
Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-27a 】 Your 1600 Daily: Welcome, governors

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-27a 】

Your 1600 Daily:
Welcome, governors
This morning, President Donald J. Trump is welcoming about 40 of the Nation’s governors to the White House for a business session covering infrastructure, workforce development, opioids, school safety, and other important issues facing America in the year ahead.

The governors are in town for a winter meeting of the National Governors Association, a bipartisan organization founded in 1908. Thirty-three of the Nation’s governors are Republicans, 16 are Democrats, and one is an independent. Of the 16 Democrats, 11 are expected to join the President today.
The governors will attend 8 working sessions with senior Administration officials, with topics including:
  • Improving investment in American infrastructure
  • Addressing barriers to workforce development
  • Bringing down healthcare costs through better competition
  • Driving rural prosperity and growth
  • Combating America’s opioid crisis
  • Reforming U.S. prisons to reduce repeat offenses
  • Keeping our schools safe and protecting children from violent crime

Bonus read: Learn how President Trump’s infrastructure plan will boost the role of states.

We’ve got to change our way’
President Trump addressed the 2018 Conservative Political Action Conference in Oxon Hill, Maryland, on Friday—one day after Vice President Mike Pence spoke before attendees.

The President and Vice President both covered a range of topics, but one in particular stuck out given its urgency: immigration reform. President Trump has set an early March deadline for Congress to resolve the status of the DACA program as part of a broader package to fix America’s broken immigration system.
We’ve got to change our way,” the President told CPAC. “I don’t want people coming into this country with a lottery. I want people coming into this country based on merit.
Watch President Trump’s full speech at CPAC.

Why Americans like tax reform
Despite a sustained campaign from the Democratic Party’s liberal wing, a majority of Americans have a positive view of the tax reform law President Trump signed before Christmas, a New York Times poll reports.

The Democratic effort is failing for one simple reason: Results speak louder than words. And the results have been overwhelming. Within 2 months of the law’s signing, more than 400 companies have announced worker bonuses, raises, or 401(k) boosts as a result of tax cuts.
None of this happened because of mandates from Washington. The real power of tax reform is that it lets Americans choose what is most important for their businesses—or their families—to get ahead. The net result could be more than $4,000 annually for the average American family, according to the Council of Economic Advisers.
See why more Democrats are starting to break from their party line on tax cuts.

Photo of the Day

First Lady Melania Trump and Mrs. Turnbull of Australia | February 23, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


This morning, President Trump and Vice President Pence will host the 2018 White House Business Session with our Nation’s governors. The President will then have lunch with the Vice President, the Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Scott Pruitt.
In the afternoon, the President will meet with credit union representatives and later with the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady.
This evening, the Vice President and Second Lady will participate in the Indiana Society of Washington, DC’s Tribute to a Hoosier Vice President and Second Lady.

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May 2018-02-27: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence" Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May

2018-02-27: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence"
Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!
Immigrants include legal immigrants and illegal immigrants.
Illegal immigrants are immigrants who smuggled without receiving procedures under the law of the country.
And it is an immigrant who passed the residence permit period as a legal immigrant.
Immigrants who entered the country or immigrants who passed the stay were arrested and left the country.
Japan gives heavy criminal penalties to smugglers immigrants and is withdrawing from abroad.
Immigrants who have passed their stay period are only allowed to leave the country. I think that criminal punishment for immigration immigration can not be helped.
It is not criminal punishment by arbitrarily discriminating against foreigners.
I think that it is not an international law fraud.

President Trump is struggling with this immigration immigration.
I do not arrest sanctuary cities, even if I want to arrest this immigration immigrant and leave the country.
About 30 years ago, I went to a semiconductor factory in Los Angeles and San Francisco about 30 years ago.
There were many smuggled workers working there.
I heard that the police officer comes to attention to the factory.
I was stunned to hear the content of attention.
They enter secondhand (Ponkotsu) cars and go to the factory when they are in a smuggling country.
So the police officer says to the responsible official of the factory "Tell me how to see traffic signs so as not to cause an accident."
If a smuggling country succeeds it is said that there is an American right.
It's crazy.
It is commonplace for President Trump to get angry.
Citizens who accuse President Trump are crazy.

Everyone in the international community, please also be interested in Japan's immigration issue. Continue.

I appreciate the careful investigation and consideration of the White House. Please repeat.
Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation. There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard 2018-02-27: Le contenu de l'e-mail au Président de la Trump, etc., est le suivant. En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase" Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard

2018-02-27: Le contenu de l'e-mail au Président de la Trump, etc., est le suivant.
En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase"
Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. Je respecte le grand président. S'il vous plaît aider!
Les immigrants comprennent les immigrants légaux et les immigrants illégaux.
Les immigrants illégaux sont des immigrants qui ont passé clandestinement sans recevoir de procédures en vertu de la loi du pays.
C'est un immigrant qui a réussi la période de permis de séjour en tant qu'immigrant légal.
Les immigrés clandestins et les immigrés qui ont passé le séjour ont été arrêtés et expulsés du pays.
Le Japon inflige de lourdes peines aux immigrés clandestins et se retire de l'étranger.
Les immigrants qui ont passé leur période de séjour ne sont autorisés à quitter le pays. Je pense que la punition criminelle pour immigration immigration ne peut pas être aidée.
Ce n'est pas une punition criminelle en faisant arbitrairement de la discrimination contre les étrangers.
Je pense que ce n'est pas une fraude de droit international.

