
December 05, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, America has a huge "capital". If Americans have an "American Dream", a "rusty industrial zone" will become a "golden industrial zone." To protect the democracy of the world! Americans, do your best!


Proposal from Japanese

A "decarbonized society" will also change the structure of industry.

The steel industry, which emits a large amount of "CO2", is required to undergo dramatic innovation.

It is a restart of "Iron is a nation"!

December 05, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

America has a huge "capital". 

If Americans have an "American Dream", a "rusty industrial zone" will become a "golden industrial zone." 

To protect the democracy of the world! Americans, do your best!

A "decarbonized society" will also change the structure of industry. 

Japan's "geography" textbook explains the prosperity of the steel industry by linking coal 

in the Appalachian Mountains with iron ore such as the Mesabi Range 

and the water transportation of the Great Lakes. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 

which had all the characteristics of a typical American industrial city, 

had 21,000 workers engaged in iron production in the 1940s.

However, the current state of the American steel industry is "disastrous." 

More than 15,000 workplaces have been permanently lost. 

A dilapidated production facility has been suspended 

and more than 30 million tons of "production capacity" has been lost.

The reason is that technological innovation was not attempted under the incompetent "manager".

Therefore, the technologies that influence the steel industry have advanced 

in "countries other than the United States" such as Europe and Japan.

"Continuous casting", which was introduced one after another in the 1960s around the world, 

was rarely adopted by American steel companies.

Iron, which is indispensable for cannons and railroads, was the source of national power. 

Bismarck, who unified Germany by force in the 19th century, said, "Iron is a nation." 

At this rate, the United States will even lose "national security."

However, in the 21st century, global warming demands a "decarbonized society."

The steel industry, which emits a large amount of "co2", is required to undergo dramatic innovation. 

Fortunately, "decarbonized steelmaking technology" is being established. 

The American steel industry has a chance to "revive" with its huge capital!

Part 1 Challenge to reduce carbon in the steel industry with innovative technology using hydrogen

"Blast furnace hydrogen reduction technology"

When coal is steamed to make coke, methane (CH4) is also contained in the gas emitted from it.

Hydrogen (H) is extracted from this methane and replaces part of the role of coke 

that is put into the blast furnace.

In other words, by combining hydrogen (H) with oxygen "O" of iron ore "Fe2O3" to make water (H2O),

It removes oxygen from iron ore and performs "reduction".


"Mittal" uses natural gas and hydrogen by investing 5 trillion yen in steelmaking without using coal!

"Mital" will build a new plant called "DRI (Direct Reduced Iron)" 

that uses natural gas to reduce iron ore (iron oxide) to produce iron, 

instead of the "blast furnace" used in general ironmaking methods.

The blast furnace is reduced with coal-derived raw materials such as coke, 

and a large amount of CO2 is emitted in the process.

"DRI" can reduce CO2 emissions in the steelmaking process by 20-40% compared to the current level.

Trends in China, the world's largest steel producer, 

also influence the trend of environmental technology centered on electric furnaces.

The Chinese government is proceeding with the replacement of blast furnaces with electric furnaces 

under environmental regulations.

The ratio of electric furnaces to the total production of China is expected to increase 

from a little less than 10% to around 20%.

Chinese people are moving to build new "integrated blast furnace steelworks" 

and "electric furnaces" in Southeast Asia and elsewhere.


"Iron is a nation" is said to be derived from Bismarck's speech, 

which unified Germany by force in the 19th century.


Will continue tomorrow.

Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom, democracy and "ruled under the law."

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

Please instruct the people concerned to investigate.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.

Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


You can see past emails below.




If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


A "decarbonized society" will also change the structure of industry. Japan's "geography" textbook explains the prosperity of the steel industry by linking coal in the Appalachian Mountains with iron ore such as the Mesabi Range and the water transportation of the Great Lakes. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, which had all the characteristics of a typical American industrial city,


A "decarbonized society" will also change the structure of industry.

The steel industry, which emits a large amount of "CO2", is required to undergo dramatic innovation.

It is a restart of "Iron is a nation"!

December 05, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

America has a huge "capital". 

If Americans have an "American Dream", a "rusty industrial zone" will become a "golden industrial zone." 

To protect the democracy of the world! Americans, do your best!

A "decarbonized society" will also change the structure of industry. 

Japan's "geography" textbook explains the prosperity of the steel industry by linking coal 

in the Appalachian Mountains with iron ore such as the Mesabi Range 

and the water transportation of the Great Lakes. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 

which had all the characteristics of a typical American industrial city, 

had 21,000 workers engaged in iron production in the 1940s.

However, the current state of the American steel industry is "disastrous." 

More than 15,000 workplaces have been permanently lost. 

A dilapidated production facility has been suspended 

and more than 30 million tons of "production capacity" has been lost.

The reason is that technological innovation was not attempted under the incompetent "manager".

Therefore, the technologies that influence the steel industry have advanced 

in "countries other than the United States" such as Europe and Japan.

"Continuous casting", which was introduced one after another in the 1960s around the world, 

was rarely adopted by American steel companies.

Iron, which is indispensable for cannons and railroads, was the source of national power. 

Bismarck, who unified Germany by force in the 19th century, said, "Iron is a nation." 

At this rate, the United States will even lose "national security."

However, in the 21st century, global warming demands a "decarbonized society."

The steel industry, which emits a large amount of "co2", is required to undergo dramatic innovation. 

Fortunately, "decarbonized steelmaking technology" is being established. 

The American steel industry has a chance to "revive" with its huge capital!



For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


December 05, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, America has a huge "capital". If Americans have an "American Dream", a "rusty industrial zone" will become a "golden industrial zone." To protect the democracy of the world! Americans, do your best!


A "decarbonized society" will also change the structure of industry.

The steel industry, which emits a large amount of "CO2", is required to undergo dramatic innovation.

It is a restart of "Iron is a nation"!

December 05, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

America has a huge "capital". 

If Americans have an "American Dream", a "rusty industrial zone" will become a "golden industrial zone." 

To protect the democracy of the world! Americans, do your best!

A "decarbonized society" will also change the structure of industry. 

Japan's "geography" textbook explains the prosperity of the steel industry by linking coal 

in the Appalachian Mountains with iron ore such as the Mesabi Range 

and the water transportation of the Great Lakes. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 

which had all the characteristics of a typical American industrial city, 

had 21,000 workers engaged in iron production in the 1940s.

However, the current state of the American steel industry is "disastrous." 

More than 15,000 workplaces have been permanently lost. 

A dilapidated production facility has been suspended 

and more than 30 million tons of "production capacity" has been lost.

The reason is that technological innovation was not attempted under the incompetent "manager".

Therefore, the technologies that influence the steel industry have advanced 

in "countries other than the United States" such as Europe and Japan.

"Continuous casting", which was introduced one after another in the 1960s around the world, 

was rarely adopted by American steel companies.

Iron, which is indispensable for cannons and railroads, was the source of national power. 

Bismarck, who unified Germany by force in the 19th century, said, "Iron is a nation." 

At this rate, the United States will even lose "national security."

However, in the 21st century, global warming demands a "decarbonized society."

The steel industry, which emits a large amount of "co2", is required to undergo dramatic innovation. 

Fortunately, "decarbonized steelmaking technology" is being established. 

The American steel industry has a chance to "revive" with its huge capital!



For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


A "decarbonized society" will also change the structure of industry. The steel industry, which emits a large amount of "CO2", is required to undergo dramatic innovation. It is a restart of "Iron is a nation"!

 A "decarbonized society" will also change the structure of industry.

The steel industry, which emits a large amount of "CO2", is required to undergo dramatic innovation.

It is a restart of "Iron is a nation"!

December 05, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

America has a huge "capital". 

If Americans have an "American Dream", a "rusty industrial zone" will become a "golden industrial zone." 

To protect the democracy of the world! Americans, do your best!

A "decarbonized society" will also change the structure of industry. 

Japan's "geography" textbook explains the prosperity of the steel industry by linking coal 

in the Appalachian Mountains with iron ore such as the Mesabi Range 

and the water transportation of the Great Lakes. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 

which had all the characteristics of a typical American industrial city, 

had 21,000 workers engaged in iron production in the 1940s.

However, the current state of the American steel industry is "disastrous." 

More than 15,000 workplaces have been permanently lost. 

A dilapidated production facility has been suspended 

and more than 30 million tons of "production capacity" has been lost.

The reason is that technological innovation was not attempted under the incompetent "manager".

Therefore, the technologies that influence the steel industry have advanced 

in "countries other than the United States" such as Europe and Japan.

"Continuous casting", which was introduced one after another in the 1960s around the world, 

was rarely adopted by American steel companies.

Iron, which is indispensable for cannons and railroads, was the source of national power. 

Bismarck, who unified Germany by force in the 19th century, said, "Iron is a nation." 

At this rate, the United States will even lose "national security."

However, in the 21st century, global warming demands a "decarbonized society."

The steel industry, which emits a large amount of "co2", is required to undergo dramatic innovation. 

Fortunately, "decarbonized steelmaking technology" is being established. 

