
The United States does not need a wall to protect the desert. The United States needs a wall to protect factories in special zones.

The United States does not need a wall to protect the desert. The United States needs a wall to protect factories in special zones.

To everyone in the world April 27, 2019, Special Zone of the United States Saturday Edition: The United States says it will transfer illegal migrants to "Sanctuary city". The “agriculture” that employed illegal immigrants will decline. The United States will then become an importer of agricultural products. People in poor countries are serious when the price of agricultural products rises. Please stop.

To everyone in the world April 27, 2019, Special Zone of the United States Saturday Edition: The United States says it will transfer illegal migrants to "Sanctuary city". The “agriculture” that employed illegal immigrants will decline. The United States will then become an importer of agricultural products. People in poor countries are serious when the price of agricultural products rises. Please stop. Part 1. President Trump stated that he is considering releasing illegal migrants arrested at the southern border and transferring them to so-called sanctuaries. A sanctuary refers to an area where opposition and Democrats do not agree with federal authorities in immigration policy. In response, a spokesman for the Homeland Security Department anonymously issued a statement late on the same day, saying, "This is a plan that has disappeared and there is no further discussion." President Trump also said at a White House event later on the 12th that s

Dear Sirs International people. Saturday version, April 27, 2019: Greetings. The police did not arrest former Former Ministry of Industry, Former director of Industrial Technology Institute (87 years old) who was driving. Two people died. Questions and accusations have erupted from the people.

Dear Sirs International people. Saturday version, April 27, 2019: Greetings. The police did not arrest former Former Ministry of Industry, Former director of Industrial Technology Institute (87 years old) who was driving. Two people died. Questions and accusations have erupted from the people. Part 1. In Ikebukuro, Tokyo, a mother and child died after being hit by a "runaway car". When the "details" at the time of the accident are reported, questions and accusations are erupting on the Internet in the "investigation" of the police. The police did not arrest "Iizuka Kozo, former director of the Industrial Technology Institute of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry" (87 years old) who was driving. On the Mainichi Twitter, "Why is the driver not being arrested! Usually, if you kill such people, the driver will be arrested immediately!" (Young mother and daughter died, 8 people were seriously injured). Tempor

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2019-04-26:Dear Sirs, France should end the "super-educated society". It should be treated as "equal" in the "merit system" rather than "super-education". Japan's Prime Minister Ab

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho. This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc. Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2019-04-26:Dear Sirs, France should end the "super-educated society". It should be treated as "equal" in the "merit system" rather than "super-education". Japan's Prime Minister Abe, parliamentarians and most of his executives are “BAC + 3 (4)”. In France, it is necessary to give people who are "BAC + 3" and below "willing to work". Part 1. France has protected its people with greater welfare than any other country in Europe. This accounts for one third of the national expenditure. In 2016, the country spent € 715 billion on health care, welfare and unemployment benefits. But in order

To President Trump 2019-04-26:Dear Sirs, France should end the "super-educated society". It should be treated as "equal" in the "merit system" rather than "super-education". Japan's Prime Minister Abe, parliamentarians and most of his executives are “BAC + 3 (4)”. In France, it is necessary to give people who are "BAC + 3" and below "willing to work".

To President Trump 2019-04-26:Dear Sirs, France should end the "super-educated society". It should be treated as "equal" in the "merit system" rather than "super-education". Japan's Prime Minister Abe, parliamentarians and most of his executives are “BAC + 3 (4)”. In France, it is necessary to give people who are "BAC + 3" and below "willing to work". Part 1. France has protected its people with greater welfare than any other country in Europe. This accounts for one third of the national expenditure. In 2016, the country spent € 715 billion on health care, welfare and unemployment benefits. But in order to benefit from it, French workers are subject to the highest taxes in Europe. Although high-income earners are now taxed the most, in France, most goods and services are subject to “value-added tax”. Many economic critics say. The "Macron Administration" "temporarily freezes" the fuel

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-04-26:Chers Messieurs, La France devrait mettre fin à la "société sur-éduquée". Il devrait être traité comme "égal" dans le "système du mérite" plutôt que "super-éducation". Le Premier ministre du Japon, Abe, les parlementaires et la plupart de ses dirigeants sont «BAC + 3 (4)». En France, il est nécessaire de donner aux personnes qui sont "BAC + 3" et au-dessous "prêts à travailler".

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-04-26:Chers Messieurs, La France devrait mettre fin à la "société sur-éduquée". Il devrait être traité comme "égal" dans le "système du mérite" plutôt que "super-éducation". Le Premier ministre du Japon, Abe, les parlementaires et la plupart de ses dirigeants sont «BAC + 3 (4)». En France, il est nécessaire de donner aux personnes qui sont "BAC + 3" et au-dessous "prêts à travailler". Partie 1 La France a protégé son peuple avec un plus grand bien-être que tout autre pays d'Europe. Cela représente un tiers des dépenses nationales. En 2016, le pays a consacré 715 milliards d'euros aux soins de santé, à l'aide sociale et aux allocations de chômage. Mais au bénéfice des travailleurs français, La taxe la plus élevée est imposée en Europe. Les revenus les plus élevés sont les plus imposés, mais En France, la plupart des biens et services sont soumis à la "t

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-04-26:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Frankreich sollte die "übergebildete Gesellschaft" beenden. Es sollte eher als "gleich" im "Verdienstsystem" und nicht als "Superausbildung" behandelt werden. Japans Premierminister Abe, Parlamentarier und die meisten seiner Führungskräfte sind "BAC + 3 (4)". In Frankreich ist es notwendig, Personen, die "BAC + 3" und darunter sind, "arbeitswillig" zu geben.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-04-26:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Frankreich sollte die "übergebildete Gesellschaft" beenden. Es sollte eher als "gleich" im "Verdienstsystem" und nicht als "Superausbildung" behandelt werden. Japans Premierminister Abe, Parlamentarier und die meisten seiner Führungskräfte sind "BAC + 3 (4)". In Frankreich ist es notwendig, Personen, die "BAC + 3" und darunter sind, "arbeitswillig" zu geben. Teil 1 Frankreich hat seine Menschen mit mehr Wohlstand geschützt als jedes andere Land in Europa. Dies macht ein Drittel der nationalen Ausgaben aus. Im Jahr 2016 hat das Land 715 Milliarden Euro für Gesundheitsleistungen, Sozialleistungen und Arbeitslosenunterstützung ausgegeben. Aber zum Vorteil der französischen Arbeiter, Die höchste Steuer wird in Europa erhoben. Die höchsten Einkommensempfänger werden jedoch am stärksten besteuert In Frankreich unterlieg