
Emmanuel Macron au président français Chers Messieurs, Aux États-Unis, les immigrants clandestins regorgent de "lieux de travail" tels que l'agriculture, la construction, l'alimentation et la garde d'enfants. Il est difficile pour les employeurs de pourvoir ces postes avec des travailleurs américains réguliers. L'administration Trump dit-elle qu'elle confie à des entreprises chinoises? C'est fou.

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2019-05-08:Chers Messieurs, Aux États-Unis, les immigrants clandestins regorgent de "lieux de travail" tels que l'agriculture, la construction, l'alimentation et la garde d'enfants.
Il est difficile pour les employeurs de pourvoir ces postes avec des travailleurs américains réguliers.
L'administration Trump dit-elle qu'elle confie à des entreprises chinoises? C'est fou.

Partie 1 Le président Donald Trump dit qu'il déplacera les "immigrants clandestins" dans "des villes dans le sanctuaire".
Je comprends que les agriculteurs ont de nombreux partisans du président Donald Trump.
Selon le "Farm Bureau", les travailleurs clandestins sont responsables de plus de la moitié de l'agriculture de montagne dans le pays.
S'ils sont partis, on dit que l'agriculture américaine "reçoit" une "frappe" dévastatrice.
C'est un "au revoir" aux agriculteurs qui soutiennent le président Donald Trump.
De nombreux agriculteurs ne peuvent pas "soutenir" le président Donald Trump.

Huit millions de migrants clandestins soutiennent l'économie américaine en travaillant au-dessous du salaire minimum.
Et ils "paient pour l'impôt sur le revenu".
Ils occupent une "place" importante dans la structure industrielle américaine.
Le Japon sera également touché si les recettes fiscales américaines "diminuent".
Le «nombre de formations en vol» pour «avions militaires américains», tel que «la base de Yokota» au Japon, est en baisse.
La raison semble être "économiser" le carburant pour "avion militaire".
Le bruit autour de la base devrait être réduit et bien accueilli, mais en cas d'urgence, c'est un problème.
Le président Donald Trump a déclaré: "Je consacre les dépenses militaires au coût de la construction du mur du Mexique".
Cela affaiblira l'armée américaine à nouveau. C'est fou.

Pendant ce temps, le gouvernement mexicain d'envoi d'immigrants clandestins est furieux.
En cette période de ralentissement économique, il existe des circonstances dans lesquelles les «envois de fonds des travailleurs migrants» aux États-Unis ne peuvent être ignorés.
Pour les travailleurs migrants, c’est aussi de l’humiliation.
Cela est vrai non seulement pour le Mexique mais aussi pour les pays d'Amérique latine.
Les États-Unis devraient avoir une "relation gagnant-gagnant" avec les pays d'Amérique latine.

Afin de résoudre ces problèmes,
J'ai proposé de faire du côté américain de la frontière mexicaine "une zone spéciale".
Les États-Unis devraient accepter les "pauvres" du monde entier comme une "immigration temporaire".
Pour plus d'informations, voir "Édition spéciale Zone spéciale samedi".
La "zone spéciale" est également une politique économique visant à "compenser" le "One Belt, One Road" en Chine.

Je continuerai demain. .

Partie 2 Je "poursuit" deux choses.
Il s'agit d'une violation "internationale" des droits de l'homme commise par le gouvernement japonais.
Ce sera presque 10 ans après l'incident. Ma vie est limitée.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien afin que notre "recouvrement d'honneur et réparations" ait lieu.
Si le monde ignore "la loi", il est naturel de la régler par le terrorisme. Mais c'est fou.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un "travail illégal" autre que "la qualification de résidence". Mais les étrangers ne sont pas coupables.
Seuls les étrangers ont été sanctionnés pour la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, article 70, "du travail illégal".
La loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration, en revanche, s’applique aux employeurs qui ont un "lien de causalité" avec le travail illégal, article 73-2.
Je suis puni pour (un crime qui favorise le travail illégal).

Cependant, le système judiciaire japonais n'a "puni" que les étrangers, mais n'a pas "puni" les "employeurs".
Cela va clairement à l'encontre de la "règle de l'égalité devant la loi"
Et cela viole le droit international qui interdit de "punir" uniquement les étrangers "de manière arbitraire".

Si un employeur qui a employé illégalement des étrangers est "innocent", les étrangers illégalement employés sont également "innocents".
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe aucun «auteur de crimes en droit pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, un diplomate des Philippines et un responsable de l'ambassade des Philippines" ne sommes pas coupables.

2 Le bureau du procureur a déclaré: «Soutien à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration»
Pour les articles 70 et 62 du code pénal contre l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration
Il est "fou" d'appliquer "" le péché pour soutenir d'autres crimes ".
C'est la logique de la loi qui est fausse.

Les étrangers sont soumis au contrôle de l'immigration Article 22-4-4
Effectuer l'action prescrite dans (acquisition du statut de résidence en présentant de faux documents).
Cependant, il n'y a pas de "sanction pénale" pour cela.
Les dispositions sont "annulation du statut de résidence" et "expulsion à l'étranger" par le ministre de la Justice.
Par conséquent, "les articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal" Les péchés pour soutenir d'autres crimes "ne peuvent pas être appliqués.
Les "motifs de criminalité" de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 22-4-4 mentionnés dans "l'acte d'accusation" n'ont aucun lien de causalité avec la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 70.
En effet, la logique de la loi est fausse.

Le gouvernement japonais est en train d'écraser les "poursuites".
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Les documents sont ci-dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.

Cordialement. Yasuhiro Nagano

Emmanuel Macron a déclaré le président français.
Le gouvernement britannique devrait respecter les résultats du référendum.
Je suis d'accord avec l'affirmation du président Emmanuel Macron.
Étant donné que de nombreux étrangers ont été sacrifiés dans l’affaire de violation du contrôle de l’immigration, soutenez l’appel de la "CPI"

Nous publions dans le programme suivant.

Nagano Yoshihiro

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-05-08:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, illegale Einwanderer in den Vereinigten Staaten sind voll von "Arbeitsplätzen" wie Landwirtschaft, Bauwesen, Ernährung und Kinderbetreuung. Für Arbeitgeber ist es schwierig, diese Jobs mit regulären amerikanischen Arbeitnehmern zu besetzen. Sagt die Trump-Administration, dass sie chinesischen Unternehmen anvertraut? Das ist verrückt

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister

2019-05-08:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, illegale Einwanderer in den Vereinigten Staaten sind voll von "Arbeitsplätzen" wie Landwirtschaft, Bauwesen, Ernährung und Kinderbetreuung.
Für Arbeitgeber ist es schwierig, diese Jobs mit regulären amerikanischen Arbeitnehmern zu besetzen.
Sagt die Trump-Administration, dass sie chinesischen Unternehmen anvertraut? Das ist verrückt

Teil 1 Präsident Donald Trump sagt, er werde "illegale Einwanderer" in "Städte im Heiligtum" verlegen.
Ich verstehe, dass die Landwirte viele Anhänger von Präsident Donald Trump haben.
Nach Angaben des "Farm Bureau" sind illegale Arbeiter für mehr als die Hälfte der landwirtschaftlichen Landwirtschaft im Hochland verantwortlich.
Wenn sie weg sind, soll die amerikanische Landwirtschaft einen verheerenden "Schlag" erhalten.
Dies ist ein "Abschied" von Landwirten, die Präsident Donald Trump unterstützen.
Viele Landwirte können Präsident Donald Trump nicht "unterstützen".

Acht Millionen illegale Migranten unterstützen die US-Wirtschaft, indem sie unter dem Mindestlohn arbeiten.
Und sie "zahlen für die Einkommenssteuer".
Sie nehmen einen wichtigen "Platz" in der US-Industriestruktur ein.
Es wird sich auch auf Japan auswirken, wenn die US-Steuereinnahmen "sinken".
Die "Anzahl der Flugschulungen" für "US-Militärflugzeuge" wie "Yokota-Basis" in Japan nimmt ab.
Der Grund scheint zu sein, "Treibstoff für" Militärflugzeuge "zu sparen".
Der Lärm um die Basis sollte reduziert und begrüßt werden, im Notfall ist dies jedoch ein Problem.
Präsident Donald Trump sagte: "Ich leite die militärischen Ausgaben auf die Baukosten der mexikanischen Mauer um."
Dies wird das US-Militär erneut schwächen. Es ist verrückt.

