
Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister  "Warum Post" Artikelraum "nur für reiche Leute gibt" Wir "abonnieren" Post nicht, um die reichhaltigen "Entschuldigungsartikel" zu lesen.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister

2019-05-03:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, es ist die Fortsetzung von gestern. Frau Carroll ist eine Mitarbeiterin der "Washington Post",
Gone klagt die Unschuld des Verdächtigen an. Die Reaktion des Lesers ist kalt.
Frau Carroll sollte "Opinion Advertising" herausgeben!

Teil 1 Japans Staatsanwälte nutzen die Medien bereits für Impressionen. Deshalb.
Einige sagen, das japanische Justizsystem gleicht einer Diktatur wie Russland oder China.
Es ist eine Minderheit, und viele der Kommentare sind "scharf" für "Mr. Carroll und die" Post ".

"Sie wurden wie ein normaler Täter behandelt.
Denn das sind Sie, das ist ein Verbrecher
Warum denken die Reichen, dass sie "außerhalb des Gesetzes sind"?

"Warum Post" Artikelraum "nur für reiche Leute gibt"
Wir "abonnieren" Post nicht, um die reichhaltigen "Entschuldigungsartikel" zu lesen.
Es gibt "sarkastische Bemerkungen" in Bezug auf Präsident Trump, der viele Skandale hat.
"Es ist verrückt, den korruptesten Präsidenten der USA um Intervention zu bitten."
"Wenn Ghon nicht viel Geld für Trumps Kampagne gespendet hat,
Dieser Trump gibt niemals seine Hand für Dinge, die nicht rentabel sind. "
Mrs. Carroll, die Plattform, nach der Sie fragen sollten, war FOX News (von Trump Media).

Ich denke, es war falsch, dass sie auf Post gepostet hat.
Ich denke, FOX News hat das Amt von Frau Carroll abgelehnt.
Wenn Sie sich diesen Kommentar anschauen, können Sie das Ergebnis der nächsten Präsidentschaftswahlen von Präsident Donald Trump sehen.

Sagte Frau Carroll.
Das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Handel und Industrie, um die Fusion zwischen Nissan und Renault zu blockieren, schloss sich den Führungskräften von Nissan an.
Sie "gaten unfaire Verbrechen". Sie behauptet: "Dies ist eine Verschwörung"
"Mein Mann ist unschuldig", klagte er.

In meinem Fall handelt es sich um ein "falsches Gesetz".
Im Fall von Gone ist ein Gesetz anzuwenden.
Es ist zweifelhaft, ob Gone "absichtlich" ist.
Nissan-Führungskräfte sollten ebenfalls festgenommen werden. Der Grund ist "Absprache".

Staatsanwälte sollten "Gail-Verdächtige" "Kaution" machen.
Er ist inhaftiert und kann sich nicht auf die Verhandlung vorbereiten.
Er sollte nach internationalen Regeln "eine Prüfung erhalten".

Gone und Mrs. sind reich.
Frau Carroll sollte in der Zeitung oder im Fernsehen "Werbung machen".
Japanische Unternehmen haben ein Thema wie "Verhalten" mit "japanischer Regierung" und "Fehlverhalten".
Die Anzeige ist ein "Thema", um japanische Produkte aus Protest gegen "Hostage Justice" in Japan zu "boykottieren".
Dies gibt Abe einen direkten Schaden.
"Toyota Motor", "Honda Motor", "Nissan Motor", "Hitachi",
"Panasonic" usw. setzt Druck auf die "Abe-Administration".
Ich unterstütze auch Gone und seine Frau.

Für weitere Details schreibe ich an einem anderen Tag.
Ursprünglich waren die Vereinigten Staaten, das Vereinigte Königreich, Deutschland, Frankreich usw.
Sie sollten die "unfaire" Transaktionen und das Rechtssystem der japanischen Regierung "anprangern".

Teil 2 Ich verklage zwei Dinge.
Dies ist ein "internationaler" Menschenrechtsmissbrauch der japanischen Regierung.
Wir bitten um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere "Honor Recovery and Reparations" stattfinden können.
Wenn die Welt die "Herrschaft unter dem Gesetz" ignoriert, ist es natürlich, sie durch den Terrorismus zu regeln. Aber es ist verrückt.

1 Ausländer führten "illegale Arbeit" außer "Aufenthaltsqualifikation" aus. Aber Ausländer sind nicht schuldig.
Nur Ausländer wurden für das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz (Artikel 70 "Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen") bestraft.
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz hingegen gilt für Arbeitgeber, die "ursächliche Beziehungen" rechtswidriger Arbeit nach Artikel 73-2 darstellen.
Ich werde dafür bestraft (ein Verbrechen, das rechtswidrige Arbeit fördert).

Allerdings hat die japanische Justiz nur Ausländer "bestraft", "Arbeitgeber" jedoch nicht "bestraft".
Dies ist eindeutig gegen die "Gleichheitsregel nach dem Gesetz".
Und es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das "willkürlich" nur Ausländer "bestraft".

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der illegal Ausländer beschäftigt hat, "unschuldig" ist, dann sind auch illegal arbeitende Ausländer "unschuldig".
Wenn ja, gibt es keinen, der "gegen andere Verbrechen im Strafrecht" gestützt wurde, gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.
"Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat aus den Philippinen, und ein philippinischer Botschaftsvertreter" sind nicht schuldig.

2 Die Staatsanwaltschaft sagte: "Unterstützung für Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes"
Es ist "verrückt", die Artikel 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs "Sünden zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten" gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes anzuwenden.
Dies ist die Logik des Gesetzes ist falsch.

Ausländer unterliegen der Einwanderungskontrolle Artikel 22-4-4
Durchführung der in (Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente) vorgeschriebenen Maßnahme.
Dafür gibt es jedoch keine "strafrechtliche Bestrafung".
Die Verfügungen lauten: "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Abschiebung ins Ausland" durch den Justizminister.
Daher können "Strafgesetzbuch Artikel 60 und Artikel 62" Sünden zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten "nicht angewandt werden.
Die "kriminellen Gründe" des Immigration Control Act 22-4-4, auf die die "Anklageschrift" hingewiesen hat, stehen in keinem ursächlichen Zusammenhang mit dem Immigration Control Act 70.
In der Tat ist die Logik des Gesetzes falsch.

Die japanische Regierung zermalmt "Staatsanwaltschaft".
"Zerquetschen" durch die Staatsmacht ist "Stopp" der "Verjährung".

Die Dokumente sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Nagano Yoshihiro

Die deutsche Regierung hat die japanische Regierung aufgefordert, die Todesstrafe abzuschaffen.
Danke als Japaner.
Da viele Ausländer im Fall des Verstoßes gegen die Einwanderungskontrolle geopfert wurden, unterstützen Sie bitte die "Berufung" an den "ICC"

Meine Informationen *******************

Wir veröffentlichen im folgenden Programm.

Nationalität Japan
Adresse   Japan
Name Yasuhiro Nagano


Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister  Japan's prosecutors are already using the media to do impression operations. That's why.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2019-05-03:Dear Sirs, it is the continuation of yesterday.
Mrs. Carroll, who contributed to the Washington Post, sued Gone's innocence.
The reader's reaction is cold.
Mrs. Carroll should issue "Opinion advertising"!

Part 1. Japan's prosecutors are already using the media to do impression operations.
That's why.
Some say that Japan's judicial system is like that of a dictatorship like Russia
or China, but it is a minority,
and many of the comments are "acrid" views of "Mr. Carroll and the" post ". "is.

"You were treated the same as a regular offender.
Because that's you guys, that is, a criminal
Why do the wealthy think that they are "being beyond the law"!

