
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-06-01: Dear Sir "In the current situation in Japan, even" people who have finished vaccination "can be" infected with the mutant strain " and spread the infection," the US State Department pointed out. "Indian mutant virus" is a terrifying threat!

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

2021-06-01: Dear Sir

The Japanese people are "overjoyed" at the decision of the US State Department. 

"American hurray"!

On the 24th, 

the US Department of State raised the travel alert level to Japan to the highest level "Level 4" 

and recommended "stop travel" in response to the problem 

of the spread of the new coronavirus infection in Japan.

"In the current situation in Japan, 

even" people who have finished vaccination "can be" infected with the mutant strain "

and spread the infection," the US State Department pointed out. 

"Indian mutant virus" is a terrifying threat!

This is a comment from the Japanese people on the internet!

The Japanese government's "no sense of crisis" is "known" to the world.

Please prohibit not only the United States but also "other countries" from traveling to Japan.

Since the Japanese people are not strong, 

we have no choice but to always rely on "external pressure" (pressure from foreign governments).

It means "Don't go!" To Japan, which continues to import "Corona mutants" from foreign countries.

Ah, ah…! !! Does this mean 

that it is completely judged to be the "seedbed" of the "source of infection"?

There is a risk that the "view" of "anxiety" about the Tokyo Olympics 

and Paralympics, which is approaching two months later, will become stronger.

More than 80% of the Japanese people are demanding 

that the "Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics" be canceled or postponed. 

Many Japanese no longer support the Japanese government!

Everyone in the world! Take it "serious"!

CDC is also concerned! It has also been pointed out 

that "Indian mutant virus" may be "not overcome by 60% of Japanese". 

If you do not come to Japan, you will "rescue" not only the Japanese but also the people of the world.

I look forward to your wise judgment.

Part 1 The US Centers for Disease Control 

and Prevention (CDC) also updated travel information on the same day, 

raising the status of new corona infections in Japan to "level 4", 

which is the highest level among the four stages. 

"In the current situation in Japan, 

even people who have been vaccinated can become infected 

with the mutant strain and spread the infection," he said.

In Japan, vaccination of the new corona is significantly delayed compared to other developed countries, 

and 10 prefectures such as Tokyo and Osaka continue to declare a state of emergency.


The "Japanese miracle" that has been envied by the world may not last any longer.

Although there is no confirmation yet, 

the Indian type is highly infectious and difficult to cure when infected, 

so it is considered that there is a high risk of aggravation.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States has already decided 

that the Indian type is risky and has made the US government declare a travel ban.

"Cross-immunity", in which the immunity acquired from past colds is effective 

for the new corona, is also considered to be one of the "factor X".

However, in the Indian type, "cross-immunity" is also said to be "difficult to work".

In the first place, "infected persons and dead" were few in Asia as a whole,

but as can be seen from the explosion of infection in India, 

"Factor X" should no longer be accepted in Asia.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" 

of "crimes of support for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, negatives can return to "normal life without a mask"!

 Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。


★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、


To President Biden! 2021-06-01: Dear Sir The Japanese people are "overjoyed" at the decision of the US State Department. "American hurray"!

 To President Biden!

2021-06-01: Dear Sir

The Japanese people are "overjoyed" at the decision of the US State Department. 

"American hurray"!

On the 24th, 

the US Department of State raised the travel alert level to Japan to the highest level "Level 4" 

and recommended "stop travel" in response to the problem 

of the spread of the new coronavirus infection in Japan.

"In the current situation in Japan, 

even" people who have finished vaccination "can be" infected with the mutant strain "

and spread the infection," the US State Department pointed out. 

"Indian mutant virus" is a terrifying threat!

This is a comment from the Japanese people on the internet!

The Japanese government's "no sense of crisis" is "known" to the world.

Please prohibit not only the United States but also "other countries" from traveling to Japan.

Since the Japanese people are not strong, 

we have no choice but to always rely on "external pressure" (pressure from foreign governments).

It means "Don't go!" To Japan, which continues to import "Corona mutants" from foreign countries.

Ah, ah…! !! Does this mean 

that it is completely judged to be the "seedbed" of the "source of infection"?

There is a risk that the "view" of "anxiety" about the Tokyo Olympics 

and Paralympics, which is approaching two months later, will become stronger.

More than 80% of the Japanese people are demanding 

that the "Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics" be canceled or postponed. 

Many Japanese no longer support the Japanese government!

Everyone in the world! Take it "serious"!

CDC is also concerned! It has also been pointed out 

that "Indian mutant virus" may be "not overcome by 60% of Japanese". 

If you do not come to Japan, you will "rescue" not only the Japanese but also the people of the world.

I look forward to your wise judgment.

Part 1 The US Centers for Disease Control 

and Prevention (CDC) also updated travel information on the same day, 

raising the status of new corona infections in Japan to "level 4", 

which is the highest level among the four stages. 

"In the current situation in Japan, 

even people who have been vaccinated can become infected 

with the mutant strain and spread the infection," he said.

In Japan, vaccination of the new corona is significantly delayed compared to other developed countries, 

and 10 prefectures such as Tokyo and Osaka continue to declare a state of emergency.


The "Japanese miracle" that has been envied by the world may not last any longer.

Although there is no confirmation yet, 

the Indian type is highly infectious and difficult to cure when infected, 

so it is considered that there is a high risk of aggravation.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States has already decided 

that the Indian type is risky and has made the US government declare a travel ban.

"Cross-immunity", in which the immunity acquired from past colds is effective 

for the new corona, is also considered to be one of the "factor X".

However, in the Indian type, "cross-immunity" is also said to be "difficult to work".

In the first place, "infected persons and dead" were few in Asia as a whole,

but as can be seen from the explosion of infection in India, 

"Factor X" should no longer be accepted in Asia.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 

that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" 

of "crimes of support for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, negatives can return to "normal life without a mask"! 

Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" 

who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", 

we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!

For uncertainties, please contact us!


内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様 2021-06-01:拝啓  アメリカ国務省の英断に日本国民は「大喜び」をしています。「アメリカ万歳」! 米国務省は24日、日本国内で新型コロナウイルスの感染が拡大している問題を受け、 日本への渡航警戒水準を最高レベルの「レベル4」に引き上げ、「渡航中止」を勧告した。

 内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様




















「インド型変異ウイルス」 は「6割の日本人が打ち克てない」可能性も指摘されています。



































長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



コロナワクチンを年に2、3回 接種し続けるのだろうか?クレイジだ!




Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)













私の情報 ***************************************************






"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!





Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2021-05-31: Cher Monsieur Sinon, la «terre disparaîtra» avec une «attaque silencieuse» par des «armes biologiques» plus effrayantes que des «armes nucléaires».

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2021-05-31: Cher Monsieur

Le gouvernement américain devrait révéler l'origine du "nouveau coronavirus"!

On ne peut rien y faire si révéler l'origine devient «l'origine» de la «troisième guerre mondiale»!

Sinon, la «division» du peuple américain ne s'atténuera pas.

Et la «haine» des «Américains d'origine asiatique» ne disparaîtra pas! Le «stress» des peuples du monde ne se résorbe pas!

Le «gouvernement américain» et les «gouvernements de chaque pays» doivent relancer le débat sur l'origine de la nouvelle couronne et la cause de la pandémie.