Le président Trump est aux prises avec cette immigration d'immigration.
Je n'arrête pas les villes sanctuaires, même si je veux arrêter cette immigrée immigrée et quitter le pays.
Il y a environ 30 ans, je suis allé dans une usine de semi-conducteurs à Los Angeles et San Francisco il y a environ 30 ans.
Il y avait beaucoup de travailleurs clandestins qui travaillaient là-bas.
J'ai entendu que le policier attire l'attention sur l'usine.
J'ai été stupéfait d'entendre le contenu de l'attention.
Ils entrent dans des voitures d'occasion (Ponkotsu) et vont à l'usine quand ils sont dans un pays de contrebande.
Donc, le policier dit au responsable de l'usine "Dites-moi comment voir les panneaux de signalisation afin que les accidents ne se produisent pas."
Si un pays clandestin réussit, on dit qu'il y a un droit américain.
C'est fou.
Il est courant que le président Trump se mette en colère.
Les citoyens qui accusent le président Trump sont fous.

Tout le monde dans la communauté internationale, s'il vous plaît également être intéressé par la question de l'immigration au Japon. Je vais continuer.

J'apprécie l'enquête minutieuse et la considération de la Maison Blanche. S'il vous plaît répéter.
Veuillez condamner les crimes humanitaires concernant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés par des représentants du gouvernement au Japon.
Non seulement la loi japonaise mais la violation du droit international. Il n'y a pas de prescription de crimes humanitaires.
Non seulement moi mais beaucoup d'étrangers comme les Chinois et les Philippins sont sacrifiés.
Les documents à soumettre à la CPI sont ci-dessous.


Il y a une limite à la vie! S'il vous plaît aider bientôt! Sincèrement vôtre.
(Cet e-mail est envoyé à toutes les sociétés internationales)

Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare! Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel 2018-02-27: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt. Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt" Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel

2018-02-27: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt.
Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt"
Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich respektiere den großen Präsidenten. Bitte helfen Sie!
Zu den Zuwanderern gehören legale Einwanderer und illegale Einwanderer.
Illegale Immigranten sind Immigranten, die geschmuggelt werden, ohne Verfahren nach den Gesetzen des Landes zu erhalten.
Es ist ein Einwanderer, der die Aufenthaltsgenehmigung als legaler Einwanderer bestanden hat.
Einwanderer, die eingeschleust haben, und Einwanderer, die den Aufenthalt überstanden haben, wurden verhaftet und aus dem Land entfernt.
Japan gibt Schmuggler-Einwanderern schwere Strafen und zieht sich aus dem Ausland zurück.
Einwanderer, die ihre Aufenthaltsdauer überschritten haben, dürfen das Land nur verlassen. Ich denke, dass kriminelle Bestrafung für Einwanderungseinwanderung nicht geholfen werden kann.
Es ist keine strafrechtliche Bestrafung durch willkürliche Diskriminierung von Ausländern.
Ich denke, dass es kein Völkerrechtsbetrug ist.

Präsident Trump kämpft mit dieser Einwanderungsimmigration.
Ich verhafte die Heiligtumsstädte nicht, auch wenn ich diesen Immigranten einsperren und das Land verlassen möchte.
Vor ungefähr 30 Jahren ging ich vor ungefähr 30 Jahren in eine Halbleiterfabrik in Los Angeles und San Francisco.
Dort arbeiteten viele Schmuggler.
Ich habe gehört, dass der Polizist auf die Fabrik aufmerksam wird.
Ich war verblüfft, den Inhalt der Aufmerksamkeit zu hören.
Sie kommen in Secondhand-Autos (Ponkotsu) an und gehen in ein Schmugglerland zur Fabrik.
So sagt der Polizist zum verantwortlichen Beamten der Fabrik "Sag mir, wie man Verkehrsschilder sieht, um keinen Unfall zu verursachen."
Wenn ein Schmuggelland erfolgreich ist, wird gesagt, dass es ein amerikanisches Recht gibt.
Es ist verrückt.
Es ist alltäglich, dass Präsident Trump wütend wird.
Bürger, die Präsident Trump beschuldigen, sind verrückt.

Jeder in der internationalen Gemeinschaft interessiert sich bitte auch für Japans Einwanderungsfragen. Ich werde fortfahren.

Ich schätze die sorgfältige Untersuchung und Erwägung des Weißen Hauses. Bitte wiederholen.
Bitte verurteilen Sie die humanitären Verbrechen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen durch Regierungsbeamte in Japan.
Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht. Es gibt keine Verschreibung von humanitären Verbrechen.
Nicht nur ich, sondern viele Ausländer wie Chinesen und Filipinos werden geopfert.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.


Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben! Bitte helfen Sie bald! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Diese E-Mail wird an alle internationalen Gesellschaften geliefert)

Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Meine Informationen ***************
Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-02-27: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence" Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-02-27: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence"
Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants
and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

Immigrants include legal immigrants and illegal immigrants.
Illegal immigrants are immigrants who smuggled without receiving procedures
under the law of the country.
And it is an immigrant who passed the residence permit period as a legal immigrant.
Immigrants who entered the country or immigrants who passed the stay were arrested
and left the country.

Japan gives heavy criminal penalties to smugglers immigrants and is withdrawing from abroad.
Immigrants who have passed their stay period are only allowed to leave the country.

I think that criminal punishment for immigration immigration can not be helped.
It is not criminal punishment by arbitrarily discriminating against foreigners.
I think that it is not an international law fraud.

President Trump is struggling with this immigration immigration.
I do not arrest sanctuary cities,
even if I want to arrest this immigration immigrant and leave the country.

About 30 years ago,
I went to a semiconductor factory in Los Angeles and San Francisco about 30 years ago.
There were many smuggled workers working there.
I heard that the police officer comes to attention to the factory.
I was stunned to hear the content of attention.
They enter secondhand (Clunker) cars and go to the factory
when they are in a smuggling country.

