
#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-09-19: President Donald Trumph arrests "illegal immigrants" by rule of law, and says to expel them outside the country. But sanctuary cities do not obey. In Japan, "legitimate foreigners" are arrested for "general theory not based on law" and are "forcibly repatriated" as criminals. Although international law violation, the international community is silent. It's crazy! "ICC" also "acquiesce". Is it solved only by "terrorism"?

<Public mail>

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The acts of the prosecutors are "applicable"
to Article 194 of the Criminal Code "a crime that a special civil servant abused its authority." "Crimes that special public servants abused their authority" do not require "willfulness"
as "crime constituent requirements".
It is the continuation of the previous day.

2. Police officials illegally abused their own authority around June 15, 2010.
"Everyone" in the light of the law can not "guess" that I did "crime".

And a police officer who wants to get "Merit" despite not carrying out a criminal act arrested
"Chinese who illegally worked" with "reason" different from "ordinary arrest".

The police officer plans to severely "imprisonment punishment"
by "Immigration Control Law violation (Activities outside the qualification)" of "Chinese people".
They planned not to violate international law for that.
Under the law, "employers" who "hire" illegal Chinese "must be" arrested "
by" crime that promotes illegal labor ".

But since the police officer has "employer" and "relationship of adhesion",
I do not want to make "employer" a "criminal".

So they did "Camouflage work" as "those who assisted me" instead of "employers".
Police officers planned to make me "criminal" by "criminal law".
The police officer said that it was "criminal" that he handed over the documents
of "contract of false employment contracts" to the Chinese who did "illegal work".

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

As I mentioned it many times, this is "assistance" of violation
of the Immigration Act 22-4-4.
It is not a crime.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I was "arrested / captured" by "Tsukishima police station".

Police officials submitted "complaint documents"
whose content is false to the "Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office".

"The name of sin" is a crime that "aided" the illegal employment
(illegal employment due to activities outside the status of qualification)
of "Immigration Control Act".

The real "criminal" is "employer" who hired the Chinese prescribed
in Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.

The reason for the arrest is that he gave the document to the violation
of Immigration Law 22-4-4 filed by the Chinese. It will not be a sin.

The acts of the police officers are "applicable" to Article 172
of the Penal Code "Crime of 'false complaint'.

3. The prosecutor illegally "abused" the authority of his / her duties "around June 16, 2010.
In light of the law, the prosecutor arrested me even though the crime was not "presumed",
nor despite not committing a crime.

The reason for the arrest was that I handed out "Contract documents of false employment"
to "Chinese who did" illegal work ", crime is" presumed ".

I was already "arrested" and "confined" at the "Tsukishima police station".

Prior to the arrest, the prosecutor gave a "request" of "detention" to the court as "suspect"
of the crime that "aided" the "illegal labor" in violation of Immigration Control Act.

Prosecutor got illegally acquired "detention letter".

And the prosecutor was "abuse" the authority of the duties.

The prosecutor robbed my "Freedom of decision making" in an illegal "detention letter"
whose content is false.
The prosecutor conducted an "interrogation"
by carrying out "illegal arrest / confinement" without "any obligation on me".

Therefore, the acts of the prosecutors are "applicable" to Article 194
of the Criminal Code "a crime that a special civil servant abused the authority".

I will continue on tomorrow.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


#MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-09-19: Präsident Donald Trumph, wegen der Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Verhaftung "illegaler Einwanderung" und sagen Ausweisung außerhalb des Landes. Aber Heiligtumsstädte gehorchen nicht. In Japan Festnahme "legitimer Ausländer" mit "allgemeiner, nicht auf Gesetz beruhender Theorie" "Zwangsrückführung" als Krimineller. Obwohl die internationalen Gesetze verletzt werden, schweigt die internationale Gemeinschaft. Es ist verrückt! "ICC" auch "dulden". Wird es nur durch "Terrorismus" gelöst?

<Öffentliche Post>

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Staatsanwälte,
Strafgesetzbuch 194 ist „angemessen“ zu „besonderen öffentlichen Beamten schuldig, die Autorität zu missbrauchen“ sein.
„Sin, dass spezielle Beamte mißbrauchten Autorität“ erfordert keine „bewusste“, wie die „Anforderungen an die Konfiguration des Verbrechens“.
Es ist die Fortsetzung des Vortages.

2. Polizeibeamte missbrauchten illegal ihre eigene Autorität um den 15. Juni 2010.
Im Lichte des Gesetzes ist „niemand“, nicht „erraten“, ist, dass ich ein „Verbrechen“ war.

Und ein Polizist, der "Verdienst" bekommen will, obwohl er keine kriminellen Handlungen durchführt,
Wurde von den Chinesen festgenommen, dass die „Arbeit illegal“ unterscheidet sich von der „normalen Arrest“, „Vernunft“.

Die Polizeibeamten sind der „Chinese“ in den „Immigration Control Act Verletzungen (Tätigkeiten qualifizierten externen)“,
Er plant, es streng zu "Haftstrafen" zu machen.
Sie wollten dafür nicht gegen das Völkerrecht verstoßen.
Unter dem Gesetz, "Arbeitgeber", der illegale Chinesen "anstellt"
Sie müssen für "Verbrechen, die illegale Arbeit förderten" "festnehmen".

Da jedoch Polizisten eine „Haftung der Beziehung“ haben und „Arbeitgeber“, ich will nicht zu „Arbeitgeber“ zu „Kriminellen“.

Also ersetzen sie "Arbeitgeber" als "diejenigen, die mir geholfen haben"
Ich habe "Camouflage Arbeit" gemacht.

Die Polizeibeamten planten, mich durch das "Strafgesetz" zu "Kriminellen" zu machen.

Polizeibeamte "Dokumente des Vertrags des falschen Anstellungsvertrags"
Es wurde an die Chinesen geführt, dass die „illegale Arbeit“ war, dass es „Verbrechen“.


Ich habe beliebig oft, sagen sie, aber dies wird als „Unterstützung“ der Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 Verletzung von Art.
Es ist kein Verbrechen.


Ich wurde von der Polizeiwache "Tsukishima" verhaftet / gefangen genommen.
Die Polizeibeamten festgestellt, dass Beschwerde von Dokumenten „von Usonise auf“ „Inhalt einer eingereicht wird“ Tokyo District Staatsanwaltschaft. "
Ist der „Name der Sünde“ ist „Immigration Control Act Verletzung“ der Sünde, die „unterstützende“ die (illegale Beschäftigung durch Qualifizierung außerhalb Aktivitäten) wurde. "
Die eigentliche „Verbrecher“ ist die chinesische Artikel Immigration Control Act 73-2 „Arbeitgeber“, wie definiert eingestellt.
Verhaftung der Grund dafür ist, dass für die Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 Verletzungen, dass die Chinesen abgegeben haben,
Ich habe dieses Dokument gegeben. Es wird keine Sünde sein.
Acts von Polizeibeamten et al., Und „anwendbar“ zu dem Strafgesetzbuch Artikel 172 „“ falscher Anschuldigung „und das Verbrechen“.

3. Staatsanwalt, war „Missbrauch“ illegal „Pflichten der Behörde, hat“ die rund 16 Juni 2010 eingetragen.
„Im Lichte des Gesetzes“, auch wenn ich nicht Verbrechen „geschätzt“,
Obwohl ich kein Verbrechen beging, verhaftete mich der Staatsanwalt.
Der Grund für die Festnahme ist, dass ich "Vertragsdokumente für eine falsche Anstellung" habe.
Dass ein Verfahren zur „“ illegalen Arbeit „übergeben wurde und die chinesische“ war ein Verbrechen ist „geschätzt“.
Ich bin schon in der „Tsukishima Polizeistation“, wird „verhaftet“ und „Confinement“, hatte.
Vor der Verhaftung, der Staatsanwalt „die“ illegale Arbeit „der Immigration Control Act Verletzungen als“ verdächtig „von Sünde, wurde“ unterstützt „“,
Ich habe beim Gericht eine "Bitte" um "Inhaftierung" gestellt.

Staatsanwalt wurde illegal "Haftbrief" erworben.
Und der Ankläger hat die Autorität der Aufgaben "missbraucht".
Staatsanwalt, ist der Inhalt illegal Usonise "Haft-like",
Es raubte mir die „Freiheit der Entscheidungsfindung“.
Der Staatsanwalt wurde durch Ausführen „Was ich Verpflichtung auf“ no „illegale Verhaftung und Haft“, „Verhörs“ durchgeführt.
Somit ist der Akt der Staatsanwaltschaft et al., 194 Strafgesetzbuch Artikel auf „true“ zu „besonderen öffentlichen Beamten schuldig, die Autorität zu missbrauchen“.