"Why post gives" article space "to rich people only"
We are not "subscribing" to Post in order to read the rich "excuse" articles.
There is "make sarcastic remarks" by reference to Trump president with many scandals.
"It's crazy to ask the most corrupt president in the United States for intervention."
"Unless Gorne donated a huge amount to Trump's campaign, that Trump won't help him with no profit."
Mrs. Carroll, the platform you should ask for was FOX News (of Trump Media).

I think it was wrong that she posted to Post.
I think FOX News has declined Mrs Carroll's post.
Looking at this comment, you can see the outcome
of President Donald Trump's next presidential election.

Mrs. Carroll said.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,
in an effort to block the merger between Nissan and Renault, worked with Nissan executives,
and they "given unfair crimes" to Gone.
She asserted, "This is a conspiracy," and complained, "My husband is innocent."

In my case, it is an "incorrect law".
In the case of Gone, there is a law to apply.
It is doubtful about Gone's "deliberate".
Nissan executives should also be arrested. The reason is "collusion".

Prosecutors should make "Gail suspect" "bail".
He is detained and can not prepare for the trial.
He should "receive a trial" under international rules.

Gone and Mrs. are rich.
Mrs. Carroll should do "advertising" in the newspaper or TV.
Japanese companies have a theme such as “conduct” with “Japanese government” and “misconduct”.
The ad is a "theme" to "boycott" Japanese products in protest of "Hostage justice" in Japan.
This gives Abe a direct damage.
"Toyota Motor", "Honda Motor", "Nissan Motor", "Hitachi",
"Panasonic", etc. will exert pressure on the "Abe administration".
I also support Gone and his wife.

For more details, I will write on another day.
Originally, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany,
France, etc. should "denouncement" the Japanese government's "unfair" "transactions"
and "judicial system".

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
 (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Nagano Yoshihiro

The UK should leave the EU unconditionally, respect the referendum and show the example of the democratic nation to the world.
Since many foreigners have been sacrificed in the Immigration Control Violation Case, please support the "Appeal" to the "ICC."

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone in the world's media  2019-05-03:Dear Sirs, it is the continuation of yesterday. Mrs. Carroll, who contributed to the Washington Post, sued Gone's innocence. The reader's reaction is cold. Mrs. Carroll should issue "Opinion advertising"!

To everyone in the world's media 

2019-05-03:Dear Sirs, it is the continuation of yesterday.
Mrs. Carroll, who contributed to the Washington Post, sued Gone's innocence.
The reader's reaction is cold.
Mrs. Carroll should issue "Opinion advertising"!

Part 1. Japan's prosecutors are already using the media to do impression operations.
That's why.
Some say that Japan's judicial system is like that of a dictatorship like Russia
or China, but it is a minority,
and many of the comments are "acrid" views of "Mr. Carroll and the" post ". "is.

"You were treated the same as a regular offender.
Because that's you guys, that is, a criminal
Why do the wealthy think that they are "being beyond the law"!

"Why post gives" article space "to rich people only"
We are not "subscribing" to Post in order to read the rich "excuse" articles.
There is "make sarcastic remarks" by reference to Trump president with many scandals.
"It's crazy to ask the most corrupt president in the United States for intervention."
"Unless Gorne donated a huge amount to Trump's campaign, that Trump won't help him with no profit."
Mrs. Carroll, the platform you should ask for was FOX News (of Trump Media).

I think it was wrong that she posted to Post.
I think FOX News has declined Mrs Carroll's post.
Looking at this comment, you can see the outcome
of President Donald Trump's next presidential election.

Mrs. Carroll said.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,
in an effort to block the merger between Nissan and Renault, worked with Nissan executives,
and they "given unfair crimes" to Gone.
She asserted, "This is a conspiracy," and complained, "My husband is innocent."

In my case, it is an "incorrect law".
In the case of Gone, there is a law to apply.
It is doubtful about Gone's "deliberate".
Nissan executives should also be arrested. The reason is "collusion".

Prosecutors should make "Gail suspect" "bail".
He is detained and can not prepare for the trial.
He should "receive a trial" under international rules.

Gone and Mrs. are rich.
Mrs. Carroll should do "advertising" in the newspaper or TV.
Japanese companies have a theme such as “conduct” with “Japanese government” and “misconduct”.
The ad is a "theme" to "boycott" Japanese products in protest of "Hostage justice" in Japan.
This gives Abe a direct damage.
"Toyota Motor", "Honda Motor", "Nissan Motor", "Hitachi",
"Panasonic", etc. will exert pressure on the "Abe administration".
I also support Gone and his wife.

For more details, I will write on another day.
Originally, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany,
France, etc. should "denouncement" the Japanese government's "unfair" "transactions"
and "judicial system".

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
 (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Nagano Yoshihiro

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" . 2019-05-02:Dear Sirs, it is the continuation of yesterday. Mrs. Carroll says as follows. I am a US citizen. I learned that Japan does not have many rights that we can enjoy in the United States. We are "frightened" by "fear". Japan does not have the right to be granted to suspects. First of all, you in the international community should know the facts of Japan.

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency

Dear Sirs, Please send this e-mail to the top leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency".
This e-mail is sent daily to media, embassies and white houses in the world.

To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" .

2019-05-02:Dear Sirs, it is the continuation of yesterday.
Mrs. Carroll says as follows. I am a US citizen.
I learned that Japan does not have many rights that we can enjoy in the United States.
We are "frightened" by "fear". Japan does not have the right to be granted to suspects.
First of all, you in the international community should know the facts of Japan.

Part 1. According to Mrs Carroll, the re-arrested Ghoon has been put in a cell
and has been interrogated for hours without the presence of a lawyer, day or night.
Then she casts doubts on the Japanese judicial system.
Mrs. Carroll also said that the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry "worked" with Nissan executives
in an effort to prevent the merger between Nissan and Renault.
And they claimed that they had given "unfair crimes" to "Carlos Gone."
She argued, "This is a conspiracy."
She complained, "My husband is innocent."

She then petitions President Trump,
who is scheduled to have a summit meeting with Prime Minister Abe at the end of April.
"The Japanese ministries intervened in the business of the private sector.
I do not think that President Donald Trump is indifferent to this.
Please "request" Prime Minister Abe from "Our President Donald Trump" to admit my husband's bail.
"President Donald Trump, please ask."
"Please ask Prime Minister Abe to correct this injustice."

I think President Donald Trump will not hear Mrs. Carol's wishes.
Even though Mrs. Carroll has American citizenship, "Carlos Gone" is not an American.
I asked President Donald Trump to "rescue" "American victims
of the" Immigration Act violation case ", but I still ignore it.
Americans understand President Donald Trump's code of conduct.
I will write this tomorrow.

But there is a chance.

Mrs. Carroll what do you do?
Since you are American, you appeal to Americans.
It is about using money to do "campaigns" in newspapers and TV.

I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
(a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes
in criminal law" against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence" and "deportation abroad"
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".
The documents are below.
There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Nagano Yoshihiro

To the highest leader Kim Jong-un Please request ***************************************

The North Korean government should "protest" the Japanese government.
The Japanese government should "solve" the abduction of foreigners.
There are many "victims" of "South Koreans" who are "Same ethnic".
Please protest the Japanese government by "representing" the people of the Korean Peninsula "!

North Korea should not launch missiles until the end of this year's election in Japan.
If North Korea "launches missiles," "The Abe administration will completely win."
Last time, North Korea "launched missiles" into the Sea of ​​Japan, so the "Abe administration had a" reverse victory ".

The weak point of the Abe administration is "the case of immigration law violation".
It is an "incident" of evidence that Japan is not governed under the law.

