
An Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz 14. Mai 2023: Es erfordert den Bau einer „Sonderzone“. Sowohl die industrielle Welt als auch die Finanzwelt sollten sich eine glänzende Zukunft vorstellen. Es erfordert eine "astronomische" Finanzierung, um es umzusetzen. Deshalb ist es spannender als Krieg.

 An Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz

14. Mai 2023: Sonntagsausgabe. Lieber Herr,

In der „NET-Gesellschaft“ gab es eine Stimme, die sagte, Russland und Putin, die an der „Gerechtigkeit“ festhalten, auch wenn sie sich auf der ganzen Welt Feinde machen, seien zu cool. Der Ukrainekrieg ist „Habe die Nase voll“. Die internationale Gemeinschaft sollte „nach dem Krieg“ an den „Ukrainischen Krieg“ denken.

Seit den 1970er Jahren hat China ein schnelles Wirtschaftswachstum erlebt und ist heute gemessen am BIP zum zweitgrößten Land der Welt geworden. Länder sollten nicht „konkurrieren“, um „Waffen bereitzustellen“, sondern durch die Marktwirtschaft „um einen Platz im Welt-BIP konkurrieren“.

Es erfordert den Bau einer „Sonderzone“. Sowohl die industrielle Welt als auch die Finanzwelt sollten sich eine glänzende Zukunft vorstellen. Es erfordert eine "astronomische" Finanzierung, um es umzusetzen. Deshalb ist es spannender als Krieg.

Die Größe der großen „Sonderzonen“ der Welt ist überall gleich. „Gebiet“ ist ungefähr dasselbe wie „Japans Land“. Die Einwohnerzahl entspricht etwa der Bevölkerung Japans. Hier werden wir eine „Fabrikstadt“ ähnlich wie in China schaffen.

Was Frankreich betrifft, sollte es gemeinsam mit Algerien eine "Sonderzone" in Afrika einrichten. In der „Special Zone of Algeria“ werden Teile aus Frankreich geliefert und Produkte für europäische und afrikanische Länder produziert. Arbeiter werden hauptsächlich von den Armen in Afrika beschäftigt.

Die USA werden eine „Sonderzone“ an der mexikanischen Grenze errichten. In der „Sonderzone an der mexikanischen Grenze“ werden Teile aus den USA geliefert und Produkte für die nord- und südamerikanischen Länder produziert. Arbeiter werden von den Armen in Mittel- und Südamerika angeheuert.

Großbritannien wird gemeinsam mit Australien eine „Sonderzone“ in Australien einrichten. In der „Australischen Sonderzone“ werden Produkte für Asien mit Zulieferteilen aus Großbritannien produziert. Arbeiter sind meist Flüchtlinge aus Palästina und Syrien.

Es gibt andere Sonderzonen wie „Okinawas Sonderzone“. Einzelheiten finden Sie in „Kapitel 3 Sonderzonen“.

So wie die entwickelten Länder in China investieren, werden die entwickelten Länder in die „Sonderzone von Algerien“, „Sonderzone an der mexikanischen Grenze“, „Sonderzone von Australien usw.“ investieren.

Die Löhne für Arbeiter in „Sonderzonen“ sind niedriger als in China. Bei den Löhnen werden wir nicht gegen China verlieren. Zur Verbesserung von Qualität und Produktivität ist das Werk in der Sonderzone mit „state-of-the-art equipment“ ausgestattet.

Die entwickelten Länder sind China in der Entwicklungstechnologie nicht unterlegen. Allerdings hinken viele von ihnen produktionstechnisch hinter China her. Industrieländer müssen Ingenieure für Produktionstechnik ausbilden.

Die Höhe der Investitionen in den großen „drei großen Sonderzonen“ wird eine „astronomische“ Summe sein. "Amerikas Wall Street", "British City Street" und "Frances Financial District" befinden sich derzeit in einem "erstaunlichen" "Boom".

Statt „Militärkrieg“ oder „Entkopplung“ „China und Russland“ sollten die „G7“-Staaten „Wirtschaftskrieg“ innerhalb der „internationalen Wirtschaft“ führen. In der „Marktwirtschaft“ „verkaufen“ sich „billige und gute Dinge“.

Bei den "Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Russland" haben wir "gelernt". Das heißt, im "Mechanismus" der "internationalen Wirtschaft", wenn "Wirtschaftssanktionen" gegen "Ressourcen" "Supermächte" verhängt werden, werden fortgeschrittene Länder zu einer "Hyperinflation".

Es bedeutet, dass eine „Hyperinflation“ durch „Warenknappheit“ nicht durch „Zinspolitik“ beseitigt werden kann. "Widersprüchliche Richtlinien" werden zu "Bankzusammenbrüchen" führen. Wir sollten über das Gelernte nachdenken. Es sollte Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Russland abschaffen.

Teil eins. Zitate/Referenzen

Die US First Republic Bank ist die zweitgrößte in der Geschichte


In Frankreich verschärfen sich die Demonstrationen gegen die Rentenreform Menschen, die das Rentenalter von 62 Jahren schützen wollen


Ich schreibe morgen auch.

„Teil 2 (Japans abnorme Menschenrechtsverletzungen)“ wurde am 4. März 2023 überarbeitet.

Teil 2. Opfer von Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Japan. "Chinesisch, Koreanisch, Philippinisch, Amerikanisch usw."

Es gibt Zehntausende, Hunderttausende von Opfern auf der ganzen Welt. Eine ungewöhnliche Anzahl von Menschen.


Es gibt "unzählige" chinesische und koreanische Opfer.

Das war „vor dem Krieg des Zweiten Weltkriegs“, weil die Chinesen und Koreaner „Bürger zweiter Klasse“ Japans waren, also macht die Justiz sie zu „Idioten“.


Erzählen Sie bitte allen Ihren Bekannten, die nach Japan gingen und wegen Verstoßes gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz verhaftet wurden.

Es ist notwendig, die „Regierungen jedes Landes“ aufzufordern, die japanische Regierung auf „Wiederherstellung der Ehre und Schadensersatz“ zu „fordern“.

Wenn die Regierung nicht reagiert, bitten Sie die Medien um Hilfe. „Justizmedien“ wird es immer geben.

Du solltest ein "Held" sein, leg los! !


„1“ Stellen Sie einem Ausländer „falsche Dokumente“ zur Verfügung, und der Ausländer erwirbt einen „Aufenthaltsstatus“. Und wenn der Ausländer „illegal gearbeitet“ hat.

Unschuldig ist, wer einem Ausländer „falsche Dokumente“ wie einen „Arbeitsvertrag“ aushändigt.

Ab Januar 2017 wird es jedoch mit „Gesetzesrevision“ bestraft.

Die chinesischen und philippinischen Botschaftsangestellten und Diplomaten, die ich „strafrechtlich anklage“, sind völlig unschuldig. Siehe Teil 2 für Wochentage (Montag bis Freitag) für Details.

„2“ Ausländer, die wegen „illegaler Beschäftigung (Tätigkeiten außerhalb ihrer Qualifikation“) festgenommen wurden, sind „in den meisten Fällen“ unschuldig.***

Begründung: Die Person, die sie „beschäftigt“ hat, wurde nicht wegen „Förderung illegaler Beschäftigung“ nach dem Einwanderungskontrollgesetz bestraft. Daher sind Ausländer kraft „Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz“ unschuldig.

„Die meisten Ausländer“ werden mit „kleinen“ „Geldstrafen“ „abgeschoben“. Ausländer sollten von der japanischen Regierung eine "Entschädigung" von "mehreren Millionen Yen" pro Person "fordern".

Es ist verrückt, dass Koreaner von der japanischen Regierung eine „Entschädigung fordern“ für das „Problem der Trostfrauen“ und das „Problem der angeforderten Arbeitskraft“. Sie sollen Reparationen von der „koreanischen Regierung“ fordern. (Die koreanische Regierung hat es bereits erhalten).

Die Frage der "Verletzung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes" ist völlig anders als der "Japan-Korea-Vertrag". Deshalb müssen koreanische Politiker die japanische Regierung als „neues Japan-Korea-Problem“ „verfolgen“. Koreaner und Chinesen sollten stolz behaupten, dass sie keine „japanischen Sklaven“ sind.

Japans Premierminister schreit „herrsche unter dem Gesetz“. Sie reden verrückt über Japan!

Nur zwei Länder, Südkorea und die Vereinigten Staaten, haben ein Auslieferungsabkommen mit Japan unterzeichnet.

Dies ist auch ein Beweis dafür, dass Japan keine "Regel unter dem Gesetz" hat.

Siehe „Anklage“. Die festgestellten Tatsachen „begründen“ die „Tatsache“ von „nicht schuldig“. (Japanisch Englisch)


"Mein Appell" (Japanisch)


"Mein Appell" (Englisch)


Ich bin „japanischer Samurai.“ Japan sollte mit Menschen aller Länder „befreundet“ sein. "Kein Krieg"

Teil 3. Bau von Sonderzonen.

Die „Sonderzone“ „akzeptiert“ Flüchtlinge und Immigranten als „temporär eingewanderte“ Arbeitskräfte und beschränkt deren Aufenthalt auf die „Sonderzone“. Industrieländer können sie als Niedriglohnarbeiter für Wirtschaftswachstum einsetzen, und Flüchtlinge und Einwanderer können Jobs bekommen und ein hoffnungsvolles Leben führen.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

Nr. 1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Teil 4. Ukraine-Krieg.

Selenskyj trat sein Amt mit einem „Wahlversprechen“ an, die Vereinbarungen von Minsk zu kündigen und durch Krieg Territorium zurückzugewinnen. Aber als Nachrichten über seine Steuerhinterziehung und Steueroasen ans Licht kamen, begann er einen Krieg.

Nr. 2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

Nr. 1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Teil 5. "USA, Russland und China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show

Um eine Welt ohne Krieg zu schaffen, brauchen wir eine „Tripartite Military Alliance“!

Nr. 2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

Nr. 1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Teil 6. Japans berüchtigtes Justizsystem und Menschenrechtsverletzungen

Japans Justizsystem: Verletzung des Einwanderungsgesetzes Falsche Anschuldigung: Fall Nissan Ghosn Falsche Anschuldigung: Missbrauch in Einwanderungseinrichtung: Fall internationaler Student/Praktikant: Nichteinmischung in innere Angelegenheiten: Ausländische Meinungen

Nr. 2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

Nr. 1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Teil 7. Entwicklung von Corona-Sensoren

Wir sollten ein „Inspektionssystem“ entwickeln, das „infizierte Personen“ wie die Thermografie sofort „entdeckt“.