Inzwischen ist die mexikanische Regierung auf der Aussenseite illegaler Einwanderer wütend.
Inmitten des wirtschaftlichen Abschwungs gibt es Umstände, unter denen „Überweisungen von Wanderarbeitnehmern“ in die Vereinigten Staaten nicht ignoriert werden können.
Für Wanderarbeiter ist es auch Demütigung.
Dies gilt nicht nur für Mexiko, sondern auch für lateinamerikanische Länder.
Die Vereinigten Staaten sollten eine "Win-Win-Beziehung" zu den lateinamerikanischen Ländern haben.

Um diese Probleme zu lösen,
Ich habe vorgeschlagen, die amerikanische Seite der mexikanischen Grenze zu einer "besonderen Zone" zu machen.
Die Vereinigten Staaten sollten "die Armen" aus der ganzen Welt als "vorübergehende Einwanderung" akzeptieren.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter "Special Zone Saturday Edition".
"Special Zone" ist auch eine Wirtschaftspolitik, um "One Belt, One Road" in China "auszugleichen".

Ich werde morgen weitermachen. .

Teil 2 Ich verklage zwei Dinge.
Dies ist ein "internationaler" Menschenrechtsmissbrauch der japanischen Regierung.
Es wird fast 10 Jahre nach dem Vorfall sein. Mein Leben ist begrenzt.
Wir bitten um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere "Honor Recovery and Reparations" stattfinden können.
Wenn die Welt die "Herrschaft unter dem Gesetz" ignoriert, ist es natürlich, sie durch den Terrorismus zu regeln. Aber es ist verrückt.

1 Ausländer führten "illegale Arbeit" außer "Aufenthaltsqualifikation" aus. Aber Ausländer sind nicht schuldig.
Nur Ausländer wurden für das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz (Artikel 70 "Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen") bestraft.
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz hingegen gilt für Arbeitgeber, die einen "Kausalzusammenhang" mit illegaler Arbeit haben (Artikel 73-2).
Ich werde dafür bestraft (ein Verbrechen, das rechtswidrige Arbeit fördert).

Allerdings hat die japanische Justiz nur Ausländer "bestraft", "Arbeitgeber" jedoch nicht "bestraft".
Dies ist eindeutig gegen die "Gleichheitsregel nach dem Gesetz".
Und es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das "willkürlich" nur Ausländer "bestraft".

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der illegal Ausländer beschäftigt hat, "unschuldig" ist, dann sind auch illegal arbeitende Ausländer "unschuldig".
Wenn ja, gibt es keinen, der "gegen andere Verbrechen im Strafrecht" gestützt wurde, gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.
"Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat aus den Philippinen, und ein philippinischer Botschaftsvertreter" sind nicht schuldig.

2 Die Staatsanwaltschaft sagte: "Unterstützung für Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes"
Für Artikel 70 und Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes
Es ist "verrückt", "Sünde anzuwenden", um andere Verbrechen zu unterstützen.
Dies ist die Logik des Gesetzes ist falsch.

Ausländer unterliegen der Einwanderungskontrolle Artikel 22-4-4
Durchführung der in (Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente) vorgeschriebenen Maßnahme.
Dafür gibt es jedoch keine "strafrechtliche Bestrafung".
Die Verfügungen lauten: "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Abschiebung ins Ausland" durch den Justizminister.
Daher können "Strafgesetzbuch Artikel 60 und Artikel 62" Sünden zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten "nicht angewandt werden.
Die "kriminellen Gründe" des Immigration Control Act 22-4-4, auf die die "Anklageschrift" verweist, haben keinen kausalen Zusammenhang mit dem Immigration Control Act 70.
In der Tat ist die Logik des Gesetzes falsch.

Die japanische Regierung zermalmt "Staatsanwaltschaft".
"Zerquetschen" durch die Staatsmacht ist "Stopp" der "Verjährung".

Die Dokumente sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Yasuhiro Nagano

Die deutsche Regierung hat die japanische Regierung aufgefordert, die Todesstrafe abzuschaffen.
Danke als Japaner.
Da viele Ausländer im Fall des Verstoßes gegen die Einwanderungskontrolle geopfert wurden, unterstützen Sie bitte die "Berufung" an den "Internationalen Strafgerichtshof".

Meine Informationen *******************

Wir veröffentlichen im folgenden Programm.

Nationalität Japan
Name Yasuhiro Nagano


Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister President Donald Trump says that he will move "illegal immigrants" to "cities in the sanctuary". I understand that farmers have many supporters of President Donald Trump. According to the "Farm Bureau", illegal workers are responsible for more than half of upland farming in the country. If they are gone, American agriculture is said to "receive" a devastating "striking". This is a "goodbye" with farmers who support President Donald Trump. Many farmers can not "support" President Donald Trump.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2019-05-08:Dear Sirs, illegal immigrants in the United States are full of "work places" such as agriculture,
construction, food and childcare.
It is difficult for employers to fill these jobs with regular American workers.
Does the Trump administration say that it entrusts to Chinese companies? That's crazy.

Part 1. President Donald Trump says that he will move "illegal immigrants" to "cities
in the sanctuary".
I understand that farmers have many supporters of President Donald Trump.
According to the "Farm Bureau",
illegal workers are responsible for more than half of upland farming in the country.
If they are gone, American agriculture is said to "receive" a devastating "striking".
This is a "goodbye" with farmers who support President Donald Trump.
Many farmers can not "support" President Donald Trump.

Eight million illegal migrants support the US economy by working below the minimum wage.
And they "pay for income tax."
They occupy an important "place" in the US industrial structure.
It will also affect Japan if US tax revenues "decrease".
The "number of flight trainings" for "US military aircraft" such as "Yokota base"
in Japan is decreasing.
The reason seems to be "saving" fuel for "military aircraft".
The noise around the base should be reduced and welcomed,
but in case of emergency is a concern.
President Donald Trump said,
"I divert the military expenses to the construction cost of the wall of Mexico."
This will weaken the US military again. It's crazy.

Meanwhile, the Mexican government on the sending side of illegal immigrants is furious.
Amid the economic downturn,
there are circumstances where “remittances
from migrant workers” to the United States can not be ignored.
For migrant workers, it is also humiliation.
This is true not only for Mexico but also for Latin American countries.
The United States should have a "win-win relationship" with Latin American countries.

To solve these problems,
I have proposed making the American side of the Mexican border a "special zone".
The United States should accept "the poor" from all over the world as "temporary immigration".
For more information, see "Special Zone Saturday Edition".
"Special Zone" is also an economic policy to "countervail" to "One Belt, One Road" in China.

I will continue tomorrow. .

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

The UK should leave the EU unconditionally, respect the referendum and show the example of the democratic nation to the world.
Since many foreigners have been sacrificed in the Immigration Control Violation Case, please support the "Appeal" to the "ICC."

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone in the world's media  2019-05-08:Dear Sirs, illegal immigrants in the United States are full of "work places" such as agriculture, construction, food and childcare. It is difficult for employers to fill these jobs with regular American workers. Does the Trump administration say that it entrusts to Chinese companies? That's crazy.

To everyone in the world's media 

2019-05-08:Dear Sirs, illegal immigrants in the United States are full of "work places" such as agriculture,
construction, food and childcare.
It is difficult for employers to fill these jobs with regular American workers.
Does the Trump administration say that it entrusts to Chinese companies? That's crazy.

Part 1. President Donald Trump says that he will move "illegal immigrants" to "cities
in the sanctuary".
I understand that farmers have many supporters of President Donald Trump.
According to the "Farm Bureau",
illegal workers are responsible for more than half of upland farming in the country.
If they are gone, American agriculture is said to "receive" a devastating "striking".
This is a "goodbye" with farmers who support President Donald Trump.
Many farmers can not "support" President Donald Trump.

