
Emmanuel Macron Président de la France Édition du dimanche 17 novembre 2019: Cher Monsieur, J'ai proposé en détail à l'administration Trump les "négociations commerciales entre le Japon et les États-Unis". Les États-Unis ont proposé que le gouvernement japonais soit obligé d'acheter des "gros véhicules fabriqués aux États-Unis" en tant que "véhicules publics" à un certain "ratio". Malheureusement, le président Trump a «jeté» le «secteur automobile américain». La plus grande défense est la "promotion de l'exportation". Les États-Unis devraient choisir un «président intelligent» pour protéger l'industrie automobile et les travailleurs américains.

Emmanuel Macron Président de la France

Édition du dimanche 17 novembre 2019: Cher Monsieur,
J'ai proposé en détail à l'administration Trump les "négociations commerciales entre le Japon et les États-Unis". Les États-Unis ont proposé que le gouvernement japonais soit obligé d'acheter des "gros véhicules fabriqués aux États-Unis" en tant que "véhicules publics" à un certain "ratio". Malheureusement, le président Trump a «jeté» le «secteur automobile américain». La plus grande défense est la "promotion de l'exportation". Les États-Unis devraient choisir un «président intelligent» pour protéger l'industrie automobile et les travailleurs américains.

Partie 1 Le président Trump a accepté à 100% la demande du Japon dans le cadre des "négociations commerciales américano-japonaises".
En effet, le Japon a promis d’importer du maïs des États-Unis.
En d'autres termes, il a "supprimé" les "travailleurs de l'industrie automobile" et a protégé les "agriculteurs" de son lieu d'élection.
J'ai fait de nombreuses propositions sur l'exportation de voitures américaines au Japon.
J'ai fait de nombreuses propositions concernant l'exportation de produits agricoles américains au Japon.
Le personnel de la Maison-Blanche intéressé par ma proposition a quitté la Maison-Blanche déçu par l'administration Trump.

Le président Trump a un gros malentendu sur le problème de la voiture.
La politique de tarification des automobiles japonaises pour empêcher les importations est un "imbécile".
Les «tarifs supplémentaires» ne sont que temporaires.
Les États-Unis devraient exporter leurs «grosses voitures fabriquées aux États-Unis» au Japon.
Sans augmenter la production de voitures aux États-Unis, le travail des travailleurs américains n'augmentera pas.
Il y a «beaucoup de gestionnaires» au Japon.
De nombreux chefs d'entreprise prospères souhaitent utiliser une "grande voiture américaine".
Parce que c'est une "preuve de succès".

À l'origine, "Carlos Ghosn" de Nissan a donné un rêve aux dirigeants japonais.
"Carlos Ghosn" a reçu la même "importante rémunération" que "le président de la société automobile américaine".
Les gestionnaires japonais ont été «surpris» par la récompense.
Cependant, tout le monde, y compris le président de Toyota, a commencé à suivre.

La même chose est vraie pour les grosses voitures américaines.
Quand quelqu'un monte dans une grosse voiture américaine, beaucoup suivent.

Après la guerre, les grandes voitures fabriquées aux États-Unis circulaient au Japon.
Cependant, après la guerre, le gouvernement japonais a adopté une politique visant à accorder un traitement préférentiel aux «produits japonais».
La situation est différente maintenant.

«Arrestation et séquestration» illégales par le gouvernement japonais dans le cadre de «violations des procédures en matière d'immigration»
Et «punition illégale» est telle que rapportée dans l’email «Weekday».
Beaucoup de gens sont maintenant d'accord.
Faire du Japon un "pays de droit"
Je pense que c'est pour assurer la conformité.
Les consommateurs exigent «de la conformité» du Japon en «n'achetant pas de produits japonais».
Cela crée une «concurrence loyale».
C'est une grande "pression" pour l'industrie automobile.
Les voitures américaines peuvent être vendues si la concurrence est égale.

Continuez jusqu'à la semaine prochaine.

Partie 2 Le bureau du procureur du district de Tokyo «écrase» les crimes commis par les procureurs, même en violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
Il y a beaucoup d'étrangers (indénombrables).
Soulagez les victimes du gouvernement japonais autour de vous!
Les victimes sont des étrangers qui «travaillent illégalement» dans des activités autres que le «statut de résident» au Japon.

Ils ont été arrêtés pour "travail illégal" en vertu de l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration
A reçu des actions criminelles telles que "une peine de prison" et "bien".
Et c'est un étranger qui a été forcé de rentrer.
J'ai écrit à ce sujet hier.

L’accusation a arrêté une tierce partie accusée de "soutien" au "travail illégal" susmentionné d’étrangers.
La victime est "moi et" Kin Gungaku qui est chinois ".
Parmi les autres victimes figurent des responsables de l'ambassade des Philippines et des diplomates philippins.
Je pense qu'il y a plus de victimes, mais je ne connais pas l'information.
La personne qui a donné le "document de contrat de travail" à un étranger qui a fait du "travail illégal" est un tiers.
Cela n'a rien à voir avec le «travail illégal».
Les procureurs disent «acte d'accusation» comme suit:

J'ai remis un "document de contrat de travail avec de faux contenus" à un étranger.
Les étrangers pouvaient facilement obtenir un «statut de résident» en joignant un «document de contrat de travail avec un contenu faux».
Les étrangers sont venus au Japon parce qu'ils ont pu obtenir un «statut de résident».
Les étrangers se trouvaient au Japon et pouvaient faire du «travail illégal».
Par conséquent, en tant que crime contre la loi sur l'immigration des étrangers, l'article 70 "du travail illégal"
"Crime qui a soutenu d'autres crimes" aux "articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal" s'applique.

Article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration «Le travail illégal» est un «péché de soutien»
Il est stipulé dans «Le péché qui favorise l'emploi illégal».
L'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration, intitulé «Rétablissement du statut de résident par la présentation de faux documents», définit le «motif du crime» poursuivi par la poursuite.
Il n'y a pas de punition. Le «statut de résident» est simplement révoqué.
Et ce sera un «retour forcé».
Même si vous obtenez un statut de résidence avec de "faux documents",
Si vous travaillez dans le cadre de votre statut de résidence, il ne s'agit pas d'un «travail illégal».
L’application de l’article 62 ou de l’article 62 du Code pénal à moi-même ou au diplomate philippin est une erreur dans la «loi applicable».
C'est une "fausse charge" parfaite.

Les victimes doivent s'adresser au gouvernement ou aux médias de leur pays.
Les gouvernements et les médias de chaque pays devraient demander au gouvernement japonais une "récupération de l'honneur" et une "compensation".
Si les gouvernements nationaux ou les ambassades ne peuvent pas protester contre le gouvernement japonais, veuillez demander une enquête à la CPI.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes partout dans le monde. S'il vous plaît soutenir "poursuivre en justice à la CPI".
Les matériaux sont ci-dessous. http://www.miraico.jp/ICC-crime/
Le document de traduction ci-dessus est inexact, veuillez donc nous contacter par courrier électronique.

Il y a beaucoup de victimes américaines. Je l'ai vu de cet œil.
Les Américains sont également non coupables si la poursuite n'arrête pas l'employeur.
Devrait réclamer la restauration et la compensation de l'honneur américain.

Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

조선 민주주의 인민 공화국 최고 지도자 "Kim Jong-un Excellency"에.

일요 판 2019 년 11 월 17 일 : 인사말,
나는 "미일 무역 협상 '에서 트럼프 정권에 자세하게 제시했다. 미국은 일본 정부에 "미국산 대형차 '를 일정한"비율 "에서"공용 차'로 구매하는 것을 요구해야한다고 제안했습니다. 불행히도 트럼프 대통령은 "미국의 자동차 산업"을 "버린" 최대 지키고는 "수출의 촉진」입니다. 미국은 미국의 자동차 산업과 노동자를 보호 "지혜로운 대통령"를 선택한다.

