
Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-30a 】 Your 1600 Daily: The next phase of America’s comeback

Thanks for human rights
【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-30a 】

Your 1600 Daily:
The next phase of America’s comeback
Last month, President Donald J. Trump called upon Congress and State and local governments to embrace his Infrastructure Initiative, which aims to spur $1.5 trillion in investment through a combination of Federal funding and incentivized non-Federal funding.

Today, the President travels to Ohio to make his case directly to the American people. He will visit an expansive training site for members of the International Union of Operating Engineers, a diversified trade union that includes heavy equipment operators, mechanics and surveyors, and stationary engineers.
Here is what he will tell Ohioans:
  • This Administration is fighting every day to protect, defend, and grow American jobs. That includes eliminating a record number of job-killing regulations.
  • We have unleashed American energy independence – foreign energy imports are at their lowest level in nearly 40 years.
  • The next phase of America’s economic comeback is to rebuild America’s crumbling infrastructure. We will breathe new life into our run-down highways, railways, and waterways, and we will transform our roads and bridges—all under budget and ahead of schedule.

Watch President Trump’s speech to Ohio live at 2:00 p.m. ET.
Learn more: How fixing infrastructure will build a stronger economy

Fixing bad trade deals
Since the U.S.-Korea Trade Agreement (KORUS) went into effect in 2012, the U.S. trade in goods deficit has grown from $13.2 billion to $22.9 billion—an increase of 73 percent. In July of last year, at the direction of President Trump, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer began negotiations with South Korea to amend KORUS.

As a result, South Korea is doubling the number of American automobiles that can enter its market each year using U.S. safety standards from 25,000 to 50,000 per manufacturer. South Korea also agreed to address its onerous and costly customs procedures that have hindered U.S. exports, as well as limit its steel imports into the United States with a product-specific quota.
We want to make a deal that’s fair for the United States and fair for South Korea,” President Trump said. And thanks to Trade Rep. Lighthizer’s work, the Administration has done just that.
Learn more about how President Trump is keeping his promise to fix the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement.

The next generation of conservative leaders
Attendees at the White House “Generation Next” forum last week included millennials who are small business owners, farmers, journalists, policy analysts, and leaders on college campuses. Charlie Kirk, founder of the conservative nonprofit Turning Point USA, led a Q&A with President Trump in front of about 150 of these young men and women.

A few of President Trump’s quotes from the conversation:
  • In response to a question about free speech on college campuses: “I think the numbers are actually much different than people think. I think we have a lot of support.”
  • On the economy: “You know, we were at about 1.2 percent GDP. We’ve now hit 3, and another 3, and a 3.2. . . . Our businesses are flourishing.”
  • On a former classmate who demonstrates the importance of vocational schools: “That person could fix an engine or a motor so—he was incredible. Blind folded.”
More: President Trump Welcomes the Next Generation of Conservative Leaders

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at a speech on the opioid crisis | March 19, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


Today, President Trump travels to Richfield, Ohio, to deliver remarks on the Infrastructure Initiative.

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May 2018-03-30: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows. In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence" Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May

2018-03-30: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows.
In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence"
Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

Article 2 of the European Union Treaty caused serious problems in the UK.

1. Increase in tax burden on British citizens
2. Increased unemployment concerns
3. Loss of British intrinsic culture
4. Deterioration of security

As a result, I divide the British people half.
And, we ran to EU withdrawal by democratic rule. Is this really OK?

I think that it is necessary to make efforts to revise Article 2 of the European Union Convention in accordance with the circumstances of the Member States so that they can be operated.

From the schedule of withdrawal from the UK,
How about reconsidering the wonderful "European Union Convention Article 2" that tears come out?
President Trump should arbitrate the EU so that the UK will not leave.

Immigrant refugee problems should not be accepted, but rather to resolve problems in the affected areas more than now.
If refugees occur in the long run,
The refugee city camp (camp with city function) should be made at the United Nations.
Developed countries should give refugees jobs by letting "refugee urban camps" subcontract products and so on.

President Trump, make refugee city camp! Gunbare!

"A strong country that respects human rights and freedom of speech is necessary in the world" by government officials in Japan,
Please condemn humanitarian crime over treatment of immigrants and refugees.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation. There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
The material is below.


There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard 2018-03-30: Le contenu de l'e-mail au Président de la Trump, etc., est le suivant. En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase" Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard

2018-03-30: Le contenu de l'e-mail au Président de la Trump, etc., est le suivant.
En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase"
Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. Je respecte le grand président. S'il vous plaît aider!

L'article 2 du Traité de l'Union européenne a causé de graves problèmes au Royaume-Uni.

1. Augmentation du fardeau fiscal des citoyens britanniques
2. Problèmes de chômage accrus
3. Perte de la culture intrinsèque britannique
4. Détérioration de la sécurité

En conséquence, je divise le peuple britannique à moitié.
Et, nous avons couru au retrait de l'UE par la règle démocratique. Est-ce vraiment OK?

