
Au président français Emmanuel Macron uelle est la différence entre les «aliments génétiquement modifiés» comme le maïs et les «vaccins génétiquement modifiés contre les nouveaux coronas»? Le «vaccin à ADN» et le «vaccin à ARNm» n'augmentent pas après leur introduction dans le corps. Un virus qui a été génétiquement modifié et modifié se multipliera à l'intérieur des cellules après avoir été introduit dans l'organisme sous forme de vaccin. La caractéristique des vaccins à virus génétiquement modifiés est qu'il existe de nombreuses inconnues sur la façon dont ils les affectent.

 Au président français Emmanuel MacronIl faut supposer que la suspicion de séquelles réside dans le «vaccin génétiquement modifié pour la nouvelle corona».

Les gouvernements de chaque pays devraient expliquer au public.


03/03/2021: Cher Monsieur,

uelle est la différence entre les «aliments génétiquement modifiés» comme le maïs et les «vaccins génétiquement modifiés contre les nouveaux coronas»?

Le «vaccin à ADN» et le «vaccin à ARNm» n'augmentent pas après leur introduction dans le corps.

Un virus qui a été génétiquement modifié et modifié se multipliera à l'intérieur des cellules après avoir été introduit dans l'organisme sous forme de vaccin.

La caractéristique des vaccins à virus génétiquement modifiés est qu'il existe de nombreuses inconnues sur la façon dont ils les affectent.

Si une femme enceinte est vaccinée avec un «vaccin génétiquement modifié pour la nouvelle couronne» et accouche, qu'adviendra-t-il des gènes de l'enfant né?

Il ne peut y avoir aucune «preuve» de séquelles.

Des «preuves» peuvent être trouvées en enquêtant et en analysant la survenue d'enfants avec des séquelles.

Il faut beaucoup de temps pour enquêter sur la cause. Les frais de justice et l'indemnisation ne peuvent pas être calculés.

Par conséquent, le fabricant de vaccins expédie à condition qu'il ne soit pas responsable. Cette responsabilité incombe aux gouvernements de chaque pays.

Les gouvernements de chaque pays devraient former une «équipe d'enquête» à l'avance pour faire face aux séquelles du «vaccin génétiquement modifié pour la nouvelle couronne» et assurer le suivi de tous les inoculateurs.

Partie 1 Vous devez comprendre les vaccins à virus génétiquement modifiés.

Beaucoup de gens se méfient des aliments génétiquement modifiés.

Cependant, peu de gens semblent se méfier du vaccin génétiquement modifié prévu cette fois.

Dans un vaccin viral, un virus qui envahit les cellules musculaires et se propage infecte d'autres cellules et se propage.

De cette manière, le virus génétiquement modifié se propage dans l'organisme et le nombre de cellules infectées augmente.

En conséquence, la nouvelle protéine chorovirus introduite par le gène est produite dans la cellule et est phagocytée par des macrophages et similaires.

Les macrophages transmettent des informations sur les nouvelles coloprotéines aux lymphocytes,

On pense que certains lymphocytes deviennent des cellules productrices d'anticorps et produisent des anticorps.

La croissance de ce virus devrait être supprimée par le "mécanisme d'immunité" de "l'hôte", mais on ne sait pas combien de temps le virus continuera à se développer.

De plus, les réactions secondaires dues à l'inflammation sont inévitables à un certain niveau.

Les différences d'immunité individuelle peuvent affecter l'apparition de réactions secondaires.


La méthode actuellement en développement est la vaccination par injection, et je pense qu'elle a pour rôle de prévenir l'aggravation en agissant par voie sanguine.

En revanche, il peut être difficile de prévenir l'infection car il est difficile d'atteindre les voies respiratoires supérieures (nez, gorge, etc.), qui sont la voie de l'infection.


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 indique que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une fausse accusation. Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Veuillez consulter ce qui suit pour les "fausses accusations" de "crimes de soutien pour violations du droit de l'immigration" en 2010



Langue Anglaise.


Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano


L'activité économique devrait être «revenue» à la normale même sous la «nouvelle couronne»!

Vais-je continuer à recevoir le vaccin corona deux ou trois fois par an? Fou!

Comme la thermographie, nous devrions développer un «testeur» qui «trouve» instantanément un «positif».

Dans certains endroits testés, les «personnes positives» peuvent reprendre une «vie normale» sans masque! Veuillez consulter le rapport précédent pour plus de détails.

Soumis des informations supplémentaires au Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies (OHCHR).


Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


★ Veuillez acheter un déjeuner préparé par une personne handicapée! Veuillez nous appeler. Veuillez présenter.


★ "Le malheur des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les peuples du monde" Pour plus d'informations


To President Biden! Americans should "blame" the "Biden administration"! The EU and Britain should "blame" the "US-Japan administration"! It's an embarrassing act of buying and selling human rights! The Human Rights Council "Working Group" has found Mr Ghosn not guilty! Parents and children are human rights heroes! "Only two countries, the United States and South Korea," have signed an extradition treaty with Japan. Other countries refuse to "conclude" due to Japan's "judicial system" and "human rights issues." Japan has "arbitrarily" "arrested" Mr. Ghosn and his American parents and children by "authoritarianism"! The Biden administration has sold American parents and children to Japan to "keep Japan in the alliance"! This is worse than the Trump administration! Return Mr. Trump to the White House! !! Ghosn's escape aid American parent and child transferred to Japan

 To President Biden!

Americans should "blame" the "Biden administration"!

The EU and Britain should "blame" the "US-Japan administration"! It's an embarrassing act of buying and selling human rights!

The Human Rights Council "Working Group" has found Mr Ghosn not guilty! Parents and children are human rights heroes!

"Only two countries, the United States and South Korea," have signed an extradition treaty with Japan. Other countries refuse to "conclude" due to Japan's "judicial system" and "human rights issues."

Japan has "arbitrarily" "arrested" Mr. Ghosn and his American parents and children by "authoritarianism"!

The Biden administration has sold American parents and children to Japan to "keep Japan in the alliance"!

This is worse than the Trump administration! Return Mr. Trump to the White House! !!

Ghosn's escape aid American parent and child transferred to Japan


2021-03-03: Dear Sir,

It should be assumed that the suspicion of sequelae lies 

in the "genetically modified vaccine for the new corona".

Governments of each country should explain to the public. 

What is the difference between "genetically modified foods" such as corn 

and "genetically modified vaccines for new coronas"?

"DNA vaccine" and "mRNA vaccine" do not increase after being introduced into the body.

A virus that has been genetically modified 

and modified will multiply inside cells after being introduced into the body as a vaccine.

The characteristic of genetically modified virus vaccines is 

that there are many unknowns about how they affect them.

If a pregnant woman is vaccinated with a "genetically modified vaccine for the new corona" 

and gives birth, what will happen to the genes of the child born? 

There can be no "evidence" of sequelae. 

"Evidence" can be found by investigating and analyzing the occurrence of children with sequelae. 

It takes a very long time to investigate the cause. 

Court costs and compensation cannot be calculated. Therefore, 

the vaccine manufacturer ships on the condition that it is not responsible. 

This responsibility lies with the governments of each country.

Governments of each country should form a “survey team” 

in advance to deal with the aftereffects of the “genetically modified vaccine for the new corona” 

and follow up all inoculators.

Part 1 You should understand genetically modified virus vaccines.

Many people are wary of genetically modified foods.

However, few people seem to be wary of the genetically modified vaccine planned this time.

In a virus vaccine, a virus that invades muscle cells and propagates infects other cells and spreads.

In this way, the genetically modified virus propagates in the body 

and the number of infected cells increases.

As a result, the gene-introduced new chorovirus protein is produced in the cell 

and is phagocytosed by macrophages and the like.

It is thought that macrophages transmit information on new coloproteins to lymphocytes, 

and some of the lymphocytes become antibody-producing cells to produce antibodies.

The growth of this virus should be suppressed by the "immunity mechanism" of the "host", 

but it is unknown how long the virus will continue to grow.

In addition, side reactions due to inflammation are unavoidable to a certain level.

Differences in individual immunity can affect the appearance of side reactions.


