
SOS Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-08-07: Chers Messieurs, Officier de police, procureur, juge et avocat sont des êtres humains. Si ce sont des êtres humains, il y a une erreur.

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2019-08-07: Chers Messieurs, Officier de police, procureur, juge et avocat sont des êtres humains.
Si ce sont des êtres humains, il y a une erreur.
S'ils admettent honnêtement leurs erreurs et leur "correction", on peut dire que "le Japon est gouverné par la loi".
Mais ils "écrasent" toujours l'affaire. Ce sont des "bêtes".

Partie 1 Officier de police, même si nous n'avons pas commis de crimes
Comme le procureur nous a arbitrairement transformés en criminels, leurs crimes relèvent des "fausses plaintes" de l'article 172 du code pénal.

Officier de police, même si nous n'avons pas commis de crimes
Les procureurs et les juges nous ont arrêtés arbitrairement pour avoir fait d'eux des criminels et ont «fait de la compression» une «liberté de décision».
Par conséquent, cela correspond au droit pénal 194 "d'abus de pouvoir d'un fonctionnaire spécial".
"Abus de pouvoir par un officier public spécial" est
Le crime est établi parce que nous n'avons pas besoin de "délibéré" en tant qu '"éléments structurels du crime".

Veuillez lire la loi suivante sur le site Web suivant.

Article 60 Deux personnes ou plus qui commettent conjointement un crime sont des commettants.
Article 62
(1) Une personne qui assiste un mandant est un accessoire.
(2) Une personne qui incite un accessoire est traitée comme un accessoire.
(Fausse plainte)
Article 172 Une personne qui soumet une fausse plainte,
accumulation ou autre punition dans le but d'avoir une punition
ou action en justice imposée à un autre est puni de l'emprisonnement
pas moins de 3 mois mais pas plus de 10 ans.
(Abus de pouvoir par des fonctionnaires spéciaux)
Article 194 Lorsqu'une personne exerçant ou assistant des fonctions judiciaires, de poursuite ou de police,
abuser de son autorité et en capturer ou en enfermer illégalement un autre,
emprisonnement ou emprisonnement sans travail pendant au moins six mois
mais pas plus de 10 ans sont imposés.

Je pense que vous pouvez comprendre que l'administration judiciaire japonaise est "pourrie".

Je continuerai demain.

S'il vous plaît voir "acte d'accusation" à "site" ci-dessous.
Si vous regardez cette affaire "acte d'accusation", vous pouvez comprendre "erreur de droit applicable".

Veuillez consulter les fichiers PDF "Traduction anglaise" et "Original japonais".
S'il vous plaît soyez prudent sur le traitement des informations personnelles.
● Traduction en anglais "Acte d'accusation"
"Acte d'accusation contre Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
La traduction anglaise est pour référence. Exactement, veuillez y aller seul.
● Texte original japonais "Lettre d'acte d'accusation"
"Acte d'accusation contre Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (japonais)"
La traduction anglaise est incorrecte. Pour la traduction en anglais, veuillez consulter le "PDF" ci-dessus.

Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié sur le site suivant:
Vous pouvez consulter le texte intégral le plus récent de (Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié).
(Japonais et anglais)

Partie 2 Je "poursuit" deux choses.
Il s'agit d'une violation "internationale" des droits de l'homme commise par le gouvernement japonais.
Ce sera presque 10 ans après l'incident. Ma vie est limitée.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien afin que notre "recouvrement d'honneur et réparations" ait lieu.
Si le monde ignore "la loi", il est naturel de la régler par le terrorisme. Mais c'est fou.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un "travail illégal" autre que "la qualification de résidence". Mais les étrangers ne sont pas coupables.
Seuls les étrangers ont été sanctionnés pour la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, article 70, "du travail illégal".
La Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, en revanche, s'applique aux employeurs qui sont des "relations de causalité" de travail illégal au sens de l'article 73-2.
Je suis puni pour (un crime qui favorise le travail illégal).

Cependant, le système judiciaire japonais n'a "puni" que les étrangers, mais n'a pas "puni" les "employeurs".
Cela va clairement à l'encontre de la "règle de l'égalité devant la loi"
Et cela viole le droit international qui interdit de "punir" uniquement les étrangers "de manière arbitraire".

Si un employeur qui a employé illégalement des étrangers est "innocent", les étrangers illégalement employés sont également "innocents".
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe aucun «auteur de crimes en droit pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, un diplomate des Philippines et un responsable de l'ambassade des Philippines" ne sommes pas coupables.

2 Le bureau du procureur a déclaré: «Soutien à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration»
Il est "fou" d '"appliquer" les articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal "Des péchés pour soutenir d'autres crimes" contre l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration.
C'est la logique de la loi qui est fausse.

Les étrangers ont agi conformément à l'article 22-4-4 (acquisition du statut de résident par le dépôt de faux documents).
Cependant, il n'y a pas de "sanction pénale" pour cela.
Les dispositions sont "annulation du statut de résidence" et "expulsion à l'étranger" par le ministre de la Justice.
Par conséquent, "les articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal" Les péchés pour soutenir d'autres crimes "ne peuvent pas être appliqués.
Les "motifs de criminalité" de la Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 22-4-4 mentionnés dans "l'acte d'accusation" n'ont aucun lien de causalité avec la Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 70.
En effet, la logique de la loi est fausse.

Le gouvernement japonais est en train d'écraser les "poursuites".
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Les documents sont ci-dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.

Cordialement. Yasuhiro Nagano

Il y a beaucoup de victimes américaines. J'ai vu ça de mes yeux.
Si la poursuite n'arrête pas l'employeur, les Américains ne sont pas coupables.
Le gouvernement des États-Unis devrait réclamer la restauration et l’indemnisation de l’honneur des Américains.
S'il vous plaît soutenir "Appel" à "CPI".

Nous publions dans le programme suivant.

Nagano Yoshihiro

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

SOS Angela Merkel an den deutschen Ministerpräsidenten 07.08.2019: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Polizist, Staatsanwalt, Richter und Anwalt sind Menschen. Wenn es sich um Menschen handelt, liegt ein Fehler vor.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Ministerpräsidenten

07.08.2019: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Polizist, Staatsanwalt, Richter und Anwalt sind Menschen.
Wenn es sich um Menschen handelt, liegt ein Fehler vor.
Wenn sie ihre Fehler und "Korrekturen" ehrlich eingestehen, kann man sagen, dass "Japan unter dem Gesetz regiert wird".
Aber sie "zerschlagen" immer noch den Fall. Sie sind "Bestien".