Teil 8. Nordkoreas Entführungs- und Raketenprobleme und Taiwans Verteidigung


Teil 9. Förderung von One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 


Teil 10. „Nagano“-Stellungnahme, Nuklearenergie der nächsten Generation: CO2-frei und SDGs: Russland/Ukraine Invasionsfragen: Einwanderungs-/Flüchtlingsfragen: International/US-Politik/Taiwan-Fragen/Unifikationskirchen-Fragen


Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Yasuhiro Nagano

To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak May 14, 2023:Since the 1970s, China has experienced rapid economic growth and has now become the world's second-largest country in terms of GDP. Countries should not "compete" to "provide weapons" but to "compete for ranking" in "world's GDP" through the market economy.

 To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

May 14, 2023: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

In "NET society", there was a voice saying that Russia and Putin, who stick to justice even if they make enemies all over the world, are too cool. The Ukrainian War is ``Be sick of''. The international community should think "after the war" of the "Ukrainian War".

Since the 1970s, China has experienced rapid economic growth and has now become the world's second-largest country in terms of GDP. Countries should not "compete" to "provide weapons" but to "compete for ranking" in "world's GDP" through the market economy.

It requires the construction of a "special zone". Both the industrial world and the financial world should envision a bright future. It requires "astronomical" funding to implement. That's why it's more exciting than war.

The size of the world's major "special zones" is the same everywhere. "Area" is about the same as "Japan's land". The population is about the same as the population of Japan. Here we will create a “factory town” similar to China.

As for France, it should establish a "special zone" in Africa jointly with Algeria. In the "Special Zone of Algeria", parts are supplied from France and products for European and African countries are produced. Workers are mainly employed by the poor in Africa.

The US will build a "special zone" on the Mexican border. In the "special zone on the Mexican border", parts are supplied from within the United States and products for the North and South American countries are produced. Workers are hired from the poor in Central and South America.

Britain will establish a "special zone" in Australia jointly with Australia. In the "Australian special zone", products for Asia are produced with parts supplied from the UK. Workers are mostly refugees from Palestine and Syria.

There are other special zones such as "Okinawa's Special Zone". For details, please refer to "Chapter 3 Special Zones".

Just as developed countries invested in China, developed countries will invest in the "Special Zone of Algeria", "Special Zone on the Mexican Border", "Special Zone of Australia, etc."

Wages for workers in "special zones" are lower than those in China. In terms of wages, we will not lose to China. In order to improve quality and productivity, the factory in the special zone is equipped with "state-of-the-art equipment".

Developed countries are not inferior to China in development technology. However, in terms of production technology, many of them are behind China. Developed countries need to train engineers for production technology.

The amount of investment in the major "three major special zones" will be an "astronomical" amount. "America's Wall Street", "British City Street", and "France's Financial District" are now in an "astonishing" "boom".

Instead of "military war" or "decoupling" "China and Russia", the "G7" countries should wage "economic war" within the "international economy." The "market economy" is where "cheap and good things" "sell".

With the "economic sanctions against Russia" we "learned". That is, in the "mechanism" of the "international economy", if "economic sanctions" are imposed on "resources" "superpowers", advanced countries will become "hyperinflation".

It means that "hyperinflation" caused by "shortage of goods" cannot be eliminated by "interest rate policy". "Contradictory policies" will lead to "bank failures". We should reflect on what we have learned. It should abolish economic sanctions on Russia.

Part One. Citations/references

US First Republic Bank bankruptcy second largest in history


Demonstrations against pension reform intensify in France People who want to protect the retirement age of 62


I will write tomorrow too.

"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on March 4, 2023.

Part 2. Victims of human rights violations in Japan. "Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc."

There are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.


There are "innumerable" Chinese and Korean victims.

This was "before the war of WW2" because the Chinese and Koreans were "second-class citizens" of Japan, so the judiciary makes them "idiots".


Everyone, please tell your acquaintances who went to Japan and were arrested for violating the Immigration Law.

It is necessary to demand "governments of each country" to "claim" the Japanese government for "restoration of honor and compensation for damages".

If the government doesn't respond, ask the media for help. "Justice media" will always exist.

You should be a "hero", go for it! !

<Target people>

"1" Provide "false documents" to a foreigner, and the foreigner acquires a "status of residence". And if the foreigner has "illegally worked".

A person who provides "false documents" such as an "employment contract" to a foreigner is innocent.

However, from January 2017, it will be punished by "law revision".

The Chinese and the Philippine embassy staff and diplomats I am 'criminally indicting' are completely innocent. See part 2 for weekdays (Monday to Friday) for details.

``2'' Foreign nationals who have been arrested for ``illegal employment (activities outside of their qualifications'') are ``in most cases'' innocent.***

Reason: The person who "employed" them has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by virtue of "equality under the law," foreigners are innocent.

"Most foreigners" are "deported" with "small" "fines". Foreigners should "claim" the Japanese government for "compensation" of "several million yen" per person.

It is crazy for Koreans to "claim compensation" from the Japanese government for the "comfort women issue" and "requisitioned labor issue." They should claim reparations from the "Korean government". (The Korean government has already received it).

The issue of "violation of the Immigration Control Act" is completely different from the "Japan-Korea Treaty". Therefore, Korean politicians need to "pursue" the Japanese government as a "new Japan-Korea problem". Koreans and Chinese should proudly claim that they are not "Japanese slaves."

Japan's prime minister shouts "rule under the law". They are "talking about Japan" crazy!

Only two countries, South Korea and the United States, have concluded an extradition treaty with Japan.

This is also evidence that Japan does not have a "rule under the law".

See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)


"My Appeal" (Japanese)


"My Appeal" (English)


I am "Japanese samurai". Japan should be "friends" with people of any country. "NO War"

Part 3. Construction of special zones.

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.

Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.

No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show

To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!

No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations

Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions

No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 

We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.


Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense


Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 


Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

To President Biden  May 14, 2023: In "NET society", there was a voice saying that Russia and Putin, who stick to justice even if they make enemies all over the world, are too cool. The Ukrainian War is ``Be sick of''. The international community should think "after the war" of the "Ukrainian War".

 To President Biden 

May 14, 2023: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,

In "NET society", there was a voice saying that Russia and Putin, who stick to justice even if they make enemies all over the world, are too cool. The Ukrainian War is ``Be sick of''. The international community should think "after the war" of the "Ukrainian War".

Since the 1970s, China has experienced rapid economic growth and has now become the world's second-largest country in terms of GDP. Countries should not "compete" to "provide weapons" but to "compete for ranking" in "world's GDP" through the market economy.

It requires the construction of a "special zone". Both the industrial world and the financial world should envision a bright future. It requires "astronomical" funding to implement. That's why it's more exciting than war.

The size of the world's major "special zones" is the same everywhere. "Area" is about the same as "Japan's land". The population is about the same as the population of Japan. Here we will create a “factory town” similar to China.

As for France, it should establish a "special zone" in Africa jointly with Algeria. In the "Special Zone of Algeria", parts are supplied from France and products for European and African countries are produced. Workers are mainly employed by the poor in Africa.

The US will build a "special zone" on the Mexican border. In the "special zone on the Mexican border", parts are supplied from within the United States and products for the North and South American countries are produced. Workers are hired from the poor in Central and South America.

Britain will establish a "special zone" in Australia jointly with Australia. In the "Australian special zone", products for Asia are produced with parts supplied from the UK. Workers are mostly refugees from Palestine and Syria.

There are other special zones such as "Okinawa's Special Zone". For details, please refer to "Chapter 3 Special Zones".

Continue to NO2...


Just as developed countries invested in China, developed countries will invest in the "Special Zone of Algeria", "Special Zone on the Mexican Border", "Special Zone of Australia, etc."

Wages for workers in "special zones" are lower than those in China. In terms of wages, we will not lose to China. In order to improve quality and productivity, the factory in the special zone is equipped with "state-of-the-art equipment".

Developed countries are not inferior to China in development technology. However, in terms of production technology, many of them are behind China. Developed countries need to train engineers for production technology.

The amount of investment in the major "three major special zones" will be an "astronomical" amount. "America's Wall Street", "British City Street", and "France's Financial District" are now in an "astonishing" "boom".

Instead of "military war" or "decoupling" "China and Russia", the "G7" countries should wage "economic war" within the "international economy." The "market economy" is where "cheap and good things" "sell".

With the "economic sanctions against Russia" we "learned". That is, in the "mechanism" of the "international economy", if "economic sanctions" are imposed on "resources" "superpowers", advanced countries will become "hyperinflation".

It means that "hyperinflation" caused by "shortage of goods" cannot be eliminated by "interest rate policy". "Contradictory policies" will lead to "bank failures". We should reflect on what we have learned. It should abolish economic sanctions on Russia.

Part One. Citations/references

US First Republic Bank bankruptcy second largest in history


Demonstrations against pension reform intensify in France People who want to protect the retirement age of 62


I will write tomorrow too.

Continue to NO3...


"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on March 4, 2023.

Part 2. Victims of human rights violations in Japan. "Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc."

There are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.


There are "innumerable" Chinese and Korean victims.

This was "before the war of WW2" because the Chinese and Koreans were "second-class citizens" of Japan, so the judiciary makes them "idiots".


Everyone, please tell your acquaintances who went to Japan and were arrested for violating the Immigration Law.

It is necessary to demand "governments of each country" to "claim" the Japanese government for "restoration of honor and compensation for damages".

If the government doesn't respond, ask the media for help. "Justice media" will always exist.

You should be a "hero", go for it! !

<Target people>

"1" Provide "false documents" to a foreigner, and the foreigner acquires a "status of residence". And if the foreigner has "illegally worked".

A person who provides "false documents" such as an "employment contract" to a foreigner is innocent.

However, from January 2017, it will be punished by "law revision".

The Chinese and the Philippine embassy staff and diplomats I am 'criminally indicting' are completely innocent. See part 2 for weekdays (Monday to Friday) for details.

Continue to NO4...


``2'' Foreign nationals who have been arrested for ``illegal employment (activities outside of their qualifications'') are ``in most cases'' innocent.***

Reason: The person who "employed" them has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by virtue of "equality under the law," foreigners are innocent.

"Most foreigners" are "deported" with "small" "fines". Foreigners should "claim" the Japanese government for "compensation" of "several million yen" per person.

It is crazy for Koreans to "claim compensation" from the Japanese government for the "comfort women issue" and "requisitioned labor issue." They should claim reparations from the "Korean government". (The Korean government has already received it).

The issue of "violation of the Immigration Control Act" is completely different from the "Japan-Korea Treaty". Therefore, Korean politicians need to "pursue" the Japanese government as a "new Japan-Korea problem". Koreans and Chinese should proudly claim that they are not "Japanese slaves."

Japan's prime minister shouts "rule under the law". They are "talking about Japan" crazy!

Only two countries, South Korea and the United States, have concluded an extradition treaty with Japan.

This is also evidence that Japan does not have a "rule under the law".

