
Thanks for human rights 【E-mail from President Trump - 2018-06-30】I appreciate you taking the time to send me an email. On December 22, 2017, I was proud to sign into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

June 29, 2018

I appreciate you taking the time to send me an email. On December 22, 2017, I was proud to sign into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. As we celebrate the six month anniversary of the largest tax cuts in our Nation’s history, I am proud to share some of the incredible results of this historic legislation:
  • More than 6 million hardworking American taxpayers have received bonuses, pay raises, and increased benefits.
  • 3.4 million jobs have been added to the economy since I was elected to office.
  • The legislation doubled the standard deduction, doubled the child tax credit, protected savings for college and retirement, and lowered rates across the board.
  • By eliminating dozens of special interest tax breaks and loopholes, the law raised $4 trillion in revenue to help offset tax cuts.
Across the country, millions of Americans are keeping more of their hard-earned income. Earlier today, I recognized hardworking Americans and small businesses that have benefitted from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Donald Trump

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

Thanks for human rights 【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-06-30】President and First Lady respond to the Capital Gazette shooting

Your 1600 Daily:

The White House • June 29, 2018

President and First Lady respond to the Capital Gazette shooting

Traveling yesterday, President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump both responded to the horrific shooting at the Capital Gazette newspaper offices in Annapolis, Maryland. President Trump said he was briefed on the shooting before concluding his trip in Wisconsin.
"My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Thank you to all of the First Responders who are currently on the scene," the President tweeted. "Today's violence at the Capital Gazette was tragic & evil. My heart goes out to all affected in this brutal & senseless attack, & I send thoughts & prayers for comfort to the friends, family & colleagues of those killed & injured," the First Lady wrote.

The Day Ahead

President Trump will give remarks celebrating the 6-month anniversary of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act at the White House. Watch live at 12:15 p.m. ET.

YOUR tax cuts, 6 months in

On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed into law the first real overhaul of the U.S. tax code in more than 30 years. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act reduced taxes for the middle class, made American employers more competitive, and ensured that all American workers are able to keep more of their hard-earned money.
Six months later, unemployment has fallen to 3.8 percent, and more than 500 companies have announced benefits for their workers that include pay raises, bonuses, and expanded education support. Today, the President will highlight stories from working families that show how tax cuts have made their hard work pay off like never before.

Video of the day: President Trump breaks ground on new factory

With President Trump in attendance, electronics manufacturer Foxconn broke ground yesterday on a huge new plant in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin. Once fully operational, the 20 million square foot campus will employ 13,000 American workers.
"It would never have happened without the promise of the Trump tax cuts and the President's personal intervention," Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross writes. "As important as the new factory is to the workers of Wisconsin, the facility is also a symbol of what is to come: It is the first of a large number of investments in advanced manufacturing facilities being reshored from overseas locations back to the United States."

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
President Donald J. Trump participates in the groundbreaking ceremony of the Foxconn Facility | June 28, 2018
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

#metoo Human rights victim! Dear Sirs International people. Saturday version June 30, 2018: The wealthy Americans are proudly wearing "counterfeit US brand goods" with authentic brand tags

<Public mail> #metoo Human rights victim!

Dear Sirs International people.

Saturday version June 30, 2018: The wealthy Americans are
proudly wearing "counterfeit US brand goods" with authentic brand tags
on cheap goods manufactured in China. Imagine it is funny. It's a naked king!

The article is a little old but NewsWeek October 19, 2017:
<China uses 'friendly nation' to weaken 'UN human rights supervision organization',
making 'UN human rights supervision organization' on the side of China.
When we look at this we are forced to become pessimistic both now and in the future>

Human Rights Watch of the United States International Human Rights Defense Group
Human Rights Watch has revealed the fact that China has cleverly interfered
with the activities of the UN human rights institutions in order to prevent criticism
of their countries and friendly nations by human rights issues.

For details, please read the article.
President Donald Trump has left the United Nations Council.
President Donald Trump is wonderful!

China advanced the "socialist market economy" that does not defend human rights
under the Communist party dictatorship regime,
and it became a world factory. China robbed the countless work of American workers.

President Trump has expressed dissatisfaction
with Harley Davidson's relocation of "motorcycle production for Europe" to Europe,
but should condemn a famous brand maker!

It is made in China factory which Chinese people wonder.
We manufacture at low cost of low wages.
And the brand company sells the product to "wealthy class in America" ​​at a high price.
"Epochtimes Japan" introduces July 22.

China has long been a "factory in the world",
but it is not well known that it produces nearly 90% of world-class brand products such
as "Prada" and "Gucci".

In the first place, this fact is also a thing the Chinese himself does not recognize.

There are many things that Chinese consumers are amazed that the "Made in China" product,
which is said to be "bad quality" in China,
is displayed in tags of the brand name.

And "THE EPOCH TIMES" continues,
85% of the American luxury brand "coach" is manufactured in China.

According to Mr. Victor Lewis of the company's international retail division,
unlike other products, handbags are always required for some manufacturing processes.

It is said that it is the same when making it not only in China,
but also in Italy and France.

I think the trade war between America and China will last long.
Products can be manufactured overwhelmingly cheaply in China operated by dictatorship.
That is because the democratic society
and socialist society have different social environments of competition conditions.

The international community should trade equally under democracy.

The international community should seek democracy against China.

The international community should ask China to respect human rights.

In a factory in China where human rights are not respected,
the manufactured products are tagged with the luxury brands of the United States
and exported to the United States. America should not be done as a conscience.
Only the one made in America is the luxury brand representing America.
Let's purchase only authentic American brand products.