Ich werde morgen weiter machen.

Präsident Donald Trumps Antwort ermutigt mich.
Präsident Donald J. Trump glaubt, dass die Stärke unseres Landes liegt
im Sinne des amerikanischen Volkes und seiner Bereitschaft, informiert zu bleiben
Präsident Trump weiß es zu schätzen, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, sich zu melden.

Das Material ist unten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

#MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-09-19: Le président Donald Trumph, en raison de l'état de droit, Arrêtez "l'immigration illégale" et dites expulsion hors du pays. Mais les villes sanctuaires n'obéissent pas. Au Japon, arrêter des "étrangers légitimes" avec "une théorie générale non fondée sur le droit" "Rapatriement forcé" en tant que criminel. Bien que la violation du droit international, la communauté internationale est silencieuse. C'est fou! "ICC" aussi "acquiescer". Est-ce seulement résolu par le "terrorisme"?

<Courrier public>

Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais. Les actes des procureurs,
"Applicable" au droit pénal 194 "crime qu'un fonctionnaire spécial a abusé de son autorité".
"Les crimes que les fonctionnaires spéciaux ont abusés de leur autorité" ne requièrent pas le "caractère délibéré" comme "des éléments constitutifs de la criminalité".
C'est la continuation de la journée précédente.

2. Les fonctionnaires de police ont abusé illégalement de leur propre autorité vers le 15 juin 2010.
"Tout le monde" à la lumière de la loi ne peut pas "deviner" que j'ai fait "crime".

Et un policier qui veut obtenir le "mérite" malgré qu'il ne commette pas d'actes criminels,
Arrêté "Chinois qui travaillaient illégalement" avec "raison" différente de "arrestation ordinaire".

Les policiers sont des "Chinois" en tant que "violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration (activités ne relevant pas du statut de qualification)",
Il envisage de le faire sévèrement à "peine d'emprisonnement".
Ils ont prévu de ne pas violer le droit international pour cela.
En vertu de la loi, "Employeur" qui "embauche des" Chinois illégaux "
Vous devez "arrêter" pour "crime qui encourage le travail illégal".

Mais comme le policier a "employeur" et "relation d'adhésion", je ne veux pas faire de "l'employeur" un "criminel".

Ils remplacent donc "Employeurs" par "ceux qui m'ont aidé"
J'ai fait du "camouflage".

Les policiers ont prévu de me rendre "criminel" par "droit pénal".

Fonctionnaires de police "Documents de contrat de faux contrat de travail"
C'est le "crime" qu'il a remis aux Chinois qui ont "travaillé illégalement".

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Comme je l'ai mentionné à plusieurs reprises, il s'agit d'une "assistance" à la violation de la loi sur l'immigration 22-4-4.
Ce n'est pas un crime.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

J'ai été "arrêté / capturé" par "le poste de police de Tsukishima".
Les responsables de la police ont soumis des "documents de plainte" dont le contenu est faux auprès du "parquet de district de Tokyo".
"Le nom du péché" est un crime qui "a aidé" l'emploi illégal (emploi illégal dû à des activités en dehors du statut de qualification) de la "Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration".
Le véritable "criminel" est "l'employeur" qui a engagé les Chinois prévus à l'article 73-2 de la loi sur l'immigration.
La raison de l'arrestation est que, en réponse à une violation de la loi sur l'immigration 22-4-4 déposée par les Chinois,
J'ai donné ce document. Ce ne sera pas un péché.
Les actes des policiers sont "applicables" à l'article 172 du code pénal "Crime de" fausse plainte ".

3 Le procureur a illégalement "abusé" de l'autorité de ses fonctions "vers le 16 juin 2010.
"À la lumière de la loi", bien que le crime ne soit pas "présumé"
De plus, malgré le fait de ne pas avoir commis de crime, le procureur m'a arrêté.
La raison de l'arrestation est que j'ai des "documents contractuels pour faux emploi"
"Les Chinois qui ont fait du travail illégal" ont déclaré que le crime était "présumé".
J'étais déjà "arrêté" et "confiné" au "commissariat de Tsukishima".
Avant l’arrestation, le procureur a déclaré "en tant que suspect" du crime qui "a aidé" le "travail illégal" de la loi sur l’immigration,
J'ai fait une "demande" de "détention" au tribunal.

Le procureur a obtenu illégalement une "lettre de détention".
Et le procureur a "abusé" de l'autorité des devoirs.
Les procureurs sont des "formes de détention" illégales dont le contenu est faux,
J'ai volé ma "liberté de décision".
Le procureur a procédé à un "interrogatoire" en procédant à "une arrestation / détention illégale" sans "aucune obligation pour moi".
Par conséquent, les actes des procureurs sont "applicables" à l'article 194 du Code pénal "un délit commis par un fonctionnaire spécial à l'encontre de l'autorité".

Je continuerai demain.

La réponse du président Donald Trump m'encourage.
Le président Donald J. Trump croit que la force de notre pays repose
dans l'esprit du peuple américain et sa volonté de rester informé
et impliquez-vous, le président Trump vous apprécie de prendre le temps de tendre la main.

Le matériel est ci-dessous.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-09-19: President Donald Trumph arrests "illegal immigrants" by rule of law, and says to expel them outside the country. But sanctuary cities do not obey. In Japan, "legitimate foreigners" are arrested for "general theory not based on law" and are "forcibly repatriated" as criminals. Although international law violation, the international community is silent. It's crazy! "ICC" also "acquiesce". Is it solved only by "terrorism"?

<Public mail>

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The acts of the prosecutors are "applicable"
to Article 194 of the Criminal Code "a crime that a special civil servant abused its authority." "Crimes that special public servants abused their authority" do not require "willfulness"
as "crime constituent requirements".
It is the continuation of the previous day.

2. Police officials illegally abused their own authority around June 15, 2010.
"Everyone" in the light of the law can not "guess" that I did "crime".

And a police officer who wants to get "Merit" despite not carrying out a criminal act arrested
"Chinese who illegally worked" with "reason" different from "ordinary arrest".

The police officer plans to severely "imprisonment punishment"
by "Immigration Control Law violation (Activities outside the qualification)" of "Chinese people".
They planned not to violate international law for that.
Under the law, "employers" who "hire" illegal Chinese "must be" arrested "
by" crime that promotes illegal labor ".

But since the police officer has "employer" and "relationship of adhesion",
I do not want to make "employer" a "criminal".

So they did "Camouflage work" as "those who assisted me" instead of "employers".
Police officers planned to make me "criminal" by "criminal law".
The police officer said that it was "criminal" that he handed over the documents
of "contract of false employment contracts" to the Chinese who did "illegal work".

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

As I mentioned it many times, this is "assistance" of violation
of the Immigration Act 22-4-4.
It is not a crime.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I was "arrested / captured" by "Tsukishima police station".

Police officials submitted "complaint documents"
whose content is false to the "Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office".

"The name of sin" is a crime that "aided" the illegal employment
(illegal employment due to activities outside the status of qualification)
of "Immigration Control Act".

The real "criminal" is "employer" who hired the Chinese prescribed
in Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.

The reason for the arrest is that he gave the document to the violation
of Immigration Law 22-4-4 filed by the Chinese. It will not be a sin.

The acts of the police officers are "applicable" to Article 172
of the Penal Code "Crime of 'false complaint'.

3. The prosecutor illegally "abused" the authority of his / her duties "around June 16, 2010.
In light of the law, the prosecutor arrested me even though the crime was not "presumed",
nor despite not committing a crime.

The reason for the arrest was that I handed out "Contract documents of false employment"
to "Chinese who did" illegal work ", crime is" presumed ".

I was already "arrested" and "confined" at the "Tsukishima police station".

Prior to the arrest, the prosecutor gave a "request" of "detention" to the court as "suspect"
of the crime that "aided" the "illegal labor" in violation of Immigration Control Act.

Prosecutor got illegally acquired "detention letter".

And the prosecutor was "abuse" the authority of the duties.

The prosecutor robbed my "Freedom of decision making" in an illegal "detention letter"
whose content is false.
The prosecutor conducted an "interrogation"
by carrying out "illegal arrest / confinement" without "any obligation on me".

