
To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak 2024-03-21:Trump is trying to revive manufacturing, which was his main industry until the 1980s. Detroit is still obsessed with the auto industry. But Pittsburgh is different.

 To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

2024-03-21:Dear Sir,

It seems that "Europe" is going to war with Russia. The United States would benefit from exports to Europe during the war.

But does the US have anything to export to Europe like it did during WW2? America should take back the world's factories.

In order for the United States to take back the world's factories, it needs "low-wage immigrant workers." To that end, I continue to propose the creation of a ``special zone on the Mexican border.''

Today, I propose a restoration of the “Rust Belt” to support Mr. Trump’s “MAGA” movement. In the past presidential election, Trump promised to restore the Rust Belt, but this has not materialized.

Trump is trying to revive manufacturing, which was his main industry until the 1980s. Detroit is still obsessed with the auto industry. But Pittsburgh is different.

Abandoned steel factories replaced medical facilities. The city became the second-largest medical research city in the United States. Companies and private research institutes from all over the world flocked to Pittsburgh, forming a huge medical industry cluster.

Trump opposes the acquisition of US Steel. He opposes Japanese takeovers to protect American workers. "Iron is the nation." "Pittsburgh" is a symbol of America.

I also respect Mr. Trump's "American spirit." U.S. Steel should increase its capital and become a world-class steel mill. Steelworks should ``transform'' into steelworks with higher productivity than steelworks in China and Japan.

US Steel should strengthen Ford by supplying it with steel that is cheaper than imported products. ``American cars'' should be made with ``American steel.''

"Ford" should start a new business and protect the auto industry. Ford's new business is the production of "AI robots."

AI robots should become America's main industry. At the center of this is the Rust Belt Detroid.

``Ford'' should more than double the productivity of Ford vehicles with the ``Ford-made Ai robot.''

There will be fewer workers at car factories, but there will be more jobs for workers because robot factories will need more workers. Do not worry!

Ford will not sell "AI robots" for the auto industry to other companies. However, ``many types'' of ``AI robots'' should be ``commercially available'' for ``different industries.''

Many types of AI robots will become Ford's flagship products.

“AI robots” will be in demand for many applications. Strengthening the U.S. manufacturing industry depends on the performance of "AI robots."

Recently, humanoid AI robots have become an issue as weapons. Ford should also make "cheap weapons" that can beat North Korea!

Sales of Ford's AI robots will greatly contribute to US Steel's performance through shipments of steel materials for robots.

Detroit should be made into the world's largest concentration of AI robots. Mr. Trump should spend tax money on “AI robots”!

America should build one of the world's largest shipyards in the Rust Belt. Of course, US Steel should also invest in the company in order to make it an important customer.

Building ``cargo ships'' is important in order to increase ``American exports.''

The United States should utilize the shipbuilding technology of the U.S. military to build "carrier-type super-large cargo ships" similar to "aircraft carriers."

A type that carries grain/cars, etc. in the hold. It is an ``aircraft carrier-type super large cargo ship'' that can carry a contina on its deck.

The ``carrier-type super-large cargo ship,'' designed to be used as an ``aircraft carrier'' in the event of an emergency, is invincible.

We should develop an American-style "super-large aircraft carrier-type cargo ship" and export it to the world. AI robots are also essential for shipbuilding.

In every country, there is a shortage of skilled workers in the shipbuilding industry. The United States should build a ``shipyard'' in a ``special zone on the Mexican border'' to ``train'' ``shipbuilding workers.''

Part 1 Citations/References



I'll write tomorrow too.

Part 2. Japan is a "state of abnormal human rights violations". "Everyone" of the "international community", please help!

First of all, please read "false accusation" in the 2010 "Crime of Supporting Violation of Immigration Law".

Reason for punishment:

A Chinese national obtained a "residence status" by submitting a "false employment contract." And they committed immigration law violations (activities outside of their qualifications).

Because "we" provided "false employment contract documents" to the Chinese, the Chinese were able to obtain "residence status."

The Chinese were able to "live" in Japan because they obtained a "status of residence".

Because the Chinese were able to "live" in Japan, they were able to "work illegally."

Therefore, ``we'' who ``provided'' the Chinese with ``false employment contract documents'' were punished as ``helping'' the Chinese ``activities outside the scope of their status of residence''.

This is an arbitrary "error of applicable law". This is out of the "logic of the law".

My claim:

"1" The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will take an "administrative disposition" (Immigration Control Act: Cancellation of the status of residence) for the act of submitting false documents and obtaining a status of residence. You are now "finished". "Aiding" an act of innocence is innocence.

A Chinese national who has engaged in “2” (activities outside the qualification) is not guilty. The reason is that the "person who hired them" has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by "equality under the law", the Chinese are innocent.

The revision of the Immigration Control Law in December 2016 made it possible to punish the act of "providing" "false employment contract documents".

Implemented from January 2017. According to Article 39 of the Constitution, it is not possible to "retroactively" to the "past" and "punish".


See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)


"My Appeal" (Japanese)


"My Appeal" (English)


"Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc." There are more than tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.

Prosecutors' "(deprivation) of liberty" is "arbitrary." They are "disobeying the law" and "selfish". They have no "(logical) (necessity)". The prosecution is "punishing" "as they wish".

In 2010, "me and the Chinese" in the immigration violation case, and in 2013, Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

"I" argued "not guilty", explaining with "logic of the law".

Police and prosecutors then said, "(You) should admit (your crime) in general terms."

Japan is the only country that punishes in general terms! .

The judge stated "Causal relationship" with crazy "logic". When I "see" (text of the judgment), I "laugh out loud."

This case is an error of arbitrary application of law by police officers, prosecutors and judges. The charges are "abuse of authority of a special public official" and "crimes of false complaints." The prosecution "killed" the "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" by "ex officio." Therefore, the statute of limitations has been suspended.

I am "appealing" two things.

1: The foreigner performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are innocent because of "equality under the law".

2: The prosecution “applied” “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” to Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support for Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act”. However, it is "error of applicable law". (as above).

Koreans make demands on Japan over the "solved" "comfort women and forced laborers" issue, but should support "tens of thousands of Korean victims" who have been punished for "violating immigration laws." .

The Japanese government is hiding Japan's human rights violations by making up such things as "human rights violations against Uyghurs in China."

"I" am demanding "restoration of honor" and "compensation" for myself, the Chinese, and the Philippine Embassy officials.

Everyone in the world! ! Victims should report to their respective governments. The governments of each country have an obligation to demand the Japanese government to restore the honor of their own citizens and compensate them.

Part 3. Construction of special zones.

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.

Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.

No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show

To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!

No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations

Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions

No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 

We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.


Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense


Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 


Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is published in the following program.


If you have any questions, please contact us!


An Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz 21.03.2024: Damit die Vereinigten Staaten die Fabriken der Welt zurückerobern können, brauchen sie „Niedriglohn-Einwandererarbeiter“. Zu diesem Zweck schlage ich weiterhin die Schaffung einer „Sonderzone an der mexikanischen Grenze“ vor.

An Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz

21.03.2024: Sehr geehrter Herr,

Es scheint, dass „Europa“ mit Russland in den Krieg zieht. Die Vereinigten Staaten würden während des Krieges von Exporten nach Europa profitieren.

Aber haben die USA etwas, das sie wie im Zweiten Weltkrieg nach Europa exportieren könnten? Amerika sollte die Fabriken der Welt zurückerobern.

Damit die Vereinigten Staaten die Fabriken der Welt zurückerobern können, brauchen sie „Niedriglohn-Einwandererarbeiter“. Zu diesem Zweck schlage ich weiterhin die Schaffung einer „Sonderzone an der mexikanischen Grenze“ vor.

Heute schlage ich eine Wiederherstellung des „Rust Belt“ vor, um Herrn Trumps „MAGA“-Bewegung zu unterstützen. Bei den vergangenen Präsidentschaftswahlen versprach Trump, den Rust Belt wiederherzustellen, was jedoch nicht zustande kam.

Herr Trump versucht, das verarbeitende Gewerbe wiederzubeleben, das bis in die 1980er Jahre ein wichtiger Wirtschaftszweig war. Detroit ist immer noch von der Autoindustrie besessen. Aber Pittsburgh ist anders.

Verlassene Stahlfabriken ersetzten medizinische Einrichtungen. Die Stadt wurde zur zweitgrößten medizinischen Forschungsstadt in den Vereinigten Staaten. Unternehmen und private Forschungsinstitute aus der ganzen Welt strömten nach Pittsburgh und bildeten einen riesigen Cluster der Medizinindustrie.

Trump ist gegen die Übernahme von US Steel. Er lehnt japanische Übernahmen ab, um amerikanische Arbeiter zu schützen. „Eisen ist die Nation.“ „Pittsburgh“ ist ein Symbol für Amerika.

Ich respektiere auch Herrn Trumps „amerikanischen Geist“. U.S. Steel sollte sein Kapital erhöhen und zu einem Stahlwerk von Weltklasse werden. Stahlwerke sollten sich in Stahlwerke mit höherer Produktivität „verwandeln“ als Stahlwerke in China und Japan.

US Steel sollte Ford stärken, indem es Stahl liefert, der billiger ist als importierte Produkte. „Amerikanische Autos“ sollten aus „amerikanischem Stahl“ hergestellt werden.

„Ford“ sollte ein neues Unternehmen gründen und die Autoindustrie schützen. Fords neues Geschäft ist die Produktion von „KI-Robotern“.