It is the root of human rights abuses in Japan.
Please understand the lawless state of the prosecution of Japan and support.
It is an internal accusation of a former public prosecutor.


Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


【USAMail from the White House 2018-06-29】Thank you again for taking the time to write. As President, I will continue to unleash the full potential of America’s economy. Sincerely,

June 28, 2018

I appreciate you taking the time to send me an email. America’s economy is thriving, and today I am in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin, to talk about the tremendous success of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Since signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, more than 6 million hardworking American taxpayers have received bonuses, pay raises, and increased benefits. The largest tax cuts in our Nation’s history are also fueling our country’s resurgent economy. Just last month, the United States economy added 223,000 jobs. Employment growth has averaged 207,000 jobs per month in 2018—faster than the gains in 2016 and 2017.
With 3.4 million jobs added to the economy since I was elected, unemployment levels are now reaching historic lows. At 3.8 percent, the unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in nearly 50 years, and is at the lowest levels in recorded history for African Americans and Hispanic Americans. The results are clear—our economy is booming and benefitting hardworking Americans across the country.
Thank you again for taking the time to write. As President, I will continue to unleash the full potential of America’s economy.

If you wish to receive regular email updates from the White House, please Click Here. You may also follow President Trump and the White House on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-06-29】Robert Wilkie is the right choice for our veterans

Your 1600 Daily:

The White House • June 28, 2018

The Day Ahead

President Donald J. Trump will participate in the groundbreaking of a new Foxconn plant that will bring 15,000 jobs to Mt. Pleasant, Wisconsin. Watch live at 1:25 p.m. ET.

Justice Kennedy, in President Trump's words

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, appointed by President Reagan more than three decades ago, announced yesterday that he will retire from the bench next month. Justice Kennedy has been a tireless voice for individual rights and the Founders' vision of limited government.
"He is a man that I've known for a long time and a man that I've respected for a long time. He's been a great justice of the Supreme Court. He is a man who is displaying great vision," President Trump said, thanking Justice Kennedy for his many years of service. "We will begin our search for a new justice of the United States Supreme Court. That will begin immediately."

Robert Wilkie is the right choice for our veterans

The Senate held its confirmation hearing yesterday for Lt. Colonel Robert Wilkie, President Trump's choice to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Under Wilkie's leadership as Acting Secretary, the VA worked with Congress to pass the VA MISSION Act, making it easier for our veterans to obtain care and opening up the VA Caregiver Program to pre-9/11 veterans.
Wilkie has devoted decades of service to the Nation, both as a member of the military and as a government employee. The son of a wounded combat soldier, he understands the crucial role the VA plays for America's veterans and their families. "We are confident that Wilkie, a veteran of both the U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force, has the credentials and experience to lead the second largest government agency," Vietnam Veterans of America says.

Video of the day: The President's message to America's future

More than 100 young Americans joined President Trump yesterday for a discussion about key issues facing our country. "Each of you represent the future of this nation. You aren't afraid to speak the truth and the truth as you know it, and to stand up for what you know is right, even if it means being politically incorrect on occasion," the President said.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Amy Rossetti
President Donald J. Trump: A Conversation With America's Future | June 27, 2018

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-06-29:President Trump 's assertion is correct!

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-06-29: Japan not doing "compliance" Japan! Government, justice, and company!
Is it okay to purchase Japanese products?
What is life? Companies? Is the state safe · · ·

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing
in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it.
Japan threatens the safety of the world as well as individuals.

Brand reconstruction
Some people think that such unfavorable spotlight hits
Japanese companies may actually have a positive influence.

"The idea that focusing solely on costs and increasing profits is not enough
as a future strategy seems broadly agreed," Schultz says.

Mr. Kohlbach said he believes that "firms will look more closely at running
and if they have problems, they definitely have a hand
before they develop into something bigger," he said.

However, some companies warn that companies that can not meet the standards set
by the government need more stringent penalties.
It seems that self-regulation does not necessarily work.

On the 6th, Dentsu, a major advertisement
who was charged with violating the Labor Standards Law,
cited a trial where only a fine of 500,000 yen was imposed,
Mr. Okubo pointed out that "something is very wrong."

However, rather than emphasizing the institutional issue in Japan,
he says that frequent fraud is evidence that "Japan's corporate governance is functioning".

Explain that companies are trying to solve the problem by reporting internal problems.

Mr. Okubo speaks to a company that wants to distance from fraud and scandals as follows.
"It is time for each manufacturer to stop brand-nameing" Japanese companies "soon
and to build their own brands instead."

Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And Japanese society that imitates it.

Did you understand?
In order for consumers in the world to purchase Japanese products with peace of mind,
it is first to become a country where the Japanese government "compliance".

Otherwise, like importing President Trump, it is to restrict import of Japanese products.

President Trump said that Japan 's car company should build a factory in the United States.
Even cars of the same car company can produce "safe cars compliant with laws"
if they produce in the United States.

President Trump 's assertion is correct!

Illegal and inappropriate acts spreading to the Japanese government are already
threatening the security of each country as well as the life of individuals.
Please respond in an urgent manner.
Please make Japan "a country governed under the law".
The material is below.


It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

# MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-06-29: llegales oder unangemessenes Verhalten in der japanischen Regierung ist nicht nur persönliches Leben, Wir bedrohen bereits die Sicherheit jedes Landes. Bitte antworten Sie dringend. Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem "Land, das dem Gesetz untersteht". Das Material ist unten.

