
Thanks for human rights【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-05 】 West Wing Reads | Hice: In a year under Trump, a safe and strong US

Thanks for human rights【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-05 】
West Wing Reads |

Hice: In a year under Trump, a safe and strong US

Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) penned an op-ed today in The Covington News reflecting on President Trump’s first State of the Union and the President’s extensive list of first-year accomplishments. “President Trump spoke from the heart, and I’m thankful that he continues to tackle some of the nation’s most pressing issues head-on as we work to improve the lives of Americans across the country,” Rep. Hice wrote.
Charles Hurt writes in The Washington Times that “President Trump has officially transformed himself from merely a great American president into a historic world leader keeping lit the torch of freedom for all people around the world.” Hurt argues that “in two speeches this week, Mr. Trump proved himself the greatest champion of freedom since Ronald Reagan. He has become the strongest voice today for ‘that shining city upon a hill.’”
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich writes in The Hill that “many people, including me, were shocked by the open hostility of congressional Democrats to President Trump’s State of the Union address.” Gingrich notes that “in recent polls, independents are shifting away from the Trump-haters toward President Trump. In the CBS poll released immediately after his speech, 75 percent said they favored the address.”
In The Daily Signal, Texas Public Policy Foundation President Brooke Rollins writes about how 2018 could become a banner year for criminal justice reform in America. “Recently, the president chaired a remarkable gathering of leading thinkers and policymakers in the criminal justice field,” she says. “What we discussed, and what the president committed to, was nothing less than a transformative vision for our nation’s approach to criminal justice.”
The parents of two Long Island teenagers killed at the hands of MS-13 returned from Washington D.C. where they attended the State Of The Union address as guests of the president,” CBS New York reports. “We cannot imagine the depth of your sorrow, but we can make sure that other families never have to endure this pain,” President Trump said in his address. “It’s just an experience that no words can explain. You just felt that what we are doing is being recognized, being heard,” parent Evelyn Rodriguez said.

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May, February 5, 2018 NO 1: According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, North Korean freight ship "Man-Gyeong-gwan Mangyeonbong" reportedly refused to enter the port of Russian Far East

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May, February 5, 2018
NO 1:
According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, North Korean freight ship "Man-Gyeong-gwan Mangyeonbong" reportedly refused to enter the port of Russian Far East Vladivostok. Manyan peaks arrived at the port of Vladivostok on January 31 with the product of China and feed etc. loaded, but port entry was not admitted as cargo prohibited by North Korea sanctions was included. Explain that Russia's operating company "Invest, Stroy, Trest" does not violate sanctions. On the 3rd of the day the Millionengpong that was stopped off the coast of Vladivostok became exhausted and sent a rescue signal. Russian tankers are headed for refueling.

Looking at this news, I also felt that Russia is strictly implementing the "UN economic sanctions against North Korea". As I refuse to enter the port, I think that it is not always that cargo prohibited by sanctions against North Korea is actually included, but I understand well the circumstances under which we are strictly monitoring. American sanctions against North Korea
We support that we are penetrating society. I feel I am watching strong USA.
Britain as well as Gambare, make the world a society governed under the law!

NO 2:
Today 's explanation is "Illustrated illegal arrest / confinement not based on law" NO: 008.
The motive of crime (false accusation) is to assist the invasion of Immigration Law violation (activity other than the status of qualification), not a crime to promote illegal employment as prescribed by Immigration Control Act, to succeed a strategy of punishing with new criminal aid crime, It is to obtain excellent cleared results.
Anyway, the general public is saying greatly, but if you do not understand the law, it is high. So I came up with a hint on the revision of the law to cancel my status of residence.
The police cooperated with this, even the judge rode the attempt. And even lawyers admitted that it is the logic of the correct law.
This article explains in detail the things that I actually experienced about the administrative disposition of "cancellation of status of residence" and the criminal disposition of "crime for promoting illegal employment" based on the Immigration Control Law, documents submitted for complaints, petitions etc. We will do so, please understand the truth of the incident assistance violation case assistance case.
In addition, police officers, prosecutors, judges etc. who are interested in laws so that there will not be cases of impairing the national interests of Japan such as false incidents of the Immigration Control Act of the Philippine Embassy and false incidents of Japan and human rights violations by state power not based on such crime - If you monitor civil servants, I think that Japan can become an ordinary country that will be governed under the law.
Continue to NO: 009.
In case
NO 3:
Please support humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by the Japanese state. Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed. Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government. Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.


Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.


Contact email

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Chers Messieurs le Premier ministre français Edouard Philippe Honorable 5 Février, 2018 NO 1: Selon le Yomiuri Shimbun, navire à passagers nord-coréen « Mankeiho n °

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Chers Messieurs le Premier ministre français Edouard Philippe Honorable 5 Février, 2018
NO 1:
Selon le Yomiuri Shimbun, navire à passagers nord-coréen « Mankeiho n ° Mangyonbon » aurait été vu refuser l'entrée dans le port du port russe d'Extrême-Orient Vladivostok. Mangyongbong-92 est arrivé à Vladivostok Minatooki le 31 Janvier, chargé de ces produits chinois et aliments pour animaux, mais l'entrée dans le port ne pouvait pas être reconnu comme qui contient la cargaison qui a été interdit dans les sanctions Corée du Nord. compagnie de vol russe société « Invest Sutoroi-Trest » a été décrit comme non en violation des sanctions. Mangyongbong-92 qui a été échoué à Vladivostok sur la côte est de carburant en trois jours, appeler un signal de détresse. Les pétroliers russes se dirigent vers le ravitaillement.

Regardez ces nouvelles, la Russie a également estimé qu'il est strictement mettre en œuvre les « sanctions économiques de l'ONU » contre la Corée du Nord. Parce qu'il est entrée dans le déni du port, mais je pense que ce n'est pas en fait toujours contenir une cargaison qui a été interdit dans les sanctions Corée du Nord, nous connaissons bien la situation qui est strictement contrôlée. Sanctions américaines contre la Corée du Nord
Nous soutenons que nous pénétrons la société. Je sens que je regarde les Etats-Unis forts.
La France a également Ganbare, devrait être une société qui est régie dans le monde sous la loi!

