
Let's create 'a special zone' in each country! Make a great nation for the people! "Let's spread to friends." April 14, 2019, Special Zone Sunday Edition: Dear Sirs, countries should set up "special zones" in their own country. We should accept the world's refugees and "the poor" as "temporary immigrants" and limit them to "special zones." By hiring "temporary immigrants" as low-paid workers, we should win "price competition" with Chinese products.

Let's create 'a special zone' in each country! Make a great nation for the people!
"Let's spread to friends." April 14, 2019, Special Zone Sunday Edition:
Dear Sirs, countries should set up "special zones" in their own country. We should accept the world's refugees and "the poor" as "temporary immigrants" and limit them to "special zones." By hiring "temporary immigrants" as low-paid workers, we should win "price competition" with Chinese products.

Part 1. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is an age in which companies around the world develop intense global competition with the goal of gaining ground in a huge market. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a great opportunity for all countries to make a big leap, but on the other hand, if it loses competition, it may sink at a stretch.
What should we do for this?

Some of the following quote Wikipedia.
The primary industrial revolution took place in the 18th and 19th centuries in Europe and the United States. Industrialization and urbanization of agriculture and local society progressed mainly during this period.
Iron and textile industry played a central role in the industrial revolution with the development of steam engines.

The Second Industrial Revolution occurred between 1870 and 1914, just before World War I.
In addition to the growth of existing industries, new industries such as steel, oil and electricity were expanded, and mass production was carried out using electricity.
The major technological advances in this period include phones, light bulbs, gramophones, internal combustion engines etc.

The Third Industrial Revolution, or Digital Revolution, refers to the technological advances from analog circuits and mechanical devices to digital technology used today.
This era began in the 1980s and is still ongoing.
Advances in the Third Industrial Revolution include personal computers, the Internet, and information and communication technology (ICT).

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is based on the Digital Revolution, and represents a new way for technology to be embedded in society and even in the human body.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution spans robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computers, biotechnology, the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printers, autonomous vehicles and more.

The manufacturing industry is an industry that produces and provides products by processing raw materials and the like, and is a major field that constitutes the secondary industry together with the mining and construction industries.
Among industries, from heavy industry to light industry, the distribution is different depending on the industrial structure of each country, and it is generally positioned as a major position in economic activity.

The manufacturing industry processes and assembles raw materials to produce products.
In addition to raw material costs, “equipment investment costs for factories and processing and assembly machines, R & D costs for new technologies, etc.”.
So we need some "Invested capital".

Currently in the third industrial revolution. Some industries are entering the fourth industrial revolution.
Manufacturing is at the center of economic activity, even when the Fourth Industrial Revolution flourishes.
In the manufacturing industry, labor costs are a large percentage.
With the introduction of IT technology, processing and assembly of many products can be done by even simple workers.
In addition, with the improvement of living standards, the people of each country tend to dislike "3K" labor.
"3K" is 1. Kitui (heavy labor), 2. Kitanai (dirty), 3. It is Kiken (dangerous).
These “3K” jobs can be solved by hiring “migrant workers”.
However, coexistence in the life with the general people causes many problems.

So I propose the second part.
It will continue next week.

Part 2. We propose to build "special zones" in each country, including Europe.
Please read along with the proposal for the United States (Saturday).

the purpose.
Europe lost the people's trust because of "immigration" and "refugee" problems.
However, European industries are seeking low-wage workers.
Because it competes with Chinese products in the "global economy".
"Emigrants" and "refugees" have different living habits in European society, so it is difficult to live together with the people of each country.
So we create a "special zone".
We will accept "refugees" and "poor people" of the world as "temporary immigrants", limited to "special zones".

