
Japan has discontinued the deployment of the new Aegis Asshore interceptor missile system made in the United States. The decision was made confidentially. The Japanese government says "NO" to Trump. This happens because President Trump doesn't listen to my voice. Trump was fooled by Abe. Disqualified as US President. Next, "Remember Pearl Harbor" is required. Trump should fulfill his "promise to me."

Japan has discontinued the deployment of the new Aegis Asshore interceptor missile system made in the United States.
The decision was made confidentially. The Japanese government says "NO" to Trump.
This happens because President Trump doesn't listen to my voice.
Trump was fooled by Abe. Disqualified as US President.
Next, "Remember Pearl Harbor" is required.
Trump should fulfill his "promise to me."

July 04, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir, President Trump, You should wear a mask and be a good example of the public!
In the United States, the new coronavirus infection is spreading again. On June 26, more than 40,000 people were newly infected on the 1st. I don't mean that economic activity resumed too early, I think it's just a matter of national character. You should mask. You should wash your hands. The freedom to not mask is crazy. However, those who infect others without masks should be punished for "injury charges" and "murder charges"! They are destroyers of the nation!

Part 1. In Japan, "50 people" were newly infected! The second wave has come, 
the end of this world! This is the Japanese feeling! !!
Why are the numbers of infected people different between Japan and the US? 
The difference in population is about three times.
The Japanese have as complete protection against coronavirus as possible.
No one uses the small "Abeno Mask" because it is dangerous.
No one uses "AbenoMask" even as "Minister of the Abe Cabinet" and "Member of the Diet".
All Japanese voluntarily wear large masks at all times and protect themselves.
Looking at Amelia's news footage, many do not wear "masks".
You may have the freedom not to "mask".
However, the "crime" of a person who "infected" another person 
with "coronavirus" without wearing a mask is very large.
You should be punished for "injury charges" and "murder charges".
All rights to live are equal!

President Trump of the United States resumed the election rally, 
which had been "restrained" due to the spread of the new coronavirus, 
for the first time in three and a half months.
President Trump said, "Five months later, we will beat Joe Biden who has fallen asleep!"

The Japanese would say, Trump, "sleep talk after you go to sleep!"
But what if Trump died of a cluster infection?
It is a "win a match by default" of "former Vice President Biden" who wears a "mask".

Masks were distributed at the venue as anti-virus measures, 
but there were a lot of "people who removed it" at the venue.
But it's crazy because the person giving out the mask doesn't do it.
Although there were "6 infected people" in President Trump's "camp", everyone is not masking.
What if "many Trump supporters" die from "cluster infection"?

You should avoid getting fewer voters due to the coronavirus.
President Trump should wear a mask and give a speech himself.
It's crazy that an old man in his 70s cares about his appearance!
Trump should be a "good example of the public"!
President Trump should "wear" on the mask!

I will write tomorrow too

Part 2. Western countries need “high economic growth”.
Immigration is needed to increase GDP.
The United States needs “immigrants” to increase consumption of “excess produce”.
An "industrial park like China" is needed to return the Chinese factory to the United States.
It is important for developed countries to constantly update 
their “factory equipment” to improve productivity compared to China.
The world's factories should be brought back from China to increase the work of "workers 
in their own country".
Western countries need economic policies that do not rely on China.
It is important that “developed and underdeveloped countries” “collaborate” to solve the problem 
of the poor and “realize a peaceful earth”.

In the "special zone",
1) I continue to make "suggestions" that the United States will build a "special zone" 
along the border with Mexico.
2) And I continue to propose to build "special zones" in each country including Europe.
3) The "US Special Zone" is a strategic factory of the allies.
4) Accept poor (illegal immigrants) and refugees as "interim immigrants" in the "special zone".
5) The “range of life” of “temporary immigrants” is limited to “special zones”.
6) "Companies" of "US allies" will build labor-intensive factories in "special zones".
7) Most factory workers are “temporary immigrants”.
They work as “trainees” and “simple workers”.
8) “Temporary immigrants” work for a certain period of time in “special zones” 
and those who “certify” as safe immigrants are free to work in the country as “labor immigrants”.
9) Remittances of “temporary immigrants” enrich their “homeland”.
10) “Temporary immigrants” also contribute to the economy as consumers.

Part 3. Please support the victims of the human rights violations of the Japanese government.
A person who has issued a “fake employment contract” to a foreigner 
who has performed “unqualified activities” under the Immigration Control Act is “innocent”.
The Japanese Diet has revised the Immigration Control Act of 2017 due to the point of view 
of the international community.
Since the above actions could not be punished in the past, 
we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of Immigration Control Act".
Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."
However, the Japanese government has not restored the victim's honor or compensated.
Japan's ruling and opposition parties have been hiding this fact and ignoring it.
In addition, many foreigners who have been punished 
under the Immigration Control Act Article 70 “Activities outside their qualifications” are “innocent”.
The reason is that “the person who hired them illegally” was not punished 
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.
Foreigners therefore violate Article 14 of the Constitution of Japan, 
equality under the law” and international law, which prohibits arbitrary “punishment”.
There are many victims in the world.
Please support them.

The prosperity of the world is "realized" by freedom, democracy, and "ruled under the law".
For details, please see the "Send on weekdays" email.
Documents to be submitted to ICC. (Always under attack of sabotage)

If you have any questions, please email us.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano



#NaganoOpinion 日本は米国製の新型迎撃ミサイルシステム「イージス・アショア」の配備を中止した。 決定は極秘に行われた。日本政府はトランプに「NO」。 トランプ大統領が私の声に耳を傾けないから、こうなる。 トランプは、安倍に騙された。米国大統として失格。 次は「リメンバーパールハーバー」が必要だ。 トランプは「私への約束」を果たすべきだ。

Japan has discontinued the deployment of the new Aegis Asshore interceptor missile system made in the United States.
The decision was made confidentially. The Japanese government says "NO" to Trump.
This happens because President Trump doesn't listen to my voice.
Trump was fooled by Abe. Disqualified as US President.
Next, "Remember Pearl Harbor" is required.
Trump should fulfill his "promise to me."

July 04, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir, President Trump, You should wear a mask and be a good example of the public!
In the United States, the new coronavirus infection is spreading again. On June 26, more than 40,000 people were newly infected on the 1st. I don't mean that economic activity resumed too early, I think it's just a matter of national character. You should mask. You should wash your hands. The freedom to not mask is crazy. However, those who infect others without masks should be punished for "injury charges" and "murder charges"! They are destroyers of the nation!

Part 1. In Japan, "50 people" were newly infected! The second wave has come, 
the end of this world! This is the Japanese feeling! !!
Why are the numbers of infected people different between Japan and the US? 
The difference in population is about three times.
The Japanese have as complete protection against coronavirus as possible.
No one uses the small "Abeno Mask" because it is dangerous.
No one uses "AbenoMask" even as "Minister of the Abe Cabinet" and "Member of the Diet".
All Japanese voluntarily wear large masks at all times and protect themselves.
Looking at Amelia's news footage, many do not wear "masks".
You may have the freedom not to "mask".
However, the "crime" of a person who "infected" another person 
with "coronavirus" without wearing a mask is very large.
You should be punished for "injury charges" and "murder charges".
All rights to live are equal!

President Trump of the United States resumed the election rally, 
which had been "restrained" due to the spread of the new coronavirus, 
for the first time in three and a half months.
President Trump said, "Five months later, we will beat Joe Biden who has fallen asleep!"

The Japanese would say, Trump, "sleep talk after you go to sleep!"
But what if Trump died of a cluster infection?
It is a "win a match by default" of "former Vice President Biden" who wears a "mask".

Masks were distributed at the venue as anti-virus measures, 
but there were a lot of "people who removed it" at the venue.
But it's crazy because the person giving out the mask doesn't do it.
Although there were "6 infected people" in President Trump's "camp", everyone is not masking.
What if "many Trump supporters" die from "cluster infection"?

You should avoid getting fewer voters due to the coronavirus.
President Trump should wear a mask and give a speech himself.
It's crazy that an old man in his 70s cares about his appearance!
Trump should be a "good example of the public"!
President Trump should "wear" on the mask!