제 1 부. 트럼프 대통령은 "미일 무역 협상"일본의 요구를 100 % 수용했습니다.
일본이 미국산 '옥수수 수입 "약속을했기 때문입니다.
즉 그는 "자동차 산업 노동자"를 "삭제"하고 그의 선거 지반의 「농민」을 지켰다입니다.
나는 미국의 자동차의 일본 수출에 대해 여러 번 제안을했습니다.
미국의 농산물의 일본 수출에 대해 여러 번 제안을했습니다.
나의 제안에 관심을 가진 백악관 직원은 트럼프 정권에 실망하고 백악관을 떠났다.

자동차 문제에 대해 트럼프 대통령은 큰 오해를하고있다.
일본 자동차에 관세를 부과하여 수입을 방지하는 정책은 "우책"입니다.
"추가 관세"는 완화에 불과하다.
미국은 "미국산 대형 자동차 '를 일본에 수출해야합니다.
미국에서 자동차 생산을 늘려야 미국 노동자의 일자리는 늘어나지 않는다.
일본에는 "많은 경영자 '가있다.
성공한 많은 기업의 '경영자'는 '미국의 대형 자동차 "를 타고 싶다.
그것은 "성공의 증거"이기 때문입니다.

원래 닛산의 "카를로스 곤 씨 '는 일본의 경영자에게 꿈을 주었다.
"카를로스 곤 씨"는 "미국의 자동차 회사의 사장"와 같은 "거액의 임원 보수"를 얻었다.
그 보수액 일본의 경영자는 "경악"했다.
하지만 도요타 사장을 비롯해 모두가 '추종'하게되었다.

미국의 대형 자동차도 마찬가지입니다.
누군가가 미국의 대형차를 타고 많은 사람들이 추종을합니다.

전후 일본에서도 미국산 대형차가 달려 있었다.
그러나 전후 일본 정부는 "일본 제품"을 우대하는 정책을 실시했다.
지금은 상황이 다릅니다.

"입관 법 위반 사건 '에서 일본 정부의 불법"체포 · 감금 "
그리고 "불법적 인 처벌 '에 대해서는"평일 "의 메일로보고 같습니다.
지금은 많은 사람들이 동참 해주고 있습니다.
일본을 "법에 따라 통치되는 나라 '로하기 위해서는 일본 기업에
"준수"를 준수하는 일이라고 생각합니다.
소비자는 "일본 제품을 구입하지 않음"을하여 일본에 "준수"를 요구하는 것입니다.
이는 '공정한 경쟁'입니다.
자동차 산업에 큰 '압력'이됩니다.
대등 한 경쟁이되면 미국 자동차도 판매합니다.

다음주에 계속됩니다.

제 2 부. 도쿄 지검 특수 부는 입관 법 위반 사건도 검찰의 범죄를 "crush"하고 있습니다.
외국인이 많이 있습니다 (셀 수 없다).
세계의 "여러분"! 당신의 주위에있는 일본 정부의 피해자를 구제하십시오!
피해자는 일본에서 「재류 자격」이외의 활동에서 "위법으로 일했다"외국인입니다.

그들은 입관 법 70 조의 '불법 노동'으로 체포되어
"a prison term 형」나 「벌금의 형」등의 「형사 처분 '을 받고 있습니다.
그리고 "강제 송환"하게 된 외국인입니다.
이 것은 어제 썼습니다.

검찰은 상기 외국인 "불법 노동 '을'지원 '한 죄로 제삼자를 체포하고 있습니다.
피해자는 "나는 나"중국인이다 Kin Gungaku ""입니다.
그 밖에, 필리핀 대사관 직원과 필리핀 국가의 외교관이 피해자입니다.
더 피해자가 있다고 생각 합니다만, 나는 정보를 알지 못합니다.
"불법 노동 '을 한 외국인에게'고용 계약 서류"를 전달자는 제삼자입니다.
"불법 노동 '과는 관계가 없습니다.
검찰은 "Indictment"에서 다음과 같이 말합니다.

내가 외국인에 "내용이 허위 고용 계약 서류"를 통과했다.
외국인은 "내용이 허위 고용 계약 서류"를 첨부하여 「재류 자격」이 쉽게 얻을 수 있었다.
외국인은 「재류 자격」이 얻을 수 있었으므로 일본에 거주하고왔다.
외국인은 일본에 계셨기 때문 "불법 노동 '이 생겼다.
그래서 외국인의 입국 관리법 70 조 "불법 노동 '에 대한 죄로
"형법 60 조 및 62 조"의 "다른 범죄를 지원 한 죄 '를 적용합니다.

입관 법 70 조 "불법 노동 '에 대한'지원의 죄 '는 입관 법 73-2 조의
"불법 취업을 조장하는 범죄"로 규정하고 있습니다.
검찰의 "범죄 이유 '는 입관 법 22-4-4 조"허위 서류 제출에 의한 재류 자격의 취소」에 규정되어 있습니다.
그 처벌은 없습니다. 「재류 자격」이 취소 될뿐입니다.
그리고 "강제 송환"됩니다.
만일 "허위 문서"로 체류 자격을 얻더라도,
「재류 자격」의 범위에서 작동하는 경우 "불법 노동 ''이 아닙니다.
나는 나 필리핀 외교관에 대한 형법 62 조 및 62 조의 적용은 "해당 법률"오류입니다.
이것은 완벽한 "False charge"입니다.

피해자는 각국 정부와 미디어에 신청하십시오.
각국 정부와 언론은 일본 정부에 '명예 회복'과 '배상'을 요구합니다.
각국 정부와 대사관이 일본 정부에 항의 할 수없는 경우는 "ICC"에 수사를 요청하십시오.

피해자는 전세계에 많이 있습니다. "ICC 제소"을 지원합니다.
자료는 아래에 있습니다. http://www.miraico.jp/ICC-crime/
위의 번역 문서는 부정확하므로 이메일로 문의하시기 바랍니다.

미국인의 피해자가 많이 있습니다. 나는이 눈으로보고 왔습니다.
검찰이 고용주를 체포하지 않는다면 미국인도 무죄입니다.
미국인의 명예 회복과 배상을 청구해야합니다.

감사 Yasuhiro Nagano

나가노 恭博

내 메시지 ************************************** *

저를 도와주세요.
중국 인민 (길림성)를 도와주세요.
북한의 동포 인 한국인을 도와주세요.
필리핀과 많은 외국인들이 희생되고 있습니다.

일본 정부는 "일본의 납치 문제 '에서 북한 당국을 비난한다.
북한 정부는 "일본 정부의 외국인 납치 문제 '를 비난해야한다.

북한 만 핵 문제가 아니다.
일본의 원자력 발전소의 핵연료와 핵 폐기물도 비난하십시오.
핵폭탄은 1 년 이내에 제조 할 수 있습니다.
일본은 이미 ICBM 로켓으로 우주 정거장에 물자를 나르고있다.
일본은 언제든지 북한을 미사일에 핵 공격 할 수있다.
북한은 일본의 핵 미사일의 폐지를 요구해야한다.

북한, 힘내라!

Mobiltelefon 090-4824-7899
이메일 nagano@miraico.jp

Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel Sonntagsausgabe, 17. November 2019: Sehr geehrter Herr, Ich habe der Trump-Administration in den "Japan-US-Handelsverhandlungen" einen detaillierten Vorschlag gemacht. Die Vereinigten Staaten schlugen vor, dass die japanische Regierung verpflichtet werden sollte, "in den USA hergestellte Großfahrzeuge" als "öffentliche Fahrzeuge" in einem bestimmten "Verhältnis" zu kaufen. Leider "verwarf" Präsident Trump die "US-amerikanische Automobilindustrie". Die größte Verteidigung ist "Exportförderung". Die Vereinigten Staaten sollten einen „klugen Präsidenten“ wählen, um die US-Automobilindustrie und die Arbeitnehmer zu schützen.

Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel

Sonntagsausgabe, 17. November 2019: Sehr geehrter Herr,
Ich habe der Trump-Administration in den "Japan-US-Handelsverhandlungen" einen detaillierten Vorschlag gemacht. Die Vereinigten Staaten schlugen vor, dass die japanische Regierung verpflichtet werden sollte, "in den USA hergestellte Großfahrzeuge" als "öffentliche Fahrzeuge" in einem bestimmten "Verhältnis" zu kaufen. Leider "verwarf" Präsident Trump die "US-amerikanische Automobilindustrie". Die größte Verteidigung ist "Exportförderung". Die Vereinigten Staaten sollten einen „klugen Präsidenten“ wählen, um die US-Automobilindustrie und die Arbeitnehmer zu schützen.