KI-Roboter sollten Amerikas Hauptindustrie werden. Im Zentrum steht der Rust Belt Detroid.

„Ford“ muss die Produktivität von Ford-Fahrzeugen mit dem „von Ford hergestellten KI-Roboter“ mehr als verdoppeln.

In Autofabriken wird es weniger Arbeiter geben, aber es wird mehr Arbeitsplätze für Arbeiter geben, weil Roboterfabriken mehr Arbeiter brauchen. Keine Sorge!

Ford wird „KI-Roboter“ für die Autoindustrie nicht an andere Unternehmen verkaufen. Allerdings sollten „viele Arten“ von „KI-Robotern“ für „verschiedene Branchen“ „kommerziell verfügbar“ sein.

Viele Arten von KI-Robotern werden zu Fords Flaggschiffprodukten.

„KI-Roboter“ werden für viele Anwendungen gefragt sein. Die Stärkung der US-amerikanischen Fertigungsindustrie hängt von der Leistung von „KI-Robotern“ ab.

In letzter Zeit sind humanoide KI-Roboter als Waffen ein Thema geworden. Ford muss auch „billige Waffen“ herstellen, die billiger sind als Nordkorea!

Der Verkauf der KI-Roboter von Ford wird durch Lieferungen von Stahlmaterialien für Roboter einen großen Beitrag zur Leistung von US Steel leisten.

Detroit soll zur weltweit größten Konzentration von KI-Robotern werden. Herr Trump sollte Steuergelder für „KI-Roboter“ ausgeben!

Amerika sollte im Rust Belt eine der größten Werften der Welt bauen. Natürlich sollte auch US Steel in das Unternehmen investieren, um es zu einem wichtigen Kunden zu machen.

Der Bau von „Frachtschiffen“ ist wichtig, um die „amerikanischen Exporte“ zu steigern.

Die Vereinigten Staaten sollten die Schiffbautechnologie des US-Militärs nutzen, um „supergroße Frachtschiffe vom Trägertyp“ ähnlich „Flugzeugträgern“ zu bauen.

Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Laderäumen, in denen Dinge wie Getreide oder Autos transportiert werden. Es handelt sich um ein „supergroßes Frachtschiff vom Typ Flugzeugträger“, das eine Contina auf seinem Deck transportieren kann.

Das „supergroße Frachtschiff vom Trägertyp“, das im Notfall als „Flugzeugträger“ eingesetzt werden soll, ist unbesiegbar.

Wir sollten ein „supergroßes Frachtschiff vom Typ Flugzeugträger“ nach amerikanischem Vorbild entwickeln und in die Welt exportieren. Auch für den Schiffbau sind KI-Roboter unverzichtbar.

In allen Ländern herrscht Fachkräftemangel im Schiffbau. Die Vereinigten Staaten sollten in einer „Sonderzone an der mexikanischen Grenze“ eine „Werft“ errichten, um „Schiffbauarbeiter“ „auszubilden“.

Teil 1 Zitate/Referenzen



Ich schreibe auch morgen.

Teil 2. Japan sei ein „Staat abnormer Menschenrechtsverletzungen“. "Jeder" der "internationalen Gemeinschaft", bitte helfen Sie mit!

Bitte lesen Sie zunächst die „falsche Anschuldigung“ im „Verbrechen der Unterstützung einer Verletzung des Einwanderungsgesetzes“ von 2010.


Ein chinesischer Staatsangehöriger erlangte einen „Aufenthaltsstatus“, indem er einen „falschen Arbeitsvertrag“ vorlegte. Und sie haben Verstöße gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz begangen (Aktivitäten außerhalb ihrer Qualifikation).

Weil „wir“ den Chinesen „falsche Arbeitsvertragsdokumente“ zur Verfügung stellten, konnten die Chinesen einen „Aufenthaltsstatus“ erlangen.

Die Chinesen konnten in Japan „leben“, weil sie einen „Aufenthaltsstatus“ erhielten.

Weil die Chinesen in Japan „leben“ konnten, konnten sie „illegal arbeiten“.

Daher wurden „wir“, die den Chinesen „falsche Arbeitsvertragsdokumente“ „lieferten“, bestraft, weil sie den Chinesen „bei Aktivitäten außerhalb ihres Aufenthaltsstatus helfen“.

Dies ist ein willkürlicher „Irrtum des anwendbaren Rechts“. Das entbehrt der „Logik des Gesetzes“.

Mein Anspruch:

"1" Das Ausländerkontrollgesetz sieht vor, dass der Justizminister eine "Verwaltungsverfügung" (Ausländerkontrollgesetz: Aufhebung des Aufenthaltstitels) für die Handlung der Vorlage falscher Dokumente und der Erlangung eines Aufenthaltstitels erlässt. Sie sind jetzt „fertig“. Einem Akt der Unschuld "zu helfen", ist Unschuld.

Ein chinesischer Staatsangehöriger, der sich an „2“ (Aktivitäten außerhalb der Qualifikation) beteiligt hat, ist nicht schuldig. Der Grund ist, dass die „Person, die sie eingestellt hat“, nicht wegen „Förderung illegaler Beschäftigung“ nach dem Einwanderungskontrollgesetz bestraft wurde. Daher sind die Chinesen durch „Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz“ unschuldig.

Die Novellierung des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes im Dezember 2016 ermöglichte es, die Handlung der „Bereitstellung“ „gefälschter Arbeitsvertragsdokumente“ zu ahnden.

Ab Januar 2017 implementiert. Nach Artikel 39 der Verfassung ist es nicht möglich, „rückwirkend“ in die „Vergangenheit“ zu gehen und „zu bestrafen“.


Siehe "Anklage = Anklageschrift". Die festgestellten Tatsachen „begründen“ die „Tatsache“ von „nicht schuldig“. (Japanisch Englisch)


"Mein Appell" (Japanisch)


"Mein Appell" (Englisch)


„Chinesen, Koreaner, Filipinos, Amerikaner usw.“ Es gibt mehr als Zehntausende, Hunderttausende von Opfern auf der ganzen Welt. Eine ungewöhnliche Anzahl von Menschen.

Der „Freiheitsentzug“ der Staatsanwaltschaft sei „willkürlich“. Sie seien „gesetzeswidrig“ und „egoistisch“. Sie haben keine "(logische) (Notwendigkeit)". Die Staatsanwaltschaft „bestraft“ „wie sie will“.

Im Jahr 2010 wurden „Ich und die Chinesen“ im Fall der Einwanderungsverletzung und im Jahr 2013 auch Mitarbeiter und Diplomaten der philippinischen Botschaft aus demselben Grund bestraft.

„Ich“ argumentierte „nicht schuldig“ und erklärte mit „Logik des Gesetzes“.

Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft sagten daraufhin: (Sie) sollten (Ihr Verbrechen) in "allgemeiner Theorie" zugeben.

Japan ist das einzige Land, das in der "allgemeinen Theorie" "bestraft"! .

Der Richter stellte mit verrückter "Logik" fest: "Causal = Kausaler Zusammenhang". Wenn Sie „sehen“ (Text des Urteils), „lachen Sie laut“.

Dieser Fall ist ein Fehler willkürlicher Rechtsanwendung durch Polizeibeamte, Staatsanwälte und Richter. Die Anklagepunkte lauten „Amtsmissbrauch eines besonderen Amtsträgers“ und „Verbrechen wegen falscher Anzeigen“. Die Staatsanwaltschaft „tötete“ den „Anklagebrief“ und „Anklagebrief“ von „amtlicher Seite“. Daher ist die Verjährung gehemmt.

Ich "anrufe" zwei Dinge.

1: Der Ausländer verrichtete andere "illegale Arbeit" als "Aufenthaltsstatus". Aber Ausländer sind wegen "Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz" unschuldig.

2: Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat „Artikel 60 und 62 des Strafgesetzbuchs“ auf Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes „angewendet“ mit der Begründung „Unterstützung für Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes“. des anwendbaren Rechts". (wie oben).

Koreaner stellen Forderungen an Japan wegen des „gelösten“ Problems „Trostfrauen und Zwangsarbeiter“, sollten aber „Zehntausende koreanischer Opfer“ unterstützen, die wegen „Verstoßes gegen Einwanderungsgesetze“ bestraft wurden.

Die japanische Regierung verheimlicht Japans Menschenrechtsverletzungen, indem sie Dinge wie „Menschenrechtsverletzungen gegen Uiguren in China“ erfindet.

„Ich“ fordere „Wiederherstellung der Ehre“ und „Entschädigung“ für mich, die Chinesen und die Beamten der philippinischen Botschaft.

Alle auf der Welt! ! Opfer sollten sich bei ihren jeweiligen Regierungen melden. Die Regierungen jedes Landes sind verpflichtet, von der japanischen Regierung zu verlangen, die Ehre ihrer eigenen Bürger wiederherzustellen und sie zu entschädigen.

Teil 3. Bau von Sonderzonen.

Die „Sonderzone“ „akzeptiert“ Flüchtlinge und Immigranten als „temporär eingewanderte“ Arbeitskräfte und beschränkt deren Aufenthalt auf die „Sonderzone“. Industrieländer können sie als Niedriglohnarbeiter für Wirtschaftswachstum einsetzen, und Flüchtlinge und Einwanderer können Jobs bekommen und ein hoffnungsvolles Leben führen.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

Nr. 1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Teil 4. Ukraine-Krieg.

