
Au président français Emmanuel Macron Lorsque vous pouvez le développer, faites-en une "boîte noire" et vendez-le dans le monde entier. Les États-Unis et le Japon accordaient un traitement préférentiel aux "ingénieurs de développement" et non aux "ingénieurs de production". Par conséquent, le "savoir-faire" de la "technologie de production" a été transféré à la "Corée" et à la "Chine" et a perdu sa compétitivité. La chance pour la Russie de devenir une usine dans le monde est de former des "ingénieurs de production". Il en va de même pour la France et le Royaume-Uni. J'écrirai le deuxième demain.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

L'activité économique devrait être «revenue» à la normale même sous la «nouvelle couronne»!

Vais-je continuer à recevoir le vaccin corona deux ou trois fois par an? Fou!

Comme la thermographie, nous devrions développer un «testeur» qui «trouve» instantanément un «positif».

Dans certains endroits testés, les «personnes positives» peuvent reprendre une «vie normale» sans masque! Veuillez consulter le rapport précédent pour plus de détails.

Soumis des informations supplémentaires au Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies (OHCHR).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp  

2021-02-09: Cher Monsieur,

Le 17 janvier, le "militant anti-gouvernement" russe Alexei Navarinui est rentré du "lieu de traitement médical" en Allemagne. Peu de temps après, il a été "arrêté" dans un aéroport de Moscou. L'Europe et les États-Unis font du bruit dans cet «incident». Je ne crois pas à la couverture médiatique japonaise ou occidentale.

Parce que je suis moi-même victime de faux reportages dans les médias japonais.

Aujourd'hui, je voudrais faire deux propositions au président russe Vladimir Poutine.

Le premier est une "machine à mesurer" qui détermine instantanément le "positif" de la "nouvelle couronne".

C'est un appareil comme une "thermographie" qui mesure instantanément la température de votre corps.

C'est un appareil qui identifie instantanément le «positif» en développant une «machine d'inspection CT pour corona».

Il n'est pas nécessaire que ce soit "CT", cela peut être "IRM" .Il est identifié numériquement au lieu de l'analogique.

C'est un «appareil» qui capte et diagnostique les «rayons X» du coronavirus dans l'organisme. Voir le post d'hier pour un aperçu.

Je pense que la «guerre future» est plus une «guerre par des bactéries» qu'une «guerre nucléaire».

Je pense avoir appris la peur des «armes bactériennes» avec le «nouveau coronavirus».

Si le «vaccin» était mis au point au moment de la «guerre des bactéries», la «nation» serait «anéantie».

Le "positif" et le "négatif" doivent être identifiés "instantanément" et le "positif" doit être "mis en quarantaine".

Si «l'identification» était faite par inspection «PCR», tous les «soldats» seraient «tués au combat».

Si la Russie a les capacités technologiques nécessaires pour développer des armes nucléaires, je pense que ce sera possible d'ici un an.

Lorsque la "machine d'inspection CT pour corona" est terminée, je pense que si vous installez une "machine d'inspection CT pour armes bactériennes à usage général" dans la ville, vous pouvez répondre rapidement aux attaques des "armes bactériennes ennemies".

Lorsque vous pouvez le développer, faites-en une "boîte noire" et vendez-le dans le monde entier.

Les États-Unis et le Japon accordaient un traitement préférentiel aux "ingénieurs de développement" et non aux "ingénieurs de production".

Par conséquent, le "savoir-faire" de la "technologie de production" a été transféré à la "Corée" et à la "Chine" et a perdu sa compétitivité.

La chance pour la Russie de devenir une usine dans le monde est de former des "ingénieurs de production".

Il en va de même pour la France et le Royaume-Uni.

J'écrirai le deuxième demain.

Partie 1 Navarinui est un symbole des militants rebelles qui sont surveillés par les agences gouvernementales russes qui «font taire l'enfant qui pleure».

Il était sur le point d'être empoisonné par une agence spéciale russe à la fin du mois d'août de l'année dernière.

Immédiatement après la tentative d'empoisonnement, il a été emmené dans un hôpital allemand pour y être soigné et soigné.

Le gouvernement allemand, qui a enquêté sur la substance toxique, a déterminé que la substance toxique utilisée était l'agent neurotoxique Novichok, développé à l'époque soviétique.

Le gouvernement américain et d'autres pays prêtent une attention particulière à cette tendance des militants anti-gouvernementaux.

À propos, le gouvernement russe a nié les allégations de tentative d'empoisonnement de Navarinui,

Navarinui prétend avoir été dirigé par Poutine lui-même.


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une fausse accusation. Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Veuillez consulter ce qui suit pour les "fausses accusations" de "crime de soutien pour violation de la loi sur l'immigration" en 2010





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


★ Veuillez acheter un déjeuner préparé par une personne handicapée! Veuillez nous appeler. Veuillez présenter.


★ "Le malheur des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les peuples du monde" Pour plus d'informations


An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund Die erste ist eine "Messmaschine", die sofort das "Positiv" der "neuen Korona" bestimmt. Es ist ein Gerät wie eine "Thermografie", die sofort Ihre Körpertemperatur misst. Es ist ein Gerät, das "positiv" sofort erkennt, indem es eine "CT-Inspektionsmaschine für Korona" entwickelt. Es muss nicht "CT" sein, es kann "MRT" sein. Es wird digital statt analog identifiziert. Es ist ein "Gerät", das die "Röntgenstrahlen" des Coronavirus im Körper fängt und diagnostiziert. Eine Übersicht finden Sie im gestrigen Beitrag. Ich denke, dass "zukünftiger Krieg" mehr "Krieg durch Bakterien" als "Atomkrieg" ist. Ich glaube, ich habe mit dem "neuen Coronavirus" etwas über die Angst vor "Bakterienwaffen" gelernt. Wenn der "Impfstoff" entwickelt würde, als der "Krieg durch Bakterien" stattfand, würde die "Nation" "vernichtet" werden. Das "Positive" und "Negative" sollte "sofort" identifiziert und das "Positive" sollte "unter Quarantäne gestellt" werden. Wenn "Identifizierung" durch "PCR" -Inspektion erfolgen würde, würden alle "Soldaten" "in Aktion getötet". Wenn Russland über die technologischen Fähigkeiten zur Entwicklung von Atomwaffen verfügt, wird dies meines Erachtens innerhalb eines Jahres möglich sein. Wenn die "CT-Inspektionsmaschine für Korona" fertig ist, können Sie meiner Meinung nach schnell auf Angriffe von "feindlichen Bakterienwaffen" reagieren, wenn Sie eine "CT-Inspektionsmaschine für Allzweck-Bakterienwaffen" in der Stadt installieren.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

Die wirtschaftliche Aktivität sollte auch unter der "neuen Korona" wieder normalisiert werden!

Erhalte ich den Corona-Impfstoff weiterhin zwei- oder dreimal im Jahr? Verrückt!

Wie bei der Thermografie sollten wir einen "Tester" entwickeln, der sofort ein "Positiv" "findet".

An bestimmten getesteten Orten können "positive Menschen" ohne Masken zum "normalen Leben" zurückkehren! Weitere Informationen finden Sie im vorherigen Bericht.

Übermittlung von zusätzlichem Material an den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp  


Am 17. Januar kehrte der russische "regierungsfeindliche Aktivist" Alexei Navarinui von Deutschlands "medizinischer Behandlungsstelle" zurück. Kurz darauf wurde er auf einem Flughafen in Moskau "verhaftet". Europa und die Vereinigten Staaten machen bei diesem "Vorfall" Lärm. Ich glaube nicht an japanische oder westliche Medienberichterstattung.

Weil ich selbst Opfer falscher Berichte in den japanischen Medien bin.

Heute möchte ich dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin zwei Vorschläge unterbreiten.

Die erste ist eine "Messmaschine", die sofort das "Positiv" der "neuen Korona" bestimmt.

Es ist ein Gerät wie eine "Thermografie", die sofort Ihre Körpertemperatur misst.

