
To President Trump President Duterte, you should protect the "Philippines"!

 To President Trump

President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

"Japanese shame" A slave market called a foreign technical intern trainee.


2020-10-07: Dear Sir,

President Duterte, you should protect the "Philippines"! 

President Duterte should protest the Japanese government 

and claim the restoration of the honor of the "Philippines" and compensation.

Everyone in the international community! In June 2010, 

I was punished for "a case of support for" violation of the Immigration Control Act "." 

However, the Filipinos are also victims of this incident. On Monday I wrote that I was not guilty. 

Therefore, embassy staff and diplomats in Japan are not guilty.

And the "Filipinos" who did "unqualified labor" at the landscaping shop are also acquitted.

The reason is the same as yesterday's Chinese "out-of-qualification activity".

President Duterte must not sacrifice "Filipinos" to receive Japanese support.

First of all, President Duterte should demand the restoration 

of honor and compensation of "Filipinos" from the Japanese government.

The international community should "condemn" the Japanese government, 

which even criminalizes Philippine embassy staff and Philippine diplomats.

If the Japanese government does not "govern under the law," Japan should be sanctioned.

Part 1 Since the international community does not denounce the Japanese government, 

the "exactly the same incident" occurred from 2012 to 2013.

Victims are Philippine embassy staff and Philippine government diplomats.

The reason for not guilty is exactly the same as my "accessory case of immigration law violation".

I have sent letter mails to the Philippine government and the embassy in Japan many times.

Please check the "indictment". 

And the act of arbitrarily making people criminals without observing the basic law.

Sanction the "Japanese government and members of parliament" 

who ignore the Constitution in the international community. Please.

In June 2010, I was punished for an "immigration law violation assistance case."

But I am "not guilty". See "Indictment" for the reason. (Click the link).

See Part 2 for details.


Japan is the number one paid ODA to the Philippines and the amount of support!


Japan and the Philippines sign the official text of the exchange for support of 3.56 billion yen 

(support for Mindanao and provision of a railway simulator)


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment. 

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagan

For uncertainties, please contact us!


ドウテルテ大統領、あなたは「フィリッピンの国民」を守るべきです! ドウテルテ大統領は日本政府に抗議して「フィリッピンの国民」の名誉の回復、そして賠償を請求するべきです。


























"Japanese shame" A slave market called a foreign technical intern trainee.

 "Japanese shame" A slave market called a foreign technical intern trainee.


2020-10-07: Dear Sir,

President Duterte, you should protect the "Philippines"! 

President Duterte should protest the Japanese government 

and claim the restoration of the honor of the "Philippines" and compensation.

Everyone in the international community! In June 2010, 

I was punished for "a case of support for" violation of the Immigration Control Act "." 

However, the Filipinos are also victims of this incident. On Monday I wrote that I was not guilty. 

Therefore, embassy staff and diplomats in Japan are not guilty.

And the "Filipinos" who did "unqualified labor" at the landscaping shop are also acquitted.

The reason is the same as yesterday's Chinese "out-of-qualification activity".

President Duterte must not sacrifice "Filipinos" to receive Japanese support.

First of all, President Duterte should demand the restoration 

of honor and compensation of "Filipinos" from the Japanese government.

The international community should "condemn" the Japanese government, 

which even criminalizes Philippine embassy staff and Philippine diplomats.

If the Japanese government does not "govern under the law," Japan should be sanctioned.


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)




Emmanuel Macron La communauté internationale devrait imposer des sanctions sur les «violations des droits de l'homme» du «gouvernement japonais» et du «gouvernement chinois».

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2020-10-06: Cher Monsieur, Tout le monde dans la communauté internationale. Ma «logique juridique» est-elle fausse?

Le «travail illégal» ne peut pas être «établi» par les seuls étrangers.

Le «travail illégal» est «établi» parce qu'il y a des employeurs qui embauchent illégalement des étrangers.

Si un «employeur» n'est «pas puni» en vertu de l'article 73-2 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, un étranger ne doit pas être puni en vertu de l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.

C'est le "principe de l'égalité devant la loi".

Il y a d'innombrables victimes, y compris chinoises.

En juin 2010, j'ai été sanctionné pour «l'affaire d'assistance pour violation de la loi sur l'immigration».

Cependant, cet incident fait également des victimes chinoises.

La victime est "Kin gungaku" de la "tribu coréenne" qui aurait été mon compagnon.

Hier, j'ai écrit que j'étais innocent. Par conséquent, le co-conspirateur "Kin gungaku" est également innocent.

J'ai envoyé des lettres au gouvernement de Pékin et à l'ambassade du Japon à plusieurs reprises.

Cependant, le gouvernement chinois a «reconnu» la punition illégale du gouvernement japonais.

Je ne peux que penser qu'il est tombé dans le «piège du miel» et le «piège de l'argent» du gouvernement japonais.

Lorsque le gouvernement chinois proteste auprès du gouvernement japonais pour "violation des droits de l'homme contre le peuple chinois",

«La violation des droits de l'homme» du «gouvernement japonais et de la communauté internationale» à la «minorité» de la «région autonome tibétaine et de la région autonome ouïghoure du Xinjiang» est «condamnée».

Je pense que le gouvernement chinois a «peur» de cela.

La communauté internationale devrait imposer des sanctions sur les «violations des droits de l'homme» du «gouvernement japonais» et du «gouvernement chinois».

Partie 1 La politique d'immigration du gouvernement japonais est "absurde".

En premier lieu, avant de nous appliquer le "crime d '" assistance "illégal dans le droit pénal"

L'application de l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration «Travail illégal en raison d'activités hors du statut de qualification» à «Chinois» est une violation.

C'est une violation du droit international qui interdit les «châtiments arbitraires» des étrangers.

Et c'est la «punition» qui viole l'article 14 «l'égalité devant la loi» de la Constitution japonaise.

La loi sur le contrôle de l’immigration stipule le «travail illégal».

Les "étrangers" seront punis pour "violation d'activités en dehors du statut de qualification" en vertu de l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.

Et l'employeur est puni pour l'article 73-2 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration "Crimes qui encouragent le travail illégal".

Le parquet punit les étrangers pour avoir enfreint l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration, mais ne punit pas les employeurs pour avoir enfreint l'article 73-2 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.

L'accusation n'a pas puni l'employeur pour travail illégal et les Chinois sont innocents.

J'ai écrit hier que l'application du "crime de soutien aux violations de l'immigration" est illégale.

Veuillez vérifier "l'acte d'accusation".

En juin 2010, j'ai été sanctionné pour «l'affaire d'assistance pour violation de la loi sur l'immigration». Mais je suis "innocent"

Le chinois «Kin Gungaku» qui était considéré comme mon «compagnon» est «innocent».

Voir "Acte d'accusation" pour la raison. (Cliquer sur le lien).

Voir la partie 2 pour plus de détails.



Article 14 de la Constitution japonaise:

Tous les citoyens sont égaux devant la loi, par race, croyance, sexe, statut social ou origine familiale.

Pas de discrimination dans les relations politiques, économiques ou sociales.

Une équipe de recherche des Nations Unies devrait être envoyée dans la région autonome ouïgoure du Xinjiang en Chine! Le président français "poursuit" dans un discours de l'ONU!


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de "ne peut pas être puni" à "peut être puni".

