
Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten 2018-11-19: Japan, China, Südkorea, Nordkorea sind historisch "konfuzianische Länder". Auch jetzt ist der Grundgedanke derselbe. Die Leute der konfuzianischen Nation sind "ausgezeichnete" Leute, die "Gehorsam" für "Herrscher" dienen. Bitte denken Sie, dass das, was in diesen drei Ländern geschieht, jetzt gleich ist. Nur Nordkorea ist nicht besonders.

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten

2018-11-19: Japan, China, Südkorea, Nordkorea sind historisch "konfuzianische Länder".
Auch jetzt ist der Grundgedanke derselbe. Die Leute der konfuzianischen Nation sind "ausgezeichnete" Leute, die "Gehorsam" für "Herrscher" dienen.
Bitte denken Sie, dass das, was in diesen drei Ländern geschieht, jetzt gleich ist.
Nur Nordkorea ist nicht besonders.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich mache zwei Argumente. Lassen Sie sich nicht verwirren.
Erstens wurden Ausländer wegen Verbrechen der "Arbeit, die den Aufenthaltsstatus verletzten" des Einwanderungsgesetzes kriminalisiert (Artikel 70).
Die Arbeitgeber, die sie einstellen, werden jedoch nicht als "Straftat zur Unterstützung illegaler Arbeit" gemäß Artikel 73-2 des Einwanderungsgesetzes eingestuft.
Dies ist eine völkerrechtswidrige Verletzung, die nur Ausländer bewusst diskriminiert.
Nach dem "Grundsatz der Gleichheit unter dem Gesetz" sind sie nicht schuldig.

Zweitens, da ich und Diplomaten die Tat der "illegalen Arbeit von Ausländern" unterstützt haben
(Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuches) "Es wurde bestraft" durch ein Verbrechen, das andere Straftaten unterstützt hat ".
Dies ist aus zwei Gründen nicht schuldig.

A) Wenn ein Ausländer beim ersten Argument freigesprochen wird,
Es gibt niemanden, der das Verbrechen der Arbeit, das den Aufenthaltsstatus verletzt hat, gemäß Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes unterstützt hat.
Wir sind unschuldig.

B) Die Anklagungszeremonie fand aus Gründen statt, die die "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente" in Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes unterstützten.
(Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuches) wurde angewandt.
(Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes) ist jedoch eine "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und keine strafrechtliche Sanktion.
(Dies ist ein bewusster Verstoß gegen geltendes Recht).
Wir sind unschuldig.

Botschaft der Philippinen-Botschaft Verletzung des Einwanderungsgesetzes (Aktivitäten außerhalb des Qualifikationsstatus) Vorfall von falschen Zwischenfällen und Unterstützung von Lügen und Unwahrheit.
Laut der Morgenausgabe am 20. Februar 2015 Yomiuri Shimbun usw.,
"Diplomaten" und "Botschaftsvertreter" der philippinischen Botschaft wurden wegen "Verstoßes gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" "bestraft".

Sie behandelten einen sehr großen Artikelbereich.

Dieser Artikel ist jedoch eine falsche Abdeckung, wenn Sie ihn sorgfältig lesen.

Also wies ich auf die Yomiuri Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun und Asahi Shimbun hin, die per E-Mail falsche Angaben machten.
Der Inhalt der E-Mail "Ihr Artikel ist inhaltlich falsch."
Sie haben aber keinen "Willen" der "Reflexion".

Medien sind "illegale Handlungen" von Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft,
"Wir leiten die öffentliche Meinung", indem wir sagen, dass es sich um "rechtmäßige Verhaftung" durch "Informationsmanipulation" handelt.
Es ist das Gleiche wie "Informationsoperation" des "Kaiserlichen Hauptquartiers angekündigt".
In diesem Fall haben neben Polizeibeamten, Staatsanwälten und Richtern auch das Außenministerium Ausländer an Menschenrechten verletzt.
"Verrückte Tat".

Der Inhalt des Artikels.
Der Fahrer des Stabes der Botschaft der Philippinen betonte, dass die philippinischen Leute "sie als Bedienstete der Hausarbeit" einstellen
"Arbeitsvertrag mit falschem Inhalt" übergeben.
Eine philippinische Person beantragte die Einwanderung, um eine "Aufenthaltsberechtigung" für "bestimmte Tätigkeiten" zu erhalten.
Sie arbeiteten jedoch nicht als "Hausangestellte", sondern in der "Landschaftsgärtnerei" in Tokio.
Aus diesem Grund wurden drei Personen wegen Verstoßes gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz (Tätigkeiten außerhalb des Qualifikationsstatus) gemäß Artikel 70 festgenommen.

Auch im Juni 2014
"Fahrer von Botschaftsbeamten" als "Straftat zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten" gegen Verstöße gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz
Festgenommen und angeklagt.
Im Prozess war es "Bestrafung für die Arbeit" mit "Gnade" der "Strafvollzug".
Und sie wurden "zwangsweise repatriiert".

Darüber hinaus nach dem Hören der Geschichte der beiden, die "schuldig Verurteilter"
Außerdem stellte ich fest, dass es drei weitere männliche und weibliche "Diplomaten und Botschaftspersonal" gab.
Die Präfekturpolizei von Kanagawa fügte Dokumente wie "Anstellungsvertrag gebunden an ihren Namen" wie "
Ich bestätigte, dass ich eine "Aufenthaltsberechtigung" erhalten hatte.

Daher konsultierte die Präfekturpolizei von Kanagawa die Polizeibehörde, die Staatsanwaltschaft und das Außenministerium.
Sie mussten von diesen vier Personen Erklärungen über "die Umstände des Vertrags" und "den tatsächlichen Arbeitszustand" erhalten.
Die Polizei von Kanagawa Prefectural bat das Außenministerium daher, der Botschaft einen "Besuch" anzubieten.
Es gab eine Antwort der Botschaft, dass er nach Hause zurückkehrte.
Daher war die Präfekturpolizei von Kanagawa der Ansicht, dass die Möglichkeit, illegale Arbeit zu unterstützen, höher sei.
Daher reagierte die Präfekturpolizei von Kanagawa auf drei Diplomaten und andere, die unmittelbar nach ihrem Besuch nach Japan zurückkehrten.
Die Polizei der Präfektur von Kanagawa sagte am 6. dieses Monats zu Verdacht der "Unterstützung der Verletzung des Immigration Control Act".
"Dokumente, die ihr Verbrechen geschrieben haben" an die Staatsanwaltschaft.

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel "Wenn Sie ein Japaner mit Kenntnissen des allgemeinen Rechts sind, sollten Sie" Zweifel "empfinden.
Es soll angeblich "Entsorgung" laut Gesetz sein, "ein Landschaftsbauunternehmen, das einen Ausländer angestellt hat, der nicht arbeitsfähig ist".
Sie sollten also zuerst einen Zweifel haben.
Es sei denn, ein Arbeitgeber stellt "Ausländer ein, die nicht arbeitsfähig sind".
Selbst wenn Sie illegale Arbeit verrichten möchten, können Sie absolut keine illegale Arbeit verrichten.

Daher ist mit Artikel 73 2 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes "ein Verbrechen, das illegale Beschäftigung fördert".
Es ist "zu wissen", dass Sie die "Unternehmen und Personen, die Arbeitgeber sind", die Ausländer zu "illegalen Arbeitern" gemacht haben, streng "bestraft".
Die Polizei ignoriert das Gesetz aus Bequemlichkeitsgründen!

Ich werde morgen weitermachen.
Ich werde weitermachen, bis du verstanden hast.

