
2023-08-11:Algunos medios de comunicación rusos han sugerido que algunos de los motores de misiles que se suponía que habían sido desechados cuando Ucrania renunció a sus armas nucleares desplegadas durante la era soviética después de la independencia podrían haber llegado a Corea del Norte., #North_Korean_missile #Ukrainian_engineer #EMP_attack


2023-08-11: Estimado señor, #North_Korean_missile #Ukrainian_engineer #EMP_attack

Corea del Norte mostró el (ICBM) "Mars" a la delegación rusa encabezada por el Sr. Shoigu. La tecnología de misiles de Corea del Norte ciertamente se filtró desde Ucrania.

El "problema de los misiles" de Corea del Norte es causado por Ucrania. Los líderes occidentales son “demasiado protectores” con Ucrania. Y están "confundidos".

También se exhibieron dos nuevos tipos de drones en el lugar que visitó Shoigu. Uno se parecía al dron de ataque principal de la Fuerza Aérea de los EE. UU.

Corea del Norte ha sido acusada de suministrar a Rusia armas utilizadas en la guerra en Ucrania. Corea del Norte y Rusia niegan ese hecho. Nadie se cree esa excusa.

El Sr. Ko Eiki, editor en jefe del Daily NK Japan, que está observando los movimientos de Corea del Norte, dijo que "armas para Rusia" se exportaron por barco desde el "puerto naval de Corea del Norte" y "Rajin". Hay muchas historias de este tipo.

¿Por qué Corea del Norte puede construir un misil balístico intercontinental avanzado? El 24 de marzo de 2018, Corea del Norte anunció que había lanzado con éxito un Hwasong-17 con capacidad nuclear (ICBM) en una órbita elevada.

Los ingenieros ucranianos estaban presentes en un sitio de lanzamiento de misiles cerca de Pyongyang en ese momento, según fuentes militares internacionales. La independencia de Ucrania resultó en la pérdida de la tecnología de misiles.

Después de la crisis de Ucrania de 2014, Rusia dejó de importar misiles ucranianos y es posible que ingenieros de misiles ucranianos desempleados fueran invitados a Corea del Norte para guiar el desarrollo de la tecnología.

Algunos medios de comunicación rusos han sugerido que algunos de los motores de misiles que se suponía que habían sido desechados cuando Ucrania renunció a sus armas nucleares desplegadas durante la era soviética después de la independencia podrían haber llegado a Corea del Norte.

Desde alrededor de 2017, Corea del Norte ha mejorado significativamente su tecnología de misiles, incluidos los misiles de corto alcance, y no puede ignorar la "Conexión ucraniana".

Exigir a Corea del Norte que desmantele sus misiles nucleares no tiene sentido. Corea del Norte pronto superará a Estados Unidos.

"Dnipro" se llamó Dnipropetrovsk hasta 2016 y es una ciudad industrial pesada con una población de casi 1 millón.

El exdirigente soviético Brezhnev, secretario general del Partido Comunista, hizo de esta localidad su base de poder, y tras tomar el poder invitó a sus antiguos compañeros al Kremlin para formar la "Mafia del Dnieper".

"La recompensa es de 3.000 dólares al mes..." solicitado por un agente norcoreano. Miles de ingenieros y trabajadores de Yujimashi han perdido sus trabajos, algunos de los cuales han emigrado a Rusia o han sido invitados a China.

China, que es inferior a Estados Unidos y Rusia en el campo de los misiles balísticos intercontinentales, parece haber evaluado la tecnología militar de Ucrania e invitó a excelentes ingenieros. La tecnología ucraniana es tecnología rusa.

Para más detalles, lea "Citas y referencias". La tecnología de misiles de Corea del Norte ya parece estar cerca de la de Rusia.

Por eso Estados Unidos teme el "ataque EMP" de Corea del Norte. Y Biden simplemente está "confundido".

Disolución de la Unión Soviética. Y la independencia de Ucrania parece haber elevado la tecnología de misiles de Corea del Norte y China a "un nivel por encima del de Estados Unidos". Incluso ahora, parece que la tecnología se está drenando de Ucrania.

Parte 1. Citas/referencias

Kim Jong-Il muestra misiles al ministro de Defensa ruso Shoigu


¿El puerto naval de Corea del Norte está suministrando misiles a Rusia? Estudio independiente de las fotos satelitales de Corea del Norte


¿Por qué es posible construir un misil balístico intercontinental avanzado? Corea del Norte atrae a ingenieros ucranianos desempleados


¿Quién transfirió la tecnología de misiles a Corea del Norte? Una nueva fuente de conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania


Escribiré mañana también.

"Parte 2 (Violaciones anormales de derechos humanos de Japón)" fue revisada el 27 de febrero de 2023.

Parte 2. Japón es un "estado de violaciones anormales de los derechos humanos". "Todos" de la "comunidad internacional", ¡ayuda por favor!

En primer lugar, lea "acusación falsa" en el "Delito de apoyar la violación de la Ley de Control de Inmigración" de 2010.

Motivo del castigo:

Un ciudadano chino obtuvo un "estado de residencia" mediante la presentación de un "contrato de trabajo falso". Y cometieron violaciones de la ley de inmigración (actividades fuera de sus calificaciones).

Debido a que "nosotros" proporcionamos "documentos de contrato de trabajo falsos" a los chinos, los chinos pudieron obtener el "estatus de residencia".

Los chinos pudieron "vivir" en Japón porque obtuvieron un "estado de residencia".

Debido a que los chinos pudieron "vivir" en Japón, pudieron "trabajar ilegalmente".

Por lo tanto, "nosotros" que "proporcionamos" a los chinos "documentos de contrato de trabajo falsos" fuimos castigados por "ayudar" a los chinos en "actividades fuera del alcance de sus calificaciones".

Se trata de un "error de derecho aplicable" arbitrario. Esto está fuera de la "lógica de la ley".

Mi reclamo:

"1" La Ley de Control de Inmigración estipula que el Ministro de Justicia tomará una "disposición administrativa" (Ley de Control de Inmigración: Cancelación del estatus de residencia) por el acto de presentar documentos falsos y obtener el estatus de residencia. Ahora está "terminado". "Ayudar" a un acto de inocencia es inocencia.

Un ciudadano chino que se haya involucrado en “2” (actividades fuera de la calificación) no es culpable. La razón es que la "persona que los contrató" no ha sido sancionada por "promover el empleo ilegal" en virtud de la Ley de Control de Inmigración. Por lo tanto, por "igualdad ante la ley", los chinos son inocentes.

La revisión de la Ley de Control de la Inmigración en diciembre de 2016 permitió sancionar el acto de "proporcionar" "documentos de contrato de trabajo falsos".

Implementado a partir de enero de 2017. Según el artículo 39 de la Constitución, no es posible "retroactivamente" al "pasado" y "sancionar".


Ver "acusación". Los hechos declarados "declaran" el "hecho" de "no culpable". (inglés japonés)


"Mi apelación" (japonés)


"Mi apelación" (inglés)


“Chinos, coreanos, filipinos, estadounidenses, etc.” Hay más de decenas de miles, cientos de miles de víctimas en todo el mundo. Un número inusual de personas.

La "(privación) de libertad" de los fiscales es "arbitraria". Están "desobedeciendo la ley" y "egoístas". No tienen "(lógica) (necesidad)". La fiscalía está "castigando" "como les da la gana".

En 2010, "los chinos y yo" en el caso de violación de inmigración, y en 2013, el personal y diplomáticos de la embajada de Filipinas también fueron castigados por la misma razón.

“Yo” argumentó “no culpable”, explicando con “lógica de derecho”.

La policía y los fiscales dijeron entonces: "(Usted) debe admitir (su crimen) en términos generales".

¡Japón es el único país que castiga en términos generales! .

El juez afirmó "Relación de causalidad" con una "lógica" loca. Cuando "veo" (texto de la sentencia), "me río a carcajadas".

Este caso es un error de aplicación arbitraria de la ley por parte de policías, fiscales y jueces. Los cargos son "abuso de autoridad de un funcionario público especial" y "delitos de denuncia falsa". La fiscalía "mató" la "carta de acusación" y la "carta de acusación" por "de oficio". Por lo tanto, el plazo de prescripción ha sido suspendido.

Estoy "apelando" dos cosas.

1: El extranjero realizó "trabajo ilegal" distinto del "estado de residencia". Pero los extranjeros son inocentes debido a la "igualdad ante la ley".

2: La fiscalía “aplicó” los “artículos 60 y 62 del Código Penal” al artículo 70 de la Ley de Control de Inmigración por “apoyar el artículo 22-4-4 de la Ley de Inmigración”. Sin embargo, es “error de la ley aplicable". (como anteriormente).

Los coreanos exigen a Japón el tema "resuelto" de las "mujeres de solaz y los trabajos forzados", pero deberían apoyar a "decenas de miles de víctimas coreanas" que han sido castigadas por "violar las leyes de inmigración".

El gobierno japonés está ocultando las violaciones de derechos humanos de Japón al inventar cosas como "violaciones de derechos humanos contra los uigures en China".

"Yo" exijo la "restauración del honor" y la "compensación" para mí, los chinos y los funcionarios de la embajada de Filipinas.

¡Todos en el mundo! ! Las víctimas deben informar a sus respectivos gobiernos. Los gobiernos de cada país tienen la obligación de exigir al gobierno japonés que restablezca el honor de sus propios ciudadanos y los compense.

Parte 3. Construcción de zonas especiales.

La "zona especial" "acepta" refugiados e inmigrantes como trabajadores "inmigrantes temporales", limitando su residencia a la "zona especial". Los países desarrollados pueden utilizarlos como trabajadores de bajos salarios para el crecimiento económico, y los refugiados e inmigrantes pueden conseguir trabajo y vivir una vida humana llena de esperanza.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

Número 1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Parte 4. Guerra de Ucrania.