Es ist ein Gerät, das "positiv" sofort erkennt, indem es eine "CT-Inspektionsmaschine für Korona" entwickelt.

Es muss nicht "CT" sein, es kann "MRT" sein. Es wird digital statt analog identifiziert.

Es ist ein "Gerät", das die "Röntgenstrahlen" des Coronavirus im Körper fängt und diagnostiziert. Eine Übersicht finden Sie im gestrigen Beitrag.

Ich denke, dass "zukünftiger Krieg" mehr "Krieg durch Bakterien" als "Atomkrieg" ist.

Ich glaube, ich habe mit dem "neuen Coronavirus" etwas über die Angst vor "Bakterienwaffen" gelernt.

Wenn der "Impfstoff" entwickelt würde, als der "Krieg durch Bakterien" stattfand, würde die "Nation" "vernichtet" werden.

Das "Positive" und "Negative" sollte "sofort" identifiziert und das "Positive" sollte "unter Quarantäne gestellt" werden.

Wenn "Identifizierung" durch "PCR" -Inspektion erfolgen würde, würden alle "Soldaten" "in Aktion getötet".

Wenn Russland über die technologischen Fähigkeiten zur Entwicklung von Atomwaffen verfügt, wird dies meines Erachtens innerhalb eines Jahres möglich sein.

Wenn die "CT-Inspektionsmaschine für Korona" fertig ist, können Sie meiner Meinung nach schnell auf Angriffe von "feindlichen Bakterienwaffen" reagieren, wenn Sie eine "CT-Inspektionsmaschine für Allzweck-Bakterienwaffen" in der Stadt installieren.

Wenn Sie es entwickeln können, machen Sie es zu einer "Black Box" und verkaufen Sie es auf der ganzen Welt.

Die Vereinigten Staaten und Japan behandelten "Entwicklungsingenieure" und nicht "Produktionsingenieure" bevorzugt.

Daher floss das "Know-how" der "Produktionstechnologie" nach "Korea" und "China" und verlor an Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.

Die Chance für Russland, eine Fabrik in der Welt zu werden, besteht darin, "Produktionsingenieure" auszubilden.

Dies gilt auch für Frankreich und das Vereinigte Königreich.

Ich werde morgen den zweiten schreiben.

Teil 1 Navarinui ist ein Symbol für Rebellenaktivisten, die von russischen Regierungsbehörden beobachtet werden, die "das weinende Kind zum Schweigen bringen".

Er sollte Ende August letzten Jahres von einer russischen Sonderagentur vergiftet werden.

Unmittelbar nach dem Vergiftungsversuch wurde er zur Behandlung und medizinischen Behandlung in ein deutsches Krankenhaus gebracht.

Die Bundesregierung, die die toxische Substanz untersuchte, stellte fest, dass die verwendete toxische Substanz der Nervenwirkstoff Novichok war, der während der Sowjetzeit entwickelt wurde.

Die US-Regierung und andere Länder achten genau auf diesen Trend regierungsfeindlicher Aktivisten.

Übrigens hat die russische Regierung Vorwürfe einer versuchten Vergiftung von Navarinui zurückgewiesen.

Navarinui behauptet, von Putin selbst geleitet worden zu sein.


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine falsche Anklage. Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Im Folgenden finden Sie "falsche Anschuldigungen" wegen "Verbrechensbekämpfung wegen Verstoßes gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" im Jahr 2010





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundespremier Merkel" gesendet.

Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.





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★ "Das Unglück anderer ist der Geschmack von Honig" "Liebe rettet die Menschen auf der Welt" Weitere Informationen


To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-02-09: Dear Sir, On January 17, Russian rebel activist Alexei Navarinui was detained at an airport in Moscow shortly after returning from Germany, where he was recuperating. I don't believe in Japanese or Western media coverage. Because I myself am a victim of false reports in the Japanese media. Today, I would like to make two proposals to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp  

2021-02-09: Dear Sir,

On January 17, Russian rebel activist Alexei Navarinui was detained at an airport 

in Moscow shortly after returning from Germany, where he was recuperating. 

I don't believe in Japanese or Western media coverage. 

Because I myself am a victim of false reports in the Japanese media.

Today, I would like to make two proposals to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The first is a "measuring machine" that instantly determines the "positive" of the "new corona". 

It's a device like a "thermography" that instantly measures your body temperature. 

It is a device that instantly identifies "positive" by developing a "CT inspection machine for corona". 

It doesn't have to be "CT", it can be "MRI". It is identified digitally instead of analog.

It is a "device" that catches and diagnoses the "X-rays" of the coronavirus 

in the body. See yesterday's post for an overview.

I think the future war will be a "bacterial war" rather than a "nuclear war". 

I think I learned about the fear of "bacterial weapons" with the "new coronavirus". 

In the event of a "bacterial war", developing a "vaccine" like this would be annihilated. 

You should instantly identify "positive" and "negative" and isolate "positive". 

If it is determined by "PCR" inspection as it is now, all "soldiers" will be killed in action. 

If Russia has the technological capabilities to develop nuclear weapons, 

I think it will be possible within a year.

When the "CT inspection machine for corona" is completed, 

I think that if you install a "CT inspection machine for general-purpose bacterial weapons" in the city, 

you can quickly respond to attacks by "enemy bacterial weapons".

If you can develop it, please sell it all over the world as a "black box" with "production technology". 

The United States and Japan gave preferential treatment to "development engineers" and not "production engineers". Therefore, the "know-how" of "production technology" flowed to "Korea" and "China" and lost competitiveness.

The chance for Russia to become a factory in the world is to train "production engineers". 

This is the same for France and the United Kingdom.

I will write the second one tomorrow.

Part 1 Navarinui is a symbol of anti-government activists 

who are being watched by the Russian government agency, 

which "silences the crying child," 

and was about to be poisoned by a Russian government agency at the end of August last year.

Immediately after the attempted poisoning, 

he was taken to a German hospital for treatment and medical treatment.

The German government, which investigated the toxic substance, 

determined that the toxic substance used was the nerve agent Novichok, 

which was developed during the Soviet era.

The US government and other countries are paying close attention to this trend of anti-government activists.

By the way, the Russian government has denied allegations of attempted poisoning of Navarinui, 

but claims that Navarinui was directed by President Putin himself.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for "false charges" of "crime of support 

for violation of immigration law" in 2010





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。


★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、


To President Biden! Hitler of the "National Socialist Labor Party", Yoshiro Mori of the "National Socialist Liberal Democratic Party"! The Olympic torch relay started with the "Berlin Olympics" under "Hitler's administration"! I see, I understand what they have in common! You can't understand the Olympic Charter and Article 14 of the Constitution, right?

 To President Biden!

Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! 

Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp  

Hitler of the "National Socialist Labor Party", Yoshiro Mori of the "National Socialist Liberal Democratic Party"!

The Olympic torch relay started with the "Berlin Olympics" under "Hitler's administration"!

I see, I understand what they have in common!

You can't understand the Olympic Charter and Article 14 of the Constitution, right?


2021-02-09: Dear Sir,

On January 17, Russian rebel activist Alexei Navarinui was detained at an airport 

in Moscow shortly after returning from Germany, where he was recuperating. 

I don't believe in Japanese or Western media coverage. 

Because I myself am a victim of false reports in the Japanese media.

Today, I would like to make two proposals to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The first is a "measuring machine" that instantly determines the "positive" of the "new corona". 

It's a device like a "thermography" that instantly measures your body temperature. 

It is a device that instantly identifies "positive" by developing a "CT inspection machine for corona". 

It doesn't have to be "CT", it can be "MRI". It is identified digitally instead of analog.

It is a "device" that catches and diagnoses the "X-rays" of the coronavirus 

in the body. See yesterday's post for an overview.

I think the future war will be a "bacterial war" rather than a "nuclear war". 

I think I learned about the fear of "bacterial weapons" with the "new coronavirus". 

In the event of a "bacterial war", developing a "vaccine" like this would be annihilated. 