C'est une "culpabilité". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Veuillez consulter l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Voir ci-dessous.





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagan

Mon information ***************

J'envoyais "par e-mail" au "Premier ministre fédéral allemand Merkel".

Vous pouvez lire toutes les transmissions d'e-mails (erreurs) passées ci-dessous.

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


Angela Merkel Ich habe viele Male Briefpost an die Regierung von Peking und die Botschaft in Japan geschickt.


An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

06.10.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr, alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Ist meine "Rechtslogik" falsch?

"Illegale Arbeit" kann nicht allein von Ausländern "etabliert" werden.

"Illegale Arbeit" ist "etabliert", weil es Arbeitgeber gibt, die illegal Ausländer einstellen.

Wenn Sie Ihren Arbeitgeber nicht nach Artikel 73-2 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes bestrafen, dürfen Sie Ausländer nicht nach Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes bestrafen.

Dies ist der "Grundsatz der Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz". Es gibt unzählige Opfer, darunter auch Chinesen.

Im Juni 2010 wurde ich für den "Fall der Unterstützung bei Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" bestraft.

Dieser Vorfall macht jedoch auch chinesische Opfer.

Das Opfer ist "Kin Gungaku" des "koreanischen Stammes", der angeblich mein Begleiter war.

Gestern habe ich geschrieben, dass ich unschuldig bin. Daher ist auch der Mitverschwörer "Kin Gungaku" unschuldig.

Ich habe viele Male Briefpost an die Regierung von Peking und die Botschaft in Japan geschickt.

Die chinesische Regierung hat jedoch die illegale Bestrafung der japanischen Regierung "anerkannt".

Ich kann nur denken, dass es in die "Honigfalle" und "Geldfalle" der japanischen Regierung geraten ist.

Wenn die chinesische Regierung gegen die japanische Regierung protestiert, "Verletzung der Menschenrechte gegen das chinesische Volk",

Die japanische Regierung und die internationale Gemeinschaft haben "Menschenrechtsverletzungen" gegen die "Minderheiten" der "Autonomen Region Tibet und der Autonomen Region Xinjiang Uygur" angeprangert.

Ich denke, die chinesische Regierung hat Angst davor.

Die internationale Gemeinschaft sollte Sanktionen gegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch die "japanische Regierung" und die "chinesische Regierung" verhängen.

Teil 1 Die Einwanderungspolitik der japanischen Regierung ist "Unsinn".

Erstens, bevor wir das illegale "Verbrechen der" Unterstützung "im Strafrecht" auf uns anwenden

Die Anwendung von Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes "Illegale Arbeit aufgrund von Aktivitäten außerhalb des Qualifikationsstatus" auf "Chinesisch" ist ein Verstoß.

Es ist ein Verstoß gegen das Völkerrecht, der die "willkürliche Bestrafung" von Ausländern verbietet.

Und es ist "Bestrafung", die gegen Artikel 14 "Gleichheit nach dem Gesetz" der japanischen Verfassung verstößt.

Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz sieht "illegale Arbeit" vor.

"Ausländer" werden nach Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes für "Verstöße gegen Aktivitäten außerhalb des Qualifikationsstatus" bestraft.

Und der Arbeitgeber wird für Artikel 73-2 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes "Verbrechen, die illegale Arbeit fördern" bestraft.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft bestraft Ausländer wegen Verstoßes gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes, Arbeitgeber jedoch nicht wegen Verstoßes gegen Artikel 73-2 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat den Arbeitgeber nicht für illegale Arbeit bestraft, und die Chinesen sind unschuldig.

Ich habe gestern geschrieben, dass die Anwendung der "Straftat zur Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen die Einwanderungsbestimmungen" illegal ist.

Bitte überprüfen Sie die "Anklage".

Im Juni 2010 wurde ich für den "Fall der Unterstützung bei Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" bestraft. Aber ich bin "unschuldig"

Der Chinese "Kin Gungaku", der als mein "Begleiter" angesehen wurde, ist "unschuldig".

Siehe "Anklageschrift" für den Grund. (Klicken Sie auf den Link).

Siehe Teil 2 für Details.



Artikel 14 der japanischen Verfassung:

Alle Bürger sind nach Gesetz, Rasse, Glaubensbekenntnis, Geschlecht, sozialem Status oder familiärer Herkunft gleich.

Nicht diskriminiert in politischen, wirtschaftlichen oder sozialen Beziehungen.

Ein UN-Forschungsteam sollte in die autonome Region Xinjiang Uygur in China entsandt werden! Der französische Präsident "verklagt" in einer UN-Rede!


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine "Schuld". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Bitte beachten Sie die Anklageschrift unten. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Siehe unten.





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagan

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundespremier Merkel" gesendet.

Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.





To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister In June 2010, I was punished for an "immigration law violation assistance case." However, the Chinese are also victims of this incident.

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-10-06: Dear Sir, Everyone in the international community. Is my "law logic" wrong?

"Illegal labor" cannot be "established" by foreigners alone. 

"Illegal labor" is "established" because there are employers who illegally hire foreigners. 

If you do not punish your employer under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act, 

you must not punish foreigners under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act. 

This is the "principle of equality before the law". There are countless casualties, including the Chinese.

In June 2010, I was punished for an "immigration law violation assistance case." 

However, the Chinese are also victims of this incident. 

The victim is "Kin gungaku" of "Korean Chinese" who was my accomplice. 

Yesterday I wrote that I was not guilty. Therefore, the accomplice "Kin gungaku" is also not guilty.

I have sent letter mails to the Beijing government and the embassy in Japan many times.

However, the Chinese government has "acknowledged" the illegal punishment of the Japanese government.

I can only think that it has fallen into the "honey trap" and "money trap" of the Japanese government.

When the Chinese government protests against the Japanese government 

for "human rights violations against Chinese people," 

the Japanese government and the international community denounce "human rights violations" 

against "minorities" in the "Tibetan Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region."

I think the Chinese government is afraid of this.

The international community should impose sanctions 

on human rights violations of the "Japanese government" and "Chinese government."

Part 1 The Japanese government's immigration policy is "nonsense".

In the first place, before applying the illegal "criminal law" assistance "crime" to us

The application of Article 70 

of the Immigration Control Act "Illegal labor due to activities outside 

the qualifications" to "Chinese" is a violation.

It is a violation of international law that prohibits "arbitrary punishment" of foreigners.

And it is "punishment" that violates Article 14 "equality under the law" of the Japanese Constitution.

The Immigration Control Act stipulates "illegal labor".

"Foreigners" will be punished for "violation of activities outside the status 

of qualification" under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.

Employers are punished for Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act, 

"Crimes that promote illegal labor."

The prosecution punishes foreigners for violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act, 

but does not punish employers for violating Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

The prosecution has not punished the employer for illegal labor, and the Chinese are not guilty.

I wrote yesterday that the application of "the crime of supporting immigration violations" is illegal.

Please check the "indictment".

In June 2010, I was punished for an "immigration law violation assistance case." But I'm "not guilty"

The Chinese "Korean Kin Gungaku" who was regarded as my "accomplice" is "not guilty".

See "Indictment = bill of indictment" for the reason. (Click the link).

See Part 2 for details.



Article 14 of the Constitution of Japan:

All citizens are equal before the law and are not discriminated against in political, 

economic or social relations by race, creed, gender, social status or family origin.