Les pays devraient travailler avec les États-Unis pour faire connaître les faits et réclamer d'énormes dommages-intérêts à la Chine.

Au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, «un grand nombre de vies» a été perdu.

Les forces de l'ONU ont exécuté des criminels de guerre japonais devant le Tribunal de Tokyo comme des «crimes contre la paix».

Les Nations unies devraient clarifier l'origine du «nouveau coronavirus» et mener un «procès international» en tant que «crime contre la paix» pour ceux qui sont impliqués dans le développement, la fabrication et la propagation du «nouveau coronavirus».

Sinon, la «terre disparaîtra» avec une «attaque silencieuse» par des «armes biologiques» plus effrayantes que des «armes nucléaires».

Le Wall Street Journal le 23 mai

En novembre 2019, trois chercheurs de l'Institut de médecine vétérinaire de Wuhan, dans la province du Hubei, en Chine, étaient assez malades pour nécessiter un traitement dans un hôpital, a révélé un rapport non divulgué d'une agence de renseignement américaine. J'ai signalé que c'était devenu.

Partie 1 Au cours de «l'ancienne administration Trump» en janvier de cette année, le département d'État américain avait publié un document.

À l'automne 2019, plusieurs chercheurs de l'institut sont tombés malades avec «des symptômes similaires à de nouveaux coronas et des maladies saisonnières courantes».

Ce rapport en est une forme plus «concrète».

Le journal a souligné que cela avait «stimulé» les appels à une «enquête plus complète» pour savoir si le virus avait fui du laboratoire.

Les chercheurs ont été hospitalisés le même jour, a rapporté CNN TV.

Cependant, la partie américaine ne sait pas quel type de maladie elle avait réellement.

Le journal présente également les voix de sources apparentées selon lesquelles des informations sur la condition physique des chercheurs ont été fournies par des «partenaires internationaux» et qu'une enquête et un soutien supplémentaires sont nécessaires.

Un porte-parole du Conseil national de sécurité (NSC) a déclaré au journal: "J'ai de sérieux doutes sur les premières pandémies, y compris leurs origines en Chine."

La Chine nie la sortie de virus des laboratoires. L'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a rapporté que les premiers cas symptomatiques à Wuhan ont été confirmés le 8 décembre 2019.


"Corona a été faite à l'Institut de médecine vétérinaire de Wuhan" Un universitaire chinois a publié un traité → Les experts ont souligné que "anormal = conneries".

"Bien sûr, il a une expertise dans les virus, et il n'a pas" écrit "totalement" des conneries "", a déclaré un expert. Pourtant...


Développé avec corona. Il y a 2 800 cas de violence contre les Asiatiques chaque année.

En 2020, plus de 2800 cas de dommages ont été signalés aux États-Unis, et il y a eu une tragédie au cours de laquelle des Japonais ont été grièvement blessés.


J'écrirai aussi demain.

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que «je ne suis pas coupable» comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison: Modifier de «ne peut pas être puni» à «peut être puni».

C'est une fausse accusation. Merci à tous dans la communauté internationale.

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé. Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Traduction anglaise)


Partie 2 Veuillez consulter ce qui suit pour les "fausses accusations" de "crimes de soutien pour violations de la loi sur l'immigration" en 2010



Langue Anglaise.


Meilleures salutations.

Yasuhiro Nagano


L'activité économique devrait être «revenue» à la normale même sous la «nouvelle couronne»!

Vais-je continuer à recevoir le vaccin corona deux ou trois fois par an? Fou!

Comme la thermographie, nous devrions développer un «testeur» qui «trouve» instantanément un «positif».

Dans certains endroits testés, les négatifs peuvent revenir à "une vie normale sans masque"!Veuillez consulter le rapport précédent pour plus de détails.

Soumis des informations supplémentaires au Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies (OHCHR).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.





Yasuhiro Nagano

Aidez moi.

Contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.


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An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-05-31: Sehr geehrter Herr Im Zweiten Weltkrieg ging "eine große Anzahl von Menschenleben" verloren. Die UN-Truppen hingerichteten japanische Kriegsverbrecher vor dem Tribunal von Tokio als "Verbrechen gegen den Frieden".

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

2021-05-31: Sehr geehrter Herr

Die US-Regierung sollte den Ursprung des "neuen Coronavirus" aufdecken!

Es kann nicht geholfen werden, wenn die Enthüllung des Ursprungs zum "Ursprung" des "Dritten Weltkriegs" wird!

Andernfalls wird die "Spaltung" des amerikanischen Volkes nicht nachlassen.

Und der "Hass" auf "asiatische Amerikaner" wird nicht verschwinden! Der "Stress" der Menschen auf der Welt lässt nicht nach!

Die "US-Regierung" und die "Regierungen jedes Landes" müssen die Debatte über den Ursprung der neuen Korona und die Ursache der Pandemie neu entfachen.

Die Länder sollten mit den Vereinigten Staaten zusammenarbeiten, um die Fakten bekannt zu machen und großen Schadenersatz gegen China zu fordern.

Im Zweiten Weltkrieg ging "eine große Anzahl von Menschenleben" verloren.

Die UN-Truppen hingerichteten japanische Kriegsverbrecher vor dem Tribunal von Tokio als "Verbrechen gegen den Frieden".

Die Vereinten Nationen sollten den Ursprung des "neuen Coronavirus" klären und einen "internationalen Prozess" als "Verbrechen gegen den Frieden" für diejenigen durchführen, die an der Entwicklung, Herstellung und Verbreitung des "neuen Coronavirus" beteiligt sind.

Andernfalls verschwindet die "Erde" mit einem "leisen Angriff" durch "biologische Waffen", die beängstigender sind als "Atomwaffen".

Das Wall Street Journal am 23. Mai

Im November 2019 waren drei Forscher am Wuhan-Institut für Veterinärmedizin in der Provinz Hubei, China, krank genug, um in einem Krankenhaus behandelt zu werden. Dies ergab ein nicht veröffentlichter Bericht eines US-Geheimdienstes. Ich berichtete, dass dies der Fall war.

Teil 1 Während der "ehemaligen Trump-Administration" im Januar dieses Jahres hatte das US-Außenministerium ein Dokument veröffentlicht.

Im Herbst 2019 erkrankten mehrere Forscher des Instituts an "Symptomen ähnlich neuen Koronen und häufigen saisonalen Erkrankungen".

Dieser Bericht ist eine "konkretere Form" davon.

Die Zeitung wies darauf hin, dass sie "verstärkte" Forderungen nach einer "vollständigeren Untersuchung", ob das Virus aus dem Labor ausgetreten sei.

Die Forscher wurden am selben Tag ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert, berichtete CNN TV.

Die US-Seite weiß jedoch nicht, welche Art von Krankheit sie tatsächlich hatte.

Die Zeitung stellt auch die Stimmen verwandter Quellen vor, dass Informationen über die körperliche Verfassung von Forschern von "internationalen Partnern" bereitgestellt wurden und dass weitere Untersuchungen und Unterstützung erforderlich sind.

Ein Sprecher des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates (NSC) sagte gegenüber der Zeitung: "Ich habe ernsthafte Zweifel an den frühesten Pandemien, einschließlich ihrer Herkunft in China."

China bestreitet den Virusabfluss aus Laboratorien. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) berichtete, dass die ersten symptomatischen Fälle in Wuhan am 8. Dezember 2019 bestätigt wurden.


