
Change the world!Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-12-26: Cher monsieur, Les négociations commerciales américano-chinoises sont parvenues à un accord formel dans la «première étape». Le déficit commercial américain ne sera pas

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-12-26: Cher monsieur, Les négociations commerciales américano-chinoises sont parvenues à un accord formel dans la «première étape». Le déficit commercial américain ne sera pas résolu. Les Américains n'acceptent pas de tels accords inégaux. Les républicains devraient s'opposer en coopération avec le Parti démocrate. Les médias hongkongais ont fait part de la «vue d'experts chinois». Nous devons nous préparer à ce que le président américain «retourne la table à l'envers» (chabudai-gaeshi). Partie 1. 16 décembre 2019, selon l'actualité dot com news, Au lieu que les États-Unis réduisent certaines des sanctions imposées à la Chine, la Chine réagira aux achats en gros de produits agricoles américains et à l'ouverture de services financiers. En revanche, les milieux politiques et commerciaux et les experts apprécient la réduction des droits de douane, Il y a des avantages et des inconvénients, comme une vision pr...

Change the world! To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-12-26: Dear Sir,The Americans do not accept such unequal agreements. Republicans should oppose in cooperation with the Democratic Party. The Hong Kong media reported the “view of Chinese experts”.

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-12-26: Dear Sir, The US-China trade negotiations reached a formal agreement in the “first stage”. The US trade deficit will not be resolved. The Americans do not accept such unequal agreements. Republicans should oppose in cooperation with the Democratic Party. The Hong Kong media reported the “view of Chinese experts”. We should prepare for the US president's “turn (throw) the table up side down” '(chabudai-gaeshi). Part 1. On December 16, 2019, according to current affairs dot-com news, instead of the US reducing some of the sanctions on China, China will respond to bulk purchases of US agricultural products and the opening of financial services. In contrast, the political and business circles and experts value the reduction of customs duties, There are pros and cons, such as a cautious view that warns of renewed trade friction. While the United States welcomes agreements that reduce friction as “gifts for industry ...

Change the world! To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-12-26: Dear Sir, The US-China trade negotiations reached a formal agreement in the “first stage”.

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-12-26: Dear Sir, The US-China trade negotiations reached a formal agreement in the “first stage”. The US trade deficit will not be resolved. The Americans do not accept such unequal agreements. Republicans should oppose in cooperation with the Democratic Party. The Hong Kong media reported the “view of Chinese experts”. We should prepare for the US president's “turn (throw) the table up side down” '(chabudai-gaeshi). Part 1. On December 16, 2019, according to current affairs dot-com news, instead of the US reducing some of the sanctions on China, China will respond to bulk purchases of US agricultural products and the opening of financial services. In contrast, the political and business circles and experts value the reduction of customs duties, There are pros and cons, such as a cautious view that warns of renewed trade friction. While the United States welcomes agreements that reduce friction as “gifts for industry ...

Change the world! 조선 민주주의 인민 공화국 김정은 최고 지도자 2019-12-25 : 인사말, 미국 언론은 미쳐있다. 트럼프 대통령은 "나쁘지 않다" 이야기를 교체 마라. 바이든 부모와 자식의 혐의 입증이 먼저 다. 미국의 민주당과 미디어는 일본의 자민당과 미디어 이상에 미

조선 민주주의 인민 공화국 김정은 최고 지도자 2019-12-25 : 인사말, 미국 언론은 미쳐있다. 트럼프 대통령은 "나쁘지 않다" 이야기를 교체 마라. 바이든 부모와 자식의 혐의 입증이 먼저 다. 미국의 민주당과 미디어는 일본의 자민당과 미디어 이상에 미쳐있다. 언론은 "우크라이나 의혹 suspicion"보다 "우크라이나의 문제 '를 심각하게 진지하게 논의해야한다. 제 1 부, 2019 년 12 월 16 일 '시사 닷컴 뉴스'가 전했다. 트럼프 미국 대통령의 '우크라이나 uspicion'에 대해 미국 각 신문은 다음의 '사설'을 차례로 "게재"하고있다. 트럼프를 "탄핵 impeachment"해야한다. 트럼프를 "기소 prosecution"해야한다. 트럼프를 "파면 dismissal"해야한다. 미국 하원 본회의에서 "기소 방안"의 "투표"를 앞두고 15 일까지 "10 신문 '을 넘어 섰다. 뉴욕 타임스는 14 일자 사설에서 "인삐찌 (탄핵하라) '와 불과 1 영어 제목에서 "탄핵 impeachment"며 "파면 dismissal"을 요구했다. 하원 사법위원회가 가결 한 '탄핵의 소추 모양'에 대해 "말씀하신 이야기는 짧고 단순하고 엉뚱한 '와 트럼프의 권력 남용을 비난했다. 지방지 탬파베이 타임스 (플로리다)도 13 일 사설을 게재. 하원의 탄핵 조사를 면밀히 분석 한 결과, "마지 못해 트럼프의 탄핵을 정당화하는 충분한 증거가 있다고 본다"고 적었다. 각 신문사는 민주당 기관지 같습니다. "결론이 앞에있는"생각 일본의 재판관 같습니다. 너희는 먼저하는 것은 냉정하게 "...

