
Change the world!To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-01-29: Dear Sir, Abe is going to "prisons" if he is the Korean president. The Central Daily is "sharp". Abe's fate has taken. The "Diet" of "Confusion" has begun. Abe reiterated only the Olympics without mentioning any suspicions. Abe's "say" and "country governing under the law" are meaningless words.

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-01-29: Dear Sir, Abe is going to "prisons" if he is the Korean president. The Central Daily is "sharp". Abe's fate has taken. The "Diet" of "Confusion" has begun. Abe reiterated only the Olympics without mentioning any suspicions. Abe's "say" and "country governing under the law" are meaningless words. Part 1. This is the Japanese version of "Chuo Nippo" on 2020.01.21. "The start of the Diet is turbulent. I have to feel the harsh eyes of the people." This is a statement from Komeito's representative at the General Assembly. As the leaders of the ruling coalition talk like this, the ordinary parliament (which is equivalent to the regular parliament of Korea), which started on the 20th, is in danger for the Abe administration. As the Asahi Shimbun on January 21 puts the top title on one page as "The Opening of Suspicious Diet," man...

Change the world!January 28, 2020, "Special Zones!" "Japan is still committing national crimes." Dear Sirs, Let's laugh at the Japanese Ministry of Justice! The Japanese Ministry of Justice is not qualified to mention Carlos Ghosn. The Abe administration has allowed visa-exempt foreigners to enter the country and work as agricultural workers. If they think that the number of foreign visitors to Japan is on the rise, they bring agricultural workers into the country under the name of tourists, making them illegal workers. Farmers violate Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act! Congressmen are protecting them to get "election votes." Japan should be a country governing under the law!

January 28, 2020, "Special Zones!" "Japan is still committing national crimes." Dear Sirs, Let's laugh at the Japanese Ministry of Justice! The Japanese Ministry of Justice is not qualified to mention Carlos Ghosn. The Abe administration has allowed visa-exempt foreigners to enter the country and work as agricultural workers. If they think that the number of foreign visitors to Japan is on the rise, they bring agricultural workers into the country under the name of tourists, making them illegal workers. Farmers violate Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act! Congressmen are protecting them to get "election votes." Japan should be a country governing under the law! Part 1. Following the "fake mass enrollment" of international students, this time is an agricultural worker in the name of a tourist! The Abe administration's "judicial administration" is "unreasonable." All foreigners are in violation of A...

Change the world!Sunday, January 26, 2020: Dear Sir, Carlos Ghosn has refuted the Minister of Justice Mori. She completely ignores "putative innocence". Denying "estimated innocence" is the basis of Japanese judicial administration. In my case, even 1mm does not violate Japanese law. So the police and prosecutors said. "You should" accept "" your sins "in" general theory. " International community! ! I am still fighting. Help, just like Carlos Ghosn.

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Sunday, January 26, 2020: Dear Sir, Carlos Ghosn has refuted the Minister of Justice Mori. She completely ignores "putative innocence". Denying "estimated innocence" is the basis of Japanese judicial administration. In my case, even 1mm does not violate Japanese law. So the police and prosecutors said. "You should" accept "" your sins "in" general theory. " International community! ! I am still fighting. Help, just like Carlos Ghosn. Part 1. This is the Mainichi Newspaper on January 22, 2020. Former Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn, 65, who fled to Lebanon, renewed his Twitter on January 21 for the first time in about nine and a half months. Former President Ghosn had limited access to the Internet while on bail in Japan, but his fleeing Lebanon does not. A contribution to (FT) was published on January 21 and criticized the Japanese judicial system under the title "I am a victim of double stan...

Change the world!January 25, 2020: "Special Zones!" Saturday Edition. Dear Sirs, Trump is "traitor to one's country." US-China trade agreements only benefit US companies and do not benefit Americans. US workers should unite. And collect investment from the world in “special zones”. Take China's manufacturing plants back to factories in special zones. Freedom and democratic Americans do not become China's "slaves." .