"Corona wurde am Wuhan Institute of Veterinary Medicine hergestellt" Ein chinesischer Gelehrter veröffentlichte eine Abhandlung → Experten wiesen darauf hin, dass "abnormal = Bullshit".

"Sicher, er hat Erfahrung mit Viren, und er hat keinen" Bullshit "" geschrieben "", sagte ein Experte. Jedoch...


Mit Korona erweitert. Jährlich gibt es 2.800 Fälle von Gewalt gegen Asiaten.

Im Jahr 2020 wurden in den USA mehr als 2.800 Schadensfälle gemeldet, und es gab eine Tragödie, bei der Japaner schwer verletzt wurden.


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Die Änderung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Januar 2017 besagt, dass "Ich bin nicht schuldig" der Grund für die Änderung ist.

Grund: Änderung von "kann nicht bestraft werden" zu "kann bestraft werden".

Es ist eine falsche Anklage. Vielen Dank an alle in der internationalen Gemeinschaft.

Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt. Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Englische Übersetzung)


Teil 2 Im Folgenden finden Sie die "falschen Anschuldigungen" wegen "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" im Jahr 2010



Englische Sprache.


Freundliche Grüße.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Die wirtschaftliche Aktivität sollte auch unter der "neuen Korona" wieder normalisiert werden!

Erhalte ich den Corona-Impfstoff weiterhin zwei- oder dreimal im Jahr? Verrückt!

Wie bei der Thermografie sollten wir einen "Tester" entwickeln, der sofort ein "Positiv" "findet".

An bestimmten getesteten Orten können Negative zum "normalen Leben ohne Maske" zurückkehren! Weitere Informationen finden Sie im vorherigen Bericht.

Übermittlung von zusätzlichem Material an den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Information ***************

Ich habe "per E-Mail" an "Bundespremier Merkel" gesendet.

Sie können alle früheren E-Mail-Übertragungen (Fehler) unten lesen.

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.





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To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-05-31: Dear Sir  The "US government" and "governments of each country" need to rekindle the debate over the origin of the new corona and the cause of the pandemic. Countries should work with the United States to publicize the facts and claim huge damages against China.

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

2021-05-31: Dear Sir

The US government should reveal the origin of the "new coronavirus"! 

It can't be helped if revealing the origin becomes the "origin" of "World War III"! Otherwise, 

the "division" of the United States will not be settled. 

And the "hate" to "Asian Americans" will not disappear! 

The "stress" of the people of the world does not subside!

The "US government" and "governments of each country" need to rekindle the debate over the origin 

of the new corona and the cause of the pandemic. 

Countries should work with the United States to publicize the facts and claim huge damages against China.

Huge lives were lost in World War II. 

The UN forces executed Japanese war criminals in the Tokyo Tribunal as "crimes against peace." 

The United Nations should clarify the origin of the "new coronavirus" and bring those involved in the development, 

manufacture and spread of the "new coronavirus" to an international court as a "crime against peace". 

Otherwise, the earth will disappear with a quiet attack by "biological weapons" that are more scary 

than "nuclear weapons".

The Wall Street Journal reported on May 23 that three researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Veterinary Medicine, 

Hubei Province, China, fell ill in November 2019 to the point where treatment was needed at the hospital. 

Was revealed in an undisclosed report by the US intelligence agency.

Part 1 During the "former Trump administration" in January this year, 

the US State Department had released a document. 

In the fall of 2019, several researchers at the institute became ill with "symptoms similar to new coronas 

and common seasonal illnesses."

This report is a more "concrete form" of it.

The newspaper pointed out that it "boosted" calls for a "more complete investigation" 

of whether the virus had leaked from the laboratory.

Researchers were hospitalized on the same day, CNN TV reported.

However, the US side does not know what kind of illness it actually had.

The newspaper also introduces the voices of related sources that the information 

on the physical condition of the researchers was provided by "international partners" 

and that further investigation and support are needed.

A spokesman for the National Security Council (NSC) told the newspaper, 

"I have serious doubts about the earliest pandemics, including their origins in China."

China denies virus outflow from laboratories. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the first symptomatic cases 

in Wuhan were confirmed on December 8, 2019.


"Corona was made at the Wuhan Institute of Veterinary Medicine" A Chinese scholar published a treatise → 

Experts pointed out that "abnormal = bullshit".

"Sure, he has expertise in viruses, and he's not" written "totally" bullshit, "" said an expert. However...


Expanded with corona. There are 2,800 cases of violence against Asians annually.

In 2020, more than 2,800 cases of damage were reported in the United States, 

and there was a tragedy in which Japanese people were seriously injured.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" 

as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, negatives can return to "normal life without a mask"!

 Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.





Help me.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


To President Biden! 2021-05-31: Dear Sir The US government should reveal the origin of the "new coronavirus"! It can't be helped if revealing the origin becomes the "origin" of "World War III"! Otherwise, the "division" of the United States will not be settled. And the "hate" to "Asian Americans" will not disappear! The "stress" of the people of the world does not subside!

 To President Biden!

2021-05-31: Dear Sir

The US government should reveal the origin of the "new coronavirus"! 

It can't be helped if revealing the origin becomes the "origin" of "World War III"! Otherwise, 

the "division" of the United States will not be settled. 

And the "hate" to "Asian Americans" will not disappear! 

The "stress" of the people of the world does not subside!

The "US government" and "governments of each country" need to rekindle the debate over the origin 

of the new corona and the cause of the pandemic. 

Countries should work with the United States to publicize the facts and claim huge damages against China.

Huge lives were lost in World War II. 

The UN forces executed Japanese war criminals in the Tokyo Tribunal as "crimes against peace." 

The United Nations should clarify the origin of the "new coronavirus" and bring those involved in the development, 

manufacture and spread of the "new coronavirus" to an international court as a "crime against peace". 

Otherwise, the earth will disappear with a quiet attack by "biological weapons" that are more scary 

than "nuclear weapons".

The Wall Street Journal reported on May 23 that three researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Veterinary Medicine, 

Hubei Province, China, fell ill in November 2019 to the point where treatment was needed at the hospital. 

Was revealed in an undisclosed report by the US intelligence agency.

Part 1 During the "former Trump administration" in January this year, 

the US State Department had released a document. 

In the fall of 2019, several researchers at the institute became ill with "symptoms similar to new coronas 

and common seasonal illnesses."

This report is a more "concrete form" of it.

The newspaper pointed out that it "boosted" calls for a "more complete investigation" 

of whether the virus had leaked from the laboratory.

Researchers were hospitalized on the same day, CNN TV reported.

However, the US side does not know what kind of illness it actually had.

The newspaper also introduces the voices of related sources that the information 

on the physical condition of the researchers was provided by "international partners" 

and that further investigation and support are needed.

A spokesman for the National Security Council (NSC) told the newspaper, 

"I have serious doubts about the earliest pandemics, including their origins in China."

China denies virus outflow from laboratories. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the first symptomatic cases 

in Wuhan were confirmed on December 8, 2019.


"Corona was made at the Wuhan Institute of Veterinary Medicine" A Chinese scholar published a treatise → 

Experts pointed out that "abnormal = bullshit".

"Sure, he has expertise in viruses, and he's not" written "totally" bullshit, "" said an expert. However...