Teil 1. Präsident Trump hat die Forderung Japans in den "Japan-US-Handelsverhandlungen" zu 100% akzeptiert.
Dies liegt daran, dass Japan versprochen hat, Mais aus den USA zu importieren.
Mit anderen Worten, er "löschte" die "Arbeiter der Automobilindustrie" und schützte die "Bauern" seines Wahlkreises.
Ich habe viele Vorschläge zum Export von US-Autos nach Japan gemacht.
Ich habe viele Vorschläge zum Export von US-Agrarprodukten nach Japan gemacht.
Mitarbeiter des Weißen Hauses, die an meinem Vorschlag interessiert sind, haben das Weiße Haus enttäuscht von der Trump-Administration verlassen.

Präsident Trump hat ein großes Missverständnis in Bezug auf das Thema Auto.
Die Politik, japanische Autos zu tarifieren, um Importe zu verhindern, ist ein "Dummkopf".
"Zusatztarife" sind nur vorübergehend.
Die Vereinigten Staaten sollten "in den Vereinigten Staaten hergestellte große Autos" nach Japan exportieren.
Ohne eine Steigerung der Automobilproduktion in den USA wird die Arbeit der US-Arbeiter nicht zunehmen.
In Japan gibt es „viele Manager“.
Viele erfolgreiche Unternehmer wollen ein "großes US-Auto" fahren.
Weil es ein „Erfolgsbeweis“ ist.

Ursprünglich gab Nissans "Carlos Ghosn" japanischen Managern einen Traum.
"Carlos Ghosn" erhielt die gleiche "hohe Vergütung für Führungskräfte" wie "President of US Auto Company".
Die japanischen Manager waren von der Belohnung „erstaunt“.
Alle, auch Toyotas Präsident, begannen zu folgen.

Gleiches gilt für große amerikanische Autos.
Wenn jemand in einem großen US-Auto fährt, folgen ihm viele.

Nach dem Krieg fuhren in Japan in den USA hergestellte große Autos.
Nach dem Krieg verfolgte die japanische Regierung jedoch die Politik, "japanischen Produkten" eine Vorzugsbehandlung zu gewähren.
Die Situation ist jetzt anders.

Illegale "Verhaftung und Inhaftierung" durch die japanische Regierung bei "Verstößen gegen Einwanderungsbestimmungen"
"Illegale Bestrafung" wird in der E-Mail "Wochentag" angegeben.
Viele Menschen stimmen jetzt zu.
Japan zu einem "gesetzlich geregelten Land" machen
Ich denke, das soll die Einhaltung sicherstellen.
Verbraucher fordern von Japan „Compliance“, indem sie „keine japanischen Produkte kaufen“.
Dies schafft einen „fairen Wettbewerb“.
Dies ist ein großer „Druck“ für die Automobilindustrie.
Amerikanische Autos können verkauft werden, wenn die Konkurrenz gleich ist.

Weiter zur nächsten Woche.

Teil 2. Die Staatsanwaltschaft des Bezirks Tokio „vernichtet“ die Verbrechen der Staatsanwälte, auch wenn dies gegen das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz verstößt.
Es gibt viele Ausländer (unzählige).
Hilf den Opfern der japanischen Regierung um dich herum!
Opfer sind Ausländer, die in Japan „illegal“ in anderen Tätigkeiten als dem „Aufenthaltsstatus“ arbeiten.

Sie wurden wegen "illegaler Arbeit" nach Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes festgenommen
Erhaltene kriminelle Handlungen wie "eine Gefängnisstrafe" und "Geldstrafe".
Und es ist ein Ausländer, der zur Rückkehr gezwungen wurde.
Ich habe gestern darüber geschrieben.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat einen Dritten wegen "Unterstützung" der oben genannten "illegalen Arbeit" von Ausländern festgenommen.
Das Opfer ist "Ich" und "Kin Gungaku, der Chinese ist".
Andere Opfer sind philippinische Botschaftsbeamte und philippinische Diplomaten.
Ich glaube, es gibt mehr Opfer, aber ich kenne die Informationen nicht.
Die Person, die einem Ausländer, der "illegale Arbeit" geleistet hat, das "Arbeitsvertragsformular" ausgehändigt hat, ist ein Dritter.
Es hat nichts mit „illegaler Arbeit“ zu tun.
Staatsanwälte sagen "Anklage" wie folgt:

Ich habe einem Ausländer ein "Arbeitsvertragsdokument mit falschem Inhalt" ausgehändigt.
Ausländer konnten leicht einen „Aufenthaltsstatus“ erlangen, indem sie ein „Arbeitsvertragsdokument mit falschem Inhalt“ beifügten.
Ausländer kamen nach Japan, weil sie einen „Aufenthaltsstatus“ erlangen konnten.
Ausländer waren in Japan und konnten „illegale Arbeit“ verrichten.
Als Straftat gegen das Ausländer-Einwanderungsgesetz gilt daher Artikel 70 "Illegale Arbeit".
"Straftaten, die andere Straftaten unterstützt haben" in "Artikel 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs" gilt.

Einwanderungsgesetz Artikel 70 „Illegale Arbeit“ ist „Sünde der Unterstützung“
Es ist in "Sünde, die illegale Beschäftigung fördert" festgelegt.
Der „Grund für die Straftat“ der Staatsanwaltschaft ist im Zuwanderungsgesetz Artikel 22-4-4 „Wiederherstellung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente“ festgelegt.
Es gibt keine Bestrafung. Der "Aufenthaltsstatus" wird einfach widerrufen.
Und es wird "erzwungene Rückkehr" sein.
Auch wenn Sie einen Aufenthaltsstatus mit "falschen Dokumenten" erhalten,
Wenn Sie im Rahmen Ihres Aufenthaltsstatus arbeiten, handelt es sich nicht um „illegale Arbeit“.
Die Anwendung von Artikel 62 oder Artikel 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs auf mich oder den philippinischen Diplomaten ist ein Fehler im "Anwendbaren Recht".
Dies ist eine perfekte "falsche Aufladung".

Die Opfer sollten sich an die Regierung oder die Medien ihres Landes wenden.
Regierungen und Medien in jedem Land sollten die japanische Regierung um "Wiedererlangung der Ehre" und "Entschädigung" bitten.
Wenn nationale Regierungen oder Botschaften nicht gegen die japanische Regierung protestieren können, fordern Sie bitte eine Untersuchung beim Internationalen Strafgerichtshof an.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der ganzen Welt. Bitte unterstützen Sie "Sue to ICC".
Die Materialien sind unten. http://www.miraico.jp/ICC-crime/
Das obige Übersetzungsdokument ist ungenau. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail.