Eight million illegal migrants support the US economy by working below the minimum wage.
And they "pay for income tax."
They occupy an important "place" in the US industrial structure.
It will also affect Japan if US tax revenues "decrease".
The "number of flight trainings" for "US military aircraft" such as "Yokota base"
in Japan is decreasing.
The reason seems to be "saving" fuel for "military aircraft".
The noise around the base should be reduced and welcomed,
but in case of emergency is a concern.
President Donald Trump said,
"I divert the military expenses to the construction cost of the wall of Mexico."
This will weaken the US military again. It's crazy.

Meanwhile, the Mexican government on the sending side of illegal immigrants is furious.
Amid the economic downturn,
there are circumstances where “remittances
from migrant workers” to the United States can not be ignored.
For migrant workers, it is also humiliation.
This is true not only for Mexico but also for Latin American countries.
The United States should have a "win-win relationship" with Latin American countries.

To solve these problems,
I have proposed making the American side of the Mexican border a "special zone".
The United States should accept "the poor" from all over the world as "temporary immigration".
For more information, see "Special Zone Saturday Edition".
"Special Zone" is also an economic policy to "countervail" to "One Belt, One Road" in China.

I will continue tomorrow. .

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" . Japan added the following clause in the revision of the Immigration Control Act in July 2010: The judiciary does not admit that employers say "I do not know this law". This is an improvement over the United States. But it does not "apply".

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency

Dear Sirs, Please send this e-mail to the top leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency".
This e-mail is sent daily to media, embassies and white houses in the world.

To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" .

2019-05-07:Dear Sirs, the Trump administration has promised to wipe out 8 million illegal workers,
but the US economy is increasingly dependent on them.
According to the "Farm Bureau",
illegal workers are responsible for more than half of upland farming in the country.
It is said that US agriculture will be devastating if they are gone.
We should protect America's agriculture.
The United States should export agricultural products.

Part 1. The cause of the violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act lies
with the employer.
It is the same as America.
Japan is regulated by Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
However, Japan does not "punish" "employers" in the same way as the United States.
Only foreigners who have worked outside of the status of residence are under 3 years in prison.
This is "unreasonable".
This is "unfairness under the law".
This is an "Arbitrary punishment" that violates international law.

Japan added the following clause in the revision of the Immigration Control Act in July 2010:
The judiciary does not admit that employers say "I do not know this law".
This is an improvement over the United States.
But it does not "apply".
Of the four Chinese, three of the employers admit "sin".
One was a "false visa".
But if I look closely at it, I find it to be a "fake," the employer says.
The employer's punishment will be exempted if it can not be determined as a "fake".
I think America is the same standard.
However, both Americans and Japanese escape "punishment" with "Make an excuse".

Because of this criticism, the prosecution has made me a sinner. It's crazy.
I have not violated Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act,
so the prosecution applied the crimes of Articles 60 and 62 of the Criminal Code.

The reason for "a bill of indictment."
Is the act of "supporting" "the violation of Article 22-4-4 of the Chinese immigration control law".
With the revision of the law in July 2010,
foreigners who "supported" Article 22-4-4
of the Immigration Act revoked their "qualification of residence" and became "deported abroad".
Since I am Japanese, there is no disposal.

Officials and diplomats from the Philippine Embassy in 2013-2014 should apply the 2010 amendments.
In other words, it is only "disposal of the administration".
See "Part 2 of 2" below.

Japan has a dual administration of justice.
The United States must not imitate Japan.
The United States should increase "legal immigration".
Please see the "Special Zone Saturday Edition" for details.
I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism. But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60 and Article 62" Sins to support
other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

To the highest leader Kim Jong-un Please request ***************************************

The North Korean government should "protest" the Japanese government.
The Japanese government should "solve" the abduction of foreigners.
There are many "victims" of "South Koreans" who are "Same ethnic".
Please protest the Japanese government by "representing" the people of the Korean Peninsula "!

North Korea should not launch missiles until the end of this year's election in Japan.
If North Korea "launches missiles," "The Abe administration will completely win."
Last time, North Korea "launched missiles" into the Sea of ​​Japan, so the "Abe administration had a" reverse victory ".

The weak point of the Abe administration is "the case of immigration law violation".
It is an "incident" of evidence that Japan is not governed under the law.

North Korea should announce that the Japanese government "illegally abducts and detains" foreigners.
North Korea should "publicize" that there are more "foreign victims" than "Japanese abductees."
North Korea should make the world's media "a friend" of North Korea.
Please announce the North Korean government in foreign media and the United Nations.
The North Korean government should specifically announce "my name". approve.

My information *********************************************** ****

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

************************************************** ******************

To President I am seeking "restoration of honor" and "reparations of property lost due to illegal arrest and detention." Also, please "solve" the wishes of Mrs. Carroll Gone. 2019-05-07:Dear Sirs, the Trump administration has promised to wipe out 8 million illegal workers,

To President Trump

At the Japan-US Summit Meeting at the end of May and the G20 Osaka Summit in June, I would like Prime Minister Abe to "direct" "complete solution" regarding "judicial administration in violation of the Japanese Immigration Control Act".
I am seeking "restoration of honor" and "reparations of property lost due to illegal arrest and detention."
Also, please "solve" the wishes of Mrs. Carroll Gone.

2019-05-07:Dear Sirs, the Trump administration has promised to wipe out 8 million illegal workers,
but the US economy is increasingly dependent on them.
According to the "Farm Bureau",
illegal workers are responsible for more than half of upland farming in the country.
It is said that US agriculture will be devastating if they are gone.
We should protect America's agriculture.
The United States should export agricultural products.

Part 1. The cause of the violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act lies
with the employer.
It is the same as America.
Japan is regulated by Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
However, Japan does not "punish" "employers" in the same way as the United States.
Only foreigners who have worked outside of the status of residence are under 3 years in prison.
This is "unreasonable".
This is "unfairness under the law".
This is an "Arbitrary punishment" that violates international law.

Japan added the following clause in the revision of the Immigration Control Act in July 2010:
The judiciary does not admit that employers say "I do not know this law".
This is an improvement over the United States.
But it does not "apply".
Of the four Chinese, three of the employers admit "sin".
One was a "false visa".
But if I look closely at it, I find it to be a "fake," the employer says.
The employer's punishment will be exempted if it can not be determined as a "fake".
I think America is the same standard.
However, both Americans and Japanese escape "punishment" with "Make an excuse".

Because of this criticism, the prosecution has made me a sinner. It's crazy.
I have not violated Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act,
so the prosecution applied the crimes of Articles 60 and 62 of the Criminal Code.

The reason for "a bill of indictment."
Is the act of "supporting" "the violation of Article 22-4-4 of the Chinese immigration control law".
With the revision of the law in July 2010,
foreigners who "supported" Article 22-4-4
of the Immigration Act revoked their "qualification of residence" and became "deported abroad".
Since I am Japanese, there is no disposal.

Officials and diplomats from the Philippine Embassy in 2013-2014 should apply the 2010 amendments.
In other words, it is only "disposal of the administration".
See "Part 2 of 2" below.

Japan has a dual administration of justice.
The United States must not imitate Japan.
The United States should increase "legal immigration".
Please see the "Special Zone Saturday Edition" for details.
I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism. But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60 and Article 62" Sins to support
other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-05-07: Chers Messieurs, L’administration Trump a promis d’éliminer 8 millions de travailleurs clandestins, L'économie américaine dépend de plus en plus d'eux. Selon le "Farm Bureau", les travailleurs clandestins sont responsables de plus de la moitié de l'agriculture de montagne dans le pays. On dit que l'agriculture américaine sera dévastatrice si elles disparaissent. Nous devrions protéger l'agriculture américaine. Les États-Unis devraient exporter des produits agricoles.

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2019-05-07: Chers Messieurs, L’administration Trump a promis d’éliminer 8 millions de travailleurs clandestins,
L'économie américaine dépend de plus en plus d'eux.
Selon le "Farm Bureau", les travailleurs clandestins sont responsables de plus de la moitié de l'agriculture de montagne dans le pays.
On dit que l'agriculture américaine sera dévastatrice si elles disparaissent.
Nous devrions protéger l'agriculture américaine. Les États-Unis devraient exporter des produits agricoles.