See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)


"My Appeal" (Japanese)


"My Appeal" (English)


I am "Japanese samurai". Japan should be "friends" with people of any country. "NO War"

Continue to NO5...


Part 3. Construction of special zones.

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.

Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.

No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show

To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!

No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations

Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions

No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 

We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.


Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense


Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 


Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Daily posts are published in the following program.


If you have any question

長野恭博 オピニオン 2023 年5 月14日: 世界の主要な「特別地帯」の規模はどこも同じです。「面積」は「日本の国土」と同じくらいです。人口も「日本の人口」くらいです。ここに中国と同じような「工場の街」を作るのです。

 長野恭博 オピニオン

2023 年5 月14日: 日曜日版。 拝啓、 #ウクライナ戦争  #ウンザリ  #特別地帯の建設

「NET社会」では、世界中を敵に回しても正義を貫くロシアとプーチンかっこよすぎ、との声。ウクライナ戦争は「ウンザリBe sick of 」だ。国際社会は「ウクライナ戦争」の「終戦の後」を考えるべきべきだ。















第一部. 引用・参考資料

米ファースト・リパブリック・バンク経営破綻 史上2番目の規模



































私は「日本の侍です」日本は、どの国人々とも「友達」であるべきです。「NO War」






ゼレンスキーは、ミンスク合意を廃棄し、戦争を通じて領土を取り戻すという「選挙の公約」をして大統領に就任した。しかし彼の 脱税やタックスヘイブンが報道されたとき、彼は戦争を始めた。 














第8部。北朝鮮の拉致・ミサイル問題 & 台湾防衛 




第10部。「長野」オピニオン、次世代原発:CO2フリー & SDG:ロシア・ウクライナ侵攻問題:移民・難民問題:国際・米国政治・台湾問題・統一教会問題



長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)






Mayo 13, 2023: Dapat ipakita ni Pangulong Macron sa mga tao ang isang pangmatagalang pananaw sa pagbuo ng isang "espesyal na sona ng Algeria." Dapat buksan ng France ang "African Continent" bilang isang "bagong merkado"., #pension reform #anti-demonstration #special zone of Algeria


Mayo 13, 2023: Edisyon ng Sabado. Dear Sir, #pension reform #anti-demonstration #special zone of Algeria

Ang "mga demonstrasyon laban sa reporma sa pensiyon" ay tumindi sa France. Sociologist "Ang mga Pranses na hindi optimistiko tungkol sa hinaharap ay gustong protektahan ang huling bagay na natitira (edad ng pagreretiro 62)". Kung isasaalang-alang ang kasalukuyang lipunan kung saan nagpapatuloy ang "hyperinflation", "64 taong gulang? Hindi".

Nangako si Pangulong Emmanuel Macron sa kampanya ng "reporma sa pensiyon". Gayunpaman, ang "mungkahing reporma" para sa 2020 ay "binawi" dahil sa "bagong sakuna ng coronavirus" pagkatapos ng kampanya laban dito. Pero natapos na si Corona. Ang kaugnay na panukalang batas ay pinagtibay noong Marso 20. Kasalukuyang isinasagawa ang isang constitutional inquiry.

Sa France, ang "rate ng trabaho" ng senior generation (55 hanggang 64 years old) ay 56% noong 2021, na isang "malaking difference" mula sa Sweden (77%) at Germany (72%). Ang France ay isang "nakakainggit na paraiso," ngunit ang mga pondo ng pensiyon nito ay nasa problema.

Ayon sa (EU) statistics, ang "pension entitlement" ay nagsisimula sa edad na 67 sa Germany at Italy. ``Sa kabilang banda'' 62 taong gulang sa France ang ``pinakamababang edad'' para makatanggap ng pensiyon.

Dahil dito, nagkakaproblema ang pananalapi ng pensiyon ng France. Ang 'paggasta' ng France sa 2020 ay 15.9% ng (GDP). Ika-3 pinakamataas sa mga bansang kasapi. Walang pagpipilian ang France kundi dagdagan ang GDP o ipagpaliban ang "pensiyon".

Nagsimula noon ang France sa edad na 65. Gayunpaman, ibinaba ito sa 60 noong 1980s, pinangunahan ng kaliwa. Noong huling bahagi ng dekada 1990, ipinatupad ang 35-oras na linggo ng trabaho. Noong 2010, "itinaas ng kanang pakpak na pamahalaan ang edad sa 62," at nagpatuloy ang mga demonstrasyon.

Inaasahan ng gobyerno na ang mga reporma ay magpapalaki ng kita ng 17.7 bilyong euro (mga 2.5 trilyon yen) sa 2030. Gayunpaman, maraming nagtuturo na maliban kung ang kasalukuyang sitwasyon kung saan ang isa sa dalawang nakatatanda ay hindi gumagana, walang epekto.

Ang right-wing na gobyerno, na walang pangmatagalang pananaw at paulit-ulit na tumawag ng mga reporma na nagsasabing, "Ito na ang huling pagkakataon." Sila ang may pananagutan sa pagkalito. "Ipinakita" ba ni Pangulong Macron ang kanyang "pangmatagalang pananaw"?

Dapat hayaan ng mga Pranses si Pangulong Macron na magpakita ng pangmatagalang pananaw. Kung ito ay hindi kapani-paniwalang pananaw, natural lamang na ang "resibo ng pensiyon" ay "maantala".

"Mr Parrier" sabi na mayroong "maraming" ng "pampublikong paggasta na susuriin." Likas sa France na "angkop" ang "badyet para sa tulong militar sa Ukraine" sa "badyet ng pensiyon".

Dapat ipakita ni Pangulong Macron sa mga tao ang isang pangmatagalang pananaw sa pagbuo ng isang "espesyal na sona ng Algeria." Dapat buksan ng France ang "African Continent" bilang isang "bagong merkado".

Ito ay katulad noong ang China ay nagtayo ng isang "espesyal na sona" sa loob ng Tsina noong 1970s. Dapat magtayo ang France ng isang "espesyal na sona" sa "Africa's Algeria".

Limampung taon mula ngayon, ang "Special Zone of Algeria" ay magiging tulad ng "China ngayon." Dapat itatag at patakbuhin ng France ang Algeria nang sama-sama sa Algeria bilang isang ``special zone'' sa halip na isang kolonya.

Ang mga mamamayang Pranses ay maaaring "mangarap ng labis na malaki". Ang ``special zone'' ay dapat na ``constructed'' hindi sa ``dream'' kundi sa ``reality''. Para sa mga Pranses, ang isyu ng pagtanggap ng mga pensiyon ay tila maliit.

Unang bahagi. Tumindi ang Mga Protesta Laban sa Reporma sa Pensiyon sa France


Mga Pangunahing Kaalaman sa Mga Espesyal na Sonang Pang-ekonomiya ng China - Bakit 5 sa mga ito ay puro sa mga lugar sa baybayin?


Bahagi 3. Konstruksyon ng mga espesyal na zone.

"Tinatanggap" ng "espesyal na sona" ang mga refugee at imigrante bilang "pansamantalang imigrante" na mga manggagawa, na nililimitahan ang kanilang paninirahan sa "espesyal na sona". Maaaring gamitin ng mga mauunlad na bansa ang mga ito bilang mga manggagawang mababa ang sahod para sa paglago ng ekonomiya, at ang mga refugee at imigrante ay maaaring makakuha ng trabaho at mamuhay ng may pag-asa sa buhay ng tao.


Magsusulat din ako bukas.

Ang "Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" ay binago noong Marso 4, 2023.

Bahagi 2. Mga biktima ng paglabag sa karapatang pantao sa Japan. "Intsik, Koreano, Filipino, Amerikano, atbp."

Mayroong sampu-sampung libo, daan-daang libong biktima sa buong mundo. Isang hindi pangkaraniwang bilang ng mga tao.

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Mayroong "hindi mabilang" na mga biktima ng Chinese at Korean.

Ito ay "bago ang digmaan ng WW2" dahil ang mga Intsik at Koreano ay "second-class citizen" ng Japan, kaya ginagawa silang "idiots" ng hudikatura.

***************** *

Lahat, pakisabi sa inyong mga kakilala na pumunta sa Japan at naaresto dahil sa paglabag sa Immigration Law.

Kinakailangang hilingin sa "mga pamahalaan ng bawat bansa" na "angkinin" ang gobyerno ng Hapon para sa "pagpapanumbalik ng karangalan at kabayaran para sa mga pinsala".

Kung hindi tumugon ang gobyerno, humingi ng tulong sa media. Ang "justice media" ay palaging iiral.

Dapat kang maging isang "bayani", go for it! !

<Target ang mga tao>

"1" Magbigay ng "mga maling dokumento" sa isang dayuhan, at ang dayuhan ay makakakuha ng "katayuan ng paninirahan". At kung ang dayuhan ay "iligal na nagtrabaho".

Ang taong nagbibigay ng "false documents" gaya ng "employment contract" sa isang dayuhan ay inosente.

Gayunpaman, mula Enero 2017, ito ay parurusahan ng "pagbabago ng batas".

Ang Chinese at ang Philippine embassy staff and diplomats na 'criminally indicting' ko ay ganap na inosente. Tingnan ang bahagi 2 para sa mga karaniwang araw (Lunes hanggang Biyernes) para sa mga detalye.

``2'' Ang mga dayuhang mamamayan na inaresto para sa ``ilegal na trabaho (mga aktibidad sa labas ng kanilang mga kwalipikasyon'') ay ``sa karamihan ng mga kaso'' inosente.***

Dahilan: Ang taong "nagtrabaho" sa kanila ay hindi pinarusahan dahil sa "pag-promote ng ilegal na trabaho" sa ilalim ng Immigration Control Act. Samakatuwid, sa bisa ng "pagkakapantay-pantay sa ilalim ng batas," ang mga dayuhan ay inosente.

"Karamihan sa mga dayuhan" ay "pinadeport" na may "maliit" na "multa". Dapat "angkinin" ng mga dayuhan ang gobyerno ng Japan para sa "kabayaran" na "ilang milyong yen" bawat tao.

Nakakabaliw para sa mga Koreano na "mag-claim ng kompensasyon" mula sa gobyerno ng Japan para sa "isyu sa kaginhawahan ng kababaihan" at "isyu sa hinihinging paggawa." Dapat nilang i-claim ang mga reparasyon mula sa "gobyerno ng Korea". (Natanggap na ito ng gobyerno ng Korea).

Ang isyu ng "paglabag sa Immigration Control Act" ay ganap na naiiba sa "Japan-Korea Treaty". Samakatuwid, kailangang "ituloy" ng mga politikong Koreano ang gobyerno ng Japan bilang isang "bagong problema ng Japan-Korea". Dapat ipagmalaki ng mga Koreano at Intsik na hindi sila "mga alipin ng Hapon."