You should instantly identify "positive" and "negative" and isolate "positive". 

If it is determined by "PCR" inspection as it is now, all "soldiers" will be killed in action. 

If Russia has the technological capabilities to develop nuclear weapons, 

I think it will be possible within a year.

When the "CT inspection machine for corona" is completed, 

I think that if you install a "CT inspection machine for general-purpose bacterial weapons" in the city, 

you can quickly respond to attacks by "enemy bacterial weapons".

If you can develop it, please sell it all over the world as a "black box" with "production technology". 

The United States and Japan gave preferential treatment to "development engineers" and not "production engineers". Therefore, the "know-how" of "production technology" flowed to "Korea" and "China" and lost competitiveness.

The chance for Russia to become a factory in the world is to train "production engineers". 

This is the same for France and the United Kingdom.

I will write the second one tomorrow.

Part 1 Navarinui is a symbol of anti-government activists 

who are being watched by the Russian government agency, 

which "silences the crying child," 

and was about to be poisoned by a Russian government agency at the end of August last year.

Immediately after the attempted poisoning, 

he was taken to a German hospital for treatment and medical treatment.

The German government, which investigated the toxic substance, 

determined that the toxic substance used was the nerve agent Novichok, 

which was developed during the Soviet era.

The US government and other countries are paying close attention to this trend of anti-government activists.

By the way, the Russian government has denied allegations of attempted poisoning of Navarinui, 

but claims that Navarinui was directed by President Putin himself.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for "false charges" of "crime of support 

for violation of immigration law" in 2010





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!





★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、



Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2021-02-08: Cher Monsieur,Je ne nie pas le développement du «nouveau vaccin corona». Je pense que le «nouveau vaccin corona» a pour effet «d'atténuer» la propagation du «nouveau coronavirus». Puisque les «personnes positives» et les «personnes négatives» vivront dans une société «mixte», l'activité économique ne reviendra pas à la normale.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

L'activité économique devrait être «revenue» à la normale même sous la «nouvelle couronne»!

Vais-je continuer à recevoir le vaccin corona deux ou trois fois par an? Fou!

Comme la thermographie, nous devrions développer un «testeur» qui «trouve» instantanément un «positif».

Dans certains endroits testés, les «personnes positives» peuvent reprendre une «vie normale» sans masque! Veuillez consulter le rapport précédent pour plus de détails.

Soumis des informations supplémentaires au Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies (OHCHR).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp  

2021-02-08: Cher Monsieur,

Nous devons créer un outil pour la vie à l'ère de la «coexistence avec corona»!

Je ne pense pas que même si le «nouveau vaccin corona» est administré à tous les candidats, la «propagation de l'infection» de la «nouvelle corona» ne peut être évitée.

Dans ce cas, il est impossible de ramener à la normale "l'activité économique" attendue par les gouvernements de chaque pays.

Le stress de la «nation» augmentera et «l'économie nationale» s'effondrera.

Je propose le développement d'une «machine d'inspection Corona CT» qui peut «instantanément» «discriminer» les personnes infectées et non infectées par le «nouveau coronavirus».

Le "testeur" est comme une "thermographie" qui mesure la température corporelle sans contact.

Les pays développés devraient prendre des décisions en matière de développement. Il devrait être développé dans un délai d'un an.

Si vous analysez les données "rayons X" du coronavirus, je pense que la réalisation est plus fiable que le "vaccin corona".

Je n'ai pas à m'inquiéter des séquelles, donc je pense que la plupart des gens l'accepteront.

Ceux qui sont jugés «négatifs» peuvent vivre librement sans masque dans un endroit précis.

Toutes les «installations de transport» peuvent fonctionner normalement si une «inspection» est effectuée avant l'embarquement.

Dans les supermarchés et les restaurants, si vous inspectez au moment de l'admission,

Puisque les seuls "visiteurs" sont des "négatifs", vous pouvez revenir à l'état "pré-infection" de la "nouvelle couronne".

Je pense que la «nouvelle corona» peut être presque «détruite» car elle sera inspectée à chaque fois et plusieurs fois par jour.

Même si une "variante de corona" se produit, les "données" et le "programme" sont mis à jour en ligne, de sorte qu'une réponse rapide est possible.

Je pense que "la machine d'inspection CT de Corona" sera une machine d'inspection de virus de pointe utilisant la technologie "AI".

Merci de mobiliser tous les ingénieurs dans chaque domaine et de "décider" de "développer" pour "la survie de l'humanité".

Je ne nie pas le développement du «nouveau vaccin corona».

Je pense que le «nouveau vaccin corona» a pour effet «d'atténuer» la propagation du «nouveau coronavirus».

Puisque les «personnes positives» et les «personnes négatives» vivront dans une société «mixte», l'activité économique ne reviendra pas à la normale.

Partie 1. L'administration du «nouveau vaccin corona» a commencé.

L'Allemagne a déclaré qu'elle ne recommandait pas la vaccination contre les vaccins AstraZeneca à partir de 65 ans.

La raison souligne le manque de données.

Je pense que la principale raison en est la courte période de développement.

Je pense que la même chose peut être dite pour les autres vaccins.

Cela a également conduit au refus de recevoir le vaccin corona.

On sait que même s'il est terminé, il ne sera pas efficace pour «tout le monde».

Berlin (CNN) Commission allemande des vaccins le 28

Le nouveau vaccin contre le coronavirus, qui a été développé conjointement par AstraZeneca et l'Université d'Oxford, a annoncé qu'il ne devrait pas être administré aux personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus.

Pendant ce temps, le Royaume-Uni, qui a approuvé le vaccin AstraZeneca il y a environ un mois,

Le vaccin a été administré à des personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus.


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une fausse accusation. Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Veuillez consulter les "fausses accusations" de "crime de soutien pour violation de la loi sur l'immigration" en 2010





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


★ Veuillez acheter un déjeuner préparé par une personne handicapée! Veuillez nous appeler. Veuillez présenter.


★ "Le malheur des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les peuples du monde" Pour plus d'informations


An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-02-08: Sehr geehrter Herr, Ich denke, dass die "neue Korona" fast "zerstört" werden kann, weil sie jedes Mal und mehrmals am Tag inspiziert wird. Selbst wenn eine "Corona-Variante" auftritt, werden "Daten" und "Programm" online aktualisiert, sodass eine schnelle Reaktion möglich ist. Ich denke, dass "Coronas CT-Inspektionsmaschine" eine hochmoderne Vireninspektionsmaschine mit "AI" -Technologie sein wird. Bitte mobilisieren Sie alle Ingenieure in jedem Bereich und "entscheiden" Sie, sich für das "Überleben der Menschheit" zu "entwickeln".

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

Die wirtschaftliche Aktivität sollte auch unter der "neuen Korona" wieder normalisiert werden!

Erhalte ich den Corona-Impfstoff weiterhin zwei- oder dreimal im Jahr? Verrückt!

Wie bei der Thermografie sollten wir einen "Tester" entwickeln, der sofort ein "Positiv" "findet".

An bestimmten getesteten Orten können "positive Menschen" ohne Masken zum "normalen Leben" zurückkehren! Weitere Informationen finden Sie im vorherigen Bericht.

Übermittlung von zusätzlichem Material an den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp  

2021-02-08: Sehr geehrter Herr,

Wir sollten ein Werkzeug für das Leben im Zeitalter des "Zusammenlebens mit der Korona" schaffen!

Ich denke nicht, dass die "Ausbreitung der Infektion" der "neuen Korona" nicht verhindert werden kann, selbst wenn allen Antragstellern der "neue Korona-Impfstoff" verabreicht wird.

In diesem Fall ist es unmöglich, die von den Regierungen jedes Landes erwartete "wirtschaftliche Aktivität" wieder normal zu machen.

Der Stress der Menschen wird zunehmen und die "Volkswirtschaft" wird zusammenbrechen.

Ich schlage die Entwicklung einer "Corona CT-Inspektionsmaschine" vor, die mit dem "neuen Coronavirus" "sofort" zwischen infizierten und nicht infizierten Personen "unterscheiden" kann.