Dieser Fall verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht. In jedem Land haben "ratifizierte Verträge" Vorrang vor den "Gesetzen jedes Landes".
Eine Vertragsverletzung "darauf hinzuweisen" bedeutet nicht "Einmischung innerer Angelegenheiten".
Die Welt sollte unter dem Gesetz geregelt werden.
Die japanische Regierung "zermalmt" Beschwerden.
"Zerquetschen" durch Staatsmacht ist "Stopp" der "Verjährung".

Das Material ist unten.

Die japanische Regierung hat keinen Anspruch auf "Entführung von Japanern" durch Nordkorea.
Die japanische Regierung sollte den Vorfall "Entführung von Ausländern durch die japanische Regierung" als "oberste Priorität" "lösen".

Diese E-Mail wird wie jeder an den Beamten des Premierministers gesendet.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-11-19: Japan, China, South Korea, North Korea are historically "Confucian Countries". Even now the basic thought is the same. The people of the Confucian nation are "excellent" people serving "obedience" to "rulers". Please think that what is happening in these three countries is the same now. Only North Korea is not special.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2018-11-19: Japan, China, South Korea, North Korea are historically "Confucian Countries".
Even now the basic thought is the same.
The people of the Confucian nation are "excellent" people serving "obedience" to "rulers".
Please think that what is happening in these three countries is the same now.
Only North Korea is not special.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor that violated the status of residence"
of the Immigration Act (Article 70).
However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Under "principle of equality under the law", they are not guilty.

The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crime of supporting other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code,
as supporting the acts of the "illegal labor of foreigners".
This is not guilty for two reasons.

A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim, there is no one who supported "the crime
of labor that violated the status of residence" of (Immigration Law Article 70).
We are innocent.

B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code) for reasons
that supported "cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents"
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.

(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

4.2014 Embassy of the Philippine Embassy in 2015 Violation of Immigration Control Act
(Activities outside the status of qualification) Incidents involving lies and lying falsifications.
According to the morning edition of the Yomiuri Shimbun February 20, 2015, "diplomats"
and "embassy officials" of the Philippine Embassy were "punished" for "violation of immigration law".

They covered in a very big article area.

However, this article is false coverage if you read it carefully.
So, I pointed out to the Yomiuri Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun,
Asahi Shimbun, who made false coverage by e-mail.
The content of the e-mail, "Your article is false in content."
But they have no "will" of "reflection".
The media is "guiding public opinion" by saying that "illegal acts" of police
and prosecutors are "legitimate arrest" by "information manipulation".
It is the same as "Information operation" of "Imperial Headquarters announced".
In this case, in addition to police officials, prosecutors,
judges, even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has damaged foreigners to human rights. "Crazy deed".
The content of the article.
The driver of the staff of the Philippine Embassy gave a "false employment contract" with a lie saying, "I hire a Filipino as a servant of housework".
A Filipino person applied for immigration to obtain "qualification for residence"
of "specific activities". However,
they did not work as "servants of housework" but worked in the "landscaping company" in Tokyo.
For this reason, three people were arrested for crimes of Article 70 violation
of Immigration Act (activities outside the status of qualification).

Also, in June 2014, "arrested and prosecuted"
the driver of embassy officials "at" crime to support other crimes
with criminal law "against violation of immigration law (activity outside the status of qualification).
In the trial it was "punishment for labor" with "grace" of "sentence execution".
And they were "forcibly repatriated".

In addition, after listening to the story of the two who received the "guilty sentence",
it was found that there were three other men and women of "diplomat and embassy staff" in addition.
Kanagawa prefectural police confirmed that they had obtained "qualifications for residence"
by attaching documents such as "employment contract signed with their name".

Therefore, Kanagawa prefectural police consulted with the police agency,
the public prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
They were required to receive explanations from these four people regarding "the circumstances
of the contract" and "the actual condition of work."
So, Kanagawa Prefectural Police asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to offer "visit" to the embassy.
There was an answer from the embassy that he returned home.
Therefore, Kanagawa prefectural police judged that the possibility
of supporting 'illegal work' was higher. Therefore,
Kanagawa prefectural police responded to three diplomats and others
who returned to Japan immediately after offering visits.
Kanagawa prefectural police sent a "document that wrote their crime" to the prosecution
on the 6th of this month "suspicion of support of violation of Immigration Act".

Reading this article "If you are a Japanese with knowledge of general law,
you should feel" doubt ".

It is supposed to be "to receive disposal" by law, "a landscaping company that hired a foreigner
who is not eligible to work".

So, you should feel a doubt first.

If there is no employer hiring "foreigners who are not eligible to work",
even if they want to do illegal work, they can never do illegal work.

Therefore, it is strictly "punishing" the "employer, corporation and individual"
who made foreigners "illegal workers"
in Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law "Crime that promotes illegal employment" It is "to know". The police are ignoring the law by this for convenience!

I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

This case is a violation of international law.
In each country "treaties ratified" take precedence over "laws of each country".
To "point out" a treaty violation is not "interference of domestic affairs".
The world should be ruled under the law.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush" by state power is "stop"
of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not entitled to claim "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should "resolve" the "abduction of foreigners
by the Japanese government" incident as "top priority issue".

This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone at the media 2018-11-19: Japan, China, South Korea, North Korea are historically "Confucian Countries". Even now the basic thought is the same.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To everyone at the media

2018-11-19: Japan, China, South Korea, North Korea are historically "Confucian Countries".
Even now the basic thought is the same.
The people of the Confucian nation are "excellent" people serving "obedience" to "rulers".
Please think that what is happening in these three countries is the same now.
Only North Korea is not special.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor that violated the status of residence"
of the Immigration Act (Article 70).
However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Under "principle of equality under the law", they are not guilty.

The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crime of supporting other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code,
as supporting the acts of the "illegal labor of foreigners".
This is not guilty for two reasons.

A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim, there is no one who supported "the crime
of labor that violated the status of residence" of (Immigration Law Article 70).
We are innocent.

B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code) for reasons
that supported "cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents"
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.

However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.

(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

4.2014 Embassy of the Philippine Embassy in 2015 Violation of Immigration Control Act
(Activities outside the status of qualification) Incidents involving lies and lying falsifications.
According to the morning edition of the Yomiuri Shimbun February 20, 2015, "diplomats"
and "embassy officials" of the Philippine Embassy were "punished" for "violation of immigration law".

They covered in a very big article area.

However, this article is false coverage if you read it carefully.
So, I pointed out to the Yomiuri Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun,
Asahi Shimbun, who made false coverage by e-mail.
The content of the e-mail, "Your article is false in content."
But they have no "will" of "reflection".
The media is "guiding public opinion" by saying that "illegal acts" of police
and prosecutors are "legitimate arrest" by "information manipulation".
It is the same as "Information operation" of "Imperial Headquarters announced".
In this case, in addition to police officials, prosecutors,
judges, even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has damaged foreigners to human rights. "Crazy deed".
The content of the article.
The driver of the staff of the Philippine Embassy gave a "false employment contract" with a lie saying, "I hire a Filipino as a servant of housework".
A Filipino person applied for immigration to obtain "qualification for residence"
of "specific activities". However,
they did not work as "servants of housework" but worked in the "landscaping company" in Tokyo.
For this reason, three people were arrested for crimes of Article 70 violation
of Immigration Act (activities outside the status of qualification).

Also, in June 2014, "arrested and prosecuted"
the driver of embassy officials "at" crime to support other crimes
with criminal law "against violation of immigration law (activity outside the status of qualification).
In the trial it was "punishment for labor" with "grace" of "sentence execution".
And they were "forcibly repatriated".

