
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund Westliche Länder haben ernsthaft an die japanische Regierung appelliert, "die Todesstrafe abzuschaffen". Die japanische Regierung ignorierte dies jedoch wegen "Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten". Menschenrechtsverletzungen beschränken sich nicht nur auf das "Todesstrafen-System".

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

2021-04-08: Sehr geehrter Herr

China und Japan brauchen eine "Revolution" für "Menschenrechte".

Ansonsten denke ich nicht, dass der Strom von "Hass" zu Asiaten in den Vereinigten Staaten aufhören wird!

Japan hat ein "allgemeines Wahlrecht", so dass es sofort möglich ist.

Ein sanktionierter britischer Gesetzgeber aus China rief: "Japan sollte China gemeinsam beschuldigen!"

Es gibt jedoch keine Reaktion der japanischen Regierung. Es ist auch wahr, dass nicht nur die japanische Regierung, sondern auch das japanische Volk kein "Menschenrechtsbewusstsein" haben.

Dies liegt daran, dass die Japaner keine Erfahrung mit "Kampf" (Revolution) haben, um "Menschenrechte" zu gewinnen.

Westliche Länder haben ernsthaft an die japanische Regierung appelliert, "die Todesstrafe abzuschaffen".

Die japanische Regierung ignorierte dies jedoch wegen "Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten". Menschenrechtsverletzungen beschränken sich nicht nur auf das "Todesstrafen-System".

Wir werden Sie mit "allgemeiner Theorie" bestrafen, auch wenn Sie im Gesetzestext "keinen Millimeter verletzt" haben.

Da der "Grund für das Verbrechen" in der "Anklage" nicht bestraft werden kann, wird er überarbeitet, damit er bestraft werden kann.

Trotzdem stellt die japanische Regierung weder Ehre noch Entschädigung wieder her.

Diese Idee ist genau die gleiche wie in China.

Dies ist auf den "alten konfuzianischen Gedanken" zurückzuführen. Deshalb "hassen" Amerikaner Asiaten.

Asiaten schauen auf "Schwarze" herab! Schwarze sind jetzt "Hass" Asiaten.

Teil 1 Im "konfuzianischen Denken" werden die oberen und unteren "Machtverhältnisse" geklärt.

In Machtverhältnissen wie Nationen und Familien ist das untere dem oberen unterwürfig. Es ist das gleiche wie die militärische Organisation.

Das Militär hält sich an militärische Regeln unter demokratischen Regeln.

Es gibt jedoch keine demokratischen Regeln im "konfuzianischen Denken".

Es ist eine "Norm", den Herrscher zu verteidigen. China sagt, "Konfuzianismus ist keine Religion" und "Konfuzianismus ist eine chinesische Kultur".

Dies ist die Idee der "Menschenrechte" der "alten konfuzianischen Nation".

Über Menschenrechtsfragen in der autonomen Region Xinjiang Uygur in China

"Zwei britische Parlamentarier", die von der chinesischen Regierung "sanktioniert" wurden, antworteten auf ein Interview mit ANN.

Wir fordern auch die japanische Regierung, die mit Sanktionen vorsichtig ist, auf, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen.

"Sanktionierter" Senator Kennedy: "Es ist meine Pflicht, überall dort zu sprechen, wo Menschenrechtsverletzungen auf der Welt auftreten."

Der Kongressabgeordnete Kennedy hat mit Anwälten auf der ganzen Welt zusammengearbeitet, um die chinesische Regierung nicht nur wegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen in der autonomen Region der Uiguren zu kritisieren, sondern auch, weil sie gegen Demokratisierungsbewegungen in Hongkong vorgegangen ist.

Senator Kennedy "sanktioniert": Japan sollte ebenfalls Maßnahmen ergreifen.

Ich möchte, dass Sie "mit Großbritannien" "beschuldigen", was in China passiert.

"Das bedeutet nicht, dass wir unsere Freundschaft mit China brechen wollen."


Ich glaube nicht, dass die japanische Regierung die Stimme von "Senator Kennedy" verstehen wird.

Der Grund ist, dass die Japaner nicht die "Werte" der "Gerechtigkeit" haben!

Ich bin traurig.

Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" der Grund für die Änderung ist.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine falsche Anklage. Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Englische Übersetzung)


Teil 2 Im Folgenden finden Sie die "falschen Anschuldigungen" wegen "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" im Jahr 2010



Englische Sprache.


Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Die wirtschaftliche Aktivität sollte auch unter der "neuen Korona" wieder normalisiert werden!

Erhalte ich den Corona-Impfstoff weiterhin zwei- oder dreimal im Jahr? Verrückt!

Wie bei der Thermografie sollten wir einen "Tester" entwickeln, der sofort ein "Positiv" "findet".

An bestimmten getesteten Orten können "positive Menschen" ohne Masken zum "normalen Leben" zurückkehren! Weitere Informationen finden Sie im vorherigen Bericht.

Übermittlung von zusätzlichem Material an den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

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To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson A sanctioned British lawmaker from China called out, "Japan should blame China together!" However, there is no reaction from the Japanese government. It is also true that not only the Japanese government but also the Japanese people have no "human rights awareness".

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

2021-04-08: Dear Sir

China and Japan need a "revolution" for "human rights." 

Otherwise, I don't think the flow of "hate" to Asians in the United States will stop! 

Japan has a "universal suffrage" system, so it is possible immediately.

A sanctioned British lawmaker from China called out, 

"Japan should blame China together!" However, there is no reaction from the Japanese government. 

It is also true that not only the Japanese government 

but also the Japanese people have no "human rights awareness". 

This is because the Japanese have no experience of "battle" (revolution) to win "human rights".

Western countries have seriously appealed to the Japanese government 

about the "abolition of the death penalty." However, 

the Japanese government ignored it because of "interference in domestic affairs."

 Human rights violations are not limited to the "death penalty system."

We will punish you with "general theory" even if you "have not violated a millimeter" 

in the text of the law. 

Since the "reason for crime" in the "indictment" cannot be punished, 

it will be revised so that it can be punished.

However, even with this, the Government of Japan does not restore honor or compensate.

This idea is exactly the same as in China. This is due to the "old, Confucian thought". 

This is why Americans "hate" Asians. Asians look down on "blacks"! Blacks are now "hate" Asians.

Part 1 In "Confucian Thought", the upper and lower "power relations" are clarified. 

In power relations such as nations and families, the lower one is submissive to the upper one. 

It is the same as the military organization. 

The military adheres to military rules under democratic rules. However, 

there are no democratic rules in "Confucian thought". 

It is a "norm" to defend the ruler. China says "Confucianism is not a religion" 

and "Confucianism is a Chinese culture". 