Expanded with corona. There are 2,800 cases of violence against Asians annually.

In 2020, more than 2,800 cases of damage were reported in the United States, 

and there was a tragedy in which Japanese people were seriously injured.


I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" 

as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".

It is a false charge. Thank you to everyone in the international community. 

However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 

for immigration law violations" in 2010



English language.


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned" to normal even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

We should develop a "tester" that instantly "finds" a "positive" like thermography.

In certain places tested, negatives can return to "normal life without a mask"! 

Please see the previous report for details.

Submitted additional material to the United Nations Human Rights Council (ohchr).

Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

Yasuhiro Nagano

"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" 

who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", 

we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!

For uncertainties, please contact us!


内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様 2021-05-31:拝啓  米国政府は「新型コロナウィルス」の起源を明かすべきだ! 起源を明かすことが「第三次世界大戦」の「起源」なっても致し方ない! そうしなければ米国の「分断」は収まらない。 そして「アジア系アメリカ人」への「ヘイト」は消えない!世界の人民の「ストレス」も収まらない!

 内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様



































コロナで拡大。アジア系へ暴力は 年間2800件。

















長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)



コロナワクチンを年に2、3回 接種し続けるのだろうか?クレイジだ!




Please request by email    enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp 

長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)













私の情報 ***************************************************






"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!

"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!

"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!

In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!

And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!




★障がい者がつくったお弁当を買ってあげてください! お電話してあげてください。紹介してください。


★「他人の不幸は蜜の味」「愛は世界の民を救う」 詳しくは、



Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 30, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, The Biden administration is "crazy" for the "human rights issues" of its ally Japan! The Biden administration "is pretending not to look at the abuse of power by the Japanese government." The US government should take seriously the "serious human rights violations" in its allies and take action! Regarding human rights issues in Asia, I would like Vice President Kamala Harris, who has roots in Asia, to "respond".

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

May 30, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

I have been suing the international community for nearly 10 years 

on the false charge of "immigration law violation". 

Of course, I still email parliamentarians and political parties every day. 

At the 192nd Extraordinary Diet Session, 

the "Law to Partially Amend the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act" was enacted. 

But political parties and MPs don't understand this fact! 

However, with the death of a Sri Lankan woman, 

"parliamentarians" have finally become interested in "immigration law"!

In March, a Sri Lankan woman, Wishma Sandamari, 

who died during detention at the immigration facility, died. 

Due to this, 

the government decided to withdraw the "immigration law amendment bill" to review the rules 

of "detention and deportation of foreign residents" and make it "abandoned". 

In response to the "opposition party" and "criticism at home and abroad," 

the government has abandoned its establishment in the current Diet session.

What were the women's homeland Sri Lankan government and embassies doing! 

I know that "a woman of her own nationality" was transferred to the Immigration Bureau due to an illegal stay. 

She suffered from "DV" from her cohabiting Sri Lankan man. 

So she turned to the police for help! But police handed her over to her "immigration bureau" without protecting her! 

Did the embassy go to her visit to protect her? 

The media should also pursue the response of the Sri Lankan government and embassies!

The "human rights issues" of China and Japan come from "discrimination." 

In China, the "Han" dominate the "other races." The "Uighurs" are one of them. 

Japan is made up of one "ethnic group". Therefore, 

Japan has made "non-people" out of the Japanese and discriminated against them.

The Biden administration is "crazy" for the "human rights issues" of its ally Japan! 

The Biden administration "is pretending not to look at the abuse of power by the Japanese government."

The US government should take seriously the "serious human rights violations" in its allies and take action! 

Regarding human rights issues in Asia, 

I would like Vice President Kamala Harris, who has roots in Asia, to "respond".

Part 1 The bill states that even foreigners applying 

for refugee status are forcibly repatriated to their home countries and 

that penalties are imposed on those who do not obey the evacuation order. 

The government has been criticized both domestically and internationally, including scholars.

In September 2008, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention stated 

that the cases of the two detainees who filed a petition 

for long-term detention under Japan's immigration detention system were "arbitrary" 

in violation of international law. , 

Sent a written opinion to the Japanese government and requested that necessary measures be taken.


The government has decided to forgo the passage of the bill in the current Diet session.


Japan's refugee policy is known to be strict even in the world. For example, 

in 2019, 10,375 foreigners applied for refugee status, but only 44 were admitted, 

with a recognition rate of only 0.4%.

At present, Japan's refugee protection stance has a very large gap with international standards, 

and expanding the scope of "deportation" without improving this may cause "de facto refugees" to be "persecuted." 

There may be "concerns" about being forced back into a home country.

Despite the fact that many problems have been pointed out, 

the situation may be similar as to why the foreign technical intern training system has not been radically reformed.


The revised Immigration Control Act was enacted at the 192nd Extraordinary Diet Session and has been 

in force since January 1, 2017.


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Government of Japan.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control and Refuge". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy and "respect 

for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and "Send on weekdays" emails.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of a special zone.

See below.



English language.


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" 

and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", 

it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona".

This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera".

You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" 

and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"!

Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed 

in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 30, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, The "human rights issues" of China and Japan come from "discrimination." In China, the "Han" dominate the "other races." The "Uighurs" are one of them. Japan is made up of one "ethnic group". Therefore, Japan has made "non-people" out of the Japanese and discriminated against them.

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

May 30, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

I have been suing the international community for nearly 10 years 

on the false charge of "immigration law violation". 

Of course, I still email parliamentarians and political parties every day. 

At the 192nd Extraordinary Diet Session, 

the "Law to Partially Amend the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act" was enacted. 

But political parties and MPs don't understand this fact! 

However, with the death of a Sri Lankan woman, 

"parliamentarians" have finally become interested in "immigration law"!

In March, a Sri Lankan woman, Wishma Sandamari, 

who died during detention at the immigration facility, died. 

Due to this, 

the government decided to withdraw the "immigration law amendment bill" to review the rules 

of "detention and deportation of foreign residents" and make it "abandoned". 

In response to the "opposition party" and "criticism at home and abroad," 

the government has abandoned its establishment in the current Diet session.

What were the women's homeland Sri Lankan government and embassies doing! 

I know that "a woman of her own nationality" was transferred to the Immigration Bureau due to an illegal stay. 

She suffered from "DV" from her cohabiting Sri Lankan man. 

So she turned to the police for help! But police handed her over to her "immigration bureau" without protecting her! 

Did the embassy go to her visit to protect her? 

The media should also pursue the response of the Sri Lankan government and embassies!

The "human rights issues" of China and Japan come from "discrimination." 

In China, the "Han" dominate the "other races." The "Uighurs" are one of them. 

Japan is made up of one "ethnic group". Therefore, 

Japan has made "non-people" out of the Japanese and discriminated against them.

The Biden administration is "crazy" for the "human rights issues" of its ally Japan! 

The Biden administration "is pretending not to look at the abuse of power by the Japanese government."

The US government should take seriously the "serious human rights violations" in its allies and take action! 

Regarding human rights issues in Asia, 

I would like Vice President Kamala Harris, who has roots in Asia, to "respond".

Part 1 The bill states that even foreigners applying 

for refugee status are forcibly repatriated to their home countries and 

that penalties are imposed on those who do not obey the evacuation order. 

The government has been criticized both domestically and internationally, including scholars.

