
Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2018-10-24: The Japanese government "induces" the yen rate cheaply against the dollar. This is "Avenomics". "Company" withdraws from overseas and returns factory to Japan. So the workers are short. The government announced massive acceptance of "simple workers". This is a "trap".

<Public mail> # MeToo Human rights victim!

Joseon International Youth Travel Agency

Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.
This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc.
The White House gives us a reply e-mail every time!

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

2018-10-24: The Japanese government "induces" the yen rate cheaply against the dollar.
This is "Avenomics". "Company" withdraws from overseas and returns factory to Japan.
So the workers are short. The government announced massive acceptance of "simple workers".
This is a "trap".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Japanese police arrested in "general theory".
Because the police arrested illegally, they can not explain the reason in "logic of law".
So the police say:
"You should accept criminal offense in general theory" (Ippanron de Mitomero).

When I heard this phrase, the Japanese government's "abduction problem of Japan" is only "lie".
That is the usual 'fables' of the Japanese government.
It is the continuation from the previous day. In case

It is a crime of "violation of applicable law" obviously.
Please look at the indictment. I was charged with "supporting the violation of Immigration Act"
and was "arrested and captured" in June 2010.
In the following year's April 2011, "sentence of labor" received one and a half years
and "fine" 500,000 yen "judgment" received.
In June 2011, two months after the judgment,
at last the "Tokyo High Court" made "temporary release".
"Appeals" to the "Tokyo High Court", but will be "rejected" in October 2011.
"Appeal" to the "Supreme Court" but not January 2012 "violation of constitution"
but merely "mistake of applicable law".
"Supreme Court" was "dismissed" because it is not "deliberation matter" of "Supreme Court"
by the "Criminal Procedure Law".
It was "imprisoned" in prison in March 2012.
Even in jail "Interview of temporary release",
I did not approve the "impression" of sin by state power.
So the prison does not accept "temporary release" because there is no "heart to reflect sin".
Eventually, I was "released" from the prison on March 19, 2013
by the law for the longest number of days.
My "body" was "exhausted".
It was just before "death".

It seems that it was divided into opinion of "prison official"
of Tochigi prefecture (Kurobane) prison.
1. (Nagano) is not a "criminal". So those who claim to have "temporary release".
2. Let's suppose that (Nagano) is to be "temporary release".
Then "request for retrial" becomes difficult.
So those who insist that Nagano's "temporary release" will not be done.

The prison official says.
"When we were young, we studied the law ...
For that reason, I chose a prison as a job.
I was moved by my heart.
The prison official says.
Do not do "talk about requests for retrial" in "temporary interview"! .
"Responsible for prison" at the factory of "labor punishment" says.
You should refuse "temporary release"! .
This was the "support" of "utmost" that the prison "prison officer" can resist state power.
The prison officer understands Japanese law more than "prosecutor and judge".
Japan has not died yet.
So I am fighting every day like this.

State power (police officials, prosecutors,
exercising authority of judges) clearly violates the "basic human rights" of the Constitution.
In other words, it is "human rights violation".
"This crime" is a "crime that falsifies the application of law",
so "document of indictment" and "provision of law" are sufficient.
Criminal trial "is judged only by" written matter "of" prosecution document ".
Everyone, please look at "document of indictment" again.
And "spread" the criminal justice of Japan in the international community.
"The crime of Japanese abductions" by North Korea is the "fictional story"
of the Japanese government.
Please also "spread" this.
The North Korean government should not be defeated
by the Japanese government's "fictional stories"!

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report the "illegal abduction detention problem" as a matter
of violation of the immigration law of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work.
They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

It seems that recent Japanese government has noticed my argument.
The police have not arrested.
The Immigration Bureau has arrested them and is "forcibly repatriated to their home country."
※ There are many victims in the past. The Japanese government should "recover honor"
and "compensate for damage!"
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

asuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-10-24】

October 23, 2018

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

To President Trump 2018-10-24: The Japanese government "induces" the yen rate cheaply against the dollar. This is "Avenomics". "Company" withdraws from overseas and returns factory to Japan. So the workers are short. The government announced massive acceptance of "simple workers". This is a "trap".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-10-24: The Japanese government "induces" the yen rate cheaply against the dollar.
This is "Avenomics". "Company" withdraws from overseas and returns factory to Japan.
So the workers are short. The government announced massive acceptance of "simple workers".
This is a "trap".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Japanese police arrested in "general theory".
Because the police arrested illegally, they can not explain the reason in "logic of law".
So the police say:
"You should accept criminal offense in general theory" (Ippanron de Mitomero).

When I heard this phrase, the Japanese government's "abduction problem of Japan" is only "lie".
That is the usual 'fables' of the Japanese government.
It is the continuation from the previous day. In case

It is a crime of "violation of applicable law" obviously.
Please look at the indictment. I was charged with "supporting the violation of Immigration Act"
and was "arrested and captured" in June 2010.
In the following year's April 2011, "sentence of labor" received one and a half years
and "fine" 500,000 yen "judgment" received.
In June 2011, two months after the judgment,
at last the "Tokyo High Court" made "temporary release".
"Appeals" to the "Tokyo High Court", but will be "rejected" in October 2011.
"Appeal" to the "Supreme Court" but not January 2012 "violation of constitution"
but merely "mistake of applicable law".
"Supreme Court" was "dismissed" because it is not "deliberation matter" of "Supreme Court"
by the "Criminal Procedure Law".
It was "imprisoned" in prison in March 2012.
Even in jail "Interview of temporary release",
I did not approve the "impression" of sin by state power.
So the prison does not accept "temporary release" because there is no "heart to reflect sin".
Eventually, I was "released" from the prison on March 19, 2013
by the law for the longest number of days.
My "body" was "exhausted".
It was just before "death".

It seems that it was divided into opinion of "prison official"
of Tochigi prefecture (Kurobane) prison.
1. (Nagano) is not a "criminal". So those who claim to have "temporary release".
2. Let's suppose that (Nagano) is to be "temporary release".
Then "request for retrial" becomes difficult.
So those who insist that Nagano's "temporary release" will not be done.

The prison official says.
"When we were young, we studied the law ...
For that reason, I chose a prison as a job.
I was moved by my heart.
The prison official says.
Do not do "talk about requests for retrial" in "temporary interview"! .
"Responsible for prison" at the factory of "labor punishment" says.
You should refuse "temporary release"! .
This was the "support" of "utmost" that the prison "prison officer" can resist state power.
The prison officer understands Japanese law more than "prosecutor and judge".
Japan has not died yet.
So I am fighting every day like this.

State power (police officials, prosecutors,
exercising authority of judges) clearly violates the "basic human rights" of the Constitution.
In other words, it is "human rights violation".
"This crime" is a "crime that falsifies the application of law",
so "document of indictment" and "provision of law" are sufficient.
Criminal trial "is judged only by" written matter "of" prosecution document ".
Everyone, please look at "document of indictment" again.
And "spread" the criminal justice of Japan in the international community.
"The crime of Japanese abductions" by North Korea is the "fictional story"
of the Japanese government.
Please also "spread" this.
The North Korean government should not be defeated
by the Japanese government's "fictional stories"!

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report the "illegal abduction detention problem" as a matter
of violation of the immigration law of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work.
They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

It seems that recent Japanese government has noticed my argument.
The police have not arrested.
The Immigration Bureau has arrested them and is "forcibly repatriated to their home country."
※ There are many victims in the past. The Japanese government should "recover honor"
and "compensate for damage!"
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


#MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-10-24: Die japanische Regierung "induziert" den Yen-Kurs günstig gegenüber dem Dollar. Das ist "Avenomics". "Company" zieht sich aus Übersee zurück und kehrt Fabrik nach Japan zurück. Die Arbeiter sind also klein. Die Regierung kündigte massive Akzeptanz von "einfachen Arbeitern" an. Dies ist eine "Falle".