Teil 1. Polizist, obwohl wir keine Verbrechen begangen haben
Da die Staatsanwaltschaft uns willkürlich zu Verbrechern gemacht hat, fallen ihre Verbrechen unter die "falschen Beschwerden" gemäß Artikel 172 des Strafgesetzbuchs.

Polizist, obwohl wir keine Verbrechen begangen haben
Die Staatsanwälte und Richter haben uns willkürlich verhaftet, weil wir sie zu Verbrechern gemacht und die „Entscheidungsfreiheit“ „Komprimierung“ geschaffen haben.
Daher entspricht es dem Strafrecht 194 "Amtsmissbrauch durch Sonderbeamte".
"Amtsmissbrauch durch Sonderbeamte" ist
Das Verbrechen ist begründet, weil wir als "strukturelle Elemente des Verbrechens" kein "Vorsatz" brauchen.

Bitte lesen Sie das folgende Gesetz auf der folgenden Website.

Artikel 60 Zwei oder mehr Personen, die gemeinsam eine Straftat begehen, sind alle Auftraggeber.
Artikel 62
(1) Eine Person, die einem Auftraggeber hilft, ist ein Hilfsmittel.
(2) Mit einer Person, die ein Accessoire herbeiführt, wird bei der Verurteilung als Accessoire verfahren.
(Falsche Beschwerde)
Artikel 172 Eine Person, die eine falsche Beschwerde einreicht,
Akkumulation oder andere Bestrafung zum Zwecke der Bestrafung
oder eine gegen einen anderen verhängte Handlung wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bestraft
für nicht weniger als 3 Monate, aber nicht mehr als 10 Jahre.
(Missbrauch von Befugnissen durch öffentlich-rechtliche Sonderbeamte)
Artikel 194 Wenn eine Person gerichtliche, strafrechtliche oder polizeiliche Aufgaben wahrnimmt oder bei diesen mitwirkt,
seine Autorität missbrauchen und andere unrechtmäßig einfangen oder einschränken,
Freiheitsstrafe oder Freiheitsstrafe ohne Arbeit für nicht weniger als 6 Monate
es dürfen jedoch nicht mehr als 10 Jahre verordnet werden.

Ich denke, Sie können verstehen, dass Japans Justizverwaltung "faul" ist.

Ich werde morgen weitermachen.

Bitte beachten Sie "Anklageschrift" auf "Website" unten.
Wenn Sie sich diesen Fall "Anklageschrift" ansehen, können Sie "Fehler des anwendbaren Rechts" verstehen.

Bitte beachten Sie die PDF-Dateien "Englische Übersetzung" und "Japanisches Original".
Bitte seien Sie vorsichtig beim Umgang mit persönlichen Daten.
● Übersetzung ins Englische "Anklageschreiben"
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
Die englische Übersetzung dient als Referenz. Genau, bitte gehen Sie alleine.
● Japanischer Originaltext "Verfahrensschreiben Anklageschreiben"
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanisch)"
Die englische Übersetzung ist falsch. Die englische Übersetzung finden Sie im obigen "PDF".

Das Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen an folgender Stelle:
Sie können den neuesten Volltext des Gesetzes über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen einsehen.
(Japanisch und Englisch)

Teil 2. Ich "klage" zwei Dinge.
Dies ist eine "internationale" Menschenrechtsverletzung, die von der japanischen Regierung begangen wurde.
Es wird fast 10 Jahre nach dem Vorfall sein. Mein Leben ist begrenzt.
Wir bitten um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere "Honor Recovery and Reparations" stattfinden.
Wenn die Welt "Regel unter dem Gesetz" ignoriert, ist es natürlich, sie durch Terrorismus zu regeln. Aber es ist verrückt.

1. Ausländer verrichteten "illegale Arbeit" mit Ausnahme der "Qualifikation des Wohnsitzes". Aber Ausländer sind nicht schuldig.
Nur Ausländer wurden nach dem Einwanderungskontrollgesetz Artikel 70 "Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen" bestraft.
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz gilt hingegen für Arbeitgeber, bei denen es sich nach Artikel 73 Absatz 2 um "Kausalzusammenhänge" illegaler Arbeit handelt.
Ich werde dafür bestraft (ein Verbrechen, das ungesetzliche Arbeit fördert).

Die japanische Justiz "bestrafte" jedoch nur Ausländer, nicht aber "Arbeitgeber".
Dies ist eindeutig gegen die "Regel der Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz"
Und es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das es verbietet, nur Ausländer "willkürlich" zu "bestrafen".

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der illegal beschäftigte Ausländer hat, "unschuldig" ist, dann sind illegal beschäftigte Ausländer auch "unschuldig".
Wenn ja, gibt es niemanden, der "andere Straftaten im Strafrecht unterstützt" hat, gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.
"Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat aus den Philippinen und ein Beamter der philippinischen Botschaft", bin nicht schuldig.

2. Die Staatsanwaltschaft sagte: "Unterstützung für Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes"
Es ist "verrückt", die Artikel 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuches "Sünden zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten" gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes "anzuwenden".
Dies ist die Logik des Gesetzes ist falsch.

Ausländer haben gemäß Artikel 22-4-4 (Erlangung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente) gehandelt.
Hierfür gibt es jedoch keine "strafrechtliche Bestrafung".
Die Bestimmungen lauten "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Abschiebung ins Ausland" durch den Justizminister.
Daher können die "Strafgesetzbuch Artikel 60 und Artikel 62" Sünden zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten "nicht angewendet werden.
Die "kriminellen Gründe" des Immigrationskontrollgesetzes 22-4-4, auf die sich die "Anklage" bezieht, stehen in keinem kausalen Zusammenhang mit dem Immigrationskontrollgesetz 70.
In der Tat ist die Logik des Gesetzes falsch.

Die japanische Regierung zerschmettert die "Strafverfolgung".
Aber "vernichten" durch die Staatsmacht ist "stoppen" von "Verjährungsfrist".

Die Dokumente sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Yasuhiro Nagano

Es gibt viele amerikanische Opfer. Ich habe das mit meinen Augen gesehen.
Wenn die Anklage den Arbeitgeber nicht festnimmt, sind die Amerikaner nicht schuldig.
Die Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten sollte die Wiederherstellung und Entschädigung für die Ehre der Amerikaner fordern.
Bitte unterstützen Sie "Appell" an "ICC".

Meine Informationen *******************

Wir veröffentlichen im folgenden Programm.

Nationalität Japan

Nennen Sie Yasuhiro Nagano

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

SOS  To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-08-07:Greetings, police officers, prosecutors, judges, and lawyers are human. If they are human beings, there is a mistake.

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2019-08-07:Greetings, police officers, prosecutors, judges, and lawyers are human.
If they are human beings, there is a mistake.
If they honestly admit their mistakes and "correction",
it can be said that "Japan is ruled under the law".
But they still "smash" the case. They are "beasts".