Partie 1 La cause de la violation de l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration est imputable à l’employeur.
C'est la même chose que l'Amérique.
Le Japon est régi par l'article 73-2 de la loi sur l'immigration.
Cependant, le Japon ne "punit" pas les "employeurs" de la même manière que les États-Unis.
Seuls les étrangers ayant travaillé hors du statut de résidence ont moins de trois ans de prison.
C'est "déraisonnable". C'est une "injustice au regard de la loi".
Il s’agit d’un «châtiment arbitraire» qui viole le droit international.

Le Japon a ajouté la clause suivante dans la révision de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en juillet 2010:
La justice n'admet pas que les employeurs disent "je ne connais pas cette loi".
C'est une amélioration par rapport aux États-Unis.
Mais cela ne "s'applique pas".
Sur les quatre Chinois, trois des employeurs reconnaissent le "péché".
L'un était un "faux visa".
Mais si je regarde de près, je trouve que c'est un "faux", dit l'employeur.
S'il est impossible de déterminer qu'il s'agit d'un "faux", la sanction de l'employeur sera exemptée.
Je pense que l'Amérique est la même norme.
Cependant, les Américains et les Japonais échappent à la "punition" avec "Faites une excuse".

À cause de cette critique, la poursuite a fait de moi un pécheur. C'est fou.
Je n’ai pas enfreint l’article 73-2 de la loi sur l’immigration. Le parquet a donc appliqué les infractions visées aux articles 60 et 62 du code pénal.

La raison de "l'acte d'accusation" est un acte qui "soutient" "la violation de l'article 22-4-4 de la loi chinoise sur le contrôle de l'immigration".
Dans la révision de la loi de juillet 2010,
Les étrangers qui "soutiennent" l’article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l’immigration annulent leur "qualification de résidence",
Et c'était "déporté à l'étranger".
Depuis que je suis japonais, il n'y a pas d'élimination.

Les fonctionnaires et diplomates de l'ambassade des Philippines en 2013-2014 devraient appliquer les amendements de 2010.
En d'autres termes, il ne s'agit que de "disposition de l'administration".
Voir "Partie 2 de 2" ci-dessous.

Le Japon a une double administration de la justice.
Les États-Unis ne doivent pas imiter le Japon.
Les Etats-Unis devraient augmenter "l'immigration légale".
S'il vous plaît voir le "Special Zone Saturday Edition" pour plus de détails.
Je continuerai demain.

Partie 2 Je "poursuit" deux choses.
Il s'agit d'une violation "internationale" des droits de l'homme commise par le gouvernement japonais.
Ce sera presque 10 ans après l'incident. Ma vie est limitée.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien afin que notre "recouvrement d'honneur et réparations" ait lieu.
Si le monde ignore "la loi", il est naturel de la régler par le terrorisme. Mais c'est fou.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un "travail illégal" autre que "la qualification de résidence". Mais les étrangers ne sont pas coupables.
Seuls les étrangers ont été sanctionnés pour la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, article 70, "du travail illégal".
La loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration, en revanche, s’applique aux employeurs qui ont un "lien de causalité" avec le travail illégal, article 73-2.
Je suis puni pour (un crime qui favorise le travail illégal).

Cependant, le système judiciaire japonais n'a "puni" que les étrangers, mais n'a pas "puni" les "employeurs".
Cela va clairement à l'encontre de la "règle de l'égalité devant la loi"
Et cela viole le droit international qui interdit de "punir" uniquement les étrangers "de manière arbitraire".

Si un employeur qui a employé illégalement des étrangers est "innocent", les étrangers illégalement employés sont également "innocents".
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe aucun «auteur de crimes en droit pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, un diplomate des Philippines et un responsable de l'ambassade des Philippines" ne sommes pas coupables.

2 Le bureau du procureur a déclaré: «Soutien à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration»
Pour les articles 70 et 62 du code pénal contre l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration
Il est "fou" d'appliquer "" le péché pour soutenir d'autres crimes ".
C'est la logique de la loi qui est fausse.

Les étrangers sont soumis au contrôle de l'immigration Article 22-4-4
Effectuer l'action prescrite dans (acquisition du statut de résidence en présentant de faux documents).
Cependant, il n'y a pas de "sanction pénale" pour cela.
Les dispositions sont "annulation du statut de résidence" et "expulsion à l'étranger" par le ministre de la Justice.
Par conséquent, "les articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal" Les péchés pour soutenir d'autres crimes "ne peuvent pas être appliqués.
Les "motifs de criminalité" de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 22-4-4 mentionnés dans "l'acte d'accusation" n'ont aucun lien de causalité avec la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 70.
En effet, la logique de la loi est fausse.

Le gouvernement japonais est en train d'écraser les "poursuites".
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Les documents sont ci-dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.

Cordialement. Yasuhiro Nagano

Emmanuel Macron a déclaré le président français.
Le gouvernement britannique devrait respecter les résultats du référendum.
Je suis d'accord avec l'affirmation du président Emmanuel Macron.
Étant donné que de nombreux étrangers ont été sacrifiés dans l’affaire de violation du contrôle de l’immigration, soutenez l’appel de la "CPI"

Nous publions dans le programme suivant.

Nagano Yoshihiro

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-05-07:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, die Trump-Regierung hat versprochen, 8 Millionen illegale Arbeiter zu vernichten. Die US-Wirtschaft ist zunehmend von ihnen abhängig. Nach Angaben des "Farm Bureau" sind illegale Arbeiter für mehr als die Hälfte der landwirtschaftlichen Landwirtschaft im Hochland verantwortlich. Es wird ge

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister

2019-05-07:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, die Trump-Regierung hat versprochen, 8 Millionen illegale Arbeiter zu vernichten.
Die US-Wirtschaft ist zunehmend von ihnen abhängig.
Nach Angaben des "Farm Bureau" sind illegale Arbeiter für mehr als die Hälfte der landwirtschaftlichen Landwirtschaft im Hochland verantwortlich.
Es wird gesagt, dass die US-Landwirtschaft verheerend sein wird, wenn sie weg sind.
Wir sollten Amerikas Landwirtschaft schützen. Die Vereinigten Staaten sollten landwirtschaftliche Produkte exportieren.

Teil 1 Die Ursache des Verstoßes gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes liegt beim Arbeitgeber.
Es ist das gleiche wie in Amerika.
Japan ist durch Artikel 73-2 des Einwanderungsgesetzes geregelt.
Allerdings "bestraft" Japan "Arbeitgeber" nicht auf die gleiche Weise wie die Vereinigten Staaten.
Nur Ausländer, die außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus gearbeitet haben, befinden sich unter 3 Jahren Gefängnis.
Das ist "unvernünftig". Dies ist "Ungerechtigkeit unter dem Gesetz".
Dies ist eine "willkürliche Strafe", die gegen internationales Recht verstößt.

Japan fügte bei der Überarbeitung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Juli 2010 die folgende Klausel hinzu:
Die Justiz räumt nicht ein, dass die Arbeitgeber sagen "Ich kenne dieses Gesetz nicht".
Dies ist eine Verbesserung gegenüber den Vereinigten Staaten.
Es gilt aber nicht "zutreffend".
Von den vier Chinesen geben drei der Arbeitgeber "Sünde" zu.
Eines war ein "falsches Visum".
Aber wenn ich es mir genau ansehe, finde ich es eine "Fälschung", sagt der Arbeitgeber.
Kann nicht festgestellt werden, dass es sich um eine "Fälschung" handelt, wird die Bestrafung des Arbeitgebers freigestellt.
Ich denke, Amerika ist der gleiche Standard.
Allerdings entgehen sowohl Amerikaner als auch Japaner der "Bestrafung" mit "Make a Entschuldigung".

Wegen dieser Kritik hat mich die Staatsanwaltschaft zu einem Sünder gemacht. Es ist verrückt.
Ich habe nicht gegen Artikel 73-2 des Einwanderungsgesetzes verstoßen, daher hat die Staatsanwaltschaft die Verbrechen der Artikel 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuches angewandt.

