
Please help me! Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May 2018-03-27: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows. In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence" Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May

2018-03-27: The contents of e-mail to the President of the Trump etc today are as follows.
In addition, to the ICC, the following "listed by the end of the sentence"
Humanitarian Crimes Surrounding Handling of Immigrants and Refugees, "please push to investigate.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

The Germans said they would obey if it were rules!
Causes of suffering are caused by the European Union - EU '
There is an item that says about the existence value of the European Union.
I think that it originates here.

"The coalition is respectful for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law,
It is established based on the value of respect for human rights including rights belonging to minorities.
These values ​​are pluralistic coexistence, indiscriminate, tolerance, justice, cohesion,
It is common to Member States in society where equality between women and men spread. "
(Quotation · source: from Wikipedia "European Union" Article 2 of the European Union Convention)

I think that Germans strictly observe this rule.
This article is wonderful as tears come out. It's too wonderful, so it's cramped.
I feel that the EU is shaking by strict application of this article.

America is not bound by this convention, but sanctuary cities say they do not keep federal law.

Do not obey the "rule of law" of federal law, freedom, democracy, equality,
Do we respect respect for human rights including rights belonging to minorities?

The world should support President Trump who advocates "rule of law".
President Trump, Gambare!

"A strong country that respects human rights and freedom of speech is necessary in the world" by government officials in Japan,
Please condemn humanitarian crime over treatment of immigrants and refugees.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation. There are no prescription of humanitarian crimes.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
The material is below.


There is a limit to life! Please help soon! Best regards.
(This e-mail is delivered to all international societies)

Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

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