North Korea should announce that the Japanese government "illegally abducts and detains" foreigners.
North Korea should "publicize" that there are more "foreign victims" than "Japanese abductees."
North Korea should make the world's media "a friend" of North Korea.
Please announce the North Korean government in foreign media and the United Nations.
The North Korean government should specifically announce "my name". approve.

My information *********************************************** ****

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

************************************************** ******************

To President Trump 2019-05-02:Dear Sirs, it is the continuation of yesterday.I think President Donald Trump will not hear Mrs. Carol's wishes. Even though Mrs. Carroll has American citizenship, "Carlos Gone" is not an American. I asked President Donald Trump to "rescue" "American victims of the" Immigration Act violation case ", but I still ignore it. Americans understand President Donald Trump's code of conduct. I will write this tomorrow.

To President Trump

2019-05-02:Dear Sirs, it is the continuation of yesterday.
Mrs. Carroll says as follows. I am a US citizen.
I learned that Japan does not have many rights that we can enjoy in the United States.
We are "frightened" by "fear". Japan does not have the right to be granted to suspects.
First of all, you in the international community should know the facts of Japan.

Part 1. According to Mrs Carroll, the re-arrested Ghoon has been put in a cell
and has been interrogated for hours without the presence of a lawyer, day or night.
Then she casts doubts on the Japanese judicial system.
Mrs. Carroll also said that the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry "worked" with Nissan executives
in an effort to prevent the merger between Nissan and Renault.
And they claimed that they had given "unfair crimes" to "Carlos Gone."
She argued, "This is a conspiracy."
She complained, "My husband is innocent."

She then petitions President Trump,
who is scheduled to have a summit meeting with Prime Minister Abe at the end of April.
"The Japanese ministries intervened in the business of the private sector.
I do not think that President Donald Trump is indifferent to this.
Please "request" Prime Minister Abe from "Our President Donald Trump" to admit my husband's bail.
"President Donald Trump, please ask."
"Please ask Prime Minister Abe to correct this injustice."

I think President Donald Trump will not hear Mrs. Carol's wishes.
Even though Mrs. Carroll has American citizenship, "Carlos Gone" is not an American.
I asked President Donald Trump to "rescue" "American victims
of the" Immigration Act violation case ", but I still ignore it.
Americans understand President Donald Trump's code of conduct.
I will write this tomorrow.

But there is a chance.

Mrs. Carroll what do you do?
Since you are American, you appeal to Americans.
It is about using money to do "campaigns" in newspapers and TV.

I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
(a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes
in criminal law" against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence" and "deportation abroad"
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".
The documents are below.
There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Nagano Yoshihiro

My information ***************************************************

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-05-02:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, es ist die Fortsetzung von gestern. Frau Carroll sagt wie folgt. Ich bin US-Bürger. Ich habe gelernt, dass Japan nicht viele Rechte hat, die wir in den Vereinigten Staaten genießen können. Wir haben "Angst" vor "Angst". Japan hat kein Recht, Verdächtigen gewährt zu werden. Zunächst einmal sollten Sie in der internationalen Gemeinschaft die Fakten Japans kennen.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister

2019-05-02:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, es ist die Fortsetzung von gestern. Frau Carroll sagt wie folgt. Ich bin US-Bürger.
Ich habe gelernt, dass Japan nicht viele Rechte hat, die wir in den Vereinigten Staaten genießen können.
Wir haben "Angst" vor "Angst".
Japan hat kein Recht, Verdächtigen gewährt zu werden.
Zunächst einmal sollten Sie in der internationalen Gemeinschaft die Fakten Japans kennen.

Teil 1 Frau Carroll zufolge wird der wieder festgenommene Gone-Verdächtige in eine Zelle gesteckt.
Man sagt, er sei stundenlang ohne Anwalt gewesen, Tag und Nacht.
Dann zweifelt sie an der japanischen Justiz.
Frau Carroll sagte auch, dass das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Handel und Industrie mit den Führungskräften von Nissan zusammengearbeitet habe, um die Fusion von Nissan und Renault zu verhindern.
Sie behaupteten, sie hätten "Carlos Gone" "unfaire Verbrechen" gegeben.
Sie argumentierte: "Dies ist eine Verschwörung."
Sie klagte: "Mein Mann ist unschuldig."

Sie bittet daraufhin Präsident Trump, der Ende April ein Gipfeltreffen mit Premierminister Abe abhalten soll.
"Die japanischen Ministerien haben in die Geschäfte eines privaten Unternehmens eingegriffen.
Ich glaube nicht, dass Präsident Donald Trump dem gleichgültig ist.
Von "Unser Präsident Donald Trump" bis Premierminister Abe,
Bitte "beantragen", um die Kaution meines Mannes zu bestätigen.
"Präsident Donald Trump, bitte fragen Sie."
"Bitte bittet Premierminister Abe, diese Ungerechtigkeit zu korrigieren."

Ich denke, Präsident Donald Trump wird Mrs. Carols Wünsche nicht hören.
Obwohl Frau Carroll die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft besitzt, ist "Carlos Gone" kein Amerikaner.
Ich bin Präsident Donald Trump
Er forderte die "Rettung" von amerikanischen Opfern des "Einwanderungsgesetzes", vernachlässigt sie jedoch weiterhin.
Die Amerikaner verstehen den Verhaltenskodex von Präsident Donald Trump.
Ich werde das morgen schreiben.

Aber es gibt eine Chance.

Mrs. Carroll, was machst du?
Da Sie Amerikaner sind, wenden Sie sich an Amerikaner.
Es geht darum, Geld für "Kampagnen" in Zeitungen und im Fernsehen einzusetzen.

Ich werde morgen weitermachen.

Teil 2 Ich verklage zwei Dinge.
Dies ist ein "internationaler" Menschenrechtsmissbrauch der japanischen Regierung.
Wir bitten um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere "Honor Recovery and Reparations" stattfinden können.
Wenn die Welt die "Herrschaft unter dem Gesetz" ignoriert, ist es natürlich, sie durch den Terrorismus zu regeln. Aber es ist verrückt.

1 Ausländer führten "illegale Arbeit" außer "Aufenthaltsqualifikation" aus. Aber Ausländer sind nicht schuldig.
Nur Ausländer wurden für das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz (Artikel 70 "Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen") bestraft.
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz hingegen gilt für Arbeitgeber, die "ursächliche Beziehungen" rechtswidriger Arbeit nach Artikel 73-2 darstellen.
Ich werde dafür bestraft (ein Verbrechen, das rechtswidrige Arbeit fördert).

Allerdings hat die japanische Justiz nur Ausländer "bestraft", "Arbeitgeber" jedoch nicht "bestraft".
Dies ist eindeutig gegen die "Gleichheitsregel nach dem Gesetz".
Und es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das "willkürlich" nur Ausländer "bestraft".

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der illegal Ausländer beschäftigt hat, "unschuldig" ist, dann sind auch illegal arbeitende Ausländer "unschuldig".
Wenn ja, gibt es keinen, der "gegen andere Verbrechen im Strafrecht" gestützt wurde, gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.
"Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat aus den Philippinen, und ein philippinischer Botschaftsvertreter" sind nicht schuldig.

2 Die Staatsanwaltschaft sagte: "Unterstützung für Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes"
Für Artikel 70 und Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes
Es ist "verrückt", "Sünde anzuwenden", um andere Verbrechen zu unterstützen.
Dies ist die Logik des Gesetzes ist falsch.

Ausländer unterliegen der Einwanderungskontrolle Artikel 22-4-4
Durchführung der in (Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente) vorgeschriebenen Maßnahme.
Dafür gibt es jedoch keine "strafrechtliche Bestrafung".
Die Verfügungen lauten: "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Abschiebung ins Ausland" durch den Justizminister.
Daher können "Strafgesetzbuch Artikel 60 und Artikel 62" Sünden zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten "nicht angewandt werden.
Die "kriminellen Gründe" des Immigration Control Act 22-4-4, auf die die "Anklageschrift" hingewiesen hat, stehen in keinem ursächlichen Zusammenhang mit dem Immigration Control Act 70.
In der Tat ist die Logik des Gesetzes falsch.