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

2018-10-24: Die japanische Regierung "induziert" den Yen-Kurs günstig gegenüber dem Dollar.
Das ist "Avenomics". "Company" zieht sich aus Übersee zurück und kehrt Fabrik nach Japan zurück.
Die Arbeiter sind also klein.
Die Regierung kündigte massive Akzeptanz von "einfachen Arbeitern" an. Dies ist eine "Falle".

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Japanische Polizei verhaftet in "allgemeiner Theorie".
Da die Polizei illegal verhaftet wurde, können sie den Grund der "Logik des Gesetzes" nicht erklären.
Also sagt die Polizei:
"Sie sollten Straftaten in der allgemeinen Theorie akzeptieren" (Ippanron de Mitomero).
Als ich diesen Satz hörte, ist das "Entführungsproblem Japans" der japanischen Regierung nur "Lüge".
Das sind die üblichen "Fabeln" der japanischen Regierung.
Es ist die Fortsetzung vom Vortag.

Es ist offensichtlich ein Verbrechen der "Verletzung des anwendbaren Rechts".
Bitte schauen Sie sich die Anklage an.

Ich wurde wegen "Unterstützung der Verletzung des Einwanderungsgesetzes" angeklagt und im Juni 2010 "verhaftet und gefangen genommen".
Im darauffolgenden Jahr des Jahres 2011 erhielt das "Arbeitsgericht" anderthalb Jahre und "Geldstrafe" 500.000 Yen "Urteil" erhalten.
Im Juni 2011, zwei Monate nach dem Urteil, hat das "Tokyo High Court" endlich "vorläufig freigelassen".
"Appelliert" an den "Tokyo High Court", wird aber im Oktober 2011 "abgelehnt".
"Appell" an den "Supreme Court", aber nicht Januar 2012 "Verletzung der Verfassung", sondern lediglich "Fehler des anwendbaren Rechts".
"Supreme Court" wurde "entlassen", weil es nicht "deliberation Angelegenheit" des "Supreme Court" durch das "Strafprozessrecht" ist.
Es wurde im März 2012 im Gefängnis "inhaftiert".
Sogar im Gefängnis "Interview der vorläufigen Ausgabe" habe ich den "Eindruck" der Sünde durch die Staatsmacht nicht genehmigt.
Das Gefängnis akzeptiert keine "vorübergehende Befreiung", weil es kein "Herz gibt, das die Sünde widerspiegelt".
Schließlich wurde ich am 19. März 2013 vom Gesetz für die längste Anzahl von Tagen aus dem Gefängnis entlassen.
Mein "Körper" war "erschöpft".
Es war kurz vor "Tod".

Es scheint, dass es in die Meinung des "Gefängnisbeamten" des Gefängnisses der Präfektur Tochigi (Kurobane) geteilt wurde.
1. (Nagano) ist kein "Verbrecher". Also diejenigen, die behaupten, "vorübergehende Freilassung" zu haben.
2. Nehmen wir an, dass (Nagano) "vorübergehende Befreiung" sein soll.
Dann wird "Anfrage nach Wiederaufnahme" schwierig. Also diejenigen, die darauf bestehen, dass Nagano "vorübergehende Veröffentlichung" wird nicht getan werden.

Der Gefängnisbeamte sagt.
"Als wir jung waren, haben wir das Gesetz studiert ...
Aus diesem Grund wählte ich ein Gefängnis als einen Job.
Ich war gerührt von meinem Herzen.
Der Gefängnisbeamte sagt.
Nicht "über Anträge auf Wiederaufnahme" in "temporäres Interview" sprechen! .
"Verantwortlich für das Gefängnis" in der Fabrik der "Arbeitsstrafe" sagt.
Sie sollten "vorübergehende Freilassung" ablehnen! .
Dies war die "Unterstützung" von "äußersten", dass der "Gefängnisbeamte" des Gefängnisses der Staatsmacht widerstehen kann.
Der Gefängnisbeamte versteht das japanische Recht mehr als "Staatsanwalt und Richter".
Japan ist noch nicht gestorben.
Also kämpfe ich jeden Tag so.

Die Staatsgewalt (Polizeibeamte, Staatsanwälte, Ausübung der Richtergewalt) verstößt eindeutig gegen die "grundlegenden Menschenrechte" der Verfassung.
Mit anderen Worten, es ist "Menschenrechtsverletzung".
"Dieses Verbrechen" ist ein "Verbrechen, das die Anwendung des Rechts verfälscht", so dass "Anklageschrift" und "Rechtsvorschrift" ausreichen.
Strafverfahren "wird nur durch" schriftliche Sache "des" Strafverfolgungsdokuments "beurteilt.
Jeder, bitte schauen Sie sich "Anklageschrift" noch einmal an.
Und "verbreite" die Strafjustiz Japans in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.
"Das Verbrechen der japanischen Entführungen" durch Nordkorea ist die "fiktive Geschichte" der japanischen Regierung.
Bitte "verbreite" dies auch. Die nordkoreanische Regierung sollte nicht von den "fiktionalen Geschichten" der japanischen Regierung besiegt werden!

Ich werde weitermachen, bis du es verstehst.

Die Medien sollten das "Problem der illegalen Entführung" als Verstoß gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz der japanischen Regierung melden.
Regierungen jedes Landes sollten ihre Opfer schützen.
Bitte fordern Sie die japanische Regierung für die Wiederherstellung und Entschädigung der Ehre.
Es gibt viele Ausländer, die mit Visa nach Japan gekommen sind, wie Auslandsstudium, Sightseeing und Arbeit.
Sie arbeiten in Ess- und Trinkanstalten und werden durch "Einwanderungsgesetz-Verstöße" "entsorgt".
Es verstößt gegen internationales Recht, weil Arbeitgeber nicht "entsorgt" werden.
Ausländer, die illegal arbeiten, sind daher "unschuldig".

Die japanische Regierung "zerquetscht" Beschwerden.
Aber "verknallt" durch staatliche Macht ist "Stop" von "Verjährung".

Das Material ist unten.
Es scheint, dass die jüngste japanische Regierung mein Argument bemerkt hat.

Die Polizei hat nicht verhaftet. Die Einwanderungsbehörde hat sie festgenommen und "zwangsweise in ihr Heimatland zurückgeschickt".
※ In der Vergangenheit gab es viele Opfer.
Die japanische Regierung sollte "Ehre" und "Schadenersatz!"
Bitte mailen Sie mir, wenn Sie Einwände haben.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

#MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 24/10/2018: Le gouvernement japonais taux de yen pas cher « induction » par rapport au dollar. C'est "Avenomics". "Société" se retire de l'étranger et retourne à l'usine au Japon. Donc, les travailleurs sont courts. Le gouvernement a annoncé l'acceptation massive des "simples travailleurs". C'est un "piège".

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme!

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron

24/10/2018: Le gouvernement japonais taux de yen pas cher « induction » par rapport au dollar.
C'est "Avenomics". "Société" se retire de l'étranger et retourne à l'usine au Japon.
Donc, les travailleurs sont courts.
Le gouvernement a annoncé l'acceptation massive des "simples travailleurs". C'est un "piège".

Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais. La police japonaise arrêtée en "théorie générale".
Parce que la police a arrêté illégalement, ils ne peuvent pas expliquer la raison en "logique du droit".
Alors la police dit:
"Vous devriez accepter l'infraction pénale en théorie générale" (Ippanron de Mitomero).
Quand j'ai entendu cette phrase, le "problème d'enlèvement du Japon" du gouvernement japonais n'est que "mensonge".
Ce sont les "fables" habituelles du gouvernement japonais.
C'est la suite de la veille.

C'est un crime de "violation de la loi applicable" évidemment.
Veuillez regarder l'acte d'accusation.