I will write tomorrow too

Part 2. Western countries need “high economic growth”.
Immigration is needed to increase GDP.
The United States needs “immigrants” to increase consumption of “excess produce”.
An "industrial park like China" is needed to return the Chinese factory to the United States.
It is important for developed countries to constantly update 
their “factory equipment” to improve productivity compared to China.
The world's factories should be brought back from China to increase the work of "workers 
in their own country".
Western countries need economic policies that do not rely on China.
It is important that “developed and underdeveloped countries” “collaborate” to solve the problem 
of the poor and “realize a peaceful earth”.

In the "special zone",
1) I continue to make "suggestions" that the United States will build a "special zone" 
along the border with Mexico.
2) And I continue to propose to build "special zones" in each country including Europe.
3) The "US Special Zone" is a strategic factory of the allies.
4) Accept poor (illegal immigrants) and refugees as "interim immigrants" in the "special zone".
5) The “range of life” of “temporary immigrants” is limited to “special zones”.
6) "Companies" of "US allies" will build labor-intensive factories in "special zones".
7) Most factory workers are “temporary immigrants”.
They work as “trainees” and “simple workers”.
8) “Temporary immigrants” work for a certain period of time in “special zones” 
and those who “certify” as safe immigrants are free to work in the country as “labor immigrants”.
9) Remittances of “temporary immigrants” enrich their “homeland”.
10) “Temporary immigrants” also contribute to the economy as consumers.

Part 3. Please support the victims of the human rights violations of the Japanese government.
A person who has issued a “fake employment contract” to a foreigner 
who has performed “unqualified activities” under the Immigration Control Act is “innocent”.
The Japanese Diet has revised the Immigration Control Act of 2017 due to the point of view 
of the international community.
Since the above actions could not be punished in the past, 
we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of Immigration Control Act".
Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."
However, the Japanese government has not restored the victim's honor or compensated.
Japan's ruling and opposition parties have been hiding this fact and ignoring it.
In addition, many foreigners who have been punished 
under the Immigration Control Act Article 70 “Activities outside their qualifications” are “innocent”.
The reason is that “the person who hired them illegally” was not punished 
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.
Foreigners therefore violate Article 14 of the Constitution of Japan, 
equality under the law” and international law, which prohibits arbitrary “punishment”.
There are many victims in the world.
Please support them.

The prosperity of the world is "realized" by freedom, democracy, and "ruled under the law".
For details, please see the "Send on weekdays" email.
Documents to be submitted to ICC. (Always under attack of sabotage)

If you have any questions, please email us.
Sincerely, Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano



#長野オピニオン 中国による「香港国家安全維持法」が可決、施行されたことを受け、 自民党は非難決議をまとめた。習近平国家主席の国賓来日の中止を自民党に求めた。 野党はなぜ中国に対して非難決議をしないのだ。来日の中止を自民党に求めないのだ。 野党は中国に「あなたのすること皆な好き」。野党は変身をして人権を愛する日本人になりなさい。


2020年07月04日: 土曜版。拝啓、トランプ大統領、マスクをして国民の良い見本になるべきだ!



日本人はこう言うだろう、トランプ、「寝言は寝て言え,sleep talk after you go to sleep!」
「マスク」を着用する「元副大統領バイデン」の「不戦勝,win a match by default」です。




欧米諸国は中国に頼らない経済政策が必要です 。




敬具 Yasuhiro Nagano  




#正義の意見 私は入管法違反での違法な日本政府の処罰についてトランプ大統領に支援を求めた。 貴方は署名入りで「私が満足する形で解決をする」と約束した。 米国人の被害者もいる。米国人を守れない者が米国の大統領になるべきではない。




#Opinion of justice I asked President Trump for help with the illegal Japanese government's punishment for violating the Immigration Control Act. You have signed and promised to "solve in a way that satisfies me". There are also American victims. Those who cannot protect Americans should not be presidents of the United States.

I asked President Trump for help with the illegal Japanese government's punishment 
for violating the Immigration Control Act.
You have signed and promised to "solve in a way that satisfies me".
There are also American victims. Those who cannot protect Americans should not be presidents of the United States.

2020-07-03: Dear Sir,
If North Korea announces a missile attack on a factory of a South Korean export company 
with a "retaliation flyer" (date to be determined), 
South Korea will affect the "negotiation of US military station expenses" during negotiations 
with the United States. .. Mr. Trump has said he "don't think" about cutting US troops in Korea, 
but he may withdraw US troops. 
For President Trump, who is waiting for the election, he would definitely want to avoid "the death of US soldiers".
This week, we will release a complaint against police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department. 
It's a police officer's habit. Don't “lick” “Sakuradamon” (the place name of the Metropolitan Police Department)! 
You should plead guilty in "general theory"! Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

For more information, see today's SNS Post.

#長野オピニオン 内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 2020-07-03:拝啓、 北朝鮮が「報復のチラシ」で韓国の輸出企業の工場をミサイル攻撃の予告(日時未定)をすれば、韓国は米国と交渉中の「米軍の駐留経費の交渉」に影響を与えるだろう。トランプ氏は在韓米軍の削減を「考えず」としているが、彼は米軍を撤退させるかもしない。選挙を控えたトランプ大統領にとって「米軍兵士が死亡する」ことは絶対に避けたいだろうから。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様










下記が警察官に対する「起訴状=letter of indictment」です。




長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



私の情報 ***************************************************





#Nagano opinion Emmanuel Macron au président français  Cette semaine, nous publierons une plainte contre les policiers du Département de la police métropolitaine. C'est l'habitude d'un policier. Ne «léchez» pas «Sakuradamon» (le nom du lieu de la police métropolitaine)! Vous devez plaider coupable dans la "théorie générale"! Le Japon est le seul pays à être puni par la "théorie générale".

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2020-07-03: Cher monsieur,
Si la Corée du Nord annonce une attaque de missiles contre une usine d'une société d'exportation sud-coréenne avec un "dépliant de représailles" (date à déterminer), la Corée du Sud affectera la "négociation des dépenses de la station militaire américaine" lors des négociations avec les États-Unis. .. M. Trump a déclaré qu'il ne penserait pas à la réduction des forces américaines en Corée. Mais il a également «le potentiel de retirer les forces américaines». Le président Trump veut empêcher les soldats américains d'être tués avant les élections.
Cette semaine, nous publierons une plainte contre les policiers du Département de la police métropolitaine. C'est l'habitude d'un policier. Ne «léchez» pas «Sakuradamon» (le nom du lieu de la police métropolitaine)! Vous devez plaider coupable dans la "théorie générale"! Le Japon est le seul pays à être puni par la "théorie générale".

Partie 1. Le président Trump reprendra les pourparlers avec la Corée du Nord avant la "décision de retirer les forces américaines".
La Corée du Nord ne devrait tenir des pourparlers que pour lever les sanctions économiques.
La condition de Trump est que si la Corée du Nord n'attaque pas la Corée du Sud, elle lèvera les sanctions économiques contre la Corée du Nord.

Le président américain Trump a déclaré lors d'une conférence de presse le 20 qu'il n'envisageait pas de réduire les troupes américaines en Corée pour le moment.
Cependant, Trump a déclaré qu'il appelait à une "plus grande proportion" des "dépenses de stationnement militaire américain à partir de 2020" en cours de négociation avec la Corée du Sud.
Il a également été révélé qu'il avait rejeté la "proposition coréenne" sur les "dépenses militaires américaines".

Concernant le "problème de charge" des "dépenses militaires américaines", je pense que le Japon, la Corée du Sud et l'Allemagne "ne précipiteront pas" la "conclusion des négociations" avant les "élections présidentielles d'automne".
La raison en est que les chances de Trump d'être réélu président à l'élection présidentielle d'automne diminuent chaque jour.

L'attaque au missile de la Corée du Nord contre la Corée du Sud sera avantageuse pour Trump avec "des dépenses de stationnement militaire américain après 2020".
Je pense que la Corée du Nord obtiendra en retour une "prime" d'élimination ou d'assouplissement des sanctions économiques.