<Öffentliche Post> # MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

2018-06-29: Japan macht keine "Einhaltung" Japan! Regierung, Gerechtigkeit und Gesellschaft!
Ist es in Ordnung, japanische Produkte zu kaufen? Was ist das Leben? Unternehmen? Ist der Staat sicher? · · ·

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Illegales oder unangemessenes Verhalten in der japanischen Regierung.
Und japanische Gesellschaft, die es nachahmt. Japan bedroht die Sicherheit der Welt sowie Einzelpersonen.

Solch ungünstiger Scheinwerfer ist eine japanische Firma,
Manche Leute denken, dass es eine Möglichkeit gibt, tatsächlich einen positiven Einfluss zu haben.

"Konzentrieren Sie sich nur auf Kosten und erhöhen Sie den Gewinn allein,
Es scheint, dass die Idee, dass es als zukünftige Strategie nicht genug ist, weitgehend übereinstimmt ", sagt Schultz.

Herr Kohlbach sagte: "Unternehmen sind sich ihrer Betriebe bewusster,
Wenn es ein Problem gibt, wird es definitiv auf die Hand treffen, bevor es sich zu etwas Größerem entwickelt ", sagt er.

Für Unternehmen, die die von der Regierung festgelegten Standards nicht erfüllen können,
Einige haben gewarnt, dass strengere Strafen notwendig sind. Es scheint, dass Selbstregulierung nicht unbedingt funktioniert.

Dentsu, eine große Werbung, die wegen Verletzung des Arbeitsrechts angeklagt wurde,
Zitiert einen Prozess, wo nur eine Geldstrafe von nur 500.000 Yen auferlegt wurde,
Okubo wies darauf hin, dass "etwas sehr falsch ist".

Anstatt die institutionellen Probleme Japans zu betonen,
Er sagt, dass häufiger Betrug der Beweis dafür ist, dass "Japans Corporate Governance funktioniert".
Erklären Sie, dass Unternehmen versuchen, das Problem zu lösen, indem sie interne Probleme melden.

Herr Okubo für Unternehmen, die sich von Betrug und Skandalen distanzieren wollen,
Sprich wie folgt. "Jeder Hersteller stoppt bald das brandneue" japanische Unternehmen ",
Es ist Zeit, stattdessen eine eigene Marke aufzubauen. "

Illegales oder unangemessenes Verhalten in der japanischen Regierung. Und japanische Gesellschaft, die es nachahmt.

Hast du verstanden?

Damit die Verbraucher in der Welt japanische Produkte mit Vertrauen kaufen können,
Zuallererst soll es ein Land werden, in dem die japanische Regierung "Compliance" vorgibt.

Ansonsten, wie beim Import von Präsident Trump, soll der Import japanischer Produkte eingeschränkt werden.

Präsident Trump sagte, dass Japans Autohersteller eine Fabrik in den Vereinigten Staaten bauen sollte.
Wenn Sie in der gleichen Autogarage auch im Auto produzieren,
Weil wir "sichere Autos mit Gesetzen und Vorschriften" herstellen können.

Präsident Trumps Behauptung ist richtig!

Illegales oder unangemessenes Verhalten in der japanischen Regierung ist nicht nur persönliches Leben,
Wir bedrohen bereits die Sicherheit jedes Landes. Bitte antworten Sie dringend.
Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem "Land, das dem Gesetz untersteht".
Das Material ist unten.


Es ist nicht genug für Materialien allein. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

# MeToo victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-06-29:L'affirmation du président Trump est correcte! Le comportement illégal ou inapproprié qui prévaut dans le gouvernement japonais n'est pas seulement la vie personnelle, Nous menons déjà la sécurité de chaque pays. Veuillez répondre de manière urgente.

<Public mail> # MeToo victime des droits de l'homme!

À Emmanuel · Macron Président français

2018-06-29: Le Japon ne fait pas "conformité" au Japon! Gouvernement, justice et compagnie!
Est-ce acceptable d'acheter des produits japonais? Qu'est-ce que la vie? Des entreprises? L'état est-il sûr?

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. Comportement illégal ou inapproprié qui prévaut dans le gouvernement japonais.
Et la société japonaise qui l'imite. Le Japon menace la sécurité du monde ainsi que les individus.

Reconstruction de la marque
Un tel projecteur défavorable est une entreprise japonaise,
Certaines personnes pensent qu'il existe une possibilité d'avoir une influence positive.

"Juste en se concentrant sur le coût et l'augmentation des bénéfices seul,
Il semble que l'idée que ce n'est pas suffisant en tant que stratégie future est largement acceptée », explique Schultz.

M. Kohlbach a déclaré: "Les entreprises sont plus conscientes de leurs opérations,
S'il y a un problème, il va certainement frapper la main avant qu'il ne se développe à quelque chose de plus grand ", dit-il.

Cependant, pour les entreprises qui ne peuvent pas répondre aux normes fixées par le gouvernement,
Certains ont averti que des sanctions plus sévères sont nécessaires. Il semble que l'autoréglementation ne fonctionne pas nécessairement.

Dentsu, une publicité importante qui a été accusé d'avoir enfreint la loi sur les normes du travail,
Cité un procès où seulement une amende de seulement 500 000 yens a été imposée,
Okubo a souligné que "quelque chose ne va vraiment pas".

Cependant, plutôt que de mettre l'accent sur les problèmes institutionnels du Japon,
Il dit que la fraude fréquente est la preuve que "la gouvernance d'entreprise du Japon fonctionne".
Expliquez que les entreprises essaient de résoudre le problème en signalant les problèmes internes.

M. Okubo pour les entreprises qui veulent s'éloigner de la fraude et des scandales,
Parlez comme suit. "Chaque fabricant arrête bientôt la marque" entreprise japonaise ",
Il est temps de construire votre propre marque à la place. "

Comportement illégal ou inapproprié qui prévaut dans le gouvernement japonais. Et la société japonaise qui l'imite.

