
#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-06-18: Japanese shame! This case is not the only "illegal or inappropriate act in Japan".

<Public mail>
Common sense of Japanese compliance "Even with a red light,
if you cross with everyone, you are not afraid" It is a terrible joke!
This fact threatens the security of countries dealing with Japan.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And Japanese society that imitates it.
The trend of Japan threatens not only the United States but also the world safety guarantee.

There is "not afraid if you cross with every red light" to the usage of Japanese words.
When everybody's crossing on a red, it's not so scary.
Then you say. No way! That's so scary!

Well, I will do something different. There is safety in numbers
I think there is a better way of saying.
But I can not say it in English.

Recently, I became aware of compliance even in Japan.
But this is in principle.

Let's say the real intention of the Japanese.
Let's say it by way of example!
The Japanese are ethnic groups who keep the rules of signals.

Because, ignoring the red light,
if you cross the pedestrian crossing, you are killed by a car and die.

Everyone does not want to die.
Therefore, with a single person, the red light does not cross the pedestrian crossing.
We observe the traffic rules and wait for the signal to turn blue.

However, the signal can be ignored if there are a lot of people.
Everyone ignores the red light and crosses the pedestrian crossing, the car stops.
The driver does not have the courage to see blood, so desperately stop the car.

Under Japanese common sense,
illegal acts are not scared if everyone else does! Continue.

Great trump president! Please also treat allies that contribute to safety
in the United States in terms of trade.

Let's stop bad jokes. Please make Japan a country governed under the law.
The material is below.

It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


#MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-06-18: Japanische Schande! Dieser Fall ist nicht die einzige "illegale oder unangemessene Handlung in Japan".

<Öffentliche Post>
Gewöhnlicher Sinn für japanische Konformität "Selbst mit einem roten Licht, wenn du dich mit allen überkreuzt, hast du keine Angst" Es ist ein schrecklicher Witz!
Diese Tatsache bedroht die Sicherheit von Ländern, die Japan betreffen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner.
Illegales oder unangemessenes Verhalten in der japanischen Regierung. Und japanische Gesellschaft, die es nachahmt.
Der Trend Japans bedroht nicht nur die Vereinigten Staaten, sondern auch die weltweite Sicherheitsgarantie.

Es gibt "keine Angst, wenn Sie mit jedem roten Licht kreuzen" zur Verwendung von japanischen Wörtern.
Wenn alle auf Rot gehen, ist das nicht so gruselig.
Dann sagst du es. Nein, das ist so gruselig!

Nun, ich werde etwas anderes machen. Es gibt Sicherheit in Zahlen
Ich denke, es gibt eine bessere Art zu sagen. Aber ich kann es nicht auf Englisch sagen.

In letzter Zeit wurde mir auch in Japan die Compliance bewusst.
Aber das ist im Prinzip.
Sagen wir die wahre Absicht der Japaner. Sagen wir es als Beispiel!

Die Japaner sind ethnische Gruppen, die die Regeln der Signale einhalten.
Denn wenn Sie das rote Licht ignorieren, wenn Sie den Fußgängerübergang überqueren, werden Sie von einem Auto getötet und sterben.
Jeder will nicht sterben. Daher überschreitet das rote Licht mit einer einzelnen Person nicht den Fußgängerübergang.
Wir beobachten die Verkehrsregeln und warten darauf, dass das Signal blau wird.

Das Signal kann jedoch ignoriert werden, wenn viele Personen anwesend sind.
Jeder ignoriert das rote Licht und überquert den Fußgängerübergang, das Auto hält an.
Der Fahrer hat nicht den Mut, Blut zu sehen, so verzweifelt stoppen Sie das Auto.

Unter dem gesunden Menschenverstand Japans haben illegale Handlungen keine Angst, wenn alle anderen es tun! Ich werde fortfahren.

Großer Trumpf Präsident! Bitte behandeln Sie auch Verbündete, die in Bezug auf den Handel zur Sicherheit in den Vereinigten Staaten beitragen.

Lass uns schlechte Witze stoppen. Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem gesetzlich geregelten Land.
Das Material ist unten.

Es ist nicht genug für Materialien allein. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

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Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

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#MeToo victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-06-18: Honte japonaise! Cette affaire n'est pas le seul "acte illégal ou inapproprié au Japon".

<Public mail>
Bon sens de la conformité japonaise "Même avec un feu rouge, si vous croisez avec tout le monde, vous n'avez pas peur" C'est une blague terrible!
Ce fait menace la sécurité des pays qui traitent avec le Japon.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais.
Comportement illégal ou inapproprié qui prévaut dans le gouvernement japonais. Et la société japonaise qui l'imite.
La tendance du Japon menace non seulement les Etats-Unis mais aussi la garantie de sécurité mondiale.

Il n'y a "pas peur si vous traversez avec chaque lumière rouge" à l'utilisation de mots japonais.
Quand tout le monde passe sur un rouge, ce n'est pas si effrayant.
Alors vous dites. Pas question! C'est tellement effrayant!

Eh bien, je vais faire quelque chose de différent. Il y a de la sécurité en chiffres
Je pense qu'il y a une meilleure façon de dire. Mais je ne peux pas le dire en anglais.

Récemment, j'ai pris conscience de la conformité même au Japon.
Mais c'est en principe.
Disons la véritable intention des Japonais. Disons-le à titre d'exemple!

