
To everyone in the world's media 2019-10-10: Dear Sir, I explain to the "Advisor Lawyer" of the "Democratic Party" "This case is an error in the law that applies." The lawyer says, show me Article 64 of the Penal Code, and “the principal offense” is “the punishment of labor”, so Articles 60 and 62 are “legal”. This is not the “answer”. Crazy. This political party “opposed” to “legislation” of “conspiracy to commit”. Japanese human rights cannot be protected unless Lawyer services are open to foreign lawyers.

To everyone in the world's media 

As a journalist, report the truth of Japan's judicial administration.

2019-10-10: Dear Sir,
I explain to the "Advisor Lawyer" of the "Democratic Party" "This case is an error
in the law that applies." The lawyer says, show me Article 64 of the Penal Code,
and “the principal offense” is “the punishment of labor”,
so Articles 60 and 62 are “legal”. This is not the “answer”. Crazy.
This political party “opposed” to “legislation” of “conspiracy to commit”.
Japanese human rights cannot be protected unless Lawyer services are open to foreign lawyers.

Part 1. This is a criminal fact of Article 172 "Criticism
of False False" committed by a prosecutor of trial.

This description is omitted.
Police officers and prosecutors commit the following crimes:
1) “Indictment” with false “Sin name”.
This is Article 172 of the Criminal Code, “Sentence of False False Constitution”.
The reason was explained the day before.

2) Arrests and confines anything innocent and conducts "investigation" and "trial".
This is the “crime of abuse of authority by special civil servants”

in Article 194 of the Penal Code.
I explained this as well the day before.

See below for details of the law. (Japanese and English translation)

Please refer to the following Wikipedia for Article 172 of the Penal Code "Sin
of false accusation".

Please refer to the following Wikipedia for the Criminal Code Article 194 “Sinence
of Abuse of Official Rights by Special Officials”.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%AC%E5%8B%99%E5%93%A1%E8%81%B7%E6%A8%A9%E6%BF%AB%E7 % 94% A8% E7% BD% AA

Crime is a fact.
But they protect their peers.
And they “smash” “accusation”. *
They are continuing crime.
The same goes for the Diet members.
It seems that they understood "crime" by daily email.
Some parliamentarians “disturb” “outgoing mail” with “anonymous” email addresses.
The same applies to Japanese media.
They won't be able to "excuse".

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
This is an “international” “human rights violation” by the Japanese government.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our “honor recovery and compensation” will be carried out.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”, it is natural to resolve it by terrorism.
But crazy.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are “causal” of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to the principle of equality under the law
And it violates international law that prohibits "arbitrarily" "punishing" only foreigners.

If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent".
If so, there is no “person who supported other crimes of the Penal Code”
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official" is innocent.

2. The prosecution is “applying” the “crimes to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act
on the grounds of “support of the Immigration Act 22-4-4” It ’s crazy.
This is out of logic in the law.

A foreigner acted as prescribed in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence”
and “forced relocation” by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
The logic of the law is completely crazy.

The Japanese government has "crush" "sue".
However, “crush” by state power is “stop” of “Statute of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information ******

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



致朝鲜民主主义人民共和国最高领导人金正恩。 2019-10-09:亲爱的先生, 我向共产党控制的律师解释了“错误的申请法”。 “起诉书”中的“犯罪原因”不是犯罪。 她说:“可能还有其他法律适用。” 她不知道刑事审判。



两者均应处以“ 3年以下有期徒刑,300万日元以下的罚款”。











请参阅“英语翻译”和“日语文本” PDF。
英文翻译不正确。请参见上面的“ PDF”进行英语翻译。
●请参阅相关法律。 (日语和英语翻译)

















我的信息******** ****



To President Trump 2019-10-09: Dear Sir,She doesn't know criminal trials. Criminal trials are deliberated only on “reason for crime” and “applicable law” written in the “indictment”. Japanese lawyers cannot protect human rights. “Lawyer services in Japan” should be “open” to “foreign lawyers”.

To President Trump

2019-10-09: Dear Sir,
I explained to the communist controlled lawyer about the "wrong application law".
The “reason for crime” in the “indictment” is not a crime.
She says, "There may be other laws that apply."
She doesn't know criminal trials. Criminal trials are deliberated only
on “reason for crime” and “applicable law” written in the “indictment”.
Japanese lawyers cannot protect human rights.
“Lawyer services in Japan” should be “open” to “foreign lawyers”.

Part 1. The Immigration Control Act strictly responds to eliminate “simple labor”
by foreigners.
However, the cause and effect of “illegal labor” is employers
who employ “foreigners who are not eligible to work”.
Therefore, the Immigration Control Act punishes employers who hired illegally
under Immigration Act Article 73-2 “Sins to Promote Unlawful Employment”.
Foreigners who have worked illegally are
also subject to the immigration law Article 70 “Crime of Unqualified Labor”
and both of them are entitled to imprisonment of 3 years
or less and a fine of 3 million yen or less.
Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act “Sin
which promotes illegal employment” is a “both punishment provision”
of “Company with individuals”.

As can be seen from the above, by "punishing equally under the law",
we are taking strict measures that do not violate "international law".

Therefore, it is illegal, not “equality under the law”,
to punish only Filipinos without punishing “employers”
who are the cause of “illegal labor outside of qualification”.

In the bill of indictment,
the “Causality”
of the “Filipino” Immigration Act Article 70 “Unqualified Labor” is clearly different
from the Immigration Act Article 73-2.

If you don't punish employers who hire them illegally,
“Illegal labor” means “does not exist”.

Philippines are not "illegal immigrants" that "Trump President" hates.
They are not foreigners who “stay illegally”.
They were staying in Japan under the “Resident Status” from the Minister of Justice.

Even if they want to work illegally, they can't work unless employers hire them.
Philippine people who worked illegally are "victims".

Japan accepts “simple workers” as “international students”
and “technical internship students”.
However, the reality is “simple workers”.
International students can work 28 hours a week.
However, the actual situation is working more than 100 hours a week.
And when they get in the way, they are deported.
All are "responsibility" of "International students".
This is the offense of Article 70 “Labor outside of qualification”.
Japan has a “notification system” for “illegal labor”.
The “reporter” will receive a 50,000 yen bounty.

Japan has a shortage of labor due to the declining birthrate and aging population.
Acceptance of “simple workers” is necessary.
To that end, the resolution of “this incident” is a top priority.

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
This is an “international” “human rights violation” by the Japanese government.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our “honor recovery and compensation” will be carried out.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”, it is natural to resolve it by terrorism.
But crazy.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are “causal” of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
 (crimes that promote illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to the principle of equality under the law
And it violates international law that prohibits "arbitrarily" "punishing" only foreigners.

If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent".
If so, there is no “person who supported other crimes of the Penal Code”
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official" is innocent.

2. The prosecution is “applying” the “crimes to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act
on the grounds of “support of the Immigration Act 22-4-4” It ’s crazy.
This is out of logic in the law.