January 25, 2020: "Special Zones!" Saturday Edition. Dear Sirs, Trump is "traitor to one's country." US-China trade agreements only benefit US companies and do not benefit Americans. US workers should unite. And collect investment from the world in “special zones”. Take China's manufacturing plants back to factories in special zones. Freedom and democratic Americans do not become China's "slaves." . Part 1. NewsWeek on January 21, 2020. “ WHAT TRUMP DOES N’T KNOW ABOUT AMERICAN COMPETITIVENESS” Robert Reich (Professor, University of California, Berkeley) <Trump enters into a "first-stage" trade agreement with China to include protection of intellectual property rights of U.S. companies-but large US companies have already empowered Chinese talent with the latest technology and benefited from the benefits they generated. Yes> The first phase of a trade agreement signed by the Trump administration with China...

Change the world!Saturday, January 25, 2020. Dear Sirs, Order to assassinate Trump! A parliamentary member of Iran said, "If you kill US President Trump, you will receive $ 3 million." The revenge of Iranian commander Soleimani being killed in a US attack. Japanese people love "Eyes for eyes, teeth for teeth (Tario's law)". I think Japan should end the death penalty system.

Saturday, January 25, 2020. Dear Sirs, Order to assassinate Trump! A parliamentary member of Iran said, "If you kill US President Trump, you will receive $ 3 million." The revenge of Iranian commander Soleimani being killed in a US attack. Japanese people love "Eyes for eyes, teeth for teeth (Tario's law)". I think Japan should end the death penalty system. Part 1. If we abandon "rule under the law", there is only "the eyes for the eyes and the teeth for the teeth (the law of Tario)". This is the Asahi Shimbun Digital on January 21, 2020. Commander Soleimani of Iran's elite unit, the Revolutionary Guard, was killed in a US attack. A parliamentarian from the commander's hometown of Kerman, southeastern Iran, said,  "If you kill US President Trump, you will award $ 3 million." "This remark" is calling for ripples. Iranian Student News reported. According to the news agency, Mr. Hamze, a member of Parli...

Change the world! 内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三   2020-01-23:拝啓、 「CIA」などの「諜報活動の機関」は日本の「関係者」を捜査すべきです。安倍政権は世界に恥を「さらして」いる。日本政府は「カルロスゴーン」の引き渡しをレバノン政府に要

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 この事件は恣意的な「適用法の誤り」です。 司法関係者を庇うと「犯罪者」が増えるだけです。 首相官邸は「腹をくくるべき」です。 2020-01-23:拝啓、 「CIA」などの「諜報活動の機関」は日本の「関係者」を捜査すべきです。安倍政権は世界に恥を「さらして」いる。日本政府は「カルロスゴーン」の引き渡しをレバノン政府に要求する。しかし2003年月、ペルー政府は「ICPO」を通じ「フジモリ元大統領」を「殺人罪」で国際手配した。ペルー政府は日本政府に「彼」の引渡したびたび求めたが、日本政府は「フジモリ」の引渡しの拒否し続けた。レバノン政府は日本の基準で「カルロスゴーン」のの引渡しをするべきではない。レバノン政府の首脳が日本政府に「買収」されることが心配です。 第1部。2020年01月7日のBBCニュースです。 日本政府、「ゴーン被告」の引き渡しに「圧力」をかける。 ゴーン被告は2019年4月に保釈されたものの、妻のキャロル氏に会うことが許されていなかった 「金融商品取引法違反」などの罪で起訴され、 保釈中だった日産自動車元会長のカルロス・ゴーン被告(65)が 「秘密」の「出国」をしてレバノンに行った問題です。 日本政府はレバノン政府に対して、「彼」の引き渡しの「圧力」を「強めて」いる。 「SugaYoshihide 官房長官」は1月6日、彼は民放の番組に出演して、 国際刑事警察機構(ICPO、インターポール)にゴーン被告の 「国際的」な「指名手配」を要請したと説明した。 ゴーンの「引き渡し」には、彼は「さまざまな外交的な手段を行使したい」との考えを示した。 レバノンは通常、国民の引き渡しはしていないが、 日本政府は「ゴーン被告」の引き渡しの「要求」を行えると主張している。 フジモリ元大統領の引き渡し拒否は「ウィキペディア」をご覧ください。 2001年9月にはペルーの司法...