Therefore, the acts of the prosecutors are "applicable" to Article 194
of the Criminal Code "a crime that a special civil servant abused the authority".

I will continue on tomorrow.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

To Everyone in the world 2018-09-19: President Donald Trumph arrests "illegal immigrants" by rule of law, and says to expel them outside the country. But sanctuary cities do not obey. In Japan, "legitimate foreigners" are arrested for "general theory not based on law" and are "forcibly repatriated" as criminals. Although international law violation, the international community is silent. It's crazy! "ICC" also "acquiesce". Is it solved only by "terrorism"?

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The acts of the prosecutors are "applicable"
to Article 194 of the Criminal Code "a crime that a special civil servant abused its authority." "Crimes that special public servants abused their authority" do not require "willfulness"
as "crime constituent requirements".
It is the continuation of the previous day.

2. Police officials illegally abused their own authority around June 15, 2010.
"Everyone" in the light of the law can not "guess" that I did "crime".

And a police officer who wants to get "Merit" despite not carrying out a criminal act arrested
"Chinese who illegally worked" with "reason" different from "ordinary arrest".

The police officer plans to severely "imprisonment punishment"
by "Immigration Control Law violation (Activities outside the qualification)" of "Chinese people".
They planned not to violate international law for that.
Under the law, "employers" who "hire" illegal Chinese "must be" arrested "
by" crime that promotes illegal labor ".

But since the police officer has "employer" and "relationship of adhesion",
I do not want to make "employer" a "criminal".

So they did "Camouflage work" as "those who assisted me" instead of "employers".
Police officers planned to make me "criminal" by "criminal law".
The police officer said that it was "criminal" that he handed over the documents
of "contract of false employment contracts" to the Chinese who did "illegal work".

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

As I mentioned it many times, this is "assistance" of violation
of the Immigration Act 22-4-4.
It is not a crime.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I was "arrested / captured" by "Tsukishima police station".

Police officials submitted "complaint documents"
whose content is false to the "Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office".

"The name of sin" is a crime that "aided" the illegal employment
(illegal employment due to activities outside the status of qualification)
of "Immigration Control Act".

The real "criminal" is "employer" who hired the Chinese prescribed
in Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.

The reason for the arrest is that he gave the document to the violation
of Immigration Law 22-4-4 filed by the Chinese. It will not be a sin.

The acts of the police officers are "applicable" to Article 172
of the Penal Code "Crime of 'false complaint'.

3. The prosecutor illegally "abused" the authority of his / her duties "around June 16, 2010.
In light of the law, the prosecutor arrested me even though the crime was not "presumed",
nor despite not committing a crime.

The reason for the arrest was that I handed out "Contract documents of false employment"
to "Chinese who did" illegal work ", crime is" presumed ".

I was already "arrested" and "confined" at the "Tsukishima police station".

Prior to the arrest, the prosecutor gave a "request" of "detention" to the court as "suspect"
of the crime that "aided" the "illegal labor" in violation of Immigration Control Act.

Prosecutor got illegally acquired "detention letter".

And the prosecutor was "abuse" the authority of the duties.

The prosecutor robbed my "Freedom of decision making" in an illegal "detention letter"
whose content is false.
The prosecutor conducted an "interrogation"
by carrying out "illegal arrest / confinement" without "any obligation on me".

Therefore, the acts of the prosecutors are "applicable" to Article 194
of the Criminal Code "a crime that a special civil servant abused the authority".

I will continue on tomorrow.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-09-18】

September 17, 2018

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

#MeToo Human rights victim! 2018-09-18: President Donald Trumph arrests "illegal immigrants" by rule of law and says to expel them from the country. But sanctuary cities do not obey. In Japan, "legitimate foreigners" are arrested for "general theory not based on law" and are "forcibly repatriated" as criminals. Although international law violation, the international community is silent. It's crazy! "ICC" also "acquiesce". Is it solved only by "terrorism"?

<Public mail>

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
The acts of police officers fall under Article 194 of the Criminal Code "a crime
that a special civil servant abused its authority."
"Crimes that special public officials abused their authority" do not need "willfulness"
as "requirements to constitute crime".
It is the continuation of the previous day.

2-2. The following is based on "letter of appeal" of me (Nagano) as an example,
In "Criminal Facts" of police officers and prosecutors,
"infringement of rights" is stated.

1. Police officials illegally abused the authority they have about 11:30 on June 14,
No one can guess "crime" against me.

And even though I have not committed a crime,
they decided that a crime would be inferred.
The reason is that they say "I provided" false contracts
of employment "to" illegal Chinese who "who worked.


I've explained it over and over so far.

Even if "hypothetical", "the contract document of employment" is "false",
it is not a crime.
This part points to Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act, itself.

When the Chinese applies for "renewal" of "status of residence" to the Immigration Bureau
in this "contract document of employment",
and "renewal" is approved, it is only "cancellation".

It is clearly stated in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

From the outset, police officers illegally made me a sinner in "general theory".

In this case, they "make a sinner" in violation of the law.

"Tentatively", I admit their claim "100%".
However, I can not "strike" my Japanese nationality against the "administrative penalty"
of the cancellation of foreign nationals' residence.

So, I am not fighting whether "contract documents for employment" is "false" or "no".

So, they will "change the fact of the crime"
and make it a "crime of assistance" against illegal labor. It is frightening.

So "governance under the law" is necessary.


So at the "Setagaya Police Station" they arrested me
for "charges of supporting crimes" for illegal labor due to immigration laws
(activities outside the qualifications).

Before arrest, they requested the "Tokyo Simplified Court" "arrest warrant"
of "false false".

And "they" "heavily pressure" my "Decision making freedom"
with "an arrest warrant whose content is fake lies."

And they did "interrogate" by doing "illegal arrest / confinement"
without "any obligation" to me.

After that, "transfer" to the "Tsukishima police station",
"illegal arrest, confinement" conducted, "interrogated" conducted.

Therefore, the acts of police officers "falls under" criminal law 194 "crime
that a special public official abused the authority". .

I will continue on tomorrow.

Everyone in the international community, Japan is a country of "Kamikaze" special corps.
Everyone in the world, please make Japan Japan "governed under the law of the law".

The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize

and restore our honor and to pay damages promptly.

But the Japanese government is rejecting this case today.

There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


#MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-09-18: Präsident Donald Tramp, aufgrund der Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Verhaftung "illegaler Einwanderung" und sagen Ausweisung außerhalb des Landes. Aber Heiligtumsstädte gehorchen nicht. In Japan Festnahme "legitimer Ausländer" mit "allgemeiner, nicht auf Gesetz beruhender Theorie" "Zwangsrückführung" als Krimineller. Obwohl die internationalen Gesetze verletzt werden, schweigt die internationale Gemeinschaft. Es ist verrückt! "ICC" auch "dulden". Wird es nur durch "Terrorismus" gelöst?

<Öffentliche Post>

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner.
Die Handlungen von Polizeibeamten fallen unter Artikel 194 des Strafgesetzbuches "ein Verbrechen, dass ein besonderer Beamter seine Autorität missbrauchte".
"Verbrechen, bei denen besondere Beamte ihre Autorität mißbraucht haben", brauchen "Willkür" nicht als "Erfordernis, Verbrechen zu begehen".
Es ist die Fortsetzung des Vortages.

2-2. Das folgende basiert auf "Appellationsschreiben" von mir (Nagano) als ein Beispiel,
In "Criminal Facts" von Polizeibeamten und Staatsanwälten wird "Rechtsverletzung" festgestellt.

1. Polizeibeamte missbrauchten am 14. Juni 2010 gegen 11.30 Uhr illegal ihre Autorität.
Niemand kann "Verbrechen" gegen mich erraten.
Und obwohl ich kein Verbrechen begangen habe, haben sie entschieden, dass ein Verbrechen vermutet wird.
Der Grund ist, dass ich "illegalem Chinesisch" einen "falschen Arbeitsvertrag" "geliefert" habe
Und sie sagen.


Ich habe es immer und immer wieder erklärt.

Auch wenn "hypothetisch", "das Arbeitsvertragsdokument" "falsch" ist, ist es kein Verbrechen.

Dieser Teil verweist auf Artikel 22-4-4 des Immigration Control Act selbst.

