
À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 2018-11-09: Le régime Donald Trump dit qu'il formera "l'Union des membres dans le commerce". La "clause chinoise" doit "contenir" la Chine de la société à économie de marché. Le Premier ministre Abe a promis de promouvoir conjointement "Une ceinture, une route" avec la Chine. Le monde sera une bataille entre "les pays occidentaux" et "la Chine plus le Japon".

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme!

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron

2018-11-09: Le régime Donald Trump dit qu'il formera "l'Union des membres dans le commerce".
La "clause chinoise" doit "contenir" la Chine de la société à économie de marché.
Le Premier ministre Abe a promis de promouvoir conjointement "Une ceinture, une route" avec la Chine.
Le monde sera une bataille entre "les pays occidentaux" et "la Chine plus le Japon".

Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais. Les sociétés membres de Keidanren seront "exclues" des États-Unis.
Certaines entreprises vont "retirer" le Keidanren afin de faire des affaires aux États-Unis.
Le Japon sera "divisé" en "Chine mère" et "nation mère".
Dans de telles circonstances, il est dangereux pour les Asiatiques de venir au Japon en tant que "simples travailleurs".
Arrêtez de visiter le Japon.

À partir de cette semaine, "je peux comprendre même un singe, un mensonge de violation du droit de l'immigration" sera affiché.
S'il vous plaît comprendre la loi d'immigration japonaise. La loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration étant modifiée chaque année, veuillez également visiter l'URL suivante pour obtenir les dernières informations.

4 Renforcement des "raisons de forcer l'expulsion", etc. concernant le retrait de l'autorisation pour des activités autres que la qualification
Ce système d'annulation est conçu pour traiter des "actes qui encouragent le travail illégal", etc. plus précisément.
Le nouveau "motif d'expulsion forcée" a été renforcé et appliqué à compter du 1er juillet 2010.
Si vous agissez pour "encourager / aider" la création de faux documents, etc., ou pour "promouvoir le travail illégal"
"Se retirer à l'étranger" sera.
Traiter convenablement avec "acte de promotion du travail illégal" etc.
Les «motifs d'expulsion forcée», etc., entreront également en vigueur à compter du 1er juillet 2010.
Le texte suivant a été ajouté en tant que nouvelle "raison pour laquelle nous avons été forcés de quitter le pays".
Établit une réglementation sur l'annulation de "l'autorisation pour des activités en dehors du statut de qualification".

1 Afin de recevoir illégalement "l'autorisation d'atterrissage" etc. par d'autres ressortissants étrangers,
Faire un acte "d'encouragement / d'assistance" tel que "la création de documents de contrefaçon ou d'altération"
2 L'acte de "promotion du travail illégal" a été accompli.
3 Être condamné à "une peine d'emprisonnement sans travail" ou plus en raison du crime d '"activités non qualifiées". Au cas où
Note: Actuellement, il est intégré à l'article 24 (expulsion forcée).
1 = "ah", 2 = "ih", 3 = "euh".

Comme on peut le voir à partir de cette révision,
Lorsqu'un étranger soutient l'acquisition d'un "statut de résidence" en remettant des "faux documents" à d'autres étrangers,
Le statut de résidence de l'étranger a été "annulé" et l'étranger est devenu "se retirant hors du pays".

Parce que vous ne pouvez pas faire en sorte que les Japonais "s'éloignent du pays", "se retirer dans des pays étrangers" vise les étrangers.

La loi susmentionnée prouve que la "lettre de poursuite" du procureur de juillet 2010 dans laquelle "la poursuite" avait été "soulevée" est une erreur.

Le fait de fournir de faux documents n'est pas une "décision criminelle".
Même jusqu'à présent, les procureurs ne comprennent pas.
Ils ont l'intention de s'échapper.

Tout le monde, attrapez-les s'il vous plaît! !

Je vais continuer jusqu'à ce que vous compreniez.

Les médias doivent faire état de "problèmes d'enlèvement / séquestration illégaux" en violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration du gouvernement japonais.
Les gouvernements de chaque pays devraient protéger leurs victimes. S'il vous plaît demander au gouvernement japonais pour le recouvrement de l'honneur et la compensation.
Beaucoup d'étrangers sont venus au Japon avec des visas comme étudier à l'étranger, faire du tourisme ou travailler.
Ils travaillent dans des restaurants et des débits de boissons et sont "éliminés" par "une violation du droit de l'immigration".
C'est une violation du droit international parce que les employeurs ne sont pas "disposés".
Par conséquent, les étrangers qui ont travaillé illégalement sont "innocents".

Ce courriel est envoyé au responsable du Premier ministre tous les jours, comme tout le monde.
La résidence officielle du Premier ministre ignore toujours ce courrier électronique.
Le gouvernement japonais "écrase" les plaintes.
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".
Le matériel est en dessous.

Le gouvernement japonais n'est pas qualifié pour dire "enlèvement de japonais" par la Corée du Nord.
Le gouvernement japonais devrait donner la priorité à "l'enlèvement d'étrangers par le gouvernement japonais".
Les victimes coréennes ne peuvent pas compter. Le gouvernement nord-coréen devrait porter secours aux victimes des Coréens (Coréens).
Le gouvernement nord-coréen devrait s'attaquer au problème de "l'enlèvement de Coréens" au gouvernement japonais. Le gouvernement nord-coréen devrait sauver le peuple!
S'il vous plaît envoyez-moi si vous avez des objections.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-11-09: Das Donald-Trump-Regime sagt, es werde "Union of Members in Trade" bilden. Die "chinesische Klausel" soll China von der Marktwirtschaftsgesellschaft "eindämmen". Premierminister Abe sagt, gemeinsam "One Belt, One Road" mit China zu fördern. Die Welt wird ein Kampf zwischen "westlichen Ländern" und "China plus Japan" sein.

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

2018-11-09: Das Donald-Trump-Regime sagt, es werde "Union of Members in Trade" bilden.
Die "chinesische Klausel" soll China von der Marktwirtschaftsgesellschaft "eindämmen".
Premierminister Abe sagt, gemeinsam "One Belt, One Road" mit China zu fördern.
Die Welt wird ein Kampf zwischen "westlichen Ländern" und "China plus Japan" sein.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Die Keidanren-Mitgliedsfirmen werden aus den USA ausgesperrt.
Einige Unternehmen werden die Keidanren "zurückziehen", um in den Vereinigten Staaten Geschäfte zu machen.
Japan wird in "Eltern-China" und "Eltern-Nation" "aufgeteilt".
Unter solchen Umständen ist es für asiatische Menschen gefährlich, als "einfache Arbeiter" nach Japan zu kommen.
Hör auf Japan zu besuchen.

Von dieser Woche werden schreiben „kann auch bei Affen, Usonise der Immigration Control Act Verletzungen verstanden werden“.
Bitte verstehen Sie das japanische Einwanderungsgesetz. Sehen Sie sich die neueste, auch folgende URL, da die Immigration Control Act wird jährlich überarbeitet werden.

4. Stärkung der "Gründe für die Abschiebung" usw. in Bezug auf den Entzug der Zulassung für andere Aktivitäten als die Qualifikation
Dieses Annullierungssystem wurde entwickelt, um "Handlungen, die illegale Arbeit fördern" usw. genauer zu behandeln,
Der neue "Grund zur Abschiebung" wurde gestärkt und wurde ab dem 1. Juli 2010 durchgesetzt.
Wenn Sie einen Akt der "Ermutigung / Unterstützung" bei der Erstellung falscher Dokumente usw. oder "Akt der Förderung illegaler Arbeit" durchführen
"Zurückziehen in fremde Länder" wird sein.
Um mit "Akt der Förderung illegaler Arbeit" etc
"Gründe für die Abschiebung" usw. treten ebenfalls am 1. Juli 2010 in Kraft.
Das Folgende wurde als neuer "Grund für das Verlassen des Landes" hinzugefügt.
Legt Regeln für die Aufhebung der "Erlaubnis für Aktivitäten außerhalb des Status der Qualifikation" fest.

1. Um illegal "Erlaubnis der Landung" usw. von anderen ausländischen Staatsangehörigen zu erhalten,
Einen Akt der "Ermutigung / Unterstützung" wie "Erstellung von Fälschungs- oder Änderungsdokumenten" machen
2. Der Akt der "Förderung der illegalen Arbeit" wurde getan.
3. Wegen des Verbrechens der "Tätigkeit außerhalb des Status der Qualifikation" zu "Freiheitsstrafe ohne Arbeit" oder mehr verurteilt werden. Für den Fall
Hinweis: Derzeit ist es in Artikel 24 (Zwangsräumung) integriert.
1 = "ah", 2 = "ih", 3 = "uh".