1. Coexistence with refugees and poor people (illegal immigrants).
The advantage of Europe is to reduce manufacturing costs by accepting refugees and poor people in Africa and the Middle East and hiring them as low-paying workers.
American "illegal immigrants" do not "take away" the work of "American workers".
But European immigrants “plunder” the work of “European workers”.
There are many "employers" who need immigration in Europe.
Those with "temporary immigration" who have no criminal history and can live in European lifestyles will legalize as "labor immigrants".
However, since "religious" "trouble" can not be "solved", the "change" from "temporary immigration" to "labor migration" should be limited.
The "special zone" plant needs a lot of skilled workers and production engineers.
They are "moving" from "existing areas" to "special zone" factories.

The benefits of the refugees and the poor are at low wages, too. By getting a job, you can get a better "life" than you do now.
Provides good news for poor people and refugees in Africa and the Middle East.

2. Can operate a factory that can compete with China in the global economy.
Employment of low-paid temporary immigrants as workers enables manufacturing costs that are superior to Chinese products.
From now on, Europe will become a "trade surplus country" against China etc.

Special zone.
Each country sets up a "special zone".
We accept temporary immigrants by limiting them to "special zones".
This will prevent "wars" with the general public.
It is prohibited for "temporary immigration" to move out of "special zone".
Therefore, "special zones" are surrounded by "walls" and "fences".
We will build many factories in the "special zone".
Many companies that have made inroads into China will build factories in the "special zone".
Temporary immigrants who commit crimes will be "forced out" immediately.
It can not be manufactured only by "temporary immigration".
Skilled workers and production engineers are employed in "special zones".

Temporary immigration.
Basically, you will return to your home country after your period of residence.
Good temporary immigrants can be "permanent" by "renewing".
Temporary immigrants who have worked in factories in special zones for a certain period of time and who are determined to be able to "coexist" with their own nationals are recognized as "labor immigrants".
"Labor migrants" can "work freely" anywhere.
This will eliminate the "worries" of "lack of labor" relying on the current "immigrants".
In the case of Europe, I think that conflicts with the people of each country will occur due to differences in lifestyle.
So I think it would be better to set up a "special zone" for each religion and make it a "town where you can live with your family"

Existing industrial area.
It is connected with the "special zone" factory and supply chain.
The state-of-the-art parts are sent to the "special zone".

"Temporary immigration" will be "contributor" of "the biggest profit" in each country.
"European Products" will be shipped to domestic and overseas from "special zones" of each country.
Consumption of “temporary immigration” boosts GDP in each country.
Large investments are made from all over the world into "special zones".
In the "special zone", "construction rush" continues for a long time.
And capital investment is done.
This will allow European countries to "regain their prosperity".

The prosperity of each country is realized by the freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law" of the world.
I seriously seek the rule of law. Please direct the concerned parties to investigate.
Materials submitted to the ICC.

I agree to disclose the name and the required items.
If you have any questions please email me. Yours sincerely Nagano Yoshihiro
For uncertainties, please contact us!

Let's spread! To create a society where human rights are protected!. Sunday Edition, 14 April 2019: Dear sirs, the Korean government will demand personal reparations during World War II, ignoring the Japan-Korea treaty in the “contracting issue”. The Korean government will not protest if many Koreans are illegally arrested by the Japanese government and punished. The Korean people should protest the Korean government for the resolution of the current issue rather than the solved one.

Let's spread! To create a society where human rights are protected!.

Sunday Edition, 14 April 2019:
Dear sirs, the Korean government will demand personal reparations during World War II, ignoring the Japan-Korea treaty in the “contracting issue”.
The Korean government will not protest if many Koreans are illegally arrested by the Japanese government and punished.
The Korean people should protest the Korean government for the resolution of the current issue rather than the solved one.

Part 1. Koreans, "war time laborers problem" has been resolved in the Japan-Korea Treaty.
Please do not be deceived by the Korean government.
The current issues are described in Part 2 below.
Please read along with the Saturday version.