The American steel industry has a chance to "revive" with its huge capital!



For more information, see today's SNS Post.




Part 2. Please see below for the following.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)



Au président français Emmanuel Macron 04/12/2020: Cher Monsieur, Le 8 décembre arrive également cette année. Le Japon et les États-Unis peuvent avoir une relation spéciale. L '«administration Baiden» devrait faire du Japon un «pays régi par la loi». Faites du Japon un pays qui respecte le droit international!

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

04/12/2020: Cher Monsieur,

Le 8 décembre arrive également cette année.

C'était il y a longtemps, mais lorsque le premier ministre Abe s'est rendu aux États-Unis, il y a eu une agitation sur ce que le Washington Post a rapporté. Le président Trump a déclaré au Premier ministre Abe: "Je n'oublierai jamais l'attaque de Pearl Bay".

Aux États-Unis, il y a une forte opinion que l'attaque de Pearl Bay est une «tromperie sournoise».

«L'administration Suga» du Japon est «l'économie est un alliée de la Chine», mais en matière de sécurité, c'est une «alliance» avec les États-Unis.

Je ne pense pas que cette relation durera longtemps. La Chine a volé la technologie aux États-Unis.

Le Japon peut voler la «sécurité» aux États-Unis et remettre des «informations de sécurité» à la Chine en échange de l'économie.

Parce que ni la Chine ni le Japon ne peuvent "gouverner selon la loi"

Les États-Unis diront un jour «encore»: «Je n'oublierai jamais l'attaque de Pearl Bay».

Seuls le Japon et les États-Unis ont exécuté des condamnations à mort dans les pays du G8. Dans les Amériques, la peine de mort n'est exécutée qu'aux États-Unis.

Seuls les États-Unis et la Corée du Sud ont signé le "Criminal Delivery Treaty" avec le Japon!

Le Japon et les États-Unis peuvent avoir une relation spéciale.

L '«administration Baiden» devrait faire du Japon un «pays régi par la loi». Faites du Japon un pays qui respecte le droit international!

Partie 1 "Je n'oublierai jamais l'attaque de Pearl Bay" était un "idiot" entre le président Trump et l'ancien Premier ministre Abe!


Des milliers de pilotes japonais pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale

Il s'est porté volontaire pour le Kamikaze Special Attack Corps, qui savait qu'il mourrait au nom de l'empereur et a plongé dans l'ennemi avec l'avion.

La tactique suicidaire a été qualifiée de «folle».


Vision religieuse de la vie et de la mort

La vision de la vie et de la mort dans la «religion balamonne» inclut la «réincarnation», et les gens se réincarnent plusieurs fois.

De plus, on dit qu'il renaîtra en tant qu'être vivant, y compris des animaux.

Dans l'Inde ancienne, l'idée de «réincarnation» était liée à l'idée de travail (acte) d'Upani Shad.

Hautement théorisé et hérité de l'hindouisme et du bouddhisme,

Il a eu une grande influence sur la vision de la vie et de la mort dans le monde de l'Asie du Sud-Est et dans le monde de l'Asie de l'Est.

De plus, dans la religion d'origine indienne,

Le corps d'une personne est brûlé d'où le corps est considéré comme un simple récipient pour l'âme,

Dans le judaïsme, le chrétien, l'islam et le confucianisme, il est essentiellement enterré et l'enterrement est contre-indiqué.


Débat japonais sur le système de la peine de mort: 80% de l'opinion publique accepte la peine de mort!

L'abolition de la peine de mort serait une tendance mondiale, mais le Japon est l'un des rares grands pays développés à maintenir le système de la peine de mort.

Selon le sondage d'opinion, 80,3% des personnes interrogées acceptent la peine de mort et seulement 9,7% demandent l'abolition.


Comme les autres races, nous les Japonais avons tendance à nous souvenir de leur histoire comme fiers.

Par conséquent, l'attaque spéciale restera dans les mémoires comme une belle histoire.


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une «culpabilité». Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Veuillez consulter l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Voir ci-dessous.





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


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★ "Le malheur des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les gens du monde"


An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 04.12.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr Der 8. Dezember kommt auch dieses Jahr.Nur Japan und die Vereinigten Staaten haben in G8-Ländern Todesurteile vollstreckt. In Amerika wird die Todesstrafe nur in den Vereinigten Staaten vollstreckt. Nur die USA und Südkorea haben mit Japan den "Criminal Delivery Treaty" unterzeichnet!

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

04.12.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr

Der 8. Dezember kommt auch dieses Jahr.

Es ist lange her, aber als Premierminister Abe die Vereinigten Staaten besuchte, gab es viel Aufhebens darum, was die Washington Post berichtete. Präsident Trump sagte zu Premierminister Abe: "Ich werde den Angriff auf Pearl Bay nie vergessen."

In den Vereinigten Staaten gibt es eine starke Ansicht, dass der Angriff auf Pearl Bay eine "hinterhältige Täuschung" ist.

Japans "Suga-Regierung" ist "die Wirtschaft ist ein Verbündeter Chinas", aber in Bezug auf die Sicherheit ist es ein "Bündnis" mit den Vereinigten Staaten.

Ich glaube nicht, dass diese Beziehung lange dauern wird. China hat Technologie aus den USA gestohlen.

Japan könnte "Sicherheit" aus den Vereinigten Staaten stehlen und "Sicherheitsinformationen" im Austausch für die Wirtschaft an China übergeben.

Denn weder China noch Japan können "nach dem Gesetz regieren".

Die Vereinigten Staaten werden eines Tages "wieder" sagen: "Ich werde den Angriff auf Pearl Bay nie vergessen."

Nur Japan und die Vereinigten Staaten haben in G8-Ländern Todesurteile vollstreckt. In Amerika wird die Todesstrafe nur in den Vereinigten Staaten vollstreckt.

Nur die USA und Südkorea haben mit Japan den "Criminal Delivery Treaty" unterzeichnet!

Japan und die Vereinigten Staaten haben möglicherweise eine besondere Beziehung.

Die "Baiden-Regierung" sollte Japan zu einem "gesetzlich geregelten Land" machen. Machen Sie Japan zu einem Land, das dem Völkerrecht entspricht!

Teil 1 "Ich werde den Angriff auf Pearl Bay nie vergessen" war ein "dummes" zwischen Präsident Trump und dem ehemaligen Premierminister Abe!


Tausende japanische Piloten während des Zweiten Weltkriegs

Er meldete sich freiwillig für das Kamikaze Special Attack Corps, das wusste, dass er im Namen des Kaisers sterben würde und stürzte sich mit dem Flugzeug in den Feind.

Die Selbstmordtaktik wurde als "verrückt" beschrieben.


Religiöse Sicht auf Leben und Tod

Die Sicht auf Leben und Tod in der "Balamon-Religion" beinhaltet "Reinkarnation", und Menschen werden oft wiedergeboren.

Darüber hinaus wird gesagt, dass es als Lebewesen einschließlich der Tiere wiedergeboren wird.

Im alten Indien war die Idee der "Reinkarnation" mit der Idee der Arbeit (Handlung) von Upani Shad verbunden.

Hoch theoretisiert und von Hindu und Buddhismus geerbt,

Es hat einen großen Einfluss auf die Sicht auf Leben und Tod in der südostasiatischen und der ostasiatischen Welt gehabt.

In der Religion indischen Ursprungs

Der Körper einer Person wird verbrannt, wenn der Körper lediglich als Behälter für die Seele betrachtet wird.

Im jüdischen, christlichen, islamischen und konfuzianischen Stil ist es im Grunde genommen begraben, und das Begräbnis ist kontraindiziert.


Japans Debatte über das Todesstrafen-System: 80% der öffentlichen Meinung akzeptieren die Todesstrafe!

Die Abschaffung der Todesstrafe soll ein globaler Trend sein, aber Japan ist eines der wenigen großen Industrieländer, das das Todesstrafen-System aufrechterhält.

Laut Meinungsumfrage akzeptieren 80,3% der Befragten die Todesstrafe und nur 9,7% fordern die Abschaffung.


Wie andere Rassen neigen wir Japaner dazu, uns an ihre Geschichte als stolz zu erinnern.

Daher wird der besondere Angriff als eine schöne Geschichte in Erinnerung bleiben.


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine "Schuld". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Bitte beachten Sie die Anklageschrift unten. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Siehe unten.





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

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To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-12-04: Dear Sir, December 8th is coming this year as well. It was a long time ago, but when Prime Minister Abe visited the United States, the Washington Post reported that there was a lot of noise.

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-12-04: Dear Sir,

December 8th is coming this year as well. 

It was a long time ago, but when Prime Minister Abe visited the United States, 

the Washington Post reported that there was a lot of noise. 

President Trump told Prime Minister Abe, "I will never forget the attack on Pearl Harbor." 

In the United States, there is a strong view that the attack on Pearl Harbor is a "sneaky deception."

Japan's "Suga administration" is "the economy is an ally of China", 

but in terms of security it is an "ally" with the United States. 

I don't think this relationship will last long. 

China stole technology from the United States. 