Wie aus dieser Überarbeitung ersichtlich ist,
Wenn ein Ausländer den Erwerb des "Aufenthaltsstatus" durch Aushändigung "falscher Dokumente" an andere Ausländer unterstützt,
Der Aufenthaltsstatus des Ausländers wurde "annulliert" und der Ausländer "zog sich außerhalb des Landes zurück".

Weil man Japan nicht "vom Land wegziehen" kann, ist "Zurückziehen ins Ausland" auf Ausländer ausgerichtet.

Das oben genannte Gesetz beweist, dass der "Anklagebrief" der Staatsanwaltschaft im Juli 2010, in dem "Strafverfolgung" "erhoben" wurde, ein Fehler ist.

Der Akt der Vorlage falscher Dokumente ist keine "kriminelle Disposition".
Bis jetzt verstehen Ankläger nicht.
Sie wollen fliehen.

Alle, bitte fang sie! !

Ich werde weitermachen, bis du es verstehst.

Die Medien sollten in der Immigration Control Act Verletzungen Problem der japanischen Regierung der Berichterstattung über „illegale Verschleppung, Entbindung des Problems“ sein.
Regierungen jedes Landes sollten ihre Opfer schützen. Bitte fordern Sie die japanische Regierung für die Wiederherstellung und Entschädigung der Ehre.
Studieren im Ausland und Tourismus, Ausländer, die in der Visa solcher Arbeit Japan kam, ist eine ganze Menge.
Sie werden bei der Durchführung der Arbeit wie Restaurants „Immigration Control Act Verletzung“ „entsorgt“.
Es verstößt gegen internationales Recht, weil Arbeitgeber nicht "entsorgt" werden.
Ausländer, die illegal arbeiten, sind daher "unschuldig".

Diese E-Mail, jeden Tag in der gleichen Art und Weise, wie jeder hat die Staatskanzlei geschickt worden.
Der offizielle Wohnsitz des Premierministers ignoriert diese E-Mail immer noch.
Die japanische Regierung "zerquetscht" Beschwerden.
„Crush“, durch die Kraft des Staates, sondern ist ein „Stop“ der „Verjährung“.
Das Material ist unten.

Die japanische Regierung sagt die „Entführung japanischer“ von Nordkorea gibt es keine Qualifikation.
Die japanische Regierung sollte Vorfall zugunsten der „von der japanischen Regierung entführten Ausländer“ gelöst werden.
Koreanische Opfer können nicht zählen. Die nordkoreanische Regierung sollte die Opfer von Koreanern (Koreaner) retten.
Nordkoreanische Regierung sollte die Frage: „Südkorea Entführung“ der japanischen Regierung verfolgen. Die nordkoreanische Regierung sollte die Menschen retten!
Bitte mailen Sie mir, wenn Sie Einwände haben.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-11-09: The Donald Trump regime says it will form "Union of Members in Trade". The "Chinese clause" is to "contain" China from the market economy society. Prime Minister Abe says to jointly promote "One Belt, One Road" with China. The world will be a battle between "Western countries" and "China plus Japan".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2018-11-09: The Donald Trump regime says it will form "Union of Members in Trade".
The "Chinese clause" is to "contain" China from the market economy society.
Prime Minister Abe says to jointly promote "One Belt, One Road" with China.
The world will be a battle between "Western countries" and "China plus Japan".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The Keidanren member companies will be "locked out" from the United States.
Some companies will "withdraw" the Keidanren in order to do business in the United States.
Japan will be "divided" into "parent China" and "parent nation".
Under such circumstances it is dangerous for Asian people to come to Japan as "simple workers".
Stop visiting Japan.

From this week, "I can understand even a monkey,
a lie of violation of immigration law" will be posted.
Please understand Japanese immigration law. Since Immigration Control Law is amended every year,
please also visit the following URL for the latest information.

4. Strengthening "Reasons to force deportation" etc.
concerning withdrawal of permission for activities other than qualification
This revocation system has been enforced from July 1,
2010 as a new "reason for forced deportation" has been strengthened to more accurately deal
with "acts that promote illegal labor" etc.
If you conduct an act of "encouraging / assisting" the creation
of false documents, etc, or "act of promoting illegal labor",
you will be "withdrawing to foreign countries".
"Reasons for forced deportation" etc. to properly deal with "act of promoting illegal labor" etc.
will be enforced from July 1, 2010.
The following was added as a new "reason for forced to leave the country".
Establishes regulations on cancellation of "permission for activities outside the status
of qualification".

1. The act of "encouraging / assisting" the "creation of documents of counterfeiting
or alteration", etc.
for the purpose of making other foreigners illegally receive "permission of landing" etc.
2. The act of "promoting illegal labor" was done.
3. Being sentenced to "imprisonment without work"
or more due to the crime of "activities outside the status of qualification". In case
Note: Currently it is integrated into Article 24 (forced eviction).
1 = "ah", 2 = "ih", 3 = "uh".

As can be seen from this revision,
If a foreigner supports the acquisition of "status of residence"
by giving a "false document" to another foreign national,
the alien 's "status of residence" is "canceled",
the alien is " Departed from abroad "became.

Because you can not make Japanese "move away from the country", "withdrawing
to foreign countries" is targeted at foreigners.

The above law prove that the "prosecution letter" of the prosecutor
in July 2010 where "prosecution" was "raised" is a mistake.
The act of providing false documents is not "criminal disposition".
Even so far, prosecutors do not understand.
They intend to escape.
Everyone, please catch them! !

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report "illegal abduction / confinement problems" as a matter of violation
of the Immigration Control Act of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work. They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.
The prime minister's official residence is still ignoring this e-mail.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush" by state power is "stop"
of "Statute of limitations".
The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
Korean victims can not count.
The North Korean government should rescue the victims of Koreans (Koreans).
The North Korean government should pursue the "abduction of Koreans" problem to the Japanese government. The North Korean government should save the people!
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone at the media 2018-11-09: The Donald Trump regime says it will form "Union of Members in Trade". The "Chinese clause" is to "contain" China from the market economy society. Prime Minister Abe says to jointly promote "One Belt, One Road" with China. The world will be a battle between "Western countries" and "China plus Japan".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To everyone at the media

2018-11-09: The Donald Trump regime says it will form "Union of Members in Trade".
The "Chinese clause" is to "contain" China from the market economy society.
Prime Minister Abe says to jointly promote "One Belt, One Road" with China.
The world will be a battle between "Western countries" and "China plus Japan".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. The Keidanren member companies will be "locked out" from the United States.
Some companies will "withdraw" the Keidanren in order to do business in the United States.
Japan will be "divided" into "parent China" and "parent nation".
Under such circumstances it is dangerous for Asian people to come to Japan as "simple workers".
Stop visiting Japan.

From this week, "I can understand even a monkey,
a lie of violation of immigration law" will be posted.
Please understand Japanese immigration law. Since Immigration Control Law is amended every year,
please also visit the following URL for the latest information.

4. Strengthening "Reasons to force deportation" etc.
concerning withdrawal of permission for activities other than qualification
This revocation system has been enforced from July 1,
2010 as a new "reason for forced deportation" has been strengthened to more accurately deal
with "acts that promote illegal labor" etc.
If you conduct an act of "encouraging / assisting" the creation
of false documents, etc, or "act of promoting illegal labor",
you will be "withdrawing to foreign countries".
"Reasons for forced deportation" etc. to properly deal with "act of promoting illegal labor" etc.
will be enforced from July 1, 2010.
The following was added as a new "reason for forced to leave the country".
Establishes regulations on cancellation of "permission for activities outside the status
of qualification".

1. The act of "encouraging / assisting" the "creation of documents of counterfeiting
or alteration", etc.
for the purpose of making other foreigners illegally receive "permission of landing" etc.
2. The act of "promoting illegal labor" was done.
3. Being sentenced to "imprisonment without work"
or more due to the crime of "activities outside the status of qualification". In case
Note: Currently it is integrated into Article 24 (forced eviction).
1 = "ah", 2 = "ih", 3 = "uh".

As can be seen from this revision,
If a foreigner supports the acquisition of "status of residence"
by giving a "false document" to another foreign national,
the alien 's "status of residence" is "canceled",
the alien is " Departed from abroad "became.

Because you can not make Japanese "move away from the country", "withdrawing
to foreign countries" is targeted at foreigners.

The above law prove that the "prosecution letter" of the prosecutor
in July 2010 where "prosecution" was "raised" is a mistake.
The act of providing false documents is not "criminal disposition".
Even so far, prosecutors do not understand.
They intend to escape.
Everyone, please catch them! !