Chinesen beantragen "Erneuerung" des "Aufenthaltsstatus" bei der Einwanderungsbehörde in diesem "Arbeitsvertrag"
Wenn "Erneuerung" genehmigt ist, ist es nur "Stornierung".

Dies wird in Artikel 22-4-4 des Immigration Control Act deutlich gemacht.

Von Anfang an machten mich Polizeibeamte illegal zum Sünder in der "allgemeinen Theorie".

In diesem Fall "machen sie einen Sünder" in Verletzung des Gesetzes.

"Vorläufig" gebe ich ihren Anspruch "100%" zu.
Jedoch gegen "Verwaltungsstrafe" von (Rücktritt des ausländischen Wohnsitzes)
Ich kann meine japanische Nationalität nicht "schöpfen".
Ich kämpfe also nicht darum, ob "Vertragsdokumente für Beschäftigung" "falsch" oder "nein" sind.
Also werden sie "die Tat des Verbrechens ändern" und es zu einem "Verbrechen der Hilfe" gegen illegale Arbeit machen.
Es ist beängstigend.
Also "Governance unter dem Gesetz" ist notwendig.


Also in der "Setagaya Polizeiwache"
Sie verhafteten mich wegen "Verletzung der Unterstützung" wegen "Verstoßes gegen Einwanderungsgesetz" (illegale Arbeit aufgrund von Aktivitäten außerhalb des Status der Qualifikation) bei "Verdächtiger".
Vor der Festnahme forderten sie den "Tokyo Simplified Court" "Haftbefehl" von "false false".
Und "sie" mit "Haftbefehl, dessen Inhalt gefälscht ist"
Ich "drücke" meine "Freiheit, etwas zu machen" stark.
Und sie haben "verhört", indem sie "illegale Festnahme" ohne "irgendeine Verpflichtung" für mich gemacht haben.
Danach "Transfer" auf die "Tsukishima Polizeistation", "illegale Festnahme, Entbindung" durchgeführt, "verhört" durchgeführt.
Daher fallen die Handlungen der Polizeibeamten unter das Strafgesetz, dass ein besonderer Beamter die Behörde missbraucht hat. .

Ich werde morgen weiter machen.

Jeder in der internationalen Gemeinschaft, Japan ist ein Land der "Kamikaze" Spezialkorps.
Jeder auf der Welt, bitte machen Japan Japan "unter dem Gesetz des Gesetzes" geregelt.
Die japanische Regierung hat die Verpflichtung, sich zu entschuldigen und unsere Ehre wiederherzustellen sowie umgehend Schadensersatz zu leisten.
Aber die japanische Regierung lehnt diesen Fall heute ab.
Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben. Bitte hilf mir.

Präsident Donald Trumps Antwort ermutigt mich.
Präsident Donald J. Trump glaubt, dass die Stärke unseres Landes liegt
im Sinne des amerikanischen Volkes und seiner Bereitschaft, informiert zu bleiben
Präsident Trump weiß es zu schätzen, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, sich zu melden.

Das Material ist unten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

#MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-09-18: Le président Donald Tramp, en raison de la primauté du droit, Arrêtez "l'immigration illégale" et dites expulsion hors du pays. Mais les villes sanctuaires n'obéissent pas. Au Japon, arrêter des "étrangers légitimes" avec "une théorie générale non fondée sur le droit" "Rapatriement forcé" en tant que criminel. Bien que la violation du droit international, la communauté internationale est silencieuse. C'est fou! "ICC" aussi "acquiescer". Est-ce seulement résolu par le "terrorisme"?

<Courrier public>

Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais.
Les actes des policiers relèvent de l'article 194 du code pénal "crime qu'un fonctionnaire spécial a abusé de son autorité".
"Les crimes commis par des agents publics spéciaux à l'encontre de leur autorité" n'ont pas besoin d'être "délibérés" pour "constituer un crime".
C'est la continuation de la journée précédente.

2-2. Ce qui suit est basé sur "lettre d'appel" de moi (Nagano) comme exemple,
Dans "Faits criminels" des policiers et des procureurs, il est dit "atteinte aux droits".

1. Les fonctionnaires de police ont abusé illégalement de l'autorité qu'ils avaient vers 11h30 le 14 juin 2010.
Personne ne peut deviner "crime" contre moi.
Et même si je n'ai pas commis de crime, ils ont décidé qu'un crime serait déduit.
La raison en est que j'ai "fourni" un "faux contrat de travail" à "un chinois illégal"
Et ils disent.


Je l'ai expliqué encore et encore.

Même si "hypothétique", "contrat de travail" est "faux", ce n'est pas un crime.

Cette partie renvoie à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration elle-même.

Les Chinois demandent le "renouvellement" du "statut de résidence" au Bureau de l'immigration dans ce "contrat de travail"
Lorsque "renouvellement" est approuvé, ce n'est que "annulation".

C'est clairement indiqué à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.

Dès le départ, les policiers ont illégalement fait de moi un pécheur dans la "théorie générale".

Dans ce cas, ils "font un pécheur" en violation de la loi.

"Provisoirement", j'admets leur demande "100%".
Cependant, contre "sanction administrative" de (annulation de résidence étrangère)
Je ne peux pas "scoop" ma nationalité japonaise.
Donc, je ne me bat pas pour savoir si les "documents contractuels pour l'emploi" sont "faux" ou "non".
Ils vont donc "changer le fait du crime" et en faire un "crime d'assistance" contre le travail illégal.
C'est effrayant.
Donc "la gouvernance sous la loi" est nécessaire.


Donc, au poste de police de Setagaya
Ils m'ont arrêté pour «violation de soutien» pour «violation de la loi sur l'immigration» (travail illégal en raison d'activités en dehors du statut de qualification) au «suspect».
Avant leur arrestation, ils ont demandé le "mandat d'arrêt" de "faux faux" au "tribunal simplifié de Tokyo".
Et "ils" avec "mandat d'arrêt dont le contenu est de faux mensonges"
Je "exerce une forte pression" sur ma "liberté de fabrication".
Et ils ont "interrogé" en faisant "une arrestation / détention illégale" sans "aucune obligation" pour moi.
Après cela, "transfert" au "poste de police de Tsukishima", "arrestation illégale, détention" menée, "interrogée".
Par conséquent, les actes des agents de police "relèvent du crime" pénal 194 "commis par un agent public spécial." .

Je continuerai demain.

Tout le monde dans la communauté internationale, le Japon est un pays de corps spécial "Kamikaze".
Tout le monde dans le monde, s'il vous plaît, faites du Japon le Japon "régi par la loi".
Le gouvernement japonais a l'obligation de s'excuser et de restaurer notre honneur et de payer des dommages-intérêts rapidement.
Mais le gouvernement japonais rejette cette affaire aujourd'hui.
Il y a une limite à la vie. S'il vous plaît, aidez-moi.

La réponse du président Donald Trump m'encourage.
Le président Donald J. Trump croit que la force de notre pays repose
dans l'esprit du peuple américain et sa volonté de rester informé
et impliquez-vous, le président Trump vous apprécie de prendre le temps de tendre la main.

Le matériel est ci-dessous.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-09-18: President Donald Trumph arrests "illegal immigrants" by rule of law and says to expel them from the country. But sanctuary cities do not obey. In Japan, "legitimate foreigners" are arrested for "general theory not based on law" and are "forcibly repatriated" as criminals. Although international law violation, the international community is silent. It's crazy! "ICC" also "acquiesce". Is it solved only by "terrorism"?

<Public mail>

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
The acts of police officers fall under Article 194 of the Criminal Code "a crime
that a special civil servant abused its authority."
"Crimes that special public officials abused their authority" do not need "willfulness"
as "requirements to constitute crime".
It is the continuation of the previous day.

2-2. The following is based on "letter of appeal" of me (Nagano) as an example,
In "Criminal Facts" of police officers and prosecutors,
"infringement of rights" is stated.

1. Police officials illegally abused the authority they have about 11:30 on June 14,
No one can guess "crime" against me.

And even though I have not committed a crime,
they decided that a crime would be inferred.
The reason is that they say "I provided" false contracts
of employment "to" illegal Chinese who "who worked.


I've explained it over and over so far.

Even if "hypothetical", "the contract document of employment" is "false",
it is not a crime.
This part points to Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act, itself.

When the Chinese applies for "renewal" of "status of residence" to the Immigration Bureau
in this "contract document of employment",
and "renewal" is approved, it is only "cancellation".