Die japanische Regierung zermalmt "Staatsanwaltschaft".
"Zerquetschen" durch die Staatsmacht ist "Stopp" der "Verjährung".

Die Dokumente sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Nagano Yoshihiro

Die deutsche Regierung hat die japanische Regierung aufgefordert, die Todesstrafe abzuschaffen.
Danke als Japaner.
Da viele Ausländer im Fall des Verstoßes gegen die Einwanderungskontrolle geopfert wurden, unterstützen Sie bitte die "Berufung" an den "ICC"

Meine Informationen *******************

Wir veröffentlichen im folgenden Programm.

Nationalität Japan
Adresse   Japan
Name Yasuhiro Nagano


Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-05-02:Chers Messieurs, c'est la continuation d'hier. Mme Carroll dit comme suit. Je suis un citoyen américain. J'ai appris que le Japon n'a pas beaucoup de droits dont nous pouvons jouir aux États-Unis. Nous sommes "effrayés" par "la peur". Le Japon n'a pas le droit d'être accordé aux suspects. Tout d’abord, vous, au sein de la communauté internationale, devriez connaître les faits du Japon.

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2019-05-02:Chers Messieurs, c'est la continuation d'hier. Mme Carroll dit comme suit. Je suis un citoyen américain.
J'ai appris que le Japon n'a pas beaucoup de droits dont nous pouvons jouir aux États-Unis.
Nous sommes "effrayés" par "la peur".
Le Japon n'a pas le droit d'être accordé aux suspects.
Tout d’abord, vous, au sein de la communauté internationale, devriez connaître les faits du Japon.

Partie 1 Selon Mme Carroll, le suspect repris qui a été arrêté est placé dans une cellule,
On dit qu'il a été interrogé pendant des heures sans la présence d'un avocat, jour et nuit.
Ensuite, elle jette des doutes sur le système judiciaire japonais.
Mme Carroll a également déclaré que le ministère de l'Économie, du Commerce et de l'Industrie "travaillait" avec les dirigeants de Nissan afin d'empêcher la fusion entre Nissan et Renault.
Et ils ont affirmé avoir donné des "crimes injustes" à "Carlos Gone".
Elle a soutenu, "Ceci est un complot."
Elle s'est plainte, "Mon mari est innocent."

Elle présente ensuite une pétition au président Trump, qui doit tenir un sommet avec le Premier ministre Abe à la fin du mois d'avril.
"Les ministères japonais sont intervenus dans les affaires d’une entreprise privée.
Je ne pense pas que le président Donald Trump soit indifférent à cela.
De "Notre président Donald Trump" au Premier ministre Abe,
S'il vous plaît "demander" de reconnaître la caution de mon mari.
"Président Donald Trump, demandez s'il vous plaît."
"S'il vous plaît demander au Premier ministre Abe de corriger cette injustice."

Je pense que le président Donald Trump n'entendra pas les souhaits de Mme Carol.
Même si Mme Carroll a la citoyenneté américaine, "Carlos Gone" n’est pas un Américain.
Je suis le président Donald Trump
Il a appelé au "sauvetage" des "victimes américaines" du "cas de violation de la loi sur l'immigration", mais le néglige toujours.
Les Américains comprennent le code de conduite du président Donald Trump.
Je vais écrire ceci demain.

Mais il y a une chance.

Mme Carroll que faites-vous?
Puisque vous êtes américain, vous faites appel aux Américains.
Il s'agit d'utiliser de l'argent pour faire des "campagnes" dans les journaux et à la télévision.

Je continuerai demain.

Partie 2 Je "poursuit" deux choses.
Il s'agit d'une violation "internationale" des droits de l'homme commise par le gouvernement japonais.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien afin que notre "recouvrement d'honneur et réparations" ait lieu.
Si le monde ignore "la loi", il est naturel de la régler par le terrorisme. Mais c'est fou.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un "travail illégal" autre que "la qualification de résidence". Mais les étrangers ne sont pas coupables.
Seuls les étrangers ont été sanctionnés pour la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, article 70, "du travail illégal".
La Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, en revanche, s'applique aux employeurs qui sont des "relations de causalité" de travail illégal au sens de l'article 73-2.
Je suis puni pour (un crime qui favorise le travail illégal).

Cependant, le système judiciaire japonais n'a "puni" que les étrangers, mais n'a pas "puni" les "employeurs".
Cela va clairement à l'encontre de la "règle de l'égalité devant la loi"
Et cela viole le droit international qui interdit de "punir" uniquement les étrangers "de manière arbitraire".

Si un employeur qui a employé illégalement des étrangers est "innocent", les étrangers illégalement employés sont également "innocents".
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe aucun «auteur de crimes en droit pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, un diplomate des Philippines et un responsable de l'ambassade des Philippines" ne sommes pas coupables.

2 Le bureau du procureur a déclaré: «Soutien à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration»
Pour les articles 70 et 62 du code pénal contre l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration
Il est "fou" d'appliquer "" le péché pour soutenir d'autres crimes ".
C'est la logique de la loi qui est fausse.

Les étrangers sont soumis au contrôle de l'immigration Article 22-4-4
Effectuer l'action prescrite dans (acquisition du statut de résidence en présentant de faux documents).
Cependant, il n'y a pas de "sanction pénale" pour cela.
Les dispositions sont "annulation du statut de résidence" et "expulsion à l'étranger" par le ministre de la Justice.
Par conséquent, "les articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal" Les péchés pour soutenir d'autres crimes "ne peuvent pas être appliqués.
Les "motifs de criminalité" de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 22-4-4 mentionnés dans "l'acte d'accusation" n'ont aucun lien de causalité avec la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 70.
En effet, la logique de la loi est fausse.

Le gouvernement japonais est en train d'écraser les "poursuites".
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Les documents sont ci-dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.

Cordialement. Nagano Yoshihiro

Emmanuel Macron a déclaré le président français.
Le gouvernement britannique devrait respecter les résultats du référendum.
Je suis d'accord avec l'affirmation du président Emmanuel Macron.
Étant donné que de nombreux étrangers ont été sacrifiés dans l’affaire de violation du contrôle de l’immigration, veuillez appuyer «l'appel» devant la «CPI».

Nous publions dans le programme suivant.

Nagano Yoshihiro

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister   According to Mrs Carroll, the re-arrested Ghoon has been put in a cell and has been interrogated for hours without the presence of a lawyer, day or night. Then she casts doubts on the Japanese judicial system. Mrs. Carroll also said that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "worked" with Nissan executives in an effort to prevent the merger between Nissan and Renault. And they claimed that they had given "unfair crimes" to "Carlos Gone." She argued, "This is a conspiracy."

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2019-05-02:Dear Sirs, it is the continuation of yesterday.
Mrs. Carroll says as follows. I am a US citizen.
I learned that Japan does not have many rights that we can enjoy in the United States.
We are "frightened" by "fear". Japan does not have the right to be granted to suspects.
First of all, you in the international community should know the facts of Japan.

Part 1. According to Mrs Carroll, the re-arrested Ghoon has been put in a cell
and has been interrogated for hours without the presence of a lawyer, day or night.
Then she casts doubts on the Japanese judicial system.
Mrs. Carroll also said that the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry "worked" with Nissan executives
in an effort to prevent the merger between Nissan and Renault.
And they claimed that they had given "unfair crimes" to "Carlos Gone."
She argued, "This is a conspiracy."
She complained, "My husband is innocent."

