
To President Biden March 20, 2022: The Japanese government has ignored the complaints of not only me but also US Senator Bill Hagerty (former Ambassador to Japan). He denounces Japan's illegal judiciary at a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 2021/10/20: About Greg Kelly, former CEO of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., who is accused of "violation of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (false statement in securities report)". The lawyer is convinced of his innocence. The United States needs to protect Mr. Kelly, who is being treated unfairly. He complained that he had also conveyed "concerns" to the Japanese ministerial level.

 To President Biden

March 20, 2022: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

Thank you to Senator Hagerty from Tennessee. Former Ambassador to Japan Hagerty, a senator from Tennessee, Greg Kelly's hometown, said, "Greg has been exposed to unthinkable situations in the US business community." Greg Kelly is a hero who fights against Japan!

The Japanese government has ignored the complaints of not only me but also US Senator Bill Hagerty (former Ambassador to Japan). He denounces Japan's illegal judiciary at a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 2021/10/20: About Greg Kelly, former CEO of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., who is accused of "violation of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (false statement in securities report)". The lawyer is convinced of his innocence. The United States needs to protect Mr. Kelly, who is being treated unfairly. He complained that he had also conveyed "concerns" to the Japanese ministerial level.

Senator Hagerty (Republican) is fighting Japan. October 20, 2021: Former US Ambassador to Japan, Senator Bill Hagerty (Republican Party), asked at the Foreign Affairs Committee "former Chicago Mayor Emmanuel, a candidate for the next Ambassador to Japan, who expressed his belief." Senator Hagati said Emmanuel should demand the Japanese side to "release" "Nissan Motor's former CEO Greg Kelly."

"Mr. Hagati from Tennessee" complained that the "Japanese judicial system" was outdated. He complained that Tennessee citizens suffered from unfair and barbaric treatment. I think "all American citizens", not just Tennessee citizens, should "protest" the Japanese government's human rights abuses.

The Democratic Party of Japan's US Ambassador to Japan, Emmanuel, should be "dismissed." He was a non-human rightsist. I expected him because he was Jewish, but he didn't do anything. Jewish people should get angry.

Every day I have appealed to the US Embassy for the Japanese judicial system. There are many American victims. Emmanuel has removed the "Direct Message" button from the US Embassy on Facebook. Is Jewish selfish?

Greg Kelly's trial is not over yet. He is not guilty. The court has made (false statements in the securities report) illegal in order not to admit Carlos Ghosn's false arrest. Professor Wataru Tanaka of the University of Tokyo testifies that this is "not a false statement" (not guilty).

Americans, the United States is the largest investor in Japan. US executives have been illegally arrested in Japan. In addition, many Americans have been illegally arrested in immigration control cases. I was illegally arrested for a violation of the Immigration Control Act. I am fighting the Japanese government. Japan is a "country of human rights violations" more than China. Let's fight together.

Part 1. "Relieved" "Innocent" = Ghosn's former aide's judgment-new and old US ambassadors to Japan


U.S. Ambassador to Japan criticizes Japanese hostage justice "need to protect Kelly"


Former Nissan Representative Director Kelly Requests Release of Defendant Hagati Former US Ambassador to Japan


Intention to investigate the trial of the next US ambassador to Japan, former Nissan director Kelly


News Life Nissan Ghosn Case "The Last Witness" Gives a Significant View The University of Tokyo Professor said in court that it was "not a false statement."


I will write tomorrow, too.

Part 2 See below for the "false charges" of the 2010 "crimes of support for immigration law violations"

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".


It is a false charge. However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized.

See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)




English language.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

"Special Zone of Algeria" by "EU", "Special Zone of Mexican Border" by the United States,

"Australia's special zone" by the new TPP (IPP), Japan's "Okinawa's special zone" ....

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and poor people as "provisional migrants."

They "separate" from "workers in developed countries".

Developed countries can "manufacture" cheaper than Chinese products by "employing" "provisional immigrants."

Making a product that can beat Chinese products will weaken the Chinese army ...

English, Japanese, French, German


In Part 4 and below, past posts are being organized into the following blogs.

Many department logs are still under construction.

Part 4 Japan's serious human rights violations


Part 5 Development of (COVID-19) Instantaneous Sensor

"PCR test" takes time. We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "identifies" the "infected person" like thermography.


Part 6 Taiwan Defense: Okinawa Marines should be relocated to Taiwan


Part 7. One coin union & Yachae NISSAN


Part 8 Nagano opinion

CO2-free SDGs o2 international issues, etc.


Very truly yours.

Yasuhiro Nagano

長野恭博 オピニオン 2022年03月20日:日曜版。テネシー州選出のハガティ上院議員ありがとう。グレッグ・ケリー被告の地元、テネシー州選出の上院議員を務めるハガティ前駐日大使は「グレッグは米経済界では決して考えられない状況にさらされてきた」と述べた。グレッグ・ケリーは日本と闘うヒーローだ!

 長野恭博 オピニオン












米前駐日大使、日本の人質司法を批判 「ケリー被告を守る必要」


日産元代表取締役ケリー被告の釈放要求 ハガティ前駐日米大使




ニュース  ライフ  日産ゴーン事件「最後の証人」が示した重大見解 東大教授は法廷で「虚偽記載ではない」と述べた





























第5部。Development of (COVID-19) Instantaneous Sensor





第7部。One coin union & Yachae NISSAN


第8部。Nagano opinion

CO2フリー SDGs o2国際問題 等



長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)






To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson March 19, 2022: "US / UK" and "EU" have different prescriptions for peace. The EU has so far moved away from accession negotiations with Ukraine so as not to cause "antipathy" to the Russian government. However, Britain's Reuters reports that the obstacles have diminished as EU member states and Western countries have embarked on sanctions on Russia. It is different!

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 

March 19, 2022: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

The "EU" decision is wise. The EU held an informal summit in Versailles, a suburb of Paris, on March 10 to discuss how to respond to Ukraine's application for membership. Eastern European countries called for early accession negotiations, but the Netherlands and France were reluctant, and the postponement was deepened.

Great "comment". "I don't think we can negotiate accession with a warring country," said French President Emmanuel Macron.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said that "EU accession is a long-term process" and expressed a negative position to allow early accession as a special case. Ukraine should talk about divorce with Russia and formally agree on a "divorce".

This is the basis for President Emmanuel Macron's remarks. Ukraine's accession to the EU can be immediate military assistance, as EU member states are required by the Mutual Defense Clause to assist countries that are "victims of armed aggression on their territory." It is also the basis for the creation of the "EU Army".

Ukraine should discuss "divorce" with Russia in both countries. "Ukrainians want to live in Ukraine in Europe," Zelensky told Politico in 2020, and joining the EU has long been a dream for Ukraine. It's an annoying story.

"US / UK" and "EU" have different prescriptions for peace. The EU has so far moved away from accession negotiations with Ukraine so as not to cause "antipathy" to the Russian government. However, Britain's Reuters reports that the obstacles have diminished as EU member states and Western countries have embarked on sanctions on Russia. It is different!

"NATO" and "EU" are separate organizations. The "EU" does not want Europe to be a "battlefield." The Kremlin "rebelled" against the EU and its "hostile behavior" on February 28. He criticized the EU's move to "hold" Ukraine with weapons, making the "region" "dangerous and unstable." EU member states do not provide weapons assistance to Ukraine.

Russia should have a "discussion" with the "EU" to prevent Europe from becoming a battlefield. The "US-UK" should not interfere with the "EU". The battlefield between "US-UK" and Russia should be "US-UK and the mainland of Russia".

"Citizens of the United States and Britain" should "tell" the government. In a "fight" with "Russia," "I'm against making the continental United States or the British mainland a battlefield." However, Ukrainian refugees are accepted for humanitarian reasons.

Part 1. EU Summit to join Ukraine and see off

On February 28, Ukrainian President Zelensky signed an EU membership application and appealed in a video message to allow early access by exception. Former Soviet Union Moldova and Georgia were also applying for EU membership following Ukraine.


Ukraine's "EU accession", scenarios for realization and its challenges

On February 28, Ukraine's President Zelensky formally signed the application for EU accession after requesting the European Union (EU) to promptly approve Ukraine's accession.


I will write tomorrow, too.

Part 2 See below for the "false charges" of the 2010 "crimes of support for immigration law violations"

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".


It is a false charge. However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized.

See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)




English language.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

"Special Zone of Algeria" by "EU", "Special Zone of Mexican Border" by the United States,

"Australia's special zone" by the new TPP (IPP), Japan's "Okinawa's special zone" ....

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and poor people as "provisional migrants."

They "separate" from "workers in developed countries".

Developed countries can "manufacture" cheaper than Chinese products by "employing" "provisional immigrants."