So the police officer says to the responsible official of the factory
"Tell me how to see traffic signs so as not to cause an accident."
If a smuggling country succeeds it is said that there is an American right.

It's crazy. It is commonplace for President Trump to get angry.
Citizens who accuse President Trump are crazy.
Everyone in the international community, please also be interested in Japan's immigration issue.

I appreciate the careful investigation and consideration of the White House.
Please repeat.
Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees
by government officials in Japan. Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.

There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

My information *************************************************

It is published in the following program.


Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-26b 】 West Wing Reads | HHS Secretary: Short-term health insurance plans are an affordable option

Thanks for human rights
【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-26b 】

West Wing Reads |

HHS Secretary: Short-term health insurance plans are an affordable option

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar writes in CNN that “since Obamacare was enacted, affordable, individualized health care coverage choices have all but disappeared for many Americans.” Secretary Azar explains that President Trump “has made it a priority to open up new options for health insurance for Americans, and issued an executive order to that effect in October. In particular, we need to be opening up more affordable alternatives to Affordable Care Act health insurance policies, which are becoming increasingly unaffordable for many.”

Click here to read more.

In The Daily Caller, Christopher Bedford writes that despite the media narrative, President Trump has been tougher on Russia than the previous administration. “President Obama was afraid to enforce America’s chemical weapon treaty with Syria because he didn’t want a confrontation with the Russians. President Trump struck Syria without a single utterance about red lines,” Bedford cites as one example.
The New York Post Editorial Board writes that “Nancy Pelosi might call those $1,000 bonuses that many saw after the GOP tax cut ‘crumbs,’ but she’s certainly not going hungry, and voters are calling her out on her . . . rich hypocrisy.” The Ed. Board editors explain that the House minority leader is touring the country “to warn that the tax cuts will devastate the working class — a tough task when most people are getting at least a small boost to their paychecks.”
In The Detroit News, Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) says that “since the tax cut law was enacted, the positive benefits have been resonating across the country.” Rep. Walberg notes that “hardly a day goes by without new reports of more businesses hiring, increasing wages, and offering bonuses and other benefits like paid leave and enhanced 401(k)’s to their employees.”
"Arizona Public Service Co. customers will see an average $5.40 drop in their monthly bills starting in March thanks to President Donald Trump's tax cuts, officials said Thursday,” Ryan Randazzo reports in The Arizona Republic. “APS asked for the rate cut in January, saying the president's tax cuts would allow it to cut $119 million from its rates,” Randazzo writes. “The company now will be taxed at 21 percent, compared with 35 percent before the changes. APS passes its tax expenses on to customers.”

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-26a 】 Your 1600 Daily: Results drown out spin

Thanks for human rights
【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-26a 】

Your 1600 Daily:
Results drown out spin
On January 11, less than three weeks after President Donald J. Trump signed the most sweeping tax overhaul in American history, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) labeled the benefits that American workers are seeing as “crumbs.”

That comment hasn’t aged well. According to a New York Times poll conducted by SurveyMonkey this month, a majority of Americans approve of the tax law signed by President Trump in December. There is little mystery why. As of this week, 377 companies have announced worker bonuses, raises, or 401(k) boosts as a result of tax cuts, according to the nonprofit Americans for Tax Reform.
Even some Democrats are breaking from Rep. Pelosi’s line. “I wouldn't say a couple thousand dollars a year is ‘crumbs,’” Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) said. He’s exactly right.
More Democrats should take note: On tax cuts, Americans believe results more than spin.

Watch President Trump speak live at CPAC at 10:05 a.m. ET
The Trump Administration is making a strong showing this week at the Conservative Political Action Conference’s 2018 annual meeting. The lineup includes Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, and other senior Administration officials.

Today, President Trump joins that list with a keynote address to the conference.
I stand here today with profound gratitude to say that because of all of you, because of the conservative majorities in Congress that you helped elect, and because of the strong leadership of the President you put in the White House, 2017 was the most consequential year in the history of the conservative movement,” Vice President Pence told CPAC attendees yesterday.
And tomorrow, you’ll hear firsthand from the man who galvanized that movement.”
Watch President Trump’s CPAC speech live at 10:05 ET.

Bipartisan support builds for the President’s infrastructure plan
Two senators from opposite sides of the aisle—Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)—took to The Wall Street Journal this week to join the President’s call for a bipartisan infrastructure bill.

During his State of the Union address, President Trump called for a broad bipartisan infrastructure package, pledging to improve the nation’s infrastructure and invest in the future,” the pair wrote. “We know that it can, and will, happen.”
The senators are right—and most Americans agree. According to a new Rasmussen Reports poll, 65 percent of likely voters favor President Trump’s bold plan to rebuild American infrastructure. That plan starts with getting Washington out of the way. “Americans should welcome news that President Trump has included regulatory streamlining in his infrastructure proposal,” the editorial board of The Oklahoman writes.
Learn more: Support continues to build for President Trump’s infrastructure plan.

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump meets with state and local officials to discuss school safety | February 22, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)


This afternoon, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will welcome Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Mrs. Turnbull of Australia to the White House. The two leaders will meet before participating in a working lunch, and later hold a joint press conference. In the afternoon, the President will meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
Today, Vice President Pence and the Second Lady will host a luncheon for members of the National Governors Association. The Vice President will later participate in a meeting with Prime Minister Turnbull.

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May 2018-02-26: The contents of the e-mail to President of the day today are as follows. In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence" Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May

2018-02-26: The contents of the e-mail to President of the day today are as follows.
In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence"
Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!
My affair may come from "Japanese disease".
It is called Japan "manufacturing power country", Japan has boasted a long and strong economy,
In recent years, the declining birthrate and the aging of society have progressed, and the economy has been stagnating.