A UN research team should be dispatched to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China! 

The President of France "sueed" in a UN speech!


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment. 

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagan

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Trump This is the "principle of equality before the law". There are countless casualties, including the Chinese.

 To President Trump

President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

2020-10-06: Dear Sir, Everyone in the international community. Is my "law logic" wrong?

"Illegal labor" cannot be "established" by foreigners alone. 

"Illegal labor" is "established" because there are employers who illegally hire foreigners. 

If you do not punish your employer under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act, 

you must not punish foreigners under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act. 

This is the "principle of equality before the law". There are countless casualties, including the Chinese.


In June 2010, I was punished for an "immigration law violation assistance case." 

However, the Chinese are also victims of this incident. 

The victim is "Kin gungaku" of "Korean Chinese" who was my accomplice. 

Yesterday I wrote that I was not guilty. Therefore, the accomplice "Kin gungaku" is also not guilty.

I have sent letter mails to the Beijing government and the embassy in Japan many times.

However, the Chinese government has "acknowledged" the illegal punishment of the Japanese government.

I can only think that it has fallen into the "honey trap" and "money trap" of the Japanese government.

When the Chinese government protests against the Japanese government 

for "human rights violations against Chinese people," 

the Japanese government and the international community denounce "human rights violations" 

against "minorities" in the "Tibetan Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region."

I think the Chinese government is afraid of this.

The international community should impose sanctions 

on human rights violations of the "Japanese government" and "Chinese government."

Part 1 The Japanese government's immigration policy is "nonsense".

In the first place, before applying the illegal "criminal law" assistance "crime" to us

The application of Article 70 

of the Immigration Control Act "Illegal labor due to activities outside 

the qualifications" to "Chinese" is a violation.

It is a violation of international law that prohibits "arbitrary punishment" of foreigners.

And it is "punishment" that violates Article 14 "equality under the law" of the Japanese Constitution.

The Immigration Control Act stipulates "illegal labor".

"Foreigners" will be punished for "violation of activities outside the status 

of qualification" under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.

Employers are punished for Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act, 

"Crimes that promote illegal labor."

The prosecution punishes foreigners for violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act, 

but does not punish employers for violating Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

The prosecution has not punished the employer for illegal labor, and the Chinese are not guilty.

I wrote yesterday that the application of "the crime of supporting immigration violations" is illegal.

Please check the "indictment".

In June 2010, I was punished for an "immigration law violation assistance case." But I'm "not guilty"

The Chinese "Korean Kin Gungaku" who was regarded as my "accomplice" is "not guilty".

See "Indictment = bill of indictment" for the reason. (Click the link).

See Part 2 for details.



Article 14 of the Constitution of Japan:

All citizens are equal before the law and are not discriminated against in political, 

economic or social relations by race, creed, gender, social status or family origin.

A UN research team should be dispatched to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China! 

The President of France "sueed" in a UN speech!


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment. 

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.






Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagan

For uncertainties, please contact us!


"Illegal labor" is "established" because there are employers who illegally hire foreigners.

 2020-10-06: Dear Sir, Everyone in the international community. Is my "law logic" wrong?

"Illegal labor" cannot be "established" by foreigners alone. 

"Illegal labor" is "established" because there are employers who illegally hire foreigners. 

If you do not punish your employer under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act, 

you must not punish foreigners under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act. 

This is the "principle of equality before the law". There are countless casualties, including the Chinese.


In June 2010, I was punished for an "immigration law violation assistance case." 

However, the Chinese are also victims of this incident. 

The victim is "Kin gungaku" of "Korean Chinese" who was my accomplice. 

Yesterday I wrote that I was not guilty. Therefore, the accomplice "Kin gungaku" is also not guilty.

I have sent letter mails to the Beijing government and the embassy in Japan many times.

However, the Chinese government has "acknowledged" the illegal punishment of the Japanese government.

I can only think that it has fallen into the "honey trap" and "money trap" of the Japanese government.

When the Chinese government protests against the Japanese government 

for "human rights violations against Chinese people," 

the Japanese government and the international community denounce "human rights violations" 

against "minorities" in the "Tibetan Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region."

I think the Chinese government is afraid of this.

The international community should impose sanctions 

on human rights violations of the "Japanese government" and "Chinese government."

Part 1 The Japanese government's immigration policy is "nonsense".

In the first place, before applying the illegal "criminal law" assistance "crime" to us

The application of Article 70 

of the Immigration Control Act "Illegal labor due to activities outside 

the qualifications" to "Chinese" is a violation.

It is a violation of international law that prohibits "arbitrary punishment" of foreigners.

And it is "punishment" that violates Article 14 "equality under the law" of the Japanese Constitution.

The Immigration Control Act stipulates "illegal labor".

"Foreigners" will be punished for "violation of activities outside the status 

of qualification" under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.

Employers are punished for Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act, 

"Crimes that promote illegal labor."

The prosecution punishes foreigners for violating Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act, 

but does not punish employers for violating Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

The prosecution has not punished the employer for illegal labor, and the Chinese are not guilty.

I wrote yesterday that the application of "the crime of supporting immigration violations" is illegal.

Please check the "indictment".

In June 2010, I was punished for an "immigration law violation assistance case." But I'm "not guilty"

The Chinese "Korean Kin Gungaku" who was regarded as my "accomplice" is "not guilty".

See "Indictment = bill of indictment" for the reason. (Click the link).

See Part 2 for details.



Article 14 of the Constitution of Japan:

All citizens are equal before the law and are not discriminated against in political, 

economic or social relations by race, creed, gender, social status or family origin.

A UN research team should be dispatched to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China! 

The President of France "sueed" in a UN speech!


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment. 

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.






Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagan

For uncertainties, please contact us!


Dear Sir, Everyone in the international community. Is my "law logic" wrong? "Illegal labor" cannot be "established" by foreigners alone.

 2020-10-06: Dear Sir, Everyone in the international community. Is my "law logic" wrong?

"Illegal labor" cannot be "established" by foreigners alone. 

"Illegal labor" is "established" because there are employers who illegally hire foreigners. 

If you do not punish your employer under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act, 

you must not punish foreigners under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act. 

This is the "principle of equality before the law". There are countless casualties, including the Chinese.


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)




Angela Merkel Diese Woche werde ich die internationale Gemeinschaft zu diesem Thema ansprechen.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

05.10.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr, alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft! Bitte überprüfen Sie "Anklageschrift".

Der Akt, Menschen "willkürlich" zu Verbrechern zu machen, ohne "Grundgesetze" zu beachten.

Und bitte sanktionieren Sie die "japanische Regierung und Parlamentarier", die Japans "Verfassung" in der internationalen Gemeinschaft ignorieren. Dankeschön.

Im Juni 2010 wurde ich für einen "Hilfefall wegen Verstoßes gegen das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz" "bestraft". Aber ich bin "unschuldig".

Den Grund finden Sie unter "Anklageschrift". (Klicken Sie auf den Link).

Der "Grund für das Verbrechen" ist, dass ich den Chinesen einen "falschen Arbeitsvertrag" zur Verfügung gestellt habe.

Die Chinesen wurden wegen "Aktivitäten außerhalb der Qualifikation" (illegale Beschäftigung) gemäß Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes festgenommen.