Zelensky asumió el cargo con una "promesa electoral" de desechar los Acuerdos de Minsk y recuperar territorio a través de la guerra. Pero cuando salieron a la luz las noticias de su evasión de impuestos y paraísos fiscales, comenzó una guerra.

Número 2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Parte 5. "Estados Unidos, Rusia y China" Alianza Militar Tripartita/Espectáculo de Guerra

¡Para crear un mundo sin guerra, necesitamos una “Alianza Militar Tripartita”!

No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

Número 1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Parte 6. El notorio sistema judicial de Japón y las violaciones de derechos humanos

Sistema judicial de Japón: Caso de violación de la ley de inmigración Acusación falsa: Caso de Nissan Ghosn Acusación falsa: Abuso en un centro de inmigración: Caso de estudiante internacional/estudiante en prácticas: No injerencia en asuntos internos: Opiniones extranjeras

Número 2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

Número 1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Parte 7. Desarrollo del sensor de corona 

Deberíamos desarrollar un "sistema de inspección" que instantáneamente "descubra" a las "personas infectadas" como la termografía.


Parte 8. Cuestiones de secuestro y misiles de Corea del Norte y defensa de Taiwán


Parte 9. Promoción de One Coin Union y vehículos de hidrógeno 


Parte 10. Opinión de "Nagano", planta de energía nuclear de próxima generación: libre de CO2 y ODS: Rusia/Ucrania Cuestiones de invasión: Inmigración/Cuestiones de refugiados: Internacional/Política de EE. UU./Cuestiones de Taiwán/Cuestiones de la Iglesia de Unificación



Yasuhiro Nagano

El siguiente programa está abierto al público.


¡Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor contáctenos!


11.08.2023: После украинского кризиса 2014 года Россия прекратила импорт украинских ракет, и, возможно, безработных украинских инженеров-ракетчиков пригласили в Северную Корею для руководства разработкой технологии. #Северная_Корейская_ракета #Украинский_инженер #ЭМИ_атака


11.08.2023: Уважаемый сэр, #Северная_Корейская_ракета #Украинский_инженер #ЭМИ_атака

Северная Корея показала (МБР) «Марс» российской делегации во главе с господином Шойгу. Ракетные технологии Северной Кореи, безусловно, просочились из Украины.

"Ракетная проблема" Северной Кореи вызвана Украиной. Западные лидеры «слишком защищают» Украину. И они «запутались».

На месте, которое посетил Шойгу, также демонстрировались два новых типа дронов. Один напоминал основной ударный беспилотник ВВС США.

Северную Корею обвиняют в поставках в Россию оружия, которое использовалось в войне на Украине. Северная Корея и Россия отрицают этот факт. Никто не верит этому оправданию.

Г-н Ко Эйки, главный редактор Daily NK Japan, который следит за передвижениями Северной Кореи, сказал, что «оружие для России» экспортировалось на кораблях из «военно-морского порта Северной Кореи» и «Раджин». Таких историй много.

Почему Северная Корея может построить передовую межконтинентальную баллистическую ракету? 24 марта 2018 года Северная Корея объявила об успешном запуске на высокую орбиту межконтинентальной баллистической ракеты (МБР) Hwasong-17, способной нести ядерное оружие.

Согласно международным военным источникам, в то время украинские инженеры находились на месте запуска ракеты недалеко от Пхеньяна. Независимость Украины привела к потере ракетных технологий.

После украинского кризиса 2014 года Россия прекратила импорт украинских ракет, и, возможно, безработных украинских инженеров-ракетчиков пригласили в Северную Корею для руководства разработкой технологии.

Некоторые российские СМИ предположили, что некоторые из ракетных двигателей, которые должны были быть утилизированы, когда Украина отказалась от своего ядерного оружия, развернутого в советское время после обретения независимости, могли попасть в Северную Корею.

Примерно с 2017 года Северная Корея значительно улучшила свои ракетные технологии, в том числе ракеты малой дальности, и не может игнорировать «украинскую связь».

Требовать от Северной Кореи демонтировать свои ядерные ракеты «бессмысленно». Северная Корея скоро обгонит США.

«Днепр» до 2016 года назывался Днепропетровск и представляет собой город тяжелой промышленности с населением почти 1 млн человек.

Бывший советский лидер Брежнев, генеральный секретарь Коммунистической партии, сделал этот город своей опорой власти, а после захвата власти пригласил своих бывших коллег в Кремль для создания «днепровской мафии».

«Вознаграждение — 3000 долларов в месяц…» — запросил северокорейский агент. Тысячи инженеров и рабочих Yujimashi потеряли работу, некоторые из них эмигрировали в Россию или были приглашены в Китай.

Китай, уступающий США и России в области межконтинентальных баллистических ракет, похоже, оценил военные технологии Украины и пригласил отличных инженеров. Украинская технология – это российская технология.

Подробнее см. в разделе «Цитаты и ссылки». Ракетные технологии Северной Кореи уже кажутся близкими к российским.

Вот почему Соединенные Штаты опасаются «ЭМИ-атаки» Северной Кореи. А Байден просто «запутался».

Распад Советского Союза. А независимость Украины, кажется, подняла ракетные технологии Северной Кореи и Китая на «уровень выше, чем у Соединенных Штатов». Даже сейчас кажется, что из Украины сливают технологии.

Часть 1. Цитаты/ссылки

Ким Чен Ир показал ракеты министру обороны России Шойгу


Северокорейский военно-морской порт поставляет России ракеты: независимое исследование спутниковых фотографий Северной Кореи


Почему можно построить перспективную МБР: Северная Корея заманивает безработных украинских инженеров


Кто передал ракетные технологии Северной Корее? Новый источник конфликта между Россией и Украиной


Я тоже завтра напишу.

«Часть 2 (Ненормальные нарушения прав человека в Японии)» была пересмотрена 27 февраля 2023 г.

Часть 2. Япония — это «состояние ненормальных нарушений прав человека». "Все" "международного сообщества", пожалуйста, помогите!

Прежде всего, прочитайте «ложное обвинение» в «Преступлении за поддержку нарушения Закона об иммиграционном контроле» от 2010 года.

Причина наказания:

Гражданин Китая получил «статус проживания», представив «фальшивый трудовой договор». И они совершили нарушения иммиграционного законодательства (деятельность вне их квалификации).

Поскольку «мы» предоставили китайцам «фальшивые документы о трудовом договоре», китайцы смогли получить «статус проживания».

Китайцы смогли «жить» в Японии, потому что получили «статус проживания».

Поскольку китайцы могли «жить» в Японии, они могли «работать нелегально».

Таким образом, «мы», которые «предоставляли» китайцам «фальшивые трудовые договоры», были наказаны как «помощь» китайцам в «деятельности, выходящей за рамки их квалификации».

Это произвольная «ошибка применимого права». Это выходит за рамки «логики закона».

Моя претензия:

«1» Закон об иммиграционном контроле предусматривает, что министр юстиции принимает «административное распоряжение» (Закон об иммиграционном контроле: аннулирование статуса проживания) в отношении акта подачи поддельных документов и получения статуса проживания. Теперь вы «закончили». «Помощь» акту невиновности — это невиновность.

Гражданин Китая, совершивший «2» (деятельность вне квалификации), не виновен. Причина в том, что «лицо, которое их наняло», не было наказано за «содействие нелегальному трудоустройству» в соответствии с Законом об иммиграционном контроле. Поэтому по "равенству перед законом" китайцы невиновны.

Пересмотр Закона об иммиграционном контроле в декабре 2016 г. позволил наказать акт «предоставления» «поддельных документов по трудовому договору».

Внедряется с января 2017 года. Согласно статье 39 Конституции нельзя «задним числом» «прошлого» и «наказать».


См. «Обвинение». Изложенные факты «констатируют» «факт» «невиновности». (японский английский)


«Мое обращение» (яп.)


«Мое обращение» (англ.)


"китайцы, корейцы, филиппинцы, американцы и т.д." По всему миру более десятков тысяч, сотен тысяч жертв. Необычное количество людей.

Прокурорское «(лишение) свободы» является «произвольным». Они «не подчиняются закону» и «эгоистичны». У них нет «(логического) (необходимости)». Обвинение "наказывает" "как хочет".

В 2010 году «я и китайцы» по делу о нарушении иммиграционных правил, а в 2013 году по той же причине были наказаны сотрудники посольства Филиппин и дипломаты.

«Я» доказывал «невиновен», объясняя это «логикой закона».

Тогда полиция и прокуратура заявили: «(Вы) должны признать (ваше преступление) в общих чертах».

Япония - единственная страна, которая наказывает в общих чертах! .

Судья констатировал «причинно-следственную связь» с бредовой «логикой». Когда я «вижу» (текст приговора), я «громко смеюсь».

Данное дело является ошибкой произвольного применения закона со стороны сотрудников полиции, прокуроров и судей. Обвинения состоят в «злоупотреблении полномочиями специального государственного должностного лица» и «преступлениях по ложным жалобам». Обвинение «убило» «обвинительное письмо» и «обвинительное письмо» «по должности». Таким образом, срок исковой давности приостановлен.

Я «апеллирую» к двум вещам.

1: Иностранец выполнял «незаконную работу», кроме «статуса проживания». Но иностранцы невиновны из-за «равенства перед законом».

2: Обвинение «применило» «статьи 60 и 62 Уголовного кодекса» к статье 70 Закона об иммиграционном контроле на основании «поддержки статьи 22-4-4 Закона об иммиграции». Однако это «ошибка применимого права». (как указано выше).

Корейцы предъявляют требования Японии по «решенной» проблеме «женщин для утех и подневольных рабочих», но должны поддержать «десятки тысяч корейских жертв», которые были наказаны за «нарушение иммиграционного законодательства».

Японское правительство скрывает нарушения прав человека в Японии, придумывая такие вещи, как «нарушения прав человека в отношении уйгуров в Китае».