Es gibt viele amerikanische Opfer. Ich habe es mit diesem Auge gesehen.
Die Amerikaner sind auch nicht schuldig, wenn die Staatsanwaltschaft den Arbeitgeber nicht festnimmt.
Sollte die Wiederherstellung und Entschädigung der amerikanischen Ehre fordern.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

Mobiltelefon 090-4824-7899
E-Mail nagano@miraico.jp
Nationalität Japan

周日版,2019年11月17日:亲爱的先生, 我在“日美贸易谈判”中向特朗普政府提出了详细建议。美国提议应要求日本政府以一定的“比率”将“美国制造的大型车辆”作为“公共车辆”购买。不幸的是,特朗普总统“抛弃”了“美国汽车业”。最大的防御是“促进出口”。美国应该选择一个“聪明的总统”来保护美国的汽车工业和工人。




“ Carlos Ghosn”获得了与“美国汽车公司总裁”相同的“高管薪酬”。











材料如下。 http://www.miraico.jp/ICC-crime/




我的留言****************************************** *


中国政府应保护因违反《 2010年移民法》而受到非法惩罚的中国人。

然而,对于2010年的受害人“ Kin gungaku”,

“ Kin Gungaku” =金成研究。


“您应立即与中国大使馆联系并说明情况。” “我很快就会被释放。”


我的信息*************************************************** ****




Change the world! Saturday, November 16, 2019, special zone. Dear Sir, President Trump of the United States said on the 12th that the agreement on the “first stage” of the US-China trade talks was “coming soon. I see him “seem like in a hurry” for next year's presidential election. When will the US trade deficit with China disappear? The US has no “future of the US” other than building a “special zone”

Saturday, November 16, 2019, special zone.
Dear Sir, President Trump of the United States said on the 12th that the agreement on the “first stage” of the US-China trade talks was “coming soon. I see him “seem like in a hurry” for next year's presidential election. When will the US trade deficit with China disappear? The US has no “future of the US” other than building a “special zone”

Part 1. US President Trump gave a lecture in New York on the 12th, and is “close” about the agreement on the “first stage” of US-China trade talks focusing on some negotiating areas such as agricultural products. "Prospects are likely to be realized soon," he said.
On the other hand, he stressed that “a good deal for US workers and companies is a condition of the agreement,” and highlighted that the US and China are still in fierce bargaining as the talks are going on. .
It put pressure on China to make concessions on importing US agricultural products and protecting intellectual property rights.

The United States was deprived of everything by a communist dictatorship.
The US administration has handed over "US manufacturing" to China.
Then US manufacturing workers were unemployed.
And the seller of US products became the seller of Chinese products.
The United States has given China a huge “dollar” in trade transactions.
The United States became poor.
The Trump administration abandoned “national security” and urged allies to eliminate trade deficits.
The only thing left in the United States may be “Intellectual Property Rights”.
Now, the last “fort” “offense and defense” is being carried out.
However, even if "intellectual property rights" remain, it is difficult to lead the "global economy" led by the United States.
Eventually, if the “dollar” is depleted, the day of becoming a “poor country” is near.
The defense power is also depleted of “military expenses”, so US security becomes “empty”.

I do not want to see the “decline” of the United States as an “Allied citizen”.

It will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. In the United States, I “suggest” to build a “special zone” along the border with Mexico.
See April 13, 2019, Special Zone Saturday Edition.

Japan's immigration policy is worse than the United States.
Japanese immigration law is similar to American immigration law.
America's prosperity is realized by the world being free, democratic, and "ruled under the law".
I seriously seek the rule of law. Please instruct the person concerned to investigate.
There are many American victims.

Documents to be submitted to ICC.
I agree to disclose my name and necessary information.
Please ask questions by e-mail if you are unsure.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

Change the world! Saturday edition, November 16, 2019: Dear Sir, Thank you for your encouragement. Thank you very much. Toyota Motor's interim results have reached record highs in sales and final profit.

Saturday edition, November 16, 2019: Dear Sir,
Thank you for your encouragement. Thank you very much. Toyota Motor's interim results have reached record highs in sales and final profit. On the other hand, on November 12, there is an article that 51 foreigners such as Vietnamese who were working at "Auto Parts Assembly Company" were arrested.

Part 1. According to NHK News on November 7th,
Toyota Motor's interim financial results from April to September increased its sales
by 4% from the same period last year to more than 1.5 trillion yen.
Became a record high for interim results. This is because sales increased
in Japan and the United States.

On the other hand, according to the Mainichi Shimbun on November 12,
foreign workers who do not qualify for work were dispatched.
And they “worked as workers”.
The Mie Prefectural Police arrested "the following 2 suspects"
on the 12th for violating the Immigration Refugee Law Article 73-2 "Crime to promote illegal employment".
1) “Toshihiko Sato” of “Management” of “Automobile parts assembly contractor” of “Kameyama City”.
2) “Nguyen Bang Min”, an automobile repair sales business of Vietnamese nationality.

Around this incident, the Mie Prefectural Police “discovered” 51 foreigners on charges
of “illegal residue” in violation of the Immigration Control Act.
Of these, 38 were “dispatched” by a company run by Suto.

The manufacturing industry in Japan is not limited to the automobile industry,
but has a “pyramid production structure” in all industries.
The automobile parts of major automobile companies are manufactured
by countless “subcontractors”.
The site where the auto parts for the “pyramid bottom” are manufactured is manufactured
by the “town's small factory” mentioned above.
There are many “illegal foreigners” working there.
You cannot “operate” a “factory in a town” unless you hire foreigners who are “illegal stays”.
So these incidents are the tip of the iceberg.

If you are arrested every day in this way, foreigners will disappear, but they will not “deplete”.

This is because Japan accepts a large number of “simple workers”
by “name” of “international students” and “technical internship students”.
Even in the above article, foreigners were “illegal stays”.
They come to Japan as “technical internship students”.
However, because “wages” are cheap and “harsh labor”, they will escape from “practice”.
And they get a job at a “temporary company” and work at a “factory in the town of auto parts”.
When they are arrested, it has been one or two years since they “escaped” from the “factory factory”.
The period of stay is over.
So they are arrested for immigration "illegal stay".

I have reported these problems to you for many years.
Recently, employers have been arrested for violating the Immigration Control Act, Article 73-2.
This is the “result” of your support.
However, the restoration and compensation of the honor of “I and foreigners”
that have been illegally disposed of in the past is not over.
The Japanese government should recover and compensate for the honor
of those who illegally disposed of.
We ask for your continued support.

It will continue tomorrow.

Part 2. Many foreigners have been arrested for violating immigration law
in violation of international law.
(I can't count).
Korean, Chinese, Filippin, American, `` Everyone '' from all over the world!
Relieve the victims of the Japanese government around you!

Victims are foreigners who “work illegally” in activities other than “resident status” in Japan.
They were arrested for "illegal labor" under Article 70 of the Immigration Act,
Received "criminal disposition" such as "fine penalty".
And it is a foreigner who was forced to return.

A third party has been arrested on charges
of "supporting" the above-mentioned "illegal labor" of foreigners.
The victim is me and “Kin Gungaku who is Chinese”.
Other victims include Filipino embassy officials and Philippine diplomats.
I think there are more victims, but I don't know the information.

The person who gave the "employment contract document" to a foreigner
who did "illegal labor" is a third party.
It has nothing to do with “illegal labor”.
Prosecutors say “Indictment” as follows:

I handed a "employment contract document with false contents" to a foreigner.
Foreigners were easily able to obtain a “residence status”
by attaching an “employment contract document with a false content”.
Foreigners came to Japan because they were able to obtain a “resident status”.
Foreigners were in Japan and were able to do “illegal labor”.
Therefore, as a crime against foreigner immigration law Article 70 "illegal labor"
"Crime that supported other crimes" in "Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code" applies.

Immigration Act Article 70 “Illegal Labor” is “sin of support”
It is stipulated in “Sin that promotes illegal employment”.

The prosecution's “reason for crime” is stipulated
in the Immigration Law Article 22-4-4 “Restoration of Status of Residence
by Submitting False Documents”
There is no punishment. “Resident status” is simply revoked.
And it will be “forced return”.

Even if you get a status of residence with "false documents",
If you work within the scope of your status of residence, it is not “illegal labor”.
The application of Article 62 or Article 62 of the Penal Code to me
or the Philippine diplomat is an error in the “Applicable Law”.
This is a perfect "False charge".

Victims should apply to the government or media of their country.
Governments and media in each country should ask the Japanese government
for "recovery of honor" and "compensation".

If national governments or embassies cannot protest the Japanese government,
please request an investigation from ICC.
There are many victims all over the world. Please support “sue to ICC”.

The materials are below.

The above translation document is inaccurate, so please contact us by email.

There are many American victims. I have seen it with this eye.
Americans are also not guilty if the prosecution does not arrest the employer.
Should claim the restoration and compensation of American honor.

Sincerely, Yashiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


For uncertainties, please contact us!