Je pense qu'il est nécessaire de faire des efforts pour réviser l'article 2 de la Convention de l'Union européenne en fonction de la situation des États membres afin qu'ils puissent être exploités.

De l'horaire de retrait du Royaume-Uni,
Que diriez-vous de reconsidérer la merveilleuse "Article 2 de la Convention de l'Union européenne" que des larmes sortent?
Le président Trump devrait arbitrer l'UE afin que le Royaume-Uni ne partira pas.

Les problèmes des réfugiés immigrants ne devraient pas être acceptés, mais plutôt résoudre les problèmes dans l'événement.
Si les réfugiés se produisent à long terme,
Le camp de la ville de réfugiés (camp avec fonction de la ville) devrait être fait aux Nations Unies.
Les pays développés devraient donner aux réfugiés un emploi en laissant des «camps urbains de réfugiés» sous-traiter des produits et ainsi de suite.

Le président Trump, faites le camp de la ville de réfugiés! Gunbare!

"Un pays fort qui respecte les droits de l'homme et la liberté de parole est nécessaire dans le monde" par des représentants du gouvernement au Japon,
Veuillez condamner les crimes humanitaires concernant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés.
Non seulement la loi japonaise mais la violation du droit international. Il n'y a pas de prescription de crimes humanitaires.
Non seulement moi mais beaucoup d'étrangers comme les Chinois et les Philippins sont sacrifiés.
Le matériel est ci-dessous.


Il y a une limite à la vie! S'il vous plaît aider bientôt! Sincèrement vôtre.
(Cet e-mail est envoyé à toutes les sociétés internationales)

Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare! Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel 2018-03-30: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten des Trump des Tages usw. lautet wie folgt. Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt" Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel

2018-03-30: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten des Trump des Tages usw. lautet wie folgt.
Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt"
Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich respektiere den großen Präsidenten. Bitte helfen Sie!

Artikel 2 des EU-Übereinkommens führte zu einem großen Problem im Vereinigten Königreich.

1. Erhöhung der Steuerlast der britischen Bürger
2. Erhöhte Bedenken hinsichtlich der Arbeitslosigkeit
3. Verlust der britischen intrinsischen Kultur
4. Verschlechterung der Sicherheit

Infolgedessen teile ich das britische Volk zur Hälfte.
Und wir sind zum Rückzug der EU durch eine demokratische Regierung gelaufen. Ist das wirklich in Ordnung?

Meines Erachtens müssen Anstrengungen unternommen werden, um Artikel 2 des Übereinkommens der Europäischen Union entsprechend den Gegebenheiten der Mitgliedstaaten zu überarbeiten, damit sie betrieben werden können.

Aus dem Zeitplan des Rückzugs aus dem Vereinigten Königreich,
Wie steht es mit der Überlegung, dass der wundervolle "Artikel 2 der Europäischen Union" die Tränen hervorbringt?
Präsident Trump sollte die EU schlichten, damit Großbritannien nicht gehen wird.

Flüchtlingsprobleme von Einwanderern sollten nicht akzeptiert werden, sondern eher die Problembereiche in der Veranstaltung lösen.
Wenn Flüchtlinge auf lange Sicht auftreten,
Das Flüchtlingscamp (Camp mit Stadtfunktion) sollte bei den Vereinten Nationen gemacht werden.
Die entwickelten Länder sollten den Flüchtlingen Arbeitsplätze verschaffen, indem sie "Flüchtlingscamps" die Untervergabe von Produkten genehmigen lassen und so weiter.

Präsident Trump, machen Sie Flüchtlingscamp! Gunbare!

"Ein starkes Land, das Menschenrechte und Meinungsfreiheit respektiert, ist in der Welt notwendig" von Regierungsbeamten in Japan,
Bitte verurteilen Sie humanitäre Verbrechen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen.
Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht. Es gibt keine Verschreibung von humanitären Verbrechen.
Nicht nur ich, sondern viele Ausländer wie Chinesen und Filipinos werden geopfert.
Das Material ist unten.


Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben! Bitte helfen Sie bald! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Diese E-Mail wird an alle internationalen Gesellschaften geliefert)

Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Meine Informationen ***************
Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-03-30: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows. Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-03-30: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump of the day etc are as follows.
Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

Article 2 of the European Union Treaty caused serious problems in the UK.

1. Increase in tax burden on British citizens
2. Increased unemployment concerns
3. Loss of British intrinsic culture
4. Deterioration of security

As a result, I divide the British people half.
And, we ran to EU withdrawal by democratic rule. Is this really OK?

I think that it is necessary to make efforts to revise Article 2 of the European Union Convention
in accordance with the circumstances of the Member States so that they can be operated.

From the progress of the departure schedule
in the UK How about trying to rethink the "European Union Convention Article 2"
that is so wonderful that tears come out?
President Trump should arbitrate the EU so that the UK will not leave.