Ang punong ministro ng Japan ay sumigaw ng "rule under the law". Sila ay "nag-uusap tungkol sa Japan" baliw!

Dalawang bansa lamang, South Korea at United States, ang pumirma ng extradition treaty sa Japan.

Ito rin ay ebidensya na walang "rule under the law" ang Japan.

Tingnan ang "Indictment." Ang mga nakasaad na katotohanan ay "nagsasaad" ng "katotohanan" ng "hindi nagkasala." (Japanese English)


"My Appeal" (Japanese)


"Aking Apela" (Ingles)


Ako ay "Japanese samurai". Ang Japan ay dapat na "kaibigan" sa mga tao sa alinmang bansa. "WALANG digmaan"

Bahagi 3. Konstruksyon ng mga espesyal na zone.

"Tinatanggap" ng "espesyal na sona" ang mga refugee at imigrante bilang "pansamantalang imigrante" na mga manggagawa, na nililimitahan ang kanilang paninirahan sa "espesyal na sona". Maaaring gamitin ng mga mauunlad na bansa ang mga ito bilang mga manggagawang mababa ang sahod para sa paglago ng ekonomiya, at ang mga refugee at imigrante ay maaaring makakuha ng trabaho at mamuhay ng may pag-asa sa buhay ng tao.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Bahagi 4. digmaan sa Ukraine.

Si Zelensky ay nanunungkulan sa isang "pangako sa halalan" na ibasura ang Minsk Accords at mabawi ang teritoryo sa pamamagitan ng digmaan. Ngunit nang mabalitaan ang kanyang pag-iwas sa buwis at mga kanlungan ng buwis, nagsimula siya ng digmaan.

No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Bahagi 5. "U.S., Russia, at China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show

Upang lumikha ng isang mundo na walang digmaan, kailangan natin ng "Tripartite Military Alliance"!

No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Bahagi 6. Ang kilalang sistema ng hudisyal ng Japan at mga paglabag sa karapatang pantao

Sistema ng hudisyal ng Japan: Kaso ng paglabag sa batas sa imigrasyon Maling akusasyon: Kaso sa Nissan Ghosn Maling akusasyon: Pang-aabuso sa pasilidad ng imigrasyon: Kaso ng internasyonal na estudyante/intern na estudyante: Hindi pakikialam sa mga gawaing panloob: Mga opinyon ng dayuhan

No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Bahagi 7. Pag-unlad ng sensor ng Corona 

Dapat tayong bumuo ng isang "sistema ng inspeksyon" na agad na "nakatuklas" ng "mga taong nahawahan" tulad ng thermography.


Bahagi 8. Mga Isyu sa Pagdukot at Missile ng North Korea at Depensa ng Taiwan


Bahagi 9. Pag-promote ng One Coin Union at Hydrogen Vehicles 


Bahagi 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next-Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Isyu: Immigration/Refugee Isyu: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Isyu/Unification Church Isyu


tunay na sa iyo.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Ang mga pang-araw-araw na post ay nai-publish sa sumusunod na programa.


Kung mayroon kang anumang mga katanungan, mangyaring makipag-ugnay sa amin!


13 maggio 2023: "Mr Parrier" dice che c'è "molta" di "spesa pubblica da rivedere". È naturale per la Francia "appropriarsi" del "bilancio per l'assistenza militare all'Ucraina" al "bilancio delle pensioni"., #riforma delle pensioni #anti-manifestazione #zona speciale dell'Algeria


13 maggio 2023: edizione del sabato. Egregio Signore, #riforma delle pensioni #anti-manifestazione #zona speciale dell'Algeria

In Francia si sono intensificate le "manifestazioni contro la riforma delle pensioni". Sociologo "I francesi che non sono ottimisti riguardo al futuro vogliono proteggere l'ultima cosa rimasta (età pensionabile 62 anni)". Considerando l'attuale società in cui "iperinflazione" continua, "64 anni? No".

Il presidente Emmanuel Macron ha fatto una promessa elettorale di "riforma delle pensioni". Tuttavia, la "proposta di riforma" per il 2020 è stata "ritirata" a causa del "disastro del nuovo coronavirus" dopo una campagna contro di essa. Ma Corona è finita. Il disegno di legge in questione è stato emanato il 20 marzo. Attualmente è in corso un'inchiesta costituzionale.

In Francia, il "tasso di occupazione" della generazione senior (da 55 a 64 anni) era del 56% nel 2021, una "grande differenza" rispetto a Svezia (77%) e Germania (72%). La Francia è un "paradiso invidiabile", ma le sue finanze pensionistiche sono in difficoltà.

Secondo le statistiche (UE), il "diritto alla pensione" inizia all'età di 67 anni in Germania e in Italia. ''D'altra parte'' 62 anni in Francia e' l''eta' piu' bassa'' per percepire una pensione.

Di conseguenza, le finanze pensionistiche della Francia sono in difficoltà. La "spesa" della Francia nel 2020 è del 15,9% del (PIL). 3 ° più alto tra i paesi membri. La Francia non ha altra scelta che aumentare il PIL o ritardare la "pensione".

La Francia iniziava a 65 anni. Tuttavia, è stato abbassato a 60 negli anni '80, guidato dalla sinistra. Alla fine degli anni '90 è stata implementata una settimana lavorativa di 35 ore. Nel 2010 il governo di destra "ha alzato l'età a 62 anni" e le manifestazioni sono continuate.

Il governo prevede che le riforme aumenteranno le entrate di 17,7 miliardi di euro (circa 2,5 trilioni di yen) entro il 2030. Tuttavia, sono in molti a sottolineare che, a meno che non venga modificata la situazione attuale in cui un anziano su due non lavora, non ci saranno effetti.

Il governo di destra, che non ha una visione a lungo termine e ha ripetutamente invocato le riforme dicendo: "Questa è l'ultima volta". Sono responsabili della confusione. Il presidente Macron ha "mostrato" la sua "visione a lungo termine"?

Il popolo francese dovrebbe lasciare che il presidente Macron presenti una visione a lungo termine. Se non è una visione convincente, è naturale che la "ricevuta della pensione" venga "ritardata".

"Mr Parrier" dice che c'è "molta" di "spesa pubblica da rivedere". È naturale per la Francia "appropriarsi" del "bilancio per l'assistenza militare all'Ucraina" al "bilancio delle pensioni".

Il presidente Macron dovrebbe presentare al popolo una visione a lungo termine della costruzione di una "zona speciale dell'Algeria". La Francia dovrebbe aprire il "continente africano" come "nuovo mercato".

È lo stesso di quando la Cina ha costruito una "zona speciale" all'interno della Cina negli anni '70. La Francia dovrebbe costruire una "zona speciale" nell'"Algeria africana".

Tra cinquant'anni, la "Zona Speciale d'Algeria" sarà come la "Cina oggi". La Francia dovrebbe istituire e gestire l'Algeria insieme all'Algeria come una "zona speciale" invece che come una colonia.

I cittadini francesi possono "sognare straordinariamente in grande". La ``zona speciale'' dovrebbe essere ``costruita'' non in un ``sogno'' ma in una ``realtà''. Per i francesi, la questione della pensione sembrerà piccola.

Prima parte. In Francia si intensificano le proteste contro la riforma delle pensioni


Nozioni di base sulle zone economiche speciali della Cina - Perché 5 di esse sono concentrate nelle zone costiere?


Parte 3. Costruzione di zone speciali.

La "zona speciale" "accetta" rifugiati e immigrati come lavoratori "immigrati temporanei", limitando la loro residenza alla "zona speciale". I paesi sviluppati possono usarli come lavoratori a basso salario per la crescita economica, e rifugiati e immigrati possono trovare lavoro e vivere una vita umana piena di speranza.


scriverò anche domani.

"Parte 2 (Violazioni anormali dei diritti umani in Giappone)" è stata rivista il 4 marzo 2023.

Parte 2. Vittime di violazioni dei diritti umani in Giappone. "Cinese, coreano, filippino, americano, ecc."

Ci sono decine di migliaia, centinaia di migliaia di vittime in tutto il mondo. Un numero insolito di persone.

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Ci sono "innumerevoli" vittime cinesi e coreane.

Questo era "prima della guerra della seconda guerra mondiale" perché cinesi e coreani erano "cittadini di seconda classe" del Giappone, quindi la magistratura li rende "idioti".

**************************************** *

Tutti, per favore, dite ai vostri conoscenti che sono andati in Giappone e sono stati arrestati per aver violato la legge sull'immigrazione.

È necessario chiedere ai "governi di ogni paese" di "rivendicare" al governo giapponese il "ripristino dell'onore e il risarcimento dei danni".

Se il governo non risponde, chiedi aiuto ai media. I "media della giustizia" esisteranno sempre.

Dovresti essere un "eroe", fallo! !

<Prendi di mira le persone>

"1" Fornire "documenti falsi" allo straniero, e lo straniero acquisisce uno "status di residenza". E se lo straniero ha "lavorato in nero".

Una persona che fornisce "documenti falsi" come un "contratto di lavoro" a uno straniero è innocente.

Tuttavia, da gennaio 2017, sarà punito con la "revisione della legge".

Il personale ei diplomatici dell'ambasciata cinese e filippina che sto "incriminando penalmente" sono completamente innocenti. Vedere la parte 2 per i giorni feriali (dal lunedì al venerdì) per i dettagli.

``2'' I cittadini stranieri arrestati per ``lavoro illegale (attività al di fuori delle loro qualifiche'') sono ``nella maggior parte dei casi'' innocenti.***

Motivo: la persona che li ha "impiegati" non è stata punita per "promozione del lavoro illegale" ai sensi della legge sul controllo dell'immigrazione. Pertanto, in virtù della "uguaglianza davanti alla legge", gli stranieri sono innocenti.

"La maggior parte degli stranieri" viene "deportata" con "piccole" "multe". Gli stranieri dovrebbero "richiedere" al governo giapponese un "risarcimento" di "diversi milioni di yen" a persona.

È assurdo che i coreani "chiedano un risarcimento" al governo giapponese per la "questione delle donne di conforto" e la "questione del lavoro forzato". Dovrebbero chiedere risarcimenti al "governo coreano". (Il governo coreano lo ha già ricevuto).

La questione della "violazione dell'Immigration Control Act" è completamente diversa dal "Trattato Giappone-Corea". Pertanto, i politici coreani devono "perseguire" il governo giapponese come un "nuovo problema Giappone-Corea". Coreani e cinesi dovrebbero affermare con orgoglio di non essere "schiavi giapponesi".

Il primo ministro giapponese grida "governo secondo la legge". Stanno "parlando del Giappone" pazzi!

Solo due paesi, la Corea del Sud e gli Stati Uniti, hanno firmato un trattato di estradizione con il Giappone.