A foreigner acted as prescribed in Article 22-4-4
 (Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
The logic of the law is completely crazy.

The Japanese government has "crush" "sue".
However, “crush” by state power is “stop” of “Statute of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ********

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-10-09: Monsieur, J'ai expliqué à l'avocat contrôlé par le communiste au sujet de la "loi d'application erronée". La «raison du crime» dans «l'acte d'accusation» n'est pas un crime. Elle dit: "Il peut y avoir d'autres lois qui s'appliquent."

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2019-10-09: Monsieur,
J'ai expliqué à l'avocat contrôlé par le communiste au sujet de la "loi d'application erronée".
La «raison du crime» dans «l'acte d'accusation» n'est pas un crime.
Elle dit: "Il peut y avoir d'autres lois qui s'appliquent."
Elle ne connaît pas les procès criminels.
Les procès pénaux ne sont délibérés que sur les "motifs du crime" et la "loi applicable" inscrits dans "l'acte d'accusation".
Les avocats japonais ne peuvent pas protéger les droits de l'homme.
«Les services d’avocat au Japon» devraient être «ouverts» aux «avocats étrangers».

Partie 1 La Loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration répond strictement à éliminer le «travail simple» des étrangers.
Cependant, la cause et l'effet du «travail illégal» sont des employeurs qui emploient des «étrangers qui ne sont pas autorisés à travailler».
Pour cette raison, la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration prévoit que les employés embauchés illégalement sont visés à l'article 73-2.
Nous punissons le "péché qui favorise l'emploi illégal".
Les étrangers qui travaillaient illégalement étaient également stipulés à l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration intitulée «Crime du travail non qualifié».
Les deux sont passibles de la combinaison de «3 ans ou moins en prison, amende de 3 millions de yens ou moins».
L'article 73-2 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, intitulé «Le péché qui favorise l'emploi illégal», est une «disposition prévoyant à la fois une sanction» et une «entreprise avec des individus».

Comme vous pouvez le voir, en "punissant également en vertu de la loi"
Nous répondons rigoureusement sans violer le droit international.

Donc, sans punir "l'employeur" qui est la cause du "travail illégal en dehors de la qualification"
Il est illégal de punir uniquement les Philippins, pas «l'égalité devant la loi».

En outre, dans l'acte d'accusation, l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration «philippine»
Le «lien de causalité» du «travail non qualifié» est clairement différent de l'article 73-2 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.

Si vous ne punissez pas les employeurs qui les embauchent illégalement,
«Travail illégal» signifie «n'existe pas».

Les Philippines ne sont pas des "immigrants illégaux" que "le président Trump" déteste.
Ce ne sont pas des étrangers qui «restent illégalement».
Ils restaient au Japon sous le «statut de résident» du ministre de la Justice.

Même s'ils veulent travailler illégalement, ils ne peuvent pas travailler à moins que leurs employeurs les embauchent.
Les Philippins qui travaillent illégalement sont des "victimes".

Le Japon accepte les «travailleurs simples» comme «étudiants internationaux» et «stagiaires techniques».
Cependant, la réalité est celle de «simples travailleurs».
Les étudiants internationaux peuvent travailler 28 heures par semaine.
Cependant, la situation actuelle travaille plus de 100 heures par semaine.
Et quand ils se mettent en travers du chemin, ils sont déportés.
Tous sont la "responsabilité" des "étudiants internationaux".
C'est l'infraction de l'article 70 «Travail hors qualification».
Le Japon dispose d’un «système de notification» pour le «travail illégal».
Le «journaliste» recevra une prime de 50 000 yens.

Le Japon manque de main-d'œuvre en raison de la baisse du taux de natalité et du vieillissement de la population.
L'acceptation des «simples travailleurs» est nécessaire.
À cette fin, la résolution de «cet incident» est une priorité absolue.

Cela continuera demain.

Veuillez consulter "Acte d'accusation" sur le "Site" suivant.
Dans ce cas, il suffit de regarder ce "acte d'accusation"
Vous pouvez comprendre les "erreurs de droit applicable".

Veuillez consulter les PDF «Traduction en anglais» et «Texte en japonais».
S'il vous plaît soyez prudent lorsque vous manipulez des informations personnelles.
● Traduction de la phrase anglaise «letter of incictment»
"Acte d'accusation contre Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
La traduction anglaise est pour référence seulement. Pour être précis, faites-le vous-même.
● Texte japonais original "lettre d'accusation"
"Acte d'accusation contre Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (japonais)"
La traduction anglaise est incorrecte. Veuillez consulter «PDF» ci-dessus pour la traduction en anglais.
● S'il vous plaît voir les lois connexes. (Traduction en japonais et en anglais)
1) Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié
Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié
2) droit pénal
Code pénal
3) Constitution du Japon
La constitution du japon

Partie 2 Je «poursuis» deux choses.
Il s'agit d'une «violation des droits de l'homme» «internationale» commise par le gouvernement japonais.
Près de 10 ans se sont écoulés depuis l'incident. Ma vie est limitée.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien afin que notre «recouvrement d’honneur et indemnisation» soit réalisée.
Si le monde ignore la «gouvernance sous la loi», il est naturel de la résoudre par le terrorisme. Mais fou.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un «travail illégal» autre que «la qualification de résidence». Mais les étrangers sont innocents.
Seuls les étrangers ont été sanctionnés pour l’article 70 de la loi sur l’immigration «Crimes de travail illégaux».
En revanche, la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration désigne les employeurs «causaux» de travail illégal à l'article 73-2.
Nous sommes punis par (péché qui a favorisé l'emploi illégal).

Cependant, la justice japonaise n'a «puni» que les étrangers, mais pas les «employeurs».
Ceci est clairement contraire au principe d'égalité devant la loi
Et cela viole le droit international qui interdit de "punir" uniquement les étrangers "de manière arbitraire".

Si un employeur qui embauche illégalement un étranger est "innocent", un étranger employé illégalement est également "innocent".
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe aucune «personne qui a soutenu d’autres crimes du Code pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, diplomate philippin, représentant de l'ambassade des Philippines", je suis innocent.

2 La poursuite est parce que "le soutien de l'article 22-4-4 du droit de l'immigration"
Il est «fou» d’appliquer le «crime pour soutenir d’autres crimes» aux articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal contre l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration.
C'est hors de logique dans la loi.

Loi sur l'immigration des étrangers, article 22-4-4
L’acte prescrit dans (Acquisition du statut de résidence par la présentation de faux documents) a été accompli.
Cependant, il n'y a pas de «sanction pénale» pour cela.
La disposition est «annulation du statut de résidence» et «réinstallation forcée» par le ministre de la Justice.
Par conséquent, le «crime pour soutenir d'autres crimes» aux articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal n'est pas applicable.
Le «motif du crime» énoncé à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration énoncé dans «l'acte d'accusation» n'a aucun lien de causalité avec l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration.
La logique du droit est complètement folle.