It is clearly stated in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

From the outset, police officers illegally made me a sinner in "general theory".

In this case, they "make a sinner" in violation of the law.

"Tentatively", I admit their claim "100%".
However, I can not "strike" my Japanese nationality against the "administrative penalty"
of the cancellation of foreign nationals' residence.

So, I am not fighting whether "contract documents for employment" is "false" or "no".

So, they will "change the fact of the crime"
and make it a "crime of assistance" against illegal labor. It is frightening.

So "governance under the law" is necessary.


So at the "Setagaya Police Station" they arrested me
for "charges of supporting crimes" for illegal labor due to immigration laws
(activities outside the qualifications).

Before arrest, they requested the "Tokyo Simplified Court" "arrest warrant"
of "false false".

And "they" "heavily pressure" my "Decision making freedom"
with "an arrest warrant whose content is fake lies."

And they did "interrogate" by doing "illegal arrest / confinement"
without "any obligation" to me.

After that, "transfer" to the "Tsukishima police station",
"illegal arrest, confinement" conducted, "interrogated" conducted.

Therefore, the acts of police officers "falls under" criminal law 194 "crime
that a special public official abused the authority". .

I will continue on tomorrow.

Everyone in the international community, Japan is a country of "Kamikaze" special corps.
Everyone in the world, please make Japan Japan "governed under the law of the law".

The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize

and restore our honor and to pay damages promptly.

But the Japanese government is rejecting this case today.

There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

To Everyone in the world 2018-09-18: President Donald Trumph arrests "illegal immigrants" by rule of law and says to expel them from the country. But sanctuary cities do not obey. In Japan, "legitimate foreigners" are arrested for "general theory not based on law" and are "forcibly repatriated" as criminals. Although international law violation, the international community is silent. It's crazy! "ICC" also "acquiesce". Is it solved only by "terrorism"?

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
The acts of police officers fall under Article 194 of the Criminal Code "a crime
that a special civil servant abused its authority."
"Crimes that special public officials abused their authority" do not need "willfulness"
as "requirements to constitute crime".
It is the continuation of the previous day.

2-2. The following is based on "letter of appeal" of me (Nagano) as an example,
In "Criminal Facts" of police officers and prosecutors,
"infringement of rights" is stated.

1. Police officials illegally abused the authority they have about 11:30 on June 14,
No one can guess "crime" against me.

And even though I have not committed a crime,
they decided that a crime would be inferred.
The reason is that they say "I provided" false contracts
of employment "to" illegal Chinese who "who worked.


I've explained it over and over so far.

Even if "hypothetical", "the contract document of employment" is "false",
it is not a crime.
This part points to Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act, itself.

When the Chinese applies for "renewal" of "status of residence" to the Immigration Bureau
in this "contract document of employment",
and "renewal" is approved, it is only "cancellation".

It is clearly stated in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

From the outset, police officers illegally made me a sinner in "general theory".

In this case, they "make a sinner" in violation of the law.

"Tentatively", I admit their claim "100%".
However, I can not "strike" my Japanese nationality against the "administrative penalty"
of the cancellation of foreign nationals' residence.

So, I am not fighting whether "contract documents for employment" is "false" or "no".

So, they will "change the fact of the crime"
and make it a "crime of assistance" against illegal labor. It is frightening.

So "governance under the law" is necessary.


So at the "Setagaya Police Station" they arrested me
for "charges of supporting crimes" for illegal labor due to immigration laws
(activities outside the qualifications).

Before arrest, they requested the "Tokyo Simplified Court" "arrest warrant"
of "false false".

And "they" "heavily pressure" my "Decision making freedom"
with "an arrest warrant whose content is fake lies."

And they did "interrogate" by doing "illegal arrest / confinement"
without "any obligation" to me.

After that, "transfer" to the "Tsukishima police station",
"illegal arrest, confinement" conducted, "interrogated" conducted.

Therefore, the acts of police officers "falls under" criminal law 194 "crime
that a special public official abused the authority". .

I will continue on tomorrow.

Everyone in the international community, Japan is a country of "Kamikaze" special corps.
Everyone in the world, please make Japan Japan "governed under the law of the law".

The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize

and restore our honor and to pay damages promptly.

But the Japanese government is rejecting this case today.

There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-09-17】

September 16, 2018

Thank you for your email. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and suggestions.
As Hurricane Florence makes landfall on parts of the East Coast, my Administration will continue to work with Federal agencies and State leaders to provide immediate access to any additional support needed to protect lives and ensure the safety and security of those affected.
I encourage those in the path of Hurricane Florence to heed the advice of local and State officials regarding storm preparations and evacuations. For up-to-date information and resources dedicated to your area, visit www.FEMA.gov/hurricane-florence or www.weather.gov/wrn/florence.
As we monitor the storm, the First Lady and I ask that you join us in prayer for the safety of our fellow Americans, and we encourage you to look for ways to support the efforts of our community partners and non-profit organizations as they provide assistance to communities before and after the storm.
May God bless America.
Donald Trump
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

To President Trump 2018-09-17: President Donald Trumph arrests "illegal immigrants" by rule of law and says expulsion outside the country. But sanctuary cities do not obey. In Japan, "legitimate foreigners" are arrested for "general theory not based on law" and are "forcibly repatriated" as criminals. Although international law violation, the international community is silent. It's crazy! "ICC" also "acquiesce". Is it solved only by "terrorism"?

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Japan has given prosecutors "monopoly right of indictment".
The prosecution "crushes" the "indictment" and "accusation letter"
of the "offense made by prosecutors and others".
It is exactly "judicial dictatorship".
It is the continuation of the previous week.

In Japan's judicial system, there is a "retrial invoicing system",
but the reason can not be claimed with "mistake in applicable law".
However, when a crime such as a police officer involved in the incident is confirmed,
you can request a retrial.
Crime of police officers, prosecutors and judges is obvious. That sin,
They carried out "arrest / detention" despite the fact that we do not violate the law.
The name of sin is "a crime that a special civil servant abused" authority ".
Despite not becoming a crime, they made a "complaint"
for the purpose of impose us punishment. That is "a crime of false accusations."
 "Intentional" is not necessary as "criminal composition requirement".

So I submitted it to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office
and the Metropolitan Police Department etc.
Those related to me are "Accusation like".
And those for Chinese and Filipinos were "Accusation letter".
However, no matter how many times they submit,
they will not "accept" as "crime is not clear".

Since Japan has given "prosecution monopoly right" to prosecutors,
we can not trial as a criminal case unless the prosecution accepts "Accusation
like" "Accusation letter".

If the prosecution accepts "Accusation like" "Accusation letter"
and makes it "Non-prosecution",
there is a method of compulsory indictment by making a "request for examination"
to the "prosecution review board" of the court.
However, since the prosecution is not accepted,
the last method of relief has also run out.
We also filed a "request for review" at the "Tokyo Prosecution Review Board"
at the premise of "rejecting"
The prosecution was "rejected" for reasons that it was not prosecuted.

While suing "ICC", "statute of limitations" of "Appeal" for "abuse of authority
by special public officials" and "false charges" has "gone".
However, since this case is "force majeure" in "exercise" of "power" by the state,
I think that "statute of limitations" is stopped

I will continue on tomorrow.

Everyone in the international community,
Japan is a country of "Kamikaze" special corps.
Everyone in the world, please make Japan Japan "governed under the law of the law".
The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore our honor
and to pay damages promptly.
But the Japanese government is rejecting this case today.
There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-09-17: Präsident Donald Tramp, aufgrund der Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Verhaftung "illegaler Einwanderung" und sagen Ausweisung außerhalb des Landes. Aber Heiligtumsstädte gehorchen nicht. In Japan Festnahme "legitimer Ausländer" mit "allgemeiner, nicht auf Gesetz beruhender Theorie" "Zwangsrückführung" als Krimineller. Obwohl die internationalen Gesetze verletzt werden, schweigt die internationale Gemeinschaft. Es ist verrückt! "ICC" auch "dulden". Wird es nur durch "Terrorismus" gelöst?

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Japan hat der Staatsanwaltschaft ein "Monopol der Anklage" gegeben.
Die Anklage "vernichtet" die "Anklage" und den "Anklagebrief" des "Vergehens der Staatsanwälte und anderer".
Es ist genau "Justizdiktatur".
Es ist die Fortsetzung der letzten Woche.