Questa è anche la prova che il Giappone non ha una "regola secondo la legge".

Vedi "Incriminazione". I fatti dichiarati "dichiarano" il "fatto" di "non colpevolezza". (giapponese inglese)


"Il mio appello" (giapponese)


"Il mio appello" (inglese)


Sono un "samurai giapponese", il Giappone dovrebbe essere "amico" di persone di qualsiasi paese. "No guerra"

Parte 3. Costruzione di zone speciali.

La "zona speciale" "accetta" rifugiati e immigrati come lavoratori "immigrati temporanei", limitando la loro residenza alla "zona speciale". I paesi sviluppati possono usarli come lavoratori a basso salario per la crescita economica, e rifugiati e immigrati possono trovare lavoro e vivere una vita umana piena di speranza.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Parte 4. Guerra in Ucraina.

Zelensky si è insediato con una "promessa elettorale" di annullare gli accordi di Minsk e riconquistare territorio attraverso la guerra. Ma quando venne alla luce la notizia della sua evasione fiscale e dei suoi paradisi fiscali, iniziò una guerra.

No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Parte 5. Spettacolo di guerra / alleanza militare tripartita "Stati Uniti, Russia e Cina".

Per creare un mondo senza guerra, abbiamo bisogno di una "Alleanza Militare Tripartita"!

No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Parte 6. Il famigerato sistema giudiziario giapponese e le violazioni dei diritti umani

Sistema giudiziario giapponese: caso di violazione della legge sull'immigrazione Falsa accusa: caso Nissan Ghosn Falsa accusa: abuso presso la struttura per l'immigrazione: caso studente internazionale/studente stagista: non interferenza negli affari interni: opinioni straniere

No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

Numero 1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Parte 7. Sviluppo del sensore corona 

Dovremmo sviluppare un "sistema di ispezione" che "scopra" istantaneamente "persone infette" come la termografia.


Parte 8. I rapimenti e le questioni missilistiche della Corea del Nord e la difesa di Taiwan


Parte 9. Promozione di One Coin Union e veicoli a idrogeno 


Parte 10. Opinione "Nagano", energia nucleare di nuova generazione: senza CO2 e SDG: Russia/Ucraina Problemi di invasione: Immigrazione/Problemi con i rifugiati: Internazionale/Politica statunitense/Problemi di Taiwan/Problemi con la Chiesa dell'Unificazione


Veramente tuo.

Yasuhiro Nagano

I post giornalieri sono pubblicati sul seguente programma.


Se avete domande, non esitate a contattarci!


13 de mayo de 2023: El pueblo francés debería dejar que el presidente Macron presente una visión a largo plazo. Si no es una visión convincente, es natural que el "recibo de la pensión" se "retrase"., #reforma de pensiones #anti-manifestación #zona especial de Argelia


13 de mayo de 2023: Edición del sábado. Estimado señor, #reforma de pensiones #anti-manifestación #zona especial de Argelia

Se intensifican las "manifestaciones contra la reforma de las pensiones" en Francia. Sociólogo "Los franceses que no son optimistas sobre el futuro quieren proteger lo último que les queda (jubilación a los 62 años)". Considerando la sociedad actual donde continúa la “hiperinflación”, “¿64 años? No”.

El presidente Emmanuel Macron hizo una promesa de campaña de “reforma de las pensiones”. Sin embargo, la "propuesta de reforma" para 2020 fue "retirada" por el "nuevo desastre del coronavirus" tras una campaña en su contra. Pero Corona ha terminado. El proyecto de ley pertinente fue promulgado el 20 de marzo. Actualmente se está llevando a cabo una investigación constitucional.

En Francia, la "tasa de empleo" de la generación senior (de 55 a 64 años) fue del 56 % en 2021, lo que supone una "gran diferencia" con respecto a Suecia (77 %) y Alemania (72 %). Francia es un “paraíso envidiable”, pero sus finanzas de pensiones están en problemas.

Según las estadísticas (UE), el "derecho a pensión" comienza a los 67 años en Alemania e Italia. ``Por otro lado'' 62 años en Francia es la ``edad más baja'' para recibir una pensión.

Como resultado, las finanzas de las pensiones de Francia están en problemas. El 'gasto' de Francia en 2020 es del 15,9% del (PIB). 3er más alto entre los países miembros. Francia no tiene más remedio que aumentar el PIB o retrasar la "pensión".

Francia solía empezar a los 65. Sin embargo, se redujo a 60 en la década de 1980, liderada por la izquierda. A fines de la década de 1990, se implementó una semana laboral de 35 horas. En 2010, el gobierno de derecha "elevó la edad a 62 años" y las manifestaciones continuaron.

El gobierno espera que las reformas aumenten los ingresos en 17.700 millones de euros (alrededor de 2,5 billones de yenes) para 2030. Sin embargo, son muchos los que señalan que salvo que se cambie la situación actual en la que uno de cada dos mayores no trabaja, no habrá efecto.

El gobierno de derecha, que no tiene una visión a largo plazo y ha pedido reformas en repetidas ocasiones diciendo: "Esta es la última vez". Ellos son los responsables de la confusión. ¿El presidente Macron "mostró" su "visión a largo plazo"?

El pueblo francés debería dejar que el presidente Macron presente una visión a largo plazo. Si no es una visión convincente, es natural que el "recibo de la pensión" se "retrase".

El “señor Parrier” dice que hay “mucho” “gasto público para revisar”. Es natural que Francia "asigne" el "presupuesto de asistencia militar a Ucrania" al "presupuesto de pensiones".

El presidente Macron debería presentarle a la gente una visión a largo plazo de construir una “zona especial de Argelia”. Francia debería abrir el "Continente Africano" como un "nuevo mercado".

Es lo mismo que cuando China construyó una “zona especial” dentro de China en la década de 1970. Francia debería construir una "zona especial" en la "Argelia de África".

Dentro de cincuenta años, la "Zona Especial de Argelia" será como "la China de hoy". Francia debería establecer y operar Argelia junto con Argelia como una "zona especial" en lugar de una colonia.

Los ciudadanos franceses pueden "soñar extraordinariamente en grande". La ``zona especial'' debe ``construirse'' no en un ``sueño'' sino en una ``realidad''. Para los franceses, la cuestión de recibir pensiones parecerá pequeña.

Parte uno. Protestas contra reforma de pensiones se intensifican en Francia


Fundamentos de las Zonas Económicas Especiales de China - ¿Por qué 5 de ellas están concentradas en áreas costeras?


Parte 3. Construcción de zonas especiales.

La "zona especial" "acepta" refugiados e inmigrantes como trabajadores "inmigrantes temporales", limitando su residencia a la "zona especial". Los países desarrollados pueden utilizarlos como trabajadores de bajos salarios para el crecimiento económico, y los refugiados e inmigrantes pueden conseguir trabajo y vivir una vida humana llena de esperanza.


Escribiré mañana también.

La "Parte 2 (Violaciones anormales de los derechos humanos de Japón)" se revisó el 4 de marzo de 2023.

Parte 2. Víctimas de violaciones de derechos humanos en Japón. "Chino, coreano, filipino, estadounidense, etc."

Hay decenas de miles, cientos de miles de víctimas en todo el mundo. Un número inusual de personas.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hay "innumerables" víctimas chinas y coreanas.

Esto fue "antes de la guerra de la Segunda Guerra Mundial" porque los chinos y los coreanos eran "ciudadanos de segunda clase" de Japón, por lo que el poder judicial los convierte en "idiotas".

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Todos, por favor díganle a sus conocidos que fueron a Japón y fueron arrestados por violar la Ley de Inmigración.

Es necesario exigir a los "gobiernos de cada país" que "reclamen" al gobierno japonés por "la restauración del honor y la reparación de los daños".

Si el gobierno no responde, pida ayuda a los medios de comunicación. Los "medios de justicia" siempre existirán.

Deberías ser un "héroe", ¡adelante! !

<Personas objetivo>

"1" Proporcionar "documentos falsos" a un extranjero, y el extranjero adquiere un "estado de residencia". Y si el extranjero ha “trabajado ilegalmente”.

Una persona que proporciona "documentos falsos" como un "contrato de trabajo" a un extranjero es inocente.

Sin embargo, a partir de enero de 2017 será sancionado con "revisión de ley".

El personal de las embajadas chinas y filipinas y los diplomáticos a los que estoy 'acusando criminalmente' son completamente inocentes. Vea la parte 2 para los días de semana (lunes a viernes) para más detalles.

``2'' Los ciudadanos extranjeros que han sido arrestados por ``empleo ilegal (actividades fuera de sus calificaciones'') son ``en la mayoría de los casos'' inocentes.***

Motivo: La persona que los "empleó" no ha sido sancionada por "promover el empleo ilegal" en virtud de la Ley de Control de Inmigración. Por lo tanto, en virtud de la "igualdad ante la ley", los extranjeros son inocentes.

"La mayoría de los extranjeros" son "deportados" con "pequeñas" "multas". Los extranjeros deben "reclamar" al gobierno japonés una "compensación" de "varios millones de yenes" por persona.

Es una locura que los coreanos "reclamen una compensación" del gobierno japonés por el "problema de las mujeres de solaz" y el "problema del trabajo requerido". Deberían reclamar reparaciones del "gobierno coreano". (El gobierno coreano ya lo ha recibido).

El tema de la "violación de la Ley de Control de Inmigración" es completamente diferente del "Tratado Japón-Corea". Por lo tanto, los políticos coreanos necesitan "perseguir" al gobierno japonés como un "nuevo problema Japón-Corea". Los coreanos y los chinos deberían afirmar con orgullo que no son "esclavos japoneses".

El primer ministro de Japón grita "gobernar bajo la ley". ¡Están "hablando de Japón" como locos!

Solo dos países, Corea del Sur y Estados Unidos, han firmado un tratado de extradición con Japón.

Esto también es evidencia de que Japón no tiene un "gobierno bajo la ley".

Ver "acusación". Los hechos declarados "declaran" el "hecho" de "no culpable". (inglés japonés)


"Mi apelación" (japonés)


"Mi apelación" (inglés)


Soy "samurái japonés". Japón debería ser "amigo" de personas de cualquier país. "No a la guerra"

Parte 3. Construcción de zonas especiales.

La "zona especial" "acepta" refugiados e inmigrantes como trabajadores "inmigrantes temporales", limitando su residencia a la "zona especial". Los países desarrollados pueden utilizarlos como trabajadores de bajos salarios para el crecimiento económico, y los refugiados e inmigrantes pueden conseguir trabajo y vivir una vida humana llena de esperanza.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

Número 1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Parte 4. Guerra de Ucrania.