Part 1. Even though we are not committing crimes,
police and prosecutors arbitrarily made us criminals, so their crimes fall
under the "false accusation charges" of Article 172 of the Penal Code.

Although we did not commit crimes, police officers,
prosecutors and judges arbitrarily arrested us for criminalizing us as "offenders"
and "make compression" for "freedom of decision-making".
Therefore, it corresponds to criminal law 194 "abuse of authority by special public officer".
Since "abuse of authority by special public officer" does not need "deliberate"
as "structural elements of crime", crime is established.

Please read the following law on the following website.

Article 60 Two or more persons who commit a crime in joint action are all principals.
Article 62
(1) A person who aids a principal is an accessory.
(2) A person who induces an accessory shall be deal with in sentencing as an accessory.
(False Complaint)
Article 172 A person who submits a false complaint,
accumulation or other punishment for the purpose of having a punishment
or discursive action imposed upon another another be punished by imprisonment for not less 3 months
but not more than 10 years.
(Abuse of Authority by Special public officers)
Article 194 When a person performing or assisting in judicial, prosecutors or police duties,
abuses his or her authority and unlawfully captures or confines another,
imporsonment or work without work for not less than 10 months
I think you can understand that Japan's judicial administration is "rotten".
I will continue tomorrow.

Please see "bill of indictment" at "site" below.
If you look at this case "bill of indictment", you can understand "error of applicable law".

Please see the "English translation" and "Japanese original" PDF.
Please be careful about the handling of personal information.
● Translation into English "Indictment letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference. Exactly, please go by yourself.
● Japanese original text "Proceeding letter letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. For English translation, please see the above "PDF".

You can check the latest full text of the Immigration Control
and Refugee Recognition Act at the following site:
(Japanese and English)

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law",
it is natural to settle it by terrorism. But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
 (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60 and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" have no causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

There are many American victims. I have seen this with my eyes.
If the prosecution does not arrest the employer, the Americans are not guilty.
The United States government should claim restoration and compensation
for the honor of Americans.
please support the "Appeal" to the "ICC."

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

SOS To everyone in the world's media  2019-08-07:Greetings, police officers, prosecutors, judges, and lawyers are human. If they are human beings, there is a mistake.

To everyone in the world's media 

2019-08-07:Greetings, police officers, prosecutors, judges, and lawyers are human.
If they are human beings, there is a mistake.
If they honestly admit their mistakes and "correction",
it can be said that "Japan is ruled under the law".
But they still "smash" the case. They are "beasts".

Part 1. Even though we are not committing crimes,
police and prosecutors arbitrarily made us criminals, so their crimes fall
under the "false accusation charges" of Article 172 of the Penal Code.

Although we did not commit crimes, police officers,
prosecutors and judges arbitrarily arrested us for criminalizing us as "offenders"
and "make compression" for "freedom of decision-making".
Therefore, it corresponds to criminal law 194 "abuse of authority by special public officer".
Since "abuse of authority by special public officer" does not need "deliberate"
as "structural elements of crime", crime is established.

Please read the following law on the following website.

Article 60 Two or more persons who commit a crime in joint action are all principals.
Article 62
(1) A person who aids a principal is an accessory.
(2) A person who induces an accessory shall be deal with in sentencing as an accessory.
(False Complaint)
Article 172 A person who submits a false complaint,
accumulation or other punishment for the purpose of having a punishment
or discursive action imposed upon another another be punished by imprisonment for not less 3 months
but not more than 10 years.
(Abuse of Authority by Special public officers)
Article 194 When a person performing or assisting in judicial, prosecutors or police duties,
abuses his or her authority and unlawfully captures or confines another,
imporsonment or work without work for not less than 10 months
I think you can understand that Japan's judicial administration is "rotten".
I will continue tomorrow.

Please see "bill of indictment" at "site" below.
If you look at this case "bill of indictment", you can understand "error of applicable law".

Please see the "English translation" and "Japanese original" PDF.
Please be careful about the handling of personal information.
● Translation into English "Indictment letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference. Exactly, please go by yourself.
● Japanese original text "Proceeding letter letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. For English translation, please see the above "PDF".

You can check the latest full text of the Immigration Control
and Refugee Recognition Act at the following site:
(Japanese and English)

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law",
it is natural to settle it by terrorism. But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
 (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60 and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" have no causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media *******************

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information ****

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



朝鮮民主人民共和国最高领导人金正恩殿下。 2019-08-06:亲爱的,我昨天出院了。 我担心警察和检察官可能“暗杀我”。 在日本,就像我的情况一样,如果他们“勾结”我可能会“被杀”。






明确指出,“我们”“帮助”中国人违反了“入境管制条例第22-4-(4)条”。 。




“对Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku的起诉”
“对Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku(日语)的起诉”











你诚挚的。 Yasuhiro Nagano






我的资料 ****

地址Mihamaku Chiba-City Japan
名称Yasuhiro Nagano Nagano Hirohiro


To President Trump 2019-08-06:Dear, I was discharged yesterday. I am concerned that police officers and prosecutors may "assassinate me".

To President Trump

2019-08-06:Dear, I was discharged yesterday.
I am concerned that police officers and prosecutors may "assassinate me".
In Japan, as in my case, if they "collusion" I could be "killed".
Suppose that you have "Attachment" the "evidence photograph"
of the murder scene to the Complaint letter and "submit" it to the prosecution.
However, you can not make a "trial" unless the prosecution accepts the "Complaint letter".

Part 1. This is a fact.
So I "publish" the "bill of indictment".
We search for "law" and make it possible to "verify".
In the open materials, the prosecution's "document for rejection reasons" is also disclosed.

We have not violated the law.
If you have the basic knowledge of the law,
you can understand "errors in applicable law".
The reason for the crime is not to be guilty.
If you understand the law,
At this point, "bill of indictmen" is "illegal".

It is not a "legal interpretation" of Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code.
It is that "the contents of Article 22-4- (4)
of the Immigration Control Act" is "described" in "the reason for the crime".

"The reason for the crime" states:
It is said that Chinese people have obtained "Certificate of Residence"
by submitting to Immigration the "false documents" stipulated
in Article 22-4- (4) of the Immigration Control Act.
It clearly states the fact that we "issued" false documents "to the Chinese.
It is clearly stated that "we" have "helped" the Chinese to violate
the "Immigration Control Article 22-4- (4)". .

So please look at Article 22-4- (4) of the Immigration Act.
This violation is not a punishment.
It is only to "cancel" the status of residence issued by the Minister of Justice.
It will become "deportation" if there is no "Certificate of residence".