Le gouvernement japonais a "écraser" "poursuivre".
Toutefois, le «béguinage» par le pouvoir de l’État est un «arrêt» de «délai de prescription».

Les matériaux sont ci-dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.

Cordialement. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il y a beaucoup de victimes américaines. Je l'ai vu de cet œil.
Les Américains sont également non coupables si la poursuite n'arrête pas l'employeur.
Le gouvernement américain devrait réclamer la restauration et l’indemnisation de l’honneur américain.
S'il vous plaît soutenir "poursuivre" à "CPI".

Il est publié dans le blog suivant.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous pour toutes questions.

Angela Merkel zum deutschen Ministerpräsidenten 09.10.2019: Sehr geehrter Herr,Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz reagiert strikt auf die Beseitigung der "einfachen Arbeit" durch Ausländer.

Angela Merkel zum deutschen Ministerpräsidenten

09.10.2019: Sehr geehrter Herr,
Ich erklärte dem kommunistisch kontrollierten Anwalt das "Gesetz der falschen Anwendung".
Der "Grund für das Verbrechen" in der "Anklage" ist kein Verbrechen.
Sie sagt: "Möglicherweise gelten andere Gesetze."
Sie kennt keine Strafverfahren.
Strafverfahren werden nur aus Gründen der Straftat und aufgrund des in der Anklageschrift enthaltenen anwendbaren Rechts geprüft.
Japanische Anwälte können die Menschenrechte nicht schützen.
"Anwaltsleistungen in Japan" sollten "ausländischen Anwälten" offen stehen.

Teil 1. Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz reagiert strikt auf die Beseitigung der "einfachen Arbeit" durch Ausländer.
Ursache und Wirkung von „illegaler Arbeit“ sind jedoch Arbeitgeber, die „nicht arbeitsberechtigte Ausländer“ beschäftigen.
Aus diesem Grund sieht das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz illegal eingestellte Mitarbeiter als Artikel 73-2 vor
Wir bestrafen für "Sünde, die illegale Beschäftigung fördert".
Ausländer, die illegal arbeiteten, waren auch in Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes „Verbrechen unqualifizierter Arbeit“ festgelegt.
Für beide wird eine Geldstrafe von 3 oder weniger Jahren und eine Geldstrafe von 3 Millionen Yen oder weniger verhängt.
Artikel 73-2 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes „Sünde, die illegale Beschäftigung fördert“ ist eine „Beide-Strafen-Bestimmung“ von „Unternehmen mit Einzelpersonen“.

Wie Sie sehen können, indem Sie "gleichermaßen nach dem Gesetz bestrafen"
Wir reagieren konsequent, ohne das Völkerrecht zu verletzen.

Deshalb, ohne den "Arbeitgeber" zu bestrafen, der die Ursache für "illegale Arbeit außerhalb der Qualifikation" ist
Es ist illegal, nur Filipinos zu bestrafen, nicht "Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz".

Auch in der Anklageschrift, "philippinischen" Einwanderungsgesetz Artikel 70
Der „Kausalzusammenhang“ von „unqualifizierter Arbeit“ unterscheidet sich deutlich von Artikel 73-2 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.

Wenn Sie keine Arbeitgeber bestrafen, die sie illegal einstellen,
"Illegale Arbeit" bedeutet "existiert nicht".

Die Philippinen sind keine "illegalen Einwanderer", die "Trump President" hasst.
Sie sind keine Ausländer, die „illegal bleiben“.
Sie blieben in Japan unter dem "Resident Status" des Justizministers.

Selbst wenn sie illegal arbeiten wollen, können sie nur dann arbeiten, wenn Arbeitgeber sie einstellen.
Philippinische Menschen, die illegal gearbeitet haben, sind "Opfer".

Japan akzeptiert "einfache Arbeiter" als "internationale Studenten" und "technische Praktikanten".
Die Realität ist jedoch "einfache Arbeiter".
Internationale Studierende können 28 Stunden pro Woche arbeiten.
Die tatsächliche Situation ist jedoch mehr als 100 Stunden pro Woche.
Und wenn sie in die Quere kommen, werden sie abgeschoben.
Alle sind "Verantwortung" von "internationalen Studenten".
Dies ist das Vergehen von Artikel 70 „Arbeit außerhalb der Qualifikation“.
Japan hat ein "Meldesystem" für "illegale Arbeit".
Der „Reporter“ erhält eine Prämie von 50.000 Yen.

Japan hat einen Mangel an Arbeitskräften aufgrund der sinkenden Geburtenrate und der alternden Bevölkerung.
Akzeptanz von "einfachen Arbeitern" ist notwendig.
Zu diesem Zweck hat die Lösung dieses Vorfalls oberste Priorität.

Es wird morgen weitergehen.

Siehe "Anklageschrift" auf der folgenden "Site".
In diesem Fall nur auf diese "Anklageschrift"
Sie können "Fehler des anwendbaren Rechts" verstehen.

Bitte lesen Sie die PDF-Dateien „Englische Übersetzung“ und „Japanischer Text“.
Bitte seien Sie vorsichtig beim Umgang mit persönlichen Daten.
● Übersetzung des englischen Satzes "Letter of Indictment"
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
Die englische Übersetzung dient nur als Referenz. Um genau zu sein, machen Sie es selbst.
● Japanischer Originaltext „Anklageschreiben“
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanisch)"
Die englische Übersetzung ist falsch. Die englische Übersetzung finden Sie oben unter "PDF".
● Bitte beachten Sie die entsprechenden Gesetze. (Japanische und englische Übersetzung)
1) Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen
Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen
2) Strafrecht
3) Verfassung Japans
Die Verfassung von Japan

Teil 2. Ich "verklage" zwei Dinge.
Dies ist eine "internationale" "Menschenrechtsverletzung" durch die japanische Regierung.
Seit dem Vorfall sind fast 10 Jahre vergangen. Mein Leben ist begrenzt.
Wir bitten Sie um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere „Honor Recovery and Compensation“ durchgeführt wird.
Wenn die Welt die „Governance nach dem Gesetz“ ignoriert, ist es selbstverständlich, dass sie durch Terrorismus gelöst wird. Aber verrückt.

1. Ausländer verrichteten „illegale Arbeit“ mit Ausnahme der „Qualifikation des Wohnsitzes“. Aber Ausländer sind unschuldig.
Für den einwanderungsrechtlichen Artikel 70 „Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen“ wurden nur Ausländer bestraft.
Andererseits bestimmt das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz Arbeitgeber, die für illegale Arbeit „ursächlich“ sind, als Artikel 73-2
Wir werden bestraft durch (Sünde, die illegale Beschäftigung fördert).

Die japanische Justiz "bestraft" jedoch nur Ausländer, nicht aber "Arbeitgeber".
Dies verstößt eindeutig gegen den Grundsatz der Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz
Und es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das die "willkürliche" "Bestrafung" nur von Ausländern verbietet.