Japan may steal "security" from the United States 

and hand over "security information" to China in exchange for the economy. 

Since neither China nor Japan can "govern under the law", 

the United States will one day say "I will never forget the attack on Pearl Harbor".

Only Japan and the United States have executed the death penalty in G8 countries. 

In the Americas, the death penalty is only executed in the United States.

The only countries with which Japan has signed an extradition treaty are the United States 

and South Korea! Japan and the United States may have a special relationship. 

I would like to ask the "Biden administration" to make Japan a "country governed by law". 

Make it a country that complies with international law!

Part 1 "I will never forget the attack on Pearl Harbor" was a "dumb" between President Trump 

and former Prime Minister Abe!


Thousands of Japanese pilots volunteered for the Kamikaze corps, 

knowing that they would die "in the name of the emperor" during World War II, 

and plunging the plane into the enemy. Suicidal tactics were described as "madness."


Religious view of life and death

There is a "reincarnation" in the view of life and death in "Brahmanism", 

and it is said that people are reincarnated many times and reborn as living things including animals.

In ancient India, the idea of ​​"reincarnation" was linked to the idea of ​​karma (act) 

by the Upanishads, highly theorized, inherited by Hinduism and Buddhism, 

and became a view of life and death in the Southeast Asian world 

and the East Asian world. Has also had a great influence.

In religions of Indian origin, human bodies are cremated 

because the body is considered to be merely a container for souls, 

but in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Confucianism, they are basically buried. 

Cremation is contraindicated.


Japan's debate over the death penalty: 80% of public opinion accepts the death penalty!

The abolition of the death penalty is said to be a global trend, 

but Japan is one of the few major developed countries to maintain the death penalty. 

According to a poll by the Cabinet Office, 80.3% of the respondents accept the death penalty, 

and only 9.7% demand the abolition.


Like other peoples, we Japanese people tend to remember their history as proud. 

Therefore, the special attack will be remembered as a beautiful story.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Trump The UN decision is "Carlos Ghosn is not guilty"! Requested compensation payment from the Japanese government. The Japanese government "is totally unacceptable" and "not legally binding" Will Japan abandon diplomacy at the United Nations? Japan is stupid! Japan should have manners as a developed country! The United States must not hand over Michael Taylor (60) and his son Peter (27) to Japan!

 To President Trump

The UN decision is "Carlos Ghosn is not guilty"! Requested compensation payment from the Japanese government.

The Japanese government "is totally unacceptable" and "not legally binding"

Will Japan abandon diplomacy at the United Nations?

Japan is stupid! Japan should have manners as a developed country!

The United States must not hand over Michael Taylor (60) and his son Peter (27) to Japan!


2020-12-04: Dear Sir,

December 8th is coming this year as well. 

It was a long time ago, but when Prime Minister Abe visited the United States, 

the Washington Post reported that there was a lot of noise. 

President Trump told Prime Minister Abe, "I will never forget the attack on Pearl Harbor." 

In the United States, there is a strong view that the attack on Pearl Harbor is a "sneaky deception."

Japan's "Suga administration" is "the economy is an ally of China", 

but in terms of security it is an "ally" with the United States. 

I don't think this relationship will last long. 

China stole technology from the United States. 

Japan may steal "security" from the United States 

and hand over "security information" to China in exchange for the economy. 

Since neither China nor Japan can "govern under the law", 

the United States will one day say "I will never forget the attack on Pearl Harbor".

Only Japan and the United States have executed the death penalty in G8 countries. 

In the Americas, the death penalty is only executed in the United States.

The only countries with which Japan has signed an extradition treaty are the United States 

and South Korea! Japan and the United States may have a special relationship. 

I would like to ask the "Biden administration" to make Japan a "country governed by law". 

Make it a country that complies with international law!

Part 1 "I will never forget the attack on Pearl Harbor" was a "dumb" between President Trump 

and former Prime Minister Abe!


Thousands of Japanese pilots volunteered for the Kamikaze corps, 

knowing that they would die "in the name of the emperor" during World War II, 

and plunging the plane into the enemy. Suicidal tactics were described as "madness."


Religious view of life and death

There is a "reincarnation" in the view of life and death in "Brahmanism", 

and it is said that people are reincarnated many times and reborn as living things including animals.

In ancient India, the idea of ​​"reincarnation" was linked to the idea of ​​karma (act) 

by the Upanishads, highly theorized, inherited by Hinduism and Buddhism, 

and became a view of life and death in the Southeast Asian world 

and the East Asian world. Has also had a great influence.

In religions of Indian origin, human bodies are cremated 

because the body is considered to be merely a container for souls, 

but in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Confucianism, they are basically buried. 

Cremation is contraindicated.


Japan's debate over the death penalty: 80% of public opinion accepts the death penalty!

The abolition of the death penalty is said to be a global trend, 

but Japan is one of the few major developed countries to maintain the death penalty. 

According to a poll by the Cabinet Office, 80.3% of the respondents accept the death penalty, 

and only 9.7% demand the abolition.


Like other peoples, we Japanese people tend to remember their history as proud. 

Therefore, the special attack will be remembered as a beautiful story.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-12-03: Cher Monsieur,L '«administration Baiden» est-elle le «partenaire» qui peut parler de la stratégie américaine en termes de sécurité? En tant que Japonais, je suis curieux. L '«administration Baiden» devrait «découpler» les «pro-chinois» du gouvernement japonais.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2020-12-03: Cher Monsieur,

Fin juillet 2020, le «Strategic International Affairs Institute (CSIS)», le «think tank» «influent» des États-Unis, a publié un rapport de recherche intitulé «L'influence de la Chine au Japon».

Ce rapport a été produit avec le soutien du nouveau Centre d'engagement mondial de l'administration Trump du ministère d'État.

Le centre aurait pour «mission» de «répondre» au «travail d'influence extérieure» et à la «publicité politique» de la Chine.

Ce rapport, publié fin juillet,

"M. Naoya Imai" de "l'Aide du Premier ministre" a été "désigné" comme une personne qui a eu une grande influence sur "l'attitude du Premier ministre Shinzo Abe envers la Chine".

Il a également mentionné «Toshihiro Nikai, secrétaire général du Parti libéral» et «Komei Party» comme l'existence qui oriente «la politique du Premier ministre Abe envers la Chine» vers «la direction de la pro-Chine».

Selon le Yomiuri Shimbun, la résidence du Premier ministre se trouvait dans l'après-midi du 12 novembre.

Le Premier ministre Yoshiyoshi Suga a déclaré à "Toshihiro Nikai, secrétaire général du PLD", "respectueusement".

Le Premier ministre Yoshii Suga a déclaré à Toshihiro Nikai: "Grâce au secrétaire général, le parti est stable. Je suis toujours reconnaissant."

Toshihiro Nikai, le secrétaire général du LDP, hocha la tête avec satisfaction.

Suga a raconté qu'il avait approfondi sa relation avec l'ancien assistant du vice-président Byden, qui a remporté la victoire à l'élection présidentielle américaine pendant son mandat de secrétaire d'État.

"C'est exactement" la diplomatie à l'étage "qui valorise la relation de confiance avec l'autre partie", a-t-il déclaré.

L '«administration Baiden» devrait relire le rapport (SCRS).

Pouvez-vous faire confiance au Premier ministre Yoshii Kan, le premier ministre du «Cabinet de coalition du LDP et du parti Komei»?

Le Premier Ministre Yoshii Suga est le successeur de l'ancien Premier Ministre Abe, devenu Premier Ministre avec le soutien du Secrétaire général Toshihiro Nikai.

L '«administration Baiden» est-elle le «partenaire» qui peut parler de la stratégie américaine en termes de sécurité?

En tant que Japonais, je suis curieux.

L '«administration Baiden» devrait «découpler» les «pro-chinois» du gouvernement japonais.

Partie 1 M. Imai, M. Nikai et les États-Unis ont identifié le «groupe» de la «réconciliation avec la Chine» du Japon par son nom!

Le rapport de 53 pages en anglais

Devin Stewart, un politicien international qui a été chercheur au SCRS et professeur à l'Université de New York, jouera un rôle central.

Il a fallu environ deux ans pour créer sur la base d'enquêtes par entretien avec environ 40 experts du Japon, des États-Unis, de Chine, etc. et d'un large éventail d'informations et de matériels.


Yomiuri Shimbun 23 novembre, l'hospitalité du Premier ministre, printemps du groupe du deuxième étage.

Lorsque Sadaichi Tanigaki, le secrétaire général, a été grièvement blessé dans un accident de vélo en 2016, c'est Kan qui a conseillé au Premier ministre Shinzo Abe de désigner le deuxième étage.

Quand Abe a envisagé de "changer le secrétaire général" de "deuxième étage" à "Fumio Kishida" l'année dernière, Suga s'est fermement opposé à "Vas-tu vraiment le remplacer?"

Dans "Personnel du LDP", en plus du directeur du bureau comptable,

Il a également obtenu le "Président par intérim du Comité des contre-mesures électorales" nouvellement créé et occupé le "poste clé du parti" qui détient "l'élection et l'argent".