NO 2:
Description d'aujourd'hui « Sur la base, l'arrestation illégale et de confinement ne sont pas fondées sur le droit, » NO: est 008.
Le motif du crime (LIE fausse plainte), l'aide des infractions à la Loi contrôle de l'immigration (qualification des activités à l'extérieur), plutôt que l'emploi illégal crime favorable que Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration stipule, nouveau, un stratagème réussi à punir en droit pénal aider la criminalité, en tant que procureur C'est d'obtenir d'excellents résultats défrichés.
Quoi qu'il en soit, le grand public, il a été enfermé élevé et ne peut pas toujours dire que je dois dire que la loi Bossy. Donc, nous sommes arrivés avec un crime inspiré par la révision juridique de l'annulation des visas.
La police a coopéré avec cela, même le juge a fait l'essai. Et même les avocats ont admis que c'était la logique de la loi correcte.
Cet article, de la Loi sur l'immigration et la sanction administrative de « annulation de visa » pour la disposition pénale de « l'emploi illégal crime favorable », que j'étais en fait l'expérience, plus en détail sur la base du document, etc., qui a été soumis dans la plainte ou requête, etc. Description de donc nous continuerons à, s'il vous plaît comprendre la vérité des violations de la Loi de contrôle de l'immigration assistée incident.
Outre les violations des droits de l'homme par l'autorité de l'Etat qui ne repose pas sur les incidents et ces nulla poena sine lege, qui nuisent à l'intérêt national du Japon, comme les violations ambassade des Philippines Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration se trouvent faux incidents ne se produit pas, les policiers ont un intérêt pour le droit, les procureurs, les juges, et al spéciale si le moniteur de la fonction publique, je pense qu'il devienne un pays normal, que le Japon est régi également par la loi.
Continuer à NO: 009.

NO 3:
Veuillez soutenir les crimes humanitaires concernant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés par l'État japonais. Non seulement la loi japonaise mais la violation du droit international.
Non seulement moi mais beaucoup d'étrangers comme les Chinois et les Philippins sont sacrifiés. S'il vous plaît, sauvez le «crime humanitaire» du gouvernement japonais. Veuillez soumettre les documents à soumettre à l'ICC comme indiqué ci-dessous.


Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare! Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrter Herr oder Herr Angela Merkel, deutscher Bundespräsident 5. Februar 2018 Nr. 1: Laut der Yomiuri Shimbun, nordkoreanische Passagierschiff „Mankeiho Nr

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrter Herr oder Herr Angela Merkel, deutscher Bundespräsident 5. Februar 2018
Nr. 1:
Laut der Yomiuri Shimbun, nordkoreanische Passagierschiff „Mankeiho Nr Mangyonbon“ wird berichtet, Einlaufen in den Hafen zu den russischen Fernen Osten Wladiwostok Hafen verweigert. Mangyongbong-92 kamen in Wladiwostok Minatooki am 31. Januar, beladen mit solchen chinesischen Produkten und Futtermittel, aber Einlaufen in den Hafen konnte nicht erkannt werden wie die Ladung enthält, die in Nordkorea Sanktionen verboten. Erklären Sie, dass die russische Betriebsgesellschaft "Invest, Stroy, Trest" keine Sanktionen verletzt. Mangyongbong-92, die vor der Küste in Wladiwostok gestrandet wurde wird in drei Tagen der Treibstoff, ein Notsignal ruft. Russische Tanker sind zum Tanken unterwegs.

Angesichts dieser Nachrichten habe ich auch das Gefühl, dass Russland die "UN-Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Nordkorea" strikt umsetzt. Weil es Einlaufen in den Hafen Leugnung ist, aber ich denke, dass es nicht eigentlich immer eine Ladung enthalten, die in Nordkorea Sanktionen verboten, wissen wir auch die Situation, die streng überwacht wird. Amerikanische Sanktionen gegen Nordkorea
Wir unterstützen, dass wir in die Gesellschaft eindringen. Ich fühle, dass ich starke USA beobachte.
Deutschland spielt auch, macht die Welt zu einer Gesellschaft, die unter dem Gesetz steht!

Nr. 2:
Die heutige Erklärung ist "Illustrierte illegale Festnahme / Verhaftung, nicht auf Gesetz beruhend" NO: 008.
Das Motiv des Verbrechens (liegt falsch Beschwerde), die Unterstützung der Immigration Control Act Verletzungen (Qualifikation Nebentätigkeiten), anstatt illegale Beschäftigung zuträglich Verbrechen, dass Immigration Control Act festgelegt, neu, ein erfolgreicher Trick im Strafrecht Unterstützung Verbrechen, als Staatsanwalt zu bestrafen Es soll hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielen.
Wie auch immer, die Öffentlichkeit sagt es sehr, aber wenn Sie das Gesetz nicht verstehen, ist es hoch. Also habe ich einen Hinweis auf die Revision des Gesetzes gemacht, um meinen Aufenthaltsstatus aufzuheben.
Die Polizei kooperierte damit, selbst der Richter ritt den Versuch. Und selbst Anwälte haben zugegeben, dass es die Logik des richtigen Gesetzes ist.
Dieses Papier, des Immigration Control Act und die administrative Strafe von „Visa-Stempel“ für die kriminelle Entsorgung von „illegaler Beschäftigung förderlich Verbrechen“, dass ich tatsächlich Erfahrung auf der Grundlage des Dokuments näher war, usw., die in der Beschwerde oder Petition eingereicht wurden, etc. Beschreibung Wir werden dies tun, bitte verstehen Sie die Wahrheit der Fall Fall Assistance Case Incident Assistance.
Zusätzlich zu Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch die staatliche Behörde, die auf Vorfälle und diese nulla poena sine lege nicht beruht, die das nationale Interesse von Japan, wie die Philippinen Botschaft Immigration Control Act Verletzungen beeinträchtigen falsch Vorfall liegen nicht auftritt, haben Polizeibeamte ein Interesse an Recht, Staatsanwälte, Richter, et al Sonder Wenn Sie Beamte überwachen, denke ich, dass Japan ein gewöhnliches Land werden kann, das unter dem Gesetz regiert wird.
Weiter zu NO: 009.

Nr. 3:
Bitte unterstützen Sie humanitäre Verbrechen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen durch den japanischen Staat. Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht.
Nicht nur ich, sondern viele Ausländer wie Chinesen und Filipinos werden geopfert. Bitte bewahren Sie vor der "humanitären Kriminalität" der japanischen Regierung auf. Bitte reichen Sie die Materialien ein, die dem ICC wie folgt übermittelt werden.


Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-02-05: First Mail. The contents of e-mail to President Trump here today are as follows. Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-02-05: First Mail.
The contents of e-mail to President Trump here today are as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

According to the Yomiuri Shimbun,
North Korean freight ship "Man-Gyeong-gwan Mangyeonbong" reportedly refused to
enter the port of Russian Far East Vladivostok.

Manyan peaks arrived at the port of Vladivostok on January 31 with the product of China
and feed etc.

loaded, but port entry was not admitted as cargo prohibited by North Korea sanctions was included.

Explain that Russia's operating company "Invest, Stroy, Trest" does not violate sanctions.

On the 3rd of the day the Millionengpong
that was stopped off the coast of Vladivostok became exhausted and sent a rescue signal.
Russian tankers are headed for refueling.

Looking at this news,
I also felt that Russia is strictly implementing the "UN economic sanctions against North Korea".
As I refuse to enter the port,
I think that it is not always that cargo prohibited
by sanctions against North Korea is actually included,
but I understand well the circumstances under which we are strictly monitoring.

