, die nicht die Möglichkeit einer Entführung ausgeschlossen werden kann, ist die Niederlande an den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in den Haag (ICC), dass die Petition zu an Verantwortlichkeit und Bestrafung solcher Untersuchungen übernehmen sollen von Herrn Kim Jong-un 18 Tage ist, wurde festgestellt.
Für den Fall
(ICC) umfasst einzelne Verbrechen. Es gibt keine Hinweise darauf, dass Kriminelle illegale Verschleppung Haft japanischen Entführten angenommen wird Kim Seion sein. Die "Japanische Vereinigung für Entführte" wird vom zuständigen Minister der japanischen Regierung ernannt und wird durch riesige Geldmittel unterstützt. Es scheint wie eine politische Show. (ICC) gemäß den Bestimmungen von (ICC). Per Definition kann (ICC) nicht untersuchen. Die japanische Regierung versucht mit finanzieller Unterstützung (ICC) als Schutzschild (ICC) zu handeln, aber es ist seltsam.
Die "Vereinigung der Entführungsopfer" bat ebenfalls um Zusammenarbeit bei der unten beschriebenen Straftat, ignorierte sie jedoch. Es gibt kein "gut", "schlecht" für illegale Entführungshaft. Die japanische Regierung, wenn man die japanische Entführten in Nordkorea, stoppt die illegale Verschleppung Haft öffnen will, die zuerst die japanische Regierung gewesen ist, ist es eine Erholung zu tun, usw. von dem Opfer Ehre entschuldigt. Die meisten Opfer der illegalen Entführungshaft durch die japanische Regierung sind Ausländer und die Zahl ist zahllos.
Obwohl das Weiße Haus eine sorgfältige Untersuchung sein, auch die Bundesregierung berichtet wird, empfohlen, das illegale Verschleppung Haft Problem der japanischen Regierung über die Immigration Control Act zum ICC und bitte die japanischen Regierung zu verurteilen.
Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel: "Bitte helfen Sie mir! Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem gesetzlich geregelten Land."
Ich hoffe auf Unterstützung mit "Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit". Angewandt auf ein „Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit“ ist dieser Vorschriften als Teil eines Angriffs gegen die Zivilbevölkerung verbreitet oder systematischer, bezieht sich auf jede Handlung der folgenden auszuführen, während die einen solchen Angriff zu erkennen . Meine Berufung fällt unter folgendes.
(e) erheblicher Entzug der Haft und anderer körperlicher Freiheiten unter Verletzung der Grundregeln des Völkerrechts
Die Grundregeln des Völkerrechts zielen insbesondere auf Folgendes ab.
Japan ist auch "der Internationalen Pakt über bürgerliche Rechte und politische Rechte" Ratifizierung auf die Artikel 2 (1) (3), Artikel 4 (1), Artikel 5 (2), Artikel 9 (1) (5) Artikel 13, Artikel 14 Absatz 6, Artikel 15 Absatz 1, Artikel 16, Artikel 17, Artikel 26.
Mehr noch, es ist eindeutig dagegen, es wird nichts kriminalisiert, es ist ein Verbrechen gegen das Völkerrecht sowie gegen die japanische Verfassung und das japanische Recht. Diese Kriminellen sind Polizeibeamte, Staatsanwälte und Richter. Und sie sind Anwälte. Es ist genau ein Verbrechen einer Nation.
Als Reaktion auf diese illegalen Verbrechen der nationalen Ungleichheit müssen Bürger und Ausländer nicht tun. Wenn wir auf dem internationalen Gesetz gegen die Macht bestehen, gibt es nur einen Terrorakt. Viele Opfer von Ausländern treten heute auch auf. Bitte lassen Sie ICC untersuchen! Bitte nehmen Sie auch die Tagesordnung in den UN, G7, G20 und anderen auf.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.
Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
Name Yasuhiro Nagano
Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam in the international society Today is the second mail. 2018-01-22: Today's explanation is "illegality of mistake applying law aiding violation incidents" NO: 16
<Public mail> Please help me!
Dear Sir or Madam in the international society Today is the second mail.
2018-01-22: Today's explanation is "illegality of mistake applying law
aiding violation incidents" NO: 16
In case
In Japan, the fact that judicial administration is totally different
from "governance under the law" proposed by Prime Minister Abe is stated.
Japan needs "governance under the law".
In Japan, like this case,
"Criminal offense against applicable law" is a routine event.
Because it is a human, there are errors.
If you apologize, restore honor and compensate you,
it can be said that governance under the law is done.
However, the act of crushing the case is not governance under the law.
It is an act equal to terrorism.
This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me!
We have already filed complaints (information notices) to ICC,
but please also support international society.
And please also press the ICC to investigate this issue with top priority
in solving the terrorism problem and the abduction issue of North Korea.
If you are a media etc., please check the logic of the stated law and report the facts.
And please do campaign so that the Japanese government will do "rule under the law"!
Children can understand the logic of law.
I do not need interpretation in this description.
It is as described in Immigration Law.
I sent this e-mail to many people, and published it with many programs and SNS.
Let's eliminate terrorism from the world this year alone.
To that end, let's condemn the unreasonable act.
Please see below for the contents of the complaint against ICC (information notice).
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!
Last time, No: 15 is the continuation.
A policeman by interrogation admitted in the general theory.
The prosecutor will compel a confession by saying,
"I am great, I admit it if I admit it,
I am imprisoned if I do not accept it."
Even at trial, the prosecutor asserts that the deposit to "Lefko"
of the transfer name "Kin" is a reward from "Kin Gungaku".
For Chinese, cash payment is common sense for these payments.
Indeed it is asserted that it is not 100% to do the transfer
by bank transfer only with "family name = family name".
The Chinese are always "family name / first name".
In fact, there are many things that I want to argue as false in facts,
but I am not pursuing this kind of thing,
but pursuing to be governed under the law established by the Diet in Japan is.
There are two mistakes appealing in this case.
1. That the Chinese and the Philippines who worked non-resident status is the fact,
in this case, and that worked, but must be disposed of equally worked person,
a person who worked illegally, of Article 73 At 2
I have not disposed anything. If it is, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
2. I am applying the criminal law aiding criminal law against illegal employment
because I am providing a false employment contract to me
and the staff of the Philippine Embassy,
but it is a mistake in applicable law.
The aid of submitting false documents is an act of assisting the cancellation
of the status of residence of the Immigration Act.
I can not do criminal disposition.
It is completely different from President Trump 's legitimate immigration policy,
treatment of illegal immigrants by Japanese judiciary.
Please appeal to the whole country that treatment of Japanese immigrants is crazy.
Next time, I will continue with No: 17.
Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!
I'd like to ask the President. Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
please confirm.
Best regards.
(This message is sent not only to President Trump,
but also to the world media etc.)
Dear Sir, To the media of the international community, today's scoop information!
Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".
The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient, it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.
Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.
I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.
The fact that I am ignoring judicial crimes of international law violation in case of violation of Immigration Control Act due to illegal employment outside the status of residence,
Not only Japanese officials, but also the Chinese government and the Philippine government.
To China, issued a letter to like or embassy Xi Jinping president and the king Atsushigaimu Minister.
There is a telephone from the Chinese embassy in Japan and I understood the meaning, but I will not protest to the Japanese government.
I do not want to say the reason.
Maybe, I think that Xi Jinping Jintao do not know.
The Chinese government forsakes abandonment even if Chinese people are infringed by human rights violations of international law from the Japanese government!
As expected to be a Communist Party. The nation exists for Communist members.
I think that the people will stand up someday!
To the Philippines I wrote a letter to the presidential office and the embassy in Japan.
I do not say anything from the embassy.
I do not say anything from the embassy.
We will ignore former presidential office, embassy, and current president.
As for the Philippine government, the people seem to be "insects".
I was disappointed with President Rodrigo Doutelte.
Someday the people will stand up!
There is "Shin Nakuba Tatazu" in "thesis" "If you do not live with people".
The meaning is "Politics does not hold without the trust of the people.
Confucius raises three points of arms, food, and people's trust as an important person in politics,
From the fact that it is trustworthy that is important. (Shin Nakuba Tatazu)
It is said.
Litigation (information provision) to ICC Many of the materials are upgraded to the following HP.
We also attach indictment, so please check with law and international law.
If there is a mistake in my argument, please point out.
We are looking forward to your justice.
The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
Japan, China, the Philippines and others cherish the citizens' human rights and do politics.
And I will send it everyday until it becomes a country governed under the law. Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!
Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam in the international society Today is the first mail. 2018-01-22: Today's topic is: "If you want North Korea to open Japanese victims of abduction, first stop the illegal abduction detention held by the Japanese government, apologize to the victims, restore honor, etc. It is to do. "
<Public mail> Please help me!
Dear Sir or Madam in the international society Today is the first mail.
2018-01-22: Today's topic is: "If you want North Korea to open Japanese victims of abduction,
first stop the illegal abduction detention held by the Japanese government,
apologize to the victims, restore honor, etc. It is to do. "
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!
In case
According to the Sankei Shimbun,
the abduction of Japanese by North Korea is said to be "a crime against humanity" by Kim Jong-Il,
chairperson of the Korean Workers' Party Kim Jong Il,
and families of abductees and "specific missing people"
who can not eliminate the possibility of abduction are in Netherlands On February 18,
I learned to allege that the international criminal court (ICC)
of The Hague will undertake responsibility for Kim Jong-in and investigate for punishment.