Immigrant refugee problems should not be accepted,
but rather to resolve the problem areas in the event.
If refugees occur in the long run,
you should make "refugee camps" (camp with urban functions) in the United Nations.
Developed countries should give refugees jobs
by letting "refugee urban camps" subcontract products and so on.

President Trump, make refugee city camp! Gunbare!

"A strong country that respects human rights and freedom of speech is necessary
in the world" Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning handling of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
The material is below.


There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

My information *************************************************

It is published in the following program.


Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-29b 】 West Wing Reads | Trump Scores His First Revised Trade Deal, With South Korea

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-29b 】

West Wing Reads |

Trump Scores His First Revised Trade Deal, With South Korea

President Donald Trump secured his first revamp of a U.S. trade deal, after reaching an agreement this week with South Korea that would allow American automakers greater access to that country’s markets,” Toluse Olorunnipa and Andrew Mayeda report in Bloomberg. “Seoul has agreed to double to 50,000 the number of cars each U.S. automaker can sell in the Asian nation without meeting local safety standards.”

Click here to read more.
The Boston Herald Editorial Board writes that “President Trump has not been as soft on Russia as the media would have us believe. In fact, he has been tougher than most of his recent predecessors.” The editors argue that the President showed resolve this week when he “expelled 60 Russian diplomats in response to the early March attack on a former Russian spy in England.”
In The Washington Times, Ilan Berman writes that President Trump has pledged “to continue holding the IRGC [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] and the Iranian regime accountable for conducting cyber-attacks abroad and for suppressing Iranian citizens who are protesting the oppression of their government at home.” Berman notes that “the Trump administration has recognized that re-establishing America’s credibility and standing with the Iranian people ranks as one of its most urgent tasks.”
Poland signed the largest arms procurement deal in its history on Wednesday, agreeing with the United States to buy Raytheon Co’s Patriot missile defense system for $4.75 billion in a major step to modernize its forces against a bolder Russia,” Lidia Kelly reports in Reuters.
The U.S. economy grew at a solid 2.9 percent annual rate in the final three months of last year, a sharp upward revision that caps three quarters of the fastest growth in more than a decade,” Martin Crutsinger writes for The Associated Press. Crutsinger adds that “President Donald Trump often points to the pickup in growth last year as evidence that his economic program of tax cuts, deregulation and stronger enforcement of trade deals is already having a positive impact.”
In the New York Daily News, Joe Borelli writes that “last Monday, when President Trump traveled to New Hampshire to roll out his administration’s opioid plan, he was right to put bullseyes on fentanyl, its traffickers and the countries where it is produced.” Borelli explains that the Trump Administration’s goal is to “fundamentally reduce the number of overdose deaths in the U.S., something which nearly every advocate, doctor and authority agrees has risen in conjunction with the availability of fentanyl.”

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-29a 】 Your 1600 Daily: Another win on trade

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-29a 】

Your 1600 Daily:
Another win on trade
In the past few weeks, President Donald J. Trump has fought to secure one of his key promises to the American people: negotiating free, fair, and reciprocal trade deals for the American worker.

Yesterday, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer announced a new agreement with South Korea that accomplishes exactly that:
The improved KORUS agreement reflects the President’s leadership in delivering more reciprocal trade outcomes benefiting U.S. workers, exporters, and businesses. The United States and Korea have strengthened an important economic relationship by agreeing to substantial improvements to KORUS that will help rebalance our trade, reduce our trade deficit, and expand U.S. export opportunities.”
News of the deal is earning the Administration widespread recognition. “The finalization of a trade agreement with South Korea would hand Mr. Trump a victory in his ‘America First’ approach to trade,” The New York Times reported.
Learn more about this important win for American workers and businesses.

Optimism abounds
Each week, the Administration is seeing more and more news that consumer and business confidence continue to soar, particularly now that President Trump’s tax cuts are helping the U.S. economy take off after eight years of stagnation.

The latest headlines show the good news keeps coming:
  • Pew: Economy ‘Good-Excellent’ Rating Highest in 18 Years (Washington Examiner)
  • Business Economists Optimistic About Growth: Survey (The Hill)
  • U.S. Consumer Confidence Hits 14-Year High (The Wall Street Journal)
  • U.S. Job Openings Surge to Record High in January (Reuters)

President Trump’s work is only just beginning, but the early signs all show that smart policy is all it took to unleash America’s economic power.
Read more: The American economy is coming back strong

Secretary DeVos: How omnibus makes schools safer
The bipartisan omnibus deal that President Trump signed into law last week delivers desperately needed resources for our Nation’s troops. Another important goal it accomplishes is helping to make American schools safer.

The president has called on Congress to expand mental health programs, including those that help identify and treat individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others,” Education Secretary Betsy DeVos wrote in the Washington Examiner this week. “Congress heard and acted on this request in its omnibus spending bill, giving $700 million to the Department of Education for Student Support and Academic Enrichment grants.”
As part of the omnibus, Congress also passed the STOP School Violence Act and the Fix NICS Act, the latter of which strengthens America’s criminal background check system.
Learn more about how this law will help make American schoolchildren safer.