Der Grund für "eine Anklageschrift" ist die "Unterstützung" der Verletzung von Artikel 22-4-4 des chinesischen Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.
In der Gesetzesrevision vom Juli 2010
Ausländer, die Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes "unterstützen", stornieren ihre "Aufenthaltsberechtigung",
Und es wurde "ins Ausland deportiert".
Da ich Japaner bin, gibt es keine Verfügungen.

Beamte und Diplomaten der philippinischen Botschaft im Zeitraum 2013-2014 sollten die Änderungen von 2010 anwenden.
Mit anderen Worten handelt es sich nur um "Entsorgung der Verwaltung".
Siehe "Teil 2 von 2" weiter unten.

Japan hat eine doppelte Justizverwaltung.
Die Vereinigten Staaten dürfen Japan nicht nachahmen.
Die Vereinigten Staaten sollten die "legale Einwanderung" erhöhen.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der "Special Zone Saturday Edition".
Ich werde morgen weitermachen.

Teil 2 Ich verklage zwei Dinge.
Dies ist ein "internationaler" Menschenrechtsmissbrauch der japanischen Regierung.
Es wird fast 10 Jahre nach dem Vorfall sein. Mein Leben ist begrenzt.
Wir bitten um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere "Honor Recovery and Reparations" stattfinden können.
Wenn die Welt die "Herrschaft unter dem Gesetz" ignoriert, ist es natürlich, sie durch den Terrorismus zu regeln. Aber es ist verrückt.

1 Ausländer führten "illegale Arbeit" außer "Aufenthaltsqualifikation" aus. Aber Ausländer sind nicht schuldig.
Nur Ausländer wurden für das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz (Artikel 70 "Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen") bestraft.
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz hingegen gilt für Arbeitgeber, die einen "Kausalzusammenhang" mit illegaler Arbeit haben (Artikel 73-2).
Ich werde dafür bestraft (ein Verbrechen, das rechtswidrige Arbeit fördert).

Allerdings hat die japanische Justiz nur Ausländer "bestraft", "Arbeitgeber" jedoch nicht "bestraft".
Dies ist eindeutig gegen die "Gleichheitsregel nach dem Gesetz".
Und es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das "willkürlich" nur Ausländer "bestraft".

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der illegal Ausländer beschäftigt hat, "unschuldig" ist, dann sind auch illegal arbeitende Ausländer "unschuldig".
Wenn ja, gibt es keinen, der "gegen andere Verbrechen im Strafrecht" gestützt wurde, gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.
"Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat aus den Philippinen, und ein philippinischer Botschaftsvertreter" sind nicht schuldig.

2 Die Staatsanwaltschaft sagte: "Unterstützung für Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes"
Für Artikel 70 und Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes
Es ist "verrückt", "Sünde anzuwenden", um andere Verbrechen zu unterstützen.
Dies ist die Logik des Gesetzes ist falsch.

Ausländer unterliegen der Einwanderungskontrolle Artikel 22-4-4
Durchführung der in (Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente) vorgeschriebenen Maßnahme.
Dafür gibt es jedoch keine "strafrechtliche Bestrafung".
Die Verfügungen lauten: "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Abschiebung ins Ausland" durch den Justizminister.
Daher können "Strafgesetzbuch Artikel 60 und Artikel 62" Sünden zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten "nicht angewandt werden.
Die "kriminellen Gründe" des Immigration Control Act 22-4-4, auf die die "Anklageschrift" verweist, haben keinen kausalen Zusammenhang mit dem Immigration Control Act 70.
In der Tat ist die Logik des Gesetzes falsch.

Die japanische Regierung zermalmt "Staatsanwaltschaft".
"Zerquetschen" durch die Staatsmacht ist "Stopp" der "Verjährung".

Die Dokumente sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Yasuhiro Nagano

Die deutsche Regierung hat die japanische Regierung aufgefordert, die Todesstrafe abzuschaffen.
Danke als Japaner.
Da viele Ausländer im Fall des Verstoßes gegen die Einwanderungskontrolle geopfert wurden, unterstützen Sie bitte die "Berufung" an den "Internationalen Strafgerichtshof".

Meine Informationen *******************

Wir veröffentlichen im folgenden Programm.

Nationalität Japan
Name Yasuhiro Nagano


Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister The cause of the violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act lies with the employer. It is the same as America. Japan is regulated by Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act. However, Japan does not "punish" "employers" in the same way as the United States.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2019-05-07:Dear Sirs, the Trump administration has promised to wipe out 8 million illegal workers,
but the US economy is increasingly dependent on them.
According to the "Farm Bureau",
illegal workers are responsible for more than half of upland farming in the country.
It is said that US agriculture will be devastating if they are gone.
We should protect America's agriculture.
The United States should export agricultural products.

Part 1. The cause of the violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act lies
with the employer.
It is the same as America.
Japan is regulated by Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
However, Japan does not "punish" "employers" in the same way as the United States.
Only foreigners who have worked outside of the status of residence are under 3 years in prison.
This is "unreasonable".
This is "unfairness under the law".
This is an "Arbitrary punishment" that violates international law.

Japan added the following clause in the revision of the Immigration Control Act in July 2010:
The judiciary does not admit that employers say "I do not know this law".
This is an improvement over the United States.
But it does not "apply".
Of the four Chinese, three of the employers admit "sin".
One was a "false visa".
But if I look closely at it, I find it to be a "fake," the employer says.
The employer's punishment will be exempted if it can not be determined as a "fake".
I think America is the same standard.
However, both Americans and Japanese escape "punishment" with "Make an excuse".

Because of this criticism, the prosecution has made me a sinner. It's crazy.
I have not violated Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act,
so the prosecution applied the crimes of Articles 60 and 62 of the Criminal Code.

The reason for "a bill of indictment."
Is the act of "supporting" "the violation of Article 22-4-4 of the Chinese immigration control law".
With the revision of the law in July 2010,
foreigners who "supported" Article 22-4-4
of the Immigration Act revoked their "qualification of residence" and became "deported abroad".
Since I am Japanese, there is no disposal.

Officials and diplomats from the Philippine Embassy in 2013-2014 should apply the 2010 amendments.
In other words, it is only "disposal of the administration".
See "Part 2 of 2" below.

Japan has a dual administration of justice.
The United States must not imitate Japan.
The United States should increase "legal immigration".
Please see the "Special Zone Saturday Edition" for details.
I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism. But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60 and Article 62" Sins to support
other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

The UK should leave the EU unconditionally, respect the referendum and show the example of the democratic nation to the world.
Since many foreigners have been sacrificed in the Immigration Control Violation Case, please support the "Appeal" to the "ICC."

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone in the world's media  2019-05-07:Dear Sirs, the Trump administration has promised to wipe out 8 million illegal workers, but the US economy is increasingly dependent on them. According to the "Farm Bureau", illegal workers are responsible for more than half of upland farming in the country. It is said that US agriculture will be devastating if they are gone. We should protect America's agriculture. The United States should export agricultural products.

To everyone in the world's media 

2019-05-07:Dear Sirs, the Trump administration has promised to wipe out 8 million illegal workers,
but the US economy is increasingly dependent on them.
According to the "Farm Bureau",
illegal workers are responsible for more than half of upland farming in the country.
It is said that US agriculture will be devastating if they are gone.
We should protect America's agriculture.
The United States should export agricultural products.

Part 1. The cause of the violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act lies
with the employer.
It is the same as America.
Japan is regulated by Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
However, Japan does not "punish" "employers" in the same way as the United States.
Only foreigners who have worked outside of the status of residence are under 3 years in prison.
This is "unreasonable".
This is "unfairness under the law".
This is an "Arbitrary punishment" that violates international law.

Japan added the following clause in the revision of the Immigration Control Act in July 2010:
The judiciary does not admit that employers say "I do not know this law".
This is an improvement over the United States.
But it does not "apply".
Of the four Chinese, three of the employers admit "sin".
One was a "false visa".
But if I look closely at it, I find it to be a "fake," the employer says.
The employer's punishment will be exempted if it can not be determined as a "fake".
I think America is the same standard.
However, both Americans and Japanese escape "punishment" with "Make an excuse".