In case
(ICC) covers individual crimes.
There is no evidence that criminal of illegal abduction
and detention against Japanese abductee victim is Kim Jong-il.
The "Japanese Association for Abductees" is appointed
by the Japanese Government Minister in charge and is supported by huge amounts of funds.
It seems like a political show.
(ICC) in accordance with the provisions of (ICC).
By definition, (ICC) will not be able to investigate.
The Japanese government is trying to move (ICC) with financial support to (ICC) as a shield,
but it is strange.
The "abduction victims' association" also asked for cooperation on the crime described below,
but ignored it. There is no "good" "bad" for illegal abduction detention.
The Japanese government is to stop the illegal abduction detention held
by the Japanese government,
apologize to the victims and restore honor
if we want North Korea to open the Japanese abductee victims.
Most of the victims of the illegal abduction detention
by the Japanese government are foreigners and the number is countless.
Although it is reported that the White House is investigating cautiously,
please advise the ICC to illegal kidnapping detention problem
of the Japanese government concerning Immigration Control Act,
and condemn the Japanese government.
Please support humanitarian crimes by the Japanese state.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.
President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media,
embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)
To the international society's media, today's scoop information!
Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".
The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient, it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.
Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.
There are two major mistakes appealing in this case.
1. It is a fact that Chinese and Philippines worked other than the status of residence,
The Immigration Control Law is a provision that equally dispose of workers and those who work.
In this case, only foreigners who worked outside the status of residence were criminalized.
We have not disposed of those who worked illegally (employers) with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment promotion crime).
If so, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
There is no assistant to any illegal work if it is.
2. For me and staff of the Philippine Embassy,
Contents As providing a false employment contract, for the illegal workers'
I applied the crime assistance crime, but it is a mistake in applying law.
Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents,
It is administrative punishment, Immigration Law 22-4 Article 4 (Cancellation of Status of Residence).
The donor will assist the sin, but it can not be criminalized under the provisions of the criminal code.
It is a violation of basic human rights violation.
Applicable crime is a special officials abuse of authority and false charges
I point out errors, but I do not accept mistakes.
Special officials such as police officers, prosecutors, judges do not accept mistakes,
It is evidence that governance is not under the law.
The victim is handicapped as a criminal of a criminal case.
As soon as possible to apologize to the victim, recover the honor,
Please advice to ICC.
Moreover, please condemn human rights abuses in Japan at G7, G20, UN etc etc.
For the judicial administration against the Constitution of Japan, international law on human rights and the Immigration Control Act,
Diet members and cabinet do not do anything and ignore it. I do not have ethics.
This case is an act of ignoring the law, it can not be said to be an individual case.
It can not be said that Japan is being governed under the law any longer!
The cabinet, political parties, parliamentarians and others are also crushing this case today.
Can the international community trade with Japanese or Japanese companies that are not governed under the law?
Can you trust the masked Japanese people?
A country that is not governed under the law think that mass murder is occurring in the dark.
There are many missing people.
There are many unresolved incidents.
There are plenty of false accusations.
The Japanese are crying asleep, but I will not fall asleep!
The Japanese says that "the misfortune of others is the taste of honey" will be.
Please accept serious human rights problems in Japan.
Last year, there were a series of exposures of Japanese 's culture of cheating on injustice!
Injustice of quality, injustice of examination and so on successively!
Japanese people seize the problem within the company as well.
Can the international community still trust the masked Japanese people?
Chinese do not like to talk about "Tiananmen Incident".
For Japanese people, talk about this judicial crime!
Can the international community trade with Japanese or Japanese companies that are not governed under the law?
Can you trust the masked Japanese people?
Litigation (information provision) to ICC Many of the materials are upgraded to the following HP.
We also attach indictment, so please check with law and international law.
If there is a mistake in my argument, please point out.
We are looking forward to your justice.
Information on ICC is below!
The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
We will send everyday until Japan becomes a country governed under the law. Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!
Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza Mei, January 19, 2018 According to BusinessJournal, "Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced to the reporters on Monday 12 that the Korean government requested the Japanese government to take new measures in the December 2015 Japan-South Korea agreement over the issue of comfort women's troops
<Public mail> Please help me!
Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza Mei, January 19, 2018
According to BusinessJournal, "Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced to the reporters on Monday 12 that the Korean government requested the Japanese government to take new measures in the December 2015 Japan-South Korea agreement over the issue of comfort women's troops "The agreement is a promise between the country and the country, it is an international and universal principle to keep this, it is impossible to accept that the Korean side unilaterally seeks further measures."
I think that most Japanese citizens support the remarks of Abe mentioned above. As I mentioned earlier, I am Japanese, so heartily, I feel the same as Prime Minister Abe. Japan is right and Korea is wrong.
However, as Mr. Aki Sonosaki said, "Prime Minister Shinzo Akira" World and Japanese identity "official document not even official document Japan-South Korea agreement, Prime Minister Abe criticizing Korea's review is more abnormal and insane" I am insane.
Many of the people believe that the Japan-ROK agreement is a treaty. But there is no official document. Japanese Diet members do not regard this as a problem. I can not keep up with this idea.
It may not be a Japanese anymore. It is meaningless to say in such Japanese that it says to preserve the treaties signed in writing and written, or to keep the laws established in the Diet. In case
In my affair, the police officer said, "Accept crimes in general theory." This is the substance of judicial jurisdiction in Japan, I am sending e-mails to the Diet members everyday, and to the President of the lamp Everyone is ignoring, there are no members of the Diet who would like to condemn in the National Assembly Please please know the substance of Japan!
Prime Minister Teliza May, "Please help me, please make Japan a country governed under the law."
There are two things I really want to say in terms of human rights issues in Japan!
1. It is a fact that Chinese and Philippines worked other than the status of residence,
The Immigration Control Law is a provision that equally dispose of workers and those who work.
In this case, only foreigners who worked outside the status of residence were criminalized.
We have not disposed of those who worked illegally (employers) with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment promotion crime).
If so, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
There is no assistant to any illegal work if it is.
2. For me and staff of the Philippine Embassy,
Contents As providing a false employment contract, for the illegal workers'
I applied the crime assistance crime, but it is a mistake in applying law.
Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents,
It is administrative punishment, Immigration Law 22-4 Article 4 (Cancellation of Status of Residence).
The donor will assist the sin, but it can not be criminalized under the provisions of the criminal code.
It is a violation of basic human rights violation.
Applicable crimes are special officials abuse of their own authority and false charges.
Many victims of foreigners are also occurring today.
Please let ICC investigate! Please also take up the agenda in the UN, G7, G20 and others.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
His Excellency, Terrysa May, Gambare! And please help us! Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza Mei, January 19, 2018
According to BusinessJournal, "Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced to the reporters on Monday 12 that the Korean government requested the Japanese government to take new measures in the December 2015 Japan-South Korea agreement over the issue of comfort women's troops "The agreement is a promise between the country and the country, it is an international and universal principle to keep this, it is impossible to accept that the Korean side unilaterally seeks further measures."
I think that most Japanese citizens support the remarks of Abe mentioned above. As I mentioned earlier, I am Japanese, so heartily, I feel the same as Prime Minister Abe. Japan is right and Korea is wrong.
However, as Mr. Aki Sonosaki said, "Prime Minister Shinzo Akira" World and Japanese identity "official document not even official document Japan-South Korea agreement, Prime Minister Abe criticizing Korea's review is more abnormal and insane" I am insane.
Many of the people believe that the Japan-ROK agreement is a treaty. But there is no official document. Japanese Diet members do not regard this as a problem. I can not keep up with this idea.
It may not be a Japanese anymore. It is meaningless to say in such Japanese that it says to preserve the treaties signed in writing and written, or to keep the laws established in the Diet. In case
In my affair, the police officer said, "Accept crimes in general theory." This is the substance of judicial jurisdiction in Japan, I am sending e-mails to the Diet members everyday, and to the President of the lamp Everyone is ignoring, there are no members of the Diet who would like to condemn in the National Assembly Please please know the substance of Japan!
Prime Minister Teliza May, "Please help me, please make Japan a country governed under the law."
There are two things I really want to say in terms of human rights issues in Japan!
1. It is a fact that Chinese and Philippines worked other than the status of residence,
The Immigration Control Law is a provision that equally dispose of workers and those who work.
In this case, only foreigners who worked outside the status of residence were criminalized.
We have not disposed of those who worked illegally (employers) with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment promotion crime).
If so, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
There is no assistant to any illegal work if it is.
2. For me and staff of the Philippine Embassy,
Contents As providing a false employment contract, for the illegal workers'
I applied the crime assistance crime, but it is a mistake in applying law.
Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents,
It is administrative punishment, Immigration Law 22-4 Article 4 (Cancellation of Status of Residence).
The donor will assist the sin, but it can not be criminalized under the provisions of the criminal code.
It is a violation of basic human rights violation.
Applicable crimes are special officials abuse of their own authority and false charges.
Many victims of foreigners are also occurring today.
Please let ICC investigate! Please also take up the agenda in the UN, G7, G20 and others.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
His Excellency, Terrysa May, Gambare! And please help us! Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français Eduard Philip 19 janvier 2018 En cas Selon le BusinessJournal, « Le Premier ministre Shinzo Abe est de 12 jours matin, il a déclaré aux journalistes que le gouvernement sud-coréen en 2015 Déc
<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!
Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français Eduard Philip 19 janvier 2018
En cas
Selon le BusinessJournal, « Le Premier ministre Shinzo Abe est de 12 jours matin, il a déclaré aux journalistes que le gouvernement sud-coréen en 2015 Décembre de l'accord Japon-Corée sur la question des femmes de réconfort a annoncé une politique de demander aux nouvelles mesures au gouvernement du Japon car, « la promesse de l'accord entre les pays, il est des principes internationaux et universels pour le protéger. la Corée du Sud est possible de trouver l'action unilatérale de plus, totalement ne peut pas accepter, » il a été déclaré que.
Je pense que la plupart des citoyens japonais soutiennent les remarques d'Abe mentionnées ci-dessus. Comme je l'ai mentionné plus tôt, je suis japonais, si chaleureusement, je ressens la même chose que le premier ministre Abe. Le Japon a raison et la Corée a tort.
Cependant, comme disant Toru M. Magosaki dans « Magosaki Toru » Le Monde et le Japon de l'identité « document officiel, même sans accord avec la Corée Japon-Sud, la Corée du Sud examen fou et anormal plus d'Abe Premier ministre à condamner le » anormal meilleur du Premier ministre Abe Je suis fou.
Beaucoup de gens croient que l'accord Japon-RDC est un traité. Mais il n'y a pas de document officiel. Les membres de la Diète japonaise ne considèrent pas cela comme un problème. Je ne peux pas suivre cette idée.
Ce n'est peut-être plus un japonais. Dans ce Japon, est écrit dans le document, Toka Protéger le traité signé, de dire Toka protéger la loi qui a été fondée à l'Assemblée nationale, il n'a pas de sens. En cas
Dans mon cas, les policiers ont dit à la « Théorie générale Mitomero un péché. » Ceci est, de l'entité judiciaire du Japon. Chaque jour, les législateurs, et l'envoi d'e-mail de contenu adressé à la lampe Président , tout le monde, a été ignoré. les législateurs qui souhaite dénoncer le régime est rien. S'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît connaître l'entité japonaise!
Premier ministre Eduard Philip, "S'il vous plaît aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît faites du Japon un pays régi par la loi"
Il y a deux choses que je veux vraiment dire en termes de droits de l'homme au Japon!
1. Il est un fait que les Chinois et les Philippines ont travaillé autre que le statut de résidence,
La loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration est une disposition qui dispose également des travailleurs et de ceux qui travaillent.
Dans ce cas, seuls les étrangers qui travaillaient en dehors du statut de résident ont été criminalisés.
Nous n'avons pas disposé de ceux qui ont travaillé illégalement (employeurs) avec l'article 73-2 de la Loi sur l'immigration (crime de promotion de l'emploi illégal).
Si c'est le cas, l'étranger a travaillé est innocent.
C'est égal en vertu de la loi, c'est la règle du droit international.
Il n'y a pas d'assistant à un travail illégal si c'est le cas.
2. Pour moi et le personnel de l'ambassade des Philippines,
Contenu Fournir un faux contrat de travail, contre les délits d'emploi illicites,
J'ai appliqué le crime d'aide au crime, mais c'est une erreur dans l'application de la loi.
Acquisition du statut de résidence en soumettant de faux documents,
C'est une punition administrative, Loi sur l'immigration 22-4 Article 4 (Annulation du statut de résidence).
Le donateur aidera le péché, mais il ne peut pas être criminalisé en vertu des dispositions du Code criminel.
C'est une violation de la violation fondamentale des droits de l'homme.
Les crimes applicables sont des abus de fonctionnaires de leur propre autorité et de fausses accusations.
De nombreuses victimes d'étrangers se produisent également aujourd'hui.
S'il vous plaît laissez la CPI enquêter! Veuillez également prendre connaissance de l'ordre du jour de l'ONU, du G7, du G20 et d'autres.
Les documents à soumettre à la CPI sont ci-dessous.
Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare!
Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.
Yasuhiro Nagano
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel Exzellenz, 19. Januar 2018 Nach dem BusinessJournal „Premierminister Shinzo Abe ist 12 Tage Morgen, sagte er Reportern, dass die südkoreanische Regierung im Dezember 2015 von der
<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel Exzellenz, 19. Januar 2018
Nach dem BusinessJournal „Premierminister Shinzo Abe ist 12 Tage Morgen, sagte er Reportern, dass die südkoreanische Regierung im Dezember 2015 von der Japan-Korea Vereinbarung über die Trostfrauen Thema eine Politik angekündigt, hat die neuen Maßnahmen die Regierung von Japan zu beantragen für „das Versprechen der Vereinbarung zwischen dem einzelnen Ländern, ist es internationale und universelle Prinzipien zu schützen. Südkorea möglich ist, die einseitig weiteren Maßnahmen zu finden, kann absolut nicht akzeptieren“, wurde gefunden, dass angegeben.
Ich denke, dass die meisten japanischen Bürger die oben erwähnten Bemerkungen von Abe unterstützen. Wie ich bereits erwähnt habe, bin ich Japaner, so herzlich fühle ich mich wie Premierminister Abe. Japan hat Recht und Korea hat Unrecht.
Wie jedoch in „Magosaki Toru“ Die Welt und Japan der Identität Toru Herr Magosaki sagte abnormal besser von Premierminister Abe „amtliches Dokument auch ohne Japan-Südkorea Abkommen, Südkorea Bewertung verrückt und abnormal mehr von Abe Premierminister der zu verurteilen“ Ich bin verrückt.
Viele Leute glauben, dass das Japan-ROK-Abkommen ein Vertrag ist. Aber es gibt kein offizielles Dokument. Die Mitglieder der japanischen Diät halten dies nicht für ein Problem. Ich kann dieser Idee nicht folgen.
Es ist vielleicht kein Japaner mehr. In einem solchen Japan, ist in dem Dokument geschrieben, Toka den unterzeichneten Vertrag schützen, zu sagen Toka das Gesetz zu schützen, die in der Nationalversammlung gegründet wurde, macht es keinen Sinn machen. Für den Fall
In meinem Fall, sagte Polizeibeamten der „General Theory Mitomero eine Sünde.“ Das ist der Justiz Unternehmens Japan. Jeden Tag an den Gesetzgeber, und das Senden von E-Mail von Inhalten an die Lampe adressiert Präsident Jeder ignoriert, es gibt keine Mitglieder des Landtages, die in der Nationalversammlung verurteilen möchten Bitte, bitte kennen Sie die Substanz von Japan!
Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel: "Bitte helfen Sie mir! Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem gesetzlich geregelten Land."
Es gibt zwei Dinge, die ich wirklich in Bezug auf Menschenrechte in Japan sagen möchte!
1. Es ist eine Tatsache, dass Chinesen und Philippinen anders als der Status des Wohnsitzes gearbeitet haben,
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz ist eine Bestimmung, die Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitnehmer gleichermaßen diskriminiert.
In diesem Fall wurden nur Ausländer kriminalisiert, die außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus arbeiteten.
Eine Person, die illegal gearbeitet (Arbeitgeber), hat keine Entsorgung im Einwanderungsrecht Artikel 73 der 2 (illegale Beschäftigung förderlich Verbrechen).
Wenn dies der Fall ist, ist das Alien unschuldig.
Dies ist nach dem Gesetz gleich, es ist die Regel des Völkerrechts.
Es gibt keinen Assistenten für illegale Arbeit, wenn es so ist.
2. Für mich und Mitarbeiter der philippinischen Botschaft,
Inhalt Als ein falscher Arbeitsvertrag für die illegalen Arbeiter
Ich habe das Verbrechenhilfsverbrechen angewandt, aber es ist ein Fehler bei der Anwendung des Gesetzes.
Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente,
Es ist Verwaltungsstrafe, Einwanderungsgesetz 22-4 Artikel 4 (Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus).
Der Spender wird die Sünde unterstützen, aber er kann nicht unter den Bestimmungen des Strafgesetzbuchs kriminalisiert werden.
Es ist eine Verletzung grundlegender Menschenrechtsverletzungen.
Anwendbare Verbrechen sind besondere Amtsträger, die ihre eigenen Befugnisse und falschen Anschuldigungen missbrauchen.
Viele Opfer von Ausländern treten heute auch auf.
Bitte lassen Sie ICC untersuchen! Bitte nehmen Sie auch die Tagesordnung in den UN, G7, G20 und anderen auf.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.
Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare,
und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Yasuhiro Nagano)
Dear Sir or Madam in the international society Today is the second mail. 2018-01-19: Today's explanation is "illegality of mistake applying law aid violation assistance incident" NO: 15 In case In Japan, the fact that judicial administration is totally different from "governance under the law" proposed by Prime Minister Abe is stated. Japan needs "governance under the law".
<Public mail> Please help me!
Dear Sir or Madam in the international society Today is the second mail.
2018-01-19: Today's explanation is "illegality
of mistake applying law aid violation assistance incident" NO: 15
In case
In Japan, the fact that judicial administration is totally different
from "governance under the law" proposed by Prime Minister Abe is stated.
Japan needs "governance under the law".
In Japan, like this case,
"Criminal offense against applicable law" is a routine event.
Because it is a human, there are errors.
If you apologize, restore honor and compensate you,
it can be said that governance under the law is done.
However, the act of crushing the case is not governance under the law.
It is an act equal to terrorism.