She then petitions President Trump,
who is scheduled to have a summit meeting with Prime Minister Abe at the end of April.
"The Japanese ministries intervened in the business of the private sector.
I do not think that President Donald Trump is indifferent to this.
Please "request" Prime Minister Abe from "Our President Donald Trump" to admit my husband's bail.
"President Donald Trump, please ask."
"Please ask Prime Minister Abe to correct this injustice."

I think President Donald Trump will not hear Mrs. Carol's wishes.
Even though Mrs. Carroll has American citizenship, "Carlos Gone" is not an American.
I asked President Donald Trump to "rescue" "American victims
of the" Immigration Act violation case ", but I still ignore it.
Americans understand President Donald Trump's code of conduct.
I will write this tomorrow.

But there is a chance.

Mrs. Carroll what do you do?
Since you are American, you appeal to Americans.
It is about using money to do "campaigns" in newspapers and TV.

I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
(a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes
in criminal law" against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence" and "deportation abroad"
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".
The documents are below.
There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Nagano Yoshihiro

The UK should leave the EU unconditionally, respect the referendum and show the example of the democratic nation to the world.
Since many foreigners have been sacrificed in the Immigration Control Violation Case, please support the "Appeal" to the "ICC."

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone in the world's media  2019-05-02:Dear Sirs, it is the continuation of yesterday. Mrs. Carroll says as follows. I am a US citizen. I learned that Japan does not have many rights that we can enjoy in the United States. We are "frightened" by "fear". Japan does not have the right to be granted to suspects. First of all, you in the international community should know the facts of Japan.

To everyone in the world's media 

2019-05-02:Dear Sirs, it is the continuation of yesterday.
Mrs. Carroll says as follows. I am a US citizen.
I learned that Japan does not have many rights that we can enjoy in the United States.
We are "frightened" by "fear". Japan does not have the right to be granted to suspects.
First of all, you in the international community should know the facts of Japan.

Part 1. According to Mrs Carroll, the re-arrested Ghoon has been put in a cell
and has been interrogated for hours without the presence of a lawyer, day or night.
Then she casts doubts on the Japanese judicial system.
Mrs. Carroll also said that the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry "worked" with Nissan executives
in an effort to prevent the merger between Nissan and Renault.
And they claimed that they had given "unfair crimes" to "Carlos Gone."
She argued, "This is a conspiracy."
She complained, "My husband is innocent."

She then petitions President Trump,
who is scheduled to have a summit meeting with Prime Minister Abe at the end of April.
"The Japanese ministries intervened in the business of the private sector.
I do not think that President Donald Trump is indifferent to this.
Please "request" Prime Minister Abe from "Our President Donald Trump" to admit my husband's bail.
"President Donald Trump, please ask."
"Please ask Prime Minister Abe to correct this injustice."

I think President Donald Trump will not hear Mrs. Carol's wishes.
Even though Mrs. Carroll has American citizenship, "Carlos Gone" is not an American.
I asked President Donald Trump to "rescue" "American victims
of the" Immigration Act violation case ", but I still ignore it.
Americans understand President Donald Trump's code of conduct.
I will write this tomorrow.

But there is a chance.

Mrs. Carroll what do you do?
Since you are American, you appeal to Americans.
It is about using money to do "campaigns" in newspapers and TV.

I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
(a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes
in criminal law" against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence" and "deportation abroad"
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".
The documents are below.
There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Nagano Yoshihiro

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" . North Korea should announce that the Japanese government "illegally abducts and detains" foreigners. North Korea should "publicize" that there are more "foreign victims" than "Japanese abductees."

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency

Dear Sirs, Please send this e-mail to the top leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency".
This e-mail is sent daily to media, embassies and white houses in the world.

To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" .

2019-05-01:Dear Sirs, Carol Gorn, the wife of Nissan Motor Company's former chairman Carlos Gorn,
has contributed to the Washington Post.
"During the US-Japan Summit,"
President Donald Trump has appealed to Prime Minister Abe to "request" her husband "bail".
President Donald Trump should "accept" Mrs. Carol's "wish".

Part 1. The article starts with a description of Gon's arrest being arrested
by the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office on April 4.
"Gorn couple" was "sleeping" in the apartment at home in Tokyo.
Before dawn, she was awakened by the sound of a "hard knock" on the door.
Furthermore, it is said that even "Mrs" who are not suspects have been "treated like a criminal".
"Women's staff" followed me every time I went to the bathroom and "doed" my "body check".
Whether I was undressing or taking a shower, she kept staying in the bathroom all the time.
It was clear that the prosecutor's aim was to conduct a "forced investigation" before "dawn."
"It was a well-prepared" inhumane "act to" humiliate "us, violate our privacy,
and violate our dignity."

Japan has no "rights of suspects".
Japan is a member of the United Nations, and has ratified the Human Rights Treaty,
so it has the rights of the suspect.
However, as Mrs. Carroll says, there is no "human rights" like developed countries.
The international community has noticed Japan's awareness of human rights as a result
of the arrest of Nissan Motor's former chairman, Carlos Ghosn.
Mrs. Carroll is the wife of Mr. Ghosn and is protesting against the Japanese judicial system
and asking for your support.
I think that she was not interested if she was not Gone's wife.
Even now, I think many of the international community are ignoring.
So Japanese prosecutors use ignorance of this human rights.
Let's introduce the words that the prosecutor has said.

I argue that I am based on the law.
The prosecutor says, "Who believes in your theory of law?"
In fact, no one believed. All Japanese were ignorant.
Because I can not say it in legal theory, I also say this.
Police officers and prosecutors say, "As a general logic, you should admit sin."
In the international community, criminal crimes need to be "intentional."
So they demand "confessions".
They use it as a means for suspects to "confession".
Confine the suspect and "destruct" the "body and spirit."
This is Japan's "Hostage justice".

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
(a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Nagano Yoshihiro

To the highest leader Kim Jong-un Please request ***************************************

The North Korean government should "protest" the Japanese government.
The Japanese government should "solve" the abduction of foreigners.
There are many "victims" of "South Koreans" who are "Same ethnic".
Please protest the Japanese government by "representing" the people of the Korean Peninsula "!

North Korea should not launch missiles until the end of this year's election in Japan.
If North Korea "launches missiles," "The Abe administration will completely win."
Last time, North Korea "launched missiles" into the Sea of ​​Japan, so the "Abe administration had a" reverse victory ".

The weak point of the Abe administration is "the case of immigration law violation".
It is an "incident" of evidence that Japan is not governed under the law.

North Korea should announce that the Japanese government "illegally abducts and detains" foreigners.
North Korea should "publicize" that there are more "foreign victims" than "Japanese abductees."
North Korea should make the world's media "a friend" of North Korea.
Please announce the North Korean government in foreign media and the United Nations.
The North Korean government should specifically announce "my name". approve.

My information *********************************************** ****

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

************************************************** ******************

To President Trump Japan has no "rights of suspects". Japan is a member of the United Nations, and has ratified the Human Rights Treaty, so it has the rights of the suspect. However, as Mrs. Carroll says, there is no "human rights" like developed countries.

To President Trump

2019-05-01:Dear Sirs, Carol Gorn, the wife of Nissan Motor Company's former chairman Carlos Gorn,
has contributed to the Washington Post.
"During the US-Japan Summit,"
President Donald Trump has appealed to Prime Minister Abe to "request" her husband "bail".
President Donald Trump should "accept" Mrs. Carol's "wish".