Ich bin also ein "helfendes Verbrechen" der "illegalen Arbeit".

Die Anklage, Ausländern "falsche Dokumente" als Grund für das Verbrechen zur Verfügung zu stellen, war kein Verbrechen.

Ich kämpfe seit über 10 Jahren.

Die japanische Justiz und die Medien zerschlagen dies.

"Government by Law" ist die "Grundidee" der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem "Land, das nach dem Gesetz regiert". Ich bin nicht das einzige Opfer.

Die japanische Regierung hat mehr Ausländer "illegal verhaftet und inhaftiert" als Nordkoreas "japanische Entführte".

Diese Woche werde ich die internationale Gemeinschaft zu diesem Thema ansprechen.

Teil 1 Der Grund für das Verbrechen der "Anklageschrift" ist der Grund für die "Unterstützung" von Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes.

Ein Verstoß gegen Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes ist eine "administrative Verfügung" des Justizministers.

"Entsorgung" ist die Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus.

"Kriminalitätshilfe" kann nicht auf "administrative Disposition" angewendet werden, die den "Aufenthaltsstatus" aufhebt.

Der Grund basiert auf Artikel 31 der Verfassung.

"Niemand kann seines Lebens oder seiner Freiheit beraubt oder anderweitig bestraft werden, wenn nicht die gesetzlich festgelegten Verfahren eingehalten werden."

Der Grund für das Verbrechen der Anklage ist Artikel 24-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes

Mit "Ausländer, die falsche Unterlagen eingereicht und einen Aufenthaltsstatus erhalten haben, widerrufen ihren Aufenthaltsstatus"

Ausländer werden vom Justizminister bestraft.

Daher kann das "Verbrechen der" Unterstützung "im Strafgesetzbuch" nicht auf die "administrative Disposition" der "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus" angewendet werden.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft des Bezirks Tokio wies meine Klage jedoch weiterhin als "Selbstlogik" ab.

Ich habe jeden Tag an die internationale Gemeinschaft appelliert.

Ich denke, es gab einige Hinweise von internationalen Organisationen und ausländischen Regierungen.

Daher wurde das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz ab Januar 2017 geändert.

Es ist ein Gesetz, das eine Person kriminalisiert, die bei der Erlangung eines "Aufenthaltsstatus" hilft, indem sie "falsche Dokumente" vorlegt.

Es ist aus Gründen der Überarbeitung klar angegeben.

Zuvor hatte das Gesetz festgelegt, dass "die Person, die" das "falsche Dokument" zur Verfügung gestellt hat, nicht bestraft werden konnte ".

Daher wird die Person, die das "falsche Dokument" bereitgestellt hat, überarbeitet, damit es bestraft werden kann.

Es wurde klar, dass meine Behauptung "gerechtfertigt" war.

Ich stelle den Chinesen keine "falschen Dokumente" zur Verfügung.

Ein "falsches Dokument" ist ein "falscher Arbeitsvertrag".

Wegen des "Lehman-Schocks" stellte er keine Chinesen ein.

Er sagte jedoch, er würde nicht streiten, weil er nicht bestrafen könne, selbst wenn es sich um ein "falsches Dokument" handele.

Ich argumentierte, dass der "Grund für das Verbrechen" in der "Anklageschrift" nicht bestraft werden kann.

Das Parlament gab zu, dass die Bestrafung für mich falsch war.

Es gibt jedoch keine Entschuldigung, Wiederherstellung der Ehre oder Entschädigung.

Deshalb appelliere ich weiterhin an die internationale Gemeinschaft.

Jetzt sollten die Regierungen vieler Länder, internationaler Organisationen, Medien usw. das "barbarische Verhalten" der japanischen Regierung anprangern.

Siehe Teil 2 für Details.



Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine "Schuld". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Bitte beachten Sie die Anklageschrift unten. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Siehe unten.





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagan

Emmanuel Macron 2020-10-05: Cher Monsieur, Tout le monde dans la communauté internationale! Veuillez cocher "Acte d'accusation".

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2020-10-05: Cher Monsieur, Tout le monde dans la communauté internationale! Veuillez cocher "Acte d'accusation".

Le fait de faire des gens des criminels «arbitrairement» sans observer les «lois fondamentales».

Et veuillez sanctionner le «gouvernement et les parlementaires japonais» qui ignorent la «constitution» du Japon dans la communauté internationale. Je vous remercie.

En juin 2010, j'ai été «puni» pour une «affaire d'aide pour violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration». Mais je suis "innocent".

Veuillez consulter «Acte d'accusation» pour la raison. (Cliquer sur le lien).

La "raison du crime" est que j'ai fourni aux Chinois un "faux contrat de travail".

Le Chinois a été arrêté pour "activités non qualifiées" (emploi illégal) en vertu de l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.

Donc, je suis un "crime d'aide" de "travail illégal".

Le fait que le parquet ait fourni aux étrangers de «faux documents» comme raison du crime n’était pas un crime.

Je me bats depuis plus de 10 ans.

La justice japonaise et les médias écrasent cela.

"Le gouvernement par la loi" est "l'idée fondamentale" de la communauté internationale.

Veuillez faire du Japon un "pays régi par la loi". Je ne suis pas la seule victime.

Le gouvernement japonais a «illégalement arrêté et détenu» plus d'étrangers que les «enlevés japonais» de Corée du Nord.

Cette semaine, je ferai appel à la communauté internationale à ce sujet.

Partie 1 La raison du délit de "acte d'accusation" est la raison du "soutien" de l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.

La violation de l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration est une «décision administrative» du ministre de la Justice.

La «disposition» est l'annulation du statut de résidence.

Le "crime d'aide au droit pénal" ne peut pas être appliqué à une "disposition administrative" qui annule le "statut de résidence".

La raison est basée sur l'article 31 de la Constitution.

"Nul ne peut être privé de sa vie ou de sa liberté ni être puni autrement que si les procédures prévues par la loi sont suivies."

La raison du crime de l'acte d'accusation est l'article 24-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration

Par "Les étrangers qui ont soumis de faux documents et obtenu un statut de résidence révoqueront leur statut de résidence"

Les étrangers seront punis par le ministre de la Justice.

Par conséquent, "le délit d '" assistance "en droit pénal" ne peut pas être appliqué à la "disposition administrative" de "l'annulation du statut de résidence".

Cependant, le bureau du procureur du district de Tokyo a continué de rejeter ma demande comme étant "d'auto-logique".

J'ai fait appel chaque jour à la communauté internationale.

Je pense qu'il y a eu des indications d'organisations internationales et de gouvernements étrangers.

Par conséquent, la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration a été modifiée à partir de janvier 2017.

C'est une loi qui criminalise une personne qui aide à obtenir un «statut de résidence» en fournissant de «faux documents».

Il est clairement indiqué pour la raison de la révision.

Auparavant, la loi stipulait que "la personne qui" fournissait "le" faux document "ne pouvait pas être punie".

Par conséquent, la personne qui a fourni le «faux document» sera révisée afin qu'elle puisse être punie.

Il est devenu clair que ma réclamation était "justifiée".

Je ne fournis pas de "faux documents" aux Chinois.

Un «faux document» est un «faux contrat de travail».

Il n'a pas embauché de chinois à cause du "choc Lehman".