Change the world!中华人民共和国 习近平 国家主席 2019-12-25:亲爱的先生, 美国媒体很疯狂。特朗普总统“还不错”。不要改变故事。首先是对拜登父母和孩子的怀疑证据。美国民主党和媒体比日本自民党和媒体更疯狂。媒体应比“乌克兰涉嫌怀疑”更认真地讨

中华人民共和国 习近平 国家主席 2019-12-25:亲爱的先生, 美国媒体很疯狂。特朗普总统“还不错”。不要改变故事。首先是对拜登父母和孩子的怀疑证据。美国民主党和媒体比日本自民党和媒体更疯狂。媒体应比“乌克兰涉嫌怀疑”更认真地讨论“乌克兰问题”。 第一部分 2019年12月16日的《时事互联网新闻》报道。 为了回应美国总统特朗普的“乌克兰疑虑”,美国报纸陆续“出版”了以下“社论”。 特朗普应该被“弹each”。 您应该“起诉”特朗普先生。 您应该“解雇”特朗普。 在美国众议院全体会议上对“提议的起诉”进行“投票”之前, 到15日,“十份报纸”的数量已超过。 《纽约时报》是14日的社论,标题只有一个词“ Impeach”。 要求“弹imp弹药”和“解雇”。 关于众议院司法委员会通过的“弹imp起诉”, “所讲的故事简短,简单和令人发指,”指责特朗普滥用权力。 当地报纸《坦帕湾时报》(佛罗里达州)也于13日发表了社论。 经过对房屋弹Imp调查的全面分析, “不幸的是,我不得不说,有足够的证据证明特朗普的弹each是正确的。” 每个报纸公司似乎都是一本民主党杂志。 似乎是日本法官认为结论是第一位的。 您首先要做的是冷静地证明“拜登的父母和孩子”的罪行是无辜的。” 我对2019年12月9日的“新闻周刊”文章感兴趣。 比“特朗普的乌克兰嫌疑”更严重的“乌克兰问题”是什么? Tatiana Stanovaya(卡内基国际和平基金会莫斯科中心研究员) 日本站点在下面。 由所谓的乌克兰指控引发的美国总统特朗普的弹each动荡每天都是大新闻, 另一个地缘政治问题是“乌克兰问题”。 美国人应该“意识到”。 美国的安全问题不是“乌克兰涉嫌嫌疑”。 美国的安全问题是“乌克兰问题”。 但是在“乌克兰涉嫌嫌疑”中 “乌克兰的怀疑”的出发点是“拜登亲子问题”。 美国众议院应讨论“拜登父母与子女”问题。 明天将继续。 请在下面的“网站”上看到“起诉书”。 在这种情况下,仅通过查看此“起诉书”,您就可以理解“适用法律的错误”。 请参阅“英语翻译”和“日语文本...

Change the world! To President Trump 2019-12-25: Dear Sir,The turmoil of US President Trump that has been triggered by the so-called Ukrainian suspicion has been a big news every day, but the geopolitical point is the other “Ukraine problem”. Americans should be “aware”. The US security issue is not "Ukrainian alleged Su

To President Trump 2019-12-25: Dear Sir, American media is crazy. President Trump is “not bad”. Don't change the story. Proof of suspicion of Biden parent and child is first. The American Democratic Party and the media are more crazy than the Japanese LDP and the media. The media should seriously discuss "Ukrainian issues" more seriously than "Ukrainian alleged suspicion". Part 1, December 16, 2019 "Current affairs dot com news" reports. The US newspapers are "publishing" the following "editorials" one after another in response to US President Trump's "Ukrainian uspicion". Trump should be "impeached impeachment". You should “prosecution” Mr. Trump. You should “dismissal” Trump. Ahead of the “voting” for the “proposed prosecution” at the main session of the US House By the 15th, the number of “10 newspapers” was exceeded. The New York Times is an editorial on the 14th, with a headline of just...