Help me!朝鲜民主主义人民共和国最高领导人金正恩 2019-11-15:亲爱的先生, 白宫表示“我们正在认真考虑”这个问题。美国人不应该“支持”不帮助美国人的特朗普总统。中









请参阅“英语翻译”和“日语文本” PDF。
英文翻译不正确。请参见上面的“ PDF”进行英语翻译。
●请参阅相关法律。 (日语和英语翻译)


如果非法雇用外国人的雇主是“无辜的”,那么非法雇用的外国人也是“无辜的”。 。












Help me!Angela Merkel zum deutschen Ministerpräsidenten 2019-11-15: Sehr geehrter Herr, Das Weiße Haus sagte, dass "wir ernsthaft über dieses Problem nachdenken". Amerikaner sollten Präsident Trump nicht "unterstützen", der den Amerikanern

Angela Merkel zum deutschen Ministerpräsidenten

2019-11-15: Sehr geehrter Herr,
Das Weiße Haus sagte, dass "wir ernsthaft über dieses Problem nachdenken". Amerikaner sollten Präsident Trump nicht "unterstützen", der den Amerikanern nicht hilft. Es gab eine Anfrage der chinesischen Botschaft: „Ich möchte hören, was ich für die Chinesen tue.“ Die philippinische Regierung sollte ebenfalls umziehen. Viele Länder mit Opfern sollten ebenfalls umziehen. Natürlich sende ich diese E-Mail jeden Tag an Abes offiziellen Wohnsitz.

Teil 1. Ich erwarte, dass die Regierungen jedes Landes umziehen.
Ich sende es jeden Tag, so viele Ausländer haben mich verstanden.
Offensichtlich sind ich, der chinesische Kingungaku und die philippinischen Botschaftsbeamten und Diplomaten unschuldig.
Ausländer, die gemäß den Artikeln 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes bestraft wurden, sind nicht schuldig.
In Japan gilt gemäß Artikel 31 „Regierung nach dem Gesetz“
Sie werden nicht "verhaftet oder eingesperrt" oder "bestraft", es sei denn, Sie richten sich nach dem Gesetz, das im Landtag "erlassen" wurde.

Viele Japaner kennen jedoch weder die Verfassung noch das Gesetz.
Sogar Anwälte wissen es nicht.
Sie geben vor, es zu wissen.
Sie machen die „Auslegung des Gesetzes“ von Lügen „extrem normal“.

Die japanische Regierung bewegt sich nicht. Auch japanische Parteien bewegen sich nicht. Auch japanische Parlamentarier bewegen sich nicht.
Auch japanische Medien bewegen sich nicht. Ich habe Briefe an viele Institutionen geschickt.
Vorsitzender des Hauses der Ratsmitglieder, Vorsitzender des Repräsentantenhauses, Richter am Obersten Gerichtshof, Vorsitzender der Nationalen Börsenkommission, Staatsanwaltschaftskommission ...
Wo sagst du zu mir: "Wo soll ich appellieren?"

Im Jahr 1868 machte die „Meiji-Revolution“ Japan zu einer Großmacht, indem sie die westliche Kultur importierte.
Die Japaner sind also dem Druck von außen ausgesetzt.
Es ist ein Land, das besonders anfällig für den „Druck“ großer Länder ist.
Der nationale Charakter Japans freut sich, dass "das Unglück anderer" "der Geschmack von Honig" zu sein scheint.
Bitte bewegen Sie die japanische Regierung.
Dies ist keine „Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten“.
Dies dient dem Schutz der „Nationalbevölkerung“ eines jeden Landes.
Und zum Schluss "Bitte hilf mir".

Weiter zur nächsten Woche.

Siehe "Anklageschrift" auf der folgenden "Site".
In diesem Fall nur auf diese "Anklageschrift"
Sie können "Fehler des anwendbaren Rechts" verstehen.

Bitte lesen Sie die PDF-Dateien „Englische Übersetzung“ und „Japanischer Text“.
Bitte seien Sie vorsichtig beim Umgang mit persönlichen Daten.
● Übersetzung des englischen Satzes "Letter of Indictment"
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
Die englische Übersetzung dient nur als Referenz. Um genau zu sein, machen Sie es selbst.
● Japanischer Originaltext „Anklageschreiben“
"Anklage gegen Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanisch)"
Die englische Übersetzung ist falsch. Die englische Übersetzung finden Sie oben unter "PDF".
● Bitte beachten Sie die entsprechenden Gesetze. (Japanische und englische Übersetzung)
1) Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen
Gesetz über die Einwanderungskontrolle und die Anerkennung von Flüchtlingen
2) Strafrecht
3) Verfassung Japans
Die Verfassung von Japan

Teil 2. Ich "verklage" zwei Dinge.
"Überarbeitet am 4. November 2019"
Ich bin nicht nur chinesisch und philippinisch,
Für viele Opfer auf der Welt kämpfen.
Seit dem Vorfall sind fast 10 Jahre vergangen. Mein Leben ist begrenzt.
Wenn die Welt die „Governance nach dem Gesetz“ ignoriert, ist es selbstverständlich, dass sie durch Terrorismus gelöst wird.

1. Ausländer verrichteten „illegale Arbeit“ mit Ausnahme der „Qualifikation des Wohnsitzes“. Aber Ausländer sind unschuldig.
Für den einwanderungsrechtlichen Artikel 70 „Illegale Arbeitsverbrechen“ wurden nur Ausländer bestraft.
Andererseits bestimmt das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz Arbeitgeber, die für illegale Arbeit „ursächlich“ sind, als Artikel 73-2
Wir werden bestraft durch (Sünde, die illegale Beschäftigung fördert).
Die japanische Justiz "bestraft" jedoch nur Ausländer, nicht aber "Arbeitgeber".
Dies verstößt eindeutig gegen Artikel 14 „Grundsätze der Gleichbehandlung nach dem Gesetz“ der japanischen Verfassung.
Und die „bewusste“ und unter Verletzung des einzigen Ausländers im internationalen Recht, das die „Bestrafung“ verbietet.
Wenn ein Arbeitgeber, der einen Ausländer illegal anstellt, "unschuldig" ist, ist ein illegal angestellter Ausländer auch "unschuldig". .

2. Die Strafverfolgung erfolgt wegen "Unterstützung des Zuwanderungsgesetzes Artikel 22-4-4"
"Angewandte" Artikel 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs "Sünder, die andere Verbrechen unterstützen" gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes
Es ist "falsches Gesetz anzuwenden".
"Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes" ist die Verfügung derjenigen, die den Aufenthaltsstatus durch einen gefälschten Antrag erhalten haben.
Traditionell wurde das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz auf Personen angewendet, die aufgrund falscher Anträge den Aufenthaltsstatus erhalten haben.
Es war nicht mit Strafe (alten Gesetz Artikel 70, Artikel 74 6).
Diejenigen, die den Aufenthaltsstatus durch Fälschung Antrag erhalten haben, der Arbeitsplatz, Anwalt,
Das überarbeitete Einwanderungskontrollgesetz, das für Verwaltungsbeamte wie Verwaltungsbeamte und Schulpersonal gilt, wurde auf dem 192. Landtag verabschiedet.
"Gültig ab 1. Januar 2017".
"Ich, KinGungaku, philippinischer Diplomat und philippinischer Botschaftsangestellter" bin zu 100% "unschuldig".

"Hinweis": Ausländerzuwanderungsgesetz Artikel 22-4-4
Die in (Erlangung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Vorlage falscher Dokumente) vorgeschriebene Handlung wurde durchgeführt.
Hierfür gibt es jedoch keine „strafrechtliche Bestrafung“.
Entsorgung ist "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" und "Zwangsumsiedlung" durch den Justizminister.
Daher ist das "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung anderer Straftaten" in den Artikeln 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs nicht anwendbar.
Der durch die Anklage hervorgehobene „Grund für die Straftat“ in Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes ist für Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes nicht ursächlich.

Der Staatsanwalt ist "etwas in die Hand zerdrücken".
"Etwas in der Hand zerdrücken" durch die Staatsmacht ist jedoch "Stopp" des "Alterns, Statistik der Einschränkungen".
Die Materialien sind unten.
Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt.
Beste Grüße Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: Das Weiße Haus hat dieses Problem.
Ich antwortete, dass ich ernsthaft eine zufriedenstellende Lösung erwäge.
Ich warte auf das Ergebnis Ich hoffe, dass es keine Lüge gibt.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen

Es wird im folgenden Blog veröffentlicht.