Photo of the Day

The Jacqueline Kennedy Garden | March 26, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)


This morning, President Trump will host a credentialing ceremony for newly appointed ambassadors to Washington, D.C. The President will then have lunch with the Secretary of Defense.
Vice President Mike Pence will deliver keynote remarks at an America First Policies “Tax Cuts to Put America First” event at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May 2018-03-29: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence" Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May

2018-03-29: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence"
Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

The illegal immigration issue is the same for American citizens.
As if the Caucasian lost the Indians of the Americas,
Impressive momentum, illegal immigrants who cross the Mexican border
It is trying to surpass the indigenous American citizen.

And unfair imported products are robbing American citizenship.
Under these circumstances, in order to protect the American people,
I can not condemn the "American First Principle" spoken by President Trump.

Humanitarian refugee acceptance is important.
But sudden acceptance of refugees enough to destroy the lives of their citizens can not receive public support.
It is dictatorship that lost freedom and democracy if you force it by your own authority.
The nation of freedom and democracy, the rule of rule, is a "NO" to dictator politicians!

Trade must be equal.
If so, international trade should balance imports and exports.

Imports and exports should be balanced by trade between one country and one country.
If it can not be balanced, the group should be grouped in multilateral countries, and the import and export of each country should be balanced within the group.
Freedom of trade must be equal.

For the establishment of impartial trade rules President Trump, Gambare!

"The world needs a strong country that respects human rights and freedom of speech"
Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan.

Not only Japanese law but international law violation. There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
The material is below.

There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard 2018-03-29: Le contenu de l'e-mail au président du Trump etc. aujourd'hui est comme suit. En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase" Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard

2018-03-29: Le contenu de l'e-mail au président du Trump etc. aujourd'hui est comme suit.
En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase"
Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. Je respecte le grand président. S'il vous plaît aider!

Le problème de l'immigration clandestine est le même pour les citoyens américains.
Comme si le Caucasien avait perdu les Indiens des Amériques,
Un élan impressionnant, les immigrants illégaux qui traversent la frontière mexicaine
Il essaie de surpasser le citoyen américain indigène.

Et les produits importés injustes volent la citoyenneté américaine.
Dans ces circonstances, afin de protéger le peuple américain,
Je ne peux pas condamner le «premier principe américain» prononcé par le président Trump.

L'acceptation des réfugiés humanitaires est importante.
Mais l'acceptation soudaine de réfugiés suffisamment pour détruire la vie de leurs citoyens ne peut recevoir le soutien du public.
C'est la dictature qui a perdu la liberté et la démocratie si vous l'avez forcée par votre propre autorité.
La nation de la liberté et la démocratie, la règle de la règle, est un «NON» aux politiciens dictateurs!

Le commerce doit être égal.
Si c'est le cas, le commerce international devrait équilibrer les importations et les exportations.

Les importations et les exportations devraient être équilibrées par le commerce entre un pays et un pays.
S'il ne peut être équilibré, le groupe devrait être groupé dans des pays multilatéraux, et l'importation et l'exportation de chaque pays devraient être équilibrées au sein du groupe.
La liberté du commerce doit être égale.

Pour l'établissement de règles commerciales impartiales Président Trump, Gambare!

"Le monde a besoin d'un pays fort qui respecte les droits de l'homme et la liberté d'expression"
Veuillez condamner les crimes humanitaires concernant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés par des représentants du gouvernement au Japon.

Non seulement la loi japonaise mais la violation du droit international. Il n'y a pas de prescription de crimes humanitaires.
Non seulement moi mais beaucoup d'étrangers comme les Chinois et les Philippins sont sacrifiés.
Le matériel est ci-dessous.

Il y a une limite à la vie! S'il vous plaît aider bientôt! Sincèrement vôtre.
(Cet e-mail est envoyé à toutes les sociétés internationales)

Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare! Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel 2018-03-29: Der Inhalt von E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt. Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt" Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel

2018-03-29: Der Inhalt von E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist heute wie folgt.
Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt"
Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich respektiere den großen Präsidenten. Bitte helfen Sie!

Die Frage der illegalen Einwanderung ist für amerikanische Bürger die gleiche.
Als ob der Kaukasier die Indianer Amerikas verloren hätte,
Beeindruckende Dynamik, illegale Einwanderer, die die mexikanische Grenze überqueren
Es versucht, den indigenen amerikanischen Bürger zu übertreffen.

Und unfaire importierte Produkte berauben die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft.
Unter diesen Umständen, um das amerikanische Volk zu schützen,
Ich kann das von Präsident Trump gesprochene "American First Principle" nicht verurteilen.

Humanitäre Flüchtlingsakzeptanz ist wichtig.
Aber die plötzliche Akzeptanz von Flüchtlingen, die genug sind, um das Leben ihrer Bürger zu zerstören, kann keine öffentliche Unterstützung erhalten.
Es ist Diktatur, die Freiheit und Demokratie verloren hat, wenn Sie sie mit Ihrer eigenen Autorität erzwingen.
Die Nation der Freiheit und Demokratie, die Herrschaft der Herrschaft, ist ein "Nein" zu Diktatorpolitikern!