Change the world! Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-12-25: Cher monsieur, Les médias américains sont fous. Le président Trump n'est «pas mauvais». Ne changez pas l'histoire. La preuve de suspicion envers le parent et l'enfant Biden est

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-12-25: Cher monsieur, Les médias américains sont fous. Le président Trump n'est «pas mauvais». Ne changez pas l'histoire. La preuve de suspicion envers le parent et l'enfant Biden est la première. Le Parti démocrate américain et les médias sont plus fous que le LDP japonais et les médias. Les médias devraient sérieusement discuter des «questions ukrainiennes» plus sérieusement que des «soupçons soupçonnés de l'Ukraine». Partie 1, 16 décembre 2019 Reportage "Actualité dot com news". Les journaux américains "publient" les "éditoriaux" suivants les uns après les autres en réponse à "l'uspicion ukrainienne" du président américain Trump. Trump devrait être une "destitution imputée". Vous devriez «poursuivre» M. Trump. Vous devriez «renvoyer» Trump. Avant le «vote» pour le «projet de poursuites» à la session plénière de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis, ...

Change the world!Angela Merkel zum deutschen Ministerpräsidenten 2019-12-25: Sehr geehrter Herr, Amerikanische Medien sind verrückt. Präsident Trump ist "nicht schlecht". Verändere die Geschichte nicht. Der Verdachtsnachweis von Biden Eltern und Kind

Angela Merkel zum deutschen Ministerpräsidenten 2019-12-25: Sehr geehrter Herr, Amerikanische Medien sind verrückt. Präsident Trump ist "nicht schlecht". Verändere die Geschichte nicht. Der Verdachtsnachweis von Biden Eltern und Kind ist an erster Stelle. Die Amerikanisch-Demokratische Partei und die Medien sind verrückter als die japanische LDP und die Medien. Die Medien sollten ernsthaft "ukrainische Themen" ernsthafter diskutieren als "ukrainischer Verdacht". Teil 1, 16. Dezember 2019 "Aktuelles dot com news" berichtet. Die US-Zeitungen "veröffentlichen" die folgenden "Leitartikel" nacheinander als Antwort auf "Ukrainian uspicion" von US-Präsident Trump. Trump sollte "Amtsenthebungsverfahren" sein. Sie sollten Mr. Trump "strafrechtlich verfolgen". Sie sollten Trump "entlassen". Vor dem "Voting" für die "vorgeschlagene Anklage" auf der Plenarsitzung ...

Change the world! To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-12-25: Dear Sir,The American Democratic Party and the media are more crazy than the Japanese LDP and the media. The media should seriously discuss "Ukrainian issues" more seriously than "Ukrainian alleged suspicion".

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2019-12-25: Dear Sir, American media is crazy. President Trump is “not bad”. Don't change the story. Proof of suspicion of Biden parent and child is first. The American Democratic Party and the media are more crazy than the Japanese LDP and the media. The media should seriously discuss "Ukrainian issues" more seriously than "Ukrainian alleged suspicion". Part 1, December 16, 2019 "Current affairs dot com news" reports. The US newspapers are "publishing" the following "editorials" one after another in response to US President Trump's "Ukrainian uspicion". Trump should be "impeached impeachment". You should “prosecution” Mr. Trump. You should “dismissal” Trump. Ahead of the “voting” for the “proposed prosecution” at the main session of the US House By the 15th, the number of “10 newspapers” was exceeded. The New York Times is an editorial on the 14th, w...

Change the world! To everyone in the world's media  2019-12-25: Dear Sir, American media is crazy. President Trump is “not bad”. Don't change the story. Proof of suspicion of Biden parent and child is first. The American Democratic Party and the media are more crazy than the Japanese LDP and the media. The media

To everyone in the world's media  2019-12-25: Dear Sir, American media is crazy. President Trump is “not bad”. Don't change the story. Proof of suspicion of Biden parent and child is first. The American Democratic Party and the media are more crazy than the Japanese LDP and the media. The media should seriously discuss "Ukrainian issues" more seriously than "Ukrainian alleged suspicion". Part 1, December 16, 2019 "Current affairs dot com news" reports. The US newspapers are "publishing" the following "editorials" one after another in response to US President Trump's "Ukrainian uspicion". Trump should be "impeached impeachment". You should “prosecution” Mr. Trump. You should “dismissal” Trump. Ahead of the “voting” for the “proposed prosecution” at the main session of the US House By the 15th, the number of “10 newspapers” was exceeded. The New York Times is an editorial on the 14th, with...