In September 2008, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention stated 

that the cases of the two detainees who filed a petition 

for long-term detention under Japan's immigration detention system were "arbitrary" 

in violation of international law. , 

Sent a written opinion to the Japanese government and requested that necessary measures be taken.


The government has decided to forgo the passage of the bill in the current Diet session.


Japan's refugee policy is known to be strict even in the world. For example, 

in 2019, 10,375 foreigners applied for refugee status, but only 44 were admitted, 

with a recognition rate of only 0.4%.

At present, Japan's refugee protection stance has a very large gap with international standards, 

and expanding the scope of "deportation" without improving this may cause "de facto refugees" to be "persecuted." 

There may be "concerns" about being forced back into a home country.

Despite the fact that many problems have been pointed out, 

the situation may be similar as to why the foreign technical intern training system has not been radically reformed.


The revised Immigration Control Act was enacted at the 192nd Extraordinary Diet Session and has been 

in force since January 1, 2017.


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Government of Japan.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control and Refuge". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy and "respect 

for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and "Send on weekdays" emails.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of a special zone.

See below.



English language.


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" 

and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", 

it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona".

This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera".

You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" 

and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"!

Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed 

in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Yasuhiro Nagano

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 23 mai 2021: édition du dimanche. Cher Monsieur, Je peux comprendre comment les «Afro-Américains» détestent les «Américains d'origine asiatique»! Les "Asiatiques de l'Est" sont fous! La "Corée du Sud" "attaque" sans relâche "le Japon dans le" problème des femmes de réconfort ", même s'il est" résolu "par le traité. La Corée du Nord a renvoyé des "survivants" pour le "problème des enlèvements japonais", et prétend donc que le problème a été "résolu". Le gouvernement japonais insiste sur la Corée du Nord pour dire que les «derniers enlevés» «survivent» et «ne sont pas résolus»! C'est le fou "East Asian"! Dans la "question des enlèvements", le président Biden a déclaré qu'il viserait une "solution immédiate". Le président Biden devrait "calmement" "comprendre" le "contexte". La Corée du Nord a «rendu» les «restes» de la «Megumi Yokota» morte au Japon. Le gouvernement japonais prétend être faux. Les «victimes» restantes sont donc la «théorie» selon laquelle «tout le monde» «survit». "British Nature Magazine" dit que "l'évaluation" que "les restes sont faux" n'est "pas possible". Si l'administration Biden vise une «solution immédiate», les «restes» de Megumi Yokota devraient être «réévalués». Et "les pays européens ayant des relations diplomatiques" avec la Corée du Nord devraient enquêter sur "les Japonais qui ne sont pas revenus" en Corée du Nord. L'administration Biden devrait demander au gouvernement japonais de s'excuser auprès de la Corée du Nord. Le gouvernement japonais a trompé la Corée du Nord et a «retrouvé» les «victimes d'enlèvement». De plus, le gouvernement japonais a trompé la Corée du Nord et "a retrouvé" l '"évadé" de "l'armée américaine". "A propos de cela" L'administration Biden devrait remercier le gouvernement japonais. Le Japon ne devrait pas «interférer» avec la dénucléarisation de la «péninsule coréenne». De la «Déclaration conjointe sur la dénucléarisation de la péninsule coréenne» convenue par la Corée du Nord et la Corée du Sud en décembre 1991 à la «Déclaration conjointe de Singapour» signée par la Corée du Nord et les États-Unis en juin 2018. Il y a un "contexte" selon lequel la "dénucléarisation" de la "péninsule coréenne" est devenue "l'essence" des "négociations nucléaires" avec la Corée du Nord, qui se poursuivent depuis 30 ans. Avec la dénucléarisation de la Corée du Nord, il y a un "malentendu?" Au Japon et aux États-Unis. Le Japon insiste sur la "dénucléarisation de la Corée du Nord"! Les Etats-Unis et la Corée du Sud insistent sur la "dénucléarisation de la péninsule coréenne"! La dénucléarisation de la péninsule coréenne signifie le retrait de l '«USFK»! "Les Etats-Unis et la Corée du Nord" devraient s'entendre sur "la dénucléarisation de la péninsule coréenne". La "grande question" est de savoir si les deux pays peuvent se "faire confiance" aux "promesses" de l'autre! Partie 1 Le pouvoir diplomatique du génie Koizumi qui a trompé la Corée du Nord [Écrit par le commentateur de Fuji TV Fumio Hirai] Le Premier ministre japonais lui-même est monté à bord de la Corée du Nord et a retrouvé les cinq personnes enlevées et leurs familles. Plus surprenant encore, le Japon a rompu sa promesse avec la Corée du Nord. https://www.fnn.jp/articles/-/8362 ■ Les restes de Megumi Yokota! Le médecin en charge de l'Université Teikyo a avoué à la revue scientifique "Nature"! ■ "Je n'ai jamais fait l'objet d'une évaluation d'incinération. Je n'ai pas déterminé qu'il s'agissait d'un faux. " La méthode d'annonce des résultats de l'évaluation et la «manipulation» du «gouvernement» étaient trop «politiques». Et la «manipulation» des médias de masse était terrible. http://www.ngendai.com/ http://www.kit.hi-ho.ne.jp/msatou/05-02/050226izu-nature.htm «Différence» entre le Japon et les États-Unis en matière de «cible de dénucléarisation»? .. Le ministre des Affaires étrangères Mogi a souligné que "la politique reste inchangée"! https://news.goo.ne.jp/article/kyodo_nor/world/kyodo_nor-2021050601000761.html «Dénucléarisation de la Corée du Nord» ou «dénucléarisation de la péninsule coréenne» ... Pourquoi est-elle «sensible»? https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/139ea7ce7493478472d5c45250efc1fcfb39fbb1 L'objectif de l'administration Biden de "dénucléarisation de la péninsule coréenne" - Quelle est une proposition que la Corée du Nord ne peut refuser? https://news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/mutsujishoji/20210504-00236061/ J'écrirai aussi demain. Partie 2 Veuillez soutenir les victimes de violations des droits de l'homme par le gouvernement japonais. Une personne qui "fournit" un "faux document de contrat de travail" à un étranger qui a exercé des "activités non qualifiées" en vertu de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration est "non coupable". Il est prouvé par le régime japonais. Étant donné que les actions ci-dessus ne pouvaient pas être punies dans le passé, Nous avons permis de sanctionner par "Révision de la loi sur l'immigration". La loi de 2017 sur le contrôle de l'immigration a été révisée. Par conséquent, ceux qui ont été punis dans le passé sont «innocents». Cependant, le gouvernement japonais n'a pas rétabli l'honneur et l'indemnisation des victimes. Les "partis au pouvoir et d'opposition" du Japon continuent de cacher et d'ignorer ce fait. La prospérité du monde libre est "réalisée" par la liberté et la démocratie et le "respect des droits de l'homme" en étant "contrôlé par la loi". Je recherche sérieusement «un gouvernement sous la loi» du Japon. Il y a de nombreuses victimes dans le monde en raison de la «punition illégale» de la «violation de la loi sur l'immigration». Pour plus d'informations, consultez les e-mails du samedi et "Envoyer en semaine". Il y a aussi de nombreuses victimes américaines. Il y a aussi de nombreuses victimes chinoises. Il y a aussi de nombreuses victimes philippines. Japonais. https://blog.goo.ne.jp/nipponnoasa/e/f47a69183287f42bf0b6464aedb098cc Langue Anglaise. https://blog.goo.ne.jp/nipponnoasa/e/58d63abf2802f3a9535e5c86fd2387a0 Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais) https://blog.goo.ne.jp/nipponnoasa/e/c9639cd8d9ab6f7d734bdbb61511a31e Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Traduction anglaise) http://www.miraico.jp/ICC-crime/2Related%20Documents/%EF%BC%91Indictment.pdf Documents à soumettre à la CPI. http://www.miraico.jp/ICC-crime/ Partie 3 Construction d'une zone spéciale. Voir ci-dessous. Japonais. https://blog.goo.ne.jp/nipponnoasa/e/3cb78234acbfe6c3e904040ec8528548 Langue Anglaise. https://blog.goo.ne.jp/nipponnoasa/e/05c3e53b8ee26f4caf202ae3ce7c2af0 Si vous avez des questions, veuillez les demander par e-mail. Meilleures salutations Yasuhiro Nagano Yasuhiro Nagano PS: Coexister avec la "nouvelle corona" sans ressentir de "stress" Afin de mener à bien «vie et santé» et «activités économiques», il est nécessaire de développer des «équipements CT pour la détection corona». C'est un appareil qui peut facilement et instantanément déterminer la "couronne négative" comme une "caméra thermique". Vous pouvez inspecter à l'entrée de l '"installation" "spécifique" et la "personne négative" peut "agir normalement" sans le "masque corona"! Tout le monde, s'il vous plaît "d'accord". Il devrait être développé conjointement dans les pays développés dès que possible et fourni aux pays en développement également. Yasuhiro Nagano