J'étais accusé de "soutien à la violation de la loi sur l'immigration" et j'ai été "arrêté et capturé" en juin 2010.
L'année suivante, Avril 2011, « la peine du travail » a reçu le « jugement » d'un an et demi et « fins » 500.000 yens.
En Juin 2011, deux mois après la décision, « la libération de provisoire » est par enfin « Haute Cour de Tokyo ».
"Appels" à la "Haute Cour de Tokyo", mais sera "rejeté" en octobre 2011.
Est-ce que « appel » à la « Cour suprême », mais au lieu de Janvier 2012 « violation de la Constitution » seulement « erreurs dans la loi applicable ».
« Cour suprême » a été « rejeté » à cause de cela, il est pas le « ordre du jour » de la « Cour suprême » par le « Code de procédure pénale ».
Il a été "emprisonné" en prison en mars 2012.
Prison mais « interview de mise en liberté provisoire », ne permettait pas la « pression » du péché par la puissance de l'État.
Donc, la prison n'accepte pas la "libération temporaire" car il n'y a pas de "cœur reflétant le péché".
Enfin, je suis le 19 Mars 2013, sur la loi, il a été « ouvert » de la prison le plus long nombre de jours.
Mon "corps" était "épuisé".
C'était juste avant la "mort".

Préfecture Tochigi (Kurobane) semble avoir divisé l'opinion des « agents pénitentiaires » de la prison.
1 (Nagano) n'est pas un "criminel". Donc, ceux qui prétendent avoir une "libération temporaire".
2 Supposons que (Nagano) soit une "libération temporaire".
Ensuite, la "demande de nouveau procès" devient difficile. Donc, ceux qui insistent pour que la "libération temporaire" de Nagano ne soit pas faite.

Le responsable de la prison dit.
"Quand nous étions jeunes, nous avons étudié le droit ...
Pour cette raison, j'ai choisi une prison comme travail.
J'ai été émue par mon coeur.
Le responsable de la prison dit.
Ne faites pas "parler de demandes de nouveau procès" dans "interview temporaire"! .
"Responsable de la prison" à l'usine de "punition du travail" dit.
Vous devriez refuser la "libération temporaire"! .
C’était le "soutien" du "maximum" pour que le "gardien" de la prison puisse résister au pouvoir de l’État.
Le fonctionnaire pénitentiaire comprend mieux le droit japonais que "le procureur et le juge".
Le Japon n'est pas encore mort.
Alors je me bats tous les jours comme ça.

Le pouvoir d'Etat (agents de police, les procureurs, les juges de l'exercice de l'autorité) est en violation flagrante des « droits de l'homme fondamentaux » dans la Constitution.
En d'autres termes, il s'agit d'une "violation des droits de l'homme".
« Ce crime » suffit parce qu'elle est « appliquée au crime faussement de droit » et « acte d'accusation du document », « lettre de la loi ».
Un procès pénal "est jugé uniquement par" un élément écrit "de" document de poursuite ".
Regardez à nouveau le "document d'inculpation".
Et "répandre" la justice pénale du Japon dans la communauté internationale.
"Le crime des enlèvements japonais" par la Corée du Nord est "l'histoire fictive" du gouvernement japonais.
S'il vous plaît aussi "répandre" cela. Le gouvernement nord-coréen ne devrait pas être vaincu par les "histoires fictives" du gouvernement japonais!

Je vais continuer jusqu'à ce que vous compreniez.

Les médias devraient signaler le "problème de la détention pour enlèvements illégaux" en tant que violation de la loi sur l'immigration du gouvernement japonais.
Les gouvernements de chaque pays devraient protéger leurs victimes.
S'il vous plaît demander au gouvernement japonais pour le recouvrement de l'honneur et la compensation.
Beaucoup d'étrangers sont venus au Japon avec des visas comme étudier à l'étranger, faire du tourisme ou travailler.
Ils travaillent dans des restaurants et des débits de boissons et sont "éliminés" par "une violation du droit de l'immigration".
C'est une violation du droit international parce que les employeurs ne sont pas "disposés".
Par conséquent, les étrangers qui ont travaillé illégalement sont "innocents".

Le gouvernement japonais "écrase" les plaintes.
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Le matériel est en dessous.
Il semble que le récent gouvernement japonais ait pris note de mon argument.

La police n'a pas arrêté. Le bureau de l'immigration les a arrêtés et est "rapatrié de force dans son pays d'origine".
※ Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le passé.
Le gouvernement japonais devrait "récupérer son honneur" et "compenser les dommages!"
S'il vous plaît envoyez-moi si vous avez des objections.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

To everyone at the media 2018-10-24: The Japanese government "induces" the yen rate cheaply against the dollar. This is "Avenomics". "Company" withdraws from overseas and returns factory to Japan. So the workers are short. The government announced massive acceptance of "simple workers". This is a "trap".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To everyone at the media

2018-10-24: The Japanese government "induces" the yen rate cheaply against the dollar.
This is "Avenomics". "Company" withdraws from overseas and returns factory to Japan.
So the workers are short. The government announced massive acceptance of "simple workers".
This is a "trap".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Japanese police arrested in "general theory".
Because the police arrested illegally, they can not explain the reason in "logic of law".
So the police say:
"You should accept criminal offense in general theory" (Ippanron de Mitomero).

When I heard this phrase, the Japanese government's "abduction problem of Japan" is only "lie".
That is the usual 'fables' of the Japanese government.
It is the continuation from the previous day. In case

It is a crime of "violation of applicable law" obviously.
Please look at the indictment. I was charged with "supporting the violation of Immigration Act"
and was "arrested and captured" in June 2010.
In the following year's April 2011, "sentence of labor" received one and a half years
and "fine" 500,000 yen "judgment" received.
In June 2011, two months after the judgment,
at last the "Tokyo High Court" made "temporary release".
"Appeals" to the "Tokyo High Court", but will be "rejected" in October 2011.
"Appeal" to the "Supreme Court" but not January 2012 "violation of constitution"
but merely "mistake of applicable law".
"Supreme Court" was "dismissed" because it is not "deliberation matter" of "Supreme Court"
by the "Criminal Procedure Law".
It was "imprisoned" in prison in March 2012.
Even in jail "Interview of temporary release",
I did not approve the "impression" of sin by state power.
So the prison does not accept "temporary release" because there is no "heart to reflect sin".
Eventually, I was "released" from the prison on March 19, 2013
by the law for the longest number of days.
My "body" was "exhausted".
It was just before "death".

It seems that it was divided into opinion of "prison official"
of Tochigi prefecture (Kurobane) prison.
1. (Nagano) is not a "criminal". So those who claim to have "temporary release".
2. Let's suppose that (Nagano) is to be "temporary release".
Then "request for retrial" becomes difficult.
So those who insist that Nagano's "temporary release" will not be done.

The prison official says.
"When we were young, we studied the law ...
For that reason, I chose a prison as a job.
I was moved by my heart.
The prison official says.
Do not do "talk about requests for retrial" in "temporary interview"! .
"Responsible for prison" at the factory of "labor punishment" says.
You should refuse "temporary release"! .
This was the "support" of "utmost" that the prison "prison officer" can resist state power.
The prison officer understands Japanese law more than "prosecutor and judge".
Japan has not died yet.
So I am fighting every day like this.

State power (police officials, prosecutors,
exercising authority of judges) clearly violates the "basic human rights" of the Constitution.
In other words, it is "human rights violation".
"This crime" is a "crime that falsifies the application of law",
so "document of indictment" and "provision of law" are sufficient.
Criminal trial "is judged only by" written matter "of" prosecution document ".
Everyone, please look at "document of indictment" again.
And "spread" the criminal justice of Japan in the international community.
"The crime of Japanese abductions" by North Korea is the "fictional story"
of the Japanese government.
Please also "spread" this.
The North Korean government should not be defeated
by the Japanese government's "fictional stories"!

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report the "illegal abduction detention problem" as a matter
of violation of the immigration law of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work.
They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

It seems that recent Japanese government has noticed my argument.
The police have not arrested.
The Immigration Bureau has arrested them and is "forcibly repatriated to their home country."
※ There are many victims in the past. The Japanese government should "recover honor"
and "compensate for damage!"
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-10-24: The Japanese government "induces" the yen rate cheaply against the dollar. This is "Avenomics". "Company" withdraws from overseas and returns factory to Japan. So the workers are short. The government announced massive acceptance of "simple workers". This is a "trap".