Selenskyj trat sein Amt mit einem „Wahlversprechen“ an, die Vereinbarungen von Minsk zu kündigen und durch Krieg Territorium zurückzugewinnen. Aber als Nachrichten über seine Steuerhinterziehung und Steueroasen ans Licht kamen, begann er einen Krieg.

Nr. 2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

Nr. 1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Teil 5. "USA, Russland und China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show

Um eine Welt ohne Krieg zu schaffen, brauchen wir eine „Tripartite Military Alliance“!

Nr. 2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

Nr. 1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Teil 6. Japans berüchtigtes Justizsystem und Menschenrechtsverletzungen

Japans Justizsystem: Verletzung des Einwanderungsgesetzes Falsche Anschuldigung: Fall Nissan Ghosn Falsche Anschuldigung: Missbrauch in Einwanderungseinrichtung: Fall internationaler Student/Praktikant: Nichteinmischung in innere Angelegenheiten: Ausländische Meinungen

Nr. 2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

Nr. 1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Teil 7. Entwicklung von Corona-Sensoren

Wir sollten ein „Inspektionssystem“ entwickeln, das „infizierte Personen“ wie die Thermografie sofort „entdeckt“.


Teil 8. Nordkoreas Entführungs- und Raketenprobleme und Taiwans Verteidigung


Teil 9. Förderung von One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 


Teil 10. „Nagano“-Stellungnahme, Nuklearenergie der nächsten Generation: CO2-frei und SDGs: Russland/Ukraine Invasionsfragen: Einwanderungs-/Flüchtlingsfragen: International/US-Politik/Taiwan-Fragen/Unifikationskirchen-Fragen


Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Es wird im folgenden Programm veröffentlicht.


Wenn Sie Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte!


Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2024-03-21 : Il semble que « l’Europe » entre en guerre contre la Russie. Les États-Unis bénéficieraient des exportations vers l’Europe pendant la guerre.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron

2024-03-21 : Cher Monsieur,

Il semble que « l’Europe » entre en guerre contre la Russie. Les États-Unis bénéficieraient des exportations vers l’Europe pendant la guerre.

Mais les États-Unis ont-ils quelque chose à exporter vers l’Europe comme ils l’ont fait pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale ? L’Amérique devrait reprendre les usines du monde.

Pour que les États-Unis puissent reprendre les usines du monde, ils ont besoin de « travailleurs immigrés à bas salaires ». À cette fin, je continue de proposer la création d'une « zone spéciale à la frontière mexicaine ».

Aujourd’hui, je propose une restauration de la « Rust Belt » pour soutenir le mouvement « MAGA » de M. Trump. Lors de la dernière élection présidentielle, Trump avait promis de restaurer la ceinture de rouille, mais cela ne s’est pas concrétisé.

M. Trump tente de relancer l’industrie manufacturière, qui était une industrie majeure jusque dans les années 1980. Détroit est toujours obsédé par l’industrie automobile. Mais Pittsburgh est différent.

Les usines sidérurgiques abandonnées ont remplacé les installations médicales. La ville est devenue la deuxième plus grande ville de recherche médicale des États-Unis. Des entreprises et des instituts de recherche privés du monde entier ont afflué à Pittsburgh, formant un immense cluster de l'industrie médicale.

Trump s'oppose à l'acquisition de US Steel. Il s'oppose aux rachats japonais visant à protéger les travailleurs américains. "Le fer est la nation." "Pittsburgh" est un symbole de l'Amérique.

Je respecte également « l’esprit américain » de M. Trump. U.S. Steel devrait augmenter son capital et devenir une aciérie de classe mondiale. Les aciéries devraient se « transformer » en aciéries ayant une productivité plus élevée que les aciéries de Chine et du Japon.

US Steel devrait renforcer Ford en lui fournissant un acier moins cher que les produits importés. Les « voitures américaines » devraient être fabriquées avec « de l'acier américain ».

"Ford" devrait démarrer une nouvelle activité et protéger l'industrie automobile. La nouvelle activité de Ford est la production de « robots IA ».

Les robots IA devraient devenir la principale industrie américaine. Au centre se trouve le Rust Belt Detroid.

« Ford » doit plus que doubler la productivité des véhicules Ford avec le « robot IA fabriqué par Ford ».

Il y aura moins de travailleurs dans les usines automobiles, mais il y aura plus d’emplois pour les travailleurs car les usines de robots auront besoin de plus de travailleurs. Ne t'inquiète pas!

Ford ne vendra pas de « robots IA » destinés à l’industrie automobile à d’autres entreprises. Cependant, « de nombreux types » de « robots IA » devraient être « disponibles dans le commerce » pour « différentes industries ».

De nombreux types de robots IA deviendront les produits phares de Ford.

Les « robots IA » seront demandés pour de nombreuses applications. Le renforcement de l’industrie manufacturière américaine dépend des performances des « robots IA ».

Récemment, les robots humanoïdes IA sont devenus un problème en tant qu’armes. Ford doit également fabriquer des « armes bon marché » qui sont moins chères que la Corée du Nord !

Les ventes de robots IA de Ford contribueront grandement aux performances de US Steel grâce aux expéditions de matériaux en acier pour les robots.

Détroit devrait devenir la plus grande concentration de robots IA au monde. M. Trump devrait dépenser l’argent des impôts pour des « robots IA » !

L’Amérique devrait construire l’un des plus grands chantiers navals du monde dans la Rust Belt. Bien entendu, US Steel devrait également investir dans l’entreprise afin d’en faire un client important.

La construction de « cargos » est importante pour accroître les « exportations américaines ».

Les États-Unis devraient utiliser la technologie de construction navale de l'armée américaine pour construire des « cargos de très grande taille » similaires aux « porte-avions ».

Il existe plusieurs types de cales qui transportent des objets tels que des céréales/des wagons. Il s'agit d'un « très grand cargo de type porte-avions » qui peut transporter un contina sur son pont.

Le « très grand cargo de type porte-avions », conçu pour être utilisé comme « porte-avions » en cas d'urgence, est invincible.

Nous devrions développer un « très grand cargo de type porte-avions » à l'américaine et l'exporter dans le monde. Les robots IA sont également essentiels à la construction navale.

Dans tous les pays, il existe une pénurie de travailleurs qualifiés dans l’industrie de la construction navale. Les États-Unis devraient construire un « chantier naval » dans une « zone spéciale à la frontière mexicaine » pour « former » des « ouvriers de la construction navale ».

Partie 1 Citations/Références



J'écrirai demain aussi.

Partie 2. Le Japon est un "état de violations anormales des droits de l'homme". « Tout le monde » de la « communauté internationale », aidez-nous s'il vous plaît !

Tout d'abord, veuillez lire "fausse accusation" dans le "Crime de soutien à la violation de la loi sur l'immigration" de 2010.

Motif de la punition :

Un ressortissant chinois a obtenu un « statut de résident » en soumettant un « faux contrat de travail ». Et ils ont commis des violations de la loi sur l'immigration (activités en dehors de leurs qualifications).

Parce que « nous » avons fourni « de faux documents de contrat de travail » aux Chinois, les Chinois ont pu obtenir le « statut de résident ».

Les Chinois ont pu "vivre" au Japon car ils ont obtenu un "statut de résidence".

Parce que les Chinois pouvaient "vivre" au Japon, ils pouvaient "travailler illégalement".

Par conséquent, « nous » qui « avons fourni » aux Chinois de « faux documents de contrat de travail » ont été punis comme « aidant » les Chinois « aux activités en dehors du cadre de leur statut de résidence ».

Il s'agit d'une « erreur de droit applicable » arbitraire. C'est hors de la "logique de la loi".

Ma réclamation :

"1" La loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration stipule que le ministre de la justice prendra une "disposition administrative" (loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration : annulation du statut de séjour) pour le fait de présenter de faux documents et d'obtenir un statut de séjour. Vous êtes maintenant "terminé". "Aider" un acte d'innocence est l'innocence.

Un ressortissant chinois qui s'est livré à "2" (activités en dehors de la qualification) n'est pas coupable. La raison en est que la "personne qui les a embauchés" n'a pas été punie pour "promotion de l'emploi illégal" en vertu de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration. Par conséquent, par "l'égalité devant la loi", les Chinois sont innocents.

La révision de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration en décembre 2016 a permis de sanctionner le fait de « fournir » de « faux documents de contrat de travail ».

Mise en place depuis janvier 2017. Selon l'article 39 de la Constitution, il n'est pas possible de "rétroactivement" au "passé" et de "punir".


Voir "Acte d'accusation = Anklageschrift". Les faits déclarés "indiquent" le "fait" de "non coupable". (anglais japonais)


"Mon appel" (japonais)


"Mon appel" (anglais)


« Chinois, coréens, philippins, américains, etc. » Il y a plus de dizaines de milliers, de centaines de milliers de victimes partout dans le monde. Un nombre inhabituel de personnes.

La "(privation) de liberté" des procureurs est "arbitraire". Ils « désobéissent à la loi » et sont « égoïstes ». Ils n'ont pas de "(logique) (nécessité)". Le parquet "punit" "comme il l'entend".

En 2010, "moi et les Chinois" dans l'affaire de violation de l'immigration, et en 2013, le personnel et les diplomates de l'ambassade des Philippines ont également été punis pour la même raison.

"J'ai" plaidé "non coupable", expliquant avec "la logique de la loi".