Because of this criticism, the prosecution has made me a sinner. It's crazy.
I have not violated Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act,
so the prosecution applied the crimes of Articles 60 and 62 of the Criminal Code.

The reason for "a bill of indictment."
Is the act of "supporting" "the violation of Article 22-4-4 of the Chinese immigration control law".
With the revision of the law in July 2010,
foreigners who "supported" Article 22-4-4
of the Immigration Act revoked their "qualification of residence" and became "deported abroad".
Since I am Japanese, there is no disposal.

Officials and diplomats from the Philippine Embassy in 2013-2014 should apply the 2010 amendments.
In other words, it is only "disposal of the administration".
See "Part 2 of 2" below.

Japan has a dual administration of justice.
The United States must not imitate Japan.
The United States should increase "legal immigration".
Please see the "Special Zone Saturday Edition" for details.
I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism. But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60 and Article 62" Sins to support
other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Trump At the Japan-US Summit Meeting at the end of May and the G20 Osaka Summit in June, I would like Prime Minister Abe to "direct" "complete solution" regarding "judicial administration in violation of the Japanese Immigration Control Act". I am seeking "restoration of honor" and "reparations of property lost due to illegal arrest and detention." Also, please "solve" the wishes of Mrs. Carroll Gone.

To President Trump

At the Japan-US Summit Meeting at the end of May and the G20 Osaka Summit in June, I would like Prime Minister Abe to "direct" "complete solution" regarding "judicial administration in violation of the Japanese Immigration Control Act".
I am seeking "restoration of honor" and "reparations of property lost due to illegal arrest and detention."
Also, please "solve" the wishes of Mrs. Carroll Gone.

2019-05-06:Dear Sirs, President Donald Trump says "Government under the law". 

To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" . When I pointed out this problem, the Japanese government did something worse than the US government. The prosecution made me "offender" by falsely applying the applicable law. I handed the "employment contract documents" to the Chinese in order to hire the Chinese.

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency

Dear Sirs, Please send this e-mail to the top leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency".
This e-mail is sent daily to media, embassies and white houses in the world.

To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" .

2019-05-06:Dear Sirs, President Donald Trump says "Government under the law".
It's great. However, the issue of "illegal immigration" is not "sin" of "illegal immigrants" alone.
The government should "punish" "employers" who employ "illegal immigrants" by law.
Unless there are those who employ "illegal immigrants,"
"illegal immigrants" have no meaning to enter the United States.
If so, the United States does not need the Mexican wall.

Part 1. I am Japanese. I am more familiar with "immigration issues" than anyone else.
Because the Japanese government is doing the same thing.
Japan is almost impossible to enter illegally like the United States.
What I am concerned with is a punishment for foreigners who have a legal "stay visa"
but have worked outside the "qualification of residence".
Please see "Part 1 of 2" below.

When I pointed out this problem,
the Japanese government did something worse than the US government.
The prosecution made me "offender" by falsely applying the applicable law.
I handed the "employment contract documents" to the Chinese in order to hire the Chinese.
Prosecutors say that this "employment contract document" is "false."
I accept 100% of the prosecutors' claims. (Because it is not a crime).
The "act" that "indictment" points out is an act
that "supports" Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
A Chinese who "violates" Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act will
only "cancel" the "status of residence".
Since "status of residence" is canceled, it will be "deported abroad".

"Chinese" got "status of residence status" by graduating from Japanese university.
However, there was a Lehman shock in 2008.
I stopped hiring Chinese.
The Chinese were arrested because they were working at a "restaurant"
who was working in "student days".
It is a violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
It is "labor other than status of residence".
The "employers" who employed them knew that they could not "employ".
However, the "employer" who hired them is not arrested
for violation of Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.

This problem is the same in the United States.
American employers are innocent, they say, "I thought they had the qualification to work".
In Japan, employers are acquitted if they apologize for saying "I'm sorry".
However, it is guilty if a foreigner apologizes for saying "I'm sorry".
Moreover, they are foreigners with "status of residence", unlike American "illegal immigrants".
Everyone, please do not be with American "illegal immigrants".
So, I "appeal" that this correspondence violates "international law".

I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law",
it is natural to settle it by terrorism. But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence" and "deportation abroad"
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

To the highest leader Kim Jong-un Please request ***************************************

The North Korean government should "protest" the Japanese government.
The Japanese government should "solve" the abduction of foreigners.
There are many "victims" of "South Koreans" who are "Same ethnic".
Please protest the Japanese government by "representing" the people of the Korean Peninsula "!

North Korea should not launch missiles until the end of this year's election in Japan.
If North Korea "launches missiles," "The Abe administration will completely win."
Last time, North Korea "launched missiles" into the Sea of ​​Japan, so the "Abe administration had a" reverse victory ".

The weak point of the Abe administration is "the case of immigration law violation".
It is an "incident" of evidence that Japan is not governed under the law.

North Korea should announce that the Japanese government "illegally abducts and detains" foreigners.
North Korea should "publicize" that there are more "foreign victims" than "Japanese abductees."
North Korea should make the world's media "a friend" of North Korea.
Please announce the North Korean government in foreign media and the United Nations.
The North Korean government should specifically announce "my name". approve.

My information *********************************************** ****

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

************************************************** ******************

To President Trump When I pointed out this problem, the Japanese government did something worse than the US government. The prosecution made me "offender" by falsely applying the applicable law. I handed the "e

To President Trump

At the Japan-US Summit Meeting at the end of May and the G20 Osaka Summit in June, I would like Prime Minister Abe to "direct" "complete solution" regarding "judicial administration in violation of the Japanese Immigration Control Act".
I am seeking "restoration of honor" and "reparations of property lost due to illegal arrest and detention."
Also, please "solve" the wishes of Mrs. Carroll Gone.

2019-05-06:Dear Sirs, President Donald Trump says "Government under the law".
It's great. However, the issue of "illegal immigration" is not "sin" of "illegal immigrants" alone.
The government should "punish" "employers" who employ "illegal immigrants" by law.
Unless there are those who employ "illegal immigrants,"
"illegal immigrants" have no meaning to enter the United States.
If so, the United States does not need the Mexican wall.

Part 1. I am Japanese. I am more familiar with "immigration issues" than anyone else.
Because the Japanese government is doing the same thing.
Japan is almost impossible to enter illegally like the United States.
What I am concerned with is a punishment for foreigners who have a legal "stay visa"
but have worked outside the "qualification of residence".
Please see "Part 1 of 2" below.

When I pointed out this problem,
the Japanese government did something worse than the US government.
The prosecution made me "offender" by falsely applying the applicable law.
I handed the "employment contract documents" to the Chinese in order to hire the Chinese.
Prosecutors say that this "employment contract document" is "false."
I accept 100% of the prosecutors' claims. (Because it is not a crime).
The "act" that "indictment" points out is an act
that "supports" Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
A Chinese who "violates" Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act will
only "cancel" the "status of residence".
Since "status of residence" is canceled, it will be "deported abroad".

"Chinese" got "status of residence status" by graduating from Japanese university.
However, there was a Lehman shock in 2008.
I stopped hiring Chinese.
The Chinese were arrested because they were working at a "restaurant"
who was working in "student days".
It is a violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
It is "labor other than status of residence".
The "employers" who employed them knew that they could not "employ".
However, the "employer" who hired them is not arrested
for violation of Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.

This problem is the same in the United States.
American employers are innocent, they say, "I thought they had the qualification to work".
In Japan, employers are acquitted if they apologize for saying "I'm sorry".
However, it is guilty if a foreigner apologizes for saying "I'm sorry".
Moreover, they are foreigners with "status of residence", unlike American "illegal immigrants".
Everyone, please do not be with American "illegal immigrants".
So, I "appeal" that this correspondence violates "international law".

I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law",
it is natural to settle it by terrorism. But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence" and "deportation abroad"
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Zip code

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobile phone

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-05-06:Chers Messieurs, Le Président Donald Trump a déclaré: "Le gouvernement sous la loi". C'est génial. Cependant, la question de "l'immigration illégale" n'est pas le "péché" des "immigrants illégaux" à elle seule. Le gouvernement devrait "punir" les "employeurs" qui emploient des "immigrants illégaux" en vertu de la loi. À moins qu'il y ait ceux qui emploient des "immigrants illégaux", les "immigrants illégaux" n'ont aucun sens d'entrer aux États-Unis. Si tel est le cas, les États-Unis n’ont pas besoin du mur mexicain.