Les Japonais sont des groupes ethniques qui gardent les règles des signaux.
Parce que, en ignorant la lumière rouge, si vous traversez le passage pour piétons, vous êtes tué par une voiture et mourrez.
Tout le monde ne veut pas mourir. Par conséquent, avec une personne seule, le feu rouge ne traverse pas le passage pour piétons.
Nous observons les règles de circulation et attendons que le signal devienne bleu.

Cependant, le signal peut être ignoré s'il y a beaucoup de monde.
Tout le monde ignore la lumière rouge et traverse le passage pour piétons, la voiture s'arrête.
Le conducteur n'a pas le courage de voir le sang, alors arrête désespérément la voiture.

Selon le bon sens japonais, les actes illégaux ne sont pas effrayés si tout le monde le fait! Je vais continuer.

Grand président Trump! Veuillez également traiter les alliés qui contribuent à la sécurité aux États-Unis en termes de commerce.

Arrêtons les mauvaises blagues. S'il vous plaît, faites du Japon un pays régi par la loi.
Le matériel est ci-dessous.

Ce n'est pas suffisant pour les matériaux seuls. S'il vous plaît contactez-nous. Sincèrement vôtre, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Everyone in the world 2018-06-18: Japanese shame! This case is not the only "illegal or inappropriate act in Japan".

<Public mail>
Common sense of Japanese compliance "Even with a red light,
if you cross with everyone, you are not afraid" It is a terrible joke!
This fact threatens the security of countries dealing with Japan.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And Japanese society that imitates it.
The trend of Japan threatens not only the United States but also the world safety guarantee.

There is "not afraid if you cross with every red light" to the usage of Japanese words.
When everybody's crossing on a red, it's not so scary.
Then you say. No way! That's so scary!

Well, I will do something different. There is safety in numbers
I think there is a better way of saying.
But I can not say it in English.

Recently, I became aware of compliance even in Japan.
But this is in principle.

Let's say the real intention of the Japanese.
Let's say it by way of example!
The Japanese are ethnic groups who keep the rules of signals.

Because, ignoring the red light,
if you cross the pedestrian crossing, you are killed by a car and die.

Everyone does not want to die.
Therefore, with a single person, the red light does not cross the pedestrian crossing.
We observe the traffic rules and wait for the signal to turn blue.

However, the signal can be ignored if there are a lot of people.
Everyone ignores the red light and crosses the pedestrian crossing, the car stops.
The driver does not have the courage to see blood, so desperately stop the car.

Under Japanese common sense,
illegal acts are not scared if everyone else does! Continue.

Great trump president! Please also treat allies that contribute to safety
in the United States in terms of trade.

Let's stop bad jokes. Please make Japan a country governed under the law.
The material is below.

It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


#MeToo Human rights victim! To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-06-18: Japanese shame! This case is not the only "illegal or inappropriate act in Japan".

<Public mail>
Common sense of Japanese compliance "Even with a red light,
if you cross with everyone, you are not afraid" It is a terrible joke!
This fact threatens the security of countries dealing with Japan.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And Japanese society that imitates it.
The trend of Japan threatens not only the United States but also the world safety guarantee.

There is "not afraid if you cross with every red light" to the usage of Japanese words.
When everybody's crossing on a red, it's not so scary.
Then you say. No way! That's so scary!

Well, I will do something different. There is safety in numbers
I think there is a better way of saying.
But I can not say it in English.

Recently, I became aware of compliance even in Japan.
But this is in principle.

Let's say the real intention of the Japanese.
Let's say it by way of example!
The Japanese are ethnic groups who keep the rules of signals.

Because, ignoring the red light,
if you cross the pedestrian crossing, you are killed by a car and die.

Everyone does not want to die.
Therefore, with a single person, the red light does not cross the pedestrian crossing.
We observe the traffic rules and wait for the signal to turn blue.

However, the signal can be ignored if there are a lot of people.
Everyone ignores the red light and crosses the pedestrian crossing, the car stops.
The driver does not have the courage to see blood, so desperately stop the car.

Under Japanese common sense,
illegal acts are not scared if everyone else does! Continue.

Great trump president! Please also treat allies that contribute to safety
in the United States in terms of trade.

Let's stop bad jokes. Please make Japan a country governed under the law.
The material is below.

It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email


Dear Sirs International people. Sunday version June 17, 2018 "#MeToo" The incident of Shiori Ito, a victim of rape, took up international media as well. Please know the entity of Japanese judiciary! It is a fact!

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Please know the entity of Japanese judiciary! It is a fact!

Although the "#MeToo" campaign is showing worldwide excitement,
in that trend, overseas media began reporting sexual assault incidents that occurred in Japan.
Thank you very much.

"#MeToo" in British BBC, Fégaro paper and weekly magazine "Lex press" in France,
BFM of television station, etc. Also in Italy, Coriele Della Sera newspaper reports.
Also, the European version of the American political news site "Politico",
the website of Swedish major letter Dargens Nuhetel.

Among them,
the American New York Times reported extensively on 1st and 8th of December 30th, 2017.
In addition to not only telling Shogori's accusation,
the New York Times hit Mr. Yamaguchi and pulled out a meanless comment.

Just in Japan, we can not do anything. Support of overseas media is necessary.