This is the idea of ​​"human rights" of the "old, Confucian nation."

"Two British parliamentarians," who have been "sanctioned" 

by the Chinese government over human rights issues in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 

responded to an interview with ANN.

We also urge the Japanese government, 

which is cautious about sanctions, to take action.

"Sanctioned" Senator Kennedy: "It's my duty to speak out wherever human rights abuses occur in the world."

Congressman Kennedy has worked 

with lawyers around the world to criticize the Chinese government not only 

for human rights abuses in the Uighur Autonomous Region,

but also for cracking down on democratization movements in Hong Kong.

Senator Kennedy "sanctioned": Japan should take action too. 

I want you to "blame" what is happening in China "with Britain."

"It doesn't mean that we want to break our friendship with China."


I don't think the Japanese government will understand the voice of "Senator Kennedy."

The reason is that Japanese people do not have the "values" of "justice"!

I'm Sad.

I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Biden! China and Japan need a "revolution" for "human rights." Otherwise, I don't think the flow of "hate" to Asians in the United States will stop! Japan has a "universal suffrage" system, so it is possible immediately.

 To President Biden!

2021-04-08: Dear Sir

China and Japan need a "revolution" for "human rights." 

Otherwise, I don't think the flow of "hate" to Asians in the United States will stop! 

Japan has a "universal suffrage" system, so it is possible immediately.

A sanctioned British lawmaker from China called out, 

"Japan should blame China together!" However, there is no reaction from the Japanese government. 

It is also true that not only the Japanese government 

but also the Japanese people have no "human rights awareness". 

This is because the Japanese have no experience of "battle" (revolution) to win "human rights".

Western countries have seriously appealed to the Japanese government 

about the "abolition of the death penalty." However, 

the Japanese government ignored it because of "interference in domestic affairs."

 Human rights violations are not limited to the "death penalty system."

We will punish you with "general theory" even if you "have not violated a millimeter" 

in the text of the law. 

Since the "reason for crime" in the "indictment" cannot be punished, 

it will be revised so that it can be punished.

However, even with this, the Government of Japan does not restore honor or compensate.

This idea is exactly the same as in China. This is due to the "old, Confucian thought". 

This is why Americans "hate" Asians. Asians look down on "blacks"! Blacks are now "hate" Asians.

Part 1 In "Confucian Thought", the upper and lower "power relations" are clarified. 

In power relations such as nations and families, the lower one is submissive to the upper one. 

It is the same as the military organization. 

The military adheres to military rules under democratic rules. However, 

there are no democratic rules in "Confucian thought". 

It is a "norm" to defend the ruler. China says "Confucianism is not a religion" 

and "Confucianism is a Chinese culture". 

This is the idea of ​​"human rights" of the "old, Confucian nation."

"Two British parliamentarians," who have been "sanctioned" 

by the Chinese government over human rights issues in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 

responded to an interview with ANN.

We also urge the Japanese government, 

which is cautious about sanctions, to take action.

"Sanctioned" Senator Kennedy: "It's my duty to speak out wherever human rights abuses occur in the world."

Congressman Kennedy has worked 

with lawyers around the world to criticize the Chinese government not only 

for human rights abuses in the Uighur Autonomous Region,

but also for cracking down on democratization movements in Hong Kong.

Senator Kennedy "sanctioned": Japan should take action too. 

I want you to "blame" what is happening in China "with Britain."

"It doesn't mean that we want to break our friendship with China."


I don't think the Japanese government will understand the voice of "Senator Kennedy."

The reason is that Japanese people do not have the "values" of "justice"!

I'm Sad.

I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! 

Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" 

who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", 

we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!

For uncertainties, please contact us!


内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様 日本政府が「ケネディ英上院議員」の声を理解することはないと思います。 理由は、日本人に「正義」の「価値観」が「無い」からです! 私は悲しい。

 内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様

















































長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



コロナワクチンを年に2、3回 接種し続けるのだろうか?クレイジだ!




Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)













私の情報 ***************************************************






"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!




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Au président français Emmanuel Macron Il s'agit de la première sanction contre la Chine depuis que l'organisation prédécesseure de l'UE a interdit les exportations d'armes à la suite de l'incident de la place Tiananmen en 1989. En outre, les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni, qui partagent des valeurs telles que «liberté», «démocratie» et «droits de l'homme», ont également bougé. Le 22 mars, le ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères a annoncé qu'il avait décidé d'imposer des sanctions aux parlementaires européens et à 10 personnes et 4 groupes, affirmant qu'il s'agissait d'une "ingérence dans les affaires intérieures".

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2021-04-07: Cher Monsieur

Je pense que les États-Unis demanderont au Japon une «alliance sur les droits de l'homme».

En plus de cela, je pense que les États-Unis vont "pousser" le Japon à choisir entre "pro-chinois" et "pro-américain".

Le peuple japonais devrait «sélectionner» les candidats sur la base de «pro-chinois» ou de «pro-US» comme «enjeu» de «l'élection de la Chambre des représentants».

Le Japon prend les "pro-chinois" dans l'économie et les "pro-US" dans la sécurité.

Cependant, «l’administration Biden donne la priorité aux questions de droits de l’homme par rapport aux relations économiques.

Si le Japon veut une alliance avec les États-Unis, les "questions relatives aux droits de l'homme" devraient être la priorité absolue.

Le gouvernement japonais devrait imposer des sanctions à la Chine pour "les questions de droits humains ouïghours"!

Et le gouvernement japonais devrait résoudre le «problème des droits de l'homme» au Japon.

En réponse aux critiques des violations des droits de l'homme, un boycott de «H & M et Nike» est en cours en Chine.

L'année dernière, le géant de l'habillement H & M a annoncé qu'il n'utiliserait pas de «coton du Xinjiang» en raison de violations des droits de l'homme par les autorités chinoises dans la région autonome ouïgoure du Xinjiang.

En Chine, il y a un boycott de "H&M", et la télévision centrale d'Etat a critiqué "Ne calomniez pas même si vous gagnez de l'argent en Chine".

Ici, est-ce que les Japonais sales essaieront d'obtenir "le profit du pêcheur"?

C'est trop sale! C'est dangereux de dire "je suis japonais" dans le monde!

Partie 1 "La politique de Biden envers la Chine", les Américains suscitent leur mécontentement!

Selon une enquête menée par le Pew Research Center, une agence de sondage américaine (menée du 1er au 7 février 2009), 70% ont déclaré: «Même si les relations économiques avec la Chine se détériorent, les droits de l'homme en Chine devraient être promus.

D'un autre côté, 26% ont répondu que "le renforcement des relations économiques avec la Chine devrait être une priorité même si nous ne nous attaquons pas aux questions de droits de l'homme".