Part 1. The article starts with a description of Gon's arrest being arrested
by the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office on April 4.
"Gorn couple" was "sleeping" in the apartment at home in Tokyo.
Before dawn, she was awakened by the sound of a "hard knock" on the door.
Furthermore, it is said that even "Mrs" who are not suspects have been "treated like a criminal".
"Women's staff" followed me every time I went to the bathroom and "doed" my "body check".
Whether I was undressing or taking a shower, she kept staying in the bathroom all the time.
It was clear that the prosecutor's aim was to conduct a "forced investigation" before "dawn."
"It was a well-prepared" inhumane "act to" humiliate "us, violate our privacy,
and violate our dignity."

Japan has no "rights of suspects".
Japan is a member of the United Nations, and has ratified the Human Rights Treaty,
so it has the rights of the suspect.
However, as Mrs. Carroll says, there is no "human rights" like developed countries.
The international community has noticed Japan's awareness of human rights as a result
of the arrest of Nissan Motor's former chairman, Carlos Ghosn.
Mrs. Carroll is the wife of Mr. Ghosn and is protesting against the Japanese judicial system
and asking for your support.
I think that she was not interested if she was not Gone's wife.
Even now, I think many of the international community are ignoring.
So Japanese prosecutors use ignorance of this human rights.
Let's introduce the words that the prosecutor has said.

I argue that I am based on the law.
The prosecutor says, "Who believes in your theory of law?"
In fact, no one believed. All Japanese were ignorant.
Because I can not say it in legal theory, I also say this.
Police officers and prosecutors say, "As a general logic, you should admit sin."
In the international community, criminal crimes need to be "intentional."
So they demand "confessions".
They use it as a means for suspects to "confession".
Confine the suspect and "destruct" the "body and spirit."
This is Japan's "Hostage justice".

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
(a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Nagano Yoshihiro

My information ***************************************************

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Emmanuel Macron au président français Chers Messieurs, épouse de l'ancien président de Nissan Motors, Carlos Ghosne, Carol Gone a contribué au US Washington Post. Le président Donald Trump au Premier ministre Abe lors du «sommet américano-japonais» Elle a appelé à "demander" la "caution" de son mari. Le président Donald Trump devrait "accepter" le "souhait" de Mme Carol.

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2019-05-01: Chers Messieurs, épouse de l'ancien président de Nissan Motors, Carlos Ghosne,
Carol Gone a contribué au US Washington Post.
Le président Donald Trump au Premier ministre Abe lors du «sommet américano-japonais»
Elle a appelé à "demander" la "caution" de son mari.
Le président Donald Trump devrait "accepter" le "souhait" de Mme Carol.

Partie 1 L'article commence par une description de l'arrestation de Gon par le bureau du procureur du district de Tokyo le 4 avril.
"Gorn couple" dormait dans l'appartement de son domicile à Tokyo.
Avant l'aube, elle a été réveillée par le bruit d'un "coup dur" à la porte.
En outre, il est dit que même "Mme" qui ne sont pas des suspects ont été "traitées comme des criminels".
"Le personnel féminin" me suit chaque fois que je vais aux toilettes,
J'ai fait mon "body check".
Même quand je me déshabille ou que je prends une douche,
Elle a toujours été dans la salle de bain.
Il était clair que l'objectif du procureur était de mener une "enquête forcée" avant "l'aube".
"Cela" nous humilie "et viole notre vie privée,
C'était un acte «inhumain» bien préparé qui a porté atteinte à notre dignité. "

Le Japon n'a pas de "droits des suspects".
Le Japon est membre des Nations Unies et a ratifié le Traité des droits de l'homme. Il a donc les droits du suspect.
Cependant, comme l'a dit Mme Carroll, il n'y a pas de "droits de l'homme" à la différence des pays développés.
La communauté internationale a été arrêtée après l’arrestation du suspect Carlos Ghosn, ancien président de Nissan Motor
J'ai remarqué la "sensibilisation aux droits de l'homme" du Japon.
Mme Carroll est l'épouse de M. Ghosn. Elle proteste contre le système judiciaire japonais et sollicite votre soutien.
Je pense qu'elle n'était pas intéressée si elle n'était pas la femme de Gone.
Même maintenant, je pense que de nombreux membres de la communauté internationale ignorent.
Les procureurs japonais utilisent donc l'ignorance de ces droits humains.
Introduisons les mots que le procureur a dit.

Je soutiens que je suis basé sur la loi.
Le procureur dit: "Qui croit en votre théorie du droit?"
En fait, personne ne croyait. Tous les Japonais étaient ignorants.
Parce que je ne peux pas le dire en théorie juridique, je le dis aussi.
Les policiers et les procureurs disent: "En règle générale, vous devriez admettre le péché".
Dans la communauté internationale, les crimes criminels doivent être "intentionnels".
Alors ils exigent des "aveux".
Ils l'utilisent comme un moyen pour les suspects de se "confesser".
Enfermer le suspect et "détruire" le "corps et l'esprit".
C'est la "justice des otages" du Japon.

Partie 2 Je "poursuit" deux choses.
Il s'agit d'une violation "internationale" des droits de l'homme commise par le gouvernement japonais.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien afin que notre "recouvrement d'honneur et réparations" ait lieu.
Si le monde ignore "la loi", il est naturel de la régler par le terrorisme. Mais c'est fou.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un "travail illégal" autre que "la qualification de résidence". Mais les étrangers ne sont pas coupables.
Seuls les étrangers ont été sanctionnés pour la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, article 70, "du travail illégal".
La Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, en revanche, s'applique aux employeurs qui sont des "relations de causalité" de travail illégal au sens de l'article 73-2.
Je suis puni pour (un crime qui favorise le travail illégal).

Cependant, le système judiciaire japonais n'a "puni" que les étrangers, mais n'a pas "puni" les "employeurs".
Cela va clairement à l'encontre de la "règle de l'égalité devant la loi"
Et cela viole le droit international qui interdit de "punir" uniquement les étrangers "de manière arbitraire".

Si un employeur qui a employé illégalement des étrangers est "innocent", les étrangers illégalement employés sont également "innocents".
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe aucun «auteur de crimes en droit pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, un diplomate des Philippines et un responsable de l'ambassade des Philippines" ne sommes pas coupables.

2 Le bureau du procureur a déclaré: «Soutien à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration»
Pour les articles 70 et 62 du code pénal contre l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration
Il est "fou" d'appliquer "" le péché pour soutenir d'autres crimes ".
C'est la logique de la loi qui est fausse.

Les étrangers sont soumis au contrôle de l'immigration Article 22-4-4
Effectuer l'action prescrite dans (acquisition du statut de résidence en présentant de faux documents).
Cependant, il n'y a pas de "sanction pénale" pour cela.
Les dispositions sont "annulation du statut de résidence" et "expulsion à l'étranger" par le ministre de la Justice.
Par conséquent, "les articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal" Les péchés pour soutenir d'autres crimes "ne peuvent pas être appliqués.
Les "motifs de criminalité" de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 22-4-4 mentionnés dans "l'acte d'accusation" n'ont aucun lien de causalité avec la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 70.
En effet, la logique de la loi est fausse.

Le gouvernement japonais est en train d'écraser les "poursuites".
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Les documents sont ci-dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.

Cordialement. Nagano Yoshihiro

Emmanuel Macron a déclaré le président français.
Le gouvernement britannique devrait respecter les résultats du référendum.
Je suis d'accord avec l'affirmation du président Emmanuel Macron.
Étant donné que de nombreux étrangers ont été sacrifiés dans l’affaire de violation du contrôle de l’immigration, veuillez appuyer «l'appel» devant la «CPI».

Nous publions dans le programme suivant.

Nagano Yoshihiro

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, die Frau des ehemaligen Nissan-Vorsitzenden Carlos Ghosn, Carol Gone trug zur US Washington Post bei. Präsident Donald Trump an Premierminister Abe auf dem "US-Japan-Gipfel" Sie appellierte an die "Kaution" ihres Mannes. Präsident Donald Trump sollte den "Wunsch" von Frau Carol "akzeptieren".