Der "Tester" ist wie eine "Thermografie", die die Körpertemperatur berührungslos misst.

Die Industrieländer sollten Entwicklungsentscheidungen treffen. Es sollte innerhalb eines Jahres entwickelt werden.

Wenn Sie die "Röntgendaten" des Coronavirus analysieren, denke ich, dass die Realisierung zuverlässiger ist als der "Corona-Impfstoff".

Ich muss mir keine Sorgen um Folgen machen, daher denke ich, dass die meisten Leute das akzeptieren werden.

Wer als "negativ" eingestuft wird, kann an einem bestimmten Ort frei ohne Maske leben.

Alle "Transporteinrichtungen" können normal funktionieren, wenn vor dem Einsteigen eine "Inspektion" durchgeführt wird.

In Supermärkten und Restaurants, wenn Sie zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme inspizieren,

Da die einzigen "Besucher" "Negative" sind, können Sie zum Zustand "Vorinfektion" der "neuen Korona" zurückkehren.

Ich denke, dass die "neue Korona" fast "zerstört" werden kann, weil sie jedes Mal und mehrmals am Tag inspiziert wird.

Selbst wenn eine "Corona-Variante" auftritt, werden "Daten" und "Programm" online aktualisiert, sodass eine schnelle Reaktion möglich ist.

Ich denke, dass "Coronas CT-Inspektionsmaschine" eine hochmoderne Vireninspektionsmaschine mit "AI" -Technologie sein wird.

Bitte mobilisieren Sie alle Ingenieure in jedem Bereich und "entscheiden" Sie, sich für das "Überleben der Menschheit" zu "entwickeln".

Ich bestreite nicht die Entwicklung des "neuen Corona-Impfstoffs".

Ich denke, der "neue Corona-Impfstoff" hat die Wirkung, die Ausbreitung des "neuen Coronavirus" "abzuschwächen".

Da "positive Menschen" und "negative Menschen" in einer "gemischten" Gesellschaft leben werden, wird sich die wirtschaftliche Aktivität nicht normalisieren.

Teil 1. Die Verabreichung des "neuen Corona-Impfstoffs" hat begonnen.

Deutschland hat erklärt, dass es keine Impfung gegen AstraZeneca-Impfstoffe über 65 Jahre empfiehlt.

Der Grund weist auf den Mangel an Daten hin.

Ich denke, der Hauptgrund dafür ist die kurze Entwicklungszeit.

Ich denke, dasselbe gilt für andere Impfstoffe.

Dies hat auch dazu geführt, dass der Corona-Impfstoff abgelehnt wurde.

Es ist bekannt, dass es, selbst wenn es abgeschlossen ist, nicht für "alle Menschen" wirksam sein wird.

Deutsche Impfkommission Berlin (CNN) am 28 ..

Der neue Coronavirus-Impfstoff, der gemeinsam von AstraZeneca und der Universität Oxford entwickelt wurde, hat angekündigt, dass er nicht an ältere Menschen ab 65 Jahren verabreicht werden darf.

Inzwischen hat Großbritannien, das vor etwa einem Monat den AstraZeneca-Impfstoff zugelassen hat,

Der Impfstoff wurde älteren Menschen ab 65 Jahren verabreicht.


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine falsche Anklage. Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Im Folgenden finden Sie "falsche Anschuldigungen" wegen "Verbrechensbekämpfung wegen Verstoßes gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" im Jahr 2010





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundespremier Merkel" gesendet.

Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.





Hilf mir.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.


To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-02-08: Dear Sir, I am proposing the development of a "Corona CT inspection machine" that can "instantly" "discriminate" between infected and non-infected persons with the "new coronavirus". The "tester" is like a "thermography" that measures body temperature in a non-contact manner. Developed countries should make development decisions. It should be developed within a year. If you analyze the "X-ray" data of the coronavirus,

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp  

2021-02-08: Dear Sir,

We should create a tool for life in the age of "coexistence with corona"!

I don't think that even if the "new corona vaccine" is administered to all applicants, 

the "spread of infection" of the "new corona" cannot be prevented. 

In that case, it is impossible to return the "economic activity" expected by the governments 

of each country to normal. The stress of the people will increase, and the "national economy" will collapse.

I am proposing the development of a "Corona CT inspection machine" 

that can "instantly" "discriminate" between infected and non-infected persons with the "new coronavirus". 

The "tester" is like a "thermography" that measures body temperature in a non-contact manner.

Developed countries should make development decisions. 

It should be developed within a year. If you analyze the "X-ray" data of the coronavirus, 

I think that the realization is more reliable than the "corona vaccine". 

I don't have to worry about sequelae, so I think most people will accept it.

Those who are judged to be "negative" can live freely without a mask in a specific place.

All "transportation facilities" can operate normally if "inspection" is performed before boarding. 

At supermarkets and restaurants, if you inspect at the time of admission, 

the only "visitors" are "negatives", so you can return to the "pre-infection" state of the "new corona".

I think that the "new corona" can be almost "destroyed" 

because it will be inspected each time and many times a day. 

Even if a "variant of corona" occurs, the "data" and "program" are updated online, so a quick response is possible.

I think that "Corona's CT inspection machine" will be a state-of-the-art virus 

inspection machine using "AI" technology.

Please mobilize all the engineers in each field and "decide" to "develop" for "survival of humankind".

I do not deny the development of the "new corona vaccine". 

I think the "new corona vaccine" has the effect of "blunting" the spread of the "new coronavirus." 

Since "positive people" and "negative people" will live in a "mixed" society, 

economic activity will not return to normal.

Part 1. Administration of "new corona vaccine" has begun.

Germany has stated that it does not recommend vaccination 

against AstraZeneca vaccines over the age of 65. The reason points out the lack of data.

I think the biggest reason for this is the short development period.

I think the same thing can be said for other vaccines.

This has also led to the refusal to receive the corona vaccine.

It is known that even if it is completed, it will not be effective for "all people".

Berlin (CNN) The German Vaccine Commission announced on the 28th 

that the new coronavirus vaccine jointly developed by AstraZeneca 

and the University of Oxford should not be given to elderly people aged 65 and over.

Meanwhile, the UK, which approved the AstraZeneca vaccine about a month ago, 

has been vaccinated against the elderly aged 65 and over.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for "false charges" of "crime of support 

for violation of immigration law" in 2010





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Biden! 2021-02-08: Dear Sir, We should create a tool for life in the age of "coexistence with corona"! I don't think that even if the "new corona vaccine" is administered to all applicants, the "spread of infection" of the "new corona" cannot be prevented. In that case, it is impossible to return the "economic activity" expected by the governments of each country to normal. The stress of the people will increase, and the "national economy" will collapse.

 To President Biden!

Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks!

 Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp  

2021-02-08: Dear Sir,

We should create a tool for life in the age of "coexistence with corona"!

I don't think that even if the "new corona vaccine" is administered to all applicants, 

the "spread of infection" of the "new corona" cannot be prevented. 

In that case, it is impossible to return the "economic activity" expected by the governments 

of each country to normal. The stress of the people will increase, and the "national economy" will collapse.

I am proposing the development of a "Corona CT inspection machine" 

that can "instantly" "discriminate" between infected and non-infected persons with the "new coronavirus". 

The "tester" is like a "thermography" that measures body temperature in a non-contact manner.

Developed countries should make development decisions. 

It should be developed within a year. If you analyze the "X-ray" data of the coronavirus, 

I think that the realization is more reliable than the "corona vaccine". 

I don't have to worry about sequelae, so I think most people will accept it.

Those who are judged to be "negative" can live freely without a mask in a specific place.

All "transportation facilities" can operate normally if "inspection" is performed before boarding. 

At supermarkets and restaurants, if you inspect at the time of admission, 

the only "visitors" are "negatives", so you can return to the "pre-infection" state of the "new corona".

I think that the "new corona" can be almost "destroyed" 

because it will be inspected each time and many times a day. 

