
Help me! Angela Merkel zum deutschen Ministerpräsidenten 2019-11-11: Sehr geehrter Herr, Regierungen und Medien in jedem Land sollten "Ermittlungen gegen Opfer in jedem Land" durchführen. "Personen", die in Japan "bestraft" wurden, indem sie

Angela Merkel zum deutschen Ministerpräsidenten

2019-11-11: Sehr geehrter Herr,
Regierungen und Medien in jedem Land sollten "Ermittlungen gegen Opfer in jedem Land" durchführen. "Personen", die in Japan "bestraft" wurden, indem sie "außerhalb des Aufenthaltsstatus arbeiteten", und "die für die Weitergabe" falscher Dokumente "an Ausländer bestraft wurden, sind" unschuldig ". Viele Ausländer sind Opfer. Natürlich sende ich diese E-Mail jeden Tag an Abes offiziellen Wohnsitz.

Teil 1. Ich „verklage“ die illegale „Bestrafung wegen Verstoßes gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz“ der japanischen Regierung.
Ich habe zwei Verstöße verklagt.
1) Ausländer, die gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes verstoßen, sind nicht schuldig, weil sie gegen Artikel 14 „Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz“ verstoßen.
2) Diejenigen, die für die Lieferung falscher Dokumente strafbar waren, sind völlig unschuldig.
Die japanische Regierung sollte "Justizbeamte" "bestrafen".

Ich kämpfe nicht nur für mich, sondern auch für die Chinesen, die Philippinen und die vielen Opfer der Welt.
2010 wurden „Chinese und ich“ bestraft.
Dasselbe Problem trat auf, weil die chinesische Regierung gegen diese rechtswidrige Bestrafung nicht protestierte.
In den Jahren 2014 und 2015 fand es in der Botschaft der Philippinen statt.
Dies ist genau das gleiche wie der 2010 "Fall".

Es gibt viele andere "illegale Bestrafungen" als diese,
Ich habe keine "detaillierten Informationen". Aber ich denke, es gibt unzählige "ähnliche Verstöße".

Eine davon ist, wenn ein Ausländer in Japan "eine andere Arbeit als seinen Wohnsitz" hat.
"Illegale Arbeit" wird nicht nur von Ausländern "etabliert".
Dies liegt daran, dass es „Arbeitgeber“ gibt, die „illegal arbeitende Ausländer“ beschäftigen.
Das Zuwanderungsgesetz straft daher mit einem eindeutigen Kausalzusammenhang.
Ausländer werden nach Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes bestraft.
Arbeitgeber werden nach Artikel 72-2 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes bestraft.
Allerdings sind nur Ausländer strafbar und Arbeitgeber nicht strafbar. Hier liegt ein Problem vor.
Dies verstößt gegen Artikel 14 „Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz“ der japanischen Verfassung.
Wenn also der Arbeitgeber unschuldig ist, ist auch der Ausländer unschuldig.

Zweitens bieten "falsche Dokumente" für Ausländer,
Ein Ausländer erhält einen „Aufenthaltsstatus“ (Zuwanderungsverletzung 22-4-4).
Diese Handlung kann jedoch nicht mit Artikel 31 „Regieren nach dem Gesetz“ geahndet werden.
"Kriminelle Disposition" ist für "Administrative Disposition" durch den Justizminister nicht möglich.
In Japan sind „Festnahme und Inhaftierung“ und Bestrafung nur nach „Gesetz“ möglich.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft weist dies als "die Logik von dir allein" ab.
Das ist nicht nur meine Logik.
Im Januar 2017 wird diese Aktion „strafbar“ sein.
"Das Gesetz wurde durchgesetzt".
Sie können nicht rückwirkend nach Artikel 39 der Verfassung bestrafen.
"Ich und chinesische KinGungaku" und "philippinische Botschaftsbeamte und Diplomaten" sind zu 100% unschuldig.

Viele Chinesen besuchen Japan.
Deshalb sind "viele Chinesen" "Opfer".
Die chinesische Regierung hat begonnen, die Opfer des Vorfalls, auf den ich hinweise, zu untersuchen.
Die nationalen Regierungen sollten auch Ermittlungen gegen Opfer aufnehmen.

Es wird morgen weitergehen.

Siehe "Anklageschrift" auf der folgenden "Site".
In diesem Fall nur auf diese "Anklageschrift"
Sie können "Fehler des anwendbaren Rechts" verstehen.

Bitte lesen Sie die PDF-Dateien „Englische Übersetzung“ und „Japanischer Text“.
Bitte seien Sie vorsichtig beim Umgang mit persönlichen Daten.
● Übersetzung des englischen Satzes "Letter of Indictment"
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
Die englische Übersetzung dient nur als Referenz. Um genau zu sein, machen Sie es selbst.
● Japanischer Originaltext „Anklageschreiben“
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanisch)"
Die englische Übersetzung ist falsch. Die englische Übersetzung finden Sie oben unter "PDF".
● Bitte beachten Sie die entsprechenden Gesetze. (Japanische und englische Übersetzung)
1) Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen
Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen
2) Strafrecht
3) Verfassung Japans
Die Verfassung von Japan

Teil 2. Ich "verklage" zwei Dinge.
"Überarbeitet am 4. November 2019"
Ich bin nicht nur chinesisch und philippinisch,
Für viele Opfer auf der Welt kämpfen.
Seit dem Vorfall sind fast 10 Jahre vergangen. Mein Leben ist begrenzt.
Wenn die Welt die „Governance nach dem Gesetz“ ignoriert, ist es selbstverständlich, dass sie durch Terrorismus gelöst wird.