Making a product that can beat Chinese products will weaken the Chinese army ...

English, Japanese, French, German


In Part 4 and below, past posts are being organized into the following blogs.

Many department logs are still under construction.

Part 4 Japan's serious human rights violations


Part 5 Development of (COVID-19) Instantaneous Sensor

"PCR test" takes time. We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "identifies" the "infected person" like thermography.


Part 6 Taiwan Defense: Okinawa Marines should be relocated to Taiwan


Part 7. One coin union & Yachae NISSAN


Part 8 Nagano opinion

CO2-free SDGs o2 international issues, etc.


Very truly yours.

Yasuhiro Nagano

An Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz 19. März 2022: Die „Scheidung“ zwischen der Ukraine und Russland muss zwischen den beiden Ländern „diskutiert“ werden. „Ukrainer wollen in der Ukraine in Europa leben“, sagte Selenskyj 2020 gegenüber Politico, und der EU-Beitritt ist seit langem ein Traum für die Ukraine. Es ist eine ärgerliche Geschichte.

 An Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz

19. März 2022: Samstagsausgabe. Lieber Herr,

Die "EU"-Entscheidung ist weise. Die „EU“ hat am 10. März in Versailles, einem Vorort von Paris, ein informelles Gipfeltreffen abgehalten, um zu erörtern, wie auf den „Antrag“ auf einen „EU-Beitritt“ der Ukraine reagiert werden soll. Die osteuropäischen Länder haben zu baldigen Beitrittsverhandlungen aufgerufen, aber die Niederlande und Frankreich „zögern“, der Ukraine beizutreten, und die „Mitgliedschaft“ wird schwierig sein.

Toller "Kommentar". „Ich glaube nicht, dass wir mit einem kriegführenden Land über den Beitritt verhandeln können“, sagte Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron.

Der niederländische Ministerpräsident Mark Rutte sagte, dass „der EU-Beitritt ein langfristiger Prozess ist“ und äußerte eine ablehnende Haltung, einen vorzeitigen Beitritt als Sonderfall zuzulassen. Die Ukraine sollte mit Russland über eine Scheidung sprechen und sich formell auf eine „Scheidung“ einigen.

Dies ist die Grundlage für die Äußerungen von Präsident Emmanuel Macron. Der Beitritt der Ukraine zur EU kann eine sofortige militärische Unterstützung sein, da die EU-Mitgliedstaaten durch die Klausel zur gegenseitigen Verteidigung verpflichtet sind, den „beschädigten Ländern“ durch „bewaffnete Aggression in ihr Hoheitsgebiet“ zu helfen. Es ist auch die Grundlage für die Schaffung der „EU-Armee“.

Die „Scheidung“ zwischen der Ukraine und Russland muss zwischen den beiden Ländern „diskutiert“ werden. „Ukrainer wollen in der Ukraine in Europa leben“, sagte Selenskyj 2020 gegenüber Politico, und der EU-Beitritt ist seit langem ein Traum für die Ukraine. Es ist eine ärgerliche Geschichte.

„US/UK“ und „EU“ haben unterschiedliche Friedensrezepte. Die EU hat sich bisher von Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Ukraine entfernt, um keine „Abneigung“ gegenüber der russischen Regierung zu erzeugen. Die britische Nachrichtenagentur Reuters berichtet jedoch, dass die Hindernisse abgenommen haben, da EU-Mitgliedstaaten und westliche Länder Sanktionen gegen Russland verhängt haben. Es ist anders!

"NATO" und "EU" sind getrennte Organisationen. Die „EU“ will Europa nicht zum „Schlachtfeld“ machen. Der Kreml „rebellierte“ am 28. Februar gegen die EU und ihr „feindliches Verhalten“. Die EU hat den Schritt der Ukraine kritisiert, Waffen zu „halten“, wodurch „Regionen“ „gefährlich und instabil“ werden. Die EU-Mitgliedstaaten leisten der Ukraine keine Waffenhilfe.

Russland sollte eine „Diskussion“ mit der „EU“ führen, um zu verhindern, dass Europa zu einem Schlachtfeld wird. Die „US-UK“ sollten sich nicht in die „EU“ einmischen. Das Schlachtfeld zwischen "USA-UK" und Russland sollte "USA-UK und das russische Festland" sein.

„Bürger der Vereinigten Staaten und Großbritanniens“ sollten es der Regierung „mitteilen“. In einem „Kampf“ mit „Russland“ „bin ich dagegen, die kontinentalen Vereinigten Staaten oder das britische Festland zu einem Schlachtfeld zu machen“. Allerdings werden ukrainische Flüchtlinge aus humanitären Gründen aufgenommen.

Teil 1. EU-Gipfel. Die Mitgliedschaft der Ukraine soll verschoben werden

Am 28. Februar unterzeichnete der ukrainische Präsident Selenskyj einen EU-Beitrittsantrag und appellierte in einer Videobotschaft, den vorzeitigen Zugang ausnahmsweise zuzulassen. Nach der Ukraine beantragten auch die ehemalige Sowjetunion Moldawien und Georgien die EU-Mitgliedschaft.


Der „EU-Beitritt“ der Ukraine, Umsetzungsszenarien und ihre Herausforderungen

Am 28. Februar unterzeichnete der ukrainische Präsident Selenskyj offiziell den Antrag auf EU-Beitritt, nachdem er die Europäische Union (EU) aufgefordert hatte, den Beitritt der Ukraine unverzüglich zu genehmigen.


Ich schreibe morgen auch.

Teil 2 Siehe unten für die „falschen Anschuldigungen“ der „Straftaten zur Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz“ von 2010.

Die Novelle des Immigration Control Act im Januar 2017 nennt als Begründung für die Novelle „Ich bin nicht schuldig“.

Begründung: „kann nicht bestraft werden“ in „kann bestraft werden“ ändern.


Es ist eine falsche Anklage. Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt.

Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Englische Übersetzung)




Englische Sprache.


Teil 3 Bau von Sonderzonen.

„Sonderzone von Algerien“ von „EU“, „Sonderzone der mexikanischen Grenze“ von den Vereinigten Staaten,

"Australiens Sonderzone" vom neuen TPP (IPP), Japans "Okinawas Sonderzone" ....

Die „Sonderzone“ „nimmt“ Flüchtlinge und Arme als „vorläufige Migranten“ auf.

Sie „trennen“ sich von „Arbeitnehmern in entwickelten Ländern“.

Industrieländer können billiger als chinesische Produkte „produzieren“, indem sie „vorläufige Einwanderer“ „anstellen“.

Die Herstellung eines Produkts, das chinesische Produkte schlagen kann, wird die chinesische Armee schwächen ...

Englisch, Japanisch, Französisch, Deutsch


In Teil 4 und darunter werden frühere Posts in den folgenden Blogs organisiert.

Viele Abteilungsprotokolle befinden sich noch im Aufbau.

Teil 4 Japans schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen


Teil 5 Entwicklung des (COVID-19) Momentansensors

"PCR-Test" braucht Zeit. Wir sollten ein "Inspektionssystem" entwickeln, das die "infizierte Person" wie eine Thermografie sofort "identifiziert".


Teil 6 Taiwan-Verteidigung: Die Okinawa-Marines sollten nach Taiwan verlegt werden


Teil 7. Eine Münzunion & Yachae NISSAN


Teil 8 Naganos Meinung

CO2-freie SDGs o2 internationale Themen etc.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 19 mars 2022 : L'Ukraine devrait discuter du "divorce" avec la Russie dans les deux pays. "Les Ukrainiens veulent vivre en Ukraine en Europe", a déclaré Zelensky à Politico en 2020, et rejoindre l'UE est depuis longtemps un rêve pour l'Ukraine. C'est une histoire ennuyeuse.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

19 mars 2022 : édition du samedi. Cher Monsieur,

La décision "UE" est sage. L'UE a tenu un sommet informel à Versailles, en banlieue parisienne, le 10 mars pour discuter de la manière de répondre à la demande d'adhésion de l'Ukraine. Les pays d'Europe de l'Est ont appelé à des négociations d'adhésion rapides, mais les Pays-Bas et la France étaient réticents et le report s'est approfondi.

Super "commentaire". "Je ne pense pas que nous puissions négocier l'adhésion avec un pays en guerre", a déclaré le président français Emmanuel Macron.

Le Premier ministre néerlandais Mark Rutte a déclaré que "l'adhésion à l'UE est un processus à long terme" et a exprimé une position négative pour permettre une adhésion rapide en tant que cas particulier. L'Ukraine devrait parler de divorce avec la Russie et convenir formellement d'un "divorce".