The method currently under development is vaccination by injection, 

and I think that it has a role to prevent aggravation by acting through blood.

On the other hand, it may be difficult to prevent infection 

because it is difficult to reach the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, etc.),

 which is the infection route.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! 

Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).


For uncertainties, please contact us!





★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、



Au président français Emmanuel Macron Le président américain Joe Biden a mis en garde contre la Chine, qui a organisé un sommet téléphonique, en disant: "Si nous ne faisons rien, nous serons vaincus". je dis La "frontière avec le Mexique" de "Sunbelt" devrait être une "zone spéciale"! Et je continue à dire à cette "zone spéciale" que je devrais fournir des "terrains d'usine" et une "main-d'œuvre bon marché" aux entreprises qui délocalisent des usines depuis la Chine. Nous devrions accepter les «pauvres» (immigrants illégaux) venant d'Amérique latine aux États-Unis comme «immigrants provisoires» et les embaucher comme «apprentis». Les produits ne peuvent pas être fabriqués uniquement par des «apprentis». De nombreux travailleurs américains sont nécessaires! Le président Biden doit agir concrètement.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

02/03/2021: Cher Monsieur,

La Constitution de paix du Japon reconnaît le «droit de légitime défense» pour protéger la vie des gens.

Pour cela, nous avons les "Forces d'autodéfense". Le «Parti démocrate libéral et le gouvernement Komeito» devraient exercer le droit de légitime défense.

Sur la base du «Traité de sécurité nippo-américain», l'armée américaine devrait «attaquer» les «navires de guerre des garde-côtes chinois» appartenant à l'armée chinoise qui ont envahi les eaux territoriales.

De nombreux législateurs du PLD «flirtent» avec la Chine. Nous avons besoin du soutien de l'armée américaine.

Dans les «îles Senkaku», les navires des «troupes chinoises» «traquent constamment les bateaux de pêche». Les pêcheurs disent effrayant!

Il y a des voix qui disent qu'ils ne peuvent pas pêcher.

Le ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères a affirmé qu'il s'agissait "d'un acte légitime de protection de la souveraineté" en réponse à la protestation du gouvernement japonais lorsqu'un navire des garde-côtes chinois a envahi le territoire des îles Senkaku.

Le gouvernement japonais a protesté par les voies diplomatiques à la suite de l'invasion des eaux territoriales, et "le secrétaire en chef du cabinet Kato" a souligné que c'était "absolument inacceptable".

Cela se répète. Le «gouvernement du Japon» n'a pas le «courage» de «protéger» le territoire japonais (eaux territoriales)!

La communauté internationale devrait donner au gouvernement japonais un "maillet de fer"!

Le président américain Joe Biden a mis en garde contre la Chine, qui a organisé un sommet téléphonique, en disant: "Si nous ne faisons rien, nous serons vaincus".

je dis La "frontière avec le Mexique" de "Sunbelt" devrait être une "zone spéciale"!

Et je continue à dire à cette "zone spéciale" que je devrais fournir des "terrains d'usine" et une "main-d'œuvre bon marché" aux entreprises qui délocalisent des usines depuis la Chine.

Nous devrions accepter les «pauvres» (immigrants illégaux) venant d'Amérique latine aux États-Unis comme «immigrants provisoires» et les embaucher comme «apprentis». Les produits ne peuvent pas être fabriqués uniquement par des «apprentis».

De nombreux travailleurs américains sont nécessaires! Le président Biden doit agir concrètement.

Partie 1 La Chine envahit le territoire «Senkaku» en tant qu '«acte légitime de protection de la souveraineté» (8 février 2021)

Porte-parole du ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères: << Les îles Diaoyu et les îles attenantes (îles Senkaku) sont des territoires propres à la Chine, et c'est la souveraineté des garde-côtes chinois de naviguer dans les eaux de Diaoyu Dao et d'appliquer la loi conformément à la loi . C'est un acte légitime à protéger. "

On pense que cette application de la loi indique que la partie chinoise a commencé à approcher les bateaux de pêche japonais qui pêchaient autour des îles Senkaku.


Dans les îles Senkaku, où les navires des garde-côtes chinois continuent d'envahir le territoire, des navires équipés d'armes de type canon ont également été confirmés.

Les dernières images tournées le 15 ont montré un bateau chinois poursuivant un bateau de pêche japonais.


Le président Biden a "fait référence" au développement d'infrastructures telles que les projets ferroviaires chinois le 11, affirmant qu '"ils" investissaient des milliards de dollars "et a souligné la nécessité pour les États-Unis d'investir une grande quantité d'argent.

Le président Biden devrait annoncer de nouvelles mesures économiques dans les prochaines semaines, le développement des infrastructures devant être un pilier.

De plus, il a voulu promouvoir des mesures environnementales, et lors de l'élection présidentielle, il s'est engagé à développer des transports publics qui n'émettent pas de gaz à effet de serre.


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 indique que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une fausse accusation. Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Veuillez consulter ce qui suit pour les "fausses accusations" de "crimes de soutien pour violations du droit de l'immigration" en 2010



Langue Anglaise.


Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano


L'activité économique devrait être «revenue» à la normale même sous la «nouvelle couronne»!

Vais-je continuer à recevoir le vaccin corona deux ou trois fois par an? Fou!

Comme la thermographie, nous devrions développer un «testeur» qui «trouve» instantanément un «positif».

Dans certains endroits testés, les «personnes positives» peuvent reprendre une «vie normale» sans masque! Veuillez consulter le rapport précédent pour plus de détails.

Soumis des informations supplémentaires au Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies (OHCHR).


Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


★ Veuillez acheter un déjeuner préparé par une personne handicapée! Veuillez nous appeler. Veuillez présenter.


★ "Le malheur des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les peuples du monde" Pour plus d'informations


An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-03-02: Sehr geehrter Herr,Die japanische Regierung protestierte nach dem Einmarsch in die Hoheitsgewässer auf diplomatischem Wege, und "Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato" betonte, dass dies "absolut inakzeptabel" sei. Dies wird wiederholt. Die "Regierung Japans" hat nicht den "Mut", Japans Territorium (Hoheitsgewässer) zu "schützen"! Die internationale Gemeinschaft sollte der japanischen Regierung einen "Eisenhammer" geben!

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

2021-03-02: Sehr geehrter Herr,

Japans Friedensverfassung erkennt das "Recht auf Selbstverteidigung" zum Schutz des Lebens der Menschen an.

Zu diesem Zweck haben wir die "Selbstverteidigungskräfte". Die "Liberaldemokratische Partei und die Regierung von Komeito" sollten das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung ausüben.

Basierend auf dem "Japan-US-Sicherheitsvertrag" sollte das US-Militär die "Kriegsschiffe der chinesischen Küstenwache" der chinesischen Armee "angreifen", die in die Hoheitsgewässer eingedrungen sind.

Viele LDP-Gesetzgeber "flirten" mit China. Wir brauchen die Unterstützung des US-Militärs.

Auf den "Senkaku-Inseln" "verfolgen" chinesische Truppen beharrlich "Fischerboote". Fischer sagen beängstigend!

Es gibt Stimmen, die sagen, dass sie nicht fischen können.

Das chinesische Außenministerium behauptete, es sei "eine legitime Handlung zum Schutz der Souveränität" als Reaktion auf den Protest der japanischen Regierung, als ein Schiff der chinesischen Küstenwache in das Gebiet der Senkaku-Inseln einfiel.

Die japanische Regierung protestierte nach dem Einmarsch in die Hoheitsgewässer auf diplomatischem Wege, und "Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato" betonte, dass dies "absolut inakzeptabel" sei.

Dies wird wiederholt. Die "Regierung Japans" hat nicht den "Mut", Japans Territorium (Hoheitsgewässer) zu "schützen"!

Die internationale Gemeinschaft sollte der japanischen Regierung einen "Eisenhammer" geben!

US-Präsident Joe Biden warnte vor China, das einen Telefongipfel hatte, und sagte: "Wenn wir nichts tun, werden wir besiegt."

ich sage Die "Grenze zu Mexiko" von "Sunbelt" sollte eine "Sonderzone" sein!