American sanctions against North Korea
We support that we are penetrating society. I feel I am watching strong USA.

Tramp President Gambare, please make the world a society governed under the law!

Please support humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees
by the Japanese state. Not only Japanese law but international law violation.

Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.


President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media,
embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)

2018-02-05: Second Mail.

In Japan, it is a series series <NO 008>,
a fact that the judicial administration is totally different
from "governance under the law" advocated by Prime Minister Abe.

Japan needs "governance under the law".
What I would like to file a lawsuit against is a "crime of humanity"
by Japanese judicial officials.

The contents of e-mail to President Trump here today are as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

Today 's explanation is "Illustrated illegal arrest / confinement not based on law" NO: 008.

The motive of crime (false accusation) is to assist the invasion of Immigration Law violation
(activity other than the status of qualification),
not a crime to promote illegal employment as prescribed by Immigration Control Act,
to succeed a strategy of punishing with new criminal aid crime,
It is to obtain excellent cleared results.

Anyway, the general public is saying greatly,
but if you do not understand the law, it is high.

So I came up with a hint on the revision of the law to cancel my status of residence.

The police cooperated with this,
even the judge rode the attempt. And even lawyers admitted that it is the logic of the correct law.

This article explains in detail the things
that I actually experienced about the administrative disposition of "cancellation
of status of residence"
and the criminal disposition of "criminal promotion of illegal employment"
under the Immigration Control Law based on the documents etc. submitted for complaints,
petitions etc. We will do so,
please understand the truth of the incident assistance violation case assistance case.

In addition, police officers, prosecutors, judges etc.
who are interested in laws so that there will not be cases
of impairing the national interests of Japan such as false incidents
of the Immigration Control Act of the Philippine Embassy and false incidents of Japan
and human rights violations by state power not based on such crime - If you inspect public officials,
I think that Japan will become an ordinary country governed under the law,
so let's realize that.

Continue to NO: 009.

Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!
Please give me support to President Trump.
We are submitting to ICC as a crime of judicial officials and individuals so please support them.
Submitted materials are below.

please confirm.

Best regards.

(This message is sent not only to President Trump,
but also to the world media etc.)

My information *************************************************

It is published in the following program.


Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-03b 】 West Wing Reads | Hice: In a year under Trump, a safe and strong US

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-03b 】
West Wing Reads |

Hice: In a year under Trump, a safe and strong US

Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) penned an op-ed today in The Covington News reflecting on President Trump’s first State of the Union and the President’s extensive list of first-year accomplishments. “President Trump spoke from the heart, and I’m thankful that he continues to tackle some of the nation’s most pressing issues head-on as we work to improve the lives of Americans across the country,” Rep. Hice wrote.
Charles Hurt writes in The Washington Times that “President Trump has officially transformed himself from merely a great American president into a historic world leader keeping lit the torch of freedom for all people around the world.” Hurt argues that “in two speeches this week, Mr. Trump proved himself the greatest champion of freedom since Ronald Reagan. He has become the strongest voice today for ‘that shining city upon a hill.’”
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich writes in The Hill that “many people, including me, were shocked by the open hostility of congressional Democrats to President Trump’s State of the Union address.” Gingrich notes that “in recent polls, independents are shifting away from the Trump-haters toward President Trump. In the CBS poll released immediately after his speech, 75 percent said they favored the address.”
In The Daily Signal, Texas Public Policy Foundation President Brooke Rollins writes about how 2018 could become a banner year for criminal justice reform in America. “Recently, the president chaired a remarkable gathering of leading thinkers and policymakers in the criminal justice field,” she says. “What we discussed, and what the president committed to, was nothing less than a transformative vision for our nation’s approach to criminal justice.”
The parents of two Long Island teenagers killed at the hands of MS-13 returned from Washington D.C. where they attended the State Of The Union address as guests of the president,” CBS New York reports. “We cannot imagine the depth of your sorrow, but we can make sure that other families never have to endure this pain,” President Trump said in his address. “It’s just an experience that no words can explain. You just felt that what we are doing is being recognized, being heard,” parent Evelyn Rodriguez said.

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Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-03a 】 Your 1600 Daily: African American History Month and the Bonds of Patriotism

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-03a 】
Your 1600 Daily:

African American History Month and the Bonds of Patriotism
In his Proclamation this week honoring African American History Month, President Donald J. Trump drew attention to a special theme this year: “African Americans in Times of War.”
For far too long, African Americans bravely fought and died in the name of freedom, while at the same time struggling to attain equality, respect, and the full privileges of citizenship,” the President wrote. “Because of their love of country, these heroes insisted on serving and defending America despite racial prejudice, unequal treatment, diminished opportunities, and segregation.”
As he did during his State of the Union Address this week, President Trump used personal stories from real Americans to illustrate the significance of this struggle. “We remember soldiers like Sergeant Henry Johnson of the Harlem Hellfighters, the all-black National Guard unit that was among the first American forces to arrive in France during World War I,” the President wrote.
Johnson was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and a Purple Heart.

Randomness cannot have a place in our immigration system
In his State of the Union Address Tuesday, President Trump called on Congress to finally solve the immigration and border security problems that have plagued America for far too long.
Tonight, I am extending an open hand to work with members of both parties, Democrats and Republicans, to protect our citizens of every background, color, religion, and creed,” the President said. “We have proposed new legislation that will fix our immigration laws and support our ICE and Border Patrol agents.”
It is crucial that any new immigration law replace randomness with merit in our system:
  • Replacing the visa lottery system will reduce waitlists in nuclear family-based and high-skilled employment immigration
  • Basing immigration on merit rather than chance will energize the U.S. economy and help low-wage American workers
  • Ending the systemic vulnerabilities of the current visa system will reduce national security risk as well as rampant fraud and abuse

President Trump addresses Republican Member Conference
The President traveled to West Virginia yesterday to speak to the 2018 House and Senate Republican Member Conference. He thanked legislators for the GOP’s numerous achievements during his first year in office—none bigger than December’s tax overhaul—and looked forward to what 2018 will hold.
A few highlights:
  • We know that, for Americans, nothing — absolutely nothing — is out of reach because we don’t know the meaning of the word ‘quit.’”
  • [Eliminating] the individual mandate by itself is a big, powerful bill. That was just added on to what we did with the massive tax cuts.”
  • We can fix bad trade deals and negotiate new ones that are fair. And the most important word to me, on trade, is ‘reciprocal.’ . . . If they’re going to do it to us, we’re going to do it to them.”
  • One of the strengths of the Republican Party is that we’re a big tent with many diverse views, but the one thing we can all agree on — and that’s that, in every decision, we make our highest priority to serve and to protect the American people.”