I have appealed the substance of the prosecution of Japan to the international community.
Today, since there are sites written by former public prosecutors, I will introduce.

Please take a look at this site (Japanese) and understand Japan's judiciary.


Prosecutors in Japan decided to prosecute before investigating suspects,
You can see that they have decided on a criminal story.
They make up the crime.

The guilty rate of Japan's criminal case,
which is unprecedented in the world, 99.9%
It is made in such a system.

Everyone, please give me support from anything if you understand.

Please make Japan Japan a freedom,
a democracy, and a country governed under the law.

Japan has returned to the prewar thought. Japan ignores international law.

The material is below.


Since the translated document is inaccurate, please email us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

Thanks for human rights Mr. Trump, "I handed a direct phone number to Kim Chairperson, telephone conference on 17th" and White House, Washington 16th June, 2018 Thank you for taking the time to send me an e - mail.

South Korea · Central Communications On June 16,
Trump Mr. "I handed a direct phone number to Kim Chairman, telephone conference on 17th"
   President Cardinal told that "the return of the remains of US soldiers who have been missing in the Korean War (Korean War) has begun," and "They have already started to excavate the remains of great soldiers."

   The joint statement of the US-North Korea summit talks stated in paragraph 4 that "the two countries promise to collect bones, including the immediate repatriation of the remains of the POWs whose identities have already been confirmed and the missing persons of war (MIA)" There is contents.
E-mail from the US White House

This week, I returned to the United States following a historic bilateral meeting with Chairman Kim Jong Un of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). As the first sitting President to meet with the leader of the DPRK, I want to share with you a few of the great achievements secured through American diplomacy:
  • Prior to this historic summit, I secured the release of Otto Warmbier and three other American prisoners, and returned them home to their families and loved ones in the United States. Additionally, the DPRK committed to cessations of nuclear and ballistic weapons testing leading up to our meeting.
  • During the summit, the United States and the DPRK committed to recovering the POW/MIA remains of those who made the ultimate sacrifice, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified.
  • Our two countries also reaffirmed the April 27, 2018, Panmunjom Declaration—that the DPRK commits to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
While much progress has been made to establish relationships between the United States and the DPRK, there is still much more work to be done. We will continue negotiations with DPRK officials to implement the outcomes of this historic summit between the United States and the DPRK to achieve the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
As President, protecting our Nation and ensuring the safety and security of American citizens is my top priority. I look forward to working with our friends and partners around the world, whose values and interests align with those of the United States, to promote peace, prosperity, and security of the Korean Peninsula and of the world.

If you wish to receive regular email updates from the White House, please Click Here. You may also follow President Trump and the White House on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
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Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.


[E-mail from the White House] American abduction victims will come back! A US-North Korea talks result White House, Washington 15th June, 2018

June 15, 2018

I appreciate you taking the time to send me an email. This week, I returned to the United States following a historic bilateral meeting with Chairman Kim Jong Un of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). As the first sitting President to meet with the leader of the DPRK, I want to share with you a few of the great achievements secured through American diplomacy:
  • Prior to this historic summit, I secured the release of Otto Warmbier and three other American prisoners, and returned them home to their families and loved ones in the United States. Additionally, the DPRK committed to cessations of nuclear and ballistic weapons testing leading up to our meeting.
  • During the summit, the United States and the DPRK committed to recovering the POW/MIA remains of those who made the ultimate sacrifice, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified.
  • Our two countries also reaffirmed the April 27, 2018, Panmunjom Declaration—that the DPRK commits to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
While much progress has been made to establish relationships between the United States and the DPRK, there is still much more work to be done. We will continue negotiations with DPRK officials to implement the outcomes of this historic summit between the United States and the DPRK to achieve the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
As President, protecting our Nation and ensuring the safety and security of American citizens is my top priority. I look forward to working with our friends and partners around the world, whose values and interests align with those of the United States, to promote peace, prosperity, and security of the Korean Peninsula and of the world.

If you wish to receive regular email updates from the White House, please Click Here. You may also follow President Trump and the White House on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

【USAMail magazine from the White House】Your 1600 Daily: The White House • June 15, 2018 5 ways President Trump has restored American leadership

President Donald J. Trump promised that putting America first would be the solemn duty of his Administration. That approach also makes for an effective foundation for U.S. leadership in the world.
Here are five accomplishments from the past year:

Destroying ISIS: The Trump Administration worked with allies to liberate territory occupied by the self-declared caliphate. In December, the Iraqi government announced all Iraqi territory had been freed from ISIS control.

Responding to Syria's use of chemical weapons: In April, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France launched strikes against targets associated with Syria's chemical weapons capabilities, responding forcefully to the Assad regime's savage attacks.

Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital: President Trump followed through on his promise—and that of prior U.S. presidents—to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, called for by Congress since 1994, officially opened last month.

Withdrawing from the unacceptable Iran deal: The deal provided the Iranian regime with a windfall of cash to destabilize the Middle East. President Trump ended U.S. participation in the deal and directed his Administration to begin re-imposing sanctions.

Momentum for real change in North Korea: With the historic Singapore summit, President Trump took a bold first step to completely, verifiably, and irreversibly denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. Before the talks, Kim Jong Un had already released three detained Americans and appears to have closed his nuclear test site.