Les questions relatives aux droits de l'homme ont dépassé les relations économiques de 44 points.

Les Américains accordent plus d'importance aux questions de droits de l'homme qu'aux relations économiques en ce qui concerne la Chine.

Le texte intégral est ci-dessous.


L'Union européenne (UE) s'est «levée» pour sévir contre les droits de l'homme en Chine. Lors du Conseil des ministres des Affaires étrangères à Bruxelles (22e), quatre responsables chinois et un groupe ont été sanctionnés pour avoir été impliqués dans de graves violations des droits de l'homme dans la région autonome ouïgoure du Xinjiang. Les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni ont également imposé de nouvelles sanctions le même jour.

L'Europe a traditionnellement montré une position harmonieuse avec la Chine en mettant l'accent sur l'économie, mais elle a opéré un changement majeur. La réponse du Japon sera probablement remise en question.

Il s'agit de la première sanction contre la Chine depuis que l'organisation prédécesseure de l'UE a interdit les exportations d'armes à la suite de l'incident de la place Tiananmen en 1989.

En outre, les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni, qui partagent des valeurs telles que «liberté», «démocratie» et «droits de l'homme», ont également bougé.

Le 22 mars, le ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères a annoncé qu'il avait décidé d'imposer des sanctions aux parlementaires européens et à 10 personnes et 4 groupes, affirmant qu'il s'agissait d'une "ingérence dans les affaires intérieures".


En Chine! Boycotts de «H & M et Nike», critiqués pour violations des droits humains (25 mars 2021)


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut pas être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une fausse accusation. Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Traduction anglaise)


Partie 2 Veuillez consulter ce qui suit pour les "fausses accusations" de "crimes de soutien pour violations de la loi sur l'immigration" en 2010



Langue anglaise.


Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano


L'activité économique devrait être «revenue» à la normale même sous la «nouvelle couronne»!

Vais-je continuer à recevoir le vaccin corona deux ou trois fois par an? Fou!

Comme la thermographie, nous devrions développer un «testeur» qui «trouve» instantanément un «positif».

Dans certains endroits testés, les «personnes positives» peuvent reprendre une «vie normale» sans masque! Veuillez consulter le rapport précédent pour plus de détails.

Soumis des informations supplémentaires au Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies (OHCHR).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


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An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund Menschenrechtsfragen übertrafen die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen um 44 Punkte. Die Amerikaner schätzen Menschenrechtsfragen in Bezug auf China mehr als wirtschaftliche Beziehungen. Der vollständige Text ist unten.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

2021-04-07: Sehr geehrter Herr

Ich denke, die Vereinigten Staaten werden Japan um ein "Bündnis in Menschenrechtsfragen" bitten.

Darüber hinaus denke ich, dass die Vereinigten Staaten Japan "drängen" werden, zwischen "pro-chinesisch" und "pro-US" zu wählen.

Das japanische Volk sollte die Kandidaten basierend auf "pro-chinesisch" oder "pro-US" als "Thema" der "Wahl des Repräsentantenhauses" "auswählen".

Japan nimmt die "Pro-Chinesen" in der Wirtschaft und die "Pro-USA" in der Sicherheit.

"Die Biden-Regierung priorisiert jedoch Menschenrechtsfragen gegenüber wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen.

Wenn Japan ein Bündnis mit den Vereinigten Staaten will, sollte "Menschenrechtsfragen" höchste Priorität eingeräumt werden.

Die japanische Regierung sollte China Sanktionen für "uigurische Menschenrechtsfragen" auferlegen!

Und die japanische Regierung sollte das "Menschenrechtsproblem" in Japan lösen.

Als Reaktion auf die Kritik an Menschenrechtsverletzungen findet in China ein Boykott von "H & M und Nike" statt.

Im vergangenen Jahr gab der Bekleidungsriese H & M bekannt, dass er aufgrund von Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch chinesische Behörden in der autonomen Region Xinjiang Uygur keine "Baumwolle aus Xinjiang" verwenden werde.

In China gibt es einen Boykott von "H & M", und das staatliche Zentralfernsehen hat kritisiert: "Verleumde nicht, obwohl du in China Geld verdienst."

Werden schmutzige Japaner hier versuchen, "Fisherman's Profit" zu erzielen?

Es ist zu dreckig! Es ist gefährlich zu sagen "Ich bin Japaner" in der Welt!

Teil 1 Bidens "Politik gegenüber China", Amerikaner, die Unzufriedenheit erregen!

Laut einer Umfrage des Pew Research Center, eines US-amerikanischen Wahlbüros (durchgeführt vom 1. bis 7. Februar 2009), sagten 70%: "Auch wenn sich die wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen zu China verschlechtern, sollten die Menschenrechte in China gefördert werden."

Auf der anderen Seite antworteten 26%, dass "die Stärkung der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu China Vorrang haben sollte, auch wenn wir uns nicht mit Menschenrechtsfragen befassen".

Menschenrechtsfragen übertrafen die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen um 44 Punkte.

Die Amerikaner schätzen Menschenrechtsfragen in Bezug auf China mehr als wirtschaftliche Beziehungen.

Der vollständige Text ist unten.


Die Europäische Union (EU) hat sich "eingesetzt", um die Menschenrechte in China zu bekämpfen. Beim Außenministerrat in Brüssel (22.) wurden vier chinesische Beamte und eine Gruppe wegen schwerer Menschenrechtsverletzungen in der autonomen Region Xinjiang Uygur bestraft. Die Vereinigten Staaten und das Vereinigte Königreich verhängten am selben Tag ebenfalls neue Sanktionen.

Europa hat traditionell eine harmonische Haltung zu China mit Schwerpunkt auf der Wirtschaft gezeigt, aber es hat eine große Veränderung vollzogen. Japans Antwort dürfte in Frage gestellt werden.

Dies ist die erste Sanktion gegen China, seit die Vorgängerorganisation der EU nach dem Zwischenfall auf dem Platz des Himmlischen Friedens 1989 den Waffenexport verboten hat.

Darüber hinaus haben sich auch die Vereinigten Staaten und das Vereinigte Königreich bewegt, die Werte wie "Freiheit", "Demokratie" und "Menschenrechte" teilen.

Am 22. März gab das chinesische Außenministerium bekannt, dass es beschlossen habe, Sanktionen gegen Europäische Parlamentarier sowie 10 Personen und 4 Gruppen zu verhängen, und sagte, dies sei "Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten".


In China! Boykotte von "H & M und Nike", kritisiert wegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen (25. März 2021)


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" der Grund für die Änderung ist.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine falsche Anklage. Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Englische Übersetzung)


Teil 2 Im Folgenden finden Sie die "falschen Anschuldigungen" wegen "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" im Jahr 2010



Englische Sprache.


Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Die wirtschaftliche Aktivität sollte auch unter der "neuen Korona" wieder normalisiert werden!

Erhalte ich den Corona-Impfstoff weiterhin zwei- oder dreimal im Jahr? Verrückt!

Wie bei der Thermografie sollten wir einen "Tester" entwickeln, der sofort ein "Positiv" "findet".

An bestimmten getesteten Orten können "positive Menschen" ohne Masken zum "normalen Leben" zurückkehren! Weitere Informationen finden Sie im vorherigen Bericht.

Übermittlung von zusätzlichem Material an den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundespremier Merkel" gesendet.

Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.





Hilf mir.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.


★ Bitte kaufen Sie ein Mittagessen von einer Person mit einer Behinderung! Bitte rufen Sie uns an. Bitte vorstellen.


★ "Das Unglück anderer ist der Geschmack von Honig" "Liebe rettet die Menschen auf der Welt" Weitere Informationen


To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Biden's "policy toward China", Americans raising dissatisfaction! According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, a US polling agency (conducted February 1-7, 2009), 70% said, "Even if economic relations with China deteriorate, human rights in China should be promoted. Is. " On the other hand, 26% answered that "strengthening economic relations with China should be prioritized even if we do not tackle human rights issues."

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

2021-04-07: Dear Sir

I think the United States will ask Japan for an "alliance on human rights issues." 

On top of that, 

I think the United States will "push" Japan to choose between "pro-Chinese" and "pro-US." 

The Japanese people should make a "choice" of candidates based on "pro-Chinese" 

or "pro-US" as the "issue" of the "House of Representatives election".

Japan takes the "pro-Chinese" in the economy and the "pro-US" in the security. 

However, "The Biden administration prioritizes human rights issues over economic relations. 

If Japan wants an alliance with the United States, 

it should prioritize" human rights issues. " 

The Japanese government should impose sanctions on China for "Uighur human rights issues"! 

And the Japanese government should solve the "human rights problem" in Japan.

In response to criticism of human rights violations, 

a boycotts of "H & M and Nike" is taking place in China.

Last year, clothing giant H & M announced that it would not use "cotton 

from Xinjiang" due to human rights violations 

by Chinese authorities in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 

In China, there is a boycotts of "H & M", 

and the state-owned central television has criticized "Don't slander even though you are making money 

in China."

Here, will dirty Japanese try to get "Fisherman's Profit"? 

It's too dirty! It's dangerous to say "I'm Japanese" in the world!

Part 1 Biden's "policy toward China", Americans raising dissatisfaction!

According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 

a US polling agency (conducted February 1-7, 2009), 70% said, 

"Even if economic relations with China deteriorate, human rights in China should be promoted. Is. "

On the other hand, 26% answered 

that "strengthening economic relations with China should be prioritized even 

if we do not tackle human rights issues."

Human rights issues exceeded economic relations by 44 points.

Americans value human rights issues more than economic relations when it comes to China.

The full text is below.


The European Union (EU) has "stand up" to crack down on human rights in China. 

At the Council of Foreign Ministers in Brussels (22nd), 

four Chinese officials and one group were sanctioned for being involved 

in serious human rights violations in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 

The United States and the United Kingdom also imposed new sanctions on the same day. 

Europe has traditionally shown a harmonious stance 

with China with an emphasis on the economy, 

but it has made a major shift. Japan's response is likely to be questioned.

This is the first sanction over China since the EU's predecessor organization banned arms exports 

following the 1989 Tiananmen Square Incident.

In addition, the United States and the United Kingdom, 

which share values ​​such as "freedom," "democratic," and "human rights," have also moved.

On March 22, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced 

that it had decided to impose sanctions on European Parliamentarians and 10 people and 4 groups, 

saying that it was "interference in domestic affairs."


In China! Boycotts of "H & M and Nike", criticized for human rights violations (March 25, 2021)


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act 

in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。


★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、


To President Biden! It is the responsibility of the US Government to change the human rights consciousness of Asians! Don't blame the blacks! Violence against Asians is occurring frequently! New York Police Department arrests a 38-year-old man! I'm Japanese (Asian)! Far East Asian countries such as China and Japan are "formerly Confucian nations." According to the teaching of "Confucianism", a person who "rebels" against society (power) is a villain! A black man was murdered. Blacks gave a "demonstration" saying that "black life is also important." "At that time"! Asians "despised" blacks! Asians looked down on them! Asians think of themselves as white! Asians think that they are on the side of the people in power. Asians do not understand democracy and human rights. It is natural for black people to "hunt Asians". The way to break this trend is to teach Asians democracy and human rights. It's not a bad thing to protest (police and other powers) in the United States! Americans should tell Asians about this! Please! Tell Asians that in the United States, you shouldn't be "obedience" to those in power. Please take a moment for Asians to understand this!

 To President Biden!

It is the responsibility of the US Government to change the human rights consciousness of Asians! 

Don't blame the blacks!

Violence against Asians is occurring frequently! 

New York Police Department arrests a 38-year-old man!

I'm Japanese (Asian)! 

Far East Asian countries such as China and Japan are "formerly Confucian nations." 

According to the teaching of "Confucianism", a person who "rebels" against society (power) is a villain!

A black man was murdered. Blacks gave a "demonstration" saying that "black life is also important."

"At that time"! Asians "despised" blacks! Asians looked down on them!

Asians think of themselves as white! Asians think that they are on the side of the people in power.

Asians do not understand democracy and human rights.

It is natural for black people to "hunt Asians".

The way to break this trend is to teach Asians democracy and human rights.

It's not a bad thing to protest (police and other powers) in the United States!

Americans should tell Asians about this! Please!

Tell Asians that in the United States, you shouldn't be "obedience" to those in power.

Please take a moment for Asians to understand this!


The counterattack on Asians by black Americans never stops! 

You should do "boycotts of Asian products" instead of violence!

Abuse screaming! Destroy the inside of the store with an iron rod! 

Targeting Asians again in the US (April 5, 2021)


2021-04-07: Dear Sir

I think the United States will ask Japan for an "alliance on human rights issues." 

On top of that, 

I think the United States will "push" Japan to choose between "pro-Chinese" and "pro-US." 

The Japanese people should make a "choice" of candidates based on "pro-Chinese" 

or "pro-US" as the "issue" of the "House of Representatives election".

Japan takes the "pro-Chinese" in the economy and the "pro-US" in the security. 

However, "The Biden administration prioritizes human rights issues over economic relations. 

If Japan wants an alliance with the United States, 

it should prioritize" human rights issues. " 

The Japanese government should impose sanctions on China for "Uighur human rights issues"! 