This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me!
have already filed complaints (information notices) to ICC,
but please also support international society.
And please also press the ICC to investigate this issue with top priority
in solving the terrorism problem and the abduction issue of North Korea.
If you are a media etc., please check the logic of the stated law and report the facts.
And please do campaign so that the Japanese government will do "rule under the law"!
Children can understand the logic of law.
I do not need interpretation in this description.
It is as described in Immigration Law.
I sent this e-mail to many people, and published it with many programs and SNS.
Let's eliminate terrorism from the world this year alone.
To that end, let's condemn the unreasonable act.
Please see below for the contents of the complaint against ICC (information notice).
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!
Last time, No: 14 continuation. In case
The status of residence granted to a foreigner is given to a foreign individual,
and if it is within the qualification, no matter where he works,
the provider of the employment contract can not detain the foreigner.
Even if you submit content false employment contracts
and gain technical status and international status of residence,
you are free to work within the given qualifications.
If you work within the given qualification you will not say illegal work.
In this case, according to the provisions of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act,
the Minister of Justice only rescinds your status of residence.
In Japan, judicial administration is prevalent, ignoring the logic of these laws.
This mail is also sent to Prime Minister Abe's official residence,
but I continue to ignore it now.
Please support me to rule Japan under the law.
There are two mistakes appealing in this case.
1. That the Chinese and the Philippines who worked non-resident status is the fact,
in this case, and that worked,
but must be disposed of equally worked person, a person who worked illegally,
of Article 73 At 2 I have not disposed anything.
If it is, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
2. I am applying the criminal law aiding criminal law against illegal employment
because I am providing a false employment contract to me
and the staff of the Philippine Embassy,
but it is a mistake in applicable law.
The aid of submitting false documents is an act of assisting the cancellation of the status
of residence of the Immigration Act.
I can not do criminal disposition.
Please appeal to the whole country that treatment of Japanese immigrants is crazy.
Next time, No: Continues to 16.
Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!
I'd like to ask the President. Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
please confirm.
Best regards.
(This message is sent not only to President Trump,
but also to the world media etc.)
Dear Sir, To the media of the international community, today's scoop information!
Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".
The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient, it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.
Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.
I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.
The fact that I am ignoring judicial crimes of international law violation in case of violation of Immigration Control Act due to illegal employment outside the status of residence,
Not only Japanese officials, but also the Chinese government and the Philippine government.
To China, issued a letter to like or embassy Xi Jinping president and the king Atsushigaimu Minister.
There is a telephone from the Chinese embassy in Japan and I understood the meaning, but I will not protest to the Japanese government.
I do not want to say the reason.
Maybe, I think that Xi Jinping Jintao do not know.
The Chinese government forsakes abandonment even if Chinese people are infringed by human rights violations of international law from the Japanese government!
As expected to be a Communist Party. The nation exists for Communist members.
I think that the people will stand up someday!
To the Philippines I wrote a letter to the presidential office and the embassy in Japan.
I do not say anything from the embassy.
I do not say anything from the embassy.
We will ignore former presidential office, embassy, and current president.
As for the Philippine government, the people seem to be "insects".
I was disappointed with President Rodrigo Doutelte.
Someday the people will stand up!
There is "Shin Nakuba Tatazu" in "thesis" "If you do not live with people".
The meaning is "Politics does not hold without the trust of the people.
Confucius raises three points of arms, food, and people's trust as an important person in politics,
From the fact that it is trustworthy that is important. (Shin Nakuba Tatazu)
It is said.
Litigation (information provision) to ICC Many of the materials are upgraded to the following HP.
We also attach indictment, so please check with law and international law.
If there is a mistake in my argument, please point out.
We are looking forward to your justice.
The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
Japan, China, the Philippines and others cherish the citizens' human rights and do politics.
And I will send it everyday until it becomes a country governed under the law. Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!
Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam in the international society Today is the first mail. 2018-01-19: Today 's topic is "Many people think that the Japan - South Korea consensus is a treaty, but there is no official document even though
<Public mail> Please help me!
Dear Sir or Madam in the international society Today is the first mail.
2018-01-19: Today 's topic is "Many people think that the Japan - South Korea consensus is a treaty,
but there is no official document even though
Japanese parliament members do not regard this as a problem.
I may not be able to follow.It may not be a Japanese anymore.
If it is written in Japan such as protecting the signed treaty and saying that the law created
in the National Assembly is said to be meaningful It is not. "
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case
In case
According to BusinessJournal,
"Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced to the reporters on Monday 12
that the Korean government requested the Japanese government to take new measures
in the December 2015 Japan-South Korea agreement over the issue
of comfort women's troops "The agreement is a promise
between the country and the country, it is an international
and universal principle to keep this,
it is impossible to accept that the Korean side unilaterally seeks further measures."
I think that most Japanese citizens support the remarks of Abe mentioned above.
As I mentioned earlier, I am Japanese, so heartily,
I feel the same as Prime Minister Abe. Japan is right and Korea is wrong.
However, as Mr. Aki Sonosaki said, "Prime Minister Shinzo Akira" World
and Japanese identity "official document not even official document Japan-South Korea agreement,
Prime Minister Abe criticizing Korea's review is more abnormal and insane" I am insane.
Many of the people believe that the Japan-ROK agreement is a treaty.
But there is no official document. Japanese Diet members do not regard this as a problem.
I can not keep up with this idea.
It may not be a Japanese anymore.
It is meaningless to say in such Japanese that it says to preserve the treaties signed
in writing and written,
or to keep the laws established in the Diet. In case
In my affair, the police officer said, "Accept crimes in general theory."
This is the substance of judicial jurisdiction in Japan,
I am sending e-mails to the Diet members everyday,
and to the President of the lamp Everyone is ignoring, there are no members of the Diet
who would like to condemn in the National Assembly Please please know the substance of Japan!
Please support humanitarian crimes by the Japanese state.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese
and Filipinos are being sacrificed. Please save from 'humanitarian crime'
by the Japanese government. Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.
President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media,
embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)
To the international society's media, today's scoop information!
Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".
The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient, it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.
Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.
There are two major mistakes appealing in this case.
1. It is a fact that Chinese and Philippines worked other than the status of residence,
The Immigration Control Law is a provision that equally dispose of workers and those who work.
In this case, only foreigners who worked outside the status of residence were criminalized.
We have not disposed of those who worked illegally (employers) with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment promotion crime).
If so, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
There is no assistant to any illegal work if it is.
2. For me and staff of the Philippine Embassy,
Contents As providing a false employment contract, for the illegal workers'
I applied the crime assistance crime, but it is a mistake in applying law.
Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents,
It is administrative punishment, Immigration Law 22-4 Article 4 (Cancellation of Status of Residence).
The donor will assist the sin, but it can not be criminalized under the provisions of the criminal code.
It is a violation of basic human rights violation.
Applicable crime is a special officials abuse of authority and false charges
I point out errors, but I do not accept mistakes.
Special officials such as police officers, prosecutors, judges do not accept mistakes,
It is evidence that governance is not under the law.
The victim is handicapped as a criminal of a criminal case.
As soon as possible to apologize to the victim, recover the honor,
Please advice to ICC.
Moreover, please condemn human rights abuses in Japan at G7, G20, UN etc etc.
For the judicial administration against the Constitution of Japan, international law on human rights and the Immigration Control Act,
Diet members and cabinet do not do anything and ignore it. I do not have ethics.
This case is an act of ignoring the law, it can not be said to be an individual case.
It can not be said that Japan is being governed under the law any longer!
The cabinet, political parties, parliamentarians and others are also crushing this case today.
Can the international community trade with Japanese or Japanese companies that are not governed under the law?
Can you trust the masked Japanese people?
A country that is not governed under the law think that mass murder is occurring in the dark.
There are many missing people.
There are many unresolved incidents.
There are plenty of false accusations.
The Japanese are crying asleep, but I will not fall asleep!
The Japanese says that "the misfortune of others is the taste of honey" will be.
Please accept serious human rights problems in Japan.
Last year, there were a series of exposures of Japanese 's culture of cheating on injustice!
Injustice of quality, injustice of examination and so on successively!
Japanese people seize the problem within the company as well.
Can the international community still trust the masked Japanese people?
Chinese do not like to talk about "Tiananmen Incident".
For Japanese people, talk about this judicial crime!
Can the international community trade with Japanese or Japanese companies that are not governed under the law?
Can you trust the masked Japanese people?
Litigation (information provision) to ICC Many of the materials are upgraded to the following HP.
We also attach indictment, so please check with law and international law.
If there is a mistake in my argument, please point out.
We are looking forward to your justice.
Information on ICC is below!
The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
We will send everyday until Japan becomes a country governed under the law. Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!
Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May, 18 January 2018 According to the Tokyo newspaper, a meeting of 20 foreign countries on North Korea's nuclear and missile issues co-hosted by the United States and Ca
<Public mail> Please help me!
Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May, 18 January 2018
According to the Tokyo newspaper, a meeting of 20 foreign countries on North Korea's nuclear and missile issues co-hosted by the United States and Canada was held on 16th in Vancouver, Canada, consistent with maintaining and strengthening pressure on North Korea. Promote strengthening ship inspection on the sea to prevent smuggling. US Secretary of State Tillason stressed that full implementation of the UN Security Council sanction resolution by China and Russia is important. Chairman's summary welcomes the dialogue between Korea and North Korea over the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics and expressed hopes that it will lead to advancement of tension relief and denuclearization talks. Foreign Minister Taro Kono also participated in the meeting. However, Nakagoro who was pointed out as abandoning smuggling of North Korea did not attend.