Photo of the Day

Ji Seong-ho at the State of the Union | January 30, 2018 (Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen)


This morning, President Trump will meet with North Korean defectors in the Oval Office. In the afternoon, the President will visit the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol National Targeting Center, where he will tour the facility and participate in a Customs and Border Protection roundtable.
Today, Vice President Mike Pence will participate in a phone call with President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan. The Vice President will then depart for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he will deliver remarks at a Rick Saccone for Congress event. Later, the Vice President will deliver remarks at America First Policies’ “Tax Cuts to Put America First” event.


Thanks for human rights
【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-02b 】
West Wing Reads |

Tax bill beginning to deliver bigger paychecks to workers

The contentious tax overhaul is beginning to deliver a change that many will welcome — bigger paychecks,” Sarah Skidmore Sell reports for The Associated Press. Sell notes that “a little extra money in the hands of most Americans may also help boost support of President Donald Trump and his tax plan.”
President Trump “was cheerfully, extravagantly specific as he peppered the crowd with aspiration after aspiration, achievement after achievement,” Roger Kimball writes about the State of the Union speech in American Greatness. “Trump’s speech reached with an open hand across the bitter partisan divide that has disfigured our public life these last couple of decades,” Kimball notes.
The Washington Examiner Editorial Board writes that “more than 70 percent of Americans who watched Trump’s State of the Union speech Tuesday said they favored the basic immigration proposals that the president laid out.” The Board agrees, arguing that “free people have a right to determine, through democratic processes, who can enter and live in their country, and to do so based on their own interests.”
Critics of President Trump have begun lashing out at Rebecca Crowder, executive director of Lily’s Place, a facility that treats babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome. Her offense, according to The Herald-Dispatch? After First Lady Melania Trump visited the West Virginia facility last year, Crowder was featured in a video produced by the White House. "I get it—people feel very passionate about politics or Trump or whoever. But the reality is this is the first administration that has stepped up to help us,” Crowder says. “And don't think I didn't try with the last [administration].”
Matt Mackowiak writes in The Washington Times that President Trump “again showed that he can rise to the moment that a major speech requires, as he did in his first joint session address last year, as well as in important speeches in Saudi Arabia, Israel, Germany and recently at Davos. He offered a hand of bipartisanship to Democrats.”
Not only are companies crediting Trump in their announcements, one major employer, Costco, disputed Democratic sneers that the bonuses are ‘crumbs’ and hide bigger profits,” Paul Bedard writes in Washington Examiner. “The number of companies offering employees higher wages, expanded insurance and retirement benefits and cash bonuses up to $3,000 has surged to 300 as more see benefits from the new GOP tax cuts,” Bedard explains.

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Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-02a 】 Your 1600 Daily: A strong economy makes for a strong Nation

Thanks for human rights
【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-02a 】
Your 1600 Daily:

A strong economy makes for a strong Nation
Just a little more than one year after President Donald J. Trump’s Inauguration, the United States has reaped the benefits of what the President calls the “American Model” economy.
So to every citizen at home tonight,” President Trump said during his State of the Union address Tuesday night, “this is your time.” That optimism and confidence has spread across the country. More than 250 companies have announced bonuses, pay raises, higher retirement plan contributions, or other investments in their business or workforce.
The President shared several of these success stories during his speech Tuesday. Less than 24 hours later, he met with seven more American workers in the Oval Office to discuss how tax reform is benefitting their companies.
Millions of Americans will have more take-home pay starting next month,” the President told Americans this week. “A lot more.”

The President’s speech in 88 seconds
President Trump had a busy first year—signing major tax reform legislation, reasserting America on the global stage, and appointing Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, for starters. With plenty of accomplishments and a detailed vision for 2018 to share, the President spoke for 1 hour and 20 minutes during Tuesday’s State of the Union address. It was the third longest address of the past 50 years.
If you missed the President’s speech or simply want to relive the highlights, this montage video clocks in at 1 minute and 28 seconds.

The game plan to rebuild America
One of the key themes from President Trump’s State of the Union was the need to address the deteriorating condition of American infrastructure. “As we rebuild our industries, it is also time to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure,” the President told Americans.
He laid out a number of steps to do so, including:
  • Generate at least $1.5 trillion in infrastructure investment over the next decade
  • Eliminate unnecessary redundancies and inefficiencies in the regulatory and permitting process
  • Empower state and local authorities to prioritize infrastructure projects based on their communities’ needs
  • Dedicate a quarter of federal funds to address the infrastructure needs of rural areas

I am asking both parties to come together to give us safe, fast, reliable, and modern infrastructure that our economy needs and our people deserve,” President Trump told Congress.

Photo of the Day

First Lady Melania Trump at the State of the Union | January 30, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


Today, President Trump will deliver remarks to the 2018 House and Senate Republican Member Conference in Lewisburg, West Virginia.
In the afternoon, the Vice President will participate in a swearing-in ceremony for Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback.

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Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May, February 2, 2018 NO 1: In the Yomiuri Shimbun editorial, in the heading "Can you overcome the confrontation of the trump speech US Congress?"

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May, February 2, 2018

NO 1:
In the Yomiuri Shimbun editorial, in the heading "Can you overcome the confrontation of the trump speech US Congress?"
Emphasizing results such as large tax cuts, deregulation, stock price increase, employment increase, etc., declared the arrival of a "new era of the United States". The support rate remains around 40% of the lowest postwar postwar level. It is no doubt that he emphasized the appeal of achievement with consciousness of the November middle election. The future focus is whether we can realize a huge investment in infrastructure development such as transportation network and maintain a strong economy.
The immediate task is to eliminate the gap over immigration policy. We will build a wall at the Mexican border in line with the government's commitment primarily. As a remedy for young people of illegal immigrants demanded by the Democratic Party, 1.8 million people will open a way to acquire citizenship. Mr. Trump brought up a reform plan on immigration that set these as a set in a speech.

Below, I agree. In order to encourage bipartisan consensus, should we reconsider the opposition forces by Twitter, and also reconsider the approach to assert its own validity unilaterally? I did not mention about reviewing to TPP! It is still unclear how much importance is placed on international cooperation. President Cardo thinks that it is necessary to rush to flesh out the Indo - Pacific strategy, including coping with China 's ocean advancement and military expansion.

How about discussing the immigrant refugee problem with the EU? For Britain 's withdrawal from the EU, President Trump should persuade Britain to remain in the EU.

NO 2:
In the Immigration Control Act, foreign nationals who suggested, assisted, or promoted the acquisition of a status of residence are completed by the administrative sanction of "deportation compulsion". For brokers, etc., when managing illegal workers under control or arranging for illegal workers, they are subject to criminal penalties under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act, "illegal employment promotion crime".
In this way, although the Diet legislates to clearly make immigration administration by administrative penalty of "cancellation of status of residence" and criminal disposition of "criminal promotion of illegal employment", police officers, prosecutors, and judges, I am committing the crime to mock up the Diet legislation.
If a special civil servant (policeman, prosecutor, judge) is not adhered to the business operator by "illegal employment promotion crime", if it is applied according to the legislative purpose of the Diet, illegal work can not be done and illegal workers will not occur .
If you can not do illegal work, you can not stay in Japan because there is no income, so there are no illegal residents.
That way, opportunities for Japanese workers will increase and wages will rise as well.
Continue to NO: 008. In case

NO 3:
Please support humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by the Japanese state. Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed. Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government. Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.


Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.
Contact email


Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français Eduard Philip 2 février 2018 NO 1: Dans l'éditorial de Yomiuri Shimbun, dans la rubrique "Pouvez-vous surmonter la confrontation du discours américain Trump?"

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français Eduard Philip 2 février 2018

NO 1:
Dans l'éditorial de Yomiuri Shimbun, dans la rubrique "Pouvez-vous surmonter la confrontation du discours américain Trump?"
L'accent mis sur des résultats tels que les fortes baisses d'impôts, la déréglementation, la hausse des prix des actions et l'augmentation de l'emploi, a déclaré l'arrivée d'une «nouvelle ère des États-Unis». Le taux de soutien reste autour de 40% du plus bas niveau d'après-guerre d'après-guerre. Il ne fait aucun doute qu'il a souligné l'attrait de l'accomplissement avec la conscience des élections intermédiaires de novembre. L'objectif futur est de savoir si nous pouvons réaliser un énorme investissement dans le développement de l'infrastructure, comme le réseau de transport et maintenir une économie forte.
La tâche immédiate est d'éliminer l'écart sur la politique d'immigration. Nous construirons un mur à la frontière mexicaine, conformément à l'engagement du gouvernement. 1,8 million de personnes ouvriront la voie à l'acquisition de la citoyenneté en tant que remède aux jeunes d'immigrants illégaux réclamés par le Parti démocrate. M. Trump a soulevé un plan de réforme sur l'immigration qui a établi ces derniers comme un ensemble dans un discours.

Ci-dessous, je suis d'accord. Afin d'encourager un consensus bipartisan, devrions-nous reconsidérer les forces d'opposition par Twitter, et reconsidérer l'approche pour affirmer unilatéralement sa propre validité? Je n'ai pas mentionné l'examen du PTP! On ne sait toujours pas quelle importance a la coopération internationale. Le président Cardo pense qu'il est nécessaire de se précipiter pour étoffer la stratégie de l'Indo-Pacifique, y compris faire face à l'avancement de la mer et à l'expansion militaire de la Chine.

Pourquoi ne pas discuter du problème des réfugiés immigrants avec l'UE? Pour le retrait de la Grande-Bretagne de l'UE, le président Trump devrait persuader la Grande-Bretagne de rester dans l'UE.

NO 2:
Dans la Loi sur l'immigration de contrôle, encourager l'acquisition du statut de résident, l'aide, les étrangers étaient telles que la promotion est terminée dans la punition administrative de « déportation ». Pour tels que les courtiers, à gérer sous les travailleurs illégaux, si vous la médiation à ce que magasin, 2 « l'emploi illégal crime favorable » de l'article 73 de la Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration Vous avez imposé des sanctions pénales.
De cette façon, l'Assemblée nationale afin d'exécuter une disposition pénale administrative bien l'immigration de la pénalité administrative de « annulation de visa », « l'emploi illégal crime favorable » est pour vous la législation, les policiers, les procureurs, le juge, Je commets le crime d'imiter la législation sur la Diète.
Par « l'emploi illégal crime favorable », les fonctionnaires spéciaux (agents de police, des procureurs, des juges) sont ADHESION pas avec les opérateurs, le cas échéant l'intention du législateur que l'Assemblée nationale, ne peut pas l'emploi illégal, les travailleurs illégaux ne se produit pas .
Si vous ne pouvez pas travailler illégalement, vous ne pouvez pas rester au Japon parce qu'il n'y a pas de revenu, donc il n'y a pas de résidents illégaux.
De cette façon, les opportunités pour les travailleurs japonais vont augmenter et les salaires augmenteront aussi.
Continuer à NO: 008. En cas

NO 3:
Veuillez soutenir les crimes humanitaires concernant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés par l'État japonais. Non seulement la loi japonaise mais la violation du droit international.
Non seulement moi mais beaucoup d'étrangers comme les Chinois et les Philippins sont sacrifiés. S'il vous plaît, sauvez le «crime humanitaire» du gouvernement japonais. Veuillez soumettre les documents à soumettre à l'ICC comme indiqué ci-dessous.


Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare! Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel Ausstellung 2. Februar 2018 Nr. 1: In der Yomiuri Shimbun Leitartikel, in der Überschrift "Können Sie die Konfrontation der Trump Rede US Congress überwinden?"

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel Ausstellung 2. Februar 2018

Nr. 1:
In der Yomiuri Shimbun Leitartikel, in der Überschrift "Können Sie die Konfrontation der Trump Rede US Congress überwinden?"
Große Steuersenkungen und Deregulierung, steigenden Aktienkurse, hoben die Leistungen der Beschäftigung zu erhöhen, erklärten die Ankunft der „neuen amerikanischen Ära“. Die Unterstützungsrate bleibt rund 40% des niedrigsten Nachkriegsniveaus der Nachkriegszeit. Es ist kein Zweifel, dass er die Attraktivität der Errungenschaft mit dem Bewusstsein der mittleren Wahl im November betonte. Der zukünftige Fokus liegt darauf, ob wir große Investitionen in die Infrastrukturentwicklung, wie zum Beispiel das Transportnetzwerk, tätigen und eine starke Wirtschaft aufrechterhalten können.
Die unmittelbare Aufgabe besteht darin, die Lücke in der Einwanderungspolitik zu schließen. Wir werden eine Mauer an der mexikanischen Grenze errichten, in Übereinstimmung mit der Verpflichtung der Regierung, Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen. Als Abhilfe für junge Menschen illegaler Einwanderer, die von der Demokratischen Partei gefordert werden, werden 1,8 Millionen Menschen einen Weg zum Erwerb der Staatsbürgerschaft eröffnen. Herr Trump hat einen Reformplan für die Einwanderung vorgelegt, der diese in einer Rede festlegt.

Unten stimme ich zu. Um die parteiübergreifenden Vereinbarung zu fördern, die Opposition auf Twitter angreifen, oder sollte nicht auch ein Verfahren überprüft die Legitimität der eigenen einseitig zu behaupten. Ich habe nicht erwähnt, dass ich zu TPP rezensiert habe! Es ist noch unklar, wie viel Wert auf internationale Kooperation gelegt wird. Präsident Cardo ist der Meinung, dass es dringend notwendig ist, die indo - pazifische Strategie zu konkretisieren, einschließlich der Bewältigung des Meeresvormarsches und der militärischen Expansion Chinas.

Wie wäre es mit der Diskussion über das Einwanderungsflüchtlingsproblem mit der EU? Für Großbritanniens Rückzug aus der EU sollte Präsident Trump Großbritannien dazu bewegen, in der EU zu bleiben.