The Day Ahead

Vice President Mike Pence will travel to Rochester, Michigan, before delivering remarks at a "Tax Cuts to Put America First" event in Columbus, Ohio. Watch live at 4:25 p.m. ET.

The largest gathering of Hispanic clergy in the United States

The 12th Annual National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast and Conference took place this week in Washington, D.C. Vice President Mike Pence addressed the group yesterday, discussing how faith is the great unifier in a diverse country.
"[Remember] those words that Americans have clung to throughout our Nation's history, words first inscribed millennia ago," the Vice President said. "That in these challenging times of seemingly too much division, that we still have hope and we still have confidence, because we believe Him who said, 'I know the plans I have for you . . . plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.'"

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Katie Ricks
President Donald J. Trump answers questions on the north drive of the White House | June 15, 2018

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Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dear Sirs International people. Saturday version June 16, 2018 Let 's stop human rights violations in North Korea and China. And let's stop China's "socialist market economy"!

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

What was noticed along with denuclearization at the US-North Korea summit meeting
on 12th is the North Korean human rights violation issue.

It is a pity that the problem of human rights violation was not nearly concrete
and the result was close to "zero response".

The Japanese government insists on only the Japanese abduction issue,
but North Korea's abduction issue is not limited to Japanese.

We should solve abduction victims of many countries collectively.
Let's stop the Japanese government's egoism!
Even though the human rights violations of North Korean citizens are only reported,
they do not seem to belong to this world.

We should rescue the North Korean people as soon as possible.
I think North Korea's human rights violation problem will not be solved
unless North Korea is democratized.

President Donald Trump promised to guarantee Kim Jong-Il's regime.
Let the international community support North Korean people demanding democratization!

President Donald Trumph imposed additional tariffs
on allied countries as a measure against the US trade deficit.
The United States threatens imposing additional tariffs on cars as well.

However, I can understand President Donald Trump 's dissatisfaction with China.

China abuses WTO rules to earn dollars and boost military power.
In this way the Communist party dictatorship will suck up the wealth of the world.

Leaders of the international community claiming liberty
and democracy will demand China to trade with "liberal economy" by freedom and democracy.
Let the international community support "President Donald Trump sanctions against China".
If China continues its "socialist market economy", it should be excluded from the WTO.

Let's condemn China against human rights violation such as Tibet problem!

Let's give democratization and human rights to North Korea and Chinese people
with the efforts of the international community

Please understand the lawless state of the prosecution of Japan and support.
It is an internal accusation of a former public prosecutor.


Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Thanks for human rights 【USAMail from the White House 】 June 14, 2018 Thank you for your email. I appreciate you taking the time to send me your thoughts and suggestions.

I am proud to proclaim today as National Flag Day, and to share my birthday with the celebration of our beautiful American flag. It is a great gift to live under the red, white, and blue and all for which it proudly stands.
Our Nation’s flag is an emblem of democracy, hope, and patriotism. Throughout our history, the Stars and Stripes have remained a source of courage, strength, and pride. From the battlefield to the baseball field, atop buildings, churches, and schools, Old Glory symbolizes the sacred beliefs we hold so dear—freedom, liberty, and justice.
Thank you again for taking the time to write. As President, I hope you are reminded of the sacrifices made by the men and women of our Armed Forces, both past and present, who defend our Nation so that our flag continues to fly high.
Donald Trump

If you wish to receive regular email updates from the White House, please Click Here. You may also follow President Trump and the White House on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
White House Website | Privacy Policy | Contact the White House
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Thanks for human rights 【USAMail magazine from the White House 】 The White House • June 14, 2018 The Day Ahead Today is President Donald J. Trump's birthday, which coincides with both National Flag Day and the 243rd birthday of the U.S. Army.

What a 'Nation of faith' looks like

The 161st session of the Southern Baptist Convention assembled this week in Dallas, Texas. The Convention includes more than 47,000 churches ministering to more than 15 million people, and its houses of worship can be found in all 50 states and in communities of every size.
Vice President Mike Pence addressed the Convention yesterday. "You know, the President likes to say, in his words, that we're a Nation of faith," the Vice President said. "The truth is, Southern Baptists have always worked to bring about renewal of America, and new beginnings. And as I stand before you today, I believe that our Nation is in the midst of a time of renewal."
The real source of America's greatness, he reiterated, is in the work of its people. "The truth is no podium that President Trump and I will ever stand behind will be of greater consequence than the pulpits you stand behind every Sunday morning. No policy we enact will ever be more meaningful than the ministries you lead. And no action we take will ever be more powerful than your prayers."

A tremendous moment for the world

President Trump's successful Singapore summit marks a new pathway to peace on the Korean Peninsula. "Chairman Kim has the chance to seize an incredible future for his people. Anyone can make war, but only the most courageous can make peace," President Trump said.
Headlines across the U.S. this week tell the story of what this new chapter in American diplomacy will look like:

Fox News: North Korea Agrees to 'Complete Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula' after Trump-Kim Summit

The Daily Caller: Kim Jong-Un Promises 'Major Change' At Trump Signing Ceremony

New York Post Editorial Board: Singapore Summit is a Good First Step

Byron York of the Washington Examiner: On North Korea, a President Who Tried Something Different

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian
President Donald J. Trump at a press conference in Singapore | June 12, 2018

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Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-06-15: Japanese shame! This case is not the only "illegal or inappropriate behavior of the Japanese government".