I think that the big senior "Japanese disease" is "British disease".
Today, neither Japan nor the UK is having trouble growing consumption. It is clear that consumption in Japan does not grow.
"Because the people can not trust the Japanese government."
It is self-defense. It may be the same as an American citizen self-defending with a gun.

After the war, Japan has increased its GDP with the proliferation of the population.
But now, GDP has stopped due to the declining birthrate and aging population.
Japan began seeking workforce from immigrants.
The immigrant lords are foreign students and practical training / trainees.
As for the immigration issue, I think that the United States and Europe are the same.

President Trump said, in order to protect the work of white workers
"I became the president with the American first principle."
President Trump 's measures against illegal immigration is a serious policy.
European immigration measures are also a serious problem.
Britain's departure from the EU is a disagreement over the response of immigrants.

Everyone in the international community, please also be interested in Japan's immigration issue. Continue.

I appreciate the careful investigation and consideration of the White House. Please repeat.
Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation. There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard 2018-02-26: Le contenu de l'e-mail au Président du jour aujourd'hui est le suivant. En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase" Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard

2018-02-26: Le contenu de l'e-mail au Président du jour aujourd'hui est le suivant.
En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase"
Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. Je respecte le grand président. S'il vous plaît aider!
Mon affaire peut provenir de "maladie japonaise".
Il est appelé le Japon "pays de pouvoir de fabrication", le Japon a vanté une économie longue et forte,
Ces dernières années, la baisse du taux de natalité et le vieillissement de la société ont progressé et l'économie stagne.

Je pense que le grand senior "maladie japonaise" est "maladie britannique".
Aujourd'hui, ni le Japon ni le Royaume-Uni n'a de difficulté à augmenter sa consommation. Il est clair que la consommation au Japon ne croît pas.
"Parce que les gens ne peuvent pas faire confiance au gouvernement japonais."
C'est l'autodéfense. C'est peut-être la même chose qu'un citoyen américain qui se défend avec une arme à feu.

Après la guerre, le Japon a augmenté son PIB avec la prolifération de la population.
Mais maintenant, le PIB s'est arrêté en raison de la baisse du taux de natalité et du vieillissement de la population.
Le Japon a commencé à chercher du travail auprès des immigrants.
Les seigneurs immigrants sont des étudiants étrangers et une formation pratique / stagiaires.
En ce qui concerne la question de l'immigration, je pense que les États-Unis et l'Europe sont les mêmes.

Le président Trump a déclaré, afin de protéger le travail des travailleurs blancs
"Je suis devenu le président avec le premier principe américain."
Les mesures prises par le président Trump contre l'immigration clandestine constituent une politique sérieuse.
Les mesures d'immigration européennes sont également un problème sérieux.
Le départ de la Grande-Bretagne de l'UE est un désaccord sur la réponse des immigrants.

Tout le monde dans la communauté internationale, s'il vous plaît également être intéressé par la question de l'immigration au Japon. Je vais continuer.

J'apprécie l'enquête minutieuse et la considération de la Maison Blanche. S'il vous plaît répéter.
Veuillez condamner les crimes humanitaires concernant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés par des représentants du gouvernement au Japon.
Non seulement la loi japonaise mais la violation du droit international. Il n'y a pas de prescription de crimes humanitaires.
Non seulement moi mais beaucoup d'étrangers comme les Chinois et les Philippins sont sacrifiés.
Les documents à soumettre à la CPI sont ci-dessous.


Il y a une limite à la vie! S'il vous plaît aider bientôt! Sincèrement vôtre.
(Cet e-mail est envoyé à toutes les sociétés internationales)

Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare! Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel 2018-02-26: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den heutigen Präsidenten lautet wie folgt. Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt" Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel

2018-02-26: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den heutigen Präsidenten lautet wie folgt.
Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt"
Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich respektiere den großen Präsidenten. Bitte helfen Sie!
Meine Affäre könnte von "japanischer Krankheit" kommen.
Es heißt Japan "Manufacturing Power Country", Japan hat eine lange und starke Wirtschaft,
In den letzten Jahren sind die rückläufige Geburtenrate und die Alterung der Gesellschaft fortgeschritten, und die Wirtschaft stagniert.

Ich denke, dass die große ältere "japanische Krankheit" "britische Krankheit" ist.
Heute haben weder Japan noch Großbritannien Probleme, den Konsum anzukurbeln. Es ist klar, dass der Verbrauch in Japan nicht wächst.
"Weil die Leute der japanischen Regierung nicht vertrauen können."
Es ist Selbstverteidigung. Es kann dasselbe sein wie ein amerikanischer Bürger, der sich selbst mit einer Waffe verteidigt.

Nach dem Krieg hat Japan sein BIP mit der Verbreitung der Bevölkerung erhöht.
Aber jetzt ist das BIP aufgrund der rückläufigen Geburtenrate und der alternden Bevölkerung gestoppt.
Japan begann Arbeitskräfte von Einwanderern zu suchen.
Die Einwanderer sind ausländische Studenten und Praktiker / Praktikanten.
Was die Frage der Einwanderung betrifft, so denke ich, dass die Vereinigten Staaten und Europa gleich sind.

Präsident Trump sagte, um die Arbeit der weißen Arbeiter zu schützen
"Ich wurde der Präsident mit dem amerikanischen ersten Prinzip."
Präsident Trumps Maßnahmen gegen die illegale Einwanderung sind eine ernsthafte Politik.
Europäische Einwanderungsmaßnahmen sind ebenfalls ein ernstes Problem.
Großbritanniens Austritt aus der EU ist eine Uneinigkeit über die Reaktion von Einwanderern.