In addition, after listening to the story of the two who received the "guilty sentence",
it was found that there were three other men and women of "diplomat and embassy staff" in addition.
Kanagawa prefectural police confirmed that they had obtained "qualifications for residence"
by attaching documents such as "employment contract signed with their name".

Therefore, Kanagawa prefectural police consulted with the police agency,
the public prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
They were required to receive explanations from these four people regarding "the circumstances
of the contract" and "the actual condition of work."
So, Kanagawa Prefectural Police asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to offer "visit" to the embassy.
There was an answer from the embassy that he returned home.
Therefore, Kanagawa prefectural police judged that the possibility
of supporting 'illegal work' was higher. Therefore,
Kanagawa prefectural police responded to three diplomats and others
who returned to Japan immediately after offering visits.
Kanagawa prefectural police sent a "document that wrote their crime" to the prosecution
on the 6th of this month "suspicion of support of violation of Immigration Act".

Reading this article "If you are a Japanese with knowledge of general law,
you should feel" doubt ".

It is supposed to be "to receive disposal" by law, "a landscaping company that hired a foreigner
who is not eligible to work".

So, you should feel a doubt first.

If there is no employer hiring "foreigners who are not eligible to work",
even if they want to do illegal work, they can never do illegal work.

Therefore, it is strictly "punishing" the "employer, corporation and individual"
who made foreigners "illegal workers"
in Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law "Crime that promotes illegal employment" It is "to know". The police are ignoring the law by this for convenience!

I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

This case is a violation of international law.
In each country "treaties ratified" take precedence over "laws of each country".
To "point out" a treaty violation is not "interference of domestic affairs".
The world should be ruled under the law.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush" by state power is "stop"
of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not entitled to claim "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should "resolve" the "abduction of foreigners
by the Japanese government" incident as "top priority issue".

This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-11-18】

November 17, 2018

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dear Sirs International people. Sunday version: November 18, 2018: Japanese companies conduct "compliance violations" on a "day-to-day basis". Japanese products are exported to each country. This threatens the safety of the people of the world. In order to protect your life you should make Japan "a country governed under the law".

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs International people.

Sunday version: November 18, 2018:
Japanese companies conduct "compliance violations" on a "day-to-day basis".
Japanese products are exported to each country.
This threatens the safety of the people of the world.
In order to protect your life you should make Japan "a country governed under the law".

Dear Sirs, Large companies in Japan have many "illegal acts" of "quality inspection" occurred.
"Compliance" is not being observed.
The meaning "compliance with laws" means enterprises follow the rules
and carry out their duties fairly and impartially.
In today's Japan, compliance is considered not only as "law",
but also "internal rules," "corporate logic" and "social norms" as "should be observed".
It has been found one after another in domestic manufacturing industries such as automobiles
and materials.
Illegal acts such as "falsification of data" in the quality inspection process before product shipment.
In automobiles since September 2017, Nissan Motor and SUBARU,
there was a breach of inspection that the manufacturer finally confirms the safety
of the finished car on behalf of the country.
They had "the employees who are not qualified for the examination" to have the safety examination done.
NISSAN has temporarily suspended "shipping to the domestic" of six factories in Japan,
as a large scale recall (collection / repair free) of domestic sales models.
Kobe Steel is concerned about "aluminum and steel" used for aircraft and automobiles in October 2005.
"We were" Tampering "" quality data "in violation of" trading contract ".
We do not meet the criteria required by customers such as "strength".
So the company and the person in charge developed into a "criminal case"
where "ending documents to a prosecutor" is done.
Hitachi Kasei was also cheating on inspection of 30 products.
A group company of Mitsubishi Materials also revealed similar "Tampering"
and shipment of standard nonconforming items.
Since October 18, KYB, a hydraulic equipment maker,
announced that it had shipped a seismic isolation device that does not conform to national standards.
These are some of the corruption. There are many "Business corruption" like this.
Japanese products are exported to each country.
Not only Japanese products are "finished products".
It is exported as "parts" of products of each country as well.
This threatens the safety of the people of the world.
According to the survey report of each company,
"It is caused by" aging "of" inspection equipment "," shortage of personnel "and" corporate climate
that gives top priority to delivery date ".
Companies understood the reason why "compliance" is not done.
If politics is not "governance under the law", companies will not keep "compliance".
Companies think that if they do "excuses" they will settle.
Japanese think that "human life" can be solved with "money".
Do you pass "Life" in exchange for "money"?
Each country should say that "governance under the law" is important to Japan.
I "appeal" every day, weekly.

Everyone, seriously consider Japan's "human rights issue", please, please! Onegai simasu! "

The Japanese government appealed the "North Korean government's abduction issue" to the United Nations.
The Japanese government is "acting" "rescuing the Japanese" with huge money.
Meanwhile, the Japanese government "abducts and captures foreigners illegally."
There is no "good abduction" or "bad abduction" in the abduction detention.
Help me! There are many victims around the world.
Please support "appeal to ICC".

The material is below.

Since the above translation documents are inaccurate,
please contact us by email.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-11-17】 Thank you for your email. There is no greater honor than serving as President of the United States. I especially enjoy hearing from the American people, and I appreciate you emailing your thoughts and suggestions.

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-11-17

November 16, 2018

Thank you for your email. There is no greater honor than serving as President of the United States. I especially enjoy hearing from the American people, and I appreciate you emailing your thoughts and suggestions.
Earlier today, I was pleased to award our country’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to seven distinguished Americans: Roger Staubach, Justice Antonin Scalia, George Herman “Babe” Ruth, Jr., Elvis Presley, Alan Page, Senator Orrin Hatch, and Miriam Adelson. Each of these extraordinary individuals has made an indelible mark on American history through their outstanding achievements and endeavors.
I encourage you to watch today's ceremony honoring these outstanding Americans.
Thank you again for taking the time to write. My staff is closely reviewing your correspondence to ensure that your views, questions, and concerns are addressed.
Donald Trump

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dear Sirs International people. Saturday version November 17, 2018: The Japanese government announced that it would promote the "Belt and Road Initiative" in solidarity with the Chinese government. And "Japan and China" to "promote" "RCEP" "statement." However, the Japanese government says it will support the "infrastructure improvement" of the "Indo-Pacific region" where the United States "promotes". The Japanese government should stop "diplomacy of duplicate!"

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs International people.

Saturday version November 17, 2018:
The Japanese government announced that it would promote the "Belt and Road Initiative"
in solidarity with the Chinese government.
And "Japan and China" to "promote" "RCEP" "statement."
However, the Japanese government says it will support the "infrastructure improvement"
of the "Indo-Pacific region" where the United States "promotes".
The Japanese government should stop "diplomacy of duplicate!"

Dear sirs. On November 10, the US "Vice President Mike Pence" said.
In the Indo-Pacific Region, as the presence of the "Chinese Communist Party government" is increasing,
the United States plans to provide infrastructure development support of up to 60 billion dollars
in the Indo-Pacific region.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has talks with Vice President Penns of the United States
who came to Japan on March 13 at the prime minister's official residence.
Japan agreed to support 10 billion dollars.
Before the "13 th Southeast Asian Nations Association (ASEAN) Summit" to be held in Singapore
on 13 November.
"The four countries of Japan, the United States,
India and Australia" will "promote" the "marine security and economic development project"
in the "Indo-Pacific region".