Der Handel muss gleich sein.
Wenn dem so ist, sollte der internationale Handel Importe und Exporte ausgleichen.

Importe und Exporte sollten durch den Handel zwischen einem Land und einem Land ausgeglichen werden.
Wenn es nicht ausgeglichen werden kann, sollte die Gruppe in multilateralen Ländern gruppiert werden, und der Import und Export jedes Landes sollte innerhalb der Gruppe ausgewogen sein.
Die Handelsfreiheit muss gleich sein.

Für die Schaffung von unparteiischen Handelsregeln Präsident Trump, Gambare!

"Die Welt braucht ein starkes Land, das die Menschenrechte und die Redefreiheit respektiert"
Bitte verurteilen Sie die humanitären Verbrechen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen durch Regierungsbeamte in Japan.

Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht. Es gibt keine Verschreibung von humanitären Verbrechen.
Nicht nur ich, sondern viele Ausländer wie Chinesen und Filipinos werden geopfert.
Das Material ist unten.

Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben! Bitte helfen Sie bald! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Diese E-Mail wird an alle internationalen Gesellschaften geliefert)

Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Meine Informationen ***************
Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-03-29: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-03-29: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

The illegal immigration issue is the same for American citizens.
Illegal immigrants and others crossing the Mexican border are trying to surpass
the indigenous American citizens with tremendous momentum,
as if the Caucasians lost the Indian of the Americas.

And unfair imported products are robbing American citizenship.
Under these circumstances, in order to protect the American people,
we can not condemn the "American first principle" that President Cardamom advocated.

Humanitarian refugee acceptance is important.
But sudden acceptance of refugees enough to destroy the lives
of their citizens can not receive public support.
It is dictatorship that lost freedom and democracy if you force it by your own authority.
The nation of freedom and democracy,
the rule of rule, is a "NO" to dictator politicians!

Trade must be equal.
If so, international trade should balance imports and exports.

Imports and exports should be balanced by trade between one country and one country.
If it can not be balanced, the group should be grouped in multilateral countries,
and the import and export of each country should be balanced within the group.
Freedom of trade must be equal.

For the establishment of impartial trade rules President Trump, Gambare!

"A strong country that respects human rights and freedom of speech is necessary
in the world" Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning handling of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
The material is below.


There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

My information *************************************************

It is published in the following program.


Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-28b 】 West Wing Reads | McCormick to use some tax savings to pay out bonuses, raise wages

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-28b 】

West Wing Reads |

McCormick to use some tax savings to pay out bonuses, raise wages

MarketWatch reports that McCormick & Co. Inc. “will use ‘a portion’ of the savings from recent tax legislation to pay out $1,000 bonuses in May to eligible U.S. hourly employees.” Tomi Kilgore writes that “the spices and seasoning mixes company said it would also accelerate wage increases for hourly employees.”

Click here to read more.
In the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Assistant Health and Human Services Secretary Elinore F. McCance-Katz writes “with his announcement last week of a bold initiative to address the epidemic of opioid abuse, addiction and overdose in the United States, President Donald Trump has brought a new level of urgency to the fight.” McCance-Katz explains that President Trump “has given us a new sense of urgency to assure that Americans living with serious mental and substance-use disorders get effective, scientifically sound, evidence-based care.”
In the Washington Examiner, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos writes that “last month, when 17 innocent children and adults were massacred in Parkland, Fla., President Trump delivered a forceful response: The failures to confront school violence in America over the past 40 years end now.” Secretary DeVos adds that President Trump and his entire Administration “are committed to making America safe by implementing evidence-based measures that will help improve mental health, prevent crime, and keep violent behavior out of our schools and communities.”
President Donald Trump wrote Tuesday on Twitter that he is ‘very pleased’ that his administration will host a temporary memorial to victims of opioid abuse next month on the Ellipse just outside the White House,” Louis Nelson writes in Politico. “Trump has put combating opioid abuse at the center of his domestic agenda, traveling to New Hampshire — a state especially hard-hit by opioid abuse — earlier this month and announcing a set of administration proposals for combating addiction,” Nelson adds.

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Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-28a 】 Your 1600 Daily: 22,000 faces of the opioid crisis

Thanks for human rights
【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-28a 】

Your 1600 Daily:
22,000 faces of the opioid crisis
Last week, President Donald J. Trump announced a bold policy agenda to combat the opioid crisis on three fronts: prevention and education, treatment and recovery, and law enforcement and interdiction.

Now, the White House is partnering with the Department of the Interior and the National Parks Service to bring the National Safety Council’s “Prescribed to Death” opioid memorial to the Ellipse near the White House from April 11 to April 18.
The exhibit will educate visitors on the impact of the opioid crisis with the installation of a wall of 22,000 engraved white pills—each representing the face of an American lost to a prescription opioid overdose in 2015. The exhibit is also an action center, with resources on the safe disposal of unused pills and prepaid envelopes to allow visitors to dispose of any unused medication at their homes.
More information about the Prescribed to Death memorial can be found here.

