
December 27, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, I look forward to the policies of the next US President Joe Biden. Hang in there! He develops a roadmap for the citizenship of about 11 million uncertified migrants. He says he will withdraw immigration bans from several Islamic countries.

  Children play with a pink seesaw wall on the US-Mexico border (video from a year ago, BBC) December 27, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, I look forward to the policies of the next US President Joe Biden. Hang in there! He develops a roadmap for the citizenship of about 11 million uncertified migrants.  He says he will withdraw immigration bans from several Islamic countries. In the United States, "illegal immigrants," which are said to have about 11 million people, are a problem. People come to America in search of work.  The United States has aimed for an equal society for all Americans,  immigrants, and illegal immigrants, based on the idea that "basic human rights must not be violated."  However, the ever-increasing number of people means the ever-increasing number of competitors. America is a rich country created by immigrants. America is the country of the Statue of Liberty.  It's an ideal symbol of America....

Children play with a pink seesaw wall on the US-Mexico border (video from a year ago, BBC)

 Children play with a pink seesaw wall on the US-Mexico border (video from a year ago, BBC) December 27, 2020: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, I look forward to the policies of the next US President Joe Biden. Hang in there! He develops a roadmap for the citizenship of about 11 million uncertified migrants.  He says he will withdraw immigration bans from several Islamic countries. In the United States, "illegal immigrants," which are said to have about 11 million people, are a problem. People come to America in search of work.  The United States has aimed for an equal society for all Americans,  immigrants, and illegal immigrants, based on the idea that "basic human rights must not be violated."  However, the ever-increasing number of people means the ever-increasing number of competitors. America is a rich country created by immigrants. America is the country of the Statue of Liberty.  It's an ideal symbol of America....

President-elect Bydenn must not compete between "Chinese slave and forced laborers" and "US free workers." The United States and its allies should "decoupling" China. We should create a rich world by valuing freedom, democracy, and human rights.

 President-elect Joe Biden of the United States on the 22nd About additional economic legislation passed by Congress to address the new coronavirus crisis "The bill is just the first step and a down payment," he said. December 26, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, Thank you, US Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell.  With your "cooperation", America can become a "one nation." He acknowledged President-elect Biden's victory in the presidential election.  He refused to acknowledge Biden's victory after November 7, when Biden's victory was confirmed.  He said he "has 100% right to focus on legal means" about President Trump's trial struggle. And he was in a "supporting position" for Mr. Trump. Steve Jobs, a child of a Syrian immigrant, created a smart mobile phone  that can be operated with just one finger.  It can be said that the United States continues to grow by accepting i...

It can be said that the United States continues to grow by accepting immigrants, creating new technologies and values. It was China that robbed Americans of their jobs.

 President-elect Joe Biden of the United States on the 22nd About additional economic legislation passed by Congress to address the new coronavirus crisis "The bill is just the first step and a down payment," he said. December 26, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, Thank you, US Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell.  With your "cooperation", America can become a "one nation." He acknowledged President-elect Biden's victory in the presidential election.  He refused to acknowledge Biden's victory after November 7, when Biden's victory was confirmed.  He said he "has 100% right to focus on legal means" about President Trump's trial struggle. And he was in a "supporting position" for Mr. Trump. Steve Jobs, a child of a Syrian immigrant, created a smart mobile phone  that can be operated with just one finger.  It can be said that the United States continues to grow by accepting i...

He said he "has 100% right to focus on legal means" about President Trump's trial struggle. And he was in a "supporting position" for Mr. Trump.

 President-elect Joe Biden of the United States on the 22nd About additional economic legislation passed by Congress to address the new coronavirus crisis "The bill is just the first step and a down payment," he said. December 26, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, Thank you, US Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell.  With your "cooperation", America can become a "one nation." He acknowledged President-elect Biden's victory in the presidential election.  He refused to acknowledge Biden's victory after November 7, when Biden's victory was confirmed.  He said he "has 100% right to focus on legal means" about President Trump's trial struggle. And he was in a "supporting position" for Mr. Trump. Steve Jobs, a child of a Syrian immigrant, created a smart mobile phone  that can be operated with just one finger.  It can be said that the United States continues to grow by accepting i...

December 26, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, Thank you, US Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell. With your "cooperation", America can become a "one nation." He acknowledged President-elect Biden's victory in the presidential election. He refused to acknowledge Biden's victory after November 7, when Biden's victory was confirmed.