<Public mail>
It is also in the SDF and government organizations.
And it spreads to private enterprises.
This fact threatens the security of countries dealing with Japan.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And it is a private company that imitates it.
The trend of Japan threatens the safety of the world as well as the world.

This case is clearly a false charge.
However, prosecutors do not admit the offenses of police officers and prosecutors.
If the public prosecutor does not approve of Japan,
the trial can not be done. They crush their crimes.

So I filed a lawsuit against ICC.
In Japan, it is booming to seize crime,
tampering documents that are disadvantageous to themselves,
and destroying documents. It is good skill of Japan.

A Self - Defense Force person dispatched to South Sudan said
that "There is no such a fact,
the document was destroyed" in the daily report that the act of war is taking place,
but it came out from the copy of the document or the disk of the personal computer It was.

Of course it is a big fuss.
Civilian control is not done.

The Treasury Department explained that "Documents that sold land to Moritomo Gakuen"
did not have any documents left.
However, it has been tampered with and the evidence has been destroyed and it came out.

Even private enterprises,
Mitsubishi Chemical, Kobe Steel ...
companies representing many Japanese were disguising inspections and the like.

It is Japanese culture that everyone sabotages camouflage and crime,
squeezing it with everyone.

Even in the American football case at Nihon University,
the director says "I do not know" and rejects the fact.
But one after another, the director can tell a lie.

Japanese society is now crazy.

The EU countries are protesting that President Trump has imposed additional tariffs
on security reasons for allies. However,
the United States is a security issue, Japan should punish.

All the things mentioned above threaten "security of the United States".

Great trump president! Please make Japan a safe alliance. Gunbare!

The material is below.

It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


#MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-06-15: Japanische Schande! Dieser Fall ist nicht das einzige "illegale oder unangemessene Verhalten der japanischen Regierung".

<Öffentliche Post>
Es ist auch in der SDF und Regierungsorganisationen. Und es verbreitet sich auf private Unternehmen.
Diese Tatsache bedroht die Sicherheit von Ländern, die Japan betreffen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner.
Illegales oder unangemessenes Verhalten in der japanischen Regierung. Und es ist eine private Firma, die es nachahmt.
Der Trend Japans bedroht die Sicherheit der Welt und der Welt.

Dieser Fall ist eindeutig eine falsche Ladung.
Die Staatsanwaltschaft lässt jedoch die Straftaten von Polizeibeamten und Staatsanwälten nicht zu.
Wenn der Staatsanwalt Japan nicht genehmigt, kann der Prozess nicht durchgeführt werden. Sie zerschlagen ihre Verbrechen.

Also habe ich eine Klage gegen ICC eingereicht.

In Japan Verbrechen zu zerschlagen, Dokumente zu verfälschen, die für sie selbst nachteilig sind,
Die Entlassung von Dokumenten boomt. Es ist eine gute Fähigkeit von Japan.

Selbstverteidigungskräfte, die in den Südsudan entsandt werden, berichten täglich von Kriegshandlungen
"Es gab keine solche Tatsache, wir haben das Dokument aufgegeben,
Ich habe die Kopie des Dokuments oder die Diskette meines Computers verloren.
Natürlich ist es ein großes Aufhebens. Die zivile Kontrolle wird nicht durchgeführt.

Selbst für den Fall, dass das Finanzministerium "Land an Moritomo Gakuen verkauft"
Ich erklärte, dass es keine Dokumente mehr gibt.
Es wurde jedoch manipuliert und die Beweise wurden zerstört und es kam heraus.

Sogar in privaten Unternehmen, Mitsubishi Chemical, Kobe Steel ... viele Unternehmen, die Japan vertreten,
Wir haben Inspektionen verschleiert usw.

In der japanischen Kultur sabotieren alle Menschen Tarnung und Verbrechen und quetschen sie mit jedem zusammen.

Sogar an dem American-Football-Vorfall der Nihon University
Der Regisseur sagt "Ich weiß es nicht" und lehnt die Tatsache ab.
Aber einer nach dem anderen kann der Regisseur eine Lüge erzählen.

Die japanische Gesellschaft ist jetzt verrückt.

Die EU erklärt, dass Präsident Trump aus Sicherheitsgründen Mitglied der Allianz sein sollte,
Ich protestiere, um zusätzliche Tarife einzuführen.
Die Vereinigten Staaten sind jedoch ein Sicherheitsproblem, Japan sollte bestrafen.

All diese Dinge bedrohen die "Sicherheit der Vereinigten Staaten".

Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel, bitte unterstützen Sie nur deutsche Menschen und mich und die Weltopfer.

Das Material ist unten.


Es ist nicht genug für Materialien allein. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns.
Ich brauche deinen Mut. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

# MeToo victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-06-15: Honte japonaise! Cette affaire n'est pas le seul "comportement illégal ou inapproprié du gouvernement japonais".

<Public mail>
C'est aussi dans le SDF et les organisations gouvernementales. Et il se propage aux entreprises privées.
Ce fait menace la sécurité des pays qui traitent avec le Japon.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais.
Comportement illégal ou inapproprié qui prévaut dans le gouvernement japonais. Et c'est une entreprise privée qui l'imite.
La tendance du Japon menace la sécurité du monde et du monde.