La police et les procureurs ont alors dit, (Vous) devriez admettre (votre crime) en "théorie générale".

Le Japon est le seul pays qui "punit" en "théorie générale" ! .

Le juge a déclaré, avec une folle "logique", "Causal = Kausaler Zusammenhang". Quand vous « voyez » (texte du jugement), vous « riez aux éclats ».

Cette affaire est une erreur d'application arbitraire de la loi par des policiers, des procureurs et des juges. Les chefs d'inculpation sont "abus d'autorité d'un agent public spécial" et "crimes de fausses plaintes". Le parquet a "tué" la "lettre d'accusation" et la "lettre d'accusation" par "d'office". Par conséquent, le délai de prescription a été suspendu.

Je "fait appel" de deux choses.

1 : L'étranger a effectué un « travail illégal » autre que le « statut de résidence ». Mais les étrangers sont innocents à cause de "l'égalité devant la loi".

2 : Le parquet a « appliqué » « les articles 60 et 62 du code pénal » à l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration au motif de « soutien à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration ». du droit applicable ». (comme ci-dessus).

Les Coréens font des demandes au Japon sur la question "résolue" des "femmes de réconfort et des travailleurs forcés", mais devraient soutenir "des dizaines de milliers de victimes coréennes" qui ont été punies pour avoir "enfreint les lois sur l'immigration".

Le gouvernement japonais cache les violations des droits de l'homme au Japon en inventant des choses telles que "des violations des droits de l'homme contre les Ouïghours en Chine".

« J'exige » la « restauration de l'honneur » et la « compensation » pour moi-même, les Chinois et les fonctionnaires de l'ambassade des Philippines.

Tout le monde dans le monde ! ! Les victimes doivent faire rapport à leurs gouvernements respectifs. Les gouvernements de chaque pays ont l'obligation de demander au gouvernement japonais de restaurer l'honneur de leurs propres citoyens et de les indemniser.

Partie 3. Construction de zones spéciales.

La "zone spéciale" "accepte" les réfugiés et les immigrés en tant que travailleurs "immigrants temporaires", limitant leur résidence à la "zone spéciale". Les pays développés peuvent les utiliser comme travailleurs à bas salaire pour la croissance économique, et les réfugiés et les immigrants peuvent obtenir des emplois et vivre une vie humaine pleine d'espoir.

No2 : https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

No1 : https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Partie 4. Guerre ukrainienne.

Zelensky a pris ses fonctions sur une « promesse électorale » d'abandonner les accords de Minsk et de regagner du territoire par la guerre. Mais lorsque la nouvelle de son évasion fiscale et de ses paradis fiscaux a été révélée, il a déclenché une guerre.

No2 : https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1 : https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Partie 5. "États-Unis, Russie et Chine" Alliance militaire tripartite / Spectacle de guerre

Pour créer un monde sans guerre, nous avons besoin d'une « alliance militaire tripartite » !

No2 : https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

No1 : https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Partie 6. Le système judiciaire notoire du Japon et les violations des droits de l'homme

Système judiciaire japonais : Cas de violation de la loi sur l'immigration Fausse accusation : Affaire Nissan Ghosn Fausse accusation : Abus dans un centre d'immigration : Cas d'un étudiant international/étudiant stagiaire : Non-ingérence dans les affaires intérieures : Opinions étrangères

No2 : https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

No1 : https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Partie 7. Développement du capteur Corona 

Nous devrions développer un "système d'inspection" qui "découvre" instantanément les "personnes infectées" comme la thermographie.


Partie 8. Les problèmes d'enlèvement et de missiles de la Corée du Nord et la défense de Taïwan


Partie 9. Promotion de One Coin Union et des véhicules à hydrogène 


Partie 10. Opinion « Nagano », Énergie nucléaire de nouvelle génération : Sans CO2 et ODD : Questions d'invasion Russie/Ukraine : Questions d'immigration/réfugiés : Politique internationale/américaine/Problèmes de Taïwan/Problèmes de l'Église d'unification



Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est publié dans le programme suivant.


Si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plaît contactez-nous!


To President Biden! 2024-03-21: But does the US have anything to export to Europe like it did during WW2? America should take back the world's factories.#Takingbackth world'sfactories #Lowwagemigrantworkers #SpecialzoneontheMexicanborder

To President Biden!

2024-03-21: #Takingbackth world'sfactories #Lowwagemigrantworkers #SpecialzoneontheMexicanborder

It seems that "Europe" is going to war with Russia. The United States would benefit from exports to Europe during the war.

But does the US have anything to export to Europe like it did during WW2? America should take back the world's factories.

In order for the United States to take back the world's factories, it needs "low-wage immigrant workers." To that end, I continue to propose the creation of a ``special zone on the Mexican border.''

Today, I propose a restoration of the “Rust Belt” to support Mr. Trump’s “MAGA” movement. In the past presidential election, Trump promised to restore the Rust Belt, but this has not materialized.

Trump is trying to revive manufacturing, which was his main industry until the 1980s. Detroit is still obsessed with the auto industry. But Pittsburgh is different.

Abandoned steel factories replaced medical facilities. The city became the second-largest medical research city in the United States. Companies and private research institutes from all over the world flocked to Pittsburgh, forming a huge medical industry cluster.

Trump opposes the acquisition of US Steel. He opposes Japanese takeovers to protect American workers. "Iron is the nation." "Pittsburgh" is a symbol of America.

I also respect Mr. Trump's "American spirit." U.S. Steel should increase its capital and become a world-class steel mill. Steelworks should ``transform'' into steelworks with higher productivity than steelworks in China and Japan.

US Steel should strengthen Ford by supplying it with steel that is cheaper than imported products. ``American cars'' should be made with ``American steel.''

"Ford" should start a new business and protect the auto industry. Ford's new business is the production of "AI robots."

AI robots should become America's main industry. At the center of this is the Rust Belt Detroid.

``Ford'' should more than double the productivity of Ford vehicles with the ``Ford-made Ai robot.''

There will be fewer workers at car factories, but there will be more jobs for workers because robot factories will need more workers. Do not worry!

Ford will not sell "AI robots" for the auto industry to other companies. However, ``many types'' of ``AI robots'' should be ``commercially available'' for ``different industries.''

Many types of AI robots will become Ford's flagship products.

“AI robots” will be in demand for many applications. Strengthening the U.S. manufacturing industry depends on the performance of "AI robots."

Recently, humanoid AI robots have become an issue as weapons. Ford should also make "cheap weapons" that can beat North Korea!

Sales of Ford's AI robots will greatly contribute to US Steel's performance through shipments of steel materials for robots.

Detroit should be made into the world's largest concentration of AI robots. Mr. Trump should spend tax money on “AI robots”!

America should build one of the world's largest shipyards in the Rust Belt. Of course, US Steel should also invest in the company in order to make it an important customer.

Building ``cargo ships'' is important in order to increase ``American exports.''

The United States should utilize the shipbuilding technology of the U.S. military to build "carrier-type super-large cargo ships" similar to "aircraft carriers."

A type that carries grain/cars, etc. in the hold. It is an ``aircraft carrier-type super large cargo ship'' that can carry a contina on its deck.

The ``carrier-type super-large cargo ship,'' designed to be used as an ``aircraft carrier'' in the event of an emergency, is invincible.

We should develop an American-style "super-large aircraft carrier-type cargo ship" and export it to the world. AI robots are also essential for shipbuilding.

In every country, there is a shortage of skilled workers in the shipbuilding industry. The United States should build a ``shipyard'' in a ``special zone on the Mexican border'' to ``train'' ``shipbuilding workers.''

Part 1 Citations/References



I'll write tomorrow too.

Part 2. Japan is a "state of abnormal human rights violations". "Everyone" of the "international community", please help!

First of all, please read "false accusation" in the 2010 "Crime of Supporting Violation of Immigration Law".

Reason for punishment:

A Chinese national obtained a "residence status" by submitting a "false employment contract." And they committed immigration law violations (activities outside of their qualifications).

Because "we" provided "false employment contract documents" to the Chinese, the Chinese were able to obtain "residence status."

The Chinese were able to "live" in Japan because they obtained a "status of residence".

Because the Chinese were able to "live" in Japan, they were able to "work illegally."

Therefore, ``we'' who ``provided'' the Chinese with ``false employment contract documents'' were punished as ``helping'' the Chinese ``activities outside the scope of their status of residence''.

This is an arbitrary "error of applicable law". This is out of the "logic of the law".

My claim:

"1" The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will take an "administrative disposition" (Immigration Control Act: Cancellation of the status of residence) for the act of submitting false documents and obtaining a status of residence. You are now "finished". "Aiding" an act of innocence is innocence.

A Chinese national who has engaged in “2” (activities outside the qualification) is not guilty. The reason is that the "person who hired them" has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by "equality under the law", the Chinese are innocent.

The revision of the Immigration Control Law in December 2016 made it possible to punish the act of "providing" "false employment contract documents".

Implemented from January 2017. According to Article 39 of the Constitution, it is not possible to "retroactively" to the "past" and "punish".


See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)


"My Appeal" (Japanese)


"My Appeal" (English)


"Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc." There are more than tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.

Prosecutors' "(deprivation) of liberty" is "arbitrary." They are "disobeying the law" and "selfish". They have no "(logical) (necessity)". The prosecution is "punishing" "as they wish".