Even if a "variant of corona" occurs, the "data" and "program" are updated online, so a quick response is possible.

I think that "Corona's CT inspection machine" will be a state-of-the-art virus 

inspection machine using "AI" technology.

Please mobilize all the engineers in each field and "decide" to "develop" for "survival of humankind".

I do not deny the development of the "new corona vaccine". 

I think the "new corona vaccine" has the effect of "blunting" the spread of the "new coronavirus." 

Since "positive people" and "negative people" will live in a "mixed" society, 

economic activity will not return to normal.

Part 1. Administration of "new corona vaccine" has begun.

Germany has stated that it does not recommend vaccination 

against AstraZeneca vaccines over the age of 65. The reason points out the lack of data.

I think the biggest reason for this is the short development period.

I think the same thing can be said for other vaccines.

This has also led to the refusal to receive the corona vaccine.

It is known that even if it is completed, it will not be effective for "all people".

Berlin (CNN) The German Vaccine Commission announced on the 28th 

that the new coronavirus vaccine jointly developed by AstraZeneca 

and the University of Oxford should not be given to elderly people aged 65 and over.

Meanwhile, the UK, which approved the AstraZeneca vaccine about a month ago, 

has been vaccinated against the elderly aged 65 and over.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for "false charges" of "crime of support 

for violation of immigration law" in 2010





Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



China is already a developed country. China should be treated the same as a G7 country. Competition should be fair in the global economy. New construction or export of coal-fired power plants in China should be banned. As with coal-fired power plants, the reduction of "CO2" in the "steel industry", which emits a large amount of "Co2", should be ruled.

 Proposal from Japanese

February 06, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

I think US workers are relieved. President Joe Biden has announced 

that he will hold a climate summit in April. 

He expressed his intention not to ban hydraulic fracturing.

An "electric vehicle" charges the generated electricity into a lithium battery 

or the like and uses the electricity as power.

It is a "laughing story" to say "decarbonization" 

by charging an "electric vehicle" with the electricity generated by a "coal-fired power plant".

"Electric vehicles" have a small number of parts, so many workers are deprived of their jobs. 

This deprives automobile workers not only in the United States but around the world of their jobs. 

It will significantly change the industrial structure.

The United States is considering abolishing gasoline and switching to "electric vehicles." 

This is not just the United States. 

Every country has a policy of popularizing "electric vehicles". 

However, I want the Biden administration to "rethink." 

And I want the Biden administration to "advocate" the switch to "hydrogen vehicles" at the climate summit.

The problem is the production of "cheap hydrogen". 

Until the development of technology that can produce hydrogen from water at low cost, 

there should be a "period" for producing hydrogen from natural gas (shale gas). 

This leaves the work of workers engaged in the production of natural gas (shale gas). 

Of course, the rest of the separated "hydrogen" should be returned to the ground. 

President Biden should proceed with "decarbonization" without robbing the jobs of workers in the United States and around the world.

China is already a developed country. 

China should be treated the same as a G7 country. 

Competition should be fair in the global economy. 

New construction or export of coal-fired power plants in China should be banned. 

As with coal-fired power plants, the reduction of "CO2" in the "steel industry", 

which emits a large amount of "Co2", should be ruled.

Part 1 At the Climate Summit scheduled to be held on April 22, 

the United States is expected to strengthen its efforts to reduce greenhouse gases based 

on the Paris Agreement, an international framework for combating global warming.

The Paris Agreement sets a target value to limit the temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

The executive order signed by Mr. Biden also includes:

Suspending the granting of new lease rights to state-owned and public land to oil and gas companies, 

and setting climate change measures as a pillar of diplomacy and national security.


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

Proven by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" 

by freedom and democracy and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


The problem is the production of "cheap hydrogen". Until the development of technology that can produce hydrogen from water at low cost, there should be a "period" for producing hydrogen from natural gas (shale gas). This leaves the work of workers engaged in the production of natural gas (shale gas). Of course, the rest of the separated "hydrogen" should be returned to the ground. President Biden should proceed with "decarbonization" without robbing the jobs of workers in the United States and around the world.

 Proposal from Japanese

February 06, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

I think US workers are relieved. President Joe Biden has announced 

that he will hold a climate summit in April. 

He expressed his intention not to ban hydraulic fracturing.

An "electric vehicle" charges the generated electricity into a lithium battery 

or the like and uses the electricity as power.

It is a "laughing story" to say "decarbonization" 

by charging an "electric vehicle" with the electricity generated by a "coal-fired power plant".

"Electric vehicles" have a small number of parts, so many workers are deprived of their jobs. 

This deprives automobile workers not only in the United States but around the world of their jobs. 

It will significantly change the industrial structure.

The United States is considering abolishing gasoline and switching to "electric vehicles." 

This is not just the United States. 

Every country has a policy of popularizing "electric vehicles". 

However, I want the Biden administration to "rethink." 

And I want the Biden administration to "advocate" the switch to "hydrogen vehicles" at the climate summit.

The problem is the production of "cheap hydrogen". 

Until the development of technology that can produce hydrogen from water at low cost, 

there should be a "period" for producing hydrogen from natural gas (shale gas). 

This leaves the work of workers engaged in the production of natural gas (shale gas). 

Of course, the rest of the separated "hydrogen" should be returned to the ground. 

President Biden should proceed with "decarbonization" without robbing the jobs of workers in the United States and around the world.

China is already a developed country. 

China should be treated the same as a G7 country. 

Competition should be fair in the global economy. 

New construction or export of coal-fired power plants in China should be banned. 

As with coal-fired power plants, the reduction of "CO2" in the "steel industry", 

which emits a large amount of "Co2", should be ruled.

Part 1 At the Climate Summit scheduled to be held on April 22, 

the United States is expected to strengthen its efforts to reduce greenhouse gases based 

on the Paris Agreement, an international framework for combating global warming.

The Paris Agreement sets a target value to limit the temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

The executive order signed by Mr. Biden also includes:

Suspending the granting of new lease rights to state-owned and public land to oil and gas companies, 

and setting climate change measures as a pillar of diplomacy and national security.


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

Proven by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" 

by freedom and democracy and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


Proposal from Japanese February 06, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, I think US workers are relieved. President Joe Biden has announced that he will hold a climate summit in April. He expressed his intention not to ban hydraulic fracturing. An "electric vehicle" charges the generated electricity into a lithium battery or the like and uses the electricity as power. It is a "laughing story" to say "decarbonization" by charging an "electric vehicle" with the electricity generated by a "coal-fired power plant". "Electric vehicles" have a small number of parts, so many workers are deprived of their jobs. This deprives automobile workers not only in the United States but around the world of their jobs. It will significantly change the industrial structure. The United States is considering abolishing gasoline and switching to "electric vehicles." This is not just the United States. Every country has a policy of popularizing "electric vehicles". However, I want the Biden administration to "rethink." And I want the Biden administration to "advocate" the switch to "hydrogen vehicles" at the climate summit.

 Proposal from Japanese

February 06, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

I think US workers are relieved. President Joe Biden has announced 

that he will hold a climate summit in April. 

He expressed his intention not to ban hydraulic fracturing.

An "electric vehicle" charges the generated electricity into a lithium battery 

or the like and uses the electricity as power.

It is a "laughing story" to say "decarbonization" 

by charging an "electric vehicle" with the electricity generated by a "coal-fired power plant".

"Electric vehicles" have a small number of parts, so many workers are deprived of their jobs. 

This deprives automobile workers not only in the United States but around the world of their jobs. 

It will significantly change the industrial structure.

The United States is considering abolishing gasoline and switching to "electric vehicles." 

This is not just the United States. 

Every country has a policy of popularizing "electric vehicles". 

However, I want the Biden administration to "rethink." 

And I want the Biden administration to "advocate" the switch to "hydrogen vehicles" at the climate summit.

The problem is the production of "cheap hydrogen". 

Until the development of technology that can produce hydrogen from water at low cost, 

there should be a "period" for producing hydrogen from natural gas (shale gas). 