L'amendement à la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration de janvier 2017 stipule que je ne suis pas coupable pour la raison. Motif: passez de "Je ne peux pas punir" à "Je peux punir".
C'est une "fausse accusation". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais n'a pas encore présenté d'excuses. Voir l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)

Ci-dessous, la lettre d'accusation contre les policiers.
Partie 1
Partie 2
3e partie

J'écrirai demain aussi.

Partie 2. Voir ci-dessous pour ce qui suit.

Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

# Nagano Meinung  Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin 2020-07-03: Sehr geehrter Herr, Wenn Nordkorea einen Raketenangriff auf eine Fabrik eines südkoreanischen Exportunternehmens mit einem "Vergeltungsflyer" ankündigt (Datum wird noch festgelegt), wird Südkorea die "Verhandlung der Kosten der US-Militärstation" während der Verhandlungen mit den Vereinigten Staaten beeinflussen. .. Herr Trump sagte, dass er nicht über die Reduzierung der US-Streitkräfte in Korea nachdenken würde. Er hat aber auch das "Potenzial, US-Streitkräfte abzuziehen". Präsident Trump will verhindern, dass US-Soldaten vor den Wahlen getötet werden.

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin

2020-07-03: Sehr geehrter Herr,
Wenn Nordkorea einen Raketenangriff auf eine Fabrik eines südkoreanischen Exportunternehmens mit einem "Vergeltungsflyer" ankündigt (Datum wird noch festgelegt), wird Südkorea die "Verhandlung der Kosten der US-Militärstation" während der Verhandlungen mit den Vereinigten Staaten beeinflussen. .. Herr Trump sagte, dass er nicht über die Reduzierung der US-Streitkräfte in Korea nachdenken würde. Er hat aber auch das "Potenzial, US-Streitkräfte abzuziehen". Präsident Trump will verhindern, dass US-Soldaten vor den Wahlen getötet werden.
Diese Woche werden wir eine Beschwerde gegen Polizisten der Metropolitan Police Department veröffentlichen. Es ist die Gewohnheit eines Polizisten. Lecken Sie nicht "Sakuradamon" (der Ortsname der Metropolitan Police Department)! Sie sollten sich in der "allgemeinen Theorie" schuldig bekennen! Japan ist das einzige Land, das mit "allgemeiner Theorie" bestraft wird.

Teil 1. Präsident Trump wird die Gespräche mit Nordkorea vor der "Entscheidung zum Abzug der US-Streitkräfte" wieder aufnehmen.
Nordkorea sollte Gespräche nur zur Aufhebung von Wirtschaftssanktionen führen.
Trumps Bedingung ist, dass Nordkorea, wenn es Südkorea nicht angreift, die Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Nordkorea aufhebt.

US-Präsident Trump sagte auf einer Pressekonferenz am 20., er erwäge derzeit nicht, die US-Truppen in Korea zu reduzieren.
Trump sagte jedoch, er fordere einen "größeren Anteil" der "Ausgaben für US-Militärstationen ab 2020" in Verhandlungen mit Südkorea.
Es wurde auch offenbart, dass er den "koreanischen Vorschlag" über die "US-Militärausgaben" abgelehnt hatte.

In Bezug auf das "Lastproblem" der "Ausgaben für US-Militärstationen" denke ich, dass Japan, Südkorea und Deutschland den "Abschluss der Verhandlungen" bis zu den "Herbst-Präsidentschaftswahlen" nicht beschleunigen werden.
Der Grund dafür ist, dass Trumps Chancen, bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen im Herbst wieder zum Präsidenten gewählt zu werden, von Tag zu Tag geringer werden.

Nordkoreas Raketenangriff auf Südkorea wird Trump mit "Kosten für US-Militärstationen nach 2020" zugute kommen.
Ich denke, Nordkorea wird im Gegenzug einen "Bonus" für die "Beseitigung oder Lockerung von Wirtschaftssanktionen" erhalten.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass ich aus diesem Grund nicht schuldig bin. Grund: Überarbeitung von "Ich kann nicht bestrafen" zu "Ich kann bestrafen".
Es ist "falsche Anschuldigung". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe die Anklage unten. (Japanisch)

Unten ist das Anklageschreiben gegen Polizisten.
Teil 1
Teil 2
Teil 3

Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Teil 2. Siehe unten für das Folgende.

Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

#NaganoOpinion To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-07-03: Dear Sir, If North Korea announces a missile attack on a factory of a South Korean export company with a "retaliation flyer" (date to be determined), South Korea will affect the "negotiation of US military station expenses" during negotiations with the United States. .. Mr. Trump has said he "don't think" about cutting US troops in Korea, but he may withdraw US troops. For President Trump, who is waiting for the election, he would definitely want to avoid "the death of US soldiers".

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-07-03: Dear Sir,
If North Korea announces a missile attack on a factory of a South Korean export company with a "retaliation flyer" (date to be determined), South Korea will affect the "negotiation of US military station expenses" during negotiations with the United States. .. Mr. Trump has said he "don't think" about cutting US troops in Korea, but he may withdraw US troops. For President Trump, who is waiting for the election, he would definitely want to avoid "the death of US soldiers".
This week, we will release a complaint against police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department. It's a police officer's habit. Don't “lick” “Sakuradamon” (the place name of the Metropolitan Police Department)! You should plead guilty in "general theory"! Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

Part 1. President Trump will resume talks with North Korea before the "decision to withdraw US forces."
North Korea should hold talks only for lifting economic sanctions.
Trump's condition is that if North Korea does not attack South Korea, it will lift the economic sanctions against North Korea.

US President Trump said at a press conference on the 20th that he is not considering reducing US troops in Korea at this time.
However, Trump said that he is calling for a "larger proportion" of "US military stationing expenses from 2020" under negotiation with South Korea.
It was also revealed that he had rejected the "Korean proposal" over the "US military expenses".

Regarding the "burden problem" of "US military stationing expenses," I think that Japan, South Korea, and Germany "will not rush" to the "conclusion of negotiations" until the "Autumn presidential election."
The reason is that Trump is less likely to be re-elected as president in the fall presidential elections every day.

The missile attack on South Korea by North Korea will be advantageous to Trump with "US military stationing expenses after 2020".
I think North Korea will get a "bonus" of "elimination or relaxation of economic sanctions" in return.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that I am not guilty for the reason. Reason: Revise from "I can not punish" to "I can punish".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Below is the letter of indictment against police officers.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

I will write tomorrow too.

Part 2. See below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

#NaganoOpinion To President Trump I asked President Trump for help with the illegal Japanese government's punishment for violating the Immigration Control Act. You have signed and promised to "solve in a way that satisfies me". There are also American victims. Those who cannot protect Americans should not be presidents of the United States.

To President Trump

I asked President Trump for help with the illegal Japanese government's punishment 
for violating the Immigration Control Act.
You have signed and promised to "solve in a way that satisfies me".
There are also American victims. Those who cannot protect Americans should not be presidents of the United States.

2020-07-03: Dear Sir,
If North Korea announces a missile attack on a factory of a South Korean export company with a "retaliation flyer" (date to be determined), South Korea will affect the "negotiation of US military station expenses" during negotiations with the United States. .. Mr. Trump has said he "don't think" about cutting US troops in Korea, but he may withdraw US troops. For President Trump, who is waiting for the election, he would definitely want to avoid "the death of US soldiers".
This week, we will release a complaint against police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department. It's a police officer's habit. Don't “lick” “Sakuradamon” (the place name of the Metropolitan Police Department)! You should plead guilty in "general theory"! Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

Part 1. President Trump will resume talks with North Korea before the "decision to withdraw US forces."
North Korea should hold talks only for lifting economic sanctions.
Trump's condition is that if North Korea does not attack South Korea, it will lift the economic sanctions against North Korea.

US President Trump said at a press conference on the 20th that he is not considering reducing US troops in Korea at this time.
However, Trump said that he is calling for a "larger proportion" of "US military stationing expenses from 2020" under negotiation with South Korea.
It was also revealed that he had rejected the "Korean proposal" over the "US military expenses".