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2019-05-06:Chers Messieurs, Le Président Donald Trump a déclaré: "Le gouvernement sous la loi".
C'est génial.
Cependant, la question de "l'immigration illégale" n'est pas le "péché" des "immigrants illégaux" à elle seule.
Le gouvernement devrait "punir" les "employeurs" qui emploient des "immigrants illégaux" en vertu de la loi.
À moins qu'il y ait ceux qui emploient des "immigrants illégaux", les "immigrants illégaux" n'ont aucun sens d'entrer aux États-Unis.
Si tel est le cas, les États-Unis n’ont pas besoin du mur mexicain.

Partie 1 Je suis japonais Je connais mieux les "questions d'immigration" que quiconque.
Parce que le gouvernement japonais fait la même chose.
Le Japon est presque impossible d'entrer illégalement comme les États-Unis.
J'ai un "visa de séjour" légal avec lequel j'ai un problème,
C'est une punition pour les étrangers qui ont travaillé hors du statut de résidence.
Veuillez voir "Partie 1 de 2" ci-dessous.

Lorsque j'ai signalé ce problème, le gouvernement japonais a fait quelque chose de pire que le gouvernement américain.
La poursuite m'a rendue "coupable" en appliquant faussement le droit applicable.
J'ai remis les "documents du contrat de travail" aux Chinois afin de les engager.
Les procureurs disent que ce "document de contrat de travail" est "faux".
J'accepte 100% des demandes des procureurs. (Parce que ce n'est pas un crime)
L '"acte" mentionné par "l'acte d'accusation" est un acte qui "soutient" l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration.
Un Chinois qui "viole" l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration "annulera" simplement le "statut de résident".
Le "statut de résidence" étant annulé, il sera "expulsé à l'étranger".

"Les Chinois" ont obtenu le "statut de résidence" après avoir obtenu leur diplôme de l'université japonaise.
Cependant, il y a eu un choc de Lehman en 2008.
J'ai arrêté d'embaucher des Chinois.
Les Chinois ont été arrêtés parce qu'ils travaillaient dans un "restaurant" qui travaillait à l'époque des "étudiants".
C'est une violation de l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration. C'est "le travail autre que le statut de résidence".
Les "employeurs" qui les ont employés savaient qu'ils ne pouvaient pas "employer".
Cependant, "l'employeur" qui les a embauchés n'est pas arrêté pour violation de l'article 73-2 de la loi sur l'immigration.

Ce problème est le même aux États-Unis.
Les employeurs américains sont innocents, ils disent: "Je pensais qu'ils avaient la qualification pour travailler".
Au Japon, les employeurs sont acquittés s’ils s’excusent en disant "je suis désolé".
Cependant, il est coupable si un étranger s'excuse d'avoir dit "je suis désolé".
De plus, ce sont des étrangers avec "statut de résidence", contrairement aux "immigrants illégaux" américains.
Tout le monde, s'il vous plaît ne soyez pas avec les "immigrants illégaux" américains.
J'appelle donc que cette correspondance est contraire au "droit international".

Je continuerai demain.

Partie 2 Je "poursuit" deux choses.
Il s'agit d'une violation "internationale" des droits de l'homme commise par le gouvernement japonais.
Ce sera presque 10 ans après l'incident. Ma vie est limitée.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien afin que notre "recouvrement d'honneur et réparations" ait lieu.
Si le monde ignore "la loi", il est naturel de la régler par le terrorisme. Mais c'est fou.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un "travail illégal" autre que "la qualification de résidence". Mais les étrangers ne sont pas coupables.
Seuls les étrangers ont été sanctionnés pour la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, article 70, "du travail illégal".
La loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration, en revanche, s’applique aux employeurs qui ont un "lien de causalité" avec le travail illégal, article 73-2.
Je suis puni pour (un crime qui favorise le travail illégal).

Cependant, le système judiciaire japonais n'a "puni" que les étrangers, mais n'a pas "puni" les "employeurs".
Cela va clairement à l'encontre de la "règle de l'égalité devant la loi"
Et cela viole le droit international qui interdit de "punir" uniquement les étrangers "de manière arbitraire".

Si un employeur qui a employé illégalement des étrangers est "innocent", les étrangers illégalement employés sont également "innocents".
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe aucun «auteur de crimes en droit pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, un diplomate des Philippines et un responsable de l'ambassade des Philippines" ne sommes pas coupables.

2 Le bureau du procureur a déclaré: «Soutien à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration»
Pour les articles 70 et 62 du code pénal contre l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration
Il est "fou" d'appliquer "" le péché pour soutenir d'autres crimes ".
C'est la logique de la loi qui est fausse.

Les étrangers sont soumis au contrôle de l'immigration Article 22-4-4
Effectuer l'action prescrite dans (acquisition du statut de résidence en présentant de faux documents).
Cependant, il n'y a pas de "sanction pénale" pour cela.
Les dispositions sont "annulation du statut de résidence" et "expulsion à l'étranger" par le ministre de la Justice.
Par conséquent, "les articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal" Les péchés pour soutenir d'autres crimes "ne peuvent pas être appliqués.
Les "motifs de criminalité" de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 22-4-4 mentionnés dans "l'acte d'accusation" n'ont aucun lien de causalité avec la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 70.
En effet, la logique de la loi est fausse.

Le gouvernement japonais est en train d'écraser les "poursuites".
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Les documents sont ci-dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.

Cordialement. Yasuhiro Nagano

Emmanuel Macron a déclaré le président français.
Le gouvernement britannique devrait respecter les résultats du référendum.
Je suis d'accord avec l'affirmation du président Emmanuel Macron.
Étant donné que de nombreux étrangers ont été sacrifiés dans l’affaire de violation du contrôle de l’immigration, soutenez l’appel de la "CPI"

Nous publions dans le programme suivant.

Nagano Yoshihiro

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-05-06:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Präsident Donald Trump sagt "Regierung unter dem Gesetz". Das ist großartig Das Problem der "illegalen Einwanderung" ist jedoch nicht nur die "Sünde" der "illegalen Einwanderer". Die Regierung sollte "Arbeitgeber" bestrafen, die "illegale Einwanderer" per Gesetz beschäftigen. Wenn es keine Beschäftigten gibt, die "illegale Einwanderer" beschäftigen, haben "illegale Einwanderer" keine Bedeutung für die Einreise in die Vereinigten Staaten. Wenn ja, brauchen die Vereinigten Staaten die mexikanische Mauer nicht.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister

2019-05-06:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Präsident Donald Trump sagt "Regierung unter dem Gesetz".
Das ist großartig
Das Problem der "illegalen Einwanderung" ist jedoch nicht nur die "Sünde" der "illegalen Einwanderer".
Die Regierung sollte "Arbeitgeber" bestrafen, die "illegale Einwanderer" per Gesetz beschäftigen.
Wenn es keine Beschäftigten gibt, die "illegale Einwanderer" beschäftigen, haben "illegale Einwanderer" keine Bedeutung für die Einreise in die Vereinigten Staaten.
Wenn ja, brauchen die Vereinigten Staaten die mexikanische Mauer nicht.

Teil 1 Ich bin japaner Ich bin mit "Einwanderungsfragen" besser vertraut als jeder andere.
Weil die japanische Regierung das Gleiche tut.
Es ist fast unmöglich, dass Japan illegal in die USA einreist.
Ich habe ein legales "Aufenthaltsvisum", mit dem ich ein Problem habe,
Es ist eine Strafe für Ausländer, die außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus gearbeitet haben.
Siehe "Teil 1 von 2" weiter unten.