Change the world! Emmanuel Macron au président français 2020-01-23: Chers Messieurs, Les "agences de renseignement" comme la "CIA" devraient enquêter sur les "parties prenantes" japonaises. L'administration Abe "expose" le monde à la honte. Le gouvernement japonais demande la remise de "Carlos Ghosn" au gouvernement libanais. Cependant, en 2003, le gouvernement péruvien a pris des dispositions

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2020-01-23: Chers Messieurs, Les "agences de renseignement" comme la "CIA" devraient enquêter sur les "parties prenantes" japonaises. L'administration Abe "expose" le monde à la honte. Le gouvernement japonais demande la remise de "Carlos Ghosn" au gouvernement libanais. Cependant, en 2003, le gouvernement péruvien a pris des dispositions internationales pour que l'ancien président Fujimori soit assassiné par le biais de l'ICPO. Le gouvernement péruvien a souvent demandé au gouvernement japonais de le livrer, mais le gouvernement japonais a continué de refuser de livrer Fujimori. Le gouvernement libanais ne devrait pas remettre Carlos Ghosn selon les normes japonaises. Je crains que les dirigeants du gouvernement libanais ne soient "acquis" par le gouvernement japonais. Partie 1. BBC News le 7 janvier 2020. Le gouvernement japona...

Change the world! Angela Merkel zur deutschen PM 2020-01-23: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, "Geheimdienste" wie die "CIA" sollten japanische "Stakeholder" untersuchen. Die Abe-Administration "entlarvt" die Welt mit Scham. Die japanische Regierung fordert die Übergabe von "Carlos Ghosn" an die libanesische Regierung. Im Jahr 2003 veranlasste die peruanische Regierung den ehemaligen Präsidenten Fujimori jedoch auf internationaler Ebene zum Mord durch die IKSO. Die peruanische

Angela Merkel zur deutschen PM 2020-01-23: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, "Geheimdienste" wie die "CIA" sollten japanische "Stakeholder" untersuchen. Die Abe-Administration "entlarvt" die Welt mit Scham. Die japanische Regierung fordert die Übergabe von "Carlos Ghosn" an die libanesische Regierung. Im Jahr 2003 veranlasste die peruanische Regierung den ehemaligen Präsidenten Fujimori jedoch auf internationaler Ebene zum Mord durch die IKSO. Die peruanische Regierung bat die japanische Regierung oft, ihn auszuliefern, aber die japanische Regierung weigerte sich weiterhin, Fujimori auszuliefern. Die libanesische Regierung sollte Carlos Ghosn nicht nach japanischen Maßstäben übergeben. Ich mache mir Sorgen, dass die Führer der libanesischen Regierung von der japanischen Regierung "übernommen" werden. Teil 1. BBC News am 7. Januar 2020. Die japanische Regierung übt "Druck"...

Change the world! To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-01-23: Dear Sirs, "Intelligence agencies" such as the "CIA" should investigate Japanese "stakeholders." The Abe administration is "exposing" the world to shame. The Japanese government requests the delivery of "Carlos Ghosn" to the Lebanese government. However, in 2003, the Peruvian government internationally arranged for former President Fujimori for murder through the ICPO. The Peruvian

To Boris  Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-01-23: Dear Sirs, "Intelligence agencies" such as the "CIA" should investigate Japanese "stakeholders." The Abe administration is "exposing" the world to shame. The Japanese government requests the delivery of "Carlos Ghosn" to the Lebanese government. However, in 2003, the Peruvian government internationally arranged for former President Fujimori for murder through the ICPO. The Peruvian government often asked the Japanese government to deliver him, but the Japanese government continued to refuse to deliver Fujimori. The Lebanese government should not hand over Carlos Ghosn under Japanese standards. I am worried that the leaders of the Lebanese government will be "acquired" by the Japanese government. Part 1. BBC News on January 7, 2020. Japanese government puts "pressure" on delivery of Ghosn defendant. Ghosn was release...