L'article peut également être lu dans "Yomiuri Online" ci-dessous, mais ce n'est que "membres lecteurs".


Le secrétaire général du deuxième étage qui "flirte" aussi bien avec la Chine qu'avec les "pro-Chine". «Le sort du Japon» retenu par le «secrétaire général du deuxième étage» qui se méfie également des États-Unis!

Le pouvoir du secrétaire général Nikai augmentera, et il est possible que les relations Japon-États-Unis et les relations Japon-Chine changent considérablement.

Actuellement, il est dans l'état «reporté». Mais,

«À l'étage, M.» et «le groupe du deuxième étage» ont insisté sur la «visite» «en tant que« invité d'État »du« Xi Jinping »


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une «culpabilité». Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé.

Veuillez consulter l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Voir ci-dessous.





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


★ Veuillez acheter un déjeuner préparé par une personne handicapée! Veuillez nous appeler. Veuillez présenter.


★ "Le malheur des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les gens du monde"


An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 03.12.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr Die "Baiden Administration" sollte den (CSIS) Bericht erneut lesen. Können Sie Premierminister Yoshii Kan, dem Premierminister des "Koalitionskabinetts der LDP und der Komei-Partei", vertrauen?

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

03.12.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr

Ende Juli 2020 veröffentlichte das "Strategic International Affairs Institute (CSIS)", der "einflussreiche" "Think Tank" der Vereinigten Staaten, einen Forschungsbericht mit dem Titel "Chinas Einfluss in Japan".

Dieser Bericht wurde mit Unterstützung des neuen Global Engagement Center der Trump-Administration des Außenministeriums erstellt.

Das Zentrum soll die "Mission" haben, auf Chinas "Arbeiten mit externem Einfluss" und "politische Publizität" zu "reagieren".

Dieser Ende Juli veröffentlichte Bericht

"Mr. Takaya Imai" von "Adjutant des Premierministers" wurde als eine Person "spezifiziert", die einen großen Einfluss auf die Haltung von "Premierminister Shinzo Abe gegenüber China" hatte.

Er erwähnte auch "Toshihiro Nikai, Generalsekretär der Liberalen Partei" und "Komei-Partei" als die Existenz, die "die Politik von Premierminister Abe gegenüber China" in Richtung "Richtung pro-China" lenkt.

Laut Yomiuri Shimbun war die Residenz des Premierministers am Nachmittag des 12. November.

Premierminister Yoshiyoshi Suga sagte: "Vielen Dank" an "Toshihiro Nikai, Generalsekretär der LDP".

Premierminister Yoshii Suga sagte zu Toshihiro Nikai: "Dank des Generalsekretärs ist die Partei stabil. Ich bin immer dankbar."

Toshihiro Nikai, der Generalsekretär der LDP, nickte zufrieden.

Suga erzählte, dass er während seiner Zeit als Außenminister seine Beziehung zum Adjutanten des ehemaligen Vizepräsidenten Byden vertieft hatte, der den Sieg bei den US-Präsidentschaftswahlen errungen hatte.

"Es ist genau die Diplomatie im Obergeschoss, die das Vertrauensverhältnis zur anderen Partei schätzt", sagte er.

Die "Baiden Administration" sollte den (CSIS) Bericht erneut lesen.

Können Sie Premierminister Yoshii Kan, dem Premierminister des "Koalitionskabinetts der LDP und der Komei-Partei", vertrauen?

Premierminister Yoshii Suga ist der Nachfolger des ehemaligen Premierministers Abe, der mit Unterstützung von Generalsekretär Toshihiro Nikai Premierminister wurde.

Ist die "Baiden-Administration" der "Partner", der über die US-Strategie in Bezug auf Sicherheit sprechen kann?

Als Japaner bin ich neugierig.

Die "Baiden-Regierung" sollte die "Elternbeamten der japanischen Regierung" "entkoppeln".

Teil 1 Herr Imai, Herr Nikai und die Vereinigten Staaten haben die "Gruppe" der "Versöhnung Japans mit China" Japans namentlich identifiziert!

Der 53-seitige Bericht in englischer Sprache

Devin Stewart, ein internationaler Politiker, der CSIS-Forscher und Professor an der Universität von New York war, wird eine zentrale Rolle spielen.

Die Erstellung von Befragungen mit etwa 40 Experten aus Japan, den USA, China usw. und einer Vielzahl von Informationen und Materialien dauerte ungefähr zwei Jahre.


Yomiuri Shimbun 23. November, die Gastfreundschaft des Premierministers, Frühling der Gruppe im zweiten Stock.

Als der Generalsekretär Sadaichi Tanigaki 2016 bei einem Fahrradunfall schwer verletzt wurde, riet Kan Premierminister Shinzo Abe, den zweiten Stock zu ernennen.

Als Abe letztes Jahr überlegte, den Generalsekretär von "zweiter Stock" zu "Fumio Kishida" zu wechseln, war Suga entschieden gegen "Wirst du ihn wirklich ersetzen?"

In "Personal der LDP", zusätzlich zum Direktor des Rechnungsbüros,

Es sicherte auch den neu eingerichteten "amtierenden Vorsitzenden des Ausschusses für Gegenmaßnahmen gegen Wahlen" und besetzte den "Schlüsselposten der Partei", die die "Wahl und das Geld" hält.

Der Artikel kann auch in "Yomiuri Online" unten gelesen werden, ist aber "nur für Lesermitglieder".


Der Generalsekretär des zweiten Stocks, der sowohl mit China als auch mit "Pro-China" "flirtet". "Das Schicksal Japans" wird vom "Generalsekretär des zweiten Stocks" niedergehalten, der auch den Vereinigten Staaten gegenüber misstrauisch ist!

Die Macht von Generalsekretär Nikai wird zunehmen, und es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass sich die Beziehungen zwischen Japan und den USA sowie zwischen Japan und China erheblich ändern werden.

Derzeit befindet es sich im "Zustand" von "verschoben". Aber,

"Upstairs Mr." und "The Second Floor Group" haben auf dem "Besuch" als "Staatsgast" des "Xi Jinping" bestanden.


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine "Schuld". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt.

Bitte beachten Sie die Anklageschrift unten. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Siehe unten.





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundespremier Merkel" gesendet.

Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.





Hilf mir.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.


To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-12-03: Dear Sir, At the end of July 2020, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), an American "influential" think tank, published a research report entitled "China's Influence in Japan." This report was produced with the support of the Department of State's Global Engagement Cent er, which was newly established by the Trump administration.

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-12-03: Dear Sir,

At the end of July 2020, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 

an American "influential" think tank, published a research report entitled "China's Influence in Japan." 

This report was produced with the support of the Department of State's Global Engagement Cent er, 

which was newly established by the Trump administration. 

The center is said to have a "mission" of "responding" to China's "crafting of external influence" 

and "political promotion."

This report, published in late July, 

"specifies" "Mr. Takaya Imai" of "Prime Minister's Assistant" as a person 

who has had a great influence on "Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's attitude toward China". Was.

He also mentioned "Toshihiro Nikai, 

Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party" and "Komeito" as the existence 

that directs "Prime Minister Abe's policy toward China" toward "the direction of pro-China."

According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, the Prime Minister's Office at noon on November 12.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said "Thank you" to "Toshihiro Nikai, 

the secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party."

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga told Toshihiro Nikai, "Thanks to the secretary-general, 

the party is stable. I am always grateful."

Toshihiro Nikai, the secretary general of the LDP, nodded with satisfaction.

Suga shared a story with his aide, 

former Vice President Biden, who secured the victory in the US presidential election, 

and said that he had deepened his relationship with the Chief Cabinet Secretary. "Isn't it?"

The "Biden administration" should read the (CSIS) report again. 

Can you trust Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, 

the prime minister of the "Coalition Cabinet of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party"?

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga is the successor to former Prime Minister Abe, 

who became Prime Minister with the support of Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai.

Is the "Biden administration" a "partner" who can talk about US strategy in terms of security?

As a Japanese, I'm curious.

The "Biden administration" should "decoupling" the "pro-Chinese officials of the Japanese government."

Part 1 Mr. Imai, Mr. Nikai, 

and the United States have identified the "group" of Japan's "reconciliation with China" by name!

The 53-page report in English is led by Devin Stewart, 

an international political scientist who has been a CSIS researcher and a professor at New York University, 

and interviews about 40 experts from Japan, the United States, and China. 

It took about two years to create it based on a wide range of information and materials.


Yomiuri Shimbun November 23, the prime minister's hospitality, spring of the second floor group.

When Sadakazu Tanigaki, the secretary-general, was seriously injured in a bicycle accident in 2016, 

it was Suga who advised Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to appoint the second floor.

When Abe considered "changing the secretary-general" from "second floor" to "Fumio Kishida" last year, 

Suga strongly opposed "Are you really going to replace it?"

In "LDP personnel", in addition to the director of the accounting bureau, 

he also secured the newly established "acting chairman of the election measures committee" 

and occupied the "key post of the party" that holds "election and money".