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report "illegal abduction / confinement problems" as a matter of violation
of the Immigration Control Act of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work. They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.
The prime minister's official residence is still ignoring this e-mail.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush" by state power is "stop"
of "Statute of limitations".
The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
Korean victims can not count.
The North Korean government should rescue the victims of Koreans (Koreans).
The North Korean government should pursue the "abduction of Koreans" problem to the Japanese government. The North Korean government should save the people!
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



To President Trump 2018-11-08: Prime Minister Abe will actively promote "East Asia Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)" with China. There is "China clause" in "Japan-U.S Article trade agreement (TAG)". It is "poisonous drug clause".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-11-08: Prime Minister Abe will actively promote "East Asia Regional Comprehensive
Economic Partnership (RCEP)" with China.
There is "China clause" in "Japan-U.S Article trade agreement (TAG)".
It is "poisonous drug clause".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. If Japan does (RCEP) with China,
America will recognize Japan as "anti-America", (TAG) is annihilated.
Simple workers will be unnecessary. Simple workers are forcibly repatriated as criminals.

From this week, "I can understand even a monkey, a lie of violation of immigration law" will be posted.
Please understand Japanese immigration law. Since Immigration Control Law is amended every year,
please also visit the following URL for the latest information.

As of 2014 it is becoming "expression" below

Article 22-4, Paragraph 4 "Documents with" misrepresentation "

The Minister of Justice may request a foreign national
who resides in Japan with the "status of residence of the upper column" of "Schedule 1"
or "Schedule 2 of the Schedule" (under the recognition of the refugee set forth
in Article 61-2, paragraph 1 ),
If any of the facts listed in each of the following items is found,
the court may "cancel" the status of residence
that the alien actually has under the procedure specified by the applicable Ordinance
of the Ministry of Justice.
(I) A false or other unfair means shall be deemed to be a seal
of a landing permit pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 or 2 of the preceding paragraph
(Article 9, paragraph 4 Including records under the provisions of paragraph) or receiving permission.
(Ii) by means of fraud or other unfair means, a seal or the like of landing permission etc
(a seal or permission of landing permit pursuant to the provisions
of the preceding paragraph 1 or 2 (limited to those accompanying the determination
of status of residence) or permission under this section If there are two or more of these,
it means the nearest one,
hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), the activities we intend to do
in Japan shall not be fraudulent,
and in the lower column of Appended Table 1 Having received a seal etc.
of said landing permission as falling under any of the activities listed
in the right column of the appended table 2 or the activities listed
in the right-hand column of appended table 2 below as the persons having the status or status.
(Iii) In addition to what is listed in the preceding two items,
by receiving false or other improper means, a seal of landing permission etc.

"Not fact" document = Contract document of employment whose content is "false".
(Iv) In addition to stated in the preceding three items,
Documents with a description that is not factual (submission of documents or drawings
that are not facts,
A certificate under the provisions of "Article 7-2, paragraph 1"
and "documents not having facts" issued by presentation,
Or visas received on passports by submission or presentation of drawings. )
Or "seal" etc. of landing permission by submission or presentation of drawings.

The following is "omitted".
In case
6 "Cancellation" of the status of residence shall be done by the Minister of Justice
by sending "Notice of cancellation of status of residence".
(7) In the case where the Minister of Justice shall "cancel" the status
of residence pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) (excluding items 1 and 2)
Shall designate the period necessary for the "foreigner" to "depart"
within a period not exceeding 30 days.

The following is "omitted".

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report "illegal abduction / confinement problems" as a matter of violation
of the Immigration Control Act of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work. They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.
The prime minister's official residence is still ignoring this e-mail.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush" by state power is "stop"
of "Statute of limitations".
The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
Korean victims can not count.
The North Korean government should rescue the victims of Koreans (Koreans).
The North Korean government should pursue the "abduction of Koreans" problem to the Japanese government. The North Korean government should save the people!
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-11-08】

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-11-08

November 7, 2018

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2018-11-08: Prime Minister Abe will actively promote "East Asia Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)" with China. There is "China clause" in "Japan-U.S Article trade agreement (TAG)". It is "poisonous drug clause".

<Public mail> # MeToo Human rights victim!

Joseon International Youth Travel Agency

Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.
This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc.
The White House gives us a reply e-mail every time!

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

2018-11-08: Prime Minister Abe will actively promote "East Asia Regional Comprehensive
Economic Partnership (RCEP)" with China.
There is "China clause" in "Japan-U.S Article trade agreement (TAG)".
It is "poisonous drug clause".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. If Japan does (RCEP) with China,
America will recognize Japan as "anti-America", (TAG) is annihilated.
Simple workers will be unnecessary. Simple workers are forcibly repatriated as criminals.

From this week, "I can understand even a monkey, a lie of violation of immigration law" will be posted.
Please understand Japanese immigration law. Since Immigration Control Law is amended every year,
please also visit the following URL for the latest information.

As of 2014 it is becoming "expression" below

Article 22-4, Paragraph 4 "Documents with" misrepresentation "

The Minister of Justice may request a foreign national
who resides in Japan with the "status of residence of the upper column" of "Schedule 1"
or "Schedule 2 of the Schedule" (under the recognition of the refugee set forth
in Article 61-2, paragraph 1 ),
If any of the facts listed in each of the following items is found,
the court may "cancel" the status of residence
that the alien actually has under the procedure specified by the applicable Ordinance
of the Ministry of Justice.
(I) A false or other unfair means shall be deemed to be a seal
of a landing permit pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 or 2 of the preceding paragraph
(Article 9, paragraph 4 Including records under the provisions of paragraph) or receiving permission.
(Ii) by means of fraud or other unfair means, a seal or the like of landing permission etc
(a seal or permission of landing permit pursuant to the provisions
of the preceding paragraph 1 or 2 (limited to those accompanying the determination
of status of residence) or permission under this section If there are two or more of these,
it means the nearest one,
hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), the activities we intend to do
in Japan shall not be fraudulent,
and in the lower column of Appended Table 1 Having received a seal etc.
of said landing permission as falling under any of the activities listed
in the right column of the appended table 2 or the activities listed
in the right-hand column of appended table 2 below as the persons having the status or status.
(Iii) In addition to what is listed in the preceding two items,
by receiving false or other improper means, a seal of landing permission etc.

"Not fact" document = Contract document of employment whose content is "false".
(Iv) In addition to stated in the preceding three items,
Documents with a description that is not factual (submission of documents or drawings
that are not facts,
A certificate under the provisions of "Article 7-2, paragraph 1"
and "documents not having facts" issued by presentation,
Or visas received on passports by submission or presentation of drawings. )
Or "seal" etc. of landing permission by submission or presentation of drawings.

The following is "omitted".
In case
6 "Cancellation" of the status of residence shall be done by the Minister of Justice
by sending "Notice of cancellation of status of residence".
(7) In the case where the Minister of Justice shall "cancel" the status
of residence pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) (excluding items 1 and 2)
Shall designate the period necessary for the "foreigner" to "depart"
within a period not exceeding 30 days.

The following is "omitted".

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report "illegal abduction / confinement problems" as a matter of violation
of the Immigration Control Act of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work. They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.
The prime minister's official residence is still ignoring this e-mail.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush" by state power is "stop"
of "Statute of limitations".
The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
Korean victims can not count.
The North Korean government should rescue the victims of Koreans (Koreans).
The North Korean government should pursue the "abduction of Koreans" problem to the Japanese government. The North Korean government should save the people!
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-11-08: Premierminister Abe wird aktiv die "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Ostasiens" mit China fördern. Es gibt eine "China-Klausel" in "Japan-U.S. Article Trade Agreement (TAG)". Es ist "giftige Drogenklausel".

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

2018-11-08: Premierminister Abe wird aktiv die "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Ostasiens" mit China fördern.
Es gibt eine "China-Klausel" in "Japan-U.S. Article Trade Agreement (TAG)". Es ist "giftige Drogenklausel".

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner.
Wenn Japan (RCEP) mit China handelt, wird Amerika Japan als "Anti-Amerika" anerkennen, (TAG) wird vernichtet.
Einfache Arbeiter werden unnötig sein. Einfache Arbeiter werden gewaltsam als Kriminelle repatriiert.

Von dieser Woche werden schreiben „kann auch bei Affen, Usonise der Immigration Control Act Verletzungen verstanden werden“.
Bitte verstehen Sie das japanische Einwanderungsgesetz. Sehen Sie sich die neueste, auch folgende URL, da die Immigration Control Act wird jährlich überarbeitet werden.