C'est la base des propos du président Emmanuel Macron. L'adhésion de l'Ukraine à l'UE peut être une assistance militaire immédiate, car les États membres de l'UE sont tenus, par des clauses de défense mutuelle, d'aider les pays «victimes d'une agression armée sur leur territoire». C'est aussi la base de la création de "l'armée de l'UE".

L'Ukraine devrait discuter du "divorce" avec la Russie dans les deux pays. "Les Ukrainiens veulent vivre en Ukraine en Europe", a déclaré Zelensky à Politico en 2020, et rejoindre l'UE est depuis longtemps un rêve pour l'Ukraine. C'est une histoire ennuyeuse.

"US / UK" et "EU" ont des prescriptions différentes pour la paix. L'UE s'est jusqu'à présent éloignée des négociations d'adhésion avec l'Ukraine afin de ne pas provoquer « d'antipathie » envers le gouvernement russe. Cependant, l'agence britannique Reuters rapporte que les obstacles ont diminué à mesure que les États membres de l'UE et les pays occidentaux se sont lancés dans des sanctions contre la Russie. C'est différent!

"OTAN" et "UE" sont des organisations distinctes. L' « UE » ne veut pas que l'Europe soit un « champ de bataille ». Le Kremlin s'est « rebellé » contre l'UE et son « comportement hostile » le 28 février. L'UE a critiqué la décision de l'Ukraine de "détenir" des armes, rendant les "régions" "dangereuses et instables". Les États membres de l'UE ne fournissent pas d'assistance en armement à l'Ukraine.

La Russie devrait avoir une "discussion" avec "l'UE" pour éviter que l'Europe ne devienne un champ de bataille. Le "US-UK" ne devrait pas interférer avec "l'UE". Le champ de bataille entre "US-UK" et la Russie devrait être "US-UK et la partie continentale de la Russie".

Les "citoyens des États-Unis et de Grande-Bretagne" devraient "le dire" au gouvernement. Dans un "combat" avec la "Russie", "je suis contre le fait de faire des États-Unis continentaux ou du continent britannique un champ de bataille". Cependant, les réfugiés ukrainiens sont acceptés pour des raisons humanitaires.

Partie 1. Sommet de l'UE pour rejoindre l'Ukraine et c'est parti

Le 28 février, le président ukrainien Zelensky a signé une demande d'adhésion à l'UE et a appelé dans un message vidéo à autoriser un accès anticipé par exception. L'ex-Union soviétique, la Moldavie et la Géorgie, ont également posé leur candidature à l'adhésion à l'UE après l'Ukraine.


"L'adhésion de l'Ukraine à l'UE", scénarios de réalisation et ses défis

Le 28 février, le président ukrainien Zelensky a officiellement signé la demande d'adhésion à l'UE après avoir demandé à l'Union européenne (UE) d'approuver rapidement l'adhésion de l'Ukraine.


J'écrirai demain aussi.

Partie 2 Voir ci-dessous les "fausses accusations" des "crimes de soutien aux violations de la loi sur l'immigration" de 2010

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que "je ne suis pas coupable" comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison : Remplacer « ne peut être puni » par « peut être puni ».


C'est une fausse accusation. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé.

Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Traduction anglaise)




Langue Anglaise.


Partie 3 Construction de zones spéciales.

"Zone spéciale de l'Algérie" par "UE", "Zone spéciale de la frontière mexicaine" par les États-Unis,

"Zone spéciale de l'Australie" par le nouveau TPP (IPP), "Zone spéciale d'Okinawa" du Japon ....

La "zone spéciale" "accepte" les réfugiés et les pauvres en tant que "migrants provisoires".

Ils "se séparent" des "travailleurs des pays développés".

Les pays développés peuvent « fabriquer » des produits moins chers que les produits chinois en « employant » des « immigrés provisoires ».

Fabriquer un produit qui peut battre les produits chinois affaiblira l'armée chinoise...

Anglais, japonais, français, allemand


Dans la partie 4 et ci-dessous, les messages passés sont organisés dans les blogs suivants.

De nombreux journaux de service sont encore en construction.

Partie 4 Les graves violations des droits de l'homme au Japon


Partie 5 Développement d'un capteur instantané (COVID-19)

Le "test PCR" prend du temps. Nous devrions développer un "système d'inspection" qui "identifie" instantanément la "personne infectée" comme la thermographie.


Partie 6 Défense de Taïwan : les Marines d'Okinawa devraient être transférés à Taïwan


Partie 7. One coin union & Yachae NISSAN


Partie 8 Avis de Nagano

ODD sans CO2 o2 enjeux internationaux, etc.


Sincèrement votre.

Yasuhiro Nagano

To President Biden  March 19, 2022:Great "comment". "I don't think we can negotiate accession with a warring country," said French President Emmanuel Macron. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said that "EU accession is a long-term process" and expressed a negative position to allow early accession as a special case. Ukraine should talk about divorce with Russia and formally agree on a "divorce".

 To President Biden 

March 19, 2022: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,

The "EU" decision is wise. The EU held an informal summit in Versailles, a suburb of Paris, on March 10 to discuss how to respond to Ukraine's application for membership. Eastern European countries called for early accession negotiations, but the Netherlands and France were reluctant, and the postponement was deepened.

Great "comment". "I don't think we can negotiate accession with a warring country," said French President Emmanuel Macron.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said that "EU accession is a long-term process" and expressed a negative position to allow early accession as a special case. Ukraine should talk about divorce with Russia and formally agree on a "divorce".

This is the basis for President Emmanuel Macron's remarks. Ukraine's accession to the EU can be immediate military assistance, as EU member states are required by the Mutual Defense Clause to assist countries that are "victims of armed aggression on their territory." It is also the basis for the creation of the "EU Army".

Ukraine should discuss "divorce" with Russia in both countries. "Ukrainians want to live in Ukraine in Europe," Zelensky told Politico in 2020, and joining the EU has long been a dream for Ukraine. It's an annoying story.

"US / UK" and "EU" have different prescriptions for peace. The EU has so far moved away from accession negotiations with Ukraine so as not to cause "antipathy" to the Russian government. However, Britain's Reuters reports that the obstacles have diminished as EU member states and Western countries have embarked on sanctions on Russia. It is different!

"NATO" and "EU" are separate organizations. The "EU" does not want Europe to be a "battlefield." The Kremlin "rebelled" against the EU and its "hostile behavior" on February 28. He criticized the EU's move to "hold" Ukraine with weapons, making the "region" "dangerous and unstable." EU member states do not provide weapons assistance to Ukraine.

Russia should have a "discussion" with the "EU" to prevent Europe from becoming a battlefield. The "US-UK" should not interfere with the "EU". The battlefield between "US-UK" and Russia should be "US-UK and the mainland of Russia".

"Citizens of the United States and Britain" should "tell" the government. In a "fight" with "Russia," "I'm against making the continental United States or the British mainland a battlefield." However, Ukrainian refugees are accepted for humanitarian reasons.

Part 1. EU Summit to join Ukraine and see off

On February 28, Ukrainian President Zelensky signed an EU membership application and appealed in a video message to allow early access by exception. Former Soviet Union Moldova and Georgia were also applying for EU membership following Ukraine.


Ukraine's "EU accession", scenarios for realization and its challenges

On February 28, Ukraine's President Zelensky formally signed the application for EU accession after requesting the European Union (EU) to promptly approve Ukraine's accession.


I will write tomorrow, too.

Part 2 See below for the "false charges" of the 2010 "crimes of support for immigration law violations"

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".


It is a false charge. However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized.

See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)




English language.


Part 3 Construction of special zones.

"Special Zone of Algeria" by "EU", "Special Zone of Mexican Border" by the United States,

"Australia's special zone" by the new TPP (IPP), Japan's "Okinawa's special zone" ....

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and poor people as "provisional migrants."

They "separate" from "workers in developed countries".

Developed countries can "manufacture" cheaper than Chinese products by "employing" "provisional immigrants."

Making a product that can beat Chinese products will weaken the Chinese army ...

English, Japanese, French, German


In Part 4 and below, past posts are being organized into the following blogs.

Many department logs are still under construction.

Part 4 Japan's serious human rights violations


Part 5 Development of (COVID-19) Instantaneous Sensor

"PCR test" takes time. We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "identifies" the "infected person" like thermography.


Part 6 Taiwan Defense: Okinawa Marines should be relocated to Taiwan


Part 7. One coin union & Yachae NISSAN


Part 8 Nagano opinion

CO2-free SDGs o2 international issues, etc.


Very truly yours.

