
Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-03-28: Président Donald Trump, tous dans le monde. L'alliance "Japon, États-Unis, Corée" s'est "cassée". Les Japonais espèrent "mettre fin aux relations diplomatiques" avec la Corée du Sud. La question de l'immigration clandestine au Japon est celle des Coréens au Japon. S'il vous plaît, comprenez qu'il s'agit d'un problème plus grave que l'immigration clandestine américaine.

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victimes des droits de l'homme! Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-03-28: Président Donald Trump, tous dans le monde. L'alliance "Japon, États-Unis, Corée" s'est "cassée". Les Japonais espèrent "mettre fin aux relations diplomatiques" avec la Corée du Sud. La question de l'immigration clandestine au Japon est celle des Coréens au Japon. S'il vous plaît, comprenez qu'il s'agit d'un problème plus grave que l'immigration clandestine américaine. Salutations Dans "l'irradiation du radar iranien sur l'avion de patrouille de la Force d'autodéfense maritime" par le "destroyer de la marine sud-coréenne", La Corée a prétendu ne rien savoir, même lorsque le ministère de la Défense a présenté des preuves. La Corée, en revanche, a créé une "fausse histoire" dans laquelle l'avion des Forces d'autodéfense maritimes "a effrayé...

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-03-28: President Donald Trump, everyone in the world. The alliance of "Japan, the United States, Korea" went "broken". The Japanese people are hoping for "discontinuing diplomatic relations" with South Korea. The issue of illegal immigration in Japan is the issue of Koreans in Japan. Please understand that it is a more serious problem than American illegal immigration.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-03-28: President Donald Trump, everyone in the world. The alliance of "Japan, the United States, Korea" went "broken". The Japanese people are hoping for "discontinuing diplomatic relations" with South Korea. The issue of illegal immigration in Japan is the issue of Koreans in Japan. Please understand that it is a more serious problem than American illegal immigration. Greetings. South Korea has pretend to know nothing, even if the Ministry of Defense shows evidence in the "irradiance of fire control radar" on the "marine naval patrol aircraft" by "the naval destroyer of South Korea". Korea, on the other hand, has created a "fake story" in which the Maritime Self-Defense Forces aircraft "frightened" the Korean ship. And Korea is asking for an apology from Japan. The Korean side "suggested...

To everyone at the media 2019-03-28: President Donald Trump, everyone in the world. The alliance of "Japan, the United States, Korea" went "broken". The Japanese people are hoping for "discontinuing diplomatic relations" with South Korea. The issue of illegal immigration in Japan is the issue of Koreans in Japan. Please understand that it is a more serious problem than American illegal immigration.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To everyone at the media 2019-03-28: President Donald Trump, everyone in the world. The alliance of "Japan, the United States, Korea" went "broken". The Japanese people are hoping for "discontinuing diplomatic relations" with South Korea. The issue of illegal immigration in Japan is the issue of Koreans in Japan. Please understand that it is a more serious problem than American illegal immigration. Greetings. South Korea has pretend to know nothing, even if the Ministry of Defense shows evidence in the "irradiance of fire control radar" on the "marine naval patrol aircraft" by "the naval destroyer of South Korea". Korea, on the other hand, has created a "fake story" in which the Maritime Self-Defense Forces aircraft "frightened" the Korean ship. And Korea is asking for an apology from Japan. The Korean side "suggested" "the...

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho. This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho. This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc. Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2019-03-27: April 5 is the day the first Tiananmen incident happened. I think that "US negotiations with China" will be broken. The United States has 100% failed in China policy. If the US does not change its policy towards China, the US countdown will begin. The US-China negotiations are similar to the recent “US-North Korea Summit Meeting”. "US-China negotiations" should be "broken". Greetings. On March 14, US Steve "Mnuchin," the Treasury Secretary, stated that "negotiations with China" had priority over negotiations with Japan. Steve "Mnu...