And the Japanese government should solve the "human rights problem" in Japan.

In response to criticism of human rights violations, 

a boycotts of "H & M and Nike" is taking place in China.

Last year, clothing giant H & M announced that it would not use "cotton 

from Xinjiang" due to human rights violations 

by Chinese authorities in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 

In China, there is a boycotts of "H & M", 

and the state-owned central television has criticized "Don't slander even though you are making money 

in China."

Here, will dirty Japanese try to get "Fisherman's Profit"? 

It's too dirty! It's dangerous to say "I'm Japanese" in the world!

Part 1 Biden's "policy toward China", Americans raising dissatisfaction!

According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 

a US polling agency (conducted February 1-7, 2009), 70% said, 

"Even if economic relations with China deteriorate, human rights in China should be promoted. Is. "

On the other hand, 26% answered 

that "strengthening economic relations with China should be prioritized even 

if we do not tackle human rights issues."

Human rights issues exceeded economic relations by 44 points.

Americans value human rights issues more than economic relations when it comes to China.

The full text is below.


The European Union (EU) has "stand up" to crack down on human rights in China. 

At the Council of Foreign Ministers in Brussels (22nd), 

four Chinese officials and one group were sanctioned for being involved 

in serious human rights violations in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 

The United States and the United Kingdom also imposed new sanctions on the same day. 

Europe has traditionally shown a harmonious stance 

with China with an emphasis on the economy, 

but it has made a major shift. Japan's response is likely to be questioned.

This is the first sanction over China since the EU's predecessor organization banned arms exports 

following the 1989 Tiananmen Square Incident.

In addition, the United States and the United Kingdom, 

which share values ​​such as "freedom," "democratic," and "human rights," have also moved.

On March 22, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced 

that it had decided to impose sanctions on European Parliamentarians and 10 people and 4 groups, 

saying that it was "interference in domestic affairs."


In China! Boycotts of "H & M and Nike", criticized for human rights violations (March 25, 2021)


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act 

in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! 

Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" 

who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", 

we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!

For uncertainties, please contact us!


内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様 私は、私および中国人、フィリッピン大使館関係者に対する、 「名誉の回復」と「賠償」を求めます。私は、2つのことを「訴えて」います。 1)外国人が「在留の資格」以外の「違法な労働」を行った。しかし外国人は無罪です。 2)検察は「入管法22-4-4条の支援」を理由として、入管法70条に対して刑法の60条および62条の 「他の犯罪を支援する罪」を「適用」したが「適用する法律の誤り」です。

 内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様










人権侵害の批判をうけて中国で、「H&Mやナイキ」の不買運動 が起こっています。





ここで、ダーティな日本人は「漁夫の利,Fisherman's Profit」を得ようとするのでしょうか!


第1部。バイデン政権の「対中国政策」、不満を高める米国民 !

















中国で!「H&Mやナイキ」の不買運動、 人権侵害の批判で(2021年3月25日)
















長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



コロナワクチンを年に2、3回 接種し続けるのだろうか?クレイジだ!




Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)













私の情報 ***************************************************






"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!




★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。


★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、



Au président français Emmanuel Macron Il est un fait que le gouvernement japonais a trompé le gouvernement nord-coréen et a renvoyé les «japonais enlevés». La diplomatie japonaise est une diplomatie de «tromperie» et de «corruption». L'administration Biden devrait laisser le gouvernement japonais choisir entre "pro-Chine" et "pro-US" sur la base du respect des "droits de l'homme".

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2021-04-06: Cher Monsieur

Les pays occidentaux devraient laisser le Japon choisir entre «pro-Chine» et «pro-US».

Les pays occidentaux devraient faire du Japon une "nation des droits de l'homme"! Avec une stratégie «sécuritaire», les États-Unis ont construit un «siège contre la Chine» en incorporant les quatre pays que sont le Japon, les États-Unis, l'Australie et l'Inde dans le «quad».

Cependant, dans les «problèmes de droits de l'homme des Ouïghours» en Chine, le Japon n'a pas de nouveau participé aux «sanctions contre la Chine».

C'est parce que le Japon a également un gros problème de droits de l'homme.

C'est parce que la Chine et le Japon sont des "frères" en tant qu '"anciens pays confucéens".

Deux mois se sont écoulés depuis l'inauguration de l'administration Biden. Enfin, l'attitude de la diplomatie américaine est devenue claire.

Ses caractéristiques sont, outre la politique globale de «retour à un système de coopération internationale et de mise en valeur de l'alliance», et plus que l'administration Trump de «ne jamais faire de compromis sur la Chine», c'est une politique envers la Chine qui couvre toute la politique diplomatique .

Il semble que les États-Unis ne négligent jamais "la position dure de la Chine".

Le gouvernement japonais a une économie «pro-Chine». La «sécurité» est une politique «pro-américaine».

Et en termes de droits de l'homme, elle a le même «national-socialisme» (autoritarisme) que la «Chine».

Si l'administration Biden garde toujours le gouvernement japonais, c'est dans une situation dangereuse.

Il est un fait que le gouvernement japonais a trompé le gouvernement nord-coréen et a renvoyé les «japonais enlevés».

La diplomatie japonaise est une diplomatie de «tromperie» et de «corruption».

L'administration Biden devrait laisser le gouvernement japonais choisir entre "pro-Chine" et "pro-US" sur la base du respect des "droits de l'homme".

Partie 1 Le groupe de travail du Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies a déclaré que «M. Ghosn» n'était «pas coupable».

L'administration Biden a «livré» au Japon «Michael Taylor et son fils Peter, qui ont aidé M. Ghosn à s'échapper».

En premier lieu, le Japon a un traité d'extradition avec uniquement les États-Unis et la Corée du Sud.

«A part les deux pays du monde» ne reconnaissent pas le «système judiciaire» japonais.

La raison pour laquelle «les parents et les enfants américains» ont été livrés au Japon, même avec une telle «insouciance», est «de prendre le Japon comme un allié des États-Unis». C'est fou.


18 mars. Le ministre sud-coréen des Affaires étrangères, Chung Eui-yong, a révélé. Lors des «Pourparlers entre les ministres de la diplomatie et de la défense américano-coréens (2 + 2)»

Il n'y a pas eu de discussion sur le "quad (conseil de sécurité de quatre pays du Japon, des États-Unis, de l'Australie et de l'Inde)".


Le jour de Tiananmen, le Japon a refusé les sanctions conjointes du G7. Le gouvernement japonais est préoccupé par l'isolement de la Chine.

Le 4 juin 1989, jour de l'incident de la place Tiananmen, le gouvernement japonais craignait que ce ne soit pas une bonne idée d'isoler la Chine à l'échelle internationale.