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der einen Ausländer illegal anstellt, "unschuldig" ist, ist ein illegal angestellter Ausländer auch "unschuldig".
In diesem Fall gibt es keine „Person, die andere Straftaten des Strafgesetzbuchs“ gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes unterstützt hat.
"Ich, KinGungaku, philippinischer Diplomat, philippinischer Botschaftsbeamter" ist unschuldig.

2. Die Anklage ist, weil "Unterstützung von Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes"
Es ist "verrückt", das "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung anderer Verbrechen" in Artikel 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes "anzuwenden".
Dies ist gesetzlich unlogisch.

Ausländerzuwanderungsgesetz Artikel 22-4-4
Die in (Erlangung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente) vorgeschriebene Handlung wurde durchgeführt.
Hierfür gibt es jedoch keine „strafrechtliche Bestrafung“.
Entsorgung ist "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Zwangsumsiedlung" durch den Justizminister.
Daher ist das "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten" in den Artikeln 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs nicht anwendbar.
Der durch die Anklage hervorgehobene „Grund für Straftaten“ in Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes steht in keinem kausalen Zusammenhang mit Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes.
Die Logik des Gesetzes ist völlig verrückt.

Die japanische Regierung hat "verknallt" "verklagt".
Allerdings ist „zermalmen“ durch die Staatsmacht ein „Stopp“ der „Verjährungsfrist“.

Die Materialien sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.

Beste Grüße Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

Es gibt viele amerikanische Opfer. Ich habe es mit diesem Auge gesehen.
Amerikaner sind auch nicht schuldig, wenn die Anklage den Arbeitgeber nicht festnimmt.
Die US-Regierung sollte die Wiederherstellung und Entschädigung der amerikanischen Ehre fordern.
Bitte unterstütze "Sue" bis "ICC".

Meine Informationen ******************

Es wird im folgenden Blog veröffentlicht.

Nationalität Japan

Nennen Sie Yasuhiro Nagano

E-Mail  nagano_ mirai@yahoo.co.jp

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns bei Fragen.

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-10-09: Dear Sir, She doesn't know criminal trials. Criminal trials are deliberated only on “reason for crime” and “applicable law” written in the “indictment”. Japanese lawyers cannot protect human rights. “Lawyer services in Japan” should be “open” to “foreign lawyers”.

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2019-10-09: Dear Sir,
I explained to the communist controlled lawyer about the "wrong application law".
The “reason for crime” in the “indictment” is not a crime.
She says, "There may be other laws that apply."
She doesn't know criminal trials. Criminal trials are deliberated only
on “reason for crime” and “applicable law” written in the “indictment”.
Japanese lawyers cannot protect human rights.
“Lawyer services in Japan” should be “open” to “foreign lawyers”.

Part 1. The Immigration Control Act strictly responds to eliminate “simple labor”
by foreigners.
However, the cause and effect of “illegal labor” is employers
who employ “foreigners who are not eligible to work”.
Therefore, the Immigration Control Act punishes employers who hired illegally
under Immigration Act Article 73-2 “Sins to Promote Unlawful Employment”.
Foreigners who have worked illegally are
also subject to the immigration law Article 70 “Crime of Unqualified Labor”
and both of them are entitled to imprisonment of 3 years
or less and a fine of 3 million yen or less.
Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act “Sin
which promotes illegal employment” is a “both punishment provision”
of “Company with individuals”.

As can be seen from the above, by "punishing equally under the law",
we are taking strict measures that do not violate "international law".

Therefore, it is illegal, not “equality under the law”,
to punish only Filipinos without punishing “employers”
who are the cause of “illegal labor outside of qualification”.

In the bill of indictment,
the “Causality”
of the “Filipino” Immigration Act Article 70 “Unqualified Labor” is clearly different
from the Immigration Act Article 73-2.

If you don't punish employers who hire them illegally,
“Illegal labor” means “does not exist”.

Philippines are not "illegal immigrants" that "Trump President" hates.
They are not foreigners who “stay illegally”.
They were staying in Japan under the “Resident Status” from the Minister of Justice.

Even if they want to work illegally, they can't work unless employers hire them.
Philippine people who worked illegally are "victims".

Japan accepts “simple workers” as “international students”
and “technical internship students”.
However, the reality is “simple workers”.
International students can work 28 hours a week.
However, the actual situation is working more than 100 hours a week.
And when they get in the way, they are deported.
All are "responsibility" of "International students".
This is the offense of Article 70 “Labor outside of qualification”.
Japan has a “notification system” for “illegal labor”.
The “reporter” will receive a 50,000 yen bounty.

Japan has a shortage of labor due to the declining birthrate and aging population.
Acceptance of “simple workers” is necessary.
To that end, the resolution of “this incident” is a top priority.

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
This is an “international” “human rights violation” by the Japanese government.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our “honor recovery and compensation” will be carried out.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”, it is natural to resolve it by terrorism.
But crazy.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are “causal” of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
 (crimes that promote illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to the principle of equality under the law
And it violates international law that prohibits "arbitrarily" "punishing" only foreigners.

If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent".
If so, there is no “person who supported other crimes of the Penal Code”
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official" is innocent.

2. The prosecution is “applying” the “crimes to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act
on the grounds of “support of the Immigration Act 22-4-4” It ’s crazy.
This is out of logic in the law.

A foreigner acted as prescribed in Article 22-4-4
 (Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
The logic of the law is completely crazy.

The Japanese government has "crush" "sue".
However, “crush” by state power is “stop” of “Statute of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

There are many American victims. I have seen this with my eyes.
If the prosecution does not arrest the employer, the Americans are not guilty.
The United States government should claim restoration and compensation
for the honor of Americans.
please support the "Appeal" to the "ICC."

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To everyone in the world's media  As a journalist, report the truth of Japan's judicial administration. 2019-10-09: Dear Sir, I explained to the communist controlled lawyer about the "wrong application law". The “reason for crime” in the “indictment” is not a crime. She says, "There may be other laws that apply."

To everyone in the world's media 

As a journalist, report the truth of Japan's judicial administration.

2019-10-09: Dear Sir,
I explained to the communist controlled lawyer about the "wrong application law".
The “reason for crime” in the “indictment” is not a crime.
She says, "There may be other laws that apply."
She doesn't know criminal trials. Criminal trials are deliberated only
on “reason for crime” and “applicable law” written in the “indictment”.
Japanese lawyers cannot protect human rights.
“Lawyer services in Japan” should be “open” to “foreign lawyers”.

Part 1. The Immigration Control Act strictly responds to eliminate “simple labor”
by foreigners.
However, the cause and effect of “illegal labor” is employers
who employ “foreigners who are not eligible to work”.
Therefore, the Immigration Control Act punishes employers who hired illegally
under Immigration Act Article 73-2 “Sins to Promote Unlawful Employment”.
Foreigners who have worked illegally are
also subject to the immigration law Article 70 “Crime of Unqualified Labor”
and both of them are entitled to imprisonment of 3 years
or less and a fine of 3 million yen or less.
Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act “Sin
which promotes illegal employment” is a “both punishment provision”
of “Company with individuals”.