Cette affaire est clairement une fausse accusation.
Cependant, les procureurs n'admettent pas les infractions des policiers et des procureurs.
Si le procureur n'approuve pas le Japon, le procès ne peut pas être fait. Ils écrasent leurs crimes.

J'ai donc déposé une plainte contre ICC.

Au Japon, écraser des crimes, falsifier des documents qui sont désavantageux pour eux-mêmes,
Le rejet des documents est en plein essor. C'est une bonne habileté du Japon.

Le personnel des forces d'autodéfense envoyées au Soudan du Sud est signalé aux rapports quotidiens que des actes de guerre ont lieu
"Il n'y avait pas un tel fait, nous avons abandonné le document,
Je suis sorti de la copie du document ou du disque de mon ordinateur.
Bien sûr, c'est un gros problème. Le contrôle civil n'est pas fait.

Même dans le cas où le ministère des Finances "a vendu des terres à Moritomo Gakuen"
J'ai expliqué qu'il n'y a plus de documents.
Cependant, il a été trafiqué et la preuve a été détruite et elle est ressortie.

Même dans les entreprises privées, Mitsubishi Chemical, Kobe Steel ... de nombreuses entreprises représentant le Japon,
Nous déguisions les inspections, etc.

C'est la culture japonaise que tout le monde sabote le camouflage et le crime, en le serrant avec tout le monde.

Même à l'incident de football américain de l'Université Nihon,
Le réalisateur dit "je ne sais pas" et rejette le fait.
Mais l'un après l'autre, le réalisateur peut mentir.

La société japonaise est maintenant folle.

L'UE déclare que le président Trump devrait être membre de l'alliance pour des raisons de sécurité,
Je proteste pour imposer des tarifs supplémentaires.
Cependant, les Etats-Unis sont une question de sécurité, le Japon devrait punir.

Toutes les choses mentionnées ci-dessus menacent la «sécurité des États-Unis».

Emmanuel M. Macron Soutenez les citoyens français et moi et les victimes du monde avec justice. .

Le matériel est ci-dessous.


Ce n'est pas suffisant pour les matériaux seuls. S'il vous plaît contactez-nous.
J'ai besoin de ton courage. Sincèrement vôtre, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-06-15: Japanese shame! This case is not the only "illegal or inappropriate behavior of the Japanese government".

<Public mail>
It is also in the SDF and government organizations.
And it spreads to private enterprises.
This fact threatens the security of countries dealing with Japan.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And it is a private company that imitates it.
The trend of Japan threatens the safety of the world as well as the world.

This case is clearly a false charge.
However, prosecutors do not admit the offenses of police officers and prosecutors.
If the public prosecutor does not approve of Japan,
the trial can not be done. They crush their crimes.

So I filed a lawsuit against ICC.
In Japan, it is booming to seize crime,
tampering documents that are disadvantageous to themselves,
and destroying documents. It is good skill of Japan.

A Self - Defense Force person dispatched to South Sudan said
that "There is no such a fact,
the document was destroyed" in the daily report that the act of war is taking place,
but it came out from the copy of the document or the disk of the personal computer It was.

Of course it is a big fuss.
Civilian control is not done.

The Treasury Department explained that "Documents that sold land to Moritomo Gakuen"
did not have any documents left.
However, it has been tampered with and the evidence has been destroyed and it came out.

Even private enterprises,
Mitsubishi Chemical, Kobe Steel ...
companies representing many Japanese were disguising inspections and the like.

It is Japanese culture that everyone sabotages camouflage and crime,
squeezing it with everyone.

Even in the American football case at Nihon University,
the director says "I do not know" and rejects the fact.
But one after another, the director can tell a lie.

Japanese society is now crazy.

The EU countries are protesting that President Trump has imposed additional tariffs
on security reasons for allies. However,
the United States is a security issue, Japan should punish.

All the things mentioned above threaten "security of the United States".

Prime Minister Teliza Mei, please just support the British citizen and me and the victims of the world with justice.

The material is below.


It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
I need your courage. Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Everyone in the world 2018-06-15: Japanese shame! This case is not the only "illegal or inappropriate behavior of the Japanese government".

<Public mail>
It is also in the SDF and government organizations.
And it spreads to private enterprises.
This fact threatens the security of countries dealing with Japan.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And it is a private company that imitates it.
The trend of Japan threatens the safety of the world as well as the world.

This case is clearly a false charge.
However, prosecutors do not admit the offenses of police officers and prosecutors.
If the public prosecutor does not approve of Japan,
the trial can not be done. They crush their crimes.

So I filed a lawsuit against ICC.
In Japan, it is booming to seize crime,
tampering documents that are disadvantageous to themselves,
and destroying documents. It is good skill of Japan.

A Self - Defense Force person dispatched to South Sudan said
that "There is no such a fact,
the document was destroyed" in the daily report that the act of war is taking place,
but it came out from the copy of the document or the disk of the personal computer It was.

Of course it is a big fuss.
Civilian control is not done.

The Treasury Department explained that "Documents that sold land to Moritomo Gakuen"
did not have any documents left.
However, it has been tampered with and the evidence has been destroyed and it came out.

Even private enterprises,
Mitsubishi Chemical, Kobe Steel ...
companies representing many Japanese were disguising inspections and the like.

It is Japanese culture that everyone sabotages camouflage and crime,
squeezing it with everyone.