Yasuhiro Nagano

長野恭博 オピニオン 2022年03月19日:「EU」の判断は賢明です。「EU」は3月10日、パリ郊外のベルサイユで非公式の首脳会議を開き、ウクライナの加盟申請への対応を協議した。東欧諸国は早期加盟交渉入りを求めたが、オランダやフランスが難色を示し、見送りが濃厚になった。

 長野恭博 オピニオン











第1部。EU首脳会議 ウクライナ加盟、見送りへ 

































第5部。Development of (COVID-19) Instantaneous Sensor





第7部。One coin union & Yachae NISSAN


第8部。Nagano opinion

CO2フリー SDGs o2国際問題 等



長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)






To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2022-03-18:India's stance is that Russia and Ukraine should solve the problem through dialogue. I agree. Russia has taken the position that it is "not a party to the conflict", and the withdrawal of foreign troops and hired troops from the agreed Ukrainian territory and the restoration of border control by the Ukrainian government have not progressed. Execution of the agreement is the key to the Ukrainian war. Ukraine should adhere to the "Minsk Agreement".

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

2022-03-18: Dear Sir,

I think the "Ukraine War" of "Russia and Ukraine" is the war of "Russia and America".

The "Biden administration" cannot solve the "China problem." There is a midterm election this year. I think the Biden administration has replaced the "China issue" with the "Ukraine issue."

I think the "Ukraine War" is a war created by Ukraine and "NATO". Unless European countries "donated" weapons to Ukraine, they would not stimulate Russia. If the United States were in Russia's position, I think the United States would have taken the same action against Ukraine.

I remembered the "Cuba War". (1) An American reconnaissance aircraft U2 discovered that a missile base was under construction in Cuba. (2) The United States carried out a naval blockade and isolated Cuba from the Soviet Union (the United States used the word quarantine "quarantine"). (3) The Soviet Union agreed to remove the missile on the condition that the United States would not attack Cuba (and the two countries agreed to remove the missile in Turkey as a secret agreement). Republican "a group of volunteer parliamentarians should talk to President Putin.

India abstained from a UN resolution condemning Russia. India is a member of the "Quad" framework of the United States, Japan, Australia and India. Of the 15 countries, 11 agreed with the criticism. Only one Russian country opposed it. However, the three countries abstained from the resolution criticizing Russia's aggression. China, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and India.

India's stance is that Russia and Ukraine should solve the problem through dialogue. I agree. Russia has taken the position that it is "not a party to the conflict", and the withdrawal of foreign troops and hired troops from the agreed Ukrainian territory and the restoration of border control by the Ukrainian government have not progressed. Execution of the agreement is the key to the Ukrainian war. Ukraine should adhere to the "Minsk Agreement".

The world media do not blame "Ukraine" for unilaterally breaking the "Minsk Agreement", but call Russia an invader. Do not blame the military action provoking Russia in "Ukraine and its supporters". One-sidedly makes "Russia" a "bad guy." Media information manipulation is terrible.

I appreciate India's attitude. India is calmly using "America and Russia" well. As a member of the "Quad", I think India is the only country that can "control" the Indo-Pacific. I am proposing "Australia's Special Zone". I want India to become the leader.

Part 1. Why was the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) avoided? Angry Castro.

Castro was angry. He was very resentful at the powerlessness of his country, which was swayed by great power politics. International politics is basically a hierarchy, and according to the ruthless premise of international politics that small countries have to obey the large countries autonomously and compulsorily, the situation in Cuba is exactly the small countries. It was that. He was offered to install a missile under the guise of "defending Cuba," but was removed without any consultation by the Soviet Union, which gave in to the firm will of the United States. There was the wrath of the leader of a small country, danced by the politics of the great powers.


Why India abstained from UN resolution blaming Russia


I will write tomorrow, too.

Part 2 See below for the "false charges" of the 2010 "crimes of support for immigration law violations"

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".


It is a false charge. However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized.

See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)




English language.


Report by the Working Group for the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Mr. Ghosn's arrest and detention was "unreasonable and unreasonable," a UN expert reported and demanded compensation.

Japanese media and politicians ignore the "UN report" and do not inform the Japanese people! It was

Mr. Ghosn's arrest and detention was "unreasonable and unreasonable," a UN expert reported and demanded compensation.

AFP news was posted on November 20th and released to the media on the 23rd.

The future response of the Japanese government, the prosecution, the police, and the judiciary will be watched.


My complaint is exactly the same!

Their "deprivation of freedom" is "arbitrary". They are "selfish" without "obeying the law".

They have no logical necessity and are "punishing" "as they please."

Articles 9, 10, 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

And it violates Articles 9, 10 and 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and is arbitrary.

"I and the Chinese" in the 2010 Immigration Control and Refuge case and the 2013 Philippine embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

I explained in "The Logic of Law" and claimed "not guilty".

Then police officers and prosecutors said:

"You should plead guilty in general terms."

Japan is the only country to punish in general terms!

The judge said causality with "unrelated logic" (see Judgment).

See "Indictment"! It wasn't a crime at the time.

Since it is not a crime, we revised the Immigration Control Act in 2017 so that it can be punished.

Article 39 of the Constitution does not allow "retroactive" punishment.

Make Japan "a country that governs Japan under the law!

Make Japan a country that protects "human rights"!

There are also American victims. There are many victims all over the world.

This case is an arbitrary error in application by police officers, prosecutors, and judges.

The offenses are special "civilian abuse of authority" and "false accusation".

The prosecution has squeezed the "accusation" and "accusation" ex officio.

Therefore, the "prescription for prosecution" has been suspended.

I'm "sueing" for two things.

1) A foreigner has performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are not guilty.

2) The prosecution has set Articles 60 and 62 of the Criminal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Control and Refuge because of "support for Articles 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control and Refuge".

I "applied" "a crime that supports other crimes", but it is "an error in the applicable law".

I am for me and the Chinese, Philippine embassy officials,

We seek "restoration of honor" and "compensation".

Part 3 Construction of special zones.

Allies should unite "economy and security"!

The greatest security is to beat Chinese products. for that purpose

"Immigrants and refugees" should be accepted as "provisional immigrants" in "special zones".

"Temporary immigrants" are restricted to living in "special zones".

"Temporary immigrants" are "low-wage workers" that are cheaper than "Chinese workers".

However, it is "income of grace" for "they" who do not have a job.

This allows us to bring to market cheaper products than Chinese products.

"Mainland workers" become "high wages" by working separately from "provisional immigrants".

The world should trade according to the rules of the market economy.

We should help "poor, migrants, refugees" and become rich.

"Special Zone of Algeria" by "EU",

"Special Zone on the Mexican Border" by the United States, "Special Zone in Australia" by the New TPP (IPP),

It is the "special zone of Okinawa" in Japan ....

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and poor people as "provisional migrants."

They "separate" from "workers in developed countries".

Developed countries can "manufacture" cheaper than Chinese products by "employing" "provisional immigrants."

English, Japanese, French, German


Part 4 Economic activity should be "returned to normal" even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

"SARS virus" disappeared by "quarantine and treatment" of infected people.

"PCR test" takes time.

We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "identifies" the "infected person" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "non-infected" can return to "normal life" without a mask!

Countries should jointly develop and develop within a year.

The "nation of freedom and democracy" should be revived!

See daily posts for details. Or contact us!

Very truly yours.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is published in the following program.


If you have any questions, please contact us!


An Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz 18.03.2022:Indien enthielt sich einer UN-Resolution zur Verurteilung Russlands. Indien ist Mitglied des „Quad“-Rahmens der Vereinigten Staaten, Japans, Australiens und Indiens. Von den 15 Ländern stimmten 11 der Kritik zu. Nur ein russisches Land war dagegen. Allerdings enthielten sich die drei Länder der Stimme, in der die russische Aggression kritisiert wurde. China, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (VAE) und Indien.

 An Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz

18.03.2022: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Ich denke, der „Ukraine-Krieg“ von „Russland und der Ukraine“ ist der Krieg von „Russland und Amerika“.

Die „Biden-Administration“ kann das „China-Problem“ nicht lösen. In diesem Jahr gibt es eine Midterm-Wahl. Ich denke, die Biden-Administration hat die „China-Frage“ durch die „Ukraine-Frage“ ersetzt.

Ich denke, der „Ukraine-Krieg“ ist ein Krieg, der von der Ukraine und der „NATO“ geschaffen wurde. Solange die europäischen Länder der Ukraine keine Waffen „spenden“, würden sie Russland nicht stimulieren. Wenn die Vereinigten Staaten in der Position Russlands wären, hätten die Vereinigten Staaten meines Erachtens die gleiche Aktion gegen die Ukraine ergriffen.