Change the world! 조선 민주주의 인민 공화국 김정은 최고 지도자 2019-12-24 : 인사말, 일요 판, 나는 2019 년 12 월 15 일의 송신 내용을 FB에 게시했습니다. "야당 opposition party"지지자 일본인의 의견입니다. "바이든 후보의 부자 '가 우크라이나에서 범죄를 저지

조선 민주주의 인민 공화국 김정은 최고 지도자 2019-12-24 : 인사말, 일요 판, 나는 2019 년 12 월 15 일의 송신 내용을 FB에 게시했습니다. "야당 opposition party"지지자 일본인의 의견입니다. "바이든 후보의 부자 '가 우크라이나에서 범죄를 저지른 의혹이 있습니다. 트럼프 대통령이 그것을 알아 내기 위하여 "요청"했습니다. 민주당은 "탄핵 재판"에서 "호소"했습니다. 왜 "바이든 후보의 친자"범죄보다 그 추구했다 트럼프가 문제가되는지 전혀 이해할 수있다. 문제의 바꿔 치기입니다. 이제 미국의 민주주의가 깨집니다. 트럼프 대통령은 민주당에지지 말아라. 제 1 부. 나는 다음 전송을했습니다. 일요 판 2019 년 12 월 15 일 : 친애하는 미국의 민주당은 트럼프 대통령을 '위협 torment "것이 능숙하네요. 대통령은 마피아 친구하고 있던 거 아냐. 그는 악덕 상법의 광고탑이 아니다. 일본인은 트럼프 대통령에 "동정"을하고 있습니다. FB 게시물과 답글은 아래를 참조하십시오. 반론의 작성자는 아래 기사를 인용하고 있습니다. 참조하십시오. 일본어이지만 자세히보세요. 나는 법률 이론 트럼...

Change the world!中华人民共和国 习近平 国家主席 2019-12-24:亲爱的先生, 周日,我在FB上发布了2019年12月15日的内容。这是支持反对党的日本人的意见。有人怀疑“拜登候选人的父母”在乌克兰犯罪。特朗普总统“要求”对其进行审查。民主党在“弹each审

中华人民共和国 习近平 国家主席 2019-12-24:亲爱的先生, 周日,我在FB上发布了2019年12月15日的内容。这是支持反对党的日本人的意见。有人怀疑“拜登候选人的父母”在乌克兰犯罪。特朗普总统“要求”对其进行审查。民主党在“弹each审判”中“呼吁”。追究这一罪行的特朗普为何比“拜登候选人”的罪行更多地成为一个问题,这是一个非常神秘的现象。它是对问题的替代。这破坏了美国的民主。特朗普总统不应该输给民主党。 第一部分我发送了以下内容: 周日版,2019年12月15日:亲爱的先生,美国民主党擅长“折磨”特朗普总统。 总统没有黑手党作为他最好的朋友。他不是不道德商业法的广告塔。 日本人对特朗普总统表示“同情”。 参见下面的FB帖子和回复。 贡献者引用了以下文章: 请看看。请用日语查看详细信息。 我认为在法律上,特朗普总统是无辜的。 民主党与日本司法机关相同。 日本的“自由民主党政府”与“美国民主党”具有“关系”,因此“犯罪”是“相似的”。 表面上的纯真被“信息操纵”伪装成“有罪”。 共和党应全力支持特朗普总统。 然后赢得“弹each审判”。 该页面的标题是“特朗普弹each审议的源头是拜登父子的腐败问题”。 这是日本将棋“ katachi zukuri”的一个例子。 我不喜欢自民党和美国民主党的做法。这是“非法的”。 特朗普总统应“赢得”弹each审判。 我们应该摧毁有意识地主张“非法”并行使其权利的“非民主团体”。 明天将继续。 请在下面的“网站”上看到“...

Change the world! To President Trump 2019-12-24: Dear Sir, On Sunday, I posted the content of December 15, 2019 on the FB. This is the opinion of the Japanese who support the opposition party. There is a suspicion that "parent and child of Biden candidate" committed crime in Ukraine. President Trump

To President Trump 2019-12-24: Dear Sir, On Sunday, I posted the content of December 15, 2019 on the FB. This is the opinion of the Japanese who support the opposition party. There is a suspicion that "parent and child of Biden candidate" committed crime in Ukraine. President Trump “requested” to examine it. The Democratic Party “appealed” in the “impeachment trial”. It is quite mysterious why Trump, who pursued the crime, was more of a problem than the crime of "Baiden Candidates". It is a replacement of the problem. This breaks US democracy. President Trump should not lose to the Democratic Party. Part 1. I sent the following: Sunday Edition, December 15, 2019: Dear Sir, The US Democratic Party is good at “tormenting” President Trump. The president did not have Mafia as his best friend. He is not an advertising tower for unscrupulous commercial law. The Japanese are “sympathetic” to President Trump. See below for FB posts and replies. https://www....