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

23 mai 2021: édition du dimanche. Cher Monsieur,

Je peux comprendre comment les «Afro-Américains» détestent les «Américains d'origine asiatique»!

Les "Asiatiques de l'Est" sont fous!

La "Corée du Sud" "attaque" sans relâche "le Japon dans le" problème des femmes de réconfort ", même s'il est" résolu "par le traité.

La Corée du Nord a renvoyé des "survivants" pour le "problème des enlèvements japonais", et prétend donc que le problème a été "résolu".

Le gouvernement japonais insiste sur la Corée du Nord pour dire que les «derniers enlevés» «survivent» et «ne sont pas résolus»!

C'est le fou "East Asian"!

Dans la "question des enlèvements", le président Biden a déclaré qu'il viserait une "solution immédiate".

Le président Biden devrait "calmement" "comprendre" le "contexte".

La Corée du Nord a «rendu» les «restes» de la «Megumi Yokota» morte au Japon.

Le gouvernement japonais prétend être faux. Les «victimes» restantes sont donc la «théorie» selon laquelle «tout le monde» «survit».

"British Nature Magazine" dit que "l'évaluation" que "les restes sont faux" n'est "pas possible".

Si l'administration Biden vise une «solution immédiate», les «restes» de Megumi Yokota devraient être «réévalués».

Et "les pays européens ayant des relations diplomatiques" avec la Corée du Nord devraient enquêter sur "les Japonais qui ne sont pas revenus" en Corée du Nord.

L'administration Biden devrait demander au gouvernement japonais de s'excuser auprès de la Corée du Nord.

Le gouvernement japonais a trompé la Corée du Nord et a «retrouvé» les «victimes d'enlèvement».

De plus, le gouvernement japonais a trompé la Corée du Nord et "a retrouvé" l '"évadé" de "l'armée américaine".

"A propos de cela" L'administration Biden devrait remercier le gouvernement japonais.

Le Japon ne devrait pas «interférer» avec la dénucléarisation de la «péninsule coréenne».

De la «Déclaration conjointe sur la dénucléarisation de la péninsule coréenne» convenue par la Corée du Nord et la Corée du Sud en décembre 1991 à la «Déclaration conjointe de Singapour» signée par la Corée du Nord et les États-Unis en juin 2018.

Il y a un "contexte" selon lequel la "dénucléarisation" de la "péninsule coréenne" est devenue "l'essence" des "négociations nucléaires" avec la Corée du Nord, qui se poursuivent depuis 30 ans.

Avec la dénucléarisation de la Corée du Nord, il y a un "malentendu?" Au Japon et aux États-Unis.

Le Japon insiste sur la "dénucléarisation de la Corée du Nord"! Les Etats-Unis et la Corée du Sud insistent sur la "dénucléarisation de la péninsule coréenne"!

La dénucléarisation de la péninsule coréenne signifie le retrait de l '«USFK»!

"Les Etats-Unis et la Corée du Nord" devraient s'entendre sur "la dénucléarisation de la péninsule coréenne".

La "grande question" est de savoir si les deux pays peuvent se "faire confiance" aux "promesses" de l'autre!

Partie 1 Le pouvoir diplomatique du génie Koizumi qui a trompé la Corée du Nord [Écrit par le commentateur de Fuji TV Fumio Hirai]

Le Premier ministre japonais lui-même est monté à bord de la Corée du Nord et a retrouvé les cinq personnes enlevées et leurs familles.

Plus surprenant encore, le Japon a rompu sa promesse avec la Corée du Nord.


■ Les restes de Megumi Yokota! Le médecin en charge de l'Université Teikyo a avoué à la revue scientifique "Nature"!

■ "Je n'ai jamais fait l'objet d'une évaluation d'incinération. Je n'ai pas déterminé qu'il s'agissait d'un faux. "

La méthode d'annonce des résultats de l'évaluation et la «manipulation» du «gouvernement» étaient trop «politiques».

Et la «manipulation» des médias de masse était terrible.



«Différence» entre le Japon et les États-Unis en matière de «cible de dénucléarisation»? .. Le ministre des Affaires étrangères Mogi a souligné que "la politique reste inchangée"!


«Dénucléarisation de la Corée du Nord» ou «dénucléarisation de la péninsule coréenne» ... Pourquoi est-elle «sensible»?


L'objectif de l'administration Biden de "dénucléarisation de la péninsule coréenne" - Quelle est une proposition que la Corée du Nord ne peut refuser?


J'écrirai aussi demain.

Partie 2 Veuillez soutenir les victimes de violations des droits de l'homme par le gouvernement japonais.

Une personne qui "fournit" un "faux document de contrat de travail" à un étranger qui a exercé des "activités non qualifiées" en vertu de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration est "non coupable".

Il est prouvé par le régime japonais.

Étant donné que les actions ci-dessus ne pouvaient pas être punies dans le passé,

Nous avons permis de sanctionner par "Révision de la loi sur l'immigration". La loi de 2017 sur le contrôle de l'immigration a été révisée.

Par conséquent, ceux qui ont été punis dans le passé sont «innocents».

Cependant, le gouvernement japonais n'a pas rétabli l'honneur et l'indemnisation des victimes.

Les "partis au pouvoir et d'opposition" du Japon continuent de cacher et d'ignorer ce fait.

La prospérité du monde libre est "réalisée" par la liberté et la démocratie et le "respect des droits de l'homme" en étant "contrôlé par la loi".

Je recherche sérieusement «un gouvernement sous la loi» du Japon.

Il y a de nombreuses victimes dans le monde en raison de la «punition illégale» de la «violation de la loi sur l'immigration».