To President Trump 2019-03-27: April 5 is the day the first Tiananmen incident happened. I think that "US negotiations with China" will be broken. The United States has 100% failed in China policy. If the US does not change its policy towards China, the US countdown will begin. The US-China negotiations are similar to the recent “US-North Korea Summit Meeting”. "US-China negotiations" should be "broken".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2019-03-27: April 5 is the day the first Tiananmen incident happened. I think that "US negotiations with China" will be broken. The United States has 100% failed in China policy. If the US does not change its policy towards China, the US countdown will begin. The US-China negotiations are similar to the recent “US-North Korea Summit Meeting”. "US-China negotiations" should be "broken". Greetings. On March 14, US Steve "Mnuchin," the Treasury Secretary, stated that "negotiations with China" had priority over negotiations with Japan. Steve "Mnuchin emphasized that the US administration's priorities are the conclusion of negotiations with China and the ratification of the revised North American Free Trade Agreement. He says that "consultations with China" still have "problems". So he said, "The summit can not be held wit...

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-03-27: Le premier incident de Tiananmen a eu lieu le 5 avril. Je pense que les "négociations américaines avec la Chine" seront brisées. Les États-Unis ont échoué à 100% dans la politique chinoise. Si les États-Unis ne modifient pas leur politique à l'égard de la Chine, le compte à rebours américain commencera. Les négociations américano-chinoises sont similaires à la récente «réunion au sommet américano-nord-coréenne». Les "négociations américano-chinoises" devraient être "rompues".

<Courrier public> #MeToo Victimes des droits de l'homme! Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-03-27: Le premier incident de Tiananmen a eu lieu le 5 avril. Je pense que les "négociations américaines avec la Chine" seront brisées. Les États-Unis ont échoué à 100% dans la politique chinoise. Si les États-Unis ne modifient pas leur politique à l'égard de la Chine, le compte à rebours américain commencera. Les négociations américano-chinoises sont similaires à la récente «réunion au sommet américano-nord-coréenne». Les "négociations américano-chinoises" devraient être "rompues". Salutations 14 mars, le secrétaire américain au Trésor, Steve "Mnuchin", Il a clairement indiqué que la "négociation avec la Chine" devait être prioritaire par rapport aux négociations avec le Japon. Steve "Mnuchin a déclaré que la priorité du gouvernement américain était de conclure les négociations avec la Chine, Il a sou...

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-03-27: Am 5. April ereignete sich der erste Vorfall des Himmlischen Friedens. Ich denke, dass "US-Verhandlungen mit China" gebrochen werden. Die Vereinigten Staaten haben zu 100% in der China-Politik versagt. Wenn die USA ihre Politik gegenüber China nicht ändern, beginnt der US-Countdown. Die Verhandlungen zwischen den USA und China ähneln dem jüngsten "Gipfeltreffen USA-Nordkorea". "US-China-Verhandlungen" sollten "gebrochen" sein.

<Public Mail> #MeToo Menschenrechtsverletzte! Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-03-27: Am 5. April ereignete sich der erste Vorfall des Himmlischen Friedens. Ich denke, dass "US-Verhandlungen mit China" gebrochen werden. Die Vereinigten Staaten haben zu 100% in der China-Politik versagt. Wenn die USA ihre Politik gegenüber China nicht ändern, beginnt der US-Countdown. Die Verhandlungen zwischen den USA und China ähneln dem jüngsten "Gipfeltreffen USA-Nordkorea". "US-China-Verhandlungen" sollten "gebrochen" sein. Grüße 14. März, US-Finanzminister Steve "Mnuchin", Darin heißt es eindeutig, dass "Verhandlungen mit China" den Verhandlungen mit Japan Vorrang haben sollten. Steve "Mnuchin sagte, die Priorität der US-Regierung sei der Abschluss von Verhandlungen mit China, Er betonte, dass es sich um eine Bestätigung des überarbeiteten nordamerikanischen Freihandelsabkommens handele. Er...