Avez-vous compris?

Pour que les consommateurs du monde achètent des produits japonais en toute confiance,
Tout d'abord, c'est de devenir un pays où le gouvernement japonais "se conforme".

Sinon, comme l'importation du président Trump, il impose des restrictions à l'importation sur les produits japonais.

Le président Trump a déclaré que la société automobile japonaise devrait construire une usine aux Etats-Unis.
Si vous produisez dans la même entreprise de voiture, même dans la voiture,
C'est parce que nous pouvons fabriquer des «voitures sûres conformes aux lois et règlements».

L'affirmation du président Trump est correcte!

Le comportement illégal ou inapproprié qui prévaut dans le gouvernement japonais n'est pas seulement la vie personnelle,
Nous menons déjà la sécurité de chaque pays. Veuillez répondre de manière urgente.
Veuillez faire du Japon "un pays régi par la loi".
Le matériel est ci-dessous.


Ce n'est pas suffisant pour les matériaux seuls. S'il vous plaît contactez-nous. Sincèrement vôtre, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-06-29: Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it. Japan threatens the safety of the world as well as individuals.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2018-06-29: Japan not doing "compliance" Japan! Government, justice, and company!
Is it okay to purchase Japanese products?
What is life? Companies? Is the state safe · · ·

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing
in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it.
Japan threatens the safety of the world as well as individuals.

Brand reconstruction
Some people think that such unfavorable spotlight hits
Japanese companies may actually have a positive influence.

"The idea that focusing solely on costs and increasing profits is not enough
as a future strategy seems broadly agreed," Schultz says.

Mr. Kohlbach said he believes that "firms will look more closely at running
and if they have problems, they definitely have a hand
before they develop into something bigger," he said.

However, some companies warn that companies that can not meet the standards set
by the government need more stringent penalties.
It seems that self-regulation does not necessarily work.

On the 6th, Dentsu, a major advertisement
who was charged with violating the Labor Standards Law,
cited a trial where only a fine of 500,000 yen was imposed,
Mr. Okubo pointed out that "something is very wrong."

However, rather than emphasizing the institutional issue in Japan,
he says that frequent fraud is evidence that "Japan's corporate governance is functioning".

Explain that companies are trying to solve the problem by reporting internal problems.

Mr. Okubo speaks to a company that wants to distance from fraud and scandals as follows.
"It is time for each manufacturer to stop brand-nameing" Japanese companies "soon
and to build their own brands instead."

Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And Japanese society that imitates it.

Did you understand?
In order for consumers in the world to purchase Japanese products with peace of mind,
it is first to become a country where the Japanese government "compliance".

Otherwise, like importing President Trump, it is to restrict import of Japanese products.

President Trump said that Japan 's car company should build a factory in the United States.
Even cars of the same car company can produce "safe cars compliant with laws"
if they produce in the United States.

President Trump 's assertion is correct!

Illegal and inappropriate acts spreading to the Japanese government are already
threatening the security of each country as well as the life of individuals.
Please respond in an urgent manner.
Please make Japan "a country governed under the law".
The material is below.


It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Everyone in the world 2018-06-29: President Trump said that Japan 's car company should build a factory in the United States. Even cars of the same car company can produce "safe cars compliant with laws" if they produce in the United States. President Trump 's assertion is correct!

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Everyone in the world

2018-06-29: Japan not doing "compliance" Japan! Government, justice, and company!
Is it okay to purchase Japanese products?
What is life? Companies? Is the state safe · · ·

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing
in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it.
Japan threatens the safety of the world as well as individuals.

Brand reconstruction
Some people think that such unfavorable spotlight hits
Japanese companies may actually have a positive influence.

"The idea that focusing solely on costs and increasing profits is not enough
as a future strategy seems broadly agreed," Schultz says.

Mr. Kohlbach said he believes that "firms will look more closely at running
and if they have problems, they definitely have a hand
before they develop into something bigger," he said.

However, some companies warn that companies that can not meet the standards set
by the government need more stringent penalties.
It seems that self-regulation does not necessarily work.

On the 6th, Dentsu, a major advertisement
who was charged with violating the Labor Standards Law,
cited a trial where only a fine of 500,000 yen was imposed,
Mr. Okubo pointed out that "something is very wrong."

However, rather than emphasizing the institutional issue in Japan,
he says that frequent fraud is evidence that "Japan's corporate governance is functioning".

Explain that companies are trying to solve the problem by reporting internal problems.

Mr. Okubo speaks to a company that wants to distance from fraud and scandals as follows.
"It is time for each manufacturer to stop brand-nameing" Japanese companies "soon
and to build their own brands instead."

Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And Japanese society that imitates it.

Did you understand?
In order for consumers in the world to purchase Japanese products with peace of mind,
it is first to become a country where the Japanese government "compliance".

Otherwise, like importing President Trump, it is to restrict import of Japanese products.

President Trump said that Japan 's car company should build a factory in the United States.
Even cars of the same car company can produce "safe cars compliant with laws"
if they produce in the United States.

President Trump 's assertion is correct!

Illegal and inappropriate acts spreading to the Japanese government are already
threatening the security of each country as well as the life of individuals.
Please respond in an urgent manner.
Please make Japan "a country governed under the law".
The material is below.