Zelensky asumió el cargo con una "promesa electoral" de desechar los Acuerdos de Minsk y recuperar territorio a través de la guerra. Pero cuando salieron a la luz las noticias de su evasión de impuestos y paraísos fiscales, comenzó una guerra.

Número 2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Parte 5. "Estados Unidos, Rusia y China" Alianza Militar Tripartita/Espectáculo de Guerra

¡Para crear un mundo sin guerra, necesitamos una “Alianza Militar Tripartita”!

No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

Número 1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Parte 6. El notorio sistema judicial de Japón y las violaciones de derechos humanos

Sistema judicial de Japón: Caso de violación de la ley de inmigración Acusación falsa: Caso de Nissan Ghosn Acusación falsa: Abuso en un centro de inmigración: Caso de estudiante internacional/estudiante en prácticas: No injerencia en asuntos internos: Opiniones extranjeras

Número 2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

Número 1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Parte 7. Desarrollo del sensor de corona 

Deberíamos desarrollar un "sistema de inspección" que instantáneamente "descubra" a las "personas infectadas" como la termografía.


Parte 8. Cuestiones de secuestro y misiles de Corea del Norte y defensa de Taiwán


Parte 9. Promoción de One Coin Union y vehículos de hidrógeno 


Parte 10. Opinión de "Nagano", Energía nuclear de próxima generación: libre de CO2 y ODS: Rusia/Ucrania Cuestiones de invasión: Inmigración/Cuestiones de refugiados: Internacional/Política de EE. UU./Cuestiones de Taiwán/Cuestiones de la Iglesia de Unificación


Muy atentamente.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Publicaciones diarias se publican en el siguiente programa.


¡Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor contáctenos!


13 мая 2023 г .: Правое правительство, у которого нет долгосрочного видения и которое неоднократно призывало к реформам, говоря: «Это в последний раз». Они несут ответственность за путаницу. Президент Макрон «показал» свое «долгосрочное видение»?, #пенсионная реформа #антидемонстрация #особая зона Алжира

 13 мая 2023 г .: субботний выпуск. Уважаемый сэр, #пенсионная реформа #антидемонстрация #особая зона Алжира

Во Франции усилились «демонстрации против пенсионной реформы». Социолог «Французы, которые не оптимистично смотрят в будущее, хотят защитить последнее, что осталось (пенсионный возраст 62 года)». Учитывая нынешнее общество, где продолжается «гиперинфляция», «64 года? Нет».

Президент Эммануэль Макрон дал предвыборное обещание «пенсионной реформы». Однако «предложение по реформе» на 2020 год было «снято» из-за «новой коронавирусной катастрофы» после кампании против него. Но корона закончилась. Соответствующий законопроект был принят 20 марта. В настоящее время проводится конституционное расследование.

Во Франции «уровень занятости» старшего поколения (от 55 до 64 лет) в 2021 году составлял 56%, что является «большой разницей» по сравнению со Швецией (77%) и Германией (72%). Франция — «завидный рай», но ее пенсионные финансы в беде.

Согласно статистике (ЕС) «пенсионное право» начинается в возрасте 67 лет в Германии и Италии. "С другой стороны" 62 года во Франции - это "самый низкий возраст" для получения пенсии.

В результате пенсионные финансы Франции оказались в беде. «Расходы» Франции в 2020 году составляют 15,9% (ВВП). 3-е место среди стран-членов. У Франции нет другого выбора, кроме как увеличить ВВП или отсрочить «пенсию».

Раньше Франция начинала с 65 лет. Однако в 1980-х годах оно было снижено до 60, во главе с левыми. В конце 1990-х была введена 35-часовая рабочая неделя. В 2010 году правое правительство «подняло возраст до 62 лет», и демонстрации продолжились.

Правительство ожидает, что реформы увеличат доходы на 17,7 млрд евро (около 2,5 трлн иен) к 2030 году. Однако многие отмечают, что пока не изменится нынешняя ситуация, когда каждый второй пенсионер не работает, эффекта не будет.

Правое правительство, у которого нет долгосрочного видения и которое неоднократно призывало к реформам, говоря: «Это в последний раз». Они несут ответственность за путаницу. Президент Макрон «показал» свое «долгосрочное видение»?

Французы должны позволить президенту Макрону представить долгосрочное видение. Если это не убедительное видение, то вполне естественно, что "пенсионное получение" будет "отсрочено".

«Мистер Парриер» говорит, что есть «много» «государственных расходов, которые необходимо пересмотреть». Для Франции естественно "присвоить" "бюджет военной помощи Украине" "пенсионному бюджету".

Президент Макрон должен представить людям долгосрочное видение создания «особой зоны Алжира». Франция должна открыть «Африканский континент» как «новый рынок».

Это то же самое, что когда Китай построил «особую зону» внутри Китая в 1970-х годах. Франция должна построить «особую зону» в «африканском Алжире».

Через пятьдесят лет «Особая зона Алжира» будет похожа на «Китай сегодня». Франция должна создать и управлять Алжиром совместно с Алжиром как «особую зону», а не как колонию.

Граждане Франции могут «мечтать о необыкновенно большом». «Особая зона» должна быть «построена» не во сне, а в «реальности». Для французов вопрос получения пенсии покажется незначительным.

Первая часть. Во Франции усиливаются протесты против пенсионной реформы


Основы особых экономических зон Китая. Почему 5 из них сосредоточены в прибрежных районах?


Часть 3. Строительство особых зон.

«Особая зона» «принимает» беженцев и иммигрантов в качестве рабочих «временных иммигрантов», ограничивая их проживание «особой зоной». Развитые страны могут использовать их в качестве низкооплачиваемых рабочих для экономического роста, а беженцы и иммигранты могут получить работу и жить полной надежды человеческой жизнью.


Я тоже завтра напишу.

«Часть 2 (Ненормальные нарушения прав человека в Японии)» была пересмотрена 4 марта 2023 г.

Часть 2. Жертвы нарушений прав человека в Японии. «Китайский, корейский, филиппинский, американский и т. д.»

По всему миру десятки тысяч, сотни тысяч жертв. Необычное количество людей.

* *

Есть «бесчисленные» китайские и корейские жертвы.

Это было «перед войной Второй мировой войны», потому что китайцы и корейцы были «гражданами второго сорта» Японии, поэтому судебная система делает их «идиотами».

* *

Все, пожалуйста, расскажите своим знакомым, кто ездил в Японию и был арестован за нарушение иммиграционного законодательства.

Необходимо потребовать от «правительств каждой страны» «требовать» от японского правительства «восстановления чести и возмещения убытков».

Если правительство не отвечает, обратитесь за помощью к СМИ. «Правосудие СМИ» будет существовать всегда.

Ты должен быть «героем», дерзай! !

<Целевые люди>

«1» Предоставить иностранцу «фальшивые документы», и иностранец приобретает «статус проживания». А если иностранец «нелегально работал».

Лицо, которое предоставляет иностранцу «фальшивые документы», такие как «трудовой договор», невиновно.

Однако с января 2017 года за это будут наказывать «пересмотром закона».

Сотрудники и дипломаты китайского и филиппинского посольств, которым я «выдвигаю уголовные обвинения», совершенно невиновны. См. часть 2 для рабочих дней (с понедельника по пятницу) для получения подробной информации.

«2» Иностранные граждане, арестованные за «незаконное трудоустройство (деятельность вне их квалификации»), «в большинстве случаев» невиновны.***

Причина: лицо, которое «наняло» их, не было наказано за «содействие нелегальному трудоустройству» в соответствии с Законом об иммиграционном контроле. Следовательно, в силу «равенства перед законом» иностранцы невиновны.

«Большинство иностранцев» «депортируют» с «небольшими» «штрафами». Иностранцы должны «требовать» от японского правительства «компенсации» в размере «несколько миллионов иен» на человека.

Со стороны корейцев безумие «требовать компенсации» от японского правительства за «проблему женщин для утех» и «вопрос реквизированной рабочей силы». Они должны требовать возмещения ущерба от «корейского правительства». (Корейское правительство уже получило его).

Вопрос «нарушения Закона об иммиграционном контроле» совершенно отличается от «договора между Японией и Кореей». Поэтому корейским политикам необходимо «преследовать» японское правительство как «новую японо-корейскую проблему». Корейцы и китайцы должны с гордостью заявлять, что они не «японские рабы».

Премьер-министр Японии кричит: «Власть согласно закону». Они с ума "говорят о Японии"!

Только две страны, Южная Корея и США, подписали договор об экстрадиции с Японией.

Это также свидетельствует о том, что в Японии нет «правила закона».

См. «Обвинение». Изложенные факты «констатируют» «факт» «невиновности». (японский английский)


«Мое обращение» (яп.)


«Мое обращение» (англ.)


Я "японский самурай".Япония должна "дружить" с людьми любой страны. "Не было войны"

Часть 3. Строительство особых зон.

«Особая зона» «принимает» беженцев и иммигрантов в качестве рабочих «временных иммигрантов», ограничивая их проживание «особой зоной». Развитые страны могут использовать их в качестве низкооплачиваемых рабочих для экономического роста, а беженцы и иммигранты могут получить работу и жить полной надежды человеческой жизнью.

№2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

№1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Часть 4. Украина война.

Зеленский вступил в должность на основе «предвыборного обещания» отказаться от Минских соглашений и вернуть территории путем войны. Но когда стало известно о его уклонении от уплаты налогов и налоговых убежищах, он начал войну.

№2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

№1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Часть 5. Трехсторонний военный альянс / военное шоу "США, Россия и Китай"

Чтобы создать мир без войн, нам нужен «Трехсторонний военный союз»!

№2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

№1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Часть 6. Печально известная судебная система Японии и нарушения прав человека

Судебная система Японии: Дело о нарушении иммиграционного законодательства Ложное обвинение: Дело Ниссана Гона Ложное обвинение: Насилие в иммиграционном учреждении: Дело иностранного студента/стажера: Невмешательство во внутренние дела: Иностранные мнения

№2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

№1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Часть 7. Разработка датчика короны 

Мы должны разработать «систему проверки», которая мгновенно «обнаруживает» «зараженных людей», подобно термографии.


Часть 8. Похищения Северной Кореи и проблемы с ракетами и оборона Тайваня


Часть 9. Продвижение One Coin Union и транспортных средств на водороде 


Часть 10. Мнение «Нагано», Атомная энергетика следующего поколения: без CO2 и ЦУР: Россия/Украина Проблемы вторжения: Проблемы иммиграции/беженцев: Международная политика/Политика США/Тайваньские проблемы/Церковь объединения


Очень искренне ваш.

Ясухиро Нагано

Ежедневные посты публикуются в следующей программе.


Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами!


