November 30, 2017: Honorable British Prime Minister Teliza May

November 30, 2017: Honorable British Prime Minister Teliza May

Dear sirs. According to the Mainichi Shimbun and others,
the EU opened a foreign ministers' defense ministerial conference
and talked about the intention of 23 volunteers to participate in the permanent military cooperation framework (PESCO) which aims to strengthen the common defense policy.

PESCO included concepts in the EU Treaty revised in 2009,
but the UK continued to oppose concerning the duplication with (NATO) 's role, realization was far away.
?With the growing military threat of Russia,
it is said that the emergence of President Trump,
which repeatedly skeptical about the NATO framework with "US First" promoted independence and unity in Europe.

I am sorry that the UK does not participate,
I think that unity in Europe is a good thing.
Asia is unable to stop the United States and Japan,
despite illegal sentencing in The Hague for reclaiming the South China Sea in China and making it a military base. It is no longer an international society that is governed by military power.

I think that Europe's biggest challenge is immigration / refugee problems
and terrorism problem.

In order to prevent terrorist crime,
the international community must also be governed under international law, not unreasonable power.

While Europe suffers from immigration and refugee problems,
in Western countries society in Western Europe is stunned to cope with immigration problems
by illegal means. Please be interested in illegal immigration and refugee response in Japan. In case
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.

Please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


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