In Japans Rechtssystem gibt es ein "Retrial Billing System", aber der Grund kann nicht mit "Fehler im geltenden Recht" geltend gemacht werden. Wenn jedoch ein Verbrechen wie ein an dem Vorfall beteiligter Polizeibeamter bestätigt wird, können Sie ein Wiederaufnahmeverfahren beantragen.
Das Verbrechen von Polizisten, Anklägern und Richtern ist offensichtlich. Diese Sünde,
Sie haben "Festnahme / Haft" trotz der Tatsache, dass wir nicht gegen das Gesetz verstoßen.
Der Name der Sünde ist "ein Verbrechen, das ein besonderer Beamter" Autorität "missbrauchte".

Obwohl sie kein Verbrechen wurden, erhoben sie eine "Beschwerde", um uns eine Strafe aufzuerlegen.
Das ist "ein Verbrechen falscher Anschuldigungen". "Intentional" ist als "kriminelle Kompositionsvoraussetzung" nicht notwendig.

Also habe ich es der Bezirksstaatsanwaltschaft Tokyo und der Metropolitan Police Department usw. eingereicht.
Die mit mir verwandten sind "Anklage wie".
Und die für Chinesen und Filipinos waren "Anschuldigungsschreiben".
Aber egal wie oft sie einreichen, werden sie nicht "akzeptieren", da "das Verbrechen nicht klar ist".

Da Japan Staatsanwälten ein "ausschließliches Strafverfolgungsrecht" gewährt hat,
Es sei denn, die Staatsanwaltschaft akzeptiert "Anklage wie" "Anklage"
Wir können nicht als krimineller Fall verhandeln.

Wenn die Staatsanwaltschaft "Anklage wie" "Beschuldigungsschreiben" erhält und es zur "Nicht-Strafverfolgung" macht
Es gibt eine Methode der erzwungenen Strafverfolgung, indem ein "Prüfungsantrag" beim "Strafprüfungsausschuss" des Gerichts gestellt wird.
Da die Strafverfolgung jedoch nicht akzeptiert wird, ist auch die letzte Form der Erleichterung abgelaufen.
Wir haben auch einen "Antrag auf Überprüfung" beim "Tokyo Prosecution Review Board" unter der Prämisse "Ablehnung" gestellt.
Die Anklage wurde aus Gründen, dass sie nicht verfolgt wurde, "zurückgewiesen".

Während Klage gegen "ICC"
"Appell" von "Amtsmissbrauch durch besondere Amtsträger" und "Strafanzeigen wegen falscher Anklagen"
"Verjährung" hat "bestanden".
Da dieser Vorfall jedoch "höhere Gewalt" in "Ausübung" der "Macht" durch den Staat ist,
Ich denke, dass "Verjährung" gestoppt wird

Ich werde morgen weiter machen.

Jeder in der internationalen Gemeinschaft, Japan ist ein Land der "Kamikaze" Spezialkorps.
Jeder auf der Welt, bitte machen Japan Japan "unter dem Gesetz des Gesetzes" geregelt.
Die japanische Regierung hat die Verpflichtung, sich zu entschuldigen und unsere Ehre wiederherzustellen sowie umgehend Schadensersatz zu leisten.
Aber die japanische Regierung lehnt diesen Fall heute ab.
Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben. Bitte hilf mir.

Präsident Donald Trumps Antwort ermutigt mich.
Präsident Donald J. Trump glaubt, dass die Stärke unseres Landes liegt
im Sinne des amerikanischen Volkes und seiner Bereitschaft, informiert zu bleiben
Präsident Trump weiß es zu schätzen, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, sich zu melden.

Das Material ist unten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-09-17: Le président Donald Tramp, en raison de la primauté du droit, Arrêtez "l'immigration illégale" et dites expulsion hors du pays. Mais les villes sanctuaires n'obéissent pas. Au Japon, arrêter des "étrangers légitimes" avec "une théorie générale non fondée sur le droit" "Rapatriement forcé" en tant que criminel. Bien que la violation du droit international, la communauté internationale est silencieuse. C'est fou! "ICC" aussi "acquiescer". Est-ce seulement résolu par le "terrorisme"?

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme!

Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais. Le Japon a accordé aux procureurs le "droit d’accusation".
L'accusation "écrase" "l'acte d'accusation" et la "lettre d'accusation" de "l'infraction commise par les procureurs et autres".
C'est exactement "la dictature judiciaire".
C'est la continuation de la semaine précédente.

Dans le système judiciaire japonais, il existe un "système de révision de la révision", mais la raison ne peut être invoquée avec "une erreur dans la loi applicable". Cependant, lorsqu'un crime tel qu'un policier impliqué dans l'incident est confirmé, vous pouvez demander un nouveau procès.
Le crime des policiers, des procureurs et des juges est évident. Ce péché,
Ils ont procédé à une "arrestation / détention" bien que nous ne violions pas la loi.
Le nom du péché est "un crime dont un fonctionnaire spécial a abusé" de l'autorité ".

En dépit de ne pas devenir un crime, ils ont fait une "plainte" afin de nous imposer une peine.
C'est "un crime de fausses accusations". "Intentionnel" n'est pas nécessaire en tant que "condition de composition criminelle".

Je l'ai donc soumis au bureau du procureur du district de Tokyo et au département de la police métropolitaine, etc.
Ceux qui me sont apparentés sont "Accusation like".
Et ceux pour le chinois et les philippins étaient "lettre d'accusation".
Cependant, peu importe le nombre de fois qu'ils soumettent, ils n'accepteront pas comme "le crime n'est pas clair".

Étant donné que le Japon a accordé un "droit exclusif de poursuite" aux procureurs,
À moins que l'accusation n'accepte "Accusation comme" "lettre d'accusation"
Nous ne pouvons pas juger comme une affaire pénale.

Si l'accusation reçoit une "accusation comme" "une lettre d'accusation" et la fait "non-poursuite"
Il existe une méthode de poursuite forcée en faisant une "demande d’examen" au "comité de révision" du tribunal.
Cependant, étant donné que les poursuites ne sont pas acceptées, la dernière méthode de secours est également épuisée.
Nous avons également déposé une "demande de révision" auprès de la "Commission de révision des poursuites de Tokyo" sur le principe de "rejet"
L'accusation a été "rejetée" pour des raisons qui n'ont pas été poursuivies.

En cours de procès contre "ICC"
"Appel" de "Abus de pouvoir par des agents publics spéciaux" et "Accusations criminelles de fausses accusations"
"Statut of limitations" a "passé".
Cependant, cet incident étant un "cas de force majeure" dans "l'exercice" du "pouvoir" par l'État,
Je pense que le "délai de prescription" est arrêté

Je continuerai demain.

Tout le monde dans la communauté internationale, le Japon est un pays de corps spécial "Kamikaze".
Tout le monde dans le monde, s'il vous plaît, faites du Japon le Japon "régi par la loi".
Le gouvernement japonais a l'obligation de s'excuser et de restaurer notre honneur et de payer des dommages-intérêts rapidement.
Mais le gouvernement japonais rejette cette affaire aujourd'hui.
Il y a une limite à la vie. S'il vous plaît, aidez-moi.

La réponse du président Donald Trump m'encourage.
Le président Donald J. Trump croit que la force de notre pays repose
dans l'esprit du peuple américain et sa volonté de rester informé
et impliquez-vous, le président Trump vous apprécie de prendre le temps de tendre la main.

Le matériel est ci-dessous.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-09-17: President Donald Trumph arrests "illegal immigrants" by rule of law and says expulsion outside the country. But sanctuary cities do not obey. In Japan, "legitimate foreigners" are arrested for "general theory not based on law" and are "forcibly repatriated" as criminals. Although international law violation, the international community is silent. It's crazy! "ICC" also "acquiesce". Is it solved only by "terrorism"?

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Japan has given prosecutors "monopoly right of indictment".
The prosecution "crushes" the "indictment" and "accusation letter"
of the "offense made by prosecutors and others".
It is exactly "judicial dictatorship".
It is the continuation of the previous week.

In Japan's judicial system, there is a "retrial invoicing system",
but the reason can not be claimed with "mistake in applicable law".
However, when a crime such as a police officer involved in the incident is confirmed,
you can request a retrial.
Crime of police officers, prosecutors and judges is obvious. That sin,
They carried out "arrest / detention" despite the fact that we do not violate the law.
The name of sin is "a crime that a special civil servant abused" authority ".
Despite not becoming a crime, they made a "complaint"
for the purpose of impose us punishment. That is "a crime of false accusations."
 "Intentional" is not necessary as "criminal composition requirement".