«Я» требую «восстановления чести» и «компенсации» для себя, китайцев и сотрудников филиппинского посольства.

Все в мире! ! Жертвы должны сообщать своим правительствам. Правительства каждой страны обязаны потребовать от японского правительства восстановить честь своих граждан и выплатить им компенсацию.

Часть 3. Строительство особых зон.

«Особая зона» «принимает» беженцев и иммигрантов в качестве рабочих «временных иммигрантов», ограничивая их проживание «особой зоной». Развитые страны могут использовать их в качестве низкооплачиваемых рабочих для экономического роста, а беженцы и иммигранты могут получить работу и жить полной надежды человеческой жизнью.

№2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

№1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Часть 4. Украина война.

Зеленский вступил в должность на основе «предвыборного обещания» отказаться от Минских соглашений и вернуть территории путем войны. Но когда стало известно о его уклонении от уплаты налогов и налоговых убежищах, он начал войну.

№2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

№1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Часть 5. Трехсторонний военный альянс / военное шоу "США, Россия и Китай"

Чтобы создать мир без войн, нам нужен «Трехсторонний военный союз»!

№2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

№1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Часть 6. Печально известная судебная система Японии и нарушения прав человека

Судебная система Японии: Дело о нарушении иммиграционного законодательства Ложное обвинение: Дело Ниссана Гона Ложное обвинение: Насилие в иммиграционном учреждении: Дело иностранного студента/стажера: Невмешательство во внутренние дела: Иностранные мнения

№2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

№1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Часть 7. Разработка датчика короны 

Мы должны разработать «систему проверки», которая мгновенно «обнаруживает» «зараженных людей», подобно термографии.


Часть 8. Похищения Северной Кореи и проблемы с ракетами и оборона Тайваня


Часть 9. Продвижение One Coin Union и транспортных средств на водороде 


Часть 10. Мнение «Нагано», Атомная энергетика следующего поколения: без CO2 и ЦУР: Россия/Украина Проблемы вторжения: Проблемы иммиграции/беженцев: Международная политика/Политика США/Тайвань Вопросы/Церковь объединения



Ясухиро Нагано

Следующая программа открыта для публики.


Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами!


2023-08-11:据国际军事消息来源称,乌克兰工程师当时正在平壤附近的一个导弹发射场。 乌克兰的独立导致导弹技术的丧失。,#North_Korean_missile #Ukrainian_engineer #EMP_attack


2023-08-11:亲爱的先生,#North_Korean_missile #Ukrainian_engineer #EMP_attack

朝鲜向绍伊古先生率领的俄罗斯代表团展示了(洲际弹道导弹)“火星”。 朝鲜的导弹技术肯定是从乌克兰泄露的。

朝鲜的“导弹问题”是乌克兰造成的。 西方领导人对乌克兰“过于保护”。 他们很“困惑”。

绍伊古参观的会场还展示了两种新型无人机。 其中一架类似于美国空军的主力攻击无人机。

朝鲜被指控向俄罗斯提供乌克兰战争中使用的武器。 朝鲜和俄罗斯否认这一事实。 没有人相信这个借口。

关注朝鲜动向的日本《Daily NK》主编高英树表示,“向俄罗斯的武器”是从“朝鲜军港”和“罗津”用船出口的。 这样的故事还有很多。

朝鲜为何能打造先进洲际弹道导弹? 2018 年 3 月 24 日,朝鲜宣布已成功在高空轨道发射一枚可携带核弹头的火星 17 号运载火箭。

据国际军事消息来源称,乌克兰工程师当时正在平壤附近的一个导弹发射场。 乌克兰的独立导致导弹技术的丧失。




要求朝鲜拆除核导弹“毫无意义”。 朝鲜很快就会超过美国。



“悬赏是每月 3000 美元……”一名朝鲜特工索要的。 数千名 Yujimashi 工程师和工人失去了工作,其中一些人移民到俄罗斯或被邀请到中国。

在洲际弹道导弹领域逊色于美国和俄罗斯的中国,似乎对乌克兰的军事技术进行了评估,并邀请了优秀的工程师。 乌克兰技术就是俄罗斯技术。

详细内容请阅读“引文和参考文献”。 朝鲜的导弹技术似乎已经接近俄罗斯。

这就是为什么美国担心朝鲜的“电磁脉冲攻击”。 而拜登只是“困惑”。

苏联解体。 而乌克兰的独立似乎已经将朝鲜和中国的导弹技术提升到了“高于美国的水平”。 即使现在,乌克兰的技术似乎仍在流失。

第1部分。 引文/参考文献







谁向朝鲜转让导弹技术? 俄罗斯和乌克兰冲突的新根源




第2部分。 日本是一个“异常侵犯人权的国家”。 “国际社会”的“大家”,请帮忙!



一名中国公民通过提交“虚假雇佣合同”获得“居留身份”。 他们还违反了移民法(超出其资格的活动)。





这是任意的“适用法律错误”。 这是不符合“法律逻辑”的。


「1」入管法规定,法务大臣将对提交虚假材料并取得在留资格的行为采取“行政处分”(入管法:取消在留资格)。 现在你已经“完成”了。 “帮助”无罪的行为就是无罪。

从事“2”(资格之外的活动)的中国公民无罪。 原因是“雇佣者”并未因入管法中的“促进非法雇佣”受到处罚。 因此,按照“法律面前人人平等”,中国人是无辜的。


自2017年1月起实施。 根据宪法第39条,不能“追溯”“过去”和“处罚”。


参见“起诉书”。 所陈述的事实“陈述”了“无罪”的“事实”。 (日语英语)






“中国人、韩国人、菲律宾人、美国人等等。”全世界的受害者超过数万、数十万。 人数非同寻常。

检察官的“(剥夺)自由”是“任意的”。 他们“违法”、“自私”。 他们没有“(逻辑)(必然性)”。 检方正在“随心所欲”地“惩罚”。



警方和检察官随后表示, “(你)应该笼统地承认(你的罪行)。”

日本是唯一一个笼统惩罚的国家! 。

法官以疯狂的“逻辑”陈述了“因果关系”。 当我“看到”(判决书的文字)时,我“笑出声来”。

本案是警察、检察官、法官任意适用法律的错误。 罪名是“滥用特别公职人员职权”和“虚假投诉罪”。 检方以“依职权”“扼杀”了“控诉书”和“控告书”。 因此,诉讼时效已暂停。


1:外国人从事“居留资格”以外的“非法劳动”。 但外国人是无辜的,因为“法律面前人人平等”。

2:检方以“支持出入境管理法第22-4-4条”为由,将“刑法第60条、第62条”“适用”于出入境管理法第70条。然而,这是“错误”适用法律”。 (如上)。




世界上的每个人! ! 受害者应向各自政府报告。 各国政府有义务要求日本政府恢复本国公民的荣誉并给予赔偿。

第 3 部分。 特区建设。

“特区”“接纳”难民和移民作为“临时移民”工人,将其居住限制在“特区”内。 发达国家可以利用他们作为低工资工人来促进经济增长,而难民和移民则可以找到工作并过上充满希望的人类生活。



第 4 部分。 乌克兰战争。

泽连斯基上任时的“选举承诺”是废除明斯克协议并通过战争收复领土。 但当他逃税和避税天堂的消息曝光后,他发动了一场战争。



第 5 部分。 “美俄中”三方军事同盟/战争秀




第 6 部分。 日本臭名昭著的司法制度和侵犯人权行为

日本司法系统: 违反移民法案件 诬告: 日产戈恩案 诬告: 移民设施中的虐待: 留学生/实习生案件: 不干涉内政: 外国意见


No1:https:// humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

第 7 部分。 电晕传感器的开发 



第 8 部分。 朝鲜绑架、导弹问题与台湾防务


第 9 部分。 一币联盟&氢能汽车推广​


第 10 部分。 “长野”观点,下一代核电站:无二氧化碳和可持续发展目标:俄罗斯/乌克兰入侵问题:移民/难民问题:国际/美国政治/台湾问题/统一教会问题








To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak 2023-08-11: North Korea's "missile problem" is caused by Ukraine. Western leaders are “too pro-tective” of Ukraine. And they are "confused".

 To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

2023-08-11: Dear Sir,

North Korea showed the (ICBM) "Mars" to the Russian delegation led by Mr. Shoigu. North Korea's missile technology is certainly leaked from Ukraine.

North Korea's "missile problem" is caused by Ukraine. Western leaders are “too pro-tective” of Ukraine. And they are "confused".

Two new types of drones were also on display at the venue Shoigu visited. One re-sembled the U.S. Air Force's mainstay strike drone.

North Korea has been accused of supplying Russia with weapons used in the war in Ukraine. North Korea and Russia deny that fact. No one believes that excuse.

Mr. Ko Eiki, editor-in-chief of the Daily NK Japan, who is watching North Korea's movements, said that "weapons for Russia" were exported by ship from "North Ko-rea's naval port" and "Rajin". I was getting There are many such stories.

Why can North Korea build an advanced ICBM? On March 24, 2018, North Korea an-nounced that it had successfully launched a nuclear-capable (ICBM) Hwasong-17 in a lofted orbit.

Ukrainian engineers were present at a missile launch site near Pyongyang at the time, according to international military sources. Ukraine's independence resulted in the loss of missile technology.

After the 2014 Ukraine crisis, Russia stopped importing Ukrainian missiles, and it is possible that unemployed Ukrainian missile engineers were invited to North Korea to guide the development of the technology.

Some Russian media outlets have suggested that some of the missile engines that were supposed to have been scrapped when Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons deployed during the Soviet era after independence may have flowed to North Korea.

Since around 2017, North Korea has significantly improved its missile technology, in-cluding short-range missiles, and cannot ignore the “Ukrainian Connection.”

Demanding North Korea to dismantle its nuclear missiles is "meaningless." North Ko-rea will soon overtake the United States.