U.S. expels Russian intelligence officers
President Trump ordered the expulsion of dozens of Russian intelligence officers from the United States yesterday morning. He also directed the closure of the Russian consulate in Seattle, given its proximity to one of America’s submarine bases as well as Boeing facilities.

The United States takes this action in conjunction with our NATO allies and partners around the world in response to Russia’s use of a military-grade chemical weapon on the soil of the United Kingdom, the latest in its ongoing pattern of destabilizing activities around the world,” a senior Administration official briefed reporters yesterday.
America stands in solidarity with our closest ally, the United Kingdom. While the Administration remains ready to build a better relationship with Russia, this can only happen with a change in behavior from the Russian government. Actions like this attack on British soil will carry serious consequences.
Read more on President Trump’s expulsion of Russian officers from the United States.

Why John Bolton is the right choice
Commentators agree that by appointing John Bolton to be the next National Security Advisor (NSA), President Trump has made an excellent choice to confront the challenges of a dangerous world and build on the accomplishments of outgoing NSA H.R. McMaster.

In their words, here are just a few of the reasons why:
  • We may assume Pyongyang knows now that bluffing the U.S. won’t work.” – The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board
  • On the U.N. he’s been right all along. If his presence in the White House helps to scare the organization into real reform, so much the better.” – The New York Times’ Bret Stephens
  • He’s squarely in the mainstream of conservative foreign-policy thought.” – David French, The National Review
  • Enough with the John Bolton smears — he’ll be the best National Security Adviser in a generation.” – Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute
Learn more about why John Bolton’s appointment is earning widespread support.

Photo of the Day

Marine One | March 25, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


Today, President Trump will sign a proclamation for Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A. The President will later meet with the Secretary of the Treasury.
This afternoon, Vice President Mike Pence will travel to Fargo, North Dakota, to deliver keynote remarks at an America First Policies “Tax Cuts to Put America First” event.

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May 2018-03-28: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence" Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May

2018-03-28: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence"
Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

Mr. Merkel's active acceptance of refugees,
Prime Minister Merkel's "sense of solidarity with refugees"
I could not share it to all of the German citizens and all of the European countries.

Let's remember.
At that time, many refugees heading to Germany were stuck at the railway station in Hungary.

Germany was divided into east and west till 1990,
Residents of the former East Germany who demanded democratization left Hungary to exile in the West Germany,
From there I went to West Germany by train.
I think that it is an unforgettable scene for the people of East Germany.

For Prime Minister Merkel from East Germany,
I think that my heart was moved to the figure of refugees stopped in Hungary.
This means that unless you are from East Gates,
I think that I can not understand "European Union Convention Article 2" from the bottom of my heart.

Prime Minister Merkel 's refugee acceptance policy in the EU,
I dropped the Germans and the citizens of the countries of the EU to a great anxiety.

And up to the American people, I fell to the bottom of fear.

I think that it was the playing cards that appeared there and tried to revive the United States.

President Trump, freedom and democracy and "rule of law", Gambare!

"A strong country that respects human rights and freedom of speech is necessary in the world" by government officials in Japan,
Please condemn humanitarian crime over treatment of immigrants and refugees.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation. There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
The material is below.


There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard 2018-03-28: Le contenu de l'e-mail au Président du Trump, etc., est le suivant. En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase" Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français SE Dr Philippe Eduard

2018-03-28: Le contenu de l'e-mail au Président du Trump, etc., est le suivant.
En outre, à la CPI, le texte suivant "énumérés à la fin de la phrase"
Crimes humanitaires entourant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés, "s'il vous plaît pousser à enquêter.

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. Je respecte le grand président. S'il vous plaît aider!

L'acceptation active de M. Merkel des réfugiés,
"Le sens de la solidarité avec les réfugiés" du Premier ministre Merkel
Je ne pouvais pas le partager avec tous les citoyens allemands et tous les pays européens.

À cette époque, de nombreux réfugiés se rendant en Allemagne étaient bloqués à la gare de Hongrie.

L'Allemagne a été divisée en est et ouest jusqu'en 1990,
Les résidents de l'ex-Allemagne de l'Est qui réclamaient la démocratisation ont quitté la Hongrie pour s'exiler en Allemagne de l'Ouest,
De là, je suis allé en Allemagne de l'Ouest en train.
Je pense que c'est une scène inoubliable pour les gens de l'Allemagne de l'Est.

Pour le premier ministre Merkel de l'Allemagne de l'Est,
Je pense que mon coeur a été déplacé à la figure des réfugiés arrêtés en Hongrie.
Cela signifie que, sauf si vous êtes de East Gates,
Je pense que je ne peux pas comprendre «l'article 2 de la Convention de l'Union européenne» du fond de mon cœur.