The "unpaid wage" in the "war time laborers problem" has been solved by the treaty.
See Wikipedia below for an example.
"The Convention on the Basic Relationship between Japan and the Republic of Korea"


The Korean government announces the end of the "claim for compensation for Japan" (2008)
By the information disclosure by the Seoul Administrative Court on August 14, 2009,
"Individual compensation for Koreans" must "require" from the Korean government, not the Japanese government.
The matter was finally revealed to the Korean people.
Since then, "war time laborers' unpaid wage billing to Japan" is "hard",
The Korean government has officially announced it.

The issue of compensation was received from the Japanese government at the 1965 "Normalization of Japan-Korea Relations"
The position that it is all over with "funds for the right to claim against Japan"
It has been confirmed by the Korean government again.
The Korean government has indicated to the international community.
The so-called "comensation to comfort women" and "reparations" are
It indicated that it would be a "demand" for the Korean government.

In March 1949, the Korean government stated in the "Record of Demand for Reparations against Japan":
It was estimated that it would be possible to demand $ 2.1 billion in reparations in addition to the kind return that Japan left in Korea.

The Korean government has submitted a "claim for compensation against Japan" to the "Allied Forces" "High Commander, General Headquarters".
"The content is that Japan will carry out a" return "of $ 2.1 billion (at that time) +" various types of goods "to Korea.

The same stance was taken in negotiations for the conclusion of the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty.
And the Korean side insisted that it was "To Japan victorious powers", that is, "a member of allied forces".
The Korean side demanded "war compensation" from Japan.
In addition, January 26, 1951
"Syngman Rhee President" announces the Korean government's "policy" for "Treaty of Peace with Japan"
Expressed hope for participation in the "San Francisco Peace Conference".

In addition, Korea also has a peace treaty with Japan (the San Francisco Peace Treaty), which is the “Japan Peace Treaty”.
It requested the "US Department of State" to "sign in" as a "victory country".
However, it was "rejected" by the United States and the United Kingdom.
Japan too, "If Korea signed,
"One million Koreans in Japan will get the right to receive compensation as" people of the Allied Powers ".
And the United States, too, accepted the "view" of Japan.

Allied forces (such as the United States and the United Kingdom) are deeply involved in this matter.
So I think the US and UK governments have a duty to seriously "arbitrate".
The Japanese people insist on "breaking diplomatic relations" with Korea.
If the United States does not seriously "arbitrate", the military alliance of "Japan, the United States, Korea" will collapse.
If Koreans claim "personal compensation",
The “right to claim” of “personal property” that Japanese people have left in Korea will “occur” in Korea.
Allied forces include Britain and France.
Arbitrate seriously and let Korea understand the weight of the international treaty.
Of course, I should say the weight of the international treaty to Japan also in immigration law cases.

Korean people can not see the history correctly because they have received 'anti-Japanese education'.
However, if you do not understand history properly, you will become isolated in the international community.
Koreans should learn correctly, think correctly, and do the right thing.

Part 2. Many Koreans have been arrested for violating international law in violation of the Immigration Act (innumerable).
Koreans, Chinese, "everyone in the world"!
Help the victims of the Japanese government around you!

The victims are foreigners who "worked illegally" in activities other than "Certificate of residence" in Japan.
They were arrested for "illegal labor" under Article 70 of the Immigration Act
We have received "criminal sanctions" such as "a prison term punishment" and "a fine punishment".
And they are foreigners who have been forced to repatriate.
I wrote this yesterday.

We arrest a third party for "supporting" the aforementioned "illegal labor" of foreigners.
The victim is me or "Kin Gungaku who is Chinese".
Other victims are officials from the Embassy of the Philippines and diplomats from the Philippines.
I think there are more victims, but I do not know the information.