2023년 5월 13일:정부는 이번 개혁으로 2030년까지 177억 유로(약 2조5000억엔)의 증수를 전망한다. 그러나 시니어 세대의 2명 중 1명이 일하지 않는 현상을 바꾸지 않으면 효과가 없다고 지적하는 목소리도 많다., #pension reform #anti-demonstration #special zone of Algeria

 2023년 5월 13일: 토요일 버전. 친애하는 사람, #pension reform #anti-demonstration #special zone of Algeria

프랑스에서 「연금 개혁」의 「반대 데모」가 격화. 사회학자 “미래를 낙관할 수 없는 불국민은 마지막으로 남겨진 것(62세 정년)을 사수하고 싶다”고 한다. 지금의 「초인플레이션」이 계속되는 사회를 생각하면 「64세?노다」.

마크론 대통령은 '연금 개혁'을 선거 공약에 내걸었다. 그러나 2020년 '개혁안'은 반대운동 끝에 '신형 코로나바이러스 화'로 '철회'됐다. 그러나 코로나가 종식했다. 관련 법안은 3월 20일에 성립. 현재는 위헌심사가 진행된다.

프랑스는 시니어 세대(55~64세)의 21년 '취업률'은 56%로, 77% 스웨덴과 72% 독일과는 '대차'가 있다. 프랑스는 '부러운 천국'이지만 연금 재정은 힘들다.

(EU) 통계에서는 '연금수급'은 독일과 이탈리아가 67세로 시작된다. 한편 프랑스 62세는 가장 낮은 연령으로 연금이 수급된다.

그 때문에 프랑스의 연금 재정은 괴롭다. 프랑스의 2020년 '지출'은 (GDP) 대비 15.9%입니다. 회원국에서 세 번째로 높다. 프랑스는 GDP를 올리거나 '연금 수급'을 늦출 수밖에 없다.

한때 프랑스도 수급 개시는 65세였다. 그러나 좌파가 주도해 1980년대에 60세로 인하했다. 90년대 후반에는 주 35시간 노동제를 실현했다. ‘2010년’에 우파 정권이 ‘62세로 끌어올렸다’ ‘때’도 시위가 이어졌다.

정부는 이번 개혁으로 2030년까지 177억 유로(약 2조5000억엔)의 증수를 전망한다. 그러나 시니어 세대의 2명 중 1명이 일하지 않는 현상을 바꾸지 않으면 효과가 없다고 지적하는 목소리도 많다.

장기 비전을 가지지 않고 「이것이 마지막이다」라고 개혁을 연발해 온 우파 정권. 그들에는 혼란의 책임이 있다. 마크론 대통령은 '장기 비전'을 '제시했습니까?'

프랑스 국민은 마크론 대통령에게 장기 비전을 제시시켜야 한다. 납득할 수 있는 비전이 아니면 한층 더 '연금 수급'이 '늦어진다'는 것은 당연하다.

'파리에 씨'는 '재검토해야 할 공적 지출'은 '많다'고 말한다. 프랑스는 '우크라이나에 대한 군사 지원 예산'을 '연금 예산'으로 '충당'하는 것은 당연합니다.

마크론 대통령은 장기 비전으로 '알제리 특별지대' 건설을 국민에게 제시해야 한다. 프랑스는 '새 시장'으로 '아프리카 대륙'을 개척해야 한다.

1970년대 중국이 중국 국내에 '특구'를 건설한 것과 같다. 프랑스는 '아프리카 알제리'에 '특별지대'를 건설해야 한다.

50년 후 ‘알제리의 특별지대’는 ‘현재 중국’처럼 될 것이다. 프랑스는 알제리를 식민지가 아니라 '특별지대'로 알제리와 공동으로 건설해 운영해야 한다.

프랑스 시민들은 '엄청나게 큰 꿈'을 볼 수 있다. '특별지대'는 '꿈'이 아니라 '현실'에 '건설'을 해야 한다. 프랑스 국민은 ‘연금 수급 문제’가 작아 보일 것이다.

제1부. 프랑스에서 연금 개혁 반대 시위가 격화 ‘62세 정년’을 사수하고 싶은 국민… 실은 유럽 제일의 높은 생산성


중국 경제 특구의 기초 지식 - 왜 5 개의 장소가 해안에 집중?


제3부. 특별 지역의 건설.

「특별지대」는 난민이나 이민을 「잠정이민」의 노동자로서, 거주를 「특별지대」에 한정해 「접수」합니다. 선진국은 그들을 저임금 노동자로 활용하여 경제성장, 난민과 이민자는 일을 얻고 인간적인 희망이 있는 생활을 할 수 있습니다.


나는 내일도 쓴다.

「제2부(일본의 이상한 인권 침해)」는 2023년 3월 4일에 수정했습니다.

2부. 일본 인권 침해의 피해자. "중국인, 한국인, 필리핀인, 미국인 등",

전세계에 수만 명, 수십만 명 이상의 피해자가 있습니다. 비정상적인 인원입니다.


중국인과 한국인의 피해자는 "무수한"에 있습니다.

이것은 'WW2 전쟁 전' 중국인과 한국인은 일본의 '2급 국민'이었기 때문에 사법은 그들을 '바보'로 하고 있습니다.


여러분, 아는 사람으로, 일본에 가서, 「입관법 위반」으로 「체포된 분」에게 가르쳐 주세요.

일본 정부에 '명예의 회복과 손해배상'을 '청구'하도록 '각국 정부'에 요구해야 합니다.

정부가 대응하는 경우 미디어에 도움을 요청하십시오. 「정의의 미디어」 반드시 존재합니다.

당신은 「히어로」가 되어야 한다, 열심히! !


「1」외국인에게 「허위의 서류」를 제공해, 그 외국인이 「재류자격」을 취득합니다. 그리고 그 외국인이 「불법 취업」한 경우.

외국인에게 '고용계약서' 등 '거짓 서류'를 제공한 자는 무죄입니다.

단, 2017년 1월부터는 「법 개정」으로 처벌입니다.

내가 "형사 고발"하는 중국인과 "필리핀 대사관 직원과 외교관"은 완전히 무죄입니다. 자세한 것은, 평일(월부터 금)의 제2부를 봐 주세요.

「2」 「불법 취업(자격외의 활동)을 실시해 체포된 외국은 「대부분의 경우」무죄입니다.***

이유: 그들을 '고용한 자'가 입관법의 '불법 취업을 조장한 죄'로 처벌되지 않았습니다. 따라서 '법하에서의 평등'으로 외국인은 무죄입니다.

「대부분 외국인」이 「소액」의 「벌금」으로 「국외 퇴거의 처분」이 되고 있습니다. 외국인은 1인당 '수백만엔'의 '배상금'을 일본 정부에 '청구'해야 합니다.

한국인이 '위안부 문제'나 '징용공 문제'로 일본 정부에 '배상금을 청구'하는 것은 미친 것입니다. 이들은 '한국 정부'에게 배상금을 청구해야 한다. (한국 정부는 이미 수령을 하고 있습니다).

'입관법 위반'의 문제는 '한일조약'과는 전혀 다른 문제입니다. 따라서 이 문제야말로 '새로운 한일의 문제'로서 한국의 정치가는 일본 정부를 '추궁'할 필요가 있습니다. 한국인이나 중국인은 '일본의 노예'가 아니라는 것을 당당히 주장해야 합니다.

일본 총리는 '법 하에서 통치'를 외치고 있다. 그들은 "일본을 말하는" 미친입니다!

일본이 ‘범죄인 인도 조약’을 체결한 나라는 ‘한국과 미국’의 단 2개국뿐입니다.

이것으로부터도, 일본은 「법하에서의 통치」가 아닌 증거입니다.

'기소장'을 보세요. 기재된 사실은 '무죄'의 '사실'을 '말한다'. (일본어・영어)


"내 호소"(일본어)


'내 호소'(영어)


나는 '일본의 사무라이' 일본은 어느 나라 사람들과도 '친구'여야 합니다. 「NO War」

제3부. 특별 지역의 건설.

「특별지대」는 난민이나 이민을 「잠정이민」의 노동자로서, 거주를 「특별지대」에 한정해 「접수」합니다. 선진국은 그들을 저임금 노동자로 활용하여 경제성장, 난민과 이민자는 일을 얻고 인간적인 희망이 있는 생활을 할 수 있습니다.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/


4부. 우크라이나 전쟁.

젤렌스키는 민스크 합의를 폐기하고 전쟁을 통해 영토를 되찾겠다는 '선거 공약'을 하고 대통령으로 취임했다. 그러나 그의 탈세와 탁스 헤이븐이 보도되었을 때 그는 전쟁을 시작했다.

No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/


제5부. 「미로 중」3국 군사 동맹·전쟁 쇼

전쟁이 없는 세계를 만들기 위해서는 '3국 군사동맹'이 필요하다!

No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/


제6부. 악명 높은 일본의 사법 제도·인권 침해

일본의 사법 제도:입관법 위반 사건 분죄:닛산 곤 사건 분죄:입관 시설에서의 학대:유학생·실습생의 사건:내정 불간섭:해외 의견

No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/


제7부. 코로나 감지기 개발

서모그래피와 같이 순식간에 "감염자"가 "판명"하는 "검사 시스템"을 개발해야합니다.


제8부. 북한의 납치·미사일 문제 & 대만 방어


제9부. 원 코인 유니온 & 수소 자동차의 추진


제10부. 「나가노」오피니언, 차세대 원전:CO2프리&SDG:러시아・우크라이나 침공 문제:이민・난민 문제:국제・미국 정치・대만 문제・통일 교회 문제



나가노 쿄히로 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

매일의 투고는, 아래와 같은 프로그로 공개하고 있습니다.


불명한 점은, 문의해 주세요!


2023 年 5 月 13 日:法国曾经从 65 岁开始。 然而,在 1980 年代,它在左派的带领下降至 60。 在 1990 年代后期,实施了每周 35 小时工作制。 2010年,右翼政府“将年龄提高到62岁”,示威活动不断。,#pension reform #anti-demonstration #special zone of Algeria


2023 年 5 月 13 日:周六版。 亲爱的先生,#pension reform #anti-demonstration #special zone of Algeria

法国“反对养老金改革的示威”愈演愈烈。 社会学家“不看好未来的法国人想要保护最后剩下的东西(62岁退休)”。 考虑到当前“恶性通货膨胀”持续的社会,“64岁?不行”。

总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙 (Emmanuel Macron) 做出了“养老金改革”的竞选承诺。 然而,针对2020年的“改革方案”在反对之后,却因“新冠病毒灾难”而“撤回”。 但是电晕已经结束了。 相关法案于3月20日颁布。 目前正在进行宪法调查。

在法国,2021年年长一代(55岁至64岁)的“就业率”为56%,与瑞典(77%)和德国(72%)“差距很大”。 法国是一个“令人羡慕的天堂”,但其养老金财政却陷入困境。

根据(欧盟)统计,德国和意大利的“养老金权利”从 67 岁开始。 「另一方面」在法国,62 岁是领取退休金的「最低年龄」。

因此,法国的养老金财政陷入困境。 法国2020年的“支出”占(GDP)的15.9%。 在成员国中排名第三。 法国别无选择,只能提高GDP或延迟“养老金”。

法国曾经从 65 岁开始。 然而,在 1980 年代,它在左派的带领下降至 60。 在 1990 年代后期,实施了每周 35 小时工作制。 2010年,右翼政府“将年龄提高到62岁”,示威活动不断。

政府预计,到 2030 年,改革将增加 177 亿欧元(约合 2.5 万亿日元)的收入。 不过,也有不少人指出,除非改变目前二分之一的老人不工作的情况,否则不会有任何效果。

没有长远眼光的右翼政府一再喊出“这是最后一次”的改革口号。 他们对混乱负责。 马克龙总统有没有“展示”他的“长远眼光”?