Und ich sage dieser "Sonderzone" weiterhin, dass ich "Fabrikland" und "billige Arbeitskräfte" für Unternehmen bereitstellen sollte, die Fabriken aus China verlagern.

Wir sollten "arme" (illegale Einwanderer), die aus Lateinamerika in die USA kommen, als "provisorische Einwanderer" akzeptieren und sie als "Lehrlinge" einstellen. Produkte können nicht allein von "Lehrlingen" hergestellt werden.

Viele amerikanische Arbeiter gebraucht! Präsident Biden sollte konkret handeln.

Teil 1 China dringt als "legitimer Akt des Schutzes der Souveränität" in das Gebiet von "Senkaku" ein (8. Februar 2021).

Sprecher des chinesischen Außenministeriums: "Die Diaoyu-Inseln und die angeschlossenen Inseln (Senkaku-Inseln) sind Gebiete, die China eigen sind, und die chinesische Küstenwache segelt in den Gewässern von Diaoyu Dao und setzt das Gesetz unter der Souveränität des Gesetzes durch. Es ist eine legitime Handlung beschützen. "

Es wird angenommen, dass diese Strafverfolgung darauf hinweist, dass die chinesische Seite begonnen hat, sich japanischen Fischerbooten zu nähern, die rund um die Senkaku-Inseln fischten.


Auf den Senkaku-Inseln, wo weiterhin Schiffe der chinesischen Küstenwache in das Gebiet eindringen, wurden auch Schiffe bestätigt, die mit waffenähnlichen Waffen ausgerüstet sind.

Das neueste Material, das am 15. aufgenommen wurde, zeigte ein chinesisches Boot, das ein japanisches Fischerboot jagt.


Präsident Biden "verwies" auf die Entwicklung der Infrastruktur wie Chinas Eisenbahnpläne am 11. und sagte, dass "sie" Milliarden von Dollar investieren "und betonte, dass die Vereinigten Staaten eine große Menge Geld investieren müssten.

Präsident Biden wird voraussichtlich in den nächsten Wochen neue wirtschaftliche Maßnahmen ankündigen, wobei die Entwicklung der Infrastruktur eine Säule sein dürfte.

Darüber hinaus wollte er Umweltmaßnahmen fördern und machte sich bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen daran, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel zu entwickeln, die keine Treibhausgase ausstoßen.


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine falsche Anklage. Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Im Folgenden finden Sie die "falschen Anschuldigungen" wegen "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" im Jahr 2010



Englische Sprache.


Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Die wirtschaftliche Aktivität sollte auch unter der "neuen Korona" wieder normalisiert werden!

Erhalte ich den Corona-Impfstoff weiterhin zwei- oder dreimal im Jahr? Verrückt!

Wie bei der Thermografie sollten wir einen "Tester" entwickeln, der sofort ein "Positiv" "findet".

An bestimmten getesteten Orten können "positive Menschen" ohne Masken zum "normalen Leben" zurückkehren! Weitere Informationen finden Sie im vorherigen Bericht.

Übermittlung von zusätzlichem Material an den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen (ohchr).


Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundespremier Merkel" gesendet.

Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.





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★ "Das Unglück anderer ist der Geschmack von Honig" "Liebe rettet die Menschen auf der Welt" Weitere Informationen


To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-03-02: Dear Sir,The US military should attack the "China Coast Guard warship" belonging to the military that invaded the territorial waters based on the "Japan-US Security Treaty". Many LDP lawmakers are "flirting" with China. We need the support of the US military. In the "Senkaku Islands", "Chinese army" ships are persistently "tracking". Scary from fishermen! There are voices saying that they cannot fish. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed that it was "a legitimate act to protect sovereignty" in response to the protest by the Japanese government when a ship of the China Coast Guard invaded the territory of the Senkaku Islands.

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

2021-03-02: Dear Sir,

Japan's Peace Constitution recognizes the "right of self-defense" to protect the lives of the people. 

For that purpose, we have the "Self-Defense Forces". 

The "Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito Government" should exercise the right to self-defense. 

The US military should attack the "China Coast Guard warship" belonging to the military 

that invaded the territorial waters based on the "Japan-US Security Treaty". 

Many LDP lawmakers are "flirting" with China. We need the support of the US military.

In the "Senkaku Islands", "Chinese army" ships are persistently "tracking". 

Scary from fishermen! There are voices saying that they cannot fish. 

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed 

that it was "a legitimate act to protect sovereignty" in response to the protest 

by the Japanese government when a ship of the China Coast Guard invaded the territory of the Senkaku Islands. 

The Japanese government protested through diplomatic routes following the invasion of the territorial waters, 

and Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato emphasized that it was "absolutely unacceptable." 

This is repeated. They have no intention of protecting Japan's land (territorial waters)! 

The international community should give the Japanese government an "iron mallet"!

US President Joe Biden warned about China, 

which had a telephone summit, saying, "If we do nothing, we will be defeated."

I should make the "Sun Belt" border with Mexico a "special zone" "! 

And here we should provide" factory land "and" cheap labor "for companies relocating factories 

from China I keep saying that.

We should accept "poor" (illegal immigrants) coming 

from Latin America to the United States as "provisional immigrants" 

and hire them as "apprentices". 

Products cannot be produced by "apprentices" alone. Many American Workers Needed! 

President Biden should act concretely.

Part 1 China invades the "Senkaku" territory as a "legitimate act of protecting sovereignty" (February 8, 2021)

China Foreign Ministry spokesman: "The Diaoyu Islands 

and the attached islands (Senkaku Islands) are territories peculiar to China, 

and it is the sovereignty of the Chinese Coast Guard to navigate 

in the waters of Diaoyu Dao and enforce the law in accordance with the law. 

It's a legitimate act to protect. "

This law enforcement is believed to indicate 

that the Chinese side has begun to approach Japanese fishing boats that were fishing around the Senkaku Islands.


In the Senkaku Islands, where ships from the China Coast Guard continue to invade the territory, 

ships equipped with gun-like weapons have also been confirmed.

The latest footage shot on the 15th showed a Chinese boat chasing a Japanese fishing boat.


President Biden "referenced" infrastructure development such as China's railway plans on the 11th, 

saying that "they" are "investing billions of dollars" 

and emphasized the need for the United States to invest a large amount of money did.

President Biden is expected to announce new economic measures in the coming weeks, 

with infrastructure development expected to be a pillar.

He also wanted to take environmental measures, 

and his presidential election included the development of public transportation 

that does not emit greenhouse gases.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community.

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).


It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Biden! 2021-03-02: Dear Sir, Japan's Peace Constitution recognizes the "right of self-defense" to protect the lives of the people. For that purpose, we have the "Self-Defense Forces".

 To President Biden!

2021-03-02: Dear Sir,

Japan's Peace Constitution recognizes the "right of self-defense" to protect the lives of the people. 

For that purpose, we have the "Self-Defense Forces". 

The "Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito Government" should exercise the right to self-defense. 

The US military should attack the "China Coast Guard warship" belonging to the military 

that invaded the territorial waters based on the "Japan-US Security Treaty". 

Many LDP lawmakers are "flirting" with China. We need the support of the US military.

In the "Senkaku Islands", "Chinese army" ships are persistently "tracking". 

Scary from fishermen! There are voices saying that they cannot fish. 

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed 

that it was "a legitimate act to protect sovereignty" in response to the protest 

by the Japanese government when a ship of the China Coast Guard invaded the territory of the Senkaku Islands. 

The Japanese government protested through diplomatic routes following the invasion of the territorial waters, 

and Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato emphasized that it was "absolutely unacceptable." 

This is repeated. They have no intention of protecting Japan's land (territorial waters)! 

The international community should give the Japanese government an "iron mallet"!

US President Joe Biden warned about China, 

which had a telephone summit, saying, "If we do nothing, we will be defeated."

I should make the "Sun Belt" border with Mexico a "special zone" "! 

And here we should provide" factory land "and" cheap labor "for companies relocating factories 

from China I keep saying that.