Nr. 2:
In der Immigration Control Act, den Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus Anstiftung, Beihilfe, waren Ausländer wie die Förderung hat in der administrativen Strafe von „Abschiebung“ abgeschlossen war. Für wie Makler, unter dem illegalen Arbeiter zu verwalten in, wenn Sie wie Speicher Mediation, 2 „illegale Beschäftigung zuträglich Verbrechen“ des Artikels 73 des Immigration Control Act Sie kriminelle Strafe verhängt.
Auf diese Weise eine gut Einwanderung Verwaltungsstraf Beseitigung der Verwaltungsstrafe von „Visa-Stempel“, „illegale Beschäftigung zuträglich Verbrechen“ die Nationalversammlung sind, um auszuführen, für Sie haben Recht, Polizeibeamte, Staatsanwälte, Richter, Ich begehe das Verbrechen, um die Diät-Gesetzgebung zu verspotten.
Mit „illegaler Beschäftigung förderlich Verbrechen“, besondere Beamte (Polizeibeamte, Staatsanwälte, Richter) sind nicht mit den Betreibern Haftung ggf. legislative Absicht als die Nationalversammlung, kann nicht die illegale Beschäftigung, nicht illegaler Arbeiter nicht auftreten .
Wenn du keine illegale Arbeit verrichtest, kannst du nicht in Japan bleiben, weil es kein Einkommen gibt, also gibt es keine illegalen Bewohner.
Auf diese Weise werden die Möglichkeiten für japanische Arbeiter steigen und auch die Löhne steigen.
Weiter zu NO: 008. Für den Fall

Nr. 3:
Bitte unterstützen Sie humanitäre Verbrechen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen durch den japanischen Staat. Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht.
Nicht nur ich, sondern viele Ausländer wie Chinesen und Filipinos werden geopfert. Bitte bewahren Sie vor der "humanitären Kriminalität" der japanischen Regierung auf. Bitte reichen Sie die Materialien ein, die dem ICC wie folgt übermittelt werden.


Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-02-02: First Mail. The contents of e-mail to President Trump here today are as follows. Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-02-02: First Mail.
The contents of e-mail to President Trump here today are as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

In the Yomiuri Shimbun editorial,
in the heading "Can you overcome the confrontation of the trump speech US Congress?"
Emphasizing results such as large tax cuts, deregulation,
stock price increase, employment increase, etc., declared the arrival of a "new era
of the United States".

The support rate remains around 40% of the lowest postwar postwar level.
It is no doubt that he emphasized the appeal of achievement with consciousness
of the November middle election.
The future focus is whether we can realize a huge investment
in infrastructure development such as transportation network and maintain a strong economy.

The immediate task is to eliminate the gap over immigration policy.
We will build a wall at the Mexican border in line with the government's commitment primarily.
As a remedy for young people of illegal immigrants demanded by the Democratic Party,
1.8 million people will open a way to acquire citizenship.
Mr. Trump brought up a reform plan on immigration that set these as a set in a speech.

Below, I agree. In order to encourage bipartisan consensus,
should we reconsider the opposition forces by Twitter,
and also reconsider the approach to assert its own validity unilaterally?
I did not mention about reviewing to TPP!
It is still unclear how much importance is placed on international cooperation.
President Cardo thinks that it is necessary to rush to flesh out the Indo - Pacific strategy,
including coping with China 's ocean advancement and military expansion.

How about discussing the immigrant refugee problem with the EU?
Regarding the withdrawal of the UK from the EU,
President Trump should persuade Britain to remain in the EU.

Please support humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by the Japanese state. Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.


President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media,
embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)

2018-02-02: Second Mail.
In Japan, it is a series series <NO 007>,
a fact that the judicial administration is totally different
from "governance under the law" advocated by Prime Minister Abe.
Japan needs "governance under the law".
What I would like to file a lawsuit against is a "crime of humanity" by Japanese judicial officials.

The contents of e-mail to President Trump here today are as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

Today 's explanation is "Illegal arrest / confinement not based on law, law" NO: 007.

In the Immigration Control Act, foreign nationals who suggested, assisted,
or promoted the acquisition of a status of residence are completed
by the administrative sanction of "deportation compulsion".

For brokers, etc., when managing illegal workers under control or arranging for illegal workers,
they are subject to criminal penalties under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act,
"illegal employment promotion crime".

In this way, although the Diet legislates to clearly make immigration administration
by administrative penalty of "cancellation of status of residence"
and criminal disposition of "criminal promotion of illegal employment",
police officers, prosecutors, and judges,
I am committing the crime to mock up the Diet legislation.

If a special civil servant (policeman, prosecutor, judge) is not adhered to the business operator
by "illegal employment promotion crime",
if it is applied according to the legislative purpose of the Diet,
illegal work can not be done and illegal workers will not occur .

If you can not do illegal work,
you can not stay in Japan because there is no income, so there are no illegal residents.

That way, opportunities for Japanese workers will increase and wages will rise as well.

Continue to NO: 008.

Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!

Please give me support to President Trump.
We are submitting to ICC as a crime of judicial officials and individuals so please support them.
Submitted materials are below.

please confirm.

est regards.

(This message is sent not only to President Trump,
   but also to the world media etc.)

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Telesa Mei February 1, 2018 NO 1: According to Forbes Japan, with the heading "British EU withdrawal problem, the majority of the people support the" second referendum ", the withdrawal

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Telesa Mei February 1, 2018

NO 1:
According to Forbes Japan, with the heading "British EU withdrawal problem, the majority of the people support the" second referendum ", the withdrawal negotiations between the UK and the European Union (EU) have been difficult and the opinion conflicts within the British administration Among the British people, if the referendum asking whether to withdraw from the EU is done now, it is found that those who "support the residual" outnumber the withdrawal faction is not resolved.
The English research company ICM and the Paper Guardian recently conducted a survey jointly. As a result, 51% said they would vote for residual EU, 49% said they would support withdrawal.
It can be said that the rise of voice calling for the second referendum to have created a strange "political comrade". Former Prime Minister Tony Blair argued that the referendum should be revisited once the outcome of the negotiations with the EU on detachment became clear. We are actively developing activities.
From among the leaders of European countries, remarks have been made to the effect that "Britain's return to the EU is always welcomed at all times."
I think that the UK should not leave the EU. The major cause of withdrawal from the EU was "immigrant refugee problem", but "immigrant refugee problem" has been a major problem in EU countries since then. As a crowd, I am inclined to accept immigrant refugees with conditional and restrictions, so I think that it can be resolved by consultation again in the EU including the UK.
Dictatorship has begun to be basking up. Countries that are governed by freedom and democracy, and under the law and values ​​that value human rights should unite.