I am sorry that China and Russia did not attend. China and Russia have neglected the smuggling of North Korea. If China and Russia also demand full performance and they are not totally fulfilled, I think that economic sanctions are necessary for China and Russia as well. There is only solution by economic sanctions besides solution by military force. The international community is aiming for a society without war. United Nations member states should cooperate and eradicate enemies of peace. Prime Minister Teliza May, Gambare!
Prime Minister Teliza May, "Please help me, please make Japan a country governed under the law."
There are two things I really want to say in terms of human rights issues in Japan!
1. It is a fact that Chinese and Philippines worked other than the status of residence,
The Immigration Control Law is a provision that equally dispose of workers and those who work.
In this case, only foreigners who worked outside the status of residence were criminalized.
We have not disposed of those who worked illegally (employers) with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment promotion crime).
If so, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
There is no assistant to any illegal work if it is.
2. For me and staff of the Philippine Embassy,
Contents As providing a false employment contract, for the illegal workers'
I applied the crime assistance crime, but it is a mistake in applying law.
Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents,
It is administrative punishment, Immigration Law 22-4 Article 4 (Cancellation of Status of Residence).
The donor will assist the sin, but it can not be criminalized under the provisions of the criminal code.
It is a violation of basic human rights violation.
Applicable crimes are special officials abuse of their own authority and false charges.
Many victims of foreigners are also occurring today.
Please let ICC investigate! Please also take up the agenda in the UN, G7, G20 and others.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
His Excellency, Terrysa May, Gambare!
And please help us! Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Chers Messieurs le Premier ministre français Edouard Philippe Excellence 01 18 mai 2018 En cas Selon le Tokyo Shimbun, les États-Unis et le Canada 20 pays ministres des Affaires étrangères sur le problème nucléaire de la Corée du Nord et de missiles de co-hôte est ouvert 16 jours à Vancouver, au Canada, il était compatible avec le
<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!
Chers Messieurs le Premier ministre français Edouard Philippe Excellence 01 18 mai 2018
En cas
Selon le Tokyo Shimbun, les États-Unis et le Canada 20 pays ministres des Affaires étrangères sur le problème nucléaire de la Corée du Nord et de missiles de co-hôte est ouvert 16 jours à Vancouver, au Canada, il était compatible avec le renforcement de la pression maintenue sur la Corée du Nord. Promouvoir le renforcement de l'inspection des navires en mer pour prévenir la contrebande. Tillerson Secrétaire d'Etat, l'application intégrale de la résolution de sanctions du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU par la Chine et la Russie et a souligné l'importance. Résumé du Président Bienvenue en Corée du Sud et la Corée du Nord dans le dialogue sur les Jeux olympiques d'hiver de Pyeongchang, a exprimé l'espoir qui mène à l'avancement de detente et les négociations de dénucléarisation. Le ministre des Affaires étrangères Taro Kono a également participé à la réunion. Mais la Chine et la Russie, qui est souligné que quitter la Corée du Nord de la contrebande n'a pas assisté.
Je suis désolé que la Chine et la Russie n'y aient pas participé. La Chine et la Russie ont négligé la contrebande de la Corée du Nord. De plus en Chine et de la Russie pour demander un accomplissement complet, sinon été pleinement mis en œuvre, même des sanctions économiques sur la Chine et la Russie, je pense qu'il est nécessaire. Il n'y a de solution que par des sanctions économiques en plus de la solution par la force militaire. La communauté internationale vise une société sans guerre. Les États membres des Nations Unies devraient coopérer et éradiquer les ennemis de la paix. Premier ministre Eduard Philip, Gambare!
Premier ministre Eduard Philip, "S'il vous plaît aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît faites du Japon un pays régi par la loi"
Il y a deux choses que je veux vraiment dire en termes de droits de l'homme au Japon!
1. Il est un fait que les Chinois et les Philippines ont travaillé autre que le statut de résidence,
La loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration est une disposition qui dispose également des travailleurs et de ceux qui travaillent.
Dans ce cas, seuls les étrangers qui travaillaient en dehors du statut de résident ont été criminalisés.
Nous n'avons pas disposé de ceux qui ont travaillé illégalement (employeurs) avec l'article 73-2 de la loi sur l'immigration (crime de promotion de l'emploi illégal).
Si c'est le cas, l'étranger a travaillé est innocent.
C'est égal en vertu de la loi, c'est la règle du droit international.
Il n'y a pas d'assistant à un travail illégal si c'est le cas.
2. Pour moi et le personnel de l'ambassade des Philippines,
Contenu Fournir un faux contrat de travail, pour les travailleurs illégaux
J'ai appliqué le crime d'aide au crime, mais c'est une erreur dans l'application de la loi.
Acquisition du statut de résidence en soumettant de faux documents,
C'est une punition administrative, Loi sur l'immigration 22-4 Article 4 (Annulation du statut de résidence).
Le donateur aidera le péché, mais il ne peut pas être criminalisé en vertu des dispositions du Code criminel.
C'est une violation de la violation fondamentale des droits de l'homme.
Les crimes applicables sont des abus de fonctionnaires de leur propre autorité et de fausses accusations.
De nombreuses victimes d'étrangers se produisent également aujourd'hui.
S'il vous plaît laissez la CPI enquêter! Veuillez également prendre connaissance de l'ordre du jour de l'ONU, du G7, du G20 et d'autres.
Les documents à soumettre à la CPI sont ci-dessous.
Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare!
Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.
Yasuhiro Nagano
<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrter Herr oder Herr Angela Merkel, deutscher Premierminister am 18. Januar 2018 Nach Angaben der Tokioter Zeitung wurden die 20 Außenministertreffen zu
<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!
Sehr geehrter Herr oder Herr Angela Merkel, deutscher Premierminister am 18. Januar 2018
Nach Angaben der Tokioter Zeitung wurden die 20 Außenministertreffen zu Nordkoreas Atom- und Raketenproblemen, die von den Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada gemeinsam veranstaltet wurden, am 16. in Vancouver, Kanada abgehalten, um den Druck auf Nordkorea aufrechtzuerhalten und zu verstärken. Förderung verstärkter Schiffsinspektion auf See zur Verhinderung von Schmuggel. US-Außenminister Tilla- son betonte, dass die vollständige Umsetzung der Sanktionsresolution des UN-Sicherheitsrats durch China und Russland wichtig sei. Die Zusammenfassung des Vorsitzenden begrüßt den Dialog zwischen Korea und Nordkorea über die Winterolympiade in Pyeongchang und äußerte die Hoffnung, dass dies zu einem Vormarsch der Spannungen und der Atomwaffenspenden führen wird. Außenminister Taro Kono nahm ebenfalls an dem Treffen teil. Nakagoro, der darauf hingewiesen wurde, dass er den Schmuggel Nordkoreas aufgegeben hatte, war jedoch nicht anwesend.
Es tut mir leid, dass China und Russland nicht anwesend waren. China und Russland haben den Schmuggel Nordkoreas vernachlässigt. Wenn China und Russland ebenfalls die volle Leistung fordern und sie nicht vollständig erfüllt werden, sind meines Erachtens auch für China und Russland wirtschaftliche Sanktionen notwendig. Es gibt nur eine Lösung durch wirtschaftliche Sanktionen neben der Lösung durch militärische Gewalt. Die internationale Gemeinschaft strebt eine Gesellschaft ohne Krieg an. Die Mitgliedstaaten der Vereinten Nationen sollten zusammenarbeiten und Feinde des Friedens ausmerzen. Premierminister Angela Merkel, Gambare!
Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel: "Bitte helfen Sie mir! Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem gesetzlich geregelten Land."
Es gibt zwei Dinge, die ich wirklich in Bezug auf Menschenrechte in Japan sagen möchte!
1. Es ist eine Tatsache, dass Chinesen und Philippinen anders als der Status des Wohnsitzes gearbeitet haben,
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz ist eine Bestimmung, die Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitnehmer gleichermaßen diskriminiert.
In diesem Fall wurden nur Ausländer kriminalisiert, die außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus arbeiteten.
Eine Person, die illegal gearbeitet (Arbeitgeber), hat keine Entsorgung im Einwanderungsrecht Artikel 73 der 2 (illegale Beschäftigung förderlich Verbrechen).
Wenn dies der Fall ist, ist das Alien unschuldig.
Dies ist nach dem Gesetz gleich, es ist die Regel des Völkerrechts.
Es gibt keinen Assistenten für illegale Arbeit, wenn es so ist.
2. Für mich und die Mitarbeiter der philippinischen Botschaft,
Inhalt Als ein falscher Arbeitsvertrag für die illegalen Arbeiter
Ich habe das Verbrechenhilfsverbrechen angewandt, aber es ist ein Fehler bei der Anwendung des Gesetzes.
Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente,
Es ist Verwaltungsstrafe, Einwanderungsgesetz 22-4 Artikel 4 (Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus).
Der Spender wird die Sünde unterstützen, aber er kann nicht unter den Bestimmungen des Strafgesetzbuchs kriminalisiert werden.
Es ist eine Verletzung grundlegender Menschenrechtsverletzungen.
Anwendbare Verbrechen sind besondere Amtsträger, die ihre eigenen Befugnisse und falschen Anschuldigungen missbrauchen.
