To the media of the international community! Tips on News from Japan! We will send articles posted e-mail to President Trump everyday. Apart from the news, Think seriously about Japanese immigration problems (crime against humanitarian Article 7) Please cover! Article 7 Crime against humanity (E) Strong deprivation of antibacterial and other physical freedoms in violation of the basic rules of international law It is a serious problem in Japan! Many foreigners are suffering from damage!
December 14, 2017: Honorable British Prime Minister Teliza May I thank the United Nations Security Council for taking back the issue of the return of Japanese abductees. If you are addressing this issue, please also address the illegal kidnapping confinement issue for foreigners by the Japanese government. There is no "good, bad" for illegal abduction detention. The UN delegation of North Korea announced the statement "It is contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and international law to discuss and discuss the human rights problems of North
December 14, 2017: Honorable British Prime Minister Teliza May
Dear sirs. According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, the United Nations Security Council announced on Wednesday,
China and Russia, but we held a meeting on North Korea's human rights situation.
North Korea spends resources on nuclear and missile development,
Criticism from each country has been criticized as continuing human rights abuses such as dispatching workers to foreign countries and poor treatment of political prisoners.
Swedish ambassador Scuge said he expressed concern that "North Korea is not enough to respond to the return of Japanese abductees."
Ambassador Rykroft in the UK also touched North Korea as a college student in the United States died after detention and touched "17 Japanese Japanese abducted victims (accredited by the Japanese government)" and " It is a case neglected rule. "
I thank the United Nations Security Council for taking back the issue of the return of Japanese abductees. If you are addressing this issue, please also address the illegal kidnapping confinement issue for foreigners by the Japanese government.
There is no "good, bad" for illegal abduction detention. The UN delegation of North Korea announced the statement "It is contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and international law to discuss and discuss the human rights problems of North Korea that do not exist." In case
I think the Japanese government will say the same thing. For facts, please read the following documents submitted to ICC. We ask for your support from the international community.
While Europe suffers from immigration and refugee problems,
In Japan, western European society is stunned by illegal means to deal with immigration problems.
Please be interested in illegal immigration and refugee response in Japan. In case
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Please let ICC investigate! Please also take up the agenda in the UN, G7, G20 and others.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.
Please help us! Best regards. Yasuhiro Nagano
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