 President-elect Joe Biden of the United States on the 22nd About additional economic legislation passed by Congress to address the new coronavirus crisis "The bill is just the first step and a down payment," he said. December 26, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, Thank you, US Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell.  With your "cooperation", America can become a "one nation." He acknowledged President-elect Biden's victory in the presidential election.  He refused to acknowledge Biden's victory after November 7, when Biden's victory was confirmed.  He said he "has 100% right to focus on legal means" about President Trump's trial struggle. And he was in a "supporting position" for Mr. Trump. Steve Jobs, a child of a Syrian immigrant, created a smart mobile phone  that can be operated with just one finger.  It can be said that the United States continues to grow by accepting i...

President-elect Joe Biden of the United States on the 22nd About additional economic legislation passed by Congress to address the new coronavirus crisis "The bill is just the first step and a down payment," he said.

 President-elect Joe Biden of the United States on the 22nd About additional economic legislation passed by Congress to address the new coronavirus crisis "The bill is just the first step and a down payment," he said. December 26, 2020: Saturday edition. Dear Sir, Thank you, US Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell.  With your "cooperation", America can become a "one nation." He acknowledged President-elect Biden's victory in the presidential election.  He refused to acknowledge Biden's victory after November 7, when Biden's victory was confirmed.  He said he "has 100% right to focus on legal means" about President Trump's trial struggle. And he was in a "supporting position" for Mr. Trump. Steve Jobs, a child of a Syrian immigrant, created a smart mobile phone  that can be operated with just one finger.  It can be said that the United States continues to grow by accepting i...

Au président français Emmanuel Macron Le gouvernement philippin devrait exiger le rétablissement de l'honneur du peuple philippin et des excuses du gouvernement japonais.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron Le Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies a déclaré que Carlos Gone n'était pas coupable. Et le groupe de travail demande au Japon de lui verser une compensation. «Nous» sommes également complètement «innocents» dans les «cas de violation de la loi sur l'immigration». Veuillez soutenir notre "poursuite" contre "ICC" et "HCDH". Veuillez «poursuivre» les «violations des droits de l'homme» «arbitraires» du Japon aux Nations Unies et au G7. Le gouvernement japonais dit qu'il est "inefficace" en réponse au rapport de l'ONU. Des sanctions économiques contre le Japon sont nécessaires. 2020-12-25: Cher Monsieur, J'ai envoyé une lettre au président des Philippines. J'ai également envoyé une lettre à l'ambassade des Philippines au Japon. Et j'envoie tous les jours un mail à "l'ambassade des Philippines au Japon". Dans le "cas de violation de la loi su...

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund Im Jahr 2014 wurden Botschaftsmitarbeiter und Diplomaten wegen "Unterstützungskosten" in dem "Verstoß gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz", der in der philippinischen Botschaft in Japan stattfand, verhaftet oder "bestraft". Glücklicherweise flohen einige Beamte und Diplomaten vor ihrer Verhaftung nach Philippine. Es ist das gleiche wie bei Carlos Gone.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund Das UN-Menschenrechtsgremium hat entschieden, dass Carlos Gone nicht schuldig ist. Und die Arbeitsgruppe fordert Japan auf, eine Entschädigung für ihn zu leisten. "Wir" sind auch in "Fällen von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" völlig "unschuldig". Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere "Klage" gegen "ICC" und "OHCHR". Bitte "verfolgen" Sie Japans "willkürliche" "Menschenrechtsverletzungen" bei den Vereinten Nationen und der G7. Wenn dies nicht getan wird, wird das "Todesstrafen-System" nicht aus Japan verschwinden. Die G7-Vorausländer sollten den Japanern beibringen, dass "Menschenrechte" wichtig sind. Die japanische Regierung sagt, es sei "ineffektiv" als Reaktion auf den UN-Bericht. Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Japan sind erforderlich. 25.12.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr Ich habe einen Brief an den philippinischen Pr...

To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Fortunately, some officials and diplomats fled to the Philippines before their arrest. It's the same as Carlos Ghosn's case. Employees and diplomats who provide false employment contracts are not guilty. The reason for the amendment states that it is "not guilty" in the January 2017 amendment of the Immigration Control Act.

 To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson The UN Human Rights Council acquitted Carlos Ghosn. And the working group is asking Japan to make compensation for him. "We" are also completely "not guilty" in "immigration law violation cases". Please support our "files" against "ICC" and "OHCHR". Please "pursue" Japan's "arbitrary" "human rights violations" at the United Nations and the G7. If this is not done, the "death penalty system" will not disappear from Japan. The G7 nations should teach the Japanese that "human rights" are important. The Japanese government says it is "ineffective" in response to the UN report. Economic sanctions on Japan are needed. 2020-12-25: Dear Sir, I sent a letter to the President of the Philippines.  I also sent a letter to the Philippine Embassy in Japan.  And I send an email to the Philippine Embassy in Japan every day.  In 2014, embas...