1. Ausländer verrichteten „illegale Arbeit“ mit Ausnahme der „Qualifikation des Wohnsitzes“.
Aber Ausländer sind unschuldig.
Für den einwanderungsrechtlichen Artikel 70 „Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen“ wurden nur Ausländer bestraft.
Andererseits bestimmt das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz Arbeitgeber, die für illegale Arbeit „ursächlich“ sind, als Artikel 73-2
Wir werden bestraft durch (Sünde, die illegale Beschäftigung fördert).
Die japanische Justiz "bestraft" jedoch nur Ausländer, nicht aber "Arbeitgeber".
Dies verstößt eindeutig gegen Artikel 14 „Grundsätze der Gleichbehandlung nach dem Gesetz“ der japanischen Verfassung.
Es verstößt gegen das Völkerrecht, das die "bewusste" "Bestrafung" nur von Ausländern verbietet.
Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der einen Ausländer illegal anstellt, "unschuldig" ist, ist ein illegal angestellter Ausländer auch "unschuldig". .

2. Die Strafverfolgung erfolgt wegen "Unterstützung des Zuwanderungsgesetzes Artikel 22-4-4"
Artikel 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes
"Anwendbar" für "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung anderer Verbrechen" ist "Fehler im anwendbaren Recht".
"Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes" ist die Verfügung derjenigen, die den Aufenthaltsstatus durch einen gefälschten Antrag erhalten haben.
Traditionell wurde das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz auf Personen angewendet, die aufgrund falscher Anträge den Aufenthaltsstatus erhalten haben.
Es unterlag keinen strafrechtlichen Bestimmungen (Artikel 70, Artikel 74-6).
Diejenigen, die durch falsche Bewerbung den Aufenthaltsstatus erhalten haben, den Arbeitsplatz, der dies unterstützt hat,
Bewerber wie Anwälte, Verwaltungsangestellte und Schulpersonal werden bestraft
Das überarbeitete Einwanderungskontrollgesetz wurde auf der 192. außerordentlichen Landtagssitzung verabschiedet.
"Gültig ab 1. Januar 2017".
"Ich, KinGungaku, philippinischer Diplomat und philippinischer Botschaftsangestellter" bin zu 100% "unschuldig".

"Hinweis": Ausländerzuwanderungsgesetz Artikel 22-4-4
Die in (Erlangung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente) vorgeschriebene Handlung wurde durchgeführt.
Hierfür gibt es jedoch keine „strafrechtliche Bestrafung“.
Entsorgung ist "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Zwangsumsiedlung" durch den Justizminister.
Daher ist das "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten" in den Artikeln 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs nicht anwendbar.
Der durch die Anklage hervorgehobene „Grund für Straftaten“ in Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes steht in keinem ursächlichen Zusammenhang mit Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes.

Der Staatsanwalt ist "etwas in die Hand zerdrücken".
"Etwas in der Hand zerdrücken" durch die Staatsmacht ist jedoch "Stopp" des "Alterns, Statistik der Einschränkungen".

Die Materialien sind unten.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.
Viele Grüße Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: Das Weiße Haus antwortete mir, dass ich ernsthaft über eine Lösung nachdenke, die mich mit diesem Problem zufrieden stellen würde.
Ich warte auf das Ergebnis Ich hoffe, dass es keine Lüge gibt.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen

Es wird im folgenden Blog veröffentlicht.

Nationalität Japan

Nennen Sie Yasuhiro Nagano

E-Mail  nagano_ mirai@yahoo.co.jp

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns bei Fragen.

Help me!To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-11-11: Dear Sir,I “sue” the Japanese government's illegal “punishment for violation of immigration law”. I sued two violations.

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2019-11-11: Dear Sir,
Governments and media in each country should conduct “investigation of victims in each country”. "Persons" who have been "punished" by working in "labor outside of resident status" in Japan, and "persons who have been punished" for issuing "false documents" to foreigners are "innocent". Many foreigners are victims. Of course, I keep sending this email to Abe's official residence every day.

Part 1. I “sue” the Japanese government's illegal “punishment for violation of immigration law”.
I sued two violations.
1) Foreigners disposed of in violation of Article 70
of the Immigration Control Act are not guilty because they violate "Equality
under the Law" of Article 14 of the Constitution.
2) Those who have been criminally punishable for delivering false documents are completely innocent.
The Japanese government should “punish” “judicial officials”.

I am fighting not only for me, but also for the Chinese, the Filippins,
and the many victims of the world.
In 2010, “Chinese and I” were punished.
The same problem occurred because the Chinese government did not protest this illegal punishment.
In 2014 and 2015, it occurred at the Embassy of the Philippines.
This is exactly the same as the 2010 “case”.