We should accept "poor" (illegal immigrants) coming 

from Latin America to the United States as "provisional immigrants" 

and hire them as "apprentices". 

Products cannot be produced by "apprentices" alone. Many American Workers Needed! 

President Biden should act concretely.

Part 1 China invades the "Senkaku" territory as a "legitimate act of protecting sovereignty" (February 8, 2021)

China Foreign Ministry spokesman: "The Diaoyu Islands 

and the attached islands (Senkaku Islands) are territories peculiar to China, 

and it is the sovereignty of the Chinese Coast Guard to navigate 

in the waters of Diaoyu Dao and enforce the law in accordance with the law. 

It's a legitimate act to protect. "

This law enforcement is believed to indicate 

that the Chinese side has begun to approach Japanese fishing boats that were fishing around the Senkaku Islands.


In the Senkaku Islands, where ships from the China Coast Guard continue to invade the territory, 

ships equipped with gun-like weapons have also been confirmed.

The latest footage shot on the 15th showed a Chinese boat chasing a Japanese fishing boat.


President Biden "referenced" infrastructure development such as China's railway plans on the 11th, 

saying that "they" are "investing billions of dollars" 

and emphasized the need for the United States to invest a large amount of money did.

President Biden is expected to announce new economic measures in the coming weeks, 

with infrastructure development expected to be a pillar.

He also wanted to take environmental measures, 

and his presidential election included the development of public transportation 

that does not emit greenhouse gases.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community.

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! 

Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).


For uncertainties, please contact us!



Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2021-03-01: Cher Monsieur, Le "CIO" devrait exiger son "licenciement". Le Japon aurait "acheté les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Tokyo" pour de l'argent. Le monde devrait protester contre le "gouvernement du Japon, qui utilise les" Jeux olympiques "politiquement!"

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2021-03-01: Cher Monsieur,

Nous demandons la démission de «Seiko Hashimoto», le président du comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Tokyo.

«Position du président» «Changement de tourmente» a commencé avec le «dédain féminin» du «président Yoshiro Mori».

Cependant, les actes passés de "harcèlement sexuel" commis par "Seiko Hashimoto" qui est devenu le "nouveau président" ont également commencé à être rapportés par les médias étrangers et se sont répandus dans le monde entier.

La photo d'un joueur masculin "forcé" de s'embrasser au "siège du saké" de la "soirée de lancement" tenue dans le village olympique après la cérémonie de clôture des "Jeux olympiques d'hiver de Sotchi" est due à un harcèlement sexuel passé. ..

Veuillez consulter «Photographie des preuves» (voir lien). Kyodo News a également été signalé dans la version anglaise comme "la honte japonaise".

Elle a fait un total de sept apparitions olympiques.

(4 jeux d'hiver, 3 jeux d'été) Elle est «le visage des Jeux Olympiques japonais».

Les «Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Tokyo» ne doivent pas être l'image des «Olympiques» du «harcèlement sexuel».

«Le harcèlement sexuel» est pire que le «mépris féminin»!

C'est un acte socialement inacceptable qui porte injustement atteinte à la dignité des athlètes, des parties prenantes et de toutes les personnes.

Elle était une athlète féminine couronnée de succès, après quoi elle a commencé à occuper des postes clés dans des organisations sportives et a également été nommée au poste de membre du conseil olympique.

Après cela, il est entré dans le monde politique et a été élu membre de la Chambre des conseillers.

Elle ne peut pas lui permettre d'utiliser les «Jeux Olympiques» pour des activités politiques.

Le "CIO" devrait exiger son "licenciement".

Le Japon aurait "acheté les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Tokyo" pour de l'argent.

Le monde devrait protester contre le "gouvernement du Japon, qui utilise les" Jeux olympiques "politiquement!"

Partie 1 Les photos des preuves sont ci-dessous.




«L'obscurité profonde» du «comité de candidature» olympique et du «comité d'organisation»! Leur «relation noire»

Selon l'interview de Reuters, le comité d'invitation a également versé environ 145 millions de yens à la "Fondation générale Kano Jigoro Memorial International Sports Research and Exchange Center", une organisation à but non lucratif dont le directeur représentatif et président est Yoshiro Mori.


Un demi-mois plus tard, il remportera les Jeux de 2020, mais «l'anneau de joie» va bientôt «s'effondrer».

"Tokushukai, 50 millions de yens du côté de M. Inose"


Changement de président du comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Para de Tokyo, "Histoire" jusqu'à présent


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 indique que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une fausse accusation. Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé.

Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Veuillez consulter ce qui suit pour les "fausses accusations" de "crimes de soutien pour violations du droit de l'immigration" en 2010



Langue Anglaise.


Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano


L'activité économique devrait être «revenue» à la normale même sous la «nouvelle couronne»!

Vais-je continuer à recevoir le vaccin corona deux ou trois fois par an? Fou!

Comme la thermographie, nous devrions développer un «testeur» qui «trouve» instantanément un «positif».

Dans certains endroits testés, les «personnes positives» peuvent reprendre une «vie normale» sans masque! Veuillez consulter le rapport précédent pour plus de détails.

Soumis des informations supplémentaires au Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies (OHCHR).


Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-03-01: Sehr geehrter Herr,Bitte beachten Sie "Evidence Photograph" (siehe Link). Kyodo News wurde auch in der englischen Version als "japanische Schande" gemeldet.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

2021-03-01: Sehr geehrter Herr,

Wir fordern den Rücktritt von "Seiko Hashimoto", dem Vorsitzenden des Organisationskomitees von Tokio für die Olympischen und Paralympischen Spiele.

"Position des Vorsitzenden" "Veränderung der Turbulenzen" begann mit "weiblicher Verachtung" von "Vorsitzender Yoshiro Mori".

Die früheren "sexuellen Belästigungen" von "Seiko Hashimoto", der der "neue Vorsitzende" wurde, wurden jedoch auch von ausländischen Medien berichtet und auf der ganzen Welt verbreitet.

Das Foto eines männlichen Spielers, der nach der Abschlusszeremonie der "Olympischen Winterspiele in Sotschi" auf dem "Sake Seat" der "Launch Party" im olympischen Dorf "gezwungen" wird, sich zu küssen, ist auf sexuelle Belästigung in der Vergangenheit zurückzuführen.

Bitte beachten Sie "Evidence Photograph" (siehe Link). Kyodo News wurde auch in der englischen Version als "japanische Schande" gemeldet.

Sie hat insgesamt sieben olympische Auftritte gemacht.

(4 Winterspiele, 3 Sommerspiele) Sie ist "das Gesicht der japanischen Olympischen Spiele".

Die "Olympischen und Paralympischen Spiele in Tokio" sollten nicht das Bild der "Olympischen" "sexuellen Belästigung" sein.

"Sexuelle Belästigung" ist schlimmer als "weibliche Verachtung"!

Es ist eine sozial inakzeptable Handlung, die die Würde von Sportlern, Interessengruppen und allen Menschen auf unfaire Weise untergräbt.

Sie war eine erfolgreiche Sportlerin, danach begann sie Schlüsselpositionen in Sportorganisationen zu bekleiden und wurde auch zum olympischen Vorstandsmitglied ernannt.

Danach trat er in die politische Welt ein und wurde zum Mitglied des House of Councilors gewählt.

Sie kann ihr nicht erlauben, die "Olympischen Spiele" für politische Aktivitäten zu nutzen.

Das "IOC" sollte ihre "Entlassung" fordern.

Japan soll "die Olympischen und Paralympischen Spiele in Tokio" für Geld gekauft haben.

Die Welt sollte gegen die "Regierung Japans protestieren, die die" Olympischen Spiele "politisch nutzt!"

Teil 1 Beweisfotos sind unten.




Die "tiefe Dunkelheit" des olympischen "Bids Committee" und "Organization Committee"! Ihre "schwarze Beziehung"

Laut dem Interview von Reuters zahlte das Einladungskomitee außerdem rund 145 Millionen Yen an das "Internationale Sportforschungs- und Austauschzentrum Kano Jigoro Memorial der Allgemeinen Stiftung", eine gemeinnützige Organisation, deren repräsentativer Direktor und Vorsitzender Yoshiro Mori ist. Es wurde klar, dass.