Nationalität Japan

Nennen Sie Yasuhiro Nagano

 Nagano_ mirai@yahoo.co.jp

Bitte hilf mir.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für alle Fragen.

Help me!mmanuel Macron au président français 2019-11-15: Monsieur, La Maison Blanche a déclaré "nous examinons sérieusement" cette question. L

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2019-11-15: Monsieur,
La Maison Blanche a déclaré "nous examinons sérieusement" cette question. Les Américains ne devraient pas "soutenir" le président Trump qui n'aide pas les Américains. L'ambassade de Chine a demandé à l'enquête: «Je veux savoir ce que je fais pour les Chinois». Le gouvernement philippin devrait également bouger. De nombreux pays victimes devraient également déménager. Bien sûr, je continue d'envoyer chaque jour ce courrier électronique à la résidence officielle d'Abe.

Partie 1 Je m'attends à ce que les gouvernements de chaque pays bougent.
Je l'envoie tous les jours, alors beaucoup d'étrangers sont venus me comprendre.
De toute évidence, le Kingungaku chinois et les fonctionnaires et diplomates de l'ambassade des Philippines sont innocents.
Les étrangers sanctionnés en vertu de nombreux articles de la loi sur l'immigration (article 70) ne sont pas coupables.
Au Japon, conformément à l’article 31 «Le gouvernement en droit»,
Vous ne serez ni "arrêté, ni confiné" ni "puni" sauf si vous êtes conforme à la loi "promulguée" par la Diète.

Cependant, beaucoup de Japonais ne connaissent ni la constitution ni la loi.
Même les avocats ne savent pas.
Ils prétendent savoir.
Ils rendent «l'interprétation de la loi» du mensonge «extrêmement normale».

Le gouvernement japonais ne bouge pas. Les partis politiques japonais ne bougent pas non plus. Les parlementaires japonais ne bougent pas non plus.
Les médias japonais ne bougent pas non plus. J'ai envoyé des lettres à de nombreuses institutions.
Président de la Chambre des conseillers, Président de la Chambre des représentants, Juge à la Cour suprême, Président de la Commission des échanges nationaux, Bureau du conseil de poursuite ...
Où me dites-vous: «Où devrais-je faire appel?

En 1868, la «révolution Meiji» a fait du Japon une puissance majeure en important la culture occidentale.
Les Japonais sont donc vulnérables aux pressions étrangères.
C’est un pays particulièrement vulnérable aux «pressions» des grands pays.
Le caractère national du Japon se réjouit que "le malheur des autres" semble être "le goût du miel".
S'il vous plaît déplacer le gouvernement japonais.
Ce n'est pas une "ingérence dans les affaires intérieures".
Cela vise à protéger le «peuple national» de chaque pays.
Et enfin "Aide-moi s'il te plaît".

Continuez jusqu'à la semaine prochaine.

Veuillez consulter "Acte d'accusation" sur le "Site" suivant.
Dans ce cas, il suffit de regarder ce "acte d'accusation"
Vous pouvez comprendre les "erreurs de droit applicable".

Veuillez consulter les PDF «Traduction en anglais» et «Texte en japonais».
S'il vous plaît soyez prudent lorsque vous manipulez des informations personnelles.
● Traduction de la phrase anglaise «letter of incictment»
"Acte d'accusation contre Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
La traduction anglaise est pour référence seulement. Pour être précis, faites-le vous-même.
● Texte japonais original "lettre d'accusation"
"Acte d'accusation contre Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (japonais)"
La traduction anglaise est incorrecte. Veuillez consulter «PDF» ci-dessus pour la traduction en anglais.
● S'il vous plaît voir les lois connexes. (Traduction en japonais et en anglais)
1) Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié
Loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration et la reconnaissance du statut de réfugié
2) droit pénal
Code pénal
3) Constitution du Japon
La constitution du japon

Partie 2 Je «poursuis» deux choses.
«Révisé le 4 novembre 2019»
Je ne suis pas seulement chinois et philippin,
Se battre pour de nombreuses victimes dans le monde.
Près de 10 ans se sont écoulés depuis l'incident. Ma vie est limitée.
Si le monde ignore la «gouvernance sous la loi», il est naturel de la résoudre par le terrorisme.

1 Les étrangers effectuaient un «travail illégal» autre que «la qualification de résidence». Mais les étrangers sont innocents.
Seuls les étrangers ont été sanctionnés pour l’article 70 de la loi sur l’immigration «Crimes de travail illégaux».
En revanche, la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration désigne les employeurs «causaux» de travail illégal à l'article 73-2.
Nous sommes punis par (péché qui a favorisé l'emploi illégal).
Cependant, la justice japonaise n'a «puni» que les étrangers, mais pas les «employeurs».
Cela est clairement contraire à l’article 14 «Principes d’égalité juridique» de la Constitution japonaise.
Il enfreint le droit international qui interdit "consciemment" de "punir" uniquement les étrangers.
Si un employeur qui embauche illégalement un étranger est "innocent", un étranger employé illégalement est également "innocent". .

2 La poursuite est due à "l'appui de l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration"
«Appliqué» aux articles 60 et 62 du code pénal «Les pécheurs soutenant d'autres crimes» contre l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration
C'est "une mauvaise loi à appliquer".
"L'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration" concerne les personnes qui ont obtenu le statut de résident par le biais d'une fausse demande.
Traditionnellement, la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration s'appliquait à ceux qui avaient obtenu le statut de résident par de fausses demandes.
Il n'était pas soumis à une réglementation pénale (article 70, article 74-6).
Ceux qui ont obtenu le statut de résidence par une demande de falsification, le lieu de travail, un avocat,
La loi révisée sur le contrôle de l'immigration, qui s'applique aux agents administratifs tels que les administrateurs et le personnel des écoles, a été mise en place à la 192ème diète.
«En vigueur à compter du 1er janvier 2017».
"Moi, KinGungaku, diplomate philippin et employé de l'ambassade des Philippines", je suis à 100% "innocent".

"Référence": loi sur l'immigration des étrangers, article 22-4-4
L’acte prescrit dans (Acquisition du statut de résidence par la présentation de faux documents) a été accompli.
Cependant, il n'y a pas de «sanction pénale» pour cela.
La disposition est «annulation du statut de résidence» et «réinstallation forcée» par le ministre de la Justice.
Par conséquent, le «crime pour soutenir d'autres crimes» aux articles 60 et 62 du Code pénal n'est pas applicable.
Le «motif du crime» figurant à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration énoncé dans «l'acte d'accusation» n'a aucun lien de causalité avec l'article 70 de la loi sur l'immigration.

Le procureur est "écraser quelque chose dans sa main".
Cependant, "écraser quelque chose dans la main" par le pouvoir de l'État est un "arrêt" de "vieillissement, statistiques de limitations".
Les matériaux sont ci-dessous.
Il y a beaucoup de victimes dans le monde.
Cordialement. Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: La Maison Blanche a ce problème.
J'ai répondu que je réfléchissais sérieusement à une solution satisfaisante.
J'attends le résultat J'espère qu'il n'y a pas de mensonge.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le blog suivant.

Yasuhiro Nagano

S'il vous plaît aidez-moi.
S'il vous plaît contactez-nous pour toutes questions.

Help me! To President Trump There was an inquiry from the Chinese embassy saying, “I want to hear what I am doing for the Chinese”. The Philippine government should also move. Many countries with victims should also move. Of course, I keep sending this email to Abe's official residence every day. 2019-11-15: Dear Sir,

To President Trump

2019-11-15: Dear Sir,
The White House said "we are seriously considering" this issue. Americans should not "support" President Trump who does not help the Americans. There was an inquiry from the Chinese embassy saying, “I want to hear what I am doing for the Chinese”. The Philippine government should also move. Many countries with victims should also move. Of course, I keep sending this email to Abe's official residence every day.