"Dnipro" was called Dnipropetrovsk until 2016 and is a heavy industrial city with a population of nearly 1 million.

Former Soviet leader Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Communist Party, made the town his base of power and, after taking power, invited his former colleagues to the Kremlin to form the "Dnieper Mafia".

"The reward is $3,000 a month..." solicited by a North Korean agent. Thousands of Yujimashi engineers and workers have lost their jobs, some of whom have emigrated to Russia or been invited to China.

China, which is inferior to the United States and Russia in the field of ICBMs, seems to have evaluated Ukraine's military technology and invited excellent engineers. Ukrainian technology is Russian technology.

For details, please read "Citations and References". North Korea's missile technology already appears to be close to that of Russia.

That is why the United States fears North Korea's "EMP attack". And Biden is just "confused."

Dissolution of the Soviet Union. And Ukraine's independence seems to have raised North Korea and China's missile technology to "a level above the United States." Even now, it seems that technology is being drained from Ukraine.

Part 1. Citations/references

Kim Jong-Il Shows Missiles to Russian Defense Minister Shoigu


Is North Korea's naval port supplying Russia with missiles? Independent survey of North Korea's satellite photos


Why is it possible to build an advanced ICBM? North Korea lures unemployed Ukrain-ian engineers


Who transferred missile technology to North Korea? A new source of conflict be-tween Russia and Ukraine


I will write tomorrow too.

"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on February 27, 2023.

Part 2. Japan is a "state of abnormal human rights violations". "Everyone" of the "international community", please help!

First of all, please read "false accusation" in the 2010 "Crime of Supporting Violation of Immigration Law".

Reason for punishment:

A Chinese national obtained a "residence status" by submitting a "false employment contract." And they committed immigration law violations (activities outside of their qualifications).

Because "we" provided "false employment contract documents" to the Chinese, the Chinese were able to obtain "residence status."

The Chinese were able to "live" in Japan because they obtained a "status of residence".

Because the Chinese were able to "live" in Japan, they were able to "work illegally."

Therefore, ``we'' who ``provided'' the Chinese with ``false employment contract documents'' were punished as ``helping'' the Chinese ``activities outside the scope of their status of residence''.

This is an arbitrary "error of applicable law". This is out of the "logic of the law".

My claim:

"1" The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will take an "administrative disposition" (Immigration Control Act: Cancellation of the status of residence) for the act of submitting false documents and obtaining a status of residence. You are now "finished". "Aiding" an act of innocence is innocence.

A Chinese national who has engaged in “2” (activities outside the qualification) is not guilty. The reason is that the "person who hired them" has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by "equality under the law", the Chinese are innocent.

The revision of the Immigration Control Law in December 2016 made it possible to punish the act of "providing" "false employment contract documents".

Implemented from January 2017. According to Article 39 of the Constitution, it is not possible to "retroactively" to the "past" and "punish".


See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)


"My Appeal" (Japanese)


"My Appeal" (English)


"Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc." There are more than tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.

Prosecutors' "(deprivation) of liberty" is "arbitrary." They are "disobeying the law" and "selfish". They have no "(logical) (necessity)". The prosecution is "punishing" "as they wish".

In 2010, "me and the Chinese" in the immigration violation case, and in 2013, Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

"I" argued "not guilty", explaining with "logic of the law".

Police and prosecutors then said, "(You) should admit (your crime) in general terms."

Japan is the only country that punishes in general terms! .

The judge stated "Causal relationship" with crazy "logic". When I "see" (text of the judgment), I "laugh out loud."

This case is an error of arbitrary application of law by police officers, prosecutors and judges. The charges are "abuse of authority of a special public official" and "crimes of false complaints." The prosecution "killed" the "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" by "ex officio." Therefore, the statute of limitations has been suspended.

I am "appealing" two things.

1: The foreigner performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are innocent because of "equality under the law".

2: The prosecution “applied” “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” to Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support for Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act”. However, it is "error of applicable law". (as above).

Koreans make demands on Japan over the "solved" "comfort women and forced laborers" issue, but should support "tens of thousands of Korean victims" who have been punished for "violating immigration laws." .

The Japanese government is hiding Japan's human rights violations by making up such things as "human rights violations against Uyghurs in China."

"I" am demanding "restoration of honor" and "compensation" for myself, the Chinese, and the Philippine Embassy officials.

Everyone in the world! ! Victims should report to their respective governments. The governments of each country have an obligation to demand the Japanese government to restore the honor of their own citizens and compensate them.

Part 3. Construction of special zones.

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.

Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.

No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show

To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!

No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations

Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions

No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 

We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.


Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense


Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 


Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is published in the following program.


If you have any questions, please contact us!


An Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz 2023-08-11: Two new types of drones were also on display at the venue Shoigu visited. One re-sembled the U.S. Air Force's mainstay strike drone.

 An Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz

2023-08-11: Dear Sir,

North Korea showed the (ICBM) "Mars" to the Russian delegation led by Mr. Shoigu. North Korea's missile technology is certainly leaked from Ukraine.

North Korea's "missile problem" is caused by Ukraine. Western leaders are “too pro-tective” of Ukraine. And they are "confused".

Two new types of drones were also on display at the venue Shoigu visited. One re-sembled the U.S. Air Force's mainstay strike drone.

North Korea has been accused of supplying Russia with weapons used in the war in Ukraine. North Korea and Russia deny that fact. No one believes that excuse.

Mr. Ko Eiki, editor-in-chief of the Daily NK Japan, who is watching North Korea's movements, said that "weapons for Russia" were exported by ship from "North Ko-rea's naval port" and "Rajin". I was getting There are many such stories.

Why can North Korea build an advanced ICBM? On March 24, 2018, North Korea an-nounced that it had successfully launched a nuclear-capable (ICBM) Hwasong-17 in a lofted orbit.

Ukrainian engineers were present at a missile launch site near Pyongyang at the time, according to international military sources. Ukraine's independence resulted in the loss of missile technology.

After the 2014 Ukraine crisis, Russia stopped importing Ukrainian missiles, and it is possible that unemployed Ukrainian missile engineers were invited to North Korea to guide the development of the technology.

Some Russian media outlets have suggested that some of the missile engines that were supposed to have been scrapped when Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons deployed during the Soviet era after independence may have flowed to North Korea.

Since around 2017, North Korea has significantly improved its missile technology, in-cluding short-range missiles, and cannot ignore the “Ukrainian Connection.”

Demanding North Korea to dismantle its nuclear missiles is "meaningless." North Ko-rea will soon overtake the United States.

"Dnipro" was called Dnipropetrovsk until 2016 and is a heavy industrial city with a population of nearly 1 million.

Former Soviet leader Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Communist Party, made the town his base of power and, after taking power, invited his former colleagues to the Kremlin to form the "Dnieper Mafia".

"The reward is $3,000 a month..." solicited by a North Korean agent. Thousands of Yujimashi engineers and workers have lost their jobs, some of whom have emigrated to Russia or been invited to China.

China, which is inferior to the United States and Russia in the field of ICBMs, seems to have evaluated Ukraine's military technology and invited excellent engineers. Ukrainian technology is Russian technology.

For details, please read "Citations and References". North Korea's missile technology already appears to be close to that of Russia.

That is why the United States fears North Korea's "EMP attack". And Biden is just "confused."

Dissolution of the Soviet Union. And Ukraine's independence seems to have raised North Korea and China's missile technology to "a level above the United States." Even now, it seems that technology is being drained from Ukraine.

Part 1. Citations/references

Kim Jong-Il Shows Missiles to Russian Defense Minister Shoigu


Is North Korea's naval port supplying Russia with missiles? Independent survey of North Korea's satellite photos


Why is it possible to build an advanced ICBM? North Korea lures unemployed Ukrain-ian engineers


Who transferred missile technology to North Korea? A new source of conflict be-tween Russia and Ukraine


I will write tomorrow too.

„Teil 2 (Japans abnorme Menschenrechtsverletzungen)“ wurde am 27. Februar 2023 überarbeitet.

Teil 2. Japan sei ein „Staat abnormer Menschenrechtsverletzungen“. "Jeder" der "internationalen Gemeinschaft", bitte helfen Sie mit!

Bitte lesen Sie zunächst die „falsche Anschuldigung“ im „Verbrechen der Unterstützung einer Verletzung des Einwanderungsgesetzes“ von 2010.


Ein chinesischer Staatsangehöriger erlangte einen „Aufenthaltsstatus“, indem er einen „falschen Arbeitsvertrag“ vorlegte. Und sie haben Verstöße gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz begangen (Aktivitäten außerhalb ihrer Qualifikation).

Weil „wir“ den Chinesen „falsche Arbeitsvertragsdokumente“ zur Verfügung stellten, konnten die Chinesen einen „Aufenthaltsstatus“ erlangen.

Die Chinesen konnten in Japan „leben“, weil sie einen „Aufenthaltsstatus“ erhielten.

Weil die Chinesen in Japan „leben“ konnten, konnten sie „illegal arbeiten“.

Daher wurden „wir“, die den Chinesen „falsche Arbeitsvertragsdokumente“ „lieferten“, bestraft, weil sie den Chinesen „bei Aktivitäten außerhalb ihres Aufenthaltsstatus helfen“.

Dies ist ein willkürlicher „Irrtum des anwendbaren Rechts“. Das entbehrt der „Logik des Gesetzes“.

Mein Anspruch:

"1" Das Ausländerkontrollgesetz sieht vor, dass der Justizminister eine "Verwaltungsverfügung" (Ausländerkontrollgesetz: Aufhebung des Aufenthaltstitels) für die Handlung der Vorlage falscher Dokumente und der Erlangung eines Aufenthaltstitels erlässt. Sie sind jetzt „fertig“. Einem Akt der Unschuld "zu helfen", ist Unschuld.