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2018-10-24: The Japanese government "induces" the yen rate cheaply against the dollar.
This is "Avenomics". "Company" withdraws from overseas and returns factory to Japan.
So the workers are short. The government announced massive acceptance of "simple workers".
This is a "trap".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Japanese police arrested in "general theory".
Because the police arrested illegally, they can not explain the reason in "logic of law".
So the police say:
"You should accept criminal offense in general theory" (Ippanron de Mitomero).

When I heard this phrase, the Japanese government's "abduction problem of Japan" is only "lie".
That is the usual 'fables' of the Japanese government.
It is the continuation from the previous day. In case

It is a crime of "violation of applicable law" obviously.
Please look at the indictment. I was charged with "supporting the violation of Immigration Act"
and was "arrested and captured" in June 2010.
In the following year's April 2011, "sentence of labor" received one and a half years
and "fine" 500,000 yen "judgment" received.
In June 2011, two months after the judgment,
at last the "Tokyo High Court" made "temporary release".
"Appeals" to the "Tokyo High Court", but will be "rejected" in October 2011.
"Appeal" to the "Supreme Court" but not January 2012 "violation of constitution"
but merely "mistake of applicable law".
"Supreme Court" was "dismissed" because it is not "deliberation matter" of "Supreme Court"
by the "Criminal Procedure Law".
It was "imprisoned" in prison in March 2012.
Even in jail "Interview of temporary release",
I did not approve the "impression" of sin by state power.
So the prison does not accept "temporary release" because there is no "heart to reflect sin".
Eventually, I was "released" from the prison on March 19, 2013
by the law for the longest number of days.
My "body" was "exhausted".
It was just before "death".

It seems that it was divided into opinion of "prison official"
of Tochigi prefecture (Kurobane) prison.
1. (Nagano) is not a "criminal". So those who claim to have "temporary release".
2. Let's suppose that (Nagano) is to be "temporary release".
Then "request for retrial" becomes difficult.
So those who insist that Nagano's "temporary release" will not be done.

The prison official says.
"When we were young, we studied the law ...
For that reason, I chose a prison as a job.
I was moved by my heart.
The prison official says.
Do not do "talk about requests for retrial" in "temporary interview"! .
"Responsible for prison" at the factory of "labor punishment" says.
You should refuse "temporary release"! .
This was the "support" of "utmost" that the prison "prison officer" can resist state power.
The prison officer understands Japanese law more than "prosecutor and judge".
Japan has not died yet.
So I am fighting every day like this.

State power (police officials, prosecutors,
exercising authority of judges) clearly violates the "basic human rights" of the Constitution.
In other words, it is "human rights violation".
"This crime" is a "crime that falsifies the application of law",
so "document of indictment" and "provision of law" are sufficient.
Criminal trial "is judged only by" written matter "of" prosecution document ".
Everyone, please look at "document of indictment" again.
And "spread" the criminal justice of Japan in the international community.
"The crime of Japanese abductions" by North Korea is the "fictional story"
of the Japanese government.
Please also "spread" this.
The North Korean government should not be defeated
by the Japanese government's "fictional stories"!

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report the "illegal abduction detention problem" as a matter
of violation of the immigration law of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work.
They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

It seems that recent Japanese government has noticed my argument.
The police have not arrested.
The Immigration Bureau has arrested them and is "forcibly repatriated to their home country."
※ There are many victims in the past. The Japanese government should "recover honor"
and "compensate for damage!"
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-10-23】

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-10-23

October 22, 2018

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2018-10-23: The Japanese government is entering "international students" and "interns" to use as workers. Their "work" is limited. They will work outside of their qualifications. This is a Japanese government's "trap".

<Public mail> # MeToo Human rights victim!

Joseon International Youth Travel Agency

Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.
This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc.
The White House gives us a reply e-mail every time!

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

2018-10-23: The Japanese government is entering "international students"
and "interns" to use as workers.
Their "work" is limited. They will work outside of their qualifications.
This is a Japanese government's "trap".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The Japanese government is dispose of those
who do not like it for reasons not based on law.
It is malicious "breach of applicable law".
But the Japanese government still does not accept crime.
In addition to me, the Chinese (Korean tribe),
the staff of the Philippine Embassy and diplomats are also victims.
The Chinese government, the Philippine government
and the media should "wake up" to "human rights".
It is the continuation from the previous day. In case

The Tokyo District Public Prosecution will not accept complaints and accusations.
And say, do not send it in the future! ! ! !
Dongzhi Special Prospect No. 704
August 7, Heisei 20
Yasuhiro Nagano
Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office
Special Investigation Department "Special Direct Recovery Team"

I witnessed two copies of the letter titled "Accusation letter" sent from you,
both of which were dated August 4, Heisei 20.
As mentioned in the previous survey, in the above-mentioned documents,
why "duties" such as police officers, public prosecutors, judges, etc.
involved in investigation, enforcement and trial were to assume "abuse of duty" based
on what grounds, Specific criminal facts subject to charges
and accusations have been specified specifically
by merely describing an assertion not based on concrete evidence without concrete content
of "grounds etc."
that claims to be a "false accusation of lies" is unknown It is not allowed.
Therefore, the written document sent from you will be turned back.
In the future, if the same document as before has been sent to the Office,
we will not handle it as a complaint and accusation letter stipulated
in the Code of Criminal Procedure, and also regarding the sent documents etc.
Because there are times when we do not take the "backhaul procedure".
Please understand it.

The Special Prosecutors Office of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office does not accept
any complaints and accusations
that I submit as "no criminal facts are identified as being specified specifically",
no matter how many times I submit it Hmm.
The reason for the indictment is not a crime.
Items listed are as follows.
1. The fact that the Chinese violated Article 70 of the Immigration Act
 (illegal labor outside the status of qualification).
2. The fact that we "offered" a "false document" (contract of employment) to the Chinese.
3. The fact that the Chinese obtained the "status of residence" by submitting the "Reason
for cancellation of cancellation of status of residence" (false document)
of Immigration Act 22-4-4.

4. "Application of sin" is "crime that supported other crimes" of criminal law as support
for crime of "Immigration Act 70 Article".

The violation of Article 22-4-4 "Reason for cancellation of cancellation of status
of residence" made by the Chinese is not "criminal punishment".
It is the order of the Minister of Justice.
"Order to cancel the status of residence" and "Order to leave the country".

The prosecution deliberately makes a criminal offense relating
to Article 70 of the Immigration Act and false documents (contracts of employment)
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
The prosecution is not a prosecution but a fact to apply to the Minister of Justice.
The Minister of Justice investigates the facts.
Anyone can understand that it will not be a crime
if you look at the 2010 Immigration Control Law amendment.

Even if the Chinese submits (lie fake document) and obtains the status of residence,
if you work within the scope of the status of residence,
it will not become "illegal work".
The reason why the Chinese became illegal employment due to activities
other than the qualification is that illegally employed foreigners and employers.
Those who employed employees are in violation of Immigration Act 73-2.
I will say further.
Those who hired illegal labor will not be arrested (innocent).
If so, by international law the Chinese are not guilty.
Punishing only for foreigners is a violation of international law.

The public prosecutors office does not understand this simple logic.
Illegitimate "arrest detention" by "special civil servants" is unconditionally a crime.
In the "judgment example" of the Supreme Court,
"intent" of crime is unnecessary.
"The crime that a special civil servant abused his / her official authority" is "established"
if there is the "arrest / confinement" fact.
It is "sentence of labor" of up to 10 years.
These "criminals of felony" are doing "judicial administration".
Japan is in danger.
Foreigners who can speak Japanese should point out to the Japanese government.
Foreigners who understand the law should point out to the Japanese government.
In order to make Japan "a country governed under the law",
please "spread" this fact to the world.