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-03-27: April 5 is the day the first Tiananmen incident happened. I think that "US negotiations with China" will be broken. The United States has 100% failed in China policy. If the US does not change its policy towards China, the US countdown will begin. The US-China negotiations are similar to the recent “US-North Korea Summit Meeting”. "US-China negotiations" should be "broken". Greetings. On March 14, US Steve "Mnuchin,"

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-03-27: April 5 is the day the first Tiananmen incident happened. I think that "US negotiations with China" will be broken. The United States has 100% failed in China policy. If the US does not change its policy towards China, the US countdown will begin. The US-China negotiations are similar to the recent “US-North Korea Summit Meeting”. "US-China negotiations" should be "broken". Greetings. On March 14, US Steve "Mnuchin," the Treasury Secretary, stated that "negotiations with China" had priority over negotiations with Japan. Steve "Mnuchin emphasized that the US administration's priorities are the conclusion of negotiations with China and the ratification of the revised North American Free Trade Agreement. He says that "consultations with China" still have "problems". So he said, "The summit c...

To everyone at the media 2019-03-27: April 5 is the day the first Tiananmen incident happened. I think that "US negotiations with China" will be broken. The United States has 100% failed in China policy. If the US does not change its policy towards China, the US countdown will begin. The US-China negotiations are similar to the recent “US-North Korea Summit Meeting”. "US-China negotiations" should be "broken".

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To everyone at the media 2019-03-27: April 5 is the day the first Tiananmen incident happened. I think that "US negotiations with China" will be broken. The United States has 100% failed in China policy. If the US does not change its policy towards China, the US countdown will begin. The US-China negotiations are similar to the recent “US-North Korea Summit Meeting”. "US-China negotiations" should be "broken". Greetings. On March 14, US Steve "Mnuchin," the Treasury Secretary, stated that "negotiations with China" had priority over negotiations with Japan. Steve "Mnuchin emphasized that the US administration's priorities are the conclusion of negotiations with China and the ratification of the revised North American Free Trade Agreement. He says that "consultations with China" still have "problems". So he said, "The summit can not be he...

Thanks for human rights【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2019-03-26】 Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

March 25, 2019 Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message. President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out. Sincerely, The Office of Presidential Correspondence ● Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a   #MeToo victim   too.

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2019-03-26: I think that in order to stop the "nuclear spread" which is the American threat, it is that America will become strong. President Donald Trump can realize the denuclearization of North Korea by strengthening the US economy. That's easy.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho. This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc. Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2019-03-26: I think that in order to stop the "nuclear spread" which is the American threat, it is that America will become strong. President Donald Trump can realize the denuclearization of North Korea by strengthening the US economy. That's easy. Greetings. Media has reported. On March 15, North Korea's Deputy Foreign Minister, Choi Sung-hee, made a statement in the capital city of Pyongyang. President Kim Jong Eun may discontinue "denuclearization talks" with the United States, and nuclear and missiles may also resume testing, Russian Tas news reported that Choi S...

To President Trump 2019-03-26: I think that in order to stop the "nuclear spread" which is the American threat, it is that America will become strong. President Donald Trump can realize the denuclearization of North Korea by strengthening the US economy. That's easy.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2019-03-26: I think that in order to stop the "nuclear spread" which is the American threat, it is that America will become strong. President Donald Trump can realize the denuclearization of North Korea by strengthening the US economy. That's easy. Greetings. Media has reported. On March 15, North Korea's Deputy Foreign Minister, Choi Sung-hee, made a statement in the capital city of Pyongyang. President Kim Jong Eun may discontinue "denuclearization talks" with the United States, and nuclear and missiles may also resume testing, Russian Tas news reported that Choi Sung-hee accused the United States of America. He said, "We do not intend to succumb to any demands of the American side, or to actively engage in such negotiations," said the United States as "a gangster-like position." Mr. Trump was "bragging" of his skills. "We were able...