Pour plus d'informations, consultez les e-mails du samedi et "Envoyer en semaine".

Il y a aussi de nombreuses victimes américaines.

Il y a aussi de nombreuses victimes chinoises.

Il y a aussi de nombreuses victimes philippines.



Langue Anglaise.


Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Traduction anglaise)


Documents à soumettre à la CPI.


Partie 3 Construction d'une zone spéciale.

Voir ci-dessous.



Langue Anglaise.


Si vous avez des questions, veuillez les demander par e-mail.

Meilleures salutations Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


Coexister avec la "nouvelle corona" sans ressentir de "stress"

Afin de mener à bien «vie et santé» et «activités économiques», il est nécessaire de développer des «équipements CT pour la détection corona».

C'est un appareil qui peut facilement et instantanément déterminer la "couronne négative" comme une "caméra thermique".

Vous pouvez inspecter à l'entrée de l '"installation" "spécifique" et la "personne négative" peut "agir normalement" sans le "masque corona"!

Tout le monde, s'il vous plaît "d'accord". Il devrait être développé conjointement dans les pays développés dès que possible et fourni aux pays en développement également.

Yasuhiro Nagano

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 23. Mai 2021: Sonntagsausgabe. Lieber Herr, Ich kann verstehen, wie "Afroamerikaner" "asiatische Amerikaner" hassen! "Ostasiaten" sind verrückt! "Südkorea" "greift" Japan "unerbittlich" in der "Trostfrauenfrage" an, obwohl es durch den Vertrag "gelöst" wird.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund

23. Mai 2021: Sonntagsausgabe. Lieber Herr,

Ich kann verstehen, wie "Afroamerikaner" "asiatische Amerikaner" hassen!

"Ostasiaten" sind verrückt!

"Südkorea" "greift" Japan "unerbittlich" in der "Trostfrauenfrage" an, obwohl es durch den Vertrag "gelöst" wird.

Nordkorea hat "Überlebende" für das "japanische Entführungsproblem" zurückgebracht und behauptet, das Problem sei "gelöst" worden.

Die japanische Regierung besteht auf Nordkorea, dass die "verbleibenden Entführten" immer noch "überleben" und "nicht gelöst" sind!

Das ist der verrückte "Ostasiat"!

In der "Entführungsfrage" erklärte Präsident Biden, er werde eine "sofortige Lösung" anstreben.

Präsident Biden sollte "ruhig" "den" Hintergrund "" verstehen ".

Nordkorea hat die "Überreste" des toten "Megumi Yokota" nach Japan "zurückgebracht".

Die japanische Regierung behauptet, gefälscht zu sein. Die verbleibenden "Opfer" sind also die "Theorie", dass "jeder" "überlebt".

"British Nature Magazine" sagt, dass "Einschätzung", dass "die Überreste gefälscht sind", "nicht möglich" ist.

Wenn die Biden-Regierung eine "sofortige Lösung" anstrebt, sollten Megumi Yokotas "Überreste" "neu bewertet" werden.

Und "europäische Länder mit diplomatischen Beziehungen" zu Nordkorea sollten "Japaner, die nicht zurückgekehrt sind" in Nordkorea untersuchen.

Die Biden-Regierung sollte die japanische Regierung dazu bringen, sich bei Nordkorea zu entschuldigen.

Die japanische Regierung hat Nordkorea getäuscht und die "Entführungsopfer" "zurückerobert".

Darüber hinaus hat die japanische Regierung Nordkorea getäuscht und den "Flüchtling" des "US-Militärs" "zurückgewonnen".

"Darüber" Die Biden-Administration sollte der japanischen Regierung danken.

Japan sollte die Denuklearisierung der "koreanischen Halbinsel" nicht "stören".

Von der von Nordkorea und Südkorea im Dezember 1991 vereinbarten "Gemeinsamen Erklärung zur Denuklearisierung der koreanischen Halbinsel" bis zur von Nordkorea und den Vereinigten Staaten im Juni 2018 unterzeichneten "Gemeinsamen Erklärung von Singapur".

Es gibt einen "Hintergrund", dass die "Denuklearisierung" der "koreanischen Halbinsel" zum "Wesen" der "Atomverhandlungen" mit Nordkorea geworden ist, die seit 30 Jahren andauern.

Mit der Denuklearisierung Nordkoreas gibt es in Japan und den Vereinigten Staaten ein "Missverständnis"?

Japan besteht auf "Denuklearisierung Nordkoreas"! Die Vereinigten Staaten und Südkorea bestehen auf "Denuklearisierung der koreanischen Halbinsel"!

Die Denuklearisierung der koreanischen Halbinsel bedeutet den Rückzug der "USFK"!

"USA und Nordkorea" sollten sich auf "Denuklearisierung der koreanischen Halbinsel" einigen.

Die "große Frage" ist, ob die beiden Länder den "Versprechen" des anderen "vertrauen" können!

Teil 1 Die diplomatische Macht des Genies Koizumi, der Nordkorea betrogen hat [Geschrieben von Fuji TV-Kommentator Fumio Hirai]

Der japanische Premierminister selbst stieg in Nordkorea ein und gewann die fünf Entführten und ihre Familien zurück.

Noch überraschender war, dass Japan sein Versprechen mit Nordkorea gebrochen hat.


■ Megumi Yokotas Überreste! Der für die Teikyo-Universität zuständige Arzt gestand der Fachzeitschrift "Nature"!

■ "Ich habe noch nie eine Einäscherung erlebt. Ich habe nicht festgestellt, dass es eine Fälschung ist. "

Die Methode zur Bekanntgabe der Bewertungsergebnisse und der "Umgang" mit der "Regierung" waren zu "politisch".

Und der "Umgang" mit den Massenmedien war schrecklich.



"Unterschied" zwischen Japan und den Vereinigten Staaten im "Ziel der Denuklearisierung"? .. Außenminister Mogi betonte, dass "die Politik unverändert bleibt"!


"Denuklearisierung Nordkoreas" oder "Denuklearisierung der koreanischen Halbinsel" ... Warum ist es "sensibel"?


Das Ziel der Biden-Regierung, "die koreanische Halbinsel zu denuklearisieren" - Was ist ein Vorschlag, den Nordkorea nicht ablehnen kann?


Ich werde auch morgen schreiben.

Teil 2 Bitte unterstützen Sie die Opfer von Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch die japanische Regierung.

Eine Person, die einem Ausländer, der nach dem Einwanderungskontrollgesetz "nicht qualifizierte Tätigkeiten" ausgeübt hat, ein "falsches Arbeitsvertragsdokument" "zur Verfügung stellt", ist "nicht schuldig".

Es wird durch die japanische Diät bewiesen.

Da die oben genannten Handlungen in der Vergangenheit nicht bestraft werden konnten,

Wir haben es möglich gemacht, durch "Revision des Einwanderungsgesetzes" zu bestrafen. Das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz 2017 wurde überarbeitet.

Daher sind diejenigen, die in der Vergangenheit bestraft wurden, "unschuldig".

Die japanische Regierung hat jedoch die Ehre und Entschädigung der Opfer nicht wiederhergestellt.

Japans "Regierungs- und Oppositionsparteien" verbergen und ignorieren diese Tatsache weiterhin.