It is a third party who has handed out the “contract documents for employment” to foreigners who have “illegal labor”.
It has nothing to do with "illegal labor."
The prosecution says in Indictment:

I gave a foreigner "Employment Contract Documents with False Content".
Foreigners were able to easily obtain the status of residence by attaching “Employment Contract Documents with False Content”.
Foreigners came to live in Japan because they got “Certificate of residence”.
Foreigners were able to do "illegal labor" because they were in Japan.
Therefore, as a crime against Article 70 "illegal labor" of the immigration control law of foreigners,
We apply "the crime that supported other crimes" of "Article 60 and Article 62 of the Penal Code".

"Sins of support" for Article 70 "illegal labor" of the Immigration Control Act
It prescribes in "the crime which promotes unlawful work".

The "crime reasons" of the prosecution are stipulated in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act "Revocation of Status of Residence by Filing False Documents".
There is no punishment for that. Only the status of residence is cancelled.
And "forced repatriation" will be.

Even if you get a status of residence with “false documents”, if you work within the scope of status of residence, it is not “illegal labor”.
The application of Article 62 and Article 62 of the Penal Code to me and the Philippine diplomat is an error of the "applicable law".
This is the perfect "False charge".

Victims should apply to the governments and media of each country.
Governments and media in each country should ask the Japanese government for "restoration of honor" and "reparations".

If governments and embassies can not protest the Japanese government, request an investigation from the ICC.
Please use this case as a text of law at a university etc. (Students can understand Japan's stupid judicial level)

There are many victims all over the world. Please support "Appeal to ICC".

The documents are below.

The above translated document is incorrect, please contact us by email.

Yours sincerely Nagano Yoshihiro

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Let's create a "special zone" along the Let's Mexico border! Create a great new America! "Let's spread to friends." Saturday, April 13, 2019: Dear Sirs, the United States does not need the "Mexico border wall" to protect the desert. The “Mexico border wall” is necessary to protect the “global factory” along the Mexican border. The United States can coexist with immigrants. "Build New GREAT AMERICA!" Can be realized.

Let's create a "special zone" along the Let's Mexico border! Create a great new America!
"Let's spread to friends." Saturday, April 13, 2019:
Dear Sirs, the United States does not need the "Mexico border wall" to protect the desert. The “Mexico border wall” is necessary to protect the “global factory” along the Mexican border. The United States can coexist with immigrants. "Build New GREAT AMERICA!" Can be realized.

Part 1. There are already 8 million illegal migrants working in the United States.
Illegal immigrants have not robbed Americans of their jobs.
Proponents of "President Donald Trump" have not said that "Jobs" of "illegal immigrants" should be restored to Americans.
If "President Donald Trump" recommends the following work to his supporters, the supporters will "run away".
In Japan we say "3K".
In Japan, too, this job is the job of “trainees from overseas” and “a simple worker from abroad”. It is a job type that does not gather even if the recruitment of Japanese people.
1. Kitui (heavy labor).
2. Kitanai (dirty).
3. Kiken (dangerous).
It is a Chinese company that "takes away" the "work" of white workers who "support" President Donald Trump.
Many American companies set up factories in China or "consignment" of products.
The plant at Amelia was closed and the workers were unemployed.
A large amount of Chinese products were imported into the United States.
The plant at Amelia was closed and the workers were unemployed.

The reason why Donald Trump's supporters are in favor of building the "Mexico border wall" is the "race" issue.
Although "illegal immigration" includes "atroc" "offenders", there is not much in statistical data.
They physiologically dislike "Hispanic" and "Black".
Therefore, they are only refusing "acceptance" with "crime" of "illegal immigration" as "reason"

There is no solution for this.
Things that are "hate" physiologically can not be "like".
"Many whites" are "Hispanic", "Black" and "Yellow" are "I dislike".
The race problem is American history.

In 2017, President Donald Trump issued a statement examining the legalization of "illegal immigration."
But now, by force, he is trying to build a "wall on the border with Mexico."
I think this is a Chinese "conspiracy".
I think the White House already has a lot of staff who are falling in China's "Honey Trap".