Even in the American football case at Nihon University,
the director says "I do not know" and rejects the fact.
But one after another, the director can tell a lie.

Japanese society is now crazy.

The EU countries are protesting that President Trump has imposed additional tariffs
on security reasons for allies. However,
the United States is a security issue, Japan should punish.

All the things mentioned above threaten "security of the United States".

Everyone, please support me and the victims of the world with justice.

The material is below.


It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
I need your courage. Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail from the White House 2018-06-14】 June 13, 2018 Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence


If you wish to receive regular email updates from the White House, please Click Here. You may also follow President Trump and the White House on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
White House Website | Privacy Policy | Contact the White House

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-06-14a 】 Your 1600 Daily: The White House • June 13, 2018 The Day Ahead

President Donald J. Trump has returned to Washington following his historic summit with North Korea's Kim Jong Un earlier this week.
The White House hosts the top 10 team finalists for the Community College Innovation Challenge, highlighting the importance of STEM education in America.    

Reactions to a new era of American diplomacy

Leaders the world over spoke of the powerful significance of President Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un this week. South Korean President Moon Jae-in called the meeting "historic," adding that "we will never go back to the past again." According to the New York Post, people broke into cheers and applause at a train station in Seoul as President Trump shook Chairman Kim's hand on TV.
Here at home, U.S. officials look forward to a new chapter. "For decades, American policy toward North Korea has failed, and I commend @POTUS for not accepting the status quo," Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) tweeted. "This an historic opportunity to end the Korean War [and] get North Korea to give up their weapons and missiles," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said.
Security expert Christian Whiton explains what the President's critics miss about the summit. In the past, U.S. administrations gave away too much upfront. "This time, President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have insisted that North Korea undertake actual disarmament before real financial concessions or even sanctions relief," Whiton writes. Read more.
See all the reactions to President Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un.
In case you missed it: Watch the President meet Chairman Kim.

A message on Men's Health Week

June 11–17 is Men's Health Week, celebrated each year during the week leading up to Father's Day. President Trump released a message on Monday reminding American men of the importance of monitoring their physical and mental health—this week and always.
"While there are many factors that contribute to a healthy life—including diet, exercise, stress management, and mental and emotional wellness—one of the most important practices is to regularly visit the doctor and the dentist," President Trump says. "Men are less likely than women to visit their healthcare providers, often missing out on critical treatments that can protect their overall health and wellbeing."
Read President Trump's full message on Men's Health Week.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian
President Donald J. Trump departs Singapore | June 12, 2018

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-06-14: Japanese shame! The prosecutors pointed out that we assisted "getting a foreigner's status of residence"

<Public mail>
and applied "criminal law, assistance crime" as aiding
in "illegal work outside the status of residence" .
Please laugh at ignorant Japanese judicial administration.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
Prosecutors and others pointed out the reasons for assistance
by the Immigration Act 22-4-4 (False Documents Submission,
Rescission of Status of Residence),
and the offense has applied the crime aid for criminal law against violation
of Article 70 of the Immigration Act. The logic of law is crazy.
And they still do not accept this mistake.

Four Chinese who occurred in 2010 worked outside the status of residence permission
and were violated Article 70 of the Immigration Act and received criminal penalties.

"Each employer" who worked four Chinese people was not criminalized
for criminal violation of Immigration Act 73-2.

Employers were not even arrested.
Such punishment of international law fraud is a routine occurrence in Japan.
But the prosecutors of this case were more vicious because they wanted "Achievement".

They pointed out the aid acts of Article 22-4-4 (Cancellation of status of residence)
and arrested us for "criminal assistance crime" against Article 70 of the Immigration Act.

Prosecutors and others for reasons of assistance of Article 22-4-4
of Immigration Control Act,
they replaced the applicable law with "criminal assistance criminal offense".

The Chinese who violates the Article 22-4-4
of the Immigration Control Act receives cancellation of the status of residence
from the Minister of Justice and receives the administrative action
of "moving out of the country".

Those who provided the "false employment contract document" to the Chinese
who violates the Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act are assistant
under Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
However, because it is administrative punishment "withdrawing to foreign countries",
it can not apply "Criminal law assistance crime".

In case
I have insisted on innocent ever since
I was arrested. Arrest / detention took more than a year.

About half a year I was bailed and I was imprisoned in prison for 1 year.
(Judgment is 1 year and a half imprisonment)

I got to know the news of the Violation of Immigration Control Act (2013 - 2014)
of the Philippine Embassy in the newspaper.
It was similar to us.

Great trump president! Please move ICC and the Japanese government.

The material is below.

It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


#MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-06-14: Japanische Schande! Die Staatsanwälte haben darauf hingewiesen, dass wir geholfen haben, "den Aufenthaltsstatus von Ausländern zu erhalten"

<Öffentliche Post>
Wenden Sie "Strafgesetz, Hilfsverbrechen" als Unterstützung für "illegale Arbeit außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus" an.
Bitte lachen Sie über die ignorante japanische Justizverwaltung.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner.
Staatsanwälte und andere wiesen auf die Gründe für die Unterstützung, Artikel 22-4-4 des Immigration Control Act (Vorlage falscher Dokumente und Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus) hin.
Die Straftat galt für das Strafgesetzbuch gegen die Verletzung von Artikel 70 des Immigration Control Act.
Die Logik des Gesetzes ist verrückt. Und sie akzeptieren diesen Fehler immer noch nicht.