Seit 2014 wird es "Ausdruck" unten

Artikel 22-4, Absatz 4 "Dokumente mit" Falschdarstellung "

Der Justizminister muss Ausländern mit Wohnsitz in Japan den "Status des Wohnsitzes der oberen Kolonne" von "Angehängte Tabelle 1" oder "Anhang 2" mitteilen.
(Ausgenommen diejenigen, die als Flüchtlinge nach Artikel 61-2 Absatz 1 zertifiziert sind)
Wenn einer der in den folgenden Punkten aufgeführten Sachverhalte gemäß den in der geltenden Verordnung des Justizministeriums festgelegten Verfahren festgestellt wird,
Sie können den Aufenthaltsstatus des Ausländers "abbrechen".
(I) Ein falscher oder anderer betrügerischer Weg bedeutet, dass der Ausländer nicht unter Artikel 5 Absatz 1 fällt
Ein Siegel der Anlandeerlaubnis gemäß Absatz 1 oder 2 des vorstehenden Absatzes (einschließlich Aufzeichnungen nach Artikel 9 Absatz 4)
Oder haben die Erlaubnis erhalten.
(Ii) durch Betrug oder andere illegale Mittel,
Eine Robbe oder dergleichen für die Landeerlaubnis usw. (ein Siegel oder eine Erlaubnis für die Anlandungserlaubnis gemäß den Bestimmungen des vorstehenden Absatzes 1 oder 2)
(Beschränkt auf diejenigen, die die Bestimmung des Aufenthaltsstatus umfassen) oder eine Erlaubnis nach den Bestimmungen dieses Abschnitts,
Wenn es zwei oder mehr von diesen gibt, bedeutet dies die neueste.
Im Folgenden das gleiche in diesem Absatz. ), Die Aktivitäten, die er in Japan plant, sind nicht falsch,
Aktivitäten, die in der unteren Spalte von Angehängte Tabelle 1 aufgeführt sind
Oder als eine Aktivität als Person mit dem Status oder der Position, die in der rechten Spalte von Angehängte Tabelle 2 aufgeführt ist,
Ich erhielt ein Siegel usw. der Landerlaubnis.
(Iii) Zusätzlich zu dem, was in den vorhergehenden zwei Punkten aufgeführt ist, durch den Empfang falscher oder anderer unzulässiger Mittel, ein Siegel der Landeerlaubnis usw.

Dokument "Nicht Tatsache" = Vertragsdokument der Beschäftigung, dessen Inhalt "falsch" ist.
(Iv) Zusätzlich zu den in den vorhergehenden drei Punkten angegeben,
Dokumente mit einer Beschreibung, die nicht sachlich ist (Vorlage von Dokumenten oder Zeichnungen, die keine Fakten sind,
Eine Bescheinigung nach den Bestimmungen von "Artikel 7-2, Absatz 1" und "Dokumente ohne Tatsachen", ausgestellt von der Präsentation,
Oder Visa, die in Pässen durch Vorlage oder Vorlage von Zeichnungen erhalten werden. )
Oder "Siegel" etc. der Landerlaubnis durch Vorlage oder Vorlage von Zeichnungen.

Das Folgende ist "weggelassen".
Für den Fall
6 "Annullierung" des Aufenthaltsstatus erfolgt durch den Justizminister durch Senden der "Mitteilung über die Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus".
(7) In Fällen, in denen der Justizminister den Aufenthaltsstatus gemäß Absatz 1 "annulliert" (mit Ausnahme der Punkte 1 und 2),
Er muss die Frist angeben, die der "Ausländer" benötigt, um innerhalb eines Zeitraums von höchstens 30 Tagen "abzutreten".

Das Folgende ist "weggelassen".

Ich werde weitermachen, bis du es verstehst.

Die Medien sollten in der Immigration Control Act Verletzungen Problem der japanischen Regierung der Berichterstattung über „illegale Verschleppung, Entbindung des Problems“ sein.
Regierungen jedes Landes sollten ihre Opfer schützen. Bitte fordern Sie die japanische Regierung für die Wiederherstellung und Entschädigung der Ehre.
Studieren im Ausland und Tourismus, Ausländer, die in der Visa solcher Arbeit Japan kam, ist eine ganze Menge.
Sie werden bei der Durchführung der Arbeit wie Restaurants „Immigration Control Act Verletzung“ „entsorgt“.
Es verstößt gegen internationales Recht, weil Arbeitgeber nicht "entsorgt" werden.
Ausländer, die illegal arbeiten, sind daher "unschuldig".

Diese E-Mail, jeden Tag in der gleichen Art und Weise, wie jeder hat die Staatskanzlei geschickt worden.
Der offizielle Wohnsitz des Premierministers ignoriert diese E-Mail immer noch.
Die japanische Regierung "zerquetscht" Beschwerden.
„Crush“, durch die Kraft des Staates, sondern ist ein „Stop“ der „Verjährung“.
Das Material ist unten.

Die japanische Regierung sagt die „Entführung japanischer“ von Nordkorea gibt es keine Qualifikation.
Die japanische Regierung sollte Vorfall zugunsten der „von der japanischen Regierung entführten Ausländer“ gelöst werden.
Koreanische Opfer können nicht zählen. Die nordkoreanische Regierung sollte die Opfer von Koreanern (Koreaner) retten.
Nordkoreanische Regierung sollte die Frage: „Südkorea Entführung“ der japanischen Regierung verfolgen. Die nordkoreanische Regierung sollte die Menschen retten!
Bitte mailen Sie mir, wenn Sie Einwände haben.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 2018-11-08: Le Premier ministre Abe va promouvoir activement le "partenariat économique global pour la région de l'Asie de l'Est" avec la Chine. Il existe une "clause chinoise" dans "l'accord commercial entre le Japon et les États-Unis (TAG)". C'est une "clause sur les drogues toxiques".

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme!

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron

2018-11-08: Le Premier ministre Abe va promouvoir activement le "partenariat économique global pour la région de l'Asie de l'Est" avec la Chine.
Il existe une "clause chinoise" dans "l'accord commercial entre le Japon et les États-Unis (TAG)". C'est une "clause sur les drogues toxiques".

Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais.
Si le Japon le fait (RCEP) avec la Chine, les États-Unis le reconnaîtront comme "anti-américain", (TAG) est annihilé.
Les simples travailleurs seront inutiles. Les simples travailleurs sont rapatriés de force en tant que criminels.

À partir de cette semaine, "je peux comprendre même un singe, un mensonge de violation du droit de l'immigration" sera affiché.
S'il vous plaît comprendre la loi d'immigration japonaise. La loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration étant modifiée chaque année, veuillez également visiter l'URL suivante pour obtenir les dernières informations.

À partir de 2014, il devient "expression" ci-dessous

Article 22-4, paragraphe 4 "Documents contenant des" déclarations fausses "

Le Ministre de la justice notifie aux étrangers résidant au Japon le statut de résidence dans la colonne supérieure du tableau 1 ou de l’annexe 2 ci-joints.
(À l'exclusion des personnes certifiées comme réfugiées conformément à l'article 61-2, paragraphe 1)
Lorsque l’un des faits énumérés dans chacun des éléments suivants est découvert, conformément aux procédures définies par l’ordonnance du ministère de la Justice applicable,
Vous pouvez "annuler" le statut de résidence de l'étranger.
(I) Un faux ou un autre moyen frauduleux considère que ledit étranger ne relève d'aucun des éléments de l'article 5, paragraphe 1
Un sceau de permis de débarquement en vertu des dispositions des paragraphes 1 ou 2 de l'alinéa précédent (y compris les enregistrements en vertu des dispositions de l'article 9, paragraphe 4)
Ou avoir reçu la permission.
(Ii) au moyen d'une fraude ou d'autres moyens illégaux,
Un sceau ou autre de l'autorisation d'atterrissage, etc. (un sceau ou une autorisation d'autorisation d'atterrissage conformément aux dispositions des paragraphes 1 ou 2 précédents
(Limité à ceux qui impliquent la détermination du statut de résidence) ou une autorisation en vertu des dispositions du présent article,
Quand il y en a deux ou plus, cela signifie le dernier.
Ci-après le même dans ce paragraphe. ), Les activités qu'il compte faire au Japon ne sont pas fausses,
Activités énumérées dans la colonne inférieure du tableau 1 en annexe
Ou en tant qu’activité en tant que personne ayant le statut ou le poste indiqué dans la colonne de droite du tableau 2 en annexe,
J'ai reçu un sceau, etc. du permis de débarquement.
(Iii) En plus de ce qui est énuméré dans les deux points précédents, en recevant un faux, un autre moyen inapproprié, un sceau de permission de débarquement, etc.