Cependant, il a dit qu'il ne contesterait pas parce qu'il ne pouvait pas punir même s'il s'agissait d'un "faux document".

J'ai soutenu que la «raison du crime» figurant dans l'acte d'accusation ne peut être punie.

Le parlement a admis que la punition pour moi était mauvaise.

Cependant, il n'y a pas d'excuses, de restauration de l'honneur ou de compensation.

C’est pourquoi je continue de lancer un appel à la communauté internationale.

Désormais, les gouvernements, les organisations internationales, les médias, etc. de nombreux pays devraient dénoncer le «comportement barbare» du gouvernement japonais.

Voir la partie 2 pour plus de détails.



J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de "ne peut pas être puni" à "peut être puni".

C'est une "culpabilité". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Veuillez consulter l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Voir ci-dessous.





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagan

Mon information ***************

J'envoyais "par e-mail" au "Premier ministre fédéral allemand Merkel".

Vous pouvez lire toutes les transmissions d'e-mails (erreurs) passées ci-dessous.

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


2020-10-05: Dear Sir, Everyone in the international community! Check the "Bill of indictment". The act of making people "arbitrarily" criminals without observing the "basic law".

 A Japanese corona countermeasure that "freezes the spine" witnessed by a Japanese 

who temporarily returned from NY!


2020-10-05: Dear Sir, Everyone in the international community! 

Check the "Bill of indictment". 

The act of making people "arbitrarily" criminals without observing the "basic law". 

And please sanction the "Japanese government and members of the Diet" 

who ignore the "Constitution" of Japan in the international community. Please.

In June 2010, I was punished for an "immigration law violation assistance case." 

But I am "not guilty". See "Bill of indictment" for the reason. (Click the link).

The reason for the crime was that I provided the Chinese with a false employment contract. 

The Chinese was arrested for Article 70 "Unqualified Activities" 

(illegal employment) of the Immigration Control Act. 

That is the "accessory crime" of "illegal employment". 

The act of providing "false documents" to foreigners, 

which the prosecution blames for the crime, was not a crime.

I have been fighting for over 10 years.

Japanese judiciaries and the media are crushing this. 

"Government by law" is the "basic idea" of the international community. 

Please make Japan a "country that governs under the law". I'm not the only victim.

The Japanese government has "illegally arrested 

and imprisoned" more foreigners than North Korea's "Japanese abductees." 

This week I will appeal to the international community on this subject.


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


2020-10-05:拝啓、国際社会の皆さん!「起訴状=bill of indictment」を確認してください。 「基本的な法律」を守らず「恣意的」に人々を犯罪人にする行為。



2020-10-05:拝啓、国際社会の皆さん!「起訴状=bill of indictment」を確認してください。




理由は「起訴状=bill of indictment」を御覧ください。(リンクをclick)。











第1部。「起訴状=bill of indictment」の犯罪の理由は入管法22-4-4条を「支援」した理由です。























私は、「起訴状=bill of indictment」の「犯罪の理由」は処罰できないと主張しました。




















長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagan)



A Japanese corona countermeasure that "freezes the spine" witnessed by a Japanese who temporarily returned from NY!

 A Japanese corona countermeasure that "freezes the spine" witnessed by a Japanese 

who temporarily returned from NY!


2020-10-05: Dear Sir, Everyone in the international community! 

Check the "Bill of indictment". 

The act of making people "arbitrarily" criminals without observing the "basic law". 

And please sanction the "Japanese government and members of the Diet" 

who ignore the "Constitution" of Japan in the international community. Please.

In June 2010, I was punished for an "immigration law violation assistance case." 

But I am "not guilty". See "Bill of indictment" for the reason. (Click the link).

The reason for the crime was that I provided the Chinese with a false employment contract. 

The Chinese was arrested for Article 70 "Unqualified Activities" 

(illegal employment) of the Immigration Control Act. 

That is the "accessory crime" of "illegal employment". 

The act of providing "false documents" to foreigners, 

which the prosecution blames for the crime, was not a crime.

I have been fighting for over 10 years.

Japanese judiciaries and the media are crushing this. 

"Government by law" is the "basic idea" of the international community. 

Please make Japan a "country that governs under the law". I'm not the only victim.

The Japanese government has "illegally arrested 

and imprisoned" more foreigners than North Korea's "Japanese abductees." 

This week I will appeal to the international community on this subject.


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)



The world is being stirred by the Chinese Communist Party. The world needs to "decoup" China as soon as possible and return to "fair world trade" that does not compete with "slave labor."

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

President Trump! Hang in there! Beat the Chinese Corona! !!

Some point out that the White House has become a'hotspot'for infections!

This deepens the US's dislike of China! I think!


October 04, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

Household consumption in the United States and China recovered to year-on-year levels, 

while Japan remained damaged by -7.6% year-on-year. The reason for this is that,

 according to statistical data, Japanese consumption has cooled 

 with the "10% consumption tax" that was raised in October last year.

Everyone says. If you raise taxes when your household's income is not growing, 

it is natural that your consumption will decrease. 

This was the same when the consumption tax was raised by 3% from April 2014.

More seriously, in the generation of heads of households with two or more people, 

48% are under 60 years old, 52% are over 60 years old, and more than half are already over 60 years old.

Not only does Japan rely on "immigrants (foreign workers)", 

but "like politicians" and "desired people" need a system that allows them to work until their death.

For that purpose, there is a lack of "initiatives" for "smart cities" and "smart factories."

Unless this effort is implemented immediately, Japan's future will be disastrous.

Germany and Italy, the defeated nations of World War II, 

are similar to Japan in terms of declining birthrate and aging population, 

and are chasing Japan five years behind. White households in the United States are ten years behind Japan.

China is 20 years behind and is approaching Japan's aging population.

Household consumption in China has recovered to previous year levels, 

but the impact of low-income predicament on Chinese consumption could be significant.

In a speech in May, Prime Minister Li Keqiang revealed 

that there are about 600 million workers with monthly incomes of only about 1,000 yuan. 

Speaking of 600 million people, it exceeds 40% of the total population. 

Communist "exploitation" is terrible!

The world is being stirred by the Chinese Communist Party.

The world needs to "decoup" China as soon as possible and return to "fair world trade" 

that does not compete with "slave labor."

And as a measure against aging, we should build a "smart city" where the elderly can work comfortably.

Due to the influence of the "new corona", "remote work" has become established, 

and it has become possible to move the "manufacturing factory" remotely with "AI-equipped robots" 

and "IT technology."

Employing older people to reduce "social security" spending 

and increasing workers' incomes will increase consumption and enable a prosperous society.

Part 1 Please see the article below.

Focus: China's slow recovery, low-income group's "corona saving-oriented" is prominent "Reuters"

(Sophie Yu, Gabriel Crossley, Yawen Chen)


Why is consumption not returning only in Japan? The United States 

and China have already recovered to the previous year's level = Shigeharu Yoshida.


Corona's tide has changed, and the Kan administration's mission is to "dramatically reform" the consumption tax.


Europe, one after another consumption tax cuts, economic leverage, emphasis on eating and drinking-new corona


I will write again next week.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law."

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

Please instruct the people concerned to investigate.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.

Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


You can see past emails below.




If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

President Trump! Hang in there! Beat the Chinese Corona! !! Some point out that the White House has become a'hotspot'for infections! This deepens the US's dislike of China! I think!