NO 2:
Today's explanation is "Refugee, illegal arrest / confinement not based on law" NO: 006.
In Japan, according to the Immigration Control Law, the policy of not accepting simple and unskilled workers has been adopted for a while in the past, but since the number of illegal workers has increased sharply since around 1985, as a countermeasure against illegal employment in 1989 An incompetence crime (Article 73 of 2 Immigration Control Act) was established.
The purpose of this illegal employment promotion crime is the same as the prostitution prevention law, and illegal employment is because there are operators hiring foreigners who are not eligible to work. I tried to eliminate the roots of illegal work by severely punishing the businesses that I made illegal workers with the punishment provisions of both companies and individuals by working foreigners who are not qualified to work.
If there are no businesses hiring foreigners who are not qualified to work, they can not work because they want to work illegally, so they can not become illegal workers.
In addition, it is difficult for foreign workers to find employment place in Japan, etc. In fact, intermediaries such as brokers perform employment introductions and performances etc., and gain unfair fees etc. from the foreign workers There are also sides that were created because there are realities that are also.
Continue to NO: 007.

NO 3:
Please support humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by the Japanese state. Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed. Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government. Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.


Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.
Contact email

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français Eduard Philip 1er février 2018 NO 2: L'explication d'aujourd'hui est «Réfugié, arrestation / enfermement illégal non fondée sur la loi» NO: 006. Par la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration au Japon, mais les travailleurs non qualifiés simples, de classique, il a continué de prendre une politique de ne pas accepter, parce que le nombre de travailleurs

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français Eduard Philip 1er février 2018

NO 1:
Selon le Forbes Japon, sous la rubrique « le problème de retrait britannique de l'UE, le peuple de la majorité soutiennent la » deuxième fois du référendum, « les difficultés des négociations de retrait du Royaume-Uni et l'Union européenne (UE), les conflits d'opinion au sein même de l'administration britannique mais parmi qui ne sont pas résolus, entre le peuple britannique, si elle est menée à référendum demandant les avantages et les inconvénients du retrait de l'UE est maintenant, les gens appelés a été trouvé « soutien résiduel » pour être supérieur à quitter l'école.
La société de recherche anglaise ICM et Paper Guardian ont récemment mené conjointement une enquête. En conséquence, 51% ont déclaré qu'ils voteraient pour l'UE résiduelle, 49% ont déclaré qu'ils soutiendraient le retrait.
On peut dire que la montée des voix appelant au second référendum a créé un étrange "camarade politique". L'ancien Premier ministre Tony Blair a fait valoir que le référendum devrait être réexaminé une fois que le résultat des négociations avec l'UE sur le détachement serait devenu clair. Nous développons activement des activités.
Parmi les dirigeants des pays européens, des remarques ont été faites selon lesquelles «le retour de la Grande-Bretagne dans l'UE est toujours le bienvenu».
Je pense que le Royaume-Uni ne devrait pas quitter l'UE. La principale cause de retrait de l'UE était le «problème des réfugiés immigrants», mais le «problème des réfugiés immigrants» a été un problème majeur dans les pays de l'UE depuis lors. En tant que foule, je suis enclin à accepter les réfugiés immigrants avec des conditions et des restrictions, alors je pense que cela peut être résolu par des consultations à nouveau dans l'UE, y compris au Royaume-Uni.
La dictature a commencé à se réchauffer. Les pays qui sont régis par la liberté et la démocratie, et selon la loi et les valeurs qui valorisent les droits de l'homme devraient s'unir.

NO 2:
L'explication d'aujourd'hui est «Réfugié, arrestation / enfermement illégal non fondée sur la loi» NO: 006.
Par la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration au Japon, mais les travailleurs non qualifiés simples, de classique, il a continué de prendre une politique de ne pas accepter, parce que le nombre de travailleurs illégaux a augmenté rapidement à partir de 1985 environ, l'emploi illégal en 1989 en tant que contre-mesure Un crime d'incompétence (article 73 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration) a été établi.
Le but de cet emploi illégal crime favorable, la même que la loi contre la prostitution, l'emploi illégal est parce qu'il ya des entreprises qui emploient des étrangers non admissibles au travail. Et les étrangers sans travaillé cette qualification de travail, les entreprises qui étaient des travailleurs illégaux dans les deux dispositions pénales des entreprises et les particuliers, avez-vous essayé d'enlever les racines de l'emploi illégal et sévèrement punis.
S'il n'y a pas d'entreprises d'employer des étrangers ne sont pas admissibles au travail est, donc ne peut pas fonctionner même envie de travailler illégalement, vous ne serez pas fondé sur des travailleurs illégaux.
En outre, il est difficile pour les travailleurs étrangers de trouver un emploi au Japon, etc. En fait, les intermédiaires tels que les courtiers effectuent des introductions d'emploi et des performances etc., et gagnent des frais injustes, etc., des travailleurs étrangers.
Il y a aussi des aspects qui ont été créés parce qu'il y a des réalités qui sont aussi.
Continuer à NO: 007.

NO 3:
Veuillez soutenir les crimes humanitaires concernant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés par l'État japonais. Non seulement la loi japonaise mais la violation du droit international.
Non seulement moi mais beaucoup d'étrangers comme les Chinois et les Philippins sont sacrifiés. S'il vous plaît, sauvez le «crime humanitaire» du gouvernement japonais. Veuillez soumettre les documents à soumettre à l'ICC comme indiqué ci-dessous.


Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare! Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte, Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel Expertin am 1. Februar 2018 Nr. 1: Laut der Forbes Japan, unter der Überschrift „der britischen EU-Rückzug Problem, unterstützen die Menschen in der Mehrheit die“ zw

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte, Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel Expertin am 1. Februar 2018

Nr. 1:
Laut der Forbes Japan, unter der Überschrift „der britischen EU-Rückzug Problem, unterstützen die Menschen in der Mehrheit die“ zweite Zeit des Referendums „," die Schwierigkeiten, die Entzugs Verhandlungen des Vereinigten Königreichs und der Europäischen Union (EU), Meinungsstreit auch innerhalb der britischen Verwaltung aber unter, die nicht aufgelöst, zwischen dem britischen Volk, wenn durchgeführt Referendum der Vor- und Nachteilen des Austritts aus der EU fordert jetzt, die Menschen als „Rest Unterstützung“ gefunden wurde, größer zu sein als die Schule zu verlassen.
Das englische Forschungsunternehmen ICM und der Paper Guardian haben kürzlich gemeinsam eine Umfrage durchgeführt. Als Ergebnis sagten 51%, dass sie für die verbleibende EU stimmen würden, 49% sagten, dass sie den Rückzug unterstützen würden.
Man kann sagen, dass der Anstieg der Stimme für das zweite Referendum einen seltsamen "politischen Kameraden" geschaffen hat. Der ehemalige Premierminister Tony Blair erklärte, dass das Referendum überarbeitet werden sollte, sobald das Ergebnis der Verhandlungen mit der EU über die Ablösung klar wurde. Wir entwickeln aktiv Aktivitäten.
Unter den Führern der europäischen Länder wurden Äußerungen gemacht, dass "die Rückkehr Großbritanniens in die EU immer zu jeder Zeit willkommen ist".
Ich denke, das Vereinigte Königreich sollte die EU nicht verlassen. Die Hauptursache für den Rückzug aus der EU war das "Problem der Flüchtlingsmigration", aber das Problem der Flüchtlingsmigration war in den EU-Ländern seither ein großes Problem. Die Menge, mit Bedingungen, so geneigt sind Einwanderer Flüchtlinge mit Einschränkungen zu akzeptieren, auch die Vereinigte Königreich einschließlich, denke ich, dass wieder nach Beratung in der EU gelöst werden kann.
Die Diktatur hat begonnen sich zu beruhigen. Länder, die von Freiheit und Demokratie regiert werden, und unter dem Gesetz und den Werten, die die Menschenrechte wertschätzen, sollten sich vereinen.