Regarding the "burden problem" of "US military stationing expenses," I think that Japan, South Korea, and Germany "will not rush" to the "conclusion of negotiations" until the "Autumn presidential election."
The reason is that Trump is less likely to be re-elected as president in the fall presidential elections every day.

The missile attack on South Korea by North Korea will be advantageous to Trump with "US military stationing expenses after 2020".
I think North Korea will get a "bonus" of "elimination or relaxation of economic sanctions" in return.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that I am not guilty for the reason. Reason: Revise from "I can not punish" to "I can punish".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Below is the letter of indictment against police officers.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

I will write tomorrow too.

Part 2. See below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


#NaganoOpinion Let's wear a mask! Let's wash your hands! Biden says “no election rally” during new virus outbreak

Let's wear a mask! Let's wash your hands!
Biden says “no election rally” during new virus outbreak

2020-07-02: Dear Sir,
This is the fourth part of North Korean retaliation flyer for South Korea. 
North Korea should fight back with a "flyer" about the truth about "Japanese abductees." 
This is because the president of "Moon Jae-in" is also a messenger of the Japanese government. 
Former Prime Minister Koizumi successfully manipulated two people, Shinzo Abe and Hitoshi Tanaka, 
to recover the five abductees. Regarding economic cooperation of 1 trillion yen, 
“Kim Jong Il = Kim Jong Il” thought that he would get 1 trillion yen 
if he returned five people to Japan. However, Japan did not pay even one yen, 
saying that the report of "8 people died" was a "lie". 
North Korea should "charge" 1 trillion yen to Japan. We want to know the truth.
This week, we will release a complaint against police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department.
It's a police officer's habit. 
Don't “lick” “Sakuradamon” (the place name of the Metropolitan Police Department)! 
You should plead guilty in "general theory"! 
Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


#長野オピニオン 拉致問題は北朝鮮を騙した安倍晋三では解決しない。 新首相は、横田めぐみさんの遺骨の検証、そして、 生存の有無をフランスやドイツの専門家に調査依頼をするべきです。 そして、約束をした1兆円を賠償金として支払うべきです。 北朝鮮は無駄な核を放棄をして経済大国になるべきです。 そうすれば日本の軍備費用も削減できる。


「文在寅=Moon Jae-in」大統領も日本政府のメッセンジャーをしているからです。
1兆円の経済協力について、「金正日=Kim Jong Il」は5人を日本に返せば 1兆円を貰えると思っていた。 しかし日本は、「8人は死亡した」の報告は「嘘」であるとして、 1円も払わなかった。  北朝鮮は日本に1兆円を「請求」するべきです。私たちは真実が知りたい。



#長野オピニオン 2020-07-02:拝啓、 北朝鮮による韓国への報復ビラの第4弾です。北朝鮮は「日本人拉致被害者」の真実について「チラシ」で反撃するべきだ。「文在寅=Moon Jae-in」大統領も日本政府のメッセンジャーをしているからです。小泉元首相は安倍晋三と田中均という2人をうまく操って5人の拉致被害者を取り返した。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様




北朝鮮による韓国への報復ビラの第4弾です。北朝鮮は「日本人拉致被害者」の真実について「チラシ」で反撃するべきだ。「文在寅=Moon Jae-in」大統領も日本政府のメッセンジャーをしているからです。小泉元首相は安倍晋三と田中均という2人をうまく操って5人の拉致被害者を取り返した。 1兆円の経済協力について、「金正日=Kim Jong Il」は5人を日本に返せば 1兆円を貰えると思っていた。 しかし日本は、「8人は死亡した」の報告は「嘘」であるとして、 1円も払わなかった。  北朝鮮は日本に1兆円を「請求」するべきです。私たちは真実が知りたい。

第1部。小泉さんは、訪朝後は強硬派の安倍さんの意見を聞いて約束を破った。 北朝鮮に言わせれば日本は北朝鮮を「騙した」のだ。 相手の弱みを見透かした、この外交は見事だった、と言われる。  
当時米国ブッシュ政権は北朝鮮をテロ支援国に指定して、 経済制裁を行うなど北朝鮮と対決を強めていた。 その状況で「金正日」は「経済援助をちらつかせた日本の誘い」に乗ってしまったのだ。  
「僕はそれまで軍事力をバックに持たない外交には力はない、と信じていたので、 経済力だけでも外交をできるのか、と驚いた」と言う。

また安倍さんも、「北朝鮮への強硬姿勢」で国民の高い支持を得たので、 小泉さんの後継者になることが事実上確定した。

【執筆:フジテレビ 解説委員 平井文夫】

安倍首相は「金正恩 委員長に無条件で会いたい」と言う。
しかし、これは滑稽です。「金正恩 は「安倍晋三」だけは許さない。
トランプ大統領も「文在寅=Moon Jae-in」大統領も安倍晋三の「罠」にはまった。


下記が警察官に対する「起訴状=letter of indictment」です。




長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



私の情報 ***************************************************





★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。
★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、

#Nagano opinion Emmanuel Macron au président français 2020-07-02: Cher monsieur,Cette semaine, nous publierons une plainte contre les policiers du Département de la police métropolitaine. C'est l'habitude d'un policier. Ne «léchez» pas «Sakuradamon» (le nom du lieu de la police métropolitaine)! Vous devez plaider coupable dans la "théorie générale"! Le Japon est le seul pays à être puni par la "théorie générale".

Emmanuel Macron au président français

2020-07-02: Cher monsieur,
Ceci est la quatrième partie du dépliant sur les représailles nord-coréennes pour la Corée du Sud. La Corée du Nord devrait riposter avec un «dépliant» sur la vérité sur les «enlevés japonais». En effet, le président de "Moon Jae-in" est également un messager du gouvernement japonais. L'ancien Premier ministre Koizumi a réussi à manipuler deux personnes, Shinzo Abe et Hitoshi Tanaka, pour récupérer les cinq personnes enlevées. Concernant la coopération économique de 1 billion de yens, "Kim Jong Il = Kim Jong Il" pensait qu'il obtiendrait 1 billion de yens s'il renvoyait cinq personnes au Japon. Cependant, le Japon n'a même pas payé "1 yen", affirmant que le rapport selon lequel "8 personnes sont mortes" est un "mensonge". La Corée du Nord devrait "demander" au gouvernement japonais de "payer 1 billion de yens". Nous voulons connaître la vérité.
Cette semaine, nous publierons une plainte contre les policiers du Département de la police métropolitaine. C'est l'habitude d'un policier. Ne «léchez» pas «Sakuradamon» (le nom du lieu de la police métropolitaine)! Vous devez plaider coupable dans la "théorie générale"! Le Japon est le seul pays à être puni par la "théorie générale".

Partie 1. M. Koizumi a rompu sa promesse après avoir entendu l'avis d'un résistant, M. Abe, après sa visite en Corée. Selon la Corée du Nord, le Japon a "trompé" la Corée du Nord. On dit que cette diplomatie était merveilleuse, vu les faiblesses de l'autre partie.
À cette époque, l'administration américaine Bush a renforcé la Corée du Nord en désignant la Corée du Nord comme un pays soutenant le terrorisme et appliquant des sanctions économiques. Dans cette situation, "Kim Jong Il" a pris "l'invitation au Japon qui a manqué l'aide économique".
"J'avais l'habitude de croire qu'il n'y avait pas de pouvoir diplomatique sans pouvoir militaire en arrière-plan, alors j'ai été surpris si je pouvais faire de la diplomatie avec le pouvoir économique seul", a-t-il déclaré.

Koizumi a réussi à manipuler deux personnes, Shinzo Abe et Hitoshi Tanaka, pour récupérer les cinq personnes enlevées.
C'était une astuce que seul Koizumi pouvait faire.
En outre, M. Abe a également obtenu un large soutien du public pour son "attitude dure envers la Corée du Nord", il a donc été pratiquement confirmé qu'il deviendrait le successeur de M. Koizumi.

Trump a recherché Kim Jong-un non seulement pour le développement nucléaire mais aussi pour résoudre le problème des enlèvements.
[Rédaction de Fumio Hirai, commentateur de Fuji Television]
Voir ci-dessous pour plus de détails.

