
#MeToo Human rights victim! To Everyone in the world 2018-06-28: Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it. Japan threatens the safety of the world as well as individuals.

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To Everyone in the world

2018-06-28: Japan not doing "compliance" Japan! Government, justice, and company!
Is it okay to purchase Japanese products?
What is life? Companies? Is the state safe · · ·

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing
in the Japanese government. And Japanese society that imitates it.
Japan threatens the safety of the world as well as individuals.

Have you discovered further scandals from Japanese companies?

Furthermore, it is believed that fraud and scandals will appear more in the future,
following the law "Protection of whistleblower",
which protects whistleblowers, came into force in 2006.

Five years after the enactment of the law, the most shocking case came to light.
Michael Wood, a British who was president of Olympus.

Mr. Woodford revealed that Olympus had made up to 117.8 billion yen dressing accounting
at the concealed loss of investment since the 1990s.

The problem concerning the quality management of Kobe Steel is likely to further reduce trust
in Japanese companies.

Mr. Kohlbach said that more people report irregularities since the enforcement of the law
but how many people are able to utilize the law to accuse fraud
in their company Telling that it is difficult to confirm.

Furthermore, it is said that whether the accusers are adequately protected
or not is being discussed intensively in Japan.
That's because the law does not stipulate penalties for companies punished
by dismissing or relegating accused employees.

Some even argue that the consumer agency set up
in 2009 is strengthening protection against fraud.

In this incident, the market capitalization of Kobe Steel disappeared by
about 1.8 billion dollars (about 200 billion yen)

The Consumer Affairs Agency was established with the occurrence of multiple accidents caused
by low-level products and many food poisoning troubles including frozen dumplings made
in China.

"Although the central government agency of the government was responsible
for the manufacturers that caused the problem,
the consumer agency has taken over that role," said Keith Henry,
a consultant company Asia Strategy.

Mr. Henry further states that the new reporting system is more consumer-oriented
than the manufacturer and that the regulatory body is willing to prosecute investigations
and fraudulent charges.

Illegal or inappropriate behavior prevailing in the Japanese government.
And Japanese society that imitates it.
Please understand how dangerous this is.

Illegal and inappropriate acts spreading to the Japanese government are already
threatening the security of each country as well as the life of individuals.
Please respond in an urgent manner.
Please make Japan "a country governed under the law".
The material is below.


It is not enough for materials alone. Please contact us.
Sincerely yours, Yasuhiro Nagano

Request to media ******************************************

This humanitarian crime is a more severe crime than a Japanese abduction crime by North Korea.
Please introduce the unbelievable "humanitarian crime of application law violation" of the officials of the Japanese government with your media!
Your justice action will lead to the elimination of terror crime from the earth!

International Criminal Court:
Japan officially became a Party of 105 countries on October 1, 2007.
The Rome Statute and its cooperation law came into force on October 1, 2007 under domestic law.

Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court
This case falls under the following case. This incident occurred in 2010.
Article 7 Crimes against humanity
(E) significant deprivation of detention and other physical freedoms
in violation of the basic rules of international law

Preamble · Article 1 (Court)
The International Criminal Court complements the criminal jurisdiction of the state.

Article 27 (irrelevance of public qualification)
The International Criminal Court Regulations, regardless of their public qualifications,
It applies equally to all.
Even heads of State, lawmakers, public officials are not exempt
from criminal liability based on the regulations.

My information *************************************************

I hope for justice as your journalist.
Please inquire.

It is published in the following program.

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!


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