In 2010, "me and the Chinese" in the immigration violation case, and in 2013, Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

"I" argued "not guilty", explaining with "logic of the law".

Police and prosecutors then said, "(You) should admit (your crime) in general terms."

Japan is the only country that punishes in general terms! .

The judge stated "Causal relationship" with crazy "logic". When I "see" (text of the judgment), I "laugh out loud."

This case is an error of arbitrary application of law by police officers, prosecutors and judges. The charges are "abuse of authority of a special public official" and "crimes of false complaints." The prosecution "killed" the "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" by "ex officio." Therefore, the statute of limitations has been suspended.

I am "appealing" two things.

1: The foreigner performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are innocent because of "equality under the law".

2: The prosecution “applied” “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” to Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support for Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act”. However, it is "error of applicable law". (as above).

Koreans make demands on Japan over the "solved" "comfort women and forced laborers" issue, but should support "tens of thousands of Korean victims" who have been punished for "violating immigration laws." .

The Japanese government is hiding Japan's human rights violations by making up such things as "human rights violations against Uyghurs in China."

"I" am demanding "restoration of honor" and "compensation" for myself, the Chinese, and the Philippine Embassy officials.

Everyone in the world! ! Victims should report to their respective governments. The governments of each country have an obligation to demand the Japanese government to restore the honor of their own citizens and compensate them.

Part 3. Construction of special zones.

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.

Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.

No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show

To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!

No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations

Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions

No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 

We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.


Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense


Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 


Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is published in the following program.


If you have any questions, please contact us!


To President Biden! 2024-03-21: But does the US have anything to export to Europe like it did during WW2? America should take back the world's factories.#Takingbackth world'sfactories #Lowwagemigrantworkers #SpecialzoneontheMexicanborder

 To President Biden!

2024-03-21: #Takingbackth world'sfactories #Lowwagemigrantworkers #SpecialzoneontheMexicanborder

It seems that "Europe" is going to war with Russia. The United States would benefit from exports to Europe during the war.

But does the US have anything to export to Europe like it did during WW2? America should take back the world's factories.

In order for the United States to take back the world's factories, it needs "low-wage immigrant workers." To that end, I continue to propose the creation of a ``special zone on the Mexican border.''

Today, I propose a restoration of the “Rust Belt” to support Mr. Trump’s “MAGA” movement. In the past presidential election, Trump promised to restore the Rust Belt, but this has not materialized.

Trump is trying to revive manufacturing, which was his main industry until the 1980s. Detroit is still obsessed with the auto industry. But Pittsburgh is different.

Abandoned steel factories replaced medical facilities. The city became the second-largest medical research city in the United States. Companies and private research institutes from all over the world flocked to Pittsburgh, forming a huge medical industry cluster.

Trump opposes the acquisition of US Steel. He opposes Japanese takeovers to protect American workers. "Iron is the nation." "Pittsburgh" is a symbol of America.

I also respect Mr. Trump's "American spirit." U.S. Steel should increase its capital and become a world-class steel mill. Steelworks should ``transform'' into steelworks with higher productivity than steelworks in China and Japan.

US Steel should strengthen Ford by supplying it with steel that is cheaper than imported products. ``American cars'' should be made with ``American steel.''

"Ford" should start a new business and protect the auto industry. Ford's new business is the production of "AI robots."

AI robots should become America's main industry. At the center of this is the Rust Belt Detroid.

``Ford'' should more than double the productivity of Ford vehicles with the ``Ford-made Ai robot.''

There will be fewer workers at car factories, but there will be more jobs for workers because robot factories will need more workers. Do not worry!

Ford will not sell "AI robots" for the auto industry to other companies. However, ``many types'' of ``AI robots'' should be ``commercially available'' for ``different industries.''

Many types of AI robots will become Ford's flagship products.

“AI robots” will be in demand for many applications. Strengthening the U.S. manufacturing industry depends on the performance of "AI robots."

Recently, humanoid AI robots have become an issue as weapons. Ford should also make "cheap weapons" that can beat North Korea!

Sales of Ford's AI robots will greatly contribute to US Steel's performance through shipments of steel materials for robots.

Detroit should be made into the world's largest concentration of AI robots. Mr. Trump should spend tax money on “AI robots”!

America should build one of the world's largest shipyards in the Rust Belt. Of course, US Steel should also invest in the company in order to make it an important customer.

Building ``cargo ships'' is important in order to increase ``American exports.''

The United States should utilize the shipbuilding technology of the U.S. military to build "carrier-type super-large cargo ships" similar to "aircraft carriers."

A type that carries grain/cars, etc. in the hold. It is an ``aircraft carrier-type super large cargo ship'' that can carry a contina on its deck.

The ``carrier-type super-large cargo ship,'' designed to be used as an ``aircraft carrier'' in the event of an emergency, is invincible.

We should develop an American-style "super-large aircraft carrier-type cargo ship" and export it to the world. AI robots are also essential for shipbuilding.

In every country, there is a shortage of skilled workers in the shipbuilding industry. The United States should build a ``shipyard'' in a ``special zone on the Mexican border'' to ``train'' ``shipbuilding workers.''

Part 1 Citations/References



I'll write tomorrow too.

Part 2. Japan is a "state of abnormal human rights violations". "Everyone" of the "international community", please help!

First of all, please read "false accusation" in the 2010 "Crime of Supporting Violation of Immigration Law".

Reason for punishment:

A Chinese national obtained a "residence status" by submitting a "false employment contract." And they committed immigration law violations (activities outside of their qualifications).

Because "we" provided "false employment contract documents" to the Chinese, the Chinese were able to obtain "residence status."

The Chinese were able to "live" in Japan because they obtained a "status of residence".

Because the Chinese were able to "live" in Japan, they were able to "work illegally."

Therefore, ``we'' who ``provided'' the Chinese with ``false employment contract documents'' were punished as ``helping'' the Chinese ``activities outside the scope of their status of residence''.

This is an arbitrary "error of applicable law". This is out of the "logic of the law".

My claim:

"1" The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will take an "administrative disposition" (Immigration Control Act: Cancellation of the status of residence) for the act of submitting false documents and obtaining a status of residence. You are now "finished". "Aiding" an act of innocence is innocence.

A Chinese national who has engaged in “2” (activities outside the qualification) is not guilty. The reason is that the "person who hired them" has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by "equality under the law", the Chinese are innocent.

The revision of the Immigration Control Law in December 2016 made it possible to punish the act of "providing" "false employment contract documents".

Implemented from January 2017. According to Article 39 of the Constitution, it is not possible to "retroactively" to the "past" and "punish".


See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)


"My Appeal" (Japanese)


"My Appeal" (English)


"Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc." There are more than tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.

Prosecutors' "(deprivation) of liberty" is "arbitrary." They are "disobeying the law" and "selfish". They have no "(logical) (necessity)". The prosecution is "punishing" "as they wish".

In 2010, "me and the Chinese" in the immigration violation case, and in 2013, Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

"I" argued "not guilty", explaining with "logic of the law".

Police and prosecutors then said, "(You) should admit (your crime) in general terms."

Japan is the only country that punishes in general terms! .

The judge stated "Causal relationship" with crazy "logic". When I "see" (text of the judgment), I "laugh out loud."

This case is an error of arbitrary application of law by police officers, prosecutors and judges. The charges are "abuse of authority of a special public official" and "crimes of false complaints." The prosecution "killed" the "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" by "ex officio." Therefore, the statute of limitations has been suspended.

I am "appealing" two things.

1: The foreigner performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are innocent because of "equality under the law".

2: The prosecution “applied” “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” to Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support for Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act”. However, it is "error of applicable law". (as above).

Koreans make demands on Japan over the "solved" "comfort women and forced laborers" issue, but should support "tens of thousands of Korean victims" who have been punished for "violating immigration laws." .

The Japanese government is hiding Japan's human rights violations by making up such things as "human rights violations against Uyghurs in China."

"I" am demanding "restoration of honor" and "compensation" for myself, the Chinese, and the Philippine Embassy officials.

Everyone in the world! ! Victims should report to their respective governments. The governments of each country have an obligation to demand the Japanese government to restore the honor of their own citizens and compensate them.

Part 3. Construction of special zones.

The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.

Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.

No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show

To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!

No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations

Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions

No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 

We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.


Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense


Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 


Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues


Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is published in the following program.


If you have any questions, please contact us!


岸田文雄 内閣総理大臣 2024-03-21:今日は、トランプ氏の「MAGA」を支援するために「ラストベルト」の復興を提案します。トランプ氏は過去の大統領選挙で「ラストベルト」の復興を約束したが実現していない。

 岸田文雄 内閣総理大臣











「フォード」は新事業を行い、自動車産業を守るべきだ。フォードの新規事業は「AI ロボット」の生産だ。

















第 1 部 引用/参考文献































裁判官は、クレイジーな「論理」で、「因果関係=Causal relationship」を述べた。(判決の文章)を「見る」と、「大笑い」します。

この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、「特別公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽の告訴罪=Crimes of False Complaints」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を「職権」によって「握りつぶした」。よって「公訴時効」は停止しています。













ゼレンスキーは、ミンスク合意を廃棄し、戦争を通じて領土を取り戻すという「選挙の公約」をして大統領に就任した。しかし彼の 脱税やタックスヘイブンが報道されたとき、彼は戦争を始めた。 














第8部。北朝鮮の拉致・ミサイル問題 & 台湾防衛 




第10部。「長野」オピニオン、次世代原発:CO2フリー & SDG:ロシア・ウクライナ侵攻問題:移民・難民問題:国際・米国政治・台湾問題・統一教会問題



長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)








يجب أن تتمتع الحكومة الألمانية "بالسيطرة" الكاملة على الجيش الألماني. لا يمكن إخفاء الجرائم كما كانت من قبل. وبما أن روسيا تعترض المحادثات بين الجيش الألماني والحكومة، فلا يوجد أي عذر.2024-03-20: #ألمانيا #تستعد للحرب مع روسيا #كان صحيحا

 2024-03-20: #ألمانيا #تستعد للحرب مع روسيا #كان صحيحا

كانت "استعدادات ألمانيا للحرب مع روسيا" حقيقية. بثت وسائل الإعلام الحكومية الروسية تسجيلاً صوتيًا عبر الإنترنت لكبار مسؤولي Luftwaffe يناقشون بشكل خاص إمكانية تزويد أوكرانيا بالصواريخ.