I think you can understand that Japan's judicial administration is "rotten".
I will continue tomorrow.

Please see "bill of indictment" at "site" below.
If you look at this case "bill of indictment", you can understand "error of applicable law".

Please see the "English translation" and "Japanese original" PDF.
Please be careful about the handling of personal information.
● Translation into English "Indictment letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference. Exactly, please go by yourself.
● Japanese original text "Proceeding letter letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. For English translation, please see the above "PDF".

You can check the latest full text
of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act at the following site:
(Japanese and English)

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it
by terrorism. But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships"
of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
 (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
 (Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" have no causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ******

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Angela Merkel an den deutschen Ministerpräsidenten 09.08.2019: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin mit der Akzeptanz von "internationalen Studenten" einverstanden.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Ministerpräsidenten

09.08.2019: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin mit der Akzeptanz von "internationalen Studenten" einverstanden.
Ich stimme der Akzeptanz von "Arbeitern" und "Praktikanten" aus "armen Ländern" zu.
Der Grund dafür ist, dass die Akzeptanz von „Arbeitern“ für das Wirtschaftswachstum in Japan notwendig ist.
Ich erinnere mich jedoch an "Ärger" im Widerspruch von "Einwanderungspolitik" und "Einwanderungsverwaltung".

Teil 1. Wir werden einige der "wahren Zwecke" der "Akzeptanzgründe" von "internationalen Studenten" vorstellen.

1. Die Tokyo University of Welfare, die Ursache für die große Anzahl von vermissten internationalen Studenten, ist die Zweckmäßigkeit der Regierung - unabhängig davon, ob ausländische Studenten Studenten oder Arbeiter sind

Der ursprüngliche Zweck eines Auslandsstudiums ist es, in Japan zu studieren.
Viele ausländische Studenten nehmen das Studieren und Forschen ernst, geben jedoch zu, dass sie innerhalb von 28 Stunden pro Woche arbeiten.
Aus diesem Grund sind "Wanderarbeiter" mit dem Namen "Study Abroad" "Rampant".
Der Blick der Regierung auf die Realität dieser Tatsachen ist der Niedergang der "18-jährigen Bevölkerung" in Japan.
Der Grund dafür ist, dass sie ausländische Studenten als "Ergänzung beider Seiten" zu "unzureichender Arbeit" akzeptiert haben.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://www.businessinsider.jp/post-187740

2. "Ehemaliger Professor" der Tokyo University of Welfare, wo eine große Anzahl ausländischer Studenten verschwunden ist, veranstaltete eine "Notfallkonferenz".
"Das 12 Milliarden Yen" Geld "wird" eingegeben ", das" Präsident "auf einer Sitzung sagte.
Ist dies ein Beleg für die Akzeptanz ausländischer Studierender für "Geldverdienen"?

Tokyo University of Welfare, an der eine große Anzahl ausländischer Studenten verloren gegangen ist.
Seiichi Tajima, Professor an der Universität, hielt am 10. April eine Pressekonferenz ab.
Ehemaliger "Präsident" Tsuneo Nakajima für "Geld verdienen"
Wir haben eine große Anzahl von "internationalen Studenten" "aufgenommen".
Er "beschuldigte" Herrn Tsuneo Nakajima.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://hbol.jp/189873

3. Wir korrigieren zwei "Vorurteile", die durch "Missbrauch" von "ausländischen Studenten" der Tokioter Wohlfahrtsuniversität "entstanden" sind.

"Tokyo Wohlfahrtsuniversität" ist nicht der erste "Fall" des "Massenverschwindens" internationaler Studenten.
Am Sakata Junior College (Präfektur Yamagata) im Jahr 2001
Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes von "chinesischen ausländischen Studenten" "illegale Arbeit außerhalb der Qualifikation" wurde "der Fall".
Und drei Jahre später "wurde die Schule geschlossen".
Auch nach diesem Problem sind "gleiche Vorfälle" an Universitäten, Junior Colleges und Berufsschulen aufgetreten.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://ironna.jp/article/12856

Ich denke, Sie können verstehen, dass die japanische Einwanderungsbehörde "faul" ist.
Es wird nächste Woche fortgesetzt.

Bitte beachten Sie "Anklageschrift" auf "Website" unten.
Dieser Vorfall befasst sich nur mit dieser "Anklageschrift",
Sie können "Fehler des anwendbaren Rechts" verstehen.

Bitte beachten Sie die PDF-Dateien "Englische Übersetzung" und "Japanisches Original".
Bitte seien Sie vorsichtig beim Umgang mit persönlichen Daten.
● Übersetzung ins Englische "Anklageschreiben"
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
Die englische Übersetzung dient als Referenz. Genau, bitte gehen Sie alleine.
● Japanischer Originaltext "Verfahrensschreiben Anklageschreiben"
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanisch)"
Die englische Übersetzung ist falsch. Die englische Übersetzung finden Sie im obigen "PDF".

Das Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen an folgender Stelle:
Sie können den neuesten Volltext des Gesetzes über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen einsehen.
(Japanisch und Englisch)

Teil 2. Ich "klage" zwei Dinge.
Dies ist eine "internationale" Menschenrechtsverletzung, die von der japanischen Regierung begangen wurde.
Es wird fast 10 Jahre nach dem Vorfall sein. Mein Leben ist begrenzt.
Wir bitten um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere "Honor Recovery and Reparations" stattfinden.
Wenn die Welt "Regel unter dem Gesetz" ignoriert, ist es natürlich, sie durch Terrorismus zu regeln. Aber es ist verrückt.

1. Ausländer verrichteten "illegale Arbeit" mit Ausnahme der "Qualifikation des Wohnsitzes". Aber Ausländer sind nicht schuldig.
Nur Ausländer wurden nach dem Einwanderungskontrollgesetz Artikel 70 "Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen" bestraft.
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz gilt hingegen für Arbeitgeber, bei denen es sich nach Artikel 73 Absatz 2 um "Kausalzusammenhänge" illegaler Arbeit handelt.
Ich werde dafür bestraft (ein Verbrechen, das ungesetzliche Arbeit fördert).

Die japanische Justiz "bestrafte" jedoch nur Ausländer, nicht aber "Arbeitgeber".
Dies ist eindeutig gegen die "Regel der Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz"
Und es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das es verbietet, nur Ausländer "willkürlich" zu "bestrafen".

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der illegal beschäftigte Ausländer hat, "unschuldig" ist, dann sind illegal beschäftigte Ausländer auch "unschuldig".
Wenn ja, gibt es niemanden, der "andere Straftaten im Strafrecht unterstützt" hat, gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.
"Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat aus den Philippinen und ein Beamter der philippinischen Botschaft", bin nicht schuldig.