President Trump! Hang in there! Beat the Chinese Corona! !!

Some point out that the White House has become a'hotspot'for infections!

This deepens the US's dislike of China! I think!


October 04, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

Household consumption in the United States and China recovered to year-on-year levels, 

while Japan remained damaged by -7.6% year-on-year. The reason for this is that,

 according to statistical data, Japanese consumption has cooled 

 with the "10% consumption tax" that was raised in October last year.

Everyone says. If you raise taxes when your household's income is not growing, 

it is natural that your consumption will decrease. 

This was the same when the consumption tax was raised by 3% from April 2014.


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)




However, if a war occurs, the recession and employment problems in the United States will be solved at once.

 Proposal from Japanese

Brucellosis leaked at Lanzhou vaccine factory! Thousands of people were infected by concealing the authorities!

I can only think of it as an "exemplary" of China's development of biological weapons!


October 03, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

It can be said that the Western countries have "rushed into" the "recession" with the "coronavirus pandemic".

However, if a war occurs, the recession and employment problems in the United States will be solved at once.

War is the employment policy for the United States. (Say later, Mr. Suzuki)

The world has become a "Great Depression" due to the "new coronavirus".

In the "Great Depression", the "New Deal Policy" was implemented, but it ended up in "World War II".

In the end, the "New Deal" led the United States to victory in the "Allied Powers."

I argue that the United States needs more than a "New Deal" economic policy.

One is to transform the "rusty industrial zone" into a "golden industrial zone" 

with innovative manufacturing technology.

The second is to develop the US side of the Mexican border as a "special zone" 

as an alternative to the "China's industrial zone."

In order for Western nations to defeat the "communist forces," 

these economic policies "beyond the New Deal" are necessary.

I argue that these economic policies are for the West, not just the United States.

History repeats itself. I think the world will be "World War III".

After "World War III", a "new United Nations" should be established.

All international organizations should be re-established under the "New United Nations".

Part 1 This is the claim of "Suzuki Keisei".

Who is "profitable" in the war?

Religious, territorial, and historical issues are constantly causing wars around the world.

Many people want peace, but human history is dominated by conflict and war.

There is no year in which there was no "killing" on this "earth".

However, many people think that killing is not limited to spontaneous ones.

Some wonder if there are "war-profitable" groups that are instigating both sides to make them happen.

Who is "profitable" if a war occurs?

It is a "merchant of death".

The current "merchant of death" has become a super-multinational corporation, 

and since each of them survives in connection with the nation, 

it has come to be called the "military-industrial complex."

See below for details.


The New Deal policy is a policy in which the government is actively involved in the market economy, 

instead of the classical liberal economic policy 

that has been taken by successive administrations of the United States, 

which limits the government's intervention in the market and economic policy. 

It had a great influence on the economic policy of capitalist countries after World War II.


I will write again next week.

Part 2 Construction of special zones.

See below.





Part 3 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "issues a false employment contract" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

The Japanese Diet has revised the 2017 Immigration Control Act as pointed out by the international community.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act".

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

In addition, many foreigners who have been punished 

for "activities outside the status of qualification" 

under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act are "innocent."

The reason is that "those who hired them illegally" are not punished 

under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, foreigners violate Article 14 of the Constitution of Japan, 

"equality under the law" and international law prohibiting arbitrary "punishment".

There are many victims in the world.

Please support them, everyone.

The prosperity of the world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law."

For details, please see the "Send on weekdays" email.

Documents to be submitted to the ICC. (Always under attack of sabotage)


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

It can be said that the Western countries have "rushed into" the "recession" with the "coronavirus pandemic".

 Proposal from Japanese

Brucellosis leaked at Lanzhou vaccine factory! Thousands of people were infected by concealing the authorities!

I can only think of it as an "exemplary" of China's development of biological weapons!


October 03, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

It can be said that the Western countries have "rushed into" the "recession" with the "coronavirus pandemic".

However, if a war occurs, the recession and employment problems in the United States will be solved at once.

War is the employment policy for the United States. (Say later, Mr. Suzuki)

The world has become a "Great Depression" due to the "new coronavirus".

In the "Great Depression", the "New Deal Policy" was implemented, but it ended up in "World War II".

In the end, the "New Deal" led the United States to victory in the "Allied Powers."

I argue that the United States needs more than a "New Deal" economic policy.

One is to transform the "rusty industrial zone" into a "golden industrial zone" 

with innovative manufacturing technology.

The second is to develop the US side of the Mexican border as a "special zone" 

as an alternative to the "China's industrial zone."

In order for Western nations to defeat the "communist forces," 

these economic policies "beyond the New Deal" are necessary.

I argue that these economic policies are for the West, not just the United States.

History repeats itself. I think the world will be "World War III".

After "World War III", a "new United Nations" should be established.

All international organizations should be re-established under the "New United Nations".

Part 1 This is the claim of "Suzuki Keisei".

Who is "profitable" in the war?

Religious, territorial, and historical issues are constantly causing wars around the world.

Many people want peace, but human history is dominated by conflict and war.

There is no year in which there was no "killing" on this "earth".

However, many people think that killing is not limited to spontaneous ones.

Some wonder if there are "war-profitable" groups that are instigating both sides to make them happen.

Who is "profitable" if a war occurs?

It is a "merchant of death".

The current "merchant of death" has become a super-multinational corporation, 

and since each of them survives in connection with the nation, 

it has come to be called the "military-industrial complex."

See below for details.


The New Deal policy is a policy in which the government is actively involved in the market economy, 

instead of the classical liberal economic policy 

that has been taken by successive administrations of the United States, 

which limits the government's intervention in the market and economic policy. 

It had a great influence on the economic policy of capitalist countries after World War II.


I will write again next week.

Part 2 Construction of special zones.

See below.





Part 3 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "issues a false employment contract" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

The Japanese Diet has revised the 2017 Immigration Control Act as pointed out by the international community.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act".

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

In addition, many foreigners who have been punished 

for "activities outside the status of qualification" 

under Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act are "innocent."

The reason is that "those who hired them illegally" are not punished 

under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act.

Therefore, foreigners violate Article 14 of the Constitution of Japan, 

"equality under the law" and international law prohibiting arbitrary "punishment".

There are many victims in the world.

Please support them, everyone.

The prosperity of the world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law."

For details, please see the "Send on weekdays" email.

Documents to be submitted to the ICC. (Always under attack of sabotage)


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

I can only think of it as an "exemplary" of China's development of biological weapons!

 Brucellosis leaked at Lanzhou vaccine factory! Thousands of people were infected by concealing the authorities!

I can only think of it as an "exemplary" of China's development of biological weapons!


October 03, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

It can be said that the Western countries have "rushed into" the "recession" with the "coronavirus pandemic".

However, if a war occurs, the recession and employment problems in the United States will be solved at once.

War is the employment policy for the United States. (Say later, Mr. Suzuki)

The world has become a "Great Depression" due to the "new coronavirus".

In the "Great Depression", the "New Deal Policy" was implemented, but it ended up in "World War II".

In the end, the "New Deal" led the United States to victory in the "Allied Powers."

I argue that the United States needs more than a "New Deal" economic policy.

One is to transform the "rusty industrial zone" into a "golden industrial zone" 

with innovative manufacturing technology.