The article can also be read in "Yomiuri Online" below, but it is "reader members only".


Nikai Secretary-General who "flirts" with China as well as "pro-China". 

"The fate of Japan" held down by the "secretary general of the second floor" who is also wary of the United States!

The power of Secretary-General Nikai will increase, 

and there is a possibility that Japan-US relations and Japan-China relations will change significantly.

Currently, it is in the "state" of "postponed". But,

"Upstairs Mr." and "the second floor Group" has insisted the "visit" "as a" state guest "of the" Xi Jinping "


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. 

See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Trump Japanese media and politicians in communist countries ignore the "UN report" and do not inform the Japanese people! Mr. Ghosn's arrest and detention was "unreasonable," a UN expert reported and demanded compensation. AFP News Posted on November 20th and released to the media on November 23rd. The future response of the Japanese government, the prosecution, the police, and the judiciary will be watched.

 To President Trump

Japanese media and politicians in communist countries ignore the "UN report" and do not inform the Japanese people!

Mr. Ghosn's arrest and detention was "unreasonable," a UN expert reported and demanded compensation.

AFP News Posted on November 20th and released to the media on November 23rd.

The future response of the Japanese government, the prosecution, the police, and the judiciary will be watched.


2020-12-03: Dear Sir,

At the end of July 2020, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 

an American "influential" think tank, published a research report entitled "China's Influence in Japan." 

This report was produced with the support of the Department of State's Global Engagement Center, 

which was newly established by the Trump administration. 

The center is said to have a "mission" of "responding" to China's "crafting of external influence" 

and "political promotion."

This report, published in late July, 

"specifies" "Mr. Takaya Imai" of "Prime Minister's Assistant" as a person 

who has had a great influence on "Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's attitude toward China". Was.

He also mentioned "Toshihiro Nikai, 

Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party" and "Komeito" as the existence 

that directs "Prime Minister Abe's policy toward China" toward "the direction of pro-China."

According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, the Prime Minister's Office at noon on November 12.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said "Thank you" to "Toshihiro Nikai, 

the secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party."

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga told Toshihiro Nikai, "Thanks to the secretary-general, 

the party is stable. I am always grateful."

Toshihiro Nikai, the secretary general of the LDP, nodded with satisfaction.

Suga shared a story with his aide, 

former Vice President Biden, who secured the victory in the US presidential election, 

and said that he had deepened his relationship with the Chief Cabinet Secretary. "Isn't it?"

The "Biden administration" should read the (CSIS) report again. 

Can you trust Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, 

the prime minister of the "Coalition Cabinet of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party"?

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga is the successor to former Prime Minister Abe, 

who became Prime Minister with the support of Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai.

Is the "Biden administration" a "partner" who can talk about US strategy in terms of security?

As a Japanese, I'm curious.

The "Biden administration" should "decoupling" the "pro-Chinese officials of the Japanese government."

Part 1 Mr. Imai, Mr. Nikai, 

and the United States have identified the "group" of Japan's "reconciliation with China" by name!

The 53-page report in English is led by Devin Stewart, 

an international political scientist who has been a CSIS researcher and a professor at New York University, 

and interviews about 40 experts from Japan, the United States, and China. 

It took about two years to create it based on a wide range of information and materials.


Yomiuri Shimbun November 23, the prime minister's hospitality, spring of the second floor group.

When Sadakazu Tanigaki, the secretary-general, was seriously injured in a bicycle accident in 2016, 

it was Suga who advised Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to appoint the second floor.

When Abe considered "changing the secretary-general" from "second floor" to "Fumio Kishida" last year, 

Suga strongly opposed "Are you really going to replace it?"

In "LDP personnel", in addition to the director of the accounting bureau, 

he also secured the newly established "acting chairman of the election measures committee" 

and occupied the "key post of the party" that holds "election and money".

The article can also be read in "Yomiuri Online" below, but it is "reader members only".


Nikai Secretary-General who "flirts" with China as well as "pro-China". 

"The fate of Japan" held down by the "secretary general of the second floor" who is also wary of the United States!

The power of Secretary-General Nikai will increase, 

and there is a possibility that Japan-US relations and Japan-China relations will change significantly.

Currently, it is in the "state" of "postponed". But,

"Upstairs Mr." and "the second floor Group" has insisted the "visit" "as a" state guest "of the" Xi Jinping "


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. 

See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Au président français Emmanuel Macron 02/12/2020: Cher Monsieur,M. Byden doit non seulement «unifier les États-Unis» mais «unifier le monde»! Tout le monde pense que la tenue des Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo dépend du jugement des «États-Unis». M. Byden, qui est "la plus haute priorité pour les mesures corona", devrait proposer "l'annulation des Jeux Olympiques" dès que possible.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

02/12/2020: Cher Monsieur,

Le monde devrait mettre fin au jeu "" Trump "".

Le gouvernement japonais a annoncé qu'il organiserait les Jeux olympiques de Tokyo de 2021.

J'aimerais que M. Byden «déclare» que les Jeux olympiques de Tokyo seront «reportés ou annulés».

Au moins, disons «non-participation» aux États-Unis. J'aimerais que le Royaume-Uni et les pays de l'UE «expriment» leur «non-participation».

Aux États-Unis, le nombre de personnes infectées par jour a dépassé 100 000, le nombre le plus élevé jamais enregistré. Le nombre de personnes infectées a atteint 11 millions.

Contrairement à M. Trump, qui a donné la priorité à l'économie, M. Byden a déclaré qu'il «prendrait à fond des mesures contre la couronne» et en a fait la question la plus importante de la politique.

La fin du "nouveau virus corona" est totalement inconnue.

Même si «l'inoculation» du «vide» est lancée, je pense que l'inoculation aux personnes ne sera pas terminée avant l'événement.

L'effet de Vampan est également inconnu.

La «marque olympique» se compose de cinq anneaux bleus, jaunes, noirs, verts et rouges reliés les uns aux autres pour n'en former qu'un.

Cela représente l'unité des cinq continents du monde. En outre, il exprime que des athlètes du monde entier se rassembleront aux Jeux Olympiques.

L'esprit des JO est de reporter jusqu'à ce que le «nouveau virus corona» disparaisse sur les «cinq continents du monde» et que les «droits de l'homme» du monde soient protégés.

M. Byden doit non seulement «unifier les États-Unis» mais «unifier le monde»!

Tout le monde pense que la tenue des Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo dépend du jugement des «États-Unis».

M. Byden, qui est "la plus haute priorité pour les mesures corona", devrait proposer "l'annulation des Jeux Olympiques" dès que possible.

Partie 1 "Tout dépend de Byden?" Les Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo peuvent-ils vraiment avoir lieu?

Selon un sondage publié en juillet par NHK et Kyodo News

26% de la NHK et 24% de Kyodo News ont déclaré qu'ils devraient organiser l'événement l'année prochaine comme prévu.

"Doit être annulé" était de 31% pour NHK, 34% pour Kyodo News,

"Devrait être reporté davantage" était le résultat de NHK 35% et Kyodo News 36%.


farce! Il y a beaucoup de politiciens qui veulent abuser des "Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo"!

La Corée du Sud, qui a crié qu'il s'agissait de "Jeux olympiques radioactifs", est maintenant "la théorie de l'utilisation des Jeux olympiques de Tokyo".

"Calcul secret" visant à "rencontre entre" Byden "et Kim Masaon" et "amélioration des relations Japon-Corée" à Tokyo!


"Le président du Comité International Olympique (CIO) Thomas Bach (66 ans)" en visite au Japon

Comme contre-mesure contre la nouvelle infection à coronavirus des «Jeux olympiques et paralympiques de Tokyo»

Il a indiqué son intention de prendre en charge les frais de vaccination des athlètes.

Le 17 novembre, "le ministre olympique de Seiko Hashimoto (56 ans)" a déclaré lors d'une réunion post-gouvernementale.

"Il a montré son désir d'avoir un tournoi sûr et sécurisé", a-t-elle déclaré.

"Je pense que c'est à l'organisation sportive de chaque pays de décider", a-t-elle déclaré.


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une «culpabilité». Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé.

Veuillez consulter l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Voir ci-dessous.





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


★ Veuillez acheter un déjeuner préparé par une personne handicapée! Veuillez nous appeler. Veuillez présenter.


★ "Le malheur des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les gens du monde"


An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2020-12-02: Sehr geehrter Herr,Im Gegensatz zu Herrn Trump, der der Wirtschaft Priorität einräumte, erklärte Herr Byden, dass er "gründlich Maßnahmen gegen Korona ergreifen" werde, und machte dies zum wichtigsten Thema in der Politik. Das Ende des "neuen Koronavirus" ist völlig unbekannt.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

2020-12-02: Sehr geehrter Herr,

Die Welt sollte das Spiel "Trump" beenden.

Die japanische Regierung sagt, dass sie die Olympischen Spiele 2021 in Tokio abhalten wird.

Ich möchte, dass Herr Byden "erklärt", dass die Olympischen Spiele in Tokio "verschoben oder abgesagt" werden.