2. Die Staatsanwaltschaft sagte: "Unterstützung für Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes"
Für Artikel 70 und Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes
Es ist "verrückt", "Sünde anzuwenden, um andere Verbrechen zu unterstützen".
Dies ist die Logik des Gesetzes ist falsch.

Ausländer sind Einwanderungskontrolle Artikel 22-4-4
Durchführung der in vorgeschriebenen Handlung (Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Unterlagen).
Hierfür gibt es jedoch keine "strafrechtliche Bestrafung".
Die Bestimmungen lauten "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Abschiebung ins Ausland" durch den Justizminister.
Daher können die "Strafgesetzbuch Artikel 60 und Artikel 62" Sünden zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten "nicht angewendet werden.
Die "kriminellen Gründe" des Immigrationskontrollgesetzes 22-4-4, auf die sich die "Anklage" bezieht, stehen in keinem kausalen Zusammenhang mit dem Immigrationskontrollgesetz 70.
In der Tat ist die Logik des Gesetzes falsch.

Die japanische Regierung zerschmettert die "Strafverfolgung".
Aber "vernichten" durch die Staatsmacht ist "stoppen" von "Verjährungsfrist".

Die Dokumente sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Yasuhiro Nagano

Es gibt viele amerikanische Opfer. Ich habe das mit meinen Augen gesehen.
Wenn die Anklage den Arbeitgeber nicht festnimmt, sind die Amerikaner nicht schuldig.
Die Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten sollte die Wiederherstellung und Entschädigung für die Ehre der Amerikaner fordern.
Bitte unterstützen Sie "Appell" an "ICC".

Meine Informationen *******************

Wir veröffentlichen im folgenden Programm.

Postleitzahl 261-0003
Nationalität Japan
Adresse Mihamaku Chiba-City Japan
Nennen Sie Yasuhiro Nagano
Mobiltelefon 090-4824-7899
E-Mail nagano@miraico.jp nagano_mirai@yahoo.co.jp

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-08-06: Cher, j'ai été libéré hier. Je crains que les officiers de police et les procureurs ne puissent "m'assassiner".

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2019-08-06: Cher, j'ai été libéré hier.
Je crains que les officiers de police et les procureurs ne puissent "m'assassiner".
Au Japon, comme dans mon cas, s'ils "colludaient", je pourrais être "tué".
"Pièce jointe" votre "photographie de preuve" de la scène du meurtre à la lettre de plainte
Supposons que vous vous êtes "soumis" à la poursuite.
Cependant, vous ne pouvez pas faire un "procès" à moins que l'accusation accepte la "lettre de plainte".

Partie 1 C'est un fait.
Donc, je "publie" le "acte d'accusation".
Nous recherchons "loi" et permettons de "vérifier".
Dans les documents non annulés, le "document motivé par le refus" de l'accusation est également divulgué.

Nous n'avons pas violé la loi.
Si vous avez les connaissances de base du droit, vous pouvez comprendre les "erreurs dans le droit applicable".
La raison du crime est de ne pas être coupable.
Si vous comprenez la loi,
À ce stade, "acte d'accusation" est "illégal".

Ce n'est pas une "interprétation juridique" des articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal.
C'est que "le contenu de l'article 22-4- 4) de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration" est décrit "dans" le motif du crime ".

"La raison du crime" dit:
Il est dit que les Chinois ont obtenu un "certificat de résidence" en soumettant à l'immigration les "faux documents" visés à l'article 22-4- (4) de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
Il est clairement indiqué que nous avons "délivré de" faux documents "aux Chinois.
Il est clairement indiqué que "nous" avons "aidé" les Chinois à violer "l'article 22-4- (4) du contrôle de l'immigration". .

Veuillez donc vous référer à l'article 22-4- (4) de la loi sur l'immigration.
Cette violation n'est pas une punition.
Ce n'est que pour "annuler" le statut de résident délivré par le ministre de la Justice.
Il deviendra "déportation" s'il n'y a pas de "certificat de résidence".

Je pense que vous pouvez comprendre que l'administration judiciaire japonaise est "pourrie".
Je continuerai demain.

S'il vous plaît voir "acte d'accusation" à "site" ci-dessous.
Si vous regardez cette affaire "acte d'accusation", vous pouvez comprendre "erreur de droit applicable".

Veuillez consulter les fichiers PDF "Traduction anglaise" et "Original japonais".
S'il vous plaît soyez prudent sur le traitement des informations personnelles.
● Traduction en anglais "Acte d'accusation"
"Acte d'accusation contre Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
La traduction anglaise est pour référence. Exactement, veuillez y aller seul.
● Texte original japonais "Lettre d'acte d'accusation"
"Acte d'accusation contre Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (japonais)"
La traduction anglaise est incorrecte. Pour la traduction en anglais, veuillez consulter le "PDF" ci-dessus.

Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié sur le site suivant:
Vous pouvez consulter le texte intégral le plus récent de (Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié).
(Japonais et anglais)

Partie 2 Je "poursuit" deux choses.
Il s'agit d'une violation "internationale" des droits de l'homme commise par le gouvernement japonais.
Ce sera presque 10 ans après l'incident. Ma vie est limitée.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien afin que notre "recouvrement d'honneur et réparations" ait lieu.
Si le monde ignore "la loi", il est naturel de la régler par le terrorisme. Mais c'est fou.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un "travail illégal" autre que "la qualification de résidence". Mais les étrangers ne sont pas coupables.
Seuls les étrangers ont été sanctionnés pour la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, article 70, "du travail illégal".
La Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, en revanche, s'applique aux employeurs qui sont des "relations de causalité" de travail illégal au sens de l'article 73-2.
Je suis puni pour (un crime qui favorise le travail illégal).

Cependant, le système judiciaire japonais n'a "puni" que les étrangers, mais n'a pas "puni" les "employeurs".
Cela va clairement à l'encontre de la "règle de l'égalité devant la loi"
Et cela viole le droit international qui interdit de "punir" uniquement les étrangers "de manière arbitraire".

Si un employeur qui a employé illégalement des étrangers est "innocent", les étrangers illégalement employés sont également "innocents".
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe aucun «auteur de crimes en droit pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, un diplomate des Philippines et un responsable de l'ambassade des Philippines" ne sommes pas coupables.

2 Le bureau du procureur a déclaré: «Soutien à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration»
Pour les articles 70 et 62 du code pénal contre l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration
Il est "fou" d'appliquer "" le péché pour soutenir d'autres crimes ".
C'est la logique de la loi qui est fausse.