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister

2019-05-01:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, die Frau des ehemaligen Nissan-Vorsitzenden Carlos Ghosn,
Carol Gone trug zur US Washington Post bei.
Präsident Donald Trump an Premierminister Abe auf dem "US-Japan-Gipfel"
Sie appellierte an die "Kaution" ihres Mannes.
Präsident Donald Trump sollte den "Wunsch" von Frau Carol "akzeptieren".

Teil 1 Der Artikel beginnt mit einer Beschreibung der Verhaftung von Gon durch die Staatsanwaltschaft des Bezirks Tokio am 4. April.
"Gorn couple" "schlief" in der Wohnung zu Hause in Tokio.
Vor dem Morgengrauen wurde sie durch das Geräusch eines "harten Klopfens" an der Tür geweckt.
Außerdem heißt es, dass auch "Frau", die keine Verdächtigen ist, "wie ein Verbrecher" behandelt wurde.
"Frauenpersonal" folgt mir jedes Mal, wenn ich auf die Toilette gehe,
Ich habe meinen "Bodycheck" gemacht.
Selbst wenn ich meine Kleider ausziehe oder dusche,
Sie war schon immer im Badezimmer.
Es war klar, dass das Ziel des Anklägers darin bestand, vor dem "Morgengrauen" eine "Zwangsuntersuchung" durchzuführen.
"Es" erniedrigt "uns und verletzt unsere Privatsphäre,
Es war eine gut vorbereitete "unmenschliche" Tat, um unsere Würde zu verletzen. "

Japan hat keine "Rechte von Verdächtigen".
Japan ist Mitglied der Vereinten Nationen und hat den Menschenrechtsvertrag ratifiziert, sodass es die Rechte des Verdächtigen hat.
Wie Frau Carroll sagt, gibt es jedoch keine "Menschenrechte" wie die Industrieländer.
Die internationale Gemeinschaft wurde durch die Festnahme des Verdächtigen Carlos Ghosn, dem ehemaligen Vorsitzenden der Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., festgenommen.
Ich habe das "Menschenrechtsbewusstsein" Japans bemerkt.
Frau Carroll ist die Frau von Herrn Ghosn und protestiert gegen das japanische Justizsystem und bittet um Ihre Unterstützung.
Ich glaube, sie war nicht interessiert, ob sie nicht Gones Frau war.
Ich denke, dass viele der internationalen Staatengemeinschaften das jetzt ignorieren.
Daher nutzen die japanischen Staatsanwälte diese Menschenrechte nicht.
Lassen Sie uns die Worte vorstellen, die der Staatsanwalt gesagt hat.

Ich behaupte, dass ich auf dem Gesetz basiert.
Der Ankläger sagt: "Wer glaubt an Ihre Rechtstheorie?"
In der Tat glaubte niemand. Alle Japaner waren unwissend.
Weil ich es in der Rechtstheorie nicht sagen kann, sage ich das auch.
Polizeibeamte und Staatsanwälte sagen: "Als generelle Logik sollten Sie Sünde zugeben."
In der internationalen Gemeinschaft müssen Straftaten "vorsätzlich" sein.
Sie fordern also "Geständnisse".
Sie verwenden es als Mittel, um Verdächtige "zu beichten".
Beschränken Sie den Verdächtigen und "zerstören" Sie den "Körper und Geist".
Dies ist Japans "Geiselnahme".

Teil 2 Ich verklage zwei Dinge.
Dies ist ein "internationaler" Menschenrechtsmissbrauch der japanischen Regierung.
Wir bitten um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere "Honor Recovery and Reparations" stattfinden können.
Wenn die Welt die "Herrschaft unter dem Gesetz" ignoriert, ist es natürlich, sie durch den Terrorismus zu regeln. Aber es ist verrückt.

1 Ausländer führten "illegale Arbeit" außer "Aufenthaltsqualifikation" aus. Aber Ausländer sind nicht schuldig.
Nur Ausländer wurden für das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz (Artikel 70 "Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen") bestraft.
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz hingegen gilt für Arbeitgeber, die "ursächliche Beziehungen" rechtswidriger Arbeit nach Artikel 73-2 darstellen.
Ich werde dafür bestraft (ein Verbrechen, das rechtswidrige Arbeit fördert).

Allerdings hat die japanische Justiz nur Ausländer "bestraft", "Arbeitgeber" jedoch nicht "bestraft".
Dies ist eindeutig gegen die "Gleichheitsregel nach dem Gesetz".
Und es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das "willkürlich" nur Ausländer "bestraft".

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der illegal Ausländer beschäftigt hat, "unschuldig" ist, dann sind auch illegal arbeitende Ausländer "unschuldig".
Wenn ja, gibt es keinen, der "gegen andere Verbrechen im Strafrecht" gestützt wurde, gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.
"Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat aus den Philippinen, und ein philippinischer Botschaftsvertreter" sind nicht schuldig.

2 Die Staatsanwaltschaft sagte: "Unterstützung für Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes"
Für Artikel 70 und Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes
Es ist "verrückt", "Sünde anzuwenden", um andere Verbrechen zu unterstützen.
Dies ist die Logik des Gesetzes ist falsch.

Ausländer unterliegen der Einwanderungskontrolle Artikel 22-4-4
Durchführung der in (Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente) vorgeschriebenen Maßnahme.
Dafür gibt es jedoch keine "strafrechtliche Bestrafung".
Die Verfügungen lauten: "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Abschiebung ins Ausland" durch den Justizminister.
Daher können "Strafgesetzbuch Artikel 60 und Artikel 62" Sünden zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten "nicht angewandt werden.
Die "kriminellen Gründe" des Immigration Control Act 22-4-4, auf die die "Anklageschrift" hingewiesen hat, stehen in keinem ursächlichen Zusammenhang mit dem Immigration Control Act 70.
In der Tat ist die Logik des Gesetzes falsch.

Die japanische Regierung zermalmt "Staatsanwaltschaft".
"Zerquetschen" durch die Staatsmacht ist "Stopp" der "Verjährung".

Die Dokumente sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Nagano Yoshihiro

Die deutsche Regierung hat die japanische Regierung aufgefordert, die Todesstrafe abzuschaffen.
Danke als Japaner.
Da viele Ausländer im Fall des Verstoßes gegen die Einwanderungskontrolle geopfert wurden, unterstützen Sie bitte die "Berufung" an den "ICC"

Meine Informationen *******************

Wir veröffentlichen im folgenden Programm.

Nationalität Japan
Adresse   Japan
Name Yasuhiro Nagano


Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister The article starts with a description of Gon's arrest being arrested by the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office on April 4. "Gorn couple" was "sleeping" in the apartment at home in Tokyo. Before dawn, she was awakened by the sound of a "hard knock" on the door. Furthermore, it is said that even "Mrs" who are not suspects have been "treated like a criminal".

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2019-05-01:Dear Sirs, Carol Gorn, the wife of Nissan Motor Company's former chairman Carlos Gorn,
has contributed to the Washington Post.
"During the US-Japan Summit,"
President Donald Trump has appealed to Prime Minister Abe to "request" her husband "bail".
President Donald Trump should "accept" Mrs. Carol's "wish".

Part 1. The article starts with a description of Gon's arrest being arrested
by the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office on April 4.
"Gorn couple" was "sleeping" in the apartment at home in Tokyo.
Before dawn, she was awakened by the sound of a "hard knock" on the door.
Furthermore, it is said that even "Mrs" who are not suspects have been "treated like a criminal".
"Women's staff" followed me every time I went to the bathroom and "doed" my "body check".
Whether I was undressing or taking a shower, she kept staying in the bathroom all the time.
It was clear that the prosecutor's aim was to conduct a "forced investigation" before "dawn."
"It was a well-prepared" inhumane "act to" humiliate "us, violate our privacy,
and violate our dignity."