Document "non factuel" = document contractuel d’emploi dont le contenu est "faux".
(Iv) En plus de ce qui est indiqué dans les trois points précédents,
Documents avec une description non factuelle (soumission de documents ou de dessins qui ne sont pas des faits,
Un certificat selon les dispositions de "l'article 7-2, paragraphe 1" et "des documents ne comportant pas de faits", délivré par présentation,
Ou visas reçus sur les passeports par soumission ou présentation de dessins. )
Ou "sceau" etc. de l'autorisation d'atterrissage par la soumission ou la présentation de dessins.

Ce qui suit est "omis".
Au cas où
6 "L'annulation" du statut de résidence est effectuée par le ministre de la Justice par l'envoi d'un "Avis de radiation du statut de résidence".
(7) Dans le cas où le ministre de la Justice "annule" le statut de résident en vertu de l'alinéa 1) (à l'exclusion des points 1 et 2)
Désigne la période nécessaire pour que "l'étranger" puisse "partir" dans un délai ne dépassant pas 30 jours.

Ce qui suit est "omis".

Je vais continuer jusqu'à ce que vous compreniez.

Les médias doivent faire état de "problèmes d'enlèvement / séquestration illégaux" en violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration du gouvernement japonais.
Les gouvernements de chaque pays devraient protéger leurs victimes. S'il vous plaît demander au gouvernement japonais pour le recouvrement de l'honneur et la compensation.
Beaucoup d'étrangers sont venus au Japon avec des visas comme étudier à l'étranger, faire du tourisme ou travailler.
Ils travaillent dans des restaurants et des débits de boissons et sont "éliminés" par "une violation du droit de l'immigration".
C'est une violation du droit international parce que les employeurs ne sont pas "disposés".
Par conséquent, les étrangers qui ont travaillé illégalement sont "innocents".

Ce courriel est envoyé au responsable du Premier ministre tous les jours, comme tout le monde.
La résidence officielle du Premier ministre ignore toujours ce courrier électronique.
Le gouvernement japonais "écrase" les plaintes.
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".
Le matériel est en dessous.

Le gouvernement japonais n'est pas qualifié pour dire "enlèvement de japonais" par la Corée du Nord.
Le gouvernement japonais devrait donner la priorité à "l'enlèvement d'étrangers par le gouvernement japonais".
Les victimes coréennes ne peuvent pas compter. Le gouvernement nord-coréen devrait porter secours aux victimes des Coréens (Coréens).
Le gouvernement nord-coréen devrait s'attaquer au problème de "l'enlèvement de Coréens" au gouvernement japonais. Le gouvernement nord-coréen devrait sauver le peuple!
S'il vous plaît envoyez-moi si vous avez des objections.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-11-08: Prime Minister Abe will actively promote "East Asia Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)" with China. There is "China clause" in "Japan-U.S Article trade agreement (TAG)". It is "poisonous drug clause".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2018-11-08: Prime Minister Abe will actively promote "East Asia Regional Comprehensive
Economic Partnership (RCEP)" with China.
There is "China clause" in "Japan-U.S Article trade agreement (TAG)".
It is "poisonous drug clause".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. If Japan does (RCEP) with China,
America will recognize Japan as "anti-America", (TAG) is annihilated.
Simple workers will be unnecessary. Simple workers are forcibly repatriated as criminals.

From this week, "I can understand even a monkey, a lie of violation of immigration law" will be posted.
Please understand Japanese immigration law. Since Immigration Control Law is amended every year,
please also visit the following URL for the latest information.

As of 2014 it is becoming "expression" below

Article 22-4, Paragraph 4 "Documents with" misrepresentation "

The Minister of Justice may request a foreign national
who resides in Japan with the "status of residence of the upper column" of "Schedule 1"
or "Schedule 2 of the Schedule" (under the recognition of the refugee set forth
in Article 61-2, paragraph 1 ),
If any of the facts listed in each of the following items is found,
the court may "cancel" the status of residence
that the alien actually has under the procedure specified by the applicable Ordinance
of the Ministry of Justice.
(I) A false or other unfair means shall be deemed to be a seal
of a landing permit pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 or 2 of the preceding paragraph
(Article 9, paragraph 4 Including records under the provisions of paragraph) or receiving permission.
(Ii) by means of fraud or other unfair means, a seal or the like of landing permission etc
(a seal or permission of landing permit pursuant to the provisions
of the preceding paragraph 1 or 2 (limited to those accompanying the determination
of status of residence) or permission under this section If there are two or more of these,
it means the nearest one,
hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), the activities we intend to do
in Japan shall not be fraudulent,
and in the lower column of Appended Table 1 Having received a seal etc.
of said landing permission as falling under any of the activities listed
in the right column of the appended table 2 or the activities listed
in the right-hand column of appended table 2 below as the persons having the status or status.
(Iii) In addition to what is listed in the preceding two items,
by receiving false or other improper means, a seal of landing permission etc.

"Not fact" document = Contract document of employment whose content is "false".
(Iv) In addition to stated in the preceding three items,
Documents with a description that is not factual (submission of documents or drawings
that are not facts,
A certificate under the provisions of "Article 7-2, paragraph 1"
and "documents not having facts" issued by presentation,
Or visas received on passports by submission or presentation of drawings. )
Or "seal" etc. of landing permission by submission or presentation of drawings.

The following is "omitted".
In case
6 "Cancellation" of the status of residence shall be done by the Minister of Justice
by sending "Notice of cancellation of status of residence".
(7) In the case where the Minister of Justice shall "cancel" the status
of residence pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) (excluding items 1 and 2)
Shall designate the period necessary for the "foreigner" to "depart"
within a period not exceeding 30 days.

The following is "omitted".

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report "illegal abduction / confinement problems" as a matter of violation
of the Immigration Control Act of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work. They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.
The prime minister's official residence is still ignoring this e-mail.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush" by state power is "stop"
of "Statute of limitations".
The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
Korean victims can not count.
The North Korean government should rescue the victims of Koreans (Koreans).
The North Korean government should pursue the "abduction of Koreans" problem to the Japanese government. The North Korean government should save the people!
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone at the media 2018-11-08: Prime Minister Abe will actively promote "East Asia Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)" with China. There is "China clause" in "Japan-U.S Article trade agreement (TAG)". It is "poisonous drug clause".

To everyone at the media

2018-11-08: Prime Minister Abe will actively promote "East Asia Regional Comprehensive
Economic Partnership (RCEP)" with China.
There is "China clause" in "Japan-U.S Article trade agreement (TAG)".
It is "poisonous drug clause".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. If Japan does (RCEP) with China,
America will recognize Japan as "anti-America", (TAG) is annihilated.
Simple workers will be unnecessary. Simple workers are forcibly repatriated as criminals.

From this week, "I can understand even a monkey, a lie of violation of immigration law" will be posted.
Please understand Japanese immigration law. Since Immigration Control Law is amended every year,
please also visit the following URL for the latest information.

As of 2014 it is becoming "expression" below

Article 22-4, Paragraph 4 "Documents with" misrepresentation "

The Minister of Justice may request a foreign national
who resides in Japan with the "status of residence of the upper column" of "Schedule 1"
or "Schedule 2 of the Schedule" (under the recognition of the refugee set forth
in Article 61-2, paragraph 1 ),
If any of the facts listed in each of the following items is found,
the court may "cancel" the status of residence
that the alien actually has under the procedure specified by the applicable Ordinance
of the Ministry of Justice.
(I) A false or other unfair means shall be deemed to be a seal
of a landing permit pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 or 2 of the preceding paragraph
(Article 9, paragraph 4 Including records under the provisions of paragraph) or receiving permission.
(Ii) by means of fraud or other unfair means, a seal or the like of landing permission etc
(a seal or permission of landing permit pursuant to the provisions
of the preceding paragraph 1 or 2 (limited to those accompanying the determination
of status of residence) or permission under this section If there are two or more of these,
it means the nearest one,
hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), the activities we intend to do
in Japan shall not be fraudulent,
and in the lower column of Appended Table 1 Having received a seal etc.
of said landing permission as falling under any of the activities listed
in the right column of the appended table 2 or the activities listed
in the right-hand column of appended table 2 below as the persons having the status or status.
(Iii) In addition to what is listed in the preceding two items,
by receiving false or other improper means, a seal of landing permission etc.

"Not fact" document = Contract document of employment whose content is "false".
(Iv) In addition to stated in the preceding three items,
Documents with a description that is not factual (submission of documents or drawings
that are not facts,
A certificate under the provisions of "Article 7-2, paragraph 1"
and "documents not having facts" issued by presentation,
Or visas received on passports by submission or presentation of drawings. )
Or "seal" etc. of landing permission by submission or presentation of drawings.

The following is "omitted".
In case
6 "Cancellation" of the status of residence shall be done by the Minister of Justice
by sending "Notice of cancellation of status of residence".
(7) In the case where the Minister of Justice shall "cancel" the status
of residence pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) (excluding items 1 and 2)
Shall designate the period necessary for the "foreigner" to "depart"
within a period not exceeding 30 days.