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report the "illegal abduction detention problem" as a matter
of violation of the immigration law of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work. They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

It seems that recent Japanese government has noticed my argument.
The police have not arrested.
The Immigration Bureau has arrested them and is "forcibly repatriated to their home country."
※ There are many victims in the past.
The Japanese government should "recover honor" and "compensate for damage!"
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Trump 2018-10-23: The Japanese government is entering "international students" and "interns" to use as workers. Their "work" is limited. They will work outside of their qualifications. This is a Japanese government's "trap".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-10-23: The Japanese government is entering "international students"
and "interns" to use as workers.
Their "work" is limited. They will work outside of their qualifications.
This is a Japanese government's "trap".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The Japanese government is dispose of those
who do not like it for reasons not based on law.
It is malicious "breach of applicable law".
But the Japanese government still does not accept crime.
In addition to me, the Chinese (Korean tribe),
the staff of the Philippine Embassy and diplomats are also victims.
The Chinese government, the Philippine government
and the media should "wake up" to "human rights".
It is the continuation from the previous day. In case

The Tokyo District Public Prosecution will not accept complaints and accusations.
And say, do not send it in the future! ! ! !
Dongzhi Special Prospect No. 704
August 7, Heisei 20
Yasuhiro Nagano
Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office
Special Investigation Department "Special Direct Recovery Team"

I witnessed two copies of the letter titled "Accusation letter" sent from you,
both of which were dated August 4, Heisei 20.
As mentioned in the previous survey, in the above-mentioned documents,
why "duties" such as police officers, public prosecutors, judges, etc.
involved in investigation, enforcement and trial were to assume "abuse of duty" based
on what grounds, Specific criminal facts subject to charges
and accusations have been specified specifically
by merely describing an assertion not based on concrete evidence without concrete content
of "grounds etc."
that claims to be a "false accusation of lies" is unknown It is not allowed.
Therefore, the written document sent from you will be turned back.
In the future, if the same document as before has been sent to the Office,
we will not handle it as a complaint and accusation letter stipulated
in the Code of Criminal Procedure, and also regarding the sent documents etc.
Because there are times when we do not take the "backhaul procedure".
Please understand it.

The Special Prosecutors Office of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office does not accept
any complaints and accusations
that I submit as "no criminal facts are identified as being specified specifically",
no matter how many times I submit it Hmm.
The reason for the indictment is not a crime.
Items listed are as follows.
1. The fact that the Chinese violated Article 70 of the Immigration Act
 (illegal labor outside the status of qualification).
2. The fact that we "offered" a "false document" (contract of employment) to the Chinese.
3. The fact that the Chinese obtained the "status of residence" by submitting the "Reason
for cancellation of cancellation of status of residence" (false document)
of Immigration Act 22-4-4.

4. "Application of sin" is "crime that supported other crimes" of criminal law as support
for crime of "Immigration Act 70 Article".

The violation of Article 22-4-4 "Reason for cancellation of cancellation of status
of residence" made by the Chinese is not "criminal punishment".
It is the order of the Minister of Justice.
"Order to cancel the status of residence" and "Order to leave the country".

The prosecution deliberately makes a criminal offense relating
to Article 70 of the Immigration Act and false documents (contracts of employment)
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
The prosecution is not a prosecution but a fact to apply to the Minister of Justice.
The Minister of Justice investigates the facts.
Anyone can understand that it will not be a crime
if you look at the 2010 Immigration Control Law amendment.

Even if the Chinese submits (lie fake document) and obtains the status of residence,
if you work within the scope of the status of residence,
it will not become "illegal work".
The reason why the Chinese became illegal employment due to activities
other than the qualification is that illegally employed foreigners and employers.
Those who employed employees are in violation of Immigration Act 73-2.
I will say further.
Those who hired illegal labor will not be arrested (innocent).
If so, by international law the Chinese are not guilty.
Punishing only for foreigners is a violation of international law.

The public prosecutors office does not understand this simple logic.
Illegitimate "arrest detention" by "special civil servants" is unconditionally a crime.
In the "judgment example" of the Supreme Court,
"intent" of crime is unnecessary.
"The crime that a special civil servant abused his / her official authority" is "established"
if there is the "arrest / confinement" fact.
It is "sentence of labor" of up to 10 years.
These "criminals of felony" are doing "judicial administration".
Japan is in danger.
Foreigners who can speak Japanese should point out to the Japanese government.
Foreigners who understand the law should point out to the Japanese government.
In order to make Japan "a country governed under the law",
please "spread" this fact to the world.

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report the "illegal abduction detention problem" as a matter
of violation of the immigration law of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work. They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

It seems that recent Japanese government has noticed my argument.
The police have not arrested.
The Immigration Bureau has arrested them and is "forcibly repatriated to their home country."
※ There are many victims in the past.
The Japanese government should "recover honor" and "compensate for damage!"
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-10-23: Die japanische Regierung nimmt "internationale Studenten" und "Praktikanten" auf, um sie als Arbeiter zu benutzen. Ihre "Arbeit" ist begrenzt. Sie werden außerhalb ihrer Qualifikationen arbeiten. Dies ist eine "Falle" der japanischen Regierung.

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

2018-10-23: Die japanische Regierung nimmt "internationale Studenten" und "Praktikanten" auf, um sie als Arbeiter zu benutzen.
Ihre "Arbeit" ist begrenzt.
Sie werden außerhalb ihrer Qualifikationen arbeiten. Dies ist eine "Falle" der japanischen Regierung.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner.
Die japanische Regierung verfügt über diejenigen, die es nicht mögen, aus Gründen, die nicht auf Gesetzen beruhen.
Es ist böswillig "Verstoß gegen geltendes Recht". Aber die japanische Regierung akzeptiert immer noch kein Verbrechen.
Neben mir sind auch die Chinesen (Koreaner), die Mitarbeiter der philippinischen Botschaft und Diplomaten Opfer.
Die chinesische Regierung, die philippinische Regierung und die Medien sollten von den "Menschenrechten" "geweckt" werden.
Es ist die Fortsetzung vom Vortag.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft Tokyo akzeptiert keine Beschwerden und Vorwürfe.
Und sagen Sie, schicken Sie es nicht in der Zukunft! ! ! !
Dongzhi Special Prospekt Nr. 704
7. August, Heisei 20
Yasuhiro Nagano
Tokyo Bezirksstaatsanwaltschaft
Spezialuntersuchungsabteilung "Special Direct Recovery Team"

Ich habe zwei Kopien des Briefes mit dem Titel "Anschuldigungsbrief" von Ihnen gesehen, die beide vom 4. August, Heisei 20, datiert sind.
Wie bereits erwähnt, sind in den oben genannten Dokumenten Polizeibeamte an Ermittlungen, Razzien und Prozessen beteiligt.
Auf welcher Basis "Handlungen" wie Staatsanwälte, Richter usw., warum soll es "Pflichtmissbrauch" sein?
Spezifische Inhalte von "Gründen usw.", die behaupten, "falsche Lügenbeschwerden" seien unbekannt,
Auflistung von Behauptungen, die nicht auf konkreten Beweisen basieren
Strafrechtliche Sachverhalte, die einer Anklage und Beschuldigung unterliegen, werden nicht als spezifisch bezeichnet.
Daher wird das von Ihnen gesendete schriftliche Dokument zurückgewiesen.
In Zukunft, wenn das gleiche Dokument wie zuvor an die "Agentur" gesendet wurde
Ohne Behandlung als Beschwerde oder Beschuldigung Brief von der Strafprozessordnung festgelegt,
Da gibt es Fälle, in denen Sie keine "Backhaul-Prozedur" über geschriebene Dokumente usw. durchführen. Bitte verstehe es.

Die Sonderstaatsanwaltschaft der Bezirksstaatsanwaltschaft von Tokio für alle von mir eingereichten Beschwerden und Vorwürfe
Wir werden es nicht akzeptieren, egal wie oft es eingereicht wird. "Kriminelle Fakten werden nicht als spezifisch spezifiziert anerkannt."
Der Grund für die Anklage ist kein Verbrechen. Die aufgeführten Elemente sind wie folgt.
1. Die Tatsache, dass die Chinesen Artikel 70 des Zuwanderungsgesetzes (illegale Arbeit außerhalb des Status der Qualifikation) verletzt haben.
2. Die Tatsache, dass wir den Chinesen ein "falsches Dokument" (Arbeitsvertrag) "angeboten" haben.
3. Wenn die Chinesen ein "falsches Dokument" des Einwanderungsgesetzes 22-4-4 "Grund für die Annullierung des Aufenthaltsstatus" vorlegen
Tatsache des Erhaltens des "Aufenthaltsstatus".