Jeder in der internationalen Gemeinschaft interessiert sich bitte auch für Japans Einwanderungsfragen. Ich werde fortfahren.

Ich schätze die sorgfältige Untersuchung und Erwägung des Weißen Hauses. Bitte wiederholen.
Bitte verurteilen Sie die humanitären Verbrechen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen durch Regierungsbeamte in Japan.
Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht. Es gibt keine Verschreibung von humanitären Verbrechen.
Nicht nur ich, sondern viele Ausländer wie Chinesen und Filipinos werden geopfert.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.


Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben! Bitte helfen Sie bald! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Diese E-Mail wird an alle internationalen Gesellschaften geliefert)

Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Meine Informationen ***************
Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-02-26: The contents of the e-mail to President of the day today are as follows. In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence" Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-02-26: The contents of the e-mail to President of the day today are as follows.
In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence"
Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, 
"please push to investigate.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

My affair may come from "Japanese disease".
It is called "a manufacturing power country" and Japan has boasted a long and strong economy,
but in recent years, the declining birthrate and the aging population have progressed,
and the economic downturn continues.

I think that the big senior "Japanese disease" is "British disease".
Today, neither Japan nor the UK is having trouble growing consumption.
It is clear that consumption in Japan does not grow.
"Because the people can not trust the Japanese government." It is self-defense.
It may be the same as an American citizen self-defending with a gun.

After the war, Japan has increased its GDP with the proliferation of the population.
But now, GDP has stopped due to the declining birthrate and aging population.

Japan began seeking workforce from immigrants.
The immigrant lords are foreign students and practical training / trainees.
As for the immigration issue,
I think that the United States and Europe are the same.

To protect the work of white workers President Trump has "become the president
with the American first principle."
President Trump 's measures against illegal immigration is a serious policy.
European immigration measures are also a serious problem.
Britain's departure from the EU is a disagreement over the response of immigrants.
Everyone in the international community,
please also be interested in Japan's immigration issue. Continue.

I appreciate the careful investigation and consideration of the White House.
Please repeat.
Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese
nd Filipinos are being sacrificed. Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

My information *************************************************

It is published in the following program.


 Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-23b 】 West Wing Reads | Jobless claims plunge to 222,000, second-lowest mark in decades

【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-02-23b

ジョセフローラーは、ワシントン審査官に、「2月の第2週に失業給付の新規申請が7,000222千件減少したと書いている。 。 。回復率の2番目に低いマークであり、経済にとっては良い兆候である」ローラー政権は、失業率を低下させるだけでなく、労働力率を引き上げる目標を設定している。近年就職活動を捜索している」



リチャード・サード(Lydia Saad)氏は、ギャラップからの新たな投票によれば、大統領のテロリズム、経済、対外貿易、経済に対する承認は、税金は、これらの問題のいくつかについて支持率が高い点にあるか、それに近い」としている。




"マイク・ペンス副大統領は、保守的政治行動会議で彼の木曜日の出現を使用した。 。 。税金やオバマ時代の規制を取り巻く分野で、トランプ政権の一年間の業績を強調しています」と、サラ・ウェストウッド氏はワシントン審査官に報告しています。 「これは1年の行動でした。驚くほどの成果をあげた1年です。言い換えれば、それは約束された約束と約束の年でした」とポンス副大統領は言いました。


Thanks for human rights
【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-23b

West Wing Reads |

Jobless claims plunge to 222,000, second-lowest mark in decades

Joseph Lawler writes in the Washington Examiner that “new applications for unemployment benefits dropped 7,000 to 222,000 in the second full week of February . . . the second-lowest mark of the recovery and a good sign for the economy.” Lawler notes that the Trump Administration “has set a goal of not just lowering unemployment, but also raising the labor force participation rate, bringing workers who may have quit the job search in recent years back into the hunt.”

Click here to read more.

According to new polling from Gallup, President Donald J. Trump's approval numbers on key issues are on the rise, including “52% approving of his handling of terrorism.” Lydia Saad explains that President Trump’s approval on terrorism, the economy, foreign trade, and taxes “is at or near the high points of his approval ratings on several of these issues, in part owing to improved ratings from independents.”
Senators Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) write in The Wall Street Journal that “during his State of the Union address, President Trump called for a broad bipartisan infrastructure package, pledging to improve the nation’s infrastructure and invest in the future. If you believe the news reports on partisan bickering in Washington, this bipartisan approach might seem impossible. But we know that it can, and will, happen.”
Vice President Mike Pence used his Thursday appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference . . . to highlight the Trump administration's accomplishments over the year in areas like taxes and rolling back Obama-era regulations,” Sarah Westwood reports for the Washington Examiner. “It's been a year of action. It's been a year of remarkable results. In a word, it's been a year of promises made and promises kept,” Vice President Pence said.
It turns out that — unlike ObamaCare — the more people know about the GOP tax cuts, the more they like them,” according to the Investor’s Business Daily Editorial Board. “In fact, the latest poll from The New York Times finds 51% supporting it,” the editors explain. “That's up from 37% in December and 46% in January. Other polls, including the IBD/TIPP poll, have found similar shifts.”
Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-23a 】 Your 1600 Daily: Hearing every voice

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-23a 】

Your 1600 Daily:
Hearing every voice
President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos sat down yesterday afternoon with a large group of students, teachers, and community leaders to discuss how America must improve safety at schools across the country.