This leaves the work of workers engaged in the production of natural gas (shale gas). 

Of course, the rest of the separated "hydrogen" should be returned to the ground. 

President Biden should proceed with "decarbonization" without robbing the jobs of workers in the United States and around the world.

China is already a developed country. 

China should be treated the same as a G7 country. 

Competition should be fair in the global economy. 

New construction or export of coal-fired power plants in China should be banned. 

As with coal-fired power plants, the reduction of "CO2" in the "steel industry", 

which emits a large amount of "Co2", should be ruled.

Part 1 At the Climate Summit scheduled to be held on April 22, 

the United States is expected to strengthen its efforts to reduce greenhouse gases based 

on the Paris Agreement, an international framework for combating global warming.

The Paris Agreement sets a target value to limit the temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

The executive order signed by Mr. Biden also includes:

Suspending the granting of new lease rights to state-owned and public land to oil and gas companies, 

and setting climate change measures as a pillar of diplomacy and national security.


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

Proven by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" 

by freedom and democracy and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano



Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which completely bans the possession and use of nuclear weapons, came into effect on January 22 in 50 ratifying countries and regions, including Austria. However, nuclear-weapon states such as "US, Russia, Britain, France and China" have not joined the treaty. Japan, the only "nuclear bombed country" in the world, has not participated. It's crazy Japan! (Countries that possess nuclear weapons, although not permitted by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) are India, Pakistan, and North Korea. The international community should treat North Korea in the same way as India and Pakistan. However, North Korea should swear by the United Nations that it will not conduct nuclear tests and will not develop intercontinental ballistic missiles.

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" 

and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", 

it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona".

This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera".

You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" 

and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"!

Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed 

in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

February 07, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

"India, Pakistan, and North Korea" and "Iran" are lagging behind 

in technological development of a "decarbonized society." 

Since these countries cannot mine "cheap lithium", 

they should lead the world by developing technology to produce "hydrogen" cheaply from "water". 

From now on, a country that uniforms a "decarbonized society" will become a hegemonic nation. 

We should suspend the development of "nuclear weapons" 

and concentrate on the development of producing "hydrogen from water".

Oil companies should establish technology to produce "hydrogen" 

from "natural gas" and survive in a "decarbonized society."

Oil companies should move from "water" to "hydrogen" production in the second step.

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), 

which completely bans the possession and use of nuclear weapons, 

came into effect on January 22 in 50 ratifying countries and regions, 

including Austria. However, nuclear-weapon states such as "US, Russia, Britain, 

France and China" have not joined the treaty. 

Japan, the only "nuclear bombed country" in the world, has not participated. It's crazy Japan!

(Countries that possess nuclear weapons, 

although not permitted by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) are India, Pakistan, and North Korea.

The international community should treat North Korea in the same way as India and Pakistan.

However, North Korea should swear by the United Nations 

that it will not conduct nuclear tests and will not develop intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Part 1 The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), 

which completely bans the possession and use of nuclear weapons, 

came into effect on the 22nd in 50 ratifying countries and regions such as Austria. 

Nuclear powers such as the United States, Britain, France, China 

and Russia have not participated in the treaty. 

Participating countries expect the "effect" 

that the entry into force of the treaty will lead to "pressure" on "nuclear-weapon states."

Countries that rely on the US "nuclear umbrella", such as Japan and South Korea, 

have not participated in the treaty. 

The Japanese government is sympathetic to the goal of eliminating nuclear weapons, 

but is cautious about joining the treaty.


1) List of countries that possess nuclear weapons.

Countries possessing nuclear weapons (5 major countries)

United States, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, France, China!

2) Countries possessing nuclear weapons (countries that possess nuclear weapons, 

although not permitted by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty)

India, Pakistan, North Korea!

3) Countries suspected of possessing nuclear weapons.

Israel, Iran, Syria, (Saudi Arabia), (Myanmar)


"Monolith" in the United States has the technology to produce hydrogen, 

which is a next-generation fuel that has become a hot topic recently, 

with less carbon dioxide emissions than before.

As the demand for hydrogen increases, so does the production of hydrogen.

However, no matter how earth-friendly hydrogen is, 

if it emits a large amount of carbon dioxide due to the production of hydrogen, 

it will not be earth-friendly energy.

The important thing is how to produce hydrogen without emitting carbon dioxide.

The great thing about this monolith technology is that it produces hydrogen 

at the same time as producing carbon black, an indispensable raw material, 

and uses renewable energy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

It is very kind to the earth to reduce carbon dioxide emissions with technology 

that does not waste raw materials.

For more information, please visit the Monolish homepage. Here it is.



I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

Proven by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" 

by freedom and democracy and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

February 07, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, "India, Pakistan, and North Korea" and "Iran" are lagging behind in technological development of a "decarbonized society." Since these countries cannot mine "cheap lithium", they should lead the world by developing technology to produce "hydrogen" cheaply from "water". From now on, a country that uniforms a "decarbonized society" will become a hegemonic nation. We should suspend the development of "nuclear weapons" and concentrate on the development of producing "hydrogen from water". Oil companies should establish technology to produce "hydrogen" from "natural gas" and survive in a "decarbonized society." Oil companies should move from "water" to "hydrogen" production in the second step.

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" 

and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", 

it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona".

This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera".

You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" 

and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"!

Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed 

in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

February 07, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

"India, Pakistan, and North Korea" and "Iran" are lagging behind 

in technological development of a "decarbonized society." 

Since these countries cannot mine "cheap lithium", 

they should lead the world by developing technology to produce "hydrogen" cheaply from "water". 

From now on, a country that uniforms a "decarbonized society" will become a hegemonic nation. 

We should suspend the development of "nuclear weapons" 

and concentrate on the development of producing "hydrogen from water".

Oil companies should establish technology to produce "hydrogen" 

from "natural gas" and survive in a "decarbonized society."

Oil companies should move from "water" to "hydrogen" production in the second step.

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), 

which completely bans the possession and use of nuclear weapons, 

came into effect on January 22 in 50 ratifying countries and regions, 

including Austria. However, nuclear-weapon states such as "US, Russia, Britain, 

France and China" have not joined the treaty. 

Japan, the only "nuclear bombed country" in the world, has not participated. It's crazy Japan!

(Countries that possess nuclear weapons, 

although not permitted by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) are India, Pakistan, and North Korea.

The international community should treat North Korea in the same way as India and Pakistan.

However, North Korea should swear by the United Nations 

that it will not conduct nuclear tests and will not develop intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Part 1 The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), 

which completely bans the possession and use of nuclear weapons, 

came into effect on the 22nd in 50 ratifying countries and regions such as Austria. 

Nuclear powers such as the United States, Britain, France, China 

and Russia have not participated in the treaty. 

Participating countries expect the "effect" 

that the entry into force of the treaty will lead to "pressure" on "nuclear-weapon states."

Countries that rely on the US "nuclear umbrella", such as Japan and South Korea, 

have not participated in the treaty. 

The Japanese government is sympathetic to the goal of eliminating nuclear weapons, 

but is cautious about joining the treaty.


1) List of countries that possess nuclear weapons.

Countries possessing nuclear weapons (5 major countries)

United States, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, France, China!

2) Countries possessing nuclear weapons (countries that possess nuclear weapons, 

although not permitted by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty)

India, Pakistan, North Korea!

3) Countries suspected of possessing nuclear weapons.

Israel, Iran, Syria, (Saudi Arabia), (Myanmar)


"Monolith" in the United States has the technology to produce hydrogen, 

which is a next-generation fuel that has become a hot topic recently, 

with less carbon dioxide emissions than before.

As the demand for hydrogen increases, so does the production of hydrogen.

However, no matter how earth-friendly hydrogen is, 

if it emits a large amount of carbon dioxide due to the production of hydrogen, 

it will not be earth-friendly energy.

The important thing is how to produce hydrogen without emitting carbon dioxide.