4. "Anwendung der Sünde" ist "Verbrechen, das andere Verbrechen" des Strafrechts als Unterstützung für das Verbrechen des "Zuwanderungsgesetzes 70 Artikel" unterstützte.

Die Verletzung von Artikel 22-4-4 "Grund für die Annullierung des Annullierungsstatus des Wohnsitzes", die von den Chinesen gemacht wird, ist nicht "kriminelle Strafe".
Es ist der Befehl des Justizministers.
"Auftrag, den Aufenthaltsstatus zu annullieren" und "Auftrag, das Land zu verlassen".

Die Staatsanwälte werden ein falsches Dokument (Arbeitsvertrag) von Artikel 70 des Immigration Control Act und 22-4-4 des Immigration Act herausgeben
Ich mache es absichtlich zu einem Verbrechen.
Die Strafverfolgung ist keine strafrechtliche Verfolgung, sondern eine Tatsache, um sich an den Justizminister zu wenden.
Der Justizminister untersucht die Fakten.
Jeder kann verstehen, dass es kein Verbrechen sein wird, wenn Sie die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes von 2010 betrachten.

Selbst wenn die Chinesen einen Brief (falsches Dokument) vorlegen und den Aufenthaltsstatus erlangen,
Wenn Sie im Rahmen Ihres Aufenthaltsstatus arbeiten, handelt es sich nicht um eine "rechtswidrige Beschäftigung".
Der Grund, warum die Chinesen aufgrund anderer Aktivitäten als der Qualifikation illegal eingestellt wurden, sind illegal beschäftigte Ausländer und Arbeitgeber.
Diejenigen, die Angestellte beschäftigen, verstoßen gegen Einwanderungsgesetz 73-2.
Ich werde weiter sagen.
Diejenigen, die illegale Arbeit angestellt haben, werden nicht verhaftet (unschuldig).
Wenn dem so ist, sind die Chinesen nach internationalem Recht nicht schuldig.
Bestrafung nur für Ausländer ist eine Verletzung des internationalen Rechts.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft versteht diese einfache Logik nicht.
Illegitime "Festnahme" von "Sonderbeamten" ist bedingungslos ein Verbrechen.
Im "Urteilsbeispiel" des Obersten Gerichtshofs ist eine "Absicht" der Kriminalität unnötig.
"Das Verbrechen, dass ein Beamter seine offizielle Autorität mißbraucht hat", ist "festgestellt", wenn es sich um eine "Festnahme" handelt.
Es ist "Arbeitsverbot" von bis zu 10 Jahren.
Diese "Verbrecher des Verbrechens" machen "gerichtliche Verwaltung".
Japan ist in Gefahr.
Ausländer, die Japanisch sprechen können, sollten auf die japanische Regierung hinweisen.
Ausländer, die das Gesetz verstehen, sollten auf die japanische Regierung hinweisen.
Um Japan zu einem "Land zu machen, das dem Gesetz unterstellt ist", bitte "verbreite" diese Tatsache in der Welt.

Ich werde weitermachen, bis du es verstehst.

Die Medien sollten das "Problem der illegalen Entführung" als Verstoß gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz der japanischen Regierung melden.
Regierungen jedes Landes sollten ihre Opfer schützen. Bitte fordern Sie die japanische Regierung für die Wiederherstellung und Entschädigung der Ehre.
Es gibt viele Ausländer, die mit Visa nach Japan gekommen sind, wie Auslandsstudium, Sightseeing und Arbeit.
Sie arbeiten in Ess- und Trinkanstalten und werden durch "Einwanderungsgesetz-Verstöße" "entsorgt".
Es verstößt gegen internationales Recht, weil Arbeitgeber nicht "entsorgt" werden. Ausländer, die illegal arbeiten, sind daher "unschuldig".

Die japanische Regierung "zerquetscht" Beschwerden.
Aber "verknallt" durch staatliche Macht ist "Stop" von "Verjährung".

Das Material ist unten.

Es scheint, dass die jüngste japanische Regierung mein Argument bemerkt hat. Die Polizei hat nicht verhaftet.
Die Einwanderungsbehörde hat sie festgenommen und "zwangsweise in ihr Heimatland zurückgeschickt".
※ In der Vergangenheit gab es viele Opfer.
Die japanische Regierung sollte "Ehre" und "Schadenersatz!"
Bitte mailen Sie mir, wenn Sie Einwände haben.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 2018-10-23: Le gouvernement japonais introduit des "étudiants internationaux" et des "stagiaires" dans le but de les utiliser comme travailleurs. Leur "travail" est limité. Ils travailleront en dehors de leurs qualifications. C'est le "piège" du gouvernement japonais.

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme!

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron

2018-10-23: Le gouvernement japonais introduit des "étudiants internationaux" et des "stagiaires" dans le but de les utiliser comme travailleurs.
Leur "travail" est limité.
Ils travailleront en dehors de leurs qualifications. C'est le "piège" du gouvernement japonais.

Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais.
Le gouvernement japonais élimine ceux qui ne l'aiment pas pour des raisons non fondées sur la loi.
Il s'agit d'une "violation du droit applicable". Mais le gouvernement japonais n'accepte toujours pas le crime.
En plus de moi, les Chinois (tribus coréennes), le personnel de l'ambassade des Philippines et les diplomates sont également des victimes.
Le gouvernement chinois, le gouvernement philippin et les médias devraient "se réveiller" sur les "droits de l'homme".
C'est la suite de la veille.

Le parquet du district de Tokyo n’acceptera pas les plaintes et les accusations.
Et dites, n'envoyez pas à l'avenir! ! ! !
Dongzhi Special Prospect No. 704
7 août Heisei 20
Yasuhiro Nagano
Bureau du procureur du district de Tokyo
Département des enquêtes spéciales "Équipe spéciale de recouvrement direct"

J'ai été témoin de deux copies de la lettre intitulée "Lettre d'accusation" de votre part, toutes deux datées du 4 août, Heisei 20.
Comme mentionné précédemment, dans les documents susmentionnés, les policiers impliqués dans une enquête, une répression et un procès,
Sur la base de quels "actes de fonctions" tels que les procureurs, les juges, etc., pourquoi cela est supposé être un "abus de devoir"
Le contenu spécifique de "motifs, etc." qui prétend être une "fausse plainte de mensonges" est inconnu,
Il suffit de lister les revendications non fondées sur des preuves concrètes
Les faits criminels faisant l'objet d'accusations et d'accusations ne sont pas reconnus comme étant spécifiquement spécifiés.
Par conséquent, le document écrit que vous avez envoyé sera retourné.
À l'avenir, si le même document qu'auparavant a été envoyé à "l'Agence"
Sans avoir traité comme une plainte ou une lettre d'accusation prévue par le code de procédure pénale,
Puisqu'il y a des cas où vous ne prenez pas de "procédure de retour" concernant des documents écrits, etc. S'il vous plaît le comprendre.

Le parquet spécial des procureurs du district de Tokyo, pour toutes les plaintes et accusations que j'ai présentées,
Nous ne l'accepterons pas, peu importe le nombre de fois qu'il est soumis, "les faits criminels ne sont pas reconnus comme étant spécifiés spécifiquement".
La raison de l'acte d'accusation n'est pas un crime. Les éléments énumérés sont les suivants.
1 Le fait que les Chinois aient violé l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration (travail illégal en dehors du statut de qualification).
2 Le fait que nous ayons "offert" un "faux document" (contrat de travail) aux Chinois.
3 Si les Chinois soumettent un "faux document" de la loi sur l'immigration 22-4-4 "Motif de l'annulation de l'annulation du statut de résidence"
Obtention du "statut de résidence".