Le Premier ministre Abe a déclaré: "Je veux rencontrer Kim Jong Un sans condition."
Mais c'est humoristique. "Kim Jong-un ne permet pas seulement" Shinzo Abe ".
Le président Trump et le président Moon Jae-in sont tombés dans le piège de Shinzo Abe.
Ne croyez pas seulement en "Shinzo Abe", qui restera dans l'histoire américaine.

L'amendement à la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration de janvier 2017 stipule que je ne suis pas coupable pour la raison. Motif: passez de "Je ne peux pas punir" à "Je peux punir".
C'est une "fausse accusation". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais n'a pas encore présenté d'excuses. Voir l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)

Ci-dessous, la lettre d'accusation contre les policiers.
Partie 1
Partie 2
3e partie

J'écrirai demain aussi.

Partie 2. Voir ci-dessous pour ce qui suit.

Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le blog suivant.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.
Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous contacter.

★ Veuillez acheter un bento fabriqué par une personne handicapée! Appelez-moi. Veuillez présenter.
★ "La misère des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les gens du monde"

# Nagano Meinung Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin 2020-07-02: Sehr geehrter Herr, Dies ist der vierte Teil des nordkoreanischen Vergeltungsflyers für Südkorea. Nordkorea sollte sich mit einem "Flyer" über die Wahrheit über "japanische Entführte" wehren. Dies liegt daran, dass der Präsident von "Moon Jae-in" auch ein

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin

2020-07-02: Sehr geehrter Herr,
Dies ist der vierte Teil des nordkoreanischen Vergeltungsflyers für Südkorea. Nordkorea sollte sich mit einem "Flyer" über die Wahrheit über "japanische Entführte" wehren. Dies liegt daran, dass der Präsident von "Moon Jae-in" auch ein Botschafter der japanischen Regierung ist. Der frühere Premierminister Koizumi manipulierte erfolgreich zwei Personen, Shinzo Abe und Hitoshi Tanaka, um die fünf Entführten zu bergen. In Bezug auf die wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit von 1 Billion Yen dachte „Kim Jong Il = Kim Jong Il“, dass er 1 Billion Yen erhalten würde, wenn er fünf Menschen nach Japan zurückbringen würde. Japan zahlte jedoch nicht einmal einen Yen und sagte, dass der Bericht von "8 Menschen starben" eine "Lüge" sei. Nordkorea sollte 1 Billion Yen von Japan "verlangen". Wir wollen die Wahrheit wissen.
Diese Woche werden wir eine Beschwerde gegen Polizisten der Metropolitan Police Department veröffentlichen. Es ist die Gewohnheit eines Polizisten. Lecken Sie nicht "Sakuradamon" (der Ortsname der Metropolitan Police Department)! Sie sollten sich in der "allgemeinen Theorie" schuldig bekennen! Japan ist das einzige Land, das mit "allgemeiner Theorie" bestraft wird.

Teil 1. Herr Koizumi brach sein Versprechen, nachdem er nach einem Besuch in Korea die Meinung eines Hardliners, Herrn Abe, gehört hatte. Laut Nordkorea hat Japan Nordkorea "getäuscht". Es wird gesagt, dass diese Diplomatie wunderbar war und die Schwächen der anderen Partei durchschaute.
Zu dieser Zeit stärkte die US-Bush-Regierung Nordkorea, indem sie Nordkorea als Unterstützer des Terrorismus bezeichnete und Wirtschaftssanktionen verhängt. In dieser Situation nahm "Kim Jong Il" die "Einladung nach Japan an, die die Wirtschaftshilfe in Gang setzte".
"Früher glaubte ich, dass es in der Diplomatie keine Macht ohne militärische Macht im Hintergrund gibt. Deshalb war ich überrascht, ob ich Diplomatie nur mit wirtschaftlicher Macht betreiben kann."

Koizumi manipulierte erfolgreich zwei Personen, Shinzo Abe und Hitoshi Tanaka, um die fünf Entführten zu bergen.
Dies war ein Trick, den nur Koizumi machen konnte.
Darüber hinaus erhielt Herr Abe eine hohe öffentliche Unterstützung für seine "harte Haltung gegenüber Nordkorea", so dass praktisch bestätigt wurde, dass er seine Nachfolge antreten würde.

Trump suchte Kim Jong-un nicht nur für die nukleare Entwicklung, sondern auch für die Lösung des Entführungsproblems.
[Schreiben von Fumio Hirai, Kommentator für Fuji Television]
Siehe unten für Details.

Premierminister Abe sagt: "Ich möchte Kim Jong Un bedingungslos treffen."
Aber das ist humorvoll. "Kim Jong-un erlaubt nicht nur" Shinzo Abe ".
Sowohl Präsident Trump als auch Präsident Moon Jae-in sind Shinzo Abe in eine Falle geraten.
Glauben Sie nicht nur an "Shinzo Abe", das in der amerikanischen Geschichte bleiben wird.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass ich aus diesem Grund nicht schuldig bin. Grund: Überarbeitung von "Ich kann nicht bestrafen" zu "Ich kann bestrafen".
Es ist "falsche Anschuldigung". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe die Anklage unten. (Japanisch)

Unten ist das Anklageschreiben gegen Polizisten.
Teil 1
Teil 2
Teil 3

Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Teil 2. Siehe unten für das Folgende.

Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundeskanzlerin Merkel" gesendet.
Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.
Es wird im folgenden Blog veröffentlicht.

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★ "Das Elend anderer ist der Geschmack von Honig" "Liebe rettet die Menschen auf der Welt"

#NaganoOpinion To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-07-02: Dear Sir, This is the fourth part of North Korean retaliation flyer for South Korea. North Korea should fight back with a "flyer" about the truth about "Japanese abductees." This is because the president of "Moon Jae-in" is also a messenger of the Japanese

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-07-02: Dear Sir,
This is the fourth part of North Korean retaliation flyer for South Korea. North Korea should fight back with a "flyer" about the truth about "Japanese abductees." This is because the president of "Moon Jae-in" is also a messenger of the Japanese government. Former Prime Minister Koizumi successfully manipulated two people, Shinzo Abe and Hitoshi Tanaka, to recover the five abductees. Regarding economic cooperation of 1 trillion yen, “Kim Jong Il = Kim Jong Il” thought that he would get 1 trillion yen if he returned five people to Japan. However, Japan did not pay even one yen, saying that the report of "8 people died" was a "lie". North Korea should "charge" 1 trillion yen to Japan. We want to know the truth.
This week, we will release a complaint against police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department. It's a police officer's habit. Don't “lick” “Sakuradamon” (the place name of the Metropolitan Police Department)! You should plead guilty in "general theory"! Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

Part 1. Mr. Koizumi broke his promise after hearing the opinion of a hard-liner, Mr. Abe, after visiting Korea. According to North Korea, Japan "fooled" North Korea. It is said that this diplomacy was wonderful, seeing through the weaknesses of the other party.
At that time, the US Bush administration reinforced North Korea by designating North Korea as a country supporting terrorism and applying economic sanctions. In that situation, "Kim Jong Il" took the "invitation to Japan that flicked economic aid".
"I used to believe that there was no power in diplomacy without military power in the background, so I was surprised whether I could do diplomacy with economic power alone," he said.

Koizumi successfully manipulated two people, Shinzo Abe and Hitoshi Tanaka, to recover the five abductees.
This was a trick that only Koizumi could do.
In addition, Mr. Abe also gained high public support for his "hard-line attitude toward North Korea", so it was virtually confirmed that he would become the successor to Mr. Koizumi.

Trump sought Kim Jong-un not only for nuclear development but also for solving the abduction issue.
[Writing by Fumio Hirai, commentator for Fuji Television]
See below for details.

Prime Minister Abe says "I want to meet Kim Jong Un unconditionally."
But this is humorous. “Kim Jong-un does not allow only “Shinzo Abe”.
Both President Trump and President Moon Jae-in have fallen into the trap of Shinzo Abe.
Don't just believe in "Shinzo Abe", which will remain in American history.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that I am not guilty for the reason. Reason: Revise from "I can not punish" to "I can punish".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Below is the letter of indictment against police officers.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

I will write tomorrow too.

