To the media of the international community! Tips on News from Japan! We will send articles posted e-mail to President Trump everyday. Apart from the news, Think seriously about Japanese immigration problems (crime against humanitarian Article 7) Please cover! Article 7 Crime against humanity (E) Strong deprivation of antibacterial and other physical freedoms in violation of the basic rules of international law It is a serious problem in Japan! Many foreigners are suffering from damage!
2017-10-12 re: To the media of the international society! Today I mailed to President Trump. This is a posted article of today 's crime in Japan' s immigration issue 'exposure series. Please report a serious immigration issue in Japan "humanitarian crime".
2017-10-12 re: To the media of the international society! Today I mailed to President Trump.
This is a posted article of today 's crime in Japan' s immigration issue 'exposure series.
Please report a serious immigration issue in Japan "humanitarian crime".
I filed a lawsuit (advertisement information) by e-mail on September 10.
All information is uploaded to the following HP.
First of all, we would like to interview the ICC.
Japan is said to be an advanced country,
but it is a "humanitarian crime" state over North Korea.
Diet members have "scar on the shin", so they do not know their face.
This is Japanese politics! So the criminal justice will happen.
Japan is, keep in legally allowed to illegal entry,
it has been expelled foreigners as criminals in the "darkness".
Knowing this fact, everything President Trump said is "justice".
If we do not settle under the law, do we have to solve it by terrorism?
I am convinced that it can be solved with the power of the media.
Below are the contents of e-mail to President Trump,
It is distributed to embassies in Japan, OHCHR, ICC, parliamentarians and others.
2017-10-12: Today, I played President Cards,
"The criminal series on the humanitarian side of the Japanese government
that sued the ICC" is NO17.
This e - mail will expose the illegal judicial administration
in Japan familiar to me to eradicate the humanitarian crime
on the earth to the international community.
The Government of Japan is a migrant issue
that the world is suffering from, and is a worker
who entered for a legitimate reason
in "humanitarian illegal criminal acts" not based on international law,
Japan Constitution, Immigration Act (immigration law)
I make a foreigner a criminal offender for dishonoring reasons,
for reasons of illegal employment, to leave the country.
This criminal act is quite a vicious criminal act,
completely different from President Trump 's "American first principle".
As for the solution in Japan,
appeals to Diet members have been exhausted and we will appeal to the international community.
I have already filed a complaint (information notice) to ICC,
but please also understand international society.
And also against the ICC, in order to solve the terrorism problem,
please put pressure to denounce the problem with top priority.
Please see below for the contents of the complaint against ICC (information notice).
If this problem is solved under international law,
it may be possible to solve the terrorist acts of terrorism despairing the problem solving
under international law.
Below we will provide the following contents of the series to the President of Trump.
Today's e-mail content,
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese.
I respect the great president.
It is a continuation from No 16.
It was founded to comply
with international law as acting as an aid to Chinese illegal employment,
It is not a "special crime for promoting illegal employment"
which is a special law stipulating assistance acts or promotion acts against illegal employment,
Illegally provided "False Employment Agreement" so that the status of residence was easily obtained.
So I was in Japan. I was illegally working because I was in Japan.
I abused the "criminal guilt" of the criminal law
which is a general law in a causal relationship with.
The prosecutor's "indictment" also states
that the Chinese received a "false employment contract"
and submitted the "content false employment contract" to the Tokyo immigration office.
Because the provisions of Immigration Control Law
take precedence over the General Law of Criminal Code,
this act can be said to be an aid to the penal law
against 4-4 (False document submission) Article 22 of Immigration Act.
If four Chinese people said that the "false employment contract" is true,
the four Chinese will be removed from the foreign minister
by the Minister of Justice at 4-4 of the Immigration Act (submitting false documents) You can command.
However, the Chinese have not been ordered to leave
the country due to violation of the Minister of Justice (submitting false documents).
I am guilty and committing a crime against human rights.
Even though he was innocent,
he was arrested and detained for a long period of time,
exploited the penalty for penalty for a long period of time.
Follow No 18
Let's stop the terrorist crime of North Korea!
Let's stop terrorist acts by terrorists!
To do this, it is best to stop the humanitarian crime in the international law of the country!
In case
Details of the case (summary) (indictment) are below.
President Trump as a world police officer,
and everyone in the international community, act!
Best regards,
Yasuhiro Nagano
Documents to be submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC) can be viewed below!
(Generally unpublished)
For uncertainties, please contact us!
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