Part 1. I expect the governments of each country to move.
I am sending it every day, so many foreigners have come to understand me.
Obviously I, the Chinese Kingungaku, and the Philippine embassy officials and diplomats are innocent.
Foreigners who have been punished under many Immigration Act Articles 70 are not guilty.
In Japan, according to Article 31 “Government under the Law”,
no one will be “arrested or confined” or “punished” unless
they are subject to the law “established” in the Diet.

However, many Japanese do not know the constitution or the law.
Even lawyers don't know.
They pretend to know.
They make the “interpretation of the law” of lies “extremely normal”.

The Japanese government does not move. Japanese political parties don't move either.
Japanese parliamentarians don't move either.
Japanese media don't move either. I sent letters to many institutions.
Chairman of the House of Councilors, Chairman of the House of Representatives,
Supreme Court Justice, Chairman of the National Exchange Commission, Prosecution Review Board ...
Where do you say to me, “Where should I appeal?”

In 1868, the “Meiji Revolution” made Japan a major power by importing Western culture.
So the Japanese are vulnerable to foreign pressure.
It is a country that is particularly vulnerable to “pressure” from large countries.
The national character of Japan rejoices that "the misfortune
of others" seems to be "the taste of honey".
Please move the Japanese government.
This is not “interference in domestic affairs”.
This is to protect the “national people” of each country.
And finally "Please help me".

Continue to next week.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
`` Revised November 4, 2019 ''
I'm not only Chinese and Philippine,
Fighting for many victims in the world.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”, it is natural to resolve it by terrorism.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers who are “causal”
of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).
However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to Article 14 “Principles of Equality under the Law”
of the Japanese Constitution.
It violates international law that prohibits "consciously" "punishing" only foreigners.
If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent". .

2. The prosecution applied “applying” the crimes supporting other crimes
in Article 60 and 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the grounds of “support of the Immigration Law Article 22-4-4”.
Is an error in the law.
"Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Law" is the disposal of those
who have obtained the status of residence through fake application.
Previously, the Immigration Control Act was not subject to penalties
for those who obtained status of residence through false applications (Article 70, Article 74-6).
The Amended Immigration Act was enacted at the 192nd Special Diet session
for those who obtained status of residence through falsification applications,
office workers who helped them, lawyers, administrative scriveners, and school staff.
“Effective from January 1, 2017”.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat and Philippine embassy employee" is 100% "innocent".

“Reference”: Foreigners acted in accordance with Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.

The prosecutor is "crush something in one's hand".
However, “crush something in one's hand” by the state power is “stop”
of “aging, statistics of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.
Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: The White House replied to me that I was seriously considering a solution
that would satisfy me with this issue.
I am waiting for the result I hope that there is no lie.

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

Help me!To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-11-15: Dear Sir, The White House said "we are seriously considering" this issue. Americans should not "support" President Trump who does not help the Americans. There was an

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2019-11-15: Dear Sir,
The White House said "we are seriously considering" this issue. Americans should not "support" President Trump who does not help the Americans. There was an inquiry from the Chinese embassy saying, “I want to hear what I am doing for the Chinese”. The Philippine government should also move. Many countries with victims should also move. Of course, I keep sending this email to Abe's official residence every day.

Part 1. I expect the governments of each country to move.
I am sending it every day, so many foreigners have come to understand me.
Obviously I, the Chinese Kingungaku, and the Philippine embassy officials and diplomats are innocent.
Foreigners who have been punished under many Immigration Act Articles 70 are not guilty.
In Japan, according to Article 31 “Government under the Law”,
no one will be “arrested or confined” or “punished” unless
they are subject to the law “established” in the Diet.

However, many Japanese do not know the constitution or the law.
Even lawyers don't know.
They pretend to know.
They make the “interpretation of the law” of lies “extremely normal”.

The Japanese government does not move. Japanese political parties don't move either.
Japanese parliamentarians don't move either.
Japanese media don't move either. I sent letters to many institutions.
Chairman of the House of Councilors, Chairman of the House of Representatives,
Supreme Court Justice, Chairman of the National Exchange Commission, Prosecution Review Board ...
Where do you say to me, “Where should I appeal?”

In 1868, the “Meiji Revolution” made Japan a major power by importing Western culture.
So the Japanese are vulnerable to foreign pressure.
It is a country that is particularly vulnerable to “pressure” from large countries.
The national character of Japan rejoices that "the misfortune
of others" seems to be "the taste of honey".
Please move the Japanese government.
This is not “interference in domestic affairs”.
This is to protect the “national people” of each country.
And finally "Please help me".

Continue to next week.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
`` Revised November 4, 2019 ''
I'm not only Chinese and Philippine,
Fighting for many victims in the world.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”, it is natural to resolve it by terrorism.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers who are “causal”
of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).
However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to Article 14 “Principles of Equality under the Law”
of the Japanese Constitution.
It violates international law that prohibits "consciously" "punishing" only foreigners.
If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent". .

2. The prosecution applied “applying” the crimes supporting other crimes
in Article 60 and 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the grounds of “support of the Immigration Law Article 22-4-4”.
Is an error in the law.
"Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Law" is the disposal of those
who have obtained the status of residence through fake application.
Previously, the Immigration Control Act was not subject to penalties
for those who obtained status of residence through false applications (Article 70, Article 74-6).
The Amended Immigration Act was enacted at the 192nd Special Diet session
for those who obtained status of residence through falsification applications,
office workers who helped them, lawyers, administrative scriveners, and school staff.
“Effective from January 1, 2017”.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat and Philippine embassy employee" is 100% "innocent".

“Reference”: Foreigners acted in accordance with Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.

The prosecutor is "crush something in one's hand".
However, “crush something in one's hand” by the state power is “stop”
of “aging, statistics of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.
Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: The White House replied to me that I was seriously considering a solution
that would satisfy me with this issue.
I am waiting for the result I hope that there is no lie.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

Help me!To everyone in the world's media  2019-11-15: Dear Sir, The White House said "we are seriously considering" this issue. Americans should not "support" President Trump who does not help the Americans. There was an

To everyone in the world's media 

2019-11-15: Dear Sir,
The White House said "we are seriously considering" this issue. Americans should not "support" President Trump who does not help the Americans. There was an inquiry from the Chinese embassy saying, “I want to hear what I am doing for the Chinese”. The Philippine government should also move. Many countries with victims should also move. Of course, I keep sending this email to Abe's official residence every day.

Part 1. I expect the governments of each country to move.
I am sending it every day, so many foreigners have come to understand me.
Obviously I, the Chinese Kingungaku, and the Philippine embassy officials and diplomats are innocent.
Foreigners who have been punished under many Immigration Act Articles 70 are not guilty.
In Japan, according to Article 31 “Government under the Law”,
no one will be “arrested or confined” or “punished” unless
they are subject to the law “established” in the Diet.

However, many Japanese do not know the constitution or the law.
Even lawyers don't know.
They pretend to know.
They make the “interpretation of the law” of lies “extremely normal”.

The Japanese government does not move. Japanese political parties don't move either.
Japanese parliamentarians don't move either.
Japanese media don't move either. I sent letters to many institutions.
Chairman of the House of Councilors, Chairman of the House of Representatives,
Supreme Court Justice, Chairman of the National Exchange Commission, Prosecution Review Board ...
Where do you say to me, “Where should I appeal?”

In 1868, the “Meiji Revolution” made Japan a major power by importing Western culture.
So the Japanese are vulnerable to foreign pressure.
It is a country that is particularly vulnerable to “pressure” from large countries.
The national character of Japan rejoices that "the misfortune
of others" seems to be "the taste of honey".
Please move the Japanese government.
This is not “interference in domestic affairs”.
This is to protect the “national people” of each country.
And finally "Please help me".

Continue to next week.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
`` Revised November 4, 2019 ''
I'm not only Chinese and Philippine,
Fighting for many victims in the world.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”, it is natural to resolve it by terrorism.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers who are “causal”
of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).
However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to Article 14 “Principles of Equality under the Law”
of the Japanese Constitution.
It violates international law that prohibits "consciously" "punishing" only foreigners.
If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent". .