Part 2. See below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。
★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、

#NaganoOpinion To President Trump Let's wear a mask! Let's wash your hands! Biden says “no election rally” during new virus outbreak

To President Trump

Let's wear a mask! Let's wash your hands!
Biden says “no election rally” during new virus outbreak

2020-07-02: Dear Sir,
This is the fourth part of North Korean retaliation flyer for South Korea. North Korea should fight back with a "flyer" about the truth about "Japanese abductees." This is because the president of "Moon Jae-in" is also a messenger of the Japanese government. Former Prime Minister Koizumi successfully manipulated two people, Shinzo Abe and Hitoshi Tanaka, to recover the five abductees. Regarding economic cooperation of 1 trillion yen, “Kim Jong Il = Kim Jong Il” thought that he would get 1 trillion yen if he returned five people to Japan. However, Japan did not pay even one yen, saying that the report of "8 people died" was a "lie". North Korea should "charge" 1 trillion yen to Japan. We want to know the truth.
This week, we will release a complaint against police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department. It's a police officer's habit. Don't “lick” “Sakuradamon” (the place name of the Metropolitan Police Department)! You should plead guilty in "general theory"! Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

Part 1. Mr. Koizumi broke his promise after hearing the opinion of a hard-liner, Mr. Abe, after visiting Korea. According to North Korea, Japan "fooled" North Korea. It is said that this diplomacy was wonderful, seeing through the weaknesses of the other party.
At that time, the US Bush administration reinforced North Korea by designating North Korea as a country supporting terrorism and applying economic sanctions. In that situation, "Kim Jong Il" took the "invitation to Japan that flicked economic aid".
"I used to believe that there was no power in diplomacy without military power in the background, so I was surprised whether I could do diplomacy with economic power alone," he said.

Koizumi successfully manipulated two people, Shinzo Abe and Hitoshi Tanaka, to recover the five abductees.
This was a trick that only Koizumi could do.
In addition, Mr. Abe also gained high public support for his "hard-line attitude toward North Korea", so it was virtually confirmed that he would become the successor to Mr. Koizumi.

Trump sought Kim Jong-un not only for nuclear development but also for solving the abduction issue.
[Writing by Fumio Hirai, commentator for Fuji Television]
See below for details.

Prime Minister Abe says "I want to meet Kim Jong Un unconditionally."
But this is humorous. “Kim Jong-un does not allow only “Shinzo Abe”.
Both President Trump and President Moon Jae-in have fallen into the trap of Shinzo Abe.
Don't just believe in "Shinzo Abe", which will remain in American history.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that I am not guilty for the reason. Reason: Revise from "I can not punish" to "I can punish".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Below is the letter of indictment against police officers.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

I will write tomorrow too.

Part 2. See below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。
★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、


野党共闘に不安を持つ国民はたくさんいます。 理由は共産党が破防法に基づく調査対象団体であるからです。 共産党は反論しています。「野党共闘の分断をもくろむ日本共産党へのいわれなき攻撃」 しかし、民主党政権時代も調査対象団体でした。 日本共産党は潔白を証明すべきです。説明責任は共産党にもあります。 日本共産党は、憲法31条違反について政府に忖度しています。 日本共産党は憲法と日本の法律を順守する政党になるべきです。








To President Trump 2020-07-01: Dear Sir, This is the third part of North Korea's retaliation flyer for South Korea. The Japanese government argues that "the victim of Japanese abduction" by North Korea is alive and "the Japanese should be returned to Japan." As a result of the investigation, the North Korean government reported that they died. However, the Japanese government claims that the returned remains of "Megumi Yokota" are fake. Doctors and "scientific journal Nature" who assessed the remains claim that the remains cannot be determined to be fake. North Korea should "appeal" this information in "flyers". This week, we will release a complaint against police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department. It's a police officer's habit. Don't “lick” “Sakuradamon” (the place name of the Metropolitan Police Department)! You should plead guilty in "general theory"! Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

To President Trump

Biden counterattacked Trump's "ridicule" by saying "aho." Biden beat Trump in a mask showdown!
Wearing a "mask" will prevent the "Chinese virus" from being transmitted, revitalize the US economy and beat China! Let's do it!

2020-07-01: Dear Sir,
This is the third part of North Korea's retaliation flyer for South Korea. The Japanese government argues that "the victim of Japanese abduction" by North Korea is alive and "the Japanese should be returned to Japan." As a result of the investigation, the North Korean government reported that they died. However, the Japanese government claims that the returned remains of "Megumi Yokota" are fake. Doctors and "scientific journal Nature" who assessed the remains claim that the remains cannot be determined to be fake. North Korea should "appeal" this information in "flyers".
This week, we will release a complaint against police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department. It's a police officer's habit. Don't “lick” “Sakuradamon” (the place name of the Metropolitan Police Department)! You should plead guilty in "general theory"! Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

Part 1. According to the Japanese government, the "remains" of "Megumi Yokota" is a fake. Therefore, all abductees are alive. The Japanese government has told the North Korean government to return the abductees to Japan.
The Japanese government has appealed to the United Nations, President Trump, and the Korean government.
North Korea should "publicize" "facts" with "flyers."

The remains of Megumi Yokota's remains confessed to the science magazine "Nature" by the doctor in charge at Teikyo University.
"I'm new to cremation bones, and I'm not saying "false bones.""
The method of presenting the appraisal results and the way the government dealt with were too political.
And how to handle mass media was terrible.

Was Megumi Yokota's remains "asserted" as fake?
Scientist at the mercy of politics (Megumi Yokota's ashes case) Related to this topic.

The taboo abduction issue-a lawsuit against Soichiro Tahara

France and Germany are required to participate in the identification of ashes and the investigation of death.
This will help solve the abduction issue in North Korea.
And we should proceed to lift the North Korean economic sanctions.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that I am not guilty for the reason. Reason: Revise from "I can not punish" to "I can punish".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Below is the letter of indictment against police officers.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

I will write tomorrow too.

Part 2. See below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


For uncertainties, please contact us!

★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。
★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 2020-07-01:拝啓、 北朝鮮による韓国への報復ビラの第3弾です。日本政府は北朝鮮による「日本人拉致被害者」は生きているので「日本人を日本に帰すべきだ」と主張しています。北朝鮮政府は調査の結果、全員死亡したことを報告しました。しかし日本政府は返還された「横田めぐみさん」の遺骨は偽物だと主張しています。遺骨を鑑定をした医者や「科学誌ネイチャー」は遺骨が偽物とは断定ができない、と主張する。北朝鮮はこれらの情報を「チラシ」で「アピール」すべきです。 今週は、警視庁の警察官に対する起訴状を公開します。警察官の「口癖」です。「桜田門」(警視庁の地名)を「舐める」てはいけない!あなたは「一般論」で罪を認めるべきだ!「一般論」で処罰する国は日本だけです。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様






横田めぐみさん遺骨 帝京大担当医が科学誌「ネイチャー」に告白。

政治に翻弄される科学者 (横田めぐみさん遺骨事件)この話題に関連して。




下記が警察官に対する「起訴状=letter of indictment」です。




長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



私の情報 ***************************************************





★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。
★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、


Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin Biden konterte Trumps "Lächerlichkeit" mit "aho". Biden besiegte Trump in einem Masken-Showdown! Das Tragen einer "Maske" verhindert die Übertragung des "chinesischen Virus", belebt die US-Wirtschaft und schlägt China! Machen wir das! https://wedge.ismedia.jp/articles/-/19770 2020-07-01: Sehr geehrter Herr, Dies ist der dritte Teil von Nordkoreas Vergeltungsflyer für Südkorea. Die japanische Regierung argumentiert, dass die "japanischen Entführten" Nordkoreas am Leben sind und "die Japaner nach Japan zurückbringen" sollten. Als Ergebnis der

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin

Biden konterte Trumps "Lächerlichkeit" mit "aho". Biden besiegte Trump in einem Masken-Showdown!
Das Tragen einer "Maske" verhindert die Übertragung des "chinesischen Virus", belebt die US-Wirtschaft und schlägt China! Machen wir das!