Un document diplomatique rendu public le 23 a révélé qu'il avait décidé de refuser des sanctions conjointes comme les sept pays développés (G7).

Correspondance en prévision du sommet du G7 (sommet de l'Arche) en France en juillet le lendemain.

Il a également été révélé qu'il était temporairement opposé à la décision du G7 d'adopter la déclaration de condamnation.


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut pas être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une fausse accusation. Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Traduction anglaise)


Partie 2 Veuillez consulter ce qui suit pour les "fausses accusations" de "crimes de soutien pour violations de la loi sur l'immigration" en 2010



Langue anglaise.


Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano


L'activité économique devrait être «revenue» à la normale même sous la «nouvelle couronne»!

Vais-je continuer à recevoir le vaccin corona deux ou trois fois par an? Fou!

Comme la thermographie, nous devrions développer un «testeur» qui «trouve» instantanément un «positif».

Dans certains endroits testés, les «personnes positives» peuvent reprendre une «vie normale» sans masque! Veuillez consulter le rapport précédent pour plus de détails.

Soumis des informations supplémentaires au Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies (OHCHR).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund Die japanische Regierung hat eine Wirtschaft von "pro China". "Sicherheit" ist eine "Pro-US" -Politik. Und in Bezug auf die Menschenrechte hat es den gleichen "Nationalsozialismus" (Autoritarismus) wie "China". Wenn die Biden-Regierung die japanische Regierung weiterhin behält, befindet sie sich in einer gefährlichen Situation.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

2021-04-06: Sehr geehrter Herr

Westliche Länder sollten Japan zwischen "Pro-China" und "Pro-USA" wählen lassen.

Westliche Länder sollten Japan zu einer "Menschenrechtsnation" machen! Mit einer "Sicherheits" -Strategie haben die Vereinigten Staaten eine "Belagerung gegen China" aufgebaut, indem sie die vier Länder Japan, die Vereinigten Staaten, Australien und Indien in das "Quad" aufgenommen haben.

In Chinas "Menschenrechtsfragen für Uiguren" beteiligte sich Japan jedoch nicht wieder an "Sanktionen gegen China".

Das liegt daran, dass Japan auch ein großes Menschenrechtsproblem hat.

Dies liegt daran, dass China und Japan "Brüder" als "ehemalige konfuzianische Nationen" sind.

Seit der Amtseinführung der Bidener Verwaltung sind zwei Monate vergangen. Schließlich ist die Haltung der amerikanischen Diplomatie klar geworden.

Seine Merkmale sind neben der allgemeinen Politik der "Rückkehr zu einem internationalen Kooperationssystem und der Betonung des Bündnisses" und mehr als der Trump-Regierung "niemals Kompromisse bei China eingehen" eine Politik gegenüber China, die die gesamte diplomatische Politik abdeckt .

Es scheint, dass die Vereinigten Staaten Chinas harte Haltung niemals übersehen.

Die japanische Regierung hat eine Wirtschaft von "pro China". "Sicherheit" ist eine "Pro-US" -Politik.

Und in Bezug auf die Menschenrechte hat es den gleichen "Nationalsozialismus" (Autoritarismus) wie "China".

Wenn die Biden-Regierung die japanische Regierung weiterhin behält, befindet sie sich in einer gefährlichen Situation.

Es ist eine Tatsache, dass die japanische Regierung die nordkoreanische Regierung getäuscht und "japanische Entführte" zurückgebracht hat.

Japans Diplomatie ist "Täuschung" und "Bestechung".

Die Biden-Regierung sollte die japanische Regierung unter der Voraussetzung der Einhaltung der "Menschenrechte" zwischen "pro China" und "pro US" wählen lassen.

Teil 1 Die Arbeitsgruppe des UN-Menschenrechtsrates sagte, "Herr Ghosn" sei "nicht schuldig".

Die Biden-Administration "lieferte" nach Japan "Michael Taylor und sein Sohn Peter, die Herrn Ghosn bei der Flucht halfen".

Erstens hat Japan einen Auslieferungsvertrag nur mit den Vereinigten Staaten und Südkorea.

"Außer den beiden Ländern der Welt" erkennt Japans "Justizsystem" nicht an.

Der Grund, warum "amerikanische Eltern und Kinder" trotz solcher "Rücksichtslosigkeit" an Japan übergeben wurden, ist "Japan als Verbündeten der Vereinigten Staaten zu nehmen". Es ist verrückt.


18. März. Der südkoreanische Außenminister Chung Eui-yong hat enthüllt. Bei den "Gesprächen zwischen US-Korea-Diplomatie- und Verteidigungsministern (2 + 2)"

Es gab keine Diskussion über das "Quad (Vier-Länder-Sicherheitsrat von Japan, den Vereinigten Staaten, Australien und Indien)".


Am Tag des Himmlischen Friedens lehnte Japan gemeinsame Sanktionen der G7 ab. Die japanische Regierung ist besorgt über die Isolation Chinas.

Am 4. Juni 1989, dem Tag des Zwischenfalls auf dem Platz des Himmlischen Friedens, befürchtete die japanische Regierung, dass es keine gute Idee wäre, China international zu isolieren.

Ein am 23. veröffentlichtes diplomatisches Dokument ergab, dass es beschlossen hatte, gemeinsame Sanktionen als die sieben Industrieländer (G7) abzulehnen.

Korrespondenz im Vorgriff auf den G7-Gipfel (Arche-Gipfel) in Frankreich im Juli des folgenden Tages.

Es zeigte sich auch, dass er vorübergehend gegen den Schritt der G7 war, die Verurteilungserklärung anzunehmen.


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" der Grund für die Änderung ist.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine falsche Anklage. Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Englische Übersetzung)


Teil 2 Im Folgenden finden Sie die "falschen Anschuldigungen" wegen "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" im Jahr 2010



Englische Sprache.


Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Die wirtschaftliche Aktivität sollte auch unter der "neuen Korona" wieder normalisiert werden!

Erhalte ich den Corona-Impfstoff weiterhin zwei- oder dreimal im Jahr? Verrückt!

Wie bei der Thermografie sollten wir einen "Tester" entwickeln, der sofort ein "Positiv" "findet".

An bestimmten getesteten Orten können "positive Menschen" ohne Masken zum "normalen Leben" zurückkehren! Weitere Informationen finden Sie im vorherigen Bericht.

Übermittlung von zusätzlichem Material an den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundespremier Merkel" gesendet.

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To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson "The UN Human Rights Council Working Group" has made "Mr. Ghosn" "not guilty." The Biden administration handed over "Michael Taylor and his son Peter, who helped Mr. Ghosn escape," to Japan. In the first place, Japan has an extradition treaty with only the United States and South Korea.