So I submitted it to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office
and the Metropolitan Police Department etc.
Those related to me are "Accusation like".
And those for Chinese and Filipinos were "Accusation letter".
However, no matter how many times they submit,
they will not "accept" as "crime is not clear".

Since Japan has given "prosecution monopoly right" to prosecutors,
we can not trial as a criminal case unless the prosecution accepts "Accusation
like" "Accusation letter".

If the prosecution accepts "Accusation like" "Accusation letter"
and makes it "Non-prosecution",
there is a method of compulsory indictment by making a "request for examination"
to the "prosecution review board" of the court.
However, since the prosecution is not accepted,
the last method of relief has also run out.
We also filed a "request for review" at the "Tokyo Prosecution Review Board"
at the premise of "rejecting"
The prosecution was "rejected" for reasons that it was not prosecuted.

While suing "ICC", "statute of limitations" of "Appeal" for "abuse of authority
by special public officials" and "false charges" has "gone".
However, since this case is "force majeure" in "exercise" of "power" by the state,
I think that "statute of limitations" is stopped

I will continue on tomorrow.

Everyone in the international community,
Japan is a country of "Kamikaze" special corps.
Everyone in the world, please make Japan Japan "governed under the law of the law".
The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore our honor
and to pay damages promptly.
But the Japanese government is rejecting this case today.
There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

To Everyone in the world 2018-09-17: President Donald Trumph arrests "illegal immigrants" by rule of law and says expulsion outside the country. But sanctuary cities do not obey. In Japan, "legitimate foreigners" are arrested for "general theory not based on law" and are "forcibly repatriated" as criminals. Although international law violation, the international community is silent. It's crazy! "ICC" also "acquiesce". Is it solved only by "terrorism"?

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Japan has given prosecutors "monopoly right of indictment".
The prosecution "crushes" the "indictment" and "accusation letter"
of the "offense made by prosecutors and others".
It is exactly "judicial dictatorship".
It is the continuation of the previous week.

In Japan's judicial system, there is a "retrial invoicing system",
but the reason can not be claimed with "mistake in applicable law".
However, when a crime such as a police officer involved in the incident is confirmed,
you can request a retrial.
Crime of police officers, prosecutors and judges is obvious. That sin,
They carried out "arrest / detention" despite the fact that we do not violate the law.
The name of sin is "a crime that a special civil servant abused" authority ".
Despite not becoming a crime, they made a "complaint"
for the purpose of impose us punishment. That is "a crime of false accusations."
 "Intentional" is not necessary as "criminal composition requirement".

So I submitted it to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office
and the Metropolitan Police Department etc.
Those related to me are "Accusation like".
And those for Chinese and Filipinos were "Accusation letter".
However, no matter how many times they submit,
they will not "accept" as "crime is not clear".

Since Japan has given "prosecution monopoly right" to prosecutors,
we can not trial as a criminal case unless the prosecution accepts "Accusation
like" "Accusation letter".

If the prosecution accepts "Accusation like" "Accusation letter"
and makes it "Non-prosecution",
there is a method of compulsory indictment by making a "request for examination"
to the "prosecution review board" of the court.
However, since the prosecution is not accepted,
the last method of relief has also run out.
We also filed a "request for review" at the "Tokyo Prosecution Review Board"
at the premise of "rejecting"
The prosecution was "rejected" for reasons that it was not prosecuted.

While suing "ICC", "statute of limitations" of "Appeal" for "abuse of authority
by special public officials" and "false charges" has "gone".
However, since this case is "force majeure" in "exercise" of "power" by the state,
I think that "statute of limitations" is stopped

I will continue on tomorrow.

Everyone in the international community,
Japan is a country of "Kamikaze" special corps.
Everyone in the world, please make Japan Japan "governed under the law of the law".
The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore our honor
and to pay damages promptly.
But the Japanese government is rejecting this case today.
There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-09-16】 Thank you for your email. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and suggestions.

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-09-16

September 15, 2018

Thank you for your email. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and suggestions.
As Hurricane Florence makes landfall on parts of the East Coast, my Administration will continue to work with Federal agencies and State leaders to provide immediate access to any additional support needed to protect lives and ensure the safety and security of those affected.
I encourage those in the path of Hurricane Florence to heed the advice of local and State officials regarding storm preparations and evacuations. For up-to-date information and resources dedicated to your area, visit www.FEMA.gov/hurricane-florence or www.weather.gov/wrn/florence.
As we monitor the storm, the First Lady and I ask that you join us in prayer for the safety of our fellow Americans, and we encourage you to look for ways to support the efforts of our community partners and non-profit organizations as they provide assistance to communities before and after the storm.
May God bless America.
Donald Trump
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dear Sirs International people. Sunday version: September 16, 2018: Let's save "economic refugees"! Let's build a factory in "place of occurrence" of "economic refugees" by private enterprises. Let's create "employment"! Western countries should support private enterprises to "invest" with peace of mind!

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear sirs. In countries that generate 'economic refugees',
the political situation is unstable.
For private enterprises, building a factory in such countries is risky.
Therefore, "West side countries" jointly borrows "land leased land" for a certain period
of time from the country (poor country) where "economic refugees" occur,
so that "enterprises in the Western countries" can invest safely.

If "coup d'etre" occurs, "Western countries" will protect "leased land" by military power.
In that sense, I have said that "modern colonies" or "modern evacuation places".
In addition to the factory,
we will also build houses such as employees and "public facilities" such as "hospitals"
in "leased land". That is "city".

"Port" and "Airport" are also required to export and import raw materials
and products of products.
Construction of "port" and "airport" is necessary
in places without existing "harbor" and "airport".
Construction costs of "port" and "airport" will be borrowed
from "World Bank" with guarantee of "Western countries" and will be constructed.

For products manufactured at the factory, priority is given to products
that are difficult to manufacture in "Western countries",
such as "labor shortage" or "cheap wages".

It is absolutely necessary to avoid depriving the employment of workers
in the "Western countries".

By doing this, "collaboration" becomes possible between "Western countries"
and "poor countries".

Products manufactured at the factory will be mainly "manufacturing consigned goods"
of "Western countries".

Eventually we aim to be exported all over the world via "Western countries" companies.

In the future, I think that competing with products of Chinese enterprises in terms of price.

In the coming era, I think that "poor countries" will become factories in the world.

"Western countries" should not "lease land" from a dictatorship state = communist country.
The world should be composed of liberty and democracy.

Next time, I will continue.

Let's eliminate "terror crime" from the world! To that end,
the world must be "governed under the law." Help me!
There are many victims around the world.
Please support "appeal to ICC".

The material is below.

Since the translated document is inaccurate, please email us.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-09-15】

September 14, 2018

Thank you for your email. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and suggestions.
As Hurricane Florence makes landfall on parts of the East Coast, my Administration will continue to work with Federal agencies and State leaders to provide immediate access to any additional support needed to protect lives and ensure the safety and security of those affected.
I encourage those in the path of Hurricane Florence to heed the advice of local and State officials regarding storm preparations and evacuations. For up-to-date information and resources dedicated to your area, visit www.FEMA.gov/hurricane-florence or www.weather.gov/wrn/florence.
As we monitor the storm, the First Lady and I ask that you join us in prayer for the safety of our fellow Americans, and we encourage you to look for ways to support the efforts of our community partners and non-profit organizations as they provide assistance to communities before and after the storm.
May God bless America.
Donald Trump
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

#metoo Human rights victim! Dear Sirs International people. Saturday version September 15, 2018: NO 4: Prison called monkey planet. A suspect who is on bail will go to the "public prosecutors office" to receive "punishment" when "judgment" is "fixed".

<Public mail>

Dear sirs. Please know the "criminal penalty" in Japan.
This story is my actual experience. "Imprisonment" is "punish people, criminal punishment".
It differs from the West. I obeyed the law.
But why was I being imprisoned in prison? It is the continuation of the previous week.

Chapter 2, Prison called monkey planet
When the sentence is confirmed, he will first appear at the public prosecutors office
and be "imprisoned" at the "detention house".
There is a physical exam to inspect up to the hole of the ass.