Einen halben Monat später wird er die Spiele 2020 gewinnen, aber der "Ring der Freude" wird bald "zusammenbrechen".

"Tokushukai, 50 Millionen Yen auf der Seite von Mr. Inose"


Wechsel des Vorsitzenden des Olympischen Komitees von Tokio und des Para-Organisationskomitees "Geschichte"


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine falsche Anklage. Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt.

Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Im Folgenden finden Sie die "falschen Anschuldigungen" wegen "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" im Jahr 2010



Englische Sprache.


Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Die wirtschaftliche Aktivität sollte auch unter der "neuen Korona" wieder normalisiert werden!

Erhalte ich den Corona-Impfstoff weiterhin zwei- oder dreimal im Jahr? Verrückt!

Wie bei der Thermografie sollten wir einen "Tester" entwickeln, der sofort ein "Positiv" "findet".

An bestimmten getesteten Orten können "positive Menschen" ohne Masken zum "normalen Leben" zurückkehren! Weitere Informationen finden Sie im vorherigen Bericht.

Übermittlung von zusätzlichem Material an den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen (ohchr).


Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundespremier Merkel" gesendet.

Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.





Hilf mir.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.


To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-03-01: Dear Sir, The past sexual harassment is a picture of a male athlete being forced to kiss at the liquor table of a launch party held in the Olympic Village after the closing ceremony of the "Sochi Winter Olympics". Please see "Evidence Photograph" (see link).

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

2021-03-01: Dear Sir,

We request the resignation of "Seiko Hashimoto," 

the chairman of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The change of chairmanship began with Yoshiro Mori's remarks about "female disdain."

However, the past "sexual harassment" acts performed 

by "Seiko Hashimoto" who became the new chairman have also begun to be reported 

by overseas media and spread throughout the world.

The past sexual harassment is a picture of a male athlete being forced to kiss 

at the liquor table of a launch party held in the Olympic Village after the closing ceremony 

of the "Sochi Winter Olympics". 

Please see "Evidence Photograph" (see link). 

Kyodo News was also reported in the English version as "Japanese shame."

She has made a total of seven Olympic appearances. 

(4 winter games, 3 summer games) She is "the face of the Japanese Olympics." 

The "Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics" should not be the "Sexual Harassment Olympics".

"Sexual harassment" is worse than "female contempt"! 

It is a socially unacceptable act that unfairly undermines the dignity of athletes, 

stakeholders and all people.

She was a successful female athlete, 

after which she began to hold key positions in sports organizations 

and was also appointed to the post of Olympic board member. 

She then goes into politics and is elected to the House of Councilors.

She cannot allow her to use the "Olympic Games" for her political activities. 

The "IOC" should demand her "dismissal" from her. 

Japan is said to have "bought the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics" for money. 

The world should protest the Japanese government, which politically uses the "Olympic Games"!

Part 1 Evidence photos are below.




The "deep darkness" of the Olympic "Bids Committee" and "Organization Committee"! Their "black relationship"

According to a Reuters interview, 

the invitation committee is a non-profit organization whose representative director 

and chairman is former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori.

It has been revealed 

that the "General Incorporated Foundation Jigoro Kano Memorial International Sports Research 

and Exchange Center" has also paid about 145 million yen.


Half a month later, he will win the 2020 Games, but the "ring of joy" will soon "collapse".

"Tokushukai, 50 million yen on the side of Mr. Inose"


Change of chairman of Tokyo Olympics and Para Organizing Committee, "History" so far


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).


It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Biden! 2021-03-01: Dear Sir, We request the resignation of "Seiko Hashimoto," the chairman of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The change of chairmanship began with Yoshiro Mori's remarks about "female disdain." However, the past "sexual harassment" acts performed by "Seiko Hashimoto" who became the new chairman have also begun to be reported by overseas media and spread throughout the world.

 To President Biden!

2021-03-01: Dear Sir,

We request the resignation of "Seiko Hashimoto," 

the chairman of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The change of chairmanship began with Yoshiro Mori's remarks about "female disdain."

However, the past "sexual harassment" acts performed 

by "Seiko Hashimoto" who became the new chairman have also begun to be reported 

by overseas media and spread throughout the world.

The past sexual harassment is a picture of a male athlete being forced to kiss 

at the liquor table of a launch party held in the Olympic Village after the closing ceremony 

of the "Sochi Winter Olympics". 

Please see "Evidence Photograph" (see link). 

Kyodo News was also reported in the English version as "Japanese shame."

She has made a total of seven Olympic appearances. 

(4 winter games, 3 summer games) She is "the face of the Japanese Olympics." 

The "Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics" should not be the "Sexual Harassment Olympics".

"Sexual harassment" is worse than "female contempt"! 

It is a socially unacceptable act that unfairly undermines the dignity of athletes, 

stakeholders and all people.

She was a successful female athlete, 

after which she began to hold key positions in sports organizations 

and was also appointed to the post of Olympic board member. 

She then goes into politics and is elected to the House of Councilors.

She cannot allow her to use the "Olympic Games" for her political activities. 

The "IOC" should demand her "dismissal" from her. 

Japan is said to have "bought the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics" for money. 

The world should protest the Japanese government, which politically uses the "Olympic Games"!

Part 1 Evidence photos are below.




The "deep darkness" of the Olympic "Bids Committee" and "Organization Committee"! Their "black relationship"

According to a Reuters interview, 

the invitation committee is a non-profit organization whose representative director 

and chairman is former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori.

It has been revealed 

that the "General Incorporated Foundation Jigoro Kano Memorial International Sports Research 

and Exchange Center" has also paid about 145 million yen.


Half a month later, he will win the 2020 Games, but the "ring of joy" will soon "collapse".

"Tokushukai, 50 million yen on the side of Mr. Inose"


Change of chairman of Tokyo Olympics and Para Organizing Committee, "History" so far


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! 

Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).


For uncertainties, please contact us!



February 28, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,Liquefied hydrogen is transported to France by "pipeline" or by ship. I think that "CO2 recycling" will create a "new industry" in Algeria. I feel like a new era in France and Algeria is about to begin.

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

February 28, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

I oppose the spread of "electric vehicles" because I am worried about the supply of "lithium," 

which is indispensable as a material for batteries that power electric vehicles. 

Demand for "lithium" is expected to exceed supply in the next decade. 

If procurement competition intensifies, 

lithium could eventually become a major change in the world's power map like oil. 

Second, I don't want to change the structure of a rapid industry. 

This is because we want to inherit the current industrial structure 

and realize a "decarbonized society" as much as possible. 

I advocate the promotion of "hydrogen vehicles". 

France and Germany seem to be promoting "hydrogen fuel vehicles". 

Neither depends on "lithium", so "peace of the world" can be maintained. 

(Wars like crude oil are "unhappy").

France is specifically planning to produce "hydrogen" at a rapid pace. 

I think it is wonderful to generate electricity from natural energy such as wind power 

and to produce hydrogen by electrolysis. 

I am worried because the electricity cost is high. 

The cost of constructing a hydrogen station is still an issue.

I think it would be great if hydrogen could be produced cheaply 

from "natural gas" in "Algeria". Liquefaction of "hydrogen" with the support of France. 

Liquefied hydrogen is transported to France by "pipeline" or by ship. 

I think that "CO2 recycling" will create a "new industry" in Algeria. 

I feel like a new era in France and Algeria is about to begin.

Part 1. The efforts to popularize hydrogen in France are wonderful. 

The movement of local governments is accelerating with the formulation of national strategies.

The French government formulated the "Hydrogen Dissemination Plan for Energy Transition" 

in June 2018 as part of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 

and toward the realization of carbon neutrality in 2050. 

Clarified the policy for promoting the spread of hydrogen.

In response to this government policy, 

efforts to disseminate hydrogen are accelerating at both the regional and corporate levels in France.

Based on France's superiority in hydrogen production technology, 

we will promote economically rational CO2-free hydrogen utilization in the industrial field.

Promote the spread of fuel cell vehicles (automobiles / large vehicles, ships, railways, 

aircraft) as a complement to the electrification of automobiles.