Ein chinesischer Staatsangehöriger, der sich an „2“ (Aktivitäten außerhalb der Qualifikation) beteiligt hat, ist nicht schuldig. Der Grund ist, dass die „Person, die sie eingestellt hat“, nicht wegen „Förderung illegaler Beschäftigung“ nach dem Einwanderungskontrollgesetz bestraft wurde. Daher sind die Chinesen durch „Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz“ unschuldig.

Die Novellierung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Dezember 2016 ermöglichte es, die Handlung der „Bereitstellung“ „gefälschter Arbeitsvertragsdokumente“ zu ahnden.

Ab Januar 2017 implementiert. Nach Artikel 39 der Verfassung ist es nicht möglich, „rückwirkend“ in die „Vergangenheit“ zu gehen und „zu bestrafen“.


Siehe "Anklage = Anklageschrift". Die festgestellten Tatsachen „begründen“ die „Tatsache“ von „nicht schuldig“. (Japanisch Englisch)


"Mein Appell" (Japanisch)


"Mein Appell" (Englisch)


„Chinesen, Koreaner, Filipinos, Amerikaner usw.“ Es gibt mehr als Zehntausende, Hunderttausende von Opfern auf der ganzen Welt. Eine ungewöhnliche Anzahl von Menschen.

Der „Freiheitsentzug“ der Staatsanwaltschaft sei „willkürlich“. Sie seien „gesetzeswidrig“ und „egoistisch“. Sie haben keine "(logische) (Notwendigkeit)". Die Staatsanwaltschaft „bestraft“ „wie sie will“.

Im Jahr 2010 wurden „Ich und die Chinesen“ im Fall der Einwanderungsverletzung und im Jahr 2013 auch Mitarbeiter und Diplomaten der philippinischen Botschaft aus demselben Grund bestraft.

„Ich“ argumentierte „nicht schuldig“ und erklärte mit „Logik des Gesetzes“.

Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft sagten daraufhin: (Sie) sollten (Ihr Verbrechen) in "allgemeiner Theorie" zugeben.

Japan ist das einzige Land, das in der "allgemeinen Theorie" "bestraft"! .

Der Richter stellte mit verrückter "Logik" fest: "Causal = Kausaler Zusammenhang". Wenn Sie „sehen“ (Text des Urteils), „lachen Sie laut“.

Dieser Fall ist ein Fehler willkürlicher Rechtsanwendung durch Polizeibeamte, Staatsanwälte und Richter. Die Anklagepunkte lauten „Amtsmissbrauch eines besonderen Amtsträgers“ und „Verbrechen wegen falscher Anzeigen“. Die Staatsanwaltschaft „tötete“ den „Anklagebrief“ und „Anklagebrief“ von „amtlicher Seite“. Daher ist die Verjährung gehemmt.

Ich "anrufe" zwei Dinge.

1: Der Ausländer verrichtete andere "illegale Arbeit" als "Aufenthaltsstatus". Aber Ausländer sind wegen "Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz" unschuldig.

2: Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat „Artikel 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs“ auf Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes „angewendet“ mit der Begründung „Unterstützung für Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes“. des anwendbaren Rechts". (wie oben).

Koreaner stellen Forderungen an Japan wegen des „gelösten“ Problems „Trostfrauen und Zwangsarbeiter“, sollten aber „Zehntausende koreanischer Opfer“ unterstützen, die wegen „Verstoßes gegen Einwanderungsgesetze“ bestraft wurden.

Die japanische Regierung verheimlicht Japans Menschenrechtsverletzungen, indem sie Dinge wie „Menschenrechtsverletzungen gegen Uiguren in China“ erfindet.

„Ich“ fordere „Wiederherstellung der Ehre“ und „Entschädigung“ für mich, die Chinesen und die Beamten der philippinischen Botschaft.

Alle auf der Welt! ! Opfer sollten sich bei ihren jeweiligen Regierungen melden. Die Regierungen jedes Landes sind verpflichtet, von der japanischen Regierung zu verlangen, die Ehre ihrer eigenen Bürger wiederherzustellen und sie zu entschädigen.

Teil 3. Bau von Sonderzonen.

Die „Sonderzone“ „akzeptiert“ Flüchtlinge und Immigranten als „temporär eingewanderte“ Arbeitskräfte und beschränkt deren Aufenthalt auf die „Sonderzone“. Industrieländer können sie als Niedriglohnarbeiter für Wirtschaftswachstum einsetzen, und Flüchtlinge und Einwanderer können Jobs bekommen und ein hoffnungsvolles Leben führen.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

Nr. 1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Teil 4. Ukraine-Krieg.

Selenskyj trat sein Amt mit einem „Wahlversprechen“ an, die Vereinbarungen von Minsk zu kündigen und durch Krieg Territorium zurückzugewinnen. Aber als Nachrichten über seine Steuerhinterziehung und Steueroasen ans Licht kamen, begann er einen Krieg.

Nr. 2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

Nr. 1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Teil 5. "USA, Russland und China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show

Um eine Welt ohne Krieg zu schaffen, brauchen wir eine „Tripartite Military Alliance“!

Nr. 2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

Nr. 1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Teil 6. Japans berüchtigtes Justizsystem und Menschenrechtsverletzungen

Japans Justizsystem: Verletzung des Einwanderungsgesetzes Falsche Anschuldigung: Fall Nissan Ghosn Falsche Anschuldigung: Missbrauch in Einwanderungseinrichtung: Fall internationaler Student/Praktikant: Nichteinmischung in innere Angelegenheiten: Ausländische Meinungen

Nr. 2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

Nr. 1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Teil 7. Entwicklung von Corona-Sensoren

Wir sollten ein „Inspektionssystem“ entwickeln, das „infizierte Personen“ wie die Thermografie sofort „entdeckt“.


Teil 8. Nordkoreas Entführungs- und Raketenprobleme und Taiwans Verteidigung


Teil 9. Förderung von One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 


Teil 10. „Nagano“-Stellungnahme, Nuklearenergie der nächsten Generation: CO2-frei und SDGs: Russland/Ukraine Invasionsfragen: Einwanderungs-/Flüchtlingsfragen: International/US-Politik/Taiwan-Fragen/Unifikationskirchen-Fragen


Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.


Wenn Sie Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte!


Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2023-08-11:Why can North Korea build an advanced ICBM? On March 24, 2018, North Korea an-nounced that it had successfully launched a nuclear-capable (ICBM) Hwasong-17 in a lofted orbit.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2023-08-11: Dear Sir,

North Korea showed the (ICBM) "Mars" to the Russian delegation led by Mr. Shoigu. North Korea's missile technology is certainly leaked from Ukraine.

North Korea's "missile problem" is caused by Ukraine. Western leaders are “too pro-tective” of Ukraine. And they are "confused".

Two new types of drones were also on display at the venue Shoigu visited. One re-sembled the U.S. Air Force's mainstay strike drone.

North Korea has been accused of supplying Russia with weapons used in the war in Ukraine. North Korea and Russia deny that fact. No one believes that excuse.

Mr. Ko Eiki, editor-in-chief of the Daily NK Japan, who is watching North Korea's movements, said that "weapons for Russia" were exported by ship from "North Ko-rea's naval port" and "Rajin". I was getting There are many such stories.

Why can North Korea build an advanced ICBM? On March 24, 2018, North Korea an-nounced that it had successfully launched a nuclear-capable (ICBM) Hwasong-17 in a lofted orbit.

Ukrainian engineers were present at a missile launch site near Pyongyang at the time, according to international military sources. Ukraine's independence resulted in the loss of missile technology.

After the 2014 Ukraine crisis, Russia stopped importing Ukrainian missiles, and it is possible that unemployed Ukrainian missile engineers were invited to North Korea to guide the development of the technology.

Some Russian media outlets have suggested that some of the missile engines that were supposed to have been scrapped when Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons deployed during the Soviet era after independence may have flowed to North Korea.

Since around 2017, North Korea has significantly improved its missile technology, in-cluding short-range missiles, and cannot ignore the “Ukrainian Connection.”

Demanding North Korea to dismantle its nuclear missiles is "meaningless." North Ko-rea will soon overtake the United States.

"Dnipro" was called Dnipropetrovsk until 2016 and is a heavy industrial city with a population of nearly 1 million.

Former Soviet leader Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Communist Party, made the town his base of power and, after taking power, invited his former colleagues to the Kremlin to form the "Dnieper Mafia".

"The reward is $3,000 a month..." solicited by a North Korean agent. Thousands of Yujimashi engineers and workers have lost their jobs, some of whom have emigrated to Russia or been invited to China.

China, which is inferior to the United States and Russia in the field of ICBMs, seems to have evaluated Ukraine's military technology and invited excellent engineers. Ukrainian technology is Russian technology.

For details, please read "Citations and References". North Korea's missile technology already appears to be close to that of Russia.

That is why the United States fears North Korea's "EMP attack". And Biden is just "confused."

Dissolution of the Soviet Union. And Ukraine's independence seems to have raised North Korea and China's missile technology to "a level above the United States." Even now, it seems that technology is being drained from Ukraine.

Part 1. Citations/references

Kim Jong-Il Shows Missiles to Russian Defense Minister Shoigu


Is North Korea's naval port supplying Russia with missiles? Independent survey of North Korea's satellite photos


Why is it possible to build an advanced ICBM? North Korea lures unemployed Ukrain-ian engineers


Who transferred missile technology to North Korea? A new source of conflict be-tween Russia and Ukraine


I will write tomorrow too.

"Partie 2 (Violations anormales des droits de l'homme au Japon)" a été révisée le 27 février 2023.

Partie 2. Le Japon est un "état de violations anormales des droits de l'homme". « Tout le monde » de la « communauté internationale », aidez-nous s'il vous plaît !

Tout d'abord, veuillez lire "fausse accusation" dans le "Crime de soutien à la violation de la loi sur l'immigration" de 2010.

Motif de la punition :

Un ressortissant chinois a obtenu un « statut de résident » en soumettant un « faux contrat de travail ». Et ils ont commis des violations de la loi sur l'immigration (activités en dehors de leurs qualifications).