Ich erinnerte mich an den "Kubakrieg". (1) Ein amerikanisches Aufklärungsflugzeug U2 entdeckte, dass auf Kuba eine Raketenbasis im Bau war. (2) Die Vereinigten Staaten führten eine Seeblockade durch und isolierten Kuba von der Sowjetunion (die Vereinigten Staaten verwendeten das Wort Quarantäne „Quarantäne“). (3) Die Sowjetunion stimmte zu, die Rakete unter der Bedingung abzuziehen, dass die Vereinigten Staaten Kuba nicht angreifen würden (und die beiden Länder stimmten zu, die Rakete in der Türkei als Geheimabkommen abzuziehen). Die republikanische "Gruppe freiwilliger Parlamentarier" solle mit Präsident Putin sprechen.

Indien enthielt sich einer UN-Resolution zur Verurteilung Russlands. Indien ist Mitglied des „Quad“-Rahmens der Vereinigten Staaten, Japans, Australiens und Indiens. Von den 15 Ländern stimmten 11 der Kritik zu. Nur ein russisches Land war dagegen. Allerdings enthielten sich die drei Länder der Stimme, in der die russische Aggression kritisiert wurde. China, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (VAE) und Indien.

Indiens Haltung ist, dass Russland und die Ukraine das Problem im Dialog lösen sollten. Ich stimme zu. Russland hat die Position eingenommen, es sei „keine Konfliktpartei“, und der Rückzug ausländischer Truppen und angeheuerter Truppen aus dem vereinbarten ukrainischen Territorium und die Wiederherstellung der Grenzkontrolle durch die ukrainische Regierung sind nicht vorangekommen. Die Ausführung des Abkommens ist der Schlüssel zum ukrainischen Krieg. Die Ukraine sollte sich an das „Minsker Abkommen“ halten.

Weltmedien nennen Russland einen „Eindringling“, ohne der Ukraine die Schuld für den einseitigen Bruch des „Minsker Abkommens“ zu geben. „Ukraine“ und „Krina-Anhänger“ haben „Militäraktionen“ nicht dafür verantwortlich gemacht, „Russland“ zu „provozieren“. Macht "Russland" einseitig zum "Bösen". Die Manipulation von Medieninformationen ist schrecklich.

Ich schätze Indiens Haltung. Indien nutzt "Amerika und Russland" ruhig und gut. Als Mitglied des „Quad“ denke ich, dass Indien das einzige Land ist, das den Indopazifik „kontrollieren“ kann. Ich schlage "Australiens Sonderzone" vor. Ich möchte, dass Indien führend wird.

Teil 1. Warum wurde die Kubakrise (1962) vermieden? Wütender Castro.

Castro war wütend. Er war sehr verärgert über die Ohnmacht seines Landes, das von der Politik der Großmächte beeinflusst wurde. Die internationale Politik ist im Grunde eine Hierarchie, und gemäß der rücksichtslosen Prämisse der internationalen Politik, dass kleine Länder den großen Ländern autonom und zwangsweise gehorchen müssen, ist die Situation in Kuba genau die kleinen Länder. Ihm wurde angeboten, unter dem Deckmantel der „Verteidigung Kubas“ eine Rakete zu installieren, wurde aber von der Sowjetunion, die dem festen Willen der Vereinigten Staaten nachgab, ohne Rücksprache abgesetzt. Da war der Zorn des Führers eines kleinen Landes, getanzt von der Politik der Großmächte.


Warum Indien sich einer UN-Resolution enthielt, die Russland die Schuld gab


Ich schreibe morgen auch.

Teil 2 Siehe unten für die „falschen Anschuldigungen“ der „Straftaten zur Unterstützung von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz“ von 2010.

Die Novelle des Immigration Control Act im Januar 2017 nennt als Begründung für die Novelle „Ich bin nicht schuldig“.

Begründung: „kann nicht bestraft werden“ in „kann bestraft werden“ ändern.


Es ist eine falsche Anklage. Die japanische Regierung hat sich jedoch noch nicht entschuldigt.

Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Japanisch)


Siehe unten für die Anklage. (Englische Übersetzung)




Englische Sprache.


Bericht der Arbeitsgruppe für den Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen.

Die Festnahme und Inhaftierung von Herrn Ghosn sei "unangemessen und unvernünftig", berichtete ein UN-Experte und forderte Entschädigung.

Japanische Medien und Politiker ignorieren den „UN-Bericht“ und informieren das japanische Volk nicht! Es war

Die Festnahme und Inhaftierung von Herrn Ghosn sei "unangemessen und unvernünftig", berichtete ein UN-Experte und forderte Entschädigung.

AFP-Nachrichten wurden am 20. November veröffentlicht und am 23. für die Medien freigegeben.

Die künftige Reaktion der japanischen Regierung, der Staatsanwaltschaft, der Polizei und der Justiz wird beobachtet.


Meine Beschwerde ist genau die gleiche!

Ihr „Freiheitsentzug“ sei „willkürlich“. Sie sind „egoistisch“, ohne „dem Gesetz zu gehorchen“.

Sie haben keine logische Notwendigkeit und „bestrafen“ „wie sie wollen“.

Artikel 9, 10, 11 der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte,

Und es verstößt gegen die Artikel 9, 10 und 14 des Internationalen Pakts über bürgerliche und politische Rechte und ist willkürlich.

„Ich und die Chinesen“ im Fall Einwanderungskontrolle und Zuflucht von 2010 und die Mitarbeiter und Diplomaten der philippinischen Botschaft von 2013 wurden ebenfalls aus demselben Grund bestraft.

Ich erklärte es in „Die Logik des Rechts“ und behauptete „nicht schuldig“.

Dann sagten Polizisten und Staatsanwälte:

"Sie sollten sich allgemein schuldig bekennen."

Japan ist das einzige Land, das allgemein bestraft!

Der Richter sagte Kausalität mit "unbezogener Logik" (siehe Urteil).

Siehe „Anklage“! Das war damals kein Verbrechen.

Da es sich nicht um ein Verbrechen handelt, haben wir 2017 das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz überarbeitet, damit es geahndet werden kann.

Artikel 39 der Verfassung erlaubt keine „rückwirkende“ Bestrafung.

Machen Sie Japan „zu einem Land, das Japan nach dem Gesetz regiert!

Machen Sie Japan zu einem Land, das „Menschenrechte“ schützt!

Es gibt auch amerikanische Opfer. Es gibt viele Opfer auf der ganzen Welt.

Dieser Fall ist ein willkürlicher Anwendungsfehler von Polizeibeamten, Staatsanwälten und Richtern.

Bei den Straftatbeständen handelt es sich im Besonderen um „zivilen Amtsmissbrauch“ und „Falschbeschuldigung“.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat die "Anklage" und "Anklage" von Amts wegen abgequetscht.

Daher wurde die „Verordnung zur Strafverfolgung“ ausgesetzt.

Ich „klage“ auf zwei Dinge.

1) Ein Ausländer hat andere "illegale Arbeit" als "Aufenthaltsstatus" verrichtet. Aber Ausländer sind nicht schuldig.

2) Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat Artikel 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuches gegen Artikel 70 der Einwanderungskontrolle und Zuflucht wegen „Unterstützung der Artikel 22-4-4 der Einwanderungskontrolle und Zuflucht“ eingestellt.

Ich habe „ein Verbrechen angewandt“, das andere Verbrechen unterstützt, aber es ist „ein Fehler im anwendbaren Recht“.

Ich bin für mich und die chinesischen, philippinischen Botschaftsbeamten,

Wir fordern „Wiederherstellung der Ehre“ und „Entschädigung“.

Teil 3 Bau von Sonderzonen.

Verbündete sollten "Wirtschaft und Sicherheit" vereinen!

Die größte Sicherheit besteht darin, chinesische Produkte zu schlagen. zu diesem Zweck

„Einwanderer und Flüchtlinge“ sollen als „vorläufige Einwanderer“ in „Sonderzonen“ aufgenommen werden.

„Vorübergehende Einwanderer“ dürfen nur in „Sonderzonen“ leben.

"Temporäre Einwanderer" sind "Billiglohnarbeiter", die billiger sind als "chinesische Arbeiter".

Es ist jedoch ein „Gnadeneinkommen“ für „die“, die keine Arbeit haben.

Dadurch können wir günstigere Produkte als chinesische Produkte auf den Markt bringen.

„Arbeiter vom Festland“ werden zu „Hochlöhnen“, indem sie getrennt von „vorläufigen Einwanderern“ arbeiten.

Die Welt sollte nach den Regeln der Marktwirtschaft handeln.

Wir sollen „Armen, Migranten, Flüchtlingen“ helfen und reich werden.

„Sonderzone Algerien“ durch „EU“,

„Sonderzone an der mexikanischen Grenze“ der Vereinigten Staaten, „Sonderzone in Australien“ der New TPP (IPP),

Es ist die "Sonderzone von Okinawa" in Japan ....

Die „Sonderzone“ „nimmt“ Flüchtlinge und Arme als „vorläufige Migranten“ auf.

