
【USAMail from the White House 2018-06-20b】 June 19, 2018 Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out. Sincerely, The Office of Presidential Correspondence If you wish to receive regular email updates from the White House, please Click Here . You may also follow President Trump and the White House on Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , and YouTube . White House Website | Privacy Policy | Contact the White House ● Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a   #MeToo victim   too.

Thanks for human rights 【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-06-20a】 Your 1600 Daily:

The White House • June 19, 2018 The Day Ahead • President Donald J. Trump will address the National Federation of Independent Businesses' 75th Anniversary Celebration. Watch live at 12:25 p.m. ET. • Vice President Mike Pence will speak to workers at Nucor Steel Auburn, Inc. in Upstate New York. Watch live at 2:20 p.m. ET. • President Trump will welcome Their Majesties King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain to the White House for an expanded bilateral meeting.

#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-06-20: Japanese shame! This case is not the only "illegal or inappropriate act in Japan".

<Public mail> Common sense of Japanese compliance "Even with a red light, if you cross with everyone, you are not afraid" It is a terrible joke! This fact threatens the security of countries dealing with Japan. Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it. The trend of Japan threatens not only the United States but also the world safety guarantee. When you read this email, the White House and the EU countries will be delighted. Even if the US does not add any additional tariffs, Japanese industries such as the Japanese automobile industry and the steel industry will soon die out soon. Japan has been fraudulent since long ago. So Japan made a lot of money when exporting to the United States etc etc. Recently, however, Japanese corporations have been fraudulent. The punishment went down (be punished by Heaven) In 2018, this year also occurred one after anoth

#MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-06-20: Japanische Schande! Dieser Fall ist nicht die einzige "illegale oder unangemessene Handlung in Japan".

<Öffentliche Post> Gewöhnlicher Sinn für japanische Konformität "Selbst mit einem roten Licht, wenn du dich mit allen überkreuzt, hast du keine Angst" Es ist ein schrecklicher Witz! Diese Tatsache bedroht die Sicherheit von Ländern, die Japan betreffen. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Illegales oder unangemessenes Verhalten in der japanischen Regierung. Und japanische Gesellschaft, die es nachahmt. Der Trend Japans bedroht nicht nur die Vereinigten Staaten, sondern auch die weltweite Sicherheitsgarantie. Wenn Sie diese E-Mail lesen, werden das Weiße Haus und die EU-Länder erfreut sein. Auch wenn die USA keine zusätzlichen Tarife hinzufügen, Japans Industrien wie die japanische Automobilindustrie und die Stahlindustrie werden demnächst bald zerstört sein. Japan ist seit langem betrügerisch. So machte Japan eine Menge Geld, wenn es in die Vereinigten Staaten usw. usw. exportiert. In jüngster Zeit waren japanische Unternehmen jedoch betrüger

#MeToo victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-06-20: Honte japonaise! Cette affaire n'est pas le seul "acte illégal ou inapproprié au Japon".

<Public mail> Bon sens de la conformité japonaise "Même avec un feu rouge, si vous croisez avec tout le monde, vous n'avez pas peur" C'est une blague terrible! Ce fait menace la sécurité des pays qui traitent avec le Japon. Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. Comportement illégal ou inapproprié qui prévaut dans le gouvernement japonais. Et la société japonaise qui l'imite. La tendance du Japon menace non seulement les Etats-Unis mais aussi la garantie de sécurité mondiale. Quand vous lirez ce courriel, la Maison Blanche et les pays de l'UE seront ravis. Même si les États-Unis n'ajoutent aucun tarif supplémentaire, Les industries japonaises telles que l'industrie automobile japonaise et l'industrie sidérurgique seront bientôt détruites. Le Japon a été frauduleux depuis longtemps. Donc, le Japon a fait beaucoup d'argent lors de l'exportation aux États-Unis, etc etc Récemment, cependant, les sociétés japonaises ont été fr

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-06-20: Japanese shame! This case is not the only "illegal or inappropriate act in Japan".

Public mail> Common sense of Japanese compliance "Even with a red light, if you cross with everyone, you are not afraid" It is a terrible joke! This fact threatens the security of countries dealing with Japan. Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it. The trend of Japan threatens not only the United States but also the world safety guarantee. When you read this email, the White House and the EU countries will be delighted. Even if the US does not add any additional tariffs, Japanese industries such as the Japanese automobile industry and the steel industry will soon die out soon. Japan has been fraudulent since long ago. So Japan made a lot of money when exporting to the United States etc etc. Recently, however, Japanese corporations have been fraudulent. The punishment went down (be punished by Heaven) In 2018, this year also occurred one after another,

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Everyone in the world 2018-06-20: Japanese shame! This case is not the only "illegal or inappropriate act in Japan".

<Public mail> Common sense of Japanese compliance "Even with a red light, if you cross with everyone, you are not afraid" It is a terrible joke! This fact threatens the security of countries dealing with Japan. Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it. The trend of Japan threatens not only the United States but also the world safety guarantee. When you read this email, the White House and the EU countries will be delighted. Even if the US does not add any additional tariffs, Japanese industries such as the Japanese automobile industry and the steel industry will soon die out soon. Japan has been fraudulent since long ago. So Japan made a lot of money when exporting to the United States etc etc. Recently, however, Japanese corporations have been fraudulent. The punishment went down (be punished by Heaven) In 2018, this year also occurred one after anoth