2. The prosecution applied “applying” the crimes supporting other crimes
in Article 60 and 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the grounds of “support of the Immigration Law Article 22-4-4”.
Is an error in the law.
"Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Law" is the disposal of those
who have obtained the status of residence through fake application.
Previously, the Immigration Control Act was not subject to penalties
for those who obtained status of residence through false applications (Article 70, Article 74-6).
The Amended Immigration Act was enacted at the 192nd Special Diet session
for those who obtained status of residence through falsification applications,
office workers who helped them, lawyers, administrative scriveners, and school staff.
“Effective from January 1, 2017”.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat and Philippine embassy employee" is 100% "innocent".

“Reference”: Foreigners acted in accordance with Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed out
by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.

The prosecutor is "crush something in one's hand".
However, “crush something in one's hand” by the state power is “stop”
of “aging, statistics of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.
Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: The White House replied to me that I was seriously considering a solution
that would satisfy me with this issue.
I am waiting for the result I hope that there is no lie.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media

Many people around the world have been sacrificed.
As a journalist, please report the facts.
"Government under the law" can not be bought with money.
Chinese media should report the fact that poor Chinese are going to Japan and receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.
The Philippine media should "report" the fact that even embassy officials and diplomats are receiving "human rights abuses" from the Japanese government.

The Korean government should not pursue "cases" that have been settled by treaties such as "comfort women" or "drafted (factor) workers".
The Korean government should "request" the Japanese government for the "remedies" of the current "victims of human rights abuses under the Immigration Act".

If the Korean government accepts a "claim for personal compensation" ignoring the "Japan-Korea Treaty", the "Japan-Korea Treaty" has been destroyed. Thank you!!
"Japanese" asks the Korean government for the return of "Japanese personal property" left on the Korean peninsula.
The “Convention Treaty” approved by the Diet has a duty to protect as a nation.
Korean courts and Japanese courts have ignored treaties and laws established in parliament.
The world media should report the "illegal governance" taking place in East Asia.

My information

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.


Help me! 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国最高领导人金正恩 2019-11-14:亲爱的先生, 我提起“指责”和“指责”的“移民案件违法案件”非常恶毒。中国政府和菲律宾政府应为“我与中国和菲律宾”要求“恢复光荣”和“赔偿”。当然,您也应该要求“其他受害者”。当然,我每天都会将此电子邮件发送到安倍晋三的官邸。











请参阅“英语翻译”和“日语文本” PDF。
英文翻译不正确。请参见上面的“ PDF”进行英语翻译。
●请参阅相关法律。 (日语和英语翻译)


如果非法雇用外国人的雇主是“无辜的”,那么非法雇用的外国人也是“无辜的”。 。















Help me!To President Trump 2019-11-14: Dear Sir,The prosecution punishes violators of the "Immigration Act Article 70" but does not punish violators of the "Immigration Act Article 73-2" hiring foreigners, knowing that it cannot be punished by the July 2010 Immigration Control Amendment .

To President Trump
2019-11-14: Dear Sir,
The “Immigration Case Violation Case” in which I have filed “accuse” and “accuse” is extremely vicious. The Chinese government and the Philippine government should claim the "recovery of honor" and "compensation" for "I and the Chinese and the Philippine". Naturally, you should also claim for "other victims". Of course, I keep sending this email to Abe's official residence every day.

Part 1. The prosecution punishes violators of the "Immigration Act Article 70"
but does not punish violators of the "Immigration Act Article 73-2" hiring foreigners,
knowing that it cannot be punished by the July 2010 Immigration Control Amendment .
Not only that, but those who have nothing to do with the violation
of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act were punished.
It punished us under “Articles 60 and 62” for “reason”
for “providing” false documents described in the Immigration Act Article 22-4-4.
Stakeholders should be criminalized.

“Conventional” means that foreigners
who have made Article 70 “Labor outside the status of residence”
in the Immigration Control Law have been “punishment” and “exiled”.
However, in this case, foreigners who did “unqualified labor”
under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act were sentenced to “punishment for imprisonment”.
This difference in “punishment” clearly violates Article 14 “Equality under the Law”

I would violate Article 14 “Equality under the Law” even to make foreigners
who “worked outside of the status of residence”
in violation of Article 70 of the Immigration Law “punishment of fines”
without penalizing employers think.
"Fine punishment" is also a criminal measure.

This is what the police officers and prosecutors said (MISESIME) "show them to others" and "punish".
I am consciously punished.
They told me.
“You should admit“ crime ”in“ general theory ”.
This word speaks everything.
Article 31 “Constitution under the Law” does not exist.

They were “hostile” to the Chinese government.
I think they had “hostility” in the Philippine government.

The Chinese and Philippine governments should demand strict punishment from the Japanese government.
Of course, the US government should also request the Japanese government to punish
those involved for “illegal punishment”.

It will continue tomorrow.

Please see "Bill of indictment" at the following "Site".
In this case, just by looking at this “bill of indictment”,
you can understand the “error of applicable law”.

Please see “English translation” and “Japanese text” PDFs.
Please be careful when handling personal information.
● Translation of English sentence “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku"
English translation is for reference only. To be precise, do it yourself.
● Original Japanese text “letter of indictment”
"Indictment against Yasuhiro Nagano KinGungaku (Japanese)"
English translation is incorrect. Please see “PDF” above for English translation.
● Please see related laws. (Japanese and English translation)
1) Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
2) Criminal law
Penal code
3) Constitution of Japan
The Constitution of Japan

Part 2. I “sue” two things.
`` Revised November 4, 2019 ''
I'm not only Chinese and Philippine,
Fighting for many victims in the world.
It has been nearly 10 years since the incident. My life is limited.
If the world ignores “governance under the law”, it is natural to resolve it by terrorism.

1. Foreigners performed “illegal labor” other than “qualification of residence”.
But foreigners are innocent.
Only foreigners were punished for the immigration law article 70 “Illegal Labor Crimes”.
On the other hand, the Immigration Control Law punishes employers
who are “causal” of illegal labor under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Law
(crimes that promote illegal employment).
However, the Japanese judiciary “punished” foreigners only, but not “employers”.
This is clearly contrary to Article 14 “Principles of Equality under the Law”
of the Japanese Constitution.
It violates international law that prohibits "consciously" "punishing" only foreigners.
If an employer who hires a foreigner illegally is "innocent",
an illegally employed foreigner is also "innocent". .

2. The prosecution “applied” the crimes that support other crimes
in Article 60 and 62 of the Penal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Act
on the grounds of “support of Article 22-4-4” Is an error in the law.
"Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Law" is the disposal of those
who have obtained the status of residence through fake application.
Previously, the Immigration Control Act was not subject to penalties
for those who obtained status of residence through false applications (Article 70, Article 74-6).
The Amended Immigration Act was enacted at the 192nd Special Diet session
for those who obtained status of residence through falsification applications,
office workers who helped them, lawyers, administrative scriveners, and school staff.
“Effective from January 1, 2017”.
"I, KinGungaku, Philippine diplomat and Philippine embassy employee" is 100% "innocent".

“Reference”: Foreigners acted in accordance with Article 22-4-4
(Acquisition of status of residence by submitting false documents).
However, there is no “criminal punishment” for this.
Disposal is “cancellation of status of residence” and “forced relocation”
by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, the “crime to support other crimes”
in Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code is not applicable.
The “reason for crime” in Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act pointed
out by the “indictment” has no causal relationship with Article 70 of the Immigration Act.

The prosecutor is "crush something in one's hand".
However, “crush something in one's hand” by the state power is “stop” of “aging,
statistics of limitations”.

The materials are below.

There are many victims in the world.
Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano

PS: The White House replied to me that I was seriously considering a solution
that would satisfy me with this issue.
I am waiting for the result I hope that there is no lie.

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information

Name Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

2025-01-27: يجب أن يكون مركز "ديترويت" في غضون 10 سنوات هو صناعة الروبوتات، وليس صناعة السيارات. سيصبح العمال في صناعة السيارات "عمالًا" في "صناعة الروبوتات".

 2025-01-27: إصدار الأسبوع يفكر الرئيس ترامب في إعلان "حالة طوارئ اقتصادية وطنية" لإعطاء "أساس قانوني" للرسوم الجمركية ا...