There are many other “illegal punishments”, but I do n’t have “detailed information”.
But I think there are countless "similar violations".

One is when a foreigner does "work other than resident status" in Japan.
“Illegal labor” is not “established” by foreigners alone.
This is because there are “employers” who employ “foreigners who work illegally”.
Therefore, the Immigration Law punishes with a clear causal relationship.
Foreigners will be punished under Article 70 of the Immigration Law.
Employers will be punished under Article 72-2 of the Immigration Control Act.
However, only foreigners are punishable and employers are not punishable. There is a problem here.
This violates Article 14 “Equality under the Law” of the Japanese Constitution.
Therefore, if the employer is innocent, the foreigner is also innocent.

The second is to provide “false documents” to foreigners and to obtain “resident status”
 (in violation of Immigration 22-4-4).
However, this action cannot be punished by Article 31 “Governance under the Law”.
“Criminal disposition” is not possible for “Administrative Disposition”
by the Minister of Justice.
In Japan, “Arrest and confinement” and punishment are possible only under “law”.

The prosecution dismisses this as "only you" logic, but this is not "only me" logic.
In January 2017, the act was “enforced” to “punish” this act because it cannot be punished.
You cannot punish retroactively according to Article 39 of the Constitution.
“Me and Chinese kinGungaku” and “Philippine embassy officials and diplomats” are 100% innocent.

Many Chinese are visiting Japan.
Therefore, “many Chinese” are “victims”.
The Chinese government has begun investigating the victims of the incident I point out.
National governments should also start investigating victims.

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
`` Revised November 4, 2019 ''
I'm not only Chinese and Philippine,
Fighting for many victims in the world.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”, it is natural to resolve it by terrorism.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers who are “causal”
of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
 (crimes that promote illegal employment).
However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to Article 14 “Principles of Equality under the Law”
of the Japanese Constitution.
It violates international law that prohibits "consciously" "punishing" only foreigners.
If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent". .

2. The prosecution “applied” the crimes that support other crimes in Article 60
and 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act on the grounds
of “support of Article 22-4-4” Is an error in the law.
"Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Law" is the disposal of those
who have obtained the status of residence through fake application.
Previously, the Immigration Control Act was not subject to penalties
for those who obtained status of residence through false applications (Article 70, Article 74-6).
The Amended Immigration Act was enacted at the 192nd Special Diet session
for those who obtained status of residence through falsification applications,
office workers who helped them, lawyers, administrative scriveners, and school staff.
“Effective from January 1, 2017”.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat and Philippine embassy employee" is 100% "innocent".

“Reference”: Foreigners acted in accordance with Article 22-4-4
 (Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
 However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence”
and “forced relocation” by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.

The prosecutor is "crush something in one's hand".
However, “crush something in one's hand” by the state power is “stop”
of “aging, statistics of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.
Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: The White House replied to me that I was seriously considering a solution
that would satisfy me with this issue.
I am waiting for the result I hope that there is no lie.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

People should destroy Japan's `` Kamikaze Justice ''! To everyone in the world's media  2019-11-11: Dear Sir, Governments and media in each country should conduct “investigation of victims in each country”. "Persons" who have been "punished" by working in "labor outside of resident status" in Japan, and "persons who have been punished" for issuing "false documents" to foreigners are "innocent". Many foreigners are victims. Of course, I keep sending this email to Abe's official residence every day.

To everyone in the world's media 

2019-11-11: Dear Sir,
Governments and media in each country should conduct “investigation of victims in each country”. "Persons" who have been "punished" by working in "labor outside of resident status" in Japan, and "persons who have been punished" for issuing "false documents" to foreigners are "innocent". Many foreigners are victims. Of course, I keep sending this email to Abe's official residence every day.

Part 1. I “sue” the Japanese government's illegal “punishment for violation of immigration law”.
I sued two violations.
1) Foreigners disposed of in violation of Article 70
of the Immigration Control Act are not guilty because they violate "Equality
under the Law" of Article 14 of the Constitution.
2) Those who have been criminally punishable for delivering false documents are completely innocent.
The Japanese government should “punish” “judicial officials”.

I am fighting not only for me, but also for the Chinese, the Filippins,
and the many victims of the world.
In 2010, “Chinese and I” were punished.
The same problem occurred because the Chinese government did not protest this illegal punishment.
In 2014 and 2015, it occurred at the Embassy of the Philippines.
This is exactly the same as the 2010 “case”.

There are many other “illegal punishments”, but I do n’t have “detailed information”.
But I think there are countless "similar violations".

One is when a foreigner does "work other than resident status" in Japan.
“Illegal labor” is not “established” by foreigners alone.
This is because there are “employers” who employ “foreigners who work illegally”.
Therefore, the Immigration Law punishes with a clear causal relationship.
Foreigners will be punished under Article 70 of the Immigration Law.
Employers will be punished under Article 72-2 of the Immigration Control Act.
However, only foreigners are punishable and employers are not punishable. There is a problem here.
This violates Article 14 “Equality under the Law” of the Japanese Constitution.
Therefore, if the employer is innocent, the foreigner is also innocent.