وأكد متحدث باسم وزارة الدفاع الألمانية لشبكة CNN أن الصوت المسرب حقيقي. "يشير تحليلنا إلى أن هذا كان نتيجة لمحادثات تم اعتراضها داخل القوات الجوية."

ناقش العديد من كبار مسؤولي القوات الجوية الألمانية إمكانية تزويد أوكرانيا بصاروخ كروز طويل المدى من طراز Taurus.

كما ذكرت أن جسر كيرتش، الذي يربط البر الرئيسي الروسي بشبه جزيرة القرم في جنوب أوكرانيا، والذي ضمته روسيا بالقوة، كان هدفا محتملا لهجمات طوروس.

وحتى الآن، كانت ألمانيا مترددة في تسليم صواريخ توروس إلى أوكرانيا، خوفا من استخدامها في هجمات على الأراضي الروسية وتصعيد الحرب.

وفي التسجيل الصوتي الذي تم تسريبه هذه المرة، قال مسؤول كبير إن جسر كيرتش هدف صعب، لكن صواريخ طوروس لديها القدرة على الوصول إليه.

وأعلنت روسيا أنها ستستخدم "الأسلحة النووية". هل ستهاجم روسيا أوكرانيا إذا تعرضت "جسر كيرتش" للهجوم؟ أم أنها ستهاجم ألمانيا؟

إذا انتقمت روسيا بقنبلة نووية ضد ألمانيا، فهل ستنتقم الولايات المتحدة من روسيا؟ لقد وُضع السيد بايدن في موقف صعب.

قد يقول السيد ترامب إن الولايات المتحدة لن تدعم ألمانيا. ومع ذلك، فمن المرجح أن يهاجم الجيش الألماني روسيا قبل الانتخابات الرئاسية الأمريكية.

وأعرب المستشار الألماني شولتز عن شعوره بالأزمة، واصفا إياها بأنها "مشكلة خطيرة للغاية". واعتماداً على قرار رئيس الوزراء شولتز، ينبغي "إجلاء" المواطنين الأوروبيين.

أين يجب إجلاء المواطنين الأوروبيين من الهجوم النووي الروسي؟ إذا لم يكن لدينا مكان للإخلاء، فلا ينبغي لنا أن "نبدأ معركة مع روسيا".

ويتعين على الكونجرس الأمريكي أن يقدم "احتجاجًا شديدًا" للحكومة الألمانية. إن مهاجمة روسيا ستؤدي إلى "حرب نووية". أمريكا ترفض الدخول في حرب نووية مع روسيا.

يجب أن تتمتع الحكومة الألمانية "بالسيطرة" الكاملة على الجيش الألماني. لا يمكن إخفاء الجرائم كما كانت من قبل. وبما أن روسيا تعترض المحادثات بين الجيش الألماني والحكومة، فلا يوجد أي عذر.

إذا اندلعت حرب بين روسيا وألمانيا، فسوف تتورط فرنسا ودول الناتو الأخرى في الحرب أيضًا. يجب على كل دولة إجراء استفتاء.

ويجب على الصين وكوريا الشمالية أيضًا إصدار تحذير للولايات المتحدة والدول الأعضاء في حلف شمال الأطلسي. إذا شن الناتو حربًا نووية، فإن الصين وكوريا الشمالية ستهاجمان الولايات المتحدة بأسلحة نووية كهرومغناطيسية.

إذا تم "تحذير" الصين وكوريا الشمالية من أنهما ستهاجمان البر الرئيسي للولايات المتحدة بـ "أسلحة نووية كهرومغناطيسية"، فيجب على المواطنين الأمريكيين الإطاحة سلميًا بـ "إدارة بايدن" في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة.

حتى الآن، لم يصبح البر الرئيسي للولايات المتحدة ساحة معركة على الإطلاق. لكن هذه المرة، ستكون ساحة المعركة في البر الرئيسي الأمريكي.

وفي حالة نشوب "حرب نووية"، فإن البر الرئيسي للولايات المتحدة سوف "يتعرض للهجوم" باستخدام "سلاح نووي كهرومغناطيسي". وهذا يعني "الموت".

الجزء الأول الاستشهادات/المراجع

روسيا تعترض محادثة بين مسؤول كبير في القوات الجوية الألمانية وتقدم الدعم بالأسلحة لأوكرانيا


سأكتب غدا أيضا.

الجزء 2. اليابان بلد يعاني من انتهاكات غير عادية لحقوق الإنسان. الجميع في المجتمع الدولي، الرجاء المساعدة!

أولاً، يرجى قراءة "الإدانة الكاذبة" في "جرائم دعم انتهاكات قانون الهجرة" لعام 2010.

سبب العقوبة:

حصل رجل صيني على "إقامة" من خلال تقديم "عقد عمل مزور". كما انتهكوا قانون مراقبة الهجرة (أنشطة خارج نطاق مؤهلاتهم).

ولأننا قدمنا ​​وثائق عقد عمل مزورة للشعب الصيني، فقد تمكنوا من الحصول على وضع الإقامة.

لقد تمكن الصينيون من "الإقامة" في اليابان لأنهم حصلوا على "وضع الإقامة".

ولأن الشعب الصيني كان قادراً على "الإقامة" في اليابان، فقد كان قادراً أيضاً على "العمل بشكل غير قانوني".

لذلك، "نحن" الذين "قدمنا" "وثائق عقد عمل مزورة" للمواطنين الصينيين تمت معاقبتنا لأننا "نسهل" للمواطنين الصينيين "أنشطة غير تلك المسموح بها بموجب وضع الإقامة الممنوح لهم سابقًا". ''

وهذا "خطأ تعسفي في القانون المعمول به". وهذا لا يتماشى مع "منطق القانون".


``1'' ينص قانون مراقبة الهجرة على أن عملية الحصول على وضع الإقامة عن طريق تقديم مستندات مزورة ستخضع لـ "تصرف إداري" من قبل وزير العدل (قانون مراقبة الهجرة: إلغاء وضع الإقامة) ). هذا "كامل". "التحريض" على فعل بريء هو عمل بريء.

الصينيون الذين شاركوا في "2" (نشاط خارج نطاق التأهيل) أبرياء. والسبب هو أن الشخص الذي "قام بتوظيفهم" لم تتم معاقبته بتهمة "تسهيل التوظيف غير القانوني" بموجب قانون مراقبة الهجرة. ولذلك، وبسبب "المساواة أمام القانون"، فإن الصينيين أبرياء.

أتاحت مراجعة قانون مراقبة الهجرة في ديسمبر/كانون الأول 2016 معاقبة فعل "تقديم" "وثائق عقد عمل مزورة".

تم التنفيذ اعتبارًا من يناير 2017. ووفقاً للمادة 39 من الدستور، لا يمكن معاقبة شخص ما "بأثر رجعي" في "الماضي".


انظر "الإدانة". الحقائق المذكورة "تشير" إلى "حقيقة" "البراءة". (الإنجليزية اليابانية)


"مناشدتي" (باللغة اليابانية)


"ندائي" (باللغة الإنجليزية)


هناك عشرات إلى مئات الآلاف من الضحايا حول العالم، بما في ذلك "الصينيون والكوريون والفلبينيون والأمريكيون وغيرهم". وهذا عدد غير عادي من الناس.

"(الحرمان) من الحرية" الذي أقره الادعاء هو "تعسفي". إنهم لا "يطيعون القانون" وهم "أنانيون". ليس لديهم "(منطقي) (ضرورة)." ويقوم المدعون "بمعاقبتهم" "كما يرونه مناسبًا".

كما تمت معاقبة "أنا والصينيين" في قضية انتهاك قانون الهجرة عام 2010 وموظفي ودبلوماسيي السفارة الفلبينية عام 2013 لنفس السبب.

لقد شرحت قضيتي باستخدام «منطق القانون» وزعمت «أنني غير مذنب».

ثم قال ضباط الشرطة والمدعون العامون: "(أنت) يجب أن تعترف (بذنبك) بعبارات عامة."

اليابان هي الدولة الوحيدة التي تعاقب الناس بشكل عام! .

وذكر القاضي وجود "علاقة سببية" باستخدام "منطق" مجنون. عندما "أنظر" إلى (نص الحكم) "أضحك بصوت عالٍ".