I can understand American intention well. The problem is Japan!
Prime Minister Abe has said in collaboration with China that it will promote
the "Belt and Road Initiative."
And "RCEP" is a total of 16 countries including 10 member countries of the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations and "the six countries of Japan, China,
Korea, India, Australia, New Zealand".
Japan is proactively promoting it with China with "plan for promoting FTA
in 16 countries" "RCEP" "with an agreement within the year".
This is contrary to "Article on China".

America wants to withdraw Japan from 'Belt and Road Initiative'.
And I think the United States is aiming for Japan's withdrawal from "RCEP".
Prime Minister Abe advocates "India-Pacific based on freedom and open order,"
but is "silent" about China's military base in the South China Sea.
Four countries - Japan, the United States,
India and Australia - are affecting not only the national security policy
but also the military strategy. Can America trust Japan, is it okay?

I think that Britain, France and Germany should also participate
in infrastructure development of "Indian Pacific Region".
I think that Britain, France and Germany will withdraw from China without doubt.
If so, we should promote investment and trade by supporting infrastructure development
in the "Indian Pacific Region".
In the "Indian Pacific Region" the "EU" should develop a market to replace China.
In the "Indian Pacific Region", "Britain, France,
Germany" should participate in military strategies of "Japan, the United States, India, Australia".

I am concerned about the existence of Vietnam. Vietnam is a Communist party dictatorship.
If Vietnam is targeted for the "infrastructure development concept" in this region,
we should demand democratization in Vietnam.
Otherwise it repeats China's failure.
We should demand Vietnam to become an ordinary democratic state.
If Vietnam keeps the Communist dictatorship state, it should treat it as equivalent to China.

Western countries of freedom and democracy should exclude Communist party dictatorship countries! Ganbare!

The Japanese government appealed the "North Korean government's abduction issue" to the United Nations.
The Japanese government is "acting" "rescuing the Japanese" with huge money.
Meanwhile, the Japanese government "abducts and captures foreigners illegally."
There is no "good abduction" or "bad abduction" in the abduction detention.
Help me! There are many victims around the world. Please support "appeal to ICC".

The material is below.

Since the above translation documents are inaccurate,
please contact us by email.

Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-11-16】

November 15, 2018

Thank you for your email. My staff looks forward to reviewing your correspondence shortly.
November is National Veterans and Military Families Month. We set aside this month to pause and reflect on the sacrifices made by our military men and women and the loving families who support them on the home front. Our military families endure many hardships along with those who defend our Nation. They often live far from their extended families, and they know what it is like to celebrate holidays and milestones with an empty seat at the table. These men and women carry the burden of freedom on their shoulders. It is our patriotic duty as Americans to honor our veterans and military families. I encourage you to watch my remarks from earlier today recognizing them from the White House.
May God bless the United States of America, and may He continue to watch over all of our service members and their families.
Donald Trump

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2018-11-16: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration. Rather than go to Europe and the US with refugees and immigrants, let's go to Japan as a "simple worker". It is salary of more than Japanese. Treatment costs for intractable families left in their homeland will be free. Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

<Public mail> # MeToo Human rights victim!

Joseon International Youth Travel Agency

Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.
This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc.
The White House gives us a reply e-mail every time!

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

2018-11-16: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration.
Rather than go to Europe and the US with refugees and immigrants,
let's go to Japan as a "simple worker". It is salary of more than Japanese.
Treatment costs for intractable families left in their homeland will be free.
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them
so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor that violated the status
of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).
However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.
The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.
A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim, there is no one who supported "the crime
of labor that violated the status of residence" of (Immigration Law Article 70).
We are innocent.

B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code) for reasons
that supported "cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents"
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law).
We are innocent.

3. China is truly a Communist party nation dictatorship,
China is completely uninterested in human rights abuses
The Chinese "KinGungaku" was made a criminal with the same "guilt of support" as I am.
He is also a victim.
Because the Japanese government made him "imprisonment punishment" (suspended execution),
he made "Criminal complaints" to the prosecution on behalf of the "Chinese embassy".

I issued a letter of request and e-mail so that the Chinese Embassy will fight with me,
but no answer was given.
On 13th March 2015, I sent a letter to "Xi Jinping Jintao".
And I wrote a letter to "People's Republic of China, Japan Ambassador to Japan".
The letter included "Secondary letter" to "Xi Jinping Jintao" and "Complaints
and accusations" submitted to "Tokyo District Public Prosecutors".
At 17:30 on March 17, 2015, there was a call from my "mobile phone embassy staff" to my mobile phone.
"The Chinese government will not protest the Japanese Embassy"
"We will return documents such as complaints and accusations"
"We will not protest the Japanese government."
I told the staff, "Chinese people are being criminals,
even though they do not violate Japanese law."
But the officials say to me "I do not say to the Japanese government."
I am Japanese. Embassy officials who are "Chinese representatives" of the Chinese government say
that they "do not protest" to the Japanese government.
The rest is what "Xi Jinping Jintao" is.
If the Chinese government protests against the Japanese government
after this time has passed for years,
I will be "angry" by the Chinese government as a Japanese.
I think that both Chinese citizens and Korean citizens can understand "my anger".
I feel that it is similar to the problem of the Senkaku Islands and the Nanjing incident.
The problem of history, then, must be settled at that time.
With the convenience of politicians and officials,
even if time goes on and problems of the past are taken into consideration, victims can not be saved.
I think that Chinese citizens and Korean citizens want the same idea.
As a Japanese, I did everything I could do to be a Chinese.
What I can do is "KinGungaku") and four Chinese become "innocent".
And I will continue my efforts towards their "recovery of honor" and "revival of lost property rights".
"Kin Gungaku" and "Chinese 4 people" are young Chinese.
"Sinner" who received "imprisonment punishment" must live with "negative heritage" in "life".
I want to "take away" their "negative heritage" and brighten the future.
If the prosecution does not request "a request for a retrial",
it is "request of the principal."
I can not do this instead. And I can not claim their damages.
In the field of human rights violation,
is Japan and China trying to become an alliance across the border?
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush"
by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Trump 2018-11-16: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration. Rather than go to Europe and the US with refugees and immigrants, let's go to Japan as a "simple worker". It is salary of more than Japanese. Treatment costs for intractable families left in their homeland will be free. Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-11-16: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration.
Rather than go to Europe and the US with refugees and immigrants,
let's go to Japan as a "simple worker". It is salary of more than Japanese.
Treatment costs for intractable families left in their homeland will be free.
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them
so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor that violated the status
of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).
However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.
The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.
A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim, there is no one who supported "the crime
of labor that violated the status of residence" of (Immigration Law Article 70).
We are innocent.

B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code) for reasons
that supported "cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents"
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law).
We are innocent.

3. China is truly a Communist party nation dictatorship,
China is completely uninterested in human rights abuses
The Chinese "KinGungaku" was made a criminal with the same "guilt of support" as I am.
He is also a victim.
Because the Japanese government made him "imprisonment punishment" (suspended execution),
he made "Criminal complaints" to the prosecution on behalf of the "Chinese embassy".