The second is to provide “false documents” to foreigners and to obtain “resident status”
 (in violation of Immigration 22-4-4).
However, this action cannot be punished by Article 31 “Governance under the Law”.
“Criminal disposition” is not possible for “Administrative Disposition”
by the Minister of Justice.
In Japan, “Arrest and confinement” and punishment are possible only under “law”.

The prosecution dismisses this as "only you" logic, but this is not "only me" logic.
In January 2017, the act was “enforced” to “punish” this act because it cannot be punished.
You cannot punish retroactively according to Article 39 of the Constitution.
“Me and Chinese kinGungaku” and “Philippine embassy officials and diplomats” are 100% innocent.

Many Chinese are visiting Japan.
Therefore, “many Chinese” are “victims”.
The Chinese government has begun investigating the victims of the incident I point out.
National governments should also start investigating victims.

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
`` Revised November 4, 2019 ''
I'm not only Chinese and Philippine,
Fighting for many victims in the world.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”, it is natural to resolve it by terrorism.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers who are “causal”
of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
 (crimes that promote illegal employment).
However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to Article 14 “Principles of Equality under the Law”
of the Japanese Constitution.
It violates international law that prohibits "consciously" "punishing" only foreigners.
If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent". .

2. The prosecution “applied” the crimes that support other crimes in Article 60
and 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act on the grounds
of “support of Article 22-4-4” Is an error in the law.
"Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Law" is the disposal of those
who have obtained the status of residence through fake application.
Previously, the Immigration Control Act was not subject to penalties
for those who obtained status of residence through false applications (Article 70, Article 74-6).
The Amended Immigration Act was enacted at the 192nd Special Diet session
for those who obtained status of residence through falsification applications,
office workers who helped them, lawyers, administrative scriveners, and school staff.
“Effective from January 1, 2017”.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat and Philippine embassy employee" is 100% "innocent".

“Reference”: Foreigners acted in accordance with Article 22-4-4
 (Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
 However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence”
and “forced relocation” by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.

The prosecutor is "crush something in one's hand".
However, “crush something in one's hand” by the state power is “stop”
of “aging, statistics of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.
Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: The White House replied to me that I was seriously considering a solution
that would satisfy me with this issue.
I am waiting for the result I hope that there is no lie.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


God! It ’s time for “you” to come out. November 10, 2019, Special Zone Sunday Edition: Dear Sir, The Iranian government has announced that it will enrich uranium beyond the limits of the nuclear agreement. “Non-nuclear states” are forced to “prostrate” the “unreasonable demands” of “nuclear states”. If you resist, you will receive “economic sanctions”. Unilateral dialogue is meaningless. The world can no longer talk only with "nuclear" and "terrorism". It's already over.

God! It ’s time for “you” to come out.
November 10, 2019, Special Zone Sunday Edition: Dear Sir,
The Iranian government has announced that it will enrich uranium beyond the limits of the nuclear agreement. “Non-nuclear states” are forced to “prostrate” the “unreasonable demands” of “nuclear states”. If you resist, you will receive “economic sanctions”. Unilateral dialogue is meaningless. The world can no longer talk only with "nuclear" and "terrorism". It's already over.

Part 1. The nuclear agreement was signed between the country and the West, China, and Russia with the aim of limiting Iran's nuclear development. However, the US left unilaterally in May last year and resumed economic sanctions on Iran. The country's economy has been hit hard.
Just one year after the withdrawal, in May this year, Iran demanded the remaining countries in China, France, Germany, Russia, and the UK to work to lift sanctions on the United States. The limit was 60 days later.
Iran also announced its intention to stop further implementation of the nuclear agreement 60 days later if the country's requirements are not met.
As a reference, uranium with a concentration of 90% or more is used for “nuclear weapons”.

"Nuclear countries" are the five major countries of the United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France and China. ,
However, India, Pakistan and North Korea have announced their possession and are conducting nuclear tests.
Israel is generally regarded as a nuclear power.

Several countries, such as Syria and Iraq, tried to have a “nuclear”.
But they failed to “hold”.
India and Pakistan seem to have succeeded in “joining” “nuclear states”.
The US has not yet approved North Korea ’s nuclear possession. Part 1. The nuclear agreement was signed between Iran and the West, China, and Russia to limit Iran's nuclear development.
However, in May last year, the United States left unilaterally and resumed economic sanctions on Iran.
Iran's economy has been hit hard.
In May of this year, exactly one year after the withdrawal, Iran demanded “make an effort” from China, France, Germany, Russia, and the UK to “release sanctions on the United States”.
The limit was 60 days later.
Iran also revealed that it would “take a step” to further “stop implementation” of the nuclear agreement again 60 days later if Iran ’s requirements were not met.
As a reference, uranium with a concentration of 90% or more is used for “nuclear weapons”.

Speaking from “a country that wants to own nuclear missiles”, “economic sanctions” would be an “unreasonable” demand.