4 "Application du péché" est "un crime qui a favorisé d'autres crimes" de droit pénal en tant que soutien du crime de "Article 70 de la Loi sur l'immigration".

La violation de l'article 22-4-4 "Motif de l'annulation de la radiation du statut de résidence" faite par les Chinois n'est pas une "peine pénale".
C'est l'ordre du ministre de la justice.
"Ordre d'annuler le statut de résidence" et "Ordre de quitter le pays".

Les procureurs délivreront un faux document (accord sur l'emploi) de l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et du 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration
J'en fais intentionnellement un crime.
La poursuite n'est pas une poursuite, mais un fait à appliquer au ministre de la Justice.
Le ministre de la Justice enquête sur les faits.
Tout le monde peut comprendre que ce ne sera pas un crime si vous examinez l'amendement de 2010 à la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.

Même si les Chinois envoient une lettre (faux document) et obtiennent le statut de résident,
Si vous travaillez dans le cadre de votre statut de résidence, ce ne sera pas un "emploi illégal".
La raison pour laquelle les Chinois sont devenus des travailleurs illégaux en raison d’activités autres que la qualification est que les étrangers et les employeurs illégalement employés.
Ceux qui ont employé des employés contreviennent à la loi sur l’immigration 73-2.
Je dirai plus loin.
Ceux qui ont embauché du travail illégal ne seront pas arrêtés (innocents).
Si tel est le cas, en droit international, les Chinois ne sont pas coupables.
Ne punir que les étrangers est une violation du droit international.

Le ministère public ne comprend pas cette logique simple.
Une "arrestation" illégale par des "fonctionnaires spéciaux" est un crime inconditionnel.
Dans "l'exemple de jugement" de la Cour suprême, "l'intention" du crime n'est pas nécessaire.
"Le crime qu'un fonctionnaire spécial a abusé de son autorité officielle" est "établi" s'il existe un "fait" d'arrestation / de détention ".
C'est une "peine de travail" pouvant aller jusqu'à 10 ans.
Ces "criminels de félonie" font de "l'administration judiciaire".
Le Japon est en danger.
Les étrangers qui peuvent parler japonais doivent le signaler au gouvernement japonais.
Les étrangers qui comprennent la loi devraient le signaler au gouvernement japonais.
Afin de faire du Japon "un pays soumis à la loi", veuillez "faire connaître" ce fait au monde entier.

Je vais continuer jusqu'à ce que vous compreniez.

Les médias devraient signaler le "problème de la détention pour enlèvements illégaux" en tant que violation de la loi sur l'immigration du gouvernement japonais.
Les gouvernements de chaque pays devraient protéger leurs victimes. S'il vous plaît demander au gouvernement japonais pour le recouvrement de l'honneur et la compensation.
Beaucoup d'étrangers sont venus au Japon avec des visas comme étudier à l'étranger, faire du tourisme ou travailler.
Ils travaillent dans des restaurants et des débits de boissons et sont "éliminés" par "une violation du droit de l'immigration".
C'est une violation du droit international parce que les employeurs ne sont pas "disposés". Par conséquent, les étrangers qui ont travaillé illégalement sont "innocents".

Le gouvernement japonais "écrase" les plaintes.
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Le matériel est en dessous.

Il semble que le récent gouvernement japonais ait pris note de mon argument. La police n'a pas arrêté.
Le bureau de l'immigration les a arrêtés et est "rapatrié de force dans son pays d'origine".
※ Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le passé.
Le gouvernement japonais devrait "récupérer son honneur" et "compenser les dommages!"
S'il vous plaît envoyez-moi si vous avez des objections.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-10-23: The Japanese government is entering "international students" and "interns" to use as workers. Their "work" is limited. They will work outside of their qualifications. This is a Japanese government's "trap".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2018-10-23: The Japanese government is entering "international students"
and "interns" to use as workers.
Their "work" is limited. They will work outside of their qualifications.
This is a Japanese government's "trap".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The Japanese government is dispose of those
who do not like it for reasons not based on law.
It is malicious "breach of applicable law".
But the Japanese government still does not accept crime.
In addition to me, the Chinese (Korean tribe),
the staff of the Philippine Embassy and diplomats are also victims.
The Chinese government, the Philippine government
and the media should "wake up" to "human rights".
It is the continuation from the previous day. In case

The Tokyo District Public Prosecution will not accept complaints and accusations.
And say, do not send it in the future! ! ! !
Dongzhi Special Prospect No. 704
August 7, Heisei 20
Yasuhiro Nagano
Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office
Special Investigation Department "Special Direct Recovery Team"

I witnessed two copies of the letter titled "Accusation letter" sent from you,
both of which were dated August 4, Heisei 20.
As mentioned in the previous survey, in the above-mentioned documents,
why "duties" such as police officers, public prosecutors, judges, etc.
involved in investigation, enforcement and trial were to assume "abuse of duty" based
on what grounds, Specific criminal facts subject to charges
and accusations have been specified specifically
by merely describing an assertion not based on concrete evidence without concrete content
of "grounds etc."
that claims to be a "false accusation of lies" is unknown It is not allowed.
Therefore, the written document sent from you will be turned back.
In the future, if the same document as before has been sent to the Office,
we will not handle it as a complaint and accusation letter stipulated
in the Code of Criminal Procedure, and also regarding the sent documents etc.
Because there are times when we do not take the "backhaul procedure".
Please understand it.

The Special Prosecutors Office of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office does not accept
any complaints and accusations
that I submit as "no criminal facts are identified as being specified specifically",
no matter how many times I submit it Hmm.
The reason for the indictment is not a crime.
Items listed are as follows.
1. The fact that the Chinese violated Article 70 of the Immigration Act
 (illegal labor outside the status of qualification).
2. The fact that we "offered" a "false document" (contract of employment) to the Chinese.
3. The fact that the Chinese obtained the "status of residence" by submitting the "Reason
for cancellation of cancellation of status of residence" (false document)
of Immigration Act 22-4-4.

4. "Application of sin" is "crime that supported other crimes" of criminal law as support
for crime of "Immigration Act 70 Article".

The violation of Article 22-4-4 "Reason for cancellation of cancellation of status
of residence" made by the Chinese is not "criminal punishment".
It is the order of the Minister of Justice.
"Order to cancel the status of residence" and "Order to leave the country".

The prosecution deliberately makes a criminal offense relating
to Article 70 of the Immigration Act and false documents (contracts of employment)
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
The prosecution is not a prosecution but a fact to apply to the Minister of Justice.
The Minister of Justice investigates the facts.
Anyone can understand that it will not be a crime
if you look at the 2010 Immigration Control Law amendment.

Even if the Chinese submits (lie fake document) and obtains the status of residence,
if you work within the scope of the status of residence,
it will not become "illegal work".
The reason why the Chinese became illegal employment due to activities
other than the qualification is that illegally employed foreigners and employers.
Those who employed employees are in violation of Immigration Act 73-2.
I will say further.
Those who hired illegal labor will not be arrested (innocent).
If so, by international law the Chinese are not guilty.
Punishing only for foreigners is a violation of international law.

The public prosecutors office does not understand this simple logic.
Illegitimate "arrest detention" by "special civil servants" is unconditionally a crime.
In the "judgment example" of the Supreme Court,
"intent" of crime is unnecessary.
"The crime that a special civil servant abused his / her official authority" is "established"
if there is the "arrest / confinement" fact.
It is "sentence of labor" of up to 10 years.
These "criminals of felony" are doing "judicial administration".
Japan is in danger.
Foreigners who can speak Japanese should point out to the Japanese government.
Foreigners who understand the law should point out to the Japanese government.
In order to make Japan "a country governed under the law",
please "spread" this fact to the world.