Viele Opfer von Ausländern treten heute auch auf.
Bitte lassen Sie ICC untersuchen! Bitte nehmen Sie auch die Tagesordnung in den UN, G7, G20 und anderen auf.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.
Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Yasuhiro Nagano)
Sehr geehrter Herr oder Herr Angela Merkel, deutscher Premierminister am 18. Januar 2018
Nach Angaben der Tokioter Zeitung wurden die 20 Außenministertreffen zu Nordkoreas Atom- und Raketenproblemen, die von den Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada gemeinsam veranstaltet wurden, am 16. in Vancouver, Kanada abgehalten, um den Druck auf Nordkorea aufrechtzuerhalten und zu verstärken. Förderung verstärkter Schiffsinspektion auf See zur Verhinderung von Schmuggel. US-Außenminister Tilla- son betonte, dass die vollständige Umsetzung der Sanktionsresolution des UN-Sicherheitsrats durch China und Russland wichtig sei. Die Zusammenfassung des Vorsitzenden begrüßt den Dialog zwischen Korea und Nordkorea über die Winterolympiade in Pyeongchang und äußerte die Hoffnung, dass dies zu einem Vormarsch der Spannungen und der Atomwaffenspenden führen wird. Außenminister Taro Kono nahm ebenfalls an dem Treffen teil. Nakagoro, der darauf hingewiesen wurde, dass er den Schmuggel Nordkoreas aufgegeben hatte, war jedoch nicht anwesend.
Es tut mir leid, dass China und Russland nicht anwesend waren. China und Russland haben den Schmuggel Nordkoreas vernachlässigt. Wenn China und Russland ebenfalls die volle Leistung fordern und sie nicht vollständig erfüllt werden, sind meines Erachtens auch für China und Russland wirtschaftliche Sanktionen notwendig. Es gibt nur eine Lösung durch wirtschaftliche Sanktionen neben der Lösung durch militärische Gewalt. Die internationale Gemeinschaft strebt eine Gesellschaft ohne Krieg an. Die Mitgliedstaaten der Vereinten Nationen sollten zusammenarbeiten und Feinde des Friedens ausmerzen. Premierminister Angela Merkel, Gambare!
Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel: "Bitte helfen Sie mir! Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem gesetzlich geregelten Land."
Es gibt zwei Dinge, die ich wirklich in Bezug auf Menschenrechte in Japan sagen möchte!
1. Es ist eine Tatsache, dass Chinesen und Philippinen anders als der Status des Wohnsitzes gearbeitet haben,
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz ist eine Bestimmung, die Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitnehmer gleichermaßen diskriminiert.
In diesem Fall wurden nur Ausländer kriminalisiert, die außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus arbeiteten.
Eine Person, die illegal gearbeitet (Arbeitgeber), hat keine Entsorgung im Einwanderungsrecht Artikel 73 der 2 (illegale Beschäftigung förderlich Verbrechen).
Wenn dies der Fall ist, ist das Alien unschuldig.
Dies ist nach dem Gesetz gleich, es ist die Regel des Völkerrechts.
Es gibt keinen Assistenten für illegale Arbeit, wenn es so ist.
2. Für mich und die Mitarbeiter der philippinischen Botschaft,
Inhalt Als ein falscher Arbeitsvertrag für die illegalen Arbeiter
Ich habe das Verbrechenhilfsverbrechen angewandt, aber es ist ein Fehler bei der Anwendung des Gesetzes.
Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente,
Es ist Verwaltungsstrafe, Einwanderungsgesetz 22-4 Artikel 4 (Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus).
Der Spender wird die Sünde unterstützen, aber er kann nicht unter den Bestimmungen des Strafgesetzbuchs kriminalisiert werden.
Es ist eine Verletzung grundlegender Menschenrechtsverletzungen.
Anwendbare Verbrechen sind besondere Amtsträger, die ihre eigenen Befugnisse und falschen Anschuldigungen missbrauchen.
Viele Opfer von Ausländern treten heute auch auf.
Bitte lassen Sie ICC untersuchen! Bitte nehmen Sie auch die Tagesordnung in den UN, G7, G20 und anderen auf.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.
Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Yasuhiro Nagano)
Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam in the international society Today is the second mail. 2018-01-18: Today's explanation is "illegality of mistake applying law aid violation assistance incident" NO: 14
<Public mail> Please help me!
Dear Sir or Madam in the international society Today is the second mail.
2018-01-18: Today's explanation is "illegality of mistake
applying law aid violation assistance incident" NO: 14
In case
In Japan, the fact that judicial administration is totally different
from "governance under the law" proposed by Prime Minister Abe is stated.
Japan needs "governance under the law".
In Japan, like this case, "Criminal offense against applicable law" is a routine event.
Because it is a human, there are errors.
If you apologize, restore honor and compensate you,
it can be said that governance under the law is done.
However, the act of crushing the case is not governance under the law.
It is an act equal to terrorism.
This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me!
We have already filed complaints (information notices) to ICC,
but please also support international society.
And please also press the ICC to investigate this issue with top priority
in solving the terrorism problem and the abduction issue of North Korea.
If you are a media etc., please check the logic of the stated law and report the facts.
And please do campaign so that the Japanese government will do "rule under the law"!
Children can understand the logic of law.
I do not need interpretation in this description. It is as described in Immigration Law.
I sent this e-mail to many people,
and published it with many programs and SNS.
Let's eliminate terrorism from the world this year alone.
To that end, let's condemn the unreasonable act.
Please see below for the contents of the complaint against ICC (information notice).
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!
It is the continuation of No: 13 last time. In case
Employment contracts, financial statements, etc. are to be submitted
at the direction of the section manager, etc.,
and there is no legal basis for criminal punishment as the contents are false.
It is an unreasonable causal relationship to make it to be in Japan,
and it can not be said that it is a decent legal logic
to make a criminal law aid act against illegal employment under Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
Even if you submit a true diploma or content of false employment contract or other documents,
even if you get a status of residence, because the conditions of granting international skills
and humanities were satisfied, the Minister of Justice will obtain a status of residence
at the discretion We gave it. The conditions for granting status of residence are not the provision
of law but discretion.
There are two mistakes appealing in this case.
1. That the Chinese and the Philippines who worked non-resident status is the fact, in this case,
and that worked, but must be disposed of equally worked person, a person who worked illegally,
of Article 73 At 2
I have not disposed anything. If it is, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
2. I am applying the criminal law aiding criminal law against illegal employment
because I am providing a false employment contract to me and the staff of the Philippine Embassy,
but it is a mistake in applicable law. The aid of submitting false documents is an act
of assisting the cancellation of the status of residence of the Immigration Act.
I can not do criminal disposition.
It is completely different from President Trump 's legitimate immigration policy,
treatment of illegal immigrants by Japanese judiciary.
Next time, I will continue with No: 15.
Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!
I'd like to ask the President. Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
please confirm.
Best regards.
(This message is sent not only to President Trump, but also to the world media etc.)
Dear Sir, To the media of the international community, today's scoop information!
Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".
The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient, it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.
Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.
I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.
The fact that I am ignoring judicial crimes of international law violation in case of violation of Immigration Control Act due to illegal employment outside the status of residence,
Not only Japanese officials, but also the Chinese government and the Philippine government.
To China, issued a letter to like or embassy Xi Jinping president and the king Atsushigaimu Minister.
There is a telephone from the Chinese embassy in Japan and I understood the meaning, but I will not protest to the Japanese government.
I do not want to say the reason.
Maybe, I think that Xi Jinping Jintao do not know.
The Chinese government forsakes abandonment even if Chinese people are infringed by human rights violations of international law from the Japanese government!
As expected to be a Communist Party. The nation exists for Communist members.
I think that the people will stand up someday!
To the Philippines I wrote a letter to the presidential office and the embassy in Japan.
I do not say anything from the embassy.
I do not say anything from the embassy.
We will ignore former presidential office, embassy, and current president.
As for the Philippine government, the people seem to be "insects".
I was disappointed with President Rodrigo Doutelte.
Someday the people will stand up!
There is "Shin Nakuba Tatazu" in "thesis" "If you do not live with people".
The meaning is "Politics does not hold without the trust of the people.
Confucius raises three points of arms, food, and people's trust as an important person in politics,
From the fact that it is trustworthy that is important. (Shin Nakuba Tatazu)
It is said.
Litigation (information provision) to ICC Many of the materials are upgraded to the following HP.
We also attach indictment, so please check with law and international law.
If there is a mistake in my argument, please point out.
We are looking forward to your justice.
The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
Japan, China, the Philippines and others cherish the citizens' human rights and do politics.
And I will send it everyday until it becomes a country governed under the law. Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!
Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam in the international society Today is the first mail. 2018-01-18: Today's topic is "There is only a solution by economic sanctions other than solution by military force. The international community is aiming for a society without war. The United Nations member countries cooperate and the enemy of peace We should eradicate. "
<Public mail> Please help me!
Dear Sir or Madam in the international society Today is the first mail.
2018-01-18: Today's topic is "There is only a solution
by economic sanctions other than solution by military force.
The international community is aiming for a society without war.
The United Nations member countries cooperate and the enemy of peace We should eradicate. "
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case
In case
According to the Tokyo newspaper,
a meeting of 20 foreign countries on North Korea's nuclear and missile issues co-hosted
by the United States and Canada was held on 16th in Vancouver, Canada,
consistent with maintaining and strengthening pressure on North Korea.