The world is made up of “inequalities”.
Why are the five major countries allowed to own “nuclear”?
The United States and Russia have a lot of “nuclear”.
The international community has never heard of "adding" economic sanctions to them. There is also no “seeing”.

Why are the five major countries allowed to own “nuclear”?
There should be no clear answer.
The only thing is because it is a permanent member of the United Nations.
This is because it is a “victorious country” of World War II and a military power.
If that is the case, the only way to change this standard is to do “World War III”.
A few years later, India may challenge this.
Opportunities also come to North Korea and Iraq.
After all, the world is made up of wars.
People say peace is important.
I think a big contradiction will give rise to "war".

Part 2. We propose to build “special zones” in Europe and other countries.
Please read along with suggestions to the US (Saturday).
April 14, 2019, Special Zone Sunday Edition: Please see

Prosperity of each country is realized by the world being free, democratic, and “ruled under the law”.
I seriously seek the rule of law.
Please instruct the person concerned to investigate.

Documents to be submitted to ICC.

I agree to disclose my name and necessary information.
Please ask questions by e-mail if you are unsure.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

People should destroy Japan's `` Kamikaze Justice ''! Sunday edition, 10 November 2019: Dear Sir, "Everyone" of the reporter. Please do “collect materials” by e-mail, telephone or visit to “Japanese Embassy in China” (Tokyo). (First step). I am communicating with the Chinese Embassy (@ChnEmbassy_jp). Depending on the response of the Chinese Embassy, ​​you can see the "next" of the Hong Kong demonstration. Can the Chinese government "regain" the trust of Hong Kong citizens?

People should destroy Japan's `` Kamikaze Justice ''!

Sunday edition, 10 November 2019: Dear Sir,
"Everyone" of the reporter. Please do “collect materials” by e-mail, telephone or visit to “Japanese Embassy in China” (Tokyo). (First step).
I am communicating with the Chinese Embassy (@ChnEmbassy_jp). Depending on the response of the Chinese Embassy, ​​you can see the "next" of the Hong Kong demonstration. Can the Chinese government "regain" the trust of Hong Kong citizens?

Part 1. It is a continuation of the previous day. (@ChnEmbassy_jp)
"Hong Kong Demo" is "distrust" to the Chinese government.
If the Chinese government treats “Hong Kong people” equally as “human rights”
I think their “demo” will end.
The Chinese government should make a “declaration” that treats the Chinese people equally.
Chinese people, please give "love" to "Japanese me".

You know the cause of the “Hong Kong Demo”.
You also know what the “demonstrators” are requesting from the “Hong Kong government”.

This time, if the Chinese government achieves the "recovery of honor
and compensation" for the Chinese who have been illegally disposed of by working
in Japan, the Chinese government will be more liberal and democratic than we think.
I think it has progressed.

As I wrote the previous day, the Chinese government has “crashed” this.
“Millionaires” such as “Faway's CFO” will defend human rights and protect China.
However, the general Chinese people treat it like “insects”.
It is often said.
China has a population of 1.3 billion.
Other than Communist Party executives, they are “a country that is pleased when people are killed.”

I understand that in the “how to respond” of the Chinese government,
there was a big “change” in “human rights issues” within the Chinese government.
On top of that, I think the media reporter needs to confirm this progress
with the Chinese government.

I think that “this problem” is more of a problem
with the Japanese government than with the Chinese government.
In that sense, please interview the Japanese government
 (the prime minister's residence) on this issue.

Japanese people are happy to say that “the misfortune of others” is “the taste of honey”.
In other words, “Principal and real intensions” is different.
You will notice a big difference between Westerners and Japanese.
I am “involved” in the future of international politics.
Please interview.
If you have any questions, please email me directly.

Continue to next week.

Part 2. The Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office is "crushing" the prosecutor's crimes even
in violation of the Immigration Control Act.
There are a lot of foreigners (uncountable).
Relieve the victims of the Japanese government around you!
Victims are foreigners who “work illegally” in activities other than “resident status” in Japan.

They have been arrested for “illegal labor” under Article 70 of the Immigration Act
and have been subjected to “criminal dispositions” such as “a prison term sentence”
and “fine sentence”. And it is a foreigner who was forced to return.
I wrote about this yesterday.

The prosecution has arrested a third party for guilty
of "supporting" the above-mentioned "illegal labor" of foreigners.
The victim is "I and" Kin Gungaku who is Chinese ".
Other victims include Filipino embassy officials and Philippine diplomats.
I think there are more victims, but I don't know the information.
The person who gave the "employment contract document" to a foreigner
who did "illegal labor" is a third party.
It has nothing to do with “illegal labor”.
Prosecutors say “Indictment” as follows:

I handed a "employment contract document with false contents" to a foreigner.
Foreigners were easily able to obtain a “residence status”
by attaching an “employment contract document with a false content”.
Foreigners came to Japan because they were able to obtain a “resident status”.
Foreigners were in Japan and were able to do “illegal labor”.
Therefore, "crime that supported other crimes" of "Articles 60 and 62
of the Penal Code" is applied as a crime against foreigners' immigration law
Article 70 "Illegal labor".