Sie „trennen“ sich von „Arbeitnehmern in entwickelten Ländern“.

Industrieländer können billiger als chinesische Produkte „produzieren“, indem sie „vorläufige Einwanderer“ „anstellen“.

Englisch, Japanisch, Französisch, Deutsch


Teil 4 Die wirtschaftliche Aktivität soll auch unter dem „neuen Corona“ wieder „normalisiert“ werden!

Bekomme ich weiterhin zwei- bis dreimal im Jahr die Corona-Impfung? Verrückt!

„SARS-Virus“ verschwand durch „Quarantäne und Behandlung“ von Infizierten.

"PCR-Test" braucht Zeit.

Wir sollten ein "Inspektionssystem" entwickeln, das die "infizierte Person" wie eine Thermografie sofort "identifiziert".

An bestimmten getesteten Orten können „Nicht-Infizierte“ ohne Maske zum „normalen Leben“ zurückkehren!

Die Länder sollten sich innerhalb eines Jahres gemeinsam entwickeln und weiterentwickeln.

Die „Nation der Freiheit und Demokratie“ soll wiederbelebt werden!

Einzelheiten finden Sie in den täglichen Beiträgen. Oder kontaktieren Sie uns!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.


Wenn Sie Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte!


Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2022-03-18 :Je me suis souvenu de la "guerre de Cuba". (1) Un avion de reconnaissance américain U2 a découvert qu'une base de missiles était en construction à Cuba. (2) Les États-Unis ont effectué un blocus naval et isolé Cuba de l'Union soviétique (les États-Unis ont utilisé le mot quarantaine "quarantaine"). (3) L'Union soviétique a accepté de retirer le missile à condition que les États-Unis n'attaquent pas Cuba (et les deux pays ont convenu de retirer le missile de Turquie dans le cadre d'un accord secret). Le "groupe de parlementaires volontaires" républicains devrait parler au président Poutine.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2022-03-18 : Cher Monsieur,

Je pense que la "guerre d'Ukraine" de "la Russie et l'Ukraine" est la guerre de "la Russie et l'Amérique".

"L'administration Biden" ne peut pas résoudre le "problème chinois". Il y a une élection de mi-mandat cette année. Je pense que l'administration Biden a remplacé le "problème chinois" par le "problème ukrainien".

Je pense que la "guerre d'Ukraine" est une guerre créée par l'Ukraine et "l'OTAN". À moins que les pays européens ne "donnent" des armes à l'Ukraine, ils ne stimuleraient pas la Russie. Si les États-Unis avaient été dans la position de la Russie, je pense que les États-Unis auraient pris la même mesure contre l'Ukraine.

Je me suis souvenu de la "guerre de Cuba". (1) Un avion de reconnaissance américain U2 a découvert qu'une base de missiles était en construction à Cuba. (2) Les États-Unis ont effectué un blocus naval et isolé Cuba de l'Union soviétique (les États-Unis ont utilisé le mot quarantaine "quarantaine"). (3) L'Union soviétique a accepté de retirer le missile à condition que les États-Unis n'attaquent pas Cuba (et les deux pays ont convenu de retirer le missile de Turquie dans le cadre d'un accord secret). Le "groupe de parlementaires volontaires" républicains devrait parler au président Poutine.

L'Inde s'est abstenue lors d'une résolution de l'ONU condamnant la Russie. L'Inde est membre du cadre "Quad" des États-Unis, du Japon, de l'Australie et de l'Inde. Sur les 15 pays, 11 étaient d'accord avec la critique. Un seul pays russe s'y est opposé. Cependant, les trois pays se sont abstenus de la résolution critiquant l'agression de la Russie. Chine, Émirats arabes unis (EAU) et Inde.

La position de l'Inde est que la Russie et l'Ukraine doivent résoudre le problème par le dialogue. Je suis d'accord. La Russie a adopté la position qu'elle n'est "pas partie au conflit", et le retrait des troupes étrangères et des troupes engagées du territoire ukrainien convenu et le rétablissement du contrôle des frontières par le gouvernement ukrainien n'ont pas progressé. L'exécution de l'accord est la clé de la guerre ukrainienne. L'Ukraine devrait adhérer à "l'Accord de Minsk".

Les médias mondiaux qualifient la Russie d'"envahisseur" sans accuser "l'Ukraine" d'avoir violé unilatéralement "l'accord de Minsk". "L'Ukraine" et les "partisans de Krina" n'ont pas reproché à "l'action militaire" de "provoquer" la "Russie". Fait unilatéralement de la "Russie" un "méchant". La manipulation de l'information médiatique est terrible.

J'apprécie l'attitude de l'Inde. L'Inde utilise calmement "l'Amérique et la Russie". En tant que membre du "Quad", je pense que l'Inde est le seul pays qui peut "contrôler" l'Indo-Pacifique. Je propose "la zone spéciale de l'Australie". Je veux que l'Inde devienne le leader.

Partie 1. Pourquoi la crise des missiles de Cuba (1962) a-t-elle été évitée ? Castro en colère.

Castro était en colère. Il était très irrité par l'impuissance de son pays, qui était influencé par la politique des grandes puissances. La politique internationale est fondamentalement une hiérarchie, et selon la prémisse impitoyable de la politique internationale selon laquelle les petits pays doivent obéir aux grands pays de manière autonome et obligatoire, la situation à Cuba est exactement celle des petits pays. On lui a proposé d'installer un missile sous prétexte de « défendre Cuba », mais il a été renvoyé sans aucune consultation par l'Union soviétique, qui a cédé à la ferme volonté des États-Unis. Il y avait la colère du chef d'un petit pays, dansé par la politique des grandes puissances.


Pourquoi l'Inde s'est abstenue de la résolution de l'ONU accusant la Russie


J'écrirai demain aussi.

Partie 2 Voir ci-dessous les "fausses accusations" des "crimes de soutien aux violations de la loi sur l'immigration" de 2010

L'amendement de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en janvier 2017 stipule que "je ne suis pas coupable" comme raison de l'amendement.

Raison : Remplacer « ne peut être puni » par « peut être puni ».


C'est une fausse accusation. Cependant, le gouvernement japonais ne s'est pas encore excusé.

Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Japonais)


Voir ci-dessous pour l'acte d'accusation. (Traduction anglaise)




Langue Anglaise.


Rapport du Groupe de travail pour le Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies.

L'arrestation et la détention de M. Ghosn étaient "déraisonnables et déraisonnables", a rapporté un expert de l'ONU qui a exigé une indemnisation.

Les médias et politiciens japonais ignorent le « rapport de l'ONU » et n'informent pas le peuple japonais ! C'était

L'arrestation et la détention de M. Ghosn étaient "déraisonnables et déraisonnables", a rapporté un expert de l'ONU qui a exigé une indemnisation.

Une information de l'AFP a été publiée le 20 novembre et diffusée aux médias le 23.

La réponse future du gouvernement japonais, du parquet, de la police et de la justice sera surveillée.


Ma plainte est exactement la même !

Leur « privation de liberté » est « arbitraire ». Ils sont "égoïstes" sans "obéir à la loi".

Ils n'ont aucune nécessité logique et "punissent" "comme ils veulent".

Articles 9, 10, 11 de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme,

Et cela viole les articles 9, 10 et 14 du Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques et est arbitraire.

"Moi et les Chinois" dans l'affaire du contrôle de l'immigration et du refuge en 2010 et le personnel et les diplomates de l'ambassade des Philippines en 2013 ont également été punis pour la même raison.

J'ai expliqué dans "La logique du droit" et déclaré "non coupable".

Puis les policiers et les procureurs ont dit :

"Vous devriez plaider coupable en termes généraux."

Le Japon est le seul pays à punir en termes généraux !

Le juge a dit causalité avec "une logique sans rapport" (voir Jugement).

Voir "Acte d'accusation" ! Ce n'était pas un crime à l'époque.

Comme ce n'est pas un crime, nous avons révisé la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en 2017 afin qu'elle puisse être punie.

L'article 39 de la Constitution n'autorise pas de peine "rétroactive".

Faire du Japon « un pays qui gouverne le Japon selon la loi !

Faites du Japon un pays qui protège les "droits de l'homme" !

Il y a aussi des victimes américaines. Il y a de nombreuses victimes partout dans le monde.

Cette affaire est une erreur arbitraire d'application par des policiers, des procureurs et des juges.

Les infractions sont notamment "l'abus d'autorité civile" et la "fausse accusation".

Le parquet a pressé "l'accusation" et "l'accusation" d'office.

Par conséquent, la "prescription des poursuites" a été suspendue.

Je "poursuis" pour deux choses.

1) Un étranger a effectué un "travail illégal" autre que le "statut de résidence". Mais les étrangers ne sont pas coupables.