Promote strengthening ship inspection on the sea to prevent smuggling.
US Secretary of State Tillason stressed that full implementation
of the UN Security Council sanction resolution by China and Russia is important.
Chairman's summary welcomes the dialogue between Korea
and North Korea over the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics and expressed hopes
that it will lead to advancement of tension relief and denuclearization talks.
Foreign Minister Taro Kono also participated in the meeting.
However, Nakagoro who was pointed out as abandoning smuggling of North Korea did not attend.
I am sorry that China and Russia did not attend.
China and Russia have neglected the smuggling of North Korea.
If China and Russia also demand full performance and they are not totally fulfilled,
I think that economic sanctions are necessary for China and Russia as well.
There is only solution by economic sanctions besides solution by military force.
The international community is aiming for a society without war.
United Nations member states should cooperate and eradicate enemies of peace.
President Trump, Gambare!
Please support humanitarian crimes by the Japanese state.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.
President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media, embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)
To the international society's media, today's scoop information!
Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".
The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient, it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.
Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.
There are two major mistakes appealing in this case.
1. It is a fact that Chinese and Philippines worked other than the status of residence,
The Immigration Control Law is a provision that equally dispose of workers and those who work.
In this case, only foreigners who worked outside the status of residence were criminalized.
We have not disposed of those who worked illegally (employers) with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment promotion crime).
If so, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
There is no assistant to any illegal work if it is.
2. For me and staff of the Philippine Embassy,
Contents As providing a false employment contract, for the illegal workers'
I applied the crime assistance crime, but it is a mistake in applying law.
Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents,
It is administrative punishment, Immigration Law 22-4 Article 4 (Cancellation of Status of Residence).
The donor will assist the sin, but it can not be criminalized under the provisions of the criminal code.
It is a violation of basic human rights violation.
Applicable crime is a special officials abuse of authority and false charges
I point out errors, but I do not accept mistakes.
Special officials such as police officers, prosecutors, judges do not accept mistakes,
It is evidence that governance is not under the law.
The victim is handicapped as a criminal of a criminal case.
As soon as possible to apologize to the victim, recover the honor,
Please advice to ICC.
Moreover, please condemn human rights abuses in Japan at G7, G20, UN etc etc.
For the judicial administration against the Constitution of Japan, international law on human rights and the Immigration Control Act,
Diet members and cabinet do not do anything and ignore it. I do not have ethics.
This case is an act of ignoring the law, it can not be said to be an individual case.
It can not be said that Japan is being governed under the law any longer!
The cabinet, political parties, parliamentarians and others are also crushing this case today.
Can the international community trade with Japanese or Japanese companies that are not governed under the law?
Can you trust the masked Japanese people?
A country that is not governed under the law think that mass murder is occurring in the dark.
There are many missing people.
There are many unresolved incidents.
There are plenty of false accusations.
The Japanese are crying asleep, but I will not fall asleep!
The Japanese says that "the misfortune of others is the taste of honey" will be.
Please accept serious human rights problems in Japan.
Last year, there were a series of exposures of Japanese 's culture of cheating on injustice!
Injustice of quality, injustice of examination and so on successively!
Japanese people seize the problem within the company as well.
Can the international community still trust the masked Japanese people?
Chinese do not like to talk about "Tiananmen Incident".
For Japanese people, talk about this judicial crime!
Can the international community trade with Japanese or Japanese companies that are not governed under the law?
Can you trust the masked Japanese people?
Litigation (information provision) to ICC Many of the materials are upgraded to the following HP.
We also attach indictment, so please check with law and international law.
If there is a mistake in my argument, please point out.
We are looking forward to your justice.
Information on ICC is below!
The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
We will send everyday until Japan becomes a country governed under the law. Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!
Dear Sir or Madam in the international society Today is the first mail.
2018-01-18: Today's topic is "There is only a solution
by economic sanctions other than solution by military force.
The international community is aiming for a society without war.
The United Nations member countries cooperate and the enemy of peace We should eradicate. "
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case
In case
According to the Tokyo newspaper,
a meeting of 20 foreign countries on North Korea's nuclear and missile issues co-hosted
by the United States and Canada was held on 16th in Vancouver, Canada,
consistent with maintaining and strengthening pressure on North Korea.
Promote strengthening ship inspection on the sea to prevent smuggling.
US Secretary of State Tillason stressed that full implementation
of the UN Security Council sanction resolution by China and Russia is important.
Chairman's summary welcomes the dialogue between Korea
and North Korea over the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics and expressed hopes
that it will lead to advancement of tension relief and denuclearization talks.
Foreign Minister Taro Kono also participated in the meeting.
However, Nakagoro who was pointed out as abandoning smuggling of North Korea did not attend.
I am sorry that China and Russia did not attend.
China and Russia have neglected the smuggling of North Korea.
If China and Russia also demand full performance and they are not totally fulfilled,
I think that economic sanctions are necessary for China and Russia as well.
There is only solution by economic sanctions besides solution by military force.
The international community is aiming for a society without war.
United Nations member states should cooperate and eradicate enemies of peace.
President Trump, Gambare!
Please support humanitarian crimes by the Japanese state.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.
President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media, embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)
To the international society's media, today's scoop information!
Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems" It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime" of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".
The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient, it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.
Human rights issues contrary to international law of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.
There are two major mistakes appealing in this case.
1. It is a fact that Chinese and Philippines worked other than the status of residence,
The Immigration Control Law is a provision that equally dispose of workers and those who work.
In this case, only foreigners who worked outside the status of residence were criminalized.
We have not disposed of those who worked illegally (employers) with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment promotion crime).
If so, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
There is no assistant to any illegal work if it is.
2. For me and staff of the Philippine Embassy,
Contents As providing a false employment contract, for the illegal workers'
I applied the crime assistance crime, but it is a mistake in applying law.
Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents,
It is administrative punishment, Immigration Law 22-4 Article 4 (Cancellation of Status of Residence).
The donor will assist the sin, but it can not be criminalized under the provisions of the criminal code.
It is a violation of basic human rights violation.
Applicable crime is a special officials abuse of authority and false charges
I point out errors, but I do not accept mistakes.
Special officials such as police officers, prosecutors, judges do not accept mistakes,
It is evidence that governance is not under the law.
The victim is handicapped as a criminal of a criminal case.
As soon as possible to apologize to the victim, recover the honor,
Please advice to ICC.
Moreover, please condemn human rights abuses in Japan at G7, G20, UN etc etc.
For the judicial administration against the Constitution of Japan, international law on human rights and the Immigration Control Act,
Diet members and cabinet do not do anything and ignore it. I do not have ethics.
This case is an act of ignoring the law, it can not be said to be an individual case.
It can not be said that Japan is being governed under the law any longer!
The cabinet, political parties, parliamentarians and others are also crushing this case today.
Can the international community trade with Japanese or Japanese companies that are not governed under the law?
Can you trust the masked Japanese people?
A country that is not governed under the law think that mass murder is occurring in the dark.
There are many missing people.
There are many unresolved incidents.
There are plenty of false accusations.
The Japanese are crying asleep, but I will not fall asleep!
The Japanese says that "the misfortune of others is the taste of honey" will be.
Please accept serious human rights problems in Japan.
Last year, there were a series of exposures of Japanese 's culture of cheating on injustice!
Injustice of quality, injustice of examination and so on successively!
Japanese people seize the problem within the company as well.
Can the international community still trust the masked Japanese people?
Chinese do not like to talk about "Tiananmen Incident".
For Japanese people, talk about this judicial crime!
Can the international community trade with Japanese or Japanese companies that are not governed under the law?
Can you trust the masked Japanese people?
Litigation (information provision) to ICC Many of the materials are upgraded to the following HP.
We also attach indictment, so please check with law and international law.
If there is a mistake in my argument, please point out.
We are looking forward to your justice.
Information on ICC is below!
The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo, OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
We will send everyday until Japan becomes a country governed under the law. Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!
Help me! January 17, 2018: Mail to Prince Teliza May, British Prime Minister! Dear Sir or Madam, for the Yomiuri Shimbun, the US New York Times (electroni
<Public mail>
Help me! January 17, 2018: Mail to Prince Teliza May, British Prime Minister!
Dear Sir or Madam, for the Yomiuri Shimbun, the US New York Times (electronic version) said on Wednesday that the US Department of Defense will join the South Korean Pyeongchang Winter Olympics (February 9-25) in early February, Reportedly plans to extend the US special forces. In addition to checking North Korea, there seems to be an aim to watch over the terrorism according to the Olympic Games.
According to the Mainichi Shimbun, South Korea and North Korea began talks at the Panmunjom in the vicinity of the North-South military border line on October 15, at the vice minister level officials on dispatching "arts groups" to the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics . In the inter-Korean ministerial talks on the 9th, it was the first time for us to discuss concrete content as we agreed to dispatch delegation of North Korea. Meanwhile, North Korea has started taking "shaking" tactics to hold the initiative in the inter-Korean relationship, including checking the Korean side trying to link the inter-Korean talks to denuclearization.
It is powerful that the US Department of Defense plans to increase the number of US forces special forces to South Korea. North Korea is also beginning to take "tackling" tactics to hold the initiative in inter-Korean relations, but it is certain that peace is progressing with the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.