As can be seen from the above, by "punishing equally under the law",
we are taking strict measures that do not violate "international law".

Therefore, it is illegal, not “equality under the law”,
to punish only Filipinos without punishing “employers”
who are the cause of “illegal labor outside of qualification”.

In the bill of indictment,
the “Causality”
of the “Filipino” Immigration Act Article 70 “Unqualified Labor” is clearly different
from the Immigration Act Article 73-2.

If you don't punish employers who hire them illegally,
“Illegal labor” means “does not exist”.

Philippines are not "illegal immigrants" that "Trump President" hates.
They are not foreigners who “stay illegally”.
They were staying in Japan under the “Resident Status” from the Minister of Justice.

Even if they want to work illegally, they can't work unless employers hire them.
Philippine people who worked illegally are "victims".

Japan accepts “simple workers” as “international students”
and “technical internship students”.
However, the reality is “simple workers”.
International students can work 28 hours a week.
However, the actual situation is working more than 100 hours a week.
And when they get in the way, they are deported.
All are "responsibility" of "International students".
This is the offense of Article 70 “Labor outside of qualification”.
Japan has a “notification system” for “illegal labor”.
The “reporter” will receive a 50,000 yen bounty.

Japan has a shortage of labor due to the declining birthrate and aging population.
Acceptance of “simple workers” is necessary.
To that end, the resolution of “this incident” is a top priority.

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
This is an “international” “human rights violation” by the Japanese government.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our “honor recovery and compensation” will be carried out.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”, it is natural to resolve it by terrorism.
But crazy.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are “causal” of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
 (crimes that promote illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to the principle of equality under the law
And it violates international law that prohibits "arbitrarily" "punishing" only foreigners.

If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent".
If so, there is no “person who supported other crimes of the Penal Code”
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official" is innocent.

2. The prosecution is “applying” the “crimes to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act
on the grounds of “support of the Immigration Act 22-4-4” It ’s crazy.
This is out of logic in the law.

A foreigner acted as prescribed in Article 22-4-4
 (Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
The logic of the law is completely crazy.

The Japanese government has "crush" "sue".
However, “crush” by state power is “stop” of “Statute of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information ******

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



Help, not just anybody, 最高领导人金正恩。 2019-10-08:亲爱的先生,我告诉“我的律师”,“起诉书”中的“犯罪原因”是错误的。 但是律师说:“说出程序的逻辑是没有用的。” 您应该向外国人“开放”日本​​的“律师服务”。













请参阅“英语翻译”和“日语文本” PDF。
英文翻译不正确。请参见上面的“ PDF”进行英语翻译。
●请参阅相关法律。 (日语和英语翻译)

















我的信息******** ****



Help, not just anybody,To President Trump 2019-10-08: Dear Sir,There is no “excuse” for police officers, prosecutors, and judges who “did not know the law”. They do not approve of their crimes. They need "extreme penalty".

To President Trump

2019-10-08: Dear Sir,
Violation of the Immigration Act Article 22-4-4 is not a “criminal penalty”.
I told "my lawyer" that the "reason for crime" in the "indictment" was wrong.
But the lawyer says, "It's no use saying the logic of the procedure."
You should “open” Japanese “lawyer services” to foreigners.

Part 1. Prosecutors arrested Filipinos for "unqualified labor".
He performed "crime" to make the Philippine "Imprisonment". (Usually a small fine).

To do so, he must comply with international law.
“I pretended” to dispose of “equality under the law”.
He “disguised” a “supporter”
who violated Article 70 of the Immigration Act so as not to violate international law.

This impersonation is important.
Acts that support Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act cannot be punished
because they are administrative measures.

So, it was disguised with the following scenario.
1) Philippine people
who worked illegally received “provided” “false fake employment contracts” from “supporters”.
2) So the Philippines were able to obtain a status of residence.
3) So the Philippines were able to stay in Japan.
4) So the Philippine people were able to do “unqualified work”.
Therefore, the Criminal Code 60 and 62 “Sinners Supporting Other Crimes”
against the Immigration Act Article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes” were applied.

“Criminal trial” is based on “bill of indictment”.
What should be deliberated is "reason for crime".
The criminal reason for “indictment” describes the act of Immigration Act 22-4-4
and the act to support it.
This fact is "administrative disposition" by the Minister of Justice.

Prosecutors, lawyers, and judges do not know this.
This is serious.

Even if you obtain “Resident Status” with “false documents”
 (contract documents for false employment), if you work within the scope
 of your status of residence, you will not become Article 70 “Unqualified Labor”.
The causal relationship that caused the Philippine people to violate Article 70
of the Immigration Law is because there were employers who hired them illegally.
The employer cannot make an “excuse” that he did not know Article 73-2
of the Immigration Control Act.
To that end, the July 2010 Immigration Act was amended.
The three-year grace period is over.
A “residence card” system was also introduced to facilitate confirmation.

There is no “excuse” for police officers,
prosecutors, and judges who “did not know the law”.
They do not approve of their crimes.
They need "extreme penalty".

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
This is an “international” “human rights violation” by the Japanese government.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our “honor recovery and compensation” will be carried out.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”,
it is natural to resolve it by terrorism. But crazy.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are “causal” of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to the principle of equality under the law
And it violates international law that prohibits "arbitrarily" "punishing" only foreigners.

If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent".
If so, there is no “person who supported other crimes of the Penal Code”
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official" is innocent.

2. The prosecution is “applying” the “crimes to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds
of “support of the Immigration Act 22-4-4” It ’s crazy.
This is out of logic in the law.

A foreigner acted as prescribed in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence”
and “forced relocation” by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
The logic of the law is completely crazy.

The Japanese government has "crush" "sue".
However, “crush” by state power is “stop” of “Statute of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ********

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Help, not just anybody,Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-10-08: Monsieur, Violation de la loi sur l'immigration L'article 22-4-4 n'est pas une "peine pénale". J'ai dit à "mon avocat" que la "raison du crime" dans "l'acte d'accusation" était fausse.

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2019-10-08: Monsieur,
Violation de la loi sur l'immigration L'article 22-4-4 n'est pas une "peine pénale".
J'ai dit à "mon avocat" que la "raison du crime" dans "l'acte d'accusation" était fausse.
Mais l'avocat dit: "Inutile de dire la logique de la procédure."
Vous devez «ouvrir» les «services d’avocat» japonais aux étrangers.

Partie 1 Les procureurs ont arrêté des Philippins pour "travail non qualifié".
Il a commis un "crime" pour faire "l'emprisonnement" aux Philippines.
(Généralement une petite amende).

Pour ce faire, il doit respecter le droit international.
«J'ai prétendu» disposer de «l'égalité devant la loi».
Il a «déguisé» un «partisan» qui avait violé l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration afin de ne pas enfreindre le droit international.

Cette usurpation d'identité est importante.
Les actes qui soutiennent l’article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration ne peuvent être sanctionnés car il s’agit de mesures administratives.