In the "detention house" life before the decision of the judgment, underwear,
clothing etc. are in principle "individual clothes".
However, after the judgment is confirmed,
the life in the "detention house" is the same as "inmate" in "prison", underwear,
clothing etc are all lent.

"Penal sentences" like "Wage work to do between housework"
that creates "paper products" such as "envelopes" will start in the room of "detention house".
And one month later, each will be sent to the prison of.

A month later, it will be sent to prison in prison sentence
Prisons are also divided for men and women.
And there seems to be various types such as 'prison of those who first committed crime'
and 'prison of those who once again committed crime' that are being "imprisoned"
for the first time.

This "prison" is a man's "prison of those who committed a crime for the first time".
Some of them are "outsourced" to private security companies,
but "prison officers" are mostly civil servants of the country.
There is a physical examination again in the "prison" to inspect the hole of the ass.
This is "the prison of those who committed a crime for the first time",
so there is no one such as a person accustomed to prison life.
The only one is "experienced" who was "housed" in "juvenile prison" etc.

Nobody knows the rules of "prison life". The only person who knows is "prison officer".
"Screaming out", "Voice attacking personality" "Prison work" begins.
"Prison officer" will "threaten" the "sentenced person".
It seems that they think that if they "intimidate" "inmate" they will "quiet."
It is exactly a crazy world.

I will continue on next week.

Let's eliminate "terror crime" from the world! To that end,
the world must be "governed under the law." Help me! There are many victims around the world.
Please support "appeal to ICC".

The material is below.

Since the translated document is inaccurate, please email us.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-09-14】

September 13, 2018

I appreciate you taking the time to send me an email. Last week, the Labor Department released its monthly Employment Situation Report, and I want to share with you the tremendous results.
America’s booming economy can be summed up in three words—jobs, jobs, jobs. Just last month, the United States economy added 201,000 jobs. Employment growth has averaged 207,000 jobs per month in 2018—larger than the gains in 2016 and 2017. Since November of 2016, we have added more than 4 million jobs to our Nation’s economy.
As Americans find increased opportunities to rejoin the workforce, unemployment levels are reaching historic lows. At 3.9 percent, the unemployment rate is at one of its lowest levels in half a century. Moreover, the National Federation of Independent Business is reporting record levels of optimism, and the Consumer Confidence Index recently reached its highest level in 17 years.
Thank you again for taking the time to write. As President, I will continue to unleash the full potential of America’s economy.
Donald Trump

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

To President Trump 2018-09-14: Japan has made foreigners "labor" under the name of "trainee". Since it is a slave labor, there are many fugitives. They are exiled outside the country as "criminals" if they are caught. In comparison, President Donald Trump is a great good man.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. On a daily basis, "humanitarian crimes" caused
by international law violations are taking place.
Why is the Japanese Government's violation of international law permitted?
It is the continuation of the previous day.

Kin Gungaku, which was considered as an accomplice,
was the same punishment as myself, but because he acknowledged the crime,
he became "suspended execution" instead of being sentenced to deportation to China
at the end of October 2010.

Four Chinese had been sentenced to a fine and imprisonment
for one and a half years imprisonment by around August 2010,
but they are deported to China by "suspended execution".

I and 4 Chinese people and Kin Gungaku,
Article 14 of the Constitution of Japan (equality under the law) paragraph 1,
"All citizens are equal under the law and are not discriminated against in political,
economic or social relations by race, creed,
gender, social status or" lineage Lineage ". ",

Then, Article 31 of the Japanese Constitution,
"No one shall be deprived of its life or freedom unless undertaken by the law,
and no other punishment can be imposed."

"Procedure prescribed by law" refers to the law legislated in the Diet.

It is not permissible to make us a criminal by "general theory"!

It is not permissible to make us a criminal by 'the power of the state'!

The "International Covenant on Citizenship and Political Rights" ratified by Japan
Article 2 (1) (3), Article 4 (1),
Article 5 (2),
Article 9 (1) (5),
Article 13,
Article 14 (6),
Article 15 (1),
Article 16,
Article 17,
Article 26,

These are clearly in breach.

We are never charged for any crime, it is "false charges".

I will continue on next week.

Everyone in the international community, Japan is a country of "Kamikaze" special corps.
Everyone in the world, please make Japan Japan "governed under the law of the law".

The Japanese government has an obligation to apologize and restore our honor
and to pay damages promptly.
But the Japanese government is rejecting this case today.

There is a limit to life. Please help me.

President Donald Trump 's reply encourages me.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our American people
and their willingness to stay informed and get involved.
President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.

The material is below.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-09-14: Japan hat Ausländer zu "Arbeitern" unter dem Namen "Azubi" gemacht. Da es sich um Sklavenarbeit handelt, gibt es viele Flüchtlinge. Sie werden als "Kriminelle" ins Ausland verbannt, wenn sie erwischt werden. Im Vergleich dazu ist Präsident Donald Trump ein großartiger guter Mann.

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Täglich finden "humanitäre Verbrechen" aufgrund von Verstößen gegen das Völkerrecht statt.
Warum ist die Verletzung des internationalen Rechts durch die japanische Regierung zulässig?
Es ist die Fortsetzung des Vortages.

Kin Gungaku, der als Komplize getäuscht wurde, war die gleiche Bestrafung wie ich, aber seit er Sünde zugelassen hat,
Sie wurde nicht zu einer Haftstrafe verurteilt, sondern wurde "ausgesetzt" und Ende Oktober 2010 zwangsweise nach China abgeschoben.
Vier Chinesen wurden bis August 2010 zu etwa anderthalb Jahren zu Haftstrafen und Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt,
Es wird nach China mit "suspendierter Hinrichtung" deportiert.

Ich und 4 Chinesen und Kin Gungaku,
Artikel 14 der Verfassung Japans (Gleichheit unter dem Gesetz) Absatz 1,
"Alle Bürger sind gleich nach dem Gesetz und nach Rasse, Glaubensbekenntnis, Geschlecht, sozialem Status oder" Abstammung Linie "
Es wird nicht in politischen, wirtschaftlichen oder sozialen Beziehungen diskriminiert. ",

Dann, Artikel 31 der japanischen Verfassung,
"Niemand darf seines Lebens oder seiner Freiheit beraubt werden, es sei denn nach den gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Verfahren,
Oder keine andere Strafe. "

"Gesetzlich vorgeschriebenes Verfahren" bezieht sich auf das Gesetz, das im Landtag erlassen wurde.

Es ist nicht erlaubt, uns durch "allgemeine Theorie" zum Verbrecher zu machen!

Es ist nicht erlaubt, uns durch "die Macht des Staates" zum Verbrecher zu machen!

Der von Japan ratifizierte "Internationale Pakt über Staatsbürgerschaft und politische Rechte"
Artikel 2 Absatz 1 Nummer 3, Artikel 4 Absatz 1,
Artikel 5 Absatz 2,
Artikel 9 Absatz 1 Nummer 5,
Artikel 13,
Artikel 14 Absatz 6,
Artikel 15 Absatz 1,
Artikel 16,
Artikel 17,
Artikel 26,
Diese sind eindeutig in Verletzung.

Wir werden niemals für ein Verbrechen angeklagt, es sind "falsche Gebühren".

Ich werde nächste Woche weiter machen.

Jeder in der internationalen Gemeinschaft, Japan ist ein Land der "Kamikaze" Spezialkorps.
Jeder auf der Welt, bitte machen Japan Japan "unter dem Gesetz des Gesetzes" geregelt.

Die japanische Regierung hat die Verpflichtung, sich zu entschuldigen und unsere Ehre wiederherzustellen sowie umgehend Schadensersatz zu leisten.
Aber die japanische Regierung lehnt diesen Fall heute ab.

Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben. Bitte hilf mir.

Präsident Donald Trumps Antwort ermutigt mich.
Präsident Donald J. Trump glaubt, dass die Stärke unseres Landes liegt
im Sinne des amerikanischen Volkes und seiner Bereitschaft, informiert zu bleiben
Präsident Trump weiß es zu schätzen, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, sich zu melden.

Das Material ist unten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Edición del sábado 1 de febrero de 2025.En lugar de declarar una emergencia nacional en la frontera sur, deberíamos crear zonas económicas especiales. Podemos confinar a los inmigrantes ilegales para que trabajen en las zonas económicas especiales.

 Edición del sábado 1 de febrero de 2025. Trump es investido presidente. En su discurso inaugural, hizo de la inmigración ilegal su máxima p...