I issued a letter of request and e-mail so that the Chinese Embassy will fight with me,
but no answer was given.
On 13th March 2015, I sent a letter to "Xi Jinping Jintao".
And I wrote a letter to "People's Republic of China, Japan Ambassador to Japan".
The letter included "Secondary letter" to "Xi Jinping Jintao" and "Complaints
and accusations" submitted to "Tokyo District Public Prosecutors".
At 17:30 on March 17, 2015, there was a call from my "mobile phone embassy staff" to my mobile phone.
"The Chinese government will not protest the Japanese Embassy"
"We will return documents such as complaints and accusations"
"We will not protest the Japanese government."
I told the staff, "Chinese people are being criminals,
even though they do not violate Japanese law."
But the officials say to me "I do not say to the Japanese government."
I am Japanese. Embassy officials who are "Chinese representatives" of the Chinese government say
that they "do not protest" to the Japanese government.
The rest is what "Xi Jinping Jintao" is.
If the Chinese government protests against the Japanese government
after this time has passed for years,
I will be "angry" by the Chinese government as a Japanese.
I think that both Chinese citizens and Korean citizens can understand "my anger".
I feel that it is similar to the problem of the Senkaku Islands and the Nanjing incident.
The problem of history, then, must be settled at that time.
With the convenience of politicians and officials,
even if time goes on and problems of the past are taken into consideration, victims can not be saved.
I think that Chinese citizens and Korean citizens want the same idea.
As a Japanese, I did everything I could do to be a Chinese.
What I can do is "KinGungaku") and four Chinese become "innocent".
And I will continue my efforts towards their "recovery of honor" and "revival of lost property rights".
"Kin Gungaku" and "Chinese 4 people" are young Chinese.
"Sinner" who received "imprisonment punishment" must live with "negative heritage" in "life".
I want to "take away" their "negative heritage" and brighten the future.
If the prosecution does not request "a request for a retrial",
it is "request of the principal."
I can not do this instead. And I can not claim their damages.
In the field of human rights violation,
is Japan and China trying to become an alliance across the border?
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush"
by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 2018-11-16: Bonne nouvelle pour les réfugiés, ceux qui souhaitent l'immigration. Plutôt que d'aller en Europe et aux États-Unis avec des réfugiés et des immigrants, allons au Japon en tant que "simple travailleur". C'est un salaire de plus que le japonais. Les coûts de traitement pour les familles insolubles laissées dans leur pays d'origine seront gratuits. Les gouvernements et les ONG de différents pays doivent les soutenir afin que le gouvernement japonais ne discrimine pas la race, la région, etc.

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme!

À Emmanuel · Président français Macron

2018-11-16: Bonne nouvelle pour les réfugiés, ceux qui souhaitent l'immigration.
Plutôt que d'aller en Europe et aux États-Unis avec des réfugiés et des immigrants, allons au Japon en tant que "simple travailleur". C'est un salaire de plus que le japonais.
Les coûts de traitement pour les familles insolubles laissées dans leur pays d'origine seront gratuits.
Les gouvernements et les ONG de différents pays doivent les soutenir afin que le gouvernement japonais ne discrimine pas la race, la région, etc.

Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais. Je fais deux arguments. Ne vous trompez pas.
Premièrement, les étrangers ont été criminalisés pour des crimes de "travail violant le statut de résident" de la loi sur l'immigration (article 70).
Toutefois, les employeurs qui les embauchent ne sont pas éliminés en tant que "crime soutenant le travail illégal" au sens de l'article 73-2 de la loi sur l'immigration.
Il s'agit d'une violation du droit international qui discrimine consciemment les étrangers.
Même en "principe d'égalité devant la loi", ils sont innocents.

La seconde est que moi-même et les diplomates, par exemple, soutenons le "premier" acte susmentionné (article 62 du Code pénal).
Elle était punie par "un crime qui soutenait d'autres crimes". Ce n'est pas coupable pour deux raisons.

A) Si un étranger est acquitté au premier argument,
En vertu de l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, personne n'a soutenu "le délit de travail violant le statut de résident".
Nous sommes innocents

B) La cérémonie d'accusation a eu lieu pour des motifs qui soutenaient "l'annulation du statut de résidence en présentant de faux documents" de l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
(Article 62 du code pénal) a été appliqué.
Cependant (l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration) est "annulation du statut de résidence" et ne constitue pas une sanction pénale.
(Ceci est une violation consciente de la loi applicable).
Nous sommes innocents

3 La Chine est vraiment une dictature du Parti communiste, la Chine est totalement indifférente aux violations des droits de l'homme

Le Chinois "KinGungaku" est devenu un criminel avec la même "culpabilité de soutien" que moi.
Il est aussi une victime.

Parce que le gouvernement japonais l'a condamné à "une peine d'emprisonnement" (exécution suspendue)
"Plaintes pénales" à l'accusation au nom de "l'ambassade de Chine".

J'ai envoyé une lettre de demande et un e-mail pour que "l'ambassade de Chine" se batte avec moi,
Il n'y avait pas de réponse du tout.

Le 13 mars 2015, j'ai envoyé une lettre à "Xi Jinping Jintao".
Et j'ai écrit une lettre à "l'ambassadeur du Japon au Japon".
Dans la lettre, "" Lettre secondaire "à" Xi Jinping Jintao "
Les "plaintes et accusations" présentées au "procureur du district de Tokyo" étaient jointes.

Le 17 mars 2015, à 17 h 30, mon "personnel de l'ambassade du téléphone portable" a appelé mon téléphone portable.

"Le gouvernement chinois ne protestera pas contre l'ambassade du Japon"
"Nous allons retourner des documents tels que des plaintes et des accusations"
"Nous ne protesterons pas contre le gouvernement japonais."
J'ai dit au personnel: "Les Chinois sont des criminels, même s'ils ne violent pas la loi japonaise."
Mais les fonctionnaires me disent "je ne dis pas au gouvernement japonais".
Je suis japonais Le personnel de l'ambassade, le représentant du gouvernement chinois au Japon
Il ne "proteste" pas auprès du gouvernement japonais.
Le reste est ce que "Xi Jinping Jintao" est.
Si le gouvernement chinois proteste contre le gouvernement japonais à ce sujet après plusieurs années,
Je serai "fâché" par le gouvernement chinois en tant que Japonais.

Je pense que les citoyens chinois et les citoyens coréens peuvent comprendre "ma colère".

Je pense que cela ressemble au problème des îles Senkaku et de l’incident de Nanjing.
Le problème de l'histoire doit donc être réglé à ce moment-là.
Avec la convenance des politiciens et des responsables, même si le temps passe et que les problèmes du passé sont pris en compte, les victimes ne peuvent pas être sauvées.

Je pense que les citoyens chinois et les citoyens coréens veulent la même idée.

En tant que Japonais, j'ai tout fait pour être Chinois.
Ce que je peux faire, c'est "KinGungaku") et quatre Chinois deviennent "innocents".
Et je poursuivrai mes efforts en vue de leur "récupération de l'honneur" et de "la récupération des droits de propriété perdus".
"Kin Gungaku" et "Chinese 4 people" sont de jeunes Chinois.

"Sinner" qui a reçu "peine d'emprisonnement" doit vivre avec "héritage négatif" dans "vie".
Je veux "enlever" leur "héritage négatif" et égayer l'avenir.
Si l'accusation ne demande pas "une demande de nouveau procès", il s'agit d'une "demande du mandant".
Je ne peux pas faire cela à la place. Et je ne peux pas réclamer leurs dommages.
Dans le domaine des violations des droits de l'homme, le Japon et la Chine tentent-ils de former une alliance transfrontalière?
Je continuerai demain.
Je vais continuer jusqu'à ce que vous compreniez.