The “Sin of Support” against Article 70 “Illegal Labor”
of the Immigration Act is stipulated in “Sin to Promote Unlawful Employment”
in Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
The prosecution's “reason for crime” is stipulated
in the Immigration Act Article 22-4-4 “Restoration of Status of Residence
by Submitting False Documents”.
There is no punishment. “Resident status” is simply revoked.
And it will be “forced return”.
Even if you obtain a status of residence with “false documents”,
it is not “illegal labor” if you work within the scope of “status of residence”.
The application of Article 62 or Article 62 of the Penal Code to me
or the Philippine diplomat is an error in the “Applicable Law”.
This is a perfect "False charge".

Victims should apply to the government or media of their country.
Governments and media in each country should ask the Japanese government
for "recovery of honor" and "compensation".
If national governments or embassies cannot protest the Japanese government,

please request an investigation from ICC.

There are many victims all over the world. Please support “sue to ICC”.

The materials are below.

The above translation document is inaccurate, so please contact us by email.

There are many American victims. I have seen it with this eye.
Americans are also not guilty if the prosecution does not arrest the employer.
Should claim the restoration and compensation of American honor.

Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Proposal from Japanese Saturday, November 9, 2019, special zone. Dear Sirs, In October 2018, the Trump administration declared a “poison pill”. Canada and Mexico succumbed to the United States. But this year Japan refused. On November 6, India withdrew from “RCEP”. This is not afraid of America. Instead of the United States, India “squeezed” “Chinese hegemony”. "New hero" appeared in Asia. “Welcome”! The US “falls withering”.

Proposal from Japanese

Saturday, November 9, 2019, special zone.
Dear Sirs, In October 2018, the Trump administration declared a “poison pill”. Canada and Mexico succumbed to the United States. But this year Japan refused. On November 6, India withdrew from “RCEP”. This is not afraid of America. Instead of the United States, India “squeezed” “Chinese hegemony”. "New hero" appeared in Asia. “Welcome”! The US “falls withering”.

Part 1. According to the Asahi Shimbun on November 6, “India” “represented” the idea of ​​“withdrawal”.
It is from “East Asia Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)” in “Free Trade Areas of 16 Countries including Japan, China, Korea and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)”.
The fear of the “influx of Chinese products” was increasing in India.
Japan encouraged India to participate in the negotiations.
Japan intends to continue to “retain”, but it seems that the “thought” of creating a huge economic sphere that suppresses the influence of China will be “collapsed”.

India has "explored" the possibility of "conclusion" of "RCEP" from "speculation" with "I don't want to expand the influence of China in Asia."
India has a “large trade deficit” of “around 6 trillion yen per year” in trade with China.
Of the top 5 mobile phone companies, the top 4 are China.
In Ludhiana, which is a cluster of bicycle industries, “Bicycle made in China” is sold at half price made in India.
If the domestic industry is further hit by “reduction of tariffs” and “elimination” due to “conclusion”, the “political foundation” of “Indian Prime Minister Modi” may also be “shaking”.

I think India's Modi regime is “wise”.
If we continue the trade deficit with China as it is, it will be “Ninomai” of “USA”.

India is a wonderful country that invented "Zero".
I hope that India will be a member of the Commonwealth, and that the Commonwealth will become the world's political economy leader.
That's because the "British Commonwealth" is a "federation" of freedom and democracy.

The British Commonwealth has about 2.4 billion people in 53 countries.
The Commonwealth” should become a huge “federal state” that cannot be beaten by the United States or China.
The factory in the world should be in "Commonwealth, England".
Britain is once again returned to the “World Champion” by “The Commonwealth” and “Special Zone”.
"United Kingdom, Commonwealth", Gambare! !

Will continue tomorrow

Part 2. In the United States, I “suggest” to build a “special zone” along the border with Mexico.
See April 13, 2019, Special Zone Saturday Edition.

Japan's immigration policy is worse than the United States.
Japanese immigration law is similar to American immigration law.
America's prosperity is realized by the world being free, democratic, and "ruled under the law".
I seriously seek the rule of law. Please instruct the person concerned to investigate.
There are many American victims.

Documents to be submitted to ICC.

I agree to disclose my name and necessary information.
Please ask questions by e-mail if you are unsure.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

Continue to NO2 …

Opinion from Japanese Saturday edition, November 09, 2019: Dear Sir, "Everyone" of the reporter. Please do “collect materials” by e-mail, telephone or visit to “Japanese Embassy in China” (Tokyo). (First step).

Opinion from Japanese

Saturday edition, November 09, 2019: Dear Sir,
"Everyone" of the reporter. Please do “collect materials” by e-mail, telephone or visit to “Japanese Embassy in China” (Tokyo). (First step).
I am communicating with the Chinese Embassy (@ChnEmbassy_jp). Depending on the Chinese Embassy's reply, the direction of the trial of “Faway CFO” arrested in Canada can be understood. Will the Chinese government "treat" the Chinese people equally?

Part 1. “Embassy” tweeted my tweet. (@ChnEmbassy_jp)
(Embassy member)
“How do you help the Chinese people?”
(Nagano) I tweeted details to the embassy staff.
“Contents” is “contents you are emailing” to everyone.