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

2021-04-06: Dear Sir

Western countries should let Japan choose between "pro-China" and "pro-US."

Western countries should make Japan a "human rights nation"! For security reasons, 

the United States has built a "siege against China" 

by incorporating it into the four countries "Quad" of Japan, 

the United States, Australia and India. However, in China's "human rights issues for Uighurs," 

Japan did not participate in "sanctions against China" again. 

That is because Japan also has a big human rights problem. 

This is because China and Japan are "brothers" as "former, Confucian nations."

Two months have passed since the inauguration of the Biden administration. Finally, 

the attitude of American diplomacy has become clear.

Its characteristics are, in addition to the overall policy 

of "returning to an international cooperation system and emphasizing the alliance", 

and more than the Trump administration of "never compromise on China", 

it is a policy toward China that covers the entire diplomatic policy.

It seems that the United States never overlooks China's hard-line stance.

The Japanese government has an economy of "pro-China.

" Security is a "pro-US" policy. And in terms of human rights, 

it has the same "national socialism" (authoritarianism) as "China."

If the Biden administration still keeps the Japanese government, 

it is in a dangerous situation.

There is a fact that the Japanese government has deceived the North Korean government 

and returned "Japanese abductees". 

Japan's diplomacy is "deception" and "bribery" diplomacy.

The Biden administration should let the Japanese government choose between "pro-China" 

and "pro-US" on the premise of adhering to "human rights".

Part 1 "The UN Human Rights Council Working Group" has made "Mr. Ghosn" "not guilty."

The Biden administration handed over "Michael Taylor and his son Peter, who helped Mr. Ghosn escape," 

to Japan. In the first place, 

Japan has an extradition treaty with only the United States and South Korea. 

"Other than the two countries in the world" do not recognize Japan's "judicial system."

The reason why "American parents and children" were handed over to Japan even 

with such "recklessness" is "to take Japan as an ally of the United States." It's crazy.


March 18th. South Korean Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong has revealed. 

At the "US-Korea Foreign Ministers and Defense Ministers (2 + 2) Talks", 

there was no discussion about "Quad (4 national security councils of Japan, 

the US, Australia and India)".


On the day of Tiananmen, Japan refused joint sanctions 

by the G7. The Japanese government is concerned about the isolation of China.

On June 4, 1989, the day of the Tiananmen Square Incident, 

the Japanese government was concerned 

that it would not be a good idea to isolate China internationally, 

and had decided to refuse joint sanctions as the seven developed countries (G7). 

However, it was revealed in a diplomatic document released on the 23rd.

Correspondence in anticipation of the G7 summit (Arche Summit) in France in July the following day. 

It was also revealed 

that he was temporarily opposed to the G7's move to adopt the declaration of condemnation.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Biden! The Biden administration should let the Japanese government choose between "pro-China" and "pro-US" on the premise of adhering to "human rights".

 To President Biden!

2021-04-06: Dear Sir

Western countries should let Japan choose between "pro-China" and "pro-US."

Western countries should make Japan a "human rights nation"! For security reasons, 

the United States has built a "siege against China" 

by incorporating it into the four countries "Quad" of Japan, 

the United States, Australia and India. However, in China's "human rights issues for Uighurs," 

Japan did not participate in "sanctions against China" again. 

That is because Japan also has a big human rights problem. 

This is because China and Japan are "brothers" as "former, Confucian nations."

Two months have passed since the inauguration of the Biden administration. Finally, 

the attitude of American diplomacy has become clear.

Its characteristics are, in addition to the overall policy 

of "returning to an international cooperation system and emphasizing the alliance", 

and more than the Trump administration of "never compromise on China", 

it is a policy toward China that covers the entire diplomatic policy.

It seems that the United States never overlooks China's hard-line stance.

The Japanese government has an economy of "pro-China.

" Security is a "pro-US" policy. And in terms of human rights, 

it has the same "national socialism" (authoritarianism) as "China."

If the Biden administration still keeps the Japanese government, 

it is in a dangerous situation.

There is a fact that the Japanese government has deceived the North Korean government 

and returned "Japanese abductees". 

Japan's diplomacy is "deception" and "bribery" diplomacy.

The Biden administration should let the Japanese government choose between "pro-China" 

and "pro-US" on the premise of adhering to "human rights".

Part 1 "The UN Human Rights Council Working Group" has made "Mr. Ghosn" "not guilty."

The Biden administration handed over "Michael Taylor and his son Peter, who helped Mr. Ghosn escape," 

to Japan. In the first place, 

Japan has an extradition treaty with only the United States and South Korea. 

"Other than the two countries in the world" do not recognize Japan's "judicial system."

The reason why "American parents and children" were handed over to Japan even 

with such "recklessness" is "to take Japan as an ally of the United States." It's crazy.


March 18th. South Korean Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong has revealed. 

At the "US-Korea Foreign Ministers and Defense Ministers (2 + 2) Talks", 

there was no discussion about "Quad (4 national security councils of Japan, 

the US, Australia and India)".


On the day of Tiananmen, Japan refused joint sanctions 

by the G7. The Japanese government is concerned about the isolation of China.

On June 4, 1989, the day of the Tiananmen Square Incident, 

the Japanese government was concerned 

that it would not be a good idea to isolate China internationally, 

and had decided to refuse joint sanctions as the seven developed countries (G7). 

However, it was revealed in a diplomatic document released on the 23rd.

Correspondence in anticipation of the G7 summit (Arche Summit) in France in July the following day. 

It was also revealed 

that he was temporarily opposed to the G7's move to adopt the declaration of condemnation.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! 

Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" 

who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", 

we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!

For uncertainties, please contact us!


内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様 2017年1月の入管法の改正で「私は無罪」であることが改正理由で述べています。 理由:「処罰できない」から「処罰できる」ように改正する。 「冤罪」です しかし日本政府はまだ謝罪をしません。起訴状は下記でご覧ください。(日本語)

 内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様





























天安門当日、日本はG7による共同制裁を拒否。 日本政府は中国の孤立化を懸念。






















長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



コロナワクチンを年に2、3回 接種し続けるのだろうか?クレイジだ!




Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)













私の情報 ***************************************************






"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!




★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。


★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、



To President Biden! "Japanese abduction problem" by North Korea The United States should not use the "Japanese abduction issue" politically! It's just that the solution to this problem is "going away"!

 To President Biden!

2021-04-05: Dear Sir

"Japanese abduction problem" by North Korea 

The United States should not use the "Japanese abduction issue" politically! 

It's just that the solution to this problem is "going away"!

The US-Japan Summit should have a "talk" on "freedom," "democratic," and "human rights."