L'acceptation de simples travailleurs a été décidée par le "Cabinet". La loi sera discutée à partir de maintenant.
Pour plus de détails, veuillez consulter les médias japonais ou HP du gouvernement japonais.
Les gouvernements et les ONG devraient publier cette grande nouvelle.
Si vous me donnez un e-mail, je vous fournirai des informations utiles.
Le gouvernement japonais "écrase" les plaintes.
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Le matériel est en dessous.
Le gouvernement japonais n'est pas qualifié pour dire "enlèvement de japonais" par la Corée du Nord.
Le gouvernement japonais devrait donner la priorité à "l'enlèvement d'étrangers par le gouvernement japonais".
Ce courriel est envoyé au responsable du Premier ministre tous les jours, comme tout le monde.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten 2018-11-16: Gute Nachrichten für Flüchtlinge, diejenigen, die sich eine Einwanderung wünschen. Anstatt mit Flüchtlingen und Einwanderern nach Europa und in die USA zu reisen, gehen wir als "einfacher Arbeiter" nach Japan. Es ist ein Gehalt von mehr als Japanisch. Die Behandlungskosten für hartnäckige Familien, die in ihrer Heimat bleiben, sind kostenlos. Regierungen und NGOs aus verschiedenen Ländern sollten sie unterstützen, damit die japanische Regierung keine Rasse, Region usw. diskriminiert.

<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Bundespräsidenten

2018-11-16: Gute Nachrichten für Flüchtlinge, diejenigen, die sich eine Einwanderung wünschen.
Anstatt mit Flüchtlingen und Einwanderern nach Europa und in die USA zu reisen, gehen wir als "einfacher Arbeiter" nach Japan. Es ist ein Gehalt von mehr als Japanisch.
Die Behandlungskosten für hartnäckige Familien, die in ihrer Heimat bleiben, sind kostenlos.
Regierungen und NGOs aus verschiedenen Ländern sollten sie unterstützen, damit die japanische Regierung keine Rasse, Region usw. diskriminiert.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich mache zwei Argumente. Lassen Sie sich nicht verwirren.
Erstens wurden Ausländer wegen Verbrechen der "Arbeit, die den Aufenthaltsstatus verletzten" des Einwanderungsgesetzes kriminalisiert (Artikel 70).
Die Arbeitgeber, die sie einstellen, werden jedoch nicht als "Straftat zur Unterstützung illegaler Arbeit" gemäß Artikel 73-2 des Einwanderungsgesetzes eingestuft.
Dies ist eine völkerrechtswidrige Verletzung, die nur Ausländer bewusst diskriminiert.
Selbst im "Gleichheitsprinzip unter dem Gesetz" sind sie unschuldig.

Der zweite ist, dass ich und die Diplomaten zum Beispiel den oben genannten "ersten" Akt unterstützen (Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs).
Es wurde von "Verbrechen, die andere Verbrechen unterstützten" bestraft. Dies ist aus zwei Gründen nicht schuldig.

A) Wenn ein Ausländer beim ersten Argument freigesprochen wird,
Es gibt niemanden, der das Verbrechen der Arbeit, das den Aufenthaltsstatus verletzt hat, gemäß Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes unterstützt hat.
Wir sind unschuldig.

B) Die Anklagungszeremonie fand aus Gründen statt, die die "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente" in Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes unterstützten.
(Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuches) wurde angewandt.
(Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes) ist jedoch eine "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und keine strafrechtliche Sanktion.
(Dies ist ein bewusster Verstoß gegen geltendes Recht).
Wir sind unschuldig.

3 China ist wirklich eine Diktatur der kommunistischen Partei, China ist völlig uninteressiert an Menschenrechtsverletzungen

Das chinesische "KinGungaku" wurde zu einem Verbrecher mit der gleichen "Unterstützungsschuld" wie ich gemacht.
Er ist auch ein Opfer.

Weil die japanische Regierung ihn zu "Gefängnisstrafe" gemacht hat (Hinrichtung der Hinrichtung)
"Strafanzeigen" an die Staatsanwaltschaft im Auftrag der "chinesischen Botschaft".

Ich habe einen Brief mit einer Anfrage und einer E-Mail ausgestellt, damit "China Embassy" mit mir kämpfen wird.
Es gab überhaupt keine Antwort.

Am 13. März 2015 schickte ich einen Brief an "Xi Jinping Jintao".
Und ich schrieb einen Brief an "Volksrepublik China, japanischer Botschafter in Japan".
In dem Brief "" Sekundärbrief "an" Xi Jinping Jintao "
"Beschwerden und Vorwürfe" an die "Tokyo District Public Prosecut" eingereicht wurden angehängt.

Am 17. März 2015 um 17:30 Uhr wurde von meinem "Handy-Botschafter" ein Anruf auf mein Handy getätigt.

"Die chinesische Regierung wird nicht gegen die japanische Botschaft protestieren"
"Wir werden Dokumente wie Beschwerden und Vorwürfe zurückgeben"
"Wir werden nicht gegen die japanische Regierung protestieren."
Ich sagte den Mitarbeitern: "Chinesen sind Verbrecher, obwohl sie nicht gegen das japanische Gesetz verstoßen."
Aber die Beamten sagen zu mir: "Ich sage nicht zur japanischen Regierung."
Ich bin japaner Botschaftsmitarbeiter, die chinesische Regierung "Vertreter von Japan"
Es "protestiert" nicht gegen die japanische Regierung.
Der Rest ist, was "Xi Jinping Jintao" ist.
Wenn die chinesische Regierung gegen die japanische Regierung protestiert, nachdem Jahre vergangen sind,
Ich werde von der chinesischen Regierung als Japaner "wütend" sein.

Ich denke, dass sowohl chinesische als auch koreanische Bürger "meine Wut" verstehen können.

Ich denke, dass es dem Problem der Senkaku-Inseln und des Nanjing-Vorfalls ähnlich ist.
Das Problem der Geschichte muss zu diesem Zeitpunkt gelöst werden.
Mit der Bequemlichkeit von Politikern und Beamten können Opfer auch dann nicht gerettet werden, wenn die Zeit vergeht und Probleme der Vergangenheit in Betracht gezogen werden.

Ich denke, dass chinesische und koreanische Bürger dieselbe Idee haben wollen.

Als Japaner tat ich alles, um ein Chinese zu sein.
Was ich tun kann, ist "KinGungaku") und vier Chinesen werden "unschuldig".
Und ich werde mich weiter darum bemühen, "ihre Ehre wiederherzustellen" und "die verlorenen Eigentumsrechte wiederzubeleben".
"Kin Gungaku" und "Chinese 4 people" sind junge Chinesen.

"Sünder", die "Gefängnisstrafe" erhalten haben, müssen mit "negativem Erbe" im "Leben" leben.
Ich möchte ihr "negatives Erbe" "wegnehmen" und die Zukunft aufhellen.
Wenn die Staatsanwaltschaft nicht "eine Bitte um Wiederholung" verlangt, handelt es sich um "Anfrage des Auftraggebers".
Ich kann das stattdessen nicht tun. Und ich kann ihren Schaden nicht geltend machen.
Versuchen Japan und China im Bereich der Menschenrechtsverletzung ein Bündnis über die Grenze zu werden?
Ich werde morgen weitermachen.
Ich werde weitermachen, bis du verstanden hast.

Die Annahme einfacher Arbeiter wurde vom "Kabinett" beschlossen. Das Gesetz wird ab sofort besprochen.
Einzelheiten erfahren Sie in den Medien von Japan oder HP der japanischen Regierung.
Regierungen und NGOs sollten diese wichtigen Neuigkeiten veröffentlichen.
Wenn Sie mir eine E-Mail geben, werde ich Ihnen einen Hinweis geben.
Die japanische Regierung "zermalmt" Beschwerden.
"Zerquetschen" durch Staatsmacht ist "Stopp" der "Verjährung".