Parce que « nous » avons fourni « de faux documents de contrat de travail » aux Chinois, les Chinois ont pu obtenir le « statut de résident ».

Les Chinois ont pu "vivre" au Japon car ils ont obtenu un "statut de résidence".

Parce que les Chinois pouvaient "vivre" au Japon, ils pouvaient "travailler illégalement".

Par conséquent, « nous » qui « avons fourni » aux Chinois de « faux documents de contrat de travail » ont été punis comme « aidant » les Chinois « aux activités en dehors du cadre de leur statut de résidence ».

Il s'agit d'une « erreur de droit applicable » arbitraire. C'est hors de la "logique de la loi".

Ma réclamation :

"1" La loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration stipule que le ministre de la justice prendra une "disposition administrative" (loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration : annulation du statut de séjour) pour le fait de présenter de faux documents et d'obtenir un statut de séjour. Vous êtes maintenant "terminé". "Aider" un acte d'innocence est l'innocence.

Un ressortissant chinois qui s'est livré à "2" (activités en dehors de la qualification) n'est pas coupable. La raison en est que la "personne qui les a embauchés" n'a pas été punie pour "promotion de l'emploi illégal" en vertu de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration. Par conséquent, par "l'égalité devant la loi", les Chinois sont innocents.

La révision de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en décembre 2016 a permis de sanctionner le fait de « fournir » de « faux documents de contrat de travail ».

Mise en place depuis janvier 2017. Selon l'article 39 de la Constitution, il n'est pas possible de "rétroactivement" au "passé" et de "punir".


Voir "Acte d'accusation = Anklageschrift". Les faits déclarés "indiquent" le "fait" de "non coupable". (anglais japonais)


"Mon appel" (japonais)


"Mon appel" (anglais)


« Chinois, coréens, philippins, américains, etc. » Il y a plus de dizaines de milliers, de centaines de milliers de victimes partout dans le monde. Un nombre inhabituel de personnes.

La "(privation) de liberté" des procureurs est "arbitraire". Ils « désobéissent à la loi » et sont « égoïstes ». Ils n'ont pas de "(logique) (nécessité)". Le parquet "punit" "comme il l'entend".

En 2010, "moi et les Chinois" dans l'affaire de violation de l'immigration, et en 2013, le personnel et les diplomates de l'ambassade des Philippines ont également été punis pour la même raison.

"J'ai" plaidé "non coupable", expliquant avec "la logique de la loi".

La police et les procureurs ont alors dit, (Vous) devriez admettre (votre crime) en "théorie générale".

Le Japon est le seul pays qui "punit" en "théorie générale" ! .

Le juge a déclaré, avec une folle "logique", "Causal = Kausaler Zusammenhang". Quand vous « voyez » (texte du jugement), vous « riez aux éclats ».

Cette affaire est une erreur d'application arbitraire de la loi par des policiers, des procureurs et des juges. Les chefs d'inculpation sont "abus d'autorité d'un agent public spécial" et "crimes de fausses plaintes". Le parquet a "tué" la "lettre d'accusation" et la "lettre d'accusation" par "d'office". Par conséquent, le délai de prescription a été suspendu.

Je "fait appel" de deux choses.

1 : L'étranger a effectué un « travail illégal » autre que le « statut de résidence ». Mais les étrangers sont innocents à cause de "l'égalité devant la loi".

2 : Le parquet a « appliqué » « les articles 60 et 62 du code pénal » à l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration au motif de « soutien à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration ». du droit applicable ». (comme ci-dessus).

Les Coréens font des demandes au Japon sur la question "résolue" des "femmes de réconfort et des travailleurs forcés", mais devraient soutenir "des dizaines de milliers de victimes coréennes" qui ont été punies pour avoir "enfreint les lois sur l'immigration".

Le gouvernement japonais cache les violations des droits de l'homme au Japon en inventant des choses telles que "des violations des droits de l'homme contre les Ouïghours en Chine".

« J'exige » la « restauration de l'honneur » et la « compensation » pour moi-même, les Chinois et les fonctionnaires de l'ambassade des Philippines.

Tout le monde dans le monde ! ! Les victimes doivent faire rapport à leurs gouvernements respectifs. Les gouvernements de chaque pays ont l'obligation de demander au gouvernement japonais de restaurer l'honneur de leurs propres citoyens et de les indemniser.

Partie 3. Construction de zones spéciales.

La "zone spéciale" "accepte" les réfugiés et les immigrés en tant que travailleurs "immigrants temporaires", limitant leur résidence à la "zone spéciale". Les pays développés peuvent les utiliser comme travailleurs à bas salaire pour la croissance économique, et les réfugiés et les immigrants peuvent obtenir des emplois et vivre une vie humaine pleine d'espoir.

No2 : https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

No1 : https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Partie 4. Guerre ukrainienne.

Zelensky a pris ses fonctions sur une « promesse électorale » d'abandonner les accords de Minsk et de regagner du territoire par la guerre. Mais lorsque la nouvelle de son évasion fiscale et de ses paradis fiscaux a été révélée, il a déclenché une guerre.

No2 : https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1 : https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Partie 5. "États-Unis, Russie et Chine" Alliance militaire tripartite / Spectacle de guerre

Pour créer un monde sans guerre, nous avons besoin d'une « alliance militaire tripartite » !

No2 : https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

No1 : https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Partie 6. Le système judiciaire notoire du Japon et les violations des droits de l'homme

Système judiciaire japonais : Cas de violation de la loi sur l'immigration Fausse accusation : Affaire Nissan Ghosn Fausse accusation : Abus dans un centre d'immigration : Cas d'un étudiant international/étudiant stagiaire : Non-ingérence dans les affaires intérieures : Opinions étrangères

No2 : https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

No1 : https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Partie 7. Développement du capteur Corona 

Nous devrions développer un "système d'inspection" qui "découvre" instantanément les "personnes infectées" comme la thermographie.


Partie 8. Les problèmes d'enlèvement et de missiles de la Corée du Nord et la défense de Taïwan


Partie 9. Promotion de One Coin Union et des véhicules à hydrogène 


Partie 10. Opinion « Nagano », Énergie nucléaire de nouvelle génération : Sans CO2 et ODD : Questions d'invasion Russie/Ukraine : Questions d'immigration/réfugiés : Politique internationale/américaine/Problèmes de Taïwan/Problèmes de l'Église d'unification



Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.


Si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plaît contactez-nous!


To President Biden! 2023-08-11:North Korea showed the (ICBM) "Mars" to the Russian delegation led by Mr. Shoigu. North Korea's missile technology is certainly leaked from Ukraine.

 To President Biden!

2023-08-11: Dear Sir,  #North_Korean_missile #Ukrainian_engineer #EMP_attack

North Korea showed the (ICBM) "Mars" to the Russian delegation led by Mr. Shoigu. North Korea's missile technology is certainly leaked from Ukraine.

North Korea's "missile problem" is caused by Ukraine. Western leaders are “too pro-tective” of Ukraine. And they are "confused".

Two new types of drones were also on display at the venue Shoigu visited. One re-sembled the U.S. Air Force's mainstay strike drone.

North Korea has been accused of supplying Russia with weapons used in the war in Ukraine. North Korea and Russia deny that fact. No one believes that excuse.

Mr. Ko Eiki, editor-in-chief of the Daily NK Japan, who is watching North Korea's movements, said that "weapons for Russia" were exported by ship from "North Ko-rea's naval port" and "Rajin". I was getting There are many such stories.

Why can North Korea build an advanced ICBM? On March 24, 2018, North Korea an-nounced that it had successfully launched a nuclear-capable (ICBM) Hwasong-17 in a lofted orbit.

Ukrainian engineers were present at a missile launch site near Pyongyang at the time, according to international military sources. Ukraine's independence resulted in the loss of missile technology.

After the 2014 Ukraine crisis, Russia stopped importing Ukrainian missiles, and it is possible that unemployed Ukrainian missile engineers were invited to North Korea to guide the development of the technology.

Some Russian media outlets have suggested that some of the missile engines that were supposed to have been scrapped when Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons deployed during the Soviet era after independence may have flowed to North Korea.

Since around 2017, North Korea has significantly improved its missile technology, in-cluding short-range missiles, and cannot ignore the “Ukrainian Connection.”

Demanding North Korea to dismantle its nuclear missiles is "meaningless." North Ko-rea will soon overtake the United States.

"Dnipro" was called Dnipropetrovsk until 2016 and is a heavy industrial city with a population of nearly 1 million.

Former Soviet leader Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Communist Party, made the town his base of power and, after taking power, invited his former colleagues to the Kremlin to form the "Dnieper Mafia".

"The reward is $3,000 a month..." solicited by a North Korean agent. Thousands of Yujimashi engineers and workers have lost their jobs, some of whom have emigrated to Russia or been invited to China.

China, which is inferior to the United States and Russia in the field of ICBMs, seems to have evaluated Ukraine's military technology and invited excellent engineers. Ukrainian technology is Russian technology.

For details, please read "Citations and References". North Korea's missile technology already appears to be close to that of Russia.

That is why the United States fears North Korea's "EMP attack". And Biden is just "confused."

Dissolution of the Soviet Union. And Ukraine's independence seems to have raised North Korea and China's missile technology to "a level above the United States." Even now, it seems that technology is being drained from Ukraine.

Part 1. Citations/references

Kim Jong-Il Shows Missiles to Russian Defense Minister Shoigu


Is North Korea's naval port supplying Russia with missiles? Independent survey of North Korea's satellite photos


Why is it possible to build an advanced ICBM? North Korea lures unemployed Ukrain-ian engineers


Who transferred missile technology to North Korea? A new source of conflict be-tween Russia and Ukraine


I will write tomorrow too.

"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on February 27, 2023.

Part 2. Japan is a "state of abnormal human rights violations". "Everyone" of the "international community", please help!