The second is to develop the US side of the Mexican border as a "special zone" 

as an alternative to the "China's industrial zone."

In order for Western nations to defeat the "communist forces," 

these economic policies "beyond the New Deal" are necessary.

I argue that these economic policies are for the West, not just the United States.

History repeats itself. I think the world will be "World War III".

After "World War III", a "new United Nations" should be established.

All international organizations should be re-established under the "New United Nations".


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)



Brucellosis leaked at Lanzhou vaccine factory! Thousands of people were infected by concealing the authorities!

 Brucellosis leaked at Lanzhou vaccine factory! Thousands of people were infected by concealing the authorities!

I can only think of it as an "exemplary" of China's development of biological weapons!


October 03, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

It can be said that the Western countries have "rushed into" the "recession" with the "coronavirus pandemic".

However, if a war occurs, the recession and employment problems in the United States will be solved at once.

War is the employment policy for the United States. (Say later, Mr. Suzuki)

The world has become a "Great Depression" due to the "new coronavirus".

In the "Great Depression", the "New Deal Policy" was implemented, but it ended up in "World War II".

In the end, the "New Deal" led the United States to victory in the "Allied Powers."

I argue that the United States needs more than a "New Deal" economic policy.

One is to transform the "rusty industrial zone" into a "golden industrial zone" 

with innovative manufacturing technology.

The second is to develop the US side of the Mexican border as a "special zone" 

as an alternative to the "China's industrial zone."

In order for Western nations to defeat the "communist forces," 

these economic policies "beyond the New Deal" are necessary.

I argue that these economic policies are for the West, not just the United States.

History repeats itself. I think the world will be "World War III".

After "World War III", a "new United Nations" should be established.

All international organizations should be re-established under the "New United Nations".


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)




To President Trump 2020-10-02: Dear Sir, Former Nissan Motor Chairman Carlos Ghosn) has fled overseas, and the case will begin trial on the 15th without him. Defendant Kelly's "trial" has begun.

 To President Trump

President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

Americans will cherish the American dream!

Japanese people will seek "the right to pursue happiness"

"American Dream" is the concept of success in the United States.

It is said that you can win by diligence and effort by taking advantage of the opportunity given evenly.

Its roots depend on the right to pursue happiness stated in the Declaration of Independence.


2020-10-02: Dear Sir,

Former Nissan Motor Chairman Carlos Ghosn) has fled overseas, 

and the case will begin trial on the 15th without him. Defendant Kelly's "trial" has begun.

Mr. Kelly is completely innocent in America, as he says. 

He is, of course, not guilty in Japan.

If so, Carlos Ghosn is also not guilty.

You should hurry! Former U.S. Army Special Forces Green Berets member Michael Taylor (59) 

and his son Peter (27) should be released.

The "American Legion" should demand the release of the two from President Trump.

In my arrest, the prosecutor forced him to "acknowledge the crime" by "general theory." 

I refused because I was completely innocent legally.

In 2017, Parliament declared that the "reason for crime" in the indictment was not guilty. 

And the Immigration Control Act was revised to make it a crime. 

However, Article 39 of the Constitution does not allow "retroactive".

The "US Army" should demand the release of the two from President Trump.

Part 1 Carlos Ghosn, a 66-year-old former chairman of Nissan Motor Co., has fled overseas,

and the case will begin trial on the 15th.


Two people who helped Ghosn escape to Japan and the US court!

A federal court in eastern Massachusetts has ruled 

that it is possible to surrender to Japan. Following a judicial decision to allow the transfer, 

the State Department will make the final decision on whether or not to hand it over.

The two are former US Army Special Forces Green Berets member Michael Taylor (59) 

and son Peter (27). The Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office took an arrest warrant 

on suspicion of concealing the criminal, and US authorities detained him 

in the United States in May. A court hearing was being held over the possibility of transfer.


American Legion


Former Nissan Motor Chairman Ghosn's article is below, and you can "see" the summary.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment. 

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagan

For uncertainties, please contact us!


It is said that you can win by diligence and effort by taking advantage of the opportunity given evenly. Its roots depend on the right to pursue happiness stated in the Declaration of Independence.


Americans will cherish the American dream!

Japanese people will seek "the right to pursue happiness"

"American Dream" is the concept of success in the United States.

It is said that you can win by diligence and effort by taking advantage of the opportunity given evenly.

Its roots depend on the right to pursue happiness stated in the Declaration of Independence.


2020-10-02: Dear Sir,

Former Nissan Motor Chairman Carlos Ghosn) has fled overseas, 

and the case will begin trial on the 15th without him. Defendant Kelly's "trial" has begun.

Mr. Kelly is completely innocent in America, as he says. 

He is, of course, not guilty in Japan.

If so, Carlos Ghosn is also not guilty.

You should hurry! Former U.S. Army Special Forces Green Berets member Michael Taylor (59) 

and his son Peter (27) should be released.

The "American Legion" should demand the release of the two from President Trump.

In my arrest, the prosecutor forced him to "acknowledge the crime" by "general theory." 

I refused because I was completely innocent legally.

In 2017, Parliament declared that the "reason for crime" in the indictment was not guilty. 

And the Immigration Control Act was revised to make it a crime. 

However, Article 39 of the Constitution does not allow "retroactive".

The "US Army" should demand the release of the two from President Trump.


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)



Americans will cherish the American dream! Japanese people will seek "the right to pursue happiness" "American Dream" is the concept of success in the United States.

 Americans will cherish the American dream!

Japanese people will seek "the right to pursue happiness"

"American Dream" is the concept of success in the United States.

It is said that you can win by diligence and effort by taking advantage of the opportunity given evenly.

Its roots depend on the right to pursue happiness stated in the Declaration of Independence.


2020-10-02: Dear Sir,

Former Nissan Motor Chairman Carlos Ghosn) has fled overseas, 

and the case will begin trial on the 15th without him. Defendant Kelly's "trial" has begun.

Mr. Kelly is completely innocent in America, as he says. 

He is, of course, not guilty in Japan.

If so, Carlos Ghosn is also not guilty.

You should hurry! Former U.S. Army Special Forces Green Berets member Michael Taylor (59) 

and his son Peter (27) should be released.

The "American Legion" should demand the release of the two from President Trump.

In my arrest, the prosecutor forced him to "acknowledge the crime" by "general theory." 

I refused because I was completely innocent legally.

In 2017, Parliament declared that the "reason for crime" in the indictment was not guilty. 

And the Immigration Control Act was revised to make it a crime. 

However, Article 39 of the Constitution does not allow "retroactive".

The "US Army" should demand the release of the two from President Trump.


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)




To President Trump 2020-10-01: Dear Sir, According to the Asahi opinion poll, the approval rating of the Kan Cabinet is 65%, which exceeds that of the Abe administration when it was inaugurated.


To President Trump

President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!

2020-10-01: Dear Sir,

According to the Asahi opinion poll, the approval rating of the Kan Cabinet is 65%, 

which exceeds that of the Abe administration when it was inaugurated. 

"Former Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka" of "the eldest daughter of Mr. Kakuei Tanaka" 

who served as prime minister from 1972 to 1974 says:

The "Suga administration" is "the lid of the Abe family's garbage bucket."

What is worrisome is the "scandal of Prime Minister Suga." Immediately, "Weekly Bunshun" is taking up.