The following is "omitted".

I will continue until you understand.

The media should report "illegal abduction / confinement problems" as a matter of violation
of the Immigration Control Act of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work. They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of"
by "immigration law violation".
It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.
The prime minister's official residence is still ignoring this e-mail.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush" by state power is "stop"
of "Statute of limitations".
The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
Korean victims can not count.
The North Korean government should rescue the victims of Koreans (Koreans).
The North Korean government should pursue the "abduction of Koreans" problem to the Japanese government. The North Korean government should save the people!
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2018-11-07: Prime Minister Abe will raise the consumption tax from October next year. Interestingly, the increase in tax is the same amount as 3 trillion yen in exchange swap to China. Prime Minister Abe seems to have a "foresight".

<Public mail> # MeToo Human rights victim!

Joseon International Youth Travel Agency

Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.
This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc.
The White House gives us a reply e-mail every time!

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

2018-11-07: Prime Minister Abe will raise the consumption tax from October next year.
Interestingly, the increase in tax is the same amount as 3 trillion yen in exchange swap to China.
Prime Minister Abe seems to have a "foresight".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. People think that the renminbi will be "Scrap of paper".
So, there will be a movement against the consumption tax raise.
President Donald Trump says that he will return China to "old China".
Asia has become the battle of the "Donald Trump president" versus "Xi Jinping and Abe Shinzo".
"Odds" will come out soon. Which do you bet on?

From this week,
"I can understand even a monkey, a lie of violation of immigration law" will be posted.
Please understand Japanese immigration law.
Since Immigration Control Law is amended every year,
please also visit the following URL for the latest information.

3. Foreigners who are likely to work illegally are basically "moving out of the country"
Since it was judged and entered the country by the provisions of Immigration Control Act,
we will only leave Japan if it is in violation. It is not much sin.
However, if you intentionally "move out of the country" it violates international law,
so the position of Japan will decline in the international community, so you need to be careful.

Some foreigners in Japan receive "permission of landing" etc.
by "false other improper means".
Or do illegal work without doing activities that fall under the status of residence.
There are a lot of people who "inhibit" "fair" "immigration control" such as "commit a crime".

Following these factors the following law was legislated.

In part of the amendment to the Immigration Control Act in 2004,
the system of "Revocation of Status of Residence" (Article 22-4) was "created".
(Enforced on December 2, the same year).

When the Minister of Justice finds any of the facts listed in each of the following items,
he / she can "cancel" the "residence status" currently held by the foreigner.
① In the case of receiving a "seal = visa", etc. of "permission of landing"
by erroneous judgment of "immigration inspector" on "reason for refusal of landing"
by deceit or other illegal means. In case
In case of receiving "seal = visa" etc in "② false permission".
For example, the case where a person who intends to conduct "simple labor" in Japan declares
that he / she will perform activities corresponding to the "status of residence"
of "technology" will become the "subject of cancellation" under this issue. In case
③ The case where the applicant falsified the facts other than the activities
that the applicant intends to do in Japan and received a "seal = visa" etc. of "permission of landing".
For example, when the applicant falsely identifies his or her career or the like,
it becomes the "subject of cancellation" under this issue. In case

Contract of false employment this time is this article!

④ In cases other than those falling under ① to ③, when submitting "false documents" and receiving "seal = visa" etc. of "permission of landing".
In this issue, it is not a requirement that false or other illegal means are used, and it is not necessary for the applicant to have "willful".
In case

⑤ If you have not continued activities related to your status of residence (limited to the status of residence (Note) in the upper column of Appended Table 1 of the Immigration Act No. 1) for more than 3 months (provided, however, that you stay without doing such activities There is a just good reason for being in.) Except. Also, in canceling the status of residence, it is supposed to hear opinions from alien subjects in advance.


Paragraph 4, Paragraph 4 of Article 22 is fake document submission.
Note: "Fake lies document" (Kyogi) is now renamed to "false document" (Huzitu).
"Kyogi" changed to "Huzitu".
Kyogi = lie, and fake
Huzitu = not fact
I think the meaning is the same.


I will continue until you understand.

The media should report "illegal abduction / confinement problems" as a matter of violation
of the Immigration Control Act of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work.
They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of" by "immigration law violation".
t is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.
The prime minister's official residence is still ignoring this e-mail.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".
The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
Korean victims can not count.
The North Korean government should rescue the victims of Koreans (Koreans).
The North Korean government should pursue the "abduction of Koreans" problem to the Japanese government. The North Korean government should save the people!
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Trump 2018-11-07: Prime Minister Abe will raise the consumption tax from October next year. Interestingly, the increase in tax is the same amount as 3 trillion yen in exchange swap to China. Prime Minister Abe seems to have a "foresight".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-11-07: Prime Minister Abe will raise the consumption tax from October next year.
Interestingly, the increase in tax is the same amount as 3 trillion yen in exchange swap to China.
Prime Minister Abe seems to have a "foresight".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. People think that the renminbi will be "Scrap of paper".
So, there will be a movement against the consumption tax raise.
President Donald Trump says that he will return China to "old China".
Asia has become the battle of the "Donald Trump president" versus "Xi Jinping and Abe Shinzo".
"Odds" will come out soon. Which do you bet on?

From this week,
"I can understand even a monkey, a lie of violation of immigration law" will be posted.
Please understand Japanese immigration law.
Since Immigration Control Law is amended every year,
please also visit the following URL for the latest information.

3. Foreigners who are likely to work illegally are basically "moving out of the country"
Since it was judged and entered the country by the provisions of Immigration Control Act,
we will only leave Japan if it is in violation. It is not much sin.
However, if you intentionally "move out of the country" it violates international law,
so the position of Japan will decline in the international community, so you need to be careful.

Some foreigners in Japan receive "permission of landing" etc.
by "false other improper means".
Or do illegal work without doing activities that fall under the status of residence.
There are a lot of people who "inhibit" "fair" "immigration control" such as "commit a crime".

Following these factors the following law was legislated.

In part of the amendment to the Immigration Control Act in 2004,
the system of "Revocation of Status of Residence" (Article 22-4) was "created".
(Enforced on December 2, the same year).

When the Minister of Justice finds any of the facts listed in each of the following items,
he / she can "cancel" the "residence status" currently held by the foreigner.
① In the case of receiving a "seal = visa", etc. of "permission of landing"
by erroneous judgment of "immigration inspector" on "reason for refusal of landing"
by deceit or other illegal means. In case
In case of receiving "seal = visa" etc in "② false permission".
For example, the case where a person who intends to conduct "simple labor" in Japan declares
that he / she will perform activities corresponding to the "status of residence"
of "technology" will become the "subject of cancellation" under this issue. In case
③ The case where the applicant falsified the facts other than the activities
that the applicant intends to do in Japan and received a "seal = visa" etc. of "permission of landing".
For example, when the applicant falsely identifies his or her career or the like,
it becomes the "subject of cancellation" under this issue. In case

Contract of false employment this time is this article!

④ In cases other than those falling under ① to ③, when submitting "false documents" and receiving "seal = visa" etc. of "permission of landing".
In this issue, it is not a requirement that false or other illegal means are used, and it is not necessary for the applicant to have "willful".
In case

⑤ If you have not continued activities related to your status of residence (limited to the status of residence (Note) in the upper column of Appended Table 1 of the Immigration Act No. 1) for more than 3 months (provided, however, that you stay without doing such activities There is a just good reason for being in.) Except. Also, in canceling the status of residence, it is supposed to hear opinions from alien subjects in advance.


Paragraph 4, Paragraph 4 of Article 22 is fake document submission.
Note: "Fake lies document" (Kyogi) is now renamed to "false document" (Huzitu).
"Kyogi" changed to "Huzitu".
Kyogi = lie, and fake
Huzitu = not fact
I think the meaning is the same.


I will continue until you understand.

The media should report "illegal abduction / confinement problems" as a matter of violation
of the Immigration Control Act of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work.
They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of" by "immigration law violation".
t is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.
The prime minister's official residence is still ignoring this e-mail.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".
The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
Korean victims can not count.
The North Korean government should rescue the victims of Koreans (Koreans).
The North Korean government should pursue the "abduction of Koreans" problem to the Japanese government. The North Korean government should save the people!
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Emmanuel · Président français Macron À 2018-11-07: Le Premier ministre Abe augmentera la taxe à la consommation à partir d'octobre prochain. Fait intéressant, l'augmentation de la taxe équivaut à 3 000 milliards de yen échangés contre la Chine. Le Premier ministre Abe semble avoir une "prévoyance".

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme!