It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


#MeToo Human rights victim! To Everyone in the world 2018-06-29: Japan not doing "compliance" Japan! Government, justice, and company! Is it okay to purchase Japanese products? What is life? Companies? Is the state safe · · ·

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Everyone in the world

2018-06-29: Japan not doing "compliance" Japan! Government, justice, and company!
Is it okay to purchase Japanese products?
What is life? Companies? Is the state safe · · ·

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing
in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it.
Japan threatens the safety of the world as well as individuals.

Brand reconstruction
Some people think that such unfavorable spotlight hits
Japanese companies may actually have a positive influence.

"The idea that focusing solely on costs and increasing profits is not enough
as a future strategy seems broadly agreed," Schultz says.

Mr. Kohlbach said he believes that "firms will look more closely at running
and if they have problems, they definitely have a hand
before they develop into something bigger," he said.

However, some companies warn that companies that can not meet the standards set
by the government need more stringent penalties.
It seems that self-regulation does not necessarily work.

On the 6th, Dentsu, a major advertisement
who was charged with violating the Labor Standards Law,
cited a trial where only a fine of 500,000 yen was imposed,
Mr. Okubo pointed out that "something is very wrong."

However, rather than emphasizing the institutional issue in Japan,
he says that frequent fraud is evidence that "Japan's corporate governance is functioning".

Explain that companies are trying to solve the problem by reporting internal problems.

Mr. Okubo speaks to a company that wants to distance from fraud and scandals as follows.
"It is time for each manufacturer to stop brand-nameing" Japanese companies "soon
and to build their own brands instead."

Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And Japanese society that imitates it.

Did you understand?
In order for consumers in the world to purchase Japanese products with peace of mind,
it is first to become a country where the Japanese government "compliance".

Otherwise, like importing President Trump, it is to restrict import of Japanese products.

President Trump said that Japan 's car company should build a factory in the United States.
Even cars of the same car company can produce "safe cars compliant with laws"
if they produce in the United States.

President Trump 's assertion is correct!

Illegal and inappropriate acts spreading to the Japanese government are already
threatening the security of each country as well as the life of individuals.
Please respond in an urgent manner.
Please make Japan "a country governed under the law".
The material is below.


It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



【USAMail from the White House 2018-06-28】 June 27, 2018 Thank you for your email. I appreciate you taking the time to send your thoughts and suggestions.

【USAMail from the White House 2018-06-28
June 27, 2018

Thank you for your email. I appreciate you taking the time to send your thoughts and suggestions.
Last week, I hosted an event at the White House recognizing the American victims of our Nation’s broken immigration system. These American families—also known as Angel Families—have been permanently separated from a loved one killed by a criminal illegal alien.
As a result of our horrendous sanctuary city policies, in fiscal year 2017, more than 8,000 criminal aliens were in police custody and then released back into our civilian population through dangerous “catch and release” policies. According to a 2011 Government report, the arrests attached to the criminal alien population included an estimated 25,000 people for homicide, 42,000 for robbery, nearly 70,000 for sex offenses, and nearly 15,000 for kidnapping.
To help the families that have fallen victim to the atrocious acts of illegal aliens and gangs, like those of MS-13, I signed an Executive Order creating the Victims of Crime and Engagement (VOICE) Office. Since its launch in April of 2017, VOICE has assisted hundreds of families, connecting them with crucial services such as grief counseling, assisting them in obtaining information regarding the offenders in the case, and helping to ensure that the criminal aliens who harmed their families so egregiously were detained, removed, and deported.
Thank you again for your email. As President, I am committed to restoring the rule of law and closing the deadly loopholes that are threatening the safety and security of American families, workers, and communities.

If you wish to receive regular email updates from the White House, please Click Here. You may also follow President Trump and the White House on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

【USAMail magazine from the White House 2018-06-28】President Trump presents the Medal of Honor "Today, we tell the story of an incredible hero who defended our nation in World War II, First Lieutenant Garlin Murl Conner," President Trump said from the East Room of the White House yesterday. "Although he died 20 years ago, today he takes his rightful place in the eternal chronicle of American valor."

Your 1600 Daily:

The White House • June 27, 2018

The Day Ahead

President Donald J. Trump will address members of the Millennial and Gen Z cohorts for a discussion about America's future at the White House. Watch live at 12:15 p.m. ET.

'A moment of profound vindication'

Yesterday, the Supreme Court upheld President Trump's travel restrictions and enhanced vetting for a small number of countries that failed to meet a Department of Homeland Security standard for public safety. The 2017 Proclamation cites Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen as being inadequate on one or more risk-management factors.
"It is the duty of the government to ensure that those seeking to enter our country will not harm the American people," the Department of Homeland Security said in a statement yesterday. "While we have the most generous immigration system in the world, it has repeatedly been exploited by terrorists and other malicious actors who seek to do us harm."
President Trump called the ruling a "tremendous victory for the American people and for our Constitution" during a meeting with Republican lawmakers yesterday. "This ruling is also a moment of profound vindication following months of hysterical commentary from the media and Democratic politicians," the President added in a statement. "As long as I am President, I will defend the sovereignty, safety, and security of the American People."

President Trump presents the Medal of Honor

"Today, we tell the story of an incredible hero who defended our nation in World War II, First Lieutenant Garlin Murl Conner," President Trump said from the East Room of the White House yesterday. "Although he died 20 years ago, today he takes his rightful place in the eternal chronicle of American valor."
Lt. Conner came from a farm near Albany, Kentucky. He grew up during the Great Depression and dropped out of school after the 8th grade to help provide for his family. In January of 1945, during the final days of the Battle of the Bulge, Lt. Conner snuck out of a field hospital in Northern France where he was being treated for wounds. He volunteered to go to the front lines—30 yards in front of the American line, in fact—to help direct fire.
"In front of the lone American soldier were six German tanks and hundreds of German soldiers," President Trump said. Lt. Conner "saved so many American lives" that day.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Amy Rossetti
President Donald J. Trump presents the Medal of Honor posthumously to United States Army First Lieutenant Garlin Murl Conner | June 26, 2018

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

#MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-06-28:Furthermore, it is believed that fraud and scandals will appear more in the future, following the law "Protection of whistleblower", which protects whistleblowers, came into force in 2006.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-06-28: Japan not doing "compliance" Japan! Government, justice, and company!
Is it okay to purchase Japanese products?
What is life? Companies? Is the state safe · · ·

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing
in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it.
Japan threatens the safety of the world as well as individuals.