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report the "illegal abduction detention problem" as a matter
of violation of the immigration law of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work. They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

It seems that recent Japanese government has noticed my argument.
The police have not arrested.
The Immigration Bureau has arrested them and is "forcibly repatriated to their home country."
※ There are many victims in the past.
The Japanese government should "recover honor" and "compensate for damage!"
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone at the media 2018-10-23: The Japanese government is entering "international students" and "interns" to use as workers. Their "work" is limited. They will work outside of their qualifications. This is a Japanese government's "trap".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To everyone at the media

2018-10-23: The Japanese government is entering "international students"
and "interns" to use as workers.
Their "work" is limited. They will work outside of their qualifications.
This is a Japanese government's "trap".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The Japanese government is dispose of those
who do not like it for reasons not based on law.
It is malicious "breach of applicable law".
But the Japanese government still does not accept crime.
In addition to me, the Chinese (Korean tribe),
the staff of the Philippine Embassy and diplomats are also victims.
The Chinese government, the Philippine government
and the media should "wake up" to "human rights".
It is the continuation from the previous day. In case

The Tokyo District Public Prosecution will not accept complaints and accusations.
And say, do not send it in the future! ! ! !
Dongzhi Special Prospect No. 704
August 7, Heisei 20
Yasuhiro Nagano
Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office
Special Investigation Department "Special Direct Recovery Team"

I witnessed two copies of the letter titled "Accusation letter" sent from you,
both of which were dated August 4, Heisei 20.
As mentioned in the previous survey, in the above-mentioned documents,
why "duties" such as police officers, public prosecutors, judges, etc.
involved in investigation, enforcement and trial were to assume "abuse of duty" based
on what grounds, Specific criminal facts subject to charges
and accusations have been specified specifically
by merely describing an assertion not based on concrete evidence without concrete content
of "grounds etc."
that claims to be a "false accusation of lies" is unknown It is not allowed.
Therefore, the written document sent from you will be turned back.
In the future, if the same document as before has been sent to the Office,
we will not handle it as a complaint and accusation letter stipulated
in the Code of Criminal Procedure, and also regarding the sent documents etc.
Because there are times when we do not take the "backhaul procedure".
Please understand it.

The Special Prosecutors Office of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office does not accept
any complaints and accusations
that I submit as "no criminal facts are identified as being specified specifically",
no matter how many times I submit it Hmm.
The reason for the indictment is not a crime.
Items listed are as follows.
1. The fact that the Chinese violated Article 70 of the Immigration Act
 (illegal labor outside the status of qualification).
2. The fact that we "offered" a "false document" (contract of employment) to the Chinese.
3. The fact that the Chinese obtained the "status of residence" by submitting the "Reason
for cancellation of cancellation of status of residence" (false document)
of Immigration Act 22-4-4.

4. "Application of sin" is "crime that supported other crimes" of criminal law as support
for crime of "Immigration Act 70 Article".

The violation of Article 22-4-4 "Reason for cancellation of cancellation of status
of residence" made by the Chinese is not "criminal punishment".
It is the order of the Minister of Justice.
"Order to cancel the status of residence" and "Order to leave the country".

The prosecution deliberately makes a criminal offense relating
to Article 70 of the Immigration Act and false documents (contracts of employment)
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
The prosecution is not a prosecution but a fact to apply to the Minister of Justice.
The Minister of Justice investigates the facts.
Anyone can understand that it will not be a crime
if you look at the 2010 Immigration Control Law amendment.

Even if the Chinese submits (lie fake document) and obtains the status of residence,
if you work within the scope of the status of residence,
it will not become "illegal work".
The reason why the Chinese became illegal employment due to activities
other than the qualification is that illegally employed foreigners and employers.
Those who employed employees are in violation of Immigration Act 73-2.
I will say further.
Those who hired illegal labor will not be arrested (innocent).
If so, by international law the Chinese are not guilty.
Punishing only for foreigners is a violation of international law.

The public prosecutors office does not understand this simple logic.
Illegitimate "arrest detention" by "special civil servants" is unconditionally a crime.
In the "judgment example" of the Supreme Court,
"intent" of crime is unnecessary.
"The crime that a special civil servant abused his / her official authority" is "established"
if there is the "arrest / confinement" fact.
It is "sentence of labor" of up to 10 years.
These "criminals of felony" are doing "judicial administration".
Japan is in danger.
Foreigners who can speak Japanese should point out to the Japanese government.
Foreigners who understand the law should point out to the Japanese government.
In order to make Japan "a country governed under the law",
please "spread" this fact to the world.

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report the "illegal abduction detention problem" as a matter
of violation of the immigration law of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work. They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

It seems that recent Japanese government has noticed my argument.
The police have not arrested.
The Immigration Bureau has arrested them and is "forcibly repatriated to their home country."
※ There are many victims in the past.
The Japanese government should "recover honor" and "compensate for damage!"
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2018-10-22: The Japanese government condemns North Korea's "Japanese abduction issue". Prior to that, the Japanese government should stop "abduction of foreigners" and compensate for the "recovery of honor" to the victims of abduction. The Japanese government is not entitled to say "North Korean Japanese abduction victims"!

<Public mail> # MeToo Human rights victim!

Joseon International Youth Travel Agency

Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.
This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc.
The White House gives us a reply e-mail every time!

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

2018-10-22: The Japanese government condemns North Korea's "Japanese abduction issue".
Prior to that, the Japanese government should stop "abduction of foreigners"
and compensate for the "recovery of honor" to the victims of abduction.
The Japanese government is not entitled to say "North Korean Japanese abduction victims"!

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The Japanese government is still pursuing the "abduction issue
of Japan" of the North Korean government.
The Japanese government does not recognize "the illegal abduction detention problem
against foreigners".
We arrested and arrested foreigners who worked illegally in activities outside the status
of qualification, exiled them abroad by criminal disposition.
Because the employer is not criminalized,
it is a violation of international law.
Many of the foreigners who were criminalized are innocent.
It is the continuation from the previous day. In case

Actual state of Japanese judiciary
I, Chinese, Filipinos, etc. are not made a criminal act in light of the "criminal law principle".
We do not allow the Japanese government to violate human rights.
However, when I tell the prosecutors about "criminal justice",
I can not explain by the prosecutors "law of law".
They treat me as a "second-class national".
They insult me ​​and threaten me.
If they are "yakuza" I will call the police!
But "criminals" are policemen and prosecutors! What should I do?
I have no choice but to surrender.
I think that this kind of thing happens all over the world.
The "root cause" of terrorism may be surprisingly such a reason.
Is act of terrorism the sole solution to the government's violation of human rights?
I say to police officers "no punishment without law" police officials say.
"Do not" insult "Sakuradamon (a place name of the Metropolitan Police Department),
you admit it in the general theory"
(Sakuradamon wo Namerunjanee Ippanron de Mitomero)

I say to the prosecutor, "no punishment without law".
He says, "Who do you believe in what you say (no punishment without law)?"
He says, "I am great."
"If you recognize your sin,
I will impose a fine for you."
"If you do not admit the crime,
I can also make you a" punishment for labor ""
The prosecutor further says.
"I can arrest even your wife."
I am a beautiful Japanese in beautiful Japan.
I do not approve of "Yakuza" of "illegal society"!
Prosecutor says "E - i,"
"I will send you to jail!"
So I was sent to prison.
I say "criminal law principle" to a lawyer.
But he says "logic of law" I am special.
This is the actual situation of Japanese judiciary. ... really, I feel sick.
Japan no longer believes in the law and is a "lawless state"
that does not allow human rights to human beings who claim rights.
Is "the law that Japanese parliamentarians make for" a law to deceive the international community?
I am not trying to solve it by act of terrorism but seeking human rights relief
from the international community such as the United Nations.
Prosecution and accusations for the recovery of rights are also crushed
by the Tokyo District Prosecutors Office, the Metropolitan Police Department,
the Ministry of Justice, etc. with state power.
Members of parliament pretend not to see it.
This is the real situation of the Japanese parliament. ... really, I feel sick.

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report the "illegal abduction detention problem" as a matter
of violation of the immigration law of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work. They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".
The material is below.

It seems that recent Japanese government has noticed my argument.
The police have not arrested. The Immigration Bureau has arrested them
and is "forcibly repatriated to their home country."
※ There are many victims in the past.
The Japanese government should "recover honor" and "compensate for damage!"
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

asuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-10-22】

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-10-22

October 21, 2018

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.