The meeting drew numerous participants from the Parkland, Florida, community. For much of the afternoon, students led the discussion. Fifteen-year-old Justin Gruber reminded attendees that 19 years ago, one of America’s most high-profile mass school shootings happened at Columbine High School. “I was born into a world where I never got to experience safety and peace,” he said.
That needs to change. President Trump has pledged more than just action—he has committed his Administration to finding real, workable solutions to end the violence. “It’s not going to be talk like it has been in the past,” the President told students and families yesterday. “It’s been going on too long. . . . We’re going to get it done.”
That starts with making sure that every voice is heard.
Learn more: After Parkland, President Trump demands that we get it right.

One of the towering figures of the last 100 years’
The Reverend Billy Graham, one of the most influential spiritual leaders in modern American history, passed away yesterday at his home in Montreat, North Carolina. He was 99.

The President and First Lady felt Graham’s passing as a personal loss. “Melania and I were privileged to get to know Reverend Graham and his extraordinary family over the last several years,” President Trump said in a statement. “We are deeply grateful for their love and support.”
Billy Graham changed America for the better. “In the wake of the September 11th attacks in 2001, America turned to Billy Graham at the National Cathedral, who told us, ‘God can be trusted, even when life seems at its darkest,’” President Trump’s statement said. “We are thinking of him today, finally at home in Heaven.”
Read President Trump’s full statement on Reverend Graham’s passing.

The Moon, Mars, and worlds beyond
Last fall, President Trump told the Nation that to win the next frontier, America would once again look to send human beings to the Moon—and beyond.

Yesterday, Vice President Pence led the second meeting of the National Space Council at the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida. The Space Council had “laid dormant for nearly a quarter-century” before President Trump revived it last year, Vice President Pence noted during his remarks.
The record is clear: Under President Donald Trump, America is leading in space once again,” the Vice President said.
That leadership is continuing forward on several fronts. Vice President Pence will deliver four recommendations to President Trump to reform the commercial space regulatory environment, including transforming the launch and re-entry licensing regime.
Watch Vice President Pence address the second meeting of the Space Council.
Bonus read: Learn how the Trump Administration plans to win the “next frontier.”

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump hosts a listening session with high school students and teachers | February 21, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)


This morning, President Trump and Vice President Pence will meet with state and local officials about school safety.
The Vice President is also delivering remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Please help me! Dear Sirs British Prime Minister Telesa Mei February 23, 2018 NO 1: According to BBC News Japan, US President Donald Trump has invited survivors of the high-school incident, including high school students, to the White House on February 21 following a high school shooting incident in Parkland, Florida. On the spot, the president The president also promised to reinforce the identity survey at the time of purchasing the gun.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs British Prime Minister Telesa Mei February 23, 2018

NO 1:
According to BBC News Japan, US President Donald Trump has invited survivors of the high-school incident, including high school students, to the White House on February 21 following a high school shooting incident in Parkland, Florida. On the spot, the president The president also promised to reinforce the identity survey at the time of purchasing the gun.
Why will America possess guns, which should be a developed country?. The US military is weak, is citizens fighting when they are accused by foreign countries?. Even if citizens are attacked by armed citizens, because the police force is weak, is it to protect themselves? The idea is crazy.
"You should make the people a powerful army so as not to be attacked by armed citizens, they should have a powerful police force that the police can protect." Defend yourself yourself! "Is what the rogue President Trump should be a strong country to protect the American people. And we should prohibit ordinary citizens from possessing guns. Please also tell President Trump from the international community!

NO 2:
Today 's explanation is "Illegal arrest / confinement not based on law, law" NO: 022.
The lawyer will report to the prosecutor (T) on the second or third day. In response to the release request, if the prosecutor releases the prosecutor, he says, "I say" I have no trial ".
I do not quite understand the meaning that "trial does not have" in criminal law, but M lawyer can not answer.
I have no choice but to argue with the lawyer, but I realized that there is a gap between my defense counsel and my opinion.
After this, I think that time is re-arrested, but according to the police officer (K), we setting with the prosecutor (T) about home investigation, arrest etc. We happily told that we became friends.
NO: Continue to 023.

In case
NO 3:
Please support humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by the Japanese state. Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.


Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français Eduard Philip 23 février 2018 NO 1: Selon BBC News Japan, le président américain Donald Trump a invité les survivants de l'incident du lycée, y compris des lycéens, à la Maison Blanche le 21 février à la suite d'un incident de lycée à Parkland, en Floride. Sur place, le président a déclaré

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français Eduard Philip 23 février 2018

NO 1:
Selon BBC News Japan, le président américain Donald Trump a invité les survivants de l'incident du lycée, y compris des lycéens, à la Maison Blanche le 21 février à la suite d'un incident de lycée à Parkland, en Floride. Sur place, le président a déclaré que l'incident de la fusillade pourrait «se terminer bientôt» si l'enseignant devait se défendre avec une arme à feu. Le président a également promis de renforcer l'enquête d'identité au moment de l'achat de l'arme.
Les pays développés comme le Royaume-Uni et le Japon ne peuvent pas avoir des citoyens ordinaires avec des armes à feu. Vous pouvez avoir des armes comme la chasse si vous obtenez la permission. Pourquoi l'Amérique possède-t-elle des armes, qui devraient être un pays développé? . Parce que l'armée américaine est faible, les citoyens se battent-ils lorsqu'ils sont accusés par des pays étrangers? . Même si les citoyens sont attaqués par des citoyens armés, parce que la force de police est faible, est-ce pour se protéger? L'idée est folle.
Vous devriez faire du peuple une armée puissante afin de ne pas être attaqué par des ennemis étrangers. Même si les citoyens sont attaqués par des citoyens armés, ils devraient avoir une force de police puissante que la police peut protéger. "Défendez-vous vous-même!" Est-ce que l'état voyou dit. Le président Trump devrait être un pays fort pour protéger le peuple américain. Et nous devrions interdire aux citoyens ordinaires de posséder des armes à feu. S'il vous plaît dites également au président Trump de la communauté internationale!