Have you discovered further scandals from Japanese companies?

Furthermore, it is believed that fraud and scandals will appear more in the future,
following the law "Protection of whistleblower",
which protects whistleblowers, came into force in 2006.

Five years after the enactment of the law, the most shocking case came to light.
Michael Wood, a British who was president of Olympus.

Mr. Woodford revealed that Olympus had made up to 117.8 billion yen dressing accounting
at the concealed loss of investment since the 1990s.

The problem concerning the quality management of Kobe Steel is likely to further reduce trust
in Japanese companies.

Mr. Kohlbach said that more people report irregularities since the enforcement of the law
but how many people are able to utilize the law to accuse fraud
in their company Telling that it is difficult to confirm.

Furthermore, it is said that whether the accusers are adequately protected
or not is being discussed intensively in Japan.
That's because the law does not stipulate penalties for companies punished
by dismissing or relegating accused employees.

Some even argue that the consumer agency set up
in 2009 is strengthening protection against fraud.

In this incident, the market capitalization of Kobe Steel disappeared by
about 1.8 billion dollars (about 200 billion yen)

The Consumer Affairs Agency was established with the occurrence of multiple accidents caused
by low-level products and many food poisoning troubles including frozen dumplings made
in China.

"Although the central government agency of the government was responsible
for the manufacturers that caused the problem,
the consumer agency has taken over that role," said Keith Henry,
a consultant company Asia Strategy.

Mr. Henry further states that the new reporting system is more consumer-oriented
than the manufacturer and that the regulatory body is willing to prosecute investigations
and fraudulent charges.

Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And Japanese society that imitates it.
Please understand how dangerous this is.

Illegal and inappropriate acts spreading to the Japanese government are already
threatening the security of each country as well as the life of individuals.
Please respond in an urgent manner.
Please make Japan "a country governed under the law".
The material is below.


It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!

# MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-06-28: Darüber hinaus, ob Ankläger angemessen geschützt sind oder nicht, Es wird gesagt, dass es in Japan noch intensiv diskutiert wird. Weil, Das Gesetz sieht keine Strafen für Unternehmen vor, die bestraft werden, indem beschuldigte Arbeitnehmer entlassen oder verwiesen werden.

<Öffentliche Post> # MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer!

Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

2018-06-28: Japan macht "Compliance" Japan nicht! Regierung, Gerechtigkeit und Gesellschaft!
Ist es in Ordnung, japanische Produkte zu kaufen? Was ist das Leben? Unternehmen? Ist der Staat sicher? · · ·

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. Illegales oder unangemessenes Verhalten in der japanischen Regierung.
Und japanische Gesellschaft, die es nachahmt. Japan bedroht die Sicherheit der Welt sowie Einzelpersonen.

Haben Sie weitere Skandale von japanischen Unternehmen entdeckt?

Darüber hinaus, in Übereinstimmung mit dem Gesetz von 2006, das Gesetz zum Schutz von Hinweisgebern "Public Intelligence Protection Law"
Betrug und Skandale dürften in Zukunft noch weiter auftreten.

Fünf Jahre nach Erlass des Gesetzes kam der schockierendste Fall ans Licht.
Michael Wood, ein Brite, der Präsident von Olympus war.
Herr Woodford sagte, Olympus habe den Verlust von Investitionen seit den 1990er Jahren versteckt
Es zeigte, dass es bis zu 117,8 Milliarden Yen Dressing Konten hatte.

Das Problem bezüglich des Qualitätsmanagements von Kobe Steel wird das Vertrauen in japanische Unternehmen wahrscheinlich weiter verringern.

Herr Kohlbach berichtete, dass seit dem Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes mehr Menschen über Betrug berichtet hätten,
Leute, die das Gesetz verwenden können, um Betrug ihres Unternehmens anzuklagen
Ich spreche davon, dass es schwierig ist festzustellen, wie viele Menschen sind.

Darüber hinaus, ob Ankläger angemessen geschützt sind oder nicht,
Es wird gesagt, dass es in Japan noch intensiv diskutiert wird. Weil,
Das Gesetz sieht keine Strafen für Unternehmen vor, die bestraft werden, indem beschuldigte Arbeitnehmer entlassen oder verwiesen werden.

Einige argumentieren sogar, dass die 2009 gegründete Verbraucherschutzbehörde den Schutz vor Betrug verstärkt.

In diesem Fall verschwand die Marktkapitalisierung von Kobe Steel um etwa 1,8 Milliarden Dollar (etwa 200 Milliarden Yen).

Der Verbraucherschutzbehörde ist bekannt, dass mehrere Unfälle durch Produkte mit niedrigem
Es wurde gegründet, nachdem zahlreiche Lebensmittelvergiftungsprobleme einschließlich der in China hergestellten gefrorenen Mehlklöße erhalten wurden.

"Obwohl die zentralen Regierungsbehörden der Regierung einmal die Korrespondenz von Herstellern gemacht haben, die gescheitert sind,
Die Verbraucheragentur übernimmt ihre Rolle ", sagte er.
Keith Henry von Asia Strategy, ein Beratungsunternehmen.