Sagen Sie zumindest "Nichtteilnahme" in den Vereinigten Staaten. Ich möchte, dass die britischen und EU-Länder ihre "Nichtteilnahme" "ausdrücken".

In den Vereinigten Staaten hat die Zahl der Infizierten pro Tag 100.000 überschritten, die höchste Zahl aller Zeiten. Die Zahl der Infizierten hat 11 Millionen erreicht.

Im Gegensatz zu Herrn Trump, der der Wirtschaft Priorität einräumte, erklärte Herr Byden, dass er "gründlich Maßnahmen gegen Korona ergreifen" werde, und machte dies zum wichtigsten Thema in der Politik.

Das Ende des "neuen Koronavirus" ist völlig unbekannt.

Selbst wenn die "Impfung" des "Vakuums" gestartet wird, denke ich, dass die Impfung für Menschen nicht vor der Veranstaltung abgeschlossen sein wird.

Die Wirkung des Impfstoffs ist ebenfalls unbekannt.

Das "Olympische Zeichen" besteht aus fünf Ringen aus Blau, Gelb, Schwarz, Grün und Rot, die miteinander verbunden sind, um einen zu bilden.

Dies repräsentiert die Einheit der fünf Kontinente der Welt. Darüber hinaus drückt es aus, dass sich Athleten aus aller Welt bei den Olympischen Spielen versammeln werden.

Der Geist der Olympischen Spiele ist es, zu verschieben, bis das "neue Koronavirus" auf den "fünf Kontinenten der Welt" verschwindet und die "Menschenrechte" der Welt geschützt sind.

Herr Byden sollte nicht nur "die Vereinigten Staaten vereinen", sondern "die Welt vereinen"!

Jeder glaubt, dass die Durchführung der Olympischen Spiele in Tokio vom Urteil der "USA" abhängt.

Herr Byden, der "die höchste Priorität für Koronamaßnahmen" hat, sollte so bald wie möglich die "Absage der Olympischen Spiele" vorschlagen.

Teil 1 "Ist alles an Byden?" Können die Olympischen Spiele in Tokio wirklich stattfinden?

Laut einer Umfrage, die im Juli von NHK und Kyodo News veröffentlicht wurde

26% der NHK und 24% der Kyodo News sagten, dass sie die Veranstaltung nächstes Jahr wie geplant abhalten sollten.

"Sollte abgesagt werden" betrug 31% für NHK, 34% für Kyodo News,

"Sollte weiter verschoben werden" war das Ergebnis von NHK 35% und Kyodo News 36%.


Farce! Es gibt viele Politiker, die die "Olympischen Spiele in Tokio" missbrauchen wollen!

Korea, das rief, es sei eine "radioaktive Olympiade", ist jetzt "die Theorie der Verwendung der Olympischen Spiele in Tokio".

"Geheime Berechnung" mit dem Ziel "Treffen zwischen" Byden "und Kim Masaon" und "Verbesserung der Beziehungen zwischen Japan und Korea" in Tokio!


"Präsident des Internationalen Olympischen Komitees (IOC), Thomas Bach (66)", der Japan besucht

Als Gegenmaßnahme gegen die neue Coronavirus-Infektion der "Tokyo Olympics (Olympics) and Paralympics"

Er gab seine Absicht bekannt, die Kosten für die Impfung von Sportlern zu tragen.

Am 17. November sagte "Seiko Hashimoto Olympia-Minister (56)" bei einer Sitzung nach dem Kabinett.

"Er zeigte seinen Wunsch nach einem sicheren Turnier", sagte sie.

"Ich denke, es liegt an der Sportorganisation jedes Landes, zu entscheiden", sagte sie.


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine "Schuld". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt.

Bitte beachten Sie die Anklageschrift unten. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Siehe unten.





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundespremier Merkel" gesendet.

Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.





Hilf mir.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.


★ Bitte kaufen Sie ein Mittagessen von einer Person mit einer Behinderung! Bitte rufen Sie uns an. Bitte vorstellen.


★ "Das Unglück anderer ist der Geschmack von Honig" "Liebe rettet die Menschen auf der Welt" Weitere Informationen


To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-12-02: Dear Sir, The world should end the "" Trump "" game. The Japanese government says it will hold the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. I would like Mr. Biden to "state" that the Tokyo Olympics will be "postponed or canceled". At least say "non-participation" in the United States.

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-12-02: Dear Sir,

The world should end the "" Trump "" game. The Japanese government says it will hold the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. 

I would like Mr. Biden to "state" that the Tokyo Olympics will be "postponed or canceled".

At least say "non-participation" in the United States. 

I would like the UK and EU countries to "express" their "non-participation."

In the United States, the number of infected people per day has exceeded 100,000, the highest number ever. 

The number of infected people has reached 11 million. Contrary to Mr. Trump, 

who prioritized the economy, Mr. Biden declared that he would "thoroughly take measures against corona" 

and made it the most important policy issue.

The end of the "new coronavirus" is completely unknown. Even if the "vaccine" is started, 

I don't think people will be vaccinated before the event. The effect of the vaccine is also unknown.

The Olympic mark is made up of five rings of blue, yellow, black, 

green, and red that are connected to each other. 

It represents the unity of the five continents of the world. Furthermore, 

it expresses that athletes from all over the world will gather at the Olympic Games. 

The spirit of the Olympics is to postpone until the "new coronavirus" disappears on five continents 

and the world's "human rights" are protected.

Mr. Biden should not only unite the United States, but unite the world!

Everyone thinks that the holding of the Tokyo Olympics depends on the judgment of the "US". Mr. Biden, 

who has the highest priority on corona measures, 

should propose "cancellation of the Olympic Games" as soon as possible.

Part 1 "Is it all up to Biden?" Can the Tokyo Olympics be held really?

According to a pollster released in July by NHK and Kyodo News

26% of NHK and 24% of Kyodo News said that they should hold the event next year as scheduled.

"Should be canceled" was 31% for NHK, 34% for Kyodo News,

"Should be postponed further" was the result of NHK 35% and Kyodo News 36%.


farce! There are many politicians who want to abuse the "Tokyo Olympics"!

South Korea, who shouted that it was the "radioactive Olympics," is now "the theory of using the Tokyo Olympics."

"Secret calculation" aiming at "meeting between" Biden "and Kim Jong Un" 

and "improvement of Japan-Korea relations" in Tokyo!


"International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach (66)" 

who is visiting Japan intends to bear the vaccination cost of athletes as a countermeasure 

against the new coronavirus infection of "Tokyo Olympics (Olympic Games) Paralympics" Indicated.

On November 17, "Seiko Hashimoto Olympic Minister (56)" said at a press conference after the Cabinet meeting.

"He has shown his desire to have a safe and secure tournament," she said.

"I think it's up to each country's sports organization to decide," she said.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。


★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、


To President Trump The Japanese government, which has an inequality agreement with China, is crazy! Even though the majority of Japanese people are seriously "self-restraint"! From now on, we will let Chinese people enter the country. Of course, we do not inspect or quarantine. It's really the end of the Japanese administration.

 To President Trump

The Japanese government, which has an inequality agreement with China, is crazy!

Even though the majority of Japanese people are seriously "self-restraint"!

From now on, we will let Chinese people enter the country.

Of course, we do not inspect or quarantine. 

It's really the end of the Japanese administration.


2020-12-02: Dear Sir,

The world should end the "" Trump "" game. The Japanese government says it will hold the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. 

I would like Mr. Biden to "state" that the Tokyo Olympics will be "postponed or canceled".

At least say "non-participation" in the United States. 

I would like the UK and EU countries to "express" their "non-participation."

In the United States, the number of infected people per day has exceeded 100,000, the highest number ever. 

The number of infected people has reached 11 million. Contrary to Mr. Trump, 

who prioritized the economy, Mr. Biden declared that he would "thoroughly take measures against corona" 

and made it the most important policy issue.

The end of the "new coronavirus" is completely unknown. Even if the "vaccine" is started, 

I don't think people will be vaccinated before the event. The effect of the vaccine is also unknown.

The Olympic mark is made up of five rings of blue, yellow, black, 

green, and red that are connected to each other. 

It represents the unity of the five continents of the world. Furthermore, 

it expresses that athletes from all over the world will gather at the Olympic Games. 

The spirit of the Olympics is to postpone until the "new coronavirus" disappears on five continents 

and the world's "human rights" are protected.

Mr. Biden should not only unite the United States, but unite the world!

Everyone thinks that the holding of the Tokyo Olympics depends on the judgment of the "US". Mr. Biden, 

who has the highest priority on corona measures, 

should propose "cancellation of the Olympic Games" as soon as possible.

Part 1 "Is it all up to Biden?" Can the Tokyo Olympics be held really?

According to a pollster released in July by NHK and Kyodo News

26% of NHK and 24% of Kyodo News said that they should hold the event next year as scheduled.

"Should be canceled" was 31% for NHK, 34% for Kyodo News,

"Should be postponed further" was the result of NHK 35% and Kyodo News 36%.


farce! There are many politicians who want to abuse the "Tokyo Olympics"!