法国人民应该让马克龙总统提出一个长远的愿景。 如果不是令人信服的愿景,“养老金领取”被“延迟”是理所当然的。

“Parrier 先生”说有“很多”“公共支出需要审查”。 法国自然会将“对乌军事援助预算”“拨”到“养老金预算”中。

马克龙总统应该向人民展示建设“阿尔及利亚特区”的长远愿景。 法国应该开辟“非洲大陆”作为“新市场”。

这与中国在 1970 年代在中国境内建立“特区”时是一样的。 法国要在“非洲的阿尔及利亚”建设“特区”。

五十年后,“阿尔及利亚特区”就像“今天的中国”。 法国应该与阿尔及利亚共同建立和经营阿尔及利亚,作为一个“特区”而不是一个殖民地。

法国公民可以“梦想非常大”。 “特区”不是在“梦想”中而是在“现实”中“建设”。 对于法国人来说,领取养老金的问题会显得很小。

第一部分。 法国反对养老金改革的抗议活动愈演愈烈




第 3 部分。 特区建设。

“特区”“接纳”难民和移民作为“临时移民”打工,将他们的居住地限制在“特区”内。 发达国家可以利用他们作为经济增长的低薪工人,难民和移民可以找到工作,过上充满希望的人生。




第2部分。 日本侵犯人权行为的受害者。 “中国人、韩国人、菲律宾人、美国人等等。”

全世界有数万、数十万受害者。 不寻常的人数。

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************************************* *



如果政府不回应,请向媒体寻求帮助。 “正义媒体”永远存在。

你应该是一个“英雄”,加油! !


“1”向外国人提供“假证件”,外国人取得“在留资格”。 如果外国人“非法工作”。



我“刑事起诉”的中国和菲律宾大使馆工作人员和外交官是完全无辜的。 有关详细信息,请参阅工作日(周一至周五)的第 2 部分。

``2'' 因``非法就业(超出其资格的活动'')而被捕的外国人``在大多数情况下''是无辜的。***

理由:“雇用”他们的人没有受到出入境管理法规定的“促进非法就业”的处罚。 因此,凭借“法律面前人人平等”,外国人是无辜的。

“大多数外国人”被“驱逐出境”并处以“小额”“罚款”。 外国人应该向日本政府“索赔”每人“数百万日元”的“赔偿金”。

韩国人就“慰安妇问题”和“征用劳工问题”向日本政府“索赔”简直是疯了。 他们应该向“韩国政府”索赔。 (韩国政府已经收到)。

“违反出入境管理法”的问题与“日韩条约”完全不同。 因此,韩国政客需要将日本政府作为“日韩新问题”来“追究”。 韩国人和中国人应该自豪地宣称自己不是“日奴”。

日本首相高呼“依法治国”。 他们疯狂“谈日本”!



参见“起诉书”。 陈述的事实“陈述”“无罪”的“事实”。 (日语 英语)






我是“日本武士”,日本应该和任何国家的人做“朋友”。 “没有战争”

第 3 部分。 特区建设。

“特区”“接纳”难民和移民作为“临时移民”打工,将他们的居住地限制在“特区”内。 发达国家可以利用他们作为经济增长的低薪工人,难民和移民可以找到工作,过上充满希望的人生。



第 4 部分。 乌克兰战争。

泽伦斯基上台时曾做出“选举承诺”,要废除明斯克协议,通过战争收复领土。 但当他逃税和避税天堂的消息曝光时,他发动了一场战争。



第 5 部分。 “美俄中”三方军事联盟/战争秀




第 6 部分。 日本臭名昭著的司法制度和侵犯人权行为

日本司法系统:违反入管法案 诬告:日产戈恩案 诬告:出入境设施虐待:留学生/实习生案:不干涉内政:外国意见



第 7 部分。 电晕传感器的开发』



第 8 部分。 朝鲜的绑架和导弹问题与台湾的防御


第 9 部分。 One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles的推广』


第 10 部分。 “Nagano”观点,下一代核电:CO2 Free & SDGs:俄罗斯/乌克兰入侵问题:移民/难民问题:国际/美国政治/台湾问题/统一教会问题








To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak May 13, 2023: According to (EU) statistics, "pension entitlement" begins at age 67 in Germany and Italy. ``On the other hand'' 62 years old in France is the ``lowest age'' to receive a pension.

To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

May 13, 2023: Saturday Edition. Greetings,

"Demonstrations against pension reform" intensified in France. Sociologist "French people who are not optimistic about the future want to protect the last thing left (retirement age 62)". Considering the current society where "hyperinflation" continues, "64 years old? No".

President Emmanuel Macron made a campaign promise of “pension reform”. However, the "reform proposal" for 2020 was "withdrawn" due to the "new coronavirus disaster" after a campaign against it. But Corona has ended. The relevant bill was enacted on March 20. A constitutional inquiry is currently underway.

In France, the "employment rate" of the senior generation (55 to 64 years old) in 2021 was 56%, which is a "large difference" from Sweden (77%) and Germany (72%). France is an “enviable paradise,” but its pension finances are in trouble.

According to (EU) statistics, "pension entitlement" begins at age 67 in Germany and Italy. ``On the other hand'' 62 years old in France is the ``lowest age'' to receive a pension.

As a result, France's pension finances are in trouble. France's 'expenditure' in 2020 is 15.9% of (GDP). 3rd highest among member countries. France has no choice but to in-crease GDP or delay “pension”.

France used to be 65 when they started receiving benefits. However, it was lowered to 60 in the 1980s, led by the left. In the late 1990s, a 35-hour work week was imple-mented. In 2010, the right-wing government "raised the age to 62," and the demonstra-tions continued.

The government expects the reforms to boost revenue by 17.7 billion euros (about 2.5 trillion yen) by 2030. However, there are many who point out that unless the current sit-uation where one in two seniors does not work is changed, there will be no effect.

The right-wing government, which has no long-term vision and has repeatedly called out reforms saying, "This is the last time." They are responsible for the confusion. Did Presi-dent Macron "show" his "long-term vision"?

The French people should let President Macron present a long-term vision. If it is not a convincing vision, it is only natural that "pension receipt" will be "delayed".

“Mr Parrier” says there is “a lot” of “public spending to review.” It is natural for France to "appropriate" the "budget for military assistance to Ukraine" to the "pension budget".

President Macron should present the people with a long-term vision of building a “special zone of Algeria.” France should open up the "African Continent" as a "new market".

It is the same as when China built a “special zone” within China in the 1970s. France should build a "special zone" in "Africa's Algeria".

Fifty years from now, the "Special Zone of Algeria" will be like "China today." France should establish and operate Algeria jointly with Algeria as a ``special zone'' instead of a colony.

French citizens can "dream extraordinarily big". The ``special zone'' should be ``con-structed'' not in a ``dream'' but in a ``reality''. For the French people, the issue of re-ceiving pensions will seem small.

Part One. Protests Against Pension Reform Intensify in France


Basics of China's Special Economic Zones - Why are 5 of them concentrated in coastal ar-eas?


Part 3. Construction of special zones.

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.


I will write tomorrow too.

"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on March 4, 2023.

Part 2. Victims of human rights violations in Japan. "Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc."

There are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.


There are "innumerable" Chinese and Korean victims.

This was "before the war of WW2" because the Chinese and Koreans were "second-class citizens" of Japan, so the judiciary makes them "idiots".


Everyone, please tell your acquaintances who went to Japan and were arrested for violating the Immigration Law.

It is necessary to demand "governments of each country" to "claim" the Japanese government for "restoration of honor and compensation for damages".

If the government doesn't respond, ask the media for help. "Justice media" will always exist.

You should be a "hero", go for it! !

<Target people>

"1" Provide "false documents" to a foreigner, and the foreigner acquires a "status of residence". And if the foreigner has "illegally worked".

A person who provides "false documents" such as an "employment contract" to a foreigner is innocent.

However, from January 2017, it will be punished by "law revision".

The Chinese and the Philippine embassy staff and diplomats I am 'criminally indicting' are completely innocent. See part 2 for weekdays (Monday to Friday) for details.

``2'' Foreign nationals who have been arrested for ``illegal employment (activities outside of their qualifications'') are ``in most cases'' innocent.***

Reason: The person who "employed" them has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by virtue of "equality under the law," foreigners are innocent.

"Most foreigners" are "deported" with "small" "fines". Foreigners should "claim" the Japanese government for "compensation" of "several million yen" per person.

It is crazy for Koreans to "claim compensation" from the Japanese government for the "comfort women issue" and "requisitioned labor issue." They should claim reparations from the "Korean government". (The Korean government has already received it).

The issue of "violation of the Immigration Control Act" is completely different from the "Japan-Korea Treaty". Therefore, Korean politicians need to "pursue" the Japanese government as a "new Japan-Korea problem". Koreans and Chinese should proudly claim that they are not "Japanese slaves."

Japan's prime minister shouts "rule under the law". They are "talking about Japan" crazy!

Only two countries, South Korea and the United States, have concluded an extradition treaty with Japan.

This is also evidence that Japan does not have a "rule under the law".

See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)


"My Appeal" (Japanese)


"My Appeal" (English)


I am "Japanese samurai". Japan should be "friends" with people of any country. "NO War"

Part 3. Construction of special zones.

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.

Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.

No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show

To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!

No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations

Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions

No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 

We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.


Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense


Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 


Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

2025-01-25:ستكون "الدولة الأوكرانية والدولة الكردية" "منطقة عازلة" بين روسيا وحلف الناتو. يجب أن تكون هاتان الدولتان "غير مسلحتين ومحايدتين".

 السبت 25 يناير 2025. قبل توليه منصبه، قال الرئيس ترامب إنه سينهي حرب أوكرانيا "في غضون 24 ساعة"، لكنه الآن يقول إنه يريد أن تنتهي...