
To the media of the international community! 1st news! 2017-12-13: Today's topic to announce to the President of Trump and the world media is "Please introduce Mrs. Melania's activities in detail, I think that American citizens will be delighted, and also the courage of many immigrants I think that I will give it. "

To the media of the international community! 1st news!

2017-12-13: Today's topic to announce to the President of Trump and the world media is 
"Please introduce Mrs. Melania's activities in detail, 
I think that American citizens will be delighted, 
and also the courage of many immigrants I think that I will give it. "

The content of the e-mail today is as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.

Every day I am looking forward to the e-mail magazine "West Wing Reads" from the White House.
Then visit the website and read "1600 Daily: Everything White House".
Two news are introduced in SNS and blog.

In case
"PHOTO OF THE DAY" of "1600 Daily: Everything White House" is one of enjoyment,
photos are posted on SNS etc. It is popular.

An article like "First Lady Melania Trump visits with children for Christmas
at Children's National Hospital |
 December 7, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)" is good.

Because President Trump is politically too strong individuality,
I think that it is often disliked.
I think that Mrs. Melania is covering the weaknesses of the president.
I think that there are many activities with President Trump,
but I think that if you can get in touch with American citizens gently
with support by the sole action, President's support will rise.

In case
If possible, please introduce Mrs. Melania's activities in detail.
I think that American citizens will be delighted.
I also think that it will give courage to many immigrants.
Looking at the presence of Mr. Melania,
I think that it is understood that President Trump is not all enemies of "immigrants".

Mrs. Melania, Gunbare!
Please give dreams to many Americans including immigrants.

Please support humanitarian crimes by the Japanese state.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.

President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media, embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)


To the international society's media, today's scoop information!

Exhibition series "humanitarian crime in Japanese immigration problems"
It is an article published today.
The act of grasping the "humanitarian crime"
of the Japanese government is no longer "terrorist act".

The Japanese government legally accepts immigrants under the nominal terms
of foreign students and interns,
The purpose is to use as a simple worker. If it is not convenient,
it is expelled as a criminal outside the country.

Human rights issues contrary to international law
of the Japanese government must also be taken into account in the United Nations.

I think that the act of infringement of unlawful and illegal human rights
by the state invites terrorism.
The world must be governed under the law, based on international law.

All information is uploaded to the following HP.


The immigration policies of Europe and the United States are wonderful compared with Japan.
Please compare yourself with Japanese immigration problems.
I'm sure President Trump will be wonderful.

First of all, we ask the ICC to interview the facts.

Please, please support.
And let's eliminate terrorism from the world!

The above mentioned today, President Trump, Embassy of Japan in Tokyo,
OHCHR, ICC, Diet members, the media of the world,
I emailed to Japanese labor organizations, economic organizations, etc.
Since I am e-mail every day, please report with interest.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


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