South Korea, who shouted that it was the "radioactive Olympics," is now "the theory of using the Tokyo Olympics."

"Secret calculation" aiming at "meeting between" Biden "and Kim Jong Un" 

and "improvement of Japan-Korea relations" in Tokyo!


"International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach (66)" 

who is visiting Japan intends to bear the vaccination cost of athletes as a countermeasure 

against the new coronavirus infection of "Tokyo Olympics (Olympic Games) Paralympics" Indicated.

On November 17, "Seiko Hashimoto Olympic Minister (56)" said at a press conference after the Cabinet meeting.

"He has shown his desire to have a safe and secure tournament," she said.

"I think it's up to each country's sports organization to decide," she said.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2020-12-01: Cher Monsieur, Veuillez clarifier la différence avec l'administration Trump. Et les travailleurs du monde entier devraient être protégés de la concurrence avec "le travail forcé chinois, le travail forcé".

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2020-12-01: Cher Monsieur,

J'ai été très impressionné par la «Déclaration de victoire» de M. Byden.

Il a dit qu'il ramènerait à nouveau l'Amérique à une «nation» respectée. «Il est temps de guérir la nation, a-t-il souligné.

Fort d'une riche expérience des affaires étrangères, M. Byden devrait suivre le rythme de ses alliés plutôt que des seuls États-Unis.

À ce moment-là, le Japon sera tenu par les États-Unis de participer au «siège de la Chine».

La véritable intention du Japon est d'être "pro-Chine" dans les "affaires" et le "gouvernement de droit".

Cependant, en "sécurité", je veux être "pro-US".

Cependant, dans cette «diplomatie à deux langues», plus les États-Unis et la Chine s'affrontent, plus ils deviennent des «ciseaux de planche».

L'administration Byden devrait analyser calmement le Japon et décider d'une «politique envers le Japon».

L'ancien ambassadeur du Japon Kennedy n'a pris aucune mesure sur les «questions des droits de l'homme».

Elle a été déçue simplement parce qu'elle était célèbre comme la fille de l'ancien président Kennedy.

Le plus grand échec du président Obama! L'administration Byden devrait établir une relation propre entre le Japon et les États-Unis.

Veuillez clarifier la différence avec l'administration Trump.

Et les travailleurs du monde entier devraient être protégés de la concurrence avec "le travail forcé chinois, le travail forcé".

Partie 1 Cela fait quatre jours depuis le jour du vote de l'élection présidentielle américaine,

Le candidat démocrate Joe Byden, qui a obtenu la majorité des électeurs, a fait une "déclaration de victoire" le 8 au matin, heure du Japon.

Éviter les critiques directes du président Trump et appeler les partisans de Trump à s'unir, etc.

La différence avec le "Trump Theatre" était clairement exposée.

On s'attend à ce que M. Byden poursuive ses travaux en vue de la transition vers l'administration, comme des mesures contre le nouveau virus corona, qui est une priorité absolue.


«M. Byden» a annoncé son engagement le 7 juillet 2020.

Il a promis de créer des emplois en "revitalisant l'industrie manufacturière américaine et en créant une situation qui ne dépend pas de la Chine".

Selon lui, il a promis de créer des emplois en "régénérant l'industrie manufacturière américaine et en créant une situation qui ne dépend pas de la Chine".

Le président Trump a appelé à l'abolition du système d'assurance médicale (Obama Care) introduit par l'administration Obama.

La raison en est que la "charge financière" est importante et "empêche" la "liberté d'assurance".

Aux États-Unis, on croit fermement que l'assurance est souscrite par des particuliers, et chaque individu signe un contrat avec une compagnie d'assurance.

En conséquence, il y a eu des critiques selon lesquelles les personnes à faible revenu ne peuvent pas recevoir de soins médicaux satisfaisants.

Le président Trump, qui prône la liberté financière, a cherché à arrêter l'intervention de l'État dans les soins médicaux.

En réponse, M. Byden lance un appel pour la poursuite et l'expansion d'Obamacare, qui vise des soins médicaux équitables.



Le président Trump a promis de renvoyer l'usine de Chine aux États-Unis.

Mais l'usine n'est pas revenue aux États-Unis. Il n'a fait que la politique douanière.

Les ouvriers de "Last Belt" ont été déçus.

M. Byden a promis de «régénérer l'industrie manufacturière américaine et de créer une situation indépendante de la Chine».

J'ai fait de nombreuses suggestions. Jouez à "Lust Belt" dans "Golden Belt".

Je pense qu'il est impossible d'avoir une société qui rivalise à égalité avec la Chine, qui a un système social différent.

Il est trop fou d'avoir une "République populaire de Chine" sous le "Parti communiste chinois".

Il nie complètement l'histoire de la démocratie dans le monde.

Seuls les États-Unis n'ont pas de système de «soins universels» dans les pays développés. C'est honteux!

M. Byden devrait réaliser le «système» de «soins universels pour tous» aux États-Unis.

Pour ce faire, il faut commencer par «découpler» complètement la «Chine de la dictature du Parti communiste».

Veuillez protéger les travailleurs américains de la concurrence avec "le travail forcé et le travail forcé du Parti communiste chinois".

J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une «culpabilité». Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Veuillez consulter l'acte d'accusation ci-dessous. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Voir ci-dessous.





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


★ Veuillez acheter un déjeuner préparé par une personne handicapée! Veuillez nous appeler. Veuillez présenter.


★ "Le malheur des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les gens du monde"


An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2020-12-01: Sehr geehrter Herr, n "Sicherheit" möchte ich jedoch "pro-US" sein. Je mehr sich die Vereinigten Staaten und China in dieser "zweisprachigen Diplomatie" gegenüberstehen, desto mehr werden sie zu "Board Scissors". Die Byden-Regierung sollte Japan ruhig analysieren und eine "Politik gegenüber Japan" beschließen.

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

2020-12-01: Sehr geehrter Herr,

Ich war am meisten beeindruckt von Mr. Bydens "Erklärung des Sieges".

Er sagte, er würde Amerika wieder zu einer angesehenen "Nation" zurückbringen. "Es ist Zeit, die Nation zu heilen", betonte er.

Mit einer Fülle von Erfahrungen in auswärtigen Angelegenheiten wird von Herrn Byden erwartet, dass er mit seinen Verbündeten und nicht nur mit den Vereinigten Staaten Schritt hält.

Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wird Japan von den Vereinigten Staaten aufgefordert, an der "Belagerung nach China" teilzunehmen.

Die wahre Absicht Japans ist es, "pro China" in "Wirtschaft" und "Regierung des Rechts" zu sein.

In "Sicherheit" möchte ich jedoch "pro-US" sein.

Je mehr sich die Vereinigten Staaten und China in dieser "zweisprachigen Diplomatie" gegenüberstehen, desto mehr werden sie zu "Board Scissors".

Die Byden-Regierung sollte Japan ruhig analysieren und eine "Politik gegenüber Japan" beschließen.

Der frühere japanische Botschafter Kennedy hat in "Menschenrechtsfragen" nichts unternommen.

Sie war enttäuscht, nur weil sie als Tochter des ehemaligen Präsidenten Kennedy berühmt war.

Präsident Obamas größter Misserfolg! Die Byden-Regierung sollte eine saubere Beziehung zwischen Japan und den Vereinigten Staaten aufbauen.

Bitte klären Sie den Unterschied zur Trump-Administration.

Und Arbeiter auf der ganzen Welt sollten vor dem Wettbewerb mit "Chinas Zwangsarbeit, Sklavenarbeit" geschützt werden.

Teil 1 Seit dem Wahltag der US-Präsidentschaftswahlen sind vier Tage vergangen.

Der demokratische Kandidat Joe Byden, der die Mehrheit der Wähler sicherte, gab am Morgen des 8. in Japan eine "Siegeserklärung" ab.

Vermeiden Sie direkte Kritik an Präsident Trump und fordern Sie die Trump-Anhänger auf, sich zu vereinen usw.

Der Unterschied zu "Trump Theatre" wurde klar herausgestellt.

Von Herrn Byden wird erwartet, dass er mit dem Übergang zur Verwaltung fortfährt, beispielsweise mit Maßnahmen gegen das neue Koronavirus, das oberste Priorität hat.


"Mr. Byden" gab sein Versprechen am 7. Juli 2020 bekannt.

Er versprach, Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen, indem er "die US-Fertigungsindustrie wiederbelebt und eine Situation schafft, die nicht von China abhängt".

Demnach versprach er, Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen, indem er "die US-Fertigungsindustrie regeneriert und eine Situation schafft, die nicht von China abhängt".

Präsident Trump hat die Abschaffung des von der Obama-Regierung eingeführten Krankenversicherungssystems (Obama Care) gefordert.

Der Grund ist, dass die "finanzielle Belastung" groß ist und die "Versicherungsfreiheit" "hemmt".

In den Vereinigten Staaten besteht die feste Überzeugung, dass Versicherungen von Einzelpersonen abgeschlossen werden, und jeder Einzelne unterzeichnet einen Vertrag mit einer Versicherungsgesellschaft.