Vier Chinesen, die im Jahr 2010 aufgetreten sind,
Er arbeitete außerhalb des Status der Aufenthaltsgenehmigung und wurde gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes verstoßen und erhielt eine Strafe.
"Jeder Arbeitgeber", der vier Chinesen beschäftigte, wurde nicht wegen krimineller Verletzung des Einwanderungsgesetzes 73-2 kriminalisiert.
Arbeitgeber wurden nicht einmal verhaftet.
Eine solche Bestrafung des Völkerrechtsbetrugs ist in Japan eine Routineangelegenheit.
Aber die Ankläger dieses Falles waren bösartiger, weil sie "Achievement" wollten.

Sie wiesen auf die Beihilfeakte des Artikels 22-4-4 (Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus) des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes hin,
Wir verhafteten uns wegen "Verbrechenshilfsverbrechen" gegen Artikel 70 des Zuwanderungsgesetzes.

Staatsanwälte und andere aus Gründen der Unterstützung nach Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes,
Sie ersetzten das geltende Recht durch "strafrechtliche Hilfen".

Chinesen, die gegen Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes verstoßen, erhalten vom Justizminister die Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus,
Dann werde ich die administrative Bestrafung des "Zurückziehens ins Ausland" erhalten.

Diejenigen, die den Chinesen, die gegen Artikel 22-4-4 des Immigration Control Act verstoßen haben, das "falsche Arbeitsvertragsdokument" zur Verfügung gestellt haben,
Es ist die Unterstützung von Artikel 22-4-4 des Immigration Control Act.
Da es jedoch administrative Bestrafung "Rückzug in fremde Länder" ist, kann es nicht "Strafrechtshilfe Verbrechen" anwenden.

Ich habe seit meiner Verhaftung auf Unschuldig bestanden.
Die Festnahme dauerte mehr als ein Jahr.
Etwa ein halbes Jahr wurde ich gerettet und ich wurde für ein Jahr im Gefängnis eingesperrt. (Urteil ist 1 Jahr und eine halbe Freiheitsstrafe)

Wenn Sie Quelle,
In der Zeitung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes der philippinischen Botschaft (2013 - 2014)
Ich kannte die Neuigkeiten. Es war uns ähnlich.

Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel, bitte unterstützen Sie nur deutsche Menschen und mich und die Weltopfer.

Das Material ist unten.


Es ist nicht genug für Materialien allein. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns.
Ich brauche deinen Mut. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

#MeToo victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-06-14: Honte japonaise! Les procureurs ont souligné que nous avons aidé à "obtenir le statut de résidence des étrangers"

<Public mail>
Appliquer «le droit pénal, le crime d'assistance» comme assistance «au travail illégal en dehors du statut de résidence».
S'il vous plaît rire à l'administration judiciaire ignorante japonaise.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais.
Les procureurs et autres ont souligné les raisons de l'assistance, l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration (présentation de faux documents et annulation du statut de résidence)
L'infraction s'appliquait au code pénal du droit pénal contre la violation de l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
La logique de la loi est folle. Et ils n'acceptent toujours pas cette erreur.

Quatre Chinois qui se sont produits en 2010,
Il a travaillé en dehors du statut de permis de séjour et a violé l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et a été sanctionné pénalement.
"Chaque employeur" qui a travaillé quatre personnes chinoises n'a pas été criminalisé pour violation de la loi sur l'immigration 73-2.
Les employeurs n'ont même pas été arrêtés.
Une telle sanction de la fraude au droit international est une pratique courante au Japon.
Mais les procureurs de cette affaire étaient plus vicieux parce qu'ils voulaient "Achievement".

Ils ont souligné les actes d'aide de l'article 22-4-4 (Annulation du statut de résidence) de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration,
Nous nous sommes arrêtés pour "crime d'assistance au crime" contre l'article 70 de la Loi sur l'immigration.

Procureurs et autres, pour des raisons d'assistance au titre de l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration,
Ils ont remplacé la loi applicable par "infraction pénale".

Les Chinois qui violent l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration reçoivent l'annulation du statut de résidence du ministre de la Justice,
Ensuite, je recevrai une sanction administrative de "retrait à l'étranger".

Ceux qui ont fourni le «faux contrat de travail» aux Chinois qui ont violé l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration,
C'est l'assistance de l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
Cependant, parce que c'est une punition administrative «se retirant à l'étranger», elle ne peut pas appliquer le «crime d'assistance en matière pénale».

J'ai insisté sur innocent depuis que j'ai été arrêté.
L'arrestation / détention a pris plus d'un an.
Environ une demi-année j'ai été renfloué et j'ai été emprisonné en prison pendant 1 an. (Le jugement est de 1 an et demi d'emprisonnement)

Lorsque vous sourcez,
Dans le journal de la loi sur la violation de l'immigration de l'ambassade des Philippines (2013 - 2014)
Je connaissais les nouvelles. C'était semblable à nous.

Emmanuel M. Macron Soutenez les citoyens français et moi et les victimes du monde avec justice. .

Le matériel est ci-dessous.


Ce n'est pas suffisant pour les matériaux seuls. S'il vous plaît contactez-nous.
J'ai besoin de ton courage. Sincèrement vôtre, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

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