Promote stabilization of renewable energy in the medium to long term (after 2035), 

which is pointed out as having intermittent problems such as the amount 

of power generated depending on the season and weather.

Utilizing surplus electricity originating from renewable energy, 

hydrogen is produced and stored by water electrolysis.

With the closure of coal-fired power plants by 2022, we are focusing on the production 

and popularization of CO2-free hydrogen by water electrolysis instead of hydrogen derived 

from fossil fuels. The following is the article below!


Lithium is indispensable as a material for batteries that power smartphones, 

laptop computers, and electric vehicles. Its demand is expected to exceed supply in the next decade.

If procurement competition intensifies, 

lithium could eventually become a major change in the world's power map like oil.

It was the outbreak of a war over the lithium production area and supply line. 

In fact, the battle for crude oil has been going on for decades. 

Even if the United States and China secure a long-term supply of lithium, 

it is quite possible that a mass-accepting politician will become the head 

of the producing country and break that promise. 

If that happens, great social unrest should spread soon.


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "non-qualified activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

Proven by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control and Refuge". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy and "respect 

for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "immigration law violation".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.



English language.


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano


In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" 

and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", 

it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona".

This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera".

You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" 

and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"!

Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed 

in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion February 28, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, I oppose the spread of "electric vehicles" because I am worried about the supply of "lithium," which is indispensable as a material for batteries that power electric vehicles. Demand for "lithium" is expected to exceed supply in the next decade.

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

February 28, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

I oppose the spread of "electric vehicles" because I am worried about the supply of "lithium," 

which is indispensable as a material for batteries that power electric vehicles. 

Demand for "lithium" is expected to exceed supply in the next decade. 

If procurement competition intensifies, 

lithium could eventually become a major change in the world's power map like oil. 

Second, I don't want to change the structure of a rapid industry. 

This is because we want to inherit the current industrial structure 

and realize a "decarbonized society" as much as possible. 

I advocate the promotion of "hydrogen vehicles". 

France and Germany seem to be promoting "hydrogen fuel vehicles". 

Neither depends on "lithium", so "peace of the world" can be maintained. 

(Wars like crude oil are "unhappy").

France is specifically planning to produce "hydrogen" at a rapid pace. 

I think it is wonderful to generate electricity from natural energy such as wind power 

and to produce hydrogen by electrolysis. 

I am worried because the electricity cost is high. 

The cost of constructing a hydrogen station is still an issue.

I think it would be great if hydrogen could be produced cheaply 

from "natural gas" in "Algeria". Liquefaction of "hydrogen" with the support of France. 

Liquefied hydrogen is transported to France by "pipeline" or by ship. 

I think that "CO2 recycling" will create a "new industry" in Algeria. 

I feel like a new era in France and Algeria is about to begin.

Part 1. The efforts to popularize hydrogen in France are wonderful. 

The movement of local governments is accelerating with the formulation of national strategies.

The French government formulated the "Hydrogen Dissemination Plan for Energy Transition" 

in June 2018 as part of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 

and toward the realization of carbon neutrality in 2050. 

Clarified the policy for promoting the spread of hydrogen.

In response to this government policy, 

efforts to disseminate hydrogen are accelerating at both the regional and corporate levels in France.

Based on France's superiority in hydrogen production technology, 

we will promote economically rational CO2-free hydrogen utilization in the industrial field.

Promote the spread of fuel cell vehicles (automobiles / large vehicles, ships, railways, 

aircraft) as a complement to the electrification of automobiles.

Promote stabilization of renewable energy in the medium to long term (after 2035), 

which is pointed out as having intermittent problems such as the amount 

of power generated depending on the season and weather.

Utilizing surplus electricity originating from renewable energy, 

hydrogen is produced and stored by water electrolysis.

With the closure of coal-fired power plants by 2022, we are focusing on the production 

and popularization of CO2-free hydrogen by water electrolysis instead of hydrogen derived 

from fossil fuels. The following is the article below!


Lithium is indispensable as a material for batteries that power smartphones, 

laptop computers, and electric vehicles. Its demand is expected to exceed supply in the next decade.

If procurement competition intensifies, 

lithium could eventually become a major change in the world's power map like oil.

It was the outbreak of a war over the lithium production area and supply line. 

In fact, the battle for crude oil has been going on for decades. 

Even if the United States and China secure a long-term supply of lithium, 

it is quite possible that a mass-accepting politician will become the head 

of the producing country and break that promise. 

If that happens, great social unrest should spread soon.


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Japanese government.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "non-qualified activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

Proven by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control and Refuge". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy and "respect 

for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "immigration law violation".

For more information, see Saturday and the "Send on weekdays" email.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

See below.



English language.


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano


In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" 

and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", 

it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona".

This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera".

You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" 

and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"!

Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed 

in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

Yasuhiro Nagano


"Carbon recycling" is a new industry. We should increase the employment of workers and urgently "realize" a "decarbonized society."

 February 27, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

The Biden administration should "protect" the "workers' jobs" 

and promote a "decarbonized society" as soon as possible.

Specifically, hydrogen is produced from "shale gas". 

The by-product "CO2" will be recycled by "carbon recycling"

 (Japan and the United States have agreed to share technical information).

Hydrogen is converted to "liquefied hydrogen" and transported to "GS" (hydrogen station) 

by tank truck in the same way as "gasoline". 

Refuel the "electric vehicle" or "fuel cell vehicle" with "liquid hydrogen" at the "hydrogen station".

The challenge is to establish "carbon recycling" and to install a hydrogen station.

It is said that the construction of a hydrogen station costs four to five times as much as a gas station. 

In addition, hydrogen fuel requires a high-pressure tank with sufficient strength to achieve high-density storage, 

and it is said that a hydrogen fuel tank that completely meets 

that requirement is still under research and development. 

The Biden administration should invest development funds to overcome this challenge.

This is a common initiative not only in the United States, 

but also in developed countries with established gasoline distribution networks. 

"Carbon recycling" is a new industry. 

We should increase the employment of workers and urgently "realize" a "decarbonized society."




Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! Please see the previous report for details.


For more information, see today's SNS Post.


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes to support violations of the Immigration Control Act" in 2010.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


We request the resignation of "Seiko Hashimoto," the chairman of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Below is a photo of evidence of her sexual harassment.




February 27, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, The Biden administration should "protect" the "workers' jobs" and promote a "decarbonized society" as soon as possible. Specifically, hydrogen is produced from "shale gas".

 February 27, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

The Biden administration should "protect" the "workers' jobs" 

and promote a "decarbonized society" as soon as possible.

Specifically, hydrogen is produced from "shale gas". 

The by-product "CO2" will be recycled by "carbon recycling"

 (Japan and the United States have agreed to share technical information).

Hydrogen is converted to "liquefied hydrogen" and transported to "GS" (hydrogen station) 

by tank truck in the same way as "gasoline". 

Refuel the "electric vehicle" or "fuel cell vehicle" with "liquid hydrogen" at the "hydrogen station".

The challenge is to establish "carbon recycling" and to install a hydrogen station.

It is said that the construction of a hydrogen station costs four to five times as much as a gas station. 

In addition, hydrogen fuel requires a high-pressure tank with sufficient strength to achieve high-density storage, 

and it is said that a hydrogen fuel tank that completely meets 

that requirement is still under research and development. 

The Biden administration should invest development funds to overcome this challenge.

This is a common initiative not only in the United States, 

but also in developed countries with established gasoline distribution networks. 

"Carbon recycling" is a new industry. 

We should increase the employment of workers and urgently "realize" a "decarbonized society."




Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! Please see the previous report for details.


For more information, see today's SNS Post.


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes to support violations of the Immigration Control Act" in 2010.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


We request the resignation of "Seiko Hashimoto," the chairman of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Below is a photo of evidence of her sexual harassment.





Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2021-02-26: Cher Monsieur, Le secrétaire général nord-coréen Kim Jong Un doit rechercher activement la réconciliation avec les États-Unis L'ambassadeur de Russie en Corée du Nord, Alexander Mazegora, a décrit les conditions de vie difficiles actuelles à Pyongyang dans une interview à l'agence de presse russe Interfax.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2021-02-26: Cher Monsieur,

Le secrétaire général nord-coréen Kim Jong Un doit rechercher activement la réconciliation avec les États-Unis.

Les États-Unis repoussent la Corée du Nord. Les analectes "La nation ne peut être établie sans la confiance du peuple."

La Chine ne renflouera pas le peuple nord-coréen! Seuls les États-Unis sont le seul endroit où Kim Jong Un "compte sur le soutien"!

Je trouve cela difficile, mais en ce qui concerne les armes nucléaires de la Corée du Nord, nous devons «négocier» et «nous réconcilier» avec les États-Unis à la recherche d'un «traitement similaire» à «l'Inde».

Sinon, le peuple nord-coréen abandonnera Kim Jong Un! Le secrétaire général Kim Jong Un doit être un "homme sage"!

Les États-Unis émettent l'hypothèse que la perturbation du commerce sino-nord-coréen est susceptible d'avoir un impact sérieux sur l'économie nord-coréenne!

19 janvier: M. Blinken, qui a été nommé secrétaire d'État, a décrit «la politique de la Corée du Nord».

Nous essaierons de résoudre le problème nucléaire. Et je veux "regarder" non seulement "la sécurité" mais aussi "l'humanitaire".

L'ambassadeur de Russie en Corée du Nord, Alexander Mazegora, a décrit les conditions de vie difficiles actuelles à Pyongyang dans une interview à l'agence de presse russe Interfax.

Partie 1 Mazegora a répondu à la "question" de vivre sous les restrictions des mesures corona.

Il dit que ce n'est pas aussi facile que dans d'autres pays.

Jusqu'à la fin du mois d'août de l'année dernière, des marchandises importantes ont été importées avec l'autorisation du Comité de prévention des épidémies.

Cependant, il a dit qu'il avait été interrompu depuis septembre de l'année dernière lorsque le typhon a frappé.

En outre, la suspension des importations a eu des effets négatifs sur les Nord-Coréens et les étrangers.

Depuis janvier de l'année dernière, il est interdit aux étrangers de voyager en dehors de Pyongyang et d'utiliser les parcs, les musées, les piscines et les transports publics de la ville.

Les enfants ne peuvent même pas aller à l'école.

Vous ne pouvez même pas sortir du terrain de l'ambassade.

Un rapport de l'Association commerciale sud-coréenne a révélé que l'une des plus grandes usines d'engrais de Corée du Nord a récemment fermé ses portes en raison d'une pénurie d'approvisionnement.

Les dirigeants bloquent la frontière avec la Chine pour tenter d'empêcher l'afflux du nouveau coronavirus, et sont incapables d'importer des «pièces pour l'équipement de production».

La RFA rapporte que les ambassades qui sont toujours actives sont limitées aux anciens États communistes tels que la Chine, la Russie, la Bulgarie, la Roumanie, la République tchèque et la Pologne.


Kim Jong-un a admis qu'il n'avait pas atteint ses objectifs économiques lors de la convention du parti en janvier et a annoncé un nouveau plan de développement économique quinquennal qui appelle à «l'autosuffisance» et «l'autosuffisance».

En utilisant des ressources minérales dont les exportations sont interdites par les sanctions, nous encourageons l'auto-approvisionnement en énergie et en matériaux.


Le "directeur économique" vient d'être élu lors de la convention du parti en janvier. Cependant, Kim Jong-un a sévèrement critiqué le plan économique de cette année comme des "objectifs bas" à l'assemblée générale, et il semble que le responsable a été "démis".


Blinken, qui a été nommé secrétaire d'État, a déclaré hier que la nouvelle administration avait l'intention de réévaluer complètement son approche à l'égard de la Corée du Nord afin d'augmenter la pression pour que la Corée du Nord participe aux négociations sur les armes nucléaires.


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une fausse accusation. Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Partie 2 Veuillez consulter ce qui suit pour les "fausses accusations" de "crimes de soutien pour violations de la loi sur l'immigration" en 2010



Langue Anglaise.


Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano


L'activité économique devrait être «revenue» à la normale même sous la «nouvelle couronne»!

Vais-je continuer à recevoir le vaccin corona deux ou trois fois par an? Fou!

Comme la thermographie, nous devrions développer un «testeur» qui «trouve» instantanément un «positif».

Dans certains endroits testés, les «personnes positives» peuvent reprendre une «vie normale» sans masque! Veuillez consulter le rapport précédent pour plus de détails.

Soumis des informations supplémentaires au Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies (OHCHR).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


★ Veuillez acheter un déjeuner préparé par une personne handicapée! Veuillez nous appeler. Veuillez présenter.


★ "Le malheur des autres est le goût du miel" "L'amour sauve les peuples du monde" Pour plus d'informations


An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-02-26: Sehr geehrter Herr,Die Vereinigten Staaten spekulieren, dass die Störung des Handels zwischen China und Nordkorea ernsthafte Auswirkungen auf die nordkoreanische Wirtschaft haben dürfte! 19. Januar: Herr Blinken, der zum Außenminister ernannt wurde, beschrieb die "Nordkorea-Politik".

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

2021-02-26: Sehr geehrter Herr,

Der nordkoreanische Generalsekretär Kim Jong Un sollte sich aktiv um eine Aussöhnung mit den Vereinigten Staaten bemühen.

Die Vereinigten Staaten drängen Nordkorea weg. Die Analekten "Die Nation kann nicht ohne das Vertrauen des Volkes gegründet werden."

China wird das nordkoreanische Volk nicht retten! Nur die Vereinigten Staaten sind der einzige Ort, an dem Kim Jong Un "auf Unterstützung angewiesen ist"!

Ich finde es schwierig, aber in Bezug auf Nordkoreas Atomwaffen sollten wir mit den Vereinigten Staaten auf der Suche nach einer "ähnlichen Behandlung" wie "Indien" "verhandeln" und "versöhnen".

Andernfalls wird das nordkoreanische Volk Kim Jong Un aufgeben! Generalsekretär Kim Jong Un sollte ein "weiser Mann" sein!

Die Vereinigten Staaten spekulieren, dass die Störung des Handels zwischen China und Nordkorea ernsthafte Auswirkungen auf die nordkoreanische Wirtschaft haben dürfte!

19. Januar: Herr Blinken, der zum Außenminister ernannt wurde, beschrieb die "Nordkorea-Politik".

Wir werden versuchen, das Atomproblem zu lösen. Und ich möchte nicht nur "Sicherheit", sondern auch "humanitäre" "beobachten".

Russlands Botschafter in Nordkorea, Alexander Mazegora, beschrieb die aktuellen schwierigen Lebensbedingungen in Pjöngjang in einem Interview mit der russischen Nachrichtenagentur Interfax.

Teil 1 Mazegora antwortete auf die "Frage" nach dem Leben unter den Einschränkungen von Koronamaßnahmen.

Er sagt, es sei nicht so einfach wie in anderen Ländern.

Bis Ende August letzten Jahres wurden wichtige Güter mit Genehmigung des Epidemic Prevention Committee importiert.

Er sagte jedoch, es sei seit September letzten Jahres abgeschnitten worden, als der Taifun einschlug.

Darüber hinaus hat die Aussetzung der Einfuhren sowohl Nordkoreaner als auch Ausländer beeinträchtigt.

Seit Januar letzten Jahres ist es Ausländern verboten, außerhalb von Pjöngjang zu reisen und die Parks, Museen, Schwimmbäder und öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel der Stadt zu nutzen.

Kinder können nicht einmal zur Schule gehen.

Sie können nicht einmal das Botschaftsgelände verlassen.

Ein Bericht der South Korean Trade Association ergab, dass eine der größten Düngemittelanlagen Nordkoreas kürzlich wegen mangelnder Versorgung stillgelegt wurde.

Die Führung blockiert die Grenze zu China, um den Zustrom des neuen Coronavirus zu verhindern, und kann keine "Teile für Produktionsanlagen" importieren.