The relationship between Mr. Suga and "GourNavi" is reported in more detail. further.

The problem of receiving a large amount of donations 

from the top management of related companies over the "Yokohama Casino Plan".

The fact that Mr. Suga's "closest aide", 

"Hiroshi Moriyama, Chairman of the Diet's Countermeasures Committee," 

has earned a huge amount of "unrealized gain" from stock investment.

How long will this administration last? I would like this administration to "govern under the law", 

but it seems impossible.

Part 1 Following the inauguration of the Yoshihide Suga Cabinet, 

Asahi Shimbun conducted a poll (telephone) on the 16th and 17th. 

The cabinet approval rating was 65%, and the disapproval rating was 13%. 

Although it is not possible to simply compare because the survey methods are different, 

the approval rating immediately after the inauguration of the second Shinzo Abe administration was 59%.


Part 1 Makiko Tanaka talks. The Kan administration is "the lid of the Abe family's garbage bucket"!

That "handle" isn't it?

Politics should shine brighter and "have expectations".

But everyone has no heat and no energy.


Continue to NO2...


"GourNavi" receives an order for "GoTo Eat" business!

A "GourNavi" company is "donating" to "Prime Minister Suga"!

"Weekly Bunshun" released on September 17th (Thursday) reports 

in more detail the relationship between Mr. Suga and "GourNavi". others,

The problem of receiving "a large amount of donations" from "top management 

of related companies" over the "Yokohama casino plan".

The fact that Mr. Suga's "closest aide" "Hiroshi Moriyama, 

chairman of the Diet measures" is getting a huge unrealized gain from stock investment.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment to the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment. 

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community.

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagan

For uncertainties, please contact us!


「アメリカンドリーム」が持てない大統領は二人とも「つまらない」 両党の支持者が見ている世界は「パラレルワールド」
























Both presidents who do not have the "American Dream" are "boring" The world seen by supporters of both parties is a "parallel world"


Both presidents who do not have the "American Dream" are "boring"

The world seen by supporters of both parties is a "parallel world"


2020-10-01: Dear Sir,

According to the Asahi opinion poll, the approval rating of the Kan Cabinet is 65%, 

which exceeds that of the Abe administration when it was inaugurated. 

"Former Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka" of "the eldest daughter of Mr. Kakuei Tanaka" 

who served as prime minister from 1972 to 1974 says:

The "Suga administration" is "the lid of the Abe family's garbage bucket."

What is worrisome is the "scandal of Prime Minister Suga." Immediately, "Weekly Bunshun" is taking up.

The relationship between Mr. Suga and "GourNavi" is reported in more detail. further.

The problem of receiving a large amount of donations 

from the top management of related companies over the "Yokohama Casino Plan".

The fact that Mr. Suga's "closest aide", 

"Hiroshi Moriyama, Chairman of the Diet's Countermeasures Committee," 

has earned a huge amount of "unrealized gain" from stock investment.

How long will this administration last? I would like this administration to "govern under the law", 

but it seems impossible.


For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)




Au président français Emmanuel Macron 30/09/2020: Cher Monsieur, En 2003, M. Nikai a essayé de construire un "monument en pierre" de "Ezawamin" dans tout le Japon, y compris sa ville natale de la ville de Tanabe, préfecture de Wakayama.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

30/09/2020: Cher Monsieur,

"Gouvernement chinois de dictature" contrôlé par "Parti communiste chinois".

«Le secrétaire général du deuxième étage du PLD» qui dit «flatterie» non seulement aux «pro-Chine» mais aussi à «la Chine».

Le "sort" de l '"administration Suga" qui est "prise" par le "secrétaire général du deuxième étage" qui se méfie également des Etats-Unis!

Le fait qu'il soit si clairement indiqué dans le rapport signifie que

Cela peut signifier que les États-Unis se méfient clairement du mouvement de M. Nikai.

En 2003, M. Nikai a essayé de construire un "monument en pierre" de "Ezawamin" dans tout le Japon, y compris sa ville natale de la ville de Tanabe, préfecture de Wakayama.

Il y a un passé qui a échoué en raison de l'opposition des citoyens.

Au Japon, M. Nikai n'est pas seulement un "pro-chinois"

Il est bien connu qu'il est un «homme qui« flatte »la« Chine ».

Quand le LDP est-il devenu un «parti communiste» de «socialisme / économie de marché»?

Les Etats-Unis devraient renforcer la surveillance des «législateurs pro-chinois»!

Partie 1 En janvier 2020, sur l'activité de villégiature intégrée (IR), y compris le casino,

Akimoto, membre du LDP, a été arrêté pour avoir reçu un pot-de-vin de la société chinoise "500.com".

Le «rapport du SCRS» présente le sénateur Akimoto comme appartenant à un puissant «groupe à l'étage» qui est une «école pro-intermédiaire du PLD».

Le «SCRS» décrit le cas de corruption comme suit:

 "M. Akimoto est le principal fournisseur de services de paris sportifs en ligne de Chine" 500.com "

 Il a été arrêté parce qu'il était soupçonné d'avoir reçu un pot-de-vin d'un montant total de 3,7 millions de yens (environ 33 000 dollars).

Le site a un actionnaire majeur de Tsinghua Union Group, un fabricant de puces financé par le gouvernement chinois.

Tsinghua Holdings détient une participation de 51% dans Tsinghua Union Group,

Xi Jinping et Hu Jintao, une filiale à 100% de l'Université Tsinghua qui était l'éducation.

Le fils de M. Hu, M. Hu Haifeng, était le secrétaire du parti du groupe.

Tsinghua Union Group a régulièrement augmenté sa participation depuis que 500.com a enregistré sa première perte trimestrielle en novembre 2013.

Pour plus d'informations,


«Membres» du «pays vendeur» des «pro-chinois» de LDP!

La «corruption de casino» par la Chine continuera probablement de croître.

On dit qu'il y a 30 membres sur la liste qui ont reçu une certaine forme d'argent ou qui ont été complétés.

On murmure qu'il y a 50 membres sous la surface, et le montant d'argent qu'ils ont dans leurs poches est d'un ordre de grandeur différent du montant d'environ 7 millions de yens soupçonné par Akimoto.

Pour 1 million de yens, même un officier de village en Chine rurale ne peut pas l'acheter.

Les «membres japonais de la Chambre des représentants» ont également été vus à bon marché.

Cependant, le «travail d'acquisition» de la Chine pour les «parlementaires» japonais dure depuis longtemps.

Pour plus de détails, voir ci-dessous


M. Imai, M. Nikai et les États-Unis ont nommé le "groupe" de "réconciliation" du Japon "avec la Chine"!


Tout le monde connaît le «groupe pro-Chine» de ce «pays vendeur» sur le net.

Vraiment, la politique japonaise est "misérable"


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de "ne peut pas être puni" à "peut être puni".

C'est une "culpabilité". Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé.

Veuillez consulter l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Voir ci-dessous.





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagan

Mon information ***************

J'envoyais "par e-mail" au "Premier ministre fédéral allemand Merkel".

Vous pouvez lire toutes les transmissions d'e-mails (erreurs) passées ci-dessous.

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


★ Veuillez acheter un déjeuner préparé par une personne handicapée! Veuillez nous appeler. Veuillez présenter.


★ "Le malheur des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les gens du monde"


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