 Emmanuel · Président français Macron

2018-11-07: Le Premier ministre Abe augmentera la taxe à la consommation à partir d'octobre prochain.
Fait intéressant, l'augmentation de la taxe équivaut à 3 000 milliards de yen échangés contre la Chine.
Le Premier ministre Abe semble avoir une "prévoyance".

Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais. Les gens pensent que le renminbi sera un "morceau de papier".
Il y aura donc un mouvement contre l'augmentation des taxes à la consommation.
Le président Donald Trump a déclaré qu'il ramènerait la Chine dans la "vieille Chine".
L'Asie est devenue la bataille du « président Donald Trump » et « Xi Jinping et Shinzo Abe ».
"Les chances" vont bientôt sortir. Sur quoi pariez-vous?

À partir de cette semaine, "je peux comprendre même un singe, un mensonge de violation du droit de l'immigration" sera affiché.
S'il vous plaît comprendre la loi d'immigration japonaise.
La loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration étant modifiée chaque année, veuillez également visiter l'URL suivante pour obtenir les dernières informations.

3 Les étrangers susceptibles de travailler illégalement sont essentiellement "en train de quitter le pays"
Comme il a été jugé et entré dans le pays par les dispositions de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, nous ne quitterons le Japon qu'en cas de violation. Ce n'est pas beaucoup de péché.
Cependant, si vous "quittez volontairement le pays", cela sera contraire au droit international,
Comme la position du Japon va décliner dans la communauté internationale, vous avez besoin d'attention.

Certains étrangers au Japon reçoivent "l'autorisation d'atterrir" etc. par "faux autres moyens inappropriés".
Ou faire du travail illégal sans faire des activités qui relèvent du statut de résidence.
Il y a beaucoup de gens qui "inhibent" "" équitablement "" le contrôle de l'immigration "tels que" commettent un crime ".

Suite à ces facteurs, la loi suivante a été promulguée.

Dans le cadre d'une modification de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration de 2004, le système de "révocation du statut de résidence" (article 22-4) a été "créé".
(En vigueur le 2 décembre de la même année).

Lorsque le ministre de la Justice constate l'un des faits énumérés dans les articles suivants,
Il est possible "d'annuler" le "statut de résident" qu'un étranger possède réellement.
Par des moyens frauduleux ou autres moyens illégaux,
Mauvaise appréciation du jugement de "l'inspecteur de l'immigration" sur "Motif du rejet de l'établissement"
En cas de "sceau = visa" etc. de "permission d'atterrissage".
En cas de "sceau = visa" etc. dans "② fausse permission".
Par exemple, une personne qui a l'intention d'effectuer un "travail simple" au Japon
Dans les cas où nous déclarons que nous mènerons des activités qui relèvent du "statut de résidence" de "technologie", etc., cela deviendra "le sujet de l'annulation" dans ce numéro.
Le cas où le demandeur a falsifié des faits autres que les activités qu'il compte faire au Japon et a reçu un "sceau = visa" etc. de "permission d'atterrissage".
Par exemple, lorsque le demandeur identifie faussement sa carrière ou un événement similaire, il devient le "sujet de l’annulation" dans cette affaire.

Contrat de faux emploi cette fois est cet article!

Dans les cas autres que ceux relevant de (1) à (3)
En cas de "faux document" et de réception du "sceau = visa" etc. de "permission d'atterrissage".
Dans ce numéro, il n’est pas nécessaire de créer un faux ou un autre moyen inapproprié,
Il n’est pas nécessaire que le demandeur soit "volontaire".


Poursuivre les activités relatives au statut de résidence actuellement détenu (limité au statut de résidence (note) dans la colonne supérieure du tableau 1 annexé de la loi sur l'immigration)
Si vous n'êtes pas au Japon depuis plus de 3 mois (cependant, il y a de bonnes raisons de rester sans faire l'activité).
Sauf quand. ). En outre, en annulant le statut de résidence,
Il est censé entendre les avis des ressortissants étrangers à l'avance.

Le paragraphe 4, paragraphe 4 de l'article 22 est une soumission de faux documents.
Note: "Document faux mensonges" (Kyogi)
Actuellement, le nom a été changé en "faux document" (Huzitu).
"Kyogi" a été remplacé par "Huzitu".
Kyogi = mensonge et faux
Huzitu = pas fait
Je pense que le sens est le même.


Je vais continuer jusqu'à ce que vous compreniez.

Les médias doivent faire état de "problèmes d'enlèvement / séquestration illégaux" en violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration du gouvernement japonais.
Les gouvernements de chaque pays devraient protéger leurs victimes.
S'il vous plaît demander au gouvernement japonais pour le recouvrement de l'honneur et la compensation.
Beaucoup d'étrangers sont venus au Japon avec des visas comme étudier à l'étranger, faire du tourisme ou travailler.
Ils travaillent dans des restaurants et des débits de boissons et sont "éliminés" par "une violation du droit de l'immigration".
C'est une violation du droit international parce que les employeurs ne sont pas "disposés".
Par conséquent, les étrangers qui ont travaillé illégalement sont "innocents".

Ce courriel est envoyé au responsable du Premier ministre tous les jours, comme tout le monde.
La résidence officielle du Premier ministre ignore toujours ce courrier électronique.
Le gouvernement japonais "écrase" les plaintes.
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".
Le matériel est en dessous.

Le gouvernement japonais n'est pas qualifié pour dire "enlèvement de japonais" par la Corée du Nord.
Le gouvernement japonais devrait donner la priorité à "l'enlèvement d'étrangers par le gouvernement japonais".
Les victimes coréennes ne peuvent pas compter. Le gouvernement nord-coréen devrait porter secours aux victimes des Coréens (Coréens).
Le gouvernement nord-coréen devrait s'attaquer au problème de "l'enlèvement de Coréens" au gouvernement japonais. Le gouvernement nord-coréen devrait sauver le peuple!
S'il vous plaît envoyez-moi si vous avez des objections.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-11-07: Premierminister Abe wird die Verbrauchsteuer ab Oktober nächsten Jahres erhöhen. Interessanterweise ist der Steueranstieg der gleiche Betrag wie 3 Billionen Yen im Tausch-Swap nach China. Premierminister Abe scheint eine Voraussicht zu haben.

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

2018-11-07: Premierminister Abe wird die Verbrauchsteuer ab Oktober nächsten Jahres erhöhen.
Interessanterweise ist der Steueranstieg der gleiche Betrag wie 3 Billionen Yen im Tausch-Swap nach China.
Premierminister Abe scheint eine Voraussicht zu haben.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Die Leute denken, dass der Renminbi "Papierfetzen" sein wird.
Also wird es eine Bewegung gegen die Verbrauchssteuererhöhung geben.
Präsident Donald Trump sagt, er werde China in das "alte China" zurückbringen.
Asien hat sich der Kampf der "Donald Trump President" versus "Xi Jinping und Abe Shinzo" werden.
"Odds" werden bald herauskommen. Auf was wetten Sie?

Von dieser Woche werden schreiben „kann auch bei Affen, Usonise der Immigration Control Act Verletzungen verstanden werden“.
Bitte verstehen Sie das japanische Einwanderungsgesetz.
Sehen Sie sich die neueste, auch folgende URL, da die Immigration Control Act wird jährlich überarbeitet werden.

3. Ausländer, die wahrscheinlich illegal arbeiten, ziehen grundsätzlich "aus dem Land"
Da es nach den Bestimmungen des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes beurteilt wurde und in das Land eingereist ist, werden wir Japan nur verlassen, wenn es einen Verstoß gibt. Es ist nicht viel Sünde.
Wenn Sie jedoch absichtlich "aus dem Land auswandern", verstößt dies gegen das Völkerrecht.
Da die Position Japans in der internationalen Gemeinschaft abnehmen wird, brauchen Sie Aufmerksamkeit.

Einige Ausländer in Japan erhalten "Erlaubnis der Landung" etc. durch "falsche andere unangemessene Mittel".
Oder illegale Arbeit verrichten, ohne Tätigkeiten auszuüben, die unter den Status eines Wohnsitzes fallen.
Es gibt eine Menge Leute, die "faire" "Einwanderungskontrolle" wie "Verbrechen begehen" "hemmen".

Nach diesen Faktoren wurde das folgende Gesetz erlassen.

In einem Teil der Novelle des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes von 2004 wurde das System des "Widerrufs des Aufenthaltsstatus" (Artikel 22-4) "geschaffen".
(Am 2. Dezember desselben Jahres erzwungen).