وتعد هذه القضية خطأ في التطبيق التعسفي للقانون من قبل ضباط الشرطة والمدعين العامين والقضاة. التهم هي "جرائم إساءة استخدام السلطة من قبل موظف عام خاص" و"جرائم تقديم شكاوى كاذبة". مكتب المدعي العام "أبطل" "لائحة الاتهام" و"لائحة الاتهام" "بحكم منصبه". ولذلك، توقف "قانون التقادم".

أنا "أدعي" شيئين.

1: الأجنبي الذي يمارس "عملاً غير قانوني" خارج "وضع إقامته". ومع ذلك، وبسبب "المساواة أمام القانون"، فإن الأجانب أبرياء.

2: النيابة "تطبق" "جريمة دعم الجرائم الأخرى" في "المادتين 60 و62 من قانون العقوبات" على المادة 70 من قانون مراقبة الهجرة، مستدلة بـ"الدعم في المادة 22-4-4 من قانون مراقبة الهجرة" القانون." إلا أن ذلك يرجع إلى خطأ في القانون المعمول به. (كما ذكر أعلاه).

ويتقدم الكوريون بمطالب إلى اليابان فيما يتعلق بقضية "نساء المتعة والعمل القسري"، والتي "تم حلها"، ولكن يتعين على اليابان أيضًا أن تدعم "عشرات الآلاف من الضحايا الكوريين" الذين عوقبوا بسبب "انتهاك قوانين الهجرة".

تخفي الحكومة اليابانية انتهاكات اليابان لحقوق الإنسان من خلال اختلاق قصص مثل "انتهاكات الصين لحقوق الإنسان ضد شعب الأويغور".

أسعى إلى "استعادة الشرف" و"التعويض" لنفسي وللشعب الصيني ولموظفي السفارة الفلبينية.

الجميع في العالم! ! ويجب على الضحايا الإبلاغ عن ذلك إلى حكوماتهم. ويتعين على حكومات كل دولة أن تطلب من الحكومة اليابانية "استعادة شرف شعبها وتقديم التعويضات".

الجزء 3. بناء مناطق خاصة.

"المنطقة الخاصة" "تقبل" اللاجئين والمهاجرين باعتبارهم عمال "مهاجرين مؤقتين" عن طريق قصر إقامتهم على "المنطقة الخاصة". وتستخدمهم الدول المتقدمة كعمال بأجور منخفضة لتحقيق النمو الاقتصادي، ويمكن للاجئين والمهاجرين الحصول على وظائف والعيش حياة مليئة بالأمل الإنساني.

رقم 2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

رقم 1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

الجزء 4. حرب أوكرانيا.

تولى زيلينسكي منصبه "بوعد انتخابي" بإلغاء اتفاقيات مينسك واستعادة الأراضي من خلال الحرب. ولكن عندما تم الإبلاغ عن تهربه الضريبي والملاذات الضريبية، بدأ الحرب.

رقم 2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

رقم 1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

الجزء 5. عرض التحالف العسكري/الحرب الثلاثي "الولايات المتحدة وروسيا والصين".

"التحالف العسكري الثلاثي" ضروري لخلق عالم بلا حرب!

رقم 2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

رقم 1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

الجزء 6. النظام القضائي سيئ السمعة في اليابان وانتهاكات حقوق الإنسان

النظام القضائي الياباني: اتهامات باطلة بانتهاك قانون الهجرة: اتهامات باطلة بقضية نيسان غصن: الانتهاكات في مرافق الهجرة: حالات الطلاب والمتدربين الدوليين: عدم التدخل في الشؤون الداخلية: آراء من الخارج

رقم 2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

رقم 1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

الجزء 7. تطوير كاشف كورونا

يجب علينا تطوير "نظام فحص" يمكنه التعرف على الفور على "الأشخاص المصابين" مثل التصوير الحراري.


الجزء 8. قضية الاختطاف/الصواريخ في كوريا الشمالية والدفاع عن تايوان


الجزء 9. اتحاد العملة الواحدة والترويج لمركبات الهيدروجين


الجزء 10. رأي "ناغانو"، الجيل القادم من محطات الطاقة النووية: خالية من ثاني أكسيد الكربون وأهداف التنمية المستدامة: قضية الغزو الروسي/الأوكراني: قضية الهجرة/اللاجئين: السياسة الدولية/السياسة الأمريكية/قضية تايوان/قضية كنيسة التوحيد



ياسوهيرو ناغانو

يتم نشره في البرنامج أدناه.


إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة، يرجى الاتصال بنا!


2024-03-20: Ang Kongreso ng US ay dapat magsampa ng ``mahigpit na protesta'' sa pamahalaang Aleman. Ang pag-atake sa Russia ay magreresulta sa isang "digmaang nukleyar." Tumanggi ang Amerika na pumunta sa digmaang nukleyar sa Russia.#Germany #Paghahanda para sa digmaan sa Russia #Totoo

 2024-03-20: #Germany #Paghahanda para sa digmaan sa Russia #Totoo

Ang "paghahanda para sa digmaan sa Russia" ng Alemanya ay totoo. Ang Russian state media ay nagpalabas ng isang audio recording online ng mga nangungunang opisyal ng Luftwaffe na pribadong tinatalakay ang posibilidad ng pagbibigay ng mga missile sa Ukraine.

Kinumpirma ng tagapagsalita ng German Defense Ministry sa CNN na totoo ang leaked audio. "Iminumungkahi ng aming pagsusuri na ito ang resulta ng mga naharang na pag-uusap sa loob ng Air Force."

Tinalakay ng ilang nangungunang opisyal ng German Air Force ang posibilidad ng pagbibigay sa Ukraine ng sarili nitong long-range Taurus cruise missile.

Binanggit din nito na ang Kerch Bridge, na nag-uugnay sa mainland ng Russia sa Crimean Peninsula sa katimugang Ukraine, na puwersahang pinagsama ng Russia, ay isang potensyal na target para sa pag-atake ng Taurus.

Hanggang ngayon, nag-aatubili ang Alemanya na ibigay ang mga missile ng Taurus sa Ukraine, sa takot na magamit ang mga ito sa mga pag-atake sa teritoryo ng Russia at palakihin ang digmaan.

Sa audio recording na na-leak sa pagkakataong ito, sinabi ng isang matataas na opisyal na ang Kerch Bridge ay isang mahirap na target, ngunit ang mga missile ng Taurus ay may kakayahang maabot ito.

Ipinahayag ng Russia na gagamit ito ng "mga sandatang nuklear." Sasalakayin ba ng Russia ang Ukraine kung ang "Kerch Bridge" ay inaatake? O sasalakayin nito ang Germany?

Kung ang Russia ay gumanti ng isang bombang nuklear laban sa Alemanya, ang Estados Unidos ba ay gaganti laban sa Russia? Si G. Biden ay inilagay sa isang mahirap na posisyon.

Sasabihin ni G. Trump na hindi susuportahan ng Estados Unidos ang Alemanya. Gayunpaman, malamang na sasalakayin ng militar ng Aleman ang Russia bago ang halalan sa pagkapangulo ng US.

Ang German Chancellor Scholz ay nagpahayag ng isang pakiramdam ng krisis, na tinawag itong isang ``napakaseryosong problema.'' Depende sa desisyon ni Punong Ministro Schulz, ang mga mamamayan ng Europa ay dapat na `` ilikas.''

Saan dapat lumikas ang mga mamamayang European mula sa isang pag-atakeng nuklear ng Russia? Kung wala tayong lugar para lumikas, hindi tayo dapat "pumili ng away sa Russia."

Ang Kongreso ng US ay dapat magsampa ng ``mahigpit na protesta'' sa pamahalaang Aleman. Ang pag-atake sa Russia ay magreresulta sa isang "digmaang nukleyar." Tumanggi ang Amerika na pumunta sa digmaang nukleyar sa Russia.

Ang pamahalaang Aleman ay dapat magkaroon ng kumpletong "kontrol" sa militar ng Aleman. Ang mga krimen ay hindi maitatago tulad ng dati. Dahil hinarang ng Russia ang mga pag-uusap sa pagitan ng militar at gobyerno ng Aleman, walang dahilan.

Kung sumiklab ang digmaan sa pagitan ng Russia at Germany, ang France at iba pang mga bansa ng NATO ay maaakit din sa digmaan. Dapat magsagawa ng referendum ang bawat bansa.

Dapat ding maglabas ng babala ang Tsina at Hilagang Korea sa Estados Unidos at mga estadong miyembro ng NATO. Kung ang NATO ay magsasagawa ng digmaang nuklear, sasalakayin ng China at Hilagang Korea ang Estados Unidos gamit ang mga sandatang nuklear ng EMP.

Kung "binalaan" ang China at North Korea na sasalakayin nila ang U.S. mainland gamit ang "EMP nuclear weapons," dapat mapayapang ibagsak ng mga mamamayan ng US ang "administrasyon ni Biden" sa buong Estados Unidos.

Hanggang ngayon, hindi pa naging larangan ng digmaan ang mainland ng US. Sa pagkakataong ito, gayunpaman, ang larangan ng digmaan ay nasa mainland ng Amerika.

Kung sakaling magkaroon ng ``nuclear war,'' ang U.S. mainland ay ``aatakehin'' gamit ang ``EMP nuclear weapon.'' Ibig sabihin ay "kamatayan".

Bahagi 1 Mga Sipi/Sanggunian

Hinarang ng Russia ang pag-uusap sa pagitan ng nangungunang opisyal ng hukbong panghimpapawid ng Aleman at nagbibigay ng suporta sa armas sa Ukraine


Magsusulat din ako bukas.