Das Material ist unten.
Die japanische Regierung ist nicht berechtigt, von Nordkorea "Entführung von Japanern" zu sagen.
Die japanische Regierung sollte die Priorität der "Entführung von Ausländern durch die japanische Regierung" festlegen.
Diese E-Mail wird wie jeder an den Beamten des Premierministers gesendet.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-11-16: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration. Rather than go to Europe and the US with refugees and immigrants, let's go to Japan as a "simple worker". It is salary of more than Japanese. Treatment costs for intractable families left in their homeland will be free. Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2018-11-16: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration.
Rather than go to Europe and the US with refugees and immigrants,
let's go to Japan as a "simple worker". It is salary of more than Japanese.
Treatment costs for intractable families left in their homeland will be free.
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them
so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor that violated the status
of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).
However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.
The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.
A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim, there is no one who supported "the crime
of labor that violated the status of residence" of (Immigration Law Article 70).
We are innocent.

B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code) for reasons
that supported "cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents"
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law).
We are innocent.

3. China is truly a Communist party nation dictatorship,
China is completely uninterested in human rights abuses
The Chinese "KinGungaku" was made a criminal with the same "guilt of support" as I am.
He is also a victim.
Because the Japanese government made him "imprisonment punishment" (suspended execution),
he made "Criminal complaints" to the prosecution on behalf of the "Chinese embassy".

I issued a letter of request and e-mail so that the Chinese Embassy will fight with me,
but no answer was given.
On 13th March 2015, I sent a letter to "Xi Jinping Jintao".
And I wrote a letter to "People's Republic of China, Japan Ambassador to Japan".
The letter included "Secondary letter" to "Xi Jinping Jintao" and "Complaints
and accusations" submitted to "Tokyo District Public Prosecutors".
At 17:30 on March 17, 2015, there was a call from my "mobile phone embassy staff" to my mobile phone.
"The Chinese government will not protest the Japanese Embassy"
"We will return documents such as complaints and accusations"
"We will not protest the Japanese government."
I told the staff, "Chinese people are being criminals,
even though they do not violate Japanese law."
But the officials say to me "I do not say to the Japanese government."
I am Japanese. Embassy officials who are "Chinese representatives" of the Chinese government say
that they "do not protest" to the Japanese government.
The rest is what "Xi Jinping Jintao" is.
If the Chinese government protests against the Japanese government
after this time has passed for years,
I will be "angry" by the Chinese government as a Japanese.
I think that both Chinese citizens and Korean citizens can understand "my anger".
I feel that it is similar to the problem of the Senkaku Islands and the Nanjing incident.
The problem of history, then, must be settled at that time.
With the convenience of politicians and officials,
even if time goes on and problems of the past are taken into consideration, victims can not be saved.
I think that Chinese citizens and Korean citizens want the same idea.
As a Japanese, I did everything I could do to be a Chinese.
What I can do is "KinGungaku") and four Chinese become "innocent".
And I will continue my efforts towards their "recovery of honor" and "revival of lost property rights".
"Kin Gungaku" and "Chinese 4 people" are young Chinese.
"Sinner" who received "imprisonment punishment" must live with "negative heritage" in "life".
I want to "take away" their "negative heritage" and brighten the future.
If the prosecution does not request "a request for a retrial",
it is "request of the principal."
I can not do this instead. And I can not claim their damages.
In the field of human rights violation,
is Japan and China trying to become an alliance across the border?
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush"
by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone at the media 2018-11-16: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration. Rather than go to Europe and the US with refugees and immigrants, let's go to Japan as a "simple worker". It is salary of more than Japanese. Treatment costs for intractable families left in their homeland will be free. Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To everyone at the media

2018-11-16: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration.
Rather than go to Europe and the US with refugees and immigrants,
let's go to Japan as a "simple worker". It is salary of more than Japanese.
Treatment costs for intractable families left in their homeland will be free.
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them
so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor that violated the status
of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).
However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.
The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.
A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim, there is no one who supported "the crime
of labor that violated the status of residence" of (Immigration Law Article 70).
We are innocent.

B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code) for reasons
that supported "cancellation of status of residence by submitting false documents"
of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law).
We are innocent.

3. China is truly a Communist party nation dictatorship,
China is completely uninterested in human rights abuses
The Chinese "KinGungaku" was made a criminal with the same "guilt of support" as I am.
He is also a victim.
Because the Japanese government made him "imprisonment punishment" (suspended execution),
he made "Criminal complaints" to the prosecution on behalf of the "Chinese embassy".

I issued a letter of request and e-mail so that the Chinese Embassy will fight with me,
but no answer was given.
On 13th March 2015, I sent a letter to "Xi Jinping Jintao".
And I wrote a letter to "People's Republic of China, Japan Ambassador to Japan".
The letter included "Secondary letter" to "Xi Jinping Jintao" and "Complaints
and accusations" submitted to "Tokyo District Public Prosecutors".
At 17:30 on March 17, 2015, there was a call from my "mobile phone embassy staff" to my mobile phone.
"The Chinese government will not protest the Japanese Embassy"
"We will return documents such as complaints and accusations"
"We will not protest the Japanese government."
I told the staff, "Chinese people are being criminals,
even though they do not violate Japanese law."
But the officials say to me "I do not say to the Japanese government."
I am Japanese. Embassy officials who are "Chinese representatives" of the Chinese government say
that they "do not protest" to the Japanese government.
The rest is what "Xi Jinping Jintao" is.
If the Chinese government protests against the Japanese government
after this time has passed for years,
I will be "angry" by the Chinese government as a Japanese.
I think that both Chinese citizens and Korean citizens can understand "my anger".
I feel that it is similar to the problem of the Senkaku Islands and the Nanjing incident.
The problem of history, then, must be settled at that time.
With the convenience of politicians and officials,
even if time goes on and problems of the past are taken into consideration, victims can not be saved.
I think that Chinese citizens and Korean citizens want the same idea.
As a Japanese, I did everything I could do to be a Chinese.
What I can do is "KinGungaku") and four Chinese become "innocent".
And I will continue my efforts towards their "recovery of honor" and "revival of lost property rights".
"Kin Gungaku" and "Chinese 4 people" are young Chinese.
"Sinner" who received "imprisonment punishment" must live with "negative heritage" in "life".
I want to "take away" their "negative heritage" and brighten the future.
If the prosecution does not request "a request for a retrial",
it is "request of the principal."
I can not do this instead. And I can not claim their damages.
In the field of human rights violation,
is Japan and China trying to become an alliance across the border?
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush"
by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese" by North Korea.
The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-11-15】

Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-11-15

November 14, 2018

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.
President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.
The Office of Presidential Correspondence

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2018-11-15: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration. Japan will recruit foreign workers for simple workers from April next year. Salaries etc are more than Japanese. Family members can also be accompanied after five years, although family members are not allowed at the beginning. The medical expenses of families left in their homeland are free in principle. It is like a dream. Let's go to Japan! Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc

<Public mail> # MeToo Human rights victim!

Joseon International Youth Travel Agency

Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.
This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc.
The White House gives us a reply e-mail every time!