Donc, il a été déguisé avec le scénario suivant.
1) Les Philippins qui travaillent illégalement ont reçu "fourni" "de faux contrats de travail faux" de "supporters".
2) Les Philippines ont donc pu obtenir un statut de résidence.
3) Les Philippines ont donc pu rester au Japon.
4) Le peuple philippin a donc pu effectuer un «travail non qualifié».
Par conséquent, les articles 60 et 62 du code pénal de la loi sur l’immigration, article 70 «du crime de travail illégal»
"Les pécheurs pour aider d'autres crimes" a été appliqué.

Le «procès pénal» est basé sur un «acte d'accusation».
Ce qui devrait être délibéré est "la raison du crime".
La raison pénale pour «inculpation» décrit l'acte d'immigration Loi 22-4-4 et l'acte à l'appui.
Ce fait est une "décision administrative" du ministre de la Justice.

Les procureurs, les avocats et les juges ne le savent pas.
C'est sérieux.

Temporairement avec "faux documents" (documents contractuels de faux emploi)
Même si vous obtenez le "statut de résident", si vous travaillez dans le cadre de votre statut de résidence, vous ne serez pas dans l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration "Travail sans réserve".
Le lien de causalité qui a amené le peuple philippin à violer l’article 70 de la loi sur l’immigration est dû au fait que des employeurs les avaient embauchés illégalement.
L'employeur ne peut pas prétendre qu'il ne connaissait pas l'article 73-2 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
À cette fin, la loi sur l'immigration de juillet 2010 a été modifiée.
La période de grâce de trois ans est terminée.
Un système de «carte de séjour» a également été introduit pour faciliter la confirmation.

Il n'y a aucune "excuse" pour les policiers, les procureurs et les juges qui "ne connaissaient pas la loi".
Ils n'approuvent pas leurs crimes.
Ils ont besoin d'une "peine extrême".

Cela continuera demain.

Veuillez consulter "Acte d'accusation" sur le "Site" suivant.
Dans ce cas, il suffit de regarder ce "acte d'accusation"
Vous pouvez comprendre les "erreurs de droit applicable".

Veuillez consulter les PDF «Traduction en anglais» et «Texte en japonais».
S'il vous plaît soyez prudent lorsque vous manipulez des informations personnelles.
● Traduction de la phrase anglaise «letter of incictment»
"Acte d'accusation contre Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
La traduction anglaise est pour référence seulement. Pour être précis, faites-le vous-même.
● Texte japonais original "lettre d'accusation"
"Acte d'accusation contre Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (japonais)"
La traduction anglaise est incorrecte. Veuillez consulter «PDF» ci-dessus pour la traduction en anglais.
● S'il vous plaît voir les lois connexes. (Traduction en japonais et en anglais)
1) Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié
Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié
2) droit pénal
Code pénal
3) Constitution du Japon
La constitution du japon

Partie 2 Je «poursuis» deux choses.
Il s'agit d'une «violation des droits de l'homme» «internationale» commise par le gouvernement japonais.
Près de 10 ans se sont écoulés depuis l'incident. Ma vie est limitée.
Nous sollicitons votre soutien afin que notre «recouvrement d’honneur et indemnisation» soit réalisée.
Si le monde ignore la «gouvernance sous la loi», il est naturel de la résoudre par le terrorisme. Mais fou.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un «travail illégal» autre que «la qualification de résidence». Mais les étrangers sont innocents.
Seuls les étrangers ont été sanctionnés pour l’article 70 de la loi sur l’immigration «Crimes de travail illégaux».
En revanche, la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration désigne les employeurs «causaux» de travail illégal à l'article 73-2.
Nous sommes punis par (péché qui a favorisé l'emploi illégal).

Cependant, la justice japonaise n'a «puni» que les étrangers, mais pas les «employeurs».
Ceci est clairement contraire au principe d'égalité devant la loi
Et cela viole le droit international qui interdit de "punir" uniquement les étrangers "de manière arbitraire".

Si un employeur qui embauche illégalement un étranger est "innocent", un étranger employé illégalement est également "innocent".
Dans l’affirmative, il n’existe aucune «personne qui a soutenu d’autres crimes du Code pénal» contre l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration.
"Moi, KinGungaku, diplomate philippin, représentant de l'ambassade des Philippines", je suis innocent.

2 La poursuite est parce que "le soutien de l'article 22-4-4 du droit de l'immigration"
Il est «fou» d’appliquer le «crime pour soutenir d’autres crimes» aux articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal contre l’article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration.
C'est hors de logique dans la loi.

Loi sur l'immigration des étrangers, article 22-4-4
L’acte prescrit dans (Acquisition du statut de résidence par la présentation de faux documents) a été accompli.
Cependant, il n'y a pas de «sanction pénale» pour cela.
La disposition est «annulation du statut de résidence» et «réinstallation forcée» par le ministre de la Justice.
Par conséquent, le «crime pour soutenir d'autres crimes» aux articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal n'est pas applicable.
Le «motif du crime» énoncé à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration énoncé dans «l'acte d'accusation» n'a aucun lien de causalité avec l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration.
La logique du droit est complètement folle.

Le gouvernement japonais a "écraser" "poursuivre".
Toutefois, le «béguinage» par le pouvoir de l’État est un «arrêt» de «délai de prescription».

Les matériaux sont ci-dessous.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.

Cordialement. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il y a beaucoup de victimes américaines. Je l'ai vu de cet œil.
Les Américains sont également non coupables si la poursuite n'arrête pas l'employeur.
Le gouvernement américain devrait réclamer la restauration et l’indemnisation de l’honneur américain.
S'il vous plaît soutenir "poursuivre" à "CPI".

Il est publié dans le blog suivant.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous pour toutes questions.

Help, not just anybody,Angela Merkel zum deutschen Ministerpräsidenten 2019-10-08: Dazu muss er das Völkerrecht einhalten. "Ich habe vorgetäuscht", über "Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz" zu verfügen. Er "verkleidet" einen "Anhänger", der gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes verstößt, um nicht gegen das Völkerrecht zu verstoßen.

Angela Merkel zum deutschen Ministerpräsidenten

2019-10-08: Sehr geehrter Herr,
Verstoß gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz Artikel 22-4-4 ist keine „strafrechtliche Sanktion“.
Ich sagte "meinem Anwalt", dass der "Grund für das Verbrechen" in der "Anklage" falsch sei.
Aber der Anwalt sagt: "Es hat keinen Sinn, die Logik des Verfahrens auszudrücken."
Sie sollten die japanischen Anwaltsdienste für Ausländer öffnen.

Teil 1. Staatsanwälte verhafteten Filipinos wegen "unqualifizierter Arbeit".
Er führte "Verbrechen" durch, um die philippinische "Inhaftierung" zu erreichen.
(In der Regel eine kleine Geldstrafe).