Bahagi 2. Ang Japan ay isang bansang may hindi pangkaraniwang paglabag sa karapatang pantao. Lahat ng nasa internasyonal na komunidad, mangyaring tumulong!

Una, pakibasa ang "Maling Pagkondena" noong 2010 na "Mga Krimen ng Pagsuporta sa Mga Paglabag sa Batas sa Imigrasyon."

Dahilan ng parusa:

Isang Chinese na lalaki ang nakakuha ng "residence status" sa pamamagitan ng pagsusumite ng "false employment contract." Nilabag din nila ang Immigration Control Act (mga aktibidad sa labas ng saklaw ng kanilang mga kwalipikasyon).

Dahil nagbigay kami ng ``maling mga dokumento sa kontrata sa pagtatrabaho'' sa mga Chinese, nakuha nila ang ``status ng paninirahan.''

Nagawa ng mga Intsik na "manirahan" sa Japan dahil nabigyan sila ng "status of residence."

Dahil ang mga Intsik ay nakapag-"naninirahan" sa Japan, sila rin ay "nakagawa ng ilegal."

Samakatuwid, ang ``kami'' na ``nagbigay'' ng ``maling mga dokumento sa kontrata sa pagtatrabaho'' sa mga mamamayang Tsino ay pinarusahan bilang ``nagpapadali'' mga aktibidad ng mga mamamayang Tsino maliban sa pinahihintulutan sa ilalim ng katayuan ng paninirahan na dati nang ipinagkaloob. ''

Isa itong arbitrary na "error of applicable law." Labag ito sa "lohika ng batas."

Ang aking argumento:

``1'' Isinasaad ng Immigration Control Act na ang pagkilos ng pagkuha ng status of residence sa pamamagitan ng pagsusumite ng mga maling dokumento ay sasailalim sa ``administrative disposition'' ng Minister of Justice (Immigration Control Act: Pagkansela ng status ng paninirahan ). Ito ay "kumpleto". Ang "pag-abay" sa isang inosenteng gawa ay isang inosenteng gawa.

Ang mga Intsik na nakikibahagi sa "2" (aktibidad sa labas ng saklaw ng kwalipikasyon) ay inosente. Ang dahilan ay ang taong ``nagtrabaho'' sa kanila ay hindi pinarusahan dahil sa ``facilitating illegal employment'' sa ilalim ng Immigration Control Act. Samakatuwid, dahil sa "pagkakapantay-pantay sa harap ng batas," inosente ang mga Tsino.

Ang rebisyon ng Immigration Control Act noong Disyembre 2016 ay naging posible na parusahan ang pagkilos ng ``pagbibigay'' ng ``maling mga dokumento sa kontrata sa pagtatrabaho.''

Ipinatupad mula Enero 2017. Ayon sa Artikulo 39 ng Konstitusyon, hindi posibleng ``retrospectively'' parusahan ang isang tao sa ``nakaraan.''


Tingnan ang "Indictment." Ang mga nakasaad na katotohanan ay ``estado'' ang ``katotohanan'' ng ``inosente''. (Japanese English)


“My Appeal” (Japanese)


“My Appeal” (English)


Mayroong sampu hanggang daan-daang libong biktima sa buong mundo, kabilang ang "Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, Americans, atbp." Ito ay isang hindi pangkaraniwang bilang ng mga tao.

Ang "(pag-agaw) ng kalayaan" ng mga tagausig ay "arbitraryo." Hindi sila "sumunod sa batas" at "makasarili". Wala silang "(logical) (necessity)." Ang mga tagausig ay "pinarurusahan" sila "sa tingin nila ay angkop."

``Me and the Chinese'' noong 2010 immigration law violation case at ang mga empleyado at diplomat ng Philippine embassy noong 2013 ay pinarusahan din sa parehong dahilan.

``I'' ipinaliwanag ang aking kaso gamit ang ``ang lohika ng batas'' at inangkin na ``hindi nagkasala.''

Pagkatapos ay sinabi ng mga opisyal ng pulisya at tagausig: ``(Dapat mong aminin (ang iyong pagkakasala) sa pangkalahatan.''

Ang Japan ang tanging bansa na nagpaparusa sa mga tao sa pangkalahatan! .

Nagpahayag ang hukom ng ``causal relationship'' gamit ang nakakabaliw na ``logic.'' Kapag ``tumingin' ako sa (teksto ng paghatol), ``natatawa ako ng malakas.''

Ang kasong ito ay isang pagkakamali sa arbitraryong aplikasyon ng batas ng mga opisyal ng pulisya, tagausig, at mga hukom. Ang mga paratang ay ``Mga Krimen ng Pang-aabuso sa Kapangyarihan ng isang Espesyal na Opisyal ng Publiko'' at ``Mga Krimen ng Maling Reklamo.'' Ang tanggapan ng tagausig ay "pinigilan" ang "indictment" at "indictment" ng "ex officio." Samakatuwid, ang ``statute of limitations'' ay huminto.

Dalawang bagay ang "inaangkin" ko.

1: Ang dayuhan ay nakikibahagi sa "illegal na paggawa" sa labas ng kanyang "status of residence." Gayunpaman, dahil sa ``pagkakapantay-pantay sa harap ng batas,'' inosente ang mga dayuhan.

2: "Inilalapat" ng tanggapan ng tagausig ang "krimen ng pagsuporta sa iba pang mga krimen" sa "Mga Artikulo 60 at 62 ng Kodigo Penal" sa Artikulo 70 ng Batas sa Pagkontrol sa Imigrasyon, na binabanggit ang "suporta sa Artikulo 22-4-4 ng Kontrol sa Imigrasyon Batas." Gayunpaman, ito ay dahil sa isang pagkakamali sa naaangkop na batas. (Tulad ng nabanggit sa itaas).

Ang mga Koreano ay humihiling sa Japan hinggil sa isyu ng "kaaliw na kababaihan at sapilitang paggawa", na "nalutas na," ngunit dapat ding suportahan ng Japan ang "sampu-sampung libong biktimang Koreano" na pinarusahan dahil sa "mga paglabag sa mga batas sa imigrasyon." .

Itinatago ng gobyerno ng Japan ang mga paglabag sa karapatang pantao ng Japan sa pamamagitan ng paggawa ng mga kuwento tulad ng ``Mga paglabag sa karapatang pantao ng China laban sa mga Uyghur.''

``I'm seek ``restoration of honor'' at ``compensation'' para sa aking sarili, sa mga Chinese, at sa mga tauhan ng embahada ng Pilipinas.

Lahat ng tao sa mundo! ! Dapat itong iulat ng mga biktima sa kani-kanilang pamahalaan. Ang mga pamahalaan ng bawat bansa ay may obligasyon na hilingin sa pamahalaan ng Japan na ``ibalik ang karangalan ng kanilang sariling mga tao at magbigay ng kabayaran.''

Bahagi 3. Konstruksyon ng mga espesyal na zone.

Ang ``Special Zone'' ``tumatanggap'' ng mga refugee at imigrante bilang ``pansamantalang migrante'' manggagawa sa pamamagitan ng paghihigpit sa kanilang paninirahan sa ``Special Zone.'' Ginagamit sila ng mga mauunlad na bansa bilang mga manggagawang mababa ang sahod para sa paglago ng ekonomiya, at ang mga refugee at imigrante ay maaaring makakuha ng trabaho at mamuhay ng isang buhay na may pag-asa ng tao.

No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/

No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Bahagi 4. digmaan sa Ukraine.

Si Zelenskiy ay nanunungkulan na may ``pangako sa halalan'' na ibasura ang mga kasunduan sa Minsk at mabawi ang teritoryo sa pamamagitan ng digmaan. Ngunit nang iulat ang kanyang pag-iwas sa buwis at mga kanlungan ng buwis, nagsimula siya ng digmaan.

No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/

No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Bahagi 5. "U.S., Russia, at China" trilateral military alliance/war show

Ang isang "tripartite military alliance" ay kinakailangan upang lumikha ng isang mundo na walang digmaan!

No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/

No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Bahagi 6. Ang kilalang sistema ng hudisyal ng Japan at mga paglabag sa karapatang pantao

Sistema ng hudisyal ng Japan: Mga maling akusasyon ng mga paglabag sa batas sa imigrasyon: Mga maling akusasyon ng kaso ng Nissan Ghosn: Pang-aabuso sa mga pasilidad ng imigrasyon: Mga kaso ng mga internasyonal na estudyante at trainees: Hindi pakikialam sa mga panloob na gawain: Mga opinyon mula sa ibang bansa

No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/

No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Bahagi 7. Pag-unlad ng Corona detector

Dapat tayong bumuo ng isang ``sistema ng inspeksyon'' na maaaring agad na makilala ang ``mga taong nahawahan'' tulad ng thermography.


Bahagi 8. Isyu sa pagdukot/missile ng North Korea at pagtatanggol sa Taiwan


Bahagi 9. One Coin Union at Promosyon ng Hydrogen Vehicles


Bahagi 10. Opinyon ng "Nagano", Next Generation Nuclear Power Plant: CO2 Free & SDG: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issue: Immigration/Refugee Issue: International/US Politics/Taiwan Issue/Unification Church Issue



Yasuhiro Nagano

Ito ay nai-publish sa programa sa ibaba.


Kung mayroon kang anumang mga katanungan, mangyaring makipag-ugnay sa amin!


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