The United States has been occupied by Chinese products.
It fell on China's "trap".
"Restraint" of import in "Additional duty tax" has "pain" in China, but also in the United States, there is great pain.
So the United States can not do it immediately.
I think China is working on a strategy in which President Donald Trump is defeated in the next presidential election.
I think that it is to make President Donald Trump construct "the border wall with Mexico" as a tactic.
If there are no "illegal immigrants" from the United States, I think the United States will "fall".
At that time, a large amount of Chinese people (yellow) will come to the United States as "helpers".
This is China's final goal.
Before that, I will point out "racial issues".
As mentioned above, the presidential election is "defeat" if "race problem" is pointed out.
I think this is the immediate goal of China.

So I am proposing a second part.
I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. We propose to build a "special zone" along the border with Mexico.
See (Sunday) for suggestions for the UK and EU.
the purpose.
The United States does not need the "Mexico border wall" to protect the desert.
"Mexico border wall" is the necessity to protect the "world factory" of the "special zone".
Now the United States can co-exist with the immigrants that support the US economy.
"MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" Can now be realized.

1. Coexistence with refugees and poor people (illegal immigrants).
The advantage of the United States is to reduce manufacturing costs by accepting refugees and poor people from Latin America and the world and employing them as low-paying workers.
The US economy is supported by "illegal immigration".
Those "temporary immigration" who do not have "criminal history" will be "legalized" as "labor immigrants".
You can now safely hire "low-paid workers".
This will wipe out "illegal immigration".
The United States will be "a country governed by the law."

The “benefits” of refugees and poor people are “getting a job” to get “a better living than you do now” even with low wages.
This brings good news to the poor in Mexico and Latin America.

2. Can operate a factory that can compete with China in the global economy.
Employment of low-paid temporary immigrants as workers enables manufacturing costs that are superior to Chinese products.
The United States can beat Chinese products without relying on customs duties.
From now on, the United States will become a "trade surplus country" against China etc.

Special zone.
All areas along the border with Mexico are called "special zones".
All areas "along the border" with a "width" of more than 100 km from the border with Mexico.
We accept temporary immigrants by limiting them to "special zones".
This will prevent "wars" with the general "American people".
It is prohibited for "temporary immigration" to move out of "special zone".
Therefore, "special zones" are surrounded by "walls" and "fences".
The "wall" with the Mexican border is part of it.
We will build many factories in the "special zone".
Many companies that have made inroads into China will build factories in the "special zone".
Temporary immigrants who committed a crime are immediately "Deportation".
For that purpose, "the police right" is under the control of the White House.
It can not be manufactured only by "temporary immigration".
Skilled workers and production engineers are employed in "special zones".

Temporary immigration.
We accept the world's poor and refugees as temporary immigrants.
I work as a low-wage worker in "a factory" etc. in a special zone.
Basically, you will return to your home country after your period of residence. Good temporary immigrants can be “permanent” by “renewing”.
As temporary immigrant who worked for a certain period in a special zone factory,
Temporary immigrants who have judged that they can co-exist with their own people are recognized as "labor immigrants".
"Labor migrants" can "work freely" anywhere.
The "illegal immigration" of the current "illegal stay" is now "legalized".

Existing industrial area.
It is connected with the "special zone" factory and supply chain.
The state-of-the-art parts are sent to the "special zone".

"Temporary Immigration" will be a "Majority Contributor" contributor to the United States.
American products are shipped from the "special zone" to the United States and abroad.
Consumption of “temporary immigration” boosts US GDP.
Astronomical investments are made from all over the world into "special zones".
In the "special zone", "construction rush" continues for a long time.
And capital investment is done.
The US can now recover the world's factories from China.

The prosperity of America is realized by freedom, democracy, and "ruled under the law" in the world.
I seriously seek the rule of law. Please direct the concerned parties to investigate.
Materials submitted to the ICC.

I agree to disclose the name and the required items.
If you have any questions please email me. Yours sincerely Nagano Yoshihiro