Herr Henry stellte ferner fest, dass das neue Berichtssystem verbraucherorientierter ist als der Hersteller.
Auch die Regulierungsbehörde sagt, dass sie bereit ist, Untersuchungen und Strafverfolgung von Fehlverhalten zu verfolgen.

Illegales oder unangemessenes Verhalten in der japanischen Regierung. Und japanische Gesellschaft, die es nachahmt.
Bitte verstehen Sie, wie gefährlich das ist.

Illegales oder unangemessenes Verhalten in der japanischen Regierung ist nicht nur persönliches Leben,
Wir bedrohen bereits die Sicherheit jedes Landes. Bitte antworten Sie dringend.
Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem "Land, das dem Gesetz untersteht".
Das Material ist unten.


Es ist nicht genug für Materialien allein. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

 (Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail

# MeToo victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Macron Président français 2018-06-28: Le comportement illégal ou inapproprié qui prévaut dans le gouvernement japonais n'est pas seulement la vie personnelle, Nous menons déjà la sécurité de chaque pays. Veuillez répondre de manière urgente. Veuillez faire du Japon "un pays régi par la loi". Le matériel est ci-dessous.

<Public mail> # MeToo victime des droits de l'homme!

À Emmanuel · Macron Président français

2018-06-28: Le Japon ne fait pas "conformité" au Japon! Gouvernement, justice et compagnie!
Est-ce acceptable d'acheter des produits japonais? Qu'est-ce que la vie? Des entreprises? L'état est-il sûr?

Chers Messieurs, Je suis Japonais. Comportement illégal ou inapproprié qui prévaut dans le gouvernement japonais.
Et la société japonaise qui l'imite. Le Japon menace la sécurité du monde ainsi que les individus.

Avez-vous découvert d'autres scandales d'entreprises japonaises?

En outre, conformément à la loi promulguée en 2006, la loi visant à protéger les dénonciateurs «Loi sur la protection des renseignements publics»
La fraude et les scandales devraient émerger davantage à l'avenir.

Cinq ans après l'adoption de la loi, l'affaire la plus choquante est apparue.
Michael Wood, un Britannique qui était président d'Olympus.
M. Woodford a déclaré qu'Olympus a caché la perte d'investissement depuis les années 1990
Il a révélé qu'il avait fait jusqu'à 117,8 milliards de yen habiller les comptes.

Le problème concernant la gestion de la qualité de Kobe Steel risque de réduire davantage la confiance dans les entreprises japonaises.

M. Kohlbach a rapporté que plus de gens ont rapporté avoir triché depuis que la loi a été appliquée,
Les gens qui peuvent utiliser la loi pour accuser la fraude de leur entreprise
Je dis qu'il est difficile de savoir combien de personnes sont.

De plus, quant à savoir si les accusateurs sont correctement protégés,
On dit qu'il est encore intensément débattu au Japon. Parce que,
La loi ne prévoit pas de sanctions pour les entreprises sanctionnées en licenciant ou en reléguant des employés accusés.

Certains affirment même que l'agence de protection des consommateurs créée en 2009 renforce la protection contre la fraude.

Dans cet incident, la capitalisation boursière de Kobe Steel a disparu d'environ 1,8 milliard de dollars (environ 200 milliards de yens)

L'Agence de protection des consommateurs est consciente que plusieurs accidents causés par des produits de faible activité se sont produits,
Il a été fondé après avoir reçu de nombreux problèmes d'empoisonnement alimentaire, y compris les boulettes congelées fabriqués en Chine.

"Bien que les agences du gouvernement central du gouvernement une fois fait la correspondance des fabricants qui ont échoué,
L'agence de consommateurs reprend son rôle ", a-t-il déclaré,
Keith Henry de Asia Strategy, une société de conseil.

M. Henry a ajouté que le nouveau système de déclaration est plus axé sur le consommateur que le fabricant,
En outre, l'organisme de réglementation se dit prêt à poursuivre les enquêtes et les poursuites pour mauvaise conduite.

Comportement illégal ou inapproprié qui prévaut dans le gouvernement japonais. Et la société japonaise qui l'imite.
S'il vous plaît comprendre comment c'est dangereux.

Le comportement illégal ou inapproprié qui prévaut dans le gouvernement japonais n'est pas seulement la vie personnelle,
Nous menons déjà la sécurité de chaque pays. Veuillez répondre de manière urgente.
Veuillez faire du Japon "un pays régi par la loi".
Le matériel est ci-dessous.


Ce n'est pas suffisant pour les matériaux seuls. S'il vous plaît contactez-nous.
Sincèrement vôtre, Yasuhiro Nagano

Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-06-28: Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it. Please understand how dangerous this is.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister

2018-06-28: Japan not doing "compliance" Japan! Government, justice, and company!
Is it okay to purchase Japanese products?
What is life? Companies? Is the state safe · · ·

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing
in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it.
Japan threatens the safety of the world as well as individuals.

Have you discovered further scandals from Japanese companies?

Furthermore, it is believed that fraud and scandals will appear more in the future,
following the law "Protection of whistleblower",
which protects whistleblowers, came into force in 2006.

Five years after the enactment of the law, the most shocking case came to light.
Michael Wood, a British who was president of Olympus.

Mr. Woodford revealed that Olympus had made up to 117.8 billion yen dressing accounting
at the concealed loss of investment since the 1990s.

The problem concerning the quality management of Kobe Steel is likely to further reduce trust
in Japanese companies.