Dazu muss er das Völkerrecht einhalten.
"Ich habe vorgetäuscht", über "Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz" zu verfügen.
Er "verkleidet" einen "Anhänger", der gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes verstößt, um nicht gegen das Völkerrecht zu verstoßen.

Dieser Identitätswechsel ist wichtig.
Rechtsakte, die Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes unterstützen, können nicht bestraft werden, da es sich um Verwaltungsmaßnahmen handelt.

So wurde es mit dem folgenden Szenario verkleidet.
1) Philippinische Menschen, die illegal arbeiteten, erhielten von „Anhängern“ „zur Verfügung gestellte“ „falsche gefälschte Arbeitsverträge“.
2) So konnten die Philippinen einen Aufenthaltsstatus erlangen.
3) Die Philippinen konnten also in Japan bleiben.
4) Das philippinische Volk konnte also „unqualifizierte Arbeit“ leisten.
Daher Artikel 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuches für Einwanderung Artikel 70 "Verbrechen der illegalen Arbeit"
"Sünder, die anderen Verbrechen helfen" wurde angewandt.

"Strafprozess" basiert auf "Anklageschrift".
Überlegt werden sollte "Grund zur Kriminalität".
Der strafrechtliche Grund für die „Anklage“ beschreibt den Akt des Einwanderungsgesetzes 22-4-4 und den Akt zu dessen Unterstützung.
Diese Tatsache ist eine "administrative Disposition" des Justizministers.

Staatsanwälte, Anwälte und Richter wissen das nicht.
Das ist ernst.

Vorübergehend mit "falschen Dokumenten" (Vertragsdokumente falscher Beschäftigung)
Auch wenn Sie "Resident Status" erhalten, wenn Sie im Rahmen Ihres Aufenthaltsstatus arbeiten, werden Sie nicht in den Immigration Act Artikel 70 "Unqualified Labour".
Der Kausalzusammenhang, durch den das philippinische Volk gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes verstieß, ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass es Arbeitgeber gab, die sie illegal eingestellt hatten.
Der Arbeitgeber kann keine „Entschuldigung“ dafür vorbringen, dass er Artikel 73-2 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes nicht kannte.
Zu diesem Zweck wurde das Zuwanderungsgesetz vom Juli 2010 geändert.
Die dreijährige Nachfrist ist abgelaufen.
Zur Erleichterung der Bestätigung wurde auch ein „Aufenthaltskartensystem“ eingeführt.

Es gibt keine „Entschuldigung“ für Polizisten, Staatsanwälte und Richter, die „das Gesetz nicht kannten“.
Sie billigen ihre Verbrechen nicht.
Sie brauchen "extreme Strafe".

Es wird morgen weitergehen.

Siehe "Anklageschrift" auf der folgenden "Site".
In diesem Fall nur auf diese "Anklageschrift"
Sie können "Fehler des anwendbaren Rechts" verstehen.

Bitte lesen Sie die PDF-Dateien „Englische Übersetzung“ und „Japanischer Text“.
Bitte seien Sie vorsichtig beim Umgang mit persönlichen Daten.
● Übersetzung des englischen Satzes "Letter of Indictment"
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
Die englische Übersetzung dient nur als Referenz. Um genau zu sein, machen Sie es selbst.
● Japanischer Originaltext „Anklageschreiben“
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanisch)"
Die englische Übersetzung ist falsch. Die englische Übersetzung finden Sie oben unter "PDF".
● Bitte beachten Sie die entsprechenden Gesetze. (Japanische und englische Übersetzung)
1) Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen
Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen
2) Strafrecht
3) Verfassung Japans
Die Verfassung von Japan

Teil 2. Ich "verklage" zwei Dinge.
Dies ist eine "internationale" "Menschenrechtsverletzung" durch die japanische Regierung.
Seit dem Vorfall sind fast 10 Jahre vergangen. Mein Leben ist begrenzt.
Wir bitten Sie um Ihre Unterstützung, damit unsere „Honor Recovery and Compensation“ durchgeführt wird.
Wenn die Welt die „Governance nach dem Gesetz“ ignoriert, ist es selbstverständlich, dass sie durch Terrorismus gelöst wird. Aber verrückt.

1. Ausländer verrichteten „illegale Arbeit“ mit Ausnahme der „Qualifikation des Wohnsitzes“. Aber Ausländer sind unschuldig.
Für den einwanderungsrechtlichen Artikel 70 „Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen“ wurden nur Ausländer bestraft.
Andererseits bestimmt das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz Arbeitgeber, die für illegale Arbeit „ursächlich“ sind, als Artikel 73-2
Wir werden bestraft durch (Sünde, die illegale Beschäftigung fördert).

Die japanische Justiz "bestraft" jedoch nur Ausländer, nicht aber "Arbeitgeber".
Dies verstößt eindeutig gegen den Grundsatz der Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz
Und es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das die "willkürliche" "Bestrafung" nur von Ausländern verbietet.

Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der einen Ausländer illegal anstellt, "unschuldig" ist, ist ein illegal angestellter Ausländer auch "unschuldig".
In diesem Fall gibt es keine „Person, die andere Straftaten des Strafgesetzbuchs“ gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes unterstützt hat.
"Ich, KinGungaku, philippinischer Diplomat, philippinischer Botschaftsbeamter" ist unschuldig.

2. Die Anklage ist, weil "Unterstützung von Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes"
Es ist "verrückt", das "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung anderer Verbrechen" in Artikel 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes "anzuwenden".
Dies ist gesetzlich unlogisch.

Ausländerzuwanderungsgesetz Artikel 22-4-4
Die in (Erlangung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente) vorgeschriebene Handlung wurde durchgeführt.
Hierfür gibt es jedoch keine „strafrechtliche Bestrafung“.
Entsorgung ist "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Zwangsumsiedlung" durch den Justizminister.
Daher ist das "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten" in den Artikeln 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs nicht anwendbar.
Der durch die Anklage hervorgehobene „Grund für Straftaten“ in Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes steht in keinem kausalen Zusammenhang mit Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes.
Die Logik des Gesetzes ist völlig verrückt.

Die japanische Regierung hat "verknallt" "verklagt".
Allerdings ist „zermalmen“ durch die Staatsmacht ein „Stopp“ der „Verjährungsfrist“.

Die Materialien sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.

Beste Grüße Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

Es gibt viele amerikanische Opfer. Ich habe es mit diesem Auge gesehen.
Amerikaner sind auch nicht schuldig, wenn die Anklage den Arbeitgeber nicht festnimmt.
Die US-Regierung sollte die Wiederherstellung und Entschädigung der amerikanischen Ehre fordern.
Bitte unterstütze "Sue" bis "ICC".

Meine Informationen ******************

Es wird im folgenden Blog veröffentlicht.

Nationalität Japan

Nennen Sie Yasuhiro Nagano

E-Mail  nagano_ mirai@yahoo.co.jp

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns bei Fragen.

Help, not just anybody, To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-10-08: Dear Sir, Prosecutors arrested Filipinos for "unqualified labor". He performed "crime" to make the Philippine "Imprisonment". (Usually a small fine).