2020-07-01: Sehr geehrter Herr,
Dies ist der dritte Teil von Nordkoreas Vergeltungsflyer für Südkorea. Die japanische Regierung argumentiert, dass die "japanischen Entführten" Nordkoreas am Leben sind und "die Japaner nach Japan zurückbringen" sollten. Als Ergebnis der Untersuchung berichtete die nordkoreanische Regierung, dass sie gestorben sind. Die japanische Regierung behauptet jedoch, dass die zurückgegebenen Überreste von "Megumi Yokota" gefälscht sind. Ärzte und "Fachzeitschrift Nature", die die Überreste bewertet haben, behaupten, dass die Überreste nicht als Fälschung eingestuft werden können. Nordkorea sollte diese Informationen in "Flyern" "ansprechen".
Diese Woche werden wir eine Beschwerde gegen Polizisten der Metropolitan Police Department veröffentlichen. Es ist die Gewohnheit eines Polizisten. Lecken Sie nicht "Sakuradamon" (der Ortsname der Metropolitan Police Department)! Sie sollten sich in der "allgemeinen Theorie" schuldig bekennen! Japan ist das einzige Land, das mit "allgemeiner Theorie" bestraft wird.

Teil 1. Laut der japanischen Regierung sind die "Überreste" von "Megumi Yokota" eine Fälschung. Daher leben alle Entführten. Die japanische Regierung hat der nordkoreanischen Regierung geraten, die Entführten nach Japan zurückzubringen.
Die japanische Regierung hat an die Vereinten Nationen, Präsident Trump und die koreanische Regierung appelliert.
Nordkorea sollte "Fakten" mit "Flyern" "veröffentlichen".

Die Überreste von Megumi Yokotas Überresten wurden dem Wissenschaftsmagazin "Nature" vom verantwortlichen Arzt der Teikyo-Universität gestanden.
"Ich bin neu in der Einäscherung von Knochen, und ich sage nicht" falsche Knochen "."
Die Methode zur Darstellung der Bewertungsergebnisse und der Umgang der Regierung waren zu politisch.
Und wie man mit Massenmedien umgeht, war schrecklich.

Wurden Megumi Yokotas Überreste als Fälschung "behauptet"?
Wissenschaftler der Politik ausgeliefert (Megumi Yokotas Aschefall) Bezogen auf dieses Thema.

Die Tabu-Entführung ist eine Klage gegen Soichiro Tahara

Frankreich und Deutschland sind verpflichtet, sich an der Identifizierung von Asche und der Untersuchung des Todes zu beteiligen.
Dies wird dazu beitragen, das Problem der Entführung in Nordkorea zu lösen.
Und wir sollten fortfahren, die nordkoreanischen Wirtschaftssanktionen aufzuheben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass ich aus diesem Grund nicht schuldig bin. Grund: Überarbeitung von "Ich kann nicht bestrafen" zu "Ich kann bestrafen".
Es ist "falsche Anschuldigung". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe die Anklage unten. (Japanisch)

Unten ist das Anklageschreiben gegen Polizisten.
Teil 1
Teil 2
Teil 3

Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Teil 2. Siehe unten für das Folgende.

Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundeskanzlerin Merkel" gesendet.
Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.
Es wird im folgenden Blog veröffentlicht.

Hilf mir.
Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an uns.

★ Bitte kaufen Sie ein Bento von einer Person mit einer Behinderung! Rufen Sie mich an. Bitte vorstellen.
★ "Das Elend anderer ist der Geschmack von Honig" "Liebe rettet die Menschen auf der Welt"

Emmanuel Macron au président français Biden a contre-attaqué le «ridicule» de Trump en disant «aho». Biden a battu Trump dans une confrontation au masque! Le port d'un "masque" empêchera la transmission du "virus chinois", ravivera l'économie américaine et battra la Chine! Faisons le! https://wedge.ismedia.jp/articles/-/19770 2020-07-01: Cher monsieur, Ceci est la troisième partie du dépliant de représailles de la Corée du Nord pour la Corée du Sud. Le gouvernement japonais soutient que les "enlevés japonais" par la Corée du Nord sont vivants et devrai

Emmanuel Macron au président français

Biden a contre-attaqué le «ridicule» de Trump en disant «aho». Biden a battu Trump dans une confrontation au masque!
Le port d'un "masque" empêchera la transmission du "virus chinois", ravivera l'économie américaine et battra la Chine! Faisons le!

2020-07-01: Cher monsieur,
Ceci est la troisième partie du dépliant de représailles de la Corée du Nord pour la Corée du Sud. Le gouvernement japonais soutient que les "enlevés japonais" par la Corée du Nord sont vivants et devraient "renvoyer les Japonais au Japon". À la suite de l'enquête, le gouvernement nord-coréen a signalé qu'ils sont morts. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais affirme que les restes restitués de "Megumi Yokota" sont faux. Les médecins et la "revue scientifique Nature" qui ont évalué les restes affirment que les restes ne peuvent pas être considérés comme faux. La Corée du Nord devrait «faire appel» à ces informations dans des «dépliants».
Cette semaine, nous publierons une plainte contre les policiers du Département de la police métropolitaine. C'est l'habitude d'un policier. Ne «léchez» pas «Sakuradamon» (le nom du lieu de la police métropolitaine)! Vous devez plaider coupable dans la "théorie générale"! Le Japon est le seul pays à être puni par la "théorie générale".

Partie 1. Selon le gouvernement japonais, la "dépouille" de "Megumi Yokota" est un faux. Par conséquent, tous les enlevés sont vivants. Le gouvernement japonais a demandé au gouvernement nord-coréen de renvoyer les personnes enlevées au Japon.
Le gouvernement japonais a fait appel aux Nations Unies, au président Trump et au gouvernement coréen.
La Corée du Nord devrait «publier» les «faits» avec des «dépliants».

Les restes de la dépouille de Megumi Yokota ont été confessés au magazine scientifique "Nature" par le médecin responsable de l'Université de Teikyo.
"Je suis nouveau dans les os de crémation, et je ne dis pas" faux os. ""
La méthode de présentation des résultats de l'évaluation et la manière dont le gouvernement a traité étaient trop politiques.
Et comment gérer les médias de masse était terrible.

Les restes de Megumi Yokota étaient-ils "affirmés" comme faux?
Scientifique à la merci de la politique (cas des cendres de Megumi Yokota) Lié à ce sujet.

L'enlèvement tabou - un procès contre Soichiro Tahara

La France et l'Allemagne sont tenues de participer à l'identification des cendres et à l'enquête sur le décès.
Cela aidera à résoudre le problème des enlèvements en Corée du Nord.
Et nous devons procéder à la levée des sanctions économiques nord-coréennes.

L'amendement à la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration de janvier 2017 stipule que je ne suis pas coupable pour la raison. Motif: passez de "Je ne peux pas punir" à "Je peux punir".
C'est une "fausse accusation". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais n'a pas encore présenté d'excuses. Voir l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)

Ci-dessous, la lettre d'accusation contre les policiers.
Partie 1
Partie 2
3e partie

J'écrirai demain aussi.

Partie 2. Voir ci-dessous pour ce qui suit.

Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Mon information ***************

J'envoyais "par e-mail" à "la chancelière allemande Merkel".
Vous pouvez lire toutes les transmissions par courrier électronique (erreurs) précédentes ci-dessous.
Il est publié dans le blog suivant.

Aidez moi.
Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous contacter.

★ Veuillez acheter un bento fabriqué par une personne handicapée! Appelez-moi. Veuillez présenter.
★ "La misère des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les gens du monde"

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister Biden counterattacked Trump's "ridicule" by saying "aho." Biden beat Trump in a mask showdown! Wearing a "mask" will prevent the "Chinese virus" from being transmitted, revitalize the US economy and beat China! Let's do it! https://wedge.ismedia.jp/articles/-/19770 2020-07-01: Dear Sir, This is the third part of North Korea's retaliation flyer for South Korea. The Japanese government argues that "the victim of Japanese abduction" by North Korea is alive and "the Japanese should be returned to Japan."