Wenn der Justizminister einen der in den folgenden Punkten aufgeführten Tatsachen findet,
Es ist möglich, den "Aufenthaltsstatus" eines Ausländers zu "löschen".
① durch betrügerische oder andere illegale Mittel,
Fehleinschätzung des Urteils des "Einwanderungsinspektors" über "Grund für die Ablehnung der Landung"
Im Falle, dass "Siegel = Visum" usw. von "Erlaubnis der Landung" erhalten wird.
Im Falle der Annahme "Siegel = Visum" usw. in "② falsche Erlaubnis".
Zum Beispiel eine Person, die "einfache Arbeit" in Japan durchführen möchte
In Fällen, in denen wir erklären, dass wir Aktivitäten durchführen, die unter den "Aufenthaltsstatus" von "Technologie" usw. fallen, wird es unter dieser Ausgabe "Gegenstand der Löschung".
③ Der Fall, in dem der Antragsteller andere Tatsachen als die Tätigkeiten, die der Antragsteller in Japan beabsichtigt, verfälscht und ein "Siegel = Visum" usw. der "Erlaubnis zur Anlandung" erhalten hat.
Zum Beispiel, wenn der Bewerber seine oder ihre Karriere falsch identifiziert, wird es der "Subjekt der Annullierung" unter dieser Ausgabe.

Vertrag der falschen Beschäftigung dieses Mal ist dieser Artikel!

④ In anderen als den unter (1) bis (3) genannten Fällen
Im Falle der Einreichung "falscher Dokumente" und Erhalt von "Siegel = Visum" usw. von "Erlaubnis der Landung".
In dieser Ausgabe ist es nicht erforderlich, falsche oder andere unangemessene Mittel zu verwenden,
Der Antragsteller muss nicht "vorsätzlich" sein.


⑤ Fortführung der Aktivitäten in Bezug auf den Status des derzeitigen Wohnsitzes (begrenzt auf den Status des Wohnsitzes (Hinweis) in der oberen Spalte der beigefügten Tabelle 1 des Zuwanderungsgesetzes)
Wenn Sie länger als 3 Monate nicht in Japan waren (es gibt jedoch gute Gründe, ohne Aktivität zu bleiben).
Außer wenn. ). Auch bei der Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus
Es soll im Voraus Meinungen von Ausländern hören.

Absatz 4, Absatz 4 des Artikels 22 ist die Einreichung gefälschter Dokumente.
Hinweis: "Fake lies document" (Kyogi)
Gegenwärtig wurde der Name in "falsches Dokument" (Huzitu) geändert.
"Kyogi" wurde zu "Huzitu" geändert.
Kyogi = Lüge und Fälschung
Huzitu = nicht Tatsache
Ich denke, die Bedeutung ist dieselbe.


Ich werde weitermachen, bis du es verstehst.

Die Medien sollten in der Immigration Control Act Verletzungen Problem der japanischen Regierung der Berichterstattung über „illegale Verschleppung, Entbindung des Problems“ sein.
Regierungen jedes Landes sollten ihre Opfer schützen.
Bitte fordern Sie die japanische Regierung für die Wiederherstellung und Entschädigung der Ehre.
Studieren im Ausland und Tourismus, Ausländer, die in der Visa solcher Arbeit Japan kam, ist eine ganze Menge.
Sie werden bei der Durchführung der Arbeit wie Restaurants „Immigration Control Act Verletzung“ „entsorgt“.
Es verstößt gegen internationales Recht, weil Arbeitgeber nicht "entsorgt" werden.
Ausländer, die illegal arbeiten, sind daher "unschuldig".

Diese E-Mail, jeden Tag in der gleichen Art und Weise, wie jeder hat die Staatskanzlei geschickt worden.
Der offizielle Wohnsitz des Premierministers ignoriert diese E-Mail immer noch.
Die japanische Regierung "zerquetscht" Beschwerden.
„Crush“, durch die Kraft des Staates, sondern ist ein „Stop“ der „Verjährung“.
Das Material ist unten.

Die japanische Regierung sagt die „Entführung japanischer“ von Nordkorea gibt es keine Qualifikation.
Die japanische Regierung sollte Vorfall zugunsten der „von der japanischen Regierung entführten Ausländer“ gelöst werden.
Koreanische Opfer können nicht zählen. Die nordkoreanische Regierung sollte die Opfer von Koreanern (Koreaner) retten.
Nordkoreanische Regierung sollte die Frage: „Südkorea Entführung“ der japanischen Regierung verfolgen. Die nordkoreanische Regierung sollte die Menschen retten!
Bitte mailen Sie mir, wenn Sie Einwände haben.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-11-07: Prime Minister Abe will raise the consumption tax from October next year. Interestingly, the increase in tax is the same amount as 3 trillion yen in exchange swap to China. Prime Minister Abe seems to have a "foresight".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2018-11-07: Prime Minister Abe will raise the consumption tax from October next year.
Interestingly, the increase in tax is the same amount as 3 trillion yen in exchange swap to China.
Prime Minister Abe seems to have a "foresight".

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. People think that the renminbi will be "Scrap of paper".
So, there will be a movement against the consumption tax raise.
President Donald Trump says that he will return China to "old China".
Asia has become the battle of the "Donald Trump president" versus "Xi Jinping and Abe Shinzo".
"Odds" will come out soon. Which do you bet on?

From this week,
"I can understand even a monkey, a lie of violation of immigration law" will be posted.
Please understand Japanese immigration law.
Since Immigration Control Law is amended every year,
please also visit the following URL for the latest information.

3. Foreigners who are likely to work illegally are basically "moving out of the country"
Since it was judged and entered the country by the provisions of Immigration Control Act,
we will only leave Japan if it is in violation. It is not much sin.
However, if you intentionally "move out of the country" it violates international law,
so the position of Japan will decline in the international community, so you need to be careful.

Some foreigners in Japan receive "permission of landing" etc.
by "false other improper means".
Or do illegal work without doing activities that fall under the status of residence.
There are a lot of people who "inhibit" "fair" "immigration control" such as "commit a crime".

Following these factors the following law was legislated.

In part of the amendment to the Immigration Control Act in 2004,
the system of "Revocation of Status of Residence" (Article 22-4) was "created".
(Enforced on December 2, the same year).

When the Minister of Justice finds any of the facts listed in each of the following items,
he / she can "cancel" the "residence status" currently held by the foreigner.
① In the case of receiving a "seal = visa", etc. of "permission of landing"
by erroneous judgment of "immigration inspector" on "reason for refusal of landing"
by deceit or other illegal means. In case
In case of receiving "seal = visa" etc in "② false permission".
For example, the case where a person who intends to conduct "simple labor" in Japan declares
that he / she will perform activities corresponding to the "status of residence"
of "technology" will become the "subject of cancellation" under this issue. In case
③ The case where the applicant falsified the facts other than the activities
that the applicant intends to do in Japan and received a "seal = visa" etc. of "permission of landing".
For example, when the applicant falsely identifies his or her career or the like,
it becomes the "subject of cancellation" under this issue. In case

Contract of false employment this time is this article!

④ In cases other than those falling under ① to ③, when submitting "false documents" and receiving "seal = visa" etc. of "permission of landing".
In this issue, it is not a requirement that false or other illegal means are used, and it is not necessary for the applicant to have "willful".
In case

⑤ If you have not continued activities related to your status of residence (limited to the status of residence (Note) in the upper column of Appended Table 1 of the Immigration Act No. 1) for more than 3 months (provided, however, that you stay without doing such activities There is a just good reason for being in.) Except. Also, in canceling the status of residence, it is supposed to hear opinions from alien subjects in advance.


Paragraph 4, Paragraph 4 of Article 22 is fake document submission.
Note: "Fake lies document" (Kyogi) is now renamed to "false document" (Huzitu).
"Kyogi" changed to "Huzitu".
Kyogi = lie, and fake
Huzitu = not fact
I think the meaning is the same.


I will continue until you understand.

The media should report "illegal abduction / confinement problems" as a matter of violation
of the Immigration Control Act of the Japanese government.
Governments of each country should protect their victims.
Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation.
There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad,
sightseeing and work.
They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of" by "immigration law violation".
t is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed".
Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".

This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.
The prime minister's official residence is still ignoring this e-mail.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".
The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
Korean victims can not count.
The North Korean government should rescue the victims of Koreans (Koreans).
The North Korean government should pursue the "abduction of Koreans" problem to the Japanese government. The North Korean government should save the people!
Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

2025-01-11:لذلك، تعاون بعض الأوكرانيين مع النازيين في الإبادة الجماعية لليهود. أوكرانيا هي المكان الذي تعرض فيه أكبر عدد من اليهود للهولوكوست.

11 يناير 2025: طبعة السبت. السيد ترامب، يبدو أن الأمور لا تسير وفقًا للخطة. في 29 ديسمبر، كشف وزير الخارجية الروسي لافروف أنه رفض خطة السلام...