La politique d'acceptation des réfugiés du Premier ministre Merkel dans l'UE,
J'ai laissé tomber les Allemands et les citoyens des pays de l'UE dans une grande anxiété.

Et jusqu'au peuple américain, je suis tombé au fond de la peur.

Je pense que ce sont les cartes à jouer qui sont apparues là et qui ont essayé de faire revivre les Etats-Unis.

Le président Trump, la liberté et la démocratie et la «primauté du droit», Gambare!

"Un pays fort qui respecte les droits de l'homme et la liberté de parole est nécessaire dans le monde" par des représentants du gouvernement au Japon,
Veuillez condamner les crimes humanitaires concernant le traitement des immigrants et des réfugiés.
Non seulement la loi japonaise mais la violation du droit international. Il n'y a pas de prescription de crimes humanitaires.
Non seulement moi mais beaucoup d'étrangers comme les Chinois et les Philippins sont sacrifiés.
Le matériel est ci-dessous.


Il y a une limite à la vie! S'il vous plaît aider bientôt! Sincèrement vôtre.
(Cet e-mail est envoyé à toutes les sociétés internationales)

Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare! Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel 2018-03-28: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist wie folgt. Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt" Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Bundesministerin Angela Merkel

2018-03-28: Der Inhalt der E-Mail an den Präsidenten von Trump usw. ist wie folgt.
Zusätzlich zu der ICC, die folgenden "am Ende des Satzes aufgeführt"
Humanitäre Verbrechen im Umgang mit Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen ", bitte drücken Sie, um zu untersuchen.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Ich respektiere den großen Präsidenten. Bitte helfen Sie!

Herr Merkels aktive Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen,
Ministerpräsidentin Merkel "Solidarität mit Flüchtlingen"
Ich konnte es nicht allen deutschen Bürgern und allen europäischen Ländern mitteilen.

Erinnern wir uns.
Zu dieser Zeit steckten viele Flüchtlinge auf dem Weg nach Deutschland auf dem Bahnhof in Ungarn fest.

Deutschland wurde bis 1990 in Ost und West geteilt,
Einwohner der ehemaligen DDR, die eine Demokratisierung forderten, verließen Ungarn im Westen Deutschlands ins Exil,
Von dort ging es mit dem Zug nach Westdeutschland.
Ich denke, es ist eine unvergessliche Szene für die Menschen in Ostdeutschland.

Für Ministerpräsidentin Merkel aus Ostdeutschland
Ich denke, dass mein Herz zu der Zahl von in Ungarn angehaltenen Flüchtlingen bewegt wurde.
Dies bedeutet, dass, außer du bist von East Gates,
Ich glaube, ich kann "Artikel 2 der Europäischen Union" nicht von ganzem Herzen verstehen.

Merkels Flüchtlingsakzeptanzpolitik in der EU,
Ich habe die Deutschen und die Bürger der Länder der EU zu großer Sorge fallen lassen.

Und bis zum amerikanischen Volk bin ich der Angst auf den Grund gegangen.

Ich denke, es waren die Spielkarten, die dort erschienen und versucht haben, die Vereinigten Staaten wiederzubeleben.

Präsident Trump, Freiheit und Demokratie und "Rechtsstaatlichkeit", Gambare!

"Ein starkes Land, das Menschenrechte und Meinungsfreiheit respektiert, ist in der Welt notwendig" von Regierungsbeamten in Japan,
Bitte verurteilen Sie humanitäre Verbrechen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Einwanderern und Flüchtlingen.
Nicht nur japanisches, sondern auch internationales Recht. Es gibt keine Verschreibung von humanitären Verbrechen.
Nicht nur ich, sondern viele Ausländer wie Chinesen und Filipinos werden geopfert.
Das Material ist unten.


Es gibt eine Grenze für das Leben! Bitte helfen Sie bald! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
(Diese E-Mail wird an alle internationalen Gesellschaften geliefert)

Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns! Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Meine Informationen ***************
Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

Please help me! Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email. 2018-03-28: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sirs Everyone in the international society's media is today's email.

2018-03-28: The contents of the e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
Please push to ICC to investigate "Humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan" described below at the end of the sentence below.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me! In case

Merkel's active acceptance of refugees was unable to share this with German citizens
and all the European countries, Prime Minister Merkel's "solidarity with refugees".

Let's remember.
At that time, many refugees heading to Germany were stuck at the railway station in Hungary.

Germany was divided into east and west till 1990,
but the inhabitants of the former East Germany
who demanded democratization departed to Hungary in order to exile to the West Germany,
and from there they went to West Germany by train.

I think that it is an unforgettable scene for the people of East Germany.

For Prime Minister Merkel from East Germany,
I think that he was moved by the appearance of refugees stopped in Hungary.

I think that it is impossible to understand the "Article 2 of the European Union Convention"
from the bottom of the world unless it is from East Gates who had the same thought.