The great thing about this monolith technology is that it produces hydrogen 

at the same time as producing carbon black, an indispensable raw material, 

and uses renewable energy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

It is very kind to the earth to reduce carbon dioxide emissions with technology 

that does not waste raw materials.

For more information, please visit the Monolish homepage. Here it is.



I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

Proven by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" 

by freedom and democracy and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona". This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera". You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"! Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" 

and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", 

it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona".

This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera".

You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" 

and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"!

Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed 

in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

February 07, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

"India, Pakistan, and North Korea" and "Iran" are lagging behind 

in technological development of a "decarbonized society." 

Since these countries cannot mine "cheap lithium", 

they should lead the world by developing technology to produce "hydrogen" cheaply from "water". 

From now on, a country that uniforms a "decarbonized society" will become a hegemonic nation. 

We should suspend the development of "nuclear weapons" 

and concentrate on the development of producing "hydrogen from water".

Oil companies should establish technology to produce "hydrogen" 

from "natural gas" and survive in a "decarbonized society."

Oil companies should move from "water" to "hydrogen" production in the second step.

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), 

which completely bans the possession and use of nuclear weapons, 

came into effect on January 22 in 50 ratifying countries and regions, 

including Austria. However, nuclear-weapon states such as "US, Russia, Britain, 

France and China" have not joined the treaty. 

Japan, the only "nuclear bombed country" in the world, has not participated. It's crazy Japan!

(Countries that possess nuclear weapons, 

although not permitted by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) are India, Pakistan, and North Korea.

The international community should treat North Korea in the same way as India and Pakistan.

However, North Korea should swear by the United Nations 

that it will not conduct nuclear tests and will not develop intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Part 1 The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), 

which completely bans the possession and use of nuclear weapons, 

came into effect on the 22nd in 50 ratifying countries and regions such as Austria. 

Nuclear powers such as the United States, Britain, France, China 

and Russia have not participated in the treaty. 

Participating countries expect the "effect" 

that the entry into force of the treaty will lead to "pressure" on "nuclear-weapon states."

Countries that rely on the US "nuclear umbrella", such as Japan and South Korea, 

have not participated in the treaty. 

The Japanese government is sympathetic to the goal of eliminating nuclear weapons, 

but is cautious about joining the treaty.


1) List of countries that possess nuclear weapons.

Countries possessing nuclear weapons (5 major countries)

United States, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, France, China!

2) Countries possessing nuclear weapons (countries that possess nuclear weapons, 

although not permitted by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty)

India, Pakistan, North Korea!

3) Countries suspected of possessing nuclear weapons.

Israel, Iran, Syria, (Saudi Arabia), (Myanmar)


"Monolith" in the United States has the technology to produce hydrogen, 

which is a next-generation fuel that has become a hot topic recently, 

with less carbon dioxide emissions than before.

As the demand for hydrogen increases, so does the production of hydrogen.

However, no matter how earth-friendly hydrogen is, 

if it emits a large amount of carbon dioxide due to the production of hydrogen, 

it will not be earth-friendly energy.

The important thing is how to produce hydrogen without emitting carbon dioxide.

The great thing about this monolith technology is that it produces hydrogen 

at the same time as producing carbon black, an indispensable raw material, 

and uses renewable energy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

It is very kind to the earth to reduce carbon dioxide emissions with technology 

that does not waste raw materials.

For more information, please visit the Monolish homepage. Here it is.



I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

Proven by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control Act". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" 

by freedom and democracy and "respect for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.





If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


Au président français Emmanuel Macron 05/02/2021: Cher Monsieur,Mais la situation est similaire à celle des années 50, lorsque la ressource pétrolière était entre les mains de certains pays auparavant plus faibles. Cependant, «Si le prix du lithium double, 10 projets économiques seront bientôt lancés en Europe.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

J'ai soumis des informations supplémentaires au Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies (ohchr).

J'ai lu un article qui traduisait la couverture de France AFP.

L'arrestation et la séquestration de "Carlos Gone" viole les articles 9, 10 et 11 de la "Déclaration mondiale des droits de l'homme".

Et parce qu'il viole les articles 9, 10 et 14 du «Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques», le Groupe de travail des Nations Unies l'a repris.

«J'ai» également soumis des «documents supplémentaires» de «ce point de vue».

Le Japon n'a pas ratifié le "système de notification".

Cependant, les avocats de M. Gone, François Jimeret et Jessica Finnell, des «plaintes» au gouvernement japonais ont été débattues au sein du groupe de travail.

Dans l'affirmative, mes "plaintes" devraient également être traitées par le "Groupe de travail sur la détention arbitraire". Aidez-nous à le faire!

Veuillez soutenir ce numéro avec le Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies.

Je ne peux pas «joindre un fichier» car il y a beaucoup de matériel.

En ce qui concerne les documents, des "Documents pour soumettre des plaintes" ont été téléchargés ci-dessous, veuillez donc les télécharger.


05/02/2021: Cher Monsieur,

Cela ne peut être comparé à une "pénurie de semi-conducteurs"! L'avenir des «véhicules électriques» influencera le monde!

C'est pourquoi j'appelle à la promotion des «véhicules à hydrogène»!

Mais nous attendons aussi une histoire de rêve.

J'étais émerveillé! En raison de la pénurie mondiale de semi-conducteurs, les réductions de production se répandent parmi les constructeurs automobiles.

Cette relation causale est trop compliquée. La demande d'automobiles a diminué en raison de la propagation de la nouvelle infection à coronavirus et les commandes de semi-conducteurs pour automobiles ont été réduites.

Cependant, lorsque ces entreprises ont voulu augmenter l'offre vers la fin de 2020, il est devenu difficile de sécuriser la capacité de production de semi-conducteurs.

Je pense que ce problème sera bientôt résolu car le "principal pays producteur" est Taiwan.

Le problème est que les véhicules de la prochaine génération qui remplaceront l'essence sont susceptibles de devenir des «véhicules électriques».

Le Japon, qui a inventé la batterie lithium-ion, monopolisait la production, mais la production ne croît pas maintenant.

Actuellement, les batteries lithium-ion sont déjà en concurrence sur les prix, la Chine et la Corée du Sud devenant les leaders des prix.

Le monde a besoin de lithium. Cependant, très peu de régions peuvent produire de grandes quantités de lithium.

L'Argentine, la Bolivie et le Chili, connus sous le nom de «triangle du lithium» en Amérique du Sud, représentent plus de la moitié de l'approvisionnement total mondial.

Le lithium changera-t-il la carte de puissance mondiale? Jusqu'à présent, les choses se passent paisiblement.

Mais la situation est similaire à celle des années 50, lorsque la ressource pétrolière était entre les mains de certains pays auparavant plus faibles.

Cependant, «Si le prix du lithium double, 10 projets économiques seront bientôt lancés en Europe.

Partie 1 La pénurie actuelle de semi-conducteurs, qui a obligé les constructeurs automobiles à arrêter la production et à aggraver les relations avec les fabricants de puces à semi-conducteurs, est due à une planification à courte vue, à la complexité de la chaîne d'approvisionnement et à la pratique de l'industrie automobile de maintenir les stocks à un faible niveau. ..

Une personne familière avec la situation révélée.


Le plus gros consommateur d'automobiles est Tesla, le plus grand producteur mondial de BEV.

Auparavant, il était acheté auprès d'une seule société Panasonic, mais maintenant il est acquis auprès de plusieurs sociétés telles que CATL, LG Chemical et BYD.

Pour le moment, l'électrolyte liquide actuel de type LiB sera utilisé pour les BEV et PHEV.

On dit que l'application pratique des batteries entièrement solides est dans plus de 7 à 8 ans.

En outre, afin de mettre en pratique des batteries entièrement solides, il est nécessaire de mettre à jour les installations de production.

Actuellement, la majeure partie de la production de LiB embarquée dans le monde est couverte par des sociétés chinoises et coréennes.

Le Japon, l'inventeur du LiB, monopolisait la production, mais la production n'augmente pas maintenant.


