#MeToo Human rights victim! To media reporters 2018-05-28: It is not "interference of internal affairs" to condemn humanitarian crimes. It is your right to protect human rights.
<Public mail> Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. North Korea is not the only illegal abduction detention. Please help. I thank you for calling from Ambassador of Algeria. The Japanese are not very interested in Africa. It will be because it is far from Asia. The capital city of Algeria is "Alger". But there are few Japanese people who know "Algiers". However, many Japanese people know "Alba's Kasbah". "Kasuba" is the designation of a piece of Algeria's old town. It is also registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is because it is famous for singing "Kasuba no Onna" in Japan. Many Japanese singers cover and sing. I like "Keiko Fuji" so I will list the Youtube's address. Japanese lyrics are also displayed. "Fuj Keiko Kasuba woman" https://youtu.be/q7vABBAeyAM ICC seems to like emerging countries such as Africa. Africa and others seem to think that it is a treasure trove of huma...