Der Wohlstand der freien Welt wird durch Freiheit und Demokratie und "Achtung der Menschenrechte" "verwirklicht", indem "gesetzlich kontrolliert" wird.

Ich suche ernsthaft nach einer "Regierung nach dem Gesetz" Japans.

Es gibt viele Opfer auf der Welt aufgrund der "illegalen Bestrafung" von "Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz".

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter E-Mails am Samstag und "An Wochentagen senden".

Es gibt auch viele amerikanische Opfer.

Es gibt auch viele chinesische Opfer.

Es gibt auch viele philippinische Opfer.



Englische Sprache.


Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Englische Übersetzung)


Dem ICC vorzulegende Dokumente.


Teil 3 Bau einer Sonderzone.

Siehe unten.



Englische Sprache.


Wenn Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


Koexistenz mit der "neuen Korona" ohne "Stress" zu spüren

Um "Leben und Gesundheit" und "wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten" durchführen zu können, ist es notwendig, "CT-Geräte zur Koronadetektion" zu entwickeln.

Dies ist ein Gerät, das einfach und sofort "negative Korona" wie eine "Wärmebildkamera" bestimmen kann.

Sie können am Eingang einer "bestimmten Einrichtung" testen und "negative Personen" können "normal" ohne "Koronamaske" handeln!

Alle, bitte stimmen Sie zu. Es sollte so bald wie möglich gemeinsam in Industrieländern entwickelt und auch Entwicklungsländern zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 30, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, I have been suing the international community for nearly 10 years on the false charge of "immigration law violation". Of course, I still email parliamentarians and political parties every day.

 Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

May 30, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

I have been suing the international community for nearly 10 years 

on the false charge of "immigration law violation". 

Of course, I still email parliamentarians and political parties every day. 

At the 192nd Extraordinary Diet Session, 

the "Law to Partially Amend the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act" was enacted. 

But political parties and MPs don't understand this fact! 

However, with the death of a Sri Lankan woman, 

"parliamentarians" have finally become interested in "immigration law"!

In March, a Sri Lankan woman, Wishma Sandamari, 

who died during detention at the immigration facility, died. 

Due to this, 

the government decided to withdraw the "immigration law amendment bill" to review the rules 

of "detention and deportation of foreign residents" and make it "abandoned". 

In response to the "opposition party" and "criticism at home and abroad," 

the government has abandoned its establishment in the current Diet session.

What were the women's homeland Sri Lankan government and embassies doing! 

I know that "a woman of her own nationality" was transferred to the Immigration Bureau due to an illegal stay. 

She suffered from "DV" from her cohabiting Sri Lankan man. 

So she turned to the police for help! But police handed her over to her "immigration bureau" without protecting her! 

Did the embassy go to her visit to protect her? 

The media should also pursue the response of the Sri Lankan government and embassies!

The "human rights issues" of China and Japan come from "discrimination." 

In China, the "Han" dominate the "other races." The "Uighurs" are one of them. 

Japan is made up of one "ethnic group". Therefore, 

Japan has made "non-people" out of the Japanese and discriminated against them.

The Biden administration is "crazy" for the "human rights issues" of its ally Japan! 

The Biden administration "is pretending not to look at the abuse of power by the Japanese government."

The US government should take seriously the "serious human rights violations" in its allies and take action! 

Regarding human rights issues in Asia, 

I would like Vice President Kamala Harris, who has roots in Asia, to "respond".

Part 1 The bill states that even foreigners applying 

for refugee status are forcibly repatriated to their home countries and 

that penalties are imposed on those who do not obey the evacuation order. 

The government has been criticized both domestically and internationally, including scholars.

In September 2008, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention stated 

that the cases of the two detainees who filed a petition 

for long-term detention under Japan's immigration detention system were "arbitrary" 

in violation of international law. , 

Sent a written opinion to the Japanese government and requested that necessary measures be taken.


The government has decided to forgo the passage of the bill in the current Diet session.


Japan's refugee policy is known to be strict even in the world. For example, 

in 2019, 10,375 foreigners applied for refugee status, but only 44 were admitted, 

with a recognition rate of only 0.4%.

At present, Japan's refugee protection stance has a very large gap with international standards, 

and expanding the scope of "deportation" without improving this may cause "de facto refugees" to be "persecuted." 

There may be "concerns" about being forced back into a home country.

Despite the fact that many problems have been pointed out, 

the situation may be similar as to why the foreign technical intern training system has not been radically reformed.


The revised Immigration Control Act was enacted at the 192nd Extraordinary Diet Session and has been 

in force since January 1, 2017.


I will write tomorrow as well.

Part 2 Please support the victims of human rights violations by the Government of Japan.

A person who "provides" a "false employment contract document" to a foreigner 

who has performed "out-of-qualification activities" under the Immigration Control Act is "not guilty".

It is proved by the Japanese Diet.

Since the above acts could not be punished in the past, 

we have made it possible to punish them by "Revision of the Immigration Control and Refuge". 

The 2017 Immigration Control Act has been revised.

Therefore, those who have been punished in the past are "innocent."

However, the Japanese government has not restored the honor and compensation of the victims.

Japan's "ruling and opposition parties" continue to hide and ignore this fact.

The prosperity of the free world is "realized" by freedom and democracy and "respect 

for human rights" by being "controlled under the law".

I am seriously seeking "government under the law" of Japan.

There are many victims in the world due to "illegal punishment" of "violation of immigration law".

For more information, see Saturday and "Send on weekdays" emails.

There are also many American victims.

There are also many Chinese victims.

There are also many Filipino victims.





See the indictment below. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Documents to be submitted to the ICC.


Part 3 Construction of a special zone.

See below.



English language.


If you have any questions, please ask by email.

Best regards Yasuhiro Nagano

Yasuhiro Nagano


In order to coexist with the "new corona" and carry out "life and health" 

and "economic activities" without feeling "stress", 

it is necessary to develop a "CT device that senses corona".

This is a device that can easily and instantly judge "negative corona" like a "thermal camera".

You can test at the entrance of a "specific facility" 

and "negative people" can "act normally" without a "corona mask"!

Everyone, please agree. It should be jointly developed 

in developed countries as soon as possible and provided to developing countries as well.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Yasuhiro Nagano

第192回臨時国会において「出入国管理及び難民認定法の一部を改正する法律」が成立した。 しかし政党や国会議員は、この事実を理解していない! しかし、スリランカ人女性の死亡により、「国会議員」がやっと「入管法」に関心を持つようになった!

 長野恭博 オピニオン










「野党,opposition party」や「国内外の批判」を受けて、政府は今国会での成立を断念した。















第1部。 同法案は、難民申請をしている外国人でも強制的に母国に送還されることや、






















































敬具 Yasuhiro Nagano  










長野恭博 オピニオン 2021年05月30日:日曜版。拝啓、 私は「入管法違反」の冤罪事件で、10年近く、国際社会に訴えている。 もちろん国会議員や政党には、今も、毎日メールをしている。 第192回臨時国会において「出入国管理及び難民認定法の一部を改正する法律」が成立した。 しかし政党や国会議員は、この事実を理解していない!

 長野恭博 オピニオン










「野党,opposition party」や「国内外の批判」を受けて、政府は今国会での成立を断念した。















第1部。 同法案は、難民申請をしている外国人でも強制的に母国に送還されることや、






















































敬具 Yasuhiro Nagano  