Le professeur Andrew Baron de l'Université de Swansea, qui se spécialise dans l'énergie à faible émission de carbone et les questions environnementales, spécule.

Le Pays de Galles, en Angleterre, a à lui seul besoin de suffisamment de lithium pour manquer de la «production annuelle» de la Bolivie.

Développer des affaires centrées sur la sécurisation des métaux rares requis dans l'industrie technologique

Brian Menell, PDG de TechMet, a déclaré.

Jusqu'à présent, l'offre de lithium répond à la demande, mais à mesure que la demande augmentera au cours de la prochaine décennie, l'écart avec l'offre commencera à se creuser.

«Les chances que le lithium soit remplacé par quelque chose diminuent».

Le président bolivien Evo Morales a fait un geste remarquable à cet égard.

Mais il y a aussi un gros scénario d'inversion!

Des projets miniers en Cornouailles, en Angleterre, en Saxe, en Allemagne, et des projets d'eau de mer contenant du lithium en Alsace, en France, peuvent être envisagés », déclare Menell.


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une fausse accusation. Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Veuillez consulter ce qui suit pour les "fausses accusations" de "crime de soutien pour violation de la loi sur l'immigration" en 2010





Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


★ Veuillez acheter un déjeuner préparé par une personne handicapée! Veuillez nous appeler. Veuillez présenter.


★ "Le malheur des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les peuples du monde" Pour plus d'informations


An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-02-05: Sehr geehrter Herr, Die Welt braucht Lithium. Nur sehr wenige Gebiete können jedoch große Mengen an Lithium produzieren. Argentinien, Bolivien und Chile, in Südamerika als "Lithiumdreieck" bekannt, machen mehr als die Hälfte des weltweiten Gesamtangebots aus. Wird Lithium die Weltmachtkarte verändern? Bisher läuft es friedlich.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

Ich habe dem Menschenrechtsausschuss der Vereinten Nationen (ohchr) zusätzliches Material vorgelegt.

Ich habe einen Artikel gelesen, der die Berichterstattung über France AFP übersetzt hat.

Die Festnahme und Inhaftierung von "Carlos Gone" verstößt gegen Artikel 9, 10 und 11 der "World Human Rights Declaration" sowie gegen Artikel 9, 10 und 14 des "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights". Es wurde von der UN-Arbeitsgruppe aufgegriffen, weil es dagegen verstieß. "Ich" reichte auch "zusätzliche Materialien" aus "dieser Sicht" ein.

Japan hat das "Meldesystem" nicht ratifiziert.

Die Anwälte von Herrn Gone, François Jimeret und Jessica Finnell, "Beschwerden" an die japanische Regierung wurden jedoch in der Arbeitsgruppe erörtert.

In diesem Fall sollten meine "Beschwerden" auch von der "Arbeitsgruppe für willkürliche Inhaftierung" behandelt werden. Bitte helfen Sie uns dabei!

Bitte unterstützen Sie dieses Thema vom Menschenrechtsausschuss der Vereinten Nationen.

Ich kann keine Datei anhängen, da es viele Materialien gibt.

Die Materialien "Dokumente zum Einreichen von Beschwerden" wurden unten hochgeladen. Laden Sie sie daher bitte herunter.


2021-02-05: Sehr geehrter Herr,

Es ist nicht mit "Halbleitermangel" zu vergleichen! Die Zukunft der "Elektrofahrzeuge" wird die Welt beeinflussen!

Deshalb fordere ich die Förderung von "Wasserstofffahrzeugen"!

Wir warten aber auch auf eine Traumgeschichte.

Ich war erstaunt! Aufgrund des weltweiten Halbleitermangels breiten sich die Produktionskürzungen unter den Automobilherstellern aus.

Dieser Kausalzusammenhang ist zu kompliziert. Die Nachfrage nach Automobilen ging aufgrund der Ausbreitung der neuen Coronavirus-Infektion zurück, und die Bestellungen für Halbleiter für Automobile wurden reduziert.

Als diese Unternehmen jedoch gegen Ende 2020 das Angebot erhöhen wollten, wurde es schwierig, die Produktionskapazität für Halbleiter zu sichern.

Ich denke, dieses Problem wird bald gelöst sein, da Taiwan das "Hauptproduktionsland" ist.

Das Problem ist, dass Fahrzeuge der nächsten Generation, die Benzin ersetzen, wahrscheinlich zu "Elektrofahrzeugen" werden.

Japan, das die Lithium-Ionen-Batterie erfunden hat, hat früher die Produktion monopolisiert, aber die Produktion wächst jetzt nicht.

Derzeit stehen Lithium-Ionen-Batterien bereits im Preiswettbewerb, wobei China und Südkorea Preisführer werden.

Die Welt braucht Lithium. Nur sehr wenige Gebiete können jedoch große Mengen an Lithium produzieren.

Argentinien, Bolivien und Chile, in Südamerika als "Lithiumdreieck" bekannt, machen mehr als die Hälfte des weltweiten Gesamtangebots aus.

Wird Lithium die Weltmachtkarte verändern? Bisher läuft es friedlich.

Die Situation ist jedoch ähnlich wie in den 1950er Jahren, als die Ölressource in den Händen einiger zuvor schwächerer Länder lag.

"Wenn sich der Lithiumpreis verdoppelt, werden bald 10 Wirtschaftsprojekte in Europa gestartet.

Teil 1 Der derzeitige Mangel an Halbleitern, der die Autohersteller gezwungen hat, die Produktion einzustellen und die Beziehungen zu den Herstellern von Halbleiterchips zu verschlechtern, ist auf die kurzsichtige Planung, die Komplexität der Lieferkette und die Praxis der Autoindustrie zurückzuführen, die Lagerbestände niedrig zu halten.

Eine Person, die mit der Situation vertraut ist, enthüllt.


Der größte Automobilverbraucher ist Tesla, der weltweit größte Hersteller von BEVs.

Früher wurde es von einem Unternehmen von Panasonic bezogen, jetzt wird es von mehreren Unternehmen wie CATL, LG Chemical und BYD bezogen.

Derzeit wird das derzeitige flüssige Elektrolyt LiB für BEVs und PHEVs verwendet.

Es wird gesagt, dass die praktische Anwendung von Festkörperbatterien mehr als 7 bis 8 Jahre entfernt ist.

Darüber hinaus müssen die Produktionsanlagen aktualisiert werden, um Festkörperbatterien in die Praxis umzusetzen.

Derzeit wird der größte Teil der Fahrzeug-LiB-Produktion weltweit von chinesischen und koreanischen Unternehmen abgedeckt.

Japan, der Erfinder von LiB, hat früher die Produktion monopolisiert, aber die Produktion wächst jetzt nicht.


Professor Andrew Baron von der Swansea University, der sich auf kohlenstoffarme Energie- und Umweltfragen spezialisiert hat, spekuliert.

Allein in Wales, England, wird genug Lithium benötigt, um die "Jahresproduktion" Boliviens zu erschöpfen.

Entwicklung eines Geschäfts, das sich auf die Sicherung seltener Metalle konzentriert, die in der Technologiebranche benötigt werden

Brian Menell, CEO von TechMet, sagte.

Bisher deckt das Angebot an Lithium die Nachfrage, aber wenn die Nachfrage im nächsten Jahrzehnt wächst, wird sich die Lücke zum Angebot vergrößern.

"Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Lithium durch etwas ersetzt wird, wird sich verringern."

Der bolivianische Präsident Evo Morales hat in dieser Hinsicht einen bemerkenswerten Schritt unternommen.

Es gibt aber auch ein großes Umkehrszenario!

Bergbauprojekte in Cornwall, England, Sachsen, Deutschland und lithiumhaltige Meerwasserprojekte im Elsass in Frankreich können in Betracht gezogen werden ", sagt Menell.


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine falsche Anklage. Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Im Folgenden finden Sie "falsche Anschuldigungen" wegen "Verbrechensbekämpfung wegen Verstoßes gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" im Jahr 2010





Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano

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