Mr. Kohlbach said that more people report irregularities since the enforcement of the law
but how many people are able to utilize the law to accuse fraud
in their company Telling that it is difficult to confirm.

Furthermore, it is said that whether the accusers are adequately protected
or not is being discussed intensively in Japan.
That's because the law does not stipulate penalties for companies punished
by dismissing or relegating accused employees.

Some even argue that the consumer agency set up
in 2009 is strengthening protection against fraud.

In this incident, the market capitalization of Kobe Steel disappeared by
about 1.8 billion dollars (about 200 billion yen)

The Consumer Affairs Agency was established with the occurrence of multiple accidents caused
by low-level products and many food poisoning troubles including frozen dumplings made
in China.

"Although the central government agency of the government was responsible
for the manufacturers that caused the problem,
the consumer agency has taken over that role," said Keith Henry,
a consultant company Asia Strategy.

Mr. Henry further states that the new reporting system is more consumer-oriented
than the manufacturer and that the regulatory body is willing to prosecute investigations
and fraudulent charges.

Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And Japanese society that imitates it.
Please understand how dangerous this is.

Illegal and inappropriate acts spreading to the Japanese government are already
threatening the security of each country as well as the life of individuals.
Please respond in an urgent manner.
Please make Japan "a country governed under the law".
The material is below.


It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email

#MeToo Human rights victim! To Everyone in the world 2018-06-28: Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it. Japan threatens the safety of the world as well as individuals.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Everyone in the world

2018-06-28: Japan not doing "compliance" Japan! Government, justice, and company!
Is it okay to purchase Japanese products?
What is life? Companies? Is the state safe · · ·

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing
in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it.
Japan threatens the safety of the world as well as individuals.

Have you discovered further scandals from Japanese companies?

Furthermore, it is believed that fraud and scandals will appear more in the future,
following the law "Protection of whistleblower",
which protects whistleblowers, came into force in 2006.

Five years after the enactment of the law, the most shocking case came to light.
Michael Wood, a British who was president of Olympus.

Mr. Woodford revealed that Olympus had made up to 117.8 billion yen dressing accounting
at the concealed loss of investment since the 1990s.

The problem concerning the quality management of Kobe Steel is likely to further reduce trust
in Japanese companies.

Mr. Kohlbach said that more people report irregularities since the enforcement of the law
but how many people are able to utilize the law to accuse fraud
in their company Telling that it is difficult to confirm.

Furthermore, it is said that whether the accusers are adequately protected
or not is being discussed intensively in Japan.
That's because the law does not stipulate penalties for companies punished
by dismissing or relegating accused employees.

Some even argue that the consumer agency set up
in 2009 is strengthening protection against fraud.

In this incident, the market capitalization of Kobe Steel disappeared by
about 1.8 billion dollars (about 200 billion yen)

The Consumer Affairs Agency was established with the occurrence of multiple accidents caused
by low-level products and many food poisoning troubles including frozen dumplings made
in China.

"Although the central government agency of the government was responsible
for the manufacturers that caused the problem,
the consumer agency has taken over that role," said Keith Henry,
a consultant company Asia Strategy.

Mr. Henry further states that the new reporting system is more consumer-oriented
than the manufacturer and that the regulatory body is willing to prosecute investigations
and fraudulent charges.

Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And Japanese society that imitates it.
Please understand how dangerous this is.

Illegal and inappropriate acts spreading to the Japanese government are already
threatening the security of each country as well as the life of individuals.
Please respond in an urgent manner.
Please make Japan "a country governed under the law".
The material is below.


It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



June 26, 2018 Thank you for your email. I appreciate you taking the time to send your thoughts and suggestions.    Thank you again for your email. As President, I am committed to restoring the rule of law and closing the deadly loopholes that are threatening the safety and security of American families, workers, and communities.

【USAMail from the White House 2018-06-27

June 26, 2018

Thank you for your email. I appreciate you taking the time to send your thoughts and suggestions.
Last week, I hosted an event at the White House recognizing the American victims of our Nation’s broken immigration system. These American families—also known as Angel Families—have been permanently separated from a loved one killed by a criminal illegal alien.
As a result of our horrendous sanctuary city policies, in fiscal year 2017, more than 8,000 criminal aliens were in police custody and then released back into our civilian population through dangerous “catch and release” policies. According to a 2011 Government report, the arrests attached to the criminal alien population included an estimated 25,000 people for homicide, 42,000 for robbery, nearly 70,000 for sex offenses, and nearly 15,000 for kidnapping.
To help the families that have fallen victim to the atrocious acts of illegal aliens and gangs, like those of MS-13, I signed an Executive Order creating the Victims of Crime and Engagement (VOICE) Office. Since its launch in April of 2017, VOICE has assisted hundreds of families, connecting them with crucial services such as grief counseling, assisting them in obtaining information regarding the offenders in the case, and helping to ensure that the criminal aliens who harmed their families so egregiously were detained, removed, and deported.
Thank you again for your email. As President, I am committed to restoring the rule of law and closing the deadly loopholes that are threatening the safety and security of American families, workers, and communities.

Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.

2025/03/27:على الشركات التي تبني مصانع في "المنطقة الخاصة على الحدود المكسيكية" أن تبني مصنعين. أحدهما يطل على البحر الكاريبي، والآخر يُصدّر إلى دول المحيط الهادئ مثل أوروبا وأفريقيا وأمريكا الجنوبية.

 ١٤ مارس ٢٠٢٥: طبعة أيام الأسبوع، [نيبون تي في: صباح الأحد] السيارات الأمريكية لا تُباع في اليابان لضعف استهلاكها للوقود. هل "الحاجز غي...