Als ich auf dieses Problem aufmerksam machte, tat die japanische Regierung etwas Schlimmeres als die US-Regierung.
Die Staatsanwaltschaft machte mich durch falsche Anwendung des anwendbaren Rechts zum "Täter".
Ich reichte den Chinesen die "Arbeitsvertragsdokumente", um die Chinesen einzustellen.
Die Staatsanwälte sagen, dieses "Arbeitsvertragsdokument" sei "falsch".
Ich akzeptiere 100% der Ansprüche der Staatsanwälte. (Weil es kein Verbrechen ist).
Die "Tat", auf die "Anklageschrift" hinweist, ist eine Handlung, die Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes "unterstützt".
Ein Chinese, der Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes "verletzt", wird nur den "Aufenthaltsstatus" "aufheben".
Da der "Aufenthaltsstatus" aufgehoben wird, wird es "ins Ausland abgeschoben".

"Chinese" erhielt den Status eines Aufenthaltsstatus, als er die japanische Universität abschloss.
Es gab jedoch einen Lehman-Schock im Jahr 2008.
Ich habe aufgehört, Chinesen einzustellen.
Die Chinesen wurden verhaftet, weil sie in einem "Restaurant" arbeiteten, das zu "Studententagen" arbeitete.
Dies ist ein Verstoß gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes. Es ist "Arbeit anders als Status des Wohnsitzes".
Die "Arbeitgeber", die sie beschäftigten, wussten, dass sie "keine Anstellung" hätten.
Der "Arbeitgeber", der sie eingestellt hat, wird jedoch nicht wegen Verletzung des Artikels 73-2 des Einwanderungsgesetzes festgenommen.

Dieses Problem ist in den Vereinigten Staaten dasselbe.
Amerikanische Arbeitgeber sind unschuldig, sagen sie: "Ich dachte, sie hätten die Qualifikation, um zu arbeiten".
In Japan werden Arbeitgeber freigesprochen, wenn sie sich für "Entschuldigung" entschuldigen.
Es ist jedoch schuld, wenn sich ein Ausländer für "Entschuldigung" entschuldigt.
Außerdem sind sie Ausländer mit "Aufenthaltsstatus", im Gegensatz zu amerikanischen "illegalen Einwanderern".
Alle bitte nicht mit amerikanischen "illegalen Einwanderern" zusammen sein.
Ich "appelliere" also daran, dass diese Korrespondenz das "Völkerrecht" verletzt.

Ich werde morgen weitermachen.

Teil 2 Ich verklage zwei Dinge.
Dies ist ein "internationaler" Menschenrechtsmissbrauch der japanischen Regierung.
Es wird fast 10 Jahre nach dem Vorfall sein. Mein Leben ist begrenzt.
Wir bitten um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere "Honor Recovery and Reparations" stattfinden können.
Wenn die Welt die "Herrschaft unter dem Gesetz" ignoriert, ist es natürlich, sie durch den Terrorismus zu regeln. Aber es ist verrückt.

1 Ausländer führten "illegale Arbeit" außer "Aufenthaltsqualifikation" aus. Aber Ausländer sind nicht schuldig.
Nur Ausländer wurden für das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz (Artikel 70 "Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen") bestraft.
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz hingegen gilt für Arbeitgeber, die einen "Kausalzusammenhang" mit illegaler Arbeit haben (Artikel 73-2).
Ich werde dafür bestraft (ein Verbrechen, das rechtswidrige Arbeit fördert).

Allerdings hat die japanische Justiz nur Ausländer "bestraft", "Arbeitgeber" jedoch nicht "bestraft".
Dies ist eindeutig gegen die "Gleichheitsregel nach dem Gesetz".
Und es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das "willkürlich" nur Ausländer "bestraft".

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der illegal Ausländer beschäftigt hat, "unschuldig" ist, dann sind auch illegal arbeitende Ausländer "unschuldig".
Wenn ja, gibt es keinen, der "gegen andere Verbrechen im Strafrecht" gestützt wurde, gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.
"Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat aus den Philippinen, und ein philippinischer Botschaftsvertreter" sind nicht schuldig.

2 Die Staatsanwaltschaft sagte: "Unterstützung für Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes"
Für Artikel 70 und Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes
Es ist "verrückt", "Sünde anzuwenden", um andere Verbrechen zu unterstützen.
Dies ist die Logik des Gesetzes ist falsch.

Ausländer unterliegen der Einwanderungskontrolle Artikel 22-4-4
Durchführung der in (Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente) vorgeschriebenen Maßnahme.
Dafür gibt es jedoch keine "strafrechtliche Bestrafung".
Die Verfügungen lauten: "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Abschiebung ins Ausland" durch den Justizminister.
Daher können "Strafgesetzbuch Artikel 60 und Artikel 62" Sünden zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten "nicht angewandt werden.
Die "kriminellen Gründe" des Immigration Control Act 22-4-4, auf die die "Anklageschrift" verweist, haben keinen kausalen Zusammenhang mit dem Immigration Control Act 70.
In der Tat ist die Logik des Gesetzes falsch.

Die japanische Regierung zermalmt "Staatsanwaltschaft".
"Zerquetschen" durch die Staatsmacht ist "Stopp" der "Verjährung".

Die Dokumente sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Yasuhiro Nagano

Die deutsche Regierung hat die japanische Regierung aufgefordert, die Todesstrafe abzuschaffen.
Danke als Japaner.
Da viele Ausländer im Fall des Verstoßes gegen die Einwanderungskontrolle geopfert wurden, unterstützen Sie bitte die "Berufung" an den "Internationalen Strafgerichtshof".

Meine Informationen *******************

Wir veröffentlichen im folgenden Programm.

Nationalität Japan
Name Yasuhiro Nagano


Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister I am Japanese. I am more familiar with "immigration issues" than anyone else. Because the Japanese government is doing the same thing. Japan is almost impossible to enter illegally like the United States.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2019-05-06:Dear Sirs, President Donald Trump says "Government under the law".
It's great. However, the issue of "illegal immigration" is not "sin" of "illegal immigrants" alone.
The government should "punish" "employers" who employ "illegal immigrants" by law.
Unless there are those who employ "illegal immigrants,"
"illegal immigrants" have no meaning to enter the United States.
If so, the United States does not need the Mexican wall.

Part 1. I am Japanese. I am more familiar with "immigration issues" than anyone else.
Because the Japanese government is doing the same thing.
Japan is almost impossible to enter illegally like the United States.
What I am concerned with is a punishment for foreigners who have a legal "stay visa"
but have worked outside the "qualification of residence".
Please see "Part 1 of 2" below.

When I pointed out this problem,
the Japanese government did something worse than the US government.
The prosecution made me "offender" by falsely applying the applicable law.
I handed the "employment contract documents" to the Chinese in order to hire the Chinese.
Prosecutors say that this "employment contract document" is "false."
I accept 100% of the prosecutors' claims. (Because it is not a crime).
The "act" that "indictment" points out is an act
that "supports" Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act.
A Chinese who "violates" Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act will
only "cancel" the "status of residence".
Since "status of residence" is canceled, it will be "deported abroad".

"Chinese" got "status of residence status" by graduating from Japanese university.
However, there was a Lehman shock in 2008.
I stopped hiring Chinese.
The Chinese were arrested because they were working at a "restaurant"
who was working in "student days".
It is a violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
It is "labor other than status of residence".
The "employers" who employed them knew that they could not "employ".
However, the "employer" who hired them is not arrested
for violation of Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.

This problem is the same in the United States.
American employers are innocent, they say, "I thought they had the qualification to work".
In Japan, employers are acquitted if they apologize for saying "I'm sorry".
However, it is guilty if a foreigner apologizes for saying "I'm sorry".
Moreover, they are foreigners with "status of residence", unlike American "illegal immigrants".
Everyone, please do not be with American "illegal immigrants".
So, I "appeal" that this correspondence violates "international law".

I will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law",
it is natural to settle it by terrorism. But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence" and "deportation abroad"
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" do not have a causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

The UK should leave the EU unconditionally, respect the referendum
and show the example of the democratic nation to the world.
Since many foreigners have been sacrificed in the Immigration Control Violation Case,
please support the "Appeal" to the "ICC."

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

2025-01-16: إن نظام "تأمين الرعاية التمريضية" في الولايات المتحدة "أفقر" من اليابان. والأمر المدهش هو أن المزيد والمزيد من الأطفال يتركون وظائفهم لرعاية والديهم.

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