
Thanks for human rights 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-12c 】 West Wing Reads | President Trump just took a giant step towards actual welfare reform

Thanks for human rights

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-04-12c 】

West Wing Reads |

President Trump just took a giant step towards actual welfare reform

President Trump’s new executive order on welfare reform has laid the groundwork to get more Americans back to work while protecting and strengthening the safety net for the truly needy,” Kristina Rasmussen writes in the New York Post. Rasmussen explains that the Executive Order signed by the President Tuesday afternoon “lays out principles to encourage economic mobility through work — a tactic that we’ve seen succeed in states across the nation.”

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Wednesday marked a bipartisan victory for the Trump Administration as President Trump signed a new law that “paves the way for victims of sex trafficking to hold websites accountable for knowingly facilitating sex trafficking,” Betsy Klein reports for CNN. Klein notes that “the bill has also had a high-profile advocate in first daughter and senior adviser Ivanka Trump, who adopted combating human trafficking as a part of her West Wing portfolio, hosting multiple listening sessions and meetings on the topic in recent months.”
Ivanka Trump plans to promote women’s economic empowerment and female-owned businesses during a Latin American summit this week,” Ken Thomas reports for The Associated Press. “President Donald Trump’s daughter and senior adviser will be part of the U.S. delegation to the Summit of the Americas in Lima, Peru, led by Vice President Mike Pence.”
Jesse Hamilton writes in Bloomberg that White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, who is temporarily running the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, laid out his minimalist approach to leading the CFPB before Congress today. “Our job is to enforce federal consumer financial laws, and our focus will be on carrying out only those activities Congress explicitly wrote into law,” Director Mulvaney said.

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