To the White House officials! 2020-12-25: Dear Sir, I sent a letter to the President of the Philippines. I also sent a letter to the Philippine Embassy in Japan. And I send an email to the Philippine Embassy in Japan every day. In 2014, embassy staff and diplomats were arrested or punished for "support charges"

 To the White House officials! I've been emailing every day since President Trump took office. President Trump said of the "miscarriage of justice" in the "immigration law violation case." "I promise you a satisfying solution," signed and replied to me. White House staff should "fulfill" President Trump before he leaves the White House! The United Nations Commission on Human Rights reported that Carlos Ghosn was "not guilty." The White House should urgently release the "father and son" who helped Carlos Ghosn. If the problem persists, the Biden administration should take over. New corona variant! Infected people can be found in Italy as well. The Japanese government tells the Japanese to put up with it and endure it! However, those who enter the country say that it is good. What is this? From now on, think about the children who have to wear masks and grow up all the time! 2020-1...

New corona variant! Infected people can be found in Italy as well. The Japanese government tells the Japanese to put up with it and endure it! However, those who enter the country say that it is good. What is this? From now on, think about the children who have to wear masks and grow up all the time!New corona variant! Infected people can be found in Italy as well. The Japanese government tells the Japanese to put up with it and endure it! However, those who enter the country say that it is good. What is this? From now on, think about the children who have to wear masks and grow up all the time!

To the White House officials! I've been emailing every day since President Trump took office. President Trump said of the "miscarriage of justice" in the "immigration law violation case." "I promise you a satisfying solution," signed and replied to me. White House staff should "fulfill" President Trump before he leaves the White House! The United Nations Commission on Human Rights reported that Carlos Ghosn was "not guilty." The White House should urgently release the "father and son" who helped Carlos Ghosn. If the problem persists, the Biden administration should take over. New corona variant! Infected people can be found in Italy as well. The Japanese government tells the Japanese to put up with it and endure it! However, those who enter the country say that it is good. What is this? From now on, think about the children who have to wear masks and grow up all the time! 2020-12...

Au président français Emmanuel Macron «Une personne qui comprend la loi» comme le prochain président et vice-président des États-Unis, le président de la France et le premier ministre de l'Allemagne. Je veux qu'une telle personne devienne le Premier ministre du Japon.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron Le Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies a déclaré que Carlos Gone n'était pas coupable. Et le groupe de travail demande au Japon de lui verser une compensation. «Nous» sommes également complètement «innocents» dans les «cas de violation de la loi sur l'immigration». Veuillez soutenir notre "poursuite" contre "ICC" et "HCDH". Veuillez «poursuivre» les «violations des droits de l'homme» «arbitraires» du Japon aux Nations Unies et au G7. Le gouvernement japonais dit qu'il est "inefficace" en réponse au rapport de l'ONU. Des sanctions économiques contre le Japon sont nécessaires. 2020-12-24: Cher Monsieur, À propos de Carlos Gone, ancien président de Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., qui fuit au Liban. Dans une interview à une émission de télévision française diffusée le 1er novembre, il Il a été révélé que c'est une politique de «recevoir» l '«audition» des autorités d'enquê...

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 24.12.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr, über Carlos Gone, einen ehemaligen Präsidenten von Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., der in den Libanon flieht. In einem Interview mit einer französischen Fernsehsendung, die am 1. November ausgestrahlt wurde, hat er Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass es eine Politik ist, die "Anhörung" der französischen Ermittlungsbehörden im nächsten Jahr auf der flüchtenden Bay Route zu "empfangen".

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund Das UN-Menschenrechtsgremium hat entschieden, dass Carlos Gone nicht schuldig ist. Und die Arbeitsgruppe fordert Japan auf, eine Entschädigung für ihn zu leisten. "Wir" sind auch in "Fällen von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" völlig "unschuldig". Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere "Klage" gegen "ICC" und "OHCHR". Bitte "verfolgen" Sie Japans "willkürliche" "Menschenrechtsverletzungen" bei den Vereinten Nationen und der G7. Wenn dies nicht getan wird, wird das "Todesstrafen-System" nicht aus Japan verschwinden. Die G7-Vorausländer sollten den Japanern beibringen, dass "Menschenrechte" wichtig sind. Die japanische Regierung sagt, es sei "ineffektiv" als Reaktion auf den UN-Bericht. Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Japan sind erforderlich. 24.12.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr, über Carlos Gone, einen ehemaligen Präsidente...