First of all, please read "false accusation" in the 2010 "Crime of Supporting Violation of Immigration Law".

Reason for punishment:

A Chinese national obtained a "residence status" by submitting a "false employment contract." And they committed immigration law violations (activities outside of their qualifications).

Because "we" provided "false employment contract documents" to the Chinese, the Chinese were able to obtain "residence status."

The Chinese were able to "live" in Japan because they obtained a "status of residence".

Because the Chinese were able to "live" in Japan, they were able to "work illegally."

Therefore, ``we'' who ``provided'' the Chinese with ``false employment contract documents'' were punished as ``helping'' the Chinese ``activities outside the scope of their status of residence''.

This is an arbitrary "error of applicable law". This is out of the "logic of the law".

My claim:

"1" The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will take an "administrative disposition" (Immigration Control Act: Cancellation of the status of residence) for the act of submitting false documents and obtaining a status of residence. You are now "finished". "Aiding" an act of innocence is innocence.

A Chinese national who has engaged in “2” (activities outside the qualification) is not guilty. The reason is that the "person who hired them" has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by "equality under the law", the Chinese are innocent.

The revision of the Immigration Control Law in December 2016 made it possible to punish the act of "providing" "false employment contract documents".

Implemented from January 2017. According to Article 39 of the Constitution, it is not possible to "retroactively" to the "past" and "punish".


See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)


"My Appeal" (Japanese)


"My Appeal" (English)


"Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc." There are more than tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.

Prosecutors' "(deprivation) of liberty" is "arbitrary." They are "disobeying the law" and "selfish". They have no "(logical) (necessity)". The prosecution is "punishing" "as they wish".

In 2010, "me and the Chinese" in the immigration violation case, and in 2013, Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

"I" argued "not guilty", explaining with "logic of the law".

Police and prosecutors then said, "(You) should admit (your crime) in general terms."

Japan is the only country that punishes in general terms! .

The judge stated "Causal relationship" with crazy "logic". When I "see" (text of the judgment), I "laugh out loud."

This case is an error of arbitrary application of law by police officers, prosecutors and judges. The charges are "abuse of authority of a special public official" and "crimes of false complaints." The prosecution "killed" the "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" by "ex officio." Therefore, the statute of limitations has been suspended.

I am "appealing" two things.

1: The foreigner performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are innocent because of "equality under the law".

2: The prosecution “applied” “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” to Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support for Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act”. However, it is "error of applicable law". (as above).

Koreans make demands on Japan over the "solved" "comfort women and forced laborers" issue, but should support "tens of thousands of Korean victims" who have been punished for "violating immigration laws." .

The Japanese government is hiding Japan's human rights violations by making up such things as "human rights violations against Uyghurs in China."

"I" am demanding "restoration of honor" and "compensation" for myself, the Chinese, and the Philippine Embassy officials.

Everyone in the world! ! Victims should report to their respective governments. The governments of each country have an obligation to demand the Japanese government to restore the honor of their own citizens and compensate them.

Part 3. Construction of special zones.

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.

Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.

No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show

To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!

No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations

Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions

No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 

We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.


Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense


Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 


Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is published in the following program.


If you have any questions, please contact us!


岸田文雄 内閣総理大臣 2023-08-11:北朝鮮は、ウクライナでの戦争で使われる兵器をロシアに供給していると非難されている。北朝鮮とロシアは、そうした事実はないとしている。誰も、その言い訳は信じない。

 岸田文雄 内閣総理大臣























北朝鮮の軍港からロシアにミサイル供与か 北朝鮮の衛星写真を独自調査



































裁判官は、クレイジーな「論理」で、「因果関係=Causal relationship」を述べた。(判決の文章)を「見る」と、「大笑い」します。

この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、「特別公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽の告訴罪=Crimes of False Complaints」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を「職権」によって「握りつぶした」。よって「公訴時効」は停止しています。













ゼレンスキーは、ミンスク合意を廃棄し、戦争を通じて領土を取り戻すという「選挙の公約」をして大統領に就任した。しかし彼の 脱税やタックスヘイブンが報道されたとき、彼は戦争を始めた。 














第8部。北朝鮮の拉致・ミサイル問題 & 台湾防衛 




第10部。「長野」オピニオン、次世代原発:CO2フリー & SDG:ロシア・ウクライナ侵攻問題:移民・難民問題:国際・米国政治・台湾問題・統一教会問題



長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)








2023-08-10:Ang iba pang mga tinig ay nag -aalala tungkol sa mga kahinaan sa Estados Unidos. Ang dating House of Representative na si Newt Gingrich ay paulit -ulit na sinabi na ang Estados Unidos ay hindi handa na atakehin., #emp_attack #demise_of_ the_us #g3military_alliance


2023-08-10: Mahal, #emp_attack #demise_of_ the_us #g3military_alliance

Noong Hulyo 24, inilunsad ng Hilagang Korea ang dalawang ballistic missile huli sa gabi, at ang lahat ng mga ito ay tinatayang nahulog sa labas ng Japanese EEZ = eksklusibong zone ng ekonomiya. Walang nagulat sa mga Hapon.

Lubhang inakusahan ng gobyerno ng Hapon ang Hilagang Korea bilang "mga aksyon ng Hilagang Korea ay nagbabanta sa kapayapaan at seguridad ng Japan, ang rehiyon at ang internasyonal na pamayanan, at lumalabag sa resolusyon ng seguridad at isang malubhang problema na may kaugnayan sa seguridad ng mga tao."

Ang resolusyon ng seguridad ay walang kahulugan. Kung ito ay ngayon, ang Russia at China ay hindi magagawang mag -ehersisyo ng "mga karapatan sa pagtanggi".

"Ang mga bagong parusa" ay "tinanggihan". Ito ay dahil ang Estados Unidos ay may "kaaway" na may "Russia / China". Ang hinihiling sa bawat bansa ay isang "pinuno" na maaaring "diplomasya" sa pamamagitan ng "diyalogo".

Sa bawat oras, sinabi ng Japan at iba pa na layon namin ang denuclearization ng North Korea. Kung nais mong sirain ang isang nukleyar na bomba, dapat mo ring sabihin ang "nukleyar na bansa" sa "limang mahusay na kapangyarihan". Lahat ay "bobo".

Ang tunay na hangarin ng Estados Unidos ay ang Hilagang Korea ay mayroong "EMP Technology", isang "nukleyar na sandata ng kapayapaan".

Noong Oktubre 26, 2017, ang bersyon ng News Week Japan: Ang pag -atake ng electromagnetic pulse ng North Korea "90 % ng mga Amerikano ay namatay" (binalaan ng mga eksperto).

Ito ay halos anim na taon mula noon. Ang Estados Unidos ay hindi pa nagawang ipagtanggol ito. Nagtago lang ako ng isang kumpidensyal na dokumento.

Ang isang ulat na pinagsama ng propesyonal na nukleyar ng CIA, si Peter Ply, ay sumisira sa mga imprastraktura tulad ng koryente sa Estados Unidos sa pamamagitan ng isang pag -atake ng electromagnetic (EMP) na sumisira sa mga pag -andar ng lunsod at mga network ng komunikasyon.

Tinatayang 90 % ng populasyon ang maaaring mamatay sa pamamagitan ng pagsira ng pagkain sa mga pag -atake ng EMP. Maraming media, kabilang ang mga independiyenteng at British sun paper, iniulat.

Ang pag -atake ng EMP ay inaasahan na makapinsala sa power network ay sumasakop sa buong Estados Unidos at sirain ang imprastraktura ng komunikasyon na ginamit ng halos 322 milyong sa buong bansa.

Ang iba pang mga tinig ay nag -aalala tungkol sa mga kahinaan sa Estados Unidos. Ang dating House of Representative na si Newt Gingrich ay paulit -ulit na sinabi na ang Estados Unidos ay hindi handa na atakehin.

Dapat maunawaan ng mga Amerikano na hindi sila "digmaan sa Ukraine". Ang mga pondo na ginugol sa digmaang Ukrainiano ay dapat gamitin upang maprotektahan ang mga mamamayan mula sa "EMP Attack".

Sa palagay ko inilabas ni G. Trump ang mga kumpidensyal na dokumento ay isang materyal na may kaugnayan sa "EMP". Ang nilalaman ay isang senaryo sa Estados Unidos. Kaya inilabas niya ito.

Ang Estados Unidos at ang mga pinuno ng EU at mga pulitiko ay dapat magtayo ng isang "friendly na relasyon" sa halip na "salungatan" kasama ang "Russia, China, North Korea", na nagmamay -ari ng "EMP Weapons".

Sa puntong iyon, iminungkahi ko ang isang " # G3 military alyansa" sa Estados Unidos, Russia at China. Iwasan ang digmaan ay ang pinakamalaking pagtatanggol.

Ang mga may hawak ng nuklear sa "Hilagang Korea, France, United Kingdom, India, Israel, Pakistan, atbp." Dapat maging "mga semi -miyembro na bansa." Ang mga semedthrarts ay maaaring lumahok sa talakayan, ngunit walang "mga karapatan sa pagboto".

Sa partikular, ang kilos ng pag -uudyok sa Hilagang Korea ay dapat itigil. Ang magkasanib na pagsasanay sa militar sa pagitan ng "Japan -us at Korea" at "Japan -korea" ay dapat itigil. Kapag nag -uudyok sa Hilagang Korea, ang "EMP" ay nangyayari sa Estados Unidos. Ito ay ang pagtatapos ng Estados Unidos.

Ang mga bansa sa Kanluran ay dapat pahintulutan ang nuclear missile ng North Korea. At dapat mong kanselahin ang mga parusa sa ekonomiya. Sa pamamagitan lamang nito, ang mga taga -Kanluran ay maaaring mabuhay nang may kapayapaan ng isip.