Les étrangers sont soumis au contrôle de l'immigration Article 22-4-4
Effectuer l'action prescrite dans (acquisition du statut de résidence en présentant de faux documents).
Cependant, il n'y a pas de "sanction pénale" pour cela.
Les dispositions sont "annulation du statut de résidence" et "expulsion à l'étranger" par le ministre de la Justice.
Par conséquent, "les articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal" Les péchés pour soutenir d'autres crimes "ne peuvent pas être appliqués.
Les "motifs de criminalité" de la Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 22-4-4 mentionnés dans "l'acte d'accusation" n'ont aucun lien de causalité avec la Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration 70.
En effet, la logique de la loi est fausse.

Le gouvernement japonais est en train d'écraser les "poursuites".
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Les documents sont ci-dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.

Cordialement. Yasuhiro Nagano

Il y a beaucoup de victimes américaines. J'ai vu ça de mes yeux.
Si la poursuite n'arrête pas l'employeur, les Américains ne sont pas coupables.
Le gouvernement des États-Unis devrait réclamer la restauration et l’indemnisation de l’honneur des Américains.
S'il vous plaît soutenir "Appel" à "CPI".

Nous publions dans le programme suivant.

Nagano Yoshihiro

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-08-06:Dear, I was discharged yesterday. I am concerned that police officers and prosecutors may "assassinate me".

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2019-08-06:Dear, I was discharged yesterday.
I am concerned that police officers and prosecutors may "assassinate me".
In Japan, as in my case, if they "collusion" I could be "killed".
Suppose that you have "Attachment" the "evidence photograph"
of the murder scene to the Complaint letter and "submit" it to the prosecution.
However, you can not make a "trial" unless the prosecution accepts the "Complaint letter".

Part 1. This is a fact.
So I "publish" the "bill of indictment".
We search for "law" and make it possible to "verify".
In the open materials, the prosecution's "document for rejection reasons" is also disclosed.

We have not violated the law.
If you have the basic knowledge of the law,
you can understand "errors in applicable law".
The reason for the crime is not to be guilty.
If you understand the law,
At this point, "bill of indictmen" is "illegal".

It is not a "legal interpretation" of Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code.
It is that "the contents of Article 22-4- (4)
of the Immigration Control Act" is "described" in "the reason for the crime".

"The reason for the crime" states:
It is said that Chinese people have obtained "Certificate of Residence"
by submitting to Immigration the "false documents" stipulated
in Article 22-4- (4) of the Immigration Control Act.
It clearly states the fact that we "issued" false documents "to the Chinese.
It is clearly stated that "we" have "helped" the Chinese to violate
the "Immigration Control Article 22-4- (4)". .

So please look at Article 22-4- (4) of the Immigration Act.
This violation is not a punishment.
It is only to "cancel" the status of residence issued by the Minister of Justice.
It will become "deportation" if there is no "Certificate of residence".

I think you can understand that Japan's judicial administration is "rotten".
I will continue tomorrow.

Please see "bill of indictment" at "site" below.
If you look at this case "bill of indictment", you can understand "error of applicable law".

Please see the "English translation" and "Japanese original" PDF.
Please be careful about the handling of personal information.
● Translation into English "Indictment letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference. Exactly, please go by yourself.
● Japanese original text "Proceeding letter letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. For English translation, please see the above "PDF".

You can check the latest full text
of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act at the following site:
(Japanese and English)

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it
by terrorism. But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships"
of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
 (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
 (Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" have no causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

There are many American victims. I have seen this with my eyes.
If the prosecution does not arrest the employer, the Americans are not guilty.
The United States government should claim restoration and compensation
for the honor of Americans.
please support the "Appeal" to the "ICC."

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone in the world's media  2019-08-06:Dear, I was discharged yesterday. I am concerned that police officers and prosecutors may "assassinate me".

To everyone in the world's media 

2019-08-06:Dear, I was discharged yesterday.
I am concerned that police officers and prosecutors may "assassinate me".
In Japan, as in my case, if they "collusion" I could be "killed".
Suppose that you have "Attachment" the "evidence photograph"
of the murder scene to the Complaint letter and "submit" it to the prosecution.
However, you can not make a "trial" unless the prosecution accepts the "Complaint letter".

Part 1. This is a fact.
So I "publish" the "bill of indictment".
We search for "law" and make it possible to "verify".
In the open materials, the prosecution's "document for rejection reasons" is also disclosed.

We have not violated the law.
If you have the basic knowledge of the law,
you can understand "errors in applicable law".
The reason for the crime is not to be guilty.
If you understand the law,
At this point, "bill of indictmen" is "illegal".

It is not a "legal interpretation" of Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code.
It is that "the contents of Article 22-4- (4)
of the Immigration Control Act" is "described" in "the reason for the crime".

"The reason for the crime" states:
It is said that Chinese people have obtained "Certificate of Residence"
by submitting to Immigration the "false documents" stipulated
in Article 22-4- (4) of the Immigration Control Act.
It clearly states the fact that we "issued" false documents "to the Chinese.
It is clearly stated that "we" have "helped" the Chinese to violate
the "Immigration Control Article 22-4- (4)". .

So please look at Article 22-4- (4) of the Immigration Act.
This violation is not a punishment.
It is only to "cancel" the status of residence issued by the Minister of Justice.
It will become "deportation" if there is no "Certificate of residence".

I think you can understand that Japan's judicial administration is "rotten".
I will continue tomorrow.

Please see "bill of indictment" at "site" below.
If you look at this case "bill of indictment", you can understand "error of applicable law".

Please see the "English translation" and "Japanese original" PDF.
Please be careful about the handling of personal information.
● Translation into English "Indictment letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference. Exactly, please go by yourself.
● Japanese original text "Proceeding letter letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. For English translation, please see the above "PDF".

You can check the latest full text
of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act at the following site:
(Japanese and English)

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it
by terrorism. But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships"
of unlawful labor with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act
 (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
 (Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" have no causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The documents are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media *******************

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information ****

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



Opinion from Japanese 朝鮮民主人民共和国最高领导人金正恩殿下。 2019-07-31:亲爱的先生们,我明天将住院,所以发送邮件将被暂停。 它将从8月6日恢复。 如果传输没有恢复,请认为我身边有危险。








“对Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku的起诉”
“对Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku(日语)的起诉”











你诚挚的。 Yasuhiro Nagano






我的资料 ****

地址Mihamaku Chiba-City Japan
名称Yasuhiro Nagano Nagano Hirohiro


Opinion from Japanese To President Trump 2019-07-31:Dear Sirs, I will be hospitalized from tomorrow, so I will stop sending emails. It will resume from August 6th. If transmission does not resume, please think that there is a danger on my side.