Prime Minister Merkel 's refugee acceptance policy in the EU has greatly damaged the Germans
and the citizens of the EU countries. And up to the American people,
I fell to the bottom of fear.

I think that it was the playing cards that appeared there
and tried to revive the United States. In case

President Trump, freedom and democracy and "rule of law", Gambare!

"A strong country that respects human rights and freedom of speech is necessary
in the world" Please condemn humanitarian crimes concerning handling of immigrants
and refugees by government officials in Japan.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
The material is below.


There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

My information *************************************************

It is published in the following program.


Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-27b 】 West Wing Reads | Trump expels 60 Russian officials over nerve-agent attack in Britain

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-27b 】

West Wing Reads |

Trump expels 60 Russian officials over nerve-agent attack in Britain

President Trump expelled 60 Russian intelligence officers Monday and closed Russia’s consulate in Seattle as the U.S. and its allies punished Moscow with a coordinated diplomatic response for the nerve-agent attack on a British former double agent in England,” Dave Boyer and Dan Boylan write in The Washington Times. “Today we say to Russia, when you attack our friends, you will face serious consequences,” a senior Administration official said.

Click here to read more.
Alan Rappeport and Prashant Rao with The New York Times report on a major trade victory for the United States. South Korea has agreed to reduce its steel exports and open its market to American cars in exchange for an exemption from U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum. “The deal appeared to be an early vindication of the White House’s efforts to use the penalties as a bargaining chip in trade negotiations,” the Times reports.
In Fox News, Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump writes that “the Trump administration’s robust plan aims to deliver education to Americans across the country that is better skills-focused and often debt-free.” Ms. Trump concludes that “now Congress must follow through and invest in our nation’s most important resource: our people.”
Josh Rogin writes in The Washington Post that under President Trump, “the United States is finally confronting China’s economic aggression.” Rogin explains that the Trump Administration “is already increasing actions to prevent foreign firms from purchasing U.S. companies crucial to our technological infrastructure or that control personal information of Americans.”
In The Hill, Tim Rice writes that America is seeing a better future for its healthcare system under President Trump and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar. Rice notes that “it started on March 5, when Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar outlined his vision for ‘the value-based transformation of our entire health care system.’”

Please spread to the following site, please help everyone!

Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-27a 】 Your 1600 Daily: America first in space

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-27a 】

Your 1600 Daily:
America first in space
Americans have long looked to the stars as a symbol of our Nation’s traditions of pioneering and exploration. Last week, President Donald J. Trump unveiled a National Space Strategy that works within his broader national security policy to put America’s interests first.

President Trump’s strategy harnesses the American spirit, laying the groundwork for the next generation of U.S. space exploration. Specifically, this new framework will:
  • Allow the Government to partner with the commercial sector to ensure that American companies remain world leaders in space technology.
  • Build on the Administration’s National Security Strategy to emphasize peace through strength in the space domain.
  • Ensure that international space agreements put the interests of American people, workers, and businesses first.
Learn more about the President’s strategy to make America a leader in space once more.

A bipartisan case for trade action
Last week, President Trump took action to address Chinese trade practices that are harming American businesses. In particular, the President directed his Administration to respond to the unfair and harmful Chinese acquisition of U.S. technology.

These actions prompted a wave of positive reactions, including from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY):
President Trump is exactly right this afternoon to propose a plan designed to punish China for its most flagrant trade abuses. I’ve called for such action for years and been disappointed by the inactions of both Presidents Bush and Obama. I’m very pleased that this Administration is taking strong action to get a better deal on China.”
Under my Administration, the theft of American prosperity will end,” President Trump said. “We’re going to defend our industry and create a level playing field for the American worker—finally.”
Read more responses to President Trump’s tough actions against China here.

The cradle of Western civilization’
The President welcomed guests to the White House’s East Room last Thursday to celebrate Greek Independence Day. The Greek holiday commemorates the beginning of the War of Greek Independence in 1821.

As the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, Greece has a rich and glorious heritage,” President Trump wrote in his Proclamation last week. “The ancient Greeks fostered the timeless ideal of human liberty, which inspired our Nation’s Founders as they drafted our Constitution and established our Republic.”
President Trump hosted Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras at the White House last October for bilateral discussions.
Watch: The President hosts a Greek Independence Day Celebration at the White House

Photo of the Day

First Lady Melania Trump presents the International Women of Courage Award | March 23, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


Today, after receiving his intelligence briefing, President Trump will have lunch with Vice President Mike Pence.

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2025/03/27:على الشركات التي تبني مصانع في "المنطقة الخاصة على الحدود المكسيكية" أن تبني مصنعين. أحدهما يطل على البحر الكاريبي، والآخر يُصدّر إلى دول المحيط الهادئ مثل أوروبا وأفريقيا وأمريكا الجنوبية.

 ١٤ مارس ٢٠٢٥: طبعة أيام الأسبوع، [نيبون تي في: صباح الأحد] السيارات الأمريكية لا تُباع في اليابان لضعف استهلاكها للوقود. هل "الحاجز غي...