Infolgedessen wurde kritisiert, dass Niedrigverdiener keine zufriedenstellende medizinische Versorgung erhalten können.

Präsident Trump, der sich für finanzielle Freiheit einsetzt, versuchte, die staatlichen Eingriffe in die medizinische Versorgung zu stoppen.

Als Reaktion darauf fordert Herr Byden die Fortsetzung und Erweiterung von Obamacare, das eine faire medizinische Versorgung anstrebt.



Präsident Trump hat versprochen, die Fabrik von China in die USA zurückzugeben.

Aber die Fabrik kehrte nicht in die USA zurück. Er tat nur die Zollpolitik.

Die "Last Belt" Arbeiter waren enttäuscht.

Herr Byden versprach, "die US-Fertigungsindustrie zu regenerieren und eine von China unabhängige Situation zu schaffen".

Ich habe viele Vorschläge gemacht. Spielen Sie "Lust Belt" in "Golden Belt".

Ich denke, es ist unmöglich, eine Gesellschaft zu haben, die gleichermaßen mit China konkurriert, das ein anderes soziales System hat.

Es ist zu verrückt, eine "Volksrepublik China" unter der "Kommunistischen Partei Chinas" zu haben.

Es leugnet völlig die Geschichte der Weltdemokratie.

Nur die Vereinigten Staaten haben in Industrieländern kein "Universal Care" -System. Es ist beschämend!

Herr Byden sollte das "System" der "universellen Versorgung aller Menschen" in den Vereinigten Staaten verwirklichen.

Dazu sollten wir zunächst das "China der Diktatur der Kommunistischen Partei" vollständig "entkoppeln".

Bitte schützen Sie US-Arbeiter vor der Konkurrenz durch "Zwangsarbeit und Sklavenarbeit der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas".

Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine "Schuld". Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Bitte beachten Sie die Anklageschrift unten. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Siehe unten.





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundespremier Merkel" gesendet.

Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.





Hilf mir.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.


To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-12-01: Dear Sir, I was most impressed with Mr. Biden's "Victory Declaration". He emphasized, "

 To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister

2020-12-01: Dear Sir,

I was most impressed with Mr. Biden's "Victory Declaration". 

He emphasized, "Returning America to a respected country. It's time to heal the country."

Mr. Biden, who has a lot of experience in foreign affairs, 

is expected to compete with China in step with allies rather than the United States alone. 

At that time, Japan will be required by the United States to participate in the "Siege against China".

Japan's true intention is to be "pro-China" in "business" and "law rule". 

However, in "security", I want to be "pro-US". However, 

in this "double-tongue diplomacy," the more the United States and China confront each other, 

the more they become "board scissors." 

The Biden administration should calmly analyze Japan and decide on a "policy toward Japan." 

Former Japanese Ambassador to Japan Kennedy took no action on "human rights issues." 

She was disappointed just because she was famous as the daughter of former President Kennedy. 

President Obama's biggest failure! The Biden administration should build a clean US-Japan relationship. 

Please clarify the difference from the Trump administration.

And protect workers around the world from competition with "Chinese forced labor, slave labor".

Part 1 Democratic candidate Joe Biden, who secured a majority of the electors, 

four days after the election day of the US presidential election, 

made a "declaration of victory" on the morning of the 8th in Japan time.

He avoided direct criticism of President Trump and called on Trump supporters to unite, 

clearly showing the difference from the "Trump Theater."

Mr. Biden is expected to proceed with work toward the transition to the administration, 

such as measures against the new coronavirus, which is a top priority.


"Mr. Biden" announced a promise on July 7, 2020.

He promised to create jobs by "revitalizing the US manufacturing industry 

and creating a situation that does not depend on China."

According to it, he promised to create jobs by "regenerating the US manufacturing industry 

and creating a situation that does not depend on China."

President Trump has called for the abolition of the medical insurance system (Obama Care) introduced 

by the Obama administration.

The reason is that the "financial burden" is large and "inhibits" the "freedom of insurance".

In the United States, there is a strong belief that insurance is taken out by an individual, 

and each individual signs a contract with an insurance company.

As a result, there have been criticisms that low-income earners cannot receive satisfactory medical care.

President Trump, who advocates financial freedom, sought to stop the state's intervention in health care.

In response, Mr. Biden appeals for the continuation and expansion of Obamacare, 

which aims for fair medical care.



President Trump has promised to return the factory from China to the United States.

But the factory did not return to the United States. All he did was tariff policy.

Workers at the "Rust Belt" were disappointed.

Mr Biden promised to "regenerate the US manufacturing industry 

and create a situation that is independent of China."

I have made many suggestions. Play "Rust Belt" into "Golden Belt".

I think it is impossible to have a society that competes equally with China, 

which has a different social system.

It is too crazy to have the "People's Republic of China" under the "Chinese Communist Party".

It completely denies the history of democracy in the world.

The United States is the only developed country that does not have a “universal care” system. It's shameful!

Mr. Biden should realize the "system" of "universal care for all people" in the United States.

To do so, we should start by completely "decoupling" the "Communist dictatorship of China."

Please protect US workers from the competition with "forced labor 

and slave labor operated by the Chinese Communist Party".

I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Trump Mr. Biden announces personnel "ready to confront hostile countries" (November 25, 2020) Xi Jinping Jintao of China, finally congratulatory telegram to Mr. Biden. 2020/11/27

 To President Trump

Mr. Biden announces personnel "ready to confront hostile countries" (November 25, 2020)

Xi Jinping Jintao of China, finally congratulatory telegram to Mr. Biden. 2020/11/27



2020-12-01: Dear Sir,

I was most impressed with Mr. Biden's "Victory Declaration". 

He emphasized, "Returning America to a respected country. It's time to heal the country."

Mr. Biden, who has a lot of experience in foreign affairs, 

is expected to compete with China in step with allies rather than the United States alone. 

At that time, Japan will be required by the United States to participate in the "Siege against China".

Japan's true intention is to be "pro-China" in "business" and "law rule". 

However, in "security", I want to be "pro-US". However, 

in this "double-tongue diplomacy," the more the United States and China confront each other, 

the more they become "board scissors." 

The Biden administration should calmly analyze Japan and decide on a "policy toward Japan." 

Former Japanese Ambassador to Japan Kennedy took no action on "human rights issues." 

She was disappointed just because she was famous as the daughter of former President Kennedy. 

President Obama's biggest failure! The Biden administration should build a clean US-Japan relationship. 

Please clarify the difference from the Trump administration.

And protect workers around the world from competition with "Chinese forced labor, slave labor".

Part 1 Democratic candidate Joe Biden, who secured a majority of the electors, 

four days after the election day of the US presidential election, 

made a "declaration of victory" on the morning of the 8th in Japan time.

He avoided direct criticism of President Trump and called on Trump supporters to unite, 

clearly showing the difference from the "Trump Theater."

Mr. Biden is expected to proceed with work toward the transition to the administration, 

such as measures against the new coronavirus, which is a top priority.


"Mr. Biden" announced a promise on July 7, 2020.

He promised to create jobs by "revitalizing the US manufacturing industry 

and creating a situation that does not depend on China."

According to it, he promised to create jobs by "regenerating the US manufacturing industry 

and creating a situation that does not depend on China."

President Trump has called for the abolition of the medical insurance system (Obama Care) introduced 

by the Obama administration.

The reason is that the "financial burden" is large and "inhibits" the "freedom of insurance".

In the United States, there is a strong belief that insurance is taken out by an individual, 

and each individual signs a contract with an insurance company.

As a result, there have been criticisms that low-income earners cannot receive satisfactory medical care.

President Trump, who advocates financial freedom, sought to stop the state's intervention in health care.

In response, Mr. Biden appeals for the continuation and expansion of Obamacare, 

which aims for fair medical care.



President Trump has promised to return the factory from China to the United States.

But the factory did not return to the United States. All he did was tariff policy.

Workers at the "Rust Belt" were disappointed.

Mr Biden promised to "regenerate the US manufacturing industry 

and create a situation that is independent of China."

I have made many suggestions. Play "Rust Belt" into "Golden Belt".

I think it is impossible to have a society that competes equally with China, 

which has a different social system.

It is too crazy to have the "People's Republic of China" under the "Chinese Communist Party".

It completely denies the history of democracy in the world.

The United States is the only developed country that does not have a “universal care” system. It's shameful!

Mr. Biden should realize the "system" of "universal care for all people" in the United States.

To do so, we should start by completely "decoupling" the "Communist dictatorship of China."

Please protect US workers from the competition with "forced labor 

and slave labor operated by the Chinese Communist Party".

I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 See below.





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


2025-01-23:من المرجح أن يكون عام 2025 هو العام الذي سيتم فيه وضع المركبات الهيدروجينية بالكامل في الاستخدام العملي. وسوف تتحرر أوروبا أخيرًا من "تلوث الهواء" الناجم عن "المركبات الكهربائية".

 2025-01-23: إصدار الأسبوع. سيارات الهيدروجين الإيطالية "مذهلة". ستظهر "شركة سيارات هيدروجينية" ستتفوق على "تسلا...