To President Trump

2019-07-31:Dear Sirs, I will be hospitalized from tomorrow,
so I will stop sending emails. It will resume from August 6th.
If transmission does not resume, please think that there is a danger on my side.

Part 1. Japanese police and prosecutors said.
"You should admit your crimes in" General logic "."
This is the fact of Japan's judiciary.
Look at "bill of indictment" (Kisojo).

Japan should be a "legal state."
The reality is 100% understood if you look at the "bill of indictment".

I was Objections to the prosecutor.
But the prosecutor said.
"Who will believe what you say?"
"Nobody believes in your" logic of law ", yo!".
It was a fact. No Japanese believes.
However, foreigners such as ambassadors are encouraging me.
Thank you.
There were "only", "people" who "supported" my "logic".
That is the "prison officers."
But the "prison officers" have no "power" to help me.

I think you can understand that Japan's judicial administration is "rotten".
It will continue on August 6.

Please see "bill of indictment" at "site" below.
If you look at this case "bill of indictment",
you can understand "error of applicable law".

Please see the "English translation" and "Japanese original" PDF.
Please be careful about the handling of personal information.
● Translation into English "Indictment letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference. Exactly, please go by yourself.
● Japanese original text "Proceeding letter letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. For English translation, please see the above "PDF".

You can check the latest full text of the Immigration Control
and Refugee Recognition Act at the following site:
(Japanese and English)

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
 (Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" have no causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".
The documents are below.
There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ******

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Opinion from Japanese

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Ministerpräsidenten

2019-07-31: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ab morgen werde ich ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert, sodass das Senden von E-Mails unterbrochen wird.
Es wird ab dem 6. August fortgesetzt.
Wenn die Übertragung nicht fortgesetzt wird, denken Sie bitte, dass auf meiner Seite eine Gefahr besteht.

Teil 1. Japanische Polizei und Staatsanwälte sagten.
"Sie sollten Ihre Verbrechen in" Allgemeine Logik "zugeben."
Dies ist die Tatsache der japanischen Justiz.
Schauen Sie sich die "Anklageschrift" (Kisojo) an.

Japan sollte ein "Rechtsstaat" sein.
Die Realität wird zu 100% verstanden, wenn man sich die "Anklageschrift" ansieht.

Ich war Einwände gegen die Staatsanwaltschaft.
Aber der Staatsanwalt sagte.
"Wer wird glauben, was du sagst?"
"Niemand glaubt an Ihre" Logik des Gesetzes ", yo!".
Es war eine Tatsache. Kein Japaner glaubt.
Ausländer wie Botschafter ermutigen mich jedoch.
Vielen Dank
Es gab "nur", "Leute", die "meine" Logik "" unterstützten ".
Das sind die "Gefängnisbeamten".
Aber die "Gefängnisbeamten" haben keine "Macht", mir zu helfen.

Ich denke, Sie können verstehen, dass Japans Justizverwaltung "faul" ist.
Es wird am 6. August fortgesetzt.

Bitte beachten Sie "Anklageschrift" auf "Website" unten.
Dieser Vorfall befasst sich nur mit dieser "Anklageschrift",
Sie können "Fehler des anwendbaren Rechts" verstehen.

Bitte beachten Sie die PDF-Dateien "Englische Übersetzung" und "Japanisches Original".
Bitte seien Sie vorsichtig beim Umgang mit persönlichen Daten.
● Übersetzung ins Englische "Anklageschreiben"
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
Die englische Übersetzung dient als Referenz. Genau, bitte gehen Sie alleine.
● Japanischer Originaltext "Verfahrensschreiben Anklageschreiben"
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanisch)"
Die englische Übersetzung ist falsch. Die englische Übersetzung finden Sie im obigen "PDF".

Das Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen an folgender Stelle:
Sie können den neuesten Volltext des Gesetzes über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen einsehen.
(Japanisch und Englisch)

Teil 2. Ich "klage" zwei Dinge.
Dies ist eine "internationale" Menschenrechtsverletzung, die von der japanischen Regierung begangen wurde.
Es wird fast 10 Jahre nach dem Vorfall sein. Mein Leben ist begrenzt.
Wir bitten um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere "Honor Recovery and Reparations" stattfinden.
Wenn die Welt "Regel unter dem Gesetz" ignoriert, ist es natürlich, sie durch Terrorismus zu regeln. Aber es ist verrückt.

1. Ausländer verrichteten "illegale Arbeit" mit Ausnahme der "Qualifikation des Wohnsitzes". Aber Ausländer sind nicht schuldig.
Nur Ausländer wurden nach dem Einwanderungskontrollgesetz Artikel 70 "Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen" bestraft.
Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz gilt hingegen für Arbeitgeber, bei denen es sich nach Artikel 73 Absatz 2 um "Kausalzusammenhänge" illegaler Arbeit handelt.
Ich werde dafür bestraft (ein Verbrechen, das ungesetzliche Arbeit fördert).

Die japanische Justiz "bestrafte" jedoch nur Ausländer, nicht aber "Arbeitgeber".
Dies ist eindeutig gegen die "Regel der Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz"
Und es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das es verbietet, nur Ausländer "willkürlich" zu "bestrafen".

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der illegal beschäftigte Ausländer hat, "unschuldig" ist, dann sind illegal beschäftigte Ausländer auch "unschuldig".
Wenn ja, gibt es niemanden, der "andere Straftaten im Strafrecht unterstützt" hat, gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.
"Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat aus den Philippinen und ein Beamter der philippinischen Botschaft", bin nicht schuldig.

2. Die Staatsanwaltschaft sagte: "Unterstützung für Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes"
Für Artikel 70 und Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes
Es ist "verrückt", "Sünde anzuwenden, um andere Verbrechen zu unterstützen".
Dies ist die Logik des Gesetzes ist falsch.

Ausländer sind Einwanderungskontrolle Artikel 22-4-4
Durchführung der in vorgeschriebenen Handlung (Erwerb des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Unterlagen).
Hierfür gibt es jedoch keine "strafrechtliche Bestrafung".
Die Bestimmungen lauten "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Abschiebung ins Ausland" durch den Justizminister.
Daher können die "Strafgesetzbuch Artikel 60 und Artikel 62" Sünden zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten "nicht angewendet werden.
Die "kriminellen Gründe" des Immigrationskontrollgesetzes 22-4-4, auf die sich die "Anklage" bezieht, stehen in keinem kausalen Zusammenhang mit dem Immigrationskontrollgesetz 70.
In der Tat ist die Logik des Gesetzes falsch.

Die japanische Regierung zerschmettert die "Strafverfolgung".
Aber "vernichten" durch die Staatsmacht ist "stoppen" von "Verjährungsfrist".