To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson The UN Human Rights Council acquitted Carlos Ghosn. And the working group is asking Japan to make compensation for him. "We" are also completely "not guilty" in "immigration law violation cases". Please support our "files" against "ICC" and "OHCHR".

To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson The UN Human Rights Council acquitted Carlos Ghosn. And the working group is asking Japan to make compensation for him. "We" are also completely "not guilty" in "immigration law violation cases". Please support our "files" against "ICC" and "OHCHR". Please "pursue" Japan's "arbitrary" "human rights violations" at the United Nations and the G7. If this is not done, the "death penalty system" will not disappear from Japan. The G7 nations should teach the Japanese that "human rights" are important. The Japanese government says it is "ineffective" in response to the UN report. Economic sanctions on Japan are needed. 2020-12-24: Dear Sir, About Carlos Ghosn, the former chairman of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.,  who is fleeing to Lebanon. In an interview on a French television show aired on November 1,  he revealed that he would "r...

To the White House officials! The Biden administration will start soon. I support the Biden administration. I'm looking forward to it! In response to Mr. Trump's statement tolerating nuclear weapons against Japan, Mr. Biden said during his time as Vice President: "We wrote the Constitution of Japan to prevent (Japan) from being nuclear-armed," he said. Maybe he doesn't understand. Didn't he learn at school? Mr. Trump lacks judgment and cannot be trusted.

 To the White House officials! I've been emailing every day since President Trump took office. President Trump said of the "miscarriage of justice" in the "immigration law violation case." "I promise you a satisfying solution," signed and replied to me. White House staff should "fulfill" President Trump before he leaves the White House! The United Nations Commission on Human Rights reported that Carlos Ghosn was "not guilty." The White House should urgently release the "father and son" who helped Carlos Ghosn. If the problem persists, the Biden administration should take over. The Biden administration will start soon. I support the Biden administration. I'm looking forward to it! In response to Mr. Trump's statement tolerating nuclear weapons against Japan, Mr. Biden said during his time as Vice President: "We wrote the Constitution of Japan to prevent (Japan) from being nuclear-armed," he said. Maybe he ...

Au président français Emmanuel Macron Le gouvernement japonais dit qu'il est "inefficace" en réponse au rapport de l'ONU. Des sanctions économiques contre le Japon sont nécessaires.

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron Le Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies a déclaré que Carlos Gone n'était pas coupable. Et le groupe de travail demande au Japon de lui verser une compensation. «Nous» sommes également complètement «innocents» dans les «cas de violation de la loi sur l'immigration». Veuillez soutenir notre "poursuite" contre "ICC" et "HCDH". Veuillez «poursuivre» les «violations des droits de l'homme» «arbitraires» du Japon aux Nations Unies et au G7. Le gouvernement japonais dit qu'il est "inefficace" en réponse au rapport de l'ONU. Des sanctions économiques contre le Japon sont nécessaires. 2020-12-23: Cher Monsieur, Le Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies a signalé que l'arrestation et la détention de M. Gone étaient «déraisonnables et déraisonnables» et a exigé le paiement d'une indemnité. En d'autres termes, Carlos Gone n'est pas coupable. Le tribunal féd...

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund Bitte "verfolgen" Sie Japans "willkürliche" "Menschenrechtsverletzungen" bei den Vereinten Nationen und der G7. Wenn dies nicht getan wird, wird das "Todesstrafen-System" nicht aus Japan verschwinden.

 An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund Das UN-Menschenrechtsgremium hat entschieden, dass Carlos Gone nicht schuldig ist. Und die Arbeitsgruppe fordert Japan auf, eine Entschädigung für ihn zu leisten. "Wir" sind auch in "Fällen von Verstößen gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz" völlig "unschuldig". Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere "Klage" gegen "ICC" und "OHCHR". Bitte "verfolgen" Sie Japans "willkürliche" "Menschenrechtsverletzungen" bei den Vereinten Nationen und der G7. Wenn dies nicht getan wird, wird das "Todesstrafen-System" nicht aus Japan verschwinden. Die G7-Vorausländer sollten den Japanern beibringen, dass "Menschenrechte" wichtig sind. Die japanische Regierung sagt, es sei "ineffektiv" als Reaktion auf den UN-Bericht. Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Japan sind erforderlich. 23.12.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr, Der UN-Menschenrechtsrat berichtete, dass die...