2) Le parquet a opposé les articles 60 et 62 du code pénal à l'article 70 du contrôle de l'immigration et du refuge en raison du « soutien aux articles 22-4-4 du contrôle de l'immigration et du refuge ».

J'ai "appliqué" "un crime qui appuie d'autres crimes", mais c'est "une erreur dans la loi applicable".

Je suis pour moi et les fonctionnaires des ambassades chinoises et philippines,

Nous demandons "la restauration de l'honneur" et la "compensation".

Partie 3 Construction de zones spéciales.

Les alliés doivent unir « économie et sécurité » !

La plus grande sécurité est de battre les produits chinois. Dans ce but

Les "immigrants et réfugiés" devraient être acceptés comme "immigrants provisoires" dans des "zones spéciales".

Les "immigrants temporaires" sont limités à vivre dans des "zones spéciales".

Les "immigrants temporaires" sont des "travailleurs à bas salaire" qui sont moins chers que les "travailleurs chinois".

Cependant, c'est un "revenu de grâce" pour "eux" qui n'ont pas de travail.

Cela nous permet de mettre sur le marché des produits moins chers que les produits chinois.

Les «travailleurs du continent» deviennent des «salaires élevés» en travaillant séparément des «immigrants provisoires».

Le monde devrait commercer selon les règles de l'économie de marché.

Nous devrions aider "les pauvres, les migrants, les réfugiés" et devenir riches.

"Zone spéciale d'Algérie" par "UE",

"Special Zone on the Mexican Border" par les États-Unis, "Special Zone in Australia" par le New TPP (IPP),

C'est la "zone spéciale d'Okinawa" au Japon....

La "zone spéciale" "accepte" les réfugiés et les pauvres en tant que "migrants provisoires".

Ils "se séparent" des "travailleurs des pays développés".

Les pays développés peuvent « fabriquer » des produits moins chers que les produits chinois en « employant » des « immigrés provisoires ».

Anglais, japonais, français, allemand


Partie 4 L'activité économique devrait être "revenue à la normale" même sous la "nouvelle couronne" !

Vais-je continuer à recevoir le vaccin corona deux ou trois fois par an ? Fou!

Le "virus du SRAS" a disparu par "la mise en quarantaine et le traitement" des personnes infectées.

Le "test PCR" prend du temps.

Nous devrions développer un "système d'inspection" qui "identifie" instantanément la "personne infectée" comme la thermographie.

Dans certains lieux testés, les "non infectés" peuvent reprendre une "vie normale" sans masque !

Les pays doivent développer et développer conjointement dans un délai d'un an.

La « nation de la liberté et de la démocratie » devrait renaître !

Voir les messages quotidiens pour plus de détails. Ou contactez-nous !

Sincèrement votre.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.


Si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plaît contactez-nous!


To President Biden! 2022-03-18:I think the "Ukraine War" is a war created by Ukraine and "NATO". Unless European countries "donated" weapons to Ukraine, they would not stimulate Russia. If the United States were in Russia's position, I think the United States would have taken the same action against Ukraine.

 To President Biden!

2022-03-18: Dear Sir,

I think the "Ukraine War" of "Russia and Ukraine" is the war of "Russia and America".

The "Biden administration" cannot solve the "China problem." There is a midterm election this year. I think the Biden administration has replaced the "China issue" with the "Ukraine issue."

I think the "Ukraine War" is a war created by Ukraine and "NATO". Unless European countries "donated" weapons to Ukraine, they would not stimulate Russia. If the United States were in Russia's position, I think the United States would have taken the same action against Ukraine.

I remembered the "Cuba War". (1) An American reconnaissance aircraft U2 discovered that a missile base was under construction in Cuba. (2) The United States carried out a naval blockade and isolated Cuba from the Soviet Union (the United States used the word quarantine "quarantine"). (3) The Soviet Union agreed to remove the missile on the condition that the United States would not attack Cuba (and the two countries agreed to remove the missile in Turkey as a secret agreement). Republican "a group of volunteer parliamentarians should talk to President Putin.

India abstained from a UN resolution condemning Russia. India is a member of the "Quad" framework of the United States, Japan, Australia and India. Of the 15 countries, 11 agreed with the criticism. Only one Russian country opposed it. However, the three countries abstained from the resolution criticizing Russia's aggression. China, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and India.

India's stance is that Russia and Ukraine should solve the problem through dialogue. I agree. Russia has taken the position that it is "not a party to the conflict", and the withdrawal of foreign troops and hired troops from the agreed Ukrainian territory and the restoration of border control by the Ukrainian government have not progressed. Execution of the agreement is the key to the Ukrainian war. Ukraine should adhere to the "Minsk Agreement".

The world media do not blame "Ukraine" for unilaterally breaking the "Minsk Agreement", but call Russia an invader. Do not blame the military action provoking Russia in "Ukraine and its supporters". One-sidedly makes "Russia" a "bad guy." Media information manipulation is terrible.

I appreciate India's attitude. India is calmly using "America and Russia" well. As a member of the "Quad", I think India is the only country that can "control" the Indo-Pacific. I am proposing "Australia's Special Zone". I want India to become the leader.

Part 1. Why was the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) avoided? Angry Castro.

Castro was angry. He was very resentful at the powerlessness of his country, which was swayed by great power politics. International politics is basically a hierarchy, and according to the ruthless premise of international politics that small countries have to obey the large countries autonomously and compulsorily, the situation in Cuba is exactly the small countries. It was that. He was offered to install a missile under the guise of "defending Cuba," but was removed without any consultation by the Soviet Union, which gave in to the firm will of the United States. There was the wrath of the leader of a small country, danced by the politics of the great powers.


Why India abstained from UN resolution blaming Russia


I will write tomorrow, too.

Part 2 See below for the "false charges" of the 2010 "crimes of support for immigration law violations"

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".


It is a false charge. However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized.

See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)




English language.


Report by the Working Group for the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Mr. Ghosn's arrest and detention was "unreasonable and unreasonable," a UN expert reported and demanded compensation.

Japanese media and politicians ignore the "UN report" and do not inform the Japanese people! It was

Mr. Ghosn's arrest and detention was "unreasonable and unreasonable," a UN expert reported and demanded compensation.

AFP news was posted on November 20th and released to the media on the 23rd.

The future response of the Japanese government, the prosecution, the police, and the judiciary will be watched.


My complaint is exactly the same!

Their "deprivation of freedom" is "arbitrary". They are "selfish" without "obeying the law".

They have no logical necessity and are "punishing" "as they please."

Articles 9, 10, 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

And it violates Articles 9, 10 and 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and is arbitrary.

"I and the Chinese" in the 2010 Immigration Control and Refuge case and the 2013 Philippine embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

I explained in "The Logic of Law" and claimed "not guilty".

Then police officers and prosecutors said:

"You should plead guilty in general terms."

Japan is the only country to punish in general terms!

The judge said causality with "unrelated logic" (see Judgment).

See "Indictment"! It wasn't a crime at the time.

Since it is not a crime, we revised the Immigration Control Act in 2017 so that it can be punished.

Article 39 of the Constitution does not allow "retroactive" punishment.

Make Japan "a country that governs Japan under the law!

Make Japan a country that protects "human rights"!

There are also American victims. There are many victims all over the world.

This case is an arbitrary error in application by police officers, prosecutors, and judges.

The offenses are special "civilian abuse of authority" and "false accusation".

The prosecution has squeezed the "accusation" and "accusation" ex officio.

Therefore, the "prescription for prosecution" has been suspended.

I'm "sueing" for two things.

1) A foreigner has performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are not guilty.

2) The prosecution has set Articles 60 and 62 of the Criminal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Control and Refuge because of "support for Articles 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control and Refuge".

I "applied" "a crime that supports other crimes", but it is "an error in the applicable law".

I am for me and the Chinese, Philippine embassy officials,

We seek "restoration of honor" and "compensation".

Part 3 Construction of special zones.

Allies should unite "economy and security"!

The greatest security is to beat Chinese products. for that purpose

"Immigrants and refugees" should be accepted as "provisional immigrants" in "special zones".

"Temporary immigrants" are restricted to living in "special zones".

"Temporary immigrants" are "low-wage workers" that are cheaper than "Chinese workers".

However, it is "income of grace" for "they" who do not have a job.

This allows us to bring to market cheaper products than Chinese products.

"Mainland workers" become "high wages" by working separately from "provisional immigrants".

The world should trade according to the rules of the market economy.

We should help "poor, migrants, refugees" and become rich.

"Special Zone of Algeria" by "EU",

"Special Zone on the Mexican Border" by the United States, "Special Zone in Australia" by the New TPP (IPP),

It is the "special zone of Okinawa" in Japan ....