NO 2:
L'explication d'aujourd'hui est "arrestation illégale / emprisonnement non fondée sur la loi, la loi" NO: 022.
L'avocat signalera à la station de Tsukishima qu'il a rencontré le procureur (T) le deuxième ou le troisième jour. En réponse à la demande de libération, si le procureur libère le procureur, il dit: «Je dis« je n'ai pas de procès ».
Quoi?! Il n'y a pas de réponse précise bien que je vais fermer comme "signifiant qu'il n'y a pas de procès". Je ne comprends pas très bien le sens que le «procès n'a pas» en droit criminel, mais M avocat ne peut pas répondre.
Je n'ai pas d'autre choix que de discuter avec l'avocat, mais j'ai réalisé qu'il y avait un écart entre mon avocat et mon opinion.
Après cela, je pense que le temps est à nouveau arrêté, mais selon le policier (K), nous avons discuté avec le procureur (T) de l'enquête à domicile, de l'arrestation, etc. Nous nous sommes dit que nous sommes devenus amis.
NON: Continuer à 023.

NO 3:
Veuillez soutenir les crimes humanitaires concernant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés par l'État japonais. Non seulement la loi japonaise mais la violation du droit international.
Non seulement moi mais beaucoup d'étrangers comme les Chinois et les Philippins sont sacrifiés.
S'il vous plaît, sauvez le «crime humanitaire» du gouvernement japonais.
Veuillez soumettre les documents à soumettre à l'ICC comme indiqué ci-dessous.


Son Excellence Edouard Phillip,
Gunbare! Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrter Herr oder Herr Angela Merkel, deutscher Premierminister am 23. Februar 2018 Nr. 1: Laut BBC News Japan hat US-Präsident Donald Trump am 21. Februar Überlebende des High-School-Vorfalls, darunter auch High-School-Schüler, nach

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrter Herr oder Herr Angela Merkel, deutscher Premierminister am 23. Februar 2018

Nr. 1:
Laut BBC News Japan hat US-Präsident Donald Trump am 21. Februar Überlebende des High-School-Vorfalls, darunter auch High-School-Schüler, nach einer Schießerei in Parkland, Florida, ins Weiße Haus eingeladen. Auf der Stelle sagte der Präsident, dass der Schießereignis "bald enden" könnte, wenn der Lehrer mit einer Waffe verteidigen würde. Der Präsident versprach auch, die Identitätsüberprüfung zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs der Waffe zu verstärken.
Industrieländer wie Großbritannien und Japan können keine gewöhnlichen Bürger mit Waffen haben. Sie können Waffen wie Jagd haben, wenn Sie die Erlaubnis bekommen. Warum wird Amerika Waffen besitzen, die ein entwickeltes Land sein sollten? . Weil das US-Militär schwach ist, kämpfen Bürger, wenn sie von fremden Ländern beschuldigt werden? . Selbst wenn Bürger von bewaffneten Bürgern angegriffen werden, weil Polizeikräfte schwach sind, schützt sie sich selbst? Die Idee ist verrückt.
Du solltest die Leute zu einer mächtigen Armee machen, um nicht von fremden Feinden angegriffen zu werden. Selbst wenn Bürger von bewaffneten Bürgern angegriffen werden, sollten sie eine starke Polizei haben, die die Polizei schützen kann. "Verteidige dich selbst!", Sagt der Schurkenstaat. Präsident Trump sollte ein starkes Land sein, um das amerikanische Volk zu schützen. Und wir sollten gewöhnlichen Bürgern verbieten, Waffen zu besitzen. Bitte erzählen Sie auch Präsident Trump von der internationalen Gemeinschaft!

Nr. 2:
Die heutige Erklärung ist "Illegale Festnahme / Beschränkung nicht auf Gesetz, Gesetz" Nr: 022.
Der Anwalt wird der Station Tsukishima berichten, dass er sich am zweiten oder dritten Tag mit dem Staatsanwalt (T) getroffen hat. Als Reaktion auf die Freigabe Anfrage, wenn der Staatsanwalt die Staatsanwaltschaft freigibt, sagt er: "Ich sage" Ich habe keine Verhandlung ".
Was? Es gibt keine definitive Antwort, obwohl ich schließen werde als "das bedeutet, dass es keine Verhandlung gibt". Ich verstehe nicht ganz die Bedeutung, die "Strafverfahren" im Strafrecht nicht haben, aber M Anwalt kann nicht antworten.
Ich habe keine andere Wahl, als mich mit dem Anwalt zu streiten, aber mir wurde klar, dass es eine Lücke zwischen meinem Verteidiger und meiner Meinung gibt.
Danach denke ich, dass die Zeit wieder verhaftet wird, aber laut dem Polizeibeamten (K) haben wir mit dem Staatsanwalt (T) über Hausuntersuchungen, Festnahmen usw. gesprochen und Freunden gesagt, dass wir Freunde geworden sind.
NEIN: Weiter zu 023.

Für den Fall
Nr. 3:
Bitte unterstützen Sie humanitäre Verbrechen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen durch den japanischen Staat. Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht.
Nicht nur ich, sondern viele Ausländer wie Chinesen und Filipinos werden geopfert. Bitte bewahren Sie vor der "humanitären Kriminalität" der japanischen Regierung auf.
Bitte reichen Sie die Materialien ein, die dem ICC wie folgt übermittelt werden.


Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Meine Informationen ***************
Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-02-23: First Mail. The contents of e-mail to President Trump here today are as follows.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-02-23: First Mail.
The contents of e-mail to President Trump here today are as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

According to BBC News Japan,
US President Donald Trump has invited survivors of the high-school incident,
including high school students,
to the White House on February 21 following a high school shooting incident in Parkland,
Florida. On the spot, the president said the shooting incident could "end soon"
if the teacher was to defend with a gun.
The president also promised to reinforce the identity survey at the time of purchasing the gun.

Developed countries such as the UK and Japan can not have ordinary citizens with guns.
You can have guns such as hunting if you get permission.
Why will America possess guns, which should be a developed country? .

Because the US military is weak, is citizens fighting when they are accused by foreign countries? .
Even if citizens are attacked by armed citizens, because the police force is weak,
is it to protect themselves?
The idea is crazy.

You should make the people a powerful army so as not to be attacked by foreign enemies.
Even if citizens are attacked by armed citizens,
they should have a powerful police force that the police can protect.

"Defend yourself yourself!" Is what the rogue state says.

President Trump should be a strong country to protect the American people.
And we should prohibit ordinary citizens from possessing guns.
President Trump. Gunbare to protect the people!

I appreciate the careful investigation and consideration of the White House.
Please repeat. Please support humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees
by government officials in Japan. Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.


President Trump, Gambare! And please help us suffer from human rights violations!
Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media,
governments and embassies, politicians, etc.)

2018-02-23: Second Mail.
In Japan, it is a serial series <NO 022> that describes the fact
that judicial administration is totally different from government-related persons advocated
by Prime Minister Abe, "governance under the law".

The content of the e-mail today is as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

Today 's explanation is "Illegal arrest / confinement not based on law, law" NO: 022.

The lawyer will report to the Tsukishima station that he has met with the prosecutor (T)
on the second or third day.
In response to the release request, if the prosecutor releases the prosecutor,
he says, "I say" I have no trial ".

What is it! There is no definite answer although I will close down as "meaning that there is no trial."
I do not quite understand the meaning that "trial does not have" in criminal law,
but M lawyer can not answer.

I have no choice but to argue with the lawyer,
but I realized that there is a gap between my defense counsel and my opinion.

After this, I think that time is re-arrested, but according to the police officer (K),
we discussed with the prosecutor (T) about home investigation, arrest etc.
We happily told that we became friends.

NO: Continue to 023.

I appreciate the careful investigation and consideration of the White House.
Please repeat.
Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!
Please give me support to President Trump.
We are submitting to the ICC as a crime of judicial officials and individuals,
so please support as soon as possible.
Submitted materials are below.


Best regards.
(This message is sent not only to President Trump,
but also to the world media etc.)

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

My information *************************************************

It is published in the following program.


Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Thanks for human rights
【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-02-22a 】

Your 1600 Daily:
The plan to rebuild rural America
“Throughout American history, we have been recognized as a global leader in many areas, but we are in distinct danger of squandering advantages we hold over other countries when it comes to our infrastructure system,” Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue writes this week in the pages of the Des Moines Register.

Secretary Perdue is right—and he wisely points out that President Donald J. Trump’s infrastructure plan would steer the Nation back toward prosperity, “particularly in rural America.”
Here is how:
  • President Trump’s plan allocates $50 billion, a quarter of all Federal funds in the plan, to empower rural America to address the infrastructure needs of its communities.
  • The plan will give states the flexibility to address the unique needs of their rural residents without a flurry of bureaucratic commands from Washington.
  • The Rural Infrastructure Program will build upon efforts the Administration has already undertaken to expand broadband access in rural America.
We have to make sure American farmers and their families, wherever they may be, wherever they may go, have the infrastructure projects that they need to compete and grow,” President Trump said.
Learn how the Trump Administration is rebuilding rural infrastructure for the 21st century.
Bonus read: Secretary Perdue says rural America will see ‘major benefits’

The end of immigration enforcement in America’
Last week, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) introduced legislation that would provide a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million DACA-eligible illegal immigrants in exchange for border security resources and reforms to America’s broken Visa Lottery and chain migration immigrant systems.

A simple, common-sense framework that can address everyone’s concerns,” Sen. Grassley called the bill last week.
Regrettably, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) led an effort to propose entirely new legislation that ignores the deep problems with the Visa Lottery and chain migration systems altogether. The Department of Homeland Security offered its stark assessment: The Schumer bill “would be the end of immigration enforcement in America.”
Here is an in-depth comparison of the two proposals:
Read more about President Trump’s framework to fix immigration.

Small-business confidence hits record high’
“Small-business confidence is surging in 2018 as optimism rises among small-business owners about the newly enacted tax-reform package,” Kate Rogers writes for CNBC.

The Small Business Confidence Index, produced by CNBC and SurveyMonkey, confirms the findings from numerous recent polls: Americans are seeing positive results from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that President Trump signed shortly before Christmas. The index ticked up five points, from 57 to 62, reaching a record high with the largest quarter-to-quarter surge seen since the index launched.
Furthermore, a majority of Americans now support the tax law, according to a New York Times poll conducted by SurveyMonkey earlier this month. “Public opinion is moving in the direction of this bill,” Chief Research Officer for SurveyMonkey Jon Cohen said to the Times.
Read more: A majority of Americans now support the tax law, the Washington Examiner reports

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump presents the Medal of Valor | February 20, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)


This morning, President Trump will discuss the Economic Report of the President with the Council of Economic Advisers before having lunch with the Administrator of the Small Business Administration. This afternoon, the President will meet with trade union leaders and later, along with Vice President Mike Pence, host a listening session with high school students and teachers.
Today, the Vice President will lead the second meeting of the National Space Council, “Moon, Mars, and Worlds Beyond: Winning the Next Frontier,” and participate in a tour of Kennedy Space Center.

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