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2019-10-08: Dear Sir,
Violation of the Immigration Act Article 22-4-4 is not a “criminal penalty”.
I told "my lawyer" that the "reason for crime" in the "indictment" was wrong.
But the lawyer says, "It's no use saying the logic of the procedure."
You should “open” Japanese “lawyer services” to foreigners.

Part 1. Prosecutors arrested Filipinos for "unqualified labor".
He performed "crime" to make the Philippine "Imprisonment". (Usually a small fine).

To do so, he must comply with international law.
“I pretended” to dispose of “equality under the law”.
He “disguised” a “supporter”
who violated Article 70 of the Immigration Act so as not to violate international law.

This impersonation is important.
Acts that support Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act cannot be punished
because they are administrative measures.

So, it was disguised with the following scenario.
1) Philippine people
who worked illegally received “provided” “false fake employment contracts” from “supporters”.
2) So the Philippines were able to obtain a status of residence.
3) So the Philippines were able to stay in Japan.
4) So the Philippine people were able to do “unqualified work”.
Therefore, the Criminal Code 60 and 62 “Sinners Supporting Other Crimes”
against the Immigration Act Article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes” were applied.

“Criminal trial” is based on “bill of indictment”.
What should be deliberated is "reason for crime".
The criminal reason for “indictment” describes the act of Immigration Act 22-4-4
and the act to support it.
This fact is "administrative disposition" by the Minister of Justice.

Prosecutors, lawyers, and judges do not know this.
This is serious.

Even if you obtain “Resident Status” with “false documents”
 (contract documents for false employment), if you work within the scope
 of your status of residence, you will not become Article 70 “Unqualified Labor”.
The causal relationship that caused the Philippine people to violate Article 70
of the Immigration Law is because there were employers who hired them illegally.
The employer cannot make an “excuse” that he did not know Article 73-2
of the Immigration Control Act.
To that end, the July 2010 Immigration Act was amended.
The three-year grace period is over.
A “residence card” system was also introduced to facilitate confirmation.

There is no “excuse” for police officers,
prosecutors, and judges who “did not know the law”.
They do not approve of their crimes.
They need "extreme penalty".

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
This is an “international” “human rights violation” by the Japanese government.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our “honor recovery and compensation” will be carried out.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”,
it is natural to resolve it by terrorism. But crazy.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are “causal” of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to the principle of equality under the law
And it violates international law that prohibits "arbitrarily" "punishing" only foreigners.

If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent".
If so, there is no “person who supported other crimes of the Penal Code”
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official" is innocent.

2. The prosecution is “applying” the “crimes to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds
of “support of the Immigration Act 22-4-4” It ’s crazy.
This is out of logic in the law.

A foreigner acted as prescribed in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence”
and “forced relocation” by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
The logic of the law is completely crazy.

The Japanese government has "crush" "sue".
However, “crush” by state power is “stop” of “Statute of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

There are many American victims. I have seen this with my eyes.
If the prosecution does not arrest the employer, the Americans are not guilty.
The United States government should claim restoration and compensation
for the honor of Americans.
please support the "Appeal" to the "ICC."

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

Help, I need somebody, Help, 2019-10-08: Dear Sir, Violation of the Immigration Act Article 22-4-4 is not a “criminal penalty”. I told "my lawyer" that the "reason for crime" in the "indictment" was wrong. But the lawyer says, "It's no use saying the logic of the procedure." You should “open” Japanese “lawyer services” to foreigners.I need somebody,

To everyone in the world's media 

As a journalist, report the truth of Japan's judicial administration.

2019-10-08: Dear Sir,
Violation of the Immigration Act Article 22-4-4 is not a “criminal penalty”.
I told "my lawyer" that the "reason for crime" in the "indictment" was wrong.
But the lawyer says, "It's no use saying the logic of the procedure."
You should “open” Japanese “lawyer services” to foreigners.

Part 1. Prosecutors arrested Filipinos for "unqualified labor".
He performed "crime" to make the Philippine "Imprisonment". (Usually a small fine).

To do so, he must comply with international law.
“I pretended” to dispose of “equality under the law”.
He “disguised” a “supporter”
who violated Article 70 of the Immigration Act so as not to violate international law.

This impersonation is important.
Acts that support Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act cannot be punished
because they are administrative measures.

So, it was disguised with the following scenario.
1) Philippine people
who worked illegally received “provided” “false fake employment contracts” from “supporters”.
2) So the Philippines were able to obtain a status of residence.
3) So the Philippines were able to stay in Japan.
4) So the Philippine people were able to do “unqualified work”.
Therefore, the Criminal Code 60 and 62 “Sinners Supporting Other Crimes”
against the Immigration Act Article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes” were applied.

“Criminal trial” is based on “bill of indictment”.
What should be deliberated is "reason for crime".
The criminal reason for “indictment” describes the act of Immigration Act 22-4-4
and the act to support it.
This fact is "administrative disposition" by the Minister of Justice.

Prosecutors, lawyers, and judges do not know this.
This is serious.

Even if you obtain “Resident Status” with “false documents”
 (contract documents for false employment), if you work within the scope
 of your status of residence, you will not become Article 70 “Unqualified Labor”.
The causal relationship that caused the Philippine people to violate Article 70
of the Immigration Law is because there were employers who hired them illegally.
The employer cannot make an “excuse” that he did not know Article 73-2
of the Immigration Control Act.
To that end, the July 2010 Immigration Act was amended.
The three-year grace period is over.
A “residence card” system was also introduced to facilitate confirmation.

There is no “excuse” for police officers,
prosecutors, and judges who “did not know the law”.
They do not approve of their crimes.
They need "extreme penalty".

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
This is an “international” “human rights violation” by the Japanese government.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
We ask for your support so that our “honor recovery and compensation” will be carried out.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”,
it is natural to resolve it by terrorism. But crazy.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are “causal” of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).

However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to the principle of equality under the law
And it violates international law that prohibits "arbitrarily" "punishing" only foreigners.

If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent".
If so, there is no “person who supported other crimes of the Penal Code”
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official" is innocent.

2. The prosecution is “applying” the “crimes to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code
against Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds
of “support of the Immigration Act 22-4-4” It ’s crazy.
This is out of logic in the law.

A foreigner acted as prescribed in Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence”
and “forced relocation” by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
The logic of the law is completely crazy.

The Japanese government has "crush" "sue".
However, “crush” by state power is “stop” of “Statute of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.

Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information ******

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.



Won't you please, please help me 最高领导人金正恩。 2019-10-07:亲爱的先生, 我要求日本律师协会联合会提供“人权救济支持”。 但是,“日本律师协会联合会”回应说,他们无权解决。

















请参阅“英语翻译”和“日语文本” PDF。
英文翻译不正确。请参见上面的“ PDF”进行英语翻译。
●请参阅相关法律。 (日语和英语翻译)

















我的信息******** ****