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

Biden counterattacked Trump's "ridicule" by saying "aho." Biden beat Trump in a mask showdown!
Wearing a "mask" will prevent the "Chinese virus" from being transmitted, revitalize the US economy and beat China! Let's do it!

2020-07-01: Dear Sir,
This is the third part of North Korea's retaliation flyer for South Korea. The Japanese government argues that "the victim of Japanese abduction" by North Korea is alive and "the Japanese should be returned to Japan." As a result of the investigation, the North Korean government reported that they died. However, the Japanese government claims that the returned remains of "Megumi Yokota" are fake. Doctors and "scientific journal Nature" who assessed the remains claim that the remains cannot be determined to be fake. North Korea should "appeal" this information in "flyers".
This week, we will release a complaint against police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department. It's a police officer's habit. Don't “lick” “Sakuradamon” (the place name of the Metropolitan Police Department)! You should plead guilty in "general theory"! Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

Part 1. According to the Japanese government, the "remains" of "Megumi Yokota" is a fake. Therefore, all abductees are alive. The Japanese government has told the North Korean government to return the abductees to Japan.
The Japanese government has appealed to the United Nations, President Trump, and the Korean government.
North Korea should "publicize" "facts" with "flyers."

The remains of Megumi Yokota's remains confessed to the science magazine "Nature" by the doctor in charge at Teikyo University.
"I'm new to cremation bones, and I'm not saying "false bones.""
The method of presenting the appraisal results and the way the government dealt with were too political.
And how to handle mass media was terrible.

Was Megumi Yokota's remains "asserted" as fake?
Scientist at the mercy of politics (Megumi Yokota's ashes case) Related to this topic.

The taboo abduction issue-a lawsuit against Soichiro Tahara

France and Germany are required to participate in the identification of ashes and the investigation of death.
This will help solve the abduction issue in North Korea.
And we should proceed to lift the North Korean economic sanctions.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that I am not guilty for the reason. Reason: Revise from "I can not punish" to "I can punish".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Below is the letter of indictment against police officers.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

I will write tomorrow too.

Part 2. See below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Help me.
Please contact us if you have any questions.

To President Trump Biden counterattacked Trump's "ridicule" by saying "aho." Biden beat Trump in a mask showdown!2020-07-01: Dear Sir, This is the third part of North Korea's retaliation flyer for South Korea.

To President Trump

Biden counterattacked Trump's "ridicule" by saying "aho." Biden beat Trump in a mask showdown!
Wearing a "mask" will prevent the "Chinese virus" from being transmitted, revitalize the US economy and beat China! Let's do it!

2020-07-01: Dear Sir,
This is the third part of North Korea's retaliation flyer for South Korea. The Japanese government argues that "the victim of Japanese abduction" by North Korea is alive and "the Japanese should be returned to Japan." As a result of the investigation, the North Korean government reported that they died. However, the Japanese government claims that the returned remains of "Megumi Yokota" are fake. Doctors and "scientific journal Nature" who assessed the remains claim that the remains cannot be determined to be fake. North Korea should "appeal" this information in "flyers".
This week, we will release a complaint against police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department. It's a police officer's habit. Don't “lick” “Sakuradamon” (the place name of the Metropolitan Police Department)! You should plead guilty in "general theory"! Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

Part 1. According to the Japanese government, the "remains" of "Megumi Yokota" is a fake. Therefore, all abductees are alive. The Japanese government has told the North Korean government to return the abductees to Japan.
The Japanese government has appealed to the United Nations, President Trump, and the Korean government.
North Korea should "publicize" "facts" with "flyers."

The remains of Megumi Yokota's remains confessed to the science magazine "Nature" by the doctor in charge at Teikyo University.
"I'm new to cremation bones, and I'm not saying "false bones.""
The method of presenting the appraisal results and the way the government dealt with were too political.
And how to handle mass media was terrible.

Was Megumi Yokota's remains "asserted" as fake?
Scientist at the mercy of politics (Megumi Yokota's ashes case) Related to this topic.

The taboo abduction issue-a lawsuit against Soichiro Tahara

France and Germany are required to participate in the identification of ashes and the investigation of death.
This will help solve the abduction issue in North Korea.
And we should proceed to lift the North Korean economic sanctions.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that I am not guilty for the reason. Reason: Revise from "I can not punish" to "I can punish".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Below is the letter of indictment against police officers.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

I will write tomorrow too.

Part 2. See below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


For uncertainties, please contact us!

★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。
★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、

Biden counterattacked Trump's "ridicule" by saying "aho." Biden beat Trump in a mask showdown! Wearing a "mask" will prevent the "Chinese virus" from being transmitted, revitalize the US economy and beat China! Let's do it! https://wedge.ismedia.jp/articles/-/19770

Biden counterattacked Trump's "ridicule" by saying "aho." Biden beat Trump in a mask showdown!
Wearing a "mask" will prevent the "Chinese virus" from being transmitted, revitalize the US economy and beat China! Let's do it!

2020-07-01: Dear Sir,
This is the third part of North Korea's retaliation flyer for South Korea. The Japanese government argues that "the victim of Japanese abduction" by North Korea is alive and "the Japanese should be returned to Japan." As a result of the investigation, the North Korean government reported that they died. However, the Japanese government claims that the returned remains of "Megumi Yokota" are fake. Doctors and "scientific journal Nature" who assessed the remains claim that the remains cannot be determined to be fake. North Korea should "appeal" this information in "flyers".
This week, we will release a complaint against police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department. It's a police officer's habit. Don't “lick” “Sakuradamon” (the place name of the Metropolitan Police Department)! You should plead guilty in "general theory"! Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

Part 1. According to the Japanese government, the "remains" of "Megumi Yokota" is a fake. Therefore, all abductees are alive. The Japanese government has told the North Korean government to return the abductees to Japan.
The Japanese government has appealed to the United Nations, President Trump, and the Korean government.
North Korea should "publicize" "facts" with "flyers."

The remains of Megumi Yokota's remains confessed to the science magazine "Nature" by the doctor in charge at Teikyo University.
"I'm new to cremation bones, and I'm not saying "false bones.""
The method of presenting the appraisal results and the way the government dealt with were too political.
And how to handle mass media was terrible.

Was Megumi Yokota's remains "asserted" as fake?
Scientist at the mercy of politics (Megumi Yokota's ashes case) Related to this topic.

The taboo abduction issue-a lawsuit against Soichiro Tahara

France and Germany are required to participate in the identification of ashes and the investigation of death.
This will help solve the abduction issue in North Korea.
And we should proceed to lift the North Korean economic sanctions.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that I am not guilty for the reason. Reason: Revise from "I can not punish" to "I can punish".
It is "false accusation". Thank you to everyone in the international community. However, the Japanese government has not yet made an apology. See the indictment below. (Japanese)

Below is the letter of indictment against police officers.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

I will write tomorrow too.

Part 2. See below for the following.

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


For uncertainties, please contact us!


Trump didn't help Americans illegally disposed of by the Japanese government! Trump who fell in the Japanese government's honey trap is not the US president!

Trump didn't help Americans illegally disposed of by the Japanese government!
Trump who fell in the Japanese government's honey trap is not the US president!

2020-06-30th: Dear Sir,
This is the second part of North Korea's retaliation flyer for South Korea. 
This is my wish. 
I am sending letters and e-mails to the Korean government every day to protest the Japanese government 
as relief for the victims of Korean citizens in the case of violation of the Immigration Control Act. 
However, the Korean government "hides" this fact by "receiving" the Japanese government's honey trap. 
The Korean government is "abandoning" Koreans. 
North Korea should spread this fact with flyers. 
Please request the restoration of honor and compensation from the Japanese government. 
Many Koreans thank the North Korean government.
This week, we will release a complaint against police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department. 
It's a police officer's habit. Don't “lick” “Sakuradamon” 
(the place name of the Metropolitan Police Department)! 
You should plead guilty in "general theory"! 
Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

For more information, see today's SNS Post.