Nr. 2:
Die heutige Erklärung lautet: "Flüchtling, illegale Festnahme / ohne gesetzliche Grundlage" NO: 006.
Durch das Immigration Kontrollgesetz in Japan, sondern ein einfachen, ungelernten Arbeiter aus konventionellem hat es weiterhin eine Politik nehmen nicht zu akzeptieren, weil die Zahl der illegalen Arbeiter aus dem Jahr 1985 stark zugenommen hat mich um illegale Beschäftigung im Jahr 1989 als Gegenmaßnahme Eine Inkompetenzkriminalität (Art. 73 Abs. 2 Immigrationskontrollgesetz) wurde festgestellt.
Das Ziel dieser illegalen Beschäftigungsförderungskriminalität ist das gleiche wie das Prostitutionsverhütungsgesetz, und die illegale Beschäftigung liegt darin, dass es Unternehmen gibt, die Ausländer einstellen, die nicht arbeitsfähig sind. Und daran gearbeitet, die Ausländer ohne diese Arbeit Qualifikation, die Unternehmen, die in den beiden Strafbestimmungen der Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen in illegale Arbeiter waren, haben Sie versuchen, die Wurzeln der illegalen Beschäftigung und streng bestraft zu entfernen.
Wenn es keine Unternehmen gibt, die Ausländer einstellen, die nicht zur Arbeit qualifiziert sind, können sie nicht arbeiten, weil sie illegal arbeiten wollen, damit sie nicht illegal arbeiten können.
Darüber hinaus ausländische Arbeiter manchmal oder dergleichen schwierig ist, Beschäftigung Ziel zu finden in Japan, in der Tat hat es Vermittler Broker getan, usw. ist eine Arbeitsvermittlung und Vermittlung usw., eine illegale Provisionen von den ausländischen Arbeitern zu gewinnen Es gibt auch Seiten, die geschaffen wurden, weil es auch Wirklichkeiten gibt.
Weiter zu NO: 007.

Nr. 3:
Bitte unterstützen Sie humanitäre Verbrechen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen durch den japanischen Staat. Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht.
Nicht nur ich, sondern viele Ausländer wie Chinesen und Filipinos werden geopfert. Bitte bewahren Sie vor der "humanitären Kriminalität" der japanischen Regierung auf. Bitte reichen Sie die Materialien ein, die dem ICC wie folgt übermittelt werden.


Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-02-01: First Mail. The content of the e-mail today is as follows.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-02-01: First Mail.
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case
According to Forbes Japan, with the heading "British EU withdrawal problem,
the majority of the people support the" second referendum ",
the withdrawal negotiations between the UK and the European Union (EU) have been difficult
and the opinion conflicts within the British administration Among the British people,
if the referendum asking whether to withdraw from the EU is done now,
it is found that those who "support the residual" outnumber the withdrawal faction is not resolved.
The English research company ICM and the Paper Guardian recently conducted a survey jointly.
As a result, 51% said they would vote for residual EU, 49% said they would support withdrawal.
It can be said that the rise of voice calling
for the second referendum to have created a strange "political comrade".
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair argued that the referendum should be revisited once the outcome
of the negotiations with the EU on detachment became clear.
We are actively developing activities.
From among the leaders of European countries,
remarks have been made to the effect that "Britain's return to the EU is always welcomed at all times."

I think that the UK should not leave the EU.
The major cause of withdrawal from the EU was "immigrant refugee problem",
but "immigrant refugee problem" has been a major problem in EU countries since then.
As a crowd, I am inclined to accept immigrant refugees with conditional and restrictions,
so I think that it can be resolved by consultation again in the EU including the UK.
Dictatorship has begun to be basking up. Countries that are governed by freedom and democracy,
and under the law and values ​​that value human rights should unite.

Please support humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees
by the Japanese state. Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.


President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media,
embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)

2018-02-01: Second Mail.
In Japan, it is a series series <NO 006>,
the fact that judicial administration is totally different
from "governance under the law" advocated by Prime Minister Abe.
Japan needs "governance under the law".
What I would like to file a lawsuit against is a "crime of humanity"
by Japanese judicial officials.

The contents of e-mail to President Trump here today are as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!
Today's explanation is "Refugee, illegal arrest / confinement not based on law" NO: 006.

In Japan, according to the Immigration Control Law, the policy of not accepting simple
and unskilled workers has been adopted for a while in the past,
but since the number of illegal workers has increased sharply since around 1985,
as a countermeasure against illegal employment
in 1989 An incompetence crime (Article 73 of 2 Immigration Control Act) was established.

The purpose of this illegal employment promotion crime is the same as the prostitution prevention law,
and illegal employment is because there are operators hiring foreigners who are not eligible to work.
I tried to eliminate the roots of illegal work by severely punishing the businesses
that I made illegal workers with the punishment provisions of both companies and individuals
by working foreigners who are not qualified to work.

If there are no businesses hiring foreigners who are not qualified to work,
they can not work because they want to work illegally,
so they can not become illegal workers.

In addition, it is difficult for foreign workers to find employment place in Japan, etc.
In fact, intermediaries such as brokers perform employment introductions and performances etc.,
and gain unfair fees etc. from the foreign workers
There are also sides that were created because there are realities that are also.

Continue to NO: 007.

Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!
Please give me support to President Trump.
We are submitting to ICC as a crime of judicial officials and individuals so please support them.
Submitted materials are below.

please confirm. http://oyazimirai.hatenadiary.jp/archive/category/%E5%9B%BD%E9%9A%9B%E5%88%91%E4%BA%8B%E8%A3%81%E5%88%A4%E6%89%80%EF%BC%88%EF%BC%A9%EF%BC%A3%EF%BC%A3%EF%BC%89%E7%94%B3%E7%AB%8B%E3%81%A6 
Best regards.

(This message is sent not only to President Trump, but also to the world media etc.)

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!