Everything, I think that "economic sanctioning strategy", which emphasizes humanitarianism to North Korea without using military power, was successful. Thank you!
Prime Minister Teliza May, "Please help me, please make Japan a country governed under the law."
There are two things I really want to say in terms of human rights issues in Japan!
1. It is a fact that Chinese and Philippines worked other than the status of residence,
The Immigration Control Law is a provision that equally dispose of workers and those who work.
In this case, only foreigners who worked outside the status of residence were criminalized.
We have not disposed of those who worked illegally (employers) with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act (illegal employment promotion crime).
If so, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.
There is no assistant to any illegal work if it is.
2. For me and staff of the Philippine Embassy,
Contents As providing a false employment contract, for the illegal workers'
I applied the crime assistance crime, but it is a mistake in applying law.
Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents,
It is administrative punishment, Immigration Law 22-4 Article 4 (Cancellation of Status of Residence).
The donor will assist the sin, but it can not be criminalized under the provisions of the criminal code.
It is a violation of basic human rights violation.
Applicable crimes are special officials abuse of their own authority and false charges.
Many victims of foreigners are also occurring today.
Please let ICC investigate! Please also take up the agenda in the UN, G7, G20 and others.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
His Excellency, Terrysa May, Gambare! And please help us! Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
S'il vous plaît aider! 17 janvier 2018: Mail au Premier ministre français Eduard Phillip Mail!
S'il vous plaît aider! 17 janvier 2018: Mail au Premier ministre français Eduard Phillip Mail!
Chers Messieurs, en prenant le Yomiuri Shimbun, le New York Times (version électronique) est de 14 jours, le département américain de la Défense est le début de Février, selon les Jeux olympiques d'hiver de Pyeongchang en Corée (9-25 Février 2011), en Corée du Sud Il est prévu d'étendre les forces spéciales américaines. Avec pour empêcher la Corée du Nord, on voit qu'il ya un but de se méfier du terrorisme, qui, selon les Jeux Olympiques.
Selon le Mainichi Shimbun, la Corée du Sud et la Corée du Nord trop à 15 jours à 10 heures, à Panmunjom à proximité de la ligne de démarcation militaire nord-sud, a été le début des praticiens vice-ministres des consultations sur « Art Troupe » envoyés aux Jeux olympiques d'hiver de Pyeongchang en Corée du Nord . Dans les discussions ministérielles Nord-Sud de 9 jours, j'ai reçu un accord dans l'envoi de la délégation de la Corée du Nord, est devenu un lieu pour la première fois discuter du contenu spécifique. D'autre part en Corée du Nord, comme décourager la Corée du Sud d'être lié à la dénucléarisation des pourparlers Nord-Sud, ont également commencé à prendre en essayant de Nigiro l'initiative dans les relations inter-coréennes « secouer » la tactique.
Que le Pentagone prévoit une montée subite des forces spéciales américaines en Corée est aussi longue que la bonne Chikaradzu. La Corée du Nord a commencé à prendre même « secouer » la tactique et Nigiro l'initiative dans les relations inter-coréennes, l'occasion des Jeux olympiques d'hiver de Pyeongchang, il est est certainement la paix progresse.
Tous, contre la Corée du Nord, de se concentrer sur l'humanitaire sans recours à la force militaire, je pense « stratégie de sanctions économiques » a payé. Merci!
Premier ministre Eduard Philip, "S'il vous plaît aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît faites du Japon un pays régi par la loi"
Il y a deux choses que je veux vraiment dire en termes de droits de l'homme au Japon!
1. Il est un fait que les Chinois et les Philippines ont travaillé autre que le statut de résidence,
La loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration est une disposition qui dispose également des travailleurs et de ceux qui travaillent.
Dans ce cas, seuls les étrangers qui travaillaient en dehors du statut de résident ont été criminalisés.
Nous n'avons pas disposé de ceux qui ont travaillé illégalement (employeurs) avec l'article 73-2 de la loi sur l'immigration (crime de promotion de l'emploi illégal).
Si c'est le cas, l'étranger a travaillé est innocent.
C'est égal en vertu de la loi, c'est la règle du droit international.
Il n'y a pas d'assistant à un travail illégal si c'est le cas.
2. Pour moi et le personnel de l'ambassade des Philippines,
Contenu Fournir un faux contrat de travail, pour les travailleurs illégaux
J'ai appliqué le crime d'aide au crime, mais c'est une erreur dans l'application de la loi.
Acquisition du statut de résidence en soumettant de faux documents,
C'est une punition administrative, Loi sur l'immigration 22-4 Article 4 (Annulation du statut de résidence).
Le donateur aidera le péché, mais il ne peut pas être criminalisé en vertu des dispositions du Code criminel.
C'est une violation de la violation fondamentale des droits de l'homme.
Les crimes applicables sont des abus de fonctionnaires de leur propre autorité et de fausses accusations.
De nombreuses victimes d'étrangers se produisent également aujourd'hui.
S'il vous plaît laissez la CPI enquêter! Veuillez également prendre connaissance de l'ordre du jour de l'ONU, du G7, du G20 et d'autres.
Les documents à soumettre à la CPI sont ci-dessous.
Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare!
Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.
Yasuhiro Nagano
<Öffentliche Mail> Bitte helfen Sie! 17. Januar 2018: Mail an die belgische Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel!
<Öffentliche Mail>
Bitte helfen Sie! 17. Januar 2018: Mail an die belgische Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel!
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, nimmt an der Yomiuri Shimbun, die New York Times (elektronische Version) 14 Tage, sind die US-Verteidigungsministerium Anfang Februar, nach den Pyeongchang Olympischen Winterspiele in Korea (09-25 Februar 2011), nach Südkorea Plant plant, die US-Sondereinheiten zu erweitern. Neben der Überprüfung Nordkoreas scheint es auch ein Ziel zu sein, den Terrorismus bei den Olympischen Spielen zu beobachten.
Nach Angaben der Mainichi Shimbun, Südkorea und Nordkorea zu viel auf 15 Tage um 10 Uhr, bei Panmunjom in der Nähe der Nord-Süd-militärischer Demarkationslinie, war der Beginn der Vizeminister Praktiker Konsultationen über „Art Troupe“ zu den Olympischen Winterspielen in Pyeongchang geschickt von Nordkorea . In Nord-Süd-Ministergesprächen von 9 Tagen erhielt ich eine Vereinbarung in der Delegation Versand von Nordkorea hat die spezifischen Inhalte ein Ort zum ersten Mal diskutiert werden. Auf der anderen Seite in Nordkorea, wie die südkoreanische Seite entmutigend auf die Denuklearisierung der Nord-Süd-Gespräche gebunden zu sein, haben sie auch Nigiro die Initiative in innerkoreanischen Beziehungen „shake“ Taktik versuchen zu nehmen begonnen.
Es ist mächtig, dass das US-Verteidigungsministerium plant, die Anzahl der Spezialeinheiten der US-Streitkräfte nach Südkorea zu erhöhen. Der Nordkorea hat damit begonnen, auch „shake“ Taktik zu nehmen und wird die Initiative in innerkoreanischen Beziehungen, die Möglichkeit, die Pyeongchang Olympischen Winterspiele, ist es sicherlich Frieden Nigiro voran ist.
Alle, gegen Nordkorea, ohne den Einsatz von militärischer Gewalt aus humanitären zu konzentrieren, denke ich „Wirtschaftssanktionen Strategie“ hat sich ausgezahlt. Danke!
Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel: "Bitte helfen Sie mir! Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem gesetzlich geregelten Land."
Es gibt zwei Dinge, die ich wirklich in Bezug auf Menschenrechte in Japan sagen möchte!
1. Es ist eine Tatsache, dass Chinesen und Philippinen anders als der Status des Wohnsitzes gearbeitet haben,
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz ist eine Bestimmung, die Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitnehmer gleichermaßen diskriminiert.
In diesem Fall wurden nur Ausländer kriminalisiert, die außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus arbeiteten.
Eine Person, die illegal gearbeitet (Arbeitgeber), hat keine Entsorgung im Einwanderungsrecht Artikel 73 der 2 (illegale Beschäftigung förderlich Verbrechen).
Wenn dies der Fall ist, ist das Alien unschuldig.
Dies ist nach dem Gesetz gleich, es ist die Regel des Völkerrechts.
Es gibt keinen Assistenten für illegale Arbeit, wenn es so ist.
2. Für mich und die Mitarbeiter der philippinischen Botschaft,
Inhalt Als ein falscher Arbeitsvertrag für die illegalen Arbeiter
Ich habe das Verbrechenhilfsverbrechen angewandt, aber es ist ein Fehler bei der Anwendung des Gesetzes.
Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente,
Es ist Verwaltungsstrafe, Einwanderungsgesetz 22-4 Artikel 4 (Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus).
Der Spender wird die Sünde unterstützen, aber er kann nicht unter den Bestimmungen des Strafgesetzbuchs kriminalisiert werden.
Es ist eine Verletzung grundlegender Menschenrechtsverletzungen.
Anwendbare Verbrechen sind besondere Amtsträger, die ihre eigenen Befugnisse und falschen Anschuldigungen missbrauchen.
Viele Opfer von Ausländern treten heute auch auf.
Bitte lassen Sie ICC untersuchen! Bitte nehmen Sie auch die Tagesordnung in den UN, G7, G20 und anderen auf.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.
Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Yasuhiro Nagano)
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