Japan has no "rights of suspects".
Japan is a member of the United Nations, and has ratified the Human Rights Treaty,
so it has the rights of the suspect.
However, as Mrs. Carroll says, there is no "human rights" like developed countries.
The international community has noticed Japan's awareness of human rights as a result
of the arrest of Nissan Motor's former chairman, Carlos Ghosn.
Mrs. Carroll is the wife of Mr. Ghosn and is protesting against the Japanese judicial system
and asking for your support.
I think that she was not interested if she was not Gone's wife.
Even now, I think many of the international community are ignoring.
So Japanese prosecutors use ignorance of this human rights.
Let's introduce the words that the prosecutor has said.

I argue that I am based on the law.
The prosecutor says, "Who believes in your theory of law?"
In fact, no one believed. All Japanese were ignorant.
Because I can not say it in legal theory, I also say this.
Police officers and prosecutors say, "As a general logic, you should admit sin."
In the international community, criminal crimes need to be "intentional."
So they demand "confessions".
They use it as a means for suspects to "confession".
Confine the suspect and "destruct" the "body and spirit."
This is Japan's "Hostage justice".

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
(a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Nagano Yoshihiro

The UK should leave the EU unconditionally, respect the referendum and show the example of the democratic nation to the world.
Since many foreigners have been sacrificed in the Immigration Control Violation Case, please support the "Appeal" to the "ICC."

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone in the world's media  2019-05-01:Dear Sirs, Carol Gorn, the wife of Nissan Motor Company's former chairman Carlos Gorn, has contributed to the Washington Post. "During the US-Japan Summit," President Donald Trump has appealed to Prime Minister Abe to "request" her husband "bail". President Donald Trump should "accept" Mrs. Carol's "wish".

To everyone in the world's media 

2019-05-01:Dear Sirs, Carol Gorn, the wife of Nissan Motor Company's former chairman Carlos Gorn,
has contributed to the Washington Post.
"During the US-Japan Summit,"
President Donald Trump has appealed to Prime Minister Abe to "request" her husband "bail".
President Donald Trump should "accept" Mrs. Carol's "wish".

Part 1. The article starts with a description of Gon's arrest being arrested
by the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office on April 4.
"Gorn couple" was "sleeping" in the apartment at home in Tokyo.
Before dawn, she was awakened by the sound of a "hard knock" on the door.
Furthermore, it is said that even "Mrs" who are not suspects have been "treated like a criminal".
"Women's staff" followed me every time I went to the bathroom and "doed" my "body check".
Whether I was undressing or taking a shower, she kept staying in the bathroom all the time.
It was clear that the prosecutor's aim was to conduct a "forced investigation" before "dawn."
"It was a well-prepared" inhumane "act to" humiliate "us, violate our privacy,
and violate our dignity."

Japan has no "rights of suspects".
Japan is a member of the United Nations, and has ratified the Human Rights Treaty,
so it has the rights of the suspect.
However, as Mrs. Carroll says, there is no "human rights" like developed countries.
The international community has noticed Japan's awareness of human rights as a result
of the arrest of Nissan Motor's former chairman, Carlos Ghosn.
Mrs. Carroll is the wife of Mr. Ghosn and is protesting against the Japanese judicial system
and asking for your support.
I think that she was not interested if she was not Gone's wife.
Even now, I think many of the international community are ignoring.
So Japanese prosecutors use ignorance of this human rights.
Let's introduce the words that the prosecutor has said.

I argue that I am based on the law.
The prosecutor says, "Who believes in your theory of law?"
In fact, no one believed. All Japanese were ignorant.
Because I can not say it in legal theory, I also say this.
Police officers and prosecutors say, "As a general logic, you should admit sin."
In the international community, criminal crimes need to be "intentional."
So they demand "confessions".
They use it as a means for suspects to "confession".
Confine the suspect and "destruct" the "body and spirit."
This is Japan's "Hostage justice".

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
(a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Nagano Yoshihiro

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" . The “hostage justice” in Japan's prosecutors is human rights abuses. I was not granted "Bail" even after the trial decision. I was imprisoned for over a year. Those who claim innocence do not "release".

To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" .

2019-04-30:Dear Sirs, when Mrs. Carroll wrote a letter to French President Macron,
he replied, "I will do everything I can for the former President of Gone,"
but there is no "follow-up contact."
France should insist on international treaties.
The judicial independence and sovereignty of each country should be protected
under the ratified treaty.

Part 1. It is yesterday's continuation.
I was punished for supporting a Chinese who violated Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
There is no punishment under Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
It only cancels the granted status of residence.
The "International Human Rights Code B" prohibits arrest, confinement
and punishment in violation of basic laws.
If this is only me or Chinese, it will not be an international issue.
Because this "error of applicable law" and punishing foreigners "arbitrarily" are routinely done,
it causes many foreign victims.
So I appeal to "everyone."

The Chinese government does not pursue the Japanese government
because the Chinese government violates human rights.
The Philippine government can not protest the Japanese government
because it does not have human resources who understand international law and human rights.
The US government does not protest against customers who buy weapons (Japan).
France, the world's human rights police officer, should protest Japan.

The “hostage justice” in Japan's prosecutors is human rights abuses.
I was not granted "Bail" even after the trial decision.
I was imprisoned for over a year.
Those who claim innocence do not "release".
The prosecutor's office does not "release" until his body weakens, lies and admits sin.
Those who claim innocence do not give "probation of execution" to prison sentences.
(In principle, a prison sentence of up to three years
on first offense is "probation of execution").
Even in prisons, they do not give "parole" if they do not admit crimes.
(Principle: If the punishment ends two thirds, it is a "parole").

The future of Carlos Ghoon's suspect is the same fate as me.

The French government should make a request based on the "International Human Rights Code B".
The International Human Rights Covenant B has also been ratified by Japan.
France must not tolerate that countries ratified by the "International Covenant
on Human Rights B" do not comply with the treaty.

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
(a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Nagano Yoshihiro

To the highest leader Kim Jong-un Please request ***************************************

The North Korean government should "protest" the Japanese government.
The Japanese government should "solve" the abduction of foreigners.
There are many "victims" of "South Koreans" who are "Same ethnic".
Please protest the Japanese government by "representing" the people of the Korean Peninsula "!

North Korea should not launch missiles until the end of this year's election in Japan.
If North Korea "launches missiles," "The Abe administration will completely win."
Last time, North Korea "launched missiles" into the Sea of ​​Japan, so the "Abe administration had a" reverse victory ".

The weak point of the Abe administration is "the case of immigration law violation".
It is an "incident" of evidence that Japan is not governed under the law.

North Korea should announce that the Japanese government "illegally abducts and detains" foreigners.
North Korea should "publicize" that there are more "foreign victims" than "Japanese abductees."
North Korea should make the world's media "a friend" of North Korea.
Please announce the North Korean government in foreign media and the United Nations.
The North Korean government should specifically announce "my name". approve.

My information *********************************************** ****

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

************************************************** ******************

2025-01-16: إن نظام "تأمين الرعاية التمريضية" في الولايات المتحدة "أفقر" من اليابان. والأمر المدهش هو أن المزيد والمزيد من الأطفال يتركون وظائفهم لرعاية والديهم.

  2025-01-16: إصدار أيام الأسبوع. أعتقد أن قضية "حظر الإجهاض" مرتبطة بقضية "الهجرة غير الشرعية". في 9 أبريل من العام الم...