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and poor people as "provisional migrants."

They "separate" from "workers in developed countries".

Developed countries can "manufacture" cheaper than Chinese products by "employing" "provisional immigrants."

English, Japanese, French, German


Part 4 Economic activity should be "returned to normal" even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

"SARS virus" disappeared by "quarantine and treatment" of infected people.

"PCR test" takes time.

We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "identifies" the "infected person" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "non-infected" can return to "normal life" without a mask!

Countries should jointly develop and develop within a year.

The "nation of freedom and democracy" should be revived!

See daily posts for details. Or contact us!

Very truly yours.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is published in the following program.


If you have any questions, please contact us!


岸田文雄 内閣総理大臣 2022-03-18:「ロシアとウクライナ」の「ウクライナ戦争」は「ロシアとアメリカ」の戦争だと思います。 「バイデン政権」は「中国問題」が解決できない。今年は中間選挙がある。バイデン政権は「中国問題」を「ウクライナ問題」にすり替えたと思います。

 岸田文雄 内閣総理大臣





私は「キューバ戦争」を思いだした。(1)アメリカの偵察機U2がキューバでミサイル基地が建設中であることを発見した。(2)アメリカが海上封鎖を敢行し、キューバをソ連から隔離(米国側は検疫 "quarantine" という語を使用)した。(3)米国がキューバを攻撃しないという条件で、ソ連側がミサイル撤去に同意(さらには、トルコにあるミサイルの撤去も密約として両国間で了解)した。共和党の「有志の国会議員のグループはプーチン大統領と対談をするべきだ。














































































コロナワクチンを年に2、3回 接種し続けるのだろうか?クレイジだ!









長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)








To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2022-03-17: Japan is a country where wages do not rise for 30 years. The consumption tax has risen to 3%, 5%, 8% and 10%. However, it is a mysterious country where strikes and demonstrations do not occur. Human rights issues in Japan are abnormal, but "labor-management relations" are also abnormal.

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

2022-03-17: Dear Sir, France should think of the "Ukraine War" from a democratic standpoint. The Warsaw Pact was dismantled at the signing of the Protocol on July 1, 1991 in Prague. NATO was founded in 1949 against the Soviet Union and continues to expand. Without "NATO", the war between Russia and Ukraine would not have occurred. The "EU" should dismantle "NATO" to create the "EU Army".

The United States should focus on China's hegemony issue. The worst will be a war with China. With this in mind, the Biden administration withdrew US troops from Afghanistan. Even if the United States has solidarity with its allies, it does not have the military power to fight against "two countries, China and Russia" at the same time.

The "EU" is facing an economic war with China. Chinese products are invading the European market. European companies cannot raise workers' wages to compete with Chinese products in price. The lives of European workers are getting harder and harder. I propose "a special zone of Algeria" as a solution to this.

There are protests in France that have been going on since 2018. France's Yellow Vest movement was demonstrated in 2018 due to soaring fuel prices. Currently, I think it is calming down due to the influence of the "new corona". However, the prices of crude oil and natural gas have risen in the recent Ukrainian war. Soaring fuel prices seem to "imply" a resurgence of demonstrations.

Japan is a country where wages do not rise for 30 years. The consumption tax has risen to 3%, 5%, 8% and 10%. However, it is a mysterious country where strikes and demonstrations do not occur. Human rights issues in Japan are abnormal, but "labor-management relations" are also abnormal.

France has a presidential election in April. If the "new corona" is "calm down", I think the "yellow vest movement" will burn. France also needs a policy to boost its economy significantly. I am proposing the construction of a "special zone in Algeria". Please consider it.

I think President Macron's "policy for the utilization of nuclear energy" is wonderful. Furthermore, by making next-generation vehicles "hydrogen vehicles," I think we can lead the global automobile industry. Sell ​​"hydrogen cartridges" at "G / S" throughout France. I think you can see the leap of the French economy.

Part 1. What is France's Yellow Vest Movement? In 2018, a demonstration against soaring fuel prices was launched.

France's "Gillet Geaune (Yellow Vest Movement)" is a protest movement that has been held every Saturday since November 2018. The Yellow Vest movement began with a demonstration campaign to raise the fuel tax, which was scheduled to take place in January 2019. It was named the "Yellow Vest Movement" because the people participating in the protest are wearing yellow vests.

To calm these protests and riots, the government has indicated its intention to implement urgent tax cuts and promote fiscal spending efficiency as a social and economic measure.


I will write tomorrow, too.

Part 2 See below for the "false charges" of the 2010 "crimes of support for immigration law violations"

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.

Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".


It is a false charge. However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized.

See below for the indictment. (Japanese)


See below for the indictment. (English translation)




English language.


Report by the Working Group for the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Mr. Ghosn's arrest and detention was "unreasonable and unreasonable," a UN expert reported and demanded compensation.

Japanese media and politicians ignore the "UN report" and do not inform the Japanese people! It was

Mr. Ghosn's arrest and detention was "unreasonable and unreasonable," a UN expert reported and demanded compensation.

AFP news was posted on November 20th and released to the media on the 23rd.

The future response of the Japanese government, the prosecution, the police, and the judiciary will be watched.


My complaint is exactly the same!

Their "deprivation of freedom" is "arbitrary". They are "selfish" without "obeying the law".

They have no logical necessity and are "punishing" "as they please."

Articles 9, 10, 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

And it violates Articles 9, 10 and 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and is arbitrary.

"I and the Chinese" in the 2010 Immigration Control and Refuge case and the 2013 Philippine embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

I explained in "The Logic of Law" and claimed "not guilty".

Then police officers and prosecutors said:

"You should plead guilty in general terms."

Japan is the only country to punish in general terms!

The judge said causality with "unrelated logic" (see Judgment).

See "Indictment"! It wasn't a crime at the time.

Since it is not a crime, we revised the Immigration Control Act in 2017 so that it can be punished.

Article 39 of the Constitution does not allow "retroactive" punishment.

Make Japan "a country that governs Japan under the law!

Make Japan a country that protects "human rights"!

There are also American victims. There are many victims all over the world.

This case is an arbitrary error in application by police officers, prosecutors, and judges.

The offenses are special "civilian abuse of authority" and "false accusation".

The prosecution has squeezed the "accusation" and "accusation" ex officio.

Therefore, the "prescription for prosecution" has been suspended.

I'm "sueing" for two things.

1) A foreigner has performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are not guilty.

2) The prosecution has set Articles 60 and 62 of the Criminal Code against Article 70 of the Immigration Control and Refuge because of "support for Articles 22-4-4 of the Immigration Control and Refuge".

I "applied" "a crime that supports other crimes", but it is "an error in the applicable law".

I am for me and the Chinese, Philippine embassy officials,

We seek "restoration of honor" and "compensation".

Part 3 Construction of special zones.

Allies should unite "economy and security"!

The greatest security is to beat Chinese products. for that purpose

"Immigrants and refugees" should be accepted as "provisional immigrants" in "special zones".

"Temporary immigrants" are restricted to living in "special zones".

"Temporary immigrants" are "low-wage workers" that are cheaper than "Chinese workers".

However, it is "income of grace" for "they" who do not have a job.

This allows us to bring to market cheaper products than Chinese products.

"Mainland workers" become "high wages" by working separately from "provisional immigrants".

The world should trade according to the rules of the market economy.

We should help "poor, migrants, refugees" and become rich.

"Special Zone of Algeria" by "EU",

"Special Zone on the Mexican Border" by the United States, "Special Zone in Australia" by the New TPP (IPP),

It is the "special zone of Okinawa" in Japan ....

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and poor people as "provisional migrants."

They "separate" from "workers in developed countries".

Developed countries can "manufacture" cheaper than Chinese products by "employing" "provisional immigrants."

English, Japanese, French, German


Part 4 Economic activity should be "returned to normal" even under the "new corona"!

Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!

"SARS virus" disappeared by "quarantine and treatment" of infected people.

"PCR test" takes time.

We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "identifies" the "infected person" like thermography.

In certain places tested, "non-infected" can return to "normal life" without a mask!

Countries should jointly develop and develop within a year.

The "nation of freedom and democracy" should be revived!

See daily posts for details. Or contact us!

Very truly yours.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is published in the following program.


If you have any questions, please contact us!


2025-01-23:من المرجح أن يكون عام 2025 هو العام الذي سيتم فيه وضع المركبات الهيدروجينية بالكامل في الاستخدام العملي. وسوف تتحرر أوروبا أخيرًا من "تلوث الهواء" الناجم عن "المركبات الكهربائية".

 2025-01-23: إصدار الأسبوع. سيارات الهيدروجين الإيطالية "مذهلة". ستظهر "شركة سيارات هيدروجينية" ستتفوق على "تسلا...