President Biden should have a "meeting" on "Chinese Uighur Human Rights Issues" 

and "Japanese Human Rights Issues"! 

If Japan does not make "concessions" due to human rights issues, 

"excluding from the alliance" should also be included in the "options". 

Nowadays, hate to Asians is increasing in the United States. 

President Biden should tackle the "human rights issue in Japan" with a strong attitude. 

When President Biden returns, bring Michael Taylor and his son Peter back from Japan 

and return with them!

The US and Japanese governments are planning to have Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga visit 

the United States on April 8-10 and hold a face-to-face meeting with President Biden on April 9.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga visited the "room" of "former Prime Minister Abe." 

Prime Minister Suga is coordinating to meet with US President Joe Biden on April 9, 

and is believed to have sought advice. 

What was the advice from former Prime Minister Abe to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga?

Whenever Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga meets with President Biden, 

he will talk about the rescue of "Japanese abductees" by North Korea. 

The "Japanese abduction issue" has become a "tool" for maintaining the administration. 

It is the same as South Korea's political use of the "comfort women issue" 

and the "wartime worker issue."

North Korea has stated that the "Japanese abduction issue" has been "solved." 

However, the Japanese government has "asserted" that the "remains" of "Megumi Yokota", 

who is said to have "died", is "fake". 

So the Japanese government claims that the "remaining abductees" are "all alive." 

To solve this problem, a "UN expert" should first "reassess" Megumi Yokota's "remains"!

The United States should not use the "Japanese abduction issue" politically! 

It's just that the solution to this problem is "going away"!

Part 1 Prime Minister Suga visits the United States From April 8th to 9th, 

adjustments will be made at the summit meeting!

At the meeting, we will discuss the regional situation in East Asia, 

the new coronavirus, and climate change issues, 

such as the issue of repeated invasions of public vessels belonging to the China Coast Guard 

around the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture.


After the meeting, the Prime Minister said, "I will visit the United States next month, 

so I met with" former Prime Minister Abe "and exchanged opinions on domestic affairs and diplomacy. 

It was very meaningful, "he told reporters.


The diplomatic power of the genius Koizumi who deceived North Korea.

Koizumi's visit to North Korea shocked the world. Hitoshi Tanaka, 

Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs

I thought that "Kim Jong Il" would get "1 trillion yen of economic cooperation" 

if five people were returned.

However, Japan did not pay even one yen, saying that the "report of eight deaths" was a "defeat".

When Mr. Koizumi visited North Korea, he listened to the opinion of the hardliner Abe

 (former Prime Minister = secretary) and executed it.

According to North Korea, Japan broke its promise. Japan has deceived North Korea.

This diplomacy was wonderful, seeing through the weaknesses of Mr. Koizumi's opponent.

Mr. Koizumi successfully manipulated two people, Shinzo Abe and Hitoshi Tanaka, 

to recover the five abductees.


The "remains" of "Megumi Yokota"! 

The doctor in charge of Teikyo University confesses to the scientific journal "Nature"!

I have pointed out the suspicion about the appraisal results of Teikyo University School of Medicine.

How to announce the appraisal results and how to deal with the government was too political.

And the way the mass media was handled was terrible.



I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Naga


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! 

Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" 

who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", 

we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!

For uncertainties, please contact us!





★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、


To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson If Japan does not make "concessions" due to human rights issues, "excluding from the alliance" should also be included in the "options".

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

2021-04-05: Dear Sir

The US-Japan Summit should have a "talk" on "freedom," "democratic," and "human rights."

President Biden should have a "meeting" on "Chinese Uighur Human Rights Issues" 

and "Japanese Human Rights Issues"! 

If Japan does not make "concessions" due to human rights issues, 

"excluding from the alliance" should also be included in the "options". 

Nowadays, hate to Asians is increasing in the United States. 

President Biden should tackle the "human rights issue in Japan" with a strong attitude. 

When President Biden returns, bring Michael Taylor and his son Peter back from Japan 

and return with them!

The US and Japanese governments are planning to have Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga visit 

the United States on April 8-10 and hold a face-to-face meeting with President Biden on April 9.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga visited the "room" of "former Prime Minister Abe." 

Prime Minister Suga is coordinating to meet with US President Joe Biden on April 9, 

and is believed to have sought advice. 

What was the advice from former Prime Minister Abe to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga?

Whenever Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga meets with President Biden, 

he will talk about the rescue of "Japanese abductees" by North Korea. 

The "Japanese abduction issue" has become a "tool" for maintaining the administration. 

It is the same as South Korea's political use of the "comfort women issue" 

and the "wartime worker issue."

North Korea has stated that the "Japanese abduction issue" has been "solved." 

However, the Japanese government has "asserted" that the "remains" of "Megumi Yokota", 

who is said to have "died", is "fake". 

So the Japanese government claims that the "remaining abductees" are "all alive." 

To solve this problem, a "UN expert" should first "reassess" Megumi Yokota's "remains"!

The United States should not use the "Japanese abduction issue" politically! 

It's just that the solution to this problem is "going away"!

Part 1 Prime Minister Suga visits the United States From April 8th to 9th, 

adjustments will be made at the summit meeting!

At the meeting, we will discuss the regional situation in East Asia, 

the new coronavirus, and climate change issues, 

such as the issue of repeated invasions of public vessels belonging to the China Coast Guard 

around the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture.


After the meeting, the Prime Minister said, "I will visit the United States next month, 

so I met with" former Prime Minister Abe "and exchanged opinions on domestic affairs and diplomacy. 

It was very meaningful, "he told reporters.


The diplomatic power of the genius Koizumi who deceived North Korea.

Koizumi's visit to North Korea shocked the world. Hitoshi Tanaka, 

Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs

I thought that "Kim Jong Il" would get "1 trillion yen of economic cooperation" 

if five people were returned.

However, Japan did not pay even one yen, saying that the "report of eight deaths" was a "defeat".

When Mr. Koizumi visited North Korea, he listened to the opinion of the hardliner Abe

 (former Prime Minister = secretary) and executed it.

According to North Korea, Japan broke its promise. Japan has deceived North Korea.

This diplomacy was wonderful, seeing through the weaknesses of Mr. Koizumi's opponent.

Mr. Koizumi successfully manipulated two people, Shinzo Abe and Hitoshi Tanaka, 

to recover the five abductees.


The "remains" of "Megumi Yokota"! 

The doctor in charge of Teikyo University confesses to the scientific journal "Nature"!

I have pointed out the suspicion about the appraisal results of Teikyo University School of Medicine.

How to announce the appraisal results and how to deal with the government was too political.

And the way the mass media was handled was terrible.



I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Naga


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "positive people" can return to "normal life" without masks! Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.