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

2018-11-15: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration.
Japan will recruit foreign workers for simple workers from April next year.
Salaries etc are more than Japanese.
Family members can also be accompanied after five years,
although family members are not allowed at the beginning.
The medical expenses of families left in their homeland are free in principle.
It is like a dream. Let's go to Japan!
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them
so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor
that violated the status of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).
However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act. This is an international law violation
that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.
The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.
A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim,
there is no one who supported "the crime of labor that violated the status of residence"
of (Immigration Law Article 70). We are innocent.
B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code)
for reasons that supported "cancellation of status of residence
by submitting false documents" of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

In this case as well, 300,000 yen and 900,000 yen are transferred as "Kin"
in the bank deposit account of Company L. Looking at that fact,
the prosecution says "Kin" = "Kin Gungaku".
He said that he received "reward" in cash from four Chinese,
"remittered" to "my company L company" with only "family name" "Kin".
Prosecutors have decided that this fact has led me to have no intention of hiring Chinese people.
After being "released", I asked the Chinese.
The Chinese who heard "this story" laughed "to" foolishness "of Japanese police officers
and prosecutors.
As Chinese are "First and last name", absolute (100%) will not remit with "family name" alone.
And say that "Chinese" who remit "Reward" is not "absolutely".
The prosecutor "defines" in the official trial that the Chinese are "foolish",
but on the contrary it was made "foolish" from the Chinese.
Koreans also say "First and last name" when it comes to names.
"Family name" is not "remittance" by itself.
It is "Crazy" to remit "Reward money".
"Thank you" money is "handed" is "common sense".
In Japan, "Japanese other than police officers,
prosecutors and judges" is "Put the money in a bag" and "Personal delivery" is common sense.
"When transferring money" is "First and last name" of "Nagano Yasuhiro".
You will understand that Japanese police officers, prosecutors,
and judges are doing "Life deviating from common sense".
Let's be careful when "When you touch them".
Four Chinese did not receive "Administrative penalty" of "Leaving the country"
from the Minister of Justice for submitting "A lie fake document".
I also Administrative penalty So as had been received if, "support crane crime the other crime"
of the Criminal Code "Criminal punishment", the "not applicable", he insisted.
Therefore, since the act of "Kingungaku" with me has not violated any law at all,
the act done by police officials and prosecutors is "Admonition".
Sin is "False charge of charges".
And because I was arrested and arrested illegally,
it is "a crime that a special civil servant abused his authority".
Also, the judge, "Kingungaku" with me was illegally arrested and arrested
in spite of not breaking the law, and because he made an unfair trial,
"a special public official abused his authority" is a crime.
Also, "lawyer" does not defend against "Nulla poena sine lege" contrary
to "Legal professional basic rules".
And he participated in the crime of the prosecutors
and promoted "crime" so it is "a crime to support other crimes".
"News program production companies and television stations,
newspaper companies, etc." who reported the incident also promoted the crimes of police officials,
so they are "crime of supporting other crimes".
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush" by state power is "stop"
of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese"
by North Korea. The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world are being sacrificed.
Please report the facts as a journalist.
"Government under the law" can not be bought by money.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Trump 2018-11-15: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration. Japan will recruit foreign workers for simple workers from April next year. Salaries etc are more than Japanese. Family members can also be accompanied after five years, although family members are not allowed at the beginning. The medical expenses of families left in their homeland are free in principle. It is like a dream. Let's go to Japan! Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-11-15: Good news for refugees, those who wish for immigration.
Japan will recruit foreign workers for simple workers from April next year.
Salaries etc are more than Japanese.
Family members can also be accompanied after five years,
although family members are not allowed at the beginning.
The medical expenses of families left in their homeland are free in principle.
It is like a dream. Let's go to Japan!
Governments and NGOs from various countries should support them
so that the Japanese government will not discriminate in race, region, etc.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I am making two arguments. Do not get confused.
Firstly, foreigners were criminalized for crimes of "labor
that violated the status of residence" of the Immigration Act (Article 70).
However, the employers hiring them are not disposed of as "a crime that supports illegal labor"
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act. This is an international law violation
that discriminates only foreigners consciously.
Even in "principle of equality under the law" they are innocent.
The second is that I and the diplomats were punished for "crimes that supported other crimes"
under Article 62 of the Penal Code, as they supported the "first" act.
This is not guilty for two reasons.
A) If a foreigner is innocent under the first claim,
there is no one who supported "the crime of labor that violated the status of residence"
of (Immigration Law Article 70). We are innocent.
B) The indictment was applied (Article 62 of the Criminal Code)
for reasons that supported "cancellation of status of residence
by submitting false documents" of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act.
However (Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act) is "cancellation of status of residence"
and is not criminal penalty.
(This is a conscious violation of applicable law). We are innocent.

In this case as well, 300,000 yen and 900,000 yen are transferred as "Kin"
in the bank deposit account of Company L. Looking at that fact,
the prosecution says "Kin" = "Kin Gungaku".
He said that he received "reward" in cash from four Chinese,
"remittered" to "my company L company" with only "family name" "Kin".
Prosecutors have decided that this fact has led me to have no intention of hiring Chinese people.
After being "released", I asked the Chinese.
The Chinese who heard "this story" laughed "to" foolishness "of Japanese police officers
and prosecutors.
As Chinese are "First and last name", absolute (100%) will not remit with "family name" alone.
And say that "Chinese" who remit "Reward" is not "absolutely".
The prosecutor "defines" in the official trial that the Chinese are "foolish",
but on the contrary it was made "foolish" from the Chinese.
Koreans also say "First and last name" when it comes to names.
"Family name" is not "remittance" by itself.
It is "Crazy" to remit "Reward money".
"Thank you" money is "handed" is "common sense".
In Japan, "Japanese other than police officers,
prosecutors and judges" is "Put the money in a bag" and "Personal delivery" is common sense.
"When transferring money" is "First and last name" of "Nagano Yasuhiro".
You will understand that Japanese police officers, prosecutors,
and judges are doing "Life deviating from common sense".
Let's be careful when "When you touch them".
Four Chinese did not receive "Administrative penalty" of "Leaving the country"
from the Minister of Justice for submitting "A lie fake document".
I also Administrative penalty So as had been received if, "support crane crime the other crime"
of the Criminal Code "Criminal punishment", the "not applicable", he insisted.
Therefore, since the act of "Kingungaku" with me has not violated any law at all,
the act done by police officials and prosecutors is "Admonition".
Sin is "False charge of charges".
And because I was arrested and arrested illegally,
it is "a crime that a special civil servant abused his authority".
Also, the judge, "Kingungaku" with me was illegally arrested and arrested
in spite of not breaking the law, and because he made an unfair trial,
"a special public official abused his authority" is a crime.
Also, "lawyer" does not defend against "Nulla poena sine lege" contrary
to "Legal professional basic rules".
And he participated in the crime of the prosecutors
and promoted "crime" so it is "a crime to support other crimes".
"News program production companies and television stations,
newspaper companies, etc." who reported the incident also promoted the crimes of police officials,
so they are "crime of supporting other crimes".
I will continue on tomorrow.
I will continue until you understand.

The acceptance of simple workers was decided by the "Cabinet".
The law will be discussed from now. For details please check with the media of Japan
or HP of the Japanese government. Governments and NGOs should publicize this big news.
If you give me an e - mail, I will provide you with hint information.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush" by state power is "stop"
of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "abduction of Japanese"
by North Korea. The Japanese government should settle the "kidnapping of foreigners
by the Japanese government" priority.
This e - mail is sent to the prime minister 's official every day like everyone.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


2025-01-12:لقد اقترحت "عرضاً حربياً" لتحويل "الحرب" إلى "عرض". وبموافقة "G3MA"، سيتم عقد الصراعات باعتبارها "عروضاً حربية". وإذا حدث ذلك، فسوف تحدث "إصابات" عديدة حتى بدون استخدام البارود.

 12 يناير 2025: طبعة الأحد. يواجه الأميركيون التضخم في ظل إدارة بايدن، حيث يكافح أكثر من 20 مليون "أميركي" من أجل تلبية احتياجاتهم...