Bahagi 1. Sinipi / Mga Materyales ng Sanggunian

North Korean Ballistic Missiles 2 shot ay tinatayang mahuhulog sa labas ng Japanese EEZ


"90 % ng mga Amerikano ang namatay" sa North Korea's Electromagnetic Pulse Attack -Experts Warn


Magsusulat din ako bukas.

Bahagi 2 (hindi normal na paglabag sa karapatang pantao sa Japan) ay binago noong Pebrero 27, 2023.

Bahagi 2. Ang Japan ay isang bansa ng hindi normal na paglabag sa karapatang pantao. Mangyaring tulungan ang "lahat" ng "International Community"!

Una, mangyaring basahin ang "maling akusasyon" ng 2010 "na krimen upang suportahan ang paglabag sa batas sa imigrasyon".

Ang dahilan ng parusa:

Ang mga Tsino ay nagsumite ng isang "maling kontrata sa pagtatrabaho" at nakakuha ng isang "kwalipikasyon sa paninirahan". At nilabag nila ang batas sa imigrasyon (mga hindi -kinikilingan na aktibidad).

"Kami" ay nagbigay ng mga dokumento ng kontrata ng Tsino ", kaya ang mga Tsino ay nakakuha ng" mga kwalipikasyon sa paninirahan ".

Ang mga Tsino ay nabuhay sa Japan dahil nakuha nila ang "katayuan ng tirahan".

Ang mga Tsino ay naging "iligal na trabaho" dahil nakatira sila sa Japan.

Samakatuwid, nagbigay kami ng mga dokumento ng kontrata ng kontrata sa trabaho ng Tsino "at pinarusahan bilang isang" impiyerno "ng mga aktibidad na hindi kinakwalipik na" hindi tinukoy ".

Ito ay isang di -makatwirang "pagkakamali sa pag -apply". Ito ay wala sa "lohika ng batas".

Ang aking paghahabol:

Ang kilos ng pagsusumite ng mga maling dokumento at pagkakaroon ng katayuan ng paninirahan ay itinakda ng batas sa imigrasyon sa "mga parusa sa administratibo" ng Ministro ng Hustisya (ang batas sa imigrasyon: pagkansela ng tirahan). Ito ay "kumpleto". Ang inosenteng kilos ng kawalang -kasalanan ay walang kasalanan.

Ang mga Tsino na nagsagawa ng "2" (hindi -kinikilingan na mga aktibidad) ay pinalaya. Ang dahilan ay hindi sila pinarusahan ng "taong nagtatrabaho" para sa batas ng imigrasyon "na kasalanan na nagtataguyod ng iligal na trabaho." Samakatuwid, ang mga Tsino ay walang kasalanan dahil sa "pagkakapantay -pantay sa ilalim ng batas".

Ang susog ng batas sa imigrasyon noong Disyembre 2016 ay pinarusahan para sa "probisyon" na kilos ng "maling dokumento ng kontrata sa pagtatrabaho".

Ipinatupad mula Enero 2017. Sa Artikulo 39 ng Konstitusyon, hindi posible na "bumalik" sa "nakaraan" at parusahan.


Tumingin sa "pag -uusig". Ang katotohanan na inilarawan ay "ilarawan" ang "mga katotohanan" ng "kawalang -kasalanan". (Japanese English)

http://www.miraico.jp/icc-rime/2related %20documents/ %ef %BC91Indictment.pdf

"Ang aking apela" (Japanese)


"Aking Pag -apela" (Ingles)


"Intsik, Korean, Pilipinas, Amerikano, atbp.", May sampu -sampung libo at daan -daang libong mga biktima sa buong mundo. Isang hindi pangkaraniwang numero.

Ang mga tagausig '"Freedom (Stripped)" ay "di -makatwiran". Sila ay "makasarili" dahil hindi nila sinusunod ang batas. Wala silang (lohikal) (pangangailangan). Ang tagausig ay "parusa" sa "ayon sa gusto nila."

Sa kaso ng 2010 Admission Law, "Ako at ang Tsino", ang kawani at diplomat ng 2013 Embahada ng Pilipinas noong 2013 ay pinarusahan sa parehong kadahilanan.

"Ipinaliwanag ko sa" lohika ng batas "at inangkin ang" kawalang -kasalanan. "

Pagkatapos ay sinabi ng pulisya at tagausig: "(Ikaw) ay dapat umamin (ang iyong kasalanan) sa pangkalahatang teorya."

Ang Japan ay ang tanging bansa na parusahan sa pangkalahatang teorya! 。

Ang hukom ay nakasaad sa isang mabaliw na "lohika" sa "sanhi ng relasyon = sanhi ng relasyon." "Tingnan" (ang pangungusap ng naghaharing) at "tumawa".

Ang kasong ito ay isang error sa di -makatwirang pamamaraan ng aplikasyon ng pulisya, tagausig, at mga hukom. Ang mga pangalan ay "Espesyal na Public Service Women Remember" at "Maling Conde Curse ng Maling Reklamo". Ang tagausig ay "durog" ang "reklamo" at "mga reklamo" sa pamamagitan ng "mga karapatan sa trabaho". Samakatuwid, ang "batas sa pag -uusig" ay tumigil.

"Sue" ako ng dalawang bagay.

1: Ang mga dayuhan ay nagsagawa ng "iligal na paggawa" maliban sa "kwalipikasyon ng tirahan". Gayunpaman, ang mga dayuhan ay pinalaya dahil sa "pagkakapantay -pantay sa ilalim ng batas".

2: Ang mga tagausig ay "naaangkop" sa "Artikulo 60 at 62 ng Penal Code" sa Artikulo 70 ng batas sa imigrasyon sa "Suporta para sa Artikulo 22-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4 ". Gayunpaman, ito ay" ang pagkakamali ng paglalapat ng batas. " (Tulad ng nabanggit sa itaas).

Humiling ang mga Koreano sa Japan para sa "nalutas" "na kaginhawaan sa kababaihan at mga manggagawa sa pangangalap", ngunit dapat suportahan ang "sampu -sampung libong mga biktima ng Korea" na pinarusahan dahil sa paglabag sa batas sa imigrasyon.。

Ang gobyerno ng Hapon ay nagtatago ng mga paglabag sa karapatang pantao ng Hapon sa pamamagitan ng pagpapalaki ng "paglabag sa karapatang pantao ng mga wigles ng Tsino".

"Tumawag ako para sa" pagbawi ng karangalan "at" kabayaran "para sa akin, ang Tsino at ang embahada ng Pilipinas.

Lahat ng tao sa mundo! ! Ang mga biktima ay dapat mag -aplay sa mga gobyerno sa bawat bansa. Ang mga gobyerno sa bawat bansa ay obligadong hilingin ang gobyerno ng Hapon para sa "pagbawi at kabayaran ng karangalan ng mamamayan."

Bahagi 3. Konstruksyon ng isang espesyal na lugar.

Ang "Espesyal na Lugar" "ay tumatanggap ng mga refugee at imigrante bilang" pansamantalang imigrante "na manggagawa at" tanggapin "ang tirahan sa" mga espesyal na lugar ". Ang mga binuo na bansa ay maaaring magamit ang mga ito bilang mga manggagawa na may mababang -wage upang mapalago ang paglago ng ekonomiya, ang mga refugee at imigrante ay maaaring gumana at mabuhay kasama ang pag -asa ng tao.

No2: https: // world-special- zone.seesaa.net/

No1: https: //naganooption.blog.jp/

Bahagi 4. Digmaang Ukraine.

Si Zelensky ay hinirang na pangulo, na tinalikuran ang kasunduan sa Minsk at muling makuha ang kanyang teritoryo sa pamamagitan ng digmaan. Ngunit kapag ang kanyang pag -iwas sa buwis at buwis -Haven ay naiulat, sinimulan niya ang digmaan.

No2: https: //ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1: https: //ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Bahagi 5. "U.S. Run" 3 National Military Alliance / War Show

Upang lumikha ng isang mundo na walang digmaan, kailangan mo ng isang "tatlong -national military alyansa"!

No2: https: //urc-military.seesaa.net/

No1: https: //sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp/////////////////////////////

Bahagi 6. Hindi kilalang Japanese Judicial System / Human Rights paglabag

Sistema ng hudisyal ng Japan: Maling Mga akusasyon ng Mga Paglabag sa Batas sa Imigrasyon: Nissan Ghosn Kaso Maling Pag -akusasyon: Pag -abuso sa Mga Pasilidad sa Imigrasyon: Mga Internasyonal na Mag -aaral at Apprentice: Domestic Political Interference: Opinions Abroad

No2: https: //nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

No1: https: //humanrightsoption.blog.jp/

Bahagi 7. Pag -unlad ng Corona Sensory Intelligence

Dapat kang bumuo ng isang "sistema ng inspeksyon" kung saan ang "nahawaang tao" ay agad na "natagpuan" tulad ng isang thermography.


Bahagi 8. North Korea's pagdukot / missile problem at Taiwan Defense


Bahagi 9. Pag -promosyon ng isang barya ng barya at hydrogen car


Bahagi 10. "Nagano" Opinyon, Susunod -Generation Nuclear Power Plant: CO2 Libre & SDG: Russia Ukraine Invasion Isyu: Immigration / Refugee Problem: International / US Politics / Taiwanese Issues


Tunay na sa iyo.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Nai -publish ito sa sumusunod na programa.


Mangyaring makipag -ugnay sa amin para sa anumang mga katanungan!


2025-01-24: ستجتاح السيارات ذات المحرك الهيدروجيني المنخفض التكلفة من الجزائر العالم. رينو وهوندا، اللتان تخلتا عن سيارات محرك الاحتراق الداخلي، ليس لديهما مستقبل. يجب على نيسان التخلي عن الاندماج.

 2025-01-24: إصدار الأسبوع. قد تهيمن فرنسا على الجيل القادم من "سيارات محرك الهيدروجين". في 11 يناير من العام الماضي، أصدرت شركة ت...