Die Dokumente sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Yasuhiro Nagano

Es gibt viele amerikanische Opfer. Ich habe das mit meinen Augen gesehen.
Wenn die Anklage den Arbeitgeber nicht festnimmt, sind die Amerikaner nicht schuldig.
Die Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten sollte die Wiederherstellung und Entschädigung für die Ehre der Amerikaner fordern.
Bitte unterstützen Sie "Appell" an "ICC".

Meine Informationen *******************

Wir veröffentlichen im folgenden Programm.

Nationalität Japan

Nennen Sie Yasuhiro Nagano

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

Opinion from Japanese To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-07-31:Dear Sirs, I will be hospitalized from tomorrow, so I will stop sending emails. It will resume from August 6th. If transmission does not resume, please think that there is a danger on my side.

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2019-07-31:Dear Sirs, I will be hospitalized from tomorrow,
so I will stop sending emails. It will resume from August 6th.
If transmission does not resume, please think that there is a danger on my side.

Part 1. Japanese police and prosecutors said.
"You should admit your crimes in" General logic "."
This is the fact of Japan's judiciary.
Look at "bill of indictment" (Kisojo).

Japan should be a "legal state."
The reality is 100% understood if you look at the "bill of indictment".

I was Objections to the prosecutor.
But the prosecutor said.
"Who will believe what you say?"
"Nobody believes in your" logic of law ", yo!".
It was a fact. No Japanese believes.
However, foreigners such as ambassadors are encouraging me.
Thank you.
There were "only", "people" who "supported" my "logic".
That is the "prison officers."
But the "prison officers" have no "power" to help me.

I think you can understand that Japan's judicial administration is "rotten".
It will continue on August 6.

Please see "bill of indictment" at "site" below.
If you look at this case "bill of indictment",
you can understand "error of applicable law".

Please see the "English translation" and "Japanese original" PDF.
Please be careful about the handling of personal information.
● Translation into English "Indictment letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference. Exactly, please go by yourself.
● Japanese original text "Proceeding letter letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. For English translation, please see the above "PDF".

You can check the latest full text of the Immigration Control
and Refugee Recognition Act at the following site:
(Japanese and English)

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
 (Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" have no causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".
The documents are below.
There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

There are many American victims. I have seen this with my eyes.
If the prosecution does not arrest the employer, the Americans are not guilty.
The United States government should claim restoration and compensation
for the honor of Americans.
please support the "Appeal" to the "ICC."

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

Opinion from Japanese To everyone in the world's media  2019-07-31:Dear Sirs, I will be hospitalized from tomorrow, so I will stop sending emails. It will resume from August 6th. If transmission does not resume, please think that there is a danger on my side.

To everyone in the world's media 

2019-07-31:Dear Sirs, I will be hospitalized from tomorrow,
so I will stop sending emails. It will resume from August 6th.
If transmission does not resume, please think that there is a danger on my side.

Part 1. Japanese police and prosecutors said.
"You should admit your crimes in" General logic "."
This is the fact of Japan's judiciary.
Look at "bill of indictment" (Kisojo).

Japan should be a "legal state."
The reality is 100% understood if you look at the "bill of indictment".

I was Objections to the prosecutor.
But the prosecutor said.
"Who will believe what you say?"
"Nobody believes in your" logic of law ", yo!".
It was a fact. No Japanese believes.
However, foreigners such as ambassadors are encouraging me.
Thank you.
There were "only", "people" who "supported" my "logic".
That is the "prison officers."
But the "prison officers" have no "power" to help me.

I think you can understand that Japan's judicial administration is "rotten".
It will continue on August 6.

Please see "bill of indictment" at "site" below.
If you look at this case "bill of indictment",
you can understand "error of applicable law".

Please see the "English translation" and "Japanese original" PDF.
Please be careful about the handling of personal information.
● Translation into English "Indictment letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference. Exactly, please go by yourself.
● Japanese original text "Proceeding letter letter of indictment"
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. For English translation, please see the above "PDF".

You can check the latest full text of the Immigration Control
and Refugee Recognition Act at the following site:
(Japanese and English)

Part 2. I "suing" two things.
This is an "international" human rights abuse committed by the Japanese government.
It will be nearly 10 years from the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our "Honor Recovery and Reparations" will take place.
If the world ignores "rule under the law", it is natural to settle it by terrorism.
But it's crazy.

1. Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence".
But foreigners are not guilty.
Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are "causal relationships" of unlawful labor
with Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act (a crime that promotes unlawful work).

However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers".
This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law"
And it violates international law that prohibits "punishing" only foreigners "arbitrarily".

If an employer who has illegally employed foreigners is "innocent",
then illegally worked foreigners are also "innocent."
If so, there is no "one who has assisted other crimes in criminal law"
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, a diplomat from the Philippines,
and a Philippine embassy official" are not guilty.

2. Prosecutors "apply" "the crime to support other crimes" of Article 60
and Article 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the basis of "support of Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act" It's crazy.
This is the logic of the law is wrong.

Foreigners have acted as stipulated in Article 22-4-4
 (Acquisition of status of residence by filing false documents).
However, there is no "criminal punishment" for this.
The dispositions are "cancellation of status of residence"
and "deportation abroad" by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, "Criminal Code Article 60
and Article 62" Sins to support other crimes "can not be applied.
The "crime reasons" of the Immigration Control Act 22-4-4 pointed out
by the "indictment" have no causal relationship with the Immigration Control Act 70.
Indeed, the logic of the law is wrong.

The Japanese government is crushing "prosecution."
But "crush" by the state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".
The documents are below.
There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media *******************

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information ****

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



朝鮮民主人民共和国最高领导人金正恩殿下。 2019-07-30:亲爱的先生们,记者说日本是“中国化”。 我认为美国也是“中国化”。 特朗普说:“如果你不喜欢美国,那就出去吧!” 特朗普总统的“最好朋友的条件”似乎是“共产主义国家的独裁者”。













“对Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku的起诉”
“对Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku(日语)的起诉”











你诚挚的。 Yasuhiro Nagano






我的资料 ****

地址Mihamaku Chiba-City Japan
名称Yasuhiro Nagano Nagano Hirohiro


2025-01-24: ستجتاح السيارات ذات المحرك الهيدروجيني المنخفض التكلفة من الجزائر العالم. رينو وهوندا، اللتان تخلتا عن سيارات محرك الاحتراق الداخلي، ليس لديهما مستقبل. يجب على نيسان التخلي عن الاندماج.

 2025-01-24: إصدار الأسبوع. قد تهيمن فرنسا على الجيل القادم من "سيارات محرك الهيدروجين". في 11 يناير من العام الماضي، أصدرت شركة ت...