Die RFA berichtet, dass die noch aktiven Botschaften auf ehemalige kommunistische Staaten wie China, Russland, Bulgarien, Rumänien, die Tschechische Republik und Polen beschränkt sind.


Kim Jong-un gab zu, dass er seine wirtschaftlichen Ziele auf dem Parteitag im Januar nicht erreicht hatte, und kündigte einen neuen Fünfjahresplan für die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung an, der "Eigenständigkeit" und "Selbstversorgung" fordert.

Durch die Nutzung von Bodenschätzen, deren Export durch Sanktionen verboten ist, fördern wir die Selbstbeschaffung von Energie und Materialien.


Der "Wirtschaftsdirektor" wurde gerade auf dem Parteitag im Januar gewählt. Kim Jong-un hat den diesjährigen Wirtschaftsplan auf der Hauptversammlung jedoch heftig als "niedrige Ziele" kritisiert, und es scheint, dass die verantwortliche Person "entfernt" wurde.


Blinken, der zum Außenminister ernannt wurde, sagte gestern, dass die neue Regierung beabsichtige, ihre Haltung gegenüber Nordkorea vollständig zu überdenken, um den Druck zu erhöhen, Nordkorea in die Verhandlungen über Atomwaffen einzubeziehen.


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" als Grund für die Änderung.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine falsche Anklage. Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Teil 2 Im Folgenden finden Sie die "falschen Anschuldigungen" wegen "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" im Jahr 2010



Englische Sprache.


Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Die wirtschaftliche Aktivität sollte auch unter der "neuen Korona" wieder normalisiert werden!

Erhalte ich den Corona-Impfstoff weiterhin zwei- oder dreimal im Jahr? Verrückt!

Wie bei der Thermografie sollten wir einen "Tester" entwickeln, der sofort ein "Positiv" "findet".

An bestimmten getesteten Orten können "positive Menschen" ohne Masken zum "normalen Leben" zurückkehren! Weitere Informationen finden Sie im vorherigen Bericht.

Übermittlung von zusätzlichem Material an den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-02-26: Dear Sir I find it difficult, but North Korea's nuclear weapons should be negotiated and settled with the United States for "similar treatment" to "India." Otherwise, the North Korean people will give up on Kim Jong Un! General Secretary Kim Jong Un should be a "wise man"!

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

2021-02-26: Dear Sir,

North Korean General Secretary Kim Jong Un should actively seek reconciliation with the United States. 

The United States is pushing North Korea away. 

The analects "The nation cannot be established without the trust of the people." 

China will not bail out the North Korean people! 

Only the United States is the only place where Kim Jong Un "relies"! 

I find it difficult, but North Korea's nuclear weapons should be negotiated and settled 

with the United States for "similar treatment" to "India." 

Otherwise, the North Korean people will give up on Kim Jong Un!

General Secretary Kim Jong Un should be a "wise man"!

The United States speculates 

that the disruption of China-North Korea trade is likely to have a serious impact 

on the North Korean economy! January 19: Mr. Blinken, 

who was appointed Secretary of State, described "North Korea policy." 

We will try to solve the nuclear problem. And he wants to "watch" not only "security" 

but also "humanitarian".

Russia's ambassador to North Korea, Alexander Mazegora, 

described the current difficult living conditions in Pyongyang 

in an interview with Russia's Interfax news agency.

Part 1 Mazegora replied to the "question" about living under the restrictions 

of corona measures. He says he is not as easy as any other country.

Until the end of August last year, 

important goods were imported with the permission of the Epidemic Prevention Committee. 

But it has been cut off since September last year when the typhoon hit, he said.

In addition, the suspension of imports has adversely affected both North Koreans and foreigners.

Since January last year, foreigners have been banned 

from traveling outside Pyongyang and using the city's parks, museums, 

swimming pools and public transport.

Children can't even go to school.

You can't even get out of the embassy grounds.

A report by the South Korean Trade Association revealed 

that one of North Korea's largest fertilizer plants has recently shut down due to a shortage of supplies.

The leadership is blocking the border with China 

in an attempt to prevent the influx of the new coronavirus, 

and is unable to import "parts for production equipment."

The RFA reports that the embassies 

that are still active are limited to former communist states such as China, Russia, 

Bulgaria, Romania, the Czech Republic and Poland.


Kim Jong-un admitted that he had not achieved his economic goals at the party convention in January, 

and announced a new five-year economic development plan that calls 

for "self-reliance" and "self-sufficiency."

He is using mineral resources, which are banned from export by sanctions, 

to procure energy and materials on his own.


The "economic director" was just elected at the party convention in January. 

However, Kim Jong-un has severely criticized this year's economic plan as "low goals" 

at the General Assembly, and appears to have "removed" his person in charge.


Blinken, who was appointed Secretary of State, said yesterday 

that the new administration intends to completely reassess its approach to North Korea 

in order to increase pressure to put North Korea in the negotiations over nuclear weapons.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for "false charges" of "crime of support 

for violation of immigration law" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Biden! 2021-02-26: Dear Sir, North Korean General Secretary Kim Jong Un should actively seek reconciliation with the United States. The United States is pushing North Korea away. The analects "The nation cannot be established without the trust of the people." China will not bail out the North Korean people!

 To President Biden!

2021-02-26: Dear Sir,

North Korean General Secretary Kim Jong Un should actively seek reconciliation with the United States. 

The United States is pushing North Korea away. 

The analects "The nation cannot be established without the trust of the people." 

China will not bail out the North Korean people! 

Only the United States is the only place where Kim Jong Un "relies"! 

I find it difficult, but North Korea's nuclear weapons should be negotiated and settled 

with the United States for "similar treatment" to "India." 

Otherwise, the North Korean people will give up on Kim Jong Un!

General Secretary Kim Jong Un should be a "wise man"!

The United States speculates 

that the disruption of China-North Korea trade is likely to have a serious impact 

on the North Korean economy! January 19: Mr. Blinken, 

who was appointed Secretary of State, described "North Korea policy." 

We will try to solve the nuclear problem. And he wants to "watch" not only "security" 

but also "humanitarian".

Russia's ambassador to North Korea, Alexander Mazegora, 

described the current difficult living conditions in Pyongyang 

in an interview with Russia's Interfax news agency.

Part 1 Mazegora replied to the "question" about living under the restrictions 

of corona measures. He says he is not as easy as any other country.

Until the end of August last year, 

important goods were imported with the permission of the Epidemic Prevention Committee. 

But it has been cut off since September last year when the typhoon hit, he said.

In addition, the suspension of imports has adversely affected both North Koreans and foreigners.

Since January last year, foreigners have been banned 

from traveling outside Pyongyang and using the city's parks, museums, 

swimming pools and public transport.

Children can't even go to school.

You can't even get out of the embassy grounds.

A report by the South Korean Trade Association revealed 

that one of North Korea's largest fertilizer plants has recently shut down due to a shortage of supplies.

The leadership is blocking the border with China 

in an attempt to prevent the influx of the new coronavirus, 

and is unable to import "parts for production equipment."

The RFA reports that the embassies 

that are still active are limited to former communist states such as China, Russia, 

Bulgaria, Romania, the Czech Republic and Poland.


Kim Jong-un admitted that he had not achieved his economic goals at the party convention in January, 

and announced a new five-year economic development plan that calls 

for "self-reliance" and "self-sufficiency."

He is using mineral resources, which are banned from export by sanctions, 

to procure energy and materials on his own.


The "economic director" was just elected at the party convention in January. 

However, Kim Jong-un has severely criticized this year's economic plan as "low goals" 

at the General Assembly, and appears to have "removed" his person in charge.


Blinken, who was appointed Secretary of State, said yesterday 

that the new administration intends to completely reassess its approach to North Korea 

in order to increase pressure to put North Korea in the negotiations over nuclear weapons.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


Part 2 Please see the following for "false charges" of "crime of support 

for violation of immigration law" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! 

Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

For more information, see today's SNS Post.


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes to support violations of the Immigration Control Act" in 2010.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


We request the resignation of "Seiko Hashimoto," the chairman of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Below is a photo of evidence of her sexual harassment.




For uncertainties, please contact us!