(Nagano) “Furthermore” I “tweeted” to the embassy staff.
I tweeted about "what we are doing for the Chinese".
Chinese Embassy staff! Did you understand?
I am “sueing” the Japanese government on behalf of the Chinese Embassy.
The Chinese embassy staff should report to me “if they understand”.

The Chinese “Kingungaku” does not violate “Japanese law” even “1 mm”.
However, he became "a year and a half labor sentence" and a "fine".
The Chinese government is demanding the release of "Fahway CFO" for being illegally arrested.
“Kingungaku” and “Faway CFO” are the same Chinese.
This is a “human rights violation”.
The Chinese government should demand recovery of his honor and compensation.
Chinese people, please give “love” to “Japanese Nagano”.
The four Chinese did “work outside the status of residence”.
But “the employer who hired them” is “innocent”.
This is “inequality under the law”.
Japan violates Article 14 of the Constitution.
Illegal labor is “possible” because there are “employers who hire illegally”.
Therefore, Article 72-2 of the Immigration Control Law provides for “punishment of employers”.
If the employer is "innocent", the Chinese who worked is also "innocent".
This is a “human rights violation”.
"Four Chinese" and "Faway CFO" are the same Chinese.
The “Chinese government” should ask the Japanese government
for their “recovery of honor” and “compensation”.
Please give "love" to "Chinese people" and "Japanese Nagano".

My aim is to help Chinese who worked in Japan and were arrested illegally.
Will “Chinese Embassy staff” consult with “Mainland Chinese government”?
If the Chinese government is to help the “Faway CFO”,
the Chinese government should also help the “Chinese people” illegally arrested in Japan.
Last time, an embassy official fell to the “Honey Trap” of the Japanese government. I failed.
So this time we will publish the tweets and proceed.
If you have any questions, please email me directly.
It will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. Many foreigners have been arrested for violating immigration law
in violation of international law.
(I can't count).
Korean, Chinese, Filippin, American, `` Everyone '' from all over the world!
Relieve the victims of the Japanese government around you!

Victims are foreigners who “work illegally”
in activities other than “resident status” in Japan.
They were arrested for "illegal labor" under Article 70 of the Immigration Act,
Received "criminal disposition" such as "fine penalty".
And it is a foreigner who was forced to return.

A third party has been arrested on charges
of "supporting" the above-mentioned "illegal labor" of foreigners.
The victim is me and “Kin Gungaku who is Chinese”.
Other victims include Filipino embassy officials and Philippine diplomats.
I think there are more victims, but I don't know the information.

The person who gave the "employment contract document" to a foreigner
who did "illegal labor" is a third party.
It has nothing to do with “illegal labor”.
Prosecutors say “Indictment” as follows:

I handed a "employment contract document with false contents" to a foreigner.
Foreigners were easily able to obtain a “residence status”
by attaching an “employment contract document with a false content”.
Foreigners came to Japan because they were able to obtain a “resident status”.
Foreigners were in Japan and were able to do “illegal labor”.
Therefore, as a crime against foreigner immigration law Article 70 "illegal labor"
"Crime that supported other crimes" in "Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code" applies.

Immigration Act Article 70 “Illegal Labor” is “sin of support”
It is stipulated in “Sin that promotes illegal employment”.

The prosecution's “reason for crime” is stipulated
in the Immigration Act Article 22-4-4 “Restoration of Status
of Residence by Submitting False Documents”.
There is no punishment. “Resident status” is simply revoked.
And it will be “forced return”.

Even if you get a status of residence with "false documents",
If you work within the scope of your status of residence, it is not “illegal labor”.
The application of Article 62 or Article 62 of the Penal Code to me
or the Philippine diplomat is an error in the “Applicable Law”.
This is a perfect "False charge".

Victims should apply to the government or media of their country.
Governments and media in each country should ask the Japanese government
for "recovery of honor" and "compensation".

If national governments or embassies cannot protest the Japanese government,
please request an investigation from ICC.
There are many victims all over the world. Please support “sue to ICC”.

The materials are below.

The above translation document is inaccurate, so please contact us by email.

There are many American victims. I have seen it with this eye.
Americans are also not guilty if the prosecution does not arrest the employer.
Should claim the restoration and compensation of American honor.

Sincerely, Yashiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


For uncertainties, please contact us!



[每个中国人] “传播这一新闻!”只有“恐怖主义”才能赢得政权吗?




第一部分Mainichi Newspaper 2019年8月28日,









请参阅“英语翻译”和“日语文本” PDF。
英文翻译不正确。请参见上面的“ PDF”进行英语翻译。
●请参阅相关法律。 (日语和英语翻译)


如果非法雇用外国人的雇主是“无辜的”,那么非法雇用的外国人也是“无辜的”。 。









以下是发送给东京中国大使馆的电子邮件的内容。 。


中国政府应保护因违反《 2010年移民法》而受到非法惩罚的中国人。

然而,对于2010年的受害人“ Kin gungaku”,

“ Kin Gungaku” =金成研究。


“您应立即与中国大使馆联系并说明情况。” “我很快就会被释放。”





第一部分Mainichi Newspaper 2019年8月28日,









请参阅“英语翻译”和“日语文本” PDF。
英文翻译不正确。请参见上面的“ PDF”进行英语翻译。
●请参阅相关法律。 (日语和英语翻译)


如果非法雇用外国人的雇主是“无辜的”,那么非法雇用的外国人也是“无辜的”。 。









以下是发送给东京中国大使馆的电子邮件的内容。 。


中国政府应保护因违反《 2010年移民法》而受到非法惩罚的中国人。

然而,对于2010年的受害人“ Kin gungaku”,

“ Kin Gungaku” =金成研究。


“您应立即与中国大使馆联系并说明情况。” “我很快就会被释放。”


People should destroy Japan's `` Kamikaze Justice ''! 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国最高领导人金正恩 2019-11-08:亲爱的先生, 2017年1月,“颁布”了对“支持”《移民控制法》第22-4-4条的人员的惩罚。在那之前,



第一部分Mainichi Newspaper 2019年8月28日,









请参阅“英语翻译”和“日语文本” PDF。
英文翻译不正确。请参见上面的“ PDF”进行英语翻译。
●请参阅相关法律。 (日语和英语翻译)


如果非法雇用外国人的雇主是“无辜的”,那么非法雇用的外国人也是“无辜的”。 。















People should destroy Japan's `` Kamikaze Justice ''! To President Trump 2019-11-08: Dear Sir,This completely innocences me and the Chinese, KinGungaku and “Philippine embassy

To President Trump

2019-11-08: Dear Sir,
In January 2017, the punishment for those who “supported” Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control Act was “enacted”. Until then, everything is “innocent”. This completely innocences me and the Chinese, KinGungaku and “Philippine embassy officials and diplomats”. It should be discussed immediately in the Diet. Prosecutors should “self-surrender”.

Part 1. Mainichi Shimbun August 28, 2019, the LDP “Hiroshi Ueno Welfare Labor,
Parliamentary Secretary” received “suspicion report”.
He “spoken” to the Ministry of Justice in relation to foreign workers.
In return, he requested money from a temporary staffing agency in Tokyo.
With this “report”, Ueno offered to “resign”.
The government decided at the “Cabinet” of the “carrying” on the 28th.

This is the end of the incident.
So the truth of immigration violation cases is that “darkness” is “deep”.
The judiciary and the parliamentarians are temporarily in trouble,
but conspire to “be buried in the darkness”.

Parliamentarians should understand immigration laws and rescue many victims around the world.

Just like the judge of the previous day, illegal judicial administration should be corrected
by Article 31 and Article 14 of the Constitution.

It is illegal to apply criminal aid assistance for reasons of support
under Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Act for violations of Article 70 of the Immigration Act.
Please see the "judgment of the trial" of the supporter who "provided" false documents
in "obtaining status of residence".

Previously, under the Immigration Control Act, “persons who acquired status
of residence” through “false application” were not subject to penal regulations
 (Article 70, Article 74-6).
The "Revised Immigration Act" is subject to penal provisions
for those who have obtained a "residence status" through a "false application",
as well as applications such as workplaces, lawyers, administrative scriveners,
and school staff that have helped them. It was established at the Diet.
“Effective from January 1, 2017”.
Citizens and victims are watching the “Monkey Play” of Japanese parliamentarians.
Immediately, “Restoration of Honor” and “Compensation” for “I and Kingungaku”
and “Philippine embassy officials and diplomats” should be performed.
100% innocent. The minutes of the Diet are proof.

Continue to next week.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
`` Revised November 4, 2019 ''
I'm not only Chinese and Philippine,
Fighting for many victims in the world.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”, it is natural to resolve it by terrorism.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are “causal” of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).
However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to Article 14 “Principles of Equality
under the Law” of the Japanese Constitution.
It violates international law that prohibits "consciously" "punishing" only foreigners.
If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent". .

2. The prosecution “applied” the crimes supporting other crimes
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the grounds of “supporting the Immigration Law Article 22-4-4” Is an error in the law.
"Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Law" is the disposal of those
who have obtained the status of residence through fake application.
Previously, the Immigration Control Act was not subject to penalties
for those who obtained status of residence through false applications (Article 70, Article 74-6).
The Amended Immigration Act was enacted
at the 192nd Special Diet session for those who obtained status
of residence through falsification applications, office workers who helped them,
lawyers, administrative scriveners, and school staff.
“Effective from January 1, 2017”.
“I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat, Philippine embassy official” is 100% “innocent”.

“Reference”: A foreigner performed an act prescribed
in the Immigration Act Article 22-4-4 (Acquisition of status of residence
by submitting false documents). However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.

The prosecution is “crush something in one's hand”.
However, “crush something in one's hand”
by the state power is “stop” of “aging, statistics of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.
Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: The White House replied to me that I was seriously considering a solution
that would satisfy me with this issue.
I am waiting for the result I hope that there is no lie.

Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: The White House replied to me that I was seriously considering a solution